Community Planning for Disaster Management

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  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management




    Our community can be afected by disaster at any

    time. Hazards like oods, earthquakes and

    landslides can happen without any warning but

    this doesnt mean that we should panic. hat itdoes mean that our community should always

    ha!e a disaster plan which can respond to all our

    areas needs during an emergency.

    e cannot assume that o"cial help will always be

    a!ailable immediately a#ter a disaster. $

    community should be prepared to work together sothat they can %nd e!en a temporary solution to

    their problems.

    our plan is to be success#ul, our entire

    community needs to be educated, in#ormed and

    organized. &ts important that we dont neglect

    anyone because o# their 'ob, literacy le!el, or their

    age. (!eryone can contribute something to this


  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management




    hat is a hazard)

    Hazard is the rese!"e #$ s#%ethi!& that "a! threate! a &r#' #$

    e#(e) their a"ti*ities a!d their e!*ir#!%e!t+ There are t,# t-es

    #$ hazards.

    Nat'ra( Hazards / h'rri"a!es) 0##ds) earth1'a2es) *#("a!i"

    er'ti#!s) ts'!a%is+ Ma!3%ade Hazards / #i( si((s) 4res) e5(#si#!s+



    N#, that -#' 2!#, ,hat a hazard is) -#' "a! de"ide ,hi"h #!es

    -#'r "#%%'!it- is at ris2$#r+ D# -#' (i*e !ear a *#("a!#? Is -#'r

    "#%%'!it- at the 7#tt#% #$ a stee s(#e? The 4rst thi!& -#'

    sh#'(d d# is ta2e a #d (##2 at -#'r s'rr#'!di!&s+The!) "#!sider the hist#r- #$ -#'r area+ What 2i!ds #$ hazards

    ha*e hae!ed there i! the ast? Are the- (i2e(- t# hae!

    a&ai!? H#, #$te! d# the- hae!? N#, is a(s# a #d ti%e t# 4!d

    #'t ,hat 2i!d #$ a"ti#! ,as ta2e! d'ri!& the (ast e%er&e!"- a!d

    i$ that "a! 7e i%r#*ed+
  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


    Y#' sh#'(d a(s# 2!#, the "a'ses #$ these hazards+ S#%e hazards

    "a! 7e re*e!ted) $#r e5a%(e) the "ha!"es #$ 0##di!& "a! 7e

    red'"ed i$ -#' d#!8t (et (itter 7'i(d ' i! the &'tters+

    N#, is a(s# a #d ti%e t# 7e"#%e a,are #$ #r&a!izati#!s that"a! he( -#'+ Gather "#!ta"ts $#r the Fire Deart%e!t) P#(i"e)

    Nati#!a( Disaster Or&a!izati#! a!d the H#sita(+


    *ulnerability means the e+posure o# people,their work, and their en!ironment to the

    efects o# a hazard. he more !ulnerable you

    are, the more damage a hazard can do.

    T# deter%i!e -#'r "#%%'!it-8s *'(!era7i(it-) -#'

    %'st as2.

    Whi"h (a"es a!d ers#!s are e5#sed t# the


    H#, are ,e threate!ed?

    Y#'r *'(!era7i(it- a(s# dee!ds #! -#'r

    "#%%'!it-8s capacity$#r dea(i!& ,ith disaster

    sit'ati#!s+ Caa"it- dee!ds #! the h-si"a()

    s#"ia() e"#!#%i" a!d i!stit'ti#!a( res#'r"es that

    -#' ha*e a*ai(a7(e+
  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


    As2 -#'rse($) ,here the ers#!s at ris2 (#"ated?

    What t##(s d# -#' ha*e a*ai(a7(e t# he( the%?

    This "a! 7e %ade easier i$ -#' dra, a %a #$ -#'r

    "#%%'!it- that hi&h(i&hts ,here ers#!s (i*e as,e(( as da!&ers (i2e ri*ers) #(d trees) stee s(#es


    Now tat yo!"#$ %o&$ tat' yo! ca& (ta)t to c)$at$

    a& i$&to)y o* wat yo! a#$+ It +$t( yo! ,&ow

    wat t$ co--!&ity a( a#ai+a+$ to )$(po&% to a&

    $-$)/$&cy (it!atio&.

    Ph-si"a( sa"es a!d sa$e $a"i(ities / K!#, ,here

    &ree! areas) "#%%'!it- "e!ters a!d ar2i!& (#ts

    are / these areas "a! 7e 'sed as %eeti!& (a"es

    7e$#re) d'ri!& #r a$ter a disaster+ Mea!s #$ tra!s#rtati#! / Ma2e a (ist #$ a!-

    '7(i" #r ri*ate *ehi"(es a*ai(a7(e that "a! 7e

    'sed i! a! e%er&e!"-+ 9asi" Medi"a( Aid / First aid s'(ies a!d

    !e"essar- %edi"ati#! sh#'(d a(,a-s 7e readi(-


  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


    Res"'e a!d Pr#te"ti#! E1'i%e!t / T##(s) s'"h

    as) 4re e5ti!&'ishers) sh#*e(s) (adders) r#e)

    i"23a5es) a5es a!d "hai!sa,s+

    E(e"tri" E!er&- S-ste%s / As ,e(( as #thera(ter!ate e!er&- s'(ies s'"h as 0ash (i&hts)

    &e!erat#rs a!d &as 7'r!ers+ Water S-ste%s / Pie(i!es) h-dra!ts) ,e((s)

    sri!&s a!d #ther s#'r"es #$ ,ater+ Se,a&e Water Dis#sa( / As ,e(( as a(ter!ati*e

    %eth#ds #$ se,a&e dis#sa(+ A'th#rities / As ,e(( as their "#!ta"ts a!d


    O)/a&i0atio&( A +i(t o* o)/a&i0atio&( t$

    co--!&ity a(' *o) $a-p+$' (po)ti&/ /)o!p('

    yo!t /)o!p( $tc.

    Pre-incident training and testing

    E%er&e!"- %a!a&e%e!t (a!s a!d r#"ed'res sh#'(d i!"('de the

    ide!ti4"ati#! #$ ar#riate(- trai!ed sta: %e%7ers res#!si7(e

    $#r de"isi#!3%a2i!& ,he! a! e%er&e!"- #""'rs+ Trai!i!& (a!s

    sh#'(d i!"('de i!ter!a( e#(e) "#!tra"t#rs a!d "i*i( r#te"ti#!

    art!ers) a!d sh#'(d state the !at're a!d $re1'e!"- #$ trai!i!&

    a!d testi!&+

    Testi!& #$ a (a!;s e:e"ti*e!ess sh#'(d 7e "arried #'t re&'(ar(-+ I!

    i!sta!"es ,here se*era( 7'si!ess #r #r&a!izati#!s #""'- the

    sa%e sa"e)

  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


    Communicating and assessing incidents.

    C#%%'!i"ati#! is #!e #$ the 2e- iss'es d'ri!& a!- e%er&e!"-)

    re3(a!!i!& #$ "#%%'!i"ati#!s is "riti"a(+ Mis"#%%'!i"ati#! "a!

    easi(- res'(t i! e*e!ts es"a(ati!& '!!e"essari(-+

    O!"e a! e%er&e!"- has 7ee! ide!ti4ed a "#%rehe!si*e

    assess%e!t e*a('ati!& the (e*e( #$ i%a"t a!d its 4!a!"ia(

    i%(i"ati#!s sh#'(d 7e '!derta2e!+ F#((#,i!& assess%e!t) the

    ar#riate (a! #r res#!se t# 7e a"ti*ated ,i(( dee!d #!

    se"i4" re3set "riteria ,ithi! the e%er&e!"- (a!+ The stes

    !e"essar- sh#'(d 7e ri#ritized t# e!s're "riti"a( $'!"ti#!s are

    #erati#!a( as s##! as #ssi7(e+

    3. 4A5E AN ACTION 6LAN

    Wh# ,i(( d# ,hat? Whe! ,i(( the- d# it? Pers#!s

    sh#'(d 7e 't i!t# &r#'s i! #rder t# a*#id t##

    %'"h stress #! a si!&(e i!di*id'a(+ P(a! ,hat -#'r

    &r#'s ,i(( d# t# red'"e the hazards i! -#'r

    "#%%'!it-+ A"ti#!s sh#'(d 7e &r#'ed i!t# three


  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


    B$*o)$ t$ E-$)/$&cy

    D!)i&/ t$ E-$)/$&cy

    A*t$) t$ E-$)/$&cy


    C#%rehe!si*e Disaster Ma!a&e%e!t has $#'r

    hases. re*e!ti#!) %iti&ati#!) reared!essa!d res#!se a!d re"#*er-+

    6)$#$&tio&re$ers t# thi!&s -#' "a! d# t# a#oi%a! e*e!t that %a- "a'se

    a! e%er&e!"-+4iti/atio&

    %ea!s ,hat is d#!e t#)$%!c$

    the e:e"ts adisaster %a- ha*e+

    Here are s#%e re*e!ti#! a!d %iti&ati#! %eas'res.

    Ide!ti$- a!d (#"ate da!&er#'s areas+

    Re3(#"ate e#(e a!d 7e(#!&i!&s t# (a"es #'tside #$ these

    da!&er#'s areas+
  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


    I!$#r% a!d ed'"ate the "#%%'!it- a7#'t the hazards the- are

    *'(!era7(e t# a!d the ,a-s t# a*#id the%+ Pr#te"t a!d re3$#rest ri*er 7a!2s i! #rder t# red'"e the "ha!"es

    #$ 0##ds) er#si#! a!d (a!ds(ides / A!- trees a!d e*e! &rass

    ,#'(d ,#r2+ Pr#te"t s#'r"es #$ !at'ra( dri!2i!& ,ater a!d #ther !at'ra(

    res#'r"es+ P#(('ti#! i! "#asta( areas "a'ses er#si#! a!d #ther r#7(e%s+ Y#'

    sh#'(d tr- t# red'"e this as %'"h as #ssi7(e+666666666666666666666666666666666666

    6666666666666666A$ter -#'8*e d#!e e*er-thi!& -#' "a! t# a*#id a!d red'"e the e:e"ts

    #$ a disaster) -#' "a! $#"'s #! p)$pa)$%&$((+ This %ea!s -#' "a!

    de"ide h#, -#' ,i(( rea"t t# disasters that "a!!#t 7e e*aded+

    Here are s#%e thi!&s -#' "a! d# t# reare. Deter%i!e %eeti!& #i!ts a!d te%#rar- she(ters $#r e%er&e!"-

    "ases+ Ide!ti$- a!d trai! the ers#!s ,h# ,i(( he( the re(ie$

    #r&a!izati#!s d'ri!& a! e%er&e!"-+ Ma2e s're a(( &r#'s a!d "#%%'!it- %e%7ers 2!#, ,hat their

    res#!si7i(ities are d'ri!& the e%er&e!"-+ Esta7(ish a "#%%'!it- i!$#r%ati#! a!d "#%%'!i"ati#! s-ste%+

    Te(( the #'(ati#! ,hat r#"ed'res !eed t# 7e $#((#,ed d'ri!&

    a! e%er&e!"-+ P'7(i"ize -#'r e%er&e!"- (a!+

    What t-es #$ a(ar%s ,i(( a(ert the "#%%'!it- d'ri!& a disaster?

    E!s're that e*er-#!e is a,are #$ this a!d ,hat t# d# ,he! the-

    hear it+ Desi&! a! e*a"'ati#! (a! a!d #'t(i!e a "(ear r#'te+ Y#' sh#'(d

    a(s# sh#, da!&er#'s areas t# a*#id a!d #ther sa$e z#!es+


    Whi(e the disaster is hae!i!&) -#'r

  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


    N#r%a((-) these tas2s are (e$t t# disaster

    #r&a!izati#!s (i2e the Red Cr#ss) 4re%e!) #(i"e #r

    "#%%'!it- de*e(#%e!t #="ers+ H#,e*er) a

    reared "#%%'!it- %a2es their

  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


    A$ter the e%er&e!"- has assed) -#'r ,#r2 is sti(( $ar

    $r#% #*er+ At this sta&e) -#'r a"ti#!s are di*ided i!t# t,#


    Reha7i(itati#! / re3esta7(ishi!& the *ita( !eeds #$ the"#%%'!it- that %a- ha*e 7ee! da%a&ed >,ater)

    e(e"tri"it-) "#%%'!i"ati#!s+

    This i!"('des.

    Rest#ri!& 7asi" "#%%'!it- ser*i"es / hea(th) e!er&-)

    ,ater) tra!s#rt et"+

    D# da%a&e a!d !eeds assess%e!t+ Or&a!ize "#%%'!it- tea%s that "a! he( d# 7asi"

    reha7i(itati#! tas2s+

    Re"#!str'"ti#! / rest#ri!& str'"t'res >h#'ses) r#ads

    that ,ere da%a&ed i! the disaster+

    This i!"('des.

    Or&a!ize *#('!teer tea%s t# s'#rt i!stit'ti#!s i!

    the re7'i(di!& #$ i!$rastr'"t're that 7e!e4ts -#'r

    "#%%'!it-+ F#r e5a%(e) s"h##(s) r#ads a!d "(i!i"s+ He( -#'r !ei&h7#'rs t# rest#re the thi!&s that the-


    I$ -#' ha*e $#((#,ed the #ther sta&es #$ the (a!) the! the

    a%#'!t #$ ,#r2 -#' ha*e t# d# a$ter the disaster sh#'(d7e %i!i%a(+ This sta&e re1'ires a (#t #$ 4!a!"ia( he( s#

    -#' !eed t# (a! ahead #$ ti%e) e5a"t(- ,here this

    %#!e- ,i(( "#%e $r#%+

  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


    Co--!&ity 6)$pa)$%&$(( 6)o/)a-(

    C#%%'!it- reared!ess "a! 7e th#'&ht #$ as the

    ad*a!"e "aa"it- #$ a "#%%'!it- t# res#!d t# the"#!se1'e!"es #$ a! ad*erse e*e!t 7- ha*i!& (a!s

    i! (a"e s# that e#(e 2!#, ,hat t# d# a!d ,here

    t# i$ a ,ar!i!& is iss'ed #r a hazard is #7ser*ed+

    This res'(t "a! 7e a"hie*ed thr#'&h the

    de*e(#%e!t #$ r#&ra%s+ This t-e #$ r#&ra%

    "a! i!"rease resi(ie!"e t# 0ash 0##d a!d #ther

    hazard#'s e*e!ts) red'"e e"#!#%i" (#sses) a!d

    sh#rte! re"#*er- eri#ds+

    Ke- "#%#!e!ts #$ a "#%%'!it- reared!ess

    r#&ra% i!"('de.

    Raisi!& '7(i" a,are!ess a!d e:e"ti!&

    7eha*i#ra( "ha!&e i! the areas #$ %iti&ati#!a!d reared!ess+

    De(#-%e!t #$ sta7(e) re(ia7(e) a!d e:e"ti*e

    ,ar!i!& s-ste%s De*e(#%e!t #$ e:e"ti*e %essa&i!& $#r

    i!d'"i!& $a*#ra7(e "#%%'!it- res#!se t#

    %iti&ati#!) reared!ess) a!d ,ar!i!&"#%%'!i"ati#!s

  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


    I-po)ta&t 6oi&t( to R$-$-$) ao!t Co--!&ity

    6)$pa)$%&$(( 6)o/)a-(

    O'trea"h a!d "#%%'!i"ati#! ,ith the '7(i" are "r'"ia( t#

    their '!dersta!di!& the !at're #$ the 0ash 0##d hazard) the

    ris2s t# ers#!a( sa$et- a!d r#ert-) a!d the stes that "a!

    7e ta2e! t# red'"e th#se ris2s+

    D'ri!& a"t'a( 0ash 0##d e*e!ts) a ,ar!i!& "e!ter sh#'(dha*e a desi&!ated '7(i" a:airs #="er t# "##rdi!ate %edia

    res#!se+ We((3"##rdi!ated (a!s a!d r#"ed'res $#r ,#r2i!& ,ith the

    %edia a!d '7(i"@ *er!%e!ta( #="ia(s are esse!tia( t# the

    s'""ess #$ a ,ar!i!& s-ste%+

    Co--!&ity8Ba($% Di(a(t$) R$(i+i$&c$ 6)o/)a-(

    E:e"ti*e "#%%'!it- reared!ess r#&ra%s a(s# i!"('de hazard

    a!d *'(!era7i(it- assess%e!tss'stai!ed a"ti#!s ta2e! t# red'"e

    #r e(i%i!ate the (#!&3ter% ris2 t# h'%a! (i$e a!d r#ert- 7ased

    #! ris2 assess%e!ts+ This i!"('des (a!!i!& a!d z#!i!& t#

    %a!a&e de*e(#%e!t i! areas arti"'(ar(- at ris2 $#r *ari#'s

    !at'ra( hazards) e%7ra"i!& se*ere3,eather3resista!t

    "#!str'"ti#!) a!d r#te"ti!& "riti"a( $a"i(ities a!d i!$rastr'"t're+

  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management



    N#, that -#'r (a! is read-) it8s ti%e t# %a2e s're

    that it ,#r2s+ Re%e%7er t# i!$#r% the "#%%'!it-

    a7#'t the (a! thr#'&h %eeti!&s) trai!i!&),#r2sh#s) si%'(ati#! e5er"ises a!d #ther

    a"ti*ities that e5(ai! ,hat the (a! is a(( a7#'t+

    How %o I t$(t a&% $#a+!at$ t$ $-$)/$&cy


    C#!d'"t e5er"ises that si%'(ate "#!diti#!s that#""'r i! a rea( e%er&e!"-+ Y#' ,#!8t 7e a7(e t#

    $a2e a 0##d #r a *#("a!i" er'ti#!) 7't -#'8(( 7e

    a7(e t# see h#, (#!& it ta2es -#'r "#%%'!it- t#

    e*a"'ate a!d i$ e*er-#!e re%e%7ers ,hat the-8re

    s'#sed t# d#+ This ,i(( te(( -#'.

    The e:e"ti*e!ess #$ the (a!+ Whether e#(e 2!#, a!d re%e%7er the (a!+

    Whether #r !#t the (a! "a! 7e i%r#*ed $#r ,he!

    a rea( e%er&e!"- stri2es+

  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management



    9e!e4ts #$ $#((#,i!& "#%%'!it- resi(ie!"e r#"esses i!"('de.

    9ei!& %#re reared t# sa*e (i*es I!"reased "#!ta"ts ,ith e%er&e!"- %a!a&ers a!d

    resear"hers A ,e(( i!$#r%ed '7(i" C#%%'!it- resi(ie!"e res#'r"e

    !eeds are ide!ti4ed I%r#*ed #siti#!i!& t# re"ei*e !ati#!a( a!d r#*i!"ia( $'!ds E!ha!"ed "#re i!$rastr'"t're t# s'#rt #ther "#%%'!it- "#!"er!s De%#!strated 7e!e4ts t# the '7(i" sh#,i!& h#, their ta5 %#!e- is 7ei!& se!t i! hazard



  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management



    #ti#!B"#%"#!te!t*ie,Barti"(eidBIte%idBt# htt.@@,,,+%eted+'"ar+ed'@"#%%'!ities@haz,ar!s-s@:e,sr&



    Reside!ts rea"t t# 0##ds+

    E!(i&hte! the "#%%#! e#(e a7#'t "#%%'!it- disaster %a!a&e%e!t
  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management


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  • 7/25/2019 Community Planning for Disaster Management
