1 | Page School Improvement Plan Community House Middle 2018-2019 The School Improvement Plan serves as a road map that provides clarity to specific priorities and actions that are most important during the continuous improvement process. School Improvement Plans remain in effect for three years, but a School Leadership Team may amend as often as necessary or appropriate. The template is adapted with permission from UVA Partnership for Leaders in Education.

Community House Middle - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schoolsschools.cms.k12.nc.us/communityhouseMS/Documents... · Community House Middle 2018-2019 The School Improvement Plan serves as

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School Improvement Plan Community House Middle


The School Improvement Plan serves as a road map that provides clarity to specific priorities and actions that are most important during

the continuous improvement process. School Improvement Plans remain in effect for three years, but a School Leadership Team may

amend as often as necessary or appropriate. The template is adapted with permission from UVA Partnership for Leaders in Education.

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{School Name} Contact Information

School: Community House Middle School Courier #: 345


9500 Community House Rd Phone Number: 980-343-0689

Charlotte, NC 28277 Fax Number: 980-343-0691

Learning Community: Southwest School Website:

Principal: Jamie Brooks

Learning Community Superintendent:

Stephen Esposito

CMS BOE Representative:

Sean Strain CMS BOE District Number:


Community House School Improvement Team Membership From GS §115C-105.27: “The principal of each school, representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants assigned to the school building, and parents of children enrolled in the school shall constitute a school improvement team to develop a school improvement plan to improve student performance. Representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants shall be elected by their respective groups by secret ballot....Parents serving on school improvement teams shall reflect the racial and socioeconomic composition of the students enrolled in that school and shall not be members of the building-level staff.”

Committee Position Name Email Address Date


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PURPOSE OF THE CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN: Articulate in a few sentences what you hope to achieve by participating in the continuous improvement process.

It is our goal to use this plan to assist in carrying out the CHMS mission which focuses on ensuring high levels of learning for all students in a fair and equitable environment.

# Goals 2017-2018 Results 2018-2019 Goals Goal Indicators (Metric to Indicate Progress)


Increase school-wide literacy grade level proficiency to at least 85% with exceeded growth by 2021


Growth = -.15


Growth = 2.0



Decrease EOG Composite achievement gap between African-American and Hispanic students as compared to their White counterparts to no more than 12 percentage points by 2021

19.4 (AA) 21.7 (H)

17 for both sub groups in 2019 data (reduce to

12 by 2021)

EOG Composite Data


4 To provide a duty-free lunch period for every teacher on a daily basis.

5 Provide duty-free instructional planning time for every teacher under G.S.115C-105.27 and -301.1, with the goal of proving an average of at least five hours of planning time per week, to the

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maximum extent that the safety and proper supervision of students may allow during regular student contact hours.

6 Provide a positive school climate, under CMS regulation JICK-R, by promoting a safe learning environment free of bullying and harassing behaviors.


Continuous Improvement Plan Focus Area (Big Rock): PLC/Instructional Design

School’s Priority: Given the goals identified, what problem needs to be addressed to achieve these goals? PLCs need to work collaboratively with the Instructional Planning Approach; consistently using standards, a critical thinking taxonomy and student data to guide lesson plan development

School Leader Responsible: Administrative Team IPA Team

Desired Outcome: What will be different if you are successful in addressing this priority? All teachers will grow in their ability to generate rigorous lessons that focus on aligned student outcomes

Root Cause(s) to Address Hypothesis of Priority: What do you believe is at the heart of this problem? What evidence do you have to support this hypothesis? Teachers have not been officially trained in the IPA approach and do not have enough time within the current PLC structure to adequately attend to the elements within effective lesson plan design

CMS Strategic Plan 2024 Focus Area of Alignment:

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Ensure every student has access to a rich, diverse and rigorous curriculum


Critical Action to Address Root Cause & Achieve Desired Outcome Focus on teacher practice and systems & processes

Person Completing Action Timeline Resources Needed / Source

Create and train an Instructional Planning Approach Team (IPA Team) in order to drive PLC improvement

Jamie Brooks Chad Kelley Deb Hitt Kristen Ohaver Jennifer Weiss Jonathan Robinson Chris Cleland Jessica Shoup

July 2018 District IPA Training

Develop and present school-wide PD to staff on the IPA approach to inform PLC practice around standards, data analysis and rigor. Train staff on use of MC analysis protocol.

IPA Team

September 12, 2018

“The Instructional Core” Article

Implement short-cycle assessments within LA and Math departments to provide relevant data for analysis

Kristen Ohaver Jessica Shoup

District calendar

NC Check-Ins Springboard short-cycle assessments

Implement Temperament Survey within PLCs in order to reflect on individuals’ strengths for better collaboration within PLCs

PLC Leads

September 2018

Copy of Temperament Survey

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Develop and implement matrix of EOG, CC and PARC question stems to better align common assessments to state assessments and provide correct level of rigor

Dr. Andrews

September 2018

Increase time in PLCs in order to allow for proper IPA approach to occur

Jamie Brooks PLC Leads

2X a week as needed


Indicator Review Date

Evidence to Determine Progress Toward Achieving Desired Outcome

Potential Adjustments Status at Review Date

Week of September 24

LA PLC visits to determine evidence of Temperament Survey in use

Adjustment to visit dates due to scheduling issues

Week of October 5

Math PLC visits to determine evidence of Temperament Survey in use

October 2018

Data from first short-cycle assessment being used in PLC discussion

Additional modeling of the process with admin team

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End of October 2018

Data Analysis from first Multiple Choice Common Assessment

Adjust MC Analysis Protocol if needed

End of October 2018

Analysis of survey data on impact of IPA training on PLC practices

Additional PD on next Early Release date


Continuous Improvement Plan Focus Area (Big Rock): Student Work Analysis

School’s Priority: Given the goals identified, what problem needs to be addressed to achieve these goals? Develop a school-wide protocol for analyzing student work (non-MC assessments) that provides teachers with the necessary data to drive differentiated instructional planning and increased rigor within work tasks.

School Leader Responsible: Kristen Ohaver IPA Team

Desired Outcome: What will be different if you are successful in addressing this priority? An increased focus on WHAT the students are producing (and WHY) with improvement in the alignment and rigor levels of said student work products

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Root Cause(s) to Address Hypothesis of Priority: What do you believe is at the heart of this problem? What evidence do you have to support this hypothesis? There is currently no systematic process in place for analyzing the quality of student work products resulting in inconsistencies across PLCs.

CMS Strategic Plan 2024 Focus Area of Alignment: Ensure every student has access to a rich, diverse and rigorous curriculum


Critical Action to Address Root Cause & Achieve Desired Outcome Focus on teacher practice and systems & processes

Person Completing Action Timeline Resources Needed / Source

Create and present PD on development of an ASW (Analysis of Student Work) protocol for school-wide implementation

Kristen Ohaver IPA Team

September 12, 2018

Samples of ASWs from professional sources and neighboring schools

Train staff in use of ASWs to analyze student work in order to ensure school-wide understanding of the “why” and how to impact quality of learning

Kristen Ohaver IPA Team

September 19, 2018**

Feedback from Gallery Walk of sample protocols

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(may take multiple dates)

Set a timeline (PLC Data Days) for expectation of first PLC student work analysis activity

Jamie Brooks PLC Leads

October 2018

PLC Input

LA PLC visit to assist in ASW to ensure understanding and assist in completion

Kristen Ohaver

October 2018

Work task and student work samples

SS PLC visit to assist in ASW to ensure understanding and assist in completion

Kristen Ohaver

November 2018

Work task and student work samples


Indicator Review Date

Evidence to Determine Progress Toward Achieving Desired Outcome

Potential Adjustments Status at Review Date

September 17, 2018

Feedback analysis of staff opinions of various protocols

Possible need to adjust protocols to meet staff needs

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October 2018

PLC visit and results from first LA ASW activity

Adjust protocol as needed; Additional training as needed

November 2018

PLC visit and results from first SS ASW activity

Adjust protocol as needed; Additional training as needed


Continuous Improvement Plan Focus Area (Big Rock): Culturally Responsive Teaching

School’s Priority: Given the goals identified, what problem needs to be addressed to achieve these goals? Following three years of Cultural Proficiency training we continue to see sub-group achievement gaps as they relate to African-American and Hispanic students as they compare to their White peers. Teachers will be provided with PD around culturally responsive teaching strategies in order to address the ongoing gap.

School Leader Responsible: Jessica Shoup CP Team

Desired Outcome: What will be different if you are successful in addressing this priority?

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Staff will make intentional instructional decisions that ensure all students are represented within lessons and that all students are held accountable for high levels of learning resulting in closing the gap

Root Cause(s) to Address Hypothesis of Priority: What do you believe is at the heart of this problem? What evidence do you have to support this hypothesis? Achievement gap data indicates that we need to continue focusing on how to reach all sub-groups with intentional conversations and instructional practices

CMS Strategic Plan 2024 Focus Area of Alignment: Ensure every student has access to a rich, diverse and rigorous curriculum


Critical Action to Address Root Cause & Achieve Desired Outcome Focus on teacher practice and systems & processes

Person Completing Action Timeline Resources Needed / Source

Establish a Cultural Proficiency team to train and lead the school-wide work

Jamie Brooks Jessica Shoup

Summer 2018

Staff input

Send CP Leads to Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain training

Jessica Shoup Lisa Clark

October 24, 25 2018

Funding for Workshop and travel expenses

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Create and implement Culturally Responsive Teaching workshop for staff in order to begin analyzing “why” our current data exists and “how” to go about improving results

Jessica Shoup Lisa Clark CP Team

December 5, 2018

Resources from training and Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain book

Collect walk-through data on cultural patterns within the classroom to inform PLC conversations

Admin team

October and November 2018

Walk-through form

Meet to develop needed PD for December Early Release day using data from walk-throughs and new learning from workshop

Jessica Shoup PLC Leads

December 2018

ASW Protocol


Indicator Review Date

Evidence to Determine Progress Toward Achieving Desired Outcome

Potential Adjustments Status at Review Date

October 2018

Review data from walk-throughs on sub-group patterns

Conversations with identified teachers exhibiting cultural gaps in classroom practices (seating, verbal participation, etc)

November 2018

Continue to review data from walk-throughs on sub-group patterns as needed

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December 2018

PLC visits to assist in ASW as it relates to sub-group results

January 2018

Data from walk-throughs reflects an increase in CP strategies in classroom practices

Additional PD needed

February 2018

Data from MAP and classroom assessments reflects an increase in student growth

Data does not show an increase in growth and achievement resulting in the need to adjust our approach or add more professional development


Duty-Free Lunch The NC SBE’s statutory provision 115C-105.27 (b) (6) requires all schools to include a plan to provide a duty-free lunch period for every teacher on a daily basis or as otherwise approved by the SIP.


Critical Action to Address Root Cause & Achieve Desired Outcome Focus on teacher practice and systems & processes

Person Completing Action Timeline Resources Needed / Source

Develop lunch schedule to allow for teachers to have 25 minutes of duty-free time

GL Administrators

August 2018

Additional staff to monitor cafeteria

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Indicator Review Date

Evidence to Determine Progress Toward Achieving Desired Outcome

Potential Adjustments Status at Review Date

September 2018

Cafeteria observations

Additional staff needed to ensure safety


Duty-Free Instructional Planning Time for Teachers The NC SBE’s statutory provision 115C-105.27 (b) (7) requires a plan to provide duty-free instructional planning time for every with the goal of providing an average of at least 5 hours of planning time a week. [Note that the statute referenced provides that all classroom teachers are to be provided duty-free instructional planning time during regular student contact hours, to the extent that the safety and proper supervision of student may allow.


Critical Action to Address Root Cause & Achieve Desired Outcome Focus on teacher practice and systems & processes

Person Completing Action Timeline Resources Needed / Source

Establish a weekly planning schedule for all staff to ensure time for PLC, Team and Individual planning time

Jamie Brooks

August 2018

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Indicator Review Date

Evidence to Determine Progress Toward Achieving Desired Outcome

Potential Adjustments Status at Review Date

September 2018

Planning calendar being implemented school-wide

Adjust to ensure ample time with PLCs to allow for quality planning


Bullying Prevention Provide a positive school climate, under CMS regulation JICK-R, by promoting a safe learning environment free of bullying and harassing behaviors.


Critical Action to Address Root Cause & Achieve Desired Outcome Focus on teacher practice and systems & processes

Person Completing Action Timeline Resources Needed / Source

Implement school-wide theme of PrACTice Like a Champion to ensure students understand expectations

Jamie Brooks

August 2018

Jamie Brooks

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Review school-wide expectations regarding bullying, harassing and other forms of exclusionary treatment

August assemblies

Develop a student government in order to obtain student voice in policies and practices surrounding peer-to-peer interactions

Kim Andrews Erin Vertullo Lexie Landers

September 14, 2018 2018

Implement school-wide seminar on character


November 7 2018


Indicator Review Date

Evidence to Determine Progress Toward Achieving Desired Outcome

Potential Adjustments Status at Review Date

October 2018

Analysis of referral data

Ongoing assemblies regarding behavior expectations

October 2018

Analysis of seminar work products to determine impact

Additional school-wide seminars

Community House Middle School Improvement Team Membership

Committee Position Name Email Date Signatures

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