Federation Council - Community Grants Program2018/19Guidelines Reference: 19/5649 Version No: 1.0 Page 1 Community Grants Program 2018/19 Guidelines Record No: 19/5649 Version No: 1.0

Community Grants Program 2018/19 Guidelines

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Federation Council - Community Grants Program2018/19Guidelines Reference: 19/5649 Version No: 1.0 Page 1

Community Grants Program 2018/19


Record No: 19/5649

Version No: 1.0

Federation Council - Community Grants Program2018/19Guidelines Reference: 19/5649 Version No: 1.0 Page 2

Table of Contents

1. Overview............................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Timelines .................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Types of grants ........................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Funding Criteria .................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Eligibility ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Assessment criteria .................................................................................................................................... 4

2.3 Terms and conditions ................................................................................................................................. 5

2.4 Acquittal (Evaluation and Financial Reports) ............................................................................................. 5

3. Application process .............................................................................................................................................. 5

3.1 Guidelines................................................................................................................................................... 5

3.2 Supporting documentation ........................................................................................................................ 6

3.3 Assessment process ................................................................................................................................... 6

Schedule of Changes & Amendments .......................................................................................................................... 6

Federation Council - Community Grants Program2018/19Guidelines Reference: 19/5649 Version No: 1.0 Page 3

1. Overview

The Community Grants program is a new initiative aiming to empower groups to develop ideas, projects and events that contribute to the vibrancy of the Federation Council area. Federation Council recognises and appreciates the valuable contribution that community projects and events make to our communities. We understand the level of resources that go into implementing initiatives that provide positive social and economic benefits for the community.

The Community Grants Program provides the basis for Council to allocate funds under Section 356 of the Local Government Act in an equitable manner, based on the individual merits of each request.

This program replaces the previous Small Community Grants Program and Tourism & Events Grant Program.

1.1 Objectives

The objectives of this program are to:

Promote a sense of community identity and pride

Stimulate economic growth within the community

Encourage wide participation in events and community projects

Promote Federation Council as a vibrant, diverse place to live and visit

Encourage and stimulate the growth of effective community development and cultural programs within Federation Council

Foster community partnerships.

The Community Grants Program operates in two funding rounds each year and invites applications for grants up to $3,000.

For grants over $3,000, please contact the Community & Events Project Officer on (02) 6033 8999.

1.2 Timelines

Applications must be submitted on the prescribed application form and include all relevant attachments.

The following dates apply:

2018/2019 - Round 2

Opens: Friday 1 March 2019

Closes: Monday 1 April 2019 at 4pm

Successful applicants will be announced in April 2019.

1.3 Types of grants

To be eligible for funding, events and community projects must relate to one of the following areas:

Arts and Culture

Sport & Recreation support

Events and Tourism

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Community Work and Welfare

Skill Development and Learning

Health Promotion

Accessibility and Inclusion (i.e. Disability support)

Young People

Senior Residents

Children and Families

2. Funding Criteria

2.1 Eligibility

All applications must be from an organisation or group that:

Is an incorporated organisation, not for profit or can be auspiced through a statutory or incorporated organisation.

Can demonstrate financial resources or capacity to fundraise to the required level.

Can demonstrate their contribution in the form of cash, voluntary service or in kind support.

Can demonstrate how and where Federation Council will be recognised in the event / project.

The following events & projects that will not be eligible to apply for funding under this program:

An event or project that is affiliated with a political movement.

An event or project that is deemed unlawful or unethical.

An event that is likely to or has in the past made a significant profit form the activities associated with the event.

Events and projects that do not have a wide community focus.

Events and projects, which are held completely outside the boundaries of the Federation Council Government Area.

Events and projects that receive funding from another Federation Council funding program.

2.2 Assessment criteria

Applications will be assessed against a set of criteria that will determine the level of benefit the initiative will deliver for the community. The assessment criteria includes:

The proposed activities alignment with Council’s plan and vision.

The way in which the application meets an identified community or cultural need.

Whether the proposed activity has been developed in consultation with the community.

The level of social, cultural and environmental impact the proposed activity has.

The inclusion of a well thought out event and /or project management plan.

Events or activities that are accessible and inclusive of people of all abilities.

Assessment criteria for events will also include:

Economic impact on the town and its ability to inject new money.

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Ability to promote the Federation Council region and attract visitors and overnight stays.

Financially sustainability.

2.3 Terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to applications successful under the Community Grants Program:

Successful recipients must acknowledge Councils support in all promotional material developed for the event / project.

Any variation to the project funded must be discussed and agreed to in writing by Council staff.

Applicants must submit a full acquittal and report by the date specified in the agreement.

Any unexpended funds provided as part of the agreement must be returned to Federation Council.

Events must provide “Council Event Application Form” and comply with Federation Council’s event guidelines and relevant policies.

Any relevant building codes or requirements must be complied with.

Activities are only eligible to receive sponsorship from Federation Council for a maximum period of two years, unless they are able to demonstrate significant growth or a change in format.

2.4 Acquittal (Evaluation and Financial Reports)

Successful applicants will be required to submit a completed evaluation report of their activity within six (6) weeks of the event(s) and or project(s) conclusion.

The completion of this report may require some research to be undertaken, so it is important that grant applicants familiarise themselves with the requirements of the report prior to the event/project(s).

3. Application process

3.1 Guidelines

When completing an application form, the following guidelines apply:

All sections of the application form must be completed prior to being submitted.

The application must be endorsed by the organising committee and signed by a member of the executive committee.

If the applicant is not an incorporated body, the application must be auspiced by an incorporated body.

The proposed activity should not duplicate other existing services or programs within the Federation Council Local Government area.

Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

An applicant must demonstrate that the activity is available to target groups within the community without discrimination.

All applications will be considered against the current funding criteria (above).

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3.2 Supporting documentation

The following documents can be included to strengthen and support an application:

Letters of support from stakeholders for the event / project.

Statement of income and expenditure from the previous 12 months.

Evidence of appropriate consultation with key stakeholders, council and the community.

Evidence of previous years of success, e.g. photography, media coverage (if applicable).

Examples of previous advertising (if applicable).

3.3 Assessment process

A committee will review all applications based on the funding criteria outlined above.

Following this, final recommendations will be made to Council for approval at the next Ordinary Council Meeting.

Schedule of Changes & Amendments

Version Date Changes / Amendments

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