REVIEW SUMMARY EPIDEMIOLOGY Why infectious disease research needs community ecology Pieter T. J. Johnson,* Jacobus C. de Roode, Andy Fenton BACKGROUND: Despite ongoing advances in biomedicine, infectious diseases remain a major threat to human health, economic sustainability, and wildlife conservation. This is in part a re- sult of the challenges of controlling widespread or persistent infections that involve multiple hosts, vectors, and parasite species. Moreover, many contemporary disease threats involve in- teractions that manifest across nested scales of biological organization, from disease progres- sion at the within-host level to emergence and spread at the regional level. For many such infec- tions, complete eradication is unlikely to be suc- cessful, but a broader understanding of the community in which host-parasite interactions are embedded will facilitate more effective man- agement. Recent advances in community ecology, including findings from traits-based approaches and metacommunity theory, offer the tools and concepts to address the complexities arising from multispecies, multiscale disease threats. ADVANCES: Community ecology aims to identify the factors that govern the structure, assembly, and dynamics of ecological communities. We describe how analytical and conceptual approaches from this discipline can be used to address fundamen- tal challenges in disease research, such as (i) managing the ecological complexity of multihost-multiparasite assem- blages; (ii) identifying the drivers of heteroge- neities among individuals, species, and regions; and (iii) quantifying how processes link across multiple scales of biological organization to drive disease dynamics. We show how a commu- nity ecology framework can help to determine whether infection is best controlled through de- fensiveapproaches that reduce host suitability or through offensiveapproaches that damp- en parasite spread. Examples of defensive ap- proaches are the strategic use of wildlife diversity to reduce host and vector transmission, and taking advantage of antagonism between symbionts to suppress within-host growth and pathology. Offensive approaches include the targeted con- trol of superspreading hosts and the reduction of human-wildlife contact rates to mitigate spill- over. By identifying the importance of parasite dispersal and establishment, a community ecolo- gy framework can offer additional insights about the scale at which disease should be controlled. OUTLOOK: Ongoing technological advances are rapidly overcoming previous barriers in data quality and quantity for complex, multispecies systems. The emerging synthesis of disease com- munity ecologyoffers the tools and concepts necessary to interpret these data and use that understanding to inform the development of more effective disease control strategies in hu- mans and wildlife. Looking forward, we empha- size the increasing importance of tight integration among surveillance, community ecology analyses, and public health implementation. Building from the rich legacy of whole-system manipulations in community ecology, we further highlight the value of large-scale experiments for understand- ing host-pathogen interactions and designing effective control measures. Through this blending of data, theory, and analytical approaches, we can understand how interactions between parasites within hosts, hosts within populations, and host species within ecological communities combine to drive disease dynamics, thereby providing new ways to manage emerging infections. RESEARCH SCIENCE sciencemag.org 4 SEPTEMBER 2015 VOL 349 ISSUE 6252 1069 The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online. *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Cite this article as P. T. J. Johnson et al ., Science 349, 1259504 (2015). DOI: 10.1126/science.1259504 The community ecology of disease. (A) Interactions between parasites can complicate manage- ment. Among Tsimane villagers, treatment of hookworms increases infections by Giardia lamblia. (B) Similarly, understanding how ecological communities of hosts assemble can help forecast changes in disease. Biodiversity losses can promote interactions between white-footed mice and deer ticks, leading to an increase in the risk of Lyme disease from Borrelia burgdorferi. [Credits: (A) A. Pisor,CDC, F. Dubs; (B) J. Brunner,T. Shears, NIH] ON OUR WEB SITE Read the full article at http://dx.doi. org/10.1126/ science.1259504 .................................................. on March 25, 2019 http://science.sciencemag.org/ Downloaded from

Community ecology aims to Why infectious disease research ...from multispecies, multiscale disease threats. ADVANCES: Community ecology aims to identify the factors that govern the

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Page 1: Community ecology aims to Why infectious disease research ...from multispecies, multiscale disease threats. ADVANCES: Community ecology aims to identify the factors that govern the



Why infectious disease researchneeds community ecologyPieter T. J. Johnson,* Jacobus C. de Roode, Andy Fenton

BACKGROUND:Despite ongoing advances inbiomedicine, infectious diseases remain amajorthreat tohumanhealth, economic sustainability,and wildlife conservation. This is in part a re-sult of the challenges of controlling widespreador persistent infections that involve multiplehosts, vectors, and parasite species. Moreover,many contemporary disease threats involve in-teractions that manifest across nested scales of

biological organization, from disease progres-sion at the within-host level to emergence andspread at the regional level. Formany such infec-tions, complete eradication is unlikely to be suc-cessful, but a broader understanding of thecommunity in which host-parasite interactionsare embeddedwill facilitatemore effectiveman-agement. Recent advances in community ecology,including findings from traits-based approaches

and metacommunity theory, offer the tools andconcepts to address the complexities arisingfrom multispecies, multiscale disease threats.

ADVANCES: Community ecology aims toidentify the factors that govern the structure,

assembly, and dynamicsof ecological communities.Wedescribehowanalyticalandconceptualapproachesfrom this discipline can beused to address fundamen-tal challenges in disease

research, such as (i) managing the ecologicalcomplexity of multihost-multiparasite assem-blages; (ii) identifying the drivers of heteroge-neities among individuals, species, and regions;and (iii) quantifying how processes link acrossmultiple scales of biological organization todrive disease dynamics.We showhow a commu-nity ecology framework can help to determinewhether infection is best controlled through “de-fensive” approaches that reduce host suitabilityor through “offensive” approaches that damp-en parasite spread. Examples of defensive ap-proaches are the strategic use ofwildlife diversityto reducehost andvector transmission, and takingadvantage of antagonism between symbiontsto suppress within-host growth and pathology.Offensive approaches include the targeted con-trol of superspreading hosts and the reductionof human-wildlife contact rates to mitigate spill-over. By identifying the importance of parasitedispersal and establishment, a community ecolo-gy framework can offer additional insights aboutthe scale at which disease should be controlled.

OUTLOOK: Ongoing technological advancesare rapidly overcoming previous barriers in dataquality and quantity for complex, multispeciessystems. The emerging synthesis of “disease com-munity ecology” offers the tools and conceptsnecessary to interpret these data and use thatunderstanding to inform the development ofmore effective disease control strategies in hu-mans and wildlife. Looking forward, we empha-size the increasing importanceof tight integrationamong surveillance, community ecology analyses,and public health implementation. Building fromthe rich legacy of whole-system manipulationsin community ecology,we further highlight thevalue of large-scale experiments for understand-ing host-pathogen interactions and designingeffective controlmeasures. Through this blendingof data, theory, and analytical approaches, we canunderstand how interactions between parasiteswithin hosts, hosts within populations, and hostspecies within ecological communities combineto drive disease dynamics, thereby providingnew ways to manage emerging infections.▪


SCIENCE sciencemag.org 4 SEPTEMBER 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6252 1069

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] this article as P. T. J. Johnson et al., Science 349,1259504 (2015). DOI: 10.1126/science.1259504

The community ecology of disease. (A) Interactions between parasites can complicate manage-ment. Among Tsimane villagers, treatment of hookworms increases infections by Giardia lamblia.(B) Similarly, understanding how ecological communities of hosts assemble can help forecastchanges in disease. Biodiversity losses can promote interactions between white-footed mice anddeer ticks, leading to an increase in the risk of Lyme disease from Borrelia burgdorferi. [Credits:(A) A. Pisor, CDC, F. Dubs; (B) J. Brunner, T. Shears, NIH]


Read the full articleat http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1259504..................................................

on March 25, 2019



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Page 2: Community ecology aims to Why infectious disease research ...from multispecies, multiscale disease threats. ADVANCES: Community ecology aims to identify the factors that govern the



Why infectious disease researchneeds community ecologyPieter T. J. Johnson,1* Jacobus C. de Roode,2 Andy Fenton3

Infectious diseases often emerge from interactions among multiple species and acrossnested levels of biological organization. Threats as diverse as Ebola virus, human malaria,and bat white-nose syndrome illustrate the need for a mechanistic understanding of theecological interactions underlying emerging infections. We describe how recent advancesin community ecology can be adopted to address contemporary challenges in diseaseresearch. These analytical tools can identify the factors governing complex assemblagesof multiple hosts, parasites, and vectors, and reveal how processes link across scalesfrom individual hosts to regions. They can also determine the drivers of heterogeneitiesamong individuals, species, and regions to aid targeting of control strategies. We provideexamples where these principles have enhanced disease management and illustrate howthey can be further extended.

Despite notable successes (1, 2), infectiousdiseases remain a leading source of hu-man morbidity and mortality (3) and con-tinue to threaten wildlife conservation andfood production (4–6). A common factor

underlying emerging diseases is the involvementof multiple host, vector, or parasite species incomplex ecological communities. Nearly 70% ofemerging human infectious diseases have wild-life hosts or vectors (7, 8), while several humanparasites have spilled over to causemorbidity andmortality in wildlife, such as measles in moun-tain gorillas and tuberculosis in Asian elephants(9) (Fig. 1). The use of multiple hosts by parasitescomplicates control efforts that target particularhosts for management; for example, Schistosomajaponicum, the primary cause of human schisto-somiasis in Asia, can infect 120 different species ofmammals (10). Similarly, more than 20 species oftriatomine bugs can transmitTrypanosoma cruzi,which causes Chagas disease in South America,such that efforts to control the dominant vectorspecies alone may be inadequate to achieve eli-mination (11). Such threats continue to grow inimportance as global travel and human activitiesincrease contact with novel sources of parasitesand aid their spread across the globe (6).Alongside the multihost nature of many infec-

tions, interactions among co-infecting parasitescan alter host pathology, parasite transmission,and virulence evolution (12–14). Parasites that dis-rupt immune function (Fig. 1), such as HIV, havefacilitated the reemergence of drug-resistantforms of tuberculosis (15); co-infectionwith para-sitic worms (helminths) such as hookworm canexacerbate malaria (16). Interactions between

several parasite species have been similarly im-plicated in coral reef diseases, epidemics in plants,andmarinemammal die-offs (17–19). Becausemanyhost-parasite interactions are intimately embeddedwithin communities of organisms, managementefforts are sometimes thwarted by “ecologicalsurprises” (20). Recent examples include the un-expected amplification of MERS (Middle East res-piratory syndrome) coronavirus in internationallytraded camels, and increased contact betweenbadgers and cattle after implementation of badg-er culling, ultimately leading to increased ratherthan decreased transmission of bovine tubercu-losis in the United Kingdom (21–23). Managingthe challenges of emerging infectious diseases thusrequires a clear understanding of the full ecolog-ical context of infection and transmission.Our ability to understand and control infectious

diseases has much to gain from the discipline ofcommunity ecology, which has developed a rangeof analytical tools for addressing complexity, spe-cies interactions, and multilevel scaling (Fig. 2).These tools can be adopted to improve our under-standing andmanagement of infectious diseases,both by quantifying environmental and biologicalfactors governing the structure of complex com-munities of multiple hosts, vectors, and parasites,and also by identifying the effect and source(s) ofheterogeneity among individual hosts, host spe-cies, and geographic locations. These tools fur-ther offer insight into interactions and feedbacksacrossmultiple scales of organization, fromwith-in hosts to across regions. We examine how theapplication of tools and concepts from commu-nity ecology can help public health efforts toman-age infectious disease threats.

Community ecology as a framework tounderstand infectious diseases

Community ecology offers a mechanistic bridgebetween processes unfolding at the fine scale of

individuals and populations and the ecologicaland evolutionary drivers of species distributionsat coarser scales. Whereas some principles fromcommunity ecology have been applied to varioushost-parasite systems [e.g., (24–27)], the “com-munity ecology of disease” remains in its relativeinfancy, with most studies focusing on interac-tions between a single host and parasite species,often at a single scale. Data availability and qual-ity are increasing rapidly, partly through advancesin sequencing technology, underscoring both theneed for and the opportunity to implement newmethods to study infection dynamics in complexnatural systems.Community ecology theory tells us that, in par-

allel to the processes underlying population ge-netics theory (i.e., gene flow, selection, drift, andmutation), the diversity, abundance, and compo-sition of species within a community can be un-derstood in terms of dispersal, ecological selection,ecological drift, and speciation (28). After disper-sal from the regional species pool, a species’ suc-cesswithin a habitat is filtered by both niche-basedand stochastic processes (29, 30). Within thisframework, what needs to be understood is thedegree to which community structure is builtpredictably from niche-based effects associatedwith interactions among species and the envi-ronment, or whether it arises through stochasticprocesses such as historical legacy, demographicstochasticity, and environmental fluctuations(Fig. 3).Within their niche, parasites are affected byhost

condition, immune responses, the abiotic envi-ronment, and interactionswith co-infecting sym-bionts or associated free-living organisms. If theassembly of parasite communities is predomi-nantly deterministic, then the richness and com-position of parasite species will vary accordingto measurable characteristics of the host and theenvironment, and will therefore be predictable(Fig. 3). However, stochastic events and dispersalwill also influence parasite colonization-extinctiondynamics. In some systems, for instance, the out-come of parasite interactions depends stronglyon the order of arrival within the host (14, 31).For example, long-term sampling of wild fieldvole (Microtus agrestis) populations revealed thatinfection with the protozoan Babesia microti re-duced the probability that a host subsequentlybecame infectedwith the bacteriaBartonella spp.;however, if Bartonella established first, then B.microti was only 25% as likely to invade (14). Sim-ilarly, high propagule dispersal by parasites canovercome niche effects related to host suscepti-bility (32). For instance, although humans aredead-end hosts with no onward transmission formany zoonotic infections, high exposure to suchparasites can have serious consequences for pub-lic health, such as West Nile encephalitis andlate-stage Lyme disease. Quantifying the relativecontributions of niche-based and dispersal-basedprocesses in determining parasite communitystructure and individual infection risk offersan ecological foundation for guiding resourceinvestment into either defensive strategies, whichfocus on altering niches to inhibit parasite


SCIENCE sciencemag.org 4 SEPTEMBER 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6252 1259504-1

1Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado,Boulder, CO 80309, USA. 2Department of Biology, EmoryUniversity, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. 3Institute of IntegrativeBiology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZB, UK.*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

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establishment, or offensive strategies, which fo-cus on limiting dispersal (Fig. 4).

Approaches for understandingmultilevel infection processes

Parasite metacommunities andassembly theory

Metacommunity theory provides a valuable tool-kit for understanding the relative importance ofniche-based effects and dispersal-based effects inregulating the structure of parasite communities(24, 33). By recognizing that landscapes supporta series of ecological communities connectedthrough dispersal, metacommunity theory links

interactions across local and regional scales (32).For parasites, this framework is relevant tocommunities of parasites dispersing amonghost individuals or across disjunct landscapes.Although rarely applied to parasite communities,metacommunity-based approaches offer the po-tential to explore the interactive roles of evolution-ary history, dispersal limitation, host communitycomposition, and the abiotic environment indriving parasite distributions (34) (Fig. 2). In along-term study of 65 parasite species from 15species of desert rodents, for instance, Dallas andPresley (35) found that parasite community struc-ture was driven by niche effects associated withthe “patch quality” of host species, including host

traits such as body size, longevity, and abundance,rather than by characteristics related to dispersalopportunities, such as host diet breadth, homerange size, or evolutionary history. In a study ofplant parasites, Parker et al. (36) recently showedthat spillover risk in field experiments could bepredicted by knowing the abundance of the hostand its phylogenetic relationshipswith other hostsin the community. In contrast to free-living com-munities, parasite metacommunities do incursome unique analytical challenges, includingthe potential for infections to sicken or kill indi-vidual hosts and thereby alter the availability ofhabitat “patches” for dispersal (26). Likewise, be-cause parasites also interact with each other, the

1259504-2 4 SEPTEMBER 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6252 sciencemag.org SCIENCE

Interactions between co-infecting parasites

Heterogeneity among hosts in a population


Heterogeneity among host species in a community

Fig. 1. The community ecology of infectious disease. (A to C) Co-infectionby nematodes (A) increases hostmortality due to bovine TB (B) amongAfricanbuffalo (C) (63). (D to F) Tsimane villagers in Bolivia (D) reveal negative cor-relations between Giardia lamblia (E) and Ascaris lumbricoides (F), wheredeworming increased Giardia (99). (G and H) For tick-borne encephalitis (G),93% of transmission events involve large-bodied, male yellow-necked mice(H), which constitute <20% of the population (53). (I and J) For humans, dis-proportionate contact among individuals (I) led to “superspreading events” for

SARS (J) (50). (K to N) Among-species heterogeneities can alter community-wide transmission. Crayfish plague (K) introduced to Europe with highly sus-ceptible red swamp crayfish (L) led to native crayfish declines; biodiversitylosses tend to promote interactions between ticks and white-footed mice (M),which are highly competent hosts for Borrelia burgdorferi (N) and influenceproduction of infected ticks that transmit Lymeborreliosis (65). [Image credits:[(A), (E), (I), (J)] CDC, (B) R.Grencis, (C) Y. Krishnappa, (D) A. Pisor, (F) F. Dubs,(G) (100) (H) V. Dostál, (K) T.Vrålstad, (L) F. Pupin, (M) J. Brunner, (N) NIH]


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co-assembly of host and parasite communitiesneeds to be examined concurrently (37), and anextra nested scale (i.e., for the within-host dy-namics) often needs to be included in analyses(Fig. 2).Tools from network theory can be additionally

valuable for understanding how interactions be-tween entire host and parasite communities varyover space and time (38). For instance, Griffithset al. (39) used network approaches to show thatco-infecting parasites of humans were organizedinto dense clusters around distinct locations inthe body (e.g., organs) and tended to interact witheach other via shared resources within the host,rather than via the immune system. Similar ap-proaches have been applied across other scalesof organization—for example, to define contactpathways for transmission among individualhosts (40, 41) and to identify the role of parasitesin structuring ecological food webs (42). Althoughthe focus of network approaches thus far hasoften been on the patterns of links among spe-cies, emerging tools allow for more explicit ex-amination of interaction strengths, which will

help to forecast dynamic changes in the sys-tem (43).

Infection heterogeneity andtraits-based approaches

Community ecology emphasizes the importanceof understanding individual and species-levelfunctional traits, thereby offering greater mech-anistic and predictive power relative to simpletaxonomic classifications (44, 45). Predicting thespecific identities of species within an assem-blage is made difficult by stochastic factors suchas historical legacy, whereas the composition andfrequency of functional traits may bemore deter-ministic (46). Thus, although hosts and parasitesare typically defined in taxonomic terms, it maybe more useful to classify them in terms of func-tional traits that influence performance. For para-sites, such traits include transmission mode, siteof infection, and resource use; for hosts, theyinclude body size, dispersal ability, and immunecompetence. For instance, Han et al. (47) iden-tified “trait profiles” of known reservoir speciesand used these to forecast candidate rodents like-

ly to act as reservoirs for future zoonotic infec-tions. Their analysis revealed the importanceof “fast-paced” species that reproduce early andoften; by contrast, taxonomic labels did a rela-tively poor job of classifying reservoir host status.Trait-based analyses alignwith the long-standing

recognition in disease ecology of the dispropor-tionate influence of superspreader individuals,amplification or reservoir host species, or “hotspot”locations in driving transmission (22, 48, 49). Su-perspreading events have been recorded for bothwildlife and human diseases, including typhoidfever, HIV-1, SARS, and tuberculosis (22, 50, 51),and can sometimes be linked tomeasurable varia-tion in traits such as host immunity, behavior, age,diet, and sex (52–54). For example, Perkins et al.(53) found that large-bodied, sexually activemalemice contribute 93% of potential transmissionevents for tick-borne encephalitis virus, despiterepresenting only ~20% of the host population(Fig. 1). Methods to partition the contributions ofparticular hosts, species, or locations to parasitetransmission are beginning to be developed (48, 55).For example, Rudge et al. (10) quantified host

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Fig. 2. Ecological hierarchiesapplied to host-parasiteinteractions and analogousprocesses in communityecology.The range of scalesincludes within-host (“parasiteinfracommunity,” often domi-nated by parasite-parasite andparasite-immune systeminteractions); between-host(“parasite component com-munity,” population biology);among species (“parasitesupracommunity,” communityecology); and across regions(macroecology and diseasebiogeography). The differentcolored squares represent dif-ferent parasite species; thetext at the right and left high-lights the relevant processesfrom community ecology anddisease ecology, respectively.The potential importance forinteractions and feedbackacross these scales representsan essential research frontierin the field of disease commu-nity ecology.

• Metacommunity structure• Landscape heterogeneity• Environmental filtering• Dispersal

• Metacommunity structure• Landscape heterogeneity• Environmental filtering• Dispersal

• Between-species heterogeneity• Reservoir-target host dynamics• Zoonoses/emerging infectious diseases

• Host-parasite dynamics• Transmission• Superspreaders• Critical community size R0

• Parasite–immune system interactions• Parasite-parasite interactions• Disease progression




Within- tobetween-

host scaling





• Competition (exploitation, interference, apparent)• Predator-prey dynamics

• Metapopulation dynamics

Parasite species

Disease ecology Community ecology


(amongcommunitiesand regions)





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species contributions to the number of cases gener-ated (R0) of S. japonicum in China, for whichmorethan 120 host species have been identified. Theyshowed that bovids maintain infection in marsh-

lands, whereas rodents are the main source oftransmission in hilly areas, which suggests thatdifferent control strategies are needed in thetwo habitats. The key challenge for management

is to identify how much of this heterogeneity islinked to measurable traits, and is therefore pre-dictable (niche-based), or whether it arises sto-chastically through unpredictable temporal orspatial heterogeneity in exposure (56).

Moving across scales

A core principle of community ecology is the impor-tance of scale in affecting the strength and form ofspecies interactions not only with each other butalso with the environment (57) (Fig. 2). Research indisease ecology often falls into one of three distinctlevels: (i)within-host,which is concernedwith inter-actions with the host immune system and otherparasites (13, 58); (ii) between-host, which is focusedonparasite spread throughhost populations (59,60)or, less often, through host communities; or (iii) onregional or biogeographical scales, which use com-parative methods frommacroecology to explore thedriversof parasite distributions and diversity (61).Studies focused on one scale often ignore, or treat

as phenomenological black boxes, the dynamicsoccurring at higher and lower scales; in reality, itappears that dynamic interactions occur in bothdirections (41, 57). For instance, interactions amongco-infecting parasites within hosts can cause indi-vidual variation in susceptibility, infectiousness,behavior, and survival (14, 62, 63), potentially withcounterintuitive consequences for transmission atthe population level (64). African buffalo co-infectedwith gastrointestinal nematodes and bovine tuber-culosis (bTB) exhibit increased mortality (Fig. 1),such that treating animals to reduce their wormburdens improves individual survival but, by en-abling infected hosts to live longer, is predicted toincrease population-level spread of bTB (63). Re-ciprocally, variation inhost community compositionwithin a region can affect infection risk and spreadat the individual and population levels (10, 55). Forvector-borne infections such as Lyme disease, wild-life species vary considerably in their tendencyto amplify the bacterium responsible and transmitit to suitable tick vectors, such that regional varia-tion in host species diversity is hypothesized tobe a major determinant of local infection risk forhumans (65) (Box 1). However, such cross-scaleprocesses are hard to infer from observational dataalone, and experimental perturbations are oftenneeded to definitively assess how processes at onescale affect those at another (66). In parallel withthe rich legacy of systemmanipulations from com-munity ecology (67), disease ecologists have in-creasingly used experimental approaches involvingnatural systems—for example, through antipara-site drug treatments (68), hormone manipulation(69), nutrient supplementation (70), and diversitymanipulations (71, 72). Although these experimentshave often focused on single host–single parasitesystems, implementing such experiments inmorecomplex natural communities and at larger scalesis increasingly important for testing hypothesesabout parasite transmission, impact, and control.

How community ecology can helpmanage infectious diseases

We suggest that disease control strategies wouldbenefit by incorporating community ecology

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A Ecological selection (niche-based structuring)

B Ecological drift (stochastic structuring)

Parasite speciespool

Parasite speciespool

Parasite speciespool

C Dispersal (overrides niche effects)




- - -

Fig. 3. Parasite community assembly depends on a combination of ecological selection, ecologicaldrift, and dispersal. (A) After input via dispersal (indicated as arrows from the parasite regional pool),parasite establishment depends on ecological selection: different species (mice versus prairie dogs) select fordifferent parasites according to genetics, behavior, immune status, and other host properties (including vac-cination status or drug presence). Dashed arrows indicate failed infection. Deterministic, within-host parasiteinteractions (indicated by + and – signs) are an additional niche-based influence on parasite communities;positive parasite interactions (facilitation) are indicated by solid arrows; negative interactions are indicated bydashed arrows. (B) Parasite community assembly is also influenced by ecological drift (stochasticity),particularly when colonizing populations are small or the outcome of parasite interactions depends on theirorder of arrival (“priority effects”). As a result, parasite communities can appear random with respect to hostspecies or type, even if strongly affected by species interactions. (C) High rates of dispersal can swamp nicheeffects and overwhelm stochasticity, resulting in more similar parasite communities across hosts, regard-less of host species. For simplicity, no feedback loops are shown from the individual hosts back to theparasite pool, although understanding such feedbacks represents an important research priority (Fig. 2).


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theory and approaches to explicitly account forthe joint influences of dispersal and environ-mental filters. Specifically, the “offensive” ver-sus “defensive” concept developed for invasivespecies can be applied to disease management[Fig. 4; see also (73)]. Offensive strategies al-locate resources to limit the dispersal of an in-vader from established sites, whereas defensiveefforts reduce the vulnerability of uninvaded

habitats to colonization (74). Although this con-cept parallels existing epidemiological emphasison prevention versus control, its successful ap-plication requires deeper insights into whether aparasite community is dispersal-limited, niche-based, or random in its assembly (Fig. 3). Thisapproach can be used to strengthen current meth-ods of infectious disease management acrossthe gamut of multihost parasites, multisymbiont

communities, and infection heterogeneities acrossscales (Fig. 2).

Managing multihost parasites

A current pressing question is how ongoingchanges in biodiversity will affect the spreadand severity of infectious diseases (66, 75). Whendiverse communities also support species thatinterfere with transmission, such as the presence

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Noncompetent host density

Competenthost (C)

Noncompetenthost (N)

Tickpopulation (T)

R0, parasite

R0, parasite= 1

R0, tick= 1



Ticks + parasite

Ticks – no parasite



s –







st d










Box 1. The role of simple theory in disease ecology and its extension to complex communities.

The pioneering work of Anderson and May (60, 101) formalized our understanding of parasite dynamics by highlighting the importance of the basicreproductive number (R0) as a measure of whether a parasite will spread through a population (R0 > 1) or die out (R0 < 1).The fundamental principles ofthese basic models—initially developed for single host–single parasite systems—can provide insight into infection dynamics in more complex ecologicalsystems. For example, parasites often face a diverse community of potential host species that differ in abundance, susceptibility, and infectiousness.Simple extensions of basic disease ecology theory can determine the conditions under which one host species amplifies or dilutes infection risk for otherspecies in the community. For directly transmitted parasites, or even those transmitted via infective stages in the environment, theory shows that theparasite’s overall basic reproductive number among the available host community (R0,TOT) can simply be proportional to the sum of the R0 for each hostspecies alone, provided there is equal mixing within and between host species (although other relationships between the individual-level and community-level R0 values may occur if mixing is not equal) (10, 102). Hence, there is a clear connection between this more complex scenario and the classicalsingle-host theory.

This theory can be extended further for vector-borne parasites, which become complicated to model when hosts differ in their relative competenciesfor the parasite and the vector. For example, tick-borne parasites may involve a mammalian host species that is parasite-competent but cannot supporttick reproduction, as well as another mammalian species that is noncompetent for the parasite but essential for tick reproduction, as shown in thefigure. Here, there are three possible outcomes: (i) tick and parasite exclusion, (ii) tick persistence but parasite exclusion, and (iii) tick and parasitepersistence, depending on different combinations of the R0 values for the parasite (R0,parasite) and the tick (R0,tick). Ultimately, this results in outcomesthat are nonlinearly related to the density of the noncompetent host; initial increases in noncompetent host abundance (N) can cause vectoramplification, leading to increased parasite R0, whereas high N dilutes transmission through “wasted” bites on the noncompetent host (103–105).

The figure shows a model of a tick-borne parasite system with two host species, showing potential for both amplification and dilution within the samesystem. (A) Schematic diagram of the model, where one host species (C) is parasite-competent but cannot support tick reproduction, and the other (N)is noncompetent but essential for tick reproduction. This system can be described by the following equations [modified from (103–105)]:

dCp=dt ¼ ð1 − CpÞb1TI − dCCp

dT=dt ¼ ðaT − sTTÞTb3N − dTT

dTI=dt ¼ ðT − TIÞb2CCp − dTTI − TIb3N

where T is the total number of ticks (TU in the figure is the number of uninfected ticks; TI is the number of infected ticks), CP is parasite prevalencewithin C (CU in the figure is the number of uninfected hosts; CI is the number of infected hosts), b1 is the tick → C transmission rate of the parasite, b2 isthe C → tick transmission rate of the parasite, b3 is the tick → N biting rate, dC and dTare the respective mortality rates of competent hosts and ticks, aTis the tick reproduction rate, and sT is the strength of tick density dependence. (B) Phase plot of competent host (C) and noncompetent host (N)densities, showing the three regions of dynamical outcome separated by the boundaries of R0,tick = 1 and R0,parasite = 1, where R0,tick = aTb3N/dTandR0,parasite = [Cb1b2(aTb3N – dT)]/[sTb3NdC(dT + b3N)]. (C) R0,parasite as a function of noncompetent host density, showing that low host densitiesfacilitate parasite transmission due to vector amplification, whereas high host densities reduce parasite transmission through wasted tick bites. Thevertical line marked N´ (given by the value of N at which R0;tick ¼ 1þ

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ aT

p) shows the noncompetent host density at which the effect on the

parasite switches from amplification to dilution.


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of low-susceptibility hosts, predators, or sym-bionts, community structure can bemanipulateddefensively to manage infections by limiting nichesuitability (37). For example, zooprophylaxis (inwhich livestock are used as bait to divert blood-feeding arthropod vectors away from people) hasbeen proposed as a control strategy for vector-borne diseases for more than a century, but hashad limited success in some settings because in-creased livestock density can also increase vectorabundance. However, recent models on malariaand zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis indicatethat carefully chosen livestock densities coupledwith insecticide treatment can effectively reduceparasite transmission to humans (76, 77). Similar

approaches, such as intercropping and crop rota-tion, have been used successfully to reduce plantpests and parasites in agricultural systems (78).Although evidence for such dilution effects conti-nues to grow (79), the degree to which biodiver-sity will regulate infection by a particular parasitedepends on the degree to which host assembly isdeterministic, whether the parasite is niche- ordispersal-limited, and how increases in richnessaffect host and vector abundance (66).Managing host communities is also crucial to

mitigating the risk of spillover events from ani-mal reservoirs to humans. Tominimize spillover,there are several potential offensive and defen-sive approaches (Fig. 4), the choice of which will

depend on the specific biology of the hosts andvectors involved. The first option is to reduceinfection in reservoir hosts. For instance, vaccinebaits have successfully eliminated rabies fromseveral European countries through their pro-tective effects on nonhuman hosts (80). The sec-ond approach is to limit contacts betweenwildlifeand humans—for example, by reducing bushmeatconsumption and its potential to introduce novelinfections (81). In West Africa, increasing the useof alternative protein sources such asmarine fishcould relieve pressure on the bushmeat trade(82). Such approaches require tight coordinationamongmany parties, includingmedical scientists,anthropologists, and governments. Similarly, the

1259504-6 4 SEPTEMBER 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6252 sciencemag.org SCIENCE

A BDefensive

(preventing establishment)

Offensive(preventing dispersal)

Preserving biodiversity:reducing parasite risk throughintercropping, zooprophylaxis

Example: Increasing domestic animal population

(e.g. goats) to deflect human bites from Leishmania-infected sandflies

Cross-protective vaccination: reducing infection by vaccines that

provide broad protection

Example: Vaccination of humans with denguevaccines that protect against human

and sylvatic viruses

Within-host communities:restoring beneficial symbionts andenhancing symbiont antagonism

Examples:Restoring gut microbial communities

to prevent invasion by Clostridium difficile;reducing mosquito vector competence by

infection with Wolbachia

Culling/bait vaccination:reducing abundance of or disease

prevalence in reservoirs or populations

Example:Vaccinating foxes or

domestic dogs to reduce rabiesvirus prevalence in reservoir hosts

Heterogeneity:reducing effects of superspreaders

Example:Implementing sanitary burial

practices to curb Ebola spreadat traditional funerals




(iii)Reducing infectionprobability withintarget population

(ii)Reducing contact

rates amongmultiple species


prevalence insource speciesor populations

Spatial buffers:reducing interspecific transmission

and spillover

Example:Creating buffers between fruit trees

and pig sties to prevent transmission ofNipah virus from fruit bats to pigs

Border control:preventing dispersal among regions

Example:Limiting international tire trade to preventdispersal of the mosquito Ae. albopictus

Population PopulationIndividual




Region Region


Fig. 4. How community ecology can inform infectious disease manage-ment. (A) Using community ecology–based management strategies forinfectious disease. Levels of ecological organization are shown in the middle,and colored arrows indicate the ecological processes that connect these levels.Parasite dispersal connects scales going up through the hierarchy; parasite es-tablishment connects scales moving down the hierarchy. Blue arrows indicatethe relative importance of offensive strategies (preventing parasite dispersal)anddefensive strategies (preventingparasite establishment),with darker shadesreflecting greater importance. (B) Management strategies focused on reducingspillover from wildlife to humans (zoonosis) and from humans to wildlife (an-thronosis or reverse zoonosis). Probability of spillover and subsequent spreadof infection can be reduced through fourmajor strategies: (i) Controlmay focus

on reducing disease prevalence in reservoir hosts; for instance, vaccine baitshave been successfully used to eliminate rabies fromseveral European countries(80). (ii) Contact rates can be reduced between humans and wild animals (8);for example, limiting the proximity between humans and wildlife can reducespillover of human illnesses such as measles, tuberculosis, and MRSA to wild-life. (iii) Zoonotic risk can be reduced by lowering the probability of infectionwhen contact is unavoidable or unpredictable. For instance, some human den-gue vaccine candidates provide cross-protection against sylvatic dengue viruses,which naturally circulate in nonhuman primates (85). (iv) When spillover doesoccur, regional control strategies—including isolation of infected populations,dispatching of medical personnel and aid, and enhanced border control—canbe used to prevent disease transmission across borders.


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use of transmission barriers can help to limitcontact between wildlife reservoirs and domesticanimals (83, 84). The third approach is to reducethe probability of infection when contact is un-avoidable or unpredictable. Ongoing yet unpredic-table spillovers of dengue viruses from nonhumanprimates, for instance, complicate the control ofhuman disease in Southeast Asia and Africa. Oneapproach to control such infections is throughthe implementation of cross-reactive vaccines,which are currently under development (85).Whenvaccines are not yet available, as was the case forEbola virus duringmost of the 2014–2015 epidemic,reducing human-human transmission throughcontact tracing and subsequent quarantine andtreatment can help to limit epidemic spread (86).

Managing symbiont communities

Interactions among co-infecting parasites or sym-bionts can also be used as niche-based manage-ment tools (Fig. 4). For example, treating patientssuffering from lymphatic filariasis with the anti-biotic doxycycline eliminates essential symbioticbacteria required by filarial worms, ultimatelyleading to worm sterility and death (87). Resto-ration or augmentation of the microbial commu-nity within the host can also provide protectionagainst parasite invasion. For example, trans-ferring human-microbial communities by fecaltransplants often leads to clinical resolution ofintestinal pathology associated with Clostridiumdifficile infection (88). Finally, interactions amongco-infecting parasites, parasite strains, or othersymbionts can be manipulated to reduce thespread of disease-causing organisms. Long-livedparasites, such as helminths, may exacerbate dis-ease caused by co-infecting parasites, leading tocalls to incorporate deworming to improve man-agement of HIV,malaria, and TB (16, 89). In othercases, antagonistic interactions between parasitesor other symbionts may be used to benefit thehost. For instance, trials are under developmentto reduce the vector competence of mosquitoes byinfecting them with the bacterium Wolbachia,which inhibits dengue virus and filarial wormsurvival and transmission through a combinationof immune activation, competition for cellularcomponents, and shortened mosquito lifespan(90, 91). These examples emphasize the impor-tance of understanding and predicting the out-come of multiple infections, for which communityecology approaches focused on parasite traitsand resource use have already offered addedinsights (92).

Heterogeneity and scale

The disproportionate roles of particular locations,particular host species, and particular individualhosts in driving epidemics or epizootics raise thetantalizing promise of highly efficient targetedcontrol and treatment (22, 48, 50). In the Serengeti,for example, where rabies can infect up to 12 car-nivore species, domestic dogs are responsible formore than 70% of transmission events to humans(93). Annual vaccination of 60% of dogs is pro-jected to control the virus, a target that is logis-tically and economically feasible (94). During the

recent Ebola epidemic in West Africa, close con-tact between deceased patients and family orfriends during traditional burials functioned assuperspreading events (95), and implementationof “sanitary burials” that reduced such contactshelped to curb the epidemic. Thus, targeting super-spreading hosts or events is feasible when trans-mission heterogeneities are deterministic and canbe linked to measurable traits or characteristics.Ultimately, the efficacy of offensive and defen-

sive approaches will depend on whether the scaleof application is local or regional, the transmis-sion and dispersal characteristics of the parasiteinvolved, and the point in the epidemic when theintervention is initiated (73). Defensive, niche-basedmanagement strategies, ranging from vacci-nation and prophylaxis to ecological competitionby probiotic symbionts, are more likely to be ef-fectivewhenparasite dispersal is high, for parasiteswith high or unpredictable propagule pressure,and for epidemics already under way (Fig. 4). Incontrast, offensive strategies that focus on reduc-ing dispersal are more likely to succeed at commu-nity and regional scales than at individual andpopulation scales, because parasite dispersal be-tween individuals within a host population is oftenharder to control than dispersal between sites.For instance, established populations of the Asiantiger mosquito Aedes albopictus, recently linked toa large outbreak of the viral disease chikungunyaon the Indian Ocean island La Réunion (96), arealmost impossible to eliminate; however, becausemost introductions of this vector have occurredthrough the shipment of used tires, focused effortsto limit this trade offer the best potential for con-taining future spread of the vector (96).


The disciplines of epidemiology and communityecology have developed largely independently ofone another. Nonetheless, themultispecies natureof many contemporary disease threats demands acommunity-scale approach to complement moretraditional biomedical treatments. The proposedsynthesis of “disease community ecology” offersa theoretical framework and the analytical toolsto move beyond the historical emphasis on par-ticular host-parasite interactions and considerthe full suite of species that influence infectiondynamics. We have emphasized approaches fromcommunity ecology that can advance our abilitytomanage infections by (i) identifying the factorsthat govern the structure and dynamics of com-munities composed of multiple hosts, vectors, andsymbionts; (ii) isolating the drivers of heterogene-ity; and (iii) understanding how processes andpatterns link across multiple scales of biologicalorganization. For many emerging infections, com-plete eradication is unlikely to be successful, but abroader understanding of the ecological commu-nities in which host-parasite interactions are em-bedded will facilitate more effective management.Transforming this broader understanding into

practical disease management requires tight inte-gration of surveillance, community ecology analy-sis, and public health implementation (97) (Fig. 4).Ongoing technological advances are rapidly over-

coming previous barriers in data quality andquantity, highlighting emerging opportunities toincorporate approaches from community ecol-ogy into existing disease research and to evaluatethe factors driving the structure and dynamics ofnatural disease systems. Combining analyses ofthese high-resolution data with modeling ap-proaches and large-scale manipulations of host-parasite interactions—similar to the foundationalexperiments from community ecology (67)—offersexcellent opportunities for developing a deeperunderstanding of the processes underlying diseaseemergence and control. To date, there have beensome practical successes that follow this broadapproach. For example, following the observa-tion of five dead howler monkeys—a key host foryellow fever virus—a collaborative effort betweenthe U.S. Agency for International Development(USAID) PREDICT program and the Boliviangovernment led to rapid implementation of humanvaccination and mosquito control in the affectedarea (98). Similarly, increased use of buffer zonesbetween fruit trees and livestock housing has beeneffectively used in Malaysia to reduce Nipah virustransmission into pigs and the risks of humanoutbreaks (83), while electrified fences in KrugerNational Park have helped limit contact betweenbovine TB–infected wildlife and cattle in sur-rounding areas (84). Such scenarios demonstratehow a broader appreciation for the epidemiolog-ical links among humans, domestic animals, andwildlife can promote disease community ecologyas a discipline and result in more effective con-trol of disease risk in ecological communities.


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For discussions and feedback helpful in shaping the manuscript,we thank S. Altizer, D. Calhoun, G. Devevey, I. Doron, S. Haas,K. Hoang, B. Hoye, M. Joseph, J. Koprivnikar, T. McDevitt-Galles,J. Mihaljevic, A. Pedersen, O. Petchey, A. Pierce, D. Preston,Y. Springer, W. Stutz, L. Tao, S. White, and members of theMacroecology of Infectious Disease Research CoordinationNetwork (funded by NSF/NIH/USDA DEB 131223). Supported byNSF grant DEB-1149308 and NIH grant R01GM109499 (P.T.J.J.),NSF grant DEB-1257160 and NIH grant R01GM109501 (J.C.d.R.),and UK Natural Environment Research Council grants NE/G006830/1and NE/I024038/1 (A.F.).


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Page 11: Community ecology aims to Why infectious disease research ...from multispecies, multiscale disease threats. ADVANCES: Community ecology aims to identify the factors that govern the

Why infectious disease research needs community ecologyPieter T. J. Johnson, Jacobus C. de Roode and Andy Fenton

DOI: 10.1126/science.1259504 (6252), 1259504.349Science 

, this issue 10.1126/science.1259504Scienceall issues that are also essential for disease specialists to understand.−−assemblages

communities change through time and to probe the heterogeneity that characterizes individuals, species, and change with spatial scale in multispecies communities. These techniques are used to monitor the ways in which

analyzed by community ecologists. Ecologists have the investigative tools to probe cause and effect relationships that review how such complexity is et al.but pathogens often have complex life cycles involving many hosts. Johnson

one-pathogen relationships,−The tools we use to investigate infectious diseases tend to focus on specific one-hostBringing ecology to infection

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