'T1fE IAMIOO 'EO'LI' How Chuman chose the title LOS ANGELES-Frank Cbu- man, aulbor of " Bamboo Peo- Vtl>Ialned Ibe tlUe of bIs lint book all PIIlUleant Iqal eases involv- m. Ibe JapanHe in Amerlea, .... based on a classic tor centuries by poets of China and Japan . crlmlnaUons Ibey taced ' lbe Bamboo People' s howed Ibelr strength aDd constancy, a res- U1ence lUre Ibe bamboo tree, u one wlU c:oaclude aItu Ibe book," he said. Twin Cities gear for nat'l JAYS assembly PACIFI ITIZE Tbe cover will feature a bamboo IITOV", of coune, Cbu- man continued , credltlni It to a pbotorraph taken by Ta- kama ST. PAUL, ?lInn-The "JAY. OIJ",over Amcrlca" 01 the Sixth BiennIal National J a- panese American You t h s (JAYS) ConvenUon, 10 b. held on Aua. 10-15. Firal Night and rcee ti me activities, 01 well 01 "Ama- teur NI.ht ", will be held In the new Concordia Colloae Union (CCU). Tho CCU lJ built on three brightl y-color- ed levels, and Includes pool and ping pong tables nod pin- ball mochlne •. VOL, 82 NO. 13 CIT.ltNS LfAQut FRlDAY, APRIL 2, 1976 IU_.llon Rat. ".. v ... U.. ..,. '.,011D til 16 CENTS In midst of ccmpUlni Ibe Indn to his SOO-J)al" book due to be publlsbed May 1& by Publlsber's of San DI- ,,0. Cbuman noted Ibe bam- boo bends but "''On't break ID a stonn. IsseI were like tbaL Wulberin, Ibe dll- Usted al $1295, a special SI095 ofter to the Japanese Am"rlcan community will be announced by the JACL-.Ta- panese Amedean Project , wblch commissioned Chuman to wri te the book, The theme describe. the main activities ot the conven- tion, which will center on the Asian community In the UnIt- ed States. Regional dlfterences will be seen and discussed. The Twin CIUu JAY. will receive help trom the ""-nlor odvlsory board , who ottends meetings ond ofter th.lr h.lp thrcuah sUlllestions a nd opin- Ions. Five-Day Event The convention has been lenethened to fiv c days In or- d.r to allow for 0 le sa tight schedul e. Volleyboll nod le n- nl s tournament.!, tours or the Twln Cltle orea and a poe- sIble riverboat ltlp down the MississIppi Ri ver are belna planned. ·Tokyo Rose' accusers told to lie .. OM JACL NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS COMMUNICATIONS Iva Toguri Committee A late addition was the Msr. 22 Chlcaao Tribune article by Ronald Yates, Its Far East corres ponden t, neadllned : ' 'U S. Told Us to Ue---uy To- kyo Rcse accuse.rs.'" It was reported 4,000 copies of the J ACL bookle\. "Iva TOiuri-Victlm of a Le,end", had been distributed. Sample resolutions In support of the Presidential pardon have beflt malled to the National Board and all Chapters and In!orma- tlon packets were sent to AaI- on American lecLslators. Committee beard an "Orph- an Ann " broadcast recorded on board ship In the Paclllc durlnl the summer ot IIM4 and tound It to be very Donations trom the Pacltle Northwest DlJtrlct Co u n e 11 and Ibe tollowln, chapterl .cknowledaed: norin. S .. aHle, Contra Colla. San JOM nd S&n J"ranc1aco. It wu also reported T-P Preductlons Is a TV speclaJ on the Iva To.url cue. Nat'l Biennium Awards Deadlines tor n.tlonal lion and two olIver medallions J ACL ..... rds 10 be cont"rred tor the latter and single gold at the Sacramento convention medallion for the JACLer ot were anncunced by national the Biennium. Also assistlna the Twin CIties chapter people trom tbe Midwest Dis trict Youth Council (?IDYC) omces In Chlcaao Tom H1blno Is help- Ing with general convention pl annlne. Cat h y H1ronoko (MOYC) Progl1\m ot Day- ton Is workIng on programs with Ed Sako, committee chairman In the Twin CIties. Bob Solomon I. se iling up amateur nIlhl, the convention talent sbow. All th.ree made recent visits to the Twin CIties. Fund-raisers tor the con- venUon h.re are a n.wspaper drive on April 3 and 0 gar- age sa l. on April 24-25. Sweetbreod was sold 10 help meet Conv. ntlon Committee expcnses Involved In attend- Ing the SI. Louis workshop on Interracial datlna March 26-27. Any Q u.sUons concerning Ibe Notional JAYS , Conven- tion may be di rec ted to: Matt Abe. 9824 VJneent Road. Bloomln(ton. Minn. 55431 CHICAGO - Key Japoneae wltn sea In the "Tokyo Rosc" trlnl WCre Interviewed by Chi- c gO Tribune'. For EDIt COr- re,pondent Ronald Yotcs, tell- Ing him It WM tho lint time tb ey hod talked to the preas about their rol es In her con- viction. His Iwo-part report apP.ared In the Mar, 22 and 23 edilloru ond carried over It.! O'\\'n wire ..,rv lces. Yates tound tormer key pr aocutlon wltness.s odmlt- tI' l{ to hIm th.y were rorced t tell halt-truths and wlth- h Id vital Inrormatlon at the 1019 San Franclseo tri al ot Iva TOllurl d'AQulno, S9, tor her Radio Tokyo b roadcast.! b.am- ed at American GIa the gov- m.nt held """asonsbl •. Yotes Also Int.rvlewed Fe- li Pe d' AQulno, 64, his first In 20 years, who said his wife was just a handy u.capegoat" sacrlftced by the government In attempt to ,atl.fy postwar batred. The Tokyo dispatch men- tions the names of Shlgeml- tail Tsunelahl, former Ueuten- ant colonel In the J apanes. Army who was cblef ot war- time propallanda broadcasts ; Kenklchl Okl, 69, who was production manager of Ibe Zero Hour (In which Togurl was among a dozen women announcers of a IS-minute music sell'1\ent); Geer,e MI- tausblo, 71, proaram director for Radlo Tokyo's Engllsb I an g u a a e broadcaata ; and Utah-born Teruo Ozasa, S4, who worked as the sound en- lineer and wbo WM In the atudlo for almoo 80 per cent of Iva's broadcasts. president Sblaekl SallYam.. Nomlnatloll5 for the Bten- They are: nlum Awards are .ubmltted May 21-G e 0 r. e In •• aId by chapten throuah district Award for the Chapter 6t the councils. Guidelines accom- panled the nomlnationa forms Kay 21 - Japanese Amer- wblch were malled to chap- Sketch bJ' Karen Wendy Yoshimura-Mar. 8, 1976 Wllne. Unnamed But Yates dces not ascrIbe who sai d, "We were told wbat to say and wbat not to say two hours every morning for a month before the trial sta"" eel Even theugh I waa a gov- lean of Ibe Btennlum. ters this past week. June 8-Dr. Randolpb SIt- Nominations fo.- JACLer of Itad. Memorial AWArd tor JA- the Biennium exclude mem- CLer of the B1enntum. ben of the JACL ExecuUve One search illegal INAGAKI AWARD carries Committee, wblch wU1 sit /ill By LEE RUTl'LE a $500 8rst prhe and ,100 to thtinectijoUnddnbetwa eepann thele' twThoeBldlsen: (Spoel&l to The P.c. tac: Cillun) the District Councll ot the OAKLAND, CalIt.-The pre- wfnnln« chapter and tw(7 floo nlum Awards II In the area trial hearings In the Wendy !'.onorable mention awards, the ot recoanltlon - the JACLer Yoshimura case since the first presentatlcn ba.oed on 1Ub- aolna to the person week of March bave primarl- million of reporta ot chapter who has contributed the Iy deoIlt wllb challenges by actIvftle. encompaa'na cltl- most to the strenath and delense to discredit several zenohlp-type JWOlfamL The .,.owth of dur1ng the seareh warrants Issued In VenIce-Culver JACL, borne 1974-76 biennium. and JA of wake of the discovery and chapter of .the 1n the Blennilun awar\l reserved conftscatlon of explosives I\JllS wht!te _ the .warda are for tha penoca who bave COD- and ether material in the gar- m.de, .dmln1aten the Inapld trlbuted Immeuurably toward aae located at 257S LeConte Fund. the purpo- of the oraaniza- Ave Berkeley THE BIEHN1UJ4 .ward. tor tlon In the public realm ruch" . ouutandln. JACLer and u community leaderabip or Superior Court Judge Mar- Japaneae AmerIcan for lead- achievement 1n tin Pullch last week (Mar. 25) eublp and achievement c:on- a ot endeavor earn.tne ruled on defen!" motions con- .Ist or the JACL acId medal- national acclaim. testing the following warrants : I CHAPTER SPIRIT San Francisco JACL Brinl'n, the community clo_ to ch.pter II often a yery dllllcult problem. It Is b.rd to Incorporate a prol1'am that can help everyone. San Fnndaco JACL baa .tatted a procram th.t bu lemethln, lor everyone, and lJ an Im- mcnee help to Ibe community , n. San Francisco JACL Ccrnmlttee cn Servlta Is a counselln. prol1'.m with peG- ple-to-pecple d' merulon •. Peer <ounselln, lJ not jUit • type of ceunaelln, that IImIII ltaeU to one ll'Cup, peer toUJllellni .. tor .Il pecple. San Fran- tlleo'. proaram draw. In com- munity members who are trained In hum.n rel.tloru . By lIeIn. a of the com- munIty, It J.. easier to rel.te to the problem. that occur, The Ccmmlttee on Services be,an In Ibe early p.rt ot thlJ ,ear. It hu been a prol1'am that I. I.rlou.ly needed In the Japanese American commu- nity of San I'r.nclsco. Coun- seicri .re bllln,ual, ofter help to children, l.m'lIe' t the aJ- doorly, and to Indlvlauall All rKorda kept conlldenU.l, .nd Mrvlc. Is Iree. da cba1red the event, broulht t? the race track, and treated them to a buftet dlnner and lots of excitement. Comln. up In June of thla year, the chapter will bost Its annual Olymp!cs tor Youth. M<'ney ralaed at this event also .ces toward. ycuth ICbol- .rships, and allows Astan you\ha to demon- .1.rte their athletic ablUties. &b Fujioka and Steve Tera- oka ere the organizers tor thla year'. Olymplca. Activit'.,. tor the luel in- clude an outlna to An.el is- land Park. trips to parks, and Ice Poilles. It really lives many I .. a chance to enjoy Ute and be with others of . 1m1lar Interestl. Some of the cn-Ioln. pro- Iram. . aponacred by the chap- ter lnclude : a chapter blood bank, chaired by Ya. Ablko; cc mmunlty educaUon, headed by Oall Uyebara ; the Cherry Blcuom Festival, or.anlzed thlJ year by Grea Marutanl ; .nd Civil Rlahtl headed by Jan :Vanehlro, I-Th.e warrant of April 6, 1972 for entry and searcb at 330 Athol St., Oakland, occu- pied by WLWam Brandt and "Gwen James", was illegal en- try. 2-Entry of the garaae at 2575 LeConle was legal 3-Entry of the apartment at 450 - 60th St., Oakland, was leaal. 4-Entry ot the apartm.nt at 5701 Sbattuek Av • ., Oak- land, was legal . Milwaukee 10 hosl nexl MDC meet, DC elecllon sel MILWAUKEE, Wis. - The Midwest District Council wUl discuss matters to be raised at the NaUonal Convention at Its April 9-11 sprlne meeting being hcsted by Milwaukee J ACL at the International In- .Utute. There will be an election of dis trict cfficers. Del.gates will meet intormally on Friday at Holiday Inn Midtown, whll. the rcaular sessions at Inter- naUona! Institute start at 10 a.m. both Saturday and Sun- day. The MOC Saturd ay rup- per at 8 p.rn. at Holiday Inn I. cpen to chapter members at $7 per person. ernment witness against her, I 5-Search and seizure of can say today that Iva Toaurl the Volkswagen, registered to d'Aquino was Wendy's fath.r, on the street Dever did anything treason- at the LeConte addres.s wu .bl .... The same witness pre- legal . taced his remarks by saying, Tbe jud.e said pollce In- specter Michael O'!{eete only had an arrest warrant wben h. enter.d MIss Yoshimura's apartment wIth a passk.y in April, 1972, suspecting sbe wu there but that It did 'not justlly his search. The search uncovered a .22 automatic pis- tol, ammunition for a 30-cal. carbine and 32-cal. pistol. Tbese Items, th.retore, have been excluded as evidence In the forthc:omlng trial on Wen- dy's possession ot illegal ex- plosives. Earlier, Berkeley pollce had bad no choice. U.S, Oc- paUen Army police came d told me I bad no choIce t to testify against Iva or se." Other witnesses told Yates FBI and ts If they dldn t "do what we were told". Two of them to of government witnesses being bribed by Am.rican ot- flc:IaIs to give harmtul testl- nu:lIl3'. The witnesses asked not to be Identifled but Tsun"shl, Ok! and Mltsushlo were Mrs. d'Aqulno's superiors from No- vember, 1943, to July, 1945, Continued on P.,e 5 when she read the scripts pre- SEATTLE JACL COMMITTEE STARTED MOVE TO ELIMINATE E.O. 9066 SEATTLE, Wash.-It was the Seattl. JACL Evacuation Re- dress CommIttee which start- ed the ball rol1lng toward hav- lng President Ford sign the Presid.ntlal Proclamation eliminating Executive Order 9066 of 1942. Last August, Phil Hayasaka, th.n executlv. dlr.ctor ot the Seattle Human Rights Del'\., and former secretary to the Governor, Ruth Yoneyama, laid the groundwork lor the Initial meeting or redress committee m.mbers with the ex.cutlve assIstant to Gov. Daniel Evans ! Jim Dolliver, The three JACL.rs meeUng with Dolliver were Henry MI- yatake. Tom Kolzuml and Ken Nakano. Gov. Evans then made con- tact with the White House with Dolliver making at least two trips to Washington to consult with the White House I.gal counsel and an admln- istratlvc assista nt to the Pres - Ident. Dolliver also cODsulted with Kaz Osblkl, admlnistra- t' ve assistant to R.p. Robert K.stenmel.r (D-WIs.). It was determlned that th. Pl'OClamation be prepared In time of the anniversary date (Feb. (9). Mitch Matsudalra, dlrecinr of the Washington State Com- mission on Asian Affalrs, also had a key rol. in Ibe prep- aration and was subsequent - ly Invited by the WbIte House to attend Ihe signing cere- mony . Tbe Pacific Northw.st Dis- trlct Councll ftrst passed the ,esolutlon requesting nullifica- tion ot ExecuUve Order 9066. Subsequently, over 140 letters were sent trom chapters and olllcers requcsti ng the Pres- Ident to remove E.O. 9066. The rest Is hlslory as President Ford signed Presidential Pro- clamaUon 4417 on Feb. 19 to fo ,molly lIit Ihe executive order which tound 110,000 Japanese Americans removed to Inland camps In 1942. pored by POW" Au.- trallan Maj, Chorle. E Cous- ens, then 40, who recru ited Iva o.a the announcer; Amer- Ican Copt . Wallace "Ted" Ince, 31; and Philippine Lt. Norman and' Mluushlo are California-born but eventually became Japanese citizens, J(ve In Tokyo and are . uccessrul bu.lneumen . (Okl hall. rrom Sacramento and played toot- boll rcr New York Unlvefllty In the l atc 1930.. Mltaushlo was using his .teptother's name Nakamoto and Was Eng- lI.h secUon editor or the Rafu Sh'mpo abc ut the same time betor. Ibe war. ) TsunelJhl, now In re tire- ment and living In Sblkoku, maintains the Zero Hour ahow was regarded as inefficient as propa.anda by the wartime governm.nb. Complete To. rnaboot There'. nCo love In e!'Aqui- no'. voice, Yate. " Y', .. hen h. .peau of thoae who m.y h.ve made money teJtllyln. apln.t hi. wlte he hal not Men the ltlal 27 yea .. ICO. Both .re Catholic and neither haa remarrfed. noted It was not ror d' AquIno to thlnl< about Tva, their .hrrl Ute \I),ether In wartime Tokyo. the lesl bomblnl nld., the fO,- ale tor fced ane! ck thin" the baby which died, the hopea or lite alter the war. Aeked IJ he'd like to see her 'Uln, d' AQuino paUlC!d for • me>- ment: "After all th_ yeam It aU e!ependa. You know 1 haven't _n her for- almOfl 30 year.. An exc:hanae of trlendly worda mllht not hurt, . , "You know It hal been a Photo of Iva Tocorl bJ' lon, Ume and rcelln" chanae. UP!'. Foil ... It appeared In The lUI time I heard rrom Yates Quoted on. ot Iva'. tbe Ka.ho Malnlchl her wu In 1856, I Cu.etI. We s uperlor9: " Iva never made a uud to correspond about 0Me lreuonable broadcast In ber a month whOe the waa In Ille. She got a raw deaJ-.he II wu In those skits," Ozasa prllon. I wanted to keep up was rallrcaded into jall." Such teels.. ber morale. But then It stop- stateme nts, Yates pointed out, Another proaram pod; It all _me<! 10 bcpeleu, ::d:ea'f"J;! ::::r;hl: lng from the same bulldlna at and I aUd'S I hat lOt fed led to conviction. the same hour Was the BIno- up with the whote thin .... Both and Okl maru Hour, which had seven He I. not lUre whelber be American POWs wbo read would want to rilk Imprilon- testified not only that they <tatements deslaned to de- ment or more harassment by saw Mra. d'Aqulno commit moralize American troopa. retumJng to the U.s . to Me overt acts ot treason, but that recalled, Iva though be would to tn- they ordered her to commit Ozasa and ' other wltneaes t1!y If Ibere were a new trbl. Ihem. Today they say that IJ a dded there were at least nine Arcumenta with Nbel not true, Yates reports. other atatlons throughout AIla "I'v. heard Iva Is very that were broadcasting propa- He well relllflDbera Iva's ter abcut our testimony," one .anda to American GI. un - pro-American araumentl with of her former accusers sald. der the name Zero Hour. 0 th e r Japanese Americana "I understand her bltterneu Many were tranlCribed 1n To- who had turned pro-Japanese. and I teel she ba. a right to kyo and rebroadcast at other white abe wu workine w:th feel tha t way. I just wlah I hours. Demel News Agency. All thoae had the opportunity to talk araument. forced her to QuIt with Iva and tell her why we P1.lr lor USA Demel and abe Iben landed had to do It." Yates concluded bls lint a clerical job In AulUl!, 194.3, It was tear, Yates contlnu- part Quatlng an unnam.d at Radln Tokyo. A few montha ed . Whll. the IUe of one small ness: later abe was recruited to be wcman was sabotaged, at least "We all llked Iva and at a Zero Hcur announcer a dcwn ether Japanese Amer- 8rat w. all wanted to bell' Y.tes parenlbetlcally notes Ican wcmen who did the same her. But we were not alIow- Iva never UIC!d Ibe epithet-- thlna Iva did were allowed ed to te\J the whole sinry at Tokyo Rest, and referred to:> to go tree as none ot the oth- the trial-just those parts the benelt aa uOrpban Ann w er women were brouaht to prosecution telt could damage ("ann" <landln, tor u anoune_ tzlal. her. It wu very trustratlna. er" in the acript). D'AQulno Yates further explaJned that And the real Irony ot It waa told Y.tes ber bein. In ton- thousands of Nisei In the U.S. that out of all the dozen or so tact wllb the American POW. prewar In an attempt to es- Japanese Am.ricans ' workin, " made her feel at cape racl<m went to J apa n to for the Zero Hcur, Iva was There Is even 1_ affection take well-paying jobs wbleh Ihe only on. wbo bad enough In d'Mulno's voice wben be required a native speaker's guts to keep ber American recalled bIs firsl trip to the command o! Engllsh. When cltlzensbip alter the war U.S. In 1949 Upon llebarka- w .... brok6- In mo&"-encled:-It was thn lIair for tlon In Seattle, he ...... de- were atrald 10 be repatriated patriOtism that proved ber tah.ecl by the FBI and 1mmI- hrme for fear ot, belng 1ntun- downfall" &ration se.rvIee. When they ed In the camp as thousands were told be b.d come to tes- of Japanese Americans were Felipe d'AQulno, wbo wu tlfy at bIs w1ie's trial they at Ibe time. After the war, emplcyed by Domel News said wouldn't be allowed they w.re 'Qually afraid to Agency to monitor Engllsh to unless be signed a paper -as being pro- languaae broadcasts, 0 f ten saying "I would never retu:m checked the Zero Hour. Born u. the U.S." ' Gollly' Fedlnl' Today In Yokobama of a Portuguese Kept In jail on the suspicion On. NIsei who testl8ed at father and 11 Japanese mother, of bei.ni an lllegal immJgrant the trial told Yates: "The be Is teday a copy editor for and harassed tor two days, pcstwar s entiment aaalnst Ja- an EnglIsb-languag. newspa- d 'Aqulno ftnally signed that pan ... and against Americans per in Tokyo, "I never beard dubious paper. of Japanese anc'estrY was Ire- ber say anythlna treasonous. IIarried ID lM5 mendous. We were told that When be lim met Iva, she if we didn 't cocp.rate, Uncle she said over the was "a typical Sam m'ght arrange a trial for Amerl ba 1··_...... d us too. All of us could see how air. Why weren't they prose- can. ppY-J!D-......." an easy It was tor a. mammoth culed atter the war?" nM at all", and they country like the United States Yates recaJls all were ex- J!,: to crucl!y a Japanese Amer- enerated and given promo- lnll the Golden Gate In '48-, Ican-a\J we had to do was tions by their .ovemments. d' Aaulno recalled . But the Ic('k at Iva. So we ' cooper- Inre even testified at Iva's I dashed th Oe- ated' and we did what we trial and told the court she b: In e 1945 were lold and now many of had entered Into a on suspicion of bavina com- us have guilty consciences be- with the POWs to sabotage mlted treas.." and released a ca use ot It." the Zero Hour but pral.led ber year later when a U.s. attor- Ozasa t"ld Yat.s "a lot of 'for aidlng POWs. ney in Los Angelu concluded p.ople who testifted against the mythical "Tokyo Rose was Iva did It to save their own a ccmpcslte ot several dlf!er- necks". Ozasa ted ay Is assls t- Banna' cleared of ent women". ont to the secretary general of I "You know:' d' AQuino said the Asian Broadcasting Union. In wrapplng up the 1nten1ew, He had testill.d' cn bebalt of "a lot of people said her '!iIt!!IJ Iva via d.pO&ltIon . election charges vrlce' had taunted Ammean Ozasa recall.d the Zero II GIs In the That proves Hour ran sev.n days a week they must bave been thinking trom 6 to 7 p.m. Program or <ameone else because Iva's epened with an a nnouncem.nt LOS ANGELES - Th. state \'olre sounded Ilke Molly's on of what was to tome, lollow- F air Political PracUces Cop>- the Fibber McGee and MolJ.y .d by 10 to 15 minutes of mission has cleared four state show. Believe me Iva was news; Iva's spot ot 15 minutes l.gIsIators, includlng Oar- the t\lrthest Ib;ng from a siren from 6:20 wllb popular music, den a's Assemblyman Paul you cculd Imagine and I guess commentary written and read Bannai, ot wrongdoing in th.ir that's wby sh. n.ver by Cousens, Inre or R.yes at acceptan ce ot $1 ,000 each for Ibcught about being arrested 6:35, semi _ classical m us I c <pea king at a medical semi- when the war ended and the from 6:40 wIth another weman nar here lasl October. American army arrived. Sh. anncuncer: and news or skit The commission held they '!ever thought she bad done. OoDtlnued 0Jl Nut (which Iva never participated had done ncthlng wrODg In In) at 6:55. "' It the re was ever acc.pting the fee for speaking any propaganda on Zero Hour, at the ClIlIt. Medical Assn. DETROIT READERS SOUND Idore Intormatlon m.y be obtained .bout the counlcllnl pro. ram by wrlUnl the San Francisco JACL, p, 0, Box 22415, S.n FnncllCo TM chapUr II Involved In many other .ctlvfUe. lor Ita memben ReunUy when the ch.pUr held Nlte .t the Rac .. , money w •• ralJod tor ,oulll IChol.rshlp •. Henry Ike- One of the lar.est events ot the year IJ the Cherry BIOI- 10m Festival, beln. held Apr. IS-18 and 22- 25 at the Japan T r.de Center. The San J'ran- cllCO chapter and NCWN DI.- trlct Council are aponlOrln. a noat tor the parade. San FranclJco hu many membe ... who .re Involved In ccmmunl ty octlvftle •. Jan Ya- neblro, cb.pter I' u b II cit y chalrpetlon I. e mployed by a m.jor radio '!aUon a. a Pub- lic Aft.l" peraon, Steve and We. Dol .re brothers who are very Involved In JACL and community prOl:r.nu. Th. chapter invites MOC deleaate. to attend Its .pring at Inouye speculates on Brown's bid 1,000 was given as an bonor- OfF ON TOGtJRI ISSUE orlum for his appearance and a == DETROIT - De t r 0 I t Free able Income. =s 2::: 'FTM' commentary SAH FRAHCJSCO - The 81' , c.nter tor Japanese Amaric.n Studies, P.O Box 88345 S.n rr.r.elaco I 09, II plann{n. to compile wrltlM commentl and r."lew. to tha John Korty producUon of "Farewell To llanzan," Conltlbutlon. ara lO11clt.t4 'J'h. 111m waa Ihown .t Itl Mar 18 meelln .. Membership tor Snn Fran- elJco JACL I. headed by Yo flIronaka DUel are $15 . In- II .. , and $27 couples, More InrormaUon .. a v. II a b I e throulh Yo .t 55 Collin. St ' l San Fc.nc'ICO or cal (415) 752-2257. A proud 12 weeks 'til legacy rf) 24th 8ienni.1 N.tll JACL Convention June 21-26, 1976 S.cr.mento l C.Uf. fOt InfOtmatJofl, 8act1lntll1O JACI. ,.0 Box 22563, Sacr.rMlllO 85822 Kanamine named for brig. general W ASHINOTON - Col . Theo- dGre S. Kanamln., provost marsh al at Ft . McPhenon, 00 " waa ameng 53 nominated by PresIdent Ford In mld- M.roh lor brl,adle.· laneral. Accerdln. to tho Army Time., Karuunlne will probabl y be the nnt Japoncte American lencro l on "active" duty. Brl •. Ocn .-d •• lgnate Kano- m'ne will be re.wlned to Eu- cepe to command the 15th Military Police Brliinde And be provo.t ma .. hal ot U.S. Army &uropel7th Army, (The Hawallan Army Na- Uenal Ouard hili been com- manded lIy two Nllel ot th o ,,<'neral officer .,..do. Brill. Oen. Francl. S. Takemoto ro- celved hi. I1ar In Deeomber, 1963, Brla Gen Edward M. Yoahlmaau received hi. .tar In March . 1871 ,) FRESNO, Callf. -Ir Cautornla Gov. "J erry" Brown Is seri- ous about running tor the presidency, he should .nte .. more than the California pri- mary, nccordlng to Sen. Dan- Iel In ouye (D-Hawoll), who wa s h ere Mar. 13 to speak on "Asian American Inftuences In Amcrlcnn Politics" at Califor- nia State Unlve. sl ty at Fresno. Speak1ng with F resno Bee . tafT writer Oene Kuhn (who often covers the Japan.se Ame .. lcon scene), Inouye sold Brown will mnke a .. ftn e can- didate" but en t ering other prlmarle. wou ld convince del- egutes to lhe Jul y convenUon that ho Is mora th an a "fav- orite .on", In ouye, who was keynote .peaker at the 1968 national Otmecrntlc nomination. con- vention, predicted the 1976 convention will be " wid e Op(!n" and Ihllt Brown would be "considered aerlou. ly" . Inouye pl nn. to .tay close to tho Howall . tate delegati on which hOI d elded to go un - committed, N ror Q SUCCCllor to Sen. Mike Man sft eld, Senale Ma- jMlty Leade .. , Inouye believes It Is tco early to pick 0 rront- runner. As osslstont majority whip, Inou ye said he Is up lor the No. 3 p<'s ltlon as SeC- re tary and admitted as now he 10 un oppos.d. Rep. Norman Mlnclo ( D- CaJit.) , In Wash ington, this poot week (Mor. 25) nnnounc- ed his s uppor1 ror Brown . " The Ge v.rnor's unique and cftectlve sty lc or l eadership, coupled with his harsh view 01 the perrormance of govern- men t a. nerolly, will serve to a thorough nod Inrorm- atlve ' primary ca mp aign In Cn ll!ornla and the national co nvcntl rn In New York," MI- neta sai d. Ethni c Politi cs In his talk at Fresno Stale, <c lobrotlng Its nnnuol Aslon Amerlcon Week, Inouye said Hawoll's experience In ethnic politics. Is a constant so urce of I ICl notion cspeclolly to stu- dents ot polltlCl and govorn- ment outside the Is lond com- muni ty . Noting that the four major Asian AmerIcan groups--J'a- The Fair PollUcAl Practices 3 aaaJnst PresIdent Ford par- panese, Filipino, Chinese a nd Commisslcn "Is g.tting to be doning 1\ ", Toguri. The ques - Kor<'an-constitute nearty 30 Iik. the CIA the way it's In- Uon was: por cent or H owAll's popuJa- vest;gatlng everyhlng," Bannai "A J a I' an e s. American tlcn as cempared to 21 per was Quc ted . group Is asking President Ford c.nt Caucasian , " 10 this day to pardcn Iva Toaurl d'AQulno Howall has Mt seen 8 work- LAST CALL., CONFAB (Tokyo Rose), who spent sI..,,< lng, orgonlzed Asian cooll- y.ars In jail and lest ber U.S. BOOKLET ADS DUE Crom deep- !eoted em 0 t ion s World War II. Do you tblnk s t II I pr.valent throughout SACRAMENTO, Call1.-Most Tokyo Rose sbould be par- much of AsIa". or the JACL chapt.rs dcned'" As ror Asian American e xpected to have to turned In Tbe was 71.7 pc UNo" political activity In the future the greetings and advertising Qnd 28.3 pet. "Yes", Readers in Rowoll, despite predictions rcr the JACL Convent'on telephone in Ibelr vote with of a white majority In the uv.nlr bookl.t by the time ccmments. Selected comments coming decade, I nouy. con- this nits print , convenUon published were: ceded the shltt may occur but beoklet chairmon Jce lsbthara did 100 much damqe "011 01 US have had n t asle ,emlnd.d. . .. She knew what she wu do- ot pOlitics ond it Is unlikely "Th. due date hos tom. and wo;;.d .. we will return to a position gone, but It shouldn't st op . . _'tor. ot Inactivity, either self-Im- choplers \ hleh have some to tnll.r ••• She ber bod. posed or torced from the out- submit them today," Ishthara Lol hOI' \.ly In It ••• World War n sldc". sold. Proceeds ,0 toward ... While A s I a n Americans keeping the ronvent.ion costs hove stnbll shed n credlblp down fer delegnles. The ads .., 10 laU aad lhal w" _ ..... recc.d us political leaders II\, be sent to. all. 10 II.P h... ADler- Huwall. lr.ouye tell political lmtharA. Sacr&rnt'nto JA· 'for' :;::; activity omon", Asian Amer- ;s.';;'2. PO Do 22$83. sacramento . . Ire su.pposNl to be teans on the Mntnland " prom- oompass1oDate people ... All our Iscs to continue" nnd added other formn e.nemJcs wt.re tor- that "It promises to expand Send Us C li pp ings from aft .. i> ond "row as well" Your Hometown Papers bor. She had DO <hot ...

COMMUNICATIONS...atudlo for almoo 80 per cent president Sblaekl SallYam.. Nomlnatloll5 for the Bten- of Iva's broadcasts. They are: nlum Awards are .ubmltted May 21-G e 0 r. e In ••

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  • 'T1fE IAMIOO 'EO'LI'

    How Chuman chose the title LOS ANGELES-Frank Cbu-man, aulbor of "Bamboo Peo-pl~", Vtl>Ialned Ibe tlUe of bIs lint book ~vl~""in. all Ib~ PIIlUleant Iqal eases involv-m. Ibe JapanHe in Amerlea, .... based on a classic p~se ~ tor centuries by Ib~ poets of China and Japan.

    crlmlnaUons Ibey taced ' lbe Bamboo People' showed Ibelr strength aDd constancy, a res-U1ence lUre Ibe bamboo tree, u one wlU c:oaclude aItu ~adlnl Ibe book," he said.

    Twin Cities gear for nat'l JAYS assembly PACIFI ITIZE

    Tbe cover will feature a bamboo IITOV", of coune, Cbu-man continued, credltlni It to a pbotorraph taken by Ta-kama

    ST. PAUL, ?lInn-The "JAY. OIJ",over Amcrlca" 01 the Sixth BiennIal National J a-panese • American You t h s (JAYS) ConvenUon, 10 b. held he ~ on Aua. 10-15.

    Firal Night and rcee time activities, 01 well 01 "Ama-teur NI.ht", will be held In the new Concordia Colloae Union (CCU) . Tho CCU lJ built on three brightly-color-ed levels, and Includes pool and ping pong tables nod pin-ball mochlne •.

    VOL, 82 NO. 13

    CIT.ltNS LfAQut

    FRlDAY, APRIL 2, 1976 IU_.llon Rat. ".. v ... U.. ..,. '.,011D til 16 CENTS

    In Ib~ midst of ccmpUlni Ibe Indn to his SOO-J)al" book due to be publlsbed May 1& by Publlsber's In~ of San DI-,,0. Cbuman noted Ibe bam-boo bends but "''On't break ID a stonn. "Tb~ IsseI were like tbaL Wulberin, Ibe dll-

    Usted al $1295, a special SI095 ofter to the Japanese Am"rlcan community will be announced by the JACL-.Ta-panese Amedean R ~arch Project, wblch commissioned Chuman to wri te the book,

    The theme describe. the main activities ot the conven-tion, which will center on the Asian community In the UnIt-ed States. Regional dlfterences will be seen and discussed.

    The Twin CIUu JAY. will receive help trom the ""-nlor odvlsory board, who ottends meetings ond ofter th.lr h.lp thrcuah sUlllestions and opin-Ions.

    Five-Day Event

    The convention has been lenethened to fivc days In or-d.r to allow for 0 lesa tight schedule. Volleyboll nod len-nls tournament.!, tours or the Twln Cltle orea and a poe-sIble riverboat ltlp down the MississIppi River are belna planned.

    ·Tokyo Rose' accusers told to lie .. OM JACL NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS


    Iva Toguri Committee A late addition was the Msr.

    22 Chlcaao Tribune article by Ronald Yates, Its Far East corres ponden t , neadllned: ' 'U S . Told Us to Ue---uy To-kyo Rcse accuse.rs.'"

    It was reported 4,000 copies of the J ACL bookle\. "Iva TOiuri-Victlm of a Le,end", had been distributed. Sample resolutions In support of the Presidential pardon have beflt malled to the National Board and all Chapters and In!orma-tlon packets were sent to AaI-on American lecLslators.

    Committee beard an "Orph-an Ann" broadcast recorded on board ship In the Paclllc durlnl the summer ot IIM4 and tound It to be very cl~ar. Donations trom the Pacltle Northwest DlJtrlct Co u n e 11 and Ibe tollowln, chapterl w~ .cknowledaed:

    norin. S .. aHle, Contra Colla. San JOM nd S&n J"ranc1aco.

    It wu also reported T-P Preductlons Is dev~lopln, a ~bour TV speclaJ on the Iva To.url cue.

    Nat'l Biennium Awards Deadlines tor ~ n.tlonal lion and two olIver medallions

    J ACL ..... rds 10 be cont"rred tor the latter and single gold at the Sacramento convention medallion for the JACLer ot were anncunced by national the Biennium.

    Also assistlna the Twin CIties chapter ar~ people trom tbe Midwest Dis trict Youth Council (?IDYC) omces In Chlcaao Tom H1blno Is help-Ing with general convention plannlne. Cat h y H1ronoko (MOYC) Progl1\m ot Day-ton Is workIng on programs with Ed Sako, committee chairman In the Twin CIties. Bob Solomon I. seiling up amateur nIlhl, the convention talent sbow. All th.ree made recent visits to the Twin CIties.

    Fund-raisers tor the con-venUon h.re are a n.wspaper drive on April 3 and 0 gar-age sal. on April 24-25. Sweetbreod was sold 10 help meet Conv.ntlon Committee expcnses Involved In attend-Ing the SI. Louis workshop on Interracial datlna March 26-27.

    Any Qu.sUons concerning Ibe Notional JAYS ,Conven-tion may be directed to:

    Matt Abe. 9824 VJneent Road. Bloomln(ton. Minn . 55431

    CHICAGO - Key Japoneae wltn sea In the "Tokyo Rosc" trlnl WCre Interviewed by Chi-c gO Tribune'. For EDIt COr-re,pondent Ronald Yotcs, tell-Ing him It WM tho lint time tbey hod talked to the preas about their roles In her con-viction . His Iwo-part report apP.ared In the Mar, 22 and 23 edilloru ond carried over It.! O'\\'n wire ..,rvlces.

    Yates tound tormer key pr aocutlon wltness.s odmlt-tI' l{ to hIm th.y were rorced t tell halt-truths and wlth-h Id vital Inrormatlon at the 1019 San Franclseo tria l ot Iva TOllurl d'AQulno, S9, tor her Radio Tokyo broadcast.! b.am-ed at American GIa the gov-

    m.nt held """asonsbl •. Yotes Also Int.rvlewed Fe-

    liPe d' AQulno, 64, his first In 20 years, who said his wife was just a handy u.capegoat" sacrlftced by the government In attempt to ,atl.fy postwar batred.

    The Tokyo dispatch men-tions the names of Shlgeml-tail Tsunelahl, former Ueuten-ant colonel In the J apanes. Army who was cblef ot war-time propallanda broadcasts ; Kenklchl Okl, 69, who was production manager of Ibe Zero Hour (In which Togurl was among a dozen women announcers of a IS-minute music sell'1\ent); Geer,e MI-tausblo, 71, proaram director for Radlo Tokyo's Engllsb I an g u a a e broadcaata; and Utah-born Teruo Ozasa, S4, who worked as the sound en-lineer and wbo WM In the atudlo for almoo 80 per cent of Iva's broadcasts. president Sblaekl SallYam.. Nomlnatloll5 for the Bten-

    They are: nlum Awards are .ubmltted May 21-G e 0 r. e In •• aId by chapten throuah district

    Award for the Chapter 6t the councils. Guidelines accom-BI~nnlUDl- panled the nomlnationa forms

    Kay 21 - Japanese Amer- wblch were malled to chap-

    Sketch bJ' Karen ~k.ta

    Wendy Yoshimura-Mar. 8, 1976 Wllne. Unnamed

    But Yates dces not ascrIbe who said, "We were told wbat to say and wbat not to say two hours every morning for a month before the trial sta"" eel Even theugh I waa a gov-

    lean of Ibe Btennlum. ters this past week. June 8-Dr. Randolpb SIt- Nominations fo.- JACLer of

    Itad. Memorial AWArd tor JA- the Biennium exclude mem-CLer of the B1enntum. ben of the JACL ExecuUve

    One search illegal INAGAKI AWARD carries Committee, wblch wU1 sit /ill By LEE RUTl'LE

    a $500 8rst prhe and ,100 to thtinectijoUnddnbetwa eepann thele' twThoeBldlsen: (Spoel&l to The P.c.tac: Cillun) the District Councll ot the OAKLAND, CalIt.-The pre-wfnnln« chapter and tw(7 floo nlum Awards II In the area trial hearings In the Wendy !'.onorable mention awards, the ot recoanltlon - the JACLer Yoshimura case since the first presentatlcn ba.oed on 1Ub- ~ ward aolna to the person week of March bave primarl-million of reporta ot chapter who has contributed the Iy deoIlt wllb challenges by actIvftle. encompaa'na cltl- most to the strenath and delense to discredit several zenohlp-type JWOlfamL The .,.owth of JAC~, dur1ng the seareh warrants Issued In VenIce-Culver JACL, borne 1974-76 biennium. and JA of wake of the discovery and chapter of .the bono~ 1n the Blennilun awar\l reserved conftscatlon of explosives I\JllS wht!te _ the .warda are for tha penoca who bave COD- and ether material in the gar-m.de, .dmln1aten the Inapld trlbuted Immeuurably toward aae located at 257S LeConte Fund. the purpo- of the oraaniza- Ave Berkeley

    THE BIEHN1UJ4 .ward. tor tlon In the public realm ruch" . Ib~ ouutandln. JACLer and u community leaderabip or Superior Court Judge Mar-Japaneae AmerIcan for lead- dlstln~ achievement 1n tin Pullch last week (Mar. 25) eublp and achievement c:on- a 8~ld ot endeavor earn.tne ruled on defen!" motions con-.Ist or the JACL acId medal- national acclaim. testing the following warrants:


    Brinl'n, the community clo_ to th~ ch.pter II often a yery dllllcult problem. It Is b.rd to Incorporate a prol1'am that can help everyone. San Fnndaco JACL baa .tatted a procram th.t bu lemethln, lor everyone, and lJ an Im-mcnee help to Ibe community, n. San Francisco JACL

    Ccrnmlttee cn Servlta Is a counselln. prol1'.m with peG-ple-to-pecple d 'merulon •. Peer to go tree as none ot the oth- the trial-just those parts the benelt aa uOrpban Annw er women were brouaht to prosecution telt could damage ("ann"

  • ... ~~;~~ :'I ;~J~~~ 1 L _ F_R_O_ M __ H_A_ P_P_Y __ V_A_ L_L_E_ Y---.JJ V CalIf. 90012. Phone: (213) 626-6936.628-3768 He Made Us Laugh and Sing

    No. lUI

    Shlpk1 J . S .... yam • • NaUonal JACL PresIdent Altted Ratale. PC Boan! Chairman

    Barry Jt. Ronda. Editor

    ~d-clua postqe paId at Loa AngelM. Callf. Subacriptlon rsta (payable In .dvan",,): U.S. $1 year; Foreign $11 year. Note: IsI...,lass deUvery available upon request. aslt for rales. S3 75 of JACL mvnb"rsblp dues for one-year subscrl pUon u.rouab JACL RQ, 1765 Sutter St.. San FTaDcisc:o, Ca 94115.

    2- April 2.1976


    Supreme Court Decisions The u.s. Supreme Court continues to render opin-

    Ions which delineate the individual style of life. Wblle these cases have not attracted JACL attention specl· fically. three decisions meted during the week of March 22 deserve comment.

    87 SAOm SEKO

    Salt Lake City There are a tew men who

    leave thel.r marklnp on 8 period of time. whcse nam .. live beyond their presence. Mas Satow was such 8 man. J ACL's history wlJl a!:"8Y' have its "Satow realme.

    I met him 11m belore hlJ JACL assodaUon. He w,s a visitor nt Gila. represenUn, the YMCA. N a young re-porter. part 01 my Gila News Courier beal was a strln, 01 offices In the admlnlJtrative section.

    II was not our IIrst meetina which I remember. but the one on hlB second tour of Gila. I was chatting with a secre-tary In one or the ouler 01-lI""s. when Mas came bolting out of the Inner chambers. band extended. exc1aimlng. "I know that voice."

    I think thJs says sOmethlnll of a man's stature. We hove heard the damnation of mony a JACL Ogure. But even those who disagreed with Mas have liked him. 'and respocled him. He never Intimidated others with his wisdom or hls yeort of service.

    He was not an eloqucnt speaker. wringing the teare and tearing the emoUon •. But then perhops he was the most eloquent man ot Our Urne •. Nothing speaks better than truth. He told It as It W8l. or as he believed It was. He de-lIvered his mesng. dlreclly to you In concise languale. He empioyed no middlemen.

    He was probably the low-est paid executive. perform-Ing some of the lowliest chores. The tired and drab surroundings In whlch we quartered him. were .s . hab-by as the wages. If he felt our neglect. he never uttered them publicly.

    Echoed thoughts across the land.

    Y • ." I •• ,,.," c.,~ .. ~~ ... uch #-tw. ,. , " ... .... ..

    J '1,.., ( Ift ;"' I"'.,", J,J 1 .. .. ,. c~ndldly. "It w .. D rell-f to be laken from ~ur morglnal kind of life b, the Ev.cu~Uon"

    Sh- '''Int II) hl.h .. hoo1 at the 0110 WRA ClImp In Arlmn. bo!fore bolne accepted at

    "unt Holyok~ Ct)lIe.. The path Ihen led V, N 'WI York where h. tackled Ihe In-t nlely e6mpeUt\vI bu.lneu of dul,nln, cOllum.... for Broadw., and tel.vl.lon .hr,w. That .e.ulted In fOrm.tlon of her Qwn manufactu.lng c~mp.ny When the tele-vJ.IQfl .how. moved Qui 10 Lo. An,ele •• • he went b.rk WI t brl.fly but found .ho wun'l willing to ke"P up the kllIlng pace

    MlanwhU •• he had married W.lleT Well-

    Publl,her after publl.hcr wanted no part 01 It. Friend, and advise.. who read the manu.crlpl lave her conflicting opinion • . One profellor', critique come to the at-tcnUoh of a Jopane.e publl.her who put out an early vertlon of the monu.cript .

    MJchl wrote and rewrote her manuscripl. leafnln, to make her pOint honestly with-out belnll o/l'cn.lve How many tim .. ? More Ume. over a 10-year period than . he can re-mcmbu·. Even afler HowMrd Cudy of Wil-liam Morrow Blued to take Infamy. Michl r"wrote portlcns allaJn . Then. becuuae the manuscrlpl was much too lona. It had to be

  • W.yne Horiuchi

    Plain Speaking


    Washington JACL has lost a friend . With the passing of Mas

    Satow, JACL will miss a man who dedicated his life to more than just an organization but a conviction. That conviction which Mas held most dearly was the eradication of discrimination of all races In Amer· ica.

    I relll'et that I did not know Mas on a more per-sonal basis. However, as is with many Sansei, we can only say that " he knew our parents much better". Perhaps h e knew me better when I was a young boy. It was in the '40s and '50s when Mas and the Horiuchi famUy held JACL "get-togethers" in Salt Lake City for him. I only have a vague recollection of those "ret-togethers" but I do have a vivid understanding of the history of Mas Satow, the "spirit of JACL".

    I know that Mas took care of all of the "nitty-gritty" things that had to be done, that he was the conciliator w hen things got out of hand, and that he never complained about his role. His ever present smile told you so.

    His legacy will never be forgotten. The legacy is said in the conception of JACL, his leadership through the war years, the formulation of the Anti-Discrimina-tion Committee, and the growth of JACL in the post-\\'l1f years. Like a fanner titling bJs field , Mas was al-ways in the fi £ld cultivating the membershio. Mas was best on the personal "one-to-one" basis, always trad-inll quips or personal experiences which he had with

    '1\111 l'nn1l r tll.Y\~, IN I ( f. M 'Ill. t1

    J (UJ~~l~ "'MJ' UI ' dO,( ' lh~tri;1

    ~OO20 ~21 iilWJg22 'if'lHllUJ24 IFWi025 $ ~ii'26 As i lln rolr F'err,. Tour bnc J.Ug

    Dis t Go.., Ceucus " '" I [)d Mtg 10nnls rs Ang.le. JACL.r

    Longtime School Volunteer Saluted LOS ANOELES - M,.. Mary wllh an Ivtrl"~ fit 31a J)e'I' r, hl.ulw, lon gtime ""hool '101- month 01 lh pres-nt time un!Jocr, wo. honored In Ihe For th Y/)IJn,.t,.,. ar~ cI .... CllY Council Mar 20 durIn, lH In bilIngual lul41'ln" con-thc Hum on (wlntl,,", Com- voruU'mal Jap>n ~ (,t 8PI-mLt. lon BleentA!nnlal Salute to nl.h, .upervlted .ludy art. Women, nnd .rMtI. Fr.r the .dult •• r~

    A, a .chool volunteer In the clute. In cooklnlt, ef1VeTIl-We.t Lo. An, c I c. erca Uonal Enllll.h or J lpanete, .chool., her persl.tA!nt erTon. .tllCh~ry, nutrltlm1 Ind weICht In 8atherlnl! nelllhborhood eflntrol Main objective 01 th. ,upport tor the Nora Sterry community IlChted .. hO

  • 4- PACifiC CITIUH April 2, 1976

    'Go for Broke!' vs. 'Farewell to Manzanar'

    lean sensibilities wllh the lack or fact and truth, h ' I otler making 0 movie Ihnt'. acceptable to whltel.

    Kort y lay. "I don·t know II you ever change anybody as long a. you're makin, them (eel bod about being while." The slick rnclsl stooge gels us oil weepy for the paranoid omnipotent w hit e overage viewer ond no one notices he's chonged all of J apanese America wllh a movie and

    hu made Japonesc America feel bod and /lullty about thcmsclvea not being white, nol Inlklng like whites, nol .c tln ~ like while • . The price he colleet. from J opone.o America for .clUng them out to while occeptance J. th. focI of white racism affecllng oil J apane.., American con-sciousness from before the war, and Inlo the camp •.

    fenr lho mention of white rocllm, II .. If Ihe on ly .Itoroo-live to nol menUc,"lng while racl.m nl all Is n mad do, up aKolnst the wnll white mother bla.t. They're poWnll Ihem-..,Ive. on the bock for beln~

    ~h~v~e!~d onbe!f.!j t~r:~ ~!~e

    By fllANX CHIN

    Part 0 Korty and the Hou.ton. and Delphine HlraIuna all

    were Japanese American. pul In concenlratlon camp • . Toke n former Internee out to lunch.

    (To Be Continued) Mlb Masaoka. The legend-ary MIke tanoka. The JACL 10Uows lbe mere mention 01 hI.s name "...Ilb an automaUc momenl 01 silence. Masaoka baclt In 1951, In lbe middle of lbe witch hunt and chlcken Uclt:ln, served as a consultant to lbe malring oJ Go For Broke! Larry Tajirl, then edl-to: 01 I~ ?acilic Cltl%en and a man ""0 .. -0 lor b

    tlUnk II was a bIg deal to ask lor and aet Japanese Amer-Ican characters who talked and • etc dUke Japanese American people. They talk Just like Delphine says Japa-nese Ame.rlcans talk, "the~' shllt unconsdously from one language to the other, even In a stn.le ~tence . "

    Mike Mouok", bock In the .caredy cat tlfUes stalked with da kine Dore Schary. Big suckoh bruddah. Boss da MGM make movie. Go For Brokel ,el name In pld&ln and talk da kine talk. It was no big deal In those days for mild mannered Mike to re-• peet his people enough to reSDcct the language they spoke.

    Chapter People Handling 1976 JACL Memberships

    ~ber1: Plro-h'. pernptlve WTU· In& ptc'Rftb • weU rounded ~r-

    !:.~\ ~ ~~'*C :!l ~~,:~ilno~ ID lb_ fUm : no phony hlrolCll and

    ~p~ ~:tt!~rYp~~~t!

    :~\~bo'::n:!~c~~n·d ~; ~k.fel'tJ:':!~C:U~~~O u!: Wl\houtTh~:~:Td~~racy of

    ~is:~" ~. ~U}~~ lh~~; MlI:c WIlINo" who ...... Il)eClal eoasuttanl on tll SC1ipt and ",ro-

    ""rt"'~ms Milte. back then In the chlclten liWes. dIdn't

    Chapter Pulse-c.albl1.ed from PreYloas Plae

    And more. The J apanese Americans In Go For Brok.1 lalk HawaIIan pld,ln wllh Its emphasis on sound and odd s y n t a x and Inexplicable wqrds like "da kine", "bum-bye", "Saka tart", "Kanaka", " \Vahine", "Paul', Even the title as reporled In Ihe March 21. 1951 Holb'wood Reporter and repeated In the Pacillc Citizen. "stems from Nisei slang expression mea n In g 'shoot th~ works'. It

    "Go for broke!" Is part of the common American lan-guage no\\'. Evel Knlevel often says It of his lIle style. It's become a cliche of ma-chismo, Ihe war cry of ancient Malibu surfers, and orna-menls the speech of high He aWl focused on the JACL chapter house at 1545 needs and roles 01 each gen- Teresita Dr .• It was revealed eration 01 Japanese In Amer- by the cbapter Mar. 15. Ica. He lell the Issei should An unsecured commerdal be IUlisted to become more loan was negotiated at the Independent, urged the Nisei time of the purchase of the to ascend to Community lead- house through the personal ershlp roles and encoura,ed guarantee of seven famlllea In Saluel to consider careen In addJtlon to the $22,000 recu-,overnmenl. He dted the lar secured real estate loans work o( Hiroshi Kanno work- to complete the sale. The sev-Inll with the OftIce of AsIan en famllJes named were:

    Today Delphine Rlrasuna and olhers talk like Go For Brok.! never happened. They talk like Forew." To lIfan-:anar Is the flrst movie about Japanese America In history. They t. I k like J apanese America Is Inferior ond the sacrifice 01 J apanese Amer-Ican history, character, cul-lure and lan,uage for accept-ance on prime Ume In the white mind Is natural and the word Irom the Siudio Is as unquestionable, Inexplicable ond omnipotent as the word of t he white Christian nollon of GOD.

    To Insure uninterrupted subscription to the PaciOc CItizen, currenl JACL mem-ber. should renew now. Memb .... lUp fees . hown after the name o( the Chapter re-Hect the current rate for .Ingle and couple.

    Oh, Mike Mosaoka, If you Insisted the movies 10 tell the Japanese American story with Japanese Americans acting and talking like Japa.nes. Americans, some people and a few whiles would call you a radical. One of those whites would undoubtedb' be John Korty.

    • • • Korty Is Quoted In the S.F.

    Thousand Club dues are now nandard at $3S for aU chapltrs, but their .pouse. (TC-.p) may enroll at the specIal ralt ..


    Chronicle saying of hls hatoh-et job on Ernest Ga ines' The AutoblogTaphli of Min Jane Pittman, " I heard that people right-of-center watched and thought, ' I'm not going to like this' and It gol to them. They found out more about the black experience without be-tng hit over the head, without being made to feel pinned up DC againsl the wall and terrIbly NC-WN guilty. I think that's impor-tant because I don't know If you ever change anybody as long as you're making them teel bad about themselves. I think real political change happens very slowly .. . There's no point In making a film which delights radJeals and throws olr everybody else." (S.F. Chronicle, Oct. 7, 1975)

    The people Korty's talking about are wbltes. He admits he made Miss Jane Pittman to appeal to whltes. He ad-mits to working on the as-sumption that white peopl~ find the black sensibility and hislory offensive and feel "beat over the head" and ''pinned up against the wall and terribly gullty".

    Mlu 'Jane Pittman was In the form of ,an autobiography. It passed for Ihe story of a black woman walklng through the whole o( black history told from that black woman's polnl of view. Korty admits his objeet was to make blacks and the black experience ... In Delphine's words .. . "pal-atable to the average viewer."

    Indicated or If not Indlealed at the .Inlle rate.

    Student(.) dues do nol Include PC aub-serlpllon. However, nudent membeu are enUUed to aub.crlbe at the JACL rau Of $3.76 per ye ....

    Checka, payable to the JACL chapltr, ahould be sent tIP the peraon. listed.


    e~~~:ks lWWLelaDd

    el~~~WI~ Ruth Tak:e\lchl 102:1 Red Bank Rd Clnc\nJaU WlJ

    ell .. laat (til-H) Mra. Allee Nakao 2510 Uneoln Ave. Parma. Ohio 44134 nv:s!~u)

    g::.~~r.o~~ DIlHlt (tU.n-UM)

    =~"t;;"t AU ... Putt 41101

    H~~\t..~.J,. Box'rr/ New PaIfIII1ne. Ind 411113


    ~U:~~:n MUwaukee 53221

    It LoW. ll1ac Chlca,o, III 60640

    DYC: Scott Furukawa 630'7 Cumbtrland Mentor, OlUo 44060

    Eaaum--Gov. : 8U1umu Uyeda

    8926 Bra.burn Dr. Annandale, Va. 22003

    DYC: Corinne Furukawa 1712 Evel)'n Dr. RockvW., 1I.d. 20852

    PACIFIC CITIZEN 125 W.llor 5 •. Lo, Angal .. , ullt. 900 t 2 Send ma

    About Changes of Address • Three weeka are requIred to elreet .ny Chance Of

    Addre ... Advance notice of move will avoid Inter-ruption ot service a. Newsp,pen, cene-r.lIy are nct forwarded to • new address. (Thla wiU &lao reduce the number 01 Iralt aublCribera, Who may have notified the Po.t O1IIce but nelOecttd to teU the PaciO. Citizen but complain .Ittrward.)

    Student Member Subscriptions • JAY and . Iadent Mrmb

    CItizen upon remittance at Iht current JACL mem-ber rate o( $3.75 per year. Addr_ 01 nudent ewa), from home Is welcome.

    Multiple Families at One Address • Several tamlllea may live at the 18me add..-. In

    auch cases, the one PC-per-hOUJehoJd polle)' J. walVed; but a clarillcatlon mun be noted on the Membership application lonns.

    If PC Subscription Not Desired • While every IACL howehold can be a pc aub-

    acrlber, lOme do not desIre the paper and can check the box on the Membership Form aceordln,-Iy. (Yet there have been tradc Instances where this box was checked by mlstaJu, neeeMltaUn, extenalve correspondence to rectJl)' Iht errcw.)

    On Transferring Chapters • U membtr reDewa through another chapter, specify

    Dame of the previous cbapur.


    MENDELSON-ZELLER CO., INt Fruit & Vegetable Shippers & Packers

    Main OffIce: 450 SaMome St., Saw ~ (415) 981·1343

    OffIces in lodi, Exeter, Salinas, 5todrtta

    ., ....... " ....... , •...••... , ... LOS ANGELES


    CONSOLIDATED CONTAINER CORPa Nurserymen's Equipment and


    14620 Arminta 873-5495 Van Nuys, Calif.

    EASTER GREETINGS To Our Many Japanese Friends & Customers


    Garden & Lawn Equipment & Supplies

    122 W. Glney Monterey Park, Calif.


    EASTER GREETINGS To Our Many Japanese Friends & Customers


    Large Selection of Aquatic Flowers & Plants

    We Build Fish Pools, Fountains & Ponds

    6224 N. San Gabriel Blyd. San Gabriel, Calif.


    EASTER GREfTINGS To Our Many Japan.5. Fri.nds & Customers


    Nurserymen's Equipment 8. Supplies

    560 S. Fair Oaks Pasadena, Calif.


    Compliments of Victor R. Frebert

  • "~asato 01 1809 Ha.k:u SL n.ar Tripl.r H~ . pltal recent-h He was trealed at Straub fI""pltal and released .' Ho-nolulu Police CommIssion up-heJd three citizen complaints of unn~ry use of force bv Honolulu policemen. Com-pialnanli were Thomu Tama-oblto, ~I. r tIn BaUllo and Robert Correa. Officers al-lIeltedly .... 1111: force were Dean Ho\\ e, JameE Aklona and W me Saito. S .. lchl Nlkl, 70. - a tourlsl from Japan. ,rabbed a would-be robber In Walldkl and flipped him to the Idewalk In a classic martial

    art. mO,·e. NUt! has " black

    WALTER Y. KATO: Chicago JACler Japanese-Invented game GOY. Evans helps

    SeaHle Kelro

    project at kickoff

    April 2. 1976

    • Richard Glma Moves from Argonne to Brookhaven being tested In D.C. FRED I. KOSAKA: Downtown l A . MCl" WASH INGTON-A new IIome

    BROOKHAVEN, N Y.- Wal- coiled "Othello" I. boln!! ler Y. Koto. a senior physldst mnrket-tcsted here. Already a

    Named Union Federal Savings VP who r e c e n t I y Joined the .rOle In Japan, U.S. dl.trlbu-Brookhaven NaUonal Labora- to .... think If the $0 "goh-lIke" GARDENA. CallI. - Fred I

    Ko •• kA WOl named vice pre -Idenl o( Un/on Federal Sa v-InN" and IAun A .. n .• Union F'cdt-rnl Pre.ldent WlIIlam B, Martin Jr. recently announced.

    ,ur I ST!' M Japhn IDo "" tory for Nucleor Research, aome clicks here. It'lI sweep was appoInted associate chalr- the U.S .. too. SEATTLJ::. W o . h . -Th~ Sealtl/'

    ohRrln pr,..IIIMlt ", the Op_ liml.t Club of ~I ArM,

    man for reactor so fety In the The game was Invented by Kelro l1ur. In/l home project Dep\. of Applied Science. Goro Ha,c,own. a pharmll- got off to nn k· MeXinley Hllh School. was ~~.~~,~::;.~~n~OI~I~.~~~:I~~ wuned Hawaii State Teacher tetoland and l.land .pam eventl of the Year. She wlll be Ha-waii', candJdale for the 1977 NationaJ Teacher of the Year Yoshlomura-conte51. . Hawaii publle school .tudents DIS" be IUS-ponded from school before t;oDtlDued h'om F'


    April 2, 1976

    L.A. City Council

    OKs $680,000

    for Nikkei cenler LOS ANGELES-TM U-. An-'~6 City Council ,ave final approval to the 1878-77 ap-plication for Ccmmunlty De-v~opment Blod< Grant funds on Mar. 15. Includln, $880.000 made available to the J apan-esf! American CUltural and Community Ce.nter (JACCC) In the LltUe Tokyo Commu-nlty Redevelopment Alencs (CRA) project. II was ID-ncunced by Georae Do12lki. JACCC president


    Tbe mayor's .lIIce will for -WIIn:I the application to the U.S Dept or Houaln, and Urban De\'elopment for re- • view and fundlna. In view of MW federal re",laUo.,. re-Qulrlnl publlc ownership of In civil preparedness work BUD - linaoced nell!hborhood ladlllles. a condcrnlnlum type wllh Ihe ~nlaeon since 1962.

    co- 'nershlp of the Center ::..~~ n W~~ba:a~~ r.:a~ bulldlne b)' the clly and JA- dted for ouulandlne pt!r-ecc Is ~, shaped. formance by Ihe Defense Clvll

    Tbe a"aneement w hi" b Preparedness ARency In De-spells out use of the' $880.000 cember. Tbe Wyomlnll-born within the $2.5-milllon JAC- Nisei Is director of the een-ee bulldlng awaits BUD ap- eral engineering divisIon In provaL the a,eney. a graduate In

    Tbe bulldlne Is the lint of mechanical enelneerlne from four beln, planned. Con- the Unlv. of Wyoming and the I\ructlon Is "xpeded by the U.s. Anny Command and end of this year. Olber buUd- General S laff Coll"ge. He iRIS In the master plan are served In the Anny during the 650-seat theater. martial WW2 In the Far East com-al Is hall-c"DUIulum and a mand and currentiy a colonel l'llrkinl structure. In the Anny Reserve. Hi. lasl

    Balhny Mark active duty assignment was as AlIt Cblet of Stalf. Loglstlcs

    JACCC building commItVe Readiness Olllce. 310th Tbea-ch31rman Tosh Terasawa aald, tre Army Support Command.

    "SInce the built of tunds to Washlnllon. D.C. He and bls build ~ Center bulldln, will wUe. Selko. live In Rockville. come from d~nal1on •• we are Md. Tbey have two daughters.

    'elltict IIrm1y committed to ownln, at Icast that part of the bulldlna which ",ill be buUt with our C,,"ds and eventually be able Mrs. Rath Wataaabe of WM 10 purchase the portion owned Loa Anleles JACL was re-by the dty. Tbe plan II for elected to ber third term as the elty to lease tbe porUon It presIdent of the Japanese will own 10 the JACCC for AmerIcan RepubllCIIU ... San a nominallUlD. Die,o JACLer Vernoa Yoabl· , 0.... 38, hu lIled to run for

    'The CRA legal .taft hu the Republlcan nomlnaUon for been very helpful In work- the 77th State Auembly Dis-In, out delalll for a mutually triel lleat In the June 8 pri-.. tlstactory arraeement We marles. He II the 6nt Jap8-bope 10 have BUD approval ne. American In the county In a few weeks In on:ler that to run for polltical olllce . . . our archltecl5 can beIIn final Assemblyman Paal B a a a a 1 construction pllDll." (R) bas lIled to run lIaIn for

    Terasawa estlmaw It will hll 53n:1 DlJtrict seal take about six months to com-pleta the final d~.

    JACCC has raised $1.330,-000 10 date. lneludlD, the saaO.ooo grant. Another $1,-200.000 by the end of the year I! beln, solldted.

    'rea low Pub\lJber John Uyeno of

    Llbue. Kaual, has added a third edition per week to his "Garden Island", now being

    pUblbhed on Mondoy, Wed-nesday and Friday. H. Is b.-lI.ved 10 be the only Nisei publisher or on Enillsh lan-",a'. newspaper In Ihe na-tion.


    NBC-TV's .. Fa r. we II to ;\lAnaDar" shown Morch 11 • voked sensitive comments In the press review.. Some re-ceived by the Pad lie CIOzen Included one Irom the Albu-querQue J ournal by DavId Ro· . okawa (BUI's nephew). born JUSI orter his parents were reo I ..... ed from camp In 1943. '"The pictures were clouded by lears. dlIIIcult 10 .wallow. Bul they were real It did happen." .. . AP's Jay Shor-butt applauded the fine direc-tion of John Korl,}' and' unl-(OI'mly good acting by the caSl. He noted oller NBC-TV hod shown Its documentary on EvacuntioD. "Guilty by Rea-son ot Race". older viewers who ml ... ed the whole point o( rna's Internment accused NBC 01 "forllettlnl Pearl Har-bor". He hoped thl! time they a t leo.t remembel' a place called Manzonor . •. Terrence O'Flaherty of Ihc San Fran-"Isco Chronicle made lhe grIm

    bs.rvatlon thnt hi s tor I a n Henry Steele Commaeer did nol deliv.r his messoge of comfol·t ( thnl there was no juslUlcation for Evacuation) until 1947 II appeared In the Horper's ma&8zine . . . UPI's Joan Hannuer round the story was "a re.m.inder of a shameful time In the past that revealed a weakness In Amer-ican chatncter and dedication to Ideals" ... L.A. Times writ-e,' Kevin Thomas cODcluded: "For all Ihat It touches upon, Farewell to Manzanar Is neith-er honeSI or probing enough. It won·t dO-Dot by a long shot." He had also noted be-fore airing, the film had drawn vehement protests from politic a I activist-historian Ra),mord Okamura and play-wright Frank Cbln • • • Chris-tlan Sclen"" Monitor's Arthur Uneer said Korty at times "overdramatized", fall e d to establlsb the world situation wbleb prompted the hysteria which encouraged the govern-ment to discriminate against Japanese Americans, but noted the speelal "opts for real un-derstanding" of those dl!IIeult years.


    WhUe Rep. Norman M1Deta (D-Callf.) of San Jose has no Democratic opposition In th ... June 8 primaries In his bid for re-election. two (and pos-sibly one more) are seeking the Republican nomination, law student Grant Jones and I' Hunaary-bom Internal audit manaeer Ernest Konnyu. Bill Best also rued for the GOP bid but bls papers were round to be one sponsor short and bl! name will not be on the ballot unless the slate su-preme court Intervenes. MJ-neta dlscussed Issues with all three at NOW meeUne Mar. 20 In Saratoaa.

    Its omce In Little Tokyo ... hunJI Klmu,a. 25-yeol· velel'-

    UII of Inlernotlonol bonking. was named vice prcsld.nl-mannger of Cal Flral'. L.A. office, succeedin g Iwan Inoue.

    K .n Nakmoka ot Oal'den wns nomed pretldent or Iho Poelilc SQuare M e re han I . Assn.. eompriJed of bu . ln ~s m.n In Ihe new . hopplng cen. ter In G.rdena Volle)'.


    Gymnasl l\t a rk SUlllno\ can h ~ lp "'rv~. lood In r . mlYRKO

    ~ Luncheon Pinner Cocktnils

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    912 So. Sill Pedro St., Lo. Alliel .. MA 2-1091

    I III Bonded Commission Merchants 1_ - Wholesale Fruits .. nd Vegetables _ ,.., __ , 7

    l. AIIt.1es J.,o1l8St c.s .. tty .. S ...... Ana. Complete InJUlMKc ProtKhon

    ~ I ... AoY ...... ihtra-Om.tlsu·Ktkil • . Fujioluo 250 E. hI St_ ......... _ .... _ ............ _ ... _ ... _ .. _626·9625

    ...... F./Ieb Ae, .. 321 E. 2nd. Suit. 500 .... 626-4393 263·1109 F ....... I I ... Ae,., Fu""koJhi.Ktgow.-MtNIY-Mo,ey

    321 E. 2nd St ............................ _ ..... 626· 5275 462·7406 H' ...... h ••. Ae,., 322 E. Second St ............. 628- 121 4 287·8605 I......,. 1_ AoY.. 15092 Syl. onwood AYe .• No" .. 1 ....... 864-.5774 T_ T. It.. 595 N. Lincoln, P .. odm.l .... 7~9·7189 tLAJ 6SI-4~11 MI_ ' NI.· N ... ,., 1~97 Rock Ho • .., Monr.,ey Pork 268-455-4 St. •• Nobll. 11964 W.Jhinglon Pt.c ......... 391 · 5931 837·9150 S- 1_ ,..., .• 366 E. hI S . ............ _ .... _ .... 629 . 1~25 261-6519

    Shim.hu, Ogata and Kubot. Mortuary

    .11 V ... ice 1"'4. L" Alice'" III ' -144'



    Thr~ Gen.Hlitions . t ~ 'ienc~ ...

    F UK U I Mortuary, Inc. 707 E. Temple St. Lo. AIICel" .0012


    Soidu FukUI. President J .. "..es N.kliOIi •• , MIi~, Nobuo Osuml. CounHIIo,
