Communication – 2: Scientific publishing. Risk communication. Working with the mass media. Preben Aavitsland

Communication – 2: Scientific publishing. Risk communication. Working with the mass media. Preben Aavitsland

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Page 1: Communication – 2: Scientific publishing. Risk communication. Working with the mass media. Preben Aavitsland

Communication – 2:Scientific publishing.Risk communication.

Working with the mass media.

Preben Aavitsland

Page 2: Communication – 2: Scientific publishing. Risk communication. Working with the mass media. Preben Aavitsland

Scientific publishing

Page 3: Communication – 2: Scientific publishing. Risk communication. Working with the mass media. Preben Aavitsland

Different traditions

• The British/American/Scandinavian tradition– Sceptical

– Critical

– Open

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Why publish in English?

• The world is interested in Baltic and Russian


• Spread your experiences

• Contribute to global scientific progress

• Personal merits

But: You need a message!

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Before you start writing

• What do I want to say?

• Is it worth saying it?

• What is the best format?

• What is the target audience?

• Which journal is best suited?

– General or specialty journal

– Have a look in the library

– Ask a colleague

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Decide on authorship

Authors are those who contributed to a, b and c:

• a) conception and design, or analysis and


• b) drafting or revising the article

• c) final approval

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When you have decided the journal

• Read ”Instructions to authors”

• Have a look in a recent issue

Each journal has its own rules

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The structure ofa biomedical paper

• Title• Abstract (=summary)• Introduction• Material and methods• Results• Discussion• Acknowledgements• References• Tables (with legends)• Legends for figures• Figures

A good protocol makes the writing much easier.

A lot is just cut and paste

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• Say what the paper is about

• Keep it simple (but not sensationalistic)

• Consider the readers

• Be brief

• Provoke interest

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Abstract (summary)

• Contains the essence

• Should stand alone

• Four parts– Why the study was done (background)

– What was done (method)

– What was found (result)

– What was concluded (interpretation)

• Clear and concise

• Some journals have structured abstracts

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• Write short!!! (10-15% of the total length)• Tease the reader• State your objective and research question

• Why did you do the study?• Why is it important?• What has been done before?• What are the gaps in knowledge?• What is the design?

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Material and methods

• Design and conduct– Design

– Definitions

– Sample

– Methods of measurements

– Data collection and handling

• Analysis– Statistical methods

• Ethics

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• Answer the problem!

• Objectively(no interpretations or opinions)

• Tell what you found

• Lead your reader to the main findings

• Use text, self-explanatory tables (and figures), but do not repeat

• Have a look in the journal

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• 30-40% of the total length

• Statement of principal findings

• Strengths and weaknesses of the study;

validity (bias and confounding)

• Strengths and weaknesses in relation to other studies,

discussing important differences in results

• Meaning of the study: possible explanations and implications for

clinicians and policymakers

• Unanswered questions and future research

• Conclusion

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• Restrict the number

• Check the ”Instructions to authors” for format– In-text-citation:

• (5), [5], (Johnson 1995), 5

– Reference list:• Consecutive or Alphabetic• Style

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Usual format of reference list

1 Tsolia MN, Theororidou MN, Mostoru GJ, et al. Epidemiology of invasice Haemophilus influenzae type b infections among children in Greece before the introduction of immunization. Scand J Infect Dis 1998; 30: 165-168.

1 [Authors’ surname and initials]. [Title]. [Journal name, Medline abbreviated]. [Year]; [Volume]: [Page numbers].

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• Keep it short

• Short sentences, short words

• Active voice: ”We did” not ”It was done”

• Avoid medical jargon and technical words;

use normal English

• Careful with abbr.

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Data graphics(tables, charts, graphs and maps)

• Have a look in the journal!

• Use charts and graphs carefully

• Use simple tables instead

• Self-explanatory titles– variables, person, time, place

• Do not repeat data in text

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Sending the manuscript

• To one journal only

• Several copies

• Cover letter– Signed by all authors

– Statement on prior publication

– Statement on financial relationships

– Statement of approval by authors

– Contact details for corresponding author

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People involved

• Author(s)

• Editor

• Associate editors

• Reviewers (referees, assessors)

• Technical editors (copy editors)

• Printer

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Initial decision by the editor

1 Is the information….– New?

– True?

– Important?

– Interesting (for my readers)?

2 Has the author followed the instructions?

3 Does it look ”nice”?

Based on title and abstract

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The editorial process


Submission Rejection Revise! Revised Proof

Editor(Associate editor)

Manuscript Report Style Proof

Reviewer Technical editor Printer


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The reviewer

• An expert in your field

• Anonymous

• Recommendation to the editor– Reject, Revise, Accept

• Advices the author on improvements– Report

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Revising the manuscript

• Read editor’s letter carefully

• Follow recommendations for improvements– if possible

– if not bad

• Write careful letter

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Summing up

• Decide on your message

• Choose a suitable journal

• Follow the instructions to authors

• Write short and clear

• Tables usually better than figures

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More reading

• Hall GM, ed. How to write a paper. London: BMJ Publishing

Group. ISBN 0-7279-0822-7.

• Huth EJ. Writing and publishing in medicine. 3rd ed.

Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 0-683-40447-4.

• The Vancouver Group. Uniform requirements for

manuscripts submitted to biomedial journals. N Engl J

Med 1997; 336: 309-315.

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Free access journals on the Internet

• British Medical Journal – www.bmj.com

• Journal of the American Medical Association – http://jama.ama-assn.org/

• Eurosurveillance – www.eurosurveillance.org

• EpiNorth – www.epinorth.org

• BioMed Central – www.biomedcentral.com– Many journals, note BMC Public Health and BMC

Infectious Diseases

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• Bulletin of the network of infectious disease control institutes in Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania

• English and Russian language

• Features

– News of recent epidemics in the area

– Annual surveillance data

– Reports of public health policies

– Communicable disease control and prevention

– Communicable disease epidemiology

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• Editors– Kuulo Kutsar, Estonia– Kåre Mølbak, Denmark– Karl Ekdahl, Sweden– Preben Aavitsland, Norway– Markku Kuusi, Finland

• Editorial Board– One person from each country/region

• Editorial secretariat– Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo

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• English or Russian

• Vancouver style

• Outbreak news, short communications

– 400 - 1000 words

– May be unstructured without headings

• Original papers

– 1500 - 2000 words

– Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.

• € 50 compensation for costs to Russian and Baltic authors.

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Risk communication

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The old days

People Government

Mass media

Reality is defined by the government

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The negotiation society

People Government

Mass media

Reality is negotiable and no longer defined by governments

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Features of the information society

• Information is power

• Information is easily available

• The information flow is enormous

• Information does not have a quality stamp

• Information cannot be controlled

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The goals of public information

• Strengthen democratic rights

• Strengthen the legitimacy of regulatory


• Govern society

• Contribute to quality of life

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Principles of public information

• Coordinated

• Bidirectional– Listen to the public

• Integrated– Information is one of your tools

• Active– Do not wait till you are asked

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People react negatively towards

• late information

• withholding of information (conspiration)

• hiding of unpopular truths

• political or other underlying interests

• lies

• “categorism”, not taking things seriously

• “alarmism”

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Public perception of epidemiology

Epidemic Unstoppable spread ofinfection, may hit everyone

Communicable Airborne transmission

Infected people Sick persons who may infectyou through close contact

Microbe Something small that maylive everywhere

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The risk information vacuum

Scientific Publicassessment perceptionof risk of risk

Risk information vaccum

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Quarantelli’s theses on crisis communication

• People are not interested in a problem until it occurs

• The information problems during a crisis are often others than those expected

• Communication is inefficient. The aim is coordination, not control.

• The mass media define the problems

• Panic is unusual. People usually acts rationally also during crises and catastrophies

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Better risk communication

• Avoid risk information vacuums

• Authorities and industry are responsible for risk


• Act early and often

• There is always more than science

• Educating the public is no substitute

• Banish ”no risk” messages

• Address the contestants

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Build trust in your institution

• Actions speak louder than words

• Openness: Tell what evidence is available

• Acknowledge emotions

• Competent

• Objective

• Fair

• Consistent

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Communication from surveillance institute

• State: ”We are here to protect the health of the people!”

• State: ”We are independent from industry and regulatory authorities.”

• Open and honest about what is known.• Meet concerned groups and people.• Involve community groups in study


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Fright factors

• Risk is involuntary

• Risk is inequitable

• Risk is inescapable

• Source of risk is unfamiliar or new

• Risk is man-made

• Hidden damage

• Danger to children

• Much dread

• Identifiable victims

• Poorly understood by science

• Contradictory statements

Department of Health, UK

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Media triggers

• Questions of blame

• Alleged secrets or cover-ups

• Human interest

• Links to high-profile issues or persons

• Conflict

• Signal value

• Many people at risk

• Visual impact

• Sex or crime

• Snowballing

Department of Health, UK

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Working with the mass media

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Your reasons for contact with the mass media

• Acute health promotion

– warn of danger

– relieve fear and uncertainty

• Permanent health promotion

– improve health related behaviours

– public education

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Health promotion information

Definition: Information to the public in order to impove

knowledge about a health problem and its


Aim: Contribute to attitudes and behaviours that

conserves and strengthens health

Contents: Problem information

Causal information

Action information

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The demands of mass media

• Early information

• Correct information

• Available information

• Sellable information, ”a story”

• Six answers:What - who - where - when - how - why

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Contacts with mass media

• Interview– Newspaper

• news or feature

– Radio, TV• news or feature

• recording or live

• Source– “Off the record” = no

citation by name

– Background material

– Other assistance

• Debate programme

Know your role at any time!

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Before you say yes

Ask the journalist about background and aims:

• Who is the journalist?

• What is the subject?

• Why this subject? Why do you ask me?

• Where and when will the interview take place?

• When will the interview be published?

• How will the interview be conducted?

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Hints for interviews - 1

• Define your main message (write it down)– Learn one easy and simple sentence– Say it early– Repeat it at least three times

• Tell the truth– Do not exaggerate– Don’t answer if you don’t know– Correct mistakes

• Say it simple– No medical jargon– No difficult words– Use concrete examples

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Hints for interviews - 2

• Send background information by telefax before the interview

• Do not criticise others

• Answer shortly to the negative or irrelevant questions and go back to your main message

• Ask to have difficult questions repeated; it gives you a break

• Ask to have citations read out to you before print

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Hints for radio and TV interviews

• Prepare

• Make a 20 seconds


• Find out the kind of

programme and the


• Find out the time frame

• Go back to your message

no matter the question

• Take initiatives, don’t only answer

• Drop the details

• Be calm and open

• Show your feelings

• TV: Well-dressed (conservative)

• TV: Smile! Look at the interviewer

• Don’t bring notes

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Hints for press conferences

• Only for the big news that must be released to everyone


• Timing

– Invitation the evening before or the same morning

– Start between 10 and 13, precisely

• One chairman, max two persons

• Give also written background information

• Allow time for questions

• Allow time for individual interviews

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Press releases: logistics

• Is a press release the wisest method?

• Send when?

• Send where?

• Send how?

• ”Sell” the news in stead?

• Clear, simple, short, no jargon

• Extra material (fact sheet, statistics)

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Press release: contents and format

• Heading (date and sender)

• Title– with main message

• Leading text– repeat main message– what, who, where, when, how, why

• Text– repeat main message– most important things first (pyramid)

• Contact person (name, phone)

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Make a press release

• True story: The main infectious disease hospital in your

region reports to you (as a doctor at the surveillance centre)

that a drug injector has just been diagnosed post mortem

with anthrax. He has probably been infected by injecting

heroin contaminated with anthrax spores.

• What is your main message to the public?

• Write the press release.