Communicating Structural Funds during the global downturn Carleen Kelemen, Director The Convergence Partnership Office for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

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Communicating Structural Funds during the global downturn Carleen Kelemen, Director The Convergence Partnership Office for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly 15 June 2009 Title economic and financial reality programmes ambitions lessons learnt from communicating Who are the key audiences? Title 1.Business community the economic lifeblood of the region (1.67) 2.Stakeholders the Convergence family (2.54) 3.Local people the individuals and communities who will benefit (2.70) 4.National and international audiences the outsiders perception of our region (3.81) 5.Young people the future of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (4.11) What are our values? Transformational Accessible Clear and straightforward Businesslike Real-world, commercial Innovative Knowledge-led, technological Aspirational High-value, ambitious, inspiring Joined up Interconnected, symbiotic, a partnership Title 1.respect your audience 2.common values 3.set the context 4.touch base with reality 5.consistent 6.facts 7.maintain the journey The World Economy in 2008 every picture tells a story! Source: The Economist Courtesy of the Bank of England Source: The Economist With kind permission of Sam Carnell Cornwalls GDP per head as % of the EU average ? 75 Establish the momentum for transforming the economy that will make a long term difference to the people of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Intelligent commissioning ERDF Convergence Innovation and Research and Development Enterprise and Investment Transformational Infrastructure Unlocking the Economic Potential of Place ESF Convergence Tackling barriers to employment improving employability and skills of unemployed and inactive people; tackling barriers to work. Convergence is for the people of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Improving the skills of the local workforce support those already in employment to improve their skills to remain and progress within the labour market. The Convergence Investment Themes Title tell them what they need to know tell them tell them what you told them a set of ideals that continue to stir our collective conscience; a common set of values that bind us together despite our differences From The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama