Communicable and non- communicable diseases Dr. Irniza Rasdi

Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases

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Communicableand non-


Dr. Irniza Rasdi

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• Communicable disease:  a disease that can be spra person rom another person, an animal or object. Ecommon cold, inuenza, mononucleosis, etc.

•  Non-communicable disease: a disease that can !spread rom person to person. Ex: cancer, heart disecirrhosis, etc.

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Defnitions Continued

•  Disease:  $n% condition that intereres &ith the normproper unctionin' o the bod% or mind.

• !ot all t%pes o un'i, bacteria, (iruses and protozoadisease-causin' a'ents

• Germs: #he microor'anisms that cause diseases. #hare so small the% can onl% be seen throu'h a micros

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 $ case is a ris) actor *

Inection in one person can be transmitted to ot


 What is infectious disease

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Infectious DiseasesCaused by Pathoge


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• #his is the stud% o &hat causes adisease.

• It is basicall% ho& scientists+doctorspinpoint &hat created the disease in

order to better understand ho& tocure it or pre(ent it rom spreadin'.

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Disease is the result offorces within a dynamicsystem consisting of:

agent of infection


Epidemiologic Triad

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• Age

• Sex

• Genotype

• Behaviour 

• Nutritional status

• Health status

• Infectivity

• Pathogenicity

• Virulence

• Immunogenicity

• Antigenic stability• Survival

• eather 

• Housing

• Geography

• !ccupational settin

• Air "uality

• #oo$




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Epidemiologic TriadConcepts

•Infectivity abilit% to in(ade a host

  inected + susceptible/ 0 122

•Pathogenicity   abilit% to cause disease

&ith clinical disease + o inected/

• "irulence  abilit% to cause death

o deaths + &ith disease cases// 0

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3odes o Disease #ransmissio

• Direct contact

• Indirect contact

• Droplet

•  $irborne

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Direct Contact #ransmissio

• 3icrobes directl% transerred rom an inected persoanother person

• Examples

• Contact &ith blood or other bod% uids

• 4n'lo(ed contact &ith a scabies-inested patient

• 4n'lo(ed contact &ith &ounds or mucous membranes

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Indirect Contact #ransmissi

• 3icrobes transerred throu'h contaminated intermeobject+li(in' thin's

• Examples

• 5ealthcare personnel not perormin' ade6uate hand h%'ien

bet&een patients• 7harin' medical e6uipment &ithout cleanin' or disinection

bet&een patients

• Deecti(e medical e6uipment allo&in' or inade6uate disinor sterilization

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• #he item that transers thepatho'en to its host.

•  8ectors are 9(ehicles thattransport patho'ens romone host to another.

• Examples: &ater, blood,tic)s, mos6uitoes*

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Droplet #ransmission

• Respirator% droplets carr%in' inectious patho'ens

• ;enerated durin' cou'hin', sneezin', tal)in', or certain mprocedures e.'. suctionin'/

• Droplets traditionall% defned as < = >m

• #%picall% reers to distances &ithin ? eet o inected patien

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 $irborne #ransmission

• Dissemination o droplet nuclei containin' inectiousa'ents

• Dispersed o(er lon' distances

• @ace-to-ace contact not re6uired

• 7pecial (entilation s%stems are re6uired to pre(ent airborntransmission

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#hin) about it:Ahere Do Batho'ens 5ide Ahen

!ot Inectin' Beople and $nimals#he soilodies o &ater7uraces li)e arm e6uipment#he s)in o people and animals

In the airIn bod% uids

 Where those


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Susceptible host

Dynamics of  infectiousness




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     e      c        t 

       i     o      n



Timeline for Infection


diseaseClinical   Death/recovery


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Timelines for Infection and Disease

#atent period: time inter(al rom inection to de(elopmo inectious note: this defnition diers rom that usenon-inectious diseases/.

Infectious period: time durin' &hich the host can ineanother host.

Incubation period: time rom inection to de(elopmens%mptomatic disease.

$ymptomatic period: period in &hich s%mptoms o th

disease are present.

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Endemic: 5abitual presence o a disease in a 'i'eo'raphic area.

Epidemic: "ccurrence o a 'roup o illnesses onature &ithin a 'i(en communit% or re'ion in enormal expectanc%, and deri(ed rom a commona propa'ated source.

Pandemic:  $ &orld&ide epidemic.

%erd immunity: Resistance o a 'roup o to an b a disease to &hich a lar e ro ortion o mem

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Chain of Infection


#he painul and prooundl%disf'urin' (isible maniestations

o the disease, l%mphoedema,elephantiasis and scrotal s&ellin'

occur later in lie and lead to

permanent disabilit%. #hesepatients are not onl% ph%sicall%

disabled, but suer mental, socialand fnancial losses contributin'

to sti'ma and po(ert%.

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Immune 7%stem

• #he Immune 7%stem is a combination obod% deenses made up o cells, tissues,and or'ans that f'ht patho'ens in the

bod%.• ItFs purpose is to help %ou 'et better &hen %ouare ill and to pre(ent %ou rom becomin' ill inthe frst place.

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%ow does our body protect ufrom pathogens?

• "ur bod% is an amazin' machine &hich has f(e mainbarriers frst line o deense/ or )eepin' our bod% h#he% are:

• $&in acts as a protecti(e barrier

• 'ucous 'embranes line the mouth, nose, throat, e%es and oth

parts. #hese trap 'erms. Cou'hin' and sneezin' 'ets rid o the 'etrapped b% these mucus membranes.

• $aliva  contains enz%me that destro% man% harmul or'anisms.

• Tears &ash a&a% 'erms. Contains enz%mes that )ill some harmuor'anisms.

• $tomach (cid acid )ills man% 'erms

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 $nti'ens and $ntibodies

• AhatFs the dierence bet&een the t&o

•  (ntigens: a substance that sends %ourimmune s%stem into action &hen %our bod% isin(aded b% patho'ens. #he bod% sees these as9in(aders.

•  (ntibodies: proteins that attach to anti'ens,)eepin' them rom harmin' the bod%. 5o& ourbod% responds to anti'ens, b% producin'antibodies our bod%Fs 9arm% o soldiers.

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Iceber' Concept o Inectio

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• !on-communicable diseases are the leadin' )iller toda% aon the increase.

• !earl% G2H o these deaths occurred in lo&- and middle-icountries.

• 3ore than nine million o all deaths attributed tononcommunicable diseases !CDs/ occur beore the a'e

•  $round the &orld, !CDs aect &omen and men almost e

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• #he leadin' causes o !CD deaths &ere:

• cardio(ascular diseases 1J million deaths, or KGH o !CDdeaths/L

• cancers J. million, or M1H o !CD deaths/L and

• respirator% diseases, includin' asthma and chronic obstrucpulmonar% disease C"BD/, K.M million/. Diabetes caused aadditional 1.? million deaths.

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Cardiovascular diseases

• Cardio(ascular disease is caused b% disorders o the heand blood (essels, and includes coronar% heart diseaseattac)s/, cerebro(ascular disease stro)e/, raised bloodpressure h%pertension/, peripheral arter% disease,rheumatic heart disease, con'enital heart disease and


•  $lthou'h heart attac)s and stro)es are major )illers inparts o the &orld, G2H o premature heart disease andstro)e is pre(entable

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Cardiovascular diseases:Contributing factors

 $ personFs 'enetic ma)e-up

#he oundations o adult health are laid in earl% lie

7ocioeconomic 'roup

3ental health


"(er&ei'ht and obesit%





;lobalization and urbanization

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• Cancer is the uncontrolled 'ro&th and spread ocells that arises rom a chan'e in one sin'le cell.

• #he chan'e ma% be started b% external a'ents andinherited 'enetic actors and can aect almost an%

part o the bod%.• #he transormation rom a normal cell into a tumo

cell is a multista'e process &here 'ro&ths otenin(ade surroundin' tissue and can metastasize todistant sites.

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Common cancersin 'alaysia

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Cancer: Interaction between a person)s

genetic factors and any of three categoriesof e*ternal agents

• Physical carcinogens+ such as ultraviolet andioni,ing radiation or asbestos+

• Chemical carcinogens+ components of tobaccosmo&e- a!ato*in .a food contaminant/ and arsenidrin&ing0water contaminant/+

• 1iological carcinogens+ such as infections fromcertain viruses- bacteria or parasites2

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Cancer:risk factors for cancer  

• tobacco use• unhealth% diet• insuicient ph%sical acti(it%• the harmul use o alcohol• Inections hepatitis , hepatitis C li(er cancer/, hum

papilloma(irus 5B8L cer(ical cancer/, Helicobacterpylori stomach cancer/• Radiation•  (ariet% o en(ironmental and occupational exposures o (ar%in' importance

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Chronic respiratory diseas

•  $ccordin' to the A5" ;lobal 7tatus Report on !CDM212, smo)in' is estimated to cause about J1H o acancer deaths and KMH o chronic respirator% diseas&orld&ide.

• 7econd-hand smo)e causes se(ere respirator% healthproblems in children, such as asthma and reduced luunction

• Indoor air pollution rom biolo'ical a'ents related toand mould increases the ris) o respirator% disease

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• Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs &hen thepancreas does not produce enou'h insulin a hormothat re'ulates blood su'ar/ or alternati(el%, &hen thcannot eecti(el% use the insulin it produces.

•  #he o(erall ris) o d%in' amon' people &ith diabeteleast double the ris) o their peers &ithout diabetes

•  $bout ?KJ million people &orld&ide ha(e diabetes.

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• #otal deaths rom diabetes are projected to rise b% mthan =2H in the next 12 %ears.

• In de(eloped countries most people &ith diabetes arabo(e the a'e o retirement,

• &hereas in de(elopin' countries those most re6uenaected are a'ed bet&een ?= and K.

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%ealth $ystem'alay

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5ealth care s%stem in 3ala%

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 $77I;!3E!# M

1. Choose a disease+illness

M. Choose a traditional treatment a(ailable or thedisease+illness

?. Describe in detail about the treatment related to th

chosen illnessK. Explain ho& does the treatment ma% impro(e or tre

selected illness.

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#han) %ou