Interactive Read-Alouds Grade 3 Fourth Nine Weeks 4 Days 14 Days

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Interactive Read-Alouds

Grade 3

Fourth Nine Weeks

4 Days 14 Days

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Jim Henson: The Guy Who Played with PuppetsKathleen KrullLexile: 960Grade Level Band: 4-5Days: 4Grade 3

DAY 1(Pages 6-13)

Introduce Book and Preview Technical VocabularyThis book is called Jim Henson: The Guy who Played with Puppets. This is a book about someone you might have heard of, Jim Henson. He is the creator of Sesame Street and the Muppets. This book is a biography about his life. A biography is a book about someone’s life that was written by someone else. This biography was written by Kathleen Krull. She tells about Jim Henson’s childhood all the way through the rest of his life. You will learn about where his ideas came from how he got started with puppets.

Text StructureThis book is organized to give the reader information about Jim Henson’s life. Our graphic organizer is a timeline. [Construct and discuss.] As we read the book we will fill in parts of his life. Today we will read about his childhood.

Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension StrategiesToday we will learn about Jim Henson's childhood. Later I will ask you to write a short paragraph telling about it. So listen for details.

[Begin by showing the class the actual picture of Jim Henson and read the quote. Also show the students the dates and explain to them that it is when he was born and when he died.]

[Middle of page 6 after that was entertainment]This part of the story reminds me of my life when I was younger. When I was younger the Internet and video games were not around so we played outside all the time and had to use our imagination. Talk to your partner about something you didn’t have when you were younger and what you did to pass the time.[Please feel free to make your own connection!]

[End of page 6]How do you think his imagination and lack of television helped Jim Henson with his future career?


Years through College


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[End of page 8]Jim really enjoyed spending time with his grandmother. Why did he enjoy spending time with her more than others? Have you ever felt that way about someone? Talk to your partner.

[Page 10 after that was magic]The author says that making people laugh was magic. What does the author mean?

[Page 12 after Charlie McCarthy]Does anyone know what a ventriloquist is? Why was this something that Jim liked to watch?

[End of page 12]How do you think Jim Henson’s childhood helped him in his future career?

DiscussionLet’s look at our timeline of Jim Henson’s life. What things should we say happened during his childhood?

Sentence ComposingUnscramblein search-of more-he performed in-school plays-working behind stage-as well

CombineUsually he kept his thoughts to himself. He didn’t like to bother people.[Prompt use of the causal words and phrases, such as because or which is why.]

Written ResponsePretend someone asked you what Jim Henson liked to do during his childhood. Think about how you would answer. Write a paragraph about some of the things you remember that he liked.

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Jim Henson: The Guy Who Played with PuppetsDAY 2

(Pages 14-21)Planning Note

If possible, bring a plastic spork as a prop.Review and Share Written Responses

Ask partners to share their paragraphs. Encourage them to see if their partner recalled something that they didn’t. Then review the timeline.

Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension StrategiesAs I read today, we will learn about words that are made by blending to other words together. Later I will ask you to make up a few of your own.

[Page 14 after they gave in]Why was getting a television so important to Jim Henson?

[End of page 14]Why would Jim’s dad want him to study science? Why didn’t he want him to play with puppets? Tell your partner what the reason might have been.

[Page 16 after playing with puppets]Does anyone know what a marionette is? [Be sure to clarify.] A marionette is a puppet with strings.

Why do you think Jim wanted to play with puppets on TV and not be on TV himself?

[End of page 16]How do you think Jim’s dad felt when Jim had his own show?

[Page 18 after kept to himself]Why did Jim Henson want his creatures to be made out of fabric?

[End of page 18]Why did Jim and Jane come up with a name to call their creatures that was different from marionettes or puppets?

[This is optional but fun!]The puppets Jim made had strings but there was also someone’s hand inside. So Jim created a new name for this type of puppet. He started with the words marionette and puppet. He took the m from marionette and put it at the beginning of puppet after taking away the p.[Write the words.]

This is called a blend word. There are lots of them. A meal that’s between breakfast and lunch is called brunch.

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Now let’s get back to our book.

[End of page 20]How did Jim’s time in Europe change his view on puppets? How do you know? Talk to your partner.

DiscussionLet’s add some more to Jim Henson’s timeline. What things can we add that have happened in his teenage years and through college? Let’s make sure we put them in order of when they happened.

Sentence ComposingExpandJim wanted ________________.

UnscrambleJim / asked Jane / Nebel a / woman from / his puppetry / class to / help out

Written ResponseToday I want you to invent three new blend words. Tell what each new word means. Here are two more blend words to give you some ideas. [Write them and underline the parts.] A liger is a cat whose father is a lion and whose mother is a tiger. A spork is an eating utensil that can be used as a fork or a spoon. Here’s a spork. Blend words are fun! Now you make up three of your own and tell what they mean. You can illustrate them if you want.

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Jim Henson: The Guy Who Played with PuppetsDAY 3

(Pages 22-27)Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners to share their blend words. Review timeline.]Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies

After we read today, I will ask you to write a paragraph telling how you believe Jim felt about the Muppets. You'll need to give your reasons, so pay close attention today.

[Page 22, after The Ed Sullivan Show]Do you think Jim Henson feels he’s a success once his Muppets are in commercials and are now on TV shows? Why or why not?

[End of page 22]The author says that Jim is a famous guy on TV. But is he really a famous guy on TV? Talk to your partner.

[Page 24 after limit his Muppets to children]Why do you think Jim Henson had to think about this offer?

[End of page 24]What other experiments did Jim do so far in his life? How was this TV show an experiment?

[End of page 26]How do you think Jim Henson is feeling about his experiment with a TV show for preschoolers? How do you know? Talk to your partner.

DiscussionLet’s add some more important things to Jim Henson’s timeline. What events can we add that have happened during his adult life? Don’t forget to keep them in order.

Sentence ComposingUnscrambleJim worked hard - sketching each Muppet - in the brightest - of colors - then guiding its - creation

ExpandJim loved to experiment.

Written ResponsePretend you are Jim Henson. Write a paragraph telling how you feel about the Muppets. Be sure to give your reasons. And remember to write from Jim’s point of view. When you use the word I, it means Jim, not you.

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Jim Henson: The Guy Who Played with PuppetsDAY 4

(Pages 28-35)Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners to share their paragraphs. Review timeline.]Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies

After we finish our book today, I will ask you to write a paragraph telling which of Jim Henson's accomplishments you think was the most important. Be ready to give your reasons as well.

[End of page 28]I know Jim Henson wanted to entertain people with his career. How do you think he feels after he started Sesame Street? Why?

[End of page 30]Why do you think Jim Henson wanted to try new things with puppets after starting Sesame Street? [Prompt his love of experimentation.]

[Page 32 after 235 million people each week]Now Jim Henson has started another show for the whole family. How do you think he is feeling now? How do you know this? Talk to your partner.

[End of page 34]The author says that Jim Henson made a difference in this world. Who can tell one way?

DiscussionLet’s add some more important things to Jim Henson’s timeline. What events can we add that have now happened during his adult life? Don’t forget to keep them in order.[Review the entire timeline, emphasizing that making a timeline is good way to remember the order of events.]

Sentence ComposingCombineJim went on to make several hit Muppet movies. Jim worked on other people’s projects.[Prompt the use of contrast words, such as but and although.]

ExpandAs he had wished, everyone wore bright colors.

Written ResponseJim Henson had many accomplishments in his lifetime. Write a paragraph telling your opinion about which accomplishment was most important. Be sure to give the reasons for your opinion.

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ShilohPhyllis Reynolds NaylorLexile: 890Grade Level Band: 4-5Days: 15Grade 3

Planning Notes This book is the first of a trilogy. If the other books are available, some students

may wish to continue reading about Shiloh on their own. This is a first-person narrative told from a boy’s viewpoint. The language is

informal and contains slang and dialect. You’ll want to be sure students understand that this is intentional on the author’s part.

Bring a gunnysack (burlap bag) for Chapter 8 if possible.DAY 1

Chapter 1Develop or Activate Background Knowledge

The book we will begin today is the story of what happened to a boy named Marty Preston. One day Marty finds a lost dog that he thinks is being mistreated. What should Marty do when he discovers who owns the dog and that the owner wants him back? We’ll find out.The book is called Shiloh, which is the name Marty gives the dog. It was written by Phyllis Reynolds Taylor it won the Newbery Medal for best book.

Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions During ReadingIn this chapter we will follow Marty as he walks through the hills. Later I will ask you to describe one of those walks.

[Before reading page 11]As I read, I want you to notice the tense the author uses. [Stop at mid-page and prompt that it’s present tense.]Most novels are written in the past tense. Why do you think she uses the present tense?[One reason is that it lends a sense of immediacy to events, as though they are happening right now.]

[Page 12]Why do you think the boy does not shoot his rifle at anything moving?

[Page 18]I’m wondering whether he’ll keep the dog. I’ll make a prediction here. When we predict, we think about what we know and try to figure out something about the future. I know the boy really likes the dog and I also know that the title of the book is the name of the dog! So I predict he will keep the dog. Talk with your partner and see if the two of you agree.

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

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Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was cringe. What word? Cringe means to bend your head or body because you’re afraid. [Physically model.] Some people cringe at the sight of blood or because they think something’s going to hurt. Here’s what we read in this chapter: “Something really hurts inside when you see a dog cringe like that.” Cringe means to bend your head or body because you’re afraid. What word?Another word from our book today was gristmill. What word? A gristmill is a place where they grind grain. Flour you buy in a store was made at a gristmill. A gristmill is usually on the edge of a river so that the water can turn the wheel that grinds the grain. [Display picture.]Here’s what we read in this chapter: “Once he follows me across the bridge, though, and on past the gristmill, I start to worry.” A gristmill is a place where they grind grain. What word?

Sentence ComposingImitateSistersville was one of the best places you could live in the whole state.______ was one of the ______ places you could live in the whole state.______ was one of the best places you could ______ in the whole state.

ExpandIt’s like pressing a magic button.

Written ResponseWrite a paragraph telling about Marty’s walks in the hills. Tell when he liked to go, what he might see, and anything else you want to include. I want everyone to use the same topic sentence: Marty liked to take walks in the hills.

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ShilohDAY 2

Chapter 2Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners to share their paragraphs. Review events of Chapter 1.]Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions During Reading

After we read today, I will ask you to list reasons why Marty doesn't like Judd Travers. Be alert for them.

[Page 22]What do you think he meant by saying his dream sort of leaked out like water in a paper bag? [After hearing responses.] Marty didn’t mean it was really like water leaking. That is the literal meaning, but the author is using colorful language.

[Page 27]Why do you think Ray Preston takes the dog back to Judd?

What would you have done? Tell your partner your opinion and give your reasons.Discussion

Now it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was impatient. What word? Impatient means you cannot wait for something to happen or for someone to do something. When traffic is backed up, I get impatient. In this chapter, we read that “For the first time I can tell Dad's getting impatient with me.” Impatient means you cannot wait for something to happen or for someone to do something. What word?

Another word from our book today was hooked. What word? If you are hooked, it means you suddenly like someone or something very much. The word hooked is borrowed from fishing. Here’s an example: After watching one episode of a new TV series, she was hooked and keep watching every week. In the chapter today, we read this sentence: “I got hooked on him, Dad, and I want to know he's treated right.” If you are hooked, it means you suddenly like someone or something. What word?

Sentence ComposingCombineI whistle softly. I watch as Shiloh comes loping toward me.[Prompt use of the causal words and phrases, such as because or which is why.]

UnscrambleJudd’s / at the door / of his / trailer / already / in his / undershirt / peering out

Written ResponseMake a list of the four reasons Marty does not like Judd Travers. Write four sentences in your own words and number them from 1 to 4.

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ShilohDAY 3

Chapter 3Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners to share their lists of four reasons. Prompt them to compare the lists to see how they differ. Review events of Chapter 2.]

Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions During ReadingLater today I will ask you to write a message to Marty with a few suggestions about what he should do.

[Page 30]Can you think of any way he can earn money? Talk to your partner.

[Page 36] Why do you think Judd does not name his dogs?Discussion

Now it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was sickle. What word? A sickle is a farm tool with a long handle and a long curved blade. [Draw a sickle.] You can use a sickle to cut weeds. In the book we read: “He's got a big old sickle; he’s cutting weeds long his side of the road.” A sickle is a farm tool with a long handle and a long curved blade. What word?

One of the words from our book today was ooze. What word? If a liquid oozes, it comes out a little at a time. Sometimes if I cut myself, the blood oozes out. In the book, we read this: “Judd just laughs, and his teeth's dark where the tobacco juice oozes through.” You can just see it in your mind’s eye, can’t you? If a liquid oozes, it comes out a little at a time. What word?

Sentence ComposingImitateThat night Dad and I sit out on the porch.That night ______ and ______ sit out on the ______.

ExpandMy stomach hurts for Shiloh.

Written ResponseWrite a message to Marty. Make a suggestion about what he should do. Be sure to give your reasons.

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ShilohDAY 4

Chapter 4Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners share their messages to Marty. Review events of Chapter 3.]Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during Reading

As you know, many people write in a diary almost every night. Later I will ask you to pretend that Marty keeps a diary. Be thinking about what he might write in his diary tonight.

[Page 42]Marty made a promise to Judd Travers that he did not keep. Do you think he should have kept his promise? Tell your partner.

[Page 45]Do you think Shiloh will stay inside the fence? Why?

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was feeble. What word? Feeble means very weak. I don’t look forward to growing old and feeble. In Shiloh we read this: “It isn’t that we are rock-poor; trouble is that Grandma Preston’s got real feeble.” Feeble means very weak. What word?

Another word from this chapter was lard. What word? Lard is fat from a pig that’s sometimes used in cooking. Most people don’t use lard today. Lard isn’t very healthy. Here’s a sentence from Shiloh: “I’m sitting at the table eating a piece of bread spread with lard and jam when I hear the noise I know is Shiloh.” Lard is fat from a pig that’s sometimes used in cooking. What word?

Sentence ComposingCombineI’m tense as a cricket that night. I’m tense when Dad drives up in his Jeep.

UnscrambleI run / barefoot down / the front / steps and over / to where / Shiloh’s lying / his tail / just thumping / like crazy / in the grass

Written ResponseWrite a diary entry as if you were Marty. Marty has broken a promise and stolen a dog. What thoughts and feelings do you think he is having? Remember that you must write from Marty’s point of view. When you use the pronoun I, it means Marty, not you!

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ShilohDAY 5

Chapter 5Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners to share their diary entries. Review events of Chapter 4.]Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during Reading

I think we all feel like Marty sometimes when we really want something. Later I will ask you to write and tell me about a time in your own life when you really wanted something.

[Page 49]In your opinion, do you think Marty’s mom believes he wants to save the food for himself? Let’s vote! Now let me hear some reasons for your opinion.

[Page 54]What kind of person is Judd Travers? Tell your partner some words you might use to describe him. [After they discuss.] Let’s make a list of words that describe the kind of person Judd was. [After you build the list] We call these words character traits because they tell about him as a fictional character.

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was nourish. What word? Nourish means to provide food to make a person healthy. We are nourished best by a balanced diet. In this chapter there is a prayer: “Bless it to nourish the good within us.” Nourish means to provide food to make a person healthy. What word?

Another word from this chapter was commence. What word? Commence means to start or begin. It was at __ o’clock this morning that school commenced. We read this in Shiloh: “He gobbles down the supper that I’ve brought him, then he commences to slobber love all over me.” Commence means to start or begin. What word?

Sentence ComposingImitateThere’s always cornflakes or something.There’s always cornflakes or ______.There’s always ______ or ______.

ExpandI stop in my tracks, fingers tightening around my gun.

Written ResponseMarty really wants Shiloh. Write about a time that you really wanted something. Did you have to work hard to get it? Compare yourself with Marty. How are Marty’s thoughts similar to the ones you had?

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ShilohDAY 6

Chapter 6Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners share their writing about something they wanted very much. Encourage students to focus on how their partners contrasted their feelings with Marty’s. Review events of Chapter 5.]

Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during ReadingAfter we read today I will ask you to put yourself in Marty's place. I will ask you to write and tell me how much Marty should tell the adults about Shiloh.

[Page 63]Marty gets into the car with Judd Travers. Was that a good thing to do? What would you have done?

[Page 65]Do you think Marty really feels sorry for Judd Travers? Tell your partner your opinion and give your reasons.

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was mash. What word? Mash is grain that’s mixed with warm water and fed to animals. Horses like to eat mash. In Shiloh, the chickens ate it: Marty’s mother came out of the house to “throw some mash to the hens.” Mash is grain that’s mixed with warm water and fed to animals. What word?

Another word from this chapter was devilment. What word? Devilment is another word for mischief. I knew a child once who was always playing tricks on people. There was no telling was devilment he’d be up to next. In this chapter, here’s how we find that word used: “Just for devilment, she plunks herself down beside me in the swing and starts doing everything I do.” Devilment is just another name for mischief. What word?

Sentence ComposingImitateWhat do you know about it?What do you ______ about it?What do you ______ about ______?

UnscrambleI sit on / the porch / swing later / not even / bothering to / push it / and listen / to the table / being set / inside

Written ResponseTell what you would do in Marty’s place. Would you tell your parents or Judd Travers that you have Shiloh? Give your reasons.

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ShilohDAY 7

Chapter 7Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners to share what they would do in Marty’s place. Prompt them to contrast their views if they differ. Review events of Chapter 6.]

Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during ReadingAs we read this chapter, think about how David's home and mother are the same and different from Marty's. Later I will ask you to tell me how they are alike and different.

[Page 70]What do you think Marty means when he says he has right and wrong all mixed up in his head?

[Page 71]Why do you think Mr. Wallace thought the food was for Marty’s family?

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was envy. What word? Envy is a desire for something that someone else has. If a friend gets a new toy, you might look at them with envy. In Shiloh, Marty mentions envy when he says, “First time I saw any envy in my ma.” Envy is a desire for something that someone else has. What word?

Another word from this chapter was maze. What word? A maze is a lot of hallways that go in all directions. Once you go into a maze, you might get lost because of all the twists and turns. In the chapter, the boys put the crab in a maze they build out of blocks. They watch as “he skids along the maze, looking for which way to go.” A maze is a lot of hallways that go in all directions. What word?

Sentence ComposingImitateI gave him all the change I had.I ______ him all the ______ I had.I gave him all the change I ______.

ExpandI eat every bite of my chicken salad sandwich.

Written ResponseCompare David Howard’s home and mother to Marty’s home and mother. Start by telling how they are similar. Then tell how they are different.

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ShilohDAY 8

Chapter 8Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners to share their comparisons of the two homes and mothers. Review events of Chapter 7.]

Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during ReadingA great word today is remedy. Later I will ask you to write a super sentence using that word.

[Page 76]What do you think Mr. Wallace said to the town folks about the Preston family being on hard times?

Let’s vote. How many of you think he should not have said anything? Tell your partner why you voted the way you did.

[Page 80]Make a prediction. What do you think Ma will do after finding out about Shiloh? Remember, we need to base a prediction on what we know so far.

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was gunnysack. What word? A gunnysack is a large bag made of rough and heavy material. They’re also called burlap bags. Sometimes potatoes are sold in gunnysacks. When several gunnysacks are empty they can make a soft bed for an animal. In fact, here's a sentence from this chapter: “I take him back, and he goes right to the gunnysacks in the lean-to, he is so tuckered out.” A gunnysack is a large bag made of rough and heavy material. What word?

Another word from this chapter was remedy. What word? A remedy is something you use to fix a problem. If you’re sick, then medicine could be a remedy. But a remedy could be for any other kind of problem. If you have a stain on a rug, baking soda could be a remedy. Some people like to brag if they know a remedy. Here’s a sentence from this chapter: “Folks think they got a remedy for something, they tell it to you whether you need it or not.” A remedy is something you use to fix a problem. What word?

Sentence ComposingCombineThen I let him lick the oatmeal pan. Then I show him every one of our four rooms. Then I hold him on my lap on the porch swing.[Prompt them to create a chronological series using words like after and then.]

UnscrambleFirst time / I have / the whole / place to / myself and / I let / Shiloh run / pure free

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Written ResponseWrite a super sentence for the word remedy. Start with a diagram. Remedy will be in the center, and the spokes are question words. [Display it.] A super sentence uses at least three spokes.

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ShilohDAY 9

Chapter 9Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners to share their super sentences. Encourage students to focus on question words in their partners’ sentences. Review events of Chapter 8.]

Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during ReadingA lot is happening in our book so far. Later I will ask you to write a short summary of events.

[Page 84]Should Marty’s mom keep Shiloh a secret?

[Page 88]What do you think Marty’s dad will do after finding out that Shiloh is in the pen and he is hurt?

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was crouch. What word? Crouch means to squat down like this. Some animals crouch if they are waiting to spring up toward their prey. Like this! In Chapter 9, I read this sentence: “She crouches down in the soft pine needles and Shiloh starts leaping up on her with his front paws, licking at her face.” Crouch means to squat down like this. What word?

Another word from this chapter was hunch. What word? Hunch means to raise your shoulders and bend forward. Like this. In this chapter, Marty writes, “Then I see this big German Shepherd, mean as nails, hunched over Shiloh there on the ground.” Hunch means to raise your shoulders and bend forward. What word?

Sentence ComposingImitateWhat kind of law is it that lets a man mistreat his dog?What kind of law is it that lets a ______ mistreat his ______?What kind of law is it that lets a man ______ his ______?

ExpandIt is hard to say how I feel after she leaves.

Written ResponseImage that someone asks you what’s happened so far. Write a summary of events up to this point. Remember that when you write a summary you need to decide what’s important and what’s not. You include only the most important facts.

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ShilohDAY 10

Chapter 10Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners share their summaries. Review events of Chapter 9.]Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during Reading

After we read today, I'll ask you to make a sign advertising for a good home for Shiloh. Be thinking about what your sign might say.

[Page 90]Where do you think Dad is taking Shiloh? [Prompt text-based evidence.]

[Page 95]What do you think Marty means when he says that there is still time and he is not licked yet?

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was trousers. What word? Trousers is another name for pants. Boys and men wear trousers. Here’s a sentence from the book: “He goes into the house for his trousers … and then we’re off.”

Another word from this chapter was obliged. What word? Obliged means being thankful to someone for a favor. I’d be obliged to you if you would lend me five dollars. Not really! Here’s how obliged was used in this chapter: “I have a dog here, hurt bad, and if you could take a look at him, see if he can be saved, I’d be much obliged.” Obliged means being thankful to someone for a favor. What word?

Sentence ComposingCombineThe doc’s a short man with a round belly. The doc doesn’t seem to practice what he preaches about eating right.[Prompt use of the causal words and phrases, such as because or which is why.]

UnscrambleHardest thing / in the world / is to leave / Shiloh there / at Doc Murphy’s / the way his / eyes follow / me over / to the doorway / the way / his muscles move / like he’s / trying to / get up / when he sees / me leaving

Written ResponseMarty has thought about finding a good home for Shiloh. Make a sign that he could put up in the yard as an advertisement.

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ShilohDAY 11

Chapter 11Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners share their signs. Review events of Chapter 10.]Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during Reading

As I read today, think about all of the people who know about Shiloh. There are seven in all, and I will ask you later on to write a bit about each person.

[Page 99]Why does Marty say he just wants to be with the loneliness he feels? Share with your partner.

[Page 104]Why didn’t Doc Murphy want his patients to see Shiloh?

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was pester. What word? Pester means to bother someone over and over. It comes from the word pest. If I walk out into the yard at the wrong time, I could be pestered by mosquitoes. In this chapter, we read this sentence: “Can’t go down there pesterin’ Doc, him with patients to see.” Pester means to bother someone over and over. What word?

Another word from this chapter was warble. What word? Warble means to sing softly, changing a few notes over and over. [Model if you can!] Many birds warble. In this chapter, the word warble means to tell a secret. That can be almost like singing because people listen to every word. Here is the sentence: “She’ll warble it to the first person coming up the lane.” Warble means to sing softly, changing a few notes over and over. What word?

Sentence ComposingImitateI can see light in the bedroom as Dad goes down the hall.I can see light in the ______ as Dad goes down the ______.

ExpandMa’s still awake.

Written ResponseSeven people know about Shiloh. Name as many as you can and write a sentence describing each person. Start your paragraph with this topic sentence: “Seven people know about Shiloh.”

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ShilohDAY 12

Chapter 12Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners share their sentences about the people who know Shiloh. Review events of Chapter 11.]

Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during ReadingAfter we read today, we will review some of the words the author has used. I will ask you to write sentences that use those words.

[Page 109]Everybody is waiting for something to happen. What do you think will happen? Make a prediction and share it with your partner. Be sure to give your reasons.

[Page 111]Do you think that it was fair that Judd Travers heard about his dog from Doc Murphy instead of the Prestons?

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was mournful. What word? Mournful means filled with sadness. Some music is mournful. Some movies are mournful. Let’s give each other a mournful look. If you look mournful, people might take pity on you. That’s what Shiloh tried to do: “Shiloh’s going around the table, putting his nose in everyone’s lap, looking mournful, waiting for somebody to slip him something to eat.” Mournful means filled with sadness. What word?

Another word from this chapter was nonsense. What word? Nonsense is an idea that is silly and wrong. You can see that it contains the word sense but has the prefix non- Non- means not. So, it’s just the opposite of something that makes sense. If I told you that pigs could fly, you’d say that’s nonsense. Here’s how the word was used in this chapter: “Judd is looking at her like she is talking some kind of nonsense, like we are all getting crazier by the minute.” Nonsense is an idea that is silly and wrong. What word?

Sentence ComposingCombineMom and Dad look at Shiloh. Mom and Dad look at each other.[Prompt use of the temporal words after, when, while, and as.]UnscrambleJudd walks / across the kitchen / and at the / thud of each / footstep / Shiloh huddles / down farther / and farther / in the / box / like maybe / he can / make himself / disappear

Written ResponseWrite three sentences using some of the words we have studied. Each sentence must use two of the words. You cannot use the same words twice. Here are your choices:

nonsense mournful crouch hunch envypester devilment maze nourish commence

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ShilohDAY 13

Chapter 13Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners to share their sentences. Display the target words and encourage students to make sure that their partners’ sentences contain two of them. Review events of Chapter 12.]

Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during ReadingIn this chapter, Marty finds out something about Judd Travers that could get him into trouble. Later I will have you write about what you might do if you were Marty and the police came and talked to you about Judd.

[Page 117]How do you think Marty feels as he walks to Judd Travers’s place? Turn and talk with your partner?

[Page 119]Do you think Judd Travers knows that Marty saw him shoot the deer?What do you think will happen next?

DiscussionNow it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was investigator. What word? An investigator is a police detective. The first thing an investigator does is to look for clues. In this chapter, Marty wonders, “Do I really suppose they would send an investigator all the way out from Middlebourne to see about a man said to kick his dogs?” An investigator is a police detective. What word?

Another word from this chapter was allergic. What word? If you are allergic to something, it will have a bad effect on you. It might make you sick. Some people are allergic to bread. Others are allergic to cats or peanuts. Of course, they try to avoid those things. Allergic comes from the word allergy. In this chapter, Aunt Pat has an allergy. Here’s what Marty tells us: “It’s only Uncle Clyde and Aunt Pat, and she’s allergic to dogs.” If you are allergic to something, it will have a bad effect on you. What word?

Sentence ComposingImitateI get up quiet as can be.I get up ______ as can be.I ______ ______ quiet as can be.

ExpandIt’s the sound of a rifle.

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Written ResponseJudd Travers shot a deer out of season. Pretend that a policeman comes to your door and asks you about it. He asks you make a statement for his police report. Write down exactly what you saw and what you think should be done.

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ShilohDAY 14

Chapter 14Review and Share Written Responses

[Ask partners to share their police reports. Review events of Chapter 13.]Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during Reading

Later today I will ask that you write about Marty's visit with Judd Travers. Pay attention to details that you will need to write about their conversation.

[Middle of page 121]What doe Marty mean when he says he feels taller than he really is?

[Page 121]Marty was raised not to talk back to adults. So why is he arguing with Judd Travers?

[Page 128]Do you think Marty should trust Judd Travers to keep his word about giving Shiloh to Marty after he works for twenty hours? Talk to your partner and share your reason.

Let’s vote now on whether you think Marty should trust Judd.Discussion

Now it’s your turn to ask questions. Think of a really good question about what we’ve read today and ask your partner.

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was camouflage. What word? Camouflage is a color or pattern that makes a person, an animal, or a thing hard to see. You’ve studied camouflage in nature. For a green lizard on a leaf, its color is a form of camouflage. People can wear camouflage clothing. I’ve seen some of you wearing it. It’s brown and green and looks like the forest. This sentence from the chapter is about clothing: “He’s wearing this army camouflage shirt, a brown cap, and the weirdest grin that could fit on a human face.” Army vehicles sometimes have camouflage too. Remember that camouflage is a color or pattern that makes a person, an animal, or a thing hard to see. What word?

Another word from this chapter was game warden. What word? A game warden is a policeman who makes sure hunters and fishermen obey the law. If you catch more fish than the law allows, the game warden might catch you! In this chapter, Judd doesn’t think there’s a problem. “Not unless the game warden finds out, there’s not,” Judd says. A game warden is a policeman who makes sure hunters and fishermen obey the law. What word?

Sentence ComposingCombineYou should learn to listen. You should keep your mouth shut. You should let the grown folks do the talking.[Prompt creating a series and using the word and before the last item.]

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ImitateHelp me get this deer to my trailer.Help me get this ______ to my ______.

Written Response Write about Marty’s visit with Judd Travers. Include as many details as you can.

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ShilohDAY 15

Chapter 15Review and Share Written Responses

[Review events of Chapter 14 and have partners share what they wrote about Marty’s visit with Judd.]

Model a Comprehension Strategy and Ask Questions during ReadingLater today I will ask you to write a thank-you letter. Soon you will see who should write such a letter, who should receive it, and why.

[Page 131]Dad says we have a new member in this house. Why does Marty think that is the nicest thing he has heard?

[Page 144]Judd Travers gave Marty an old dog collar. Why do you think he did that?

Do you think Marty was surprised? Why or why not?

Do you like the way the book ended? Raise your hand if you didn’t. [If anyone does, prompt alternative ending]

DiscussionImagine that the author of our book, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, were visiting our class today. What questions would you like to ask her?

Teach Tier 2 WordsOne of the words from our book today was definite. What word? Definite means there’s no doubt about it. If you were to ask me if we’re in a classroom right now, I’d say, “Definitely!” At the kitchen table, Marty’s dad is surprised that Judd has changed his mind. “Judd seemed pretty definite about keepin’ that dog,” he says. Definite means without any doubt. What word?

Another word from this chapter was omission. What word? When you leave out something, it’s an omission. Sometimes when I check something I’ve written, I find that there are a few commas missing. I’ve made some omissions. Sometimes an omission can be on purpose. That’s the kind of omission Marty meant when he had this thought: “If I tell Ma and Dad everything except about the deer, that’s lying by omission, Ma says; not telling the whole truth.” An omission is something left out. What word?

Sentence ComposingExpandWe pet Shiloh to death.

CombineI made a bargain with you. I aim to keep my part.[Prompt use of the causal words and phrases, such as because or which is why.]

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Written ResponseWrite a thank-you letter to Judd Travers for Shiloh and the dog collar. Remember to write from Marty’s point of view.