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Common 'Themes' in Literature

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Common “Themes” in Literature

* Keep in mind that some of the statements below are clichés or platitudes which are not always considered themes. A theme is an original thought that a reader comes to and puts in his/her own words. Our students however, may come up with clichés such as these. If a student says the theme is, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” that may very well match the story and be a good place to start the discussion/thinking. We want to push kids beyond “picking out” a theme from a pre-developed list in someone else’s words… we want them to arrive at their own meaning and say it in their own words. Ask them, “What does that mean exactly? Can you say that in your own words?”

Good triumphs over evil.

Patience is rewarded.

Prejudice is learned and based on fear.

To thine own self be true.

By respecting and tolerating cultural differences, people can live peacefully together.

Sometimes it is important to defy society's rules and stand up for your own beliefs.

Consider the needs of others as well as your own.

The ends do not justify the means.

The ends do justify the means.

People determine the course of their own lives.

Every man is a hero if he strives more for others than for himself alone.

Good works and noble deeds are always repaid in kind.

The death of a loved one is painful, but the loving memories make one stronger.

One must accept responsibility for the choices one makes.

Determination, perseverence, and faith help one succeed.

The defects of society are a reflection of the defects of human nature. The shape of a society must depend on the ethical nature of the individual.

Good friends stick by you in both good and bad times.