Common Mistakes - 01

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  • 8/6/2019 Common Mistakes - 01




    1. A me piaceviaggiare.

    wrong To me I l ike to travel .

    right I l ike to travel .

    2. Giul ia la miamigl iore amica.

    wrong Giul ia is the my best fr iend.

    right Giul ia is my best fr iend.

    3. Se studieraiabbastanza, passerai l esame.

    wrong If you wi l l study enough, you wi l l pass the exam.

    right I f you study enough, you wi l l pass the exam.

    4. Quandof inir i miei compit i , uscir.

    wrong When I wi l l f in ish my homework, I l l go out.

    right When I f inish my homework, I l l go out.

    5. Appenaarrivera casa, t i te lefoner. wrong As soon as I wi l l arr ive home, I l l phone you.

    right As soon as I arrive home, I l l phone you.

    6. Smisedi lavorareal le 10.

    wrong He stopped of to work at 10.

    right He stopped working at 10.

    7. Non homoltisoldi .wrong I haven t got many money.

    right I haven t got much money.

    8. Debbo andarea casa, tardi .

    wrong I must go to home, i t s late.

    right I must go home , i t s late.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/6/2019 Common Mistakes - 01




    9. Facciosempre lo stesso errore. wrong I always do the same mistake.

    right I a lways make the same mistake.

    10. Carlonon fa niente tutto i l g iorno.

    wrong Carlo doesn t do nothing al l day.

    right Carlo doesnt do anything al l day.

    right Carlo does nothing al l day.

    11. Marco nonstudiaabbastanza.

    wrong Marco doesn t studies enough.

    right Marco doesn t study enough.

    12. Io dicosempre la veri t.

    wrong I say always the truth.

    right I a lways speak the truth.

    13. Non lo so. Chiedilo amio padre. wrong I don t know. Ask to my father.

    right I don t know. As k my father.

    14. Saragli disseche lo amava molt issimo.

    wrong Sara said him that she loved him very much.

    right Sara said to him ( told him) that she loved him very much.

    15. Non direstupidaggini ! wrong Dont say nonsense!

    right Dont talk nonsense!

    16. Un giorno, mi piacerebbe comprare una Ferrar i .

    wrong A day, I would l ike to buy a Ferrar i .

    right One day, I would l ike to buy a Ferrar i .

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/6/2019 Common Mistakes - 01




    17. Maria sa suonaremolto bene la chi tarra. wrong Maria can play very wel l the gui tar.

    right Maria can play the gui tar very well .

    18. Abbiamomolto tempo.

    wrong We have much time.

    right We have a lot of t ime. / plenty of

    19. Non sonuotare.

    wrong I can t toswim.

    right I can t swim .

    20. Ogni matt inadebbo alzarmimolto presto.

    wrong Every morning I mustto get up very early.

    right Every morning I must get up very early.

    21. Carlo una personaonesta.

    wrong Carlo is ahonest person.

    right Carlo is an honest person.

    22. Marco arr ivunorapi tardi .

    wrong Marco arr ived ahour later.

    right Marco arr ived an hour later.

    23. Secondo me, Jul ia Roberts una donna affascinante.

    wrong According to me, Jul ia Roberts is a charming woman.

    right In my opinion , Jul ia Roberts is a charming woman.

    24. Secondo noi, Benigni un grande attore.

    wrong According to us, Benigni is a great actor.

    right In our opinion , Benigni is a great actor.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.