Common Gram Negative Bacteria

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  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    Common Gram Negative

    BacteriaAug. 2, 2016

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    1. Which of the following is true aboutNeisseria

    A. Nonmotile an! catalase an!o"i!ase #ositive

    B. $nhibite! b% the #resence ofvancom%cin or lincom%cin, colistin,an! n%statin

    C. Anaerobic, gram&negative cocci

    '. Catalase test is a (e% test fori!entif%ing them

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    2. Gram&negative !i#lococci recovere!from an

    )*) #late an! giving a #ositiveo"i!ase test

    can be #resum#tivel% i!enti+e! as

    A.Neisseria gonorrhoeae

    B. Neisseria meningitidis

    C. Neisseria lactamica

    '. All of the Above

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    -. 'ierentiation of N. gonorrhea an!N. meningiti!is can be !one b%

    A. Glucose /ermentation

    B. eaction

    C. )altose /ermentation

    '. $n!ole *est

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    3. *he 4&galactosi!ase test ai!s in thei!enti+cation of which Neisserias#ecies

    A. N. lactamica

    B. N. meningiti!is

    C. N. gonorrhoeae'. N. 5avescens

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    . C%stine tr%#tic !igest 7C*A8 me!ia use! fori!enti+cation of Neisseria s##. shoul!beinoculate! an! culture! in

    A. A C92 incubator at -:C for 23 hoursB. A C92 incubator at 32:C for u# to ;2 hours

    C. A nonC92incubator at -:C for u# to ;2hours

    '. An anaerobic incubator at -:C for u# to

    ;2 hours

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    6. A useful test to !ierentiateMoraxellacatarrhalis fromsa#ro#h%tic Neisseriaein res#irator%sam#les is

    A. But%rate esterase

    B. Gram stain

    C. Growth on < shee# bloo! agar

    '. =

    >. 9"i!ase

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    ;. Biochemicall%, the >nterobacteriaceaeare

    gram&negative ro!s that

    A. /erment glucose, re!uce nitrate to nitrite, an!

    are o"i!ase negativeB. /erment glucose, #ro!uce in!o#henol o"i!ase,

    an! form gas

    C. /erment lactose an! re!uce nitrite to

    nitrogen gas

    '. /erment lactose an! #ro!uce in!o#henolo"i!ase

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    ?. >*>C

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    @. >>C

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    10. >>C

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    11. What is the causative agent ofgranuloma inguinale

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    12. *he swarming gram&negative bacillusthat can be !escribe! as o"i!ase&negative, nitrateositive, in!ole&

    negative, an! 2ositive is mostl%li(el% which of the following

    A. roteus aerogenes

    B. roteus vulgarisC. roteus mirabilis

    '. >scherichia col

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    1-. Which of the following is trueregar!ing the #athogenesis ofhigella

    A. >ssential #athologic #rocess isinvasion of

    the mucosal e#ithelial cells

    B. $nfective !ose 10 organisms

    C. 'oes not cause !%senter%

    '. ong incubation #erio! 7;&10 !a%s8

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    13. *he laborator% !iagnosis ofhigella are the following e"ce#t

    A. actose Negative

    B. Drease Negative

    C. *$ Al(aline 7re! slant8Eaci! 7%ellowbutt8

    '. 7&8 gas , 7&8 2

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    1. *he mor#holog% an! i!enti+cationof salmonella are the followinge"ce#t

    A. Gram Negative Bacilli

    B. )otile with eritrichous 5agella

    C. /erments lactose or sucrose, 2#ro!ucer

    '. ensitive to Brilliant Green, o!ium!eo"%cholate, o!ium tetrathionate

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    16 &1;. 9n Wilson F Blair bismuthsul#hite me!ia . t%#hi #ro!uce

    colonies !ue to

    #ro!uction of

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    1?. Which of the following is trueregar!ing the !iagnosis of >ntericfever

    A. Bloo! culture is #ositive in thir!wee(

    B. tool culture is #ositive in +rst wee(

    C. *iter against the 9 antigen ofgreater than 1-20 is negative

    '. *iter against the antigen ofgreater than 1630 is consi!ere!

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    1@. Which of the following is not trueabout ibrio cholerae

    A. comma&sha#e!, curve! ro! 2F3 Hmlong

    B. activel% motile b% means of a #olar5agellum

    C. grows well on *CB which #ro!uces%ellow 7sucrose fermente!8

    '. grows at a ver% low # 7-.&3.8

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    20&23. Which of the biochemicalcharacteristics are consistent withibrio cholera Choose

    20. Catalase 7ositiveENegative8

    21. 9"i!ase 7ositiveENegative8

    22. $n!ole 7ositiveENegative8

    2-. Nitrate re!ucers7ositiveENegative8

    23. ucrose fermenterositive Ne ative

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    2. ibrio cholerae enteroto"in

    A. $ncreases the levels of intracellularc%clic G)

    B. eat&resistant enteroto"inconsisting of subunits A,B,C

    C. Causes continue! activation ofa!en%late c%clase

    '. $nhibits the enI%me#hos#ho!iesterase

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    26. Which of the following statementsregar!ing . aeruginosa is false

    A. Gram 7&8, Aerobic, motile bacilli with

    #olar 5agellaB. growth at 32:C hel#s !ierentiate it

    from other seu!omonas s#ecies

    C. ro!uces the 5uorescent bluish#igment #%oc%anin

    '. )an% strains of aeruginosa also

    #ro!uce the 5uorescent #igment

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    2;. emorrhagic necrosis of s(incause! b% . aeruginosa is calle!

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    2?. Which of the following statements isEare trueregar!ing =ersinia #estis

    A. ro!uce! #an!emics of Jblac( !eathK

    with millions of fatalities

    B. Associate! with #neumonic #lague transmitte! b%aerosol

    C. o!ents to o!ents transmission

    '. o!ents to uman transmission b% the bite of5eas

    >. Wil! ro!ents are natural reservoirs of #lague

    /. All of the Above

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    2@. What is the characteristic stainingof =. #estis with s#ecial stains such asWright, Giemsa, Wa%son, or

    meth%lene blue

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria






  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    --. Which of the following statement is trueregar!ing B. #ertussis

    1. Gram&negative coccobacilli

    2. Ca#sule #resent-. AerobicL 9"i!ase 7M8L Catalase 7M8

    3. Nitrate 7&8L Drea7&8L Citrate7&8

    A. 1,2,-, an! 3 are correct

    B. 1,2, an! - are correctC. 1 an! 2 are correct

    '. 9nl% 1 is correct

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    What is the other name for Bor!et&Gengou me!ium 7-3. $!entif%8 whichcontains 7-. $!entif% the antibiotic8

    owever, a charcoal&containingme!ium su##lemente! with horsebloo!, ce#hale"in, an! am#hotericin

    B 7-6. $!entif% the 9ther name8 is#referable because of the longer shelflife

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    -;. Gram stain of Cam#%lobacter eunishowing

    7$!entif% J"""""K or J"""" """"K8Fsha#e! gram&negative bacilli

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    -?. 'ar(&+el! or #hase contrastmicrosco#% ma% show the t%#ical7$!entif%JKK motilit% of the


  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    -@. A chil! was !iagnose! to besuering from !iarrhea !ue to

    Cam#%lobacter euni. Which of thefollowing will be the correctenvironmental con!itions of incubation

    of culture #lates of the stool A. *em#erature of 32:C, 3< 92, 1< C92

    B. *em#erature of 32:C, < 92, 10< C92

    C. *em#erature of -;:C, 3< 92, 1< C92

    '. *em#erature of -;:C < 92, 10< C92

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    30. Which of the following correctl%!escribe . #%lori

    A. Gram negative cocci curve!

    B. Gram negative cocci straight

    C. Gram negative motile bacilli s#iralro!

    '. Gram negative bacilli straight

    >. Gram negative motile bacilli

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    outine )e!ia

    31. What is consi!ere! a #ositive resultof )acCon(e% Agar

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    32&3- Give at least 2 actosefermenters enterobacteriaceae

    33&36 Giver at least - Non actosefermenters enterobacteriaceae

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    3;. What is a #ositive result of in!oletest

    3?. What reagent is a!!e! intotr%#to#hane broth after incubation of-; C for 23 hours

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    )eth%l e!&oges ros(auer*est

    3@. Which organism will %iel! )#ositive test result Choose >.aerogenes E >.coli

    0. Which organism will %iel! #ositive test result Choose >.aerogenes E >.coli

  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria


    1. Citrate test #ositive


  • 7/26/2019 Common Gram Negative Bacteria

