Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children

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  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children


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    Outraged parents. Fleeing teachers.Anxiety-ridden


    medicated students. Fuzzy math

    ( . Crazy

    history assignments posted on Facebook. Longitudinal databases

    ( Silenced

    community members (

    v=3zsmmNrmZbY)at school board meetings in YouTube footage.

    Newfangled public school pathways of college and career

    readiness under the banner of "STEM" (science, technology,

    engineering and math) on a wild, 21st-century, technocentric

    highway that's littered with stakeholders (http://www.niagara-

    means-to-education-s-stakeholders)who are up in arms over

    federally mandated testing, national curricula alignment, datacollection



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  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children



    privacy/), and questionable content packaged into one-size-fits-

    all education.

    There's yelling and screaming from all sides of the political spectrum about the educational

    mandate known best as the Common Core State St andards Initiative (CCSSI). It raises a

    lot more than emotions; it's a nationwide debate. Proponents tout

    ( as the greatest achievement

    since the Enlightenment, while opponents (

    v=coRNJluF2O4&feature=plcp)compare it to the Dark Ages, a deliberate dumbing down

    of America (, asCharlotte Iserbyt would say. Iserbyt was the Reagan admin whistleblower who struck a

    major blow to the technological forerunner to the tracking and data-mining age.

    So what is Common Core?

    Common Core is federally-led education introduced in the Obama administration's 2009

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ( "stimulus package") through a contest called

    Race to the Top (RT TT). States could apply and compete for federal grant money. Four

    billion in federal taxpayer dollars were offered with a catch:

    Awards in Race to the Top will go to States that are leading the way with ambitious

    yet achievable plans for implementing coherent, compelling, and comprehensive

    education reform. Race to t he Top winners will help trail-blaze effective re forms and

    provide examples for States and local school districts throughout the country to followas they too are hard at work on reforms that can t ransform our schools for decades to


    Out with the Bush administration's "No Child Left Behind (NCLB)," criticized


    dyn/content/article/2008/03/28/AR2008032802976.html)for its "high-stakes" strategy

    of always teaching to the te st. In with the Common Core, a uniform set of standards and

    curricula that, according to their critics, ratchet up


    classroom/)the role of government in education, as well as student data collection, teacher

    evaluations, and NCLB "empathetic" learning. The result is a Fed-led e d cocktail

    constructed on the premise ( /dr-

    christopher-tienken-explains-pisa-and-real-education-beyond-pisa/)that our publicschools are low performing, broken, and lacking the kind of rigor necessary for students to

    compete in the global marketplace.

    Forty- five stat es and t he District of Columbia jumped onboard with CCSSI, intent t o raise

    the roof beam high on rigor to meet international benchmarks.

    Best perk? A student could be in Ohio on Tuesday. Wednesday, the family moves t o

    Nevada. T heoretically, he'd pick up in math on the same next page. Wow, sign me up for

    that! And the online tech tools they're brilliant. Click on a standard. ProQuest K12 from

    SIRS (Social Issues Resource Series) take s you to scrubbed content from premier

    education provider of the Common Core, Pearson (htt p://



    , the London-based conglomerate.

    Only problem is the info's on the school-sanctioned and cyberlocked iPad( .

    Common Core has raised a v alid concern: what ex actly are they teaching the children?

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    8 Feb 2014, 9:42 AM PDT

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  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children


    Common Core was well pitched (

    the-groups-past-website-and-you-be-the-judge/) as state-led and "voluntary." Even

    according to the US Department of Education (DOE), public education is described as

    "...primarily a state and local responsibility in the United States... it is states and

    communities, as well as public and private organizations of all kinds, that establish schools

    and colleges, develop curricula, and determine re quirements for enrollment and


    Yet it's the DOE's actual role


    in education that prompted opponents like Diane Ravitch, a two- year vete ran of the

    education department (1991 -93) under Lamar A lexander and author ofReign of Error:

    The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools


    Americas/dp/0385350880), to call the Common Core "NCLB 2.0." Translated: No Child

    Left Behind on steroids.

    Ravitch lashed out ( s-department- of-education/)at

    DOE chief Arne Duncan, contrasting him with now-Sen. Alexander, whom she

    characterized as "scrupulous about not interfering in local decision making. He used his

    bully pulpit, as all cabinet secretaries do, but he never tr ied to influence the choice of local

    leaders. He respecte d the principle of federalism. Apparently, Duncan missed the class on


    Duncan's not the only target of CCSSI critics. Robert Holland, senior fellow at the

    Heartland Institute, suggested (

    tests)in aBaltimore Suninterview that one re ason Common Core "[has] attracte d so

    much opposition from both the right and left is that it was developed in elitist fashion,

    bankrolled by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    ( 3/09/education-common-core-st andards-schools-

    96964.html#comment-1049628965), presented as afait accompliwithout public hearings

    and then pushed hard by the Obama administration..."

    Back in June 2010, CCSSI r eleased the English Language Arts/L iteracy and Mathematics

    standards with promises of next-generation Science standards by 201 3 and Social Studies

    standards by 201 7. Esteemed educators handpicked to sit on the ELA and math v alidation

    committees, Drs. Sandra Stotsky and James Milgram, didn't sign off on the standards,

    labeling them as inferior.Stotsky, who dev eloped one of the nation's strongest set s of K-1 2 academic standards and

    licensing tests for prospective teachers, is now an outspoken staple on the "Stop CCSSI"

    circuit. Recently, in a Breitbart News interview, she discussed


    On-Common-Core-We-Are-A-Very-Naive-People) the spin machine surrounding the

    standards, saying, "Every one was willing to believe that the Common Core standards are

    rigorous, competitive, internationally benchmarked, and rese arch-based. They are


    Common Core is like the convoluted plotline of a daytime drama, impossible to explain in

    25 words or less. That's why so many bloggers, news organizations, and talk radio

    personalities cover it in manageable bites. Ultimately, it lives up to the unfortunate ax iom

    coined by Nancy Pelosi when speaking about Obamacare in 201 0: "We hav e to pass the billso you can find out what's in it." We have, one worksheet at a time.

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  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children


    In school work that comes home, we see how foundational math, taught in a spiral fashion

    to build on concepts from grade to grade, is gone. T his is replaced by math lattices, ladders,

    and linguistics-based long-winded division and distributive property word problems loaded

    up with social issues, like the "heroin habit" high school math homework that made the

    rounds. This is only the tip of the iceberg and one reason that critics like Michelle Malkin

    call it "Rotten to the Core (

    obamas-war-on-academic-standards-part-1/) ."

    When Common Core was originally introduced, the National Governor's Association


    was its "front man," only these governors weren't governors of any states. NGA is a

    private non-profit with the Center for Best Pr actices that co-owns the Common Core State

    Standards copyright with another non-profit, the Council of Chief State School Officers


    Yes, CCSS is copyrighted (; its content

    cannot be changed. Teachers cannot write their own content. Proponents say there is no

    content, but there are assessments. These must be testing something, and it stands to

    reason that whoever controls the tests controls the curricula, and whoever controls the

    curricula, one fine day, controls the country.

    For now, many (

    standards-top-down-failure-again/)deem Fed-led ed a failure not good for the kids, not

    good for the teachers. Stat es like New York (


    Standards)and South Carolina lead the pack in efforts to shut down the test ; they joinWisconsin ( Indiana


    Core-Tests)parents and teachers who stand against (htt p://

    public-education-system-has-become-increasingly-centralized-4/)centralized education,

    preferring individual state standards.

    Big business andbig bucks (

    Government/2014/01/25/Common-Core-Where-Nonprofits-Reaped-Millions)abound in

    Big Ed, though. CCSSOboasts


    a wow-list of corporate partners on its website topped off by Microsoft, Prometrean,

    Scantron, K12, Metamet rics a.k.a. Lex ile, Scholastic, Pearson Education, Apple, and

    Amplify. Also on the list are the familiar philanthropic and educratic faces: Bill & MelissaGates (Foundation), Eli Broad, Jeb Bush, Linda Darling-Hammond, Bill Ayers, Achieve,

    Microsoft, Smarte rBalanced Assessment Consortium, PARCC (P artnership for Asse ssment

    Readiness for College and Careers), Pearson, InBloom, and the Annenberg Foundation.

    There w as Mike Huckabee. He was for the Core, but now no more, he says.

    One on NGA's massive corporate fellows list is McKinsey & Co., whom David Coleman

    (, president of the College

    Board, consulted prior to creating think tank Student Achievement Par tners, LLC.

    Although Coleman's never taught a class K-20, he's busy aligning every high school

    assessment for college (including high school equivalency GED) to CCSSI, with SAT

    alignment to follow in 2016. Coleman's credited as CCSSI architect along with


    math professor Jason Zimba (http://www

    Education Analyst/Curriculum Specialist Susan Pimentel.

    They say nothing comes from nowhere. Common Core's no exception.
  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children


    Flashback to November 1 1, 1 992, before the Clinton Administration's Y2K "Improving

    America's Schools Act," to an 18-page "Dear Hillary" lette r that resides in the

    Congressional Record. Penned by Marc T ucker, president of the National Center on

    Education and the Economy ( -

    standards/gates-ncee-influence/)(NCEE) to then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, this

    letter may well be theblueprint (

    the Common Core.

    The lette r was written one wee k after Bill Clinton was elected president. Hillary serv ed

    with Tucker on the NCEE board. In it, Tucker outlined to Hillary the t ransformation of the

    entire American system into "a seamless web t hat exte nds from cradle to grave " and is the

    "same syst em for ever yone," coordinated by a "system of labor market boards at the local,

    state and federal levels" where curriculum and job matching will be handled by counselors

    "accessing the integrated computer-based program." The mission of schools would change

    from "teaching children academic basics and knowledge to training them to serve the global

    economy in jobs selected by workforce boards" in an outcome-based sy stem "guided by

    clear national standards of performance," set t o "international benchmarks" that "define

    the stages of the sy stem for the people who progress through it." In this "new system of

    linked standards, curriculum and pedagogy will abandon the American tracking system."

    Best of all, college loans debt will be forgiven for "public service." Sound familiar?

    Tucker understood the need for community buy-in to se ll the plan. He recommended to

    Hillary that "...legislation would require the executive branch to establish a competitive

    grant program for these states and cities and to engage a group of organizations to offer

    technical assistance to the expanding set of states and cities engaged in designing and

    implementing the new system." Can you say Race to the T op?

    Tucker described the roll-out plan: "[As] soon as the first set of state s is engaged, another

    set would be invited to participate, until most or all the states are involved. It is a

    collaborative design, rollout and scale-up program." The endgame was to " parallel the

    work of the National Board for College Professional and Technical Standards, so that the

    states and cities (and all their partners) would be able to implement the new standards as

    soon as they become available..." The result was that the whole apparatus would be

    operational in the majority of states within three years from "the passage of t he initial

    legislation." Common Core implementationbegan (

    states)in 2010.

    In the "Elementary and Secondary Education Program" portion of the lette r, Tucker

    speaks directly t o Hillary: "so we confine ourselves here to describing some of thoseactivities [to rest ructure schools] that can be used to launch the Clinton education

    program," noting that early childhood education "should be combined with quality day care

    to provide wrap- around programs that e nable working parents to drop off their children at

    the beginning of the workday and pick them up at the end." Universal daycare, pr eschool

    to pre-kindergarten?

    Congress passed every one of the "Dear Hillary" letter ideas. Signed by P resident Clinton

    in 1994, the Goals 2000 Act (, School-to-

    Work Act ( -97.pdf)

    , and the

    reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    ( were all funded

    through federal taxpay er dollars and according to many


    standards/)are the v ery legislation that drives the education machine's mandates at a

    federal level today.

    Goodbye 3R's. Hello socially engineered education.
  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children


    Very long story short, this is the Common Core.




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  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children



    Common Corewas not created by the states but private organizations in

    Washington, DC, with lavish funding from private entities such as the Gates

    Foundation. Powerful people decided that because they had the money and

    influence to make things happen, they could do so. But in a democracy, the people

    and in this case, the PARENTS, should have the last word. Decisions such as this

    ought not be made at secret gatherings of billionaires, politicians and UNESCO to

    impose the globalism of Common Core that demotes American values,

    undermines American constitutional principles and detaches students from their

    families and faith.


    I'm tired of hearing about 'Common Core', No Child left behind & Head

    Start' !....All, 4 year olds' S/be tested to see if they can, understand the

    concept, & say "Please & Thank You', B/4 being admitted to the 'Head

    Start' type programs...

    The PARENTS of 4 year olds' who can't pass this 'basic' of life, should be

    reported to 'Child Protective Services' in their States, for 'Intellectual Child

    Abuse' !


    Isnt that what we just read in the article?


    Homeschool your kids or send them to private schools.

    If you are unable to do one of those, join the PTA, write your governor and

    state rep and get Common Core OUT OF YOUR STATE!!

    Vinny Gugeech

    Yes slaves, get back to work, don't worry, we will raise your children.


    March will be Heroin History month, April will be Abortion Ed month, May will be

    LGBT history month, June will be Hate Whitty and our founders month, July will

    Hispanic history month, August will be Muslim history month shall I go on?


    My family is this terrible white race apparently. No Irish or other European

    heritage is celebrated, PERIOD. It's shunned and looked down upon as me

    being racist. Someone tell me how LGBT, Heroin, Abortion and Muslims

    are building and uplifting this country?


    Homeschool Homeschool Homeschool Homeschool Homeschool
  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children


  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children




    Writing prompts for sophomores (Pearson workbook): Do your parents fight? What do

    hey fight about? Are you afraid when they fight? If your parents wanted to home school

    you, how would you argue against it?


    Absolutely right!

    This is so our children will all lovingly join hands and sing the praises of a GlobalGovernment with one voice and much critisism of their (very stupid) parents who

    were against such brilliant ideas.

    Do NOT doubt that this is what Common Core is all about.

    A Common -one world-core of beliefs that are not part of any sovereign nation.

    (That idea is sooooo cave-man days).

    Children: "Like, um, yeah . . . um, . . like we are so much . . . like , smarter .. um,

    han our parents are . . um, . ...." . . .as the Globalists direct them what to do and

    say and think next on their new whats-it phone requiring no hands.

    "God, . . old people are like . . um . . so stupid!"


    Credible link?


    SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES. Otherwise, look at Pearson books.


    Pearson books are not a requirement. I don't have any to fact check

    you, sorry.


    Like I care if you fact check me or not. Go pound sand.


    Here we go with the leftist liar assault.

    Let me guess--you're here to assure everyone that if we like our doctor and

    plan, we can keep them, right?

    Oh, wait. Wrong topic.

    OK--you're here to assure everyone that it is state led and not another

    crushing, bureaucratic, soul-less non-functioning monstrosity to be

    installed by The State.
  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children




    Oh and do they have any guns?


    HS teachers still do not know, or are able to teach math or the sciences. No amount of

    common core will change this


    It is part of the Marxist agenda to transform America that Obama sometimes brings up but

    when confronted by O'Reilly he forgot Look at their [plan and how far they are on it:




    Designed to dumb down our Children's future and create more DELUSIONAL SOCIALIST




    Well WE will not see any of our children growing up and placing men or women on the

    moon or other planets along with being INNOVATIVE.

    REGRESSION of our young minds.


    This is all COMMUNISM pure and simple and your children will be slaves to the

    government for the "GOOD" of us all. No more freedom folks. We have been stupid and

    asleep at the switch. Marijuana and illicit sex are far more important to the average

    American and someday they will wake up but it will be too late for us.


    Sound like you would like to make us all slaves to your morality.


    Progs want to make us slaves to THEIR morality, by controlling what we

    say, think, do, drive, eat, drink, where we go to school, which doctor we

    see and when, how much energy we consume, where we live and so on.

    Get a clue.


    Quote from Article:

    """a seamless web that extends from cradle to grave" and is the "same system for

    " "
  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children


    everyone, coor nae y a sys em o a or mar e oar s a e oca, s ae an e era

    levels" where curriculum and job matching will be handled by counselors "accessing the

    integrated computer-based program." The mission of schools would change from

    "teaching children academic basics and knowledge to training them to serve the global

    economy in jobs selected by workforce boards"""


    From Each According to Their Abilities, to Each According to Their Needs


    Common Core is all too common.

    Its liberal Common Communism, Common Cronyism, Common Corruption, and

    Common Incompetence all rolled up into one giant federalized program thats from the

    government and here to help your child.

    Do everything in your power to fight this concentration camp curriculum or it will be your

    grandchildren sending your children to the reeducation camps (you will have already been

    euthanized for your lack of service and contribution to the benevolent state).

    Is my hyperbole over the top? 5 years ago I might have thought so


    Do not forget that JEB BUSH backed this and his brother, good old GW had an open door

    policy with Mexico in order to get cheap labor, undermine the American children and helphis brother run in 2016 but guess what George boy, we ain't gonna buy your garbage

    anymore--vote no to Bush family of sellouts


    Don't forget NAFTA, TTC, and other shady legislation.


    Funny, our parents and their parents did not have bureaucrat controlled schooling, and

    hey were usually well educated. It's so simple, hire quality people and turn 'em loose.


    Common Core........

    From the makers of the ObamaScam......


    I am happy my kid in middle school is learning about self-determination and freedom

    in his social studies class. However, CC throughout the nation holds kid back in

    math as they cannot do Algebra 1 in 8th grade. Whereas all of the private and

    charter schools do have advanced kids taking Alg 1 in 7th or 8th.. its because of "theest." They do not have a CC test which would allow a kid to move up.
  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children



    My 5th grader went from being great at math to terrible at math. He was being taught

    UN doctrine, aka UDHR earlier this year and for the last several months

    "Mexican Culture". Oh yea, this is in NY. So far, I see no benefits to my child.

    Chris D


    Chris D

    Did anyone catch the Oreilly interview with bumbum. The part about the school voucher

    program is an eye opener. Straight from Obamas mouth he clearly states he is against itbecause it helps kids. Equal outcome is not equal opportunity, remember that next time a

    liberal speaks about equality


    I hang around with a lot of progressive people, and they never talk about equal

    outcomes. I know you won't, but I wish you would cite some examples where folks

    on the left are calling for equal outcomes. ... I think the argument is that the bus

    drivers, home health aides and preschool teachers of the world should be able to

    earn a living wage and retire with some dignity, even if they don't have a job that

    makes them wealthy, or even upper middle class. What's wrong with that?


    I wish you would cite some examples where folks on the left are calling for

    equal outcomes

    It is implicit in their worldview.

    For them ANY unequal outcome is--in and of itself--PROOF of

    discrimination and the need for quotas, targets, goals, etc.


    Progressives push Common Core because (just as communists) they, through

    education, want to control the message and indoctrinate our children. States and local

    governments should exercise their independence and not kowtow to these shenanigans.

    Chris D

  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children


    Load more comments


    It isn't that Common Core is a disaster, it is the idea that a centralgoverning authority and control what is taught in the public schools. Much

    of the area has already succumbed to quackery before Common Core but

    it not only places accesses to ideas under federal control, it also opens the

    door for the federal government to impose a type of education that is

    largely influenced by lobbyists and special interests.

    Chris D

    Fred Bastiat

    Common Core = No Accountability for Teachers

    Common Core = No Accountability for Students

    No accountability for teachers + no accountability for students = no accountability for tax

    payer money. Welcome to the age of Obama, a little bit 1984 and a little bit Brave New

    World with Washington aspiring to be The Capital of Panem.
  • 8/13/2019 Common Core 101: What is It and How Does It Affect Our Children


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