Common Characteristics of 10-Year Olds SOCIAL ¨Good age for clubs, team sports & whole-class activities ¨Boys & girls work well together ¨Quick to anger & quick to forgive ¨Competitive but also cooperative ¨Listen well but also enjoy talking & explaining ¨Enjoy Adult Recognition PHYSICAL ¨Muscles for jumping, running & other big movements developing ¨Need lots of outdoor play ¨Snacks & rest periods help growing body ¨Better at small muscle movement; precision tasks such as tracing & copying ¨Ready for tools such as compasses, rulers & templates COGNITIVE ¨Improved memorization skills ¨Like rules & logic ¨Improved concentration on reading & thinking for periods of time ¨Hardworking; take pride in school ¨Open to learning mediation or problem-solving skills Common Characteristics of 11-Year Olds SOCIAL ¨Moody, self-absorbed ¨Easily embarrassed; need to “save face” in front of peers ¨Sensitive about changing bodies ¨Need lots of time to talk with peers ¨Common age for cliques to begin forming ¨Like to challenge rules ¨Need adult empathy & humor to take things less seriously PHYSICAL ¨Restless & energetic ¨Need lots of food, physical activity & sleep ¨Growth spurt for many girls & some begin menstruating ¨Growing pains may cause nightly aches & daily complaints COGNITIVE ¨Abstract thinking ¨Challenge adults’ explanations ¨Prefer to learn new skills rather than review or improve previous work ¨Enjoy brain teasers & puzzles ¨Like “adult” tasks & studies (researching, interviewing, history, etc.) Common Characteristics of 12-Year Olds SOCIAL ¨Peer opinions matter more than those of teachers & parents ¨Question & argue with adults about rules; need adults to listen to their needs ¨More willing to accept guidance from adults other than teachers & parents ¨Capable of self-awareness, insight & empathy ¨Can take on more responsibility ¨Can be careless with “unimportant” things such as cleaning their rooms & keeping track of assignments PHYSICAL ¨Energetic & need lots of sleep, exercise & food ¨Boys & girls both have growth spurts ¨Girls show signs of puberty; most are menstruating COGNITIVE ¨May begin to excel in a subject area ¨Understand & enjoy sarcasm, double meanings & sophisticated jokes ¨Enthusiastic about schoolwork they see as purposeful (research projects, science experiments, drama productions) ¨Can set goals & concentrate well

Common Characteristics of 10-Year Olds 11-Year Olds 12 ...hmspto.org/wbcntnt3236/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/... · 12-Year Olds SOCIAL ... projects, science experiments, drama productions)

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Page 1: Common Characteristics of 10-Year Olds 11-Year Olds 12 ...hmspto.org/wbcntnt3236/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/... · 12-Year Olds SOCIAL ... projects, science experiments, drama productions)

Common Characteristics of 10-Year Olds


¨Good age for clubs, team sports & whole-class activities

¨Boys & girls work well together

¨Quick to anger & quick to forgive

¨Competitive but also cooperative

¨Listen well but also enjoy talking & explaining

¨Enjoy Adult Recognition


¨Muscles for jumping, running & other big movements developing

¨Need lots of outdoor play ¨Snacks & rest periods help growing

body ¨Better at small muscle movement;

precision tasks such as tracing & copying

¨Ready for tools such as compasses, rulers & templates


¨Improved memorization skills

¨Like rules & logic

¨Improved concentration on reading & thinking for periods of time

¨Hardworking; take pride in school

¨Open to learning mediation or problem-solving skills

Common Characteristics of 11-Year Olds


¨Moody, self-absorbed

¨Easily embarrassed; need to “save face” in front of peers

¨Sensitive about changing bodies

¨Need lots of time to talk with peers

¨Common age for cliques to begin forming

¨Like to challenge rules

¨Need adult empathy & humor to take things less seriously


¨Restless & energetic ¨Need lots of food, physical activity

& sleep ¨Growth spurt for many girls &

some begin menstruating ¨Growing pains may cause nightly

aches & daily complaints


¨Abstract thinking

¨Challenge adults’ explanations

¨Prefer to learn new skills rather than review or improve previous work

¨Enjoy brain teasers & puzzles

¨Like “adult” tasks & studies (researching, interviewing, history, etc.)

Common Characteristics of 12-Year Olds


¨Peer opinions matter more than those of teachers & parents

¨Question & argue with adults about rules; need adults to listen to their needs

¨More willing to accept guidance from adults other than teachers & parents

¨Capable of self-awareness, insight & empathy

¨Can take on more responsibility

¨Can be careless with “unimportant” things such as cleaning their rooms & keeping track of assignments


¨Energetic & need lots of sleep, exercise & food

¨Boys & girls both have growth spurts

¨Girls show signs of puberty; most are menstruating


¨May begin to excel in a subject area

¨Understand & enjoy sarcasm, double meanings & sophisticated jokes

¨Enthusiastic about schoolwork they see as purposeful (research projects, science experiments, drama productions)

¨Can set goals & concentrate well

Page 2: Common Characteristics of 10-Year Olds 11-Year Olds 12 ...hmspto.org/wbcntnt3236/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/... · 12-Year Olds SOCIAL ... projects, science experiments, drama productions)

Just as children’s height, weight and physical abilities change, so do things such as their desire to play alone or with a group, how they learn best, or how talkative they are.

Although there are general characteristics at each developmental stage in any given culture, how quickly a child goes through these stages depends on many things, including the child’s personality and environment. It’s common and normal for some children to arrive at a developmental stage a bit later or earlier – sometimes a year later or earlier – than their peers. Also, a child might mature quickly in one area such as physical development, but more slowly in another, such as social development.

Each age is unique

Each is a wonder


Student Services Team

Mrs. Dominica Davis Social Worker

[email protected]

Mrs. Amy Jakubiak Social Worker

[email protected]

Ms. Maria Jandak Social Worker

[email protected]

Mrs. Kate Klara School Counselor

[email protected]

Dr. Kasia Kula Psychologist

[email protected]

All children go through developmental stages

Children go through these stages at different rates



Common developmental characteristics of 10, 11

& 12-year olds

Adapted from YARDSTICKS Children in the Classroom

Ages 4-14 by Chip Wood, Published by Northeast

Foundation for Children, Inc.