PT. HANDIYAN HOTTAP INSTRUMEN PT SURYA CIPTA TEKNIK Commissioning and Gas In Procedure System Metering Gas Orifice Gresik Station MET-3001, 12” ANSI 600# Pengembangan Meter Jawa Timur, Pengadaan 8 & 3 Meter System COMMISSIONING AND GAS IN Procedure

Commissioning and Gas In_hhi-pertamina Gas_kei 3001_rev 1.0

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Commissioning and Gas InProcedureSystem Metering Gas OrificeGresik StationMET-3001, 12 ANSI 600#Pengembangan Meter Jawa Timur,Pengadaan 8 & 3 Meter System018/5/12COMMISSIONING AND GAS IN PROCEDUREAJMFICRevisionDateDescriptionByChecked ByApproved by





2.1 UMUM4







4.0GAS IN11


P&ID MET-6001












4.0GAS IN11


P&ID MET-6001


Tujuan pembuatan Prosedur Commissioning dan Gas In ini adalah untuk menentukan prosedur pelaksanaan Commissioning dan Gas In jaringan pipa salur dari PT Pertamina Gas.


2.1 UMUM

Persiapan untuk pelaksanaan Pre-commissioning terdiri dari beberapa tahap pelaksanaan yang harus dilakukan:

2.1.1 Memeriksa seluruh pemasangan pipa salur, lengkap dengan kondisi wrapping, proteksi katodik dan penimbunan. Rambu-rambu pipa salur dan proteksi katodik test point, harus sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

2.1.2 Memeriksa sistem koneksi dalam perpipaan termasuk fitting, support pipa dan pondasi harus sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

2.1.3 Memeriksa arah aliran yang ditunjukkan dengan arah panah pada pipa bagian luar.

2.1.4 Memeriksa seluruh pekerjaan civil dan struktur, dan harus sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

2.1.5 Memeriksa letak alat instrumen dan sistem koneksinya harus sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

2.1.6 Membuat daftar peralatan dan hasil aktivitas perbaikan, punch list.

2.1.7 Memeriksa kembali hasil seluruh pengujian untuk pipa salur, perpipaan, instrumen, civil/struktur dan katodik. Hasil uji sudah harus di setujui.

2.1.8 Memeriksa sertifikasi pipa salur yang telah disetujui oleh MIGAS.

2.1.9 Seluruh katalog peralatan yang terpasang telah tersedia.

Tahapan-tahapan tersebut di atas harus dipenuhi terlebih dahulu, sebelum menginjak ke tahap berikutnya, Commissioning.


Inspeksi harus dilakukan Tim Inspeksi Pre-Commissioning untuk memastikan keberadaan peralatan, fitting, perpipaan, instrumen, civil/struktur, dan proteksi katodik.

2.2.1Inspeksi Pipa Salur.

1. Memastikan NDT telah dilaksanakan pada seluruh jalur pipa salur dengan hasil baik dan disetujui.

2. Memastikan rambu-rambu pipa salur telah terpasang dengan baik dan benar, papan informasi pipa salur juga terpasang.

3. Memastikan kedalaman pipa salur ditanam dengan benar sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

4. Memastikan kondisi penimbunan telah baik dan sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

5. Memastikan sepanjang pipa salur telah di wrapping dan telah di uji dengan holiday test, dan hasilnya telah disetujui.

6. Memastikan sistem proteksi katodik telah terpasang dengan benar. Transformer Rectifier telah terpasang dengan baik. Jarak anode sudah benar letak test point telah sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

7. Memastikan pemasangan Insulation Flange telah siap dan benar, sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

8. Memastikan pemasangan Pig Signal telah siap dan benar, sesuai dokumen teknik.

9. Memastikan bahwa dalam pipa salur telah dibersihkan, gauging telah dilakukan dan disetujui sebelum hidrotest dilaksanakan.

10. Memastikan hasil hidrotest disetujui MIGAS.

2.2.2 Inspeksi Pig Launcher dan Pig Receiver.

1. Memastikan bahwa semua data pig launcher dan receiver sesuai dengan dokumen teknik dan telah disetujui MIGAS, meliputi :



Tekanan dan temperatur desain

Volume desain

Kondisi tekanan dan temperatur operasi

Tersedia closure

Spectacle blind


2. Memastikan semua peralatan instrumen yang terpasang pada pig launcher dan receiver sudah sesuai dengan dokumen teknik dan sudah siap terpasang :

Pressure Safety Valve

Temperature Indicator

Pig Signal

3. Memastikan denah peralatan sudah sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

4. Memastikan bahwa sertifikasi Pressure Safety Valve sudah dikeluarkan MIGAS.

5. Periksa apakah peralatan instrumen sudah dikalibrasi dan sudah di-set sesuai dengan kondisi operasi dan sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

6. Buka closure dan periksa dalamnya, yakinkan sudah bersih dari kotoran kemudian tutup kembali closure.

7. Periksa surat kelayakan operasi pig launcher dan receiver sudah dikeluarkan MIGAS. Termasuk laporan NDT, Hidrotest dan Leak Test yang telah disetujui.

8. Kondisi pondasi telah diperiksa sesuai dengan dokumen teknik lengkap dengan hasil tes pondasi.

9. Pastikan bahwa sambungan flange dalam kondisi baik dan benar.

2.2.3 Inspeksi Perpipaan.

1. Memastikan seluruh sistem perpipaan berdasarkan engineering document.

2. Periksa sambungan antara pipa dengan flange atau pipa dengan pipa atau pipa dengan elbow, atau flange dengan flange. Memastikan bahwa prosedur pengelasan telah sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

3. Memastikan perpipaan telah di flushing.

4. Memastikan bahwa valve dapat membuka dan menutup dengan baik dan mudah dimana peletakan valve telah sesuai dokumen teknik.

5. Memastikan elevasi dan letak dari sistem perpipaan harus sesuai dokumen teknik.

6. Memastikan bahwa support pipa dan accessories yang lain, telah terpasang sesuai dokumen teknik.

7. Pastikan bahwa anchor bolt telah terpasang dengan baik.

8. Memastikan servis platform telah terpasang dengan benar.

9. Memastikan bahwa sistem perpipaan telah di Hidrotest dan hasilnya telah disetujui oleh MIGAS.

2.2.4 Inspeksi Instrumen

1. Memastikan seluruh peralatan instrumen telah dikalibrasi sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

2. Memastikan seluruh peralatan instrumen telah siap terpasang.

3. Memastikan Pressure Safety Valve telah disetujui oleh MIGAS.

4. Periksa kondisi panel instrumen apakah sudah sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

5. Periksa sambungan tubing sudah benar dan baik dan sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

6. Memastikan seluruh peralatan instrumen telah dilakukan function test dan berhasil baik sesuai dokumen teknik.

7. Memastikan actuator control valve telah terpasang dan telah di function tes.

8. Memastikan katalog dari tiap peralatan instrumen telah lengkap.

2.2.5 Civil dan Structure

1. Periksa seluruh kondisi pondasi equipment maupun perpipaan dan dengan hasil test baik.

2. Memastikan seluruh elevasi pondasi harus sesuai dengan dokumen teknik.

3. Memastikan kondisi pondasi pagar yang baru dan pagar sesuai dokumen teknik.

yang ditentukan.


Commissioning dapat dilaksanakan setelah pre-commissioning selesai dilaksanakan.

3.1 UMUM

Team Leader Commissioning bertanggung jawab terhadap koordinasi dan arahan langkah-langkah yang akan dilakukan selama Commissioning.

Purging akan dilakukan saat commissioning.

Sebelum purging dimulai, sebaiknya dilakukan pembahasan punch list.


Tim pre-commissioning akan mengeluarkan laporan Check List.

Di dalam check list terdapat pernyatan yang menyatakan diterima atau diterima dengan persyaratan atau tidak sama sekali terima oleh tim pre-commissioning.

Berdasarkan Check List akan dihasilkan Punch List. Punch List ini akan mengeluarkan rekomendasi peralatan atau hasil pekerjaan mana saja yang perlu diperbaiki atau dipasang ulang atau diganti.


Tim commissioning akan melakukan pekerjaan berdasarkan Punch List.

Pemeriksaan yang akan dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Memeriksa hasil pekerjaan yang telah diperbaiki.

2. Memeriksa peralatan yang telah diperbaiki.

3. Memeriksa kembali pekerjaan ulang yang telah dilakukan.

4. Memeriksa kembali peralatan yan telah diganti.

5. Membahas/mendiskusikan ulang terhadap peralatan/pekerjaan yang tidak dapat di perbaiki/diganti.

6. Melakukan function test dan running test peralatan tanpa menunggu purging dan gas in.

7. Melakukan purging ke seluruh system.

Hasil Tim Commissioning adalah Mechanical Completion. Yaitu pernyataan bahwa seluruh hasil pemeriksaan terhadap pekerjaan/ peralatan dapat diterima penuh dan kemungkinan adanya catatan yang perlu diperhatikan.


This document provides guideline for Comissioning and Gas In procedure for New Gas Pipeline PT Pertamina Gas.



Preparation for Pre-Commissioning execution consist of several important steps which must be follow :

2.1.1 Check all pipeline installation completely with wrapping, cathodic protection and good backfill. Pipeline marker, test point for cathodic protection position shall comply with engineering document.

2.1.2 Check all system piping connection including fitting, pipe support and support foundation. And all shall comply with engineering document.

2.1.3 Check gas direction flow, which should be mark on offside of pipe.

2.1.4 Check all civil and structural work, and shall comply with engineering document.

2.1.5 Check all instrument equipment placement and its connection, and shall comply with engineering document.

2.1.6 Prepare Punch List

2.1.7 Check all testing result for pipeline, piping, instrument, civil/structure and cathodic. And the testing result should be approved.

2.1.8 Check pipeline certificate from MIGAS.

2.1.9 All equipment installed catalogue should be ready.

All steps above must be already done first before continue to the next, Commissioning.


Check list must be perform by Pre-Commissioning Team to make sure that equipment, pipeline, fitting, piping, instrument, civil-structure and cathodic protection are installed in a right place.

2.2.1 Pipeline Inspection/Check List.

1. Ensure NDT should already taken and the result are good and approved.

2. Ensure pipeline marker are installed good and correctly, and pipeline sign are already installed

3. Ensure pipeline buried are in correctly depth, and shall comply with engineering document.

4. Ensure the backfill is good and shall comply with engineering document.

5. Ensure pipeline has been wrapping using wrapping tape which is tested by holiday test and must be approved.

6. Ensure catodic protection system has been installed correctly. Transformer Rectifier has been correctly installed, and the length between anode is correct test point placement shall comply with engineering document

7. Ensure installation of Insulation flange is ready and correctly, shall comply with engineering document

8. Ensure Pig Signal is ready installed and correctly, shall comply with engineering document.

9. Ensure pipeline has been cleaning, gauging with good result and approved before hydrostatic test start.

10. Ensure result of hydrostatic test have been approved by MIGAS

2.2.2 Pig Launcher and Receiver Inspection/Check List.

1. Ensure data for Pig Launcher and Receiver shall comply with engineering document and has been approved by MIGAS including:

- Size

- Thickness

- Design Pressure and Temperature

- Design Volume

- Operating Pressure and Temperature

- Nozzle Orientation and Elevation

- Closure

- Spectacle blind

- Coating

2. Ensure instrumentation for Pig Launcher and Receiver shall comply with engineering document and have been installed including:

- Pressure Safety Valve

- Pressure Gauge

- Pig Signal

3.Ensure lay-out of equipment shall comply with engineering document

4.Ensure certification of Pressure Safety Valve has been released from MIGAS.

5.Ensure installation of instrument has been calibrated and set appropriate with operation condition shall comply with engineering document.

6.Open closure in shell and check, ensure closure is clean form debris, and close.

7.Check certification of operating Pig Launcher and Receiver has been release from MIGAS. Including NDT, Hydrostatic Test and Leak Test report should be approved.

8. Ensure to check foundation of Pig Launcher and Receiver shall comply with engineering document and has been tested for concrete foundation.

9. Ensure connection using flange in good condition and correctly.

2.2.3 Piping Inspection/Check List

1. Ensure piping system shall comply with engineering document.

2. Check connection between pipe with flange or pipe with pipe or pipe with elbow or flange with flange. Ensure welding procedure shall comply with engineering document

3. Ensure piping has been flushing.

4. Ensure valve can be opened and closed correctly and easily, and the placement shall comply with engineering document.

5. Ensure elevation and lay-out of piping system shall comply with engineering document.

6. Ensure pipe support and other accessories have been installed and shall comply with engineering document.

7. Ensure anchor bolts have been good installed.

8. Ensure service platform have been installed correctly.

9. Ensure piping system have been hydrostatic test and the report have been approved by MIGAS

2.2.4 Instrument Inspection/Check List

1. Ensure all instruments have been calibrated and shall comply with engineering document.

2. Ensure all instruments have been installed.

3. Ensure pressure safety valves have been approved by MIGAS.

4. Check condition of panel instrument based on engineering document

5. Check the tubing connection should be correctly and good condition and shall comply with engineering document.

6. Ensure all instruments have been functional test with good result based on engineering document.

7. Ensure actuator for control valve have been installed and function test.

8. Ensure Catalog of all instrument are complete.

2.2.5 Civil and Structure Inspection/Check List

1. Check condition of all equipment and piping foundation and with good result.

2. Ensure elevation of foundation shall comply with engineering document

3. Ensure fence and fence foundation shall comply with engineering document.

4. Ensure painting based on approval specification.


Commissioning can start after pre-commissioning completely finished.


Commissioning Team Leader is in charge on coordinate and conduct on Commissioning during activity going on.

Purging will be perform during commissioning.

Before purging is started, punch list review should be discussed.


Pre-Commissioning team will produce Check List.

Check List report is present of equipment installation approval or construction approval declaration (approved / not approved / approved with comment) by Pre-commissioning team.

From check list will perform Punch List. The Punch List will present which one equipment or piping installation must be repaired/reinstall or even replaced recommendation.


Commissioning team will start active base on Punch List.

The inspection steps should be done is as follows:

1. Check if all repaired job which is done.

2. Check if all equipment repaired which is done.

3. Re-check all of repaired job.

4. Check all equipment replacement.

5. Check if there are repaired or replacement job which is cannot done and discuss it.

6. Perform function test and running test if possible without waiting on purging and gas in.

7. Purging for all system and connection.

Commissioning Team will perform Mechanical Completion. Which is present of all activity approval and equipment installation approval declaration (approved / approved with comment). With possibility approved with note.


4.0 GAS IN

PIPA SALUR PT Pertamina Gas

1. Pastikan valve 12-600# (Line pipa Inlet Metering) BUKA perlahan-lahan sampai tekanan operasi yang diinginkan.


1. Pastikan 12-600# S-1 upstream TERTUTUP.

2. Pastikan 12-600# S-8 TUTUP.

3. Pastikan 12-600# M-101 TERTUTUP.

4. Pastikan 12-600# M-101 TERTUTUP.

5. Pastikan 12-600# Line M-100 TERTUTUP.

6. BUKA perlahan-lahan valve 12-600# Line Outlet, sampai tekanan yang diinginkan

Dengan dibukanya valve 12-600# , maka proses Gas In telah selesai dan Station siap operasi.

Catatan :

Pengaturan arah aliran gas disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan operasional PT. PERTAMINA GAS

4.0 GAS IN

PIPELINE PT Pertamina Gas

1. Ensure valve 12-600# (Line Pipe Inlet) is OPEN until operating pressure desired.


1. Ensure valve 12-600# S-1 upstream is CLOSE.

2. Ensure valve 12-600# S-8 is CLOSE

3. Ensure valve 12-600# M-101 is CLOSE.

4. Ensure valve 12-600# M-101 is CLOSE.

5. Ensure valve 12-600# Line M-100 is CLOSE.

6. Open slowly valve 12-600# Line Outlet for Gas In, until operating pressure.

After valve 12-600# was opened, Gas In process was finished and the station is ready for operation.

Note :

Gas flow direction is depend on PT.PERTAMINA GAS operational need




1. P&ID

2. General Arrangement Drawing

3. Procces Flow Diagram





General Arrangement Drawing

Process Flow Diagram