McCORMIi BINDERS and Binding Twine CHEAPER THAN EVEB BEFORE COMMISSIONERS. GENERAIi NEWS. That rheumatism in its wont form can be cured by proper treat- ment is shown by this interview with Mat Tanner, of 231 Hamilton St., Albany, N. Y. He said: I was taken with rheumatism that began in my hips and spread throughout my body. For two years and a half I was confined to my bed. I employed nine of the best physicians of Albany, and two specialists from New York, but all declared my case hopeless. My niece recommended Dr. Will- iamsPink Pills for Pale People. The use of several boxes enabled me to leave my bed and go about with crutches. Finally I aban- doned the crutches, and am now ns well as ever. No praise of Dr. WilliamsPink Pills for Pale People is too strong for my case. Mat Tanner.Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of Sept., 1898. Neile F. Towner, Notary Public. From the Albany (N. Y.) Journal Dr. WilliamsPink Pilla for Pule People coutain, in u conUenacti form, all the ele- ments neeenMurv to give new life und rieh- the hlood and restore shuttered fui ling spécifia for locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus'dunce, sciatica, neural- gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pule and sallow complexions, and all forma of weakness either in mule or female. Or. Williams * Pink Pills for Pate People are never sold by the dozen or hundred, but always In pack- ages. At all druggists, or direct from the Or. Wil- liams Medicine Company. Schenectady. N. Y., SO cents per box, 6 boxes S2.60. Diverse Items of Interest From Vari- ous Sources. V. Vy-ltf'/ Is there > .Mgs» Proceedings of Fall Session as Con- tinued from Last Week. i V A paper signed •Andreewas found in a bottle near Silkn, Alaska, recently. V A? a ■*„ j CotliMJCK. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11. Liquor dealersbond of B. 11- Day, Saluliria, approved. Report of Norval Gorrie, road viewer, accepted John Darnell appointed constable of Sulubrin. Bond approved. Fem II. Teron appointed constable Bear precinct. Bond approved. Bond of P. K. Fury, jtisliee of the peace of Bear precinct* approved. Stewart 11. Travis appointed jus tice of the peace West Weiser pre- cinct. Statement of auditor of fees re- ceived, approved, Amount as au- ditor, $51-1 75; clerk district couri, $72 50; $587 25. It appearing that the election in School District No. 1, Weiser, had carried in favor of an independent school district, tlie board appointed the following trustees: C. M llixon and A. J. Hopkins until next regular election; W. F. Sommercamp and T M. JefTrys until two years after said election, 1. F. Smith and T. Maryatt until four years after said election. 4- 4- 4- Don Ignacio Maiiscnl, vice-presi- dent and minister of foroign affairs of Mexico, and a party are visiting this country. Acid ■y mi. Jp * . 1 T ip» . ..ft iwr-yc V + 1* -f An expedition of Germans was massacted by na ives in Africa re- cently. A native chief was employed as a guide and he betrayed the party, leading it into ambush, ami all were slain Tlie natives then looted every- thing in that section and murdered some other natives. . V.AK'* , This is the season tor buym0 <v McCormick MOWERS John Deere RAKES in IT $ and + + + Tiie Mills-0 iMelveny affair and the subsequent developments are enough to cause the people of Idaho to turn their faces away from the horrid mess in shame. They are a stench in the nostrils of decent people. Your w, BKOS. General Hardware Dealers, Welser, Idahr. MR > ;; CUPRUM W IDAHO NEWS Blood *i* *:* * on Si Tern I welci 7 President McKinley welcomed the Minnesota volunteers at Minneapolis last Thursday. \ livery..... n*'MH to nerves. They are an ;h diseases Happenings of Interest Throughout the State. (I O. M 4- 4- 4- Temporary arrangements regarding the Alaskan boundry Imve been agreed upon. The dispute was over the line ovtr Chilkat pass. I P. L. H. WALKER, Proprietor. Cuprum, Idaho. Attorney-General Hays has given an opinion to the etfect that all school j districts in the state must use the j books provided by the text-book com- j mission. ■;5 n 9 Proprietor. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12. Statement of Probate Judge JefTrys of fees collected to the amount of $05 90 found correct and audited. Application of R E Wilson to have tax sale No. 11 of 1896, as- signed to linn, granted. Claims on load fund were allowed as follows. Feed and sale stable. Prices reasonable Pack outfits for hire or sale. Call and see us if you have an/hone flesh fur sale, or want any. Can Hi out cheaply. ij, Best Accommodations in the city. 4- 4- At the Chicago day banquet last week, President McKinley and repre- sentatives from Mexico and Canada spoke from the same platform, the foreigners pledging international am- Ni COUNCIL, IDAHO. <»$■<?> The government has appointed J A. Clark of Idaho Falls, a trustee of the Albion Normal School in place of Chester Call, resigned, and B F. Mahoney of Cassia county, in place of J. E. Ilarroun, resigned. 4* 4- 4* Nez Perce county won the $150 silver cup at the Spokane exposition on the liest display of grains,grassts, fruits and vegetables. In addition to securing the trophy, the county will be entitled to name the goddess of plenty for the exposition next year. •$> <S> <î> Last week Gov. Steunenbcrg was up in the Cœur dAlene section,where he miide some investigations relative to the conditions prevailing among tiie miners ami as to the necessity of maintaining troops there longer. The governor ascertained all tiie facts in relation to the condition and lie will keep the department well informed on the situation. He has the assur- ance that the troops will not be with- drawn till he so desires or the diffi- culty is settled. The mine owners say the new mrn are giving entire satisfaction and the conditions are very promising. KA 37 J -, I. O. u'igl OPP & DAVIS, Tailorine! S3 by. Miss .j. -i- -j. The Salt Lake Tribune says polyg- amist Congressman-elect Roberts will not bo seated at the next of congress, congressmen after his scalp and his seat is in great danger. The people everywhere are opposed to his being seated, and protests are being made from every section of the country. 4- 4- + Last week a sensation was sprung in Utati. President Snow, head of the Mormon church, was charged with unlawful cohabitation Miunie Jensen.Snow, and an affidavit in support of the charge was made by E. M. Owen. EMMETT LYNCH, John Cliffton, overseer I) 14.... * 65 00 Thos E Fl'es. overseer D 10.... .1 R Lane, labor D 14........... F M Hubbard, viewer I) 2. II Camp, labor 1)20.............. Norval Gorrie, viewer......... John Clinton, services D 10 The following claims were allowed on general bridge fund: J M Bostic, labor Weiser bridge. $ 11 00 L C Ji lies, *• *• . 5 00 Aug Brockman, . 2 50 T E Kelley, lumber......................... 30 00 A II Wilkie, lumber....................... 46 25 J 11 Lane, lumber............................. 47 00 T E Kelly, lumber........................... 3 00 James I Linder, hauling................ 15 00 G F Jackson, labor........................... 8 00 F W Beiers, lumber......................... 0 20 W Anderson, hauling......... ............. 17 70 Norval Gorrie, labor......................... 5 50 The following claims were allowed against cun eut expense fund: John Hancock, fees....................... Emily (J Richardson, taking de- positions ........................................... John N Cobbs, juror costs........... J A McCune, juror costs................ Claim of John Clifton against road fund laid over until January meeting. Same with claim of S. L. Clary. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13. Liquor dealers bond of Wm Black approved. The following claims were allowed against current expense fund: Dealers in all kinds of w. ----- AT TIIE----- 23 00 17 50 0 15 ... 131 53 3 00 50 00 II HOLLMAN. ROUGH 3NTe>'W Blaclismitli Sliop di»n: session There are several SUITS MADE TO ORDER II. K. AT LOWEST PRICES. Euff Street, Weiser, Idaho, near SearsUndertaking establishment. AMD DRESSED WEISER, IDAHO, MI I Arc You Going to Portland ? Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc. wilt (to nil kinds of Repairing, HoritShodu etc., at the lowest going rules. ^ i WHIBinn. IDAHO WORK GUARANTEED Will I Then it will be well for you to know that at the 1 with THE DRUG STORE WALLPAPER 7 HOTEL BREWSTER 1)« That Meets the People Half Way PICTURE FRAMES MOULDING you will, for$l and $1 25 per day, get exactly the same accommodations, as fine a building, rooms and furnilure, as you will get at the Perkins or other hotels at twice the rate. The Brewster is five stories high, elevator, bar, baths, barber shop, and is equipped equal to any other house in Portland. SANDERS & BATEMAN, Props. 4- 4- 4- The international commercial gress, composed of delegates of the most civilized governments of the world and representatives from tl most important chambers of werce of every trade center, met in Philadelphia last Thursday. + + + Germany is inclined to favor the Boers in the Transvaal controversy. 4- 4- 4- It is reported that there has been somo sharp fighting between forces and the insurgents near Nov- eleto. con- Otir force: Competent drug helpgraduated, experienced salespeople are every one of them. UNDERTAK® $ 32 50 Ollli 11 05 Groceries WeiSOT PhaTIliaCy od- and C. 0, D. Store com- 6 2 25 a «pooialty Complete line of Caskets and Materiil. I) <8> <S> <S> The opera house at Pocatello was destroyed by fire a few days ago. The loss is heavy. On Your Eoad to Seven Devils are A SE1ARS Dav WEISER. IDAnO. om atle <î> <$> .<$> Johnny, the 10-year-old son of D. R Thomas, was drowned at Pocatello a few days ago. HOUSES! Have your BL AOKSMITIIING do EPPERSON The first pin town. We carry a full line of do all work. by R. "AY LOU. V •ou strike o ;il. Iduho. our entering the Your Hotel pplies iind If You want a. ow* one C B Shirley, medical services... $ 48 00 J B Beardsley, care county poor. 234 00 B M Jenney, drugs........................... 30 40 Capilal Printing Co, supplies... 62 45 Glass & Prudhomme, supplies.. 40 20 Gerry Snow, juror costs................ 2 00 Wm Veerland, care poor................ 52 00 Thos Nelson, priming commis- sioners proceedings....................... J M Snider, salary as treasurer.. Bank of Weiser, jurors costs.... A Sears, burials......................... Mrs SC Wilson, care poor . J VV Ayers, salary attorney. G M Waterhouse, medical ser- vices .................................................... A J Hopkins, labor courr room. T M Jeffrys, salary........................... J J Nevins, marshal......................... Frances H Galloway, salary and institute........... R E Lockwood, printed supplies Isaac McMahon, supplies.............. Matthews & Co, coal....................... Art Metal Con Co, vault fur- niture.................................................. Theo L Hunt, constable____ ... P G Godlove, constable........... D H Kerfoot, salary.................. I F Smith, salary... .............. I F Smith, extra clerk.............. .1 A Jones, care poor................ Frank Harris, defending Win- ters ............................................. 4* -8 + Vermont gave her favorite -$>-$><& Judge Shurtliffe and John R Foulks of the American Falls Canal & Power Company are succeeding in bringing in a large number of people from Iowa to take up farms in Bing- eam county. Lodging: Commercial St, Weiser 1*"> Good liooiKIM Furnished. Reasonable. I*. C. Stf.piienbon. Proprietor. son, Admiral Dewey, one of the greaiest mid grandest receptions ever tendered any man from that state last Thurs- day. SA Let me give you figures thing f rum a cottage to a mansion. . Special attention to country mirk houses or burns. Mir- is a question which must be decided upon whenever you visit Weiser. Il should bo decided so as lo get the best service at all economical figure, and ill the selection always go to a'house which will add dignity to your stay. i nicely Prices D House : Practically the entire state turned out to do him honor when he crossed the border Mountain commonwealth, fore were there such profound evi- dences of patriotism and sincere re- gard for one who had added such glory and renown to his native state as were visible on this brilliant The admiral is being idol- ized by the people of Vermont, well as the whole nation. 53 35 18!) 15 Mi A. J. HOPKINS of the Green 0 80 New bakery bread at J. B. Tuttles notion and fruit staud. made. Try it. Never be- HOTEL WEISER .. 42 00 .. no oo .. 187 50 CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, THE The best MINERSRESORT.... dr: Weiser. Idaho. DA\ ID AIKEN, Proprietor. Cuprum, Idaho. IV 109 50 40 05 189 70 2 05 OVERLAND HOTEL, DISGUISED DANOER. Hunters sometimes hide themselves In the disguise of a cow, and thus make their way into the very midst of the most cau- tious game. The mode of operation is shown in the OC- Fine wines, liquors and cigars. Her- mitage and Jesse Moore whiskies, and , , . f best cigars. Would be glad to have your patronage. casion. 1>" nan and most favorable rates, dll furnish the best hotel service in tiie town at the li- as carry a full line ___ 299 30 04 03 25 00 14 83 *4r ■» BOISE, IDAHO + + + The banquet given the editors of tiie Northwest at Spokane, by the Exposition management last Satur- day, was a very decided success. 4- + + The Minnesota volunteers are at home, having just arrived from the Philippines. Coi ns E. M. BARTON, Proprietor. inrn rr JOHNSON & CAGE, Prop*. 1 101 10 19 00 11 85 ... 552 00 .. 4()0 00 40 00 51 00 M When you go to the capital city you should not fail to make the OVER- It is tbt „Y- W ISO CliIncKe 3* © Tip to-date UAR / \ Vi LAND your headquarters, most popular,home like and convenient hotel in Hoise. * m JIM I,EE, Proprietor. Commercial Street, Weiser, Idaho Monls ut nil hours. 25 worth 16.25. for W.50. affords. now ieture. In a similar manner consumption ules itself in the disguise of a throat or bronchial affection, making its way finally to the lungs, where the insidious germs eat away the victim's life. A stubborn cough bronchitis and other throat troubles are thé first steps toward this deadly malady. Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery will prevent consumption, curing every con tnbuting cause. Time and time again, it lias cured what local physicians have pro- nounced well-developed consumption. It makt*s the stomach healthy, the iiver healthy, the blood healthy. It is a rein venating tonic, which makes the weak strong; puts ambition into tired people puts flesh on thin bodies, and vigor into sluggish veins. It is a peculiar medicine "that its properties are preserved in anv climate without syrup, sugar or alcohol en- tering into its composition. It docs not cre- ingfor injurious stimulants. It is the personal prescription of Dr. R. V. Pierce of Buffalo N. Y., whose widespread expe- rience and success are at the service of the can coirnim'ZnZr by m^anyWh're pasMug through my lung. I have hail a ha!l amuî ervCJ,3v<il3ilv ,ho,r!nt's" of breath! ii ,, I ll,rcc s Dohlen Medical Dis, over, Kave not used more Ilian two bottles and now rat, sleep, and work and 1 feel like a The no.gripe remedy for costiveness i Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets. "-n,;ss »- Stl ts. 21-meal ticket 'tiling the murket season. JOINES The BMsmi 25 00 over MACE & COMPANY, Oysters in all styles in + + + Claim of H. M. Nave is laid until next meeting. \ Chicago was last week the scene of a great festival, President McKinley being present. The occasion was the laying of the corner stone of the new federal building, and a vast multitude of people witnessed the Many distinguished present. . T'n-Hlr Bread handto per I 1 always 1/ « SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14. * The following claims were allowed against current expense fund: PROPRIETORS Or STATE BANK OF IDAHO City Meat Market! the proper we) EDWARD SHAINWAT,n iw,, HERMAN HAAS Prcsldru C. J. SELWYN... ANDREW ADAMS M, Mcgregoh ■Sh guarantees your horse i satisfaction. F J Womack, justice fees___ Geo B Dean, expenses................ Geo B Deen. salary and expenses 624 50 E A Hotfstetter. care Ada Reed. Arthur V Roberlson, justice fees S 51 Jeffreys, water......................... Wisner $ 71 15 ceremony, people were Vice President .............. Cashier 71) 30 All kinds of blncksmithing ami done in a workmanlike way that defle» tltion. p I 75 00 f ............Directors W olaor, Idaho. + + + Captain Mills, the slayer of O’Mel- veny, had a hearing Monday and bound over to appear at the next term of the Third District court of Utah. 8 00 CORRESPONDENTS,-Boise CaniHt State; New York, Mercantile National Omaha, First National; San FranciscoU ells Fargo; SaR Duke, Mccormjc & (■„Interesfaiii>a"kling business transacted. Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange drawn direct on the princi- pal cities of the United States nd Europe^ Drafts on Hong Kong, China at San Francisco rates. b aSpeciat attention given lo making col- leclions and handling bullion b Highest prices paid for warrants. 10 00 THE MAN FRESH BEEF, lORK, VEAL, MUTTON, SAUSAGE,constantly on hand Lovejov, Thornton.............. Norval Gorrie, commissioner... James J Linder, commissioner.. Geo Hoffstalter, commissioner. . defending f 25 00 48 00 91 60 58 00 The following claims were allowed against road fund: \ The Vienna Bakery and Confectionary Store. READY FOR BUSINESS... t) ho sells ten times more goods j ot bla competitors must Imve the bests«1 and largest stock and sell ut the loue»* prie"; No competitor can show half tlw slock, give you lower figures on anything in . 8ash, Doors. Mouldings, Imth. Shingles, 1 kind of building material, Lhan ate c Bail was denied him and he will have to await the trial in jail. + + + 1 Is now open in the Sommersblock, one door west of Scarsfurniture store. I am prepared to furnish nil customers witli the liest and most wholesome BREAD. CAKES AMO PIES 1 have had many years experience in the Bakery business, and am confident I can give the people of Welser the liest of service. 1 shall keep a fine Hue of CONFECTIONERY also, and it shall always tie my purpose to merit the confidence anil patron- age of the people of this city. Give me a call. . JOHN MEYER, Proprietor. >• Four thousand people ported killed recently by an earth- quake on the island of Ceram, one of the Voluncas group. + + + T P Maryatt, road viewer........... E L Sa ling, overseer....................... Denney & Barbour, mdse.............. James I Linder, service on road. 10 00 P L Gaarden, lumber.................... 144 83 The report of the petit jury ceived and the board promised to carry out as many ns possible of the suggestions, hut funds are lacking for most of them Statement of Sheriff Dean of fees collected, amounting to $192 15, found correct and audited 6 00 17 50 8 10 wore re- TH0S. E KELLY. Yard opposite R R depot all kinds of 0.R.&H if A. H. AN I) ERSON President. hr GEO C. BRADLEY C. M. 1IIXON, Assistant Cashier. Bank of Capital, *-.5.000. WKIS.n, II1A1I0 Incorporated September 1 1894 DirectorsJ. W. Avers \V P Sol"M. *Bar„(tu ^'' ^ LT'D*°r?nd HdXm'ral,bankingb,'"it'^- (, PRrw of collections made mid Money i.o loan on We solicit v Indians in Mexico burned two American minors at the stake a few days ago. Casliiur if 4- + + Tiie Canadian government hits been called upon for 2000 troops for the Transvaal. That country says it is willing to send 10,000 if needed. 4- + + The startling fact has become evi dent that for several weeks the city of Butte has been'slipping down bill Evidences of it have been toNORTHERN IDAHO, EASTERN WASHINGTON orkgoi CM Loads of Goods.... MONDAY, OCTOBER 16. Petition of P. L. Keenv and others praying for a public highway of road leading from Weiser and OldsFerry to I he center of south line of section 17, 11 N., 6 W , is granted. The following named persons are allowed damages therefor: Wm. Stricken- back, $05 00, Mrs Louuan, $25.00, Mr Snider, $15 00. Clerk of the district court author- ized such help as is necessary to con- duct the duties of his several offices. Liquor dealersbond of D. S. Hill at Mineral is approved. Adjourned siue «lie. and ALL POINTS IN Is the Shortest ■»«•K...... Ami,wa,"iÄ0L'Ül "n"T*t "'"A........ »steil s£pJmb3 We are now receiving our Fall and Winter Stock. wagon loads of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing (roods, 20 cases Boots and Shoes, 25 cases Hats and Gloves, and an immense stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Stoves Ranges and Hardware. A full and complete line will arrive next week, soon which will This week we ROUTE Imve received several six horse promptly remitted, tfood security, nr biisinoss. To all Points In OCEUR DALENSS the KOOTENAI Countries to be reacn «I. seen on a number of large buildings, among which is the residence of Senntor Clark, which 1ms been cracked and disfigured from one side to tiie other Geologists have examined the place uud say lliat a separation or clearagc is taking place. or ( HY MEAT MARKET o 3=3 gz BROWN & SEFFERN, mCXßm Proprietors, Watch for prices Direct Route to Portland, Cou»eJfj?L with O. U. .t N. OCEAN «TEAWr.ileaving Portland every five day* Francisco. Steamers monthly from Yokohama and Hong Kong, via U>* ^ 1 ern Pacific Steamship Co. in conn«' with O. R. .fe N. For full details call on or W. II. IIURLBUItT. Qen. Pass. Agent. Portland. nODEWLD, CAKUITjTj & AtflK. ^or Phc.S S Co.. PisrlNuo. Defy Competition. Dissolution of Partnership. To t\ hom it Mat Concehn: 1 Notice is herehv ai...... «y. . ,. heretofore existing hitwA1,, *ïf C°-P»,f"ership Geo. W. lUrtley -and John A H ITh rsi' J"*'1- eral niere.ntile' busiMM »" U e^er IOhi"1' * V" the firm name of Hartlcv a It»» u ' "nder solved by mutual eon3,;, Geo tv il lJ,, d*V ,li'" firm will be ,,»1.1 by him. b 0,,i,,K by CUPRUM, Besides cash, we take all kinds of produce. We pay 25c for eggs, 25c for butler, 90c for whetit, l^c for barley and 1 50 for oat*. IDAHO. U Fresh meals, Hams, B: and everything line. COHEN & CRISS, S«lvxT3i*l«, Idaho icon, Butter. Eggs, required in the butcher Fur perfection in baking, use -‘Big K" Hour. 45w3 Go (o Opp it Davis for Garland aloves I Dont load v these articles, but call will furnish T our teams with and see us. Wc at reasonable prices and yon transportation. add re»* d Get your clothes cleaned and re. paired by Hollmann. the tailor. 9*o. w. Haktlky I ohji A Bosk save \ Ps led St Weiser ft I*. 1800 ' RIohso mention Signal.)

COMMISSIONERS. Is there Sources. and Acid Don Binding Twine€¦ · election; W. F. Sommercamp and;h T M. JefTrys until two years after said election, 1. F. Smith and T. Maryatt until

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  • McCORMIi


    andBinding Twine




    COMMISSIONERS.GENERAIi NEWS.That rheumatism in its wont

    form can be cured by proper treatment is shown by this interview with Mat Tanner, of 231 Hamilton St., Albany, N. Y. He said: “I was taken with rheumatism that began in my hips and spread throughout my body. For two years and a half I was confined to my bed. I employed nine of the best physicians of Albany, and two specialists from New York, but all declared my case hopeless. My niece recommended Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. The use of several boxes enabled me to leave my bed and go about with crutches. Finally I abandoned the crutches, and am now ns well as ever. No praise of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People is too strong for my case.

    Mat Tanner.”

    Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of Sept., 1898. Neile F. Towner, Notary Public.

    —From the Albany (N. Y.) Journal

    Dr. Williams’ Pink Pilla for Pule People coutain, in u conUenacti form, all the elements neeenMurv to give new life und rieh-

    the hlood and restore shuttered fui ling spécifia for

    locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus'dunce, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pule and sallow complexions, and all forma of weakness either in mule or female.

    Or. Williams * Pink Pills for Pate People are never sold by the dozen or hundred, but always In packages. At all druggists, or direct from the Or. Williams Medicine Company. Schenectady. N. Y., SO cents per box, 6 boxes S2.60.

    Diverse Items of Interest From Various Sources.

    ‘V. Vy-ltf'’ /

    Is there>

    .Mgs»Proceedings of Fall Session as Continued from Last Week. “i VA paper signed ‘•Andree” was

    found in a bottle near Silkn, Alaska, recently.

    VA? a



    Liquor dealers’ bond of B. 11-

    Day, Saluliria, approved.Report of Norval Gorrie, road

    viewer, acceptedJohn Darnell appointed constable

    of Sulubrin. Bond approved.Fem II. Teron appointed constable

    Bear precinct. Bond approved.Bond of P. K. Fury, jtisliee of the

    peace of Bear precinct* approved.Stewart 11. Travis appointed jus

    tice of the peace West Weiser precinct.

    Statement of auditor of fees received, approved, Amount as auditor, $51-1 75; clerk district couri, $72 50; $587 25.

    It appearing that the election in School District No. 1, Weiser, had carried in favor of an independent school district, tlie board appointed the following trustees: C. M llixon and A. J. Hopkins until next regular election; W. F. Sommercamp and T M. JefTrys until two years after said election, 1. F. Smith and T. Maryatt until four years after said election.

    4- 4- 4-Don Ignacio Maiiscnl, vice-presi

    dent and minister of foroign affairs of Mexico, and a party are visiting this country.Acid ■ymi. Jp*. 1Tip». ..ft iwr-yc V+ 1* -f

    An expedition of Germans was massacted by na ives in Africa recently. A native chief was employed as a guide and he betrayed the party, leading it into ambush, ami all were slain Tlie natives then looted everything in that section and murdered some other natives.

    .’V.AK'* ,

    This is the season tor buym0 ;;


    Blood*i* *:* * on Si

    Tern I welci

    7President McKinley welcomed the Minnesota volunteers at Minneapolis last Thursday.

    \ livery.....n*'MH to nerves. They are an ;h diseases

    Happenings of Interest Throughout

    the State. (I O. M4- 4- 4-

    Temporary arrangements regarding the Alaskan boundry Imve been agreed upon. The dispute was over the line ovtr Chilkat pass.

    IP. L. H. WALKER, Proprietor.

    Cuprum, Idaho.

    Attorney-General Hays has given an opinion to the etfect that all school j districts in the state must use the j books provided by the text-book com- j


    ■;5n9 Proprietor.THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12.

    Statement of Probate Judge JefTrys of fees collected to the amount of $05 90 found correct and audited.

    Application of R E Wilson to have tax sale No. 11 of 1896, assigned to linn, granted.

    Claims on load fund were allowed as follows.

    Feed and sale stable.Prices reasonablePack outfits for hire or sale.Call and see us if you have an/hone

    flesh fur sale, or want any. Can Hi out cheaply.

    ij,BestAccommodations in the city.

    4- 4-At the Chicago day banquet last

    week, President McKinley and representatives from Mexico and Canada spoke from the same platform, the foreigners pledging international am-

