IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Commission on Safety Standards (CSS) 31st Meeting 27 29 March 2012 Agenda Item 4.4 Transport Safety Standards Committee Bill Brach - TRANSSC Chairman Jim Stewart Transport Safety Unit Head and TRANSSC Coordinator

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IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

Commission on Safety Standards (CSS)

31st Meeting

27 – 29 March 2012

Agenda Item 4.4

Transport Safety Standards Committee

Bill Brach - TRANSSC Chairman

Jim Stewart – Transport Safety Unit Head and

TRANSSC Coordinator

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Overview of Transport Standards and


• Mandate to develop transport regulations

• IAEA policy and processes on development of

transport regulations

• Interface with other UN organizations in

development of transport regulations

• Transport safety portfolio

• TRANSSC role and functions

• TRANSSC activities


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Mandate to Develop Regulations

• IAEA’s Statute (Article III.A.6) authorizes the Agency to establish safety standards in consultation and, where appropriate, in collaboration with the competent organs of the UN

• July 1959, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) requested the UN Secretary-General to inform the IAEA of their desire that the IAEA be entrusted with the drafting of recommendations on the transport of radioactive material, on the understanding that the recommendations would be consistent with the principles adopted by the Committee of Experts and would be formulated in consultation with the UN and the relevant specialized agencies

• July 1997 Economic and Social Council noted agreement was obtained

with IAEA to incorporate the Regulations for the Safe Transport of

Radioactive Material, TS-R-1, into the UN Model Regulations -

Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods


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IAEA Policy and Processes for Transport

Standards Development

• Guided by IAEA General Conference Resolutions and Board of Governors

(BoG) direction:

• Conduct a review of the transport regulations every two years

• Prepare a revision, as necessary, based on biennial review

• Schedule for review and revision of the IAEA transport regulations to be

consistent with and provide input to the biennial review of the UN Model

Regulations (commonly referred to as the UN Orange Book, or UNOB).)

• Consultation with other UN organizations on IAEA transport regulations

includes International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Maritime

Organization (IMO), UN Subcommittee of Experts on Transport of Dangerous

Goods (SECTDG), and others as may be appropriate

• Review and revision of transport regulations guided by internal IAEA SPESS


• TRANSSC developed procedures to guide review and determine when

recommended change(s) warrant a revision


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What is UN Orange Book

• Provides a basic scheme of provisions that allow uniform development of national and

international regulations governing the various modes of transport of dangerous goods

• Includes provisions for packing, consignment, testing and transport operations

• Dangerous goods are classified in nine classes:

• Class 1 – explosives

• Class 2 – gases

• Class 3 - flammable liquids

• Class 4 – flammable solids; substances liable to spontaneous combustion; substances

which, on contact with water, emit flammable gases

• Class 5 – oxidizing substances and organic peroxides

• Class 6 – toxic and infectious substances

• Class 7 – radioactive material

• Class 8 – corrosive substances

• Class 9 – miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles, including environmentally

hazardous substances

• Produced by the UN Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

(ECOSOC subcommittee)

• Reviewed/revised every two years (review begins in odd numbered years and ends in

December of even numbered years)

• ICAO and IMO revise their respective modal regulations every two years to reflect changes in

the UNOB and TS-R-1


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• Incorporating TS-R-1 into UNOB (Model Regulations)

• Orange Book forms basis for MANDATORY modal


IAEA Interface with the UNOB

(Yes the UNOB has Orange Covers)

Klasse 7


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Domestic Regulations

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TS-R-1 and Orange Book Interface

• Final IAEA input must be provided 12 weeks prior to SCETDG December

meeting of even numbered year. (SECTDG review/revision cycle begins

every odd year and ends in December of even year)

• Final IAEA input can only come after BoG approves final proposed

revisions of TS-R-1 (requires coordination of IAEA/SCETDG Secretariat)

• In even numbered years, approval at June BoG is the target, with latest

possible approval at the September BoG

• TS-R-1 review cycles and, when deemed necessary, the revision cycle

must be planned to meet the schedule dates

• For TS-R-1 2012 Edition, we met these schedule dates

• Added complexities:

• TS-R-1 requirements are in some cases copied into UNOB and in other cases revised to fit

UNOB format

• SCETDG develops additional requirements for all classes or a subset of classes (including

Class 7) that need to be reviewed and, as appropriate, incorporated into TS-R-1


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Transport Safety Portfolio

• Includes products related to the transport of

radioactive material produced by the IAEA

• Transport Safety Standards

• TECDOCS and Safety Reports, including for

example products of Coordinated Research

Projects and consultancies

• Appraisal service/mission reports

• Associated material and work such as training,

transport information, brochures, film


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IAEA Transport Safety Standards

Safety Requirements

• TS-R-1: Regulations for the Safe Transport of

Radioactive Material (now referred to as SSR-6) • Published initially in 1961

• Revised 10 times 1964/7, 1973, 1979, 1985, 1996,

2000, 2003, 2005, 2009, and the newest Edition

established March 2012

• Forms the basis for radioactive material transport

requirements of UN bodies, regional agreements and

Member States

• Has ensured safety of transport for over 50 years

• Supported by 6 thematic guidance documents

• Text is Member State developed


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IAEA Transport Safety Standards

Safety Guides

• Six transport Safety Guides

• TS-G-1.1: Advisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe

Transport of Radioactive Material

• TS-G-1.2: Planning and Preparing for Emergency Response to

Transport Accidents Involving Radioactive Material

• TS-G-1.3: Radiation Protection Programme for Safe Transport of

Radioactive Material

• TS-G-1.4: Management Systems for the Safe Transport of

Radioactive Material

• TS-G-1.5: Compliance Assurance in Transport Safety

• TS-G-1.6: Schedules of Provisions of the IAEA Regulations for the

Safe Transport of Radioactive Material

• All six guides have been published. Presently, 1 revised guide is ready

for CSS approval, 1 guide is being revised, and 3 guides are under

review for revision


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TRANSSC Responsibilities and Functions

• The primary responsibility of TRANSSC is to establish and maintain the

regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material, SSR-6 (TS-R-1)

• Develops guidance materials to support implementation of the transport


• Supports training and assists Member States in reviews

• Advises the IAEA on areas for improvement and focus in the overall transport

safety program

• Participates in the review of other programmatic safety standards and other

reviews as may be requested

• Works closely with other safety standards committees on areas of common

interest such as long term storage of spent fuel

• Comprised of regulatory counterparts from approximately 50 countries and

includes representatives from other UN organizations and non-governmental

organizations (typically 80 participants in TRANSSC meetings)

• Meet twice yearly, with multiple technical, consultants, and research-related



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TRANSSC Activities Since October 2011

• No TRANSSC meeting since last CSS meeting • Next TRANSSC meeting 16 – 20 July 2012

• Recent/ongoing transport related activities: • Completion of final revision/approval of TS-R-1 (BOG March action)

and TS-G-1.1(CSS March action, agenda item 7.1)

• Review of Fukushima lessons learned relative to transport

• Actions to address October 2011 transport conference findings and


• Review and use of TRANSSC Three Year Work Plan

• Other activities involving safety standards development, interagency

coordination, regional training, and development of historical basis

for transport regulations


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Schedule and Status of

TS-R-1 and TS-G-1.1 Revisions (2012 Edition)

• Schedule for TS-R-1 revision: • March 2010 - CSS approves DPP to revise TS-R-1 (Complete)

• Mid April 2010 - post for four Committees to review at June meetings (Complete)

• June 2010 - four Committees approve TS-R-1 for 120-day MS review (Complete)

• July 2010 - issue revised TS-R-1 for 120-day MS review (Complete)

• June 2011 - four Committees review/approve the final revised TS-R-1 (Complete)

• Nov 2011 - CSS approves revised TS-R-1 (subsequently translated to official

languages) (Complete)

• March 2012 - BOG approves revised TS-R-1. Completes a 2-year process from date of

CSS approval of DPP to BOG approval of TS-R-1 revision. (Complete)

• Mid to late 2012 - TS-R-1 2012 Edition published

• Schedule for TS-G-1.1 revision: • April/May 2010 - develop draft TS-G-1.1 to conform with proposed revisions to TS-R-1

and post for TRANSSC review (Complete)

• June 2010 - TRANSSC review/approval to post for 120-day MS review (Complete)

• August 2010 - internal IAEA review (Complete)

• August 2010 - issue revised TS-G-1.1 for 120-day MS review (Complete)

• Oct 2011 - TRANSSC reviews and approves final revised TS-G-1.1 (Complete)

• March 2012 - CSS approves revised TS-G-1.1 (Complete?)

• Mid to late 2012 - Revised TS-G-1.1 published (to be published in parallel with TS-R-1)


* Red indicates an update/change/highlight for CSS 31st meeting


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Fukushima Lessons Learned

Relative to Transport

• TRANSSC 23 (Oct 2011) identified 16 topical transport areas for further

review based on early consideration of Fukushima lessons learned

• TRANSSC review is separate from, but proceeding on a parallel path

with, IAEA review of nuclear power plant safety standards

• Japanese TRANSSC member, working with Secretariat, prepared a

draft gap analysis for transport safety standards using TRANSSC 23

input and Japan’s 28 Fukushima lessons learned

• Gap analysis identified a number of actions – some new and some

already underway (e.g., need for a generic transport risk study and

adequacy of package cooling capacity)

• March 2012 consultancy and TRANSSC member comments provide

input for TRANSSC discussion and decision

• Decisions on Fukushima lesson learned to be incorporated into the

TRANSSC Three Year Work Plan


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Actions to Address the President’s Findings for

the October 2011 Transport Conference

• Technical Meeting held 12 – 16 March to follow up on the International

Conference on the Safe and Secure Transport of Radioactive Material

• Meeting report provides recommended actions to:

• Improve harmonization of safety and security requirements

• Improve harmonization of international transport regulations (IAEA, UNSCETDG -

UN Model Regulations, ICAO, IMO)

• Improve international harmonization in implementation of transport regulations

• Continue efforts to resolve causes for denial/delay of shipments

• Review/revise IAEA guidance for emergency preparedness and response

• Prepare “best practices” guidelines to promote effective communication and

transparency in government-to-government and public communications

• Support and foster regional cooperation and coordination, including IAEA training

and Member State assistance

• Recommended transport safety actions to be incorporated in the

TRANSSC Three Year Work Plan


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TRANSSC Three Year Work Plan

• Purpose of the work plan is provide focus, direction and predictability to

TRANSSC planned activities.

• TRANSSC 22 (Oct 2011) approved Three Year Work Plan work

• Each task assigned Priority 1 (highest), 2, 3 or 4.

• Main focus is on Priority 1 (must do) and 2 (need to do) tasks.

• Recommended actions from Fukushima lessons learned and October

2011 transport conference will be incorporated in the work plan (many

related task(s) already underway).

• Assigning priority to tasks will help identify work to be initiated,

modified, deferred, or stopped.

• The work plan is envisioned to be a “living document” to be reviewed at

future TRANSSC meetings, and revised as TRANSSC determines


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Other TRANSSC Activities

• Revise TS-G-1.6 Schedules to conform to TS-R-1 2009 Edition

• Starting revision of TS-G-1.6 to conform to TS-R-1 2012 Edition (CSS agenda item 7.7, DPP for approval)

• Review regulations for special arrangements, transport of large items, and materials with low specific activity (w/Member State lead)

• TRANSSC is considering new/revised Safety Guides for: • Emergency preparedness and response (revision of TS-G-1.2)

• Radiation protection programs for transport (revision of TS-G-1.3)

• Special arrangements and transport of large items (possibly new or revised guide)

• Application review guide for regulators (possibly new guide)

• Ongoing collaboration (Feb 2012 meeting) with other UN organizations to improve harmonization of transport regulations. ICAO recommended a new UN inter-agency committee on transport

• Re-evaluate TS-R-1 two-year review cycle based on past 10 years experience (5 review cycles since 2000)

• Providing regional training


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Background Information • Additional information on interface with UN

organizations (slides 20 – 24)

• Scheduling SSR-6 (TS-R-1) reviews with

UNOB schedule (slides 25 – 34)

• Additional background on transport safety

standards and related transport work (slides

35 - 46


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ECOSOC publication – The Orange Book

1953- Committee of Experts was appointed

United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

universal system for transport of

dangerous goods

1994 Model Regulations

Text written and approved by experts

Publication of text approved by ECOSOC (text not approved)


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• Text appropriate to all classes needs to be


• Not currently done automatically

• Specific review underway


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MODES of Transport

Carriage of dangerous goods by sea

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea , 1974 (SOLAS)


• International code for the carriage of dangerous goods by sea

• Mandatory

• Class 7 covering radioactive material

• The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO), Maritime Safety

Committee (MSC) approves text.

• Delayed implementation - Provisions of the IMDG Code, 2010 will be

officially in force from 1 January 2012 (common to other modes)


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MODES of Transport

Carriage of dangerous goods by air

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

• Chicago convention

• Annex 18 – Dangerous Goods

• Technical Instructions give detailed requirements – published every

2 years

Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air is

approved, issued and amended in accordance with the procedure

established by the ICAO Council

Updated by an ICAO "Dangerous Goods Panel"

• review comments received from States,

interested international organizations

• consider any changes in the

Recommendations ECOSOC Committee of

Experts and IAEA


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MODES of Transport

Carriage of Dangerous Goods- Land

• Land transport - no global convention

• Regional agreements

• European Agreement – ADR (road), RID

(rail), ADN (inland waterway)

• Extends beyond Europe (e.g. North


• European directive


• United Nations Economic and Social

Commission for Asia and the Pacific



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• Process for all IAEA standards

• Process can be adapted, but policy must not

be compromised


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Criteria for judging whether a review

should lead to a revision

• Principles • Optimisation

• Efficiency / practicality / regulatory stability

• Compliance with dose limits

• Socio-economic considerations

• Harmonisation

• Clarification

A detailed review of each change is necessary to determine its safety importance.

If a significant safety change to TS-R-1 is needed to maintain and assure the

safety of transport, then the change is deemed to be “sufficiently important for

safety to necessitate publication as soon as possible”.


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Quality plan for review/revision

• Procedure in place to merge SPESS and UN


• Calls for specific plan for each cycle based on

outline (base plan)

• Review of base plan called for at end of

each cycle – currently underway


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PROCESS – if review carried out in 2013



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PROCESS – if review carried out in 2013



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PROCESS – if review carried out in 2013



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PROCESS – if review carried out in 2013



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PROCESS – if review carried out in 2013



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PROCESS – if review carried out in 2013



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Alternative Start - No review in 2013


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Latest updates in 2012 Edition

• Safety related changes

• Fissile exception (mentioned in GC resolution)

• Small quantities with other hazards

• Package test requirements

• Harmonization with existing Safety


• BSS: to ensure that safety requirements are



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TS-R-1 status – review process

• Complex interfaces from dual mandate

• With IAEA Safety Standards process.

• With UN revision process.

• Need for Stability and Ability to Change if


• Review at two year intervals to harmonize with

the UN.

• Revise only as necessary, that is if a change is

essential to safety.


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Regulations – future plans

• Publication of next Edition 2011-2012

• Review of UN provisions covering radioactive material

• Major workload for TRANSSC

• 2011-2013

• Ongoing review of clarity of text

• Review of environmental conditions

• Update of derived values (based on ICRP revisions) along

with other standards

• 2012-2014??

• Next review process to start 2015 – except – Fukushima

review underway


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TS-G-1.1 – Advisory

• Status

• Due to be published after TS-R-1 (20XX Edition)

• For consideration at this meeting

• Current Issues

• Current effort is to synchronise with TS-R-1

• Future Plans

• Comprehensive review over the next three years

• Remove superfluous text

• Add new text

• From 2015 keep in sync with TS-R-1


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TS-G-1.2 – Emergency

• Status • Last updated 2002

• Reviewed 2009 – updates suggested in the form of annexes

• Current Issues • Development of guidance to coastal states underway

• Political issue (raised at GC)

• In cooperation with IEC

• Future Plans • DPP due July TRANSSC

• Consider further guidance related to air transport

• Work to be carried out mainly as “virtual meetings”


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TS-G-1.3 – Radiation Protection

• Status

• Last update 2007

• Recent review – no update required until after

BSS published

• Current Issues

• None

• Future Plans

• CS to initiate review April 2012


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TS-G-1.4 – Management systems

• Status

• Last updated 2008

• Current plans are for no further editions

• Current Issues

• Difference between Management systems and

Quality Assurance terminology not currently


• Future Plans

• No review required at this point


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TS-G-1.5 – compliance

• Status

• Last updated 2009

• Current Issues

• Crucial to overall programme of work

• Future Plans

• No plans for update


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TS-G-1.6 - schedules

• Status • Last updated 2010 (matching TS-R-1 2005)

• Addendum underway (matching TS-R-1 2009)

• Update to synchronize with SSR-6 started 2011 (DPP with this meeting)

• Current Issues • Important to “catch up” with Editions of Regulations

• Potential for electronic version being examined

• Future Plans • Keep in sync with Regulations (target publication

approx. 1 year after regulations)


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• Status

• Proof of concept developed

• Very positive feedback

• Current Issues

• Needs to be transferred to professional system

• Future Plans

• Potential to incorporate Member State variations from IAEA

• Potential to incorporate other guides

• Small amount of EB funding obtained


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Example of supporting work

• Technical basis for requirements

• First TM held 2010

• Second TM 2011

• CS this week (including 1 day review of Fukushima feedback)

• Collect the technical basis for the regulations

• Use this to derive key parameters

• Key parameters can be used in future review cycles to decide whether change is justified


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Overview by time (times subject to MS approval)

• 2012 • Initiate review of derived values in TS-R-1 (along with BSS) • Continue with review of TS-G-1.1 • Continue revision of TS-G-1.2 • Possible review of TS-G-1.4 • Review of UN requirements • Continue with e-Schedules

• 2013 • Continue review of derived values in TS-R-1 • Continue with review of TS-G-1.1

• 2014 • Produce “working material” for TS-R-1, TS-G-1.1, TS-G-1.6 to initiate reviews

• 2015 • Initiate review of TS-R-1 • Initiate review of TS-G-1.1 • Initiate review of TS-G-1.3 • Initiate review of TS-G-1.6


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Development of the

TRANSSC Three Year Work Plan

• TRANSSC 21 and 22 identified approximately 60 work/tasks for consideration for ongoing and future work – TRANSSC survey posted on GNSSN Share Point web page for input on work/tasks

• Reviewed by TM March 2012

• Candidate work/tasks were categorized under seven areas of TRANSSC responsibility as described in Terms of Reference:

1. Review/revise transport safety requirements.

2. Review/revise/develop transport safety guides.

3. Recommend activities to enhance/improve transport program.

4. Advise on Agency priorities.

5. Review reports on feedback from use of transport standards.

6. Review relevant draft safety standards prepared by other committees.

7. Review upon request other IAEA draft documents.

• TRANSSC Terms of Reference were used to confirm the work/tasks are within TRANSSC role and responsibilities

• An 8th category was added to the list to recognize/identify other tasks that may be assigned within IAEA to the Transport Safety Unit