Commercialisation, the Media and Sport

Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

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Page 3: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event


• Commercial organisations are those that need to make a profit from the sale of goods, services or events.

• These organisations can use sport and the media to get their product seen by millions, via advertising, sponsorship or endorsement.

• Sponsorship can take many forms and it can be for:

- An individual (e.g. Golfer Rory McIlroy)

- A team (e.g. Manchester Utd)

- An event (e.g. The Olympics)

Why is commercialisation a good thing? Why could it be a negative thing?

Page 4: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event


• The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event via newspapers/magazines.

• The media need funding to provide entertainment, but commercial organisations are interested in using the media to promote their products as it can reach millions of people.

• There are many media providers that are in competition with each other to gain the most viewers. The more viewers they have, the more likely they are to get funding from commercial organisations.

Why is the media a good thing? Why could it be a negative thing?

Page 5: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

Physical activity and sport

The player/performer and the sport itself needs funding for:

• Facilities

• Equipment

• Competitions

Both the media and commercialisation can help promote sport, and the media can also provide better opportunities for the spectator.

Page 6: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

What are the advantages and disadvantages for the player?

Page 7: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

Can be paid millions to endorse products.

Can train full time and not have to complete another job to fund training, so can focus on becoming the best at their sport.

Can receive top quality products to use to help performance.

Advantages for the player


Other opportunities – follow on career.

Page 8: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

Event times may make conditions less favourable for performers.

Withdrawal of sponsorship can cause financial difficulties.

Product may have a bad image, or be unethical, giving a bad reputation to the performer.

Disadvantages for the player

Required appearances take time away from training.

Pressure to win at all costs to keep sponsorship.

Restricted to sponsorship clothing/equipment.

No privacy – constantly scrutinised. .

Negative reporting can lose sponsorship.

Page 9: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

What are the advantages and disadvantages for the sponsor?

Page 10: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

Excellent and relatively inexpensive advertising of their products – show products in adverts during breaks in play or brand names on venues/clothing during activity.

Advantages for the sponsor

Raised awareness of brands leading to increased sales.

Product associated with high quality performance or health and fitness, giving brand high status.

Increased media hype about an event = greater viewing numbers = more exposure for sponsor’s products.

Page 11: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

The media may not get a high number of viewers.

Disadvantages for the sponsor

The company doesn’t get the amount of exposure they wanted.

The player/team doesn’t perform very well.

A player becomes a bad role model – due to cheating, violence, racism, etc. Sponsors become linked with these players and the product receives a negative image – reducing sales.

Page 12: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

What are the advantages and disadvantages for the sport?

Page 13: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

More media coverage.

Raised awareness of sports to help increase participation.

Higher profile of sport = more commercial interest.

Increased funding from sponsors, used to: - Run events - Develop grassroots to elite performers - Develop better facilities

Advantages for the sport

Page 14: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

Clothing and rule changed to make the game more appealing to viewers.

Fixture time and length of season changed to maximise viewing opportunities.

Breaks in play for adverts.

Minority sports not shown by media = decrease in participation.

Disadvantages for the sport

Negative reporting can give the sport a bad reputation.

Page 15: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

What are the advantages and disadvantages for the spectator?

Page 16: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

More coverage.

Direct access.


Red button choice.

Ability to but the same clothes and equipment as role models.

Advantages for the spectator

Easy to attend live sport.

Page 17: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

Increased cost – season tickets, channel subscriptions etc.

Decreased live attendance due to TV access.

Disadvantages for the spectator

Role models fail.

Minority sports not shown.

Minority sports not shown.

Page 18: Commercialisation, the Media and Sport - Bexhill Academy€¦ · Media • The media can provide entertainment. This can be via TV, radio and the internet or reported after the event

Snooker break challenge Score Red = 1 Yellow = 2 Green = 3 Brown = 4 Blue = 5 Pink = 6 Black = 7

Describe one advantage of sponsorship to a performer

Describe the word commercialisation

Identify why a sponsor would be interested in sponsoring a top athlete like Lewis Hamilton. Identify the relationship

between commercialisation, sport and the media.

Describe one disadvantage of sponsorship to a spectator

Explain one advantage for spectators if their sport receives more funding.

Using examples, describe two ways that sponsorship can be bad for sport.

Using an example, explain why a sports performer should not simply accept any sponsorship deal.

Give reasons why the media dictating the start time of an event might be a disadvantage to the performer.

Assess the positive and negative impact on an under-16 school rugby team accepting sponsorship from a company that produces alcohol.

Compare the positives and negatives of a brewery sponsoring an Over 35’s team compared to a U16’s team.