Comments and feedback which helped me develop my work


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Comments and feedback which helped me develop my work

Page 2: Comments

The comment about talked about anchoring and sound bridging which I took into consideration for my final draft. I used sound bridging to overlap clips and SHOW what characters were talking about while they said it. It also suggests that my cuts should be faster and sharper which I continuously edited down throughout all of my drafts.

The comments here are talking about dialogue and matching it to the music. This became evident as I watched back on my trailer, and consequently I used garageband to edit my soundtrack so that lyrics were not a problem with matching to the narrative.

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Here are some comments about my ancillaries. Suggestions such as colour changes and changes to the text were frequent pieces of advice which I acknowledged and I changed some of the feature titles and gave a good bright colour scheme with two contrasting colours.

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These comments talk about how I could improve the dialogue and therefore in the next draft I used ducking and removal of noise to make the character speech clearer.

The comments above include praise for my music choice and beat matching which I developed further as I realised it was a strong point in my trailer

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All of these comments compliment my shot types shown in my trailer. This included shots such as a pull focus on a knife, close ups, tracking shots and more. I even used a long shot during the chase at the end of my trailer, as I wanted to use a large range of different shots to demonstrate my filming ability.