Comments on the Hazard Identification Materials for Consideration in Listing Nickel and Nickel Compounds as Reproductive Toxicants Under Proposition 65 Submitted by Julie E. Goodman, Ph.D., DABT, ACE, ATS and Robyn L. Prueitt, Ph.D., DABT of Gradient Prepared for the Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA) September 10, 2018

Comment by Gradient on Comment Submissions - Availability ... · malformations, autism spectrum disorders) for tabulation of the nickel exposure levels and study results, with no

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  • Comments on the Hazard Identification Materials for Consideration in Listing Nickel and Nickel Compounds as Reproductive Toxicants Under Proposition 65 Submitted by Julie E. Goodman, Ph.D., DABT, ACE, ATS and Robyn L. Prueitt, Ph.D., DABT of Gradient Prepared for the Nickel Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA) September 10, 2018

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    Table of Contents

    Page Executive Summary ES-1

    1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

    2 Systematic Review .............................................................................................................. 2 2.1 CalOEHHA Evidence Review .................................................................................... 2 2.2 DARTIC Review ........................................................................................................ 2 2.3 Systematic Review Approaches .............................................................................. 3

    3 Epidemiology Study Quality and Results ............................................................................ 5 3.1 Nickel Forms ............................................................................................................ 5 3.2 Risk-of-Bias Analysis ................................................................................................ 6 3.3 Studies of Female Reproductive Outcomes............................................................ 7 3.4 Studies of Male Reproductive Outcomes ............................................................... 7 3.5 Studies of Developmental Outcomes ..................................................................... 8 3.6 Summary ............................................................................................................... 10

    4 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 11

    References .................................................................................................................................... 12


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    List of Tables

    Table 1 Characteristics of Epidemiology Studies Evaluating Nickel Exposure and Reproductive and Developmental Effects that Impact Study Quality

    Table 2 Results of Epidemiology Studies Evaluating Nickel Exposure and Reproductive and Developmental Effects

    Table 3 Risk-of-bias Criteria for Epidemiology Studies Evaluating Nickel Exposure and Reproductive and Developmental Outcomes

    Table 4 Risk-of-bias Analysis of Epidemiology Studies Evaluating Nickel Exposure and Reproductive and Developmental Outcomes

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    Executive Summary

    The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (CalOEHHA) selected nickel and

    nickel compounds for consideration on the Proposition 65 list of chemicals that cause reproductive toxicity.

    As part of this process, CalOEHHA (2018) provided a review of the available human and experimental

    animal studies evaluating associations between nickel exposure and reproductive and developmental health

    outcomes to the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee (DARTIC), and the

    committee is expected to render an opinion regarding whether nickel and nickel compounds have been

    clearly shown to cause reproductive toxicity at a meeting on October 11, 2018.

    Based on the CalOEHHA (2018) evidence review, as well as a separate risk-of-bias analysis and evaluation

    of the results of the same studies reviewed by CalOEHHA, we conclude the following:

    While CalOEHHA conducted a substantial literature review, it did not use a systematic approach to assess the evidence. Study inclusion and exclusion criteria were not explicitly stated, study

    quality was not assessed in a consistent manner, and the evidence integration sections focused only

    on positive study results, without any consideration of study quality or relevance. This resulted in

    an evaluation that did not fully represent the state of the science regarding the potential reproductive

    and developmental toxicity of nickel and nickel compounds.

    Due to the lack of a systematic approach and evaluation of study quality, reliance on the CalOEHHA evidence review will limit the ability of DARTIC to form scientifically defensible

    opinions regarding the reproductive hazard potential of nickel, making it difficult for DARTIC to

    determine whether nickel and nickel compounds meet the CalOEHHA criteria for listing as a

    known reproductive toxicant.

    To address this issue, we conducted a risk-of-bias analysis of the epidemiology studies reviewed by CalOEHHA, using the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Office of Health Assessment and

    Translation (OHAT) Risk of Bias Rating Tool. The "risk of bias" of a study is the extent to which

    the results are credible for any reported link between exposure and outcome, based on the design

    and conduct of the study. In addition, we evaluated the results of the studies, with consideration of

    how the factors that can affect the risk of bias and study quality may have impacted the

    interpretation of the results. We also integrated evidence across studies, placing more weight on

    higher quality studies with lower risks of bias.

    Our risk-of-bias analysis found that all studies have an overall moderate risk of bias, indicating generally low quality, due to the lack of appropriate statistical approaches to assess potential

    confounding, the use of area-level exposure measurements, and an inability to assess the temporal

    relationship between nickel exposure and the outcome of interest.

    The epidemiology studies also do not allow for an evaluation of any specific form of nickel. Oxidic and water-soluble nickel are the predominant forms of nickel found in the studies of ambient air

    exposure and welders, while refinery workers are exposed to mixtures of nickel metal and soluble

    and insoluble nickel compounds.

    An evaluation of the results of the epidemiology studies, with consideration of how the factors that affect the risk of bias impact the interpretation of the results, indicates that the studies do not provide

    evidence that nickel and/or nickel compounds are male or female reproductive or developmental

    toxicants. Results across the various reproductive and developmental outcomes examined were

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    largely inconsistent or null, with no clear evidence for associations between nickel and any

    particular outcome.

    o Of the three studies that investigated female reproductive effects, two reported null associations. The third study reported associations for a subset of the parameters tested;

    these results could be attributable to bias or confounders and have not been confirmed in

    other studies. The overall evidence from human studies does not support a causal

    association between nickel exposure and female reproductive effects.

    o Of the eight studies that evaluated potential associations between nickel exposure and male reproductive outcomes, none accounted for important confounding variables, employed

    appropriate statistical approaches, or were able to assess temporal relationships because of

    their cross-sectional design. More importantly, because all the studies were found to have

    a moderate risk of bias, the validity of their results is questionable. Overall, the results for

    each of the male reproductive outcomes examined were inconsistent across studies, and do

    not support a hazard listing for nickel and/or nickel compounds as male reproductive


    o Twenty-eight studies evaluating potential associations between nickel exposure and various developmental outcomes, including birth defects, low birth weight, adverse

    pregnancy outcomes, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), early-life cancers, and DNA

    damage, were reviewed by CalOEHHA.

    Seven studies evaluated nickel associations with birth defects. Two studies reported statistically significant associations with birth defects, whereas four

    reported no associations and one reported a statistically significant negative (i.e.,

    protective) association with nickel exposure. One of the positive studies was a

    nickel refinery study for which subsequent, more thorough investigations of the

    same cohort did not reproduce the positive findings. Because the majority of the

    studies reported null or negative results (including those with more reliable results

    as indicated by the risk-of-bias analysis), they do not support a causal association

    between nickel exposure and birth defects.

    Ten studies evaluated nickel associations with measures of low birth weight. Four of these studies reported statistically significant, positive associations between

    nickel exposure and lower birth weight, one study reported a borderline

    statistically significant association, four studies reported no associations, and one

    study reported a negative (i.e., protective) association. The study reporting a

    negative association had higher exposures and adequate statistical power to detect

    the effects on low birth weight reported in one of the positive studies, undermining

    the results of the latter study. Together, the studies of nickel and low birth weight

    do not provide evidence to support a causal association.

    Additional studies examining nickel exposure and ASD, early-life cancers, pneumonias, spontaneous abortion and premature birth, and DNA oxidative

    damage do not provide evidence for a causal association, as each outcome was

    evaluated in only a single or few studies and none of the studies accounted for


    Based on our evaluation of the risk of bias and study results, we conclude that the epidemiology studies are of generally low quality, and do not provide evidence that nickel and nickel compounds

    present a reproductive or developmental hazard.

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    1 Introduction

    The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (CalOEHHA) selected nickel and

    nickel compounds for consideration on the Proposition 65 list of chemicals that cause reproductive toxicity

    (which includes both reproductive and developmental toxicity). As part of this process, CalOEHHA

    provided hazard identification materials to the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification

    Committee (DARTIC), and the committee is expected to render an opinion regarding whether nickel and

    nickel compounds have been clearly shown to cause reproductive toxicity at a meeting on October 11, 2018.

    Included in these materials is a document CalOEHHA (2018) developed entitled Evidence on the

    Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Nickel and Nickel Compounds. This document reviews the

    available human and experimental animal studies evaluating associations between nickel exposure and

    developmental and reproductive health outcomes.

    The CalOEHHA document summarizes each study in narrative form, but does not follow a systematic

    approach for evaluating study quality that is applied consistently across studies and that is considered during

    the integration of the evidence. We conducted a risk-of-bias analysis of the epidemiology studies reviewed

    in the CalOEHHA document, based on study quality characteristics that may have impacted the validity of

    the findings. In addition, we evaluated the results of the studies, with consideration of how the factors that

    can affect the risk of bias and study quality may have impacted the interpretation of the results. We also

    integrated evidence across studies, placing more weight on higher quality studies with lower risks of bias,

    and we considered the form of nickel to which the studied populations were likely exposed.

    Based on our evaluation of the risk of bias and study results, we conclude that the epidemiology studies are

    of generally low quality, and do not provide evidence that nickel or nickel compounds present a

    reproductive or developmental hazard. The bases for these conclusions are described in the following


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    2 Systematic Review

    2.1 CalOEHHA Evidence Review

    In its review of the evidence for hazard identification for nickel and nickel compounds, CalOEHHA (2018)

    summarized the available epidemiology and experimental animal studies evaluating associations between

    nickel exposure and developmental and reproductive health outcomes.

    The literature search strategy to identify relevant studies was provided in an appendix and includes a list of

    the databases and search terms that were used, but there is no discussion of the decision criteria used for

    study inclusion or exclusion. The document also does not discuss the number of studies identified in the

    literature searches nor the steps taken to narrow down the initial list of studies to those selected for review.

    The study summaries provided by CalOEHHA (2018) are in narrative form, with tables of basic study

    characteristics provided in an appendix. The study narratives do not follow any consistent format, with

    certain study limitations that were noted by the study authors or identified by CalOEHHA provided in a

    comments section at the end of some, but not all, of the narratives. Similarly, the study tables in the

    appendix provide some information on study limitations in a "Comments" column, but neither the narratives

    nor the tables evaluate study quality in a manner that is consistent across all studies.

    For each of the three health outcomes assessed (developmental toxicity, female reproductive toxicity, and

    male reproductive toxicity), CalOEHHA (2018) conducted what it referred to as an "integrative" evaluation

    of the human and animal evidence, both separately and together. For the integrative evaluations of each

    realm of evidence alone, studies were grouped by similar specific outcomes (e.g. fetal growth, congenital

    malformations, autism spectrum disorders) for tabulation of the nickel exposure levels and study results,

    with no discussion of study quality. The integration of human and experimental animal evidence together

    focuses only on the positive results of studies for specific outcomes, and does not consider study quality or

    null results. There is also no comparison of the reported effect levels between experimental animals and

    humans or the exposure levels between the general population and occupationally-exposed workers.

    CalOEHHA (2018) did not use a systematic approach to summarize the evidence for hazard identification,

    resulting in an evaluation that, even if comprehensive, lacks transparency and reproducibility and does not

    fully represent the state of the science regarding the potential reproductive and developmental toxicity of

    nickel compounds. As discussed below, the current evidence review does not provide a sound basis for

    rendering opinions regarding the potential reproductive and developmental hazards of nickel and nickel


    2.2 DARTIC Review

    The DARTIC is considering the review of the evidence by CalOEHHA (2018) to render an opinion

    regarding whether nickel and nickel compounds have been clearly shown to cause reproductive toxicity.

    To guide its decision, DARTIC is relying on a set of criteria for recommending chemicals for listing as

    "known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity" (CalOEHHA, 1993). The criteria document states that

    to be recommended for listing, there must be either sufficient evidence for developmental and reproductive

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    effects in humans, limited or suggestive evidence in humans supported by sufficient experimental animal

    data, or sufficient evidence in experimental animals such that extrapolation to humans is appropriate.

    "Sufficient" evidence in humans is defined as convincing evidence to support a causal relationship from

    any of a variety of epidemiological studies "so long as the study or studies are valid according to generally

    accepted principles" and the studies include "accurate exposure and toxicity endpoint classification and

    proper control of confounding factors, bias, and effect modifiers" (CalOEHHA, 1993). The "weight-of-

    evidence" considerations for sufficient evidence state that effects should occur in more than one human

    study if the listing will be based on epidemiologic evidence alone, but that data from a single, well-

    conducted study showing a clear relationship between exposure and effect may be sufficient for listing if

    there are no equally well-conducted studies that do not show an effect and that "have sufficient power to

    call into question the repeatability of the observation in the positive study" (CalOEHHA, 1993).

    The criteria document does not define "limited" or "suggestive" evidence in humans, so it is unclear how

    DARTIC is supposed to consider these criteria. Even so, the manner in which CalOEHHA (2018)

    summarized the available literature for nickel compounds will likely make it difficult for DARTIC to apply

    the CalOEHHA criteria for listing (CalOEHHA, 1993). This is because the study narratives and tables of

    results do not allow for an evaluation of whether the epidemiology studies are scientifically valid, with

    accurate exposure and outcome classification and proper control of confounding factors and bias; nor do

    they allow for an evaluation of whether there is convincing evidence to support a causal relationship

    between exposure to nickel and nickel compounds and developmental or reproductive effects. Ideally, the

    review of the evidence should have been conducted in a consistent and reproducible way, incorporating

    study quality considerations into the evidence integration process, to assist DARTIC in forming

    scientifically defensible opinions.

    2.3 Systematic Review Approaches

    Many scientific and regulatory agencies are incorporating systematic review approaches in their evaluations

    of chemical hazard and risk to minimize subjectivity and increase the transparency, rigor, and consistency

    of their reviews. These include the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA, 2018a,b),

    the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, 2017), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

    (TCEQ, 2017), and the National Toxicology Program (NTP, 2015a). In contrast, CalOEHHA did not

    incorporate the principles of systematic review (particularly the best practices for study selection, study

    quality evaluation, and evidence integration) in its evidence review.

    As noted above, CalOEHHA (2018) did not provide clear methods or decision criteria for inclusion or

    exclusion of human and experimental animal studies in its evidence review for nickel compounds. This is

    not consistent with the principles of transparency fundamental to systematic reviews. By not including

    clear study inclusion and exclusion criteria and justification for study exclusion, it is unclear whether all

    relevant studies were included for review by CalOEHHA and what the decisions for excluding studies were

    based upon. Thus, it is unclear whether all pertinent information regarding the potential reproductive and

    developmental toxicity of nickel compounds is available in the evidence review for consideration by


    CalOEHHA (2018) also did not assess study quality in a consistent manner across studies in its evidence

    review of nickel compounds. Because CalOEHHA did not use a systematic approach to evaluate study

    quality prior to evaluating study results, with the application of the same set of predefined study quality

    criteria across all studies of the same realm (epidemiology or experimental animal), each study could not

    be evaluated in an objective manner so that all study results could be considered and given appropriate

    weight based on study quality rather than whether the findings were positive or null.

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    Another issue is that the evidence integration sections in the CalOEHHA (2018) evidence review of nickel

    compounds focused on positive study results, without any consideration of study quality or relevance. In

    adherence with systematic review principles, evidence reviews should include a discussion regarding how

    the factors that affect study quality impact the interpretation of the results, how results from low quality

    studies will be considered (particularly if they are inconsistent with results from higher quality studies), and

    how null and negative study findings will be integrated into the evaluation to inform the interpretation of

    positive findings. This decreases potential bias in how each of the findings is used to draw conclusions

    regarding the strength of the evidence. CalOEHHA (2018) did not provide such a discussion, and it does

    not appear that study quality was sufficiently considered by CalOEHHA when integrating the results of

    epidemiology studies.

    Evidence from human and experimental animal studies should be integrated in a manner that allows each

    study type to inform the interpretation of the other. This should consider questions of human relevance,

    including information on human-relevant exposures, dose-dependent effects, and species-specific

    differences in toxicokinetics or susceptibility. This allows for sound judgment to be used when evaluating

    whether study findings should constitute evidence for or against the hazard question. CalOEHHA (2018)

    focused only on the positive results of studies in humans and experimental animals separately, and did not

    compare the reported effect levels between species in its integration of the evidence.

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    3 Epidemiology Study Quality and Results

    CalOEHHA (2018) identified 40 epidemiology studies in its evidence review for nickel and nickel

    compounds; three studies evaluated female reproductive outcomes, nine studies evaluated male

    reproductive outcomes, and 28 studies evaluated developmental outcomes. Study characteristics and results

    for each of these studies are summarized here in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. It is notable that one male

    reproductive study (Slivkova et al. 2009) and one developmental study (Huang et al., 2011) identified by

    CalOEHHA did not actually evaluate statistical associations between nickel exposure and any health

    outcome and should not be included in a hazard assessment of the potential reproductive toxicity of nickel


    Below, we consider the different forms of nickel to which the populations in the identified epidemiology

    studies may be exposed. Then, because no specific criteria were used by CalOEHHA (2018) to evaluate

    the quality of the identified studies, we conducted a standardized risk-of-bias analysis based on

    epidemiology study quality characteristics that may have impacted the validity of the study findings. We

    also evaluated the results of the studies, with consideration of the form of nickel evaluated and how the

    factors that affect the risk of bias impact the interpretation of the results.

    3.1 Nickel Forms

    Humans can be exposed to many different forms of nickel in the environment. Nickel compounds can be

    grouped into the four general categories of soluble, sulfidic, oxidic, and metallic nickel, with the latter three

    categories consisting of compounds that are insoluble or slightly soluble (Goodman et al., 2009). In the

    evidence review document for nickel, it was acknowledged that the various nickel compounds differ in their

    toxicity; however, CalOEHHA (2018) incorrectly stated that the least toxic forms to humans are the soluble

    nickel salts and the most toxic forms are the sulfidic and oxidic forms. While this is true for respiratory

    carcinogenicity after inhalation exposure, for general toxicity it has been shown in both acute and chronic

    experimental animal studies that the opposite is true; the soluble nickel salts are the most toxic, and the

    insoluble nickel oxides are the least toxic (ATSDR, 2005; Goodman et al., 2011).

    The majority of the epidemiology studies reviewed by CalOEHHA (2018) do not specify the nickel

    compound(s) being evaluated for associations with reproductive or developmental outcomes. This is

    because measurements of individual exposures to nickel compounds using biological samples (such as

    blood, urine, or hair) do not differentiate among nickel forms. With regard to all the studies that evaluated

    exposures to nickel in ambient air, nickel is predominantly found in suspended particulate matter (and thus

    also in soil, dust, and food) in the form of both oxides and sulfates (US EPA, 1986; ATSDR, 2005;

    CalOEHHA, 2012). For non-occupationally exposed study participants, the majority of nickel measured

    in blood or urine is derived from the diet (De Brouwere et al., 2012). Only a few of the epidemiology

    studies evaluated occupational exposures, including in nickel refineries, which can be to multiple forms of

    nickel (Goodman et al., 2009), and in welders exposed to nickel and other metals. Nickel in welding fumes

    is mostly present as nanometer-sized, complex metal oxides (i.e., spinels).

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    3.2 Risk-of-Bias Analysis

    To evaluate the risk of bias for each study, we used the NTP Office of Health Assessment and Translation

    (OHAT) Risk of Bias Rating Tool (NTP, 2015b), which aids in the assessment of a study's internal validity

    (i.e., whether the design and conduct of the study compromised the credibility of any reported link between

    exposure and outcome). The OHAT Risk of Bias Rating Tool was developed using recent guidance from

    multiple organizations such as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Cochrane, the

    CLARITY Group at McMaster University, and the Navigation Guide, and comments from the public,

    technical advisors, and staff at other federal agencies (NTP, 2015b).

    Using this tool, we assessed potential sources of bias using a set of questions, with detailed criteria provided

    under each question that are specific for each study design (e.g., cohort, case-control, cross-sectional).

    These criteria define the aspects of study design, conduct, and reporting that are used to assign a risk-of-

    bias rating for each question. For epidemiology studies, the questions were divided into three key domains

    (exposure assessment, outcome assessment, and confounding), as well as three other risk-of-bias domains

    (selection bias, attrition bias, and statistical methods), and three domains specific to the study types and

    outcomes being reviewed (exposure levels, form of nickel, and temporality). The questions and criteria are

    specific enough that if different investigators applied them to the studies reviewed here, it is highly likely

    that they would assign the same risk of bias ratings as we did to each study. The specific questions and

    criteria for each of the nine domains are presented in Table 3.

    We assigned risk-of-bias ratings to the 40 studies for each of the nine domains (Table 4). We then used the

    guidance from the NTP Handbook for Conducting a Literature-based Health Assessment Using OHAT

    Approach for Systematic Review and Evidence Integration (herein, the "OHAT Handbook;" NTP, 2015a)

    for dividing studies into three tiers of study quality based on their risk-of-bias ratings across domains. In

    this approach, studies are divided into tiers of increasing risk of bias as follows:

    Tier 1 – A study must be rated as "definitely low" or "probably low" risk of bias for all key domains AND have most other risk of bias domains as "definitely low" or "probably low."

    Tier 2 – Study does not meet the criteria for Tier 1 or Tier 3.

    Tier 3 – A study must be rated as "definitely high" or "probably high" risk of bias for all key domains AND have most other risk of bias domains as "definitely high" or "probably high."

    As indicated in Table 4, using the OHAT Handbook approach resulted in all 40 studies being categorized

    as Tier 2. Tier 2 studies have an overall moderate risk of bias and are generally low quality, which decreases

    the reliability of their results. In general, most of the studies did not employ an appropriate statistical

    approach to assess potential confounding, utilized area-level exposure measurements, and were not able to

    assess the temporal relationship between nickel exposure and the outcome of interest, indicating a high risk

    of bias in these domains. We note, however, that even though all studies were categorized as Tier 2, there

    was variability in the level of risk of bias among studies, with some studies having a higher or lower risk

    of bias across more domains than others. The results of studies with a lower risk of bias across the key

    domains of exposure assessment, outcome assessment, and confounding are likely more reliable than

    studies with a higher risk of bias across these domains.

    Below, we evaluate the results of the studies in the context of the factors that contributed to their moderate

    risk of bias and generally low quality. We did not fully incorporate study quality considerations into the

    discussion of all studies reporting null or negative results, however, because such results are not supportive

    of a causal association. Instead, these factors are shown in Tables 1 and 2.

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    3.3 Studies of Female Reproductive Outcomes

    CalOEHHA (2018) reviewed three studies that assessed potential associations between nickel exposure and

    female reproductive outcomes. Each study examined different outcomes, so the consistency of findings

    across studies cannot be evaluated. Two of the studies reported null associations. Bloom et al. (2011)

    reported no association between blood nickel levels and time to pregnancy, and Maduray et al. (2017)

    reported no associations between hair or serum nickel concentrations and preeclampsia. Zheng et al. (2015)

    evaluated associations between serum nickel concentrations and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), as

    well as multiple clinical chemistry parameters, including sex hormone levels. The authors reported

    statistically significantly higher serum nickel concentrations in PCOS cases compared to controls, and a

    statistically significant decrease in sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels with increasing serum

    nickel concentrations. There were no associations between serum nickel concentrations and other clinical

    chemistry parameters that would be expected to change in relation to SHBG, however, including estradiol,

    testosterone, insulin, glucose, and cholesterol. Given the factors that contributed to the moderate risk of

    bias for this study (particularly a lack of accounting for important confounders, as well as likely selection

    bias and an inability to assess the temporal relationship between nickel exposure and the outcomes

    evaluated), the reported associations between nickel exposure and PCOS or alterations in SHBG levels need

    to be confirmed in other studies before they can be considered to support a hazard listing for nickel as a

    female reproductive toxicant. Overall, the three studies reviewed by CalOEHHA (2018) do not provide

    evidence for a causal association between exposure to nickel compounds and adverse female reproductive

    outcomes. As each of these studies measured nickel concentrations in non-occupational participants, none

    included exposures to nickel metal.

    3.4 Studies of Male Reproductive Outcomes

    CalOEHHA (2018) reviewed nine studies evaluating potential associations between nickel exposure and

    male reproductive outcomes. None of these studies accounted for important potential confounding

    variables, employed appropriate statistical approaches, or were able to assess temporal relationships given

    their cross-sectional design. As noted above, one of these studies (Slivkova et al. 2009) did not actually

    evaluate associations between nickel exposure and any reproductive outcome, and should not be included

    in an evaluation of the potential reproductive toxicity of nickel. The remaining eight studies evaluated

    associations between nickel in serum, semen, or urine and the outcomes of circulating hormone levels,

    sperm DNA damage, or sperm function parameters. While hormone levels and sperm DNA damage may

    or may not be indicative of adverse effects on male reproduction, the sperm function parameters are more

    direct indicators of adverse effects, such as infertility.

    Zeng et al. (2013) reported no association between urinary nickel levels and plasma testosterone, whereas

    Sancini et al. (2014) reported a statistically significant decrease in plasma testosterone with increasing

    urinary nickel levels. Wang et al. (2016) reported a statistically significant decrease in the ratio of

    testosterone to luteinizing hormone (LH) with increasing urinary nickel levels, but no effect of nickel on

    levels of testosterone or other sex hormones. The authors also reported no association between urinary

    nickel levels and markers of sperm DNA damage (comet assay tail length, distributed moment, and tail

    percent). By contrast, Zhou et al. (2016) reported a statistically significant association between increasing

    urinary nickel levels and increased comet assay tail length in sperm, but no association with distributed

    moment or tail percent. It is notable that the populations studied by Zeng et al. (2013) and Wang et al.

    (2016) consisted of male partners in couples undergoing infertility assessment in China, and those studied

    by Zhou et al. (2016) were infertile Chinese men; thus, the results of these studies are not generalizable to

    the general US population.

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    Regarding associations between nickel exposure and sperm functional parameters, two studies reported

    statistically significant decreases in sperm motility (Danadevi et al., 2003; Zafar et al., 2015), whereas two

    others reported no effects on motility (Skalnaya et al., 2015; Zeng et al., 2015). Danadevi et al. (2003) also

    reported significantly decreased sperm vitality associated with nickel exposure, whereas Skalnaya et al.

    (2015) reported no effect of nickel on vitality. Results for sperm head abnormalities were also inconsistent

    between studies (Danadevi et al., 2003; Zeng et al., 2015). Skalnaya et al. (2015) reported a statistically

    significant association between semen nickel levels and decreased ejaculate volume using the Mann-

    Whitney U test, but a correlation analysis did not confirm these results. Zafar et al. (2015) reported

    significantly decreased sperm count in association with nickel exposure, whereas the studies by Danadevi

    et al. (2003), Skalnaya et al. (2015), and Zeng et al. (2015) found no association between nickel and sperm

    count. The populations studied by Zafar et al. (2015) and Zeng et al. (2015) consisted of male partners in

    couples undergoing infertility assessment in Pakistan and China, respectively. In addition, the studies by

    Zafar et al. (2015) and Skalnaya et al. (2015) used inappropriate statistical methods, reducing the reliability

    of their results.

    Overall, the results for each of the male reproductive outcomes examined were inconsistent across studies,

    and do not support a causal association with nickel exposure. More importantly, because all the studies

    were found to have a moderate risk of bias, the validity of their results is questionable, and they do not

    support a hazard listing for nickel or nickel compounds as male reproductive toxicants.

    3.5 Studies of Developmental Outcomes

    CalOEHHA (2018) reviewed 28 studies evaluating potential associations between nickel exposure and

    various developmental outcomes, including birth defects, low birth weight, adverse pregnancy outcomes,

    autism spectrum disorder (ASD), early-life cancers, and DNA damage. Some of these studies had a lower

    risk of bias across more key domains than others, so their results may be more reliable than studies with a

    higher risk of bias across more key domains, as discussed below.

    Birth Defects

    Of the eight studies of nickel associations with birth defects reviewed by CalOEHHA (2018), one (Huang

    et al., 2011) did not evaluate statistical associations between nickel exposure and any health outcome, and

    should not be included in an evaluation of the potential developmental toxicity of nickel. Of the remaining

    seven studies, two reported statistically significant associations with birth defects (Chashschin et al., 1994;

    Zheng et al., 2012), whereas four reported no associations between nickel exposure and birth defects (Friel

    et al., 2005; Vaktskjold et al., 2006, 2008b; Manduca et al., 2014) and one reported a statistically significant

    negative (i.e., protective) association with nickel exposure (Yan et al., 2017). It is important to note that

    one of the positive studies (Chashschin et al., 1994) includes a disclaimer from the journal editors stating

    the following: "Although the results are incompletely documented and thus must be considered

    inconclusive, they identify a concern that requires a more comprehensive and quantitative epidemiologic

    investigation." In addition, the cohort of female workers studied by Chashschin et al. (1994) was

    subsequently investigated more thoroughly by Vaktskjold et al. (2006, 2008b), who did not reproduce the

    earlier positive findings.

    The studies by Vaktskjold et al. (2006, 2008b) measured concentrations of water-soluble nickel in aerosols

    at a Russian nickel refinery, in conjunction with urinary nickel concentrations, to estimate low and high

    nickel exposure categories. Similarly, Chashschin et al. (1994) measured water-soluble nickel sulfate

    aerosol concentrations in two specific areas of the refinery. Other nickel compounds with potential

    exposures in the refinery, such as insoluble forms of nickel, were not discussed and therefore not accounted

    for in these exposure assessments. Regardless, the studies by Vaktskjold et al. (2006, 2008b) reported no

  • 9 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    associations between nickel exposures that were more than 1,000-fold higher than in ambient air and birth


    Although all the studies of nickel associations with birth defects have a moderate risk of bias because of

    inappropriate statistical methods and a lack of accounting for important confounders, three of the studies

    reporting null or negative associations assessed exposures and outcomes using well-established methods,

    had low probability for both selection and attrition bias, and were designed to directly assess temporality

    of exposure and outcome, increasing the reliability of their results (Vaktskjold et al., 2006, 2008b; Yan et

    al., 2017). Because the majority of the studies reported null or negative results (including those with more

    reliable results), they do not support a causal association between exposure to nickel and/or nickel

    compounds and birth defects.

    Low Birth Weight

    Ten studies evaluated nickel associations with measures of low birth weight. Four of these studies reported

    statistically significant, positive associations between nickel exposure and lower birth weight (Bell et al.,

    2010; Ebisu and Bell, 2012; Basu et al., 2014; Laurent et al., 2014), and one study reported a borderline

    statistically significant association with lower birth weight and a significant association with decreased

    newborn head circumference (Pederson et al., 2016). Four studies reported no associations between nickel

    exposure and birth weight (Odland et al., 1999, 2004; McDermott et al., 2014; Hu et al., 2015), and one

    study reported a negative association between nickel exposure and low birth weight (Vaktskjold et al.,


    Given that the studies by Bell et al. (2010), Ebisu and Bell (2012), and Vaktskjold et al. (2007) have a

    lower risk of bias across more domains than the other studies evaluating birth weight, their results are likely

    more reliable. However, an independent analysis indicates that the study by Vaktskjold et al. (2007) had

    adequate statistical power to detect the effects on low birth weight reported by Ebisu and Bell (2012) (if

    they are indeed causal) at nickel exposure concentrations 40-fold lower than those estimated for the workers

    in the study (see S. Seilkop comments, submitted separately), indicating the importance of testing

    hypotheses generated by univariate analyses in multi-pollutant studies such as those by Ebisu and Bell

    (2012) and Bell et al. (2000). Given this analysis, as well as the inconsistency of the results for low birth

    weight across studies (even those of similar reliability), the studies evaluating nickel associations with low

    birth weight do not provide evidence to support a causal association.

    Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Three studies evaluated associations between nickel exposure and ASD prevalence, with one reporting no

    association (Kalkbrenner et al., 2010) and two studies reporting statistically significant associations

    (Windham et al., 2006; Roberts et al., 2013). The latter two studies are limited by a lack of confidence in

    the exposure assessment, a lack of accounting for important confounders, and inappropriate statistics, so it

    is unclear whether nickel exposures were adequately measured and the positive results are likely attributable

    to bias or confounding. Together, these three studies do not provide evidence for a causal association

    between nickel exposure and ASD.

    DNA Oxidative Damage and Early-Life Cancers

    One study reported a statistically significant association between nickel exposure and DNA oxidative

    damage in umbilical cord plasma (Ni et al., 2014). Three other studies evaluated risks of early-life cancers,

    reporting no associations between nickel exposure and development of neuroblastoma (Heck et al., 2013)

    or testicular germ cell tumors (Togawa et al., 2016), and a statistically significant association between

    nickel exposure and increased risk of retinoblastoma (Heck et al., 2015). As the outcomes of DNA

  • 10 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    oxidative damage and retinoblastoma risk were only evaluated in one study each, and these studies are

    limited by several factors including a lack of accounting for confounders, further studies of potential

    associations between nickel exposure and these outcomes are needed before they can be considered as

    supportive evidence for a causal association.

    Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

    Four studies evaluated adverse pregnancy outcomes (including spontaneous abortion and premature birth)

    and three reported no associations with nickel exposure (Vaktskjold et al., 2008a; Zheng et al., 2014;

    Manduca et al., 2014), whereas one reported an increased risk of spontaneous abortion in nickel-exposed

    female workers (Chashschin et al., 1994). As noted above, the study by Chashschin et al. (1994) was not

    well documented, and a more recent study of the same cohort did not reproduce the positive findings for

    spontaneous abortion (Vaktskjold et al., 2008a). One study reported no association between nickel

    exposure and pneumonia in early life (Fuertes et al., 2014). As each of these studies evaluated different

    outcomes (with the exception of the inconsistent results for spontaneous abortion in two studies), they do

    not provide strong evidence for or against causal associations with nickel exposure.

    3.6 Summary

    Overall, the results of a risk-of-bias analysis and study evaluation indicate that the epidemiology studies

    reviewed by CalOEHHA (2018) do not provide evidence that nickel and/or nickel compounds present a

    reproductive or developmental hazard. All reviewed studies had a moderate risk of bias, indicating

    generally low quality, due to the lack of appropriate statistical approaches to assess potential confounding,

    the use of area-level exposure measurements, and an inability to assess the temporal relationship between

    nickel exposure and the outcome of interest. The majority of studies evaluated exposures to soluble and

    oxidic forms of nickel (i.e., in ambient air or welding fumes), and the results across the various reproductive

    and developmental outcomes examined were largely inconsistent or null. Workers in the refinery studies

    had additional exposures to sulfidic and metallic nickel, and the results of these studies were largely null or

    not reproducible in more reliable studies. Overall, the epidemiology studies do not provide clear evidence

    for associations between any form of nickel and any particular reproductive or developmental outcome.

  • 11 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    4 Conclusions

    In its review of the evidence for hazard identification for nickel compounds, CalOEHHA (2018) did not

    follow a systematic approach and gave more weight to positive studies than those reporting null or negative

    associations, regardless of study quality or risk of bias. This led to an evaluation that does not represent the

    state of the science regarding the potential reproductive and developmental toxicity of nickel compounds.

    This will also limit the ability of DARTIC to form scientifically defensible opinions regarding the

    reproductive hazard potential of nickel compounds, making it difficult for DARTIC to determine whether

    nickel and nickel compounds meet the CalOEHHA criteria for listing as a known reproductive toxicant.

    In a risk-of-bias analysis of the epidemiology studies reviewed by CalOEHHA (2018) using the NTP OHAT

    Risk of Bias Rating Tool, we found that all studies have an overall moderate risk of bias, indicating

    generally low quality, due to the lack of appropriate statistical approaches to assess potential confounding,

    the use of area-level exposure measurements in many studies, and an inability to assess the temporal

    relationship between nickel exposure and the outcome of interest. Results across the various reproductive

    and developmental outcomes examined were largely inconsistent or null, with no clear evidence for

    associations between any form of nickel and any particular outcome. Overall, the epidemiology studies do

    not provide evidence that nickel or nickel compounds present a reproductive or developmental hazard.

  • 12 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx


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    Maduray, K; Moodley, J; Soobramoney, C; Moodley, R; Naicker, T. 2017. "Elemental analysis of serum

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  • 16 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

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    Pharmacol. 45:68-73.

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  • T-1 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Table 1 Characteristics of Epidemiology Studies Evaluating Nickel Exposure and Reproductive and Developmental Effects that Impact Study Quality

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Study Population


    Exposure Assessment

    Outcome Ascertainment

    Potential Confounders Considered

    Statistical Analysis

    Selection Bias

    Sample Size Personal

    Measurement Metric Used Form of Nickel

    Statistical Approach

    Dose-Response Assessed

    Dose-Response Relationship

    with Ni

    Bloom et al., 2011

    Female reproductive

    Cohort Population-based

    80 Yes Yes Whole blood NR. Blood Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Home pregnancy test

    Yes Cox proportional

    hazards models

    Yes Yes

    Zheng et al., 2015

    Female reproductive


    High risk, Hospital-


    201 No Yes Serum NR. Serum Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Blood sample No Mann-Whitney U


    Yes Yes

    Yes Linear regression (Hormone


    Yes Yes

    Maduray et al., 2017

    Female reproductive


    High risk, Hospital-


    66 No Yes Pubic hair; serum

    NR. Hair and serum Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-OES.

    Medical records

    No Mann-Whitney U,


    No NA

    Danadevi et al., 2003

    Male reproductive


    High risk, Occupation

    114 No Yes Whole blood NR. Blood Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Ejaculate No Linear regression

    Yes Yes, for progressive motility, tail defects, and


    Slivkova et al., 2009

    Male reproductive


    High risk, Hospital-


    47 No Yes Semen NR. Ni quantification method was not clearly reported.

    Ejaculate No r No NA

    Zeng et al., 2013

    Male reproductive


    High risk, Hospital-


    118 No Yes Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    NR. Urinary Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Peripheral blood sample

    Yes Linear regression

    Yes No

    Sancini et al., 2014

    Male reproductive


    High risk, Occupation

    274 No Yes Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    NR. Urinary Ni determined by complexation with APDC and atomic absorption analysis in graphite furnace.

    Blood sample Yes Linear regression

    Yes Yes

    Skalnaya et al., 2015

    Male reproductive


    High risk, insufficient information

    148 No Yes Semen NR. Semen Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Ejaculate No Mann-Whitney U, r

    No NA

  • T-2 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Study Population


    Exposure Assessment

    Outcome Ascertainment

    Potential Confounders Considered

    Statistical Analysis

    Selection Bias

    Sample Size Personal

    Measurement Metric Used Form of Nickel

    Statistical Approach

    Dose-Response Assessed

    Dose-Response Relationship

    with Ni

    Zafar et al., 2015

    Male reproductive


    High risk, hospital-


    75 No Yes Semen NR. Semen Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Ejaculate No One-way ANOVA,


    No NA

    Zeng et al., 2015

    Male reproductive


    High risk, hospital-


    394 No Yes Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    NR. Urinary Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Ejaculate Yes Logistic regression,

    Linear regression

    Yes Yes, for percent and

    sperm abnormal head

    Wang et al., 2016

    Male reproductive


    High risk, hospital-


    551 (serum hormone),

    460 (spermatozoa

    apoptosis), 516 (sperm

    DNA damage)

    No Yes Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    NR. Urinary Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Semen sample, blood sample

    Yes Linear regression

    Yes Yes, for some endpoints

    Zhou et al., 2016

    Male reproductive


    High risk, hospital-


    207 No Yes Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    NR. Urinary Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Ejaculate Yes Linear regression

    Yes Yes, for Comet tail length

    Chashschin et al., 1994

    Developmental Cross-sectional

    High risk, Occupation

    698 No Yes Urine, 24-hour Nickel sulfate aerosols.

    Medical records

    Yes POR No NA

    Odland et al., 1999

    Developmental Cross-sectional

    High risk, Occupation

    265 No Yes Urine NR. Urinary Ni concentration analyzed using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry.

    Medical records

    Yes Linear regression

    Yes No

    Odland et al., 2004

    Developmental Cross-sectional

    High risk, Occupation

    262 No Yes Blood Urine


    NR. Medical records

    No Linear regression

    Yes No

    Friel et al., 2005

    Developmental Cross-sectional

    High risk, hospital-


    55 No Yes Liver, kidney, diaphragmatic muscle, sciatic

    nerve, pancreas

    NR. Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Medical records

    No t-test No NA

    Vaktskjold et al., 2006

    Developmental Cohort High risk, Occupation

    23,141 Yes Yes Employment, urine, air

    Water-soluble nickel compounds and solvents.

    Birth Registry Yes Logistic regression

    Yes No

  • T-3 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Study Population


    Exposure Assessment

    Outcome Ascertainment

    Potential Confounders Considered

    Statistical Analysis

    Selection Bias

    Sample Size Personal

    Measurement Metric Used Form of Nickel

    Statistical Approach

    Dose-Response Assessed

    Dose-Response Relationship

    with Ni

    Windham et al., 2006

    Developmental Case-control


    941 No No 1996 US EPA HAPs data

    NR. HAPs concentrations estimated from Gaussian air dispersion model that combines emissions inventories from mobile, point and area sources with data on local meteorology, chemical decay rates, secondary formation, and deposition.

    Medical records

    Yes Logistic regression

    Yes Yes

    Vaktskjold et al., 2007

    Developmental Cohort High risk, Occupation

    22,836 Yes Yes Employment, urine, air

    Water-soluble nickel subfraction of respirable aerosol fraction.

    Birth Registry Yes Logistic regression

    Yes Yes

    Vaktskjold et al., 2008a

    Developmental Case-control

    High risk, Occupation

    1,875 Yes Yes Employment, urine, air

    Water-soluble nickel subfraction of respirable aerosol fraction.

    Birth Registry, Questionnaire

    Yes Logistic regression

    Yes No

    Vaktskjold et al., 2008b

    Developmental Cohort High risk, Occupation

    22,965 Yes Yes Employment, urine, air

    Water-soluble nickel subfraction of respirable aerosol fraction.

    Birth Registry Yes Logistic regression

    Yes No

    Bell et al., 2010

    Developmental Cohort Population-based

    76,788 Yes No County-wide exposure

    estimates via ambient air


    Ni as an oil-combustion-associated element of PM2.5 determined by X-ray fluorescence.

    Birth certificate Yes Logistic regression,

    Linear regression

    Yes Yes

  • T-4 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Study Population


    Exposure Assessment

    Outcome Ascertainment

    Potential Confounders Considered

    Statistical Analysis

    Selection Bias

    Sample Size Personal

    Measurement Metric Used Form of Nickel

    Statistical Approach

    Dose-Response Assessed

    Dose-Response Relationship

    with Ni

    Kalkbrenner et al., 2010

    Developmental Case-control


    3,212 Yes No US EPA HAPs data (NATA-


    Ni compounds as HAPs. HAPs concentrations estimated from Gaussian air dispersion, based on emissions inventory information for point and area sources as well as data on local meteorology and secondary pollutant formation.

    Developmental records

    Yes Logistic regression

    Yes No

    Huang et al., 2011

    Developmental Ecologic Population-based

    NR No No Mixed village soil sample

    NR. Soil Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Physician verification

    NR Poisson regression

    Yes Yes

    Zheng et al., 2012

    Developmental Ecologic Population-based

    379 No No Village soil sample

    NR. Soil Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Birth records Yes Poisson regression

    Yes Yes

    Ebisu and Bell, 2012

    Developmental Cohort Population-based

    1,207,800 Yes No County-wide exposure

    estimates via ambient air


    Ni as an element of PM2.5. Average level of exposure calculated during gestation and each trimester.

    Birth certificate Yes Logistic regression

    Yes Yes

    Heck et al., 2013

    Developmental Case-control


    14,677 Yes No Measurements from nearest ambient air


    Ni as an air toxic.

    California Cancer Registry

    Yes Logistic regression

    Yes No

    Roberts et al., 2013

    Developmental Nested case-


    High risk, Occupation

    22,426 Yes No US EPA HAPs data (NATA-1990, 1996, 1999, 2002)

    Ni as a HAP. Questionnaire, Telephone

    administration of the ADI-R

    Yes Logistic regression

    Yes Yes

    Basu et al., 2014

    Developmental Cohort Population-based

    646,296 Yes No Measurements via ambient air


    Ni as an element of PM2.5.

    Birth records Yes Logistic regression,

    Linear regression

    Yes Yes

  • T-5 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Study Population


    Exposure Assessment

    Outcome Ascertainment

    Potential Confounders Considered

    Statistical Analysis

    Selection Bias

    Sample Size Personal

    Measurement Metric Used Form of Nickel

    Statistical Approach

    Dose-Response Assessed

    Dose-Response Relationship

    with Ni

    Fuertes et al., 2014

    Developmental Meta-analysis

    of cohorts


    15,980 Yes Yes LUR estimates at residence

    Ni as an element of PM2.5 and PM10. Annual average exposure estimated.

    Parental reports

    Yes Logistic regression

    Yes Yes

    Laurent et al., 2014

    Developmental Cohort Population-based

    960,945 Yes No 4 × 4 km exposure

    estimates via CTM

    Ni as an element of primary PM. Simulated PM concentrations calculated for PM2.5 and PM0.1.

    Birth certificate Yes Generalized additive models

    Yes Yes

    Manduca et al., 2014

    Developmental Case-control

    High risk, hospital-


    69 Yes Yes Hair NR. Hair Ni concentration analyzed using DRC-ICP-MS.

    Medical records

    No Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney


    No NA

    McDermott et al., 2014

    Developmental Cohort High risk, Minority

    9,920 Yes Yes Kriging soil estimates at


    NR. Soil Ni concentration analyzed by an independent analytical laboratory.

    Birth certificate Yes Generalized additive models

    Yes No

    Ni et al., 2014 Developmental Cross-sectional


    201 No Yes Umbilical cord blood

    NR. Blood Ni concentration analyzed using GFAAS.

    Plasma sample measurements

    Yes Linear regression

    Yes Yes

    Zheng et al., 2014

    Developmental Case-control


    179 No Yes Umbilical cord blood

    NR. Blood Ni concentrations analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Medical records

    No Mann-Whitney U

    No NA

    Heck et al., 2015

    Developmental Case-control


    30,704 Yes No Measurements via nearest ambient air


    Ni as an air toxic.

    California Cancer Registry

    Yes Logistic regression

    Yes Yes

    Hu et al., 2015

    Developmental Cross-sectional

    High risk, hospital-


    81 No Yes Maternal and cord blood

    NR. Blood Ni concentrations analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Medical records

    Yes Linear regression

    Yes No

    Pedersen et al., 2016

    Developmental Meta-analysis


    34,923 Yes Yes (except for

    Lithuanian and Swedish cohorts)

    LUR estimates at residence (except for

    Lithuanian and Swedish cohorts)

    Ni as an element of PM2.5 and PM10. Annual average exposure estimated.

    Birth records/ parental reports

    Yes Logistic regression;

    Linear regression

    Yes No

    Togawa et al., 2016

    Developmental Case-control


    34,376 Yes Yes JEM NR. Ni exposure determined using Nordic JEMs.

    Nationwide cancer


    Yes Logistic regression

    Yes No

  • T-6 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Study Population


    Exposure Assessment

    Outcome Ascertainment

    Potential Confounders Considered

    Statistical Analysis

    Selection Bias

    Sample Size Personal

    Measurement Metric Used Form of Nickel

    Statistical Approach

    Dose-Response Assessed

    Dose-Response Relationship

    with Ni

    Yan et al., 2016

    Developmental Case-control

    High risk, hospital-


    452 Yes Yes Hair NR. Hair Ni concentration analyzed using ICP-MS.

    Medical records

    Yes Logistic regression

    Yes Yes

    Notes: ADI-R = Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised; ANOVA = Analysis of Variance; CTM = Chemical Transport Models; DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid; DRC-ICP-MS = Dynamic Reaction Cell Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry; GFAAS = Graphic Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry; HAP = Hazardous Air Pollutant; ICP-MS = Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry; ICP-OES = Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry; JEM = Job-Exposure Matrix; LUR = Land Use regression; NA = Not Applicable; NATA = National Air Toxics Assessment; Ni = Nickel; NR = Not Reported; PCOS= Polycystic Ovary Syndrome; PM = Particulate Matter; POR = Prevalence Odds Ratio; R = Correlation Coefficient; US EPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency.

  • T-7 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Table 2 Results of Epidemiology Studies Evaluating Nickel Exposure and Reproductive and Developmental Effects

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Sample Size

    Exposure Metric

    Outcome Assessed

    Effect Measure

    Unit of Measure

    Effect Estimate

    95% CI P for Risk Estimates

    Bloom et al., 2011

    Female reproductive

    Cohort 80 Whole blood Time to pregnancy

    % change Per IQR increment

    -8.6 NR 0.79

    Zheng et al., 2015

    Female reproductive


    201 Blood serum PCOS Difference in

    medians (µg/L)

    NA 0.41* NR 0.000

    FSH % change Per ng/mL increment

    0.736 -2.784, 4.256 0.681

    LH 5.333 -2.201, 12.866 0.164

    Estradiol -4.204 -9.654, 1.247 0.13

    Prolactin 3.215 -2.841, 9.270 0.296

    T 3.168 -2.569, 8.904 0.278

    Progesterone -2.025 -9.557, 5.508 0.597

    TSH -6.821 -15.960, 2.319 0.143

    DHEA-S 3.234 -0.452, 6.919 0.085

    SHBG -12.602 -24.083, -1.122 0.032

    Fasting insulin 2.655 -2.866, 8.177 0.344

    Fasting glucose 0.978 -0.437, 2.393 0.175

    Cholesterol 0.783 -1.149, 2.716 0.425

    Triglycerides 0.368 -5.853, 6.589 0.907

    Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol

    1.38 -1.461, 4.221 0.339

    High-density lipoprotein cholesterol

    0.41 -2.150, 2.971 0.752

    Maduray et al., 2017

    Female reproductive


    66 Pubic hair Pre-eclampsia Difference in

    medians (µg/g)

    NA -1.54* NR 0.85

    Serum Difference in

    medians (mg/L)

    NA -0.12* NR 0.16

    114 Blood serum Sperm count -0.352 NR 0.067

  • T-8 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Sample Size

    Exposure Metric

    Outcome Assessed

    Effect Measure

    Unit of Measure

    Effect Estimate

    95% CI P for Risk Estimates

    Danadevi et al., 2003

    Male reproductive


    Rapid linear progressive


    Mean change

    Per µg/L increment

    -0.381 0.045

    Slow/non-linear progressive


    0.386 0.042

    Nonprogressive motility

    0.141 0.474

    Immotility 0.007 0.971

    Normal morphology

    -0.032 0.872

    Head defects -0.145 0.462

    Mid-piece defects

    0.067 0.734

    Tail defects 0.485 0.036

    Vitality -0.420 0.026

    Slivkova et al., 2009

    Male reproductive


    47 Semen Knob-twisted flagellum, separated flagellum,

    flagellum torso, broken

    flagellum, retention of cytoplasmic

    drop, acrosomal changes, large heads, small

    heads, flagellum ball, and other

    pathological forms.

    r NA NR NA NR

    Zeng et al., 2013

    Male reproductive


    118 Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    Plasma testosterone

    Mean change (ng/dL)

    1st quartile REF 0.14#

    2nd quartile -0.86 -81.25, 79.53

    3rd quartile -83.79 -163.85, -3.74

    4th quartile -36.35 -116.31, 43.61

  • T-9 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Sample Size

    Exposure Metric

    Outcome Assessed

    Effect Measure

    Unit of Measure

    Effect Estimate

    95% CI P for Risk Estimates

    Sancini et al., 2014

    Male reproductive


    274 Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    Plasma testosterone

    Mean log change (ng/mL)

    Per unit increment


    -0.466 NR 0.000

    Skalnaya et al., 2015

    Male reproductive


    148 Semen Ejaculate volume 0.05

    Total sperm count < 39 ×106



    NA NR NA 0.452

    r -0.069 >0.05

    Sperm count < 15 × 106 per 1




    NA NR NA 0.211

    r 0.005 >0.05

    Progressive sperm motility <




    NA NR NA 0.708

    r -0.041 >0.05

    Sperm vitality < 58



    NA NR NA 0.872

    r -0.049 >0.05

    Zafar et al., 2015

    Male reproductive


    75 Semen Sperm count r NA -0.26 NA

  • T-10 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Sample Size

    Exposure Metric

    Outcome Assessed

    Effect Measure

    Unit of Measure

    Effect Estimate

    95% CI P for Risk Estimates

    3rd quartile 0.77 0.43, 1.39

    4th quartile 0.67 0.37, 1.02

    Sperm count OR 1st quartile REF 0.55#

    2nd quartile 1.1 0.39, 3.12

    3rd quartile 0.84 0.28, 2.48

    4th quartile 0.79 0.27, 2.30

    Sperm normal morphology

    % change 1st quartile REF 0.86#

    2nd quartile 2.02 0.14, 3.90

    3rd quartile 0.89 -0.99, 2.76

    4th quartile 0.22 -1.66, 2.10

    Percent abnormal head

    % change 1st quartile REF 0.03#

    2nd quartile -1.65 -3.90, 0.60

    3rd quartile -1.65 -1.32, 3.16

    4th quartile -1.65 -0.57, 3.92

    Sperm abnormal Head

    % change 1st quartile REF 0.01#

    2nd quartile -1.62 -3.91, 0.67

    3rd quartile 1.13 -1.27, 3.53

    4th quartile 2.41 -0.09, 4.91

    Wang et al., 2016

    Male reproductive


    551 Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    Estradiol % change Quartiles NR NR 0.98#

    FSH % change Quartiles 0.10#

    LH % change Quartiles 0.50#

    SHBG % change Quartiles 0.86#

    Total T % change Quartiles 0.30#

    Total T/LH ratio % change Quartiles 0.02#

    Total T/LH ratio Mean change

    Per µg/L increment



    Total T/LH ratio (co-adjusted for multiple metals)

    % change 1st quartile REF 0.03#

    2nd quartile -1.7 -16, 13

    3rd quartile -8.3 -25, 6.2

    4th quartile -14 -32, 2

  • T-11 G:\Projects\218143_NiPERA_Prop65\WorkingFiles\Gradient_Comments_OEHHA_Nickel_Prop65_09102018.docx

    Study Outcome Category

    Study Design

    Sample Size

    Exposure Metric

    Outcome Assessed

    Effect Measure

    Unit of Measure

    Effect Estimate

    95% CI P for Risk Estimates

    460 Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    Annexin V+/PI- spermatozoa

    % change Quartiles NR NR 0.10#

    PI+ spermatozoa % change Quartiles 0.98#

    Annexin V-/PI- spermatozoa

    % change Quartiles 0.18#

    Annexin V+/PI- spermatozoa

    (co-adjusted for multiple metals)

    % change 1st quartile REF 0.002

    % change 2nd quartile -6.2 -30, 15

    % change 3rd quartile 14 -7.3, 39

    % change 4th quartile 28 5.1, 55

    516 Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    Comet tail percent

    % change Quartiles NR NR 0.81#

    Comet tail length

    % change Quartiles 0.67#

    Comet tail distributed


    % change Quartiles 0.94#

    Zhou et al., 2016

    Male reproductive


    207 Urine, creatinine-adjusted

    Comet tail percent DNA

    Mean change

    Quartiles NR NR 0.13#

    Comet tail length

    Mean change


    Quartiles 0.02#

    Comet tail distributed


    Mean change


    Quartiles 0.78#

    Comet tail length

    Mean change


    1st quartile REF 0.049#

    2nd quartile -0.58 -2.88, 1.71

    3rd quartile -0.36 -2.71, 1.99

    4th quartile 2.95 0.34, 5.56

    Chashschin et al., 1994

    Developmental C