y r e u Q j S J e p y t o t o r P Command / Function Description Command / Function Description Selecting DOM elements $( elementId | element ) If a string is passed to the dollar-function, it will return the DOM element with the matching ID attribute. If an HTML element is passed, an extended version of the element is returned. It is also possible to pass an array of elementIds or elements to the $-selector. $( selector | element ) or jQuery( selector | element ) The jQuery-dollar-function accepts a string containing a CSS selector which is then used to match a set of elements. selector: If a selector string is passed to the dollar-function, it will return the DOM elements which match the given CSS-selector. element: If an HTML element is passed, an extended version of the element is returned. The main difference is between the Prototype dollar-function and the jQuery counterpart is, that the jQuery- version expects and CSS-selector - while the Prototype-version requires and element-id. So the jQuery-equivalent to the dollar- function whould rath be the Prototype- dolloar-dollar-function (-> $$(selector)). Note: Because this function is the one that is used the most in bost frameworks, this will be the parts of your JavaScript that will need the most attention during a migration. A Prototype-based function which depends on code like this"var targetElement = $('searchresultcontainer');" WILL certainly fail when using jQuery - even though the syntax and signature of both versions of the dollar-function is quite similar. The jQuery-variant needs to look like this to work: var targetElement = $('#searchresultcontainer'); The missing "#" in $-function calls is bound to be biggest source of bug during a migration process from Prototype JS to jQuery. $$ f o r e b m u n y r a r t i b r a n a s e k a T ) r o t c e l e s ( CSS selectors and returns a document-order array of extended DOM elements that match any of them. The task of selecting HTML elements which CSS selectors is performed by the simple dollar-function: $( selector ) Visit these pages for more information about CSS selectors: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.html CSS Cheat Sheet (V2): http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets /css-cheat-sheet/ CSS Selector Tutorial: http://css.maxdesign.com.au/selectutorial/ $(element).select( selector ) The select-function takes one or more CSS selectors and allows you to select HTML elements which are sub-nodes of the calling DOM element. $(element).find( selector ) Gets the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements, filtered by a selector. This function works alike Prototype's select-function and can therefore easily be migrated with a simple search and replace. Get / Set the content of DOM elements $F( element ) or $(inputelement).getValue() Returns the value of a form control (textbox, textarea, radiobutton, checkbox, ...). $( 'selector' ).val() Returns the value of the calling element. $(element).innerHTML Returns HTML code of all text nodes and child elements of the parent DOM node. The property can also be used to set the contents of an HTML element. But note, this property is not specific to the Prototype framework - but just a standard property of all HTML nodes. $(element).html() Gets the HTML source ode of the calling HTML element. $(element).update( text Or HTML code ) Sets the HTML code of the calling element. $(element).html( text Or HTML code ) Sets the HTML source ode of the calling HTML element. $(element).innerHTML.stripTags() or $(element).innerText Returns the contents of the calling element; stripped from any HTML tags. $(element).text() Returns the combined text contents of the calling element, including their descendants. Update the Style of DOM elements $(element).setStyle( style(s) ) The Prototype setStyle functions modifies the CSS style properties of the calling HTML element. $(element).css( propertyName, value ) Sets the value of a HTML element's style property. Example: $(selector).css('backgroundColor', 'red') $(element).getStyle( propertyName ) Returns the given CSS property value of the calling HTML element. $(element).css( propertyName ) Get the value of the calling HTML element's style property. Example: $(element).css('backgroundColor') // -> 'red' $(element).classNames() Returns a set of CSS class names assigned to the calling HTML element (e.g. [ "class1", "class2", "class3" ]). $(element).attr('className') The list of all CSS classes assigned to an HTML element can only be determined by reading the className- attribute. But unlike the Prototype-version, this approach will only return a simple string list of all CSS class names assigned to an HTML node (e.g. "class1 class2 class3"). $(element).hasClassName( className ) Checks whether the calling element has the given CSS className. $(element).hasClass( className ) Determine whether any of the matched elements are assigned the given class. The hasClassName function works exactly alike in both frameworks. The only difference is the slightly shorter name of the jQuery version. $(element).toggleClassName( className ) Toogles an element's className: If the element did not have the CSS class before - it will be assigned; otherwise it will be removed from the HTML element. $(element).toggleClass( className ) Adds or removes one or more CSS class names for each element in the set of matched elements, depending on whether the element had the class name before or not. The toggleClassName function works exactly alike in both frameworks. The only difference is the slightly shorter name of the jQuery version. $(element).addClassName( className ) Adds the specified class name to the calling HTML element. $(element).addClass( className(s) ) Adds the specified class-name(s) to each element of the set of matched elements. The addClassName function works exactly alike in both frameworks. The only difference is the slightly shorter name of the jQuery version. $(element).removeClassName( className ) Removes the specified class name from the calling HTML element, if it was assigned before. $(element).removeClass( className(s) ) Removes the specified class-name(s) from each element in the set of matches elements. The removeClassName function works exactly alike in both frameworks. The only difference is the slightly shorter name of the jQuery version. Get/set DOM element attributes $(element).readAttribute( attributeName ) Returns the value of calling element's attribute or null if attribute name does not exist. $(element).attr( attributeName ) Gets the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements. $(element).writeAttribute( attribute(s) ) Adds, specifies or removes attributes to HTML elements. $(element).attr( attributeName, value ) Creates a new element attribute and/or sets the value for the given attribute. The only difference is that the jQuery .attr() function is not able to remove attributes from HTML elements. For this task you must use the specialized .removeAttr() function. $(element).getWidth() $(element).getHeight() Returns the width / height (number of pixels) of the calling HTML element. $(element).width() $(element).height() Get the current computed width / height for the first element in the set of matched elements. Prototype JS has no core functionality which allows you to set the width or height of HTML elements. $(element).width(value) $(element).height(value) Sets the width or height of the calling HTML element. $(element).empty() Returns true if the element does not contain any characters (except whitespaces); otherwise false. $(element).is(':empty') Utilizes the .is() selector for checking if the current element has no child nodes (including text nodes). Returns true if the current element is empty; otherwise false. Events Event.observe(element, eventName, handler) Registers an event handler on a DOM element. $('selector').bind(eventType, handler) Attach a event-handler to the set of matched elements. jQuery offers a long list of explicit event-functions in addition to the abstract bind-function for DOM-events. Examples: click(): OnClick event dblClick() Double-Click hover(): Binds two event handlers to the matched elements, to be executed when the mouse pointer enters and leaves the elements. keydown(): Is triggered when a key is pressed. Event.stopObserving(element, eventName, handler) Unregisters one or more event handlers from the given element. $(selector).unbind(eventtype, handler) Removes a previously-attached event handler from the set of matched DOM-elements. document.observe("dom:loaded", function() { ... }); The dom:loaded event is fired immediately after the HTML document is fully loaded. $(document).ready() The document-ready event is fired as soon as the whole DOM has been assembled. I think the jQuery-version is much more reliable than the Prototype approach. Event.findElement(event, tagName) Returns the element that fired the event. event.target Example: $("#button").click(function(e) { var btn = $(event.target); }); The DOM element that initiated the event. Another way to access the element that caused the event is this: $("#button").click(function(e) { var btn = $(this); }); Ajax new Ajax.Request(url[, options]) Creates and processes and AJAX request to the specified url. $.ajax( settings ) Performs an asynchronous HTTP request (ajax). new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(container, url[, options]) Periodically performs an AJAX request and updates a container’s contents based on the response text. There is no PeriodicalUpdater for jQuery, but you can build one yourself: var periodicalUpdater = function() { $.ajax({ url: 'http://www.example.com/api/get/status.html', dataType: 'text', success: function(code) { $("#statusContainer").html(code); } }); }; setInterval(periodicalUpdater, 1000); new Ajax.Updater(container, url[, options]) Updates the given container element with response text from the ajax-request to the specified url. There is no Ajax.Updater for jQuery, but you can easily build one yourself: $.ajax({ url: 'http://www.example.com/api/get/content.html', dataType: 'text', success: function(code) { $("#container").html(code); } }); Create new DOM elements new Element(tagName[, attributes]) Create a new DOM element (just like with document.createElement('div')). There is no direct equivalent for the Prototype "new Element()"-command within the jQuery Core, but you can use a simple document.createElement(tagName) instead or use the following jQuery plugin: http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/basil/archive/2008/08/21/jquery-create- jquery-plug-in-to-create-elements.aspx Or you can simply create a DOM element by passing the html-code: var link = $("<a/>", { class: "link", text: "New Link", href: "http://api.jquery.com/jQuery/" }); var link = $('<a href="http://jquery.com"></a>'); Element.insert(element, { position: content }) Insert the content object before, after, at the top of, or at the bottom of element. Instead of a single function for all purposes (inserting elements before or after a given element) jQuery has one specialized function for every single purpose: $(element).append() $(element).appendTo() $(element).prepend() $(element).prependTo() $(element).before() $(element).after() $(element).insertBefore() $(element).insertAfter() Even though I think the jQuery versions of "Element.insert()" are more versatile, I like the "simpler" Prototype-version better. append(content): Inserts the content element to the end of each element in the set of matched elements. appendTo(target): Inserts every element in the set of matches elements to the target element. prepend(content): Inserts the content element to the beginning of each element in the set of matched elements. prependTo(target): Insert every element in the set of matched elements to the beginning of the target element. before(target): Insert the content element before each element in the set of matched elements. after(target): Insert the content element after each element in the set of matched elements. insertBefore(target): Insert every element in the set of matched elements before the target element. insertAfter(target): Insert every element in the set of matched elements after the target element. $(element).identify() Gets the element's id if it is assigned; otherwise a new id is generated, assigned and returned. I guess because jQuery does not have a core function for creating new DOM elements, there was no need for a function which automatically assigns new ids to them. Workarounds: Get id attribute with jQuery: $(element).attr('id') Set id attribute with jQuery: $(element).attr('id', 'YourCustomId') Forms Form.Element.disable() Disables a form control - prevents user from editing the form elements. There is no direct equivalent to Prototypes "Form.Element.disable()" in the jQuery core, but you can easily prohibit the editing of form elements with only very little code: $('form:first').attr("disabled", "disabled") $(formElement).find('input, textarea').each(function(i) { $(this).attr("readonly","readonly"); }); Form.Element.enable() Enables a previously disabled form control. There is no direct equivalent to Prototypes "Form.Element.disable()" in the jQuery core, but you can easily allow the editing of form elements with only very little code: $('form:first').removeAttr("disabled") $(formElement).find('input, textarea').each(function(i) { $(this).removeAttr("readonly"); }); Traversing Arrays, Sets and Collections $$(selector).each(function(s, i) { var currentElement = s; }) A handy notation for the well known for-loop. The each-operator iterates over all members of the given set of matches elements. .each( function(index, Element) ) Iterate over a jQuery object, executing a function for each matched element. The syntax of the each-iterator is exactly alike in both frameworks, but can also be used slightly different in jQuery: $(selector).each(function(i) { var currentElement = $(this); }); Miscellaneous functions & utilities new PeriodicalExecuter(function(pe) { ... }, interval) Executes a given function every n-seconds. Again, there is no direct substitue in jQuery for a periodical updater, but it can be build quite easilty (without even depending on jQuery). Example of a simple (non-jQuery-specific) periodical-updater (*1000 milliseconds = 1 second): var periodicalExecuter = function() { ... }; setInterval(periodicalExecuter, 1000);

Command / Function Description Command / Function ...from+PrototypeJS... · Prototype JS jQuery Command / Function Description Command / Function Description Selecting DOM elements

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Page 1: Command / Function Description Command / Function ...from+PrototypeJS... · Prototype JS jQuery Command / Function Description Command / Function Description Selecting DOM elements

yreuQjSJ epytotorPCommand / Function Description Command / Function Description


$( elementId | element ) If a string is passed to thedollar-function, it willreturn the DOM elementwith the matching IDattribute.If an HTML element ispassed, an extendedversion of the element isreturned.It is also possible to passan array of elementIds orelements to the$-selector.

$( selector | element ) or jQuery(selector | element )

The jQuery-dollar-function accepts astring containing a CSS selector whichis then used to match a set ofelements.

selector:If a selector string is passed tothe dollar-function, it will returnthe DOM elements which matchthe given CSS-selector.element:If an HTML element is passed, anextended version of the element isreturned.

The main difference is between thePrototype dollar-function and thejQuery counterpart is, that the jQuery-version expects and CSS-selector -while the Prototype-version requiresand element-id.

So the jQuery-equivalent to the dollar-function whould rath be the Prototype-dolloar-dollar-function (-> $$(selector)).

Note:Because this function is the one that isused the most in bost frameworks, thiswill be the parts of your JavaScript thatwill need the most attention during amigration.

A Prototype-based function whichdepends on code like this"vartargetElement =$('searchresultcontainer');" WILL certainly fail when usingjQuery - even though the syntaxand signature of both versions ofthe dollar-function is quite similar.The jQuery-variant needs to looklike this to work:

var targetElement =$('#searchresultcontainer');

The missing "#" in $-function calls isbound to be biggest source of bugduring a migration process fromPrototype JS to jQuery.

$$ fo rebmun yrartibra na sekaT) rotceles (CSS selectors and returns adocument-order array ofextended DOM elements thatmatch any of them.

The task of selecting HTML elements which CSS selectors is performed bythe simple dollar-function: $( selector )

Visit these pages for more information about CSS selectors:

http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.htmlCSS Cheat Sheet (V2): http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/css-cheat-sheet/CSS Selector Tutorial: http://css.maxdesign.com.au/selectutorial/

$(element).select( selector ) The select-function takes oneor more CSS selectors andallows you to select HTMLelements which are sub-nodesof the calling DOM element.

$(element).find( selector ) Gets the descendants of each elementin the current set of matched elements,filtered by a selector.

This function works alike Prototype's select-function andcan therefore easily be migratedwith a simple search and replace.

Get / Set thecontent ofDOMelements

$F( element ) or$(inputelement).getValue()

Returns the value of a formcontrol (textbox, textarea,radiobutton, checkbox, ...).

$( 'selector' ).val() Returns the value of the callingelement.

$(element).innerHTML Returns HTML code of all textnodes and child elements ofthe parent DOM node. Theproperty can also be used toset the contents of an HTMLelement.

But note, this property is notspecific to the Prototypeframework - but just a standardproperty of all HTML nodes.

$(element).html() Gets the HTML source ode of thecalling HTML element.

$(element).update( text Or HTMLcode )

Sets the HTML code of thecalling element.

$(element).html( text Or HTMLcode )

Sets the HTML source ode of thecalling HTML element.

$(element).innerHTML.stripTags()or $(element).innerText

Returns the contents of thecalling element; stripped fromany HTML tags.

$(element).text() Returns the combined text contents ofthe calling element, including theirdescendants.

Update theStyle of DOMelements

$(element).setStyle( style(s) ) The Prototype setStylefunctions modifies the CSSstyle properties of the callingHTML element.

$(element).css( propertyName,value )

Sets the value of a HTML element'sstyle property.



$(element).getStyle(propertyName )

Returns the given CSSproperty value of the callingHTML element.

$(element).css( propertyName ) Get the value of the calling HTMLelement's style property.


$(element).css('backgroundColor')// -> 'red'

$(element).classNames() Returns a set of CSS classnames assigned to the callingHTML element (e.g. [ "class1","class2", "class3" ]).

$(element).attr('className') The list of all CSS classes assigned toan HTML element can only bedetermined by reading the className-attribute.

But unlike the Prototype-version, thisapproach will only return a simplestring list of all CSS class namesassigned to an HTML node (e.g."class1 class2 class3").

$(element).hasClassName(className )

Checks whether the callingelement has the given CSSclassName.

$(element).hasClass( className)

Determine whether any of the matchedelements are assigned the given class.

The hasClassName function worksexactly alike in both frameworks. Theonly difference is the slightly shortername of the jQuery version.

$(element).toggleClassName(className )

Toogles an element'sclassName: If the element didnot have the CSS class before- it will be assigned; otherwiseit will be removed from theHTML element.

$(element).toggleClass(className )

Adds or removes one or more CSSclass names for each element in theset of matched elements, dependingon whether the element had the classname before or not.

The toggleClassName function worksexactly alike in both frameworks. Theonly difference is the slightly shortername of the jQuery version.

$(element).addClassName(className )

Adds the specified class nameto the calling HTML element.

$(element).addClass(className(s) )

Adds the specified class-name(s) toeach element of the set of matchedelements.

The addClassName function worksexactly alike in both frameworks. Theonly difference is the slightly shortername of the jQuery version.

$(element).removeClassName(className )

Removes the specified classname from the calling HTMLelement, if it was assignedbefore.

$(element).removeClass(className(s) )

Removes the specified class-name(s)from each element in the set ofmatches elements.

The removeClassName function worksexactly alike in both frameworks. Theonly difference is the slightly shortername of the jQuery version.

Get/set DOMelementattributes

$(element).readAttribute(attributeName )

Returns the value of callingelement's attribute or null ifattribute name does not exist.

$(element).attr( attributeName ) Gets the value of an attribute for thefirst element in the set of matchedelements.

$(element).writeAttribute(attribute(s) )

Adds, specifies or removesattributes to HTML elements.

$(element).attr( attributeName,value )

Creates a new element attribute and/orsets the value for the given attribute.

The only difference is that the jQuery.attr() function is not able to removeattributes from HTML elements. Forthis task you must use the specialized.removeAttr() function.


Returns the width / height(number of pixels) of the callingHTML element.


Get the current computed width /height for the first element in the set ofmatched elements.

Prototype JS has no core functionality which allows you to set thewidth or height of HTML elements.


Sets the width or height of the callingHTML element.

$(element).empty() Returns true if the elementdoes not contain anycharacters (exceptwhitespaces); otherwise false.

$(element).is(':empty') Utilizes the .is() selector for checking ifthe current element has no child nodes(including text nodes). Returns true ifthe current element is empty;otherwise false.

Events Event.observe(element,eventName, handler)

Registers an event handler ona DOM element.


Attach a event-handler to the set ofmatched elements.

jQuery offers a long list of explicitevent-functions in addition to theabstract bind-function for DOM-events.Examples:

click(): OnClick eventdblClick() Double-Clickhover(): Binds two event handlersto the matched elements, to beexecuted when the mouse pointerenters and leaves the elements.keydown(): Is triggered when akey is pressed.

Event.stopObserving(element,eventName, handler)

Unregisters one or more eventhandlers from the givenelement.


Removes a previously-attached eventhandler from the set of matchedDOM-elements.

document.observe("dom:loaded",function() {...});

The dom:loaded event is firedimmediately after the HTMLdocument is fully loaded.

$(document).ready() The document-ready event is fired assoon as the whole DOM has beenassembled.

I think the jQuery-version is muchmore reliable than the Prototypeapproach.


Returns the element that firedthe event.



$("#button").click(function(e){var btn = $(event.target);});

The DOM element that initiated theevent.

Another way to access the elementthat caused the event is this:

$("#button").click(function(e) {var btn = $(this);});

Ajax new Ajax.Request(url[, options]) Creates and processes andAJAX request to the specifiedurl.

$.ajax( settings ) Performs an asynchronous HTTPrequest (ajax).

newAjax.PeriodicalUpdater(container,url[, options])

Periodically performs an AJAXrequest and updates acontainer’s contents based onthe response text.

There is no PeriodicalUpdater for jQuery, but you can build one yourself:

var periodicalUpdater = function() { $.ajax({ url: 'http://www.example.com/api/get/status.html', dataType: 'text', success: function(code) { $("#statusContainer").html(code); } });};

setInterval(periodicalUpdater, 1000);

new Ajax.Updater(container, url[,options])

Updates the given containerelement with response textfrom the ajax-request to thespecified url.

There is no Ajax.Updater for jQuery, but you can easily build one yourself:

$.ajax({ url: 'http://www.example.com/api/get/content.html', dataType: 'text', success: function(code) { $("#container").html(code); }});

Create newDOMelements

new Element(tagName[,attributes])

Create a new DOM element(just like withdocument.createElement('div')).

There is no direct equivalent for the Prototype "new Element()"-commandwithin the jQuery Core, but you can use a simpledocument.createElement(tagName) instead or use the following jQueryplugin:http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/basil/archive/2008/08/21/jquery-create-jquery-plug-in-to-create-elements.aspx

Or you can simply create a DOM element by passing the html-code:

var link = $("<a/>", { class: "link", text: "New Link", href:"http://api.jquery.com/jQuery/" });var link = $('<a href="http://jquery.com"></a>');

Element.insert(element, { position:content })

Insert the content objectbefore, after, at the top of, or atthe bottom of element.

Instead of a single function for allpurposes (inserting elementsbefore or after a given element)jQuery has one specializedfunction for every single purpose:





Even though I think the jQueryversions of "Element.insert()" are more versatile, I like the"simpler" Prototype-versionbetter.

append(content): Inserts the contentelement to the end of each element inthe set of matched elements.

appendTo(target): Inserts everyelement in the set of matcheselements to the target element.

prepend(content): Inserts the contentelement to the beginning of eachelement in the set of matchedelements.

prependTo(target): Insert everyelement in the set of matchedelements to the beginning of the targetelement.

before(target): Insert the contentelement before each element in the setof matched elements.

after(target): Insert the contentelement after each element in the setof matched elements.

insertBefore(target): Insert everyelement in the set of matchedelements before the target element.

insertAfter(target): Insert everyelement in the set of matchedelements after the target element.

$(element).identify() Gets the element's id if it isassigned; otherwise a new id isgenerated, assigned andreturned.

I guess because jQuery does not have a core function for creating newDOM elements, there was no need for a function which automaticallyassigns new ids to them.


Get id attribute with jQuery:$(element).attr('id')Set id attribute with jQuery:$(element).attr('id', 'YourCustomId')

Forms Form.Element.disable() Disables a form control -prevents user from editing theform elements.

There is no direct equivalent to Prototypes "Form.Element.disable()" in thejQuery core, but you can easily prohibit the editing of form elements withonly very little code:

$('form:first').attr("disabled", "disabled")$(formElement).find('input, textarea').each(function(i) {$(this).attr("readonly","readonly"); });

Form.Element.enable() Enables a previously disabledform control.

There is no direct equivalent to Prototypes "Form.Element.disable()" in thejQuery core, but you can easily allow the editing of form elements with onlyvery little code:

$('form:first').removeAttr("disabled")$(formElement).find('input, textarea').each(function(i) {$(this).removeAttr("readonly"); });

TraversingArrays, SetsandCollections

$$(selector).each(function(s, i) {var currentElement = s;})

A handy notation for the wellknown for-loop. Theeach-operator iterates over allmembers of the given set ofmatches elements.

.each( function(index, Element) ) Iterate over a jQuery object, executinga function for each matched element.

The syntax of the each-iterator isexactly alike in both frameworks, butcan also be used slightly different injQuery:

$(selector).each(function(i) {var currentElement = $(this);});

Miscellaneousfunctions &utilities

newPeriodicalExecuter(function(pe) {... }, interval)

Executes a given functionevery n-seconds.

Again, there is no direct substitue in jQuery for a periodical updater, but itcan be build quite easilty (without even depending on jQuery).

Example of a simple (non-jQuery-specific)periodical-updater (*1000 milliseconds = 1 second):

var periodicalExecuter = function() { ... };setInterval(periodicalExecuter, 1000);