KSG Campuses Baringo Embu Matuga Mombasa Weekly Bulletin 17-23 July, 2021 Vol. 10 Issue 26 Institutes e-Learning and Development Institute Security Management Institute KSG Centres of Excellence Centre for Devolution Studies Centre for Public Service Values, Ethics and Integrity Centre for Public Finance Management Centre for Leadership and Public Policy Centre for Advanced Training and Consultancy Services Centre for Research and Advisory Services Centre for Environment and Climate Change Response Wanyama: Good leadership is about action, not position 3 School of Law reaps from School of Government 4 Haveyouinvestedforyour medicalneedsinretirement? 6 The peoplebehind KSGOgopa 7 Pictorial 8 Humour/Quote 9 Courses across campuses 10 #ZuiaCorona Published by the KSG Communications Department The Kenya School of Government, a key capacity building provider in implementation of government projects and programs, in partnership with Anti-FGM Board, seeks to deliver a series of trainings to enlighten public officers and opinion leaders for them to adequately assist in transforming socio- cultural mind sets relating to FGM. The program which is supported by the O n June 4, 2019, President Uhuru Kenyatta affirmed his commitment to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) by 2022, a move that intended to cut out this vice that has caused serious health issues to a number of girls from practicing communities. In defeating the vice which has devastated lives of over 9 million women and girls, the Head of State directed relevant government agencies to enforce the law that prohibits FGM entirely. Significant to this process is enhanced awareness and deep understanding of all actors on this socio- cultural activity which remains a priority agenda in the country. BY DOUGLAS MOCHAMA Public Service and Gender CS Prof. Margaret Kobia (centre), Baringo Governor Stanley Kiptis (right), Baringo Campus Director Dr. Solomon Letangule (left) with other stakeholders at the sidelines of a past meeting to discuss strategies for eradication of FGM in Kenya. Coming soon: Training program on FGM

Coming soon: Training program on FGM

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Page 1: Coming soon: Training program on FGM

KSG Campuses Baringo



Mombasa Weekly Bulletin

17-23 July, 2021 Vol. 10 Issue 26


e-Learning and

Development Institute

Security Management


KSG Centres of Excellence

Centre for Devolution Studies

Centre for Public Service Values, Ethics and Integrity

Centre for Public Finance Management

Centre for Leadership and Public Policy

Centre for Advanced Training and Consultancy Services

Centre for Research and Advisory Services

Centre for Environment and Climate Change Response

Wanyama: Good leadership is about action, not position


School of Law reaps from School of Government


Have you invested for your medical needs in retirement?


The people behind KSG Ogopa 7

Pictorial 8

Humour/Quote 9

Courses across campuses 10


Published by the KSG Communications Department

The Kenya School of Government, a key capacity building provider in implementation of government projects and programs, in partnership with Anti-FGM Board, seeks to deliver a series of trainings to enlighten public officers and opinion leaders for them to adequately assist in transforming socio-cultural mind sets relating to FGM. The program which is supported by the

O n June 4, 2019, President Uhuru

Kenyatta affirmed his commitment to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) by 2022, a move that intended to cut out this vice that has caused serious health issues to a number of girls from practicing communities.

In defeating the vice

which has devastated lives of over 9 million women and girls, the Head of State directed relevant government agencies to enforce the law that prohibits FGM entirely.

Significant to this process is enhanced awareness and deep understanding of all actors on this socio-cultural activity which remains a priority agenda in the country.


Public Service and Gender CS Prof. Margaret Kobia (centre), Baringo Governor Stanley Kiptis (right), Baringo Campus Director Dr. Solomon Letangule (left) with other stakeholders at the sidelines of a past meeting to discuss strategies for eradication of FGM in Kenya.

Coming soon: Training program on FGM

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E xperiential learning is one that is majorly done through experience and

reflection; mostly through trial and error to get the best results. It brings out the best and probably the worst in a learner, who has to live through tough conditions.

KSG has been conducting experi-ential learning for the Strategic Leadership Development Program. Earlier, it was done by the DEPOT team and then by the Outward Bound and now it is being done by KSG Baringo Campus.

A participant who attended the last one gave a feel of it; picture a road trip. Participants who were not driving to Baringo were trans-ported by KSG buses. The set-up is that of camp site for each to have their own tent, putting everyone at par; at the same level, literally speaking. When they went, it was raining, so it was really cold. That was test one.

Other tests came through some physical activities and varied from long treks, to crawling out of long and dark tunnels, running, and many team building games. Sanita-tion was said to be different from what most people knew; but that is part of the deal. The meals are tak-en together.

To graduate in this program, one must go through these experiences and have a reflection of how one carried out their part in the group related experiential activities. It seems like a real life graduation that we all should probably go through.

Faith Musoga

Experiential learning takes shape at Baringo

Page 2

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) targets national government administration officers, medical practitioners, children officers, and opinion leaders among other participants.

A partner’s meeting was held to concretize the roll-out of the program.

Mrs. Bernadette Loloju, chief executive officer of Anti-FGM Board appreciated that the upcoming program will boost implementation of the Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act No. 32 of 2011, which also constituted the Board.

“We look forward to rolling out this program that will help accelerate eradication of FGM in Kenya and strengthen multi-sectoral interventions. We thank KSG and UNFPA for being in the frontline in addressing gender inequality,” said Mrs. Loloju.

Prof. Ludeki Chweya, KSG director general expressed concern that Kenya could be realizing development and social welfare in a skewed way, which benefits just a segment of the population. He said that KSG resolved to continuously

work with leaders in different sectors to mount programs that effectively address needs of vulnerable groups in the society.

“We could be claiming to realize development and social welfare when in fact, the profits go to dominant sections of the population. We need, therefore, to cushion our daughters from predicaments such as FGM that only serve to exclude them from mainstream development,” he said.

Prof. Chweya, who was represented by Baringo Campus Director Dr. Solomon Letangule at the meeting, remained upbeat that Kenya stands to benefit immensely from established legislations such as FGM Act that targets specific categories in the society. He said the program will realize positive outcomes such as girl-child retention and transition in schools.

Dr. Josephine Mwanzia, Director Academic Affairs, expressed KSG desire to successfully deliver the program.

“We are ready to mount this program even next week. The School values quality, and as such, we subjected all training materials to a rigorous quality assurance process,” disclosed Dr. Mwanzia.

Training program on FGM to be rolled out soon

Anti-FGM Board CEO Mrs. Bernadette Loloju and Baringo Campus Director Dr. Solomon Letangule during a virtual meeting on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 to concretize roll-out of Anti-FGM Training Program.

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A fter notable commitment to weeklong Values and Character

Development training module of the Strategic Leadership Development Program, learners have embraced a call for thorough practical implementation of key leadership lessons gained from the training.

The experiential learning is designed to build capacity of learners to willfully comply with ethics and integrity, values, rules and regulations in discharge of their duties, according to Baringo Campus Director Dr. Solomon Letangule.

In addition, the training instils, in learners, importance of commitment in provision of quality satisfactory public services.

“The School desires that our country achieves intended socio-economic goals. It is therefore important that you deliver on your roles, and do so effectively. This is the intent of this module,” said Dr. Letangule.

He called on the learners to take up and implement new and

refreshed knowledge and skills gained from the training to benefit Kenya’s public service. The learners affirmed commitment to practice that which they were introduced to during the training.

In realizing this noble task post training, the director Letangule urged the learners to have in place efficient monitoring and evaluation strategies to track progress thereby assisting the organization to remain focused and committed towards attainment of visionary goals, excellence and to seek continuous improvement.

Prominently significant to realization of this agenda is a pool of human resource, capable of supporting the organization to succeed in implementing planned programs and projects.

To this end, considering that capacity building remains an all-time enabler of performance improvement, Dr. Letangule urged the senior officers to empower their staff to work with autonomy, and to support their personal development and growth.

He reiterated that training adds value to individuals and

institutions with a resultant effect of improved livelihoods and welfare. He lauded the learner for successfully undertaking the program to grow exemplary character and mindset of a leader.

Dr. Letangule also stressed the significance of embracing shared values as well as alignment of organizational needs to humanity to achieve greater sustainability and impact. He, thus, called for establishment of a culture of caring and belonging which he considered crucial for success of an organization.

His Mombasa Campus counterpart Dr. Tom Wanyama underscored the role of leaders in facilitating and ensuring transfer of new knowledge to the workplace. Dr. Wanyama asked the learners to use the knowledge acquired from the training to inspire others.

“Good leadership is about action and not position. It is about who we are and our actions, our deeds and how we treat others,” Dr. Wanyama stated.

He added: “Empowered employees have a sense of ownership and satisfaction in accomplishment of organizational mandate.”

Wanyama: Leadership is about action, not position

Director of Mombasa Campus Dr. Tom

Wanyama addresses learners of the Values

and Character Development training

module at Baringo Campus.


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training, she looked forward to gaining more insights into the importance and correct use of fire extinguishers and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Her interest in the training was also on first aid for various work place injuries and accidents as well as the fundamental rights of an employee in regard to their health and safety, and that of others in the area of their jurisdiction.

“I can now calmly handle any situation in line of my duty and professionally give a report in case of any incident. We appreciate the training team for telling us about Covid-19 as a bonus topic as it is very crucial to all of us during this pandemic period,” said Mrs. Nekesa.

KSG continues to develop new programs and review existing

T h e h o s p i t a l i t y section of the Kenya School of Law has r e a l i z e d a

tremendous boost to its service del ivery, owing to the Workplace Safety and Health Course that was mounted for the officers by Kenya School of Government.

According to Mr. Jared Ochoki, a senior waiter at the School of Law, benefits already reaped by the organization from the training motivated the management to sponsor more officers to the program that was mounted at the KSG Embu Campus.

“We are here today because of the notable improvement in service delivery by our

colleagues who were in the first cohort. There has been positive transformation in their skills, attitude and behaviour. I can confirm that the remaining untrained officers will soon undertake the Workplace Safety and Health Course,” said Mr. Ochoki, who was also the class president of the second cohort of officers from the Kenya School of Law.

He appreciated management and staff of Embu Campus especially the lectures, for being cordial and for exhibiting high level of professionalism and dedication during the training.

The Senior Waitress at the School of Law, Mrs. Colletah Nekesa, felt that her expectations for the training were adequately met. At the beginning of the


Law School reaps from KSG hospitality program

Embu Campus Deputy Director Dr. Fredrick Mukabi (centre) with officers from Kenya School of Law who attended

the Workplace Safety and Health Course at the Campus.

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lifestyle and environment. Mostly, accidents occur when we ignore the rules,” Dr. Mukabi urged.

Mr. Bernard Rajwais, the Principal Hospitality Officer at the Campus highlighted that experience enabled him to identify with specific needs of staff in the profession. To him, p r o d u c t i v i t y i s l a r g e l y dependent on the comfort, satisfaction and well-being of a worker. He noted that different working areas have different hazards as well as prevention needs, which, handled with professionalism can lead to improved quality of service delivery.

Mr. Rajwais opined that workplace safety and health is of utmost importance as it reduces a b s e n t e e i s m , i n c r e a s e s productivity and boosts morale.

ones to improve capacity of public service by equipping officers with the right skills and mindset to stay true to the tenets of quality service delivery. The Workplace Safety and Health Course for the hospitality sector was developed i n a cc o r d a n ce wi t h th e Occupational Safety and Health Act that places responsibility on the employer to ensure wellbeing of employees.

In his address to the learners, Campus Deputy Direc tor Learning and Development Dr. Fredrick Mukabi disclosed that the program is unique and is designed specifically for the hospitality sector with an aim to minimize and possibly eliminate accidents in the work place.

Dr. Mukabi acknowledged that workers in both catering and housekeeping sections of the organization are susceptible to hazards that may cause injuries and ill health which makes the training appropriately significant.

“Employees and employers should be familiar with the health and safety laws in the workplace including occupational health and safety for workers. A conducive and comfortable working space less prone to fatalities is what each person desires. This course identifies the hazard prone areas, workplace risk management, action plan and first aid among others,” he highlighted.

Dr. Mukabi said that the course reminds learners of what they already know, only with advanced features and improved life skills.

“Strive to apply all the dos and don’ts of workplace safety to sustain a healthy and productive

The catering and housekeeping sections are vulnerable to physical, chemical and biological hazards which require top-notch handling to avoid risks and accidents . Some common prevention measures may include covering and labelling chemicals, use of protective equipment and clothing, proper signage, healthy feeding and taking lots of fluids.

“While handling customers, safety practices are vital to avoid risking accidents which may lead to lawsuits and compliance issues. To counter this, our hospitality staff has continuously benefitted from timely sensitizations offered by supervisors, which has resulted to excellence that is now serving as a point of reference for other institutions,” Mr. Rajwais told the officers from School of

Law during their training.

Law School reaps from KSG hospitality program

Dr. Fredrick Mukabi addresses participants of the Workplace safety and Health Course

when he presided over the opening ceremony.

Page 6: Coming soon: Training program on FGM

Speaking during the opening ceremony of various courses namely; Senior Management, Supervisory Skills Development, Retirement Planning, Public Finance Management, Disaster Management, Performance Management Systems and Public Sector Financial Management at KSG Mombasa Campus, Ms. Mbaka asked the officers to capitalize on available reliable insurance companies that offer medical schemes beyond retirement age.

“Be wary of constantly asking for help through fund drives whenever you fall sick. Plan ahead and be in control of your life upon retirement. In this case, it is imperative to make plans for your future medical cover,” she emphasized.

Ms. Mbaka reminded the

Have you planned for your healthcare needs in retirement?

A number of people in active employment benefit from medical scheme usually

provided by the employer. Still, many others are entitled to these benefits but rarely use them as they ‘rarely fall sick’. However, in retirement, the body has a way of demanding for repairs which makes a good medical scheme a worthwhile investment. Unfortunately, in retirement, there is no employer to take care of the medical needs of a retiree which makes proper planning a significant undertaking.

These were the heartfelt remarks by Ms. Jerida Mbaka, member of the Kenya Airports Authority Board and a Trustee of the Pension Scheme.

officers that future plans should focus not only on sound financial investment but also on current health practices including being cautious of what one consumes and exercises one engages in. This, she observed, lessens body breakdown and keeps away stress.

Mrs. Cecilia Mageto, Campus’ Head of Training noted the propensity of training to provide learners with opportunity to interact and exchange experiences which may result in solutions to myriad challenges experienced in provision of services.

“The citizens you serve should gain from improved customer experience and get better services as a result of your training; a return on investment on the resources spent on the coaching,” she said.


Page 6

Member of Kenya Airports Authority Board Ms. Jerida Mbaka makes her remarks during the opening ceremony of various courses at Mombasa Campus.

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A face to the name: Introducing Ogopa FC players

S itting strategically on top of Nairobi West County Regional Zone B League table with 42 points and a goal difference of 4 points ahead of the team in second place, KSG

Ogopa FC has sharpened and continues to sharpen many young people who make the team shine.

The team has developed many of the players by nurturing, guidance, coaching and mentorship opportunities. Some players, from Ogopa FC, have been able to join teams in upper leagues like the Kenya Premier League, thanks to experience and guidance provided to them by the team.


Position: Central Defensive Midfielder

Year of Birth: 1994

Educational Background:

Commerce (Accounting), University of Nairobi.

Current Engagement: Research Assistant (Academic Affairs)

“ I am motivated by the dream to

become a professional player. I am driven by the desire to reach my

full potential as a footballer and to be able to make a living out of the game.”

Position: Winger/Utility Player

Year of Birth: 1994

Educational Background:

Business Management, University of Sunderland.

Current Engagement: None

“ The love for the game and

desire to play football professionally are my source of


Position: Striker/Offensive

Year of Birth: 1996

Educational Background:

High School

Current Engagement: None

“ Waking up with a new sense of

achievement, more so in the

strength of working together as a

team, is a great inspiration.”

Do we, however, the names and the contribution of the players who have continued to give the team a strong standing and recognition in various league since its establishment? I bet the answer at this point it no, to many.

In the next few series of this section, we will introduce you to the players who make up KSG Ogopa FC; players who have given the energetic and never disappointing fans an opportunity to look forward to weekends, upcoming matches and a name to brag about - KSG Ogopa FC. This week we present three of the players who have been instrumental to the team and have given opponents a hard time.

Captain Brian Oloo alias Kizza Assistant Captain Antony

Mwanjala alias Beast Kevin Odhiambo alias Terminator

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Weekly Activities in Summary

Staff of Mombasa Campus undergo free medical checks thanks to a partnership between the School and Jocham Hospital.

County Director of Korea International Cooperation Agency, Kenya Mr. IM Jang Hee (5th left) held a meeting with KSG leadership led by Director General Prof. Ludeki Chweya (5th right). The meeting discussed possible areas of strategic collaboration to support goals of the two entities.

Mr. Andrew Rori, deputy director Mombasa Campus (centre) is joined by members of Tobacco Control Board, who trained at the School, for a photo.

Young people engaged in creative and performance arts undergo talent business training at the KSG Isiolo Youth Innovation Centre.

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Leadership Lesson

Quote of the Week Humour of the week

A leader’s words ought to backed up by actions

“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by

results not attributes.”

– Peter F. Drucker (1909-2205)

“The future belongs to those

who see possibilities before

they become obvious.”

John Scully

Have Your Say

Page 10: Coming soon: Training program on FGM


Baringo Campus

Matuga Campus Senior Management Course No.93/2021 5th – 30th July, 2021 Supervisory Skills Devopment Course 6/2021 19th – 30th July, 2021 Strategic Leadership Development Course No.238/2021(Ministry of Interior) 14thJune - 23th July, 2021 Senior Management Course No. 91/2021 28th June -20th August, 2021 Senior Management Course No. 90/2021 28th June—20th August, 2021 Project Cycle Management 12th July to 6thAugust,2021 Senior Management Course No. 92/2021 (Ministry of Interior) 28th June - 20th August, 2021 Project Cycle Management (EU IDEAS) 12th July – 6th August,2021

Strategic Leadership Development Course 5th July —13th August, 2021 Senior Management Course No 141 5th July—27th August, 2021 Senior Management Course No 139 7th June—30th July, 2021 Public Relations and Customer Course 12th —23rd July, 2021 SLDP Experiential Training Program 19th —30th July, 2021 Senior Management Course No 140 5th — 30th July, 2021 Monitoring &Evaluation Course (ICT &Youth) 19th—30th July, 2021 FAO Workshop 19th —30th July, 2021 KESSA (Uasin Gishu County Government) 19th July, 2021

Mombasa Campus

Senior Management Course No.139/2021 19th July – 10th September, 2021 Strategic Leadership Development Program No.259/2021 19th July- 27th August, 2021 Senior Management Course No. 137/2021 14th June—6th August, 2021 Public Relations and Customer Care Course 19th – 30th July, 2021 Proficiency Course for Clerical Officers 19th – 30th July, 2021 Retirement Planning Course 19th – 23rd July, 2021 Risk Management Course (Machakos County) 19th– 23th July, 2021 KENHA Workshop 19th – 23rd July, 2021 IFMIS Training (The National Treasury) 12th – 30th July, 2021 Public Sector Financial Management Course 5th – 30th July, 2021 IFMIS Training (The National Treasury) 12th – 30th July, 2021 Seminar/Workshop (KALRO) 12th – 17th July, 2021 Public Sector Financial Management Course 5th – 30th July, 2021 Senior Management Course No.138 5th–30thJuly,2021

Lower Kabete

Status Report of the FGS School of Management & Public Administration 19th- 23rd July, 2021 Development of Media Engagement Plan (NCPD) 20th - 23rd July, 2021 Validation of Assessment Tools for CBA (TVET CDACC) 21st -23rd July, 2021 M & E: Policy Review & Development Training (Youth Affairs) 19th - 23rd July, 2021 Senior Management Course (SMC146/2021) 12th July - 6th Aug,2021 Essential Computer Skills 12th July- 6th Aug,2021 Senior Management Course Online (SMC147/2021) 12th July - 3rd Sept,2021 Senior Management Course No.145/2021 28th June —20th August, 2021

Embu Campus

For news items, information and comments kindly email to: [email protected]


Faith Musoga Ephline Okoth


Douglas Mochama Gabriel Odhyambo Pauline Ngurukie

Daniel Ngeti Ruth Kiplagat Mary Njenga Beth Muigai

Sharon Ngina Phyllies Muili

Faith Jeptaunet


Embu Campus P.O B0x 402-60100,

Embu – Kenya Tel: +254- 068-31351, 068-31364

Email: [email protected]

Matuga Campus P.O. Box 31-80406, Matuga – Kenya

Tel: +254-403300047 Email: [email protected]

Mombasa Campus P.O. Box 84027 - 80100,

Mombasa - Kenya Tel: +254 41 3122785, 22227113,

2228800, +254 41 2227105 Email: [email protected]

Kenya School of Government P. O. Box 23030 - 00604 Lower Kabete, Nairobi

Tel: +254 2 4015000 Mobile: 0727496698

Baringo Campus P.O. Box 91, Kabarnet—Kenya

Tel: +254-053 22325 Email: [email protected]

Embu Campus P.O B0x 402-60100,

Embu – Kenya Tel: +254- 068-31351, 068-31364

Email: [email protected]

Senior Management Course No. 364/2021 12th July—3rd September,2021 Strategic Leadership Dev. Prog. No. 258/2021 19th July – August 27th 2021 Senior Management Course No. 360/2021 31st May—6th August 2021 Senior Management Course No. 357/2021 24th May–30th July2021 Senior Management Course No. 362/2021 14th June—August2021 Strategic Leadership Development No. 254/2021 31st May—August2021 Sunset Hotel Limited Workshop 19th to 23rd July 2021 Records Management Course 12th— 30th July,2021 CRA/UNDP Workshop 21st – 22nd July 2021 Strategic HRM &Development Course (Turkana County) 19th – 23rd July 2021 Environmental Impact Assessment 5th—23rd July, 2021 Induction of Board Members of Mathari Referral Hospital 19th-22nd July 2021 Workshop Impact Kenya 19th -23rd July 2021 Senior Management Course No. 363/2021 5th—30th July, 2021 Finance for Non-Finance Managers 19th-23rd July 2021 Research Skills Development Course NCC 19th-30th July 2021 Prevention and Control of Violent Extremism (Ministry of Interior) 19th-23rd July 2021 Supervisory Skills Dev Course No. 99/2021 19th-30th July 2021 Management Training (EPRA) 19th- 21st July 2021 Workshop Westlands NGDCF 21 st July 2021