Combating Corruption: Best Practices In FCPA Compliance August 13, 2013 Sponsored By:

Combating Corruption: Best Practices In FCPA … Studies (cont.) 2. Morgan Stanley: why did they get a declination? – Had a solid compliance program which took a holistic approach

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Combating Corruption: Best Practices In FCPA Compliance

August 13, 2013

Sponsored By:

Today’s Speakers

Bruce RomneySenior Director Solution MarketingSAP

Evelyn SuarezPartnerWilliams Mullen

Yousr KhalilDirectorForensic Risk Alliance

Eric KulischTrade and Transportation EditorAmerican Shipper


– Introduction– The legal landscape– Enforcement trends– Lessons learned from recent

investigations– Key elements of an effective

compliance program– Technology as a fundamental



Compliance with FCPA

Evelyn SuarezPartnerWilliams Mullen


• Intended to deter bribery of foreign officials to obtain an improper business advantage

• Two Parts:– Anti-Bribery Provisions (enforced

by DOJ)– Books & Records Provisions and

Internal Accounting Controls (enforced by SEC)




• What’s the message that the DOJ & SEC are giving us?


It’s All About Risk• Enterprise risk

– For Shippers– For Transportation and Logistics companies

• Countries: Emerging Markets– Transparency International’s Corruption

Perception Index– Emerging Markets present the biggest

opportunities and the greatest risk

• Third parties such as agents, distributors • DOJ & SEC expect a risk-based approach to



Compliance Challenges to Consider

• Third parties– Shipper’s perspective– Transportation and logistics providers’ perspective

• Facilitating or "grease" payments• Importance of compliance with local law• A paper compliance program is not enough! How do

you get the message across to your global operations?


10 Hallmarks of an Effective Compliance Program1. Commitment by senior management with clearly articulated policy against

corruption2. Code of conduct and compliance policies and procedures. Must be current

and effective and outline responsibilities, detail internal controls, set forth auditing practices, documentation policies and disciplinary procedures

3. Oversight by senior management with sufficient autonomy and resources4. Risk assessment and internal audit procedures5. Regular training and continuing advice6. Incentives and disciplinary measures7. Comprehensive, risk-based due diligence for third parties and transactions8. Mechanisms for employees to confidentially report potential violations and

for internal investigations9. Updating compliance program through periodic testing and review10. Pre-acquisition due diligence and post-acquisition integration for mergers

and acquisitions9

Guiding Principles of Enforcement

• Self-disclosure• Cooperation• Remedial efforts• Common elements of declinations

include: (1) self-disclosure; (2) internal investigation; (3) remedial action; and (4) enhanced compliance program.

• Case studies: Ralph Lauren, Morgan Stanley and Panalpina


Case Studies


1. Ralph Lauren (RL)

– Violations involved payment of bribes totaling $580,000 through customs broker in Argentina for customs clearance for prohibited goods and to avoid customs inspections.

– Described bribes as “loading & delivery expenses” and “stamp tax/ label tax”

– Discovered during adoption of compliance program– No compliance program at the time of the violations– Both DOJ and SEC entered into NPA’s with RL– Agreed to pay disgorgement, interest & penalties totaling $1.6m.

Cooperated, adopted enhanced compliance program, took remedial action and agreed to report back to DOJ for 2 years

Case Studies (cont.)

2. Morgan Stanley: why did they get a declination?

– Had a solid compliance program which took a holistic approach and was not just a paper program. Gave them credibility with enforcers.

– Retained counsel immediately upon discovering the problem– Thorough investigation – Identified weaknesses in their compliance program– Moved quickly to fix compliance problems with program enhancements

even during internal investigation– More training– Reported the violation– Kept detailed records on steps taken– Good roadmap even though case does not involve shipper or

transportation intermediary


Case Studies (cont.)

3. Panalpina

– On Nov. 4, 2010, Panalpina and five customers in the oil & gas industry settled with the DOJ & SEC paying a total of $156.5m in criminal fines & $80m in civil disgorgement

– Investigation lasted 3 years– Panalpina investigation came to light in 2007 when a subsidiary of Vetco

pled guilty to bribing Nigerian officials through the logistics company– Involved more than $49m in bribes to Customs officials– Found to violate accounting provisions by describing payments as “local

processing,” “special intervention,” “special handling”– Statement by then Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer: “Whenever

possible, the department seeks to find and hold accountable all the players in corrupt deals – from customers who know that bribes are being paid on their behalf to those actually making the payments.”


Case Studies (cont.)

3. Lessons learned from Panalpina

– Was credited for “exemplary” cooperation with investigation from mid-2007 but didn’t voluntarily disclose; cooperation got it a DPA

– Expanded the scope of FCPA enforcement to a company not an “issuer” but an independent third party acting as an agent for US issuers

– Continued focus on third party service providers– Extended to subcontractors making improper payments which adds

another set of entities that compliance departments need to worry about– Started a trend of industry sweeps– Last but not least: showed the risks associated with “Facilitating

Payments” exception. Easy to confuse unlawful payments with facilitating payments. Need to closely monitor.


Key Points for Compliance Programs

1. Robust compliance program not a paper tiger

2. Training3. Frequent reminders4. Certifications5. Audit rights


Avoid Corrupt Practices with Compliance Testing and AnalyticsYousr KhalilDirectorForensic Risk Alliance

• § 78dd-1&2 - Prohibits foreign bribery by issuers and domestic concerns

• § 78dd-3 - Prohibits foreign bribery by persons other than issuers or domestic concern

• §§ 78m - This section contains the accounting provisions

• § 78ff - Deals with penalties for bribery

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977

Anti Bribery Provisions

Accounting Provisions


Accounting Records• Make and keep books, records, and

accounts, which, in reasonable detail, accurately, and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the issuer.

• Records includes “accounts, correspondence, memorandums, tapes, discs, papers, books, and other documents or transcribed information of any type.”

• Devise and maintain an adequate system of internal accounting controls so that transactions are executed in line with management’s authorisation.


Compliance Testing

An effective compliance and ethics program requires a company to establishing monitoring, auditing, and reporting systems, to ensure the business and persons associated with it, is complying with its policies and procedures, and can identify and remediate any issues as they arise.


An ABC Compliance Review


Contractual & Financial Document



Financial Data Analytics

Audit Analytics


Audit Analytics –The Steps


Obtaining Raw Data• Accounting Systems• Management Reports

Understanding the Data• Familiarity with the particulars of each data set• Organizing the data sets for useful analysis

Data Mining & Interpretive Analysis• Standard and Bespoke algorithms for identifying “Red Flags”• Comparing data analysis to other information and


Transaction Testing• Manual verification of compliance tests and “Red Flag” areas• Judgmental selection of sample transactions


sic accoun


Tie in the Data Extracts


Audited Accounts

Management Reports /

Trial BalanceAccount Extracts

Administrative Expenses Marketing Costs

2435654 - Paris 14,658 2435655 - Rome 2,358 2435656 - Barcelona 6,434


Administrative Expenses Travelling 26,578 Post and Stationery 98,742 Marketing 23,450 Office Costs 4,730


Administrative Expenses 153,500

Cost Code Analysis

• Gifts and entertainment• Travel and trips• Freight and logistics• Tendering and marketing costs• Charitable and Political

Donations• School fees and scholarships• Consultant expenses• Commissions


Cost Code Analysis


Effective Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption Compliance ProgramsBruce RomneySenior Director Solution MarketingSAP

Hallmarks of effective anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance programs*

Commitment from Senior Management

Risk Assessment

Continuous Improvement through Periodic Testing and Reviews**

Training and Continuing Advice

Oversight, Autonomy, and Resources 

Code of Conduct and Compliance Policies and Procedures

Mergers and Acquisitions: Pre‐Acquisition Due Diligence and Post‐Acquisition Integration 

Confidential Reporting and Internal Investigating

Review and Continuous Improvement

Clearly Articulated Policy Against Corruption

* Source: A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice and the Enforcement Division of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission** Includes continuous monitoring 27

Organization  / Tone / Procedures

How can technology for Governance, Risk, and Compliance align to these tenets

Commitment from Senior Management

Risk Assessment

Continuous Improvement through Periodic Testing and Reviews

Training and Continuing Advice

Oversight, Autonomy, and Resources 

Code of Conduct and Compliance Policies and Procedures

Mergers and Acquisitions: Pre‐Acquisition Due Diligence and Post‐Acquisition Integration 

Confidential Reporting and Internal Investigating

Review and Continuous Improvement

Clearly Articulated Policy Against Corruption

Automation withRisk 


Automation withCompliance Management

Automation with Fraud 



Management of anti-bribery and anti-corruption responses

Automating policy management lifecycle including creation, review, approval, distribution, acknowledgement, and confirmation of policies such as “code of conduct”

Automating periodic bribery and corruption risk assessments

Ensuring proper segregation of duties

Screening parties against PEP/OFAC (politically exposed persons and office of foreign asset control) and other lists

Due diligence / surveys with automatic generation and distribution of key reports for subsequent review (control or risk owners) or due diligence via automated surveys and questionnaires for internal or external (3rd) parties

Monitoring transactions meeting certain criteria such as 1) payments in high-risk countries 2) abnormal expense items meeting established thresholds 3) overpaid purchase orders 4) invoices paid greater than goods or services performed or received 5) split payments

Monitoring master data for 1) payments executed using alternate payee fields 2) unauthorized vendor data changes 3) monitoring key fields in payment transactions for questionable or “hot” words such as cash, donation, services, facilitate, hospitality, gift, etc…

Configuration monitoring to detect 1) duplicate invoice setting changes, enabling or disabling of alternate payee field, adjusting three-way match criteria


Q&AThank you for participating in this session. We would like to take your questions now.For more information, you can contact today’s speakers:

Bruce [email protected]

Evelyn [email protected]

Yousr [email protected]

Eric [email protected]