Com Temporary Organizational Behaviour and Its Application

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  • 8/9/2019 Com Temporary Organizational Behaviour and Its Application


    Comtemporary Organizational Behaviour and its application


    Certainly large numbers of people have been doing lots of organizational activities, work and

    tasks for a long time. Pyramids and many other huge monuments and structures were built,

    armies and governments were organized, and Civilizations spread over vast territories. This took

    organization and management. There are some writings from antiquity that suggest that

    systematic approaches to management and organization did evolve and were transmitted to


    But the primary influences in organizations and management today stem from more recent


    Some would claim that to begin to understand our organizations today we need to look at the

    Protestant Ethic. A new ethic began to evolve, an ethic that shifted the orientation of one\s life

    from the next world to this world. This ethic is best embodied in quotes from Luther (All men

    possess a calling in the world and the fulfillment of its obligation is a divinely imposed duty)and Calvin (Disciplined work raises a person above the calling into which he was born and is

    the only sign of his election by God to salvation The soul is naked before God without Church

    or communion-religion is a personal matter; worldly success and prosperity are construed as

    signs of God\s approval).

    Over time, the Protestant Reformation provided an ideological foundation for the modern

    industrial society by suggesting that work is now a profound moral obligation, a path to eternal


    The focus is this world and materialism, not next world. The individual\s obligation is self-

    discipline and systematic work. It should be clear that the factory system which began to evolve

    late in the 18th Century could never have flourished without the ideological underpinnings of

    this profound shift in philosophy as exemplified by the Protestant Ethic.

    As a Professor of Organizational Behaviour I wish to continue to proclaim that organizational

    behavior is all about Organizational studies encompasses the study of organizations from

    multiple viewpoints, methods, and levels of analysis

    Organizational behavior is about common themes that describe the modern workplace such as

    ethical behavior, globalization, and technology, diversity, performance and work-life balance.

    Organizations today are challenged by the modern business environment. Many trends

    significantly persuade an organizations behavioral blueprint and values. Employees are

    recognized as a companys most important resource; therefore organizational behavior has

    increasingly become a more important topic.

    To be able to understand organizational behavior it is essential to identify and acknowledge

    trends in OB and how these trends influence workers. How ethics influence decision-making and

    the impact of technology on work-related stress are trends in OB that are present within an

    organization. What does it mean to be ethical and how has work-related stress been impacted

    by technology? Exploring the worth and impact of these two trends will illustrate how greatly

    they can have an effect on organizational behavior and be successful as an employee of the

    organization of any nature.

    Ethics in Decision-Making

    Applying principles or standards to moral dilemmas and asking what is right or wrong, good or

    bad in business transactions are a basic business ethic. Individuals within an

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    organizations are expected to act in union with high moral principles. (Ethical practice depends

    not just on awareness but on consequences and the use of personal and social values (Brownell,


    According to Loviscky, Trevino, and Jacobs, recent allegations of unethical decision-making by

    leaders in prominent business organizations have jeopardized the worlds confidence in

    American business and have rekindled interest in the moral judgment of leaders in theworkplace. Moral judgment is a psychological construct that characterizes the process by which

    people determine that one course of action in a particular situation is morally right and another

    course of action is wrong (2007).

    To have an organization founded on ethical beliefs, a company must employ a workforce that is

    aware of the consequences of the decisions that are made and look to hire those individuals who

    are concerned with the effects on each person connected with the organization including

    clientele, and employees.

    An individual should first be able to recognize the ethical issue; evaluate the issue based on

    personal ethics, and resolve to comply with this ethical judgment and finally carry out an ethical

    action (Fang, 2006). We always tend to believe that if integrity is held by leaders from top to

    bottom in an organization, followers will learn to trust and commit to act in ways that are in

    accordance with the leaders expectations and the corporate mission statement (2005, p. 38).

    The practice of supplying ethical guidelines or codes of conduct for employees to use when

    challenged with a situation that is not covered by standard policies and procedures is a positive

    move for the entire company (DeJanasz, Dowd, and Schneider, 2001, p. 372).


    Stress, according to OB scientist and Psychologists is anxiety from extraordinary demands,

    constraints, or opportunities and they also state that the effects of organizational stress include

    job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, employee turnover, accidents, low morale, poor interpersonal

    relations, low productivity, and poor customer service (2001, p. 66).

    Air traffic controllers, dentists, and coal miners are examples of highly stressful jobs thatcontain factors that cause stress that often is difficult to manage as it is seldom under a

    persons control (DeJanasz, et al., 2001, p. 66).

    Information technology has multiplied job demands and is leaving employees with frequent

    change in the working environment; supplying progressively more information which is found to

    be difficult to handle. Due to these factors, stress levels are increased and if not regulated the

    effects of technology are seen in the shape of work related stress.

    Stress and personal well-being are connected; therefore managing stress is very important.

    The principal cause of job stress is a workers ability versus working conditions and another

    major position is an individuals characteristic such as personality and coping technique (Stress

    Management, 2007). People are experiencing technology overload in the workplace today.

    Having to adjust to email, voice mail, faxes, pagers, and cell phones that make individuals alltoo easy to reach is creating stressful demands on workers. Information arrives too fast and

    some cannot keep up (Work Related Stress, 2005).

    Stress called destructive stress can impair both an individual and the organization in the form of

    job burnout that arrives and presents itself as loss of interest in and satisfaction with a job due

    to hectic working conditions.

    When an individual is burned out, there is a feeling of exhaustion, both emotionally and

    physically, making it impossible to deal optimistically with work responsibilities and

    opportunities (Schermerhorn et al, 2005, p. 373).

    Allowing employees access to rewards and benefits such as flexible work schedules,

    telecommuting options, or compensation time is advantageous to the company and the

    employee as stress-related troubles have huge financial implications for an employer (DeJanasz,

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    et al., 2001, p. 70).

    Not all stress is bad for instance; the excitement of winning a race or completing a challenge

    can be exciting.

    This form of stress is called eustress; the positive stress. It allows an individual to get energized

    about life and provides a feeling of satisfaction (Stress Management, 2007).

    In conclusion, the practice of decision-making is set off by the confirmation of a moral issue thatis the understanding that an ethical dilemma exists and ethical decision making is affected by

    both individual and organizational issues.

    Ethical conflicts are unavoidable today as human exchanges become gradually more numerous

    and complicated. Learning how to deal with conflict and how to decide on a solution that will not

    show prejudice against any party involved are just two examples of ethical issues that take

    place regularly in the workplace. Workplace stress is on the rise and everyone faces stress at

    work one time or another.

    It is almost impossible to remove situations that cause stress, but it may be possible to

    managed stress more effectively (Workplace Trends, 1999).

    Centre for Work and Organization well being

    The Centre for Work, Organization and Wellbeing aims to develop and support research

    programmes in key areas of strength so that these areas become internationally recognized. In

    addition, the Centre aims to contribute to the Universitys Strategic Research Programme on

    Social Change and Human Wellbeing.

    The Centre is an interdisciplinary research group incorporating sociologists, industrial relations

    and other scholars interested in the field of work. The aim of the Centre is to facilitate the

    development of world-class research that is distinctive and highly relevant to the future of work.

    We seek to understand the changing world of work in an era of significant social, economic and

    technological change via theoretically informed research and to bridge the gap between

    research, practice and policy.

    The major research problem that the Centre is seeking to address is how the imperatives for

    efficiency, quality and high performance can be configured so that good pay, dignity, well-being

    and social justice are also achieved.

    The Centre has four research programmes that each addresses different aspects of this problem

    drawing on interdisciplinary research.

    The four key areas are

    o Better organizational behaviour

    o Regulatory provisions for commonly accepted behaviour

    o Smart work places with conduciveness

    o Work/ Leisure interfaces


    1. Brownell, E., (2003, January 24). Just what does it mean to be ethical in American business?

    & the Business Review.

    2. DeJanasz, S. C., Dowd, K. O., & Schneider, B. Z., (2001) Interpersonal Skills in Organizations

    &he McGraw?Hill Companies

    3. Fang, Miao-Ling, (2006). Evaluating Ethical Decision-Making of Individual Employees in

    Organizations-An Integration Framework

  • 8/9/2019 Com Temporary Organizational Behaviour and Its Application


    4. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 8(2), 105-112. Retrieved August 6,

    2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database.

    (5. Loviscky, G. E., Trevio, L. K., Jacobs, R. R., (2007) Assessing Managers\ Ethical Decision-

    making: An Objective Measure of Managerial Moral Judgment. Journal of Business Ethics, 73(3),

    263-285. Retrieved August 5, 2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID:


    6. Schermerhorn, J. R., Hunt, J, G., & Osborn, R, N. (2005). Organizational Behavior, (9th ed.).

    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    7. Stress Management, (2007). Impact of Technology on Work Related Stress. Retrieved August

    7, 2007, from stress/management/impact-of-technology-on-work-related-stress Workplace

    trends: Technology increases workplace stress. Office World News. Oct 1999.

    07 Aug. 2007.