CCE 911 Standards Challenged Page 19 Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado chiropractic since 1917. e UPDATE Volume 20, No. 12 December 2010 www.coloradochiropractic.org Inside this issue . . . Prepare for Tax Time NOW Page 1 Upcoming Education Events/Meetings for 2010 Page 2 NEW Colorado 2009-11 CE Requirements Page 2 CCA eUpdate Purpose and Policies Page 4 2010-11 CCA Board of Directors Page 5 CBCE Contact Info Page 5 CCA President’s Message: THE POINT Page 6 NEW Radiation/X-Ray Safety Guidelines Page 8 Castle Rock Chiropractor and Adopted Boys Visit DC Page 10 Fighting Denials on Auto Insurance Claims Page 14 club CCA: Vendors Supporting Chiropractic Page 16 Fund for Chiropractic Progress Targets Employers Page 17 Caring About Standards at Chiropractic Colleges Page 19 JOIN CC PAC Club - Donate NOW Page 24 CC PAC Club Contributors Page 25 View from Sherry’s Desk Page 26 Member Appreciation + ENHANCED Members Page 27-28 Insurance/Medicare/Trailblazer Assistance Page 29 Mission Statement The mission of the Colorado Chiropractic Association is to protect, promote, and expand the ethical and professional practice of chiropractic in the state of Colorado. continued on page 3 ‘Organizing your financial records and planning your financial future will pay huge dividends in the long run.’ The best financial decisions are made with the benefit of time, thoughtful consideration, and trusted professional advice. As tax time approaches, take the time to prepare for sound long-term financial decisions and minimize expenses, taxes, and the headache of organizing your finances at the last minute. Organize Your Tax Records Early In preparing for this year’s tax filing, begin to organize tax records including year-end investment statements, capital gains and losses from asset sales, transaction records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements (W-2s), records corresponding with deductible expenses such as property taxes and insurance, business income and expense records, etc. Some of these will not come until January or February of the following year. Review Your Insurance Coverages At least once each year, gather your insurance records together and review the adequacy of your insurance policies. Be sure to evaluate all coverages, including life insurance, disability income insurance, homeowners insurance, auto insurance, liability insurance, renters insurance, long-term-care insurance, etc. CHECK LIST for Year-End Financial Planning by Christina C. Hanneman and Daryll Pryor of SWAN Financial Freedom

Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado ... · records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements

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Page 1: Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado ... · records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements

CCE 911 Standards ChallengedPage 19

Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado chiropractic since 1917.

eUPDATEVolume 20, No. 12 December 2010


Inside this issue . . . Prepare for Tax Time NOW Page 1

Upcoming Education Events/Meetings for 2010 Page 2

NEW Colorado 2009-11 CE Requirements Page 2

CCA eUpdate Purpose and Policies Page 4

2010-11 CCA Board of Directors Page 5

CBCE Contact Info Page 5

CCA President’s Message: THE POINT Page 6

NEW Radiation/X-Ray Safety Guidelines Page 8

Castle Rock Chiropractor and Adopted Boys Visit DC Page 10

Fighting Denials on Auto Insurance Claims Page 14

club CCA: Vendors Supporting Chiropractic Page 16

Fund for Chiropractic Progress Targets Employers Page 17

Caring About Standards at Chiropractic Colleges Page 19

JOIN CC PAC Club - Donate NOW Page 24

CC PAC Club Contributors Page 25

View from Sherry’s Desk Page 26

Member Appreciation + ENHANCED Members Page 27-28

Insurance/Medicare/Trailblazer Assistance Page 29


Mission StatementThe mission of the

Colorado Chiropractic Association is to protect, promote, and expand the ethical and

professional practice of chiropractic in the state of Colorado.

continued on page 3

‘Organizing your financial records and

planning your financial future will pay huge

dividends in the long run.’

The best financial decisions are made with the benefit of time, thoughtful consideration, and trusted professional advice. As tax time approaches, take the time to prepare for sound long-term financial decisions and minimize expenses, taxes, and the headache of organizing your finances at the last minute.

Organize Your Tax Records EarlyIn preparing for

this year’s tax filing, begin to organize tax records including year-end investment statements, capital gains and losses from asset sales, transaction records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements (W-2s),

records corresponding with deductible expenses such as property taxes and insurance, business income and expense records, etc. Some of these will not come until January or February of the following year.

Review Your Insurance CoveragesAt least once each year, gather your insurance

records together and review the adequacy of your insurance policies. Be sure to evaluate all coverages, including life insurance, disability income insurance, homeowners insurance, auto insurance, liability insurance, renters insurance, long-term-care insurance, etc.

CHECK LIST for Year-End

Financial Planning by Christina C. Hanneman and Daryll Pryor

of SWAN Financial Freedom

Page 2: Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado ... · records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements

December 2010



EASY ON-LINE Registration at www.coloradochiropractic.org/registration/events.cfmCCA’s web-based seminars (INCLUDING documentation) also available at cca.peachnewmedia.com

Upcoming Events

CE Hour requirements for 2009-2011 NEW Colorado relicensing period:

15 CE hours between August 1, 2009 & October 31, 2010 AND 15 CE hours between November 1, 2010 and October 31, 2011Must have valid health care provider level CPR card AND ALSO NEW at least four hours total of

clinical chiropractic documentation every two years (instead of two every year previously required).▲

Saturdays and Sundays DABCI INTERNIST DIPLOMATE series in DENVER - Next Seminar December 4 & 5 - CONTINUED in 2011-12DABCI 2010 to 2012 Internist Diplomate Series - over 25 seminars!Take entire series OR individual weekend 12 CE hour seminars. 2010-2012 register on CCA web site - download brochure for info and all dates.

THERE’S STILL TIME to earn YOUR CERTIFICATION Saturdays and Sundays: 2010: December 4-5, 2011: January 8-9, February 5-6, March 5-6, April 2-3, May 7-8, May 21-22ACUPUNCTURE - Initial Certification Series with Dr. Russ Fasolino, Dr. Ivo Waerlop, and Dr. Michael Springfield. Earn the required hours to be certified to perform acupuncture under your Colorado chiropractic license. Individual seminars may also be taken for refreshers OR to explore adding acupuncture to your practice. All seminars at CCA Conference Center. (Note: national test required for Colorado accreditation under chiropractic act)

Wednesday, December 8 CCA District 1, 2, 3 Meeting - 6:30 p.m. - ONE hour of CE at Golden Hotel in Golden, CO. Sponsored by The Spine Institute. FREE event!

Tuesday, December 14 CCA District 6 Meeting - 6-9 p.m. - ONE hour of CE at CAM 2501 Kachina Dr #106, Pueblo. RSVP for FREE event 877-334-5317 or 719-544-2009

CCEP Seminars for 2011: January 15-16, February 26-27, March 12-13, April 16-17, May 14-15, June 11-12, July 9-10NEW CCEP Program become a Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner OR take individual seminars. 15 CE hours each seminar.Register with Dr. Kevin Hearon at 208-375-7431.

Saturday and Sunday, January 22-23Amplify Your Practice in the Virgin Islands - Electro-acupuncture for 10 hours of CE with Mike Springfield, DC, Dipl. Ac. Frenchman’s Reef Marriot, St Thomas, Virgin Islands. To register call 970-330-2171

Saturday and Sunday, February 4-5Neuro Nutrition with Dr. Dan Murphy. 12 hours of the LATEST RESEARCH in neurology and nutrition. Embassy Suites Denver SE.

THURSDAYS MORE DATES TO BE ANNOUNCEDCCA BOARD MEETINg - Board meetings are typically bi-monthly on Thursday - please check with the CCA for exact dates, times and locations. All CCA members are welcome to attend - however, agenda items are due in the CCA office two weeks prior to meeting.

WEDNESDAYS: 2011: JANUARY 5, FEBRUARY 2, MARCH 2, APRIL 6, MAY 4, JUNE 1, JULY 6, AUgUST 3, SEPTEMBER 7, OCTOBER 5 NOVEMBER 2, DECEMBER 7Mesa County Chiropractic Association Meeting. First Wednesday each month 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at UTEC Culinary Restaurant at 2508 Blichman Ave in Grand Junction. You may order ahead by calling 970-255-2641. Please contact Dr. Wes Sheader for more information at [email protected] or 970-254-2954.

TUESDAYS: 2011: JANUARY 11, MARCH 8, MAY 10, JULY 12, SEPTEMBER 13, NOVEMBER 8Colorado Women’s Chiropractic Association Bi-Monthly Meeting. 7-9 p.m. CCA Conference Center. Meetings are the second Tuesday of odd-numbered months. Each meeting features a guest speaker and an open forum for ideas and discussion. Contact Dr. Rebecca Noren for more info (303) 984-1111 or [email protected].

THURSDAYS: 2011: JANUARY 27, MARCH 31, MAY 26, JULY 28, SEPTEMBER 29, NOVEMBER 10Colorado State Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CSBCE). Meetings generally start at 9 a.m. Location is 1560 Broadway, Denver. Check the board’s web site for room and agenda: www.dora.state.co.us/chiropractic/boardmeetings.htm

Standing Meetings

Page 3: Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado ... · records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements

December 2010



Articles, reports, letters, opinions, advertisements, statements, and editorial

comments in this publication do not necessarily represent the position of the CCA. Please see page 4 for the complete CCA eUpdate

statement of purpose.

Store Your Documents SafelyAll your hard-to-replace legal and financial documents should be stored

in a safe and fireproof location. Consider renting a safe-deposit box at your local bank or credit union, or purchase a fireproof lockbox from your local office supplies outlet. Documents you should store include wills, trusts, powers of attorney, titles of ownership (your home, cars, etc.), Social Security cards, birth certificates, photographic negatives, list of personal possessions, and so forth.

Review Your Estate PlanDoes your will still fairly reflect your personal wishes for the distribution

of your assets? Have the personal or financial circumstances or your beneficiaries significantly changed over the past year? Have you considered a gifting program to move assets from your estate to those you wish to enrich? Have you reviewed your estate plan in light of changing estate tax laws or changes in your personal financial position?

Prepare to Minimize Your Income Tax LiabilityConsider estimating your federal and state income tax liabilities

periodically to ensure proper withholding levels and quarterly estimated tax payments. This will prove especially important if you sell significant assets during the year or experience large swings in your income level. Consider maximizing your deductible expenses and savings such as qualified retirement plans, charitable giving, deductible expenses, etc. Review your 401Ks and IRAs for Roth conversion potential. There is still time! Be careful to meet all IRS dates and deadlines for withholdings and filings.

Review and Improve Your Balance SheetThe one true path to financial independence over the long term is

increasing your long-term saving and decreasing your debt. If you are not maximizing your tax-deductible employer sponsored retirement plans and your individual tax-advantaged saving plans, evaluate your monthly cash flows with an eye toward increasing your monthly saving. The other side of your balance sheet, the liabilities side, is equally important in maintaining a healthy personal financial position. Every effort should be made to eliminate completely the need for short-term debt (credit cards and debit balances) and to efficiently manage your long-term debt (mortgages).

Simplify Your Financial HoldingsSimplifying your financial holdings can eliminate much of the drudgery of

financial recordkeeping. If you have credit cards you don’t use, cancel them and eliminate the extra statements. Consider consolidating your credit lines to the greatest extent possible. Review your investment holdings for non-performing assets or redundant accounts and consolidate your investments.

Financial, continued from page 1

continued on page 4

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December 2010



To Sum Up...Although you may be able to think of more exciting ways to spend your

time, organizing your financial records and planning your financial future will pay huge dividends in the long run. Do what you can on your own and seek professional advice from a trusted advisor where additional planning needs to be done.

SWAN Financial Freedom’s President Christina C. Hanneman, and CEO Daryll Pryor have nearly 50 years combined experience in the financial services industry. They have advised clients on investment

and retirement strategies, advised public and private companies on capital formation and directed financial public relations. Chris received her M.S. from the University of Denver, is a Colorado native and has two teenage daughters. Daryll has resided in Highlands Ranch over 20 years and has

three beautiful daughters and several grandchildren.Call for a FREE review. SWAN Financial Freedom can be reached

at 303.220.8476 (Chris) or [email protected] or 888.604.7678 (Daryll) or [email protected] or visit www.swanff.com.

Material discussed is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only and it is not to be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, please note that individual situations can vary therefore, the information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Diversification does not ensure against loss. This information is designed to provide a general overview with regard to the subject matter covered and is not state specific. The authors, publisher and host are not providing legal, accounting or specific advice to your

situation. Source: Financial Visions, Inc.

Christina C. Hanneman

Daryll Pryor

Financial, continued from page 3

The CCA eUpdate is published monthly. Its purpose is to provide news about activities of the various committees and information concerning current developments of interest to the membership. Articles, reports, letters, opinions, advertisements, statements, and editorial comments do not necessarily represent the position of the CCA. No endorsement of any item should be inferred unless specifically identified as the official policy of the CCA. All material may be edited for clarity or space, and publishing decisions are based on quality of writing, timeliness, and potential interest to the readers. The CCA eUpdate reserves the right to edit or reject all materials. The CCA eUpdate accepts advertisements and inserts from a variety of sources, but makes no independent investigation or verification of any claim or statement contained in the advertisements. Inclusion of advertisements should not be interpreted as an endorsement by the CCA of any product or service offered through the advertisement program.

Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado chiropractic since 1917.www.coloradochiropractic.org - [email protected] E. Hampden Avenue #B-7 Denver, CO 80231-4929 - 303-755-9011 OR 800-829-0339

Page 5: Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado ... · records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements

December 2010



Colorado Chiropractic AssociationThe voice of Colorado chiropractic since 1917.

8751 East Hampden Avenue #B-7Denver, CO 80231-4929

(303) 755-9011 or (800) 829-0339 Fax (303) 755-1010

e-mail [email protected]

Chairman of the BoardTimothy Murphy, DC

PresidentMichael Springfield, DC, Dipl. Ac.

1st Vice President (President-Elect)Nelson Vetanze, DC, CCEP

2nd Vice PresidentJoe Dziezgowski, DC, CCSP

Secretary-TreasurerSteve Schuster, DC, LCP

District 1 Director/AlternateRhonda Jackson, DC/Ronald Bray, DC

District 2 Director/AlternateJames Farrell, DC/Robert Nelson, DC,

DACBSP, FICCDistrict 3 Director/Alternate

Craig Warhurst, DC/Craig Pearson, DCDistrict 4 Director/Alternate

Greg Crawford, DC/Aaron Koepp, DC, DABCO,CCSP,CCST

District 5 Director/AlternateRobert Palmer, DC/James Whidden, DC

District 6 Director/AlternateSteven Mooring, DC/OPEN

District 7 Director/AlternateRandy Roman, DC/Michael Treinen, DC

District 8 Director/AlternateDavid Dickerson, DC/OPEN

District 9 Director/AlternateShandy Grady, DC/Lea Yoder, DC

Directors at LargeChad Kesner, DC, DACBSP, CCCN, CEDP

John Murzyn, DCK. Patrick Ray, DC

Kelvin Washington, DC, DACBSP, Dipl., Ac.Jill Hutter, DC (alternate)

Executive DirectorJoyce M. Martello

Communications DirectorVineta Campau

Membership AdministratorSherry Picotte

Reprinting of materials is granted, except for materials indicated as copyrighted or reserved, but only upon giving credit to the CCA eUpdate in the reproduction. Reproduction of any other material without credit is prohibited, and if you want to quote or reproduce from any item, call or write for information and permission. Copyright(C) 1989 to present Colorado Chiropractic Association

It is YOUR responsibility as a Colorado doctor of chiropractic to know, understand and adhere to the Practice Act under which you are licensed. To view the Statutes, Rules, and Board Policies for Colorado doctors of chiropractic, visit:


Colorado State Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE)

Program DirectorDino [email protected]

1560 Broadway, Suite 1350

Denver, CO 80202

MAIN (303) 894-7800(303) 894-7764 - Fax

Licensing [email protected] of practice [email protected]


January 27, 2011March 31, 2011 May 26, 2011 July 28, 2011 September 29, 2011 November 10, 2011

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December 2010



The Pointa message from

2010-11 CCA President Michael J. Springfield, DC, Dipl. Ac.

‘I am excited to continue

the legislative progress the

CCA has enjoyed during the last several years. ’

Again, I hope this article finds all of you Well Adjusted. The CCA Board is spending many hours of time focusing on the political future in Colorado. I am excited to continue the legislative progress the CCA has enjoyed during the last several years.

We will continue to protect spinal manipulation at the State Capitol. This legislative session, the Naturopaths are more organized than ever before. Naturopaths want to add spinal manipulation to their practices. We will oppse that effort vigorously.

The acquisition of Terrance Carroll, who technically is still the Colorado Speaker of the House, is our legal counsel and regulatory consultant. He is officially the CCA’s attorney and has a good working knowledge about chiropractic. He is now in law practice with a very large firm that can handle all of your attorney needs: Greenberg Traurig, LLP

- www.gtlaw.com. Please support him as he is supporting and defending the profession of chiropractic.

There has been quite the buzz about the new x-ray rule changes initiated by the Radiation Control Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Plan on attending your local district meetings to get the full story, but I will attempt to simplify how this will affect all of us who take x-rays (see Page 8 for a summary). The new rules were effective on July 1, 2010 - enforcement will be required on your next recertification date. You’ll want to start preparing NOW so you’ll be able to continue taking x-rays without interuption. Unfortunately, the new rule changes apply to ALL X-RAY machines (chiropractic, dental, veternary, etc) and are viewed to be “protecting the pubic” so they are unlikely to be changed. The good news is that if you choose not to upgrade to digital (which also will have new sets of rules) and you take a lower number of xrays, you should be able to use a “step wedge.” Talk to your x-ray recertifier about the options that fit your needs.

We have secured the beautiful Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center for the 2011 CCA Convention. The 2011 Convention is scheduled for mid-September - we’ll have the exact dates soon. Make sure to put it on your calendars as soon as possible. The venue was absolutely splendid last year. The 2011 Convention will follow a “Choose Your Own Adventure” educational format. There will be choices in speakers with topics that affect our practices. The focus this year is definitely FUN. With powerful sponsors, there will be ample free food, drink and entertainment. If you are a sports fan, there are already many scheduled professional athletes who will attend different

continued on page 7

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December 2010



You’ve got to eat until the case settles!

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Delayed or lost reimbursements.Turnover in office personnel.Cost of reprocessing rejected claims.Supplies and postage.

Let us help you get back to major med billing!Still not sure you need a billing service? Call us. . .



2010-11 CCA President Michael J. Springfield, D.C., Dipl. Ac.

functions. This is going to be the best Convention EVER!

The 2011 Convention also will put new energy in your staff this year. The CCA will have motivational staff training that will be sure to put a smile on your front desk person. By bringing your staff to visit the vendors, it should decrease your overhead by allowing real time to make price comparisons.

Please! Encourage your non-CCA colleagues to join the CCA. Those who are not contributing to their professional association are benefited by being protected though the time, money and commitments from CCA members. Non members are leeches. I don’t care what happened in the past - this is the New CCA.

”If we do not hang together, we shall surely hang separately”- Thomas Paine, 1737-1809.

President’s Message, continued from page 6

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December 2010



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December 2010





Chiropractic Liability Insurance

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Page 10: Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado ... · records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements

December 2010



Castle Rock chiropractor Dr. Janet Kerin became a first-time Mom at age 47 - to THREE BOYS. After a long homeless history in Denver with their alcoholic mother, the boys were placed in foster care for over two years in five different foster homes. Dr. Kerin arrived just in time so that the boys would not be placed in separate homes. Their official adoption day is November 21, 2008.

Cody, 10, put the spotlight on the family when he entered a poem (see sidebar) in a national contest organized by Voice for Adoption www.voice-for-adoption.org. His poem was selected from more than 5,000 entries as the best example in the country of changing the lives of children in foster care. In November, he and the Kerin family were invited to Washington, DC. Cody read his poem and his brother Joe spoke about being an adopted teenager in front of 150 attendees including members of the US Congress, White House Representatitives, the Federal Children’s Bureau, the National Department of Human Services and other child advocates and families. President Obama is an advocate for foster care adoption recently proclaiming a National Adoption Day.

The family is being invited back to Washington, DC in the spring by the National Depatment of Human Serivces to give another presentation.

Continued on page 11

Adoption Dayby Cody Kerin, age 10

I was happy, I was happy and I was bouncing off the wall,until my new mom calmed me down with football.

My old life was sad and meanand my new life let me start clean.

The stories I could tell you if only you could hearwere sad and terrible and full of real fear.

In my old days I was hit and I cried,today my reflection shows a boy with pride.

Three years ago there were days that I would almost die,but Thank God he found my new mom and she helped me survive.

My old parents were lost and had no clue how to cope,but it was my new mom who gave me love and hope.

My new mom opened her heart and took me and my brothersand that is what I call the very best of mothers.

I’ve told you my story and I gave you a peek,Adoption is important, so please hear us speak!

Adoption, it took a very long while, butI look at my new family and we all have a smile!

On the steps of the US Capitol Buidling just after the speech.Clockwise from top:

Cody, 10 - Joe, 17 - Brandon, 7

Back Tracksbringing you news from your colleagues in Colorado and beyond. . .

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December 2010



The Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland.

Clockwise from top: Dr. Kerin, Joe, Cody, Brandon.

Cody, Joe, and Brandon in front of the White House.

The morning of the speeches. Cody, Dr. Kerin, Brandon, and Joe.

Back Tracks, continued from page 10

Link on you Tube to Cody’s speech:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaOuVa5scxoOR visit www.youtube.com and seach Cody Kerin adoption speech

There will be a follow up story on the Kerin family on December 2 in the Colorado Community Newspapers (access www.coloradocommunitynewspapers.com and search for “Forever Family” or “Kerin Family.”

Future plans for the family include arranging for illustration and publication of Cody’s poem, a book by Dr. Kerin due out in a couple of years, and fostering of a couple more boys in 2011!

If you would like to help with donations to assist the family in paying the trip expenses, make checks payable to “Send Kerin Boys to Washington, DC” and mail to Colorado Community Bank, 500 N. Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104.

Page 12: Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado ... · records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements

December 2010


eUPDATEPaid Advertisement

continued on next page


Nutri-West & the CCA Present:

Dan Murphy, DC; D.A.B.C.O.

“Nutritional Neurology”

12 CE credits in CO!

Dr. Murphy powers up with nutritional information for the professional, presenting a fascinating approach to the chiropractic connection. Including NEW material on neurology/neurodegenerative diseases, and the recent research showing the best protocols for nutritional support! Also, most people should be removing a mineral you have been told is essential – it’s correlated to bad stuff, even Alzheimer’s. Join us for the latest and the greatest! New research on vitamin D and how to use it/test for it. New nutrients in the news! And much more!!!

When: Dates: Feb 5 (Saturday) and Feb 6 (Sunday), 2011 Times: 9-6 pm Saturday, 9-noon on Sunday.

Where: The Embassy Suites (Denver SE) 7525 East Hampden Ave Denver, CO 80231 303-696-6644

Cost: CCA members: 250.00 (DCs), 150.00 Students/ Retired DCs; Non-CCA members: 350.00 (DC’s), 190.00 Students/Retired DCs* Early Bird Registration Promotion: Sign up by Jan. 7th and receive a $25.00 discount on a future CCA or NW seminar.

Colorado Chiropractic Association

Register ON-LINE now - click anywhere on ad below

Page 13: Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado ... · records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements

December 2010


eUPDATEPaid Advertisement continued from previous page

Get the cutting edge science on nutrition and chiropractic!

This highly acclaimed and energetic seminar inspires all those who attend. Use Dr. Murphy's special knowledge and techniques to make

your practice even more dynamic!!

Voted Educator of the Year Numerous Times, Dr. Dan demystifies biochemical pathways and covers autism, pain/inflammation, brain/nerve function, cardiovascular function, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune, infection, and other organ support, ALL in a Chiropractic model! Dr. Dan Murphy will provide you with unparalleled expertise in the understanding, assessment and treatment of conditions relating to the relationship of essential fatty acids, neurology and nutrition in relationship to cellular function. Get ready to put the pieces together!

Register Online with the CCA at:


(Check page 1 for Dates, Times, and Place)

Register ON-LINE now - click anywhere on ad below

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December 2010



Colorado Chiropractic AssociationThe voice of Colorado chiropractic since 1917.

8751 East Hampden Avenue #B-7Denver, CO 80231-4929

(303) 755-9011 or (800) 829-0339 Fax (303) 755-1010

e-mail [email protected]

Under the old PIP law, the Division of Insurance created very clear regulations governing the dispute process when an auto carrier contested payment of an insured’s medical bills. As many of you recall, during the Independent Medical Examination (IME) process, the Division generated a list of 5 providers to conduct the IME. The insurance company was allowed to cross out two names and the insured was allowed to cross out two names. The doctor that remained conducted the exam and issued opinions. The exam had to be conducted by someone in the same specialty as the provider whose bills were being disputed. For example, in cases involving denial of chiropractic care, the IME physician needed to be a chiropractor and so forth. If the patient lived in Denver, he couldn’t be required to attend an IME, for example, in Colorado Springs.

In the world of med pay, these regulations and processes do not exist. When I am asked whether the old PIP guidelines still apply, my answer is, they do not. However, they are certainly evidence of what is reasonable, and they can be used as such. In recent months, I have become aware that some med pay carriers are using medical treatment guidelines, such as Medical Disability Advisor, to deny care. One situation that commonly arises where treatment guidelines are being used is that your patient may have multiple overlapping conditions which the segmented treatment guidelines do not account for. I spoke with one chiropractor whose patient suffered from arthritis, low back pain, and sprain/strain, each of which had a different allowance for care under the guidelines being used.

If your bills are denied, it is important to find out if there is a formal appeals process and follow that process. You should inquire whether the carrier is using guidelines to deny care and if so, find out which guidelines they are using. You should request a copy of the guidelines and demonstrate why those general guidelines do not fit your patient’s situation. Let’s take another example— the diagnosis is facet joint injury and the adjustor is

using a guideline pertaining to sprain/strain. Clearly the use of such a guideline would inappropriate in that circumstance. Diagnosis is crucial in determining whether the guideline is appropriate.

I am sometimes asked by chiropractors, “How much can my bills be for me to get paid?” There is no magic number in response to this question. The answer is that your bills have to be appropriate and reasonable based

The Use of Treatment guidelines by Insurance Companies

by Melissa Winthers, Attorney

continued on page 15

‘In recent months, I have become aware that some med pay carriers are using medical

treatment guidelines to deny care. ’

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December 2010



Articles, reports, letters, opinions, advertisements, statements, and editorial

comments in this publication do not necessarily represent the position of the CCA. Please see page 4 for the complete CCA eUpdate

statement of purpose.

Melissa Winthers, Esq

on the diagnosis and the individual health history of your patient. Your bills have to be in line with the customary rate for the charges in the community. Your patient’s subjective complaints, objective findings, treatment, and outcome all have to be clearly documented in your notes. If no one can read your notes, you aren’t going to get paid.

If a patient needs care beyond what the guidelines suggest or beyond the limits of med pay, then you may consider working on a lien. I have previously addressed the pros and cons of working on liens as well as the important issue of notice when it comes to liens. If you have any questions about liens or about any of the issues addressed in this article, please contact me.

Melissa Winthers is an attorney at Fleishman & Shapiro P.C. She represents people who have been injured in collisions and can be reached at 303-861-1000 or [email protected].

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Treatment Guidelines ,continued from page 14

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December 2010



Alpha Medibill SolutionsFlora Sweed 303.644.5860

billing services - see ad on page 7

www.centerpointins.comNick Arky 303.785.9553

malpractice and business insurancesee ad on page 9


cash discount program - see ad on page 15

club membersclub CCA members provide on-going support for the CCA and

the chiropractic profession through advertising, donations, and the excellent products and services they provide to Colorado DCs.

www.nutriwest.netLynn Toohey, Phd - 866-271-8888

nutritional supplements and education see ad on page 12-13

Town and Country Foodswww.townandcountryfoods.com

Chandra Marx - 303-680-1000 x 565Natural Foods - Home Delivered

see ad on page 18

Vendors: Find out how YOU can become a club CCA member athttp://www.coloradochiropractic.org/headlines/files/ClubCCA2.pdf

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December 2010



In 2009, the F4CP (Foundation for Chiropractic Progress) sponsored the development of a report that attempted to answer the question - Do Chiropractic Physician Services for Treatment of Low Back and Neck Pain Improve the Value of Health Benefit Plans. The study, authored by two prominent medical researchers (Arnold Milstein, MD, Mercer Health and Benefits and Niteesh Choudhry, MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School) confirmed

that chiropractic care was the most efficient and cost effective option for both conditions. The document, also known as the Milstein report, was communicated to major business and healthcare websites – as well as every member of congress.

This year, a panel of health experts analyzed the report during the 2010 Innovators Summit on Chiropractic Services, sponsored by the Center for Health Value Innovation. The panel, which was comprised

of medical directors of major businesses, included Foundation board members, Dr. Gerard Clum (Life West), Laura Carabello (CPR Communications) and Dr. Mark Zeigler (Northwestern Health Sciences). The result of summit was the development of a White Paper (authored by two medical directors who participated in the summit), which concluded that there is sufficient basis for plan sponsors to reevaluate their current chiropractic benefit.

To view the full report and learn more about the results of the analysis, please visit the Foundation website, www.f4cp.com or click here: Full Report.

After the White Paper was released, the Foundation sponsored a webinar to help educate chiropractors on the importance and value of the findings. The webinar included presentations from Laura Carabello, Dr. Zeigler and Dr. Clum who all had a major role in the production of this paper. If you were unable to attend and would like to review the full webinar, please visit the Foundation homepage and click the green Free Webinar button.

In November, the Foundation will also be distributing a copy of the report to all attendees of the 2010 National Business Coalition on Health annual conference held in Washington, DC. The Foundation will also be exhibiting at the event where they plan to share this information with attendees which include a number of influential health care execturives, consultants, associations, and leaders.

This article appeared in the F4CP November 17, 2010 issue of the F4CP enewsletter was reprinted with permission. Visit www.f4cp.com to donate or for more information.

F4CP Communicates with Employer Community

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December 2010



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December 2010



Colorado Chiropractic AssociationThe voice of Colorado chiropractic since 1917.

8751 East Hampden Avenue #B-7Denver, CO 80231-4929

(303) 755-9011 or (800) 829-0339 Fax (303) 755-1010

e-mail [email protected]

Few organizations dictate the direction of the Chiropractic profession more than the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE). CCE is the agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education for accrediting schools offering the “doctor of chiropractic” degree. The CCE along with the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) really dictate what will be taught at a chiropractic college. However, to say that certain actions by CCE have been controversial over the years is an understatement. Furthermore, to insinuate that CCE acts as an impartial entity not biased in any one direction is ridiculous.

As an example, CCE viciously attacked Life University’s accreditation, several years ago now, leading to a hearing on June 6, 2006 where CCE and the incestuous nature of the organization (and affiliates) were referred to as having “cartel” control over the profession. Dr. Denardis, as one of the individuals hearing the case for the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity stated,

“Battles over turf, battles over philosophy, maybe battles over personal ambition, but divisions of every kind. And some of this, maybe most of it, is a consequence of, at least as I see it, a monopoly control of a profession which has led to the establishment of a virtual cartel…”

The essence of the above quote pretty well sums up our profession. The cartel control of the profession breeds the bitter battle mentality that we deal with on a regular basis. It is the minority at the top (‘cartel’) demanding it be their way or the highway that breeds the internal problems in our profession. The majority (the rest of us in the Chiropractic Profession) is obviously sick of it; suggested by the fact that most of the profession will not join a national association.

CURRENT PROBLEMNow the CCE is at it again. The CCE has “Standards” which are used to

determine if a Chiropractic school can obtain accreditation. These Standards are a necessity to have guidelines for judging whether students are being prepared to practice responsibly. It so happens that the CCE Standards are being re-written and have been available for review and comment until September 24, 2010; though most of the profession has not been made aware of this?

There are 4 basic components of the proposed Standards that have brought on the ire of much of the profession:

1. A proposal to expand the degree programs accredited by the CCE beyond the D.C. degree to “equivalent” degree offerings

CCE has taken an unprecedented step by declaring that they can offer accreditation for degree programs other than the DC degree. To top it off, these “other degree equivalents” are determined by CCE! This has long been a goal of the “Chiropractor as Primary Care Physician” camp. National University already uses the phrase “Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine” (DCM) on its website and in describing its program within CCE materials. Again this is the next step to push for tiering of the profession. And now the CCE seems to be conspiring in this goal.

CCE “Cartel” is at it Again by Joe Betz, BS, DC

continued on page 20

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Articles, reports, letters, opinions, advertisements, statements, and editorial

comments in this publication do not necessarily represent the position of the CCA. Please see page 4 for the complete CCA eUpdate

statement of purpose.

2. The elimination of any and all references to the concept of subluxation, vertebral subluxation or vertebral subluxation complex

One would think that identifying subluxation and correcting subluxation would be an important part of a chiropractic education program. Apparently CCE doesn’t agree. All references to subluxation have been removed from the proposed Standards. A school no longer needs to teach its students to take an X-ray, learn about subluxation or even how to adjust a patient!

3.The elimination of the section addressing the “Purpose of Chiropractic Education” which includes the references to the profession being oriented toward health care “without the use of drugs and surgery.”

Should chiropractic colleges teach that chiropractic is a drug free healing profession? CCE no longer thinks so. This and other very important “identity” elements have been removed from the requirements under one of the most important sections of the current Standards describing the “Purpose of Chiropractic Education”. Apparently the CCE wants the profession to get in on the pharmaceutical game. Could this be driven by monetary incentives or future prospects of the $$$$ to come our way by dishing out the internal organ destructive candies of our era? I’ll let the reader decide.

4.The modification of the term and definition of “Chiropractic primary care physician”

The proposed Standards have shifted the image of a DC from a “primary care Chiropractic physician” meaning portal of entry, able to diagnose doctor to “chiropractic primary care physician” meaning primary care physician in the traditional medical sense referring to MD’s and DO’s. This theme is obvious throughout the changes in the Standards.

DISCUSSIONThe four changes presented above amount to an unprecedented attack

on Chiropractic as a drugless healing profession focused on adjusting a patient’s spine. CCE appears to be pushing for a segregated profession where some colleges can teach pharmacology (with the intent of prescribing), surgical procedures, etc. all under the guise of a fabricated “Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine” (DCM) program. Then these DCM’s can go practice (and be certified by the state) as an “advanced” chiropractic physician in New Mexico.

The assault on our profession from within has reached unprecedented levels. If the silent majority does not speak up and do so very quickly, the chiropractic profession as we know it will cease to exist. You can no longer go into your practice and just adjust your patients and go home. You need to work to protect what we have inherited. It is our responsibility.

CCE, continued from page 19

continued on page 21

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December 2010



CALL TO ACTIONFirst, please join your state association, ask what you can do to help

them, and request that they oppose this cartel’s actions. Second, join a national association that represents your interests and request that they respond to this cartel’s actions.

We’ve heard this so many times, but now it rings louder, clearer, and with more certainty than ever: A divided profession topples over at the slightest push, but a united profession can resist most all forces and stand the test of time. If the majority of the Chiropractic profession belonged to one of its associations, said association could speak with strength, power and certainty and have the where-with-all to back it up.

References of Interest1.Click here to view the full text of the latest version of the proposed CCE

Standards online:http://www.cce-usa.org/uploads/Draft__2_Standards_Combined.pdf2.ICA and CBP Researchers have developed model comments on

the CCE new proposed Standards. Please click here to view these model comments:

http://members.chiropractic.org/asset/docs/MODELCCECOMMENTS.doc3.Dr. Gerry Clum (President of Life Chiropractic College West) has

succinctly summarized the CCE proposal in the following clipping from his positional paper found at http://www.lifewest.edu/ccerevisions.shtml

CCGPP Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters, Chiropractic BioPhysics, Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE)

Dr. Betz serves as a ICA Board Member, PCCRP Board Member, and Idaho Chiropractic Association Board Member. He maintains a private practice in Boise, ID and is also a CBP Instructor.

Copyright AJCC (American Journal of Clinic Chiropractic). Reprinted with Permission from October 2010, Vol. 10, #4.

Colorado Chiropractic AssociationThe voice of Colorado chiropractic since 1917.

8751 East Hampden Avenue #B-7Denver, CO 80231-4929

(303) 755-9011 or (800) 829-0339 Fax (303) 755-1010

e-mail [email protected]

CCE, continued from page 20

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December 2010


eUPDATEPaid Advertisement

300 Hour Chiropractic Family Practice Diplomate Program

Name:__________________________________________________________ Address:______________________ City/ State:_________________ Zip:________ Phone:_______________________ State: _______ License #: ___________


$300 per session — 10 days prior to seminar $325 — less than 10 days.. or at the door

Chiropractic Students — $150 per session SACA members — $125 per session

For more Information: Call 970-344-1262 or email [email protected]

Credit Card # ___________________________________ Expiration ______________Type of Card ___________ Fax to 970-532-9838 or Mail Checks to: Gateway Natural Medicine 1211 Lake Avenue, Berthoud, CO 80513








CHIROPRACTIC FAMILY PRACTICE Following ACA Guidelines for Wellness Education

Sponsored by: ACA Council on Diagnosis & Internal Disorders & National University of Health Sciences

LICENSE RENEWAL APPLIED FOR IN CO, NM, UT, WY, NE, OR ….. National University of Health Sciences

Denver, CO

DABCI Seminars

continued on next page

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December 2010



Course Continuing Education

Denver, Colorado 2010-2012

*Every attempt is made to offer these seminars as publicized; however, we reserve the right to adjust seminar locations, dates, times, etc. due to circumstances beyond our control. Program continuation is contingent upon adequate attendance. No audio or video tape recorders are allowed, and no portion of the seminar may be reproduced in any manner without expressed written consent. Pre-registration is required. DABCI Seminars shall not be held responsible for any expenses incurred by registrant if a program must be altered and/or cancelled. Seminar fee is non-refundable. If the Doctor is unable to attend after pre-registering and payment has been received, the seminar fee will be transferred to another Seminar (attended within 12 months of the original seminar). Any seminar fee not transferred and used within 12 months will be forfeited.

Send Registrations to: DABCI Seminars 1211 Lake Avenue Berthoud, CO 80513 Phone: (970) 344-1262 Fax: (970) 532-9838 [email protected]

Seminar Location: Holiday Inn & Suites Denver Airport, 6900 Tower Road Denver, CO 80249 303-574-1300

Seminar Hours: Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am to Noon

Registration Information: $300 per session If received 10 days prior to seminar $325 per session Less than 10 days out, or at the door

Chiropractic Students $150 per session SACA Members $125 per session Checks Payable To: Gateway Natural Medicine

Module I

Session 1, Aug. 7-8, 2010 Kleber Introduction to Chiropractic Internal Disorders Session 2, Sept. 11-12, 2010 Kleber History Taking Module II

Session 3, Oct. 9-10, 2010 Bowers General Examination and Associated Pathology Session 4, Nov. 6-7, 2010 Strehl Disease and Examination of the Pelvis Module III

Campus Session at NUHS Physical Exam Workshop Howard Session 6, Dec. 4-5, 2010 Kleber Multi-Channel Blood Chemistry, CBC, Thyroid Session 7, Jan. 8-9, 2011 Kleber Additional Blood Test/Tumor Markers Session 8 Feb. 5-6, 2011 Kleber Blood Interpretation Workshop Module IV

Session 9, Mar. 5-6, 2011 Kleber Cardiovascular Disease: Prevention/Diagnosis/Management Session 10, Apr. 2-3, 2011 Anderson EKG & Phonocardiography Module V

Session 11, May 14-15, 2011 Richardson Pharmacognosy/Herbal Therapy Session 12, June 4-5, 2011 Kleber Chronic Degenerative Disease Session 13, Aug. 6-7, 2011 Howard Pediatrics Module VI

Session 14, Sept. 10-11, 2011 Spirometry & Pulmonary Disease Kleber Session 15, Oct .1-2, 2011 Anderson Geriatrics Session 16, Nov. 5-6, 2011 Kleber Urinary Disorders & Hair Biopsy Module VII

Session 17, Dec. 3-4, 2011 Howard Immunology & Allergy, Part 1 Session 18, Jan. 7-8, 2012 Kleber Allergy, Part 2-Management of the Hypertensive Patient

Module VIII

Session 19, Feb. 4-5, 2012 Kleber Common Diseases Affecting the Arterial System Session 20, Mar. 3-4, 2012 Bowers Evaluating Vascular & Venous Disorders by Instrumentation Session 21, Apr. 14-15, 2012 Peripheral Disease Workshop Santelli Module IX

Session 22, May 5-6, 2012 Taylor Facts of Neoplastic Process & Examining the Cancer Patient Session 23, June 2-3, 2012 Kleber Malignant Disease & AIDS; their Management and Treatment

Module X

Session 24, Aug. 4-5, 2012 Kleber Upper GI Disease Session 25, Sept. 8-9, 2012 Strehl Lower GI Disease Module XI

Session 26, Oct. 6-7, 2012 Kleber Reports, Clinical Documentation and Drug Reactions

Paid Advertisement - continued from previous page

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December 2010



CC-PAC Club (Colorado Chiropractic Political Action Committee) Contribution Pledge Form

Contributor’s Name(please print):______________________________________________________Date form completed:______________________


Day Phone:____________________________________________________ Evening Phone:______________________________________________

FAX:____________________________________________________________ E-mail:__________________________________________________

Credit Card#:_______________________________________________ Exp Date:_____________Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover

Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________Date: ________________I authorize the CC-PAC Club to initiate debit entries to my credit card as specified below. This agreement will remain in affect unless I notify the CC-PAC Club in writing to cancel it.

CC-PAC Club OPTIONS (please check one): DC Please charge my credit card $100 NOW - then semiannually $50 on January 1 AND $50 on June 1

CA Please charge my credit card $50 NOW - then annually $50 on January 1

SPOUSE/FAMILY/FRIENDS Please charge my credit card $50 NOW then annually $50 on January 1

PATIENTS Please charge my credit card $25 NOW then $25 annually on January 1

CC-PAC club Colorado Chiropractic Political Action Committee c/o CCA8751 E. Hampden Ave #B-7, Denver, CO 80231 - CC-PAC Chair Shandy Grady, DC 303-905-3493 [email protected]

Why join the club?? The CC-PAC Club is the best way to protect your patients rights and future wellness with access to chiropractic treatment in Colorado. YOUR contribution of just a little over $8 per month will be used to continue our positive contacts with our state legislators. That’s where we CAN make a difference in Colorado. Each Colorado legislative session there are issues which impact doctors of chiropractic and their patients. So, there is ALWAYS a need for a strong, well-funded PAC. Your staff, spouse, family, friends and patients can help, too.

Questions? Contact CC-PAC Club Chair Dr. Shandy Grady at 303-905-3493 or [email protected]

The fine print. . .The Campaign Finance Reform Act establishes the rules on contributions to PACs (Political Action Committees) in Colorado. The maximum contribution an individual can make to a PAC is $525 per election cycle (every two years). For example, an election cycle is from December 5, 2008 to December 2, 2010. Corporate/business checks are allowed as well as checks from individual accounts. Each family member may contribute with their own personal account, but only one contribution can be made from a joint account. (Contributions directly to CANDIDATE CAMPAIGNS: Each individual may contribute up to $400 each two-year election cycle ($200 for the primary election and $200 for the general election). A husband and wife may make a single $800 contribution if the contribution is done from a joint checking account. Be sure to include to include your current address, profession, and employer with your contributions to make it easier for the candidates to properly report. If you have any questions of whether ANY contribution is permissible or not, feel free to call our lobbyist Terry Snyder 303-629-6360.

CC-PAC ClubJoin the CLUB

See a list of PAC contributors - next page

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December 2010



CC PAC Club Members 2008-2010

Paul Austin, DC

Jason Barnes, DC

Robert Bridge, DC

Jack Cody, DC

Greg Crawford, DC

Joe Dziezgowski, DC

Jim Farrell, DC

Doug Forsstrom, DC

Roger Franz, DC

Kelly Grady

Shandy Grady, DC

Brad Gulla, DC

Rhonda Jackson, DC

Douglas Jones, DC

Rep. Joel Judd

Kloor Chiropractic

Aaron Koepp, DC

Mandy Kreager, DC

Todd Kreager, DC

Ralph Lavarta, DC

Kenneth Lim, DC

Pat Lombardi

Luis Marquez, DC

Tim Murphy, DC

See previous page for donation form





Colorado Chiropractic AssociationThe voice of Colorado chiropractic since 1917.

8751 East Hampden Avenue #B-7Denver, CO 80231-4929

(303) 755-9011 or (800) 829-0339 Fax (303) 755-1010

e-mail [email protected]

Join the CLUB CC-PAC Club

John Murzyn, DC

CCA Executive Director Joyce Martello

Rebecca Noren, DC

Robert Palmer, DC

Gary Rademacher, DC

Patrick Ray, DC

Cheryl Rodebaugh, DC

Randy Roman, DC

Jeff Roth, DC

William Salsman, DC

Steve Schuster, DC

Trenton Scott, DC

Joanne Siebert, DC

Craig Smith, DC

Scott Smith, DC

William Strempel, DC

Ken Spresser, DC

Christine Vaillancourt, DC

Nelson Vetanze, DC

Gail and John Warner, DC

Kelvin Washington, DC

Candice Weigel, DC

James Whidden, DC

Page 26: Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado ... · records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements

December 2010



by CCA Membership AdministratorSherry Picotte

Click here toJOIN THE CCA NOW

I’m sitting here with my ears fluttering, my throat’s sore and my eyes feel like someone threw sand in them and it wasn’t the sandman. It’s the change of season cold and when you get it you can’t retire to your bed with a cup of hot tea if you’re working as most of us are so you load yourself down with vitamin C tablets, Echinacea and cough drops. Remember when you were little and your mom put you to bed, rubbed Vicks on your chest and covered you up? It’s really not fair that you give up all that love and comfort when you get older, so I am proposing “Rent a Mom.” This wonderful grey haired lady with a bun and an apron comes to your house tucks you in, makes chicken soup and calls your employer to let them know you are in bed with a cold. I thought I was doing everything right to avoid getting sick this year. Took my vitamins, washed my hands and held my breath when I was around anyone showing the slightest symptoms of illness I even kept one of those little bottles of Purell Sanitizer in my purse, obviously nothing worked as I sit here doing my impression of fountain. Did you know that regular chiropractic adjustments can reduce your risk of illness? I knew this of course but did I see my chiropractor NO! I decided if I armed myself with enough preventatives I’d be safe. The only thing I didn’t do was swing a chicken around by the neck 3 times and bury it in the backyard. This is one of the “Old Wives Tales” I’m so fond of, believe it or not people really did this. Here are a few other Old Wives Tales and the facts (or fiction) behind them:

You’ll Catch Your Death Out There in the Cold!Being outside in the cold weather for a long time has absolutely nothing

to do with catching a cold. Sneezing and coughing are a good way to spread the germs around. Tell me you haven’t backed away from a sick co-worker. Viruses live longer in cold weather when the humidity is lower. This fact seems so strange to me; I always thought viruses thrived in heat - like Congo Fever. Then again, what do I know? I’m lucky if I make it to Lakewood.. The longer you are in a room with people who may have a cold or virus the better chance you have of contracting the infection.

Is It “Starve A Cold And Feed A Fever” Or Vice Versa?It’s always a good rule of thumb to keep lots of liquids and food in the

house in the cold months just in case someone comes down with a cold. This is something I’m always sure to have: food and drink -whether I’m sick or not. If you don’t eat or drink when you are ill, you run the risk of dehydration which can make you much sicker.

Take Antibiotics - They’ll Cure Your ColdAntibiotics are used to cure bacterial infections . Colds and flu are caused

by viruses and they don’t respond to antibiotics. Please don’t let a well meaning friend offer you what’s left of her prescription. They will not help cure you of a cold or the flu. It is widely known that over prescribing antibiotics can render you immune to their ability to cure bacterial infections.

This season arm yourself with GOOD SENSE, see your chiropractor and if all else fails call 1-800-RENT A MOM or stop at your nearest feed and grain store for a live chicken.

Research: Old Wives Tales Are They Fact or Fiction? Published December 15, 2008by Cathy Miller, AssociatedContenthttp://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1272916/cold_and_flu_old_wives_tales_are_they.html

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December 2010



get to know the new CCA members in your area!Please contact the doctors in your area and

welcome them to Colorado and the CCA.It’s easy - Contact information

available at needchiro.comor call the CCa 303.755.9011 or 800.829.0339


A SPECIAL Thank You to the following generous

CCA Enhanced Members

Fred Blesch, DC

Robert Borman, DC

Jennifer Crismon, DC

Elizabeth Decker, DC

Joe Dziezgowski, DC

gina gentilini, DC

glynn Hopkins, II, DC

Julie Johnson, DC

Larry Low, DC

Tim Murphy, DC

Robert Nelson, DCHonorary gOLD MEMBER

Rebecca Noren, DC

Chad Powell, DC

gary Rademacher, DC

Randy Roman, DC

Craig Warhurst, DC

Monty Wilburn, DC

The Colorado Chiropractic Association offers enhanced membership

opportunities to help support YOU, your patients, and the chiropractic profession in Colorado. Your enhanced membership will

be used to fund legislative activity at the state level AND the care and maintenance of the CCA office – the headquarters for

chiropractic in Colorado!see page 28

Thank Youto ALL CCA Members

for your support of the CCA and the Colorado chiropractic profession

to the WELCOME!

NEW Colorado Members

Laurel Butts, DCColorado Springs

John CS Cho, DCColorado Springs

Melinda Hendrick, DCDenver

Student Members

Matt Schick

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December 2010



The CCA offers enhanced membership

opportunities to help support YOU, your

patients, and the chiropractic profession

in Colorado. Your enhanced membership

will be used to fund legislative activity at

the state level, promote chiropractic to the

public, AND maintain the CCA office – the

headquarters for chiropractic in Colorado!

Active members may upgrade their memberships to include these additional features:

Bronze Membership Dues: $1,519.57 annually (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual available)

Privileges: Two CCA-sponsored seminars and the annual convention OR ski seminar each year at no charge. An Engraved Plaque for display in the doctor’s office. Recognition on the permanent Contributors Display in the CCA Conference Center. Special Introductions and Reserved Seating at the CCA Awards Ceremony. One FREE 30-day on-line classified ad. Monthly recognition in the CCA eUpdate. PLUS all the benefits of standard membership!

Silver Membership Dues: $3,019.57 annually (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual available) Privileges: Five free CCA-sponsored seminars and the annual convention each year included. An Engraved Plaque for display in the doctor’s office. Recognition on the permanent Contributors Display in the CCA Conference Center. Special Introductions and Reserved Seating at the CCA Awards Ceremony. Monthly recognition in the CCA eUpdate. THREE free 30-day on-line classifieds ads. Gift certificate for coffee/lunch/dinner. PLUS all the benefits of standard membership!

Gold Membership Dues: $5,019.57 annually (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual available) Privileges: Unlimited CCA sponsored seminars, including the annual convention each year. An Engraved Plaque for display in the doctor’s office. Recognition on the permanent Contributors Display in the CCA Conference Center. Special Introductions and Reserved Seating at the CCA Awards Ceremony. Monthly recognition in the CCA eUpdate. Free unlimited, on-line classified ads. THREE gift certificates for coffee/lunch/dinner. PLUS all the benefits of standard membership!

Please contact the CCA at [email protected] or (303) 755-9011 or (800) 829-0339 to learn more about upgrading your membership!

Enhanced Colorado Chiropractic Association


Page 29: Colorado Chiropractic Association The voice of Colorado ... · records from real estate transactions, interest and dividend records for the year (1099s), payroll and withholding statements

December 2010



Please direct INSURANCE questions

toCCA Insurance Chair

Dr. greg Crawfordemail to [email protected]

or FAX to 970-493-2105Medicare Questions - contact Dr. Crawford or

Kathy Mills Chang - [email protected] 303-470-3339

Susan McClelland - [email protected]

ResourcesCCA Medicare Documentation guide available NOW at



Trailblazer Contact Infohttp://www.trailblazerhealth.com/Medicare.aspx

Look under Medicare Part B J4

Provider Contact Center: (866) 280-6520

Customer Service - Medicare Part B J4Interactive Voice Response (877) 567-9230

Provider Enrollment: (866) 539-5596

NEW PAPER CLAIM ADDRESS as of 1-1-10Part B Claims

P.O. Box 660031Dallas, TX 75266-0031

PLEASE NOTE: Kathy Mills Chang and Susan McClelland are consultants in this arena and may require a fee for extensive questions.

Insurance Assistance