COLORADO AWHONN SECTION NEWSLETTER CONTACTS: SECTION CHAIR: Kris Rimbos, MS, RNC-OB, C-EFM [email protected] 303-902-2554 (Cell) SECRETARY/TREASURER: Neva Spencer, DNP, RN, NNP-BC/ CNS [email protected] AWHONN Mission: Promote the health of women and newborns AWHONN National Goals: Public visibility Knowledge transfer Build membership CO AWHONN Goals: -Promote AWHONN as the premier resource / organization for women and infant nurses -Advance AWHONN Initiatives at the state level -Promote public visibility and partnership with organizations with similar missions Inside this Issue: Section Chair Report: 2 Secretary/Treasurer: 3 Legislative Update: 4 Western Chapter Update: 5 Northern Chapter Update: 5 Member Matters: 6 Upcoming Events & Announcements: 7, 8, 9, 10 Welcome New Members: 11 Volume 3, Issue 4 December 2015

COLORADO AWHONN - c.ymcdn.com · for women and infant nurses -Advance AWHONN Initiatives ... brochure by late January. Our 2015-2016 CO AWHONN Section ... combined ACNM/Colorado AWHONN

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Kris Rimbos, MS, RNC-OB, C-EFM

[email protected]

303-902-2554 (Cell)


Neva Spencer, DNP, RN, NNP-BC/


[email protected]

AWHONN Mission:

Promote the health of women

and newborns

AWHONN National


Public visibility

Knowledge transfer

Build membership


-Promote AWHONN as the

premier resource / organization

for women and infant nurses

-Advance AWHONN Initiatives

at the state level

-Promote public visibility and

partnership with organizations

with similar missions

Inside this Issue:

Section Chair Report: 2

Secretary/Treasurer: 3

Legislative Update: 4

Western Chapter Update: 5

Northern Chapter Update: 5

Member Matters: 6

Upcoming Events & Announcements: 7, 8, 9, 10

Welcome New Members: 11

Volume 3, Issue 4 December 2015

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Section Chair Report Kris Rimbos, MS, RNC-OB

Happy Holidays CO AWHONN members!

As we wind down the year, it seems a perfect time to reflect on the many accomplishments our Section has

enjoyed in 2015! Two of the greatest highlights, in my mind, were establishing our Facebook page and our

annual Section conference! For many years, we have desired a Facebook page, and this

year AWHONN finally made it possible! If you have not joined yet, please do so- this is a great forum for

sharing of resources, tips and ideas (search for AWHONN Colorado). We currently have 178 members and

our 200th member to join will receive a $25 gift card! At this time, only current AWHONN members may

join the page- this is to protect your privacy. Our Section conference was held in Denver this year, hosted

about 130 participants, had an outstanding line up of poster presentations, and took our vendor hall to a

whole new level with great participation and prizes! I hope that you will plan to join us for our Section

Conference in 2016- it will be held April 21 (eve) and 22 (all day) at the Embassy Suites in Colorado

Springs off of Woodmen Rd. Our keynote speaker will be Renee Thompson: “Celebrate Nursing: Human

by Birth - Hero by Choice". Our conference planning committee is up and running and putting togeth-

er a great line up of topics and speakers. Watch for a Save the Date in December and full conference

brochure by late January.

Our 2015-2016 CO AWHONN Section goals included: increasing membership and sense of community;

advancing AWHONN national initiatives; and promoting advocacy and partnership. Here are some

successes we achieved in these areas: We increased membership by *100* members in 2015 (bringing us

to 571 members)!! We involved nursing students in our Section conference to expose them to their

professional nursing organization. We promoted AWHONN initiatives such as the Diaper Drive and the

Go the Full 40 campaign. We provided member discussion forums through our Section and Chap-

ter meetings and our Facebook page. We partnered with ACOG and ACNM on the Maternal Morbidity and

Mortality conference and increased our presence as an exhibitor at organizations with similar mis-

sions. We continue to have a presence at our state capitol and with our legislators, lobbying for the needs

and interests of women and babies.

Looking forward, we still have much we want to achieve. Much of our work will be determined by

YOU! We want to insure that your membership is value added and that you have ample opportunity to

participate in CO AWHONN, in whatever way is meaningful to you! Therefore, we are again holding our

annual Survey of membership to determine where to focus our efforts in 2016. Please take a few moments

to complete the survey (link emailed to members) and provide us with your valuable ideas!

As we begin to plan for 2016, we will continue our commitment to move meetings around the state to

engage all of our membership. We will continue to encourage your participation at CO AWHONN events

and in the organization. We hope that you choose to take an active role in your organization, as it is very

rewarding and fun! We currently have need for an Education / Evidence Based Practice Coordina-

tor. Please contact me if you would like more information, and know that mentoring is available! Also,

2016 will bring an end to the terms of Neva and I. I have exhausted my terms as Section Chair and Neva is

looking for a replacement as well. We want the great work of CO AWHONN to continue, and are looking

for interested parties that would like to develop the future of this organization! Please reach out to us if you

would like to learn more! Until next time, I wish you peace and joy this holiday season and a blessed New


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Colorado AWHONN


CO AWHONN Section Chair:

Kris Rimbos


Nina Spencer

Northern CO Chapter


Karen Moore

Denver Chapter


Rachelle Woods

Western CO Chapter


Amy Lavigne

Southern CO Chapter





Nicole Downs

Evidence Based Practice/

Education Coordinator:




Izzi DeSilver

Anita Roberts

The holiday season can bring on both feelings of joy and stress and in an effort

to hopefully decrease some of your stress I wondered if there were opportunities

for you to save a little money during this time of year. Not surprisingly

AWHONN has many opportunities! Did you know that on the AWHONN

website under “Member Center” there are many travel and hotel discounts and

insurance and financial products available? There is even shopping

opportunities in over 1700 stores, including places like Walmart, Target, Bed

Bath & Beyond and Ulta, that if you select AWHONN as your “cause” a

percentage of your purchase is donated to AWHONN.

The fall has been a successful time for Colorado AWHONN and we have had the

opportunity to financially support several member activities. We have tried to be

good financial stewards of the resources we receive from the National office and

profits from the 2015 Annual Conference. We have been able to support the

combined ACNM/Colorado AWHONN Legislative Happy Hour, a Chapter

meeting on the western area of Colorado, and the Harvey Cohen M&M

educational meeting. Since we are a very active Section with many meetings and

educational opportunities our finances require constant oversight. Despite funding

several projects we remain in good fiscal standing and will be able to pay some

expenses in 2015 for the 2016 year such as a retainer for our keynote speaker for

the 2016 Colorado AWHONN Annual Conference. I have received confirmation

from the National office that our budget was approved and we are doing well!

Secretary / Treasurer Report- Neva Spencer,


Happy Holiday Season! Whichever holiday you celebrate, I

hope you are surrounded by family, friends and enjoy all that

you are doing!

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Legislative Happenings! State News: For the next legislative session in Colorado, we are looking at support for the Pregnant workers

Fairness Act sponsored by Senator Ulibarri (D) and Rep Faith Winter (D). The coalitions that are interested

in this are 9-5 Colorado and ProgressNow CO, and NARAL CO. We spoke about it with the staffer at

Michael Bennet's office and also wrote him and Senator Gardner at the National level about this issue.

Pregnancy is not classified as a disability per se but sometimes it is like one when your hours are limited for

various conditions. When accommodations cannot be made, this leaves the nurse in the positon of choosing

their health or their job! At the National level the bill is HR 2654. You can pull it up on AWHONN website.

We are glad to see a bill at the State level to support this need.

We are looking at a place for legislators to have to use a breastpump. Can you believe that there is no place

available at our State Capitol? Rep Diane Primaverra is helping us with this concern.

Federal News: On November 25th, the Protecting our Infants Act passed!!! This will provide funding to

require the AHRQ to do Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome research in order to identify causes, treatments and


AWHONN supports Bringing Postpartum Depression out of the Shadows Act, a bipartisan bill that would

make grants available to States to establish, expand or maintain culturally competent programs for

screening and treatment of women who are pregnant or have given birth in the preceding 12 months for

maternal depression.

On November 20th, the Supporting Working Moms Act was introduced. This legislation will expand a

mom’s right to breastfeed with salaried employees having a private place to pump. Current law already

protects hourly wage earners.

Advocacy ideas: There is a new tool that AWHONN has that you can put on your phone and makes it super

easy to look at bills and email Reps and Senators. It is called ENGAGE. We have posted this info on the

Colorado AWHONN Facebook page.

We are planning to have a presence at the State Capitol once a month on Tuesdays. We want to form

relationships with the legislators so we can have conversation at the State level and get to know them. The

2nd Tuesday of every month is our day. Starting January 12th. We are looking at lunch and the afternoon in

order to target committee hearings. More info to come.

Colorado Nurses Association has a legislative dinner coming up on 2/9/16. There are a lot of legislators that

come and it is a great opportunity to network.

Please contact us if you are interested in becoming involved in advocating for the needs of women and their families. Even if you only have a small bit of time, it will make a difference! Izzi and Anita

[email protected] and [email protected]

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Western CO Chapter Update….Amy Lavigne, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM

We had a great turn out for our Western Slope Meeting on November 9th – approximately 18

participants from 6 different hospitals. We discussed AWHONN membership, and it was great to

see that there were only a few present that were not already AWHONN members! We discussed

ways of promoting membership at individual work sites and, hopefully, we will see some new

Western Slope members from this! Vail Valley then presented our Family-Centered Cesarean Birth

Initiative, which generated great discussion. We moved into a round-table discussion on several

topics, including simulation, postpartum hemorrhage, perinatal quality measurement, advanced

certification, and much more. We enjoyed a delicious lunch and there was tons of networking and

exchange of contact information. We reviewed and shared best practice initiatives, we celebrated

each other's successes and supported one another on our challenges. The group was super engaged,

voiced the value in having a strong Western Slope Chapter, and were excited for what's to come.

We agreed that our next meeting will be held in the spring at Community Hospital's new LDRP unit

in Grand Junction. Congratulations to Mic Zywiec for winning the Starbucks gift card door

prize! I hope to see you all at the Spring meeting in Grand Junction!

Northern CO Chapter Update….Karen Moore, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, IBCLC

CO AWHONN SECTION had a well-attended dinner meeting at Banner Fort Collins Medical

Center on Thursday, November 12. Both current AWHONN members and potential new members

gathered to socialize, learn about Colorado AWHONN activities and receive valuable education.

Some of the attendees were lucky and went home with a door prize sponsored by CO AWHONN


Dr. Michael Ruma, Perinatologist from New Mexico presented –“Planes, Pilots and Preterm Labor:

The Role of Protocols and Standardization in Patient Evaluation”. His information focused on using

protocols to assist in the diagnosis and management of preterm labor. He referenced the March of

Dimes Preterm Labor Tool Kit: http://www.marchofdimes.org/professionals/preterm-labor-

assessment-toolkit.aspx as a good example of protocol any size facility could follow. He also

focused on the role of fetal fibronectin as it relates to accurately diagnosing preterm labor.

We were very fortunate to have Hologic as our sponsor for both Dr. Michael Ruma’s honorarium

and our delicious dinner from Panera’s.


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Membership Matters

Nicole Downs, BS, RNC-OB

Our CO-AWHONN chapter currently has 571

members. That’s a lot! And in November, we reached

out to 500 more potential new members via email. We

would like to invite all the Colorado nurses in our field

to become an active part of our work through

AWHONN. If some of your co-workers ask you about

our organization, how will you answer?

What do you consider the greatest benefit of your

AWHONN membership?

Is it:

-Attending events that keep us leading our industry,

like our AWHONN state or national conferences or

section meeting presentations?

-Journals and SmartBriefs that keep you current on

Evidence-based practice related to our populations.

-Networking with other like-hearted nurses in our


-Being invited to participate with colleagues from

ACOG and ACNM at the annual Maternal Morbidity

and Mortality conference?

-Meeting (or just knowing that other members are

meeting) with legislators on issues that help women

and newborns?

-Reading and discussing articles in JOGNN and

Nursing for Women’s Health with co-workers?

-Or something totally different?

Do tell your co-workers about why your

AWHONN membership matters!

Feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions

at: [email protected]

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CO AWHONN would like to recognize and share the exciting news

that one of our own members, Suze Ketchem, will be the AWHONN

National President in 2016 (photo below)!

Suze is the Director of Women, Infant, and Pediatric Services at the

Banner Northern Colorado locations and a long time member and

supporter of AWHONN. We are pleased to have her representing us

at the National level and look forward to her continued presence at

our Section meetings and events. Please join in congratulating Suze

and look for an article in our next newsletter on some of her goals

as AWHONN President!

Congratulations also to Cyndy Krening, who was re-elected

to the AWHONN Board of Directors for a second term!

Cyndy is the Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist at St

Joseph’s Hospital in Denver, and a former CO AWHONN

Section Chair. Please join in congratulating Cyndy!

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April 21 (eve)-22 (all day), 2016; Embassy Suites, Colorado Springs

CO AWHONN Section Conference

See Save the Date, page 9

October 13, 2016 9:30am-6pm; Inverness Hotel Denver

CO AWHONN / ACNM / ACOG Maternal Morbidity and Mortality


Don’t miss this fabulous opportunity to learn from actual case stories

throughout the state!

2016 Calendar of Meetings:

We are currently working on our Section meeting schedule for 2016. Here is

a very tentative schedule:

February– Denver metro area; March– combined event with ACNM; April–

Section Conference in the Springs; May– Northern CO; June– AWHONN

National convention in Grapevine TX!; September– Grand Junction (wine

fest!); November– Denver metro **Dates and locations will be emailed in

January. Note: Chapter events will be schedule in addition to the above.

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Newsletter Photos provided by Apryl Allison Hopkins,

inquires to [email protected]

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Colorado AWHONN On Facebook!

We highly encourage everyone to join our CO AWHONN Facebook

page! Members only! We currently have only 175+ members who have joined

and with 571 current CO AWHONN Members, we know we are missing some of

you! The page is a great opportunity to network and share learnings, best prac-

tices and ideas! Once we reach 200 members, we will give away a $25 gift

card……so, encourage your fellow members to join! Congratulations to Niki

Arhnold who won a Starbucks gift card for being our 175th member!

(Membership is verified prior to adding new members to the page).


We are currently looking to fill our Southern CO Chapter Coordinator position

and our Evidence Based Practice and Education Coordinator position! If you

have wanted to get more involved in AWHONN, this is a great opportunity!!

Training and mentoring is available and you join a great team of nurses and

volunteers that help make CO AWHONN a great organization. Please email Kris

for more information: [email protected]

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Niki Arhnold Amy Bolen Tonya Chapin Olivia Cordova Susan Doughty Heather Emmerich

Jessie Grandbouche Katherine Greene Hannah Harvey Brittany Hart Patty Hausman

Jennifer Elizabeth Hergenreter Maria J. Alfante-Herold Elisa Tara Huckvale K. Joesph Hurt

Stephanie James Whittnay Keating Angela Killip Kathleen Kopacz Nancy Suzanne Laird

Lacie Leithead Stephanie Mandani Robbin Miller Melisa Moore Kelli Mossbrucker

Tarah Neam Krystal Nacole Palmer Jocelyn Leigh Porcaro Hallie Jo Rivera, BSN

Pamela Kay Robinson Cassandra L. Romero Denee' Rowe Denise Shore Catie Shumaker

Margaret Marie Smith Jessica Stratton Kelly Strohm Emily Tatar Lisa K. Thompson

Vickie Thompson Diamond Thrasher Jessie Thurber-Dean Barbara J. Tucker

Jessica LynnVallejos Sue Vigil Ashley Winter Claire Zelenkov

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