If Your Favorite Color is Yellow You have a happy disposition and are cheerful and fun to be with. You are creative, often being the one who comes up with new ideas - an ideas person who needs others to bring the ideas into reality - you tend to have your head in the clouds much of the time. With a personality color yellow, you can be very critical of yourself as well as others - you are a perfectionist. You analyze everything, all the time, and are methodical in your thinking. With a yellow personality you are impulsive and make quick decisions, but often, out of anxiety, jump in too quickly and rush things rather than taking things at a steady pace. You have a strong independent streak in you, and are selective with your choice of friends, keeping a small group of close and like-minded friends rather than being involved in team events or large social gatherings. You use your mind to achieve you goals rather than your physical energy. You tend to hide your emotions, putting on a brave face in times of adversity. You are spontaneous - you are able to think quickly on your feet and make instant decisions. You have a modern outlook. New technology doesn't faze you. You communicate well on a mental level with like-minded people, but can become bitter and sharp-tongued if crossed. You are good at networking and getting information out of others. Journalists often resonate with the color yellow. Although you find it easy to make money, you tend to spend it rapidly and unwisely. With a personality color yellow, you can be stubborn but dislike pettiness and spitefulness of all kinds. You like to think you are intelligent and well educated, with knowledge about many topics.

Color is Yellow

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If Your Favorite Color is Yellow

You have a happy disposition and are cheerful and fun to be with. You are creative, often being the one who comes up with new ideas - an ideas person who needs

others to bring the ideas into reality - you tend to have your head in the clouds much of the time. With a personality color yellow, you can be very critical of yourself as well as others - you are a

perfectionist. You analyze everything, all the time, and are methodical in your thinking. With a yellow personality you are impulsive and make quick decisions, but often, out of anxiety,

jump in too quickly and rush things rather than taking things at a steady pace. You have a strong independent streak in you, and are selective with your choice of friends,

keeping a small group of close and like-minded friends rather than being involved in team events or large social gatherings.

You use your mind to achieve you goals rather than your physical energy. You tend to hide your emotions, putting on a brave face in times of adversity. You are spontaneous - you are able to think quickly on your feet and make instant decisions. You have a modern outlook. New technology doesn't faze you. You communicate well on a mental level with like-minded people, but can become bitter and

sharp-tongued if crossed. You are good at networking and getting information out of others. Journalists often resonate with

the color yellow. Although you find it easy to make money, you tend to spend it rapidly and unwisely. With a personality color yellow, you can be stubborn but dislike pettiness and spitefulness of all

kinds. You like to think you are intelligent and well educated, with knowledge about many topics. You are good at anything that involves the mind, rather than physical pursuits. Chess,

crosswords, card games are yellow pursuits. You are a smart dresser and always dress to impress. You can be deceitful and stubborn if living from a negative perspective. You can also be arrogant, pretentious and snobbish.

Your Deepest Need

Your deepest need is for logical order in your everyday life and to be able to express your individuality by using your logical mind to inspire and create new ideas.

If you dislike yellow:

You are practical and down to earth. You may not be able to cope with change at this point in your life. You prefer to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground and are skeptical of new ideas that

haven't been proven. You like to think before you leap - you are not impulsive or spontaneous.

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The Color Yellow

The color yellow is the color of

the mind and the intellect

This color relates to acquired knowledge. It is the color which resonates with the left or logic side of the brain stimulating our mental faculties and creating mental agility and perception.

Being the lightest hue of the spectrum, the color psychology of yellow is uplifting and illuminating, offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun.

In the meaning of colors, yellow inspires original thought and inquisitiveness.

Yellow is creative from a mental aspect, the color of new ideas, helping us to find new ways of doing things. It is the practical thinker, not the dreamer.

Yellow is the best color to create enthusiasm for life and can awaken greater confidence and optimism.

The color yellow loves a challenge, particularly a mental challenge.

Within the meaning of colors, yellow is the great communicator and loves to talk. Yellow is the color of the networker and the journalist, all working and communicating on a mental level. Yellow is the scientist, constantly analyzing, looking at both sides before making a decision; methodical and decisive. Yellow is the entertainer, the comic, the clown.

Yellow helps with decision making as it relates to clarity of thought and ideas, although it can often be impulsive. Yellow helps us focus, study and recall information, useful during exam time.

The color yellow can be anxiety producing as it is fast moving and can cause us to feel agitated.

Yellow has a tendency to make you more mentally analytical and critical - this includes being self critical as well as critical of others.

Yellow is non-emotional, coming from the head rather than the heart. Yellow depends on itself, preferring to not get emotionally involved.

Yellow is related to the ego and our sense of self worth, to how we feel about ourselves and how we are perceived by others.

ellow is the most highly visible of all colors which is why it is used for pedestrian crossings. Take note of the crossings which are marked in white - they are less easy to see than those marked yellow, particularly on wet and cloudy days.

If you are going through a lot of change in your life you may find you can't tolerate the color yellow very well - this will usually pass. It just means that you are having trouble coping with all the changes at the

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moment and yellow vibrates too fast for you, making you feel stressed. Introduce green or a soft orange into your life for a while to balance and restore your energies. Many older people don't respond well to large amounts of yellow because it vibrates too fast for them.

If your favorite color is yellow, it will reflect in your personality! Personality color yellow will give you more information on this.

If you are thinking of using yellow in a business application, read about the meanings of colors in business.

Positive and Negative Traits

Positive keywords include: optimism, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, fun, good-humored, confidence, originality, creativity, challenging, academic and analytical, wisdom and logic.

Negative keywords include: being critical and judgmental, being overly analytical, being impatient and impulsive, being egotistical, pessimistic, an inferiority complex, spiteful, cowardly, deceitful, non-emotional and lacking compassion.

Yellow Represents:

Mind and intellect: From a color psychology perspective, yellow stimulates our mental faculties; it activates the left or analytical brain.

Happiness and fun: Yellow is uplifting to the spirits; yellow helps create enthusiasm for life and can awaken greater confidence and optimism.

Communication of New Ideas: Yellow is related to the expression and integration of new ideas and thoughts.

Effects of Yellow:

Creative: The color of new ideas, yellow helps us find new ways of doing things.

Quick decisions: Yellow helps with clear thinking and quick decision-making but it can also be impulsive.

Anxiety producing: Yellow is fast moving so too much time in its presence can agitate and lead to nervousness and emotional instability.

Critical: Yellow makes people more mentally analytical and self critical of both themselves and others.

Non-emotional: Yellow relates to the head not the heart.

Variations of the Color Yellow

Light Clear Yellow: This color helps to clear the mind, making it open and alert.

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Lemon Yellow: Lemon yellow promotes self-reliance and a need for an orderly life. This yellow increases our sensitivity to criticism.

Citrine Yellow: Citrine is a superficial and fickle color. It encourages the serial relationship hopper, the teaser, with unstable emotions. This yellow can be deceitful and retreats from responsibility.

Golden Yellow: This yellow is the color of the loner with an intense curiosity and interest in investigating the finer details of its interests. Golden yellow is sensitive to criticism.

Cream: Cream, tinted with a hint of yellow, encourages new ideas. However, this very pale color can also indicate a lack of confidence and a need for reassurance.

Dark Yellow: The darker shades of yellow indicate an inclination toward depression and melancholy, lack of love and low self-worth. Dark yellow relates to the constant complainer and the cynic.