If Your Favorite Color is Silver With a favorite color silver, you are intuitive and insightful and have a strong connection with a higher spiritual guidance. You tend to be introspective, often preoccupied with your own world. In your search for meaning and fulfilment you sometimes isolate yourself from others as you reflect and ponder on the deeper questions of life. If you love silver, you are imaginative and creative, particularly in expressing yourself with the written word. Making speeches, writing poetry and writing novels are three means of self-expression you may be drawn to, allowing you to satisfy your need to fantasise and reflect. With a personality color silver, you are open to trying new things and exploring any new opportunities that are presented to you. Change does not frighten you, in fact you welcome it. Resourceful and flexible, and open to new possibilities, success often comes easily to those who love the color silver. You will try almost anything once! If living positively as a personality color silver, your wisdom, self-control and sense of responsibility, will usually assist you to make good decisions fairly quickly. However if living negatively you will find it difficult to make decisions, sitting on the fence as you waft between one choice and another. As a silver personality, you tend to have an understated air of sophistication, dignity and classiness about you. With a combination of good looks, talent and personality many would deem you to have luck on your side. You are gracious, gentle and non-aggressive with strong values and morals. While you can be romantic and loving, you don't let your heart overrule your head in romantic matters. You can sometimes be moody as you are affected by the lunar cycle and the ebb and flow of the tides.

Color is Silver

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Page 1: Color is Silver

If Your Favorite Color is Silver

With a favorite color silver, you are intuitive and insightful and have a strong connection with a higher spiritual guidance.

You tend to be introspective, often preoccupied with your own world. In your search for meaning and fulfilment you sometimes isolate yourself from others as you reflect and ponder on the deeper questions of life.

If you love silver, you are imaginative and creative, particularly in expressing yourself with the written word. Making speeches, writing poetry and writing novels are three means of self-expression you may be drawn to, allowing you to satisfy your need to fantasise and reflect.

With a personality color silver, you are open to trying new things and exploring any new opportunities that are presented to you. Change does not frighten you, in fact you welcome it.

Resourceful and flexible, and open to new possibilities, success often comes easily to those who love the color silver. You will try almost anything once!

If living positively as a personality color silver, your wisdom, self-control and sense of responsibility, will usually assist you to make good decisions fairly quickly. However if living negatively you will find it difficult to make decisions, sitting on the fence as you waft between one choice and another.

As a silver personality, you tend to have an understated air of sophistication, dignity and classiness about you. With a combination of good looks, talent and personality many would deem you to have luck on your side.

You are gracious, gentle and non-aggressive with strong values and morals. While you can be romantic and loving, you don't let your heart overrule your head in

romantic matters. You can sometimes be moody as you are affected by the lunar cycle and the ebb and flow

of the tides. Being a personality color silver, you are quite modern and futuristic in your outlook,

rather than being sentimental and looking to the past for inspiration. If your favorite color is silver you can be conceited and snobbish with a sense of

superiority over others. From a negative perspective, you could be living a life of delusion and deception as you

sometimes dwell in an unrealistic fantasy world. You will find both your negative and positive qualities reflected back to you time and

time again until you take action to change them.

Your Deepest Need

Your deepest need is to find deep meaning and spiritual fulfilment in your life.

If you dislike silver:

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You don't like the sleek modern hi-tech look of silver. You aren't the sophisticated elegant type, more the down to earth practical type. You may not be open to new ideas and opportunities - you fear change. It may not be colorful enough for you, and too similar to gray. Silver may be too emotional for you.

The Color SilverThe color of illumination and reflection

The color silver has a feminine energy; it is related to the moon and the ebb and flow of the tides - it is fluid, emotional, sensitive and mysterious. It is soothing, calming and purifying.

From a color psychology viewpoint, it signals a time of reflection and a change of direction as it illuminates the way forward. It helps with the cleansing and releasing of mental, physical and emotional issues and blockages as it opens new doors and lights the way to the future.

With its reflective and sensitive qualities silver inspires intuition, clairvoyance and mental telepathy. It reflects back any energy given out, whether it is positive or negative.

In the meaning of colors, it is associated with prestige and wealth. It is seen as a glamorous, sophisticated color related to female energy, prosperity and modernity.

Silver restores equilibrium and stability to both feminine power and spiritual energy. It protects itself from outside negativity, reflecting the energy back to where it began.

This color is very versatile, being shiny, modern and hi-tech on one hand and alluring, sparkling and elegant on the other.

From a color psychology perspective, silver is respectable and courteous, dignified, self-controlled, responsible, patient, determined and organized - it relates well to the corporate world and those in positions of responsibility, whether they are male or female.

In color psychology, with a balance between black and white, silver is seen as a good critic, unbiased and compassionate with a mature sense of justice.

Traditionally silver represents the celebration of the 25th anniversary and is related to the graceful aging of those with silver colored hair.

It is a color that works well with most other colors - it illuminates and reflects the energy of those colors which surround it.

The color silver has similar energy to gray but it is more light-hearted and optimistic.

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From a negative aspect, silver can be indecisive and non-committal, dull and lifeless in a colorless world, neutral, cold and insincere. It can be deceptive and two-faced.

If your favorite color is silver, it will reflect in your personality! Personality color silver will give you more information on this.

If you are thinking of using silver in a business application, read about the meanings of colors in business.

Positive and Negative Traits of Silver

Positive keywords include: illumination, reflection, feminine power, balancing, calming, soothing, dignity, glamour, self control, responsibility, organization, insight, wisdom, modern, sleek, hi-tech and scientific

Negative keywords include: dull, melancholy, lonely, lifeless and colorless, rigid, negative, neutral, indecisive, insincere, deceptive

Silver Represents:

Illumination: silver opens the mind and lights the way forward.

Reflection: it reflects back the energy sent out, whether that energy is positive or negative.

Prestige and Wealth: silver is seen as glamorous and sophisticated, and relates to the professional and corporate market.

Feminine Power: it is related to the femininity of the moon's energy, sensitive, emotional and fluid.

Effects of Silver:

Calming and soothing: its gentle and comforting qualities relate to the sensitivity of the moon's cycle of ebb and flow.

Lifeless: the colorless energy of silver can lead to negative feelings of coldness, indecision and being non-committal.

Dignified and responsible: silver is respectable and courteous, mature and determined, wise and organized.