Colonization debate

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  • 7/29/2019 Colonization debate


    Amelia Tan, Marcelo Mendes, Friday 11-12, 26/03/2011

    Was all colonisation bad? Or were there some benefits to the natives of the colonised lands?

    Generically speaking, there are always pros and cons to every situation. For example, take a look at

    the English when they colonized Australia. Their treatment of the aboriginals was deplorable, and

    despite laws currently in place to help the natives improve their situation, the future does not look

    too bright. On the other hand, I would say that New Zealand hasnt done too badly for itself. The

    Maoris are doing well for themselves and are in a much better place than the aboriginals, in respect

    to education, healthcare etcetera. Thus, these two examples do show the possible consequences of

    colonization. At the beginning of colonization, the scenes would not have been pretty.

    Colonization, in the earliest stages, would have been brutal. The reason? if you invade a population

    for its natural resources, you risk wiping them out.(Trailer for Battle L.A) But of course, Battle: L.A

    was talking about aliens invading Earth, not the colonization of lands on Earth. Nonetheless, this

    statement still holds a certain truth. Because, following the rationale that humans colonize for

    resources, what would happen if they find that the resources are already in use by the natives? They

    fight for it, or try to coerce the natives into giving up their rights to the resources.

    Two other downsides to colonization as stated in the textbooks is firstly, the Europeans exposed

    the native Americans to the various diseases that they carried. It resulted in a large population of

    deaths. And secondly, colonization results in the extinction of certain languages and culture. This is

    due to the colonizers wish to implement their religion, political system and into the land that they

    just found. Although this may seem a little gloomy, there are good effects to colonization.

    From a personal point of view, I would think that I wouldnt have had the upbringing I have should

    the British did not colonize Singapore. The colonization of Singapore has helped the country, in

    bringing its economic levels up, healthcare, rapid industrialization. The Four Asian Tigers, for

    example, are the four most developed countries in Asia, and it includes Singapore, South Korea,

    Taiwan and Hong Kong. And two of those countries (Singapore and Hong Kong) have ties to British

    colonialism. In view of this fact, I would say that being colonized was not too bad, because if we

    were, in the unlikely chance, colonized by the Chinese, my life would have been very different.