ocial Media for the Job Searc

Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

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Presentation to the Colonial Jobseekers group in NC. A high-level overview of the benefits and steps to using Twitter and Facebook in your job search.

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Page 1: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

Social Media for the Job Search

Page 2: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewFundamentals of Any Search

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Targetingo Industryo Companyo Role

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Positioningo Experienceo Expertiseo Achievement

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Page 4: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

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Relationship Buildingo Peerso Influencerso Hiring Managers

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Closingo Qualificationo Interviewo Negotiation

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Page 6: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewFundamentals of a Social Search

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Targeting Positioning

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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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Page 7: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewUnique Benefits of Social MediaPublic eye… Open door…

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ClosingQuickTime™ and a

decompressorare needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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Page 8: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewTwitter Basics - HomeTweet Stream

Tweet about work

“Retweets” @replies

Search words

Page 9: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewTwitter Basics - ProfileYour tweets

Tweet to peer



Search for people

Page 10: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewFacebook Basics - Group / Page

Hiring manager



Page 11: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewFacebook Basics - Profile


Find pages/groups


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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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Targeting Who’s being social?o Companieso Industry assoc’s

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o Follow/Likeo Listen/monitoro Interact

Fundamentals of a Social Search

Page 13: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewFundamentals of a Social SearchPositioning

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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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How can you share your expertise?

o Share articleso Join conversationso Complete profiles

Page 14: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewFundamentals of a Social Search

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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Who’s being social?o Hiring managerso Peerso Influencerso Followo Join conversationso Add value

Page 15: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewFundamentals of a Social Search

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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QuickTime™ and a decompressor

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Is your online persona consistent?

o Unified messageo Supporting linkso Professional polish

Page 16: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewSmall victories…

Page 17: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewSmall victories…


Page 18: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewSmall victories…

$100, 43 clicks, 700k impressions

Page 19: Colonial Jobseekers - Social Media for the Job Search

OverviewAction Steps…

1. Pick 3 target companies2. Find their employees on Twitter,

follow them3. Find the Facebook page, Like it4. Search for the company name or

product on Twitter, join in the chat, share their articles

5. Repeat…