Collingswood Presbyterian Church August 9, 2015 30 Fern Avenue, Collingswood, New Jersey 08108 Telephone: 856-854-4523 Website: www.collingswoodpres.com E-mail: [email protected] The Rev. Dr. Katherine G. Killebrew, Pastor William Powell, Director of Music Gretchen Kolecki, Director of Christian Education Janis Danielewicz, Secretary Chris Keeley, Custodian

Collingswood Presbyterian Church · 08/11/2012  · In memory of Nolan and to honor Alison on their birthdays Sunday School ñ No children’s activities. Sunday School will resume

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Page 1: Collingswood Presbyterian Church · 08/11/2012  · In memory of Nolan and to honor Alison on their birthdays Sunday School ñ No children’s activities. Sunday School will resume

Collingswood Presbyterian Church

August 9, 2015

30 Fern Avenue, Collingswood, New Jersey 08108

Telephone: 856-854-4523

Website: www.collingswoodpres.com

E-mail: [email protected]

The Rev. Dr. Katherine G. Killebrew, Pastor

William Powell, Director of Music

Gretchen Kolecki, Director of Christian Education

Janis Danielewicz, Secretary

Chris Keeley, Custodian

Page 2: Collingswood Presbyterian Church · 08/11/2012  · In memory of Nolan and to honor Alison on their birthdays Sunday School ñ No children’s activities. Sunday School will resume
Page 3: Collingswood Presbyterian Church · 08/11/2012  · In memory of Nolan and to honor Alison on their birthdays Sunday School ñ No children’s activities. Sunday School will resume


August 9, 2015 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Silent Prayer We offer a harvest of praise to you, Spirit of joy and wonder.

You pour out your gentleness upon us, so we might be energized to do what is right. You patiently sit

down to teach us, using bold print so we might learn lives of service, gratitude and humility, if we but trust

enough to listen to you. Amen Prelude Welcome and Announcements

We welcome you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Please sign the guest book in the narthex so we can send you a welcome packet.

Gathering of Prayer Concerns and Joys Please raise your hand to share your joys or concerns to be included in the prayers of the people this day. You may also write your concern on the pink sheets and hand to the Pastor. Please mail a prayer card from the narthex to your loved one.

Centering Music - “Spirit of the Living God” GTG #288 Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me Melt me; mold me; fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. (Please stand for items marked with an asterisk. GTG is the purple “Glory to God” hymnal. STF is the “Sing the Faith” smaller blue hymnal)

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Call to Worship Leader: The One who commands the clouds calls us to be poured out for others. People: We can, by faith, be the waters of peace which quench the fires of hatred. Leader: The One who creates mercy and hope, longs for a world of fair play and grace. People: We can, by faith, let righteousness and justice be our constant companions. Leader: The One who is with us in every moment composes a love-song for our hearts. People: We can, by faith, teach this song to everyone we meet.

*Hymn - “Let Us Build a House” GTG #301 tune - Two Oaks

*Prayer of Confession Leader: When we were children, we learned not to touch hot

things so we would not be burned. If only avoiding sin was that easy! But sin seems so comfortable, so easy, and so harmless that we cannot stop ourselves from reaching out to touch it over and over again. Let us confess our sins to the One who chooses to forgive us and love us unconditionally, as we pray together, saying, People: Yet once more, we come to you with our prayers, Holy God. Our crippling spirits keep us from following you. Our grudges weigh us down until we cannot walk straight in your way. Our anger becomes a fire which scorches our friends and loved ones. Our fears blind us to the goodness in those we believe to be different. Forgive us, God our Rock, and set us free from our wrong-doings and failures. From the day of our birth, we have known your love, grace, and hope. So may we offer you our joyful thanks, as Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, reaches out to touch us with your healing forgiveness, yet once more.

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Silence is kept *Word of Assurance Leader: God chooses not to turn a deaf ear to us, but to listen to our prayers. God chooses not to shame us, but to save us. People: This is, indeed, good news for us! We are set free to drink deeply from the waters of life. Thanks be to God! Amen. *Response “Spirit of God” STF # 2117 Spirit of God in all, we gladly hear your call, the life in our hands that sings, the power of your wings. Born of grace we rise, love shining in our eyes, held in your hands, borne on your wings. Alleluia! Come Spirit come! Alleluia! Come Spirit come! *Sharing of the Peace Leader: The peace of Christ be with you. People: And also with you.


Sacrament of Baptism


Questions to the Parents and Congregation

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*Affirmation of Faith - Apostle’s Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.



Welcome to God’s Family Sienna Rain Perrin!

Song - “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry” GTG #488 tune - Waterlife I was there to hear your borning cry; I’ll be there when you are old. I rejoiced the day you were baptized to see your life unfold. I was there when you were but a child with a faith to suit you well; in a blaze of light you wandered off to find where demons dwell. I was there to hear your borning cry; I’ll be there when you are old. I rejoiced the day you were baptized to see your life unfold. Special Music - “I Believe in God the Father” Music by David Gambrell Recorder duet Jane Trent & Will Powell

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Old Testament Lesson - Daniel 3:16-28 (page 808) Responsive Reading - Jeremiah 23:23-29 (page 712) Leader: Am I a God near by, says the Lord, and not a God far off? People: Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them? says the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? says the Lord. Leader: I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy lies in my name, saying, “I have dreamed, I have dreamed!” People: How long? Will the hearts of the prophets ever turn back—those who prophesy lies, and who prophesy the deceit of their own heart? Leader: They plan to make my people forget my name by their dreams that they tell one another, just as their ancestors forgot my name for Baal. People: Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let the one who has my word speak my word faithfully. What has straw in common with wheat? says the Lord. Leader: Is not my word like fire, says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?

*Hymn “As a Fire Is Meant for Burning” STF #2237 Gospel - Luke 12:49-56 (page 950) Sermon: “Earth Wind Fire Rain - Starting a Fire” The Rev. Dr. Katherine Killebrew

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“God of Glory, you alone are my heart’s desire. I callout to you O Lord, once again set my soul on fire.

May it burn with love’s passion deep and true, setting fires just for you. “ - Jennifer Page

Musical Meditation “Shepherd Me” Music by Marty Haugen Recorder duet Jane Trent & Will Powell *Doxology #606

“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.”

* Prayer of Dedication

Prayers of the People Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you.

Leader: Let us pray. Prayers of Praise, Thanksgiving, and Intercession. All: Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

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*Hymn - “Though I May Speak” GTG #693 tune - Gift of Love *Benediction *Congregational Response - “Amen” *Postlude

Please join us in the lounge for

and fellowship time.

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A new

kind of fire, and

new speech brought to voice:

words that are flames through walls that divide;

language that’s praise sung in harmonies of the Spirit;

inclusive vocabulary of love. Drink deep the new wine of freedom, all slaves. Dream as equals, world’s sons and daughters. See the visions of the kingdom of peace.

Wherever wind blows the Spirit will flow:

the fire that quenches

our thirst

for God’s love

Page 11: Collingswood Presbyterian Church · 08/11/2012  · In memory of Nolan and to honor Alison on their birthdays Sunday School ñ No children’s activities. Sunday School will resume

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Large print bulletins and hymnals are available for your convenience. If you have difficulty hearing, personal amplifiers are available in the

narthex. Parents, please pick up a worship activity bag for your children.

Please return the bags to the narthex after the service.


for your service!

Worship Leaders: Carol Longmire Deacon of the Day: Karen Mazak Greeter/Ushers: Darin Pfeifer & Joe Russell Flowers: Given by Marjorie Miller & Family In memory of Nolan and to honor Alison on their birthdays

Sunday School: No children’s activities. Sunday School will resume in September.

Nursery is for children aged birth to 3 years old. Children and par-ents can play in the air conditioned meeting room (next to the nursery).

If you are a visitor, please sign the Fellowship book in the nar-thex so we know you are here! Please join us for coffee fellow-ship in the lounge.

REMINDER: Your church does not close for the summer, it especially needs your pres-ence, your prayers, your talents, your financial support during this “vacation” time. Also, please don’t forget to send in your pledges or do-nations before you leave for vacation!

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FROM YOUR DEACONS Its summertime and the kids are home from school…that means no more school lunches. St. Paul’s Food Pantry has a tremendous need for cold cereal, tuna, canned meat, jelly and mayonnaise. PLEASE HELP! We are asking for donations of decaf coffee and “goodies” for adults and children (e.g. goldfish, pretzels, etc.) for Sunday fellowship. Once again the Deacons are collecting school supplies to fill back-packs for financially struggling families. Our goal this year is at least 21 backpacks. At the back of the sanctuary is the collection table for supplies and a poster with index cards of the supplies needed. Please take a card and help us fulfill our goal. OR give a donation and allow the Deacons to do the shopping. OR fill a backpack on your own and return it by the end of August. A special thanks to VBS for getting us off to a great start. Donations can be given to Karen Mazak, Lorrie Heuser, Louanna Sills or put in the offering marked "Deacon back-packs". Thanks Karen Mazak

Victory Garden We need people to pick produce from our Church garden and take to the Collingswood Food Pantry. If you have abundant produce from your home gardens and wish to share, please leave on the ta-ble in the narthex.

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Page 14: Collingswood Presbyterian Church · 08/11/2012  · In memory of Nolan and to honor Alison on their birthdays Sunday School ñ No children’s activities. Sunday School will resume

“We Make the Road by Walking”

Join in on “all church” study of this book written by

Brian McClaren.

Purchase at Amazon or christianbook.com

Paperback $11.99


Phone App $9.99

or see Pastor Kate for a free copy!!!


Sun., 8/9 10:30 am - Worship 11:30 am - Fellowship Time - Lounge Church Fix Up Day Mon., 8/10 7:00 pm - Session Meeting Thurs., 8/13 11:00 am - Staff Meeting 6:00 - 8:00 pm - Kaleidoscope Kids Open House Sun., 8/16 10:30 am - Worship 11:30 am - Fellowship Time - Lounge WEEKLY COMMUNITY USE Spring of Life Church:

Sunday - 1:00 - 2:30 pm - Sanctuary (& nursery) 2:30- 5:00 pm Dining room Wed. & Fri. - 8:00 - 9:30 pm - Jr. Rm.

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Birthdays: Vanessa Ross & Michael Genghini Seminarians: Chris McNabb and Noha Khoury Those who serve in government, our military personnel, & those who work in other countries. Our country, our president, and our leaders Military personnel - Jennifer Riippa Jessica Lowden - working in Ghana

Those at home or in care facilities Elizabeth Baggett Harry Binder Robert Johnson

Dorothy Varnum Eleanor Kelley Pray for Health and Wellness Ray Burns Sam Jang Do-Soon Bob Lowden Carol Rowand Jay Sills Cass Burns Carolyn Moffett Bob Whenna Rachel Minnick Art Moffett Marion Mills Paul Ziegler Sal Ferraro Jean Fink Jane Heinle Cindy Kielbania Diane Blakesley Lori Hunter Ruth Hanson Donald Sharp Diane Gebert Chris Johnson Ziegler Paul Young Charles Dunlevy Paul Beatty

Please pick up a prayer card in the narthex and mail it to these loved ones for whom we pray.

Rev. Debby Brincivalli & Staff of West Jersey Presbytery First Presbyterian Church of Moorestown, Moorestown, NJ

Our PCUSA mission in Zimbabwe Juan G. Hall Presbyterian Church, Cardenas, Cuba

Njikob Presbyterian Church, Cameroon

If you are going into the hospital or would like a pastoral visit, please call or have a family member call the church office or one of the deacons or elders.

If you don’t call, we are going to assume you don’t want a visit!

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Our Vision Statement (What we want to be)

We seek to become:

A church that witnesses to the community

and the world by sharing and demonstrating our relationship

with Christ.

A church that encourages all people to know God’s great love

revealed in Jesus Christ.

A church that faithfully listens for God’s will for our lives and

our community

A community of God that is an open, inviting, caring family of

faith where all are embraced, accepted and loved.

Our Mission Statement

(How we will accomplish this vision)

The Collingswood Presbyterian Church Congregation, as part of the

Christian Church, Presbyterian Church USA, is called to Worship and

Serve the Lord by:

Constantly seeking renewal through God’s Grace and Wisdom.

Welcoming and reaching out to all of God’s community.

Providing for education in Christian and Presbyterian principles

Ministering to everyone through community and worldwide


Sharing the Christian message as expressed in the Gospel.

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Page 18: Collingswood Presbyterian Church · 08/11/2012  · In memory of Nolan and to honor Alison on their birthdays Sunday School ñ No children’s activities. Sunday School will resume

Updates: The fire Alarm System was installed last week. (Don’t you feel safer already?) The painting of the windows in Calvin began last week and will continue to August 12th. Windows in the dining room are being replaced and painted. Thanks Gary Salmon and Nick Lesso! Radiator covers are being made or have been purchased. Open House August 13th 6-8 pm

How Can You Help?

Please keep praying that we pass all the State inspections. Pray for our director Keemia Pizzutillo and the team coordinat-

ing through the CE Committee of Session. If you are able to make a monetary donation of $25.00 or higher,

please make checks payable to Collingswood Presbyterian, memo line Kaleidoscope Kids.