College: Big Investment, Paltry Return Business Weekly Francesca Di Meglio

College: Big Investment, Paltry Return

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College: Big Investment, Paltry Return. Business Weekly By: Francesca Di Meglio. Where can your Bachelors take you. The current college graduates are facing unemployment. (Snyder, 2010) They are either taking jobs that they are over qualified for, or working for less money . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: College: Big Investment, Paltry Return

College: Big Investment, Paltry Return

Business Weekly By: Francesca Di Meglio

Page 2: College: Big Investment, Paltry Return

Where can your Bachelors take you

• The current college graduates are facing unemployment. (Snyder, 2010)

• They are either taking jobs that they are over qualified for, or working for less money

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Where can your Bachelors take you cont….

• They are also making less then the previous college graduates of 2008. (Gerdes, 2009)

• It is also taking many college graduate longer to making more than a high school graduate, due to the college loan. (Meglio, 2010)

Page 4: College: Big Investment, Paltry Return

Comparing the value of a degree….

In 2000• One million people earned

their bachelors degree. • Many positions are “college

preferred” (Wyatt, 2003)

• Only eleven percent of the college population was unemployed. (Wyatt, 2003)

In 2010• One million five hundred

thousand earned their bachelors degree. (Gerdes, 2009)

• Positions are college mandatory.

• Roughly one million eight hundred thousand degree holders are unemployed (Gerdes, 2009)

Page 5: College: Big Investment, Paltry Return


T h e s o c i a l i n fl u e n c e h a s i m p a c t e d t h e j o b m a r ke t . I t h a s b e c o m e m o re o f t h e s o c i a l n o r m to g o t o c o l l e ge a n d r e c e i v e a n e d u c a ti o n . W h a t w i l l h a p p e n i n t h e n ex t 1 0 ye a r s i n e d u c a ti o n a n d t h e j o b m a r ke t .

Page 6: College: Big Investment, Paltry Return

Ten years from now• The goal of the US president Barak Obama is

to push the American percent of college graduates from 40% to 60% in 2020. (Cunnane, 2010)

Page 7: College: Big Investment, Paltry Return

Ten Years from now cont….

Employers are going to be looking into what sets these college graduates apart.

More internships and Graduate degrees will be part of the social norm. Which could alter

the effects on the job market.

Page 8: College: Big Investment, Paltry Return

Work CitedCunnane, S. (2010, August 19). Times Higher Education. Retrieved October 21, 2010,

from Produce eight million extra US graduates by 2010? Yes we can: http://www.timehighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?storycode=413098

Gerdes, L. (2009, April 8). Most 2009 College Grads find Lower Salary Offers. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from Bloomberg Businessweek: http://www.businessweek.com/print/bschools/content/apr2009/bs2009048_818137.htm

Meglio, F. D. (2010, June 28). College: Big Investment, Paltry Return. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from Bloomberg Businessweek: http://www.bsinessweek.com/print/bschools/content/jun2010/bs20100618_385280.htm

Snyder, M. (2010, May 27). Business Insider. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from Welcome to the Real World 2010 College Graduates Nobody wants to Hires You: http://www.businessinsider.com/welcome-to-the-real-world-2010-college-graduates--nobody-wants-to-hire-you-2010-5

Wyatt, A. D. (2003). College at work: Outlook and earnings for college graduates, 2000-2010. Occupational Outlook Quarterly , 3-15.