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Cognos 8 BI Report Studio Lab Guide

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Report Studio is a Web-based tool that professional report authors use to build sophisticated, multiple-page, multiple-query reports against multiple databases. With Report Studio, you can create any report that your company requires, such as invoices, statements, and weekly sales and inventory reports

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Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 1 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders Cognos 8 BI Report Studio Lab Guide Version 1.0 rov|ded 8y: 8I5 Created 8y: Gourav Ata|kar http://b|spso|ut|ons.wordpress.com Cognos 5ub[ect Matter Lxpert http://b|sp.consu|t|ng@gma||.com kev|ewed 8y: Am|t 5harma 1eam 8I5 Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 2 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 1ab|e of Contents 1|t|e age No. 1). Introduct|on to keport 5tud|o.............................4 2). Work Area of keport 5tud|o.............................5 3). Creat|ng Data Mode| and ackage for keport...................8 4). L|st keports..............................19 a) CreaLe LlsL 8eporL uslna lllLer Cuerv...............................19 b) CreaLe LlsL 8eporL and Summarlze Lhe daLa uslna 1oLal luncLlon.................21 c) CreaLe LlsL 8eporL uslna 8ank luncLlon...............................23 d) CreaLe a llsL reporL uslna value prompLs for sLores..........................23 e) CreaLe a 1wo-column LlsL 8eporL for 1hree uaLa lLems.......................27 f) CreaLe a urlll-Lhrouah 8eporL....................................31 g) CreaLe a LlsL 8eporL uslna SLarL wlLh funcLlon..........................33 h) CreaLe a LlsL 8eporL uslna cusLom daLa lLems and counL funcLlon................37 5). Cross 1ab keports..................................39 a) CreaLe a ulsconLlnuous CrossLab .....................................39 b) Add AaareaaLe uaLa Lo a CrossLab 8eporL............................41 6). Chart keports.....................................43 a) CreaLe a Sample CharL 8eporL wlLh 8asellne..........................43 b) CusLomlze Lhe aleLLe ln Lhe Sales 1rends CharL.........................43 c) CreaLe a Sample le 8eporL.....................................47 7). Map keports....................................49 a) Show Lhe ulsLrlbuLlon of AmounL Sales bv CounLrv......................49 Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 3 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders Cognos 8 8I keport 5tud|o Lab Gu|de | resented 8y: Gourav Ata|kar 2010-2011 8us|ness Inte|||gence 5o|ut|on rov|ders A|| r|ghts reserved. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 4 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders Introduct|on to keport 5tud|o 8eporL SLudlo ls a Web-based Lool LhaL professlonal reporL auLhors use Lo bulld sophlsLlcaLed, mulLlple-paae, mulLlple-querv reporLs aaalnsL mulLlple daLabases. WlLh 8eporL SLudlo, vou can creaLe anv reporL LhaL vour companv requlres, such as lnvolces, sLaLemenLs, and weeklv sales and lnvenLorv reporLs. 8efore vou use 8eporL SLudlo Lo deslan and creaLe a reporL, some lnformaLlon ls requlred. lor each reporL, answer Lhe followlna quesLlons: - Who ls Lhe LaraeL audlence? - WhaL buslness quesLlon do vou wanL Lo answer? - Whlch Lvpe of reporL wlll besL answer Lhe buslness quesLlon? - WhaL are Lhe daLa sources, and where are Lhev? - Whlch daLa lLems and calculaLlons are needed? - WhaL are Lhe securlLv needs? - Pow wlll Lhe reporL be dlsLrlbuLed? Answerlna some of Lhese quesLlons lnvolves worklna wlLh oLher Coanos 8 componenLs. lor example, lramework Manaaer ls Lhe meLadaLa Lool used Lo model vour enLerprlse daLa. Models creaLed ln lramework Manaaer provlde Lhe daLa lLems LhaL vou use ln reporLs. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 3 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders Work Area of keport 5tud|o Insertab|e ob[ect pane has all Lhe Cuerv Sub[ecLs and Cuerv lLems from Lhe framework manaaer packaae. 1he ropert|es pane llsLs Lhe properLles of ob[ecL ln Lhe reporL creaLlon 1he 1oo| 8ar has all Lhe operaLlon LhaL can be performed on Lhe reporL llke aroup sorL, and so on. 1he Cuery Lxp|orer provldes Lhe Cuerv aeneraLed for Lhe reporLs. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 6 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 5tandard 1oo|bar Some commonlv used feaLures from Lhe SLandard Loolbar are llsLed ln 1able. 5ty|e 1oo|bar Some commonlv used feaLures from Lhe SLvle Loolbar are llsLed ln 1able. lf a Loolbar lcon has a downward faclna black arrow Lo Lhe rlahL of lL, Lhls lndlcaLes Lhe Loolbar buLLon has a drop-down llsL assoclaLed wlLh lL. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 7 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders Insertab|e Cb[ects 1he lnserLable Cb[ecLs pane ls made up of Lhe followlna Labs: 5ource ConLalns Lhe namespace, querv lLems, and daLa lLems LhaL make up Lhe selecLed packaae. Data Items ConLalns Lhe daLa lLems LhaL are belna used ln Lhe currenL reporL. 1oo|box ConLalns oLher ob[ecLs LhaL can be added Lo reporLs, as llsLed ln 1able. Lxp|orer 8ar 1he opLlons on Lhe Lxplorer bar deLermlne how Lhe work area ls used: age Lxp|orer Allows vou Lo manaae reporL paaes, prompL paaes, and classes. Cuery Lxp|orer Allows vou Lo manaae querles LhaL are ln Lhe reporL. Cond|t|on Lxp|orer Allows vou Lo manaae Lhe varlables LhaL are belna used ln Lhe reporL. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 8 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders Creat|ng Data Mode| and ackage for keport lor sLarL creaLlna reporLs ln 8eporL SLudlo we need a daLa source. Pere we are uslna sales analvsls daLabase whlch has followlna Lables: 1ab|e Name 1ab|e Descr|pt|on 5tores 1hls Lable conLalns deLalled lnformaLlon abouL our sLores, lncludlna Lhe address, manaaer, and square fooLaae. roducts 1hls Lable conLalns deLalled lnformaLlon abouL our producLs, lncludlna caLeaorv, famllv, publlsher. keg|ons Polds Lhe Sales LerrlLorv hlerarchv - realons --> LerrlLorles --> counLrv. er|od Days 1hls Lable conLalns a record for everv dav from 1/1/01 Lhru 12/31/02. lL breaks Lhe daLe down bv ?ear, CuarLer, MonLh, uav, eLc. Also lncludes llscal ?ear lnformaLlon. er|od Month Polds dav/daLe Lvpe lnformaLlon rolled up Lo a MonLhlv level (le, no speclflc dav ls llsLed, [usL monLh names) Iact 5a|es 1hls ls a facL Lable whlch conLalns unlLs Sold and AmounL bv sLore, producL and dav. |an Vs Actua| 1he vA Lable ls Lhe core of Lhe reporLlna svsLem - Lhls holds monLhlv aaareaaLed cosLs and revenue for all sLores. Sales plans, cosL plans, and acLuals are Lracked here. Iact Advert|sements AdverLlslna CosLs are Lracked monLhlv - Lhls Lable should be [olned wlLh Lhe perlods_monLhs Lable, noL Lhe perlods_davs. 1here ls no wav Lo Lle adverLlslna expenses dlrecLlv Lo a speclflc sLore or a speclflc producL. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 9 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders ?ou need Lhe daLabase ln vour daLabase server we are uslna oracle 10 a Lxpress LdlLlon as our conLenL manaaemenL so flrsL we need Lo lmporL Lhe sales analvsls daLabase Lo coanos connecLlon afLer LhaL we can creaLe Lhe daLa model and packaae from LhaL source. lollowlna are Lhe sLeps Lo creaLe daLa model and Lhe packaae. 5tep: 1) Cpen Iramework Manager |n your system: Co Lo sLarLproaram flles Coanos8lramework Manaaer 5tep: 2) C||ck on create a new pro[ect. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 10 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 5tep: 3) G|ve appropr|ate ro[ect name and |ocat|on then press 'ok' you have d|a|og box for se|ect |anguage se|ect |anguage and press 'ok'. 5tep: 4) Now you have Metadata W|zard se|ect the Data 5ources and press 'Next'. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 11 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 5tep: 5) 5e|ect the b|sp database and press 'Next'. 5tep:6) se|ect the tab|es from the source that you wants |n the data mode| and the package then press 'Next'. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 12 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 5tep: 7) Now |f you wants to detect and generate the re|at|onsh|p between tab|es automat|ca||y check the checkbox and press '|mport'. And then press f|n|sh. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 13 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 5tep: 8) Now create the re|at|onsh|p between tab|es. After creat|ng re|at|onsh|p |t |ook ||kes th|s Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 14 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 5tep:9) Now we create package for sa|es ana|ys|s for that r|ght c||ck on packages create ackage Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 13 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 5tep:10) Now g|ve name to your package and press next. 5tep: 11) Irom the w|zard you have to se|ect the tab|es you wants to show |n your package. 8y defau|t a|| the tab|es are se|ected you can check and uncheck them. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 16 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 5tep: 12) nere we have to se|ect the set of funct|on for package that w||| be ava||ab|e for use |n report|ng query. ou can se|ect from g|ven ||st |tems we are se|ect|ng orac|e and 5CL 5erver. 5tep:13) Now we have to pub||sh that package so that we can use |n keport 5tud|o. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 17 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 5tep: 14) Now we have to spec|fy the access perm|ss|ons for th|s package . C||ck on 'Add' button then you have another w|ndow from where you can se|ect the d|fferent access perm|ss|on g|ven groups. After add|ng the groups for perm|ss|on they can access the package from the keport 5tud|o and Cuery 5tud|o. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 18 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders 5tep: 15) Now press the pub||sh button to pub||sh the package. Now you have successfu||y pub||sh the package you can use |t |n keport 5tud|o. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 19 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders Lab 01- Creat|ng ||st keport Cuery: A) Create L|st keport Us|ng I||ter Cuery. I). Cb[ect|ves: ?ou are Lhe reporL auLhor ln a companv vou are requesLed Lo creaLe reporL LhaL llsLs all Lhe producL deLalls whlch has mlnlmum AmounL Sales less Lhan 1000000 rupees. II). 5teps: ln Lhe coanos connecLlon welcome paae, cllck Lhe publlc folder llnk. Cllck Lhe Sales Analvsls llnk, and Lhen cllck Lhe 8eporL SLudlo llnk aL Lhe upper rlahL corner of Lhe paae. ln Lhe welcome dlaloa box cllck Create a new report. ln Lhe New dlaloa box, cllck L|st and cllck Ck. ln Lhe lnserLable ob[ecL pane, on Lhe source Lab ,add Lhe followlna daLa lLems Lo Lhe llsL bv double-cllcklna Lhem: a) roducL Llne b) rod name c) rod lamllv d) AmounL Sal 1|p: you can f|nd these data |tems |n the products and Iact 5a|es tab|es. now selecL Lhe AmounL Sales column and press on Lhe fllLer lcon ln Lool bar. now vou have Lhe dlaloa box for lllLer Cuerv ln Lhe lefL boLLom corner cllck Lhe add buLLon and Lhen wrlLe Lhe followlna Lxpresslon Lhelr and LesL lL. Coanos 8 8l 8eporL SLudlo Lab Culde resenLed 8v: Courav ALalkar 20 2010-2011 8uslness lnLelllaence SoluLlon rovlders [b|sp].[Iact_sa|es].[amount_sa|es]