PIZZA HUT & KFC There’s a Reason We’re Number 1 864-0911 Talk about good coffee! Miss Muggins Coffee and Fresh Donuts Vol. 11, Issue 23, February 10, 2007 Monday High -19 Low -27 Saturday High -17 Low -23 Sunday High -10 Low -25 Tuesday High -16 Low -29 Wednesday High -17 Low -30 Thursday High -12 Low - 29 Long Term Forecast the annual tour of local early Monday morning Bignucolo. The entire snowmobile trails and breakfast sponsored by visit was in jeopardy facilities. "It's a way Bignucolo Incorpo- up to the last moment for this group to learn rated, the group on 37 due to the late start up what Northern Ontario s n o w m o b i l e s , of the season because is all about and we ventured out on the of the cold weather. anticipate that they local trail system The group was may incorporate this where even the excused for a delay of knowledge into the w i l d l i f e w a s the start of an evening decision making cooperative. A pair of banquet in town process at Queen's moose posed in full sponsored by Northern P a r k , " s t a t e d v i e w . V i s i b l y Haul Contracting, after Bignucolo. impressed, the viewing it was treated to a In addition to led Smitherman to sumptuous shore lunch riding the local trails declare at a late of pickerel at the and getting up to date evening dinner also Borden Lake home of on the economy and under the hospitality of Allen and Margaret several projects in the OFSC, to declare Coulter. In an process, the group the experience left him impressive outpouring received a huge in awe of this huge of goodwill, fresh serving of local animal. fillets were served up hospitality. "The trails by lead cook Don By Jim Prince Premier and Health economic fabric of the It started from were fantastic," said Boulet, and assistants he announ- Minister George community. the moment the group Bignucolo, who Michel Sylvestre and cement that a Smitherman was a two "This was not was hosted Sunday praised the efforts of Richard Bignucolo. Tlocal company day whirlwind of only a big thing for evening at a 'meet and the Chapleau Arctic While at has been awarded activity designed to Chapleau, it was also a greet' reception W a t e r s h e d Borden Lake, the cutting rights in a sell him, two other major undertaking by sponsored by Aux Snowmobilers Inc and Deputy Premier and process leading up to a cabinet ministers, the Ontario Federation Trois Moulins, which its members. He noted his group were given a Cedar Mill in this Algoma-Manitoulin of Snowmobilers, the served as its base for the efforts of club demonstration of how community received a MPP Mike Brown, a OFSC," stated Ryan the two days, until it president Roger all terrain vehicles are, high level of coverage pair of Southern Bignucolo, the departed Tuesday Perreault and other increasingly, become a by local and out of Ontario MPP's and immediate past afternoon. On hand to volunteers including year round town media last week. close to a dozen other president of the welcome the visitors Tanya Keech and Mike recreational activity All but lost in the civil servants, and p r o v i n c i a l were the Mayor and Lacourciere. "It was no and potential spoke in excitement of that heads of provincial organization. This Council and members small task to prepare the local tourism announcement by recreation associations marks the 7th year of the CRDC. the trails, My hat goes wheel. Ontario Deputy on the social and Chapleau has hosted Following an off to them," stated Con’t on P.7 Getting to know us better The members of a snow safari led by Deputy Premier George Smitherman and Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Mike Brown pause for a photo marking the event after a dinner of Pickerel at the Borden Lake By Jim Prince workshops and brigade of 25 accommodation, registrations and his community training sessions. members have meals and local many of them could be is preparing to Trainers and other indicated they will shopping. expected to attend the Th o s t f i r e officials from the attend. There will be showcase of many of fighters from the Ontario Fire Hosting the other economic spin- the goods and services region at the annual Marshall's Office will firefighters will have offs. At the same time Chapleau has to offer Mutual Aid meeting also travel here for the an economic impact as the community is in addition to being a and conference set for weekend. on the community, hosting t h e good place to live. April 20-22. W h e n t h e affecting motels and firefighters and their Coincidentally, In a letter to Chief appeared at retail establishments spouses, the 15th notice that the the Township Council, Council last Monday and others. It's an Annual Rotary Sports community will be Fire Chief Graham in a successful bid for accepted rule of and Trade Show hosting the Fire Bertrand said the financial support, he thumb in the tourism organized by the Fighters conference conference provides said it is expected the industry that each Rotary Club of and its subsequent an opportunity for weekend event will v i s i t o r s p e n d s Chapleau will be in economic benefits, numerous fire b r i n g i n conservatively $120.ºº progress at the Moore came during the week departments from the approximately 40 - 60 per day while Arena. that the newly created surrounding area to out of town guests to attending Tickets to the Chapleau Economic meet in one location our community. conferences. The Show are included in Renewal Committee for a variety of Almost the entire local figure includes the Fire Fighters met for the first time. Fire department hosting regional conference

Coffee and Fresh Donuts Getting to know us better · 2011. 5. 17. · Smitherman and Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Mike Brown pause for a photo marking the event after a dinner of Pickerel

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  • PIZZA HUT & KFC There’s a ReasonWe’re Number 1


    Talk aboutgood coffee!

    Miss Muggins Coffee andFresh Donuts

    Vol. 11, Issue 23, February 10, 2007

    MondayHigh -19 Low -27

    SaturdayHigh -17 Low -23

    SundayHigh -10 Low -25

    TuesdayHigh -16 Low -29

    WednesdayHigh -17 Low -30

    ThursdayHigh -12 Low - 29

    Long Term Forecast

    the annual tour of local early Monday morning Bignucolo. The entire snowmobile trails and breakfast sponsored by visit was in jeopardy facilities. "It's a way Bignucolo Incorpo- up to the last moment for this group to learn rated, the group on 37 due to the late start up what Northern Ontario s n o w m o b i l e s , of the season because is all about and we ventured out on the of the cold weather.anticipate that they local trail system The group was may incorporate this w h e r e e v e n t h e excused for a delay of knowledge into the w i l d l i f e w a s the start of an evening d e c i s i o n m a k i n g cooperative. A pair of b a n q u e t i n t o w n process at Queen's moose posed in full sponsored by Northern P a r k , " s t a t e d v i e w . V i s i b l y Haul Contracting, after Bignucolo. impressed, the viewing it was treated to a

    In addition to led Smitherman to sumptuous shore lunch riding the local trails declare a t a la te of pickerel at the and getting up to date evening dinner also Borden Lake home of on the economy and under the hospitality of Allen and Margaret several projects in the OFSC, to declare C o u l t e r . I n a n process, the group the experience left him impressive outpouring r e c e i v e d a h u g e in awe of this huge of goodwill, fresh s e r v i n g o f l o c a l animal. fillets were served up hospitality. " T h e t r a i l s by lead cook Don

    By Jim Prince Premier and Health economic fabric of the It started from were fantastic," said Boulet, and assistants h e a n n o u n - M i n i s t e r G e o r g e community. the moment the group B i g n u c o l o , w h o Michel Sylvestre and cement that a Smitherman was a two "This was not was hosted Sunday praised the efforts of Richard Bignucolo.Tlocal company day whirlwind of only a big thing for evening at a 'meet and the Chapleau Arctic W h i l e a t

    has been awarded activity designed to Chapleau, it was also a g r e e t ' r e c e p t i o n W a t e r s h e d Borden Lake, the cutting rights in a sell him, two other major undertaking by sponsored by Aux Snowmobilers Inc and Deputy Premier and process leading up to a cabinet ministers , the Ontario Federation Trois Moulins, which its members. He noted his group were given a Cedar Mill in this Algoma-Manitoulin of Snowmobilers, the served as its base for the efforts of club demonstration of how community received a MPP Mike Brown, a OFSC," stated Ryan the two days, until it p r e s i d e n t R o g e r all terrain vehicles are, high level of coverage pa i r o f Sou the rn B i g n u c o l o , t h e depar ted Tuesday Perreault and other increasingly, become a by local and out of Ontario MPP's and i m m e d i a t e p a s t afternoon. On hand to volunteers including y e a r r o u n d town media last week. close to a dozen other p r e s i d e n t o f t h e welcome the visitors Tanya Keech and Mike recreational activity All but lost in the civil servants, and p r o v i n c i a l were the Mayor and Lacourciere. "It was no and potential spoke in excitement of that heads of provincial organization. This Council and members small task to prepare the local tourism announcement by recreation associations marks the 7th year of the CRDC. the trails, My hat goes wheel.O n t a r i o D e p u t y on the social and Chapleau has hosted Following an off to them," stated Con’t on P.7

    Getting to know us better

    The members of a snow safari led by Deputy Premier George Smitherman and Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Mike Brown pause for a photo marking the event after a dinner of Pickerel at the Borden Lake

    By Jim Prince w o r k s h o p s a n d b r i g a d e o f 2 5 a c c o m m o d a t i o n , r eg i s t ra t ions and his community training sessions. m e m b e r s h a v e m e a l s a n d l o c a l many of them could be is preparing to Trainers and other indicated they will shopping. expected to attend the Th o s t f i r e officials from the attend. There will be showcase of many of

    fighters from the O n t a r i o F i r e Hosting the other economic spin- the goods and services region at the annual Marshall's Office will firefighters will have offs. At the same time Chapleau has to offer Mutual Aid meeting also travel here for the an economic impact as the community is in addition to being a and conference set for weekend. on the community, h o s t i n g t h e good place to live. April 20-22. W h e n t h e affecting motels and firefighters and their Coincidentally,

    In a letter to Chief appeared at retail establishments spouses, the 15th n o t i c e t h a t t h e the Township Council, Council last Monday and others. It's an Annual Rotary Sports community will be Fire Chief Graham in a successful bid for accep ted ru le o f and Trade Show hos t ing the F i r e Bertrand said the financial support, he thumb in the tourism organized by the Fighters conference conference provides said it is expected the industry that each R o t a r y C l u b o f and its subsequent an opportunity for weekend event will v i s i t o r s p e n d s Chapleau will be in economic benefits, n u m e r o u s f i r e b r i n g i n conservatively $120.ºº progress at the Moore came during the week departments from the approximately 40 - 60 p e r d a y w h i l e Arena. that the newly created surrounding area to out of town guests to a t t e n d i n g Tickets to the Chapleau Economic meet in one location o u r c o m m u n i t y . conferences . The Show are included in Renewal Committee fo r a va r ie ty o f Almost the entire local f i g u r e i n c l u d e s the Fire Fighters met for the first time.

    Fire department hosting regional conference

  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 2

    The Chapleau Express P.O. Box 457

    Chapleau (Ont.) P0M 1K0Telephone - Fax : 705-864-2579

    e-mail : [email protected] every Saturday/SundayDeadline for receiving ads is Wednesday at 4 p.m.The Chapleau Express is delivered free of charge to every household each Saturday. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact us.Subscriptions: $70.00 per year (Canada) $90.00 U.S per year (U.S.A)Canadian Publications Products Sales Agreement #130183799

    i n t e r n a t i o n ve programs, and have competition. Ontario a coach that has been Card athletes are trained and certified in nominated for carding t h e N a t i o n a l s t a t u s b y t h e i r C o a c h i n g Provincial Sport / Certification Program Multi-Sport Organi- or equivalent. Finally, zations. They must they must not be under meet minimum high sanction as per the performance program C a n a d i a n A n t i -requirements and be Doping Policy.participants in the regular program of the 2 0 0 6 O l y m p i c /

    O n t a r i o now enjoy some Paralympic Winter a t h l e t e s a r e a n financial assistance to Games 2008, the inspiration to us all. help him achieve all Olympic/Paralympic T h r o u g h t h e i r that he can achieve in Summer Games 2010, incredible passion, his sport. the 2007 Canada d e d i c a t i o n a n d Many of the athletes Winter Games, the d i s c ip l i ne , t he se who are receiving 2009 Canada Summer athletes represent a support through this Games, or, in the case shining example to all program are touting of youth, the Ontario of us. its merits. Some say it Games.

    In an ideal has helped them travel In order to world, this is all that and participate in key qualify, the athlete an athlete would need competit ions that must be a Canadian to succeed. However, s h a r p e n t h e i r citizen or a landed the truth is that in experience, while immigrant, be based order for our athletes others say that it helps i n O n t a r i o a n d to be the best that they them with the day-to- i n v o l v e d i n a can be, they need to be day demands they continuous training able to access the best face. The overall p r o g r a m i n t h e coaches, the best effect of this funding province ( though equipment, and the is that it contributes to exceptions may be best training methods, an athlete’s ability to considered), and be a and that requires focus on and devote member in good m o n e y. To h e l p e n e r g y a n d standing with their O n t a r i o a t h l e t e s concen t ra t ion on Provincial Sport/ aspire to achieve t r a i n i n g a n d Multi-Sport Organi-more, the province i m p r o v i n g zation. They must be launched the Quest performances. committed to proper For Gold program. Funding for Th i s p rog ram i s the Quest For Gold design to provide program is provided direct athlete support through three streams. to Ontario’s amateur The f i r s t s t ream athletes. Funds for p r o v i d e s d i r e c t this program come financial assistance to from the sales of the e l i g i b l e O n t a r i o Q u e s t F o r G o l d athletes who carry one lottery tickets, which o f t w o c a r d i n g are sold at most designat ions: the train i n g O n t a r i o L o t t e r y Canada Card, or the a n d Gaming Corporation Ontario Card. The outlets. Canada Card is for

    On February Ontario athletes who 1st, the province are carded by Sport a n n o u n c e d t h e Canada. The Ontario recipients of the first Card is for junior-age round of funding for athletes aspiring to the Quest For Gold compete at the highest

    com petitiprogram. Residents of levels of national and Algoma-Manitoulin can take pride in the fact that one of our local athletes was included among the f i r s t r o u n d o f recipients: wrestler Korey Jarvis, of Elliot Lake. Thanks to the Q u e s t F o r G o l d program, Korey will


    Queen’s ParkBY

    Mike Brown,Provicial Member of Parliament

    for Algoma-Manitoulin

    Funding Can Help AthletesIn Quest For Gold

    SILVER MEDAL WINNERS - The 2nd Place winners were also presented with their medals at the Chapleau Ski Club Annual Meeting. Front row from left to right are: Sylvie Martel, Kenny Broomhead, YvesMartel. Back row: Manon Riopel, Todd Charlton, Andre Doyon, Tara Lee Broomhead, Teresa Martel. Missing from photo are: Elaine Martel and Dan Morin. PHOTO BY CLARK'S PHOTO SERVICE

    MOMENTS FROM THE PASTSubmitted by Doug Greig (1980)

    THANK YOUWe are grateful for the spirit of kindness that was shown to us through cards, donations and words of sympathy for the loss of our sister and siter-in-law Pat Houston who passed away January 20th, 2007. Our sincere appreciation.

    Jack and Rita MitchellGeorge and Nellie Mitchell

    Drop-off for theChapleau Express

    Announcementsand ads

    must be brought toTHE


    at 17 Lorne St. NorthBetween 10:00 a.m.

    and 4:00 p.m.Deadline

    Wednesday at 4:00 P.M.

    Drop-off for theChapleau Express


  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 3

    CNW- As of of the recent reforms changes are good for Jean Major, Chief -Ensure retail gift consumer products.February 1, 2007, the to the Liquor Licence the consumer and Executive Officer of cards and certificates F o r m o r e Ontario government Act to ensure our good for the service A G C O . " T h e will retain their full consumer protection ha s imp lemen ted l i q u o r l a w s a r e industry." c o m m i s s i o n i s alue and not expire information, visit the changes to the Liquor updated and continue Under the former committed to ensuring -Enhance electrical ministry's website at L i c e n c e A c t to reflect current rules, some areas in that the regulatory safety standards for www.mgs.gov.on.ca.p e r m i t t i n g t h e realities and provide establishments, such o v e r s i g h t o f t h e licensing of additional sufficient protection as washrooms were beverage a lcoho l areas of bars and for consumers." not eligible to be i n d u s t r y i s f a i r , restaurants so that There will be no l i c e n s e d . T h i s responsive and in the patrons can monitor new fee to licensees prevented patrons public interest."their drinks and avoid who request a change from having drinks in I n t r o d u c i n g dangers such as the so- to the licensed areas of those areas. However, extended licensing is called date rape drugs, their establishment, to over the last several one way the McGuinty Minister of Govern- ensure all appropriate years there has been g o v e r n m e n t i s ment Services Gerry areas are accommo- growing concern over working to protect Phillips announced d a t e d , i n c l u d i n g the public safety risks Ontario families and today. washrooms, hallways, this posed. Items such s t rengthen publ ic "Establishments stairwells, lobbies and as date rape drugs safety. Other recent can now apply to the other similar areas. have emerged as a initiatives include the Alcohol and Gaming "What we heard safety risk for people Consumer Protection C o m m i s s i o n o f from law enforcement who are forced to and Service Moderni-Ontario (AGCO) to and the bar industry is leave their drinks zation Act, which expand their licensed that the rules needed to unattended. will:premises to areas such be changed to protect "We are supportive - C r e a t e n e w as washrooms and women from exposure o f a n y m e a s u r e protection for Ontario h a l l w a y s , " s a i d to date rape drugs," designed to improve homeowners from real Phillips. "This is part said Phillips. "These public safety," said estate fraud

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    CHAPLEAU - This Stuart Rossitor, North won, of course, and railway town held its Bay, George Crichton, carried off the Charles a n n u a l R a i l r o a d Toronto, and Grant W. Collins Trophy.Bonspiel this past Henderson and Bill This was due weekend and it was Stedman, of Sudbury, no doubt to their more c o n s i d e r e d a n curled a careful game. careful curling and outstanding success. They were opposed s o m e p r i v a t e One of the highlights by a Chapleau rink information. They was the third event skipped by Greg took their time with w h i c h f e a t u r e d , L u c a s a i d e d b y e v e r y r o c k . T h e y fo rmer Chap leau Murray Hazen, Trevor could afford to. They c i t i z e n s c u r l i n g R i l e y a n d E d knew the train east against a local rink. McCarthy. from Chapleau was The former residents, The Chapleau rink running late.

    Was Someone Railroaded?Train Came in Late, But We Won

    MOMENTS FROM THE PASTSubmitted by Keith “Bud” Swanson (1964)

  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 4

    The Chapleau Innovation Centre is getting ready for a transformation. The centre's mandate is changing from the Bell/Nortel Project Chapleau to a one-stop shop for learning, entrepreneurship, job search and economic development. The new Chapleau Innovation Centre will be established by the Chapleau Education and Training Coalition Inc., in partnership with Collège Boréal, Northern College, Contact North, Service Canada and the Township of Chapleau, and as a direct result of the technology investments by Bell and Nortel in our community.

    Éducation Permanenteo Études à temps partielo Obtention d'un certificat

    Formationo Apprentissageo Plan de carrière

    Cours d'intérêts généraux Services à l'emploi

    o Guichet et services d'emploiso Préparez votre CVo Préparez-vous pour une entrevueo Accédez aux programmes et services

    Entreprenariato Montez votre plan d'affaireo Complétez une étude de marchéo Accédez aux programmes et serviceso Ayez accès à la technologie

    Bureau du développement économique …et beaucoup plus!

    Continuing Educationo Part time studieso Certification

    Skills and Trainingo Apprenticeshipo Career advancement

    General Interest Courses Employment Services

    o Job bank/job search/job matchingo Prepare your résuméo Prepare for interviewso Link-up with programs & services

    Entrepreneurshipo Build your business plano Complete a market studyo Link-up with programs & serviceso Have access to technology

    Economic Development Office …and much more!

    Le Centre d'Innovation de Chapleau se prépare pour une grande transformation. Le mandat du centre sous le Projet Chapleau de Bell/Nortel sera transformé en celui d'un véritable guichet unique pour l'apprentissage, l'entreprenariat, la recherche d'emplois et le développement économique. Le nouveau Centre d'Innovation de Chapleau est une initiative de la Coalition pour l'éducation et la formation de Chapleau Inc., en partenariat avec le Collège Boréal, Northern College, Contact Nord, Service Canada et la municipalité de Chapleau, et ce grâce aux investissements dans la technologie de pointe à Chapleau par Bell et Nortel.

    CO U

    N A



    N AUN


    stNew exciting service coming to Chapleau April 1

    erUn tout nouveau service se prépare pour Chapleau le 1 avril

    The grade two loving relationship and three class from grow between parent Our Lady of Fatima and baby. The children S c h o o l h a v e t h e learn about parenting, opportunity to be about themselves, and i n v o l v e d i n t h e about how others feel.Roots of Empathy With the in-program implemented creasing emphasis on through the Chapleau anti-bullying in our Early Years Center. school system, this

    R o o t s o f program has been E m p a t h y i s a developed as preven-classroom parenting tative/ inter-vention program that teaches for reducing aggres-human development, sion and promoting emotional literacy, and s o c i a l - e m o t i o n a l nurtures the growth of competence.empathy. Through year-long classroom visits with a certified Instructor and parent and their baby, the p r o g r a m h e l p s children learn about a baby 's needs and development and lets the children see a

    Our Lady of Fatima involvedin Roots of Empathy program

    Pictured above:Parent - Melanie Boucher with baby Emmanuel.Instructor - Eileen McAdam from the Chapleau Early Years Program and Mrs. Bruneau and some of the grade two and three students.

    Be Wise!Advertise in

    The ChapleauExpress

  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 5

    C N W / - teaching capacity, and Modern Language 2006-07 school year, F r e n c h - l a n g u a g e p r o v i d e , " a d d e d Students learning i n c r e a s e s t u d e n t Teachers' Association projected ministry school boards to meet Wynne. "Offering our French as a Second pa r t i c ipa t ion and wi l l a lso receive funding is $221.5 their unique capital students access to Language (FSL) will retention in these $128,170 over three million. needs, especially in better FSL programs benefit from a boost of programs. years to provide a The McGuinty underserved areas. and more courses will $34 million over four "We understand the Summer Immersion government has also " W e a r e help develop their y e a r s , E d u c a t i o n social, cultural and Program for core introduced supports to committed to ensuring French proficiency Minister Kathleen educational value of French teachers to e n s u r e a v i b r a n t students have access to and ultimately open Wynne announced studying a second or i m p r o v e t h e i r F r e n c h - l a n g u a g e t h e b e s t q u a l i t y more doors to future today. third language," said language proficiency education system for F r e n c h - l a n g u a g e opportunities." "This government Francophone Affairs in French. Ontario's Francophone education we can r e c o g n i z e s t h e Minister Madeleine Wynne was joined students, including:tremendous advantage Meilleur. "Second- by Jim Brownell, MPP - Launching a policy in students have when language learning for Stormont-Dundas- 2 0 0 4 , P o l i t i q u e they speak two or more prepares youth to Charlottenburgh to d ' a m é n a g e m e n t l a n g u a g e s , " s a i d p a r t i c i p a t e m o r e visit teachers and l i n g u i s t i q u e , t o Wynne. "Learning a effectively in the students in a French as help promote French second language not workplace and in the a Second Language language and culture, o n l y s t r e n g t h e n s global economy, and c l a s s r o o m a t i m p r o v e s t u d e n t students' problem- provides them with a I m m a c u l a t e achievement and self-solving, reasoning and distinct advantage in a Conception Separate esteem and help keep c rea t ive th ink ing number of careers, School. y o u n g F r a n c o -s k i l l s , b u t a l s o both in Canada and "These new and Ontarians in French- d e v e l o p s t h e i r abroad." expanded programs language schools.understanding and O n t a r i o will really benefit our -Providing $60 million appreciation of diverse students will benefit young people," more to the Language cultures." from board projects s a i d B r o w n e l l . Grant to support the

    Through the that include: "Learning French as a implementation of the C a n a d a - O n t a r i o -Expansion of French second language will Politique d'aménage-Official Languages in courses and immersion generate more ment linguistique.Education agreement programs opportunities and later -Announcing support signed in March 2006, -Literacy programs success for students." worth $340 million in t h e C a n a d i a n - I n n o v a t i v e This investment is construction costs tog o v e r n m e n t w i l l a p p r o a c h e s i n in addition to the c o n t r i b u t e a b o u t de liv e rin g core French funding provided by $8.5 million annually programs the McGuintyfor four years to -New resources government for the support FSL programs. - P r o f e s s i o n a l a d d i t i o n a l c o s t s This funding will be development for FSL associated with the u s e d t o s u p p o r t teachers. delivery of FSLstrategies that increase The Ontario programs. For the

    Bilingualism Gives Students a Competitive Edge New And Expanded Projects Benefit Students in Ontario

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    Home Commercial

    Postes permanents et occasionnels auService de la conciergerie

    SOMMAIRE DES POSTES :Le Service de la conciergerie du Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel-Ontario cherche à combler des postes occasionnels et permanents de concierge et nettoyeur(se).

    1) Région du Grand Sudbury - postes occasionnels entre 15,75 $ /hr et 20 $ /hr – approx. 20 hrs. / semaine

    2) Notre-Dame de la Merci, Coniston - nettoyeur(se) permanent(e) 15,75 $ / hr. lundi au vendredi de 16h à 18h avec possibilité de remplacer d’autres employés à l’occasion;

    3) Alliance St-Joseph, Chelmsford - nettoyeur(se) permanente) 15,75 $ / hr. lundi au vendredi de 15h à 19h avec possibilité de remplacer d’autres employés à l’occasion;

    4) Sault Ste. Marie - poste occasionnel - entre 15,75 $ / hr. et 20 $ / hr.

    5) Chapleau - poste occasionnel -entre 15,75 $ / hr. et 20 $ / hr.

    6) Blind River – poste occasionnel – entre 15,75 $ hr. Et 20 $ / hr.

    PRÉSENTATION DES DEMANDES :Les personnes qui désirent postuler cet emploi peuvent faire parvenir leur demande, accompagnée d’un curriculum vitæ à jour (en français), au plus tard le vendredi 16 février 2007 à 16 h, par télécopieur au (705) 669-1271 ou au 1 866 452-0034; ou par courrier à l‘adresse suivante :

    Donald MaletteDirecteur du Service des ressources humaines

    201, rue Jogues, Sudbury (Ontario) P3C 5L7

    En vertu du Règlement 521/01 de l'Ontario et tel qu'amendé par le Règlement 323/03, toute personne qui travaille au sein d’un conseil scolaire doit fournir un

    relevé de ses antécédents criminels avant d’entrer en fonction.

    Marcel Montpellier Hélène C. ChayerPrésident Directrice de l’éducation

    Vision 2007 : Des services pour l’épanouissement de chacun, chacune!

    201, rue JoguesSudbury (Ontario) P3C 5L7

  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 6

    The Residents of Bignucolo Residence received a wonderful donation this week. The Moose Hall (Local 2142) was gracious enough to donate boxes full of wonderful Bingo prizes for the Residents so that they could enjoy one of their favourite games. A big thank you to the Moose Hall and the Sunday night Bingo players for helping out and for being so generous. From left to right: Germaine Barnes (Long term care Resident), Odette Larocque(Family Member), Jean Newcombe (LTC Resident), Jacqueline Howard (LTC Resident), Joe Memegos (LTC Resident), Levis Gagné (Moose Hall Administrator), Carmen Pressé (LTC Resident), and Huguette Godbout (LTC Resident).

    CHAPLEAU, ON, le 26 g o u v e r n e m e n t a u x , janv. /CNW/ - Le Centre notamment : délivrance S e r v i c e O n t a r i o d e d e c e r t i f i c a t d e C h a p l e a u o f f r e naissance, de mariage et maintenant des services de décès, de permis de aux conducteurs et des chasse et de pêche, de services de plaque permis de parc, accès d'immatriculation pour a u x p u b l i c a t i o n s les véhicules . Les gouvernementales et f a m i l l e s e t l e s aux renseignements entreprises de la région gouvernementaux en peuvent ainsi accéder l igne, ainsi qu'aux facilement à une vaste services d 'enregis-gamme de services trement et de recherche gouvernementaux à un de noms commerciaux. s e u l e n d r o i t . L e s Vous trouverez des résidents de Chapleau et centres ServiceOntario de la région peuvent se dans plus de 60 localités r e n d r e a u C e n t r e de l a p rov ince , y ServiceOntario pour compris Moosonee, obtenir les services du Wawa, Sudbury, Sault ministère des Transports Ste. Marie, Nipigon et en matière de plaque Thunder Bay. Le Centre d'immatriculation et de S e r v i c e O n t a r i o d e véhicules, y compris les Chapleau est situé au permis de conduire et les 190, rue Cherry. Il est renouvellements de ouvert de 8 h 30 à 17 h, plaque, les changements du lundi au vendredi. Il d'adresse et les trousses traite plus de 16 000 d'information sur les transactions par an pour véhicules d'occasion, et les familles et les pour commander des entreprises de Chapleau plaques d ' immatr i - e t l e s l o c a l i t é s culation personnalisées, environnantes. Pour de de même que des plus amples renseigne-résumés de dossier de ments, visitez www. c o n d u c t e u r e t d e serviceontario.ca ou véhicule. Le Centre composez le 1-800-267-offre aussi une vaste 8097. gamme de services

    ServiceOntario fournit desservices aux conducteursaux résidents de la régionde Chapleau

    Another MooseLodge donation

    Make sure your advertising ends up on your customers’ kitchen table and not in the garbage



  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 7

    Louis Racine

    Une veillée de danses folkloriquesAvec

    Renouez avec la tradition

    des sets carrés

    Le vendredi 16 février à 20 heuresSalle des Moose

    Entrée : 25$ 18$ (membre)

    Rabais de 5,00$ avec macaron du carnavalUne présentation du

    Information : 864-1126

    Centre culturel


    Yeah! The hill opened on Saturday, January 27th. The main hill is open but the back trails remain closed until we accumulate more snow. The cross-country trails have been groomed and many were out enjoying some fresh air and exercise this weekend. The long range forecast for next week is calling for more snow!! Come on out and enjoy some exercise and socializing with your friends and family! The hill is open Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday (Adults Only) and Friday. The hours have been extended for extra skiing t ime. You can purchase a membership for the season or a day pass for both downhill and cross-country skiing.

    Chapleau Ski Club News

    Cont’d from P.1 language School and told his hosts, while at T h o s e "It was a good the hosp i t a l , a l l t h e s a m e t i m e a c c o m p a n y i n g

    demonstration of a r e c i p i e n t s o f a c k n o w l e d g i n g S m i t h e r m a n a n d four season vehicle, p r o v i n c i a l hardships faced by the Brown included Gerry and the potential of a government funding. forestry sector and Phillips, Minister of multi-use trail system The Health Minister how the provincial Government Services, which just makes w a s b r i e f e d b y g o v e r n m e n t h a d Tim Peterson, MPP sense," said Ryan hospital CEO Gail "worked hard in the for Missisauga-South, B i g n u c o l o . T h e B i g n u c o l o , forest sector." Kevin Flynn, MPP for provincial umbrella accompanied by most D u r i n g t h e O a k v i l l e , C r a i g organizations of both of the hospital staff, banquet, Smitherman H u g h s o n , S e n i o r activities have been who are rightfully confirmed he would Policy Advisor to the lobbying to obtain proud of their facility. return next year to Ministry of Natural government support And, the Deputy repeat the snowmobile Resources, Wendy for multi use trails and P r e m i e r l e d t h e safari. Ground, from the viewed the visit here entourage to the CPR Local officials Speakers Office, Bud by the visiting MPP's yards where they hope he'll return with Dixon, an executive as an opportunity to climbed aboard a a n o t h e r s l e d o f with Canoe Canada their case. Their l o c o m o t i v e t o p o s i t i v e and Rejean Raymond, efforts were bolstered e x p e r i e n c e i t s announcements for Mayor Dubreuville.by the attendance of operation, something the community.the President of the most had never done O F S C , B r u c e before.Robinson, and the D u r i n g t h e Executive Director of evening banquet when t h e C a n a d i a n he announced the Snowmobile Council, cedar mill agreement, Denis Burns. The S m i t h e r m a n OFSC played a strong acknowledged the role in supporting the hospitality he and the event. group received during

    W h i l e their short stay in snowmobiling was the Chapleau. The event main attraction for the was a t t ended by group, which enjoyed M a y o r E a r l e J . a Tuesday morning Freeborn and council breakfast sponsored and the executive of by Tembec, its stay the CRDC.h e r e o f f e r e d "You can't help opportunities to view b u t n o t i c e t h e the new ambulance res i l ience of the garage, the recently people of Northern completed French Ontario," Smitherman

    Getting to know us better

    The group comprising of thirty seven snowmobiles brave a bitterly cold morning as they are seen departing from Aux Trois Moulins Motel and Restaurant enroute to the annual Snow Safari.

    Toll free 1-866-546-9499Local 864-1870Fax 864-2709

    Email: [email protected]

    Large Format Digital PrintingSandblasted Signs - Billboards

    Vehicle Graphics - PrintingHighway signs- Custom signs

  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 8

    Les premiers l’effet du bilinguisme culture, de l’emploi connexions cérébrales assurant a ins i un intègre deux systèmes signes de démence sur le développement qu’ils occupaient et de chez les bilingues? m e i l l e u r de langue en même surviendraient quatre cognitif des enfants, l e u r n i v e a u d e « Chez les personnes fonctionnement des temps », poursuit la ans plus tôt chez les Ellen Bialystok et ses scolarité. bilingues, le cerveau connexions nerveuses p r o f e s s e u r e e n personnes unilingues, c o l l è g u e s d e Par contre, la doit déployer un effort ». psychologie.comparativement à l’Université York, à maîtrise de plus de additionnel pour passer Selon elle, peu Aussi, elle ne croit pas celles qui parlent plus T o r o n t o , o n t d e u x l a n g u e s n e d’une langue à l’autre, importe de quelle façon que l’on puisse ralentir d ’ u n e l a n g u e a u décortiqué les dossiers p r o c u r a i t a u c u n s o u t i e n t E l l e n on a appris la langue les premiers signes de quotidien, selon des de 184 patients atteints a v a n t a g e B i a l y s t o k p o u r seconde ou les fautes la démence si on chercheurs canadiens. d e l a m a l a d i e supplémentaire pour e x p l i q u e r l e grammaticales qu’on n’utilise que rarement L’ampleur de cette d’Alzheimer ou de freiner l’apparition du phénomène. Cet effort peut commettre. « Ce une deuxième langue découverte serait telle, démence. déclin cognitif. augmente l’apport qui compte, c’est la ou si on la comprend que les auteurs de Parmi ceux-ci, P l u s d e sanguin au cerveau, façon dont le cerveau mal.l’étude1 affirment que 91 étaient unilingues le bilinguisme – peu anglais, tandis que 93 impor te l e s deux parlaient l’anglais ainsi langues par lées - qu’une seconde langue s’avère plus efficace p r inc ipa lement l e que n’importe quel polonais, le yiddish et m é d i c a m e n t p o u r l’allemand.ra len t i r l e déc l in Les données cognitif. ont révélé que chez les

    S p é c i a l i s é e u n i l i n g u e s , l e s dans la recherche sur premiers signes de la

    maladie survenaient à 71,4 ans en moyenne, comparativement à 75,5 ans chez les b i l i n g u e s . C e t t e différence de quatre ans subsistait même en tenant compte du sexe des sujets, de leur pays d’origine et de leur

    Parler deux langues retarderait la démence

    Centre culturel


    Louis RacinePresents

    Enjoy a night of traditional folk

    and square dances!

    Friday, February 16th at 8:00 P.M.Moose Hall

    Tickets at the door Adult: $25.00 $18.00 (member)

    Information : 864-1126

    $5.00 off with carnival badge

    You can alwayscount on our

    ADVERTISINGto bring results.

    The ChapleauExpress

  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 9

    NOTICE TO CREDITORSAll claims against the Estate of Roger Gagné, also known as Roger Polidore Gagné, late of the Town of Chapleau, who died March 7, 2006, must be filed with the undersigned personal representatives on or before the 21st day of February, 2007, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Estate Trustees then shall have notice.

    Dated at Chapleau, this 21st day of January, 2007.Denis Gagne & Lynn BartyEstate Trustees With a Willby WEAVER SIMMONS P.O. Box 329 Chapleau, On. P0M 1K0 Fax: (705) 764-9948

    S U D B U R Y T h e D e v e l o p m e n t a n d south of Sudbury is part completed, the entire Construction is province's five-year Ontario government is Mines Minister Rick of our commitment to 20-kilometre length of expected to begin in the strategic infrastructure investing more than $43 Bartolucci announced invest $1.8 billion over Highway 69 f rom winter of 2007 and is investment plan that million in the final today. five years to ensure that Sudbury through to s c h e d u l e d t o b e will help prepare for major grading contract “Our govern- northern highways are E s t a i r e w i l l b e c o m p l e t e d b y future growth.for the four-laning of ment is on the side of safe and efficient,” said expanded.” December 2008. This The Ontar io Highway 69 f rom northerners. That's why Bartolucci. “With this This contract is the middle, and third, government is renewing S u d b u r y t h r o u g h the expansion of the and other projects involves construction of of three contracts and expanding vital E s t a i r e , N o r t h e r n Highway 69 corridor already underway or m o r e t h a n f o u r awarded along this inf ras t ruc ture l ike

    kilometres of four-lane corridor in fiscal 06-07. Highways 69 as part of h ighway no r th o f The first, northerly its Northern Prosperity Estaire to Highway 537. contract is underway Plan. The plan is Work includes the f r o m S u d b u r y t o founded on four key construction of seven Highway 537. The p i l l a r s i n c l u d i n g : new bridges: two at s e c o n d a n d m o s t Strengthening the North Makynen Road, two souther ly cont rac t and its Communities; over the Wanapitei involves the bypass of L i s t e n i n g t o a n d River, two railroad Estaire and is also under Serving Northerners overhead structures and construction. Bet ter ; Compet ing an underpass at Old The commi- G l o b a l l y ; a n d Highway 537. The tment to expanding Providing Opportu-contract tender in the northern highways like nities for All. amount of $43.4 million Highway 69 was set out w a s a w a r d e d t o in ReNew Ontario, the Carillion Canada Inc. of Etobicoke.

    McGuinty Government Awards Major Highway 69 ContractProject Is Final Link In Four Laning To Estaire

  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 10

    The Council of the Township of Chapleau is pleased to announce that it will be holding “Open Forums” throughout 2007. The purpose of the “Open Forums” is to provide the citizens of Chapleau with an informal communications link with Council. Citizens will be able to question Council on current municipal events and offer input into decision making. The “Open Forum” schedule is below in a “clip n’ save” fashion. Council looks forward to keen interest in these forums.

    For further information please feel free to contact the undersigned.

    Allan PellowC.A.O./A.M.C.T.


    NOTICEOPEN FORUMS(Town Hall Meetings)

    Le Conseil municipal de Chapleau est heureux d’annoncer la tenue de “Tribunes Ouvertes” au cours de l’année 2007. Ces rencontres informelles permettront aux citoyens et citoyennes de Chapleau d’échanger avec leur conseillers. Les contribuables pourront questionner le Conseil sur les question de l’heure et se prononcer sur ces mêmes questions afin de prendre une part active aux prises de décision. L’horaire des rencontres paraît ci-dessous. Veuillez le découper et le conserver. Le Conseil compte sur votre intérêt et votre participation.

    Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le soussigné.

    Allan PellowC.A.O./A.M.C.T.


    AVISTRIBUNES OUVERTES(Rencontres avec citoyens)


    Place: Civic Centre Council Chambers

    Time: 7:30 p.m.thDates: -February 12 , 2007

    th -May 14 , 2007th

    -August 13 , 2007th -November 19 , 2007


    Endroit: Salle du Conseil, Centre Civique

    Heure: 19h30

    Dates: -12 février, 2007

    -14 mai, 2007

    -13 août, 2007

    -19 novembre, 2007

    Découpezet conservez

    Canadians are realize many of our to provide incentives becoming increasingly health problems are for renewable power more concerned about caused or exacerbated p r o d u c t i o n i s a the environment, the in part by pollution and repackaging of the air we breathe, and the climate change. Liberal Wind and w a t e r w e d r i n k . I t w a s a n Renewable Power Surveys show that this honour for me to be Production Incentives issue is becoming just recently appointed to a program. Under the as important as health s p e c i a l C a u c u s previous program, care . Canadians C o m m i t t e e o n wind and solar energy

    E n v i r o n m e n t a l production doubled in Sustainability by the 2005. Since Mr. Honourable Stéphane H a r p e r c u t t h e Dion to study and help program, one year has develop strategies to been lost without tackle environmental increase in renewable challenges as well as energy production.reconcile them with The Conser-economic prosperity. vative announcement My experience as a to invest $230 million former Chair of the to fund research in the House of Commons field of green energy is Industry Committee a repackaging of the a n d t h e N a t u r a l Liberal Sustainable Resources Committee Energy Science and will help me to further Technology strategy policy on this issue. implemented in the

    L a s t w e e k , Liberal 2005 budget. I P r i m e M i n i s t e r wonder what other Stephen Harper and his important programs ministers crisscrossed the Conservatives will t h e c o u n t r y r e - c a n c e l t h e n r e -announcing Liberal introduce to make e n v i r o n m e n t a l themselves look good.p r o g r a m s o n I a m q u i t e renewable energy as h a p p y w i t h t h e well as research and announcements even development. One though the financial year after Mr. Harper commitment is not as decided that programs large as the previous such as EnerGuide, the Liberal government's. One Tonne Challenge, But, it is better late and Project Green than never. It was not were not important long ago that Mr. enough to fund, he has Harper declared he did changed his mind. not believe in the Indeed, the programs science of global the Conservat ives warming. deemed unimportant I encourage one year ago were re- Mr. Harper to borrow introduced last week as a s m a n y L i b e r a l Mr. Harper began to programs as he wants. finally grasp what Canada needs to move C a n a d i a n s a n d forward on many files. scientists have been Instead, Mr. Harper saying all along - our has been moving e n v i r o n m e n t i s Canada backwards. He important. can borrow our ideas,

    The Conser- but he can't borrow our vative announcement conviction.


    byBrent St. Denis

    Federal member of Parliament Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing



    byBrent St. Denis

    Federal member of Parliament Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing



    The ChapleauExpressFor best results,

    send your articlesand photos

    electronically [email protected]

  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 11




    RATESRegular Classified Ads

    First 25 words or less $6.00Each additional word $0.15+GST

    No refunds on cancelled

    classified ads.


    We also pick up old fridges for disposal

    Need applianceparts or repairs

    Give us a call1-705-264-1708

    SLOMACLEANERSNow in Chapleau on Tuesday & Thursday


    MONDAY TO FRIDAY1lb. to 10,000 lbs.





    C H A D W I C H O M E , FA M I LY R E S O U R C E CENTREOffers shelter, emotional support, and information for women and their children who are in crisis situations. We have a Toll Free Crisis Line which is staffed 24 hours a day. We can arrange for free transportation to the Centre for women who live in the Algoma/Chapleau area. We also offer support to women who live in the communities of Chapleau, White River, D u b r e u i l v i l l e , a n d Hornepayne through our Outreach Program. Our Outreach Worker travels to those communities to meet wi th women who need emotional support as well as information about their rights and options. If you need to speak with the Outreach Worker when she is in your community, you can call the Centre at any time to set up an appointment. You do not need to be a resident of the Centre in order to use our services. If you need someone to talk to or if you just need someone to listen, call our Toll Free Crisis line at 1-800-461-2242 or you


    Offers help to anyone who desires to stop drinking.

    Open discussion meetings:Wednesday 7:30 p.m.& Sunday 2:00 p.m.

    Trinity United Church basement. Telephone

    contacts: 864-2321 and 864-1827

    Ladies call 864-0138


    Offre de l’aide à celui ou celle qui désire arrêter de boire. Les rencontres ont

    lieu tous les mercredis soirs à 19h (7:00 p.m.) Au sous-sol

    de l’église Sacré-Coeur. Téléphonez au

    864-2786Les femmes 864-0138

    V I L L A G E S H O P APARTMENTS.Completely renovated 2 & 3 b e d r o o m . S e c u r e building. Laundry facilities. Please call Lucy at 864-1114Ap29+

    Northern Lights Ford SalesAndrew G. McKenzie

    11 Years of Service

    Highway 17, NorthP.O. Box 1033Wawa ON. P0S 1K0Bus: 705.856.2775Fax: [email protected]



    TRAVIS GENDRONSales Consultant

    P.O. Box 710 FAX: (705) 856-4290Wawa, Ontario BUS: (705) 856-2394P0S 1K0 RES: (705) 856-1185

    Dr. Allan MacIvorOPTOMETRIST

    Chapleau Medical Clinic, Broomhead Rd.*Tuesday, February 20, 2007*

    10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL

    Toll Free 1-800-461-2883or CALL 864-2340

    1-2 and 3 bedroom apts. and bachelor.Fridge & stove included. For more information call 864-1148 or 864-4071(cell)Ap28

    Yo u n e e d a d e c e n t apartment with 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms, fully or semi-furnished, or not, dryer and washer hookups, outdoor balcony, storage shed, private parking. Central location. Call Quality Rental at 864-9075 and leave message.111806 Mr31



    9 Elm Street (P.A.O.C.)864-0828

    Sunday School 9:45 a.m.Sunday Services11 a.m. & 7 p.m.

    Family Night (ages 1-109)Wednesday 7 - 8:15 p.m.

    Pastor Dan Lee


    Corner of Beech and Lorne - 864-1221

    Sunday Service and Sunday School 11:00 a.m.

    Anna Chikoski

    Soup Kettle every 2nd Wednesday of the month


    DOULEURS (Foleyet)Liturgy of the World Sundays

    11 a.m.Liturgie de la Parole

    Dimanche 11hMass every 2nd & 4th Sunday

    at 4:00 p.m.Messe sux 2e et 4e dimanche

    à 16h


    Corner of King and Maple864-0470

    Communion Service 9:30Family Bible Hour 11 a.m.Including Sunday School Evening Bible Study and

    Ladies Bible Studyduring the week

    Transportation availableAl Tremblay

    Catholic ChurchSACRED-HEART OF


    26 Lorne Street North-OFFICE-

    21 Lansdowne Street N.864-0747

    Sunday/dimanche9:30 a.m. English11:00 a.m. FrenchFr. Jacques Fortin

    ST. JEAN DE BRÉBEUF (Sultan)

    Liturgy of the WordLiturgie de la parole

    Sunday/dimanche 11 a.m.Bilingual Mass every 3rd

    Saturday of themonth at 7:00 p.m.

    PERMANENT DEACONMr. Ted Castilloux

    MANDATEDMrs. Marguerite Castilloux


    864-0909Sunday Service 10 a.m.

    Rev. William P. Ivey

    Diocese of Moosonee Anglican Church of


    4 Pine Street West864-1604

    Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.

    Rev. Bruce Roberts


    1 & 2 bedroom apt, 4 bdr. house washer/dryer hook up, parking with plug in. For more information call 864-2282 or 864-1022. Mr3

    The Rustic CupboardThe Rustic CupboardThe Rustic CupboardSewing Machines, Notions, Fabric,Craft Supplies, Hand Crafted Items


    Tel.864-1162Fax 864-1935

    BUTTERFLYGarden Tea Room

    Desserts on Wednesdays

    Subscr ip t ions to the Chapleau Express make great gifts

    FIREWOOD Mr10Birch firewood - $55/cord plus gst.Cut and split. Call 864-0554 after 5:00 p.m.




    Société Alzheimer Society meetings will be held at the Chapleau Hospital every 1st Monday of each month starting from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


    Do you need a will, power of attorney for personal care and/or power of attorney for property c o m p l e t e d ? F o r Conf ident ia l Serv ices contact Rose Bertrand @ 705-864-0230. F17



    W e a t h e r O b s e r v e r -Chapleau Airport. Perm F.T. $9.00/hr to start. $10.00/hr. after 6 months. Must be able to attend 6 week course Cornwall, Ont.(exp Paid). Fax resume (705) 9 6 9 - 6 8 4 3 o r e m a i l [email protected] M31

    St. Valentine’sDay

    February 14

    $39.99 Telephone Service. $20.00 Unlimited Long Distance. Transfer current phone number free. $39.99 New activations. Toll free1-866-391-2700. A Neigh-bourhood Connection.F24

    REMINDER…The Chapleau Education and Training

    Coalition would like to remind everyone that the survey inserted in last weekend's

    newspaper must be returned to the Chapleau Innovation Centre by Friday,

    February 16th, 2007.The information gathered will help to

    identify the training and learning needs of the residents of Chapleau.


    RAPPEL…La Coalition pour l'éducation et la

    formation de Chapleau fait un rappel aux gens que l'enquête insérer dans le « Chapleau Express » de la semaine

    dernière doit être rapportée au Centre d'innovation Chapleau au plus tard

    le vendredi, 16 février, 2007.Les renseignements receuillient serviront à identifier les besoins des citoyens de

    Chapleau dans les domaines de l'éducation et de la formation.



    New BooksHome Schooling - Carol Windley

    Children of My HearT - Gabrielle Roy The Inheritance of Loss - Kiran Desai

    Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro Redemption - Karen Kingsbury

    The Terror - Dan Simmons White Lies - Jayne Ann Krentz De Niro’s Game - Rawi Hage

    The Perfect Circle - Pascale Quiviger An Adoration - Nancy Huston

    Lullabies for little criminals - Heather O’Neill Natasha and other stories - David Bezmozgis

    A collection of motivational books recommended by Charles Marcus

    The complete Canada Reads 2007 Collection INVITATION

    Come and celebrate Valentine's Day at the Chapleau Public Library on February 12, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Story, games, prizes and crafts. Come celebrate and bring a Valentine friend.

    You can alwayscount on our

    ADVERTISINGto bring results.

    The ChapleauExpress

  • Chapleau Express, February 10, 2007 - Page 12


    WAWA JEWELLERSFine Jewellery & Giftware



    For Chapleau Residents1 per customer

    15% 15%



    We offer unique one of a kind jewellery

    Ph:(705) 856-9800 Fax:(705) 856-966759 Broadway Avenue

    Wawa, Ontario









    AND SMALL ENGINESPhone : 864-1222 C Fax : 864-2596





    BLOW OUT SALEBLOW OUT SALEBad News For Frosty.Good News For You.

    0%Financingo.a.c 12 months

    -Les jours marqués d’un astérisque n’y aura pas de médecin en service au bureau, toutefois, un employé sera sur place de 9h00 à midi pour le renouvellements d’ordonance, la prise de rendez-vous et les bourses de voyage. -Les cliniques du soir et du dimanche seront disponibles si la demande l'exige.-Les visites à domicile sont disponibles pour les personnes qui ne peuvent se déplacerHeures d'ouverture régulières : de 9h30 à midi et de 14h à 16h30.Pour rendez-vous et renouvellement d'ordonnance, prière de composer le 864-1131.

    There will be no physician in the office where the appears, however there will be a staff member in the office from 9:00 until 12:00 noon on each of those days to assist with prescription renewals, booking appointments and travel grants. -Evening and Sunday appointments may be held if there is a need.-House calls are available for patients with limited mobility.Regular Hours : from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.For appointments and prescription renewals contact 864-1131


    Mon/Lun Jan 29


    Tue/Mar Jan 30


    Wed/Mer Jan 31


    Thr/Jeu 1


    Fri/Ven 2


    Sat/Sam 3













































    Dr Isenberg/Dr Levenstein/Dr Shapiro