Codes and Conventions of Codes and Conventions of Opening Sequences Opening Sequences By Ella Kenny 12k

Codes and conventions of opening sequences

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Page 1: Codes and conventions of opening sequences

Codes and Conventions of Codes and Conventions of Opening SequencesOpening Sequences

By Ella Kenny 12k

Page 2: Codes and conventions of opening sequences

The Codes and conventions

The purpose of an opening sequence title sequence is to establish the mood and visual character of a film and introduce the viewer to all or some of these elements:•Characters•Locations•Narrative/Plot•Themes•Visual•Genre

Page 3: Codes and conventions of opening sequences

Juno (2007)Juno is a 2007 low budget comedy-drama film following a 16 year old who faces an unplanned pregnancy.

The opening sequence took 7- 8 months to create, its an animated and took inspiration from 1970s vintage punk rock posters. They wanted the opening sequence to be edgy and have texture

It opens with Ta tracking shot that follows Junos movement at a walking pace

We are presented with the production company at the very beginning.

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Analysis on JunoThroughout the rest of the sequence we see Juno walking and different angles showing her and

other titles, the cast of the film and production companies. They are all in the same, sketched looking font, emphasizing her weird personality.

900 Hand cut images were composited on the background to create the title sequence

As Juno walks behind a tree during the tracking shot, the setting on the other side of the tree is the same place but it now looks like it’s been drawn, as if Juno is walking in a cartoon world. This emphasizes her feelings and how separate she is from other teenagers and also shows her laid back attitude. The tracking shot stops on the ‘fox searchlight’ writing, as Juno walks out of shot. The font type also looks hand drawn adding to the cartoon effect of the sequence.

Page 5: Codes and conventions of opening sequences

Analysis on Juno

A main convention is for the audience to relate the title to the film. In the opening to Juno it is quite childlike and similar to the comic book theme; making links between the main character Juno and the film Juno is seen as a coming of age film. The comic book esque theme could also suggest the plot; that Juno is to naive and is to immature to have a baby

The mise en scene in the opening sequence is very important because it allows us to meet the main character before the film has even started. It sets the mood and atmosphere; possibly from Junos perspective

In the first few seconds we learn Juno is going on a walk and it could connote the journey we embark with Juno in the film

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The opening sequence can also be used to show the location, we can see the leaves are falling off the trees and blowing in the wind.

The dull background could connote the plot and suggest that Juno is stuck in a very placid lifestyle but her red costume contrasts this

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Juno is wearing quite unflattering unisex costume which could suggest her personality; she is not shallow or vain. Later on in the sequence we see her drinking from a sunny D bottle suggesting a stereotypical teenage diet