Codes and conventions movie magazine

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Main image The main image utilized in a movie magazine is

frequently a close-up/mid-shot and it placed in the center of the page. The image normally performs as a backdrop to the front cover and often has other images and written text overlapping the less significant parts of the photo.

The person/people in the image commonly look directly into the camera, almost as if they are making eye-contact with the readers. This allows the reader to become intrigued by the image and also equal to the main feature of the article, leaving them more keen on buying it.

Movie magazines usually feature an actor/actress in character as they are indeed a magazine industry based on movies, and with the film icon being in character, this implies that the article that is based on them is written regarding their character and not their personal life resembling other magazines.

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Masthead There is a masthead featured on every

magazine cover. This is normally located along the top of the page and is utilized to inform readers about what magazine it is.

The masthead is normally the largest text on the front cover and it is one of the only pieces of text featured on the front cover that stays the same throughout each issue released.

The masthead is set on the page to stand out, therefore it is regularly printed in a colour, totally different to the colour that it is situated on.

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Barcode, Price and Issue Number The barcode is often located at one of the corners of the

magazine. It is usually quite small, ensuring that it doesn’t take away any attention to the details throughout the front cover.

Along the side of the barcode you will often find the price. The price of the magazine is an essential piece of information that is to be added into a front cover as it allows the reader to determine weather or not they are going to buy the magazine, without making assumptions themselves on the price.

The Issue number of the magazine will almost always be found in the same location as the barcode and price. This is added in to allow the magazine’s loyal and collecting customers to keep up to date with what issues they do and don't have.

These will always be printed in a small, fine font, allowing the customers attention to be focused on the more main features of the front cover.

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Main Cover Line The main cover line is what often attracts the reader to the

magazine. If its an interesting line of text, they will feel intrigued to read more.

The main cover line is usually associated with the main image that is featured on the front cover.

This allows potential customers to be more familiar with the name mentioned in the cover line as they had just cast their eyes on an image of them.

The main cover line is often larger that the others. This is so that readers are aware that the storyline involved is explored more and in a much more detailed manner than the rest of them. This is why it is important that the main cover line is intriguing enough to leave the readers wanting to know more.

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Cover lines A movie magazine would usually have 2-5

different cover lines situated on their front covers. These are there so that the reader can easily

understand what the magazine contains inside, without having to even open it.

Most cover lines are printed in a medium sized font in a colour that is close to, if not the same as the colour theme utilized and are usually located on the right hand side of the magazine or sometimes even at both sides.

Cover lines regularly follow page numbers, leaving the reader able to navigate through the magazine and get to the storyline that they want easier.