Abstract This study explored the effects of coastal vegetation on tsunami damage based on field obser- vations carried out after the Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004. Study locations covered about 250 km (19 locations) on the southern coast of Sri Lanka and about 200 km (29 locations) on the And- aman coast of Thailand. The representative vegetation was classified into six types according to their habitat and the stand structures of the trees. The impact of vegetation structure on drag forces was analyzed using the observed characteristics of the tree species. The drag coefficient, including the vertical stand structures of trees, C d-all , and the vegetation thickness (cumula- tive trunk diameter of vegetation in the tsunami direction) per unit area, dN u (d: reference diameter of trees, N u : number of trees per unit area), varied greatly with the species classification. Based on the field survey and data analysis, Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizo- phora mucronata (hereafter R. apiculata-type), kinds of mangroves, and Pandanus odoratissimus, a represen- tative tree that grows in beach sand, were found to be especially effective in providing protection from tsu- nami damage due to their complex aerial root struc- ture. Two layers of vegetation in the vertical direction with P. odoratissimus and Casuarina equisetifolia and a horizontal vegetation structure of small and large diameter trees were also important for increasing drag and trapping floating objects, broken branches, houses, and people. The vertical structure also provided an effective soft landing for people washed up by the tsunami or for escaping when the tsunami waves hit, although its dN u is not large compared with R. apicu- lata-type and P. odoratissimus. In addition, the creeks inside mangroves and the gaps inside C. equisetifolia vegetation are assumed to be effective for retarding tsunami waves. This information should be considered in future coastal landscape planning, rehabilitation, and coastal resource management. Keywords Rhizophora apiculata Pandanus odoratissimus Tsunami protection Coastal vegetation Forest structures Introduction The Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004 was a destructive force of nature that swept away entire vil- lages and resulted in the deaths of approximately 200,000 people in the countries around the Indian Ocean. About two-thirds of Sri Lanka (Wijetunge 2005) and the western coast of Thailand were severely damaged on a scale these countries have never expe- rienced before. This damage emphasizes the impor- tance of developing methodologies to minimize the impact of future tsunamis and other related natural disasters in order to protect people, the environment, and the infrastructure. Establishment of a hard infra- N. Tanaka (&) Y. Sasaki K. B. S. N. Jinadasa Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, 255 Shimo-Okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama-ken 338-8570, Japan e-mail: [email protected] M. I. M. Mowjood Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka S. Homchuen Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45 DOI 10.1007/s11355-006-0013-9 123 ORIGINAL PAPER Coastal vegetation structures and their functions in tsunami protection: experience of the recent Indian Ocean tsunami Norio Tanaka Yasushi Sasaki M. I. M. Mowjood K. B. S. N. Jinadasa Samang Homchuen Received: 17 January 2006 / Revised: 9 May 2006 / Accepted: 2 August 2006 / Published online: 5 October 2006 Ó International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering and Springer 2006

Coastal vegetation structures and their functions in tsunami … · 2018. 3. 22. · Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45 DOI 10.1007/s11355-006-0013-9 123 ORIGINAL PAPER Coastal vegetation

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  • Abstract This study explored the effects of coastalvegetation on tsunami damage based on field obser-

    vations carried out after the Indian Ocean tsunami on

    26 December 2004. Study locations covered about

    250 km (19 locations) on the southern coast of Sri

    Lanka and about 200 km (29 locations) on the And-

    aman coast of Thailand. The representative vegetation

    was classified into six types according to their habitat

    and the stand structures of the trees. The impact of

    vegetation structure on drag forces was analyzed using

    the observed characteristics of the tree species. The

    drag coefficient, including the vertical stand structures

    of trees, Cd-all, and the vegetation thickness (cumula-

    tive trunk diameter of vegetation in the tsunami

    direction) per unit area, dNu (d: reference diameter of

    trees, Nu: number of trees per unit area), varied greatly

    with the species classification. Based on the field survey

    and data analysis, Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizo-

    phora mucronata (hereafter R. apiculata-type), kinds of

    mangroves, and Pandanus odoratissimus, a represen-

    tative tree that grows in beach sand, were found to be

    especially effective in providing protection from tsu-

    nami damage due to their complex aerial root struc-

    ture. Two layers of vegetation in the vertical direction

    with P. odoratissimus and Casuarina equisetifolia and a

    horizontal vegetation structure of small and large

    diameter trees were also important for increasing drag

    and trapping floating objects, broken branches, houses,

    and people. The vertical structure also provided an

    effective soft landing for people washed up by the

    tsunami or for escaping when the tsunami waves hit,

    although its dNu is not large compared with R. apicu-

    lata-type and P. odoratissimus. In addition, the creeks

    inside mangroves and the gaps inside C. equisetifolia

    vegetation are assumed to be effective for retarding

    tsunami waves. This information should be considered

    in future coastal landscape planning, rehabilitation,

    and coastal resource management.

    Keywords Rhizophora apiculata � Pandanusodoratissimus � Tsunami protection � Coastalvegetation � Forest structures


    The Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004 was a

    destructive force of nature that swept away entire vil-

    lages and resulted in the deaths of approximately

    200,000 people in the countries around the Indian

    Ocean. About two-thirds of Sri Lanka (Wijetunge

    2005) and the western coast of Thailand were severely

    damaged on a scale these countries have never expe-

    rienced before. This damage emphasizes the impor-

    tance of developing methodologies to minimize the

    impact of future tsunamis and other related natural

    disasters in order to protect people, the environment,

    and the infrastructure. Establishment of a hard infra-

    N. Tanaka (&) � Y. Sasaki � K. B. S. N. JinadasaGraduate School of Science and Engineering,Saitama University, 255 Shimo-Okubo, Sakura-ku,Saitama-shi, Saitama-ken 338-8570, Japane-mail: [email protected]

    M. I. M. MowjoodFaculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya,Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

    S. HomchuenFaculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen,Thailand

    Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45

    DOI 10.1007/s11355-006-0013-9



    Coastal vegetation structures and their functions in tsunamiprotection: experience of the recent Indian Ocean tsunami

    Norio Tanaka Æ Yasushi Sasaki Æ M. I. M. Mowjood ÆK. B. S. N. Jinadasa Æ Samang Homchuen

    Received: 17 January 2006 / Revised: 9 May 2006 / Accepted: 2 August 2006 / Published online: 5 October 2006� International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering and Springer 2006

  • structure for tsunami protection is not feasible in many

    cases because it would adversely affect the ecology and

    aesthetics of the beachfront. Moreover, developing

    countries cannot afford such technologically advanced

    and capital-intensive solutions.

    Coastal vegetation can play a significant role in

    reducing the severity of tsunami waves and dissipating

    the disastrous amount of energy associated with them

    (Shuto 1987; Mazda et al. 1997a; Kandasamy and Na-

    rayanasamy 2005; Dahdouh-Guebas et al. 2005). In

    addition, restoring green vegetation could enhance the

    seaside landscape. Shuto (1987) quantitatively esti-

    mated the effectiveness of coastal forests against tsu-

    nami by statistically analyzing the physical damage

    suffered by pine trees in Japan. In addition, Hamzah

    et al. (1999) demonstrated the effects of model man-

    grove stands against tsunami attack in experiments

    from the viewpoint of hydraulic resistance, and

    emphasized that such vegetation provides effective

    protection against tsunamis. However, the species they

    studied were different from the dominant varieties

    found in Sri Lanka (Jayatissa et al. 2002a) and Thai-

    land (Sanit et al. 1992). Therefore, the present study

    focuses on the role of the coastal vegetation and forest

    structures found in these two countries in the minimi-

    zation of damage aimed at protecting human lives, the

    environment, and the infrastructure in coastal regions

    against future tsunami events.

    Field survey and analysis

    Field survey

    The area investigated covered about 250 km (19 loca-

    tions) on the southern coast from Negombo to Kal-

    munai, Sri Lanka, from 1 to 6 April 2005, and about

    200 km (29 locations) on the Andaman coast from

    Phuket to Ranong, Thailand, from 27 February to 5

    March 2005. Figure 1 shows the site locations. The

    representative vegetation was classified into six types

    according to their habitat and the stand structures of

    the trees, that is, the trunk diameter (d), height (h), and

    density of the trees (n) (Fig. 2). The six species are (a)

    Casuarina equisetifolia, a representative tree that

    grows in beach sand, corresponding to pine trees in

    Japan, (b) Anacardium occidentale, a plantation spe-

    cies in the coastal zone, (c) Cocos nucifera, a plantation

    species in the coastal zone, (d) Avicennia alba or

    Avicennia marina, hereafter A. alba-type, representa-

    tive mangrove species found in small tidal zones, (e)

    Pandanus odoratissimus, a representative tree thatFig. 1 Field survey points: a Sri Lanka (19 locations, southerncoast), b Thailand (29 locations, western coast)

    34 Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45


  • grows in beach sand, and (f) Rhizophora apiculata (the

    dominant Rhizophora spp. on the western coast of

    Thailand) or Rhizophora mucronata (the dominant

    Rhizophora spp. on the southern coast of Sri Lanka),

    hereafter R. apiculata-type, representative mangrove

    species in large tidal zones. Figure 3 shows examples of

    the representative tree structures growing near the

    coastal region.

    While species classification was being carried out,

    the forest width in the tsunami direction was also

    investigated. Moreover, most mangroves grow in re-

    gions of weak waves and currents, so the tsunami

    height is usually low compared with that on the sand

    beaches. Therefore, this study surveyed mangrove

    forests located in island areas facing the Andaman Sea

    and Indian Ocean that were attacked directly by the


    The tsunami water depth at each site was deter-

    mined by the height of broken branches, watermarks

    on damaged houses (especially flood marks on broken

    roofs), scars on tree trunks or branches, and from the

    reports of survivors.

    Analysis of drag force coefficient using

    representative tree species

    Figure 4 shows a schematic of the vegetation charac-

    teristics analyzed in this study. To analyze the physical

    characteristics of coastal vegetation, we considered the

    drag force (Nepf 1999; Mazda et al. 1997b) in the W

    (m) tsunami direction (forest width in this direction)

    with unit length (cross-stream direction) as:

    Dcum¼n�ðdragforceonone treeÞ¼n�Z



    2i dAi

    ¼n2�ðabCdÞ�qU2� h



    � �


    100�CdqU2h ð1Þ

    Fig. 2 Representative coastalvegetation in the observedarea: a Casuarinaequisetifolia, b Anacardiumoccidentale, c Cocos nucifera,d Avicennia alba, e Pandanusodoratissimus, f Rhizophoraapiculata

    Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45 35


  • Trunk density (trunks=m2Þ¼ nW�1¼


    l1� l2¼ 1


    ab ¼ 1h

    Z h0

    aðzÞbðzÞdz ¼ ðbranches effect on CdÞ

    � ðleaves effect on CdÞ

    ¼ 1n


    ai � b ¼1




    � b ð3Þ

    dAi ¼Xm¼i maxm¼1

    dAim ð4Þ

    where Dcum is the cumulative value of the drag force of

    trees along a width of W (m) and a length of vegetation

    of 1 m (Fig. 4a) in the tsunami current direction, n is

    the number of trees for a vegetation width of W (m)

    and length of 1 m [units: trunks/(vegetation width (W)

    m · 1 m)] defined by Shuto (1987), Cdi and ui are thedrag coefficient and velocity (m/s) vertically divided by

    the area dAi (m2) (Fig. 4c), respectively, q (kg/m3)

    is the density of salt water, l1 and l2 (m) are the spac-

    ings between the trees in the shore and cross-shore

    directions, respectively, l (m) is the average spacing of

    the trees, z (m) is the vertical distance from the ground

    surface, h (m) is the tsunami depth, d (cm) is the ref-

    erence tree trunk diameter 1.2 m above the ground,

    where the units of d was taken as cm for comparison

    with the regression line between the forest character-

    istics (forest width and tree diameter) and the condi-

    tion (broken or unbroken) of the trees according to

    Shuto (1987), dn [cm/(vegetation width (W) m · 1 m)]is the cumulative tree diameter of the forest in the

    tsunami direction, hereafter called the vegetation

    thickness according to Shuto (1987), a(z) and ai areadditional coefficients that express the additional

    branch area at height z or at the ith layer, respectively,

    from the ground surface, normalized by the area,

    dA1.2 = 0.5(d/100) [where 0.5 (m) is the divided height

    in the vertical direction (Fig. 4)], b(z) and bi areadditional coefficients representing the effect of leaves

    at z or the ith layer, respectively, a and b are the depth-averaged values of ai and bi, respectively. Additionaldrag by leaves was taken as the constant b = 1.25 (inleaf-bearing layers) or b = 1 (in leafless layers), refer-ing to previous research (Fukuoka and Fujita 1990). In

    this research, the difference in the stream-wise velocity

    at each height z, u(z), was not considered, and the

    depth-averaged velocity, U (m/s), was used for ui (see

    Fig. 4b).

    The drag coefficients, including vertical vegetation

    structure (Kutija and Hong 1996), Cd-all, the effective

    vegetation thickness, dNall [cm/(vegetation width (m)

    ·1 m)], and the vegetation thickness per unit area, dNu[cm/(unit vegetation area (m2))], were defined from

    Eqs. 1, 2, and 3 as:

    Cd�all ¼ ab� Cd ð5Þ

    dNall ¼ ab� dn ð6Þ

    dNu ¼dNall

    W¼ dNall

    l2n¼ abd


    Eqs. 5, 6, and 7 are all related to the drag force in

    Eq. 1. Cd-all describes the characteristics of the tree

    itself, dNall describes the characteristics including the

    effect of the tree structure ab in the W (m) · 1 mvegetation, and dNu describes the characteristics of a

    unit vegetation area.

    Rhizophora apiculata-type trees have complex aerial

    root structures (Sanit et al. 1992; Jayatissa et al. 2002a)

    that affect the drag coefficient (Wolanski et al. 1980).

    The value of Cdi at each height varied from 1.5 to 1,

    according to the spacing of the aerial roots (Furukawa

    et al. 1997; Nepf 1999; Tanaka et al. 2005). dAi was the

    projected area divided by the height of 0.5 m. Addi-

    Fig. 3 Representative trees in coastal regions and their verticalstructures: a C. nucifera, b P. odoratissimus, c R. apiculata, dC. equisetifolia, e Thespesia populnea, f Pongamia pinnata, gA. occidentale, h Terminalia catappa

    36 Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45


  • tional areas of the projecting aerial roots or of bran-

    ches were calculated by analyzing digital photographs

    (Fig. 4c). The values of d, n, W, l1, l2, ai, and h inEqs. 1–7 were obtained in the field survey.


    Two representative sites in Sri Lanka and three sites in

    Thailand are shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. Re-

    lated photographs are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The

    damage to sites in Sri Lanka and Thailand is discussed

    in following two sections.

    Examples of coastal vegetation effect in Sri Lanka


    Figure 5a shows a schematic of the tsunami damage at

    Kalutara. The C. nucifera trees growing along the coast

    (line A) were 3–7 m in height and 3 m apart, but some

    of them were damaged, and houses behind the trees

    were damaged up to 100 m from the coast. C. nucifera

    was also planted between houses, but these trees

    played no role in tsunami protection, even though the

    tsunami height was relatively low, reaching 3, 1.3, 1.1,

    and 0.9 m at 50, 120, 160, and 220 m, respectively, from

    the coast.

    Pandanus odoratissimus and C. equisetifolia were

    found as natural coastal vegetation at line B, 500 m

    south of line A and near the mouth of the Kalu Ganga

    river. The vegetation width in the tsunami direction

    was 20 and 40 m for P. odoratissimus and C. equiseti-

    folia, respectively. At the interface, P. odoratissimus

    and C. equisetifolia were mixed for a distance of about

    20 m (Fig. 8a). The tsunami height 60 m inland from

    the coast was 0.6 m, and the houses located within this

    area were not as heavily damaged because the tsunami

    height was low compared to its height at line A. It is

    supposed that the tsunami current was repelled by the

    vegetation and the sand dune because they played a

    role in blocking the current.

    At line C, mangroves played a role in dissipating the

    energy of the tsunami and protecting the bank. The

    tsunami was weak by the time it reached the houses

    near the mangrove and caused no damage.


    A railroad train on the sand dune was hit by the tsu-

    nami in this area (Telwatta). P. odoratissimus was

    growing along the shoreline, but there were only 1–2

    Fig. 4 Definitions of treecharacteristics: n [the numberof trees for vegetation with awidth of W (m) and a lengthof 1 m) and ai (the additionalcoefficient to express theadditional branch area in theith layer from the groundsurface). The height wasdivided into 0.5 m layers inthis study. dAi is the area (m

    2)in the ith layer from theground, and dA1.2 is thereference area [referencediameter (d)/100 · height ofthe layer (0.5m)], ai is the areadAi normalized by dA1.2. u(z)is the stream-wise velocity atheight z, and U is the velocityaveraged over depth

    Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45 37


  • rows in the tsunami direction. The tsunami height was

    more than 5 m at the coast and about 3 m at the nearby

    railway track. Behind P. odoratissimus, C. nucifera was

    planted about 500 m in the tsunami direction with

    large spaces (about 4–40 m) between the trees. The

    tsunami passed through the C. nucifera vegetation and

    destroyed the houses in the forest, reaching the lagoon

    behind the sand dune. The average diameter of C.

    nucifera was large enough (0.3 m), but the spaces be-

    tween were too large to defend against the tsunami at

    this site, similarly to at Kalutara.

    Fig. 5 Examples of the effect of vegetation in Sri Lanka: aKalutara (P. odoratissimus), b Medilla (P. odoratissimus andmangrove)

    Fig. 6 Examples of the effect of vegetation in Thailand: a PhraThong Island and Kang Islands (R. apiculata), b Ban Thale Nok(C. equisetifolia, A. occidentale), c Laem Son National Park (C.equisetifolia)

    38 Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45


  • Medilla

    Ten meter-thick clumps of P. odoratissimus were lo-

    cated along the shoreline, and C. nucifera was planted

    for about 100 m further at this site (Fig. 5b). The P.

    odoratissimus was broken, and the tsunami went over

    the dune, accelerated down the slope, and destroyed

    the resort cottages in C. nucifera vegetation. The tsu-

    nami current also broke the mangrove trees down-

    stream of the P. odoratissimus–C. nucifera vegetation.

    The mangrove forests were damaged inland 45 m (line

    I), 64 m (line II), and 84 m (line III) for the P. odo-

    ratissimus–C. nucifera, P. odoratissimus, and C. nucif-

    era lines, respectively. The tsunami was more than 6 m

    and about 4 m high, respectively, at the coast and the

    top of the dune. The local scour depth and area in front

    of the P. odoratissimus vegetation at line I or line II

    were larger than those at line III. The scouring also

    occurred inside the vegetation at line III, but not at line

    I or II. The species of mangrove trees in the three lines

    in the lagoon were not exactly the same, but a band

    about 10 m inland of dense P. odoratissimus vegetation

    Fig. 7 Damage patterns ofthe representative species: ascoured and dead afterwards(C. equisetifolia at Khao Lak),b scoured and uprooted (C.equisetifolia at Khao Lak), cscoured and uprooted (C.nucifera at Kalutara), dscoured and trunks broken(P. odoratissimus at Medilla),e broken just above the aerialroots (P. odoratissimus atMedilla), f large scour holearound a tree (C. equisetifoliaat Suk Samaran village), gtrunks broken just above theground (C. equisetifolia atLaem Son), h survival despiteadditional drag by debris(R. apiculata at Laem Son)

    Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45 39


  • reduced the tsunami velocity, although their main

    trunks were completely broken at 1–2 m above the

    ground in the front region (2–5 m) of the vegetation.


    The tsunami height was about 5–5.5 m at the coast in the

    Yala National Forest Park in Sri Lanka. The Yala Safari

    Hotel, which was located in front of an old sand dune at

    the beach, was completely destroyed with an enormous

    loss of life. Part of the tsunami current was stopped at

    the old sand dune about 300 m from the coast, but a part

    of the current was turned around by the dune and

    formed a new lake behind the sand dune. C. equisetifolia

    about 0.15 m in diameter survived the tsunami, but most

    Bauhinia spp. and Zizyphus spp., trees about 0.07–0.1 m

    diameter, were broken about 200 m in the tsunami

    direction. Trees about 0.05 m diameter were completely

    washed away. Manikara hexandra, about 0.3 m diame-

    ter, withstood the washed up debris of broken houses

    and fishing boats, even though the trees received addi-

    tional drag force due to the attached objects (Fig. 8d).

    Trees with a diameter more than 0.3 m are effective for

    trapping debris, but the spacing between trees was too

    large in this case. Therefore, the survey indicates the

    importance of a lateral distribution of trees with a

    diameter of 0.1–0.3 m.


    The tsunami water depth at the coast was 2.5 m, which

    was low compared to other locations. A maximum of

    eight rows of C. nucifera were planted about 54 m in

    the direction of the tsunami inundation. The energy

    dissipation effect was so low that many houses were

    destroyed despite the low tsunami height. However,

    the creek behind the vegetation played a role in

    decreasing the velocity, and the houses behind the

    creek remained intact.

    Examples of the effect of coastal vegetation

    in Thailand

    Phra Thong Island and Kang Islands

    The tsunami height was 10 m at Phra Thong Island

    (Fig. 6a). The tsunami broke 0.1 m diameter C. equis-

    etifolia, passed through 0.5 m diameter C. equisetifolia,

    and damaged the town. A. alba was broken only on the

    fringe of the vegetation. R. apiculata and R. mucronata

    were broken for a distance of about 50 m by an 8 m

    tsunami at an upstream island of the Kang Islands.

    These species were broken at the trunk, which was

    higher than the aerial root system (Figs. 2, 3), similarly

    to P. odoratissimus.

    Ban Thale Nok

    The tsunami height at the coast, where C. equisetifolia

    (with a diameter of 0.5–1.0 m) was growing, was about

    10 m (Fig. 6b). Behind the C. equisetifolia vegetation, a

    wetland (line I) of sparsely spaced C. equisetifolia and

    R. apiculata (line II) existed. Some of the trees at line

    II were broken, and the broken branches and trees

    accumulated in the creek in front of the R. apiculata

    vegetation. The R. apiculata behind the creek was not

    Fig. 8 Vegetation structures:a two-layer vegetation(C. equisetifolia + P.odoratissimus), b two-layervegetation (C. nucifera +P. odoratissimus), c gap in aC. equisetifolia vegetation,d debris trapped by Manikarahexandra

    40 Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45


  • broken even when the tsunami height was presumably

    6 m at the inlet of the R. apiculata vegetation. Houses

    located 700 m from the coast, at line IV, were de-

    stroyed. Cashew nut trees (A. occidentale) were plan-

    ted at line III. The branches were broken at the edge

    facing the coast, but most of the trees remained. A

    house 450 m from the coast and behind the A. occi-

    dentale trees was not damaged. Both line III and IV

    were cultivated from mangrove to agricultural land,

    but the land use affected the magnitude of the damage.

    Laem Son National Park

    At line A, the tsunami, about 3 m high at the coast,

    swept about 1.8 km inland (Fig. 6c). It passed through

    200 m of C. equisetifolia vegetation. The trunk diam-

    eter of the trees was about 0.5–1 m. At line B, the

    tsunami broke young C. equisetifolia, the trunks of

    which were about 0.07 m in diameter. Four gaps inside

    the vegetation formed following the shape of sand bar

    formation (Fig. 8c). The broken branches were accu-

    mulated in front of the large C. equisetifolia at the edge

    of the gap. At line C, R. apiculata was not damaged by

    the 5 m tsunami (Fig. 7h).

    The pattern of vegetation and tree damage

    in relation to species and tsunami height

    Main trunks larger than 0.1 m in diameter were seldom

    broken by a 5–10 m tsunami, except for R. apiculata

    (Kang Island), which was broken by 8 m tsunami,

    R. mucronata (Medilla), by a 6 m tsunami, C. equiseti-

    folia (Ban Thale Nok) by 10 m tsunami (Fig. 7g), and

    P. odoratissimus (Hikkaduwa, Medilla) by 5–6 m tsu-

    nami (Fig. 7d, e). The pattern of uprooting was related

    to the strength of the substrate and was usually

    observed at the front line of the vegetation (Fig. 7b, d).

    C. nucifera had a root zone of more than 10 m growing to

    a depth of 0.3–0.4 m. The roots were undercut by erosion

    and strong drag forces by a tsunami of more than 5 m

    (Fig. 7c). At the front line of a C. equisetifolia vegetation

    (d > 0.3 m), C. equisetifolia itself was not broken, but

    large amounts of erosion occurred (Fig. 7a, f).

    Pandanus odoratissimus and R. apiculata-type trees

    have many aerial roots, and the moment of the drag

    force can be shared by the aerial roots. Thus, they were

    able to withstand a less than 5 m tsunami, even with

    debris attached to the aerial roots and additional force

    applied (Fig. 7h). However, if the drag moment ex-

    ceeded the threshold for the breaking moment when

    the tsunami water was high, the trunks were broken

    just above the aerial roots (Fig. 7e).

    Most of the broken or uprooted trees, e.g., C.

    equisetifolia, R. apiculata, C. nucifera, Terminalia cat-

    appa, and Borassus flabellifer, were not washed away

    but remained in place. Inside the forest, erosion of the

    soil seldom occurred except for just around tree trunks.

    The local scour around the tree trunk was presumably

    caused by three-dimensional turbulent eddies that are

    similar to the horseshoe vortices (Baker 1980) gener-

    ated around an obstacle on a flat bed (Tamai et al.

    1987), i.e., a bridge pier in a river bed (Melville and

    Sutherland 1988). The local scour depth reached a

    maximum of 0.3–0.4 m for C. nucifera and 0.7–0.9 m

    for C. equisetifolia. The local scour depth was less than

    the tree diameter and the depth of the root zone. Thus,

    the local scouring itself did not uproot the trees.

    The characteristics of representative coastal

    vegetation in both countries

    Figure 9a shows the relationship between the trunk

    diameter (d) and the average space between trees (l).

    The distance becomes larger with increasing trunk

    diameter. This figure shows that a larger tree requires a

    larger spacing (lower tree density) to grow. Therefore,

    the effect of d and n cannot be discussed indepen-

    dently. The relationship varied greatly with the species.

    Figure 9b shows the vertical distribution of a(z)b(z).The value of a(z)b(z) becomes increased larger fortrees with larger amounts of branching, including aerial

    roots, and larger leaf area density. a(z)b(z) did notvary with tsunami height for C. nucifera, but differed

    greatly for R. apiculata and P. odoratissimus in shallow

    water. A. occidentale and A. alba had large a(z)b(z)values when the tsunami water was higher than 2 m.

    Figure 10a shows the variation of Cd-all calculated

    with the average diameter for the different tsunami

    heights. The value of Cd-all was close to the value ob-

    tained for mangrove trees (Wolanski et al. 1980). The

    trend of Cd-all with the tsunami height is similar to that

    shown in Fig. 9b, but the value in Fig. 10a does not

    include the effect of spacing, whose importance is

    indicated in Fig. 9a. Figure 10b shows the variation of

    dNu calculated with the average diameter for the dif-

    ferent tsunami heights. If we expect a forest to provide

    protection against a tsunami higher than 10 m, young

    C. equisetifolia (e.g., d = 0.15) is effective because it

    grew densely and was not broken by the tsunami.

    R. apiculata and P. odoratissimus were also effective,

    but they had a tendency to break when they were in the

    front line of the vegetation for a tsunami of this height.

    If the tsunami height is less than 10 m, all three

    species would be effective. The value of dNu for large-

    diameter C. equisetifolia is quite small, almost the same

    Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45 41


  • as C. nucifera. Age has a quite important effect in the

    case of C. equisetifolia. The cashew tree (A. occiden-

    tale) and A. alba have slightly larger values than C.

    nucifera. Although the value of dNu for A. occidentale

    is small, it has another important effect in allowing

    people to escape. C. nucifera had little effect from any

    point of view.


    Changes in coastal vegetation and sand dunes

    for human needs and their effects on tsunami


    The representative landform on the coast of Sri Lanka

    has three components: (1) new sand dunes, (2) lagoons

    with mangrove trees (Jayatissa et al. 2002a), and (3)

    old sand dunes (10–30 m height). Most of the roads

    and railway tracks were located on new sand dunes,

    and many resort hotels and new houses were con-

    structed on sand dunes close to the shoreline. Many

    previous studies have investigated the decrease in and

    changes of mangrove forests in Sri Lanka (Jayatissa

    et al. 2002b), and the importance of monitoring man-

    grove forests has been determined (Verheyden et al.

    2002). Not only the coastal vegetation but also the sand

    dunes have been changed by infrastructure develop-

    ments (Argam Bay, Yala in Sri Lanka). The acceler-

    ated tsunami flew over the coastal sand dune and

    reached the lagoon or old sand dunes. Sparsely planted

    C. nucifera vegetation (Hikkaduwa), Bauhinia spp.–

    Zizyphus spp. vegetation (Yala), or Syzygium vegeta-

    tion (Ban Thale Nok) did not reduce the velocity of the

    tsunami current.

    Vegetation was destroyed about 200 m inland at

    Yala, but Excoecaria agallocha and R. mucronata of

    similar diameters were destroyed only 50 m inland at

    Medilla. The diameter (d = 0.1–0.15 m) and the tsu-

    nami height (4–5 m) were similar at both sites. This

    indicates the effectiveness of very dense tree structures

    near the ground.

    The effect of tree structures on vegetation

    thickness, dn, and the drag force

    Figure 11a and b shows the relationship between tsu-

    nami height and vegetation thickness, dn and dNall,

    respectively. Shuto (1987) classified damage to trees

    and their surroundings as follows:

    Fig. 9 Characteristics of six representative species: a the rela-tionship between trunk diameter and the average space betweeneach tree, b the vertical distribution of a(z)b(z)

    Fig. 10 The physical characteristics in relation to the tsunami: athe relationship between Cd-all and the tsunami height, b therelationship between dNu and the tsunami height

    42 Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45


  • (A) Main trunks are not broken and the trees can trap

    debris, but they have no effect on water velocity or

    distance of inundation from the shoreline.

    (B-1) Trees are tilted or bent over, but they may be

    expected to trap debris.

    (B-2) Trees are cut down, and no effect is expected.

    (C-1) Both trees and undergrowth are undamaged. Soil

    in a forest may remain intact without scouring.

    (C-2) Some trees on weak soil or at the fringe of the

    forest may be damaged and the soil around the trees

    may be scoured, but the damage does not affect the

    whole forest.

    (D-1) Neither the trees nor soil is damaged.

    (D-2) Surface soil may be scoured and damaged to

    some extent, but the current velocity and inundation

    depth are reduced and the degree of damage is


    Casuarina equisetifolia almost satisfied the criteria of

    Shuto (1987) using vegetation thickness, dn. The dn of

    A. occidentale and A. alba were inadequate, but their

    values of dNall satisfied the boundary line between the

    B-2 and C-2 regions. This is due to the effect of their

    branch structures. Thus, dNall is useful for distinguishing

    the effect of tree species. R. apiculata was effective with

    a narrower vegetation width inland than the boundary

    line between the B-2 and C-2 regions in case of tsunamis

    lower than 5 m; it was not broken even in the B-2 region.

    However, it was broken in the C-2 region when the

    tsunami height was 8 m. This is because about 30 or

    more aerial roots can share the moment from the drag

    force that acts on upper branches in a 5 m tsunami, but

    the moment applied to the trunk is higher than that

    applied to the aerial roots and exceeds the threshold for

    breaking when the tsunami height was taller than the

    Fig. 11 The relationshipbetween the tsunami heightand vegetation thickness: adn, b dNall

    Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45 43


  • tree height. A similar trend was also observed for P.

    odoratissimus. This indicates the effectiveness of the

    two species in a 5 m class tsunami.

    The effect of horizontal and vertical forest


    A horizontal forest structure of small- and large-

    diameter trees was also assumed to be effective be-

    cause a dense population of small-diameter trees

    (d > 0.1 m) could reduce the velocity of the tsunami

    current whereas the large-diameter trees (d > 0.3 m)

    could trap the broken branches and man-made debris

    when the tsunami height was less than 5 m.

    The effect of a creek parallel to the coast can be

    found at three sites (Oluvil, Ban Thale Nok, and Laem

    Son). A mangrove usually has many creeks inside, so

    its effect is not restricted to the vegetation effect

    (Wolanski et al. 1980).

    Two layers of vegetation in the vertical direction

    with P. odoratissimus and C. equisetifolia exhibited a

    strong potential to decrease the damage behind the

    vegetation cover (Kalutara), but a combination of P.

    odoratissimus and C. nucifera had little additional ef-

    fect (Hikkaduwa, Habaraduwa) because they have a

    wide gap in the vertical direction (Fig. 8b).

    Disaster prevention functions of coastal vegetation

    Schematics of the possible functions that coastal veg-

    etation can perform are shown in Fig. 12. For coastal

    vegetation management or land-use planning, at least

    the functions below should be considered in future.

    The soft-landing effect

    Many people were washed away by the tsunami. One

    survivor was carried about 200 m and landed on tree

    branches. To provide a soft landing, a tree species that

    has dense branches and leaves, e.g., R. apiculata-type,

    is effective.

    Trapping effect

    Much man-made debris (cars or destroyed houses) was

    also washed away and injured people. However, large-

    diameter trees trapped the debris at many sites. In

    particular, if a mangrove forest is located behind a sand

    dune, it could trap most of the debris and prevent the

    buildings behind the forest from being damaged.

    Escaping effect

    Some people survived by climbing trees from the

    ground or from the second floor of a building. C.

    nucifera and C. equisetifolia are not useful from this

    point of view because they have no branches low

    enough for people to climb. The effective trees were

    Thespesia populnea, Pongamia pinnata, and Termi-

    nalia catappa.

    Constructing a green belt requires time and is

    sometimes prevented by the current land use. How-

    ever, the interval between tsunamis is considered to be

    longer than the period required for forest develop-

    ment, and disasters will possibly occur in the future.

    Therefore, more consideration of the planting and

    management of coastal vegetation from the point of

    view of landscape and urban planning is necessary.


    This study investigated the role of coastal vegetation in

    tsunami protection based on field observations carried

    out after the 26 December 2004 tsunami. The trunk

    Fig. 12 The functions ofcoastal vegetation duringtsunami inundation

    44 Landscape Ecol Eng (2007) 3:33–45


  • diameter and the space between trees have a high

    correlation with each other, and these characteristics of

    vegetation need to be discussed as a combined effect.

    Drag forces that affected the flow were analyzed using

    the observed characteristics of vegetation. The vertical

    distribution of the drag coefficient varied identifiably

    with species classification. The field survey found that

    mangroves, especially R. apiculata types and P. odo-

    ratissimus, were effective in providing protection from

    tsunami damage due to their complex aerial root

    structure. This phenomenon was noted in cases where

    the tsunami wave height was lower than the threshold

    height for trunk breakage. A. occidentale and A. alba

    were also effective because they have large diameter

    branches close to the ground. C. equisetifolia grows at

    high density when the trunk diameter is small

    (d < 0.07 m), but at this size it can be broken by a 5 m

    high tsunami. When the diameter of C. equisetifolia

    was larger than 0.1 m, the trunks were not broken by

    the tsunami and were effective at that height, but it is

    presumed that they had little effect in reducing the

    surface velocity when their diameter is large

    (d > 0.5 m) with large spaces between trunks (7–

    30 m). C. nucifera also had little effect because it has a

    simple stand structure and wide spacing. Two layers of

    vegetation in the vertical direction with P. odoratissi-

    mus and C. equisetifolia exhibited a strong potential to

    decrease the damage behind the vegetation cover. A

    horizontal forest structure with small- and large-diam-

    eter trees is also assumed to be effective because the

    densely populated small-diameter trees (d > 0.1) could

    reduce the velocity of the tsunami current, while the

    large-diameter trees (d > 0.3) could trap the broken

    branches and man-made debris. The vertical structure

    also provides an effective soft landing for people wa-

    shed away by the tsunami or for climbing when the

    tsunami waves hit. In addition, creeks inside mangroves

    and gap structures inside the C. equisetifolia vegetation

    are assumed to be effective for trapping broken bran-

    ches and reducing the water velocity.

    These observations and data analysis indicate the

    importance of preserving the horizontal and vertical

    forest structures to serve as a barrier to tsunamis and to

    allow people to escape. These data are also important

    when selecting appropriate species for the construction

    of vegetation strips for tsunami protection.

    Acknowledgments Dr. D.R.I.B. Werellagama, University ofPeradeniya, and Dr. Nimal Wijerathne, Ruhuna University, areacknowledged for their useful suggestions during field investi-gations in Sri Lanka. For the field survey in Thailand, Prof. A.Sanit, Kasetsart University, and Dr. S. Havanond, Departmentof Marine and Coastal Resources of Thailand, are acknowledged

    for useful comments. The authors would like to thank Mr.Harsha, Mr. Yutani, Mr. Taengtong, and Ms. Wongsorn for theirhelp in field measurements.


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    Coastal vegetation structures and their functions in tsunami protection: experience of the recent Indian Ocean tsunamiAbstractIntroductionField survey and analysisField surveyAnalysis of drag force coefficient using representative tree species

    ResultsExamples of coastal vegetation effect in Sri LankaKalutaraHikkaduwaMedillaYalaOluvil

    Examples of the effect of coastal vegetation�in ThailandPhra Thong Island and Kang IslandsBan Thale NokLaem Son National Park

    The pattern of vegetation and tree damage�in relation to species and tsunami heightThe characteristics of representative coastal vegetation in both countries

    DiscussionChanges in coastal vegetation and sand dunes�for human needs and their effects on tsunami protectionThe effect of tree structures on vegetation thickness, dn, and the drag forceThe effect of horizontal and vertical forest structuresDisaster prevention functions of coastal vegetationThe soft-landing effectTrapping effectEscaping effect


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