t.f. It" • ·, ·. coa :ctP Ti ·o · / XXIV. ESTABL . ISHED 1855. J rccci\"<'d I luc Spriug'a Stock of UOU US l a: .JJ: ..\Iw. tyB on hnml - n full s upply C?f .\! r: q1 cr N Qttum;, .\ HTI<.:LB::I, .!:c. 1 "' !.;TP< IIliculnt· nl l.cuti:'n PRt:;.. SCI<lP \.. \\ "laulrsulc ngent fur J olms ton '11 llccf. "j :11' nr•J bOIIIU of th e ICip:tl llt uu _, .. I. •. ,·s Fruit S.dt, Q u iui1J.ll...li.ino [to sc>c t l:' o"·J urs -.... ___ . Ttlom-.,.·s J:: l,-.; 11 ic Oil H"· J:nul, t ;l'll7.&0n, Dhlc klatct l ;\ 1. ··\'\ Blod:k.u l, (;hnrnul< I:. •. (,;.,l.l n run . wick Ul.u:k I ·. 11 ·a 'E1.13tic I "'li" l: uioloo· · ' \ ,., nbu t ".o r l l.o rn•·"l• Il l'"' 1 ' vlioh l t .. tncs Hrthlu·,, l l.o ut.l Un u 1c.J • til cl. J. T v•o da d o. '! . cl u. H 1·tla HPl h •\ t tt , .: ·r I l l''"'' :,: . .!1 "'· •lu lu , .. l I t 't ,• .uu I' I f. j,, r t)jJ ( "'r ;4 . .!!. 11 {, i .1 {, •. •• • , o.,j , l'•ll •. tay::i..:cJ .,.,,nt.,h ::J B .l \: '-' ' ••• •i." . •l ••f l'.lrta1:, E Ht"nP "'' 4; h , .. t'llllO ' ,' ' l•\' •l 1 l'l• ,( ol ·.d1l ' ,.. !l t;JH•, \' : .•. \ t' ,,'" l. a.: .. ,, , ..... ,, t ' . , 1 ; \ _; 1 ol · .1· ,, \ ·., : ' \:.!• · luw . :. · :It l' t:t..· l J...no• J . l.;C, 1.: 1.1 II 10:•", .. :!IIIW lld \l t.: •l.•:;··, :\ i 1 't' :". I,, l'··•·d lll '! "' •t.•f• ·ll l.l , H•·.l < 1>•1 Y..JI ,w •l, ·b rt•s 11 ,. .1 1 '", 1···. r. 1 ·•• l ·"Y J• .. U ' ' '& 11 I 1• · •. l' ank l! no t 1' 1 ,2 It', (t ,.,til. :-\ .:. l't 1 1U4•:1 \ ..., . , I ,•i. p •r;. ,, ! '"' tu h t' L :"\ ,' lll•U,·"'\1 ,, ,.: .. llool£ p .,w, }("'r \. • I ol ;"i I •ti H', ;""'ol 1 1 t I 1•, \ '. l \\JI'-• !jtlo\ 1 1 ,, .. ,,. , ... ,\ ( "'4tlu'W ="" 'I ' l- \11 \\ "' 1 ... 'r •l , ( :1\ r• n·11• ,1,,, ' t; 1 ll' •' ol t l.l , \'; \'1111'..: t .. ; . ...,,, L) .. , . , . .., )t T 11 °\'1 U' '.· ,,•!P _;; t : :,, •• :-- . ... ...... . T .d, •. :-', ,,, :\ 1 ,\ ·":--, · ... P !,, ... !•·r' ,\ ·, · .... p, ,. ·uaH l' l,, ,t·:f , T tl'l.u It: .\ c ,: id •·. '\ ., . f 1. .. IJIIIl, P v\ \ dc l J. : t '·": \' ,l flll'h. \ '11l":!ln·, Cn!'·r.:-.c t .j. .. ooo Sterling. iNSURANOE ,• -4-Ntr- QU EBN IfiSU RANOEBUluDINGS, GO -FIRST REPORT llho •n.J 4ocount.a , t<.r tho year 1 8i8, loo t.Jlo &_bareholders IH t ho 'ful*fay,!!71.h :'lfuy, J87• t wbi.:h Bel"llaru pn :siJcJ , s h owc\1, in tbe Qividerd and '!l tho U,lp loS(Othf)r Of ) JlPJ' t.t1n t. bJlim; par- ricJ forw11rd. JRit QRAij"Cif, 'flaaL P.r·omiums Cor 187fl , aftpr Ro insijrnncea, amounted to C-156 ,2 74, being l}n incrcuc oi over tho Pa-emium lncomouf 1877 1 anJ tho Lo. '\ios to 1,661, b uing 5!;. 16 per cent. ol1 tho Pre miums ot th e Y <lll.r. IN 'l ' H.E DEPAltTll.KNT. '1. Th nt Policies had been jssned fo r £::!2:2,485 ; amJ ' tiHl Lifo Yuml, l ,y Lhu :.dJiLious 1 :qKJo Lo it as th o l' eeu lt ul tho your'a o pCl"lltio na u ow re prosor.h ti i. !) p<•r cent. of ti1P entire net Pre1u.iufps recri, ·cJ on ovr. ry policy in for,:e. 'Pioe s uq•lqa bqlttnc o" in t he Piro co unt was shnwn t o be £107 .5'99, out wuich .i) 2Q,QQI) \\' U8 AJiprO{'dl• .tcd lO \ cc o nqt 1 r nisiug tb , tt Accoynt w 14 11,000 lll\d m .. with t he..- 'lt<>· "H''c Fu nJ auJ carried forward t:! I. ouu. FU:O\DS. Cnpitnl r"i 'l up ... ... ... t: cu.:rnl Fon<l ........ . 170,tl00 r uud fur uuenrrc<l l' rcrnimna 140, 00 0 lb!l 1 uru forwl\rd .. . 1• . 0:1: , l.•fc .\ ccuru n bt iu!' fund ... o0V 1 8l!l .\ 1111 U 1ty +'nuJ . .. ... ... ... l l,.)S!l ::\ DW:-i DO:-iOYA:-i , Geucrl\l .\ gc nL fbr ;\OJ · · •.. 1''l ,. , I. l.! \. '\ ' 1')\1. (: !'f)U1' I ,j ,, ' ... l . . .. !.,,l 1.111 ...;,h···. \V.l: . .. I : .. \\· u ':oe 11 •· l! t•,l•••l .\ . T . UllY Sil .\Llt I !qrbor n. & Cu. , · · I 'ic rre . \ . • ' :-.t '; al'tl')' p ,.,.,. , ,.,t .. \ )•t''. iSI!'o.;lpa r :h'C. '17. J, , ", H ._.,h, nt . lltl [ •ll" I - - --- 1. . l{c·.• ·h· t: ··lll·f. Cu.: hons Northern I' · •nda d l'n•e!H'•. Fh>ri·l • \Vnler · 1; ,wn·, t'h l ... ·... l ... <' , A yrr '• lf .m Y 1;4ur, Assurai\ce CompaQy. ' . : l'··i'l"' rmint FOn .. .. . · ,, t: .. tc w,· : ' "'• r;•"· .. i .. F:X: _ R.E \.lint <UciiL, ll •>lloJ w Pi ll .; I' f dl.i, llu nL'-s d o. C. \l'JTAL--£J,OOO, QOO ' ., tht. }',u·.-;on' " Jo .\\t·t ·--. tlo Uo "'L · d .. . .. , ...... . .. l.£4.08,<00 J,,: ••. "' ihm'" o 1 1"'7100 . 1.1 If I', 0 .. .. ............. .... . 1 . ;llbOil :1 ,\n ocl yno Jo !=' ..................... _ .. •:·: 101 1 00( h.o >liii ;.(S Cou,.:h l ,ool.Uill;!l'J ,Ju \\' orm T 11lol u. 1.8 1 Liui•ucnt II Y. ,\ D OFFICRS : \\" ,l'l<lill'a W orm Lozenges l. ONDOS'-1 Moorp te Str«1 9t lld.A'.•n' 11 Vc rwifuge, ABE)tD EI!N-3 · King 8trect. 1 , 1 ) lorllhe."\li'K :\T l:ctic Phu slcr \ '\ _ ....... ,. ' ' 1 1 ' · l'uor :n, m'l:l F1· entl, Rolh' .s RaL Boison rt9 :PrfV io l!u""it' •• ' ph· iL Flu sks ltH tnct!and at Curr:entJ4tco 9f ' nditiou l' \lwder c .illm. ' f' ll innuol'• Li e J uiCilan,l Ulycerin_o ,. Pr.oapcc tuses.-Formrt ot A hrgo usort cnt of Himmc l'tt fo r Fire and Life Jneumnce and .ah Goldrn Eye o ther lnf .1 rmat1 on etn at \V.t11ons Cberrv Baf snm, Voilt:t Powde r, the of ·' •· tlo SooLbing S yrup . A. U. TIA'YWARD do. St. Jobrr" •, for N!ld T\lbacco, Pipee, P.eukni,vM P11p er Envolopos Pent, 'P.en eils Writing and Ink11 'J'ollacco P.Onohea, dame\ Hair Pon . cils f,e.t l{ng W u, Cigars _ \. milino D yes in 5J. I 1 4. 10 t I I JLA.RIK)3 GJl,4CE, SAWRDA r JUNE 9, 1883 1 FOB RHEUM! TISM, Neui'Gigia, Sciatica; Lumbago, (Jackache , SOJ'ene11 of tlJa C host, Gout, Qu ill$!! Soro Throat, Swell- ing• and Sprain$, Burn1 a.r.d Gonei'GI Bod ilf fain•, Tooth, EaJO and Headacha, FrosttJd Feet and and all othe,. Pain! and Jehu . lfo 'P"i'""'tloD oo e&rtb tq.W. u a 1 Dft' 1 •wre_, 1/HtJJlo a»4 E.s. t.onJI J Jlemt47 A trlal eota.llJ bot t.bt com,.,.uul .. l r1Cio. oalla1 ol 60 Cola , and tUr)' !lP• ..,114 M I ptJD ""'! _...s poo!Uft proor or til - DlL l>lrt<tlooo iA m.- · soLD BY ALL DRU!; OmTS .&.liD DE!LUS - Ill-lU:DIOINt:. A. VOGELER &: CO .. - Battl .. o,.... •d., V. !/. Harbor GraGe Stove Depot Glaaa1 Tin & To tho of i\lcura. J ous Mrs:s & Co"a. Merc: lu"ail c C. L. KENNEDY l hll nkrnl for fnvours, wishes to iuforno the uihBllill\nte uf this to wn a ucl tl.o o nt· port.sgcncmlly thl\l lr c laM r.:cci• c<l nnd ·1,1\S now r<.'Bd y f ur inspect ion n larq.: variety or Stoves! Stoves ! Stov es with 1\ll UIC f<lt c&l imprO<'C inO IIIII-COnll •' in;: Fr \U cy, Fr:ua l. li n "'"I ... to::cthcr with G ltAT t:S Bnd }'J l- of 1\11 sizes. Al 110, 11. fl nl' n.aso rt ment of the newest in GC..!'I'II! C G IIA"l'ES ( llrilisl.l nn .l Americnn.) T!Jo hns likewise lf\rgely llddc<l to his f or!D11r stock of/ E'qa;lieh etc .• etc. American Cut, Wrought Md FiuiehiDJ: NAILS of all •it.CS, 1\lwl\ ya kept on. together JUngca and Sr.r owa, DoornnJ Clospt r · Iu addition to tire 11bovc, he has just re- reivcd 1\ lnM'IY of I' AI :-ITS of 1111 colnrt Ull· and nt well l\8 Wiadow GLASS ( all ai1es) aod PU'M'Y. Tho following 1\rtieles, 11nd o1 here too to apecify aro also nhnJ'I kept in atock: AmerlC3n Adtea and Hntchcts, Shcnth Knive' nn<t llcltll, Varnbb Harness Rinh15 and llocklee, T runk , Furniture Vnrniab, Washbonrds, Uroomt llrnahea- l:'lliot, Scrubbing, Stove, Cl!ltl let Wool O.mll, Coll1 SenLtle11, Shovels, Cofreo Mill r, Clothes Linea, Water l'llil'\ Koro1!4uo Oil, Lamp e, Buru cra 11'0d Culm'· neya. GROCEIUES.-Colfeo, So"(l3, Mllkhoz eto.r etc. 17"fo a.ll of'whlcb lnapeotion.la invilllct · · C. L. 6. ./ CARRlAGES ·! · .... . ---· WARREN ·& WHITMAN. ..... .. . ---,... fu as tbeif acti<ih it con por11..td it. ehou lt l mndu by tbtl hon .' Colouinl Scc:retnry. yhich form. an , iudiiOCoJIUIL lor lho retention or bnrJ bcon Ia a former p.:norl of t hAt prijlcll,llO oo c.bo of thn81l wbo pro· of , litO ll'cciry tho ao•ottnt.tiO:OOO f011 or ','l11o tlllyn.blo in of cll\1!' 1' ari.tln$1 onL .• equitably; 'lmd\ atltho !)uck of flo aaid (he altar- talUS , tbo" _J)OIIh,?U tbe tl\ku in ntioo. would. n;treuil to by lower dnahog wltb tho nrbitratiou clnuso 113 tho .Y bouao ' 'ba'fo · dono ill :tlJia mu. Tho opinions or H. TuonDl' flN ""re ed to this peraona iu bnvo lx-cu quot.:d liS it ro1uovu the ;it.j. ctiou wbi oh tl!ll HQQ geo.t!cJD aiJ .. ll u ( C. S.) d•J uot or!gtunl cln!lsc presented, of car tr lloow 10 strictuuu it bl wachl to the to fill in wu 1otroJuco euoh r <Jforcncca l llruouut, aud we migh t be comrni ttiuJ:t,OUr· Into our ;_ aod even it it weru, a ••lvcs t o an not j uatifio. blo. these 11r e bat indtvt!iuRI opinions, which Uy apecHyiug t bu vD•II, which tho 1?-rer wero· not coo firmed by tire voi"" ""d voto houAe bavu tCt 1'"1· we u.ru of tbo bouse. 'l'be matlllr li'IUI disposed of C3rr ying out tJo cir lnteul.icn without u:rjlrcu- tbere by t ho unanimOIJI of i1111 opilaion ae to their for it. tho . of tho . l>oop lc. llo ld 'J' I. ro trausnctiou rcmiudcd him of 4 amRrt tlloy du 1r ed to convey to U1i 1 brnucb thM lnsh ulosrnMI who u• Joe knew formerly th_ cir on tho apbjcct .;ere in accord wbo, ·>r bo n to n a. 'le, would With .tho V1 owls or tho 'boo thoy lo 1\ Cuatomur, "tho price of t.lo i<i art iolo ceruutlly botd ll 6t t;l\ngo w Ay of ahowlllg it ia ono-!lnd-aixpcuco, we will lf.heo they !Ilk .u.s ' tc> 10 rot/illy OU tl:c it to you," I• or 1111 thea>! rea· WllS t ho sort or pnno1plo M.So\na. Simp· 110 .u• be (C. :5) thoul!bt thoy should act on npp: ucotly, 111king firat W181JIY. t.y tO tho propoul put for- for tbe wo rk, 1\nd thon uyiuj; wo wnrd IU Lhe Hill, aud e.:c ius lhtlll it to TOll. the ti> d i.!ll!, rb ho _m ust cxpreu bid lower honao choose to thoao ten from the . 111ll.Co4 mcnt. tbousnuJ dullanr, lLeyo.ro ri'sponalblo for it ll o.n; w , '-" 'aolcy by noL tlus hrnuoh; wo hll \ "e o nl y ,to aesont t1 fra01 ed' au n :ln ezl' emlituro; 0111y u prea our Tus (Colli ililt(d.) lion Co LOlltAL Stcntunr:..:.The boo geo- tleallln hu, ' from bia p!culinr staodpoiot , m11do out n rather pll\u.sl\lo CMe in auvport or t bc view he h ll8 advocated, but be (C. S.) wu . quite Ulltlble t<> coteur with tho bon cootie maD io 11pproval of t.bo conrto propos- ed. 'l'ho Harbor Grace &tld Carbouoar' re- building Acta biiYO been atcd In aupport of hia polll tiou, nod t he hou dr11wa liD iofercucu froul tbe nrbi·ratioo provisions iu t!Joau i\cte wbicb, ha ll!ler:s. is ooudem- o:ttors or tho priuciplo ol arllitmtion lu.ia down in tl1o St. J oho's Rubuil.Jing Act; .tod OU t ho groQod 110lely,u it wonld seenl, t lant th uy llrH from tho latter. lie (C. S.) coultl not adoot thaL t bo c. uea compAr oed 8111n d ou quito grounds, n!ld it is an uuwnrrauted coucluaion to arri,·o at that thtl tli ffer,•nce in t he QJOrJes of arbi- t rAti on in t hese A cts convey• 1111 011i uion of t ho t he priuciplu laid in tbo J ohu'a Aol 11:\ll :ln un- fAi r nod uniust one. \\' c do not know 1\t tbu \ima ; oveo tbe boo himself rnost probably in o nll\YUe of iutluunccd tlle or the clnnses rt: f err.:J w io tho Ac ts quoted. Thn t lnll tlcncc mny bllVO lofl tl fi ll bcnri1 lg on, no whatever to t loo rroviaion• of ::::aiut .J ohn" a H.:buildi ng but may h nrc bft•n :uul prob:.bly w:u balk• ll on prcu!i.•r co1uh t h.ln8 au t1 ci rcumst..,occA 1uci .. dent w tho lor:ttit lu tu 1\ hic!J t bo provi!ioua of lnwA into11<leal to ni' Pif. Thi s ut ru son3blc IDri tutelligible. bn t auch reunus m11y h:t.Ye been, we 111 Ibis di•lllnco o! tim., cnnnot to aay. \\"hy dill tho Snint ,J oh.,"a Hcbuililing Aet pro,iJc tl.p liO nr nmcut mi ght two 11 rbitrutors nnd tho pArty inter· rated o?e ? It Is very te> and may l:11rly he pre• umo I, that t bo Ill• nt in tlmL in•trmctl ro:a\oued iu this ""l'· - 1hnt il could be t lra t n mntter l..et WClt R lh (l OU OII C . i·lc ftuJ no ioulh·idnal ou lho ot l•e r. WM to .•[iSing eimply bctw teu t\l'O pnvato Ju tho l atter · Cll<e it is the inlcrc•t nuJ get all he c;lll rro nr u. nud"il' s'l)bjeet It to ch · ') na littlu M Ito to A. lJnt in a cnse where the :: o.-tlrnmcot ato on one sitle, n.nd tho indiddunl on the othor, the aame con- ditions do n:J t nor can the I!UiliC rei\· sons bold good. Th e govornmcnt hMo no ll:lc rC!l in Lbe opp ored to tltun nmple in dontir.g his clnims. T he ::o1 ·ernmeat nrllitmtors woniJ ht tr uelecs of t h1: 1111d pc blie, :md would not bl! iuOucncr d by tho mo- t in ·s which llo auppost:d to nfrcet .rrh persons wp(l would rer k to further :heir own iut cr.6 ta or. ly. They \'> O uld bo 1\Clll'lle•l by 11 d tsi rc 10 consc rvo tho tom· rnon iut .-rcata ur nil conccrued, !loo iutcrcsu of t ho wholu country, nud U•crcfo ro 1n de1l in;; with such mntt cra, tho govcrnmcut mu et be En ppo.scd \Q bo free from the bi as :hu \\O uld wbero only pri ·:nto in- nh ·idl L 'lls \1 er e conr:c nttd. Tho or tho (;0\ '0 roment 1\rbitmtors would be to moto ont equal justice to 1111, keep· ing 11l wnya in vi c" tho goucrol ef tbo public. nnd hoviog no pouiblo object to IC r\ '0 in t ho Of nny one: reprcacut ing in both 'Ill de" con- corned jn CI\M. UcsiJo.s lbi1 iew of t ho cue be would a.\y, and this Wl\11 very gencmlly known, there wM the feeling cxiBUns.: in "moat mlnda wben issues arise beh•ecn tho nod iudh ·iJuale, tho propensity is to l"ao iu r:"or or tbe wcl\\:er .JJe, and people often olo litis uo · o>naeionsly 11nd"tthou L n.uy intention of viol11tiug st rict 'fhCJ' a ru n.pt iu aucb to be unrt'II80Uably bi ued and to tnko greater oarc of the printo t ban o( side or tho queetion. It & l> mt or Jll,h(!e and 1111rucsa, and in , b11r- YI CWA npon 11 . lno ny wit h gcnemlly desire or ll o n. 1\l r. rlgllt to insert the colnl.lluu1ty. li e. felt cooviucc• l tlll\t the such 1111 ameotlwcot may bo quClltionod, llnd nmeodment ho [>r Op<>.,cd, uhoultl it co •nny nor be ngrecd lo, M wu lhe ease on down to tho other bN.uch, would bo freu· n forruor occaaion. · ly coucurrcd in t ho ro, n !l it is b. 1,ed upon After 1\ fu nbcr ehor l lite the iKomu tBblc prinei plo of lle I rose, Bud repon ed Lho llill ll.!l WM prompted by n desire to mnko o ur nmcuJ.:d. . as 8:\tisfnctory zu poa.,iblo to t he On rootion, the report W3A pubhc. L: ec;>in1= in ,·icw tir e gcnco l\1 it w11s on l,red that tbo Dill bo rc<ld nthird intcrcs<! of the commo nwcnllh, 11nd t ho in- I tilDe to· morro w. st Mco wherein tho priuci!'lo of lion. Cot.o:> t AL Sr.cuET.\ RY Ulo.-cd tho speeillecl in t ho &i ot J oLo'a Rebuilding bouac into Committee of tlto \\"hole on tho Act, cod to be t hiH al i II, tllnnufllcturiut; Dill.- llou. B. \\' bite ill t6o is but oo o ae opposed to t ho army or co o- cb3ir. · · lrnry testimony be P lr. \\" .) bcul deduced. After dclibcrnlion. tho Tho nmcndmeot be b11d propo3r<l would, if ro .sc nncl reported tho Dill i to be reed n. nd optod, nnd o. .similAr onn sul w itnt cd for thir,( timo t.o-mOfl'OW, ihu arbitmtion iu tho T he bouse then until to-mor- ia c:onHuonly f• id where the wu concerned unoo one side, " o b, n few pouuds ruoro or · )elll wtll lliTcct lhcm, 11nd will bene fil vorr rnoch tuc other pArty;" hence it !I"AI nC'e eaaary to ngniliiL tbo CODI! P_AUCOCCll Of t la ia l!eDtJOIO II• tal modo of mnltera \vhere tho gover nmcot was to be dealt\vith, and a vtry pote ut rueon appeared for at.rongtucuins: tbo Lnodaof t he 11nch eMU. froo1 tho l aihroy Aol ol il Lioe Rail-, w:o.y Act, 'does not ou 11\ D tlic po1ition of the Ia on. gentlcrMn, govern- meal ia DOL a io t bu CMell tqarein rc- ferretl t.o. Tile arbi trntion the re apccifled J ohn"s Rebuilding Act, S.'\tis- row. faction t..> tho pcovle o( Saiul John's, nod --- nt Uoc ll:liii O tiwo redou uJ c:cally to the l'moAr, Apr il lS. crud 1t of t he tbclllael ves. Th e hoUllo me' at h111f-put fout' llou. Co t.O SI.IL l::iEOP. t:TAI :\ ' -Why ba.s ie On motiou of bon Colouint not been proposed to rcpctl l tho Dock llill, and abo tl 1e Mapn John'a IC worked 110 uu. l\1lre, tbcf'fotTncr n.i:afl'ded. 11\tiafnctorily u All6ged? 11 lhlr<ltime !Wd tl ou. c. n. A \"Ill; the bnn Colonial li on Mr. w Al:nm; Mid, if not too Secretary credit Cor ail• c1 ·rity in t"o courao now, ho should like refer to & he accn1s to "''opt in rc:;arJ to this spoken of ll!leruoou in rcfcrcnoc l. mt ho hu failed to 8 bOIY tho principiB to tho alteration m:tdo in 11 thirtl acctioo of contained in th ia liill tiS tn tho 1ooll u of tbo J)ock Uill by t bil 1110 hon Uo. ia co t unjust. It Willi 1111 nrbi· louil\! Sccretnr y bacJ al m t.ud tbo propoa- lrnry r: ::odo of proccdur.-, to py tho ICf ..!lt, ed nu1unJwcnt \Ybiol 1, bcioo: a woooy np · nntl he qucationcd if auch a Bystcm wouhl propriation, wns besiJc tho provinoo of thia Ito adopt.:tl in noy other pnrt or tho \to.riJ. branch would be llgrccd to by tbo lower He would tlrink it outside the bounds of housu. nasurnnco mll Y hn•o been tb11t n 1 nn n "·ho ">' nutcu properly b<mo fi but he ( Mr . W) remembered 11 should como nod tAke of it wi t liko Cl\lC wherein nu nmoodmeoL of a airuilnr out aMk ing him his prico; '"'d iu this C!L'Ia, ch11rnctor wu iuso rt.od in a Bill, the o,·en if to resul' iu A pu lolic benefit, he lion ,\ ct., in tbi• obawber on tho 1113Uranee thought n pe no n should hi\\ •C tlrnt it would bo n.g reed to intbo lowor nn opportu nity fur fnir hy be- hotuo ; lf hll n down a di a- 10& gra nted the power to llJl(lOi nl ouo Mbi- cussiou llro.'le nnJ tho amcudulanl W!l.!! ro- t mtor n&li n$L onCl on t he wiJc ; l'udi,•ted. I l o wcutionod tho m11tter 1111d that those two ahonld nt opOi nt 1\ll tO f:Wlrd t hlii cluunller from thO indignity or u• ap!ro in ea10 of d ilU:r ree tqCl nt. Such wnA bdnJ; pineed iu n aimilnr ridiculous posi tion 11 fnir princi ple or 11rbitrnt io n, and ""Y now ; nnd ho wiah eJ it t.o b4 clearly undeother uo't in cdn150nnnrc with it wl\8 unf 11ir ll oor.l t lo i\L thia lloJy havo becu M&orcd t hnt not! un just.- He to ate tho ju•ti fi c l!. · tho :tmendment would bo coucurred in be- lion for t.J1o go1 ·ornment two fortl lYe committed ou111ohes to its men to do jt1.11lice in this mnttcr, oxcllldlnc: tion ; M to pruveut t,be Council from the oll'ncr of property from 1111 li ability to being plnoud iu 11 !alsu poai- roprcat:nt.stion 00 tbe bOI\tO of ,ubitrftt iOII . UOII. lie concurred in the nnd Jt on. ll ;I'uonou RN eaitl tbnro w:111 ono hopecl thoro would bono m ttt rnp t to poi nt tuAI to ba'l't I>Qcn l 011t ligM Ioree 10 ol moxiou• :uod ll of in tho d cbMes the Dill ; was through tho conned without aucll au the pos..ibility of liro, 11nd lho neceuity of nl tcr:'ltion M that prO[IO•cd. ugaiuat iUI CODII6<JUOOCCS. Of ll oi'.C. l,;I :UII"DT agreu<l with I be viewa of conr •o if thu <lock wc ro be couatruct.ell of aome honorll'blo who oppuAe. tlo u stone. the of d nmngo would uot be clnnse, that 10 f"r lll! ll b8traot opinion goca, so l! rc:tt "" in tho CMO of a timber dock, 11 thoro is much to he 1111iJ iu f1wor or t ho largo po rtion of which would bo linblo to point ooutondcd for by tho aupportcrs of d cAt ructiou in CJISC of 1erioua the 11mendme_u t.. UuL will Ito 11llmitted lie lhout.;ht tJoercforo it wu oo h11rw to nbsti"'ICL 'p ri r 1ciples nre not tho draw the ntt cntion of tiro govornmopt to tho lu all conditions nne\ circ .1m- pr opriety or tho work u it pro· atnncea, and unless eon1o atroo gor n MOul grca.'ICJ in co ull truotioo ao lUI to t ho than tho theoretical and sentimental ooea colun) 's iQtercAl in it. Shou ld n. 81lrlous tba\ hue beou ndY!I nced, cliO be 1\dduced, fire arit o whilo the work prosrouea or l1c could eco no ncceasity for do· n. un • fro111 11 priod plo ecoms to hll\ 'C li ktly, ns lhcro will be t1 hu·gc UQlonot of worked geucr11tly 11nu well. pitch nml lllr U 8e•l 1\nd 111'\Chino lirea in On his ground, 1\ntl in the knowler i!Zo opc rotion, couaidemblo deatrucLion mlly tl ois euu ro. hu reucivcd the nlmo11t un- o.:cur; on ly to the dock. 111111 ita nppur- C\ ' ua sauction or t ho lo\1l'r house, he t c•u11ut build in)!ll. but nl110 to the property s ould IJo l oLh to 11ltcl' il without vory 11t the of tho to,..n. He hoped atrong 1'..'1010. 1 H .! tho rcfercu c'cA therefore would be t11kcn te. to th e ' remnrlre of t lto hou t•rcmitr nnd from pOIIiblq or othera 118 mado by t ho l• on IDo,er or tho tbis eorl by kcepiug tqt ioeumneo Ill! llrDtndment 11 potent nr;:umoni i11 tho, • or!: goes 0 1\ 1\8 well 11.8 nfter Ia COlD· favor of tbll lli lt, in:uu\uch ll.!l h•d hero pletetl. He did not •uppoao tbc oott of in· really edated in tho otber n aumncc would bo very IRTgo. tho clfluao objected to, tber<1 li o n. P. CI.IIAitY l:li,l nil tltt•o m..'llenl is little d oubt &OQJII or !be membe111 of been 1\bd provided lor bofore llmnab wonld hnve boen lndncl!d to blind. After t ho dock 18 ooonpluted should the of th o l' roroicr twd 11 fire t11ko I'II'Cu in it, it c:ottl(l only dlllllJ\,<Te n1te'r11l ion, \O'hicll lloi'Pev .. r 1111, noL cl ouu. tlmt Jl('ttion of a !Jove th" wl\ ter line, 11/l li e tloo!IQ.Iot if sucb n gric• ll nc:o ronlly d itl t bo fl oo•i coultJ llo at ooco ' OJ>OII<'II I!Xi•t, i' rl of p3triotie spirit nnd tba dock lluode<I IO'M tcu tro\YD ou t the I <:JO.tome' OlliCOt' M·other po..... -'eo all· polntctl I.Lat aueh v-el hu-beeo bllilhrtll and snhltaliUally ud Ia ac:cord&oce with 8h•dn'• = tr ""' .. .,..;.... T ._. ... U9o Mr. Wann.'f aahltb4 JM'O'ilicnl.witll rc11ard to tu coudltiolill apoo wltiell mii J cJtritn bOIIOIJ undet>tbil Hi.ll AriiiO-· 17hat aimil&r to tb.oae ill tt.e eliatiug I&W', bntn.ro not auflicicutlyetriojftnt to ae<:tJro a tlroroujtb complinnc:e witla lbo aaaeifctat in- tention of tbe lcgial:tture · io potl Dif that bounty. When the pl'1llltnt $\ipbnil di•r h ct wu befure the Lqjialaturo,' he.. (Mr. W.) r cooaunended tho inae rtion of an n.mcn'd.rocnt whieh met tho oppronl of Wia ch:unber. &Ad as he" unalunAOod, of 1ho lo 1 vo r houiiC, but "ant oftimc, u it was late in t ho eouion, wu pleaded &I a reuoa for not incor port.LiDg in tho law. It 1m11 nli;ed"that if much d lecgllioD i t;, the llill .luight not: p., thu Aellliooand it was pecoaury t.bu ·i' abo old b&- oomo lu.w. The Ulll oow before aa, Uko tho one, proYidea. tbU t.bo bouul y ahlill be pa.fAblo upon all ll tiBMII newly built from the '""I c:olocy, bot it fail.a b:> 'M.lrullllto lhal web · otessel s ah11ll aleo bo ne wly )quipped. Now 1 the of tho Bill uideotly il to enaolc 1111 to COl!IJ>OW witb abipbmldora in tbo oeighboriaf l'ro- viocell, ,!lbolo vuaola oomo in htln oq11ipped, du(.r onr poopl.lh&U. pr id r to tho pnuing o!. tbo Shlpbolldit)g to 11rliclee ' no..-e-ry for the building and of their crl\ft. it w!IS u n. drnwtmclr. on aucb mntc!ri· nla tho bounty wM provided. and be it altould abow tnllt tbo uaed:ou their sbiPf ahol\ld be of new mlllcril\l u well as the vcnel itself. Now, it ia ll well known fact thn.t t he object or t ho lMv bM been 110rno r x· tent dofel\ted by partiOil tebuiltliug and equippi og thorn with old Ails, tigs:iof. a nchons, IUld 110 forLb, 1\Dd t hou dem11oding t lto bounty; tb WI ut.j,llzi ng matoriaJa that wcro not thcneubjeet to uuty, and thus dla- houcat pllrtiu pota.ica.oed n large ndvant.11110 over 1hosc who boua fide build their out of Lho uc •, and equipped tbem fu lly wltb DCI'I' m11lcri&la. Uia at tention Wa.'l drawn to Lhi.s lllltottllr during hit maoy Lra· \·ela in tho outport.s. aorl he, aa well aa 1111 .wbo go.vo •tbe mlltter was f lruek with tho injustice that t he iml'Ufott oondit.ion of tue ulat.iog b.w pormita. ll o tbo or. u.awa«Ara to gran' llle bounty cxcep' in <:Met where bolla Yl'«<II 1\nd oq•1ipmcut aro ne•l', , 11nd he t buroforo abouh.l mo ve or nn ameodmeot providing that the cquipm.:ot ahould •·holly of DOW lllllte.rialll. Tbia provi&o would, Lc thougut, attempts til im- romo,·e n. ll doubt, a.Jl c:laimnnt• or tho bouoty on.a !air foou. ng. • lieu. B. W mt& \'f&a glad to .. o tbe bon tnke so d eop . an in muMon , o.nd be t hougbt hid viow waa con- aorvcd in othor clauacs aod in tb.e Schedolo auaohod to it;, whic:b apeoUioa maW-rial to bo u.sed in building. The objoet of courto iw to meet tJ•o reqoiremeutt 1 of tho todu, 11nd aa baa been 8tatdd, the' iomt.ioo of bw haa baeo dc,feat ed i.o ioatabecs by portica rebolldi og,o ld ara h, aod caoi]!P- Ing them with o1c1· geM, placibg the e<lUI{)· mc ut of a ailtly t on f OliiCl tlaat bad already aoco tho boll of ita da,.upon a vltlllol of t)l) tona, nod thon claim tOg the bounty-' ll.o tuought t!.ac introducer of 'th!l Dill w ,puL.l h:wo no obJectiou. to.Acu..rc:ll&OIIl'ble amend- would it ml>nt clllcieot. ll o himself io 110me '[!Oiot.s it. was ot Pro ] Jlliou however is mnde fo( a tor whose cl nty it will bo t.o aeo'that thlire b no o1"a!ioo on Lho p: ut of lboco'aeokiog tl!o bo unty. ill ror the vnltlllliOn of property bot.M'CCD prh 'lllu Individuals nnd foreign compMies. tho nol )leiog cvuccrned i bo could 11rpr ec:iato the reuona that "pply in mAL:i ug a d itt inction iu tl 1cao circom- wtau cea ; ruaona which about.\ bave no wltcre t he 1vere p. 1ri\Q8 ou ooe aide. T botc colnpaohe io 11rran. lug witb prlv&to partiu fot property. are treated iu regard to arbilratloo, o in tho cau of two iodl•ridullll. J>id'be (C. 8) rc- of the aalutary \be Saint J ouo'a R.:bo.Udl. og Act, u aama &l 1e io he Cl ,h onJd poiot to tho C!iJ!perioDce o( &b e hon r.otle- man hilneelf, a,r. \'(arrt'O. to abow t the A. ot bad, optr.lecl w llh aeoertl eatiafaetlou ror " nry m-.ny Je&n. fhe bon. A<!tllinltliiTed, f or a in ..&bet TCprcisantnUvc braltch when t hM flro. , chr1llcngo "" hoUaei'plccl. T hn hon Col- li on. CoLO!Ctolt . " tcnF.TAI:\ ", ill to oniAI t)oc:ret:try hu ole .11\lown t ho Ui ffur · boo Mr. W11rren, !lAid he wM 1\Murcd if t.lu: tDtpriocipl ell lhal bn\"u i oflUPi l(!C llill "!lCI down 111 !lnlt'nded. tbc; amC JIIatbitr, tion' is \)(tWl. '<lll il,ulh•ltlunl• 11imply, IIIOJit Ifill 'Jo agreed to In t ho Jo..-cr and between n. goYernmeut on QJICliiJ & (IIIl i h ouac. illdi fido.tJ.ts. on tho ot::er. Whotl j!O vcrn· li on. 1'. 'l"411 1l0T mo'(.od tho h'IU!JO. into moot• 11re ill qne!Jiou i• 'I:Sonot he. c;h,ul! orl \ committee of.lhe wlrole o u the Bill to pro- IW'int t tbe1a doll! tiJey h.al(o any in- for a refiew of th.o dcclaio1 .. of J n•· I I on. IL 'J'Rocnun.'{ lAid whon tbo preaedt •hip-hultdln • lllw wu uudqr con -lderntiod, t. o plr. •r;) tho very point t.hcy wcrtl now Dad tho reMan f(il·cn for 110t 1\d opling t!n alllcllllrubnt nt tho t.ii ilo wall \b., Uill might bu l011t, is tl1e eeaibu II"U 11nd It \rl\5 that It &bould 000o1no law t b11t ye 11r. 1t ia of COIIrte undertloo.l tl111t t ho h1t.cntion of lho law IS,' t bat lhu. bounty Ahllll only apply- to vellllola Dtvrly nnrl cqulppo<l "ith ne.,; mt.to rin.l &. .It 11111\=lf never contemplated 19 t b.o bounty, whieh Wl\!l rol!eu\ u a •• t.o \'CSSola equipped with ..eood ba11d wo.-n, out m11terinla. lie haJ. bl'lltd staled tbllL "'ith alleg ed thnt their t hon:h ooly old oue6 rc- nnd ' equipped with old jltl:ll, W6l'u now 'lind entitled to th o IJounty and iu oontnwenLiuu uf the i u- tcution or tho t\ ct. Suclt por-• are in a Lht.n !Jpoe3t tunn wllo rullitle-1 all ,t.be eoo- ditio nJJ or t bt1 Ia..,. Of U io IJ pi.ld· 11 veucl 110•no UQ)btra 11ro · uacp thoQSh oh}, eountl llnfl u aa uo" i thoro WOttld bo llO objeedOI\ tp their r ll · tentiou in boil dina c ,,_l ;and in claiming IJounty euch n cil'lftl"'t.anCl! ebo(lld D c:. L opornlu aj!JliueL a claim. Old apart, ri)(giag, Auchol]l. etballll 4 !1., should no1 . lto11' - bo po!rtnitted to be i" cafOS whuro the bounty-ia Jl e ahouhl iJIOfO. 1\111\11 thl\t ol hou W:urou. tbb IDKr tiobof tlae wo , rds: •· An< ! t'C\ UJpped an every reaflllOL with njl.- mnt erin l," lO b6 v lf\Oe!l afwr l.llowqrd IJiaQ• uer ln thu f ourLh lin,. '' ! l ' ' and be loan reu II!I11'4111110Ditbte t'l.e of o.bjec:!Jon _iaJacLbow nn,quuiiell l11e c:oru- tltf' i!Ha IIWie IJNp&L IL 81 iljd ,.-., lie (C• S.) DOL D -bialti(ll, ,..,. - praollqal .. Dd niiJ 'e'DQ""-' to. ooro· IM& tl••, .... hoot ta,IDIMl of com_. Qln)' ' \!oll_: t ttrutt t.Q tene, lhe of the crt>l - t iet's.- hon Mr. · In •h• ofi.Uc'. t,. t.IQp tbal bu eo place Jlail. Af ter a aborlldcrllliemtion lbe I OOIIImilli'O •at prOW'tl th!i J)o jnjuatico ltM bu n I rou. o"nd reportlld tlae IJIII wltheu& done oo tbat lr UlML . be 11oy evtllitiiCtd il\. 1410 • On moh oo. the r;,porL W&l\ reoelfe(l. opinion tbat tl\lldn by tllc llill to be rc.d a tltlr. lt irne to-murro•. ar bilmto,. wu , oo \lie Yhole n,lbtr tOO H em ' l:l., W ull'iC nto\'ed.. h1 to liberal tl i1\D other •lee llo Co• I c:uomlt t.eo ol the wlulle 11 p011 lhe -'•ip- tbera• rcaeona fe.l l <> llhlfr 1\ \buihlliiJI Mr. Wttrren ia lbe meul)re which t lloo oU••r .biiUICih abo. chair. , 1 . • ', (\e. to dntlirb . 'l'ho I\ rat ll•t'e11 .- on• t,.Avlulf • l!fcn ; Alttr I!Otllt forth• .... ioo, the adop'te,l and the fourth r1111d ,.. rot to••: a,'at •Mpa,uttd 4. -V ... It in of wbil:h botui\IJ a ,-HOII'blee ll .... _ W anoo, udtr .aotio• of· tl•• An 11111, be Tb ....... . ............. -g ..... .. -tlbn'b .... tile Pretl.Jalit, ... d IQt*Pti.S)f Wl'-ht like lllan· t'he Co m...-,, udAl.-.. WbliA, 1\t'r .. ell• __ .... wit II alt A to Talbol ucl Cro'lrd)o, · Ill .. Aet. aqd thall M i.DI!*'lioa lion V. lt. A n:uald the Jilin& poioJ h.ad bie. IUt.ontion 1.• &he Ui/1. lslu .llp<"ri" ,a krlo- of hhitg bftn ro\ .t1i\1;, a.ol,l ol d m1111, rfirahig {ac)!te lllleit, !h t 'tll.lpu\Cnt a Co,iJ·'Dtl crart, uJed for a aiX\Y·!OJ.l o u .. 1w1cl, wu q.u unauita blo.. ·for yot lbC! bOunlJ lo 1ucll' a ., aa cl11hucd anc1 recei,oil. ln th11t Qt th11 '""ml 1111111 eq1 t•· waa Lwloe., •}tloll of co na o1 diG iQlentlN of '"'• .let. Ito ' -If 1*1 pu!'R*• til oC'c aa 6tO" 111 ".• p.stteine o wt.o him. 'J"he 'l'bt ... 111to ,.. ua ""' tllrYeJitf C.'*-' Ottoeae w AI lt,'*'CJG....... periOIII ap .......... .Wrdolli ... ,wrawa hil4 111111 ,..-ct .& '" •" ·• . ... .

coa:ctPTi·o - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18830609.pdf · ~U!lUS '!l tho U,lp loS ... recri,·cJ on ovr.ry policy in for,:e. 'Pioe suq•lqa

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·. coa:ctPTi·o ·-· ~



J ~~~ rccci\"<'d I luc Spriug'a Stock of ~BW UOUUS l

a:.JJ:..\Iw.tyB on h nml- n full supply C?f .\! r: q1c r N ~. Qttum;, 'fl)lL~T .\ HTI<.:LB::I, .!:c. 1

"'!.;TP <IIliculnt· nll.cuti:'n I'll~ PRt:;.. SCI<lP l'lv:\~ \..

\\"laulrsulc ngen t fur J olmston'11 ~luicl llccf.

"j :11' f.,l lowin~ nr•J bOIIIU of the )'~ ICip:tl llt uu _, ..

I. •. ,·s Fruit S.dt, Q uiui1J.ll...li.ino h .·atin~'!l [tosc>ct l:'o"·J urs -.... ___ . Ttlom-.,.·s J::l,-.;11 ic Oil H"· J: nul, t;l'll7.&0n, Hi~in!;! .'un Dhlcklatctl ;\ 1. ··\'\ Blod:k.u l, (; hnrn ul< ::!k i n~< I : . •. n~·· (,;.,l.l l.~:.d , n run . wick Ul.u:k I ·.11 ·a 'E1.13tic I "'li" l: uioloo· · ' \ ,., nbu t".or l l.orn•·"l• Il l'"' 1' vlioh l t .. tncs Hrthlu·,, l l.out.l Un u 1c.J • til cl.J. Tv•od a d o. '! . ~' ln~ clu. H 1·tla ~L HPlh •\ ~ t tt

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C.unT+'Ir.-:'~~,opo, ooo Sterling.




TWR~1'Y -FIRST ANNU~L REPORT llho l~ev.orl.f •n.J 4ocount.a ,t<.r tho

year 18i8, proscl)~ loo t.Jlo &_bareholders IH t ho An!.\lfll\Jee~ing1 ~ 'ful*fay,!!71.h :'lfuy, J87• t wbi.:h Bel"llaru R~ll,l-Aq. , pn:siJcJ, showc\1, in tbe Qividerd and ~U!lUS '! l tho U,lp loS(Othf)r Of ) ~ JlPJ' t.t1n t. wa:~ dc~l "rell, ~H,03~ bJlim; par­ricJ forw11rd.

JRit QRAij"Cif, 'flaaL ~ho P.r·omiums Cor 187fl, aftpr

Jclluctin~ R o insijrnncea, amounted to C-156,274, being l}n incrcuc oi ~5,;$!)1 over tho Pa-emium lncomouf 1877 1 anJ tho Lo.'\ios t o £2~ 1,661, buing 5!;.16 per cent. ol1 tho Pre miums ot the Y <lll.r.

IN 'l' H.E LP~E DEPAltTll.KNT. '1. Thnt ~ew Policies had been jssned for £::!2:2,485 ; amJ ~hnt. 'tiHl Lifo Yuml, l,y Lhu :.dJiLious 1:qKJo Lo it as tho l'eeult ul tho your'a opCl"lltiona uow reprosor.h ti i .!) p<•r cent. of t i1P entire net Pre1u.iufps recri,·cJ on ovr.ry policy in for,:e.

'Pioe s uq•lqa bqlttnc o" in t he Piro Ac~ count was shnwn t o be £107.5'99, out ~I wuich .i) 2Q,QQI) \\'U8 AJiprO{'dl•.tcd lO :-iu :. J II'II>~· \ cconqt1 rnisiug tb,tt Accoynt w .£ 1411,000 lll\d m .. ~in,:: with t he..-'lt<>· "H''c FunJ auJ &~~l~n~o carried forward t:! I. ouu.

FU:O\DS. • Cnpitnl r"i 'l up ... ... ... ...!18~,035 t: cu.:rnl Hc~~ervp Fon<l ......... 170,tl00 r rr~ ~ uud fur uuenrrc<l l'rcrnimna 140,000 lb!l1uru cMn~·l forwl\rd .. . 1• .0:1:, l.•fc .\ccurunbt iu!' fund ... o0V18 l!l .\ 1111U1ty +'nuJ ... ... ... ... l l,.)S!l

::\ DW:-i DO:-iOYA:-i , Geucrl\l .\ gcnL fbr ;\OJ

s~ · n:,\ c1

t:~'r.' ·

!· · •.. 1''l ,. , I . l.! \.'\' 1')\1. (: !'f)U1' • I ,j ,, '

... l . . .. ! .,,l1.111 ...;,h···. \V.l: ... ll:,·~~· 1 1·,h·dioll I : .. \\·u ':oe 11 -· •· l!t•,l•••l

.\ . T . UllYSil .\Llt I !qrbor ~:1':\cc.

n. O'Sil!::Ell.\~ & Cu., · · ~l. I 'ic rre

. \ . • ':-.t ';al'tl')' p,.,.,., ,.,t .. \ )•t'' .iSI!'o.;l pa r :h'C. '17. 1 Ri~. J, , ", H ._.,h,•nt . H• • ll~h l lt l [ •ll" I - - ---

1. . l{c·.•·h· t:··lll·f. Cu.:hons Northern I' ,,.,.·~ uc ·•nda d l'n•e!H'•. Fh>ri·l • \Vnler '· · 1; ,wn·, t'h l ... · ... l ... <' , Ayrr'• lf .m Y 1;4ur , Assurai\ce CompaQy. ' . : lrcn"·T····thi u.:.ltin~,, E, l'··i'l"' rmint FOn ~~ ..... ·,, t : .. tcw,· : ' "'•r;•"· .. i .. F:X:_R.E ~LIFE ll, ll.,"w,,y'~t \.lint<UciiL, ll•>lloJw ·~· ·H Pill.; I' wide'~ f dl.i, llunL'-s do. C.\l'JTAL--£J,OOO,QOO ~tg. ' ., t.n t':~ tht. }',u·.-;on'" J o .\\t· t ·--. tlo ~1 orri,ou'tt Uo " "'~ "'L · d F ilii~ l,l~EMlUM~ .. . .. , ......... l .£4.08,<00 J,,: ••. ,\ ·~·Jo "'ihm'" o 1 1"'7100 . 1.1 If I', • 0 .. .. ............. . ... .

1 . ;llbOil :1 ,\noclyno Liilll•'ll~ J o !=' n:t~~~!"f ..................... _ .. •:·: 101 100(

h.o >liii ;.(S Cou,.:h l ,ool.Uill;!l'J ,Ju \\' orm T11lolu.1.81 l\ln~LtU I~ Liui•ucnt II Y. ,\ D OFFICRS :

\\",l'l<lill'a W orm Lozenges l.ONDOS'-1 Moorp t e Str«19t lld.A'.•n'11 Vcrwifuge, :'ol~>dicumo~tu.~ ABE)tDEI!N-3 ·King 8trect.

1 , 1

) lorllhe."\li'K :\Tl:ct ic Phuslcr • \ '\ _.......,. ' '1 1

' ·

l'uor :n,m'l:l F1· entl, R olh'.s RaL Boison ru•url\ntettffcc~don rt9:PrfV io ~o:~w. l!u""it' •• .t~, ' ph·iL Flusks l tHtnct!and at Curr:entJ4tco 9f Pt:•~< l:i t ~<.:ri•lan'8 ' nditiou l'\lwder c .illm. ' f' ll innuol'• Li e J uiCilan,l Ulycerin_o ,. Pr.oapcctuses.-Formrt ot A.pvlic:a~otr A h rgo u sort cnt of Himmcl'tt p~rfl\rnd fo r Fire and Life Jneumnce and .ah f-:~t~:;hitori's Goldrn Eye U,intmen ~ other lnf.1rmat1on etn OO'ob~inod at \V.t11ons Cberrv Bafsnm, Voilt:t Powder, the Olli~o of ·' •·

tlo SooLbing Syrup . A. U. TIA'YWARD W~n.~~lows do. St. J obrr"•, ~~o"t for N!ld

S..uoldn~~: T\lbacco, Pipee, P.eukni,vM P11pe r Envolopos Pent, 'P.eneils Writing and llla~kin_g Ink11 'J'ollacco P.Onohea, dame\ Hair Pon.cils f,e.tl{ng Wu, Cigars _\.milino D yes in 5J. pa~ca

I 1 4. 10 • t • I

I JLA.RIK)3 GJl,4CE, NEWFOU~~N:P, SAWRDA ~ r JUNE 9, 18831



RHEUM! TISM, Neui'Gigia, Sciatica; Lumbago,

(Jackache, SOJ'ene11 of tlJa Chost, Gout, Quill$!! Soro Throat, Swell­

ing• and Sprain$, Burn1 a.r.d ~cald1, Gonei'GI Bodilf

fain•, Tooth, EaJO and Headacha, FrosttJd

Feet and Ear~, and all othe,. Pain! and Jehu.

lfo 'P"i'""'tloD oo e&rtb tq.W. ~. J•t<~u 0~ u a 1 Dft'1 •wre_, 1/HtJJlo a»4 ~hMp E.s. t.onJIJ Jlemt47 A trlal eota.llJ bot t.bt com,.,.uul .. l r1Cio. oalla1 ol 60 Cola, and tUr)' !lP• ..,114M I ~~~b ptJD ""'! ~T~ ~ _...s poo!Uft proor or til - DlL

l>lrt<tlooo iA m.- ~poe-. · soLD BY ALL DRU!;OmTS .&.liD DE!LUS

- Ill-lU:DIOINt:.

A. VOGELER &: CO .. - Battl .. o,.... •d., V. !/. ~,

Harbor GraGe Stove Depot -A~D-

Glaaa1 Tin & ~dwaro :Bat.abliahme:~t,

To tho e~L of i\lcura. J ous Mrs:s & Co"a. Merc:lu"ailc l'r~ t~~isu. )

C. L. KENNEDY lhllnkrnl fo r p~st fnvours, wishes to iuforno the uihBllill\nte uf this to wn a ucl tl.o ont· port.sgcncmlly thl\l lrc laM r~ccnrly r.:cci• c<l nnd · 1,1\S now r<.'Bdy fur inspection n larq.: variety or

Stoves! Stoves ! Stoves with 1\ll UIC f<ltc&l imprO<'CinOIIIII-COnll•' ;~. in;: Cookin~. Fr\U cy, Fr:ual. li n "'"I 11~11 ~lo,·r ... to::cthcr with G ltAT t:S Bnd } ' J l ­Tt~c;s of 1\11 sizes .

Al110, 11. fl nl' n.asortment of the newest s tyl ~:" in GC..!'I'II!C G IIA"l'ES ( llrilisl.l nn.l Americnn.)

T!Jo Su~nb~r hns likewise lf\rgely llddc<l to his for!D11r stock of/ E'qa;lieh HAIWWAIU~, GLASSWAR~:. etc .• etc. American Cut, W rought Md FiuiehiDJ: NAILS of all •it.CS, 1\lwl\ya kept on. h~~onJ together ,., it~ JUngca and Sr.rowa, DoornnJ Clospt r .o~ko. ·

Iu addition to tire 11bovc, he has just re­reivcd 1\ lnM'IY of I' AI :-ITS of 1111 colnrt I.I~S~:~:]) Ull· and TUHI'E~ fiN ~ nt well l\8 Wiadow GLASS (all ai1es) aod PU'M'Y.

Tho following 1\rtieles, 11nd o1here too nn~olcroua to apecify aro also nhnJ'I kept in atock: AmerlC3n Adtea and Hntchcts, Shcnth Knive' nn<t llcltll, C~~orringe Varnbb Harness Rinh15 and llocklee, T runk , Furniture Vnrniab, Washbonrds, Uroomt llrnahea-l:'lliot, Scrubbing, Stove, Cl!ltllet Wool O.mll, Coll1 SenLtle11, Shovels, Cofreo Millr, Clothes Linea, Water l'llil'\ Koro1!4uo Oil, Lampe, Burucra 11'0d Culm'·

neya. GROCEIUES.-Colfeo, So"(l3, Mllkhoz

eto.r etc. 17"fo a.ll of'whlcb lnapeotion .la invilllct · · C. L. KEN~EDY.

6. ./

CARRlAGES ·! · .... . ---· WARREN ·& WHITMAN. ..... ..

LEGIS~TIVE C10U~~~~ . ~


fu as t beif acti<ih it conpor11..td it. ehoultl mndu by tbtl hon.'Colouinl Scc:retnry. yhich form. an, iudiiOCoJIUIL lor lho retention or bnrJ bcon aw:li'~·llud Ia a former p.:norl of thAt prijlcll,llO oo c.bo ~rl of thn81l wbo pro· of ,litO d<:bll~,to ll'cciry tho ao•ottnt.tiO:OOO f011 ~o tear_.uor~ry.~• or ~ttQC!,., ','l11o tlllyn.blo in f.i<tuid~Oc)n of cll\1!'1' ari.tln$1 onL [I~O(JJII! .• bu~ortod equitably; 'lmd\ atll · o~ tho !)uck t\o~ of I S..~. flo aaid (he altar­talUS, tbo" _J)OIIh,?U tbe ~ovommcnt tl\ku in ntioo. would. be~ n;treuil to by ~be lower dnahog wltb tho nrbitratiou clnuso 113 tho.Y bouao '

'ba'fo · dono ill :tlJia •mu. Tho opinions or Ito~. H. TuonDl' flN ""reed to this ineer~ peraona iu IIObt~r p~o bnvo lx-cu quot.:d ti~n: liS it ro1uovu the ;it.j. ctiou wbioh t lo~ ~1 tl!ll HQQ geo.t!cJDaiJ.. llu (C. S.) d•J uot or!gtunl cln!lsc presented, of a;:i vln~ cartr lloow w~e.~ar 10 ~rl}anJcnL1ry strictuuu it blwachl to the {:O'·._, rr•m~nt to fill in :~ny wu lldnm.lblo .~o 1otroJuco euoh r<Jforcncca l llruouut, aud we might be comrnittiuJ:t,OUr· Into our •tlk~dton~ ;_ aod even it it weru, a••lvcs t o an eltp~ndituro not j uatifio.blo. these 11re bat indtvt!iuRI opinions, which Uy apecHyiug tbu vD•II, which tho 1? -rer wero · not coo firmed by tire voi"" ""d voto houAe bavu 1\(tn!~d tCt 1'"1· we u.ru m:~nifretlf of tbo bouse. 'l'be matlllr li'IUI disposed of C3rrying out tJocir lnteul.icn without u:rjlrcu­tbere by tho lllt:~Ott unanimOIJI _,.,~ut of i1111 a~y opilaion ae to their rc~OI.Ill for it. tho . rep~nlativea of tho . l>ooplc. l lold 'J'I.ro trausnctiou rcmiudcd him of 4 amRrt tlloy du 1red to convey to U1i1 brnucb thM lnsh ulosrnMI whou• Joe knew formerly th_cir feeli~ll'a on tho apbjcct .;ere in accord wbo, ·>r bon de~irous to effec~ n a.'le, would With .tho V1owls or tho 'boo ~;enUerut.n, thoy II.~)' lo 1\ Cuatomur, "tho price of t.lo i<i artiolo ceruutlly botd ll 6tt;l\ngo wAy of ahowlllg it ia ono-!lnd-aixpcuco, mt~'ntn, lm~ we will lf.heo they !Il k .u.s ' tc> ll~llt 10 ~ rot/illy OUtl:c it OIIU•OUIJ-lhre~p~OCO to you," 'l'h~t 1hffereo~ prop~slt1on. I• or 1111 thea>! rea· WllS tho sort or pnno1plo M.So\na. Simp· 110.u• be (C. :5) thoul!bt thoy should act M~n proc~edcd on npp:ucotly, 111king firat W181JIY. t.y u.dhc~111g tO tho propoul put for- $;~(iil,OOO for tbe work, 1\nd thon uyiuj; wo wnrd IU Lhe Hill, aud no~ e.:cius Buffieicn~ lhtlll IU~tkc it s~;;o.ooo to TOll. I£ the g~ounds ti> di.!ll!,rb i~ ho _must cxpreu bid lower honao choose to nppropn~~t~ thoao ten d1 11.<cn~ from the . 111ll.Co4mcnt. tbousnuJ dullanr, lLeyo.ro ri'sponalblo for it

llo.n; l~r. WAt~Elf w,'-" 'aolcy actu~tcol by noL tlus hrnuoh; wo hll \"e only ,to aesont t~ t1 ~c.11~ t~ ba~a our•lut:~ll\tion fra01ed ' au n a~1ch :ln ezl'emlituro; bu~ 0111y u prea our

Tus Uoc~ ~nr~.~r

(Colli ililt(d.) lion CoLOlltAL Stcntunr:..:.The boo geo­

tleallln hu,' from bia p!culinr s taodpoiot, m11do out n rather pll\u.sl\lo CMe in auvport or tbc view he hll8 advocated, but be (C. S.) wu . quite Ulltlble t<> coteur with tho bon cootie maD io 11pproval of t.bo conrto p ropos­ed. 'l'ho Harbor Grace &tld Carbouoar' re­building Acta biiYO been atcd In aupport of hia polllt iou, nod the hou ~~ntlem11u dr11wa liD iofercucu froul tbe nrbi·ratioo provisions iu t!Joau i\cte wbicb, ha ll!ler:s. is ooudem­o:ttors or tho priuciplo ol arllitmtion lu.ia down in tl1o St. J oho's Rubuil.Jing Act; .tod OU t ho groQod 110lely,u it wonld seenl, tlant thuy llrH clilTer~oL from tho latter. lie (C. S.) coultl not adoot thaL iclo:~,~~.a tbo c.uea compAroed 8111nd ou q uito di f'l"oti:a~ grounds, n!ld it is an uuwnrrauted coucluaion to arri,·o at that thtl tli ffer,•nce in the QJOrJes of arbi­t rAtion cout ~ined in these A cts convey• 1111

011iuion of t ho le~;ialawro tha~ the priuciplu laid do~Yn in tbo ~~- J ohu'a Aol 11:\ll :ln un­fAi r nod uniust one. \\' c do not know 1\t tbu p~@ent \ima ; oveo tbe boo j:cntl~mnn himself rnost probably in onll\YUe of ~he rr.,aooa tlt~t iutluunccd tlle cunctrun~ or the clnnses rt:ferr.:J w io tho Acts quoted. Thnt lnll tlcncc mny bllVO lofltl fill bcnri1lg on, no refl·n•nc~ whatever to tloo rroviaion• of l~e ::::aiut .John"a H.:building .\c~ ; but may hnrc bft•n :uul prob:.bly w:u balk•ll on prcu!i.•r co1uhth.ln8 aut1 circumst..,occA 1uci .. dent w tho lor:ttitlu tu 1\ hic!J tbo provi!ioua of 1h~c lnwA '~tlrl' into11<leal to ni'Pif. This suppo~it rou •ut ru son3blc IDri tutelligible. bnt ••ht~t auch reunus m11y h:t.Ye been, we 111 Ibis di•lllnco o! tim., cnnnot uudertl\~u to aay. \\"hy dill tho Snint ,Joh.,"a Hcbuililing Aet pro,iJc th~e tl.p liOnrnmcut might ~.ppoi11t two 11rbitrutors nnd tho pArty inter· rated o?e? It Is very Ci\9~· te> 8'1ppo~e and may l:11rly he pre• umo I , that tbo ~:ri\'Crll· Ill• nt in tlmL in•trmctl ro:a\oued iu this ""l'· - 1hnt il could uo~ be h~d tlrat n mntter ~~~n.tinl( l..etWCltR lh(l ,;'>.-ornrue u~ OU OIIC . i·lc ftuJ no ioulh·idnal ou lho otl•er. WM

aur.logot~B to ~no .•[iSing eimply bctwteu t\l'O pnvato mdr•nlo<~ls. Ju tho latter· Cll<e it is the inlcrc•t nuJ ei~At..A.-t.o. get all he c;lll rronr u. nud"il' s'l)bjeet It to ch·') na littlu M Ito c:~n to A. lJnt in a cnse where the ::o.-tlrnmcot ato on one sitle, n.nd tho indiddunl on the othor, the aame con­ditions do n:Jt cxi~t. nor can the I!UiliC rei\· sons bold good. The govornmcnt hMo no ll:lcrC!l in denyin~ Lbe p:~rty oppored to tltun nmple j~Mico in dontir.g 1~ith his clnims. T he ::o1·ernmeat nrllitmtors woniJ ht truelecs of th1: ,::ovcrn1ncn~ 1111d pcblie, :md would not bl! iuOucncr d by tho mo­tin·s which miJ.: ll~ llo auppost:d to nfrcet .rrh ~ttc persons wp(l would rerk to further :heir own iutcr.6ta or.ly. They \'> Ould bo 1\Cl ll'lle•l by 11 dtsirc 10 conscrvo tho tom· rnon iut.-rcata ur nil conccrued, !loo iutcrcsu of tho wholu country, nud U•crcforo 1n de1lin;; with such mnttcra, tho govcrnmcut muet be Enppo.scd \Q bo free from the bias :hu \\ Ould O[l~mto wbero only pri·:nto in­nh·idlL'lls \1 ere conr:cnttd. Tho buaioer>.~ t~cn or tho (;0\'0roment 1\rbitmtors would be to moto ont equal justice to 1111, keep· ing 11lwnya in vic" tho goucrol lntcro~ts ef tbo public. nnd hoviog no pouiblo object to ICr\'0 in d~precinting tho pro~erly Of nny one : reprcacuting in he~ both 'Ill de" con­corned jn ~llch CI\M. UcsiJo.s lbi• 1 iew of tho cue be would a.\y, and this Wl\11 very gencmlly known, ~hat there wM the feeling cxiBUns.: in "moat mlnda wben issues arise beh•ecn tho governruon~ nod iudh·iJuale, tho propensity is to l"ao iu r:"or or tbe wcl\\:er .JJe, and people often olo litis uo · o>naeionsly 11nd•"tthouL n.uy intention of viol11tiug st rict ri~:bt . 'fhCJ' a ru n.pt iu aucb ci~II ID61n11Cel to be unrt'II80Uably biued and to tnko greater oarc of the printo tban o( !ho ~:ove lnmcnt side or tho queetion. It

&l>mt or Jll,h(!e and 1111rucsa, and in , b11r- YICWA npon 11. ~ lnony wit h tl~e gcnemlly cxpr~uod desire or llon. 1\lr. \\~.\ r.RtN-Our rlgllt to insert the colnl.lluu1ty. li e. felt cooviucc•l tlll\t the such 1111 ameotlwcot may bo quClltionod, llnd nmeodment ho [>rOp<>.,cd, uhoultl it c o i~ •nny nor be ngrecd lo, M wu lhe ease on down to tho other bN.uch, would bo freu· n forruor occaaion. · ly coucurrcd in thoro, n!l it is b.1,ed upon After 1\ funbcr ehor l d~liberalion lite the iKomutBblc prinei plo of ju~ticc. lle I Cornmitl~u rose, Bud repon ed Lho llill ll.!l WM prompted by n desire to mnko o ur nmcuJ.:d. . lcgia~atio 11 as 8:\tisfnctory zu poa.,iblo to t he On rootion, the report W3 A rc~iretl, t~nd pubhc. :ll ~.rnya L:ec;>in1= in ,·icw tire gcnco l\1 it w11s onl,red that tbo Dill bo rc<ld nthird intcrcs<! of the commonwcnllh, 11nd tho in- I tilDe to· morrow. stMco wherein tho priuci!'lo of llrbitr-~tinn lion. Cot.o:>t AL Sr.cuET.\ RY Ulo.-cd tho speeillecl in tho &iot J oLo'a Rebuilding bouac into Committee of tlto \\"hole on tho Act, cod aou:;h~ to be repcnl\ld~rt thiH ali II, tllnnufllcturiut; Dill.- llou. B. \\'bite ill t6o is but ooo ae opposed to tho army or coo- cb3ir. · · lrnry testimony be P l r. \\" .) bcul deduced. After ~orne dclibcrnlion. tho Comn1il~e T ho nmc ndmeot be b11d propo3r<l would, if ro.sc nncl reported tho Dill i to be reed n. ndoptod, nnd o. .similAr onn sulw itntcd fo r thir,( ti mo t.o-mOfl'OW, ihu obj~elion:\bl c arbitmtion iu tho ~iot The bouse then adj~urnod until to-mor-

ia c:onHuonly f• id where the gorerdmen~ wu concerned unoo one side, " ob, n few pouuds ruoro or · )elll wtll 90~ lliTcct lhcm, 11nd Uo~y will benefil vorr rnoch tuc other pArty;" hence it !I"AI nC'eeaaary to ~unrd ngniliiL tbo CODI!P_AUCOCCll Of tla ia l!eDtJOIOII• tal modo of rc~tnrding llrhit~tion mnltera \vhere tho governmcot was to be dealt \vith, and a vtry poteut rueon appeared for at.rongtucuins: tbo Lnodaof the goyeromcu~in 11nch eMU . 'fl~~ce ~uotoJ froo1 th o laihroy Aol ol 18~,) il Sbor~ Lioe Rail-, w:o.y Act, 'does not ou 11\ D t lic po1ition of the Ia on. gentlcrMn, ~cau~e ~he govern­meal ia DOL a p~rty io tbu CMell tqarein rc­ferretl t.o. Tile arbi trntion there apccifled

J ohn"s Rebuilding Act, ~ivo g~ncrnl S.'\tis- row. faction t..> tho pcovle o( Saiul John's, nod ---nt Uoc ll:liiiO tiwo redouuJ c:cally to the l'moAr, April lS. crud1t of t he go,•eruaucu~ tbclllaelves. The hoUllo me' at h111f-put fout'

llou. Cot.OSI.IL l::iEOP. t:TAI:\' -Why ba.s ie On motiou of bon Colouint ""'''""'~•" not been proposed to rcpctll tho S."\iu~ Dock llill, and abo tl1e Mapn John'a IlebY!Idin~t i\c~ IC i~ worked 110 uu. l\1lre, tbcf'fotTncr n.i:afl'ded. 11\tiafnctorily u All6ged? 11 lhlr<ltime !Wd pa~~ed.-

tlou. c. n. A \"Ill; ~:nvo the bnn Colonial lion Mr. w Al:nm; Mid, if not too Secretary credit Cor ail•c1·rity in t"o courao now, ho should like t~ refer to & w11tte.~~ he accn1s to " ''opt in rc:;arJ to this n111t~r ; spoken of yoatctJ~y ll!leruoou in rcfcrcnoc l.mt ho hu failed to 8 bOIY thn.~ tho principiB to tho alteration m:tdo in 11 thirtl acctioo of contained in thia liill tiS tn tho 1oollu of tbo J)ock Uill by tbil bou~. 1110 hon Uo. 11rhitr:~tion ia cot unjust. It Willi 1111 nrbi· louil\! Sccretnry bacJ al mt.ud t bll~ tbo propoa­lrnry r:::odo of proccdur.-, to py tho ICf..!lt, ed nu1unJwcnt \Ybiol1, bcioo: a woooy np · nntl he qucationcd if auch a Bystcm wouhl propriation, wns besiJc tho provinoo of thia Ito adopt.:tl in noy other pnrt or tho \to.riJ. branch would be llgrccd to by tbo lower He would t lrink it outside the bounds o f housu. Tb~tt nasurnnco mllY hn•o been r~:\llon tb11t n 1nnn "·ho ">'nutcu l r i~ properly b<mo fi I~; but he ( Mr. W) remembered 11 should como nod tAke poe~CMi?n of it with· liko Cl\lC wherein nu nmoodmeoL of a airuilnr out aMking him his prico; '"'d iu this C!L'Ia, ch11rnctor wu iusort.od in a Bill, the vt~ccioa­o,·en if to resul' iu A pulolic benefit, he lion ,\ ct., in tbi• obawber on tho 1113Uranee though t n penon inter~stcd should hi\\•C t lrnt it would bo n.greed to intbo lowor nn opportunity fur fnir t~pprnisetnenl hy be- hotuo ; ~nd lfhlln i~ won~ down tbc~ a d ia-10& granted the power to llJl(lOinl ouo Mbi- cussiou llro.'le nnJ tho amcudulanl W!l.!! ro­tmtor n&lin$L onCl on the ~o\•crnmcn~ wiJc ; l'udi,•ted. I lo ju1~ wcutionod tho m11tter 1111d that those two ahonld ntopOint 1\ll tO f:Wlrd thlii cluunller from thO indignity or u•ap!ro in ea10 of dilU:rreetqClnt. Such wnA bdnJ; pi need iu n aimilnr ridiculous position 11 fnir principle or 11rbitrntion, and ""Y now ; nnd ho wiaheJ it t.o b4 clearly under· other uo't in cdn150nnnrc with it wl\8 unf11ir lloor.l t loi\L thia lloJy havo becu M&orcd thnt not! unjust. - He r~iled to ate tho ju• tifi cl!. · tho :tmendment would bo coucurred in be­lion for t.J1o go1·ornment nppointin~ two fortl lYe committed ou111ohes to its !~clop­men to do jt1.11lice in this mnttcr , oxcllldlnc: tion ; ~o M to pruveut t,be Council from the oll'ncr of property from 1111 c~ ~~~~l liability to being plnoud iu 11 !alsu poai­roprcat:nt.stion 00 tbe bOI\tO of ,ubitrfttiOII. UOII. lie concurred in the n."DcudulC~Dl., nnd Jton. ll ;I'uonouRN eaitl tbnro w:111 ono hopecl thoro would bono mtttrnpt nu~<fo to point tuAI npp~11red to ba'l't I>Qcn l011t ligM Ioree 10 olmoxiou• :uod unwt~rmntnbla ll of in tho dcbMes u~on the Dill ; thll~ was elm~so through tho con ned without aucll au the pos..ibility of liro, 11nd lho neceuity of nltcr:'ltion M that prO[IO•cd. (:lllor.lin~t ugaiuat iUI CODII6<JUOOCCS. Of

lloi'.C. l,;I:UII"DT agreu<l with I be viewa of conr•o if thu <lock wcro ~o be couatruct.ell of aome honorll'blo mcmb~ ra who oppuAe. tlou stone. the dnn~:cr of dnmngo would uot be clnnse, that 10 f"r lll! llb8traot opinion goca, so l!rc:tt "" in tho CMO of a t imber dock, 11 thoro is much to he 1111iJ iu f1wor or tho largo portion of which would bo linblo to point ooutondcd for by tho aupportcrs of d cAtructiou in CJISC of 1erioua coofl~rntion. the 11mendme_ut.. UuL i~ will Ito 11llmitted lie lhout.;ht tJoercforo it wu oo h11rw to tlra~ nbsti"'ICL 'prir1ciples nre not tho t.~fc.~t draw the nttcntion of tiro govornmopt to tho 1\ppltc.<~tions lu all conditions nne\ circ.1m- propriety or ~nauring tho work u it pro· atnncea, and unless eon1o atroogor n MOul grca.'ICJ in coulltruotioo ao lUI to protec~ tho than tho theoretical and sentimental ooea colun) 's iQtercAl in it. Should n. 81lrlous tba\ hue beou ndY!Inced, cliO be 1\dduced , fire arit o whilo the work prosrouea or l1c could eco no apcci:~ l ncceasity for do· :~ftor\fllnle, n. prob:~bili1y per~pa uq~ un • f'llrtin~t fro111 11 priod plo th:~t ecoms to hll\'C liktly, ns lhcro will be t1 hu·gc UQlonot of worked geucr11tly s.~tiafnctorily 11nu well. pitch nml lllr U8e•l 1\nd 111'\Chino lirea in On his ground, 1\ntl in the knowleri!Zo thn~ opc rotion, couaidemblo deatrucLion mlly tlois euuro. hu reucivcd the nlmo11t un- o.:cur; no~ only to the dock. 111111 ita nppur-C\ ' ua sauction or tho lo\1l'r house, he t c•u11ut buildin)!ll. but nl110 to the property s ould IJo loLh to 11ltcl' il without vory 11t the wee~ <~nd of tho to,..n. He hoped at rong 1'..'1010. 1H .! tbou~:M tho rcfercuc'cA therefore ator~t would be t11kcn te. ~~:us ril to the ' remnrlre of t lto hou t•rcmitr nnd 11g:lios~lou from pOIIiblq oou'i~enciea or othera 118 mado by tho l•on IDo,er or th o tbis eorl by kcepiug tqt rt'f!bl~r ioeumneo Ill! llrDtndment aat~rdt'd 11 potent nr;:umoni i11 tho, • or!: goes 0 1\ 1\8 well 11.8 nfter ~~ Ia COlD· favor of tbll llilt, in:uu\uch ll.!l h•d •hero pletetl. H e did not •uppoao tbc oott of in· really edated in tho otber br~och n ~trong aumncc would bo very IRTgo. feelin~ lltftin~t tho clfluao objected to, tber<1 lion. P. CI.IIAitY l:li,l nil tltt•o m..'llenl is little doubt &OQJII or !be membe111 of tlo:~L h~n•e been fo~110eo 1\bd provided lor bofore llmnab wonld hnve boen lndncl!d to htc~pt blind. After tho dock 18 ooonpluted should the ~h~llon:c of tho l'roroicr twd en~~e.t 11 fire t11ko I'II'Cu in it , it c:ottl(l only dlllllJ\,<Te n1te'r11lion, \O'hicll lloi'Pev .. r 1111, noL clouu. tlmt Jl('ttion of i~ a !Jove th" wl\ter line, 11/l lie tloo!IQ.Iot if sucb n gric•llnc:o ronlly ditl tbo floo•i ~Plea coultJ llo at ooco 'OJ>OII<'II I!Xi•t, i' ~t.alccnerl rl l ~ol: of p3triotie spirit nnd tba dock lluode<I IO'M tcu tro\YD out the

I <:JO.tome' OlliCOt' M · other po.....-'eo all· polntctl I.Lat aueh v-el hu-beeo bllilhrtll and snhltaliUally ud Ia ac:cord&oce with

8h•dn'•= tr • ""' .. .,..;....T ._. ... U9o Mr. Wann.'f aahltb4 JM'O'ilicnl.witll

rc11ard to tu coudltiolill apoo wltiell ,~1• miiJ cJtritn bOIIOIJ undet>tbil Hi.ll AriiiO-· 17hat aimil&r to tb.oae ill t t.e eliatiug I&W', bntn.ro not auflicicutlyetriojftnt to ae<:tJro a tlroroujtb complinnc:e witla lbo aaaeifctat in­tention of tbe lcgial:tture ·io potlDif that bounty. When the pl'1llltnt $\ipbnildi•r h ct wu befure the Lqjialaturo, ' he.. (Mr. W.) r cooaunended tho inaertion of an n.mcn'd.rocnt whieh met tho oppronl of Wia ch:unber. &Ad as he" unalunAOod, of 1ho lo 1vor houiiC, but "ant oftimc, u it was late in tho eouion, wu pleaded &I a reuoa for not incorport.LiDg i~ in tho law. It 1m11 nli;ed"that if much d lecgllioD aroaeu~oo it;, the llill . luight not: p., thu Aelllioo;· and it was d~e1ucd pecoaury t.bu ·i' abo old b&­oomo lu.w. The Ulll oow before aa, Uko tho lu~ one, proYidea. tbU t.bo bouuly ahlill be pa.fAblo upon all ll tiBMII newly built from the '""I u~iA•thia c:olocy, bot it fail.a b:> 'M.lrullllto lhal web ·otessels ah11ll a leo bo newly )quipped. Now1 the obje~ of tho Bill uideotly il to enaolc 1111 to COl!IJ>OW witb abipbmldora in tbo oeighboriaf l'ro­viocell, ,!lbolo vuaola oomo in htln fn~l)' oq11ipped, du(.r frc~ • .~~rhilc onr poopl.lh&U. pridr to tho pnuing o! . tbo Shlpbolldit)g Au~. to pay.do.~J-OA~all 11rliclee ' no..-e-ry for the building and ~nipping, of their crl\ft. it w!IS u n. drnwtmclr. on aucb mntc!ri· nla tho bounty wM provided. and be tbou.Jlh~ per~~ons ·obtrunin:;o it altould abow tnllt tbo ri~ginj:, srelll, ,~c., uaed:ou their sbiPf ahol\ld be of new mlllcril\l u well as the vcnel itself. Now, it ia ll well known fact thn.t the object or tho lMv bM been ~ 110rno r x· tent dofel\ted by partiOil tebuiltliug n~SCLI and equippiog thorn with old Ails, tigs:iof. anchons, IUld 110 forLb, 1\Dd thou dem11oding tlto bounty ; tbWI ut.j,llzing matoriaJa that wcro not thcneubjeet to uuty, and thus dla­houcat pllrtiu pota.ica.oed n large ndvant.11110 over 1hosc who boua fide build their ve~l• out of Lho uc•, and equipped tbem fully wltb DCI'I' m11lcri&la. Uia attention Wa.'l

drawn to Lhi.s lllltottllr during hit maoy Lra· \·ela in tho outport.s. aorl he, aa well aa 1111

.wbo go.vo •tbe mlltter cooaidc~tioo, was flruek with tho injustice that the iml'Ufott oondit.ion of tue ulat.iog b.w pormita. llo l>•l'-..t~..e~J~q...2f....titb.lr tbo goYeru~A~IU or. u.awa«Ara to gran' llle bounty cxcep' in <:Met where bolla Yl'«<II 1\nd oq•1ipmcut aro ne•l', ,11nd he tburoforo abouh.l move in~nrtiru or nn ameodmeot providing that the cquipm.:ot ahould ~o •·holly of DOW lllllte.rialll. Tbia provi&o would, Lc thou gut, preveo~ attempts til im­po~ition, romo,·e n. ll doubt, ~nd pl~ee a.Jl c:laimnnt• or tho bouoty on.a !air foou.ng. •

lieu. B. Wmt& \'f&a glad to .. o tbe bon ~cntlcnulll tnke so deop .an ioten~et in t¥ muMon , o.nd be thougbt hid viow waa con­aorvcd in othor clauacs aod in tb.e Schedolo auaohod to it;, whic:b apeoUioa maW-rial to bo u.sed in building. The objoet of courto iw to meet tJ•o reqoiremeutt 1of tho todu, 11nd aa baa been 8tatdd, the' iomt.ioo of th~ bw haa baeo dc,feated i.o to~• ioatabecs by portica rebolldiog,old arah , aod caoi]!P­Ing them with o1c1· geM, placibg the e<lUI{)· mcut of a ailtly ton f OliiCl tlaat bad already aoco tho boll of ita da,.,· upon a vltlllol of t)l) tona, nod thon claim tOg the bounty-' ll.o tuought t!.ac introducer of 'th!l Dill w,puL.l h:wo no obJectiou.to.Acu..rc:ll&OIIl'ble amend­men~ tbl\~ would ~udcr it ml>nt clllcieot. llo himself ob~ervCd io 110me '[!Oiot.s it. was &Usc~p.ti !Jlo ot lllf,P'td"o.men~ Pro] Jlliou however is mnde fo( a I{OI"I!romooE':Yo~c­tor whose clnty it will bo t.o aeo'that thlire b no o1"a!ioo on Lho p:ut of lboco'aeokiog tl!o bounty. •

ill ror the vnltlllliOn of property bot.M'CCD prh'lllu Individuals nnd foreign compMies. tho f~O''crument nol )leiog cvuccrned i an~ bo could 11rprec:iato the reuona that "pply in mAL:iug a dittinction iu tl1cao circom­wtaucea ; ruaona which about.\ bave no fo~e wltcre the go~ernmenl 1vere p.1ri\Q8 ou ooe aide. T botc colnpaohe io 11rrang· .lug witb prlv&to partiu fot property. are treated iu regard to arbilratloo, o in tho cau of t wo iodl•ridullll. J>id'be (C. 8) rc­qulre1coo6ita~tion of the aalutary wo•~io_g e~f \be Saint J ouo'a R.:bo.Udl.og Act, u r~~­aama &l1e IO~lta.r io q\ltlti~n, he Cl,honJd poiot to tho C!iJ!perioDce o( &be hon r.otle­man hilneelf, a,r. \'(arrt'O. to abow t a~ the A.ot bad, optr.lecl wllh ,•p~ot aeoertl eatiafaetlou ror "nry m-.ny Je&n. fhe bon. jtCI~\II!fll•ln A<!tllinltliiTed, j~ for a oO~It'·

in ..&bet TCprcisantnUvc braltch when thM flro. , chr1llcngo "" hoUaei'plccl. T hn hon Col- lion. CoLO!Ctolt. "tcnF.TAI:\", ill ~ply to oniAI t)oc:ret:try hu ole ~ly .11\lown t ho Uiffur · boo Mr. W11rren, !lAid he wM 1\Murcd if t.lu: tDtpriociplell lhal bn\"u ioflUPil(!C wher~ \he • llill "!lCI down 111 !lnlt'nded . tbc; amCJIIl · atbitr, tion' is \)(tWl.'<lll il,ulh•ltlunl• 11imply, IIIOJit Ifill 'Jo agreed to In tho Jo..-cr and between n. goYernmeut on QJICliiJ & (IIIli houac. illdifido.tJ.ts. on tho ot::er. Whotl j!Ovcrn· li on. 1'. 'l"4111l0T mo'(.od tho h'IU!JO. into moot• 11re ill qne!Jiou i•'I:Sonot he. c;h,ul!orl \ committee of.lhe wlrole ou the Bill to pro­IW'intt tbe1a doll! tiJey h.al(o any pri~:\le in- ~itlt • for a re fiew of th.o dcclaio1 .. of Jn•·

I I on. IL 'J'Rocnun.'{ lAid whon tbo preaedt •hip-hultdln • lllw wu uudqr con-lderntiod, t.o plr. •r;) IJrougli~ .11~der o~t;~ tho very point t.hcy wcrtl now >dllcne~~ing, Dad tho reMan f(il·cn for 110t 1\dopling t!n alllcllllrubnt nt tho t.iiilo wall tbe~t \b., Uill might bu l011t , is tl1e eeaibu II"U adv<~uced, 11nd It \rl\5 d~ired that It &bould 000o1no law tb11t ye11r. 1t ia of COIIrte undertloo.l tl111t tho h1t.cntion of lho law IS,' tbat lhu. bounty Ahllll only apply- to vellllola Dtvrly hull~ nnrl cqulppo<l "ith ne.,; mt.torin.l&. .It we~s 11111\=lf never contemplated 19 gi~~ t b.o bounty, whieh Wl\!l rol!eu\ u a drv.wba~ •• t.o \'CSSola equipped with ..eood ba11d wo.-n, out m11terinla. lie haJ. bl'lltd i~ staled tbllL l'~""ono "'ith elr~!t1o c:opulbnce~h:tn alleged thnt their \"~~Ill, thon:h ooly old oue6 rc­l~'ircd, nnd ' equipped with old jltl:ll, W6l'u alloJ::u~hur now 'lind entitled to tho IJounty and ollll\i~<l i~ iu oontnwenLiuu uf the iu­tcution o r tho t\ct. Suclt por-• are tb~a!l p l~~t•oil in a lle~r (IOti~on Lht.n th~ !Jpoe3t tunn wllo rullitle-1 IIOCIIP~&Iou~ly all ,t.be eoo­ditionJJ or tbt1 Ia..,. Of oou~, U io IJpi.ld· io.~r 11 veucl 110•no UQ)btra 11ro · uacp ~:le thoQSh oh}, i~re eountl llnfl u j~Ood aa uo" i thoro WOttld bo llO objeedOI\ tp their rll · tentiou in boil dina c ,,_l ;and in claiming IJounty euch n cil'lftl"'t.anCl! ebo(lld Dc:.L opornlu aj!JliueL a claim. Old apart, ri)(giag, ~au., Auchol]l. etballll 4 !1., should no1 .lto11'­c•<~r bo po!rtnitted to be tU~<,'\1 i" cafOS whuro the bounty-ia ~d: Jle ahouhl iJIOfO. 1\111\11 "mendrot!OUOO'I'"bat)licpil~to thl\t ol hou ~lr W:urou. tbb IDK rtiobof tlae wo,rds: •· An<! t'C\UJpped an every reaflllOL with njl.­mnterinl," lO b6 vlf\Oe!l afwr l.llowqrd IJiaQ•

uer ln thu fourLh lin,. '' • ! l '

' and be ~L loan o(~ reu II!I11'4111110Ditbte t'l.e ~- of o.bjec:!Jon

_iaJacL bow nn,quuiiell l11e c:oru­tltf' ~ i!Ha IIWie IJNp&L IL

IDU~marhifra 81 iljd ,.-., lie (C• S.) DOL D -bialti(ll, ,..,. -LiU'Ieptal ~

- praollqal .. Dd niiJ 'e'DQ""-' to. ooro· IM& tl••,.... hoot ta,IDIMl i~

of com_. ~oro

Qln)' ' :~Q=~~~~~ \!oll_: t

ttrutt t.Q tene, A~ lhe rr•ul~ of the crt>l- tiet's.- hon Mr. · y~ In •h• ofi.Uc'. t,. t.IQp tbal bu I~ eo place uutlcr~l)e Jlail. After a aborlldcrllliemtion lbe IOOIIImilli'O •at ,r\o~. prOW'tl th!iJ)o jnjuatico ltM bu n I rou. o"nd reportlld tlae IJIII wltheu& a~ud.., done oo ~t 8!!-"•rnll'.ec~"We; tbat lr '1u~ro- UlML • • . be 11oy '1"1'\)11~ ~ ~II evtllitiiCtd il\. 1410 J!Cn~'lll • On mohoo. the r;,porL W&l\ reoelfe(l. opinion tbat com~nKt.lon tl\lldn by tllc llill to be rc.d a tltlr.ltirne to-murro•. arbilmto,. wu, oo \lie Yhole n,lbtr tOO • H em ' l:l., W ull'iC nto\'ed.. ·,~~a boa.'&~ h1to liberal tli1\D other•lee llo thc>al~ Co• I c:uomltt.eo ol the wlulle 11p011 lhe -'•ip­tbera• rcaeona fe.l lnditpn~M~d l<> llhlfr 1\ \buihlliiJI llill,-119~ Mr. Wttrren ia lbe meul)re which t lloo oU••r .biiUICih abo. l1:l~ chair. , ~ 1 . • ', DOL-~ (\e. n.;ct~.t.ty to dntlirb. 'l'ho I\ rat ll•t'e11.- ~eli on• t,.Avlulf • l!fcn

; Alttr I!Otllt forth• d~ .... ioo , the ame.~~d- adop'te,l and the fourth r1111d ,.. rot to••: a,'at •Mpa,uttd ~t. • • 4.-V ... It in ~ of wbil:h botui\IJ

a ,-HOII'blee ll...._ W anoo, udtr .aotio• th~ of· tl•• An 11111, be Tb ~- ........ • ............. -g .......

-tlbn'b .... tile Pretl.Jalit, ... d IQt*Pti.S)f Wl'-ht at~ like lllan· t'he Co m...-,, udAl.-.. WbliA, 1\t'r .. ell• __.... wit II alt A to Talbol ucl Cro'lrd)o, · Ill .. Aet. aqd thall M i.DI!*'lioa

lion V. lt. A n:uald the Jilin& poioJ h.ad en::~cd bie. IUt.ontion 1.• loakl~ lb~h &he Ui/1. ~II• ~'\din lslu.llp<"ri",a krlo- of nta~:ll hhitg bftn ro\.t1i\1;, a.ol,l old m1111, rfirahig ,\n~.u..•ul {ac)!te ~on lllleit, !h t 'tll.lpu\Cnt a Co,iJ·'Dtl c rart, uJed for a aiX\Y·!OJ.l o wh!~. u .. IJH.tlei~ood 1w1cl, wu q.u t~ unauitablo.. ·for ,.t11~r 'f PUr:~l '; yot lbC! bOunlJ lo 1ucll' a .,aa cl11hucd anc1 recei,oil. ln th11t 111*1-r.~~he ,\ra,b.lo~ Qt th11 '""ml 1111111 1~\~c eq1 t•· ~u~ waa ~,,.a Lwloe., •}tloll of co na w•a~a(eat. o1 diG iQlentlN of '"'• .let. Ito ' -If 1*1 pu!'R*• til oC'c ~ aa '¥~' euuiaatlartu-~rto~\g-. 6tO" 111 ".• p.stteineo wt.o ,~ilecl him.

'J"he :'1'.:::1~~

'l'bt bril:i~ ~- ... 111to ,.. ua ""' tllrYeJitf C.'*-' Ottoeae w ~II( am~, AI Wt~.. lt,'*'CJG....... periOIII ap .......... that~· l~ f•~r;;.;~~ ~· .Wrdolli ... ,wrawa hil4 111111 ,..-ct ~r. -~ .& '" •"·•

. ~~a~.ad~~~ · ~J,J~cl.JI.IIklt t ... . tlt~CW'~~ ~~

' .



mitiM ro e ~;ported ~ aod ultod 1 .. ,. &olkii(Oiu. .

Boo CoLolctAJ., StCII&t'AJIT purauant to, IIOtlce brobah& In a Bill to- amoud the law to pro•tdi for the t1a1Dination o( Muten and MatH, wbicb waa then rud a AnL time; to be l'lllld a eecond time to-morrow.

Items . -A ,tpado qodertaltillg ta &be ..., of

fruit !ITI)Wioa hu been commeaoed b7 Lord SodeleJ.aiToddioaton, a .. r CbelteD• hlom. Two yean aco there were plaotecl 9S,~OO ,oooeberry ""'- 21>,~ plom Ueel, \61,000 bi_Ack·:ourrul tN-. i.lnt apple ~net, 852 peer ..,...., ~IM~ deiiiiOG "'"" 682 cherry troto, 10,000 Ted ourrao\ trtft, :t6,000 naapberry tre.-, 100 oob.uul tree• and 62 acroe of atnw-berry plao&a. Jo ad· dlliou, 100 Sootch fin aod 10,000 poplara hue bee)l plaotod (or abeltcriag purpooea. Lord Sudeloy b al preeeo& ereotlag a large jam muwaotory in r.bo oootro o( thi. ea· taw.

Qtbe jflmbarb bi.;.Joao~~eud all; ·may Be ~aal7 rrut'111at. "IV•'•N.Lf?'Ji".«' IIU1 all _, a' IIi& Ia &hM lalld where \11010 wbo liMO' do m"l pari DO more.

IDIII Jalm. He II a ltud.worter, aod tle wort M bu L .. uooatod • &be orpa alooellqtdto adelia\ to pro,.eiUI capld&J tn bla pnnclpal Ua•of bali.,_,


B7 Telegraph. --BlLIJU,.Jae ~noer blln-f~ lo~en\eltftlla , tn repnl

'1111 -.... &lieu adjourned &o Alon~J·


SATUJU>AY, .J~NE 9, 1888.

Jf.wlo1mc!laDd at the J'iaberioe :Ezhibl-• UOD.

(F,. IAe l.o•do~t Timu.)

Newfoundland bAa" court to itaelf~ n~st to the L'lll)atlian. 'fhe cod lbherr. whicb pro•hloa employmon& for" larj.!O portilla of the pcpulatiob ol 180,000 pooplo on tht~ laland. la ~mat.ed a& an aoou&l nluo of .tl,U.0,\100; the eeal 1\ahery, aest 111 im· port,ooe. Ia po~ a\ 12!0,000 .aaoually, aqd the berri~l\sbery on thi• aad ~be ~brador ClO&I4 'a\ 130,000, Lobatera and aalmoo brinll' lo ut ~000 a y .. r. And, u tbo

Tbe nine million aod a baU dollan which re .. alned or tho Uenua award after pay!aa tbe clalma wbicb tho Gon~rameot ftrat oou­eidero<l wore jual ooea will uol go far in pe.y{ng tbe ola1m1 wbicb it h&a oow cooaenh ed to oonaider atid which number O'!'er life lholl&llld .IO'feD hundred, o( which tWO tboll&&lld lwo baudred agpptc nearly fourteen mllliooa without lotere.at, · or twealT million dollan with. '.I'bo Go,.oru­lllfDt 11 now do~tiug whether .to pay the01 oll a gold or currency baaia. It bad bet~r choooc tho corT6oor buia if it wiUita tho •nooOJ to go round.

Wa publiab below the add~ to tho Rovd. Al.u.A.1tDD Rou,-(wbo, u manJ ot onr rudon are aware, hu ~to­ly resigned hia charp oC Lbe Preebytenan Congrepdon of tbia ~wn,}-pt11Mn~ on the eve of bla depart.ure by tho Cltl· una aUlongst whom be hu lincl in ~0.1. oordial relation& for c.ver a quarter cenLt'lrf; and by the UlOID ben o£ Lodgo " Harbor Grace" in which be hu filled for many yoara Ole honorable o11ioo or Chaplain.

I people f Nawfouodland ....... no looal tarQI ' · to pay aod ni.eo &laoir • .\:200,000 for Saate

pn.,- bJ Cua&oma' dutiea letiod for th" eallo or rennae, thar &laould be getting rich rapidl.y. 'l'boy, bowo,.er • . are hop1~ much from lbo'COropletiou of the raih•~J) from S" J obn'e to Hall'• &y, whlcll, b1 16adin~t to thedovelopmnt of theil'lminenl 1'01011~ will, &bey anlioit4te, impron their ho•n• IIW'Itet for the tiaberita. 'l'bt nnmbcl' of meu emplo,.-d' lo the cod llabery Ia about 40,000 aod acme lU,OOO more are eoaaced io ltaliQlf. 1'be wodola on a large -1o of .-u ... .aupo among tha ioe·6elda. abowiag bow Ule eoala are found aad.ltilled, "'DI\ buo Ootl much time and money to

Hia late Congrertiou llkewite pre-­Mnt.ed him with an appropriate addro11, aooom1.aniecJ...:!iUl a purao o£ ovur fiYO hundred dollare.

Ml'lll. "Rou alto wu lhe reoipienl. of an addrea from the 'Ladiee of the congroga· tlon {go~ up, u tho ladieo onlJ ~ow ho.: on whi~ ea\in), tog.tber wtLb a pun:. of nearly ono hundred and thirty dollan. I:o.'TERESnso To MatnliE FlSnER)(Elf.­

Tho AmhpnC Gaulle ~aye : " W. D. R.ogera, ·Eaq., bu secured a pormaoeol blllrltot iu tbo U. St.atoa, at f11iriJ romaaera­ti'fe prioea. (or all 6ab rota tba& can be ob­b.ined iu Canada aod Newfoundland. Tho bulia- will be condaotcd by Mr. W. H. Rogers, jr., who hu rauroed bero froUJ U. St.atea, aod rocoiYod ~o goooral agency for th• oolleetloo. '.I'bil willuot oniJ opon up a aetr annue o( profit to tho fiabonnco and eskoai'fO boaioeaa to the ageuoy, but will ktep from the fiabing grounda largo quanlitlu of prbage wbich han bltborto boeu thrown ioto the aea, to tho irc&t in· jury of tho tUberito. ' ['be beadquartere will, for tho proaont, be ot Ambarwt.. It Ia eq>ccted Uaat ahipmoota will be ~.000 to 10,~1 ayear,wortb 1150,000 to 1900,-00U. o roea aro 1110d for tbe production o( &l limeD, largely uted (Or eettiog tbe colon in cotton goodt; lllto (or modiclnal p~ and lnfaull' food.

Anothor acldreaa to :MI'III. Roes wu proeented t.y the Ladiea ol Lho DoNU Soeit~Ly, o£whiob Ml'lll. B. held (or many yeara the pooition of ~dent. .

• 1 oaako. A miolaturo of an oil faotory b es­bibiu-dln which, by a uew pro-, eeal oil ia Upi'CMed (roo froiD o.lour. .fbo 1lt10 Of the -1 baW'iDjt been remo\'Od &ad laid ulde to be aent to OuodM or el.aewile,.. to be m-d, &lao fleeb ia ~ 6ral thronah a gri11dloe machine aod t,Un through a min· oer. h aa now red~a pulp by tho uu o( eteatn, aod lll\ oil 01 off froiD lAo It to took pale, oloar, ~ • (or lh6{ket. 'fbil procu. ia not oaly quiolte~ aod cleaner t.ban the old method of eboP. ina op the meat aud leaYiag 1t to putn In the tun until the oil rao out, bul u alao mocb blMI ooooomioal,abOIIt •ia,'e-tl.uthe ioat.l&d of lhrot·qoariAn of 1M oil ~Dtd belo~r ,.W. oU. Tbo colleoUoo ll.u '-a ~od Ia an attnctit'o maao~uirecl.ioo or Mr. A.. Sbea, tho Commiteioaer, ud Mr. T. U. Kidley, Seo:e~ to the Newfowul­laod Comwblion..

Pnorosm Nn Alit LL'f£-A.utxa POit A SUMIDY.-OitalCG, May 10-­A petition aad lrUo:r da~d tbe 18th

• of April and preaeuted to tho GoYOru­J or·Geueral baa been diatrib•1tcd &mOlllt

mom ben aud preaameo by tbe CreaL Amen­eM and European Short Line Railwar, in rogard- to tbo completion or ita air line from : P.unllt:L.Ul.l OF m.c LAw.

An Act to dniCJrd a11d cltclltrc tAt Utll' rdoling lo IJic Sclk of ID1o:zfcoli11g Liquor._ [P~ lUa' April 1883.

Wheteaa qoa.tiooa.bno ariee• relatio11 to t.ba aniclo or be~efAKe kuowG u UMariao Bter, u to whether 1M IllUDe ia or io no' IWl

Iotoslcatiog Uquor, wlt.bio &ha meauin~t of the La•• rollltiott k> Ule Sale of loto1ic:l~­iog Uqoora, and it Ia espedieDt to ame~ or d eclare tllo Law relaliug therelo,

Be it eMcted bJ tbo Adm10iatrator oltbe Gtl•eromeut, LogialatiYo Council and Aa­.eombly, ln Lcg111aUn Seaaion coovcuo<l, u follow• :- ·

L-Tbc article or bever11g0 commonlr ltDown u Banriu lleer, ia hereby declared 1o be au " l otoaic:.al.io!r Liquor" within tbo meaninll of the Loa ... I D l e»<>e in Lh;. ('..,1. ooy, in relatioo to tho Sale ol lntoxiutiog Liquors.

11.--A Special LiCGIIIO may be srentctl lor t.ho Sale, b7 ~tAil, of Mah Liqaorw, (inclod.ing tb.:•.•d bnerage called Bnari11o Heer,) Cider and Perry ; which Liconao may be t4rtllad a " Boer Lice nee."

111.-·Tbo cb.argo for such Beer License eball bo froa1 Fi'fe IJollara tp Twcoty.fi re Dollars, aL tho tllacrelioa: ~ Magistrate pouur tho un>e.

IV. -Save &n(Lexcept as horoin pronded all ud aiogular &be proviaiona · of t.he LAws io force ia tbM Colooy, rolAti~ to Retail Lice- for U.O Sale of Iutoslca1iog IJ.qaon, and all mat~rw iacideolll\1 thereto. ob&U appi.J k> tho r.aitl Boer Lieeoae. V.-~nry laolder ol a &er Liceoae elWI

eDibiL, In m&oaer prorided by tho lllb Sectloo of t.be Ucoo11 Act, 1876, a Si:t• of tho Uke cbaracUr, u tberobr pro•ill~d. ex­cept &Ia&* \be worda contained lo 1bc ~aid S lgu ehall be " Liee!W<I to Sell Malt Liquore outs."

'!'rom the Hub.

n-" perllapo eo tooio otrered to the people c.bet ~e aa ranch real intriuaic nine u the Uop Bit~ra. Juat.aL thit tea· - o( thOJO&r1 wbOil the Momacb needa ao appatlur, or tbe blood aeoda porifyin~, t bo d!MpOI' IUtd heM remod7 Ia Hot' llittera. AIJ ounce of J."'W'IDI1on ia wortb a poUDd of eore ; do,. & wai& oatil JOD are proatrat­ed by a w.- that DliiJ take IDOIItha (or rou to ~Yer io.-&.<1011 Globt.

Be•ry t•e•t, ~moo to, WTitee: "For a long ti o I w• qooblod with chronic rb · , M t1111e1 wholly dilalaled ; I tri«< &II iOJr aod OYtrytblog ~~nd· ~ bo' • to CD' auy beoe8L, unlit a _.ntlemae who - nred of rheumatiam by D r. Thoiul' Eeloolrie Oil, told me abbut IL I IIepa uiar I' hoth latenaallraud uter:

• D&IIJ, ud bel- two bott.leo were ueed I 'WII radlceliT ocarod. We lbtd it a boa.eo­bold cuedlcu.e, aod (« croup, burue, cute aod lln.ileo, I\ baa DO eqoal."

A Rio' wOTth Dioclfor:-t.u~ 1- half ita.- wbn dlgeotlon Ia permaoentiJ Im­paired. SaroJy then a lpeCIJy me&DI o( r&• atorinr tbi8 -atlal or bodll7 eumfort ill worth tryiog. E,..,. ruk, ...... ,., profH· Ilion, beare IIA qoota of ITideoce to &be

eflceat ltliloeeeo opoa tbe atom.•, aod .u.o opoa lbe n,. ... , bOweb and kldoera. or North~& L ., Vopt.able Oiaoi>Yery aod o Care, or ~te..1 lllood PurUin. & ie tho witt - ea~t-ed to l.ll01iolt bJ &Ilia tatiiDOoy?. W el .. n u..m to 11eaido.

llr. W. B. Lnler, BaiJitr, lee., B.llet'ille, ..m ... : " I llad Ur. n-· P..cleotrio Oil dte bfet eedlelno 1 ba" "'" n.eod Ia mJ •bl... I ~an-' it!« bruleoa. ecratdlea,

, , wlad DG6 aod cote, ud lo owery - h ,.._._.,_......,aetioa. Wea.eo It• a ...... old ....-IJIMoolde, btmaa,lao., aod

· I& Jl a perfcd pe-. ·~ will r-on ,.,.. 11f ~., U... .,..r aod aDDitn.. it Gil dt lf!1·~ • • • ...-l!-•

Moutreal to Louiaburg. Tbc objcot of tbo peliti.oo il the formation aud coos.tructicn of o aatlou~ uuolt air lino onder one W..'UillgtKDODt from the termiui or Caoadiau &f'tems a\ Montreal lnrGUJfh tbe l"roYioco of Q uebec, acroas tho Stato or Mala.o, through tbc Provinces of New Druoswiclt, Non Scotia1 and C~pe Breton tlod tho colony o( Ne,.fooudlaod to a poin& ,on lt.a EMtcrn coaet abo"• ice aod fog limite, thereby giring .tho eborteat and aareet route to l::uJOpo. 'l'be pelitiou aalto that P:ulia· mtnt graut a c:aab eobeidy to aid in tho coo:plation or tbo linoa proportionlto to t heir rela~yo coat of cooatroctioo, aa l ot­Iowa: For couatructioo aud completion o( those portion• of ita air line between :llon­trcal and Loui.abullf, not to esooed m milee, tbe aulD of S\,200,()()().

NewfoundlAnd hu a Nation&ll'olieJ, but i& il not bftaed upon the prineiplo or taxing lbo pooplo to mako them protporooJL Sho ta opening up the interior or tho country by meant of tbo Railway uow bui ldin~t. thua giYiog IIC:Cellll to immen!Ml t raot.a Of (arm, lunolrcr and minel'lll land& An incre:ue or t4XAtion will likely bo uecuaary before tbs~ national work Ia oompleted, but tbe amount of money being diatnbuteol among tho peo­ple during ita progreaawill, prpbably, more tb1111 m:~oke up their additioual taxe& Tho debt of tbe colony Ia leu tban ono and a half million doltarw, aud the budget abowa net balMeo or ao•eoteen or eighteen thou­mod dollara in I111L year'afin::o.oces. Ninety· two tbooaud dollarw wero dorind from Cui· to1111 abon tho reoeipta of ..be proYioua Jear, tho whole revenue beiog O'!'or a million, the largoet eW'er collected. Tho enbancod pur· chuing power or the Ialaod (rom tbo auc:eeafnl aeal ftabery o( tbb aeaaou will probably affect tho Cuatoma rcceipta I nor­ably and magnify the rat.io o: tbelr iu~reuc. Tbia yur tho eaLimaLed renouo il ali~btly above tho actnlll ooo of lut JCAr, and tbe expooditore euch u to le&YO • balanoo of elneo ilioD~Ud and odd dollara. While ebo ill able to maOAge her own a!Jalra co well, IUid alto to catch up with ci•iliutioo withoa~ oxba11.1ting her natural roaourcu by a long waJ, it will be a glitterinq bait iudeed ~at will eot.ice tbo anci~o~ colony iotb Coafederauon.--.Vo~ttnol IVillltu.

Mus1~ IN Tlll CRURCU-A CnmCAL Qur~tl,-In the Reformed Pn!aby~rian Sf!od· now In eeelion in Piuaburg, l'L, tbo diiCDIIioe oa tho loetrumootal muaic q oea­tion attNCted a largo audience. Tbo com­mille& praeo~d majority aud minority re­ports, and a roeolalioo wu offered (or adopLinq the majority n!port. The a.,,., Oliae Kaets &lid tbo queetiJa ,., a aorioua ooe, and might reault in a diaruption of the church. Ho oppoted tho OM of irutromen­tal muaio. 'l'be Rn. R. W. Heury wu op· po.eod to Ia, too, aod IJ7 the A ... mbly'• ac­tion oe the qu~ou oar ehlp er et.aiAI may be drina oo ~~ rooh and (ooaderod. U ~~ majority repon wu aa~~loed, ho pro­dlewd that the ... would aner~ peace nor bannouJ in Ule Cburcb. He malntaioed \hal tile ropori wu inoollliatent. AoyJD&D jo11ld iati'OOoco ao ina\rumeot aod tbe A-mbiJ bad no rigbl ~ eojoin him, but when It e a qaa.tlon of whether the In i:llon wu incidental OT -n-tlal the It wu • ilbio the prot'iooe ol lhe C reb and not o( tho COIDtoltiAo. Dr. Carao , of Oblo, lat'Ored the majority ro. pon; ~wu a queatioo u to wba• wu beat let ~ Cburch. The Rn. Af.lo. 6teward, Califo ~aw noLbiog In God'a , Word c.ppoling illllrumootal moaio in A i.e wbrablp. Mr. Ca!'Dbn mo'fod aa amend111en• to &lao -Jority nport, eob.tltotiag ~e minority repori after the worda " nol prMOribocl ill UoiJ Sorlp\tlro." --- ...

lira. Barllhart, oor. Pratt ud 'lkotdwey, hu bo.o a aulfe,..r for lwei" Jtull r.brooab rb .. -wm, aod ll.u lriocl Oftr1 maeC17 abo could Mar or, bel\ ~- no bne-11&.. qadi lbe tried Dr. 'I1aoalu' Ecloo&rio ()Jl: llae •11 lbe eaanot .. ,... tiJo .._ facd011 lllo fwle u .. Yiaf '" pala ID&in­IJ ntHnd uclllor n..=e•= euM." .·

A auitable address, Wlth a tangallle token of regard and eeteem, wu like~ ,.u.a given to Mia Rooa by the l.ellchere of tho Preebytorian Sabbath Sch.ool. .

~lr. Roes, with Ml'lll. Rose and M~ OuCJs Ross, let\ to-day for Nova Scotia in the B.S. Yanguard, kindly vl.t~ced at thoir clirpoeal bJ tho firm of MCJ.IIn. Jomc Yolfll & Oo.

On behalf of 011r1elves and readon, we wi.ah them a pleaaant puugo and meny yeare oC hoalth, ha_P~in,_, . and usefulneea in the New DotUimon wbtther they are directing their COUI'IO.

ADDRESS. }Jar&or a,_, NjiJ., JIUIA 1, 1883.

7b 17-.e /UKT~Jtd AUXANDEil ROSS, f'ruby· l~ritm Ati11illcr, tc., ~·

R£\' D. .u~o Dun Stn,-A.a the limo o( JODr doparture (rom

ami)Dg.t ua, for auotbcr field of labor, ia at band, we dtelre to bear tutlmooy to t ho deop eeu.eo ol rogrot wo feel at tho aOYer­aoco ofo ooonectioo uteoding over a poriod Of 28 Jtanl, during wbiob hmO yon hue bad tbe rupect and esteem of all cluaoe of aocietJ. Your go~tlf'CDanly.deport?'ootaod una•er\'ing io~gntr, combmed ~ttb yo~r acbolnly att.aiomeuta and exLenll'fO eru~• · tioo, fully QUI\Iified JOU tO pro molAl tho IU • l ellectOAI oulturo or a people, whoso well are yon bau at all til.oee been moa~ 1ealoua in adnnciog.

In roYie•lng lbe rut qu~ter .or a !='otury dwing wbiob you have ro11ded tu tlua to•o, we ct~nntl' but reollll tho many · aud ~treu cbangea that hue talt'on plaoo in tbat t ime. Mao7 V~Wuable and wann.beartcd dti1t!DI hue llnisbed lbeir ur&bly courwo, and hue Ol\tered u~n the boundluu ocean of eter­nity. W 1&h eome or &beaoyoul.tavo beoo {n ol CHto comntuuioa , aod whb. ~·- b••• b\lte11 aweo' conaaol. And now another breach ia to tio mado in tb11 olol ranka by your departure. Verily, t bore Ia nothlug abidiog on eattb-all I• ohaogo.

Wodeeirc mottoarncatly to cont'oy to you and to Mra. R011 11nd family our eincerce& wiahes lor your futuro welfare aud bnppi· u9u in wbatovdr apbero you may l&bor.

Aud in bidding you farewell, we pray th•t a kind Providence may e'fc.r watch O\'Or yo u i.ud diroot all your WAJ& John M. Noel, Rector ol Harbor Grace. N. Le~loioo, AMi.ataot Miui.ater o( llarbor

Grace. Georgo Boyd, Mothodiat l\Jioiator. T . R. lleooet~. Judge Oiattict Courl Lc•ia W. £menoa, J .P ., Chief Clerk and

Regi.atnr Nortboru Di.triol. Joba Bemiat•r. Sberia Norther• Di.atric~

of Ne•fouodland. Aleuodet Clih, Sub·Coli.lotor D . ll. Ca~-

toiDL W. U. Wood, Uarriater·&t-Law. H. W. Trapnell, Clerk or lbo Peaoe. W. Muuden Allan, L.lt. O.r. & L.R.C.S.

(Edin.) E. N. Mart.lo, M.B., M.A., (Dnblia). A.. T . Oryedale, l'.M. Mark ~ Edtrard Doyle, rl.C. P. Oneroox. Willil H. Pt.not~.~, William Ward Jobn F. Apeey, Joba Maddock Joeopb Goddeo.J. P . Jamoa Paraona Tbomu ~. Jr Michael Joaea J. F. Higgioa, William F.Tarp C. L. Keooody, J oaopb Ruaol

•Jobn Strapp, E. W. Qaiotio John Uogao, Bernard Paraooe William Thompeoo . John Trapnell Uooglu Taylor, M J. Flynn Bobort Badcoct, Matthew Uuia W . R. Stirling, Sa:nuel Fog..Sl l'atriclt Welt&, Jobn Spence 1 'l'bomu Rou, Capt Val. Webber John G. BarrJ D. A. Flrno Tbomu Strwjlp Reory 'l'bomeJ John Murphy Jamu Callanan AleDllder l'araooe Jamee L. Keefe Georae Pilto F . W. Golder Step booS. Andren Robert &dcooltJJr. R. J. Fitqerald JobuBatlor ~ J. A. Whitman t{. J . \Vaua Jam•WUYen Nlcbolu Haanhan John C. Da'fb T Collioe John Bean-1 Mark Wala William Warren Joba F. Noel Joba Cody Benry Trapntll Frederiolt Mart.in Patrick Sc&olan Wm. 0. Fillferald John Sparkeo B. &ull7 W. A. Oh Deola Sbea Natbanlell'~o

A. u. ymour.


I laa"...,..... ..ta lloMI& fraa 1111t1u , ........ u,.., .. .,~tee • ..._.....cr. ~· Jon B. ~Boa, ...... em,, M•ca..

hrowolll . ALEXAJfDER ROSS. to CafffoJ, ( Phal'ialJ maiderer.

n. lAdiu ~ ... '& of prieoood


Hi:twrONI~N~, l JtuN1tl, .d.D.188S, .t.L. 6881.)

AU our Jltoole•ue aearlr nady for \he Labrador, "aod by Tu~ 11u& I dan •1 tbe7 wW Mall off for *'.loeemU..-..&4., wtalth. Hope theJ will ~ a aOod bar-Yeti. Z.

P.S.-1 roraol h tell )'ODr readOII about the fine trool wblob Mr. T . Dlokouou caught a abort limo alooo In oue of our broota. b wei~:bed f\fo lba., aod hu been 8Clll to 51. John'a for tho Londoza Fiahe!l

appealed to.Gf ' I ; ...... .-lftd DO 1'1-pl;.

Frauco i8 pUihlog bar foroea io Tooqul.n. Gladatone, tn &he Bouao of OOCillDODI,

latimated tbU be •w no obaoee for Eoe­liab iuterferenoe bo&wMO Franot aod Chi11.1.

Tn LABIWIOa FLU1".-Darlaf tiM wool the larger pari of otar Labraclor fleot ba"' aalled for tho 0011&. We W'iah them a ..r andopoeciJ~ ---

To IAt Rnt. Ul:uKDU Ross, CMp/.iA, tc· RavuiDID SR 4KD 8110T1111l,···

We eaonohllowJoU &olean a.,wnhouL coony!~ &o you ao os~lou or 011r w:arm eateem aod Bro&beriJJooi~Da.

Exhibition. • .~ r ~ Ueart'a Content, .MaJ 80.

Tbo French ban boaabarded \wo Had&­eucar porta. .

1'bo uiala of tbo dr-Uo oooiplrat.oro , will commence In LoQdoo, On June 11th, bororo a epecie1 oourL

We ookDOW'led,. wUia daanko Mae reoelp of a OOpJ of &be •• 0eocraPh1 of Mewfoan1l laod, for &lao -of ecboola, br &1M &1 William Pilos,lJ, D,"of whlob- bopoou •eolt to baTe time &o .. ,eomeLhlJII.

While r~etting JOUr departure to aooLbor epbere of labor, we tender JOu &be liootro esproelion or our unalterable (ra~rual al· roctiou aod cordial dollro (or JOur futuro welfare aod'proeporitJ. Ia leaYi~ 01, we feel con6dut that t.be chao,. JOD are about to mau will be ao adfuL&poa~ one; and tba~&bo Brethren or tho mJatic Uo will noL be alow tu dilconriog JOUr worth.

Our oars:oai ho~e b tba~ tbote wbo are moat clotelJ &QOCI&Led WIU\ JOO mar long be aparod to ooJoJ uro'a riebcat blnau~JtL

Your long and nlued aomcu han been roeeifed with approbation bJ tbe membora or tho Craft; aod aL'f: apo.ral meotlog or tbo Lodge, whlcb waal¥.fd o'o tho. 7tll laeL., you wore uDAnlmou.lytlec~ct ab hoaonuy membor. '< • •

We pray ~t tllo Sua o( RiahiAouneu will ui.te, and eyer e&DIO Uia booigD~ot n,- tc) ahino vouod JOU. Ma7 Uo eudow you with heaYColy Witdom, gi,.o you •ririt· u&l StroDJib, ud clotho JOD Yitb the pr· moot of..lleautJ.

Ia biJdlng JOII au a!ecdooaw aod fra­terual farewell, YO bopo we may all moot ia tho Graud Lo4go abon, that B ,)ll.eo not made with baoda, where 'l'.G.A.O.T.U. rcigoa Supreme.

We are, &Yd. Sir and Urotbor, }'rateroa fly JODn,

(On behalf ol Lodge Uarbot Grace) EDWARD DOYLE, R. W.M . H UGH YOUDALL, .IV.S.IV. ROtlT. BADCOCK.Jr, IV.J .IY. JOHN PA'l'EllSON, Trtru. JOHN BRUNU:l::s, &cy.


1Jarbor Grit", Nnt'j'owull11.nd, t Ju.M 8, 1883. .r

To Looa• D.~oRaoa Guc&, &c., DuR llaETHR.L'f,-1 a.m Yery d~eply mo,..

od by the rocoipt or your lrllly brotherly addreu L'ld by &be teaUmoo1 wbicb it bean. iu tbo peculiarly uyiug c1rcuwat.ancca of my departure from yoin midst, to tho ee­teem and coalldeoc:e with which you regard me u a Drotber Muon.

Aecopt ol my nry aioeero tbanu for tho honor you btu'o conferred upon 1110 in elect­ing me an honorary member of JOUr L,dga. Both my fan•ilr and myaolf deeply oppraci­ato your Iliad •illhoe for our futuro welfaro wbere,·er our lot may be cu\. It il our duty u CbrULi&ne to bclio•·o that all t binga llh111l • orlt IOJ!Otber for our ulthuato ~rood ; aud, with thill faith, we look fonranl •itb boyo to:\ netr 6eld or labor, knowing tbl\t tbo Grut Architect at"" bM all thinge un­der Hia complete co trol and •ill aeYOr leue nor (oraake tho tbat put their uuet in Uim.

Drotbreo 1 Fate•ell ! ,ALEXANO~R ROSS.


W e bad tbe pleuuro a few daya aiuco of aeeing ~wo old frieocU, tho bon. Surveyor General and hia usi.a!Ant Mr. 'l'. Long. 1 bey came hero oo official buaiueM, aod or.l;t mado a brief at&y.

Yeaterday l1'aeaday) wo cooaigned to motbor earth oue of our old and eateemed inh11billlut., Mr James Moore, at the ad· nuced aged o( 78year.. Doring bia loug lifo be waa highly reapec~d among hia aeigbbora. ,Ria remains wero followed to tlto gran by a large nnmber of the mamben of tho S. U. F. attired intheir regah:1. 1'bo (uoonl wu a largo one. We aro rut Joe­log our old "at.aoda.rde," tbii.S eenriu~ tho Holte that unite us •itb the put.

Ilia Lordabip Diabop Jonoa arriYcd bore on Monday nouiu~t for the porpoae of c:.•n­ucraliog two or our ceme~riea and a lao or admioiateriog r.oo6rmatioa to the youth of thie lar1zo miMion. IIo wu warmly receiv­ed ; anil bad OOl tbo OYODiDg boon rainy bil reception would bnvo )lArl.akon or a more extended cbaraetor. :Ae 1 writ.a w­day, ' tbo nln il copiooaly coming down, ac­companied by beayY thunder and li$!btoiog. About 3.30 p.m., tho weather cl earing up, enabled tho girla aod bo1• to atteod tho Church wbero Hil Lord•hlp wu awaiting tbeir arrival. I did uot ett.od, buLjltdJiiog frcnn &be largo numbor I obeened weodlug tboiT way cburobwarda, t bo Diebop m11.1L be plea.eod at lbo erowth aollceablo In tbit rapldlr adunciog aettlemeol. Our poeplt are nry quift aad nrr eolhuaiutio u to tbeir Cburch and Church mattere geaenllr. A good dtal of CM!dit b due onr worthJ Clerum&~~, tbe ROYd. Mr. Smith, for the paine be baa tal:eo Ia tbe preparation or tho little oo .. for their religiooe ourcieea. no bu been untlriug In ble elfortl lu thla dl­rectioo, and baa ena rooted out aoma old fouila aad prepared them for ao h11port.aut an enol. Hia LordUip llu '!' ialted New Porllcao, Sollly Con, aod iutenda to-tnor­ruw to neiL Hoan'a Deliabt, bla million In all tbeee plaooe belllf 8Cmewbal elmilar that which bo~:-Qd to do hero-t.hat le, lbo '!:Odt or ~;erma~·· Wlaero'J'al' Uil Lordablp lra'f~ a111onr hia people, be b mott wermly roctifed: u, ~ frou. b1.1 bleb ofllco, bb ldad rnlal maoilllr oxerciioa a charm our thote with wliom be ooma. tn coatael. · ·


Buou 11~ HO!COit Juooc BDORTT •

WcoKESDAT, Ma7 2S-Francil Martin "' Ablalom Marlin-ultaodt..ttery. Con· vic:&ed, ud ordorod to ftud aiJrotiea for hil good beba'fior (oT 12 mouths, aod to paJ coata; In dofanlt. 1 mooth'a imprilonmoa~ wi&b bard labor.

Maurice Lahoy-droot. SeoiAuccd to l! daya' imprieoomeot w tb h."m l11bor.

Amelia BraJ"' Suaanaab Williams-u­•nlt and baUtry. CocuDlalnanl end Do­feudant wore each ordere(l to lad aoretioa for their ~ bchuio,. for 12 roonlha in t ho aam o1 S:!O ; in debolt, 1 moulb'a im-priaoameat. •

n. & P. Walah obu1led WilliaN Strick· land with roluaing to fulfil hi8 ~ement 111 a general 6.abery eernat.. Strlclclaud wu ordered to oot4r hia maater'a aor'fico and to fulfil bla ~~greoment; in defoul~ ono ruonth'a impriaoamtut witb hard labor.

J.IRIDAT, ?.lay 2.6-Cbarlee Noaowortbr wu oltiU\Ced br Eldred Crane • ith cuLling a. ~e on hil (Complainant'•) lAnd. He wu oooriotod aod ordered to pay tl.50 and ooate.. lo defuh, 7 d&Ja' impriaon­mont. .

Robin Courage w. Alex. Courage and Ougb William Coura,e-maliolo01 Injury to property. 'IC.y wore coa'fioled and o r · derod t4 payS abllllag~ each aod - ta.

'l'obiu Webbol w. Tbomu Wobber­malioioua lojor7 to proport7. 'fbe COlD· plllint wu withdrawn.

SuunoAT, May26-Joha Dug~tt~n, lJollo ble~runk Oil Wa&er Street. Admooiah· ed nud diecbargod.

MOMD.t.T, llay 28-J•me• McOouald­druuk on Water Suoe~ AdiDODi.abed and diaebarg.'<l. Wt.o~KSDAT, l>tarliO-Cbarlea Fitzgel'llld

charged Nathaniel Coombe& with diaorder· ly conduct on the Ferry boat. n o waa con'fictcd and fiaetl 8l 60 aod coati ; ia de· fault 10 dl\ra' impriloDI!I4Dt witll bard labor.

George No1cwortby "'· Jl\mea Notowor· t bJ, R ichard Noao•ortby, !)tepbeu Uutcb· ingw, and Archib:Lid llutcbioga-ms· licioua injury to hia property by cut· ting hia t reee. 'fbey were cooYictod, an<l ordered to pay coett.

'l'uUitiDAY, May St-Mary Uobbioa ebar11ed NichoiM Robbin• wub, lening deatitute and ahllodooins: hil fathn, Lo (tbe Uefeodaot) huing the mesaa to aupport bitu. l)ef~OdiDt WU COD W'icted and order· cd to maintAia bi• fat bor ; in dcloult to be imprlaoocd one montb.

8 Et'OR£ I. W. Enn.sos, EsQ, J .P . J c wr: 2-Thoma& Green u. Jobu Coonov

-deaortioo and rcfuaiog to perfortr. fiallerj agree10eat. The Defenllnnt 1fU ordered to perform hie agret'ment ; in default, one raoot b'a impriton•noot. l'laintifJ, bowcYer, •qreod to Gi'ft J>.,rcod .. nt £ tb iu•t~ad of .£1-& ; ai.Jio 0 110 bo.r~l or herrin~:.

Lemuel Taylor nod Ambroao Taylor n Absnloo1 Martin-dcu rtiou auo.l refu1in~ to perform liebery agreement . Dcfeod:ut t coo•cnt.ed to ~o and servo his cmployo:r11, and wu tbereforo di.achl\rt:cd .

Ur.roR& fl ts lloson J t:oor. n~;,:-;st:TT. MONDAY, J uoe • - NicholM .M6lloy and

J c remi•h Lahey-drllnlc on t bo atreet. Admooiabed and di1charged.


.DEFonc DB Ho~on JuooE UESNRTT. SATUilOAT, April 28-St.cpben u01110 r3.

Moace Goae. Action for Sb.80, Jullg· ment (or Plaintiff for ~.80 and coata.

llarbor Grace Gu Llgbt Cowpaay r1. Mark Panooa. Actioo for $-l.tiO, gu nte1. ~ettlod out or CourL ~arbor Grace Gu Ligb' Compsny 11s,

Jobrl Lynch. Action for t 2 t , gaa rateR. Judgmoat for l'Wntil[a (or ~:.!O.M and COli&.

MoNDAT, ltfaJ H-Edward Fahey n . Corbet Pitcher. Act ion ior j5. 11, for aooda aold and deli'fored. Judgment for Plaintiff for t4 and ooata.

Edward FahcJ w. JapbeL . Pltcber. Ac­tion for ''· for goode aold ud doliYored. J udamont for Plaintiff for S{ and coati.

Eaward Fabey 111. Joeepb l'itc!:er. .lc· tion for ~.18, for goode eold aod deliferod. Judgment for Dtfoodaal

Lclward Fabe1 IlL Eli.aha l'itehor. Ac-­Uoo fo r 8-1.63 for gvoda aold aed doli,.ored. J udamcn~ lor Plalotill for •• a ad coet..

lfAT l G:-Mattbew Rran "'· J ohn llriao. Action for t3!, (or breach o( coo tract in aot recei'fin( back a mare. &ir. Clift for Plaintiff. Mr. Wood for UefendanL Judgment for Plllinliff (or S32 aod coat&

Cbriatopbor Pllto, napt.aio o( tbo 1:)5. Llltl!J Glowr, "'· W illiam Ryao. Action for ••· pusago money. Ju.Jgweot tor

ntiJr for Sl aod cotta. DAT, May 26-Ricbard Stowo 111.

WUrto. Action for •16, tnapue oo laud aad gt.f'deu. Mr. Cliltlor 'Plllioliff. Mr. Wood f~ DdendanL Plal.ntllf wu noelolted.

TnoW>AT, May Sl-Patrict Walab -.

Oar new Cbarcll bu made woodorlol progro.~ tbi.e allmmer, a\ leul u recardt &be iaterual tlldncs- I bad tbe pleaauro tbo other day of bular e ounory alauco at the beautiful wor\: dooe by Mr. Dlohu.eon.

Patrick fd.allowao7. Ao&ion for 14, biro of a ftab!'Dg.bou during 1881 Jodgmut for PlalotiJr for 2 dole. and ~

AJrred George w. Beary ThomeJ, Sr. Aetloo for 36. tlola.-baleoee of IOOOIUI&. Mr. Clill for l'lala&ilr. Mr. Wood for De­ftadaol. JocJtrmeo\ for Ocloodau&. • TimothJ H&Jdta w. Jooeph ·Bruit ~

tion for 29.66 oedta, balaooe of aoooaaL. J udgmen• for Plalut14 for !9.30 oeuta and eMil.

n o P ruaian GotenlliiOD& ban decided lo tclto &lao npla~ of Cborob alfeln into tholr OW'Il haode, roprcll-. of the Vatic.~u.

JUNE ,_,.·ne Corooatloo foathiti .. at Moacow on S&turdaJe&mO oil reeoefully.

CafirOJ, the (ovtb Phalolx Part munler­er, wu banged 011 Se&urda7 morulllg.

'~"• nrttia Sqaedroo ta Obi- W'aton bu boou ntnloroed b7 lwo ablpo.

'J'urkey ...U \bO -~ of Ruaia ~ioaL tbo EnrUah poliOJin EaJpL

Fi'fo Ulembera of the Repab&ao BroLIIer­bood In We&erford U.e hoeD arremd, charged wi~ oo~ to JaD.I'dw Arch· biahop CroLo.

JUK& '-n. Peolaae Dade an ...... to blow up Ule Wollud Caoal, but were de· (cau-d thzaa&b the rigU&Dee of &lao ~ora­DtMI.

Gladnooe, Ia the Hooao of CoiDmoua. dtcliood to aoawn the queet\on wbether the Duke o( Alben7 offered to' aooopL tho Oonruor-Geueralablp of Canada.

'l'wo moo.of-war are »>W io Mad&· ,.._,- -~Aft with lattnc&iou to pro~u Uritlah ltna aod property.

Two fearful toraadoea han oooaaed io Teu.s.

The Soa CO!IIIp&DJID l'1ria hno oaani­moualJ agreed to OO!I.Itruc& a •cond c:aoal.

Tbe Earl of W Oltmodh ia dead. DanU, Healey ud Qo.illo are ret~.

The illlormen are to loa'fe Irtlaod. J OHK ~-Tbe Pope bu IQmmonod all

Arnon- Arcbbiehopa w Roo.o for ln­etruol.iooe, preparatory to tbo Cooncil. Report. nprdice Iri.ab mattora will be requtred.

llarrillfiOo, Editor ol tho Kerry SoctiMI, hu been aeo~oood t<>llix mon~he' 1m prison · moot (or pobllablog plaot.rde i~W'itiog per· Rons wltWog to join tbe Ju'fioclblca, to at· teod a -e\iog.

It b reported thu lM In'l'incibl• will re­eort to poieoa for remoYi.og oballl!io111 indi· vidual a.

Admiral Co.-il arri'fed at B~lilas yratar.la, Ia the Ftag Ship NllrlJoat~~pl••n.

J..Mdlto.e'-ryiiM roaigned Ulo Uodor­Socrct.aryabip ol tbe Home DepartG~Got.

Lord Dulforin hu PCCe'nd tho Gtaod Crot11 or tllo Ord~ ol tbo Oath.

Iu 8berbro, Weetero AJrica. ftrty {ltnDill hue beoo borood eli•ct, ~pJ with witcbcnft...

J UKE 1--A t•OCJIIUtd mtleo of tbe 0wwJa I'aei6n Raitw&J are being opentcd.

Tbe Qooen ia progreaeiag a~adily to· •arda coutpleu re~f:f'T • $he alwmiug ru­more are l(rOondltaa.

China b ptepuiog eueq:oti .. lly to roailt France.

The AG .. miterl ha'fO beheadoll- Fatbor t!Kket, a Catholic mialiooary. 1

Jrioh Qll:lltera ha'fo diatnbuted two 1\UO• dred ond eevrotr tona aecd potntoe• io Uonepl, relicYiog tllreo tbou•ull dia•reas· ud familioa..

J 0111: fl.-SiT Georgo Jlowyer Ia d.-1\d . Tho Alhlm~ aod 'Thrb aro fiGhting ;

heuy l.)IICll on both lidce. O'Oonnell, tlletnbor for llunpr,.on,mot'ts

for tbo appointment of the l\lnrqula of L.'\P&·

t.lowoo u Go•ernOf'·Gcoeral ol \:.W1adl\ : the motion I• calculakd to excite grave ducou­teat emoog the J ri1b.

Sir William llarceurl nceind a Iotte r fro~& Lord ltoeoberry &o,ing that bia ro· • 'goatioo waa caue.:<i by lhrcourt'a at.&tc· IDOnL Ia the Hou"e or ComtnOQI. Lor.i Raad.,lpb Churchill char2ed ther.o•·

erumenlwitb eending l!rrlngtoo tolbo '-; ati­cao1 the Popo'a circular bein! tho ruult.. UlaCbt4ue replied, denying thot t ho Go'f· c rument bad commlaaionod Errio~ton, re· cogni&log Errington's eomceo in tho inter· os& or pcaC41 and order.

ltra. Lao~ arri Yod u Halilax luL night

Wcoor"o Br:u.s.- -Tbia moruing, Cbarlu ~ncaro Pioaent, Etch aocooot.an& or tho U o~lon Bao.k of Newloaodlaud, Jed to tbo altar Blaoebo, yo~t daagbtcr of tho Ja&e &sward Earle Bro-..n, Elq., Comp­troller or Her .Majeo&1'e Coatoma, llarb"r Graoo. Tbe oeromODJ wu perfonned in 8~ TboiDU'I Cborcb, by tbe Rn A. C. F. Wood, M. A., ~ilted by tbo Ro'!'. Henry Daafteld. After an oariJ breakfut al the roeldonoo of tbe bride'• IDotber, tlae bridal P" tr left br apecial railway curiagd for Holyrood ; the bride aod bride(f(10m to go upon a 'tiel\ to Woodlaoda, &lmoaler, t ho rou11lry plac. of tho Honorable Mr. Juatice Piii.IIIDL-Tef1:9rcr-, JtUU ll.

l'Wotla_1 BOJCia "' Jobo l'oJd. Aodoa I«~ doll, bet.. of eeoout Jadpell' for l'lalotif( let ~ dolo. aud 110161.

Tbe oanlug b well eseou\ed. Bad IL not been for tbo pal01 and labor of tbte maotor Of mUf tradoe, .( fear the lfUd fhdop wollld ban eolalled a Je,.. ~ oa tbe puilb. He ._ ... nly heft tllurollltec&, lid froa ~beet bnl "Wort-ead lliU hb • .....__.., Nl = tllla boaatlful edltloe lo • atelo o( llioll1 elf Uaa• DOW' .... malu ~ be do" k eroot tile pen. AJ. tho ... wh• ... Obareb .._ Ia akele\on form 101M orfti01 lftl4 ..... ntltely Mo

KOIIDU, Jaoo •--Harbor Grace W~r Co111~1 .,, ,Tllomu Alcoek. Aetlo• for uo ...,... ..... ........ 8eltlecl oU of Co an.

WIODI"a BJW.s.--To-daJ we are in a poeit.ion to reoord a~~ other or &bote charm. big llt.&le illcidoote whleb OCCGiimlollf Lraaa· plro llero. u well u el.eowbere, and wblcb ao mon, porbapi, tbao aoythlng olee we how of to sJn pleuing variety to tho du­tlee of our editorial life. B leaioRa of tbil ltlud appear to be getlloe more nomeroua nary 1~1 aod lteooe tbe lnteoa14ed happi· n- ol 'uae wllole oommuolty • .,.Bot we ban ao ialenlloo at preeo'llt to moraliu on the graodoor and nbUmit7 or • the mar­n.,.ut.aa\lo .. ~ Oer duty Ia ~b ooonee· tloD to~ wUJ be dfaobarged b7 ODDOD!IC• iDa \be r.et \hat two more bappr-JOoag beaN ban jaa YeoUlrod ont upon tbe IIOGbled - of malrimoor. JJeaun graal tbU \be joana_, 1N7 be claarectarlud bJ all tho& b bript aod beaotUoll Uot to be brfel, u en o'cloot *' I'!'Diliol our lllneb· --.clyoa•a frieart, Dr. A. J . flarft7, w.._ profoeaiooal career bu ~uUy bou coa .. itoed ill tJale ch7 onder U.e !DO'\ fa· fonablo -~ aod llbe Btllfo Simmo, eldeo& daaP•1 or w. C. Sima, E.q,, M.D., ..... DDiled br tho ae .... A.. c. .F. Wood, H..l., Ia .,_.. olaboaol,..n· iae well-....... Ao 'W11 met* OD the oo­CIIIIoa, tile pneeu" were aomei'ODI 'aod OGidJ, ucl ... ~1 pelr .-l,.ed the ooocruala&AoM of iiM w\ole oo-uai'J· -~J ... a. . . .

..,.. &o ••* ~·'"'"•" or *• ~ Jet DOW (OW'fDf tf. ~ powtla ., ... pula ..a Y!•!f-.•dJIC ........ of ...

~::::> .. 1 ..... -:.. ~~ .:~ ... _,_ ...... . ._

Goorae Crane •· Dan4 Teyfor .blioa for t.rr OOIIil, for --thfrd ftlao of e 111oep •-UI~~ Doi.SU''a ct.. .lndf-t lot p lor 1.11 ,... .. ..a .... · WD~tpDAY, J•oe 6-Jou lWd -.

'WUU.. Stellbe!!fe•· Aolloa .I fet ,1.16 oat., for •oil u. labor. J'DGpeo& for Del ...SUa.

Hla BOG« ... Ad~nlaileraeor of the Gqr~ ...._. ._ betlr ptoe.d to UDOI•' Lieb· ...... a,.. S.l". !&._,Of ....... Jlllln lliP 2~ to be a .I ~~~~Moe of tbe P .... forllle Weaa of Nowfoa~Dd ad 1111 diJII d=nloe, wbiW nceaed fA the pro-leolioia of ... ,...... .. ol \1.. •d lalutd.

Pusonr..-<>o Sa&urdar .arteruoon lu Mr. aod Kra. Suoul ICn~& anbed II town from Eaglaod Ylti S.. Jobn'r We extcad t.bem both a oordlal W'llcome to Nowfoundlaod.

Oarr.-We record to-daJ, with a feeliDj of .-row aod ,..,.., &lao l!lda.. doa&h 0 Cap&. Mar~ HeaDObofJ of &7 Robert. which rnelauob9l7 e'feat ooourred P tha pllotl oa SondaJ ennloalul' The deceM ed, It eeeme, left bb home oarlJIO the ~ru log (or a abort ,.lit. He had on'prooeede. nry f•r before be wa &akeu •rfouaiJ II He wu c:oa'!'eyod &o e friead'o "-• ao• aborll7 thereafter became 11DOODIC!ow lo •h1ob cou4ilioa be remained t.ill l&tcr I &lao day, wbcln daath ea~oed..

ColiPt.un:rr.ART.--We (Men:errr)bne re ccind tho follo•i11g extract fro1u a print leUer to a geutlo~D&n roaldeot hero. '.l'b writ.lr Ia a member of tb~t Committee of th, Fiaheno.. E:~bibitlon :-

"Your Commiuioner, lloo. A Sbee, It nry ncelleot b.uin- nuu, and 1 do no think. you could ·bayo chosen a beUtr lm• you 8Carched tho whole of· tho Ual~< S~atea. I do not aee bil 09,ual here amon1 tboee In 'cbttrgo ol the exhibits, and lode•' while with lll"eral DIOmbera of tbe ColD mittee, I heard thia romarlt mademoco tbar OQf'A.u

-Fro1u Jut Sntur.lafe iMuo of tho STA..'I RO, iLappCillre that the ladlea of Ct.rboo bau begun in arOMt to orpniu

bazaar towarde tho OHcCOO of a DOW cburcJ in that town. 'Jhe aotiq:tatod 1U'octoru w4ich at pn~~~ont acrvea (or tbo purpoeo o d i'flnc wotl!biPI i• to be romond nuda ne• church, moro wort.bJ of t hb ilouri1bia l town, Ia to be ercc~d io iiA at4ad. Th proaont bollt.l iDI( cannot pretend \0 an:hi tectural beautJ; i' awted tbo waota of ou lorcfalberw, whoee atroog arma bid th loundALion or Dl&ny a noble church io th land, and wu conalderod quill ao importao undart.altlog in it& :i&J ; b.uL U.. daJ b:l d~partcd.

!u thi.a country o( progreu and eolil!ht ooment, our Carbooear lrieode hue deter milled to keep abrout of tho ago. We I~< confident lb.at their elforta will bot crowoc with aucceu, for that arden1 eplrit or raitiJ wblcb Ia their oharact.odetic, will carry tb~• uinmpbaotlr OYer onry obetacle No &Je rifice il t.oo gnl&t lor God, on eacri6ce, ho" o~or lm6ll, 1nndo i11 II is boQor Ia (orgotte• We hope then to wilnea& a ~eneroua N apooao to tb& call ol OUt' Carbooo&f friend• lot tho w~t.hJ give of tbeir abnudauce, h tbe wido• !J:i~e b~r milt, a.uol all will b s bundantly ruC\ltnpcnsed.

Tho church ol Caroonear hn a atron cll\iru to our anpp.>rt: her chlhl ren bAI' always cootrlbutcd lllt.tclr tOw .. rJa tlt erection of other cb.1r'Clwl, who~ pleuiu d uty iL ~to 11"1 b:lck tbe d&~bL of graututl, -<..'uJIIJWMirolcd.

'l'u4: L.\.n C \ Pf. Joycc.-lt ie with roc:re that lfO recor.l IO·d'1 the d(c~M" of t h• geutlem11n. C"l't. J 1.1yce WM ;ahno~stu wd aod (avo) rably kno" 11 10 IL<rbor UrM.~ M b wAS lu <.'IM'bone&r ; 110 l we join with bt many frieudt here and cltewlll:rO in e11end ing to bi~fau•ilJ autl rollltina our rlu~p,·• aympatl~r. A friuod bu ltindly.lnm i.:lhu• you "llb tho follow10g llhort moworilll uo tice of the decel~Md: aaotleltiDn :-

"Carl Jorco b&d. beon l on~r aoJ iuJ.i matelr known OJ & IAI'J:O circlo or acqaah u.necs, wbo wil l m.ueb miaJ hb lrtendh Iloilo aod cbeerfnl11rcutiog. ()., T bnrw•l•i tho Slat ult., be arrived bore in. t ho ecboonr Kutnl from New York, wber.s ilo had b••• to cooanlt a epeclelitt in hi• particnlar ail mont. JJut, at» I it wu too. late : th• fAtigue of traorelllue thither hllfiDJ been toe oxbauetin (or hin~o, altor remainios in tl11 city for eonlO ai1 or ei~tlK woelta, .and re ceit'ior no beoelk. he en>braced tho oppor tuolty pn!aonted-nd camo horoo to die.

" [a ~e mldaL of tbo trouble aad 8Crro• wblcb DOW alll5cl bit farally, u Ia a IDOnm'a comfort &o them to know ~ they bad th• melancholy pririlege ol following hia re m:lioe to tho grftft. In him tho •ile h., lost ooe or &bo mo~ ltlnd•t of boab.lodA· the children a loYiog aud lodulgoot fnlbe - ..ad Carboour ao earon' wwker for i1 iotcroalL In all mM\en ponain~Dg to tho adnncewont or lbat \own, be Wll6 alway ODD O( the 6.rwtand foreiDOil--hO WIS DOII\blt 10 In the eauao of 'fempo"'oee aod Educ.\ tioa. llo took a Nry actin int.sreet iu th• paulDi of tho Local Option Bill, aod i• tho rcbuU<ling and eolarvemeol ol the Wts loyan Acade•ny, gi'fiog bla tlroo aod tne:li!J to · h~lp on lbe 11~ of both. Th• Church with wblcb be wu identllled fon< for which be weo &A~ worker, baa alJI JoeL In him a wieo OOODMllor, a fa.itblu ate ward, and au oatat&& C..'brietl.an.

"To tho &ro11blod aod beroa'!'od r~il.l wo hereby tender oar llaoe" •lmpalbJol. aac pray tha~ Ho •ho b• proaailed to be 1 Fat.berto tho falberl- aod ao 'iloabDod u the widow, mar be eo &o &11om Ia ttU. tb.cL groaleat trooblo." ---

~ roa., ... Plft'OI Wade. A.uo. for8 ·~ ftl• of a '-"1 ar•or. .r• ... , lor Plalll'4f for 7.06 .... ODi ..e..

2W ...... o.nau ........ pl ..... to ~~-- ..... E.q.,J.l"., lobe Pre-·:a~-:.-:,t:·~,;~~.,u. .

Niilk'oi,..;;;;:.~ A


Our 1"0.JU!ar Bay nulla COrrelpODdeo~.l HOLTJito~. Jooe 6..-Tbe tliM oapli.D for Yritloa under date of 1""~· .,.. :·· tho U&IDil were ..U. beN 711te~ neo. •· Tbe eoboooar G/4diol4, Captaiu t. Wit· h11: aod, lhla aaorolq. Ooe lli.oe IIOUrld 0. &M b4 ~ at'&&. ....._.. .. Ollardl 81, liamL ani fed from tho Baokl OA &tQft1ay alx bamla. · ::-..-:. bJ tM a... A. 0. P. W.ocl. JI,A., .W..


BAZAAR. . New .Advertisements.


lut with a" bomptr" trfp.-.qaal to GOO b7 1M a... lleu7 Delllild, o~t~ora.: qW.taa dry ~b.--Tdtgro•. · AMomu Tau.L or ilaRDu CoaP1u- =· ofl'I;.-.J;.~ '~o•=:-., u.. 0U.O:

--- 1011&-(.'cuCWor, .J ... 1.-Tbe ptt.o11111 c~:u~Ptarof~laie .a~-::.o~. Tlu:P.us&r.Jooe 6.-Tbo fiabery optood cbaraecl wl&h bei!ll oooo~~ wiija ~ Ooii~•IJLK, Bullot-0,.;... '

yesterda). *"" that had bait OAUjlbt,· ..-a\ly en-,.~ murder 'CIOOipiniGJ In· • oa ~ ~ .fllll.olt 8&. T .. Cllvah. 8t. alter belog 000 Diab' on tho rro. uod, eiJb' Collllty Mqo WIN analped here )'liter· JoH'e, 117 ... -..: A. o .... r' .... ILA. , Beotor • to fourteeo qlllotala, &lid tho elao of flab Ia day. Jofonoer Coleman wauworo io He , Aifr-:/~ 8&~~7· 8.~:8, O.K., -.4 ''cry fair. 'fo·da)' It Ia blowing a atroog testified t~t ho 'WU 11 Feoiao iJa 1866; aad ~:nw ~·w~b: ~~:.~ . ~~ ~.~' eldt1&

TOE CatbolJo ~ Carboatarlot.! w llold a Baaaar, aen. No\'llllber, for

the purpoee of DlalDf faada to aid lD build· . loa a Dew Cb~.La, tlaa& towo.

Coatribl&iool' ti Olllb, faoc1 ar1lclea. .t:o. 'Ifill be tbaoklull7 reoelncl by tbe tollow­log Ladlea:

J u·st rec.e ived -AT-


MEDICAL· HALL. breeze from the Nortb.-·M"""J. &bat ooo of tho prlaooere olrwed bb..£36 A1 tbe'jto~~~&.ll Qal!-9llo ()alh rat, BL Job'e,

--- forehootillg a ,.o&l~~Mo. CoS.IUII • co•· t.r&M JWor. K. A.~. Mr. l'raDdl v. L.\WTIII··" You.aa1 you made ao exam· liootd lhe D&altl of olhera wbom i' had Oaa•fllfl'-•· at lhlifaJi; N.S., to A11D» u ..

inalion of the premu.. What did you been reaolfod to murder. &'t11J::::, ci&QPta ot llr. 19'•, Vlallloolab, of tiod ?'' Wi.loeaa-... ' 0, nothi111 of cooao- The h_carlog_ of tha priaooere oharpd with o .. tbe 'su. ~!>A, at U.e llollM at wr. Philip q llence; r. bepr.rdly acconot of eroply e?DDeclion 1r1th the murdq OOAapirac)' In BeoMCt, Mnltary Bo.A\, 81. lolla'e. brill• a. ... bo1ee, u Sb&kcaper.re ~;ra." 1..\wyor·· Conoty Mayo YU oonLioaed thle morol~~g. W. W. Perchaf, M.r . .1&•• J . Pou.r, ot Bleclt "Nncr miod what Sbakeapere uid. Ito Ao ioformcr IAiatiftod that be bad ..-ind a hlaod, Oneil Bay, to Mt. D..-lla Bea...U., ot will be anaunooed aod teatify for bimMif if l e!~r from Nally, one of the p~oera; 108• Oaftd•/>2;~:.,~ lha a. ... L O'Doll~~eU he koowa &D)'~rabou~ lho eaao." .. J3011on t&I~IDg a plao to murder p IDipec!W of P.P., Mlchul LllDdrlpll Etq. to MIN A.Dil S....:

Miu A. llcCartby, !Kra. James Kell1, Mra.G.J.Brocklelu&rM'Mra. 1'. Hrow111, ldra. J. Donnelly, E T. Got.ry, Mra. J • .Keoeally, Mra. J. MICkey, lira. C. Hamilton, ra. M. Fabe71 Mre.J. Keoaedy, • ra. J . Golr, .,-...... llioa H. E. MoCaith7.

Oak &alp, Paten~ Driere, Cope! Varolab Mlxod,Palota (ready for uae) 1 lb. llllll Damar Varni.ab, Gold Loaf, Broou Bay Rom. Coocootraltd Lyl', . Wubing Cryatal, Ban-op',. Lilleo Gluo Nean'a Food for Infanta ' Sa'rvry & Moore'• do. do

Cubooear, Jooo 1, 188S.

Tran~eript. . poliC41 'Who had attacked a mob ~ &llin. NU,ot Uo~I7'0')CI. ' ' WANTED.

Wt.roer'a Liver Cure, SL Jacob'a Oil Calr, Foot Jelly, Drawo, Corned Meat Sc:bepp'a Prepared Coeoaoot

THE .. r.~..,·num" LEAVES FOR LABRADOR. The followioa'i.~ot from• leU. I DJU.',l'KB. -·Tho al.c&mcr Po"tlltr, Capt. in Bartlel\, 1rhicb appeara io tllo Twgro• from a cof'­&ailcd from Brigua tbla morniolf for Bay reapoodeot who flailed tho Londoo Fi.aher· Hooerta; t beoce abo will proceed to Uattlo iea 'ExbibiUoo: lJarbor with W. B. Ueodcll, ~·· and ·r~e fi..-t thiog wblcb drew ~J: aUeotioll Meura. A. Hartlett & Sooa' St.. ~hchacl'a 1t'U I the exhibit of the Colonial Cordac­er_owa. After ~rformiog lhia aenice, abo CoQ)ploy, St. Jobo'-l'Wo trophic. aar· w11l return to ~t. Jobo'a to tsko oo boa!11 mounted by a-... ataodioa oat promloeut­Meura. BaTtletfa "toilera o r tbo aea" wlto ly ri~ht oppOii~ ooe of the eotraocea to punuo their "ancient and booorablo'' &YO· tbc Uoitod S tatea Conrt, lll&kiolf a goodl7 CAUOU :1t 1'urnAvick.·-7iltgram. abo-.: aud atkac1lo1 a lft'IU delll of alteo-

At o.no...r, oo 8aader nulpllf ,.,~, diM' a IOO!f a.d pt.ld•l fUa..._ boroa wftb Ohrla&lao rMipiUoa to tha l)lvloa will, OapCel.n WIUWa Joyue, opel 49 :ftere.

.A. D a. .A.P OEIEl.. Good .~J.ry will bs given to a compe· ton' man. T~totallor prererred.

Anihoo J)yca (•II ahadoa) Epp'11 CoCOil Miud l'tcklea, L iwe E'rul& Juice Waterproof Nuralui Aprooa

" Sponge Uage Mllllie&l Teething l'ada (or children Camphor Caaketa. Mooa Uouquc~ l 'crfnme Canoed Peaches. Canoed Pineapple

A& Har Boberta, o~a Uta trd lo•L, aodda~alr, Oapt. Karl< U•o .. bory. aced &4 ,..,., aeooad - ot lbalate IUdlard Bt~~oebarr, Eaq., 1•-ri•! • wUa aod u.r... daJWNCt to _.., lbefr lott.

At 8oalb !lJMIAio Kar6.af...- a loollf aod ria. fal lila ... , llr. t- Do7lt ,'a Di1Uf't o SL Jobo'il, Newfoaocllaad. eased 49yare,

.&.surrNawa ...



Tbo " G £OnO£ C. Sn:,·css.". Tho (Jcorge C. Stc"•·•· a companion-eteamer to tbo l.Attit IV • .1/trrill, entered port lut cvcoinJt trow New York. Sbe ia connected Yitb ~leure. J ob, Btos. '~ Co'a. Guauo t:&tab· li.thcueot at Catalina, and will nsit 1ho bar­wra of tbo t-:ortberu aeabo.u<l for lll&teriala of IOilDUfactorc. 11lia s teAmer Ia bdweeo iv &ad SCI borst~-rower, ia 5 tona re~:i•ter. 100 feet io leogtb aod l Si ft. brclltltb of

lioc. Au ohl 'ealt,' hafiDg all the appur· &!lee ot ouo of •· 7e &ocieute ~D&riDera.' re­marked io DIJ' bet.riog·:- 'rn bio tweat)'• Olle yean, iu Her Majeaty'a aemce, aod I bo alr&lllled if lo aJI that time l'n aeen a1 pretty & bit of ropo u that there •bite manilla lllllyard.' He alogle<P th.. out @j>eciAIIr, but prooouoaod the whole euiblt ~ good aU rouod, aod ao it undoubtedly 11; aod I abould be of opioioo t hat price& being equal, tboao ropee would 6od~ ready m~~rkol horc. I wu out atttaeiAid by a ~node! of t bo Yo"911arJ, owned by Meura. Joho llano & Company, of Fb.rbor Grace. Tbis model wu Jreatly admired by tb• Princo aod I'riuuu of Walea aod It re­flccl3 gTe&t credit oo lhc •cla~who moat be poaceee<:Wf a great • clo of comicality, u bia 6j..'ltr411'of tho meo eogagod io the alaus:bterins: o r tbe poor uofortuoaiAI acala aro laoj!hable io tbe oxtreroo. The Prioceaa

JaDa 4..-Fiorella, Soaart, llrfdpwat.r, laabor­D. J . G,...n.

luae 4-8 . 8. Commodore, Do.rry,l:'letoo, coal­J obo· Monll .t Co.

buw.--.\lm:ury. · 1

-- I 0RDISATtOs . - 0o Sun!l.•y n orttin~: lu L

t he Lord Biabop of Xe"founiJI~nlt--~cld :~on Ordiu:Hion in the Clltbcdr.al Cburcfi·~oUk J olo n tbol U' p1iat, wl,co tbe H e\' \\' . H ollaoda, !\liuiouary at Uoone lla , ""' adYanccd to lhe Priee• hood ; nod Mr. Colley (&On of r.ec-. l•:dwll\d Colley: \ l'op -

,. ~•II) adiDiUed to tbo office of n <Iatocon. The candidate:& were prcreotcd to hit Lord­ahip by tho ctcv. A . lloygntc, 1 • Scnio t'urllle of the C11thedral, Mil the Ordiiiiiiion s~nno o clelivered by 1bo Hov. Arlhur )~· ood, M.A., Hector of St. Thow:>.~'a.­'1 lnl($.

'I'ntt F t:n•nt or :\~:wrot:SOL~:-:o-- Kew­fouodiand br.a a l:'f('&L fu ture b~fore he r. iu tbc opioioo of an l::n~liob trnv.llcr. <:on. t rary to the ~nc,.,.l opioion, tho climntu is &alubrioua. l t.a 11.berie8 y1elcl S IJ.00.04.1U ,. >"~r. oud it.a tuloea prntluco o~ : •. uoo too~ ol copper anuu:lll)'. l nclurliu;: ~he tuh:~.bt · l!l.uta of tbo cout of 1-'llrntlor. ttl pre•cnl popul~tion is 19(,.000, or "hu·h .'>U.UIJI) r.rc ··ngnl!ed in tho fiAuc rica. In the tn Lc!flo r or tl.u i&tand ore large t racts of f:umlnl( lllud s, to 1he cslenl nf 2,800,000 acre~. which can hu purdtA&ud by aettlcn ot :10 cctol3 1\u 1\CrO !lA diKIIIDCC from \' 31eutill . .k1 lr~· loo<l. io only I,G-10 mile•. aurl he bclicre8 it u ill before 01:1ny yennt been one 1bick ty pupulalcd by uulcra from tbc Uritu b hi~•· •• /J<JJt~H (Jf«<.

ugh~d conaiderably, ao I board, aod well 1be mighL

The oil exhibit Ia capit.aJtr gotup-lbougb 1ome of the aaroplea are auiltleu of labela, 11n omiuion wbicb lbo prio~r baa to aoawer for, I aup~e. h ia & pityl&bela wore oot eent with tho nblbita-thcre would lbeo bo oo diffieully aod no delay. · lAbrador berrin.st aurpriacd enry ooo, by their eoofmoua aiw; and th'l! quoatloo wM ulred. Wby dou't tb<*! Sl Joho'a Cello•• aend ua aomo bore. I ed'ppoao they will when tho rraod mof'O wo are waking to dutroy tho exeoreblo 6ah moooply bu mlldo tb1t • progreaa' it undoubt.odly will milk~!.

Dried codfbh Ia 11nolber o1bibit whlob, to my minrl, err11 in tho oppoaite dlreotioo­tbo apecimt-oa aent beiog deoidodly oat the IBrgcat o r their kind. 1 ahould oall tlltm tvry medium si~cd flab : but probably tho aize of th" IUh hu oolbinlf to do with Ita valuo cotnmercislty, ao we'll not" lfl'nmble. Any moro about it, aeciog lbat thia ubtbit ~ook • the firal ;>riro.'

Herl trout io picltlo io b&rela wu found • ll"llr. Wt:.nm:u r Ol:LC ~~·-Tlor followin~ "<ery in tcr~atinlf by tho Jud!(CI, 1 bear­

forcc:"t of the .. I•I'C.ob loil.toc8" f<. r .J une wboo tho ,, ... ~f tho euk ...... takun off:. ~ut a p!'cara in 1·,.,,.,.,.·, IJ,c. . .rw 110 ,. pu t.ltoh.:d now _the CAIJk •• he:'ded up aod Lbe Unt1:ah in :\ow Yor:t in T ilt c:.~ulry.\ltrrh••••l :- I pubhc arc no t tnlt~;h!A!norl aa to tbo menta

. . . . of this cd iblo, trl\naeendent as It may be. I· rtuny l et·- bt~cra "'"' tn """t ••cllon• A frw in 11 giiUI!I ca~o. bonootically avAied,

"tlh " tuLly w.:A t h~r ; ~;tuur1111y bmcluurJ I aud pltu.•cd upoo the top of tbo ca~k, migbt ' ' ' ''ht!r c=vC"I)" hc.n~. h:\ve '>ecn • A l'oy for ever' to some o( ue.

:O.nu•lny :!rd .. l,~u• r.~.lly ' ""'Y \\' t 3 t hc r. I no nat nol orget to mention the ubi bit mlb lot~h ~ ;>let tn t.urllwru ,,~uou• ; of \\'in. St~pheo & Soo8' A relic Tannery h, ary rato• .>th : thuuJcr Alurn•~ • tit at.tl and tlolyuct. Uuodeo Thie ia a tnoat aup· ~th . r r ports of tLu&nKe by 1\ttnl '\lid nun· t rb J 11piay-eal, wlllrne, roiodoer, bear, "'"'"'s. o.lt pnn1o ; And Althnlll!b it Cl\UOOt be oAII&.I

~unJny \O:h · · ;\l ore favnr:.hlo• " <:'"th r r ; n ~'"' fouoolland cubiiJit, yet it abo we at A fr•ll! ty lllh "' d l:!th ; lttn,·y "' ' " o.ml weuol .:lance tho variou• pro.Jucta of \ h& ~ereat " ' dm•ctt~n of Den "''~; •·viol w~~tl ocr tlua '''o rr~eion . lodoed, without it tbo Now­'"'''~ trl l·.n~~~utl nnd :>c·othuol "~'"u t IIL1•; h nndlond Court w.,ulrl be very 113ro. "111ol anJ h~tl slort~• 111 Wt•ar" ~uol wntlo· \\'ollur Clrieve & Co. aeod a drum of "••<tt•ru IICCitous, ( ""'"'""tt RIHI lll11o and ccl.lii•h. &.1 pro pared for tbo Rruilieo mar· n I Jar~lll p:Hta; storm• t rycloura) tn Ar· ke t-t.lte bcaol of wblch i1 of glua aod l.h o~._.._, nod ] ow1._, •ho'"a t.l:o contenl3. Tbia wu a happy . :>untb y lllh··='t.tltr')· ancl atormy _cyclones tbou~:ht., and ia a wrillltle to be followed by tn lo"l\ aud aolpcenl ati\IU. (o•ncnlly othono in the futa re. a1nrmy An• I unvtUcd wto.tbc r ; nry heavy F iah gu11noe are exhibited br tho New­ntns tu aoutborn an•l aouth-wute rn . d•~· fnuodland (;uaoo Co. r.od otbore, &lid tbia lite!• ; "md. ala rms " .',. lo"'.a anti lllt o~~d arltclo ia largely uaeJ bo~nd fcLobca a "I>"' to on tho 22nd ""'I _.\rJ , au II cold, "ct ~:ood price auol b:iek w11nl ,..ealher in "'"!lllltHl. ·

Sonday 24th·· Ileal and eult rinul!!l, with ~I a. M I:LLU' Suv"w Houu-It ia a h:~i l and wind alorm1 i iutcn•• bc.,t in ~uw relief to notAl that there ia at lut ~tabliab­York aod Mtddle SIJ\tca: se~ero storm in ed in 'J'opaall a 11..-klua hotel aod t{eataur­l>okoUt : grea ' dliiM!;O ltk.ly from hnil ant wbero weary wayfarera &lid Jaded elt· 1toro•• : ljl'CM but an•l 1torm• geuernlly on onraionittl mar. .. repleol&b tho loner mao," t ho ! fltb and 26th ; eool.:r and rainy cloaiu~r and reeei•c 0 .,0)y care aod atiAiotlou. Those, da71 of t he ruootb. 1he enjoymoott of wboae brief holidays in

Sat urday SOth--Rr.iny aod coCJier; atorma that fuouniAI ·~a place, lut aummer, io wuteru uctiooL were udly man-ed by the impoalbillly of

proenriog aoltable relreabmeota, will, 1re 'l'wo Wnteu R&POtrrllD AT ST. SnoTT's. know, recelft lhla &noc.onoemcot wltb do­

-Information wu brought hero tbia morn· lh:bt. ' l 'br.atabliahmeot lo queatloo Ia ing of aaolbor t. dition to the long litL of that of Mr.' Jtbnea Mellia-tbe proprietor muloo tragedi which ba.o made tbo oamo r K · bt' 11 b ' h · 1 t· .. or St. Sbott'l oe or ill-oruen. I Two \'Ill· D Dill • Ollie-• IC laiiOW C'ltnp c gu. Tho ad'raat&ge wblab it o lfera to trutllcra aele, ooo, d\U e-ladeo; tho olbe r, lumber aod ueunioolata. are act forth io our adfer­ladeo, arc rt.ed ubure tbe re. Tbo t.iaiog colomn. T he place 'WU opened ll\lt acboooer Ndli r.....,, of Meraabeto, WiUIK~ Friday cvcoiog by& liOCial pr.rLy. daoolog Belt, muter, hila en ro.U for t ia port beiog kept up till tbt golden orb be~:&n to mtt a fi.hfog boatat teo o'cloclt 7eaterdlly, moont upward from behind the boriroo tllo n ipper of •hkb communicated the ~ lbo month of tho Day : ·uu. aub· io!A!Itigeoce to Beat.. Tho latter lad pre•l· Lime ~ptCtacle-annriao oo tho octAD- bel or oDIIy picked Dp the carc:a.aee often COWl lbo obaernblo from the wladowa or Soniew hidoa of which he aold hera tbia morning. nouae, doriog the MldaaiDIIItr cblya. 'J.'bo Jle saw Dl&liJ more ftoatiog in tho water ; place command.a a macoiflcleot flew 9f but did ool atay to reoQYer them. Tbo Cooceptloo Hay, aod bai OOtd~r acooai· weather, " on 'lhpauey teiOifT&tll alated, modalton•for plc-olo partlea;11el~ ¥d ab&l\)' baa beeo ooot1oaoa.tly foggy with a rere Cl· woodland~' fom~log parts of. tho lr(aunda.

cr.uu.n. 4-0. W. Oalt<>n, L~toa, Drllt.ol, oU aod akin~..!.

l ob• Mana .t Oo. Volul, M.....,d,Sy.U.er, ballaat-0. W. Rou .t

Oo. • G.-118 . Jnolaadt...Cartlo, Pictou, yJa Labudor

ballaai-Jobn wano .t Co. 8.-)laraball S, Stuart, Ualllu do.-Jobo :Uooo

.t Co. 8-8.8. Vu~, Webbw, Plctoa, ballut-do

Union Bank of Nfld. TnE ANNUAL <;ENERAL MF.I:.'TING

of the Proprictora of thla Compii"Y· pnn~oaot t~nbo Act of I noorrorntloo will be held at 12 o'c)ock, ou Salnrd,.y,' tGth lnat., at tho Baol:l'!J! flouso, In Oockwurth Street, for the por]loac of electing Diroc· ton, aod the d1111•11«:h or bnoinen.

( By order o r tba Roan!), JAM ES GOLOIF:.

Juoq 4.-·Sl Manager.

Po~t Offi.ce Notice. '\ ,f' AILS will bo deaoa«:hod from tbo ll'J. Gcooral !'oat Office uoUI oloao of tho year, 111 followa :

For Harbor Gn~ce 11nd C"rbonear, .,Ja Portonl CoYo, 'l'neaday, Thuraday and ~alnrday.

For Drip11, Ul\' R4berta and Port. do­Grave, Monday, \Vedoeaday aod Friday.

For Porta(llll Cof'o, •••.Y week day. For Her.rt'a Cooteot, '!'ueeda)' &lid l'hurt·

day. For Ray de Vorde Dlatrlct, Taeada7 aod

Saturday. For Nortb Side of Trlolty Bay, aod

Sooth Sido of Dolllfiata Bay, crery Toea­da.Y.

For Harbor Malo, oo l\[oodar, Wodo"· da.r and Friday, fia Holyrood.

FoT Petty Harbor, Uar Bolla, FerTJI&lld, Renowe &lid Cape lf.aoe, nary Fridr.)'.

For 'foJM&il, Killcrrawa, llolyrood, Sal­mooler, Great t.od LIHio PlaceoUa, enr1 Wedooadar and Fric!ay, onlrl 16th Nonm­bcr aod on Friday ooly &o U.e eod nf the year.

For St. Mary'•· oo ncb W cdnetdAT nn· til 16th MoTemhor; ~'riday after the ar· ri •al of EoiJii•h Mail to ud of yeaT.

For Jalu Valeu, St. KJralll, Paradl.ae, Oderill, ,Fid Jalanda, &lid Durio, fia Pia­ceo tit., oo FridaJ after arrit~AI of Amen~ Mail, &Dd m Borin, on Mooday after ar­rlnl of Eol(llab Nail.

For Red lal~od, llama Ial&lld , Harbor Dulltttl, ijouo4 Ia!And, Dnrvoo, and Mere­abeeo, •Ia Plaeentit., ou Friday after ar· rlnl of E.J!tl.ilh.M!il, _ ••

l\laila will alto be made ap fo r tran/.. miaalon' b)' nel.mer ecaoh alternate Moa•li'y, aft41r ani\'111. of Malta frdm die UoiiAid KiDif• dom. • · · oeptiooal One day t bert', durlog tbo lut Tbo!_danclolf apr.rlllleot Ia nry apaoiooa,aod

mouth . Tbo ill-filled abipa probably bad lneatUret M byl& f11t.. We bue ~~~ tho no opportuoity of lindlog their poaitioo, t.od alightea& d.oab& bat that lbe &IYiew Hobte koew oot in all likelihood where theJ w.:re, .. m bkome a olar reaort "tbe colllia.r till the atroog treaoberollll ourrcot had borne 110mmu bollda ; aod condooted. • It wUI t be oo t-ile roob.-Mcrntrl· be on ~m oe otioolploa wi11, cfoobt.­

IIPA!R1', Jooe 4-Tho S. 8. La•gt.ltce. lea be lo ah fuoor with tho lfDtiU teL'

J'or Fe&'T)'Iaad and tt.oewa alternately ; 'l'reptal)', Sl Abry'il aocl PlaoeoUa ai­Mnlat4111 :•Sl Lawrenoe, St.. Pierre. For­tao•Mtd Graecl &olt alttntately; Harbor Hrltolf, Gaattola, &od Urn• Janola alter· oa .. lf_\ ~~~~ udSLJacqoee ~lternaiAI­!r; ~rweo. U~ 8&71 LaPoue, Role B1aDobe7 ud CllaaJML eiabteea hundred aod forty tooa, nwucd b7 -/Jln-t:11 •

Aod MoodtJf, f1'0111 •Jooda}', 2 ta• Ma .. , , for' 'k. Gao••· sty of Ialuda, t.nd

Addroaa, B.O., ST.UD.ARD. May 2GGi Adabesda Plate Powder •

PoliDI 0 /Jkt, Harllor CJ race, ~ 25lA Jlay, 188S. f

I N ACCO~CE with Cbapter 7fl of • tbe Conao~daiAid Statuter,

lnfaott' Hair Uruahes, Rubber 'ntumb StAll a Rubber Finger St.alla, Cooroy'411lit CoO'ee tipoo~. Q uuoo'a owo CustArd Powder W ooolll'a Halting Powder Kcatiog'a Joecct l'owdcr. May 19

S W N IE fouod at l~by ao1 penoo-mny be lmpoonded lo the ne&reat common pouod. Pcllllly, Dot oxceediog 12.00 eacb, !or Swiue ao impouodtd-with cotta. '

ALL GOATS rooolog at large mua~ be yoked eii.Cb witb 11.

good aubet.&otial yolte, oi which t ho lower bar aball be S feet, aod tho upper bar not lou than 18 ioohea iD lcDRth ; otherwise may bo impoaodod io tbe nearest commoo pound, by aoy peraoo. t'eoalty, oot Olt· cecdiog t;!.OO- with ~•ta.

No Entire· 'Horse ahall be allowed to go at largo, or aal ray. P coalt;, Dot u~ediog t5Q,Ou.

Chapter 113.

EVEFiY DOG found at'largo without ita t'WDer, or other penon in cbargo the reof, moat ha,·o fMum­cd to itt oeek 11. clog or piece ol wood ol oot leu thAn acno poooda' IYtllght, and not leas tbao oigbteeo ioebea in lebglh, with th<J name of tho owner alllmpcd or marked tbereoo ; or lo be otrectuAIIy muuled ; otherwiao ro&y be 1bo~ or dcalroyed by ony penon. This ahall oat apply to l'ointen, Set!A!ra, Spauiela and 'l'erricra. ,

No pcraoo aball bavc io hla poMCIISioo an7 t•ointer or Setter, Spaniel, o r Terrier Dog, witbouL a writ.teo liconao from a Stl· peodiary MaJiiatrate, under a pcn1lty not ueccding $:!0.00. All auch dol!' so liceoa· od, aball wear a collar with tbo owner's Dllme iu full tboreoo.

Polioc Cooat.blea are required to CArry ant the above regalationL Penalty fo r ooglect or dat, •. ln rcfo.ai~·o dcttroy doga, 4 dollara for firaL oft'eoco.

'£, R. BE. ~ET'f, J .P .

New Drug Store. rnE SUBSCRlBEtt be~· to lo!ono tho

l'ubHc of llarbor Grace, 11ei11bboring place•, aod lbc Outporta, t hal be baa DO\V rec~in\lloia full atock of

Drugs, Medicines, &c·. &c., &lid ia prepared to fill all onion, with fidel· it? ll.lld despatcb, that may be cotruatcd to buo. •

PltESCRIPTIONS personally alteo~d to. Nooo but tho pnreat dros- arv uaed io their compound.

Ships' Medicine Chests tiLted at th abortoat oot.ioo.

Puce or Busun:Ss-WaiAir Streot, Two Doora Eaat of Halloumao.

G. W EODER , l'roprietor.

A Nice Assortment . ~~-

Brondclothg, Doeskins.,

Tweeds, Dingonnls,

.Mntnlassics All Now and Splendid Valae at

JILLARD :BROS. $200.00 Reward I

Will be paid for tho deteclloo aod eoo,io­tioo of any peraoo aelllog Ol' dealing io any boallll. counterfeit or lmitat.ioo llor DIT nas, eapeclally Blttc..- or preparations with the .. ora BoP or HoPI io t heir namo or con­ocotod therewith, •bat is fotendod to mil· lead aod obe&t the bli , or for any pre par· aUon pnt lu aur o~, eteodlng to be the uuto u tlor BrrttM . Tbo gouuioo hnve cluator or Gn&Htf OoPs ooUce thia) printed on tbe white label, aud 11.10 t be P~lltt and ben medlci ou on earth, espeoia)ly for Kid­oe,a, Linr aod Nerfoo•I>Iecuca. Beware of all otbera and of all preto:~ded fo'1Jlulu ur ~lpea of lJOP BtlTIRS poblitbcd In paptra ur for sale, u tbey aro frautla 11uC awiodlea. Whoc.,er der.la lo an7 bo~ paoJoe •Ill be proaecoiAid.

J:lop BITntU Mro. Co., Rochester, N.Y. m.lll.


R tcErv1m G~:st:RAt.'s O FnCE, ~ ~t. J obn'e, 15th May, 1883. S

I llERERY G IV E NOTICE, that un· cler tbo proviaion1 of nn Act pauetl io

the l~t Se111ion of the Lt'11i• laturc, entitled .. Ao Act to :IUlhorizc t bc CoMOiidntion or part of the Public Debt of t his Colony," I IUD &Utbori~•l tO ni.o by Loao lbo IUm of

Fifty Thousand Dollars, upoo Debcnturca of Dot leas t bnn i200 c:.ch. chargc:ablo upon ood ropaynblc out of thu Public Fuoda ol. t.lto Colony, a ftor t he upimtion or T wool7 Ycnn, wheo it !b31l be optioMI with tbo Governroo"t to P"Y ofT lhu llltno on gi\·iog 'l\•olvo Mootb•' pre· vioua notice of auch lntcotioo.

Tendc..- for t ho abon amount will bo re. <"Ci,•ed :~L my Office, until ooon on 'fiiURS· DAY tbe Fuurt~eolh day of .Juno next.

'fl• e T cnde111 muat cxpreas the amouoL offered in l>ollara, aod l bo lowl!!l ntc of lotcreat expected. which lolcre~t will bo payable half yetU"Iy.

W. J . S. DO~NELLY, l:tt'Ciru Otlltral.


R ECEtvtn G t:Sitlt.\t.'s Omct , ~ St. J ohu'a, l !'>tb ,\lay, 1883. (

I II EREBY liiVE NOTICE, that uo· dcr the proviaiona of 1\D Act. (451h

\'ict., <:ap. 2\1,) paMCd 20tb Mny, l ~. eo till • ..! "An Act tu providu fo r lhe Erection or certain Occno and II arbor Ligbta io this Colony." ·I 11w 11uthorizod to raiao by Loa.n tbo Sum of

Thirty-Six Thousand Five Hun· drcd Dollnrs1

upon Dtbenturea cbiU1:enblo upon aad rc­P."~Y"Iolo out of t.be l'ubtic Fuods of the Colony af~.er tbe expiration of Twenty Y cara, when il shall bo optionlll with tbo lioremmcot to pay oft' tbc anmc on gh·ing Twel~o lloolllll' prcvioua no tice of aucb in· Unlioo. Tender~ fo r lho ~bovo 11mouot wi'tl bo

received nl my Olllco uotil Noou on TIJ UltsDAY, tbe fourtecutb day of June oext.

Tbo T enders must oxprcra tho 11moo1 t oO'ercd io Dol lara, and tho lowest rille of Intereu e1pcctod, whtch lnura.t "ill be repayablu b:Uf yearly.

W. J. S. DONNELLY, & «iru Gaecrol.

lt~>c£t\'lm Gt:sERAt.'s Orner:, t St. J oho'a, 16tb llay, 1883.1

I II EREDY GlYE NOTICE, thAL UO• dcr tho proviaiooa of 11.0 Act , (42od

VicLori:., Cl\p. !1,) pAned l!ltb April, 187!!, entit led " Ao Act to 10ake prof'isioo for cortaiu 11nprovemcnl3 lu tbo Harbora of Gnod Daok aad 1-'ortuoa, and for olbor purpoaee,'' I IU1I aulllorizcd to raise by LoiW the Sum or

Twelve Thousand Dol-lars,

oroo n clleornrea cbArgQablo upon 11od re· pAyable in 'fwenty-lh·e Y cnra ou~ or the Public Funds of lbc Colony.

Teoden lor tbo nbovc .. monot will bo received nt \)\Y OOico, uotil Nooo. on TUUH.SDAY, tbo l<'ourtcooth day of Juou oext.

Tt.e Teodcra moat cxprcu how rn~oy DoiiAra will be giYeu for every One Hun­dred Dolla11 'tock, which Stock will be~r loteroat Ill the rate of Fivo per ccot.. per Aooum, ptl}'llblo helfJoarly.

W •. S. DONN ELI.Y. 19. llt:rira Gt~ttrnl.

Received n.nd Selling Chc~ - nY-

JILLARD BROTHERS ,..-Their Sprtng nnd Summer Stock


NewGOODS Public Notice.



IWFOUID· Nfld. Furniture & Moulding Co.

GEO. H. & C. E. ARCHIBALD, Managers, : Forest Road, St. Jolin's.

Ma)' 25.

PARSO S'e:§lJPILLS MAKE BLOOD. Anol wW complotel.y ehaap lho blood to tbo cnllm ~t.mla'Quoee -the. Alq ~ •o11 who ..UI tako 1 r111 each olght tl-om Ito lll_ll., may be rutore4 to 80alld heallb, It ooch • thlnto bo po&alblo. For eurtq • •-ClomplalDtt u.-PD1t ..._ .. •qual. l 'b)'&lclaol uaa them In th~lr pred.lce. 8ol4 ....,'71'1'..,."'• or..,.. loT mall toe etlt;blletto.-..tamp• liel>d Cor cdi'CU~. J . & JOU:C80M • oo.. DOIITOl{, KA8L


llarmleu to tbo Moat i>elicnte.

In Consump!ive Cases lL l\pbro3ebcsa.o noar a apeclfic that "Ninoty fi"o per cco t. oro pcrmaoeotly oured wbcro t he dlrcctiooa ~are atrictly co:nplied 1Ith.

Tbero ia no chemical o r otbcr iogredieota to bnrm lho youog or old. ·

A.a an Expectorant. U baa 110 Eqll41 It. .conlalna 110 Opluml.n any Form.


{Perry Davis ~· S;;; c$· Lawrerc::, SOLE AGENTS,


0 u-r Assortment NOTICE. T HE SUIJSCRlll£lt bop to iDllmato

th~t ilia his ioteutloo not to do aoy CUSTU~l-WOilK in tbe futnro. All work lolruauu to hltn by t he difTcrcot 'Firma in lown will bo o%ooutod with neat.­


LBATH'RW ARE is lArge aod n.ried.

Ladies Pla in and Fancv S tit.clod Kid in Elntio side a.nd. Buttoned.

L-lclies Stroot. Walking Shoo. Ladies Houso Shoo. Lftdi011 Laced Pebble Bal. IAU.ica EIIUitic -ritlo and Laced Pruuolln

Yitb tbe aamo Jloea io MlSSES' AND ClliLDREN'S.

Gent's BOOTS

ocaa Alld deapatch. C. BUDDON •

April 7.

CHEAP .. BOOKS ! SEt.LL~o UNDER Fms-r Cos-r.

A Splendid d~ for ndcling to Libraries, &c. I

A COMPLETE aet of Dolwu Lytton'• N Of ol-l!5yola-haodaomely booocl

in cloth. l'obliabed at 3.) dola ; offend at 28 dola.

Gibbon'a (Edward) lliatory of the De­cline and Fall of the Roman Empire, witlt

!'IGN 01-' T il F. No tea by lte.,, ll. II. MiloJao. A complelo I nd111 or tho "bolo work. 6 yo Ia., 8.60

G-e>1d.GD. L1.e>:n.. eeota.

oil sorta .

C11rlylt~'a (Tbomu) lliatory of F rederick

A L LA N L I N E I tho Gre~t-ti Yol•. J.'ubliabod at 12 dol• ; acll oL 1& dots.

'11to Wuerlcy ~ovola, b7 Sir W. Scott. Under Controct with t.ho OoveriuneDt. Autllor·~ cntiru llditioo ;. complolo iu "

vola. ;;.~0 ccubl. Cor tho Convcyl\11Ce of .llllalla. Throur h tho Dark Cool.ioent-lhc Solll'Co

of tho ~~a-Around the Great Lakca of Summer Sailings, 1883. Equatorial Africa-ADd Dowo tho Lirlog·

atooo Rive r to tbe AtlanUo Ocu.o' by M. • ~'!tOll LlnRr<nL TOIFr:oY ~T. JonJ~'s TO .'lllnley. Two fOIR io ooo. ?IJap.~ aud II-

ST. J onN's . Ltvr.ni'OOL. la5lr:lliont. l 'ullliahud a& 6 $0 coota, full leatbtr : offered at. 3.26 centa. nod 3.60 eta.

'ruetday, l Oth Avrlf, Wodncaday,it3u.,\ prtl .M~ullly'a lllatory of Boglaod-6 TOle do 2ltb do do Ol.lt Mlly. io !!. :1.20 eeutll. do fltb M:~y. do 2:1rd •lo 'fho Grcnt Speechu aod Orellollll of do, 22nd do do 6tb Jnne Onuiel \Vobett r, witbno Euayoo W ebster do 6th Juni' clo !U'b do ftl 1\ MMter or Eogllab atyle, br E. w. do l!lth do dn 4th July., Wlolpplo-Two yola. 80 oeola. do :lrcl July do l8~h do lllstory of EnglAnd In tbe 18th Cootury .• do 17111 do do ltL Au;:. hy W B I.ecky, M A-Vola 1 and 2. do SlA d o do 1611\ do Soconrl t::d ition. 7.:.'0 ~~eot.a; pabU.ibod at do 14th ADg. do l!!ltb do :l5a ·~· do 28lb do do 1lltb &pl. The Ri&o of t he Dutch Repn~Uo, by do 11 tb &pt. do 2Glh w John 1. Motl \'y-1 , ol. ~).60 ceot& do 2/lth do do liJth Oct. Sd f-Aid C,c:ov;odlll, for 8:ell·tAill:bt

Jobu )lcloytre, New CuUe oo '1'yoe, witl1 a crew of tweoty-ailt mea, beeab•o r. total Joe~ d Broad Con, between St. SboU'• 1Dd Petere Rtyer, oo Frirlay IDornlog at .. ,.. o'clock lo a thick fog. Her crew 'Wet'l .,ecJ, b11t lot'- nerytbiQi. 'J'boy 'WeTe oo& all cUf ~~riday, aod tbrougboo•

H~_oda7 after arrinl of Hall boll JUICd-· 7or Bq--de-Vmt aod Old Parllcao aJ.

do 9Lb Oct. do ~th do Stutfcnra, by ItS Uurn. 2.76 C:!!Pta.

T H E PUOI, IC ARlo: II E R EUY NOT!- do 2:Jrd do do 7 th Nov. J'he L"ut Jonro~la of Oa, id' 1.1\'iopt.ooo Jlod t h" bJ. tho pro••illiolll or Cbt.pt.tr do 61h Nov'r. do I?! at do in C.:ntl';\1 Africa. Ly Uorwe WoUer

7 1 of lho Cooa01idlll4d ·Stat~ua they are do 201h do .!o :.th D~o. F 1: (; S-:t.~6 eeoll. • '

'- Frida7 o"bt, ill i!ocee boata. Aftll' a urd ~· the)' laoded Ia 8cnalplo Co", oear PetAir'a Bl.-r; aod to do ao bad to clilllb a oil£ ;::::r -aowaajD)'iol die bopil&lity ol Lite people of Pe&ei'e ~er. Tile ~· wu lOaded Jrida ~ aod three baollnd llead of aWe, d wu botliad (role Moetral to .t':.rfead.

TIM - lliab' dM bdpatlDe JfttrtrM, ote ••lldftcl Ucl !!*[ tlral, from New ~ 1o "- lo .. a, lCII\decl tri&la la .. -w-'1 .......... o., o.n. ... Job'a. ~ .......... w ..... He.cl 611111, ........... Jl-il...._.., .............. , t.e ~ .. ..w be to& oL l:lu ....... ·"D···"'··,.. ...... -... -.--.. - JlttraM

*--'1; J.'riaity, Catalioa, Sou \'lata, I[J .... ec-, G~·-~d, .Fotro, Twillln· ..... Erploitl, UUI• Bay hlauda, Little ~Coft, Tilt Con, aod Nipper'•

required to keep tbcir do 4tll Dcc'r. do l !ltll do ·n,nmu Cnt lylo; a Hiatol')' of the Fin•

Y ds a. P • do 1 1lt do 1~1. Forty Yl.':ll11 bf bla Life, by J A .E'roude-3 a.r aJl remJ.Ses lSS'-. Wednetda.y, ~nH J~n; vola in 1. t .!ol. •

fr •• frolll .u no•'oua oo' -oeaa aod filth Tuead.ay, lat J&onary do 10tb do. Life au.J Ltttcn of Lord YaoaaJay, by ~• ,... - G Otto 'freteiJilll, M 1'-2 fOIL 2111l o&e.

wbicb are likely to lojare the public beallb. A. S lJJ:: ,\, C:\e~Adll onder tb• Adm lolatraLioa of the There will be · _F_,._h·;..2:..11.;.·----....----~'.;.1 '1ffl;;.....1·· Earl of Jld•rio. by G804'11 Stewut., jr

A THOROUGH INSPECTION Barp,s. Bargains. :1 dol.. J. "· ~<:nJ8UoLY: 'of the town OD tho Oth aay of )t&y, aod St J obo'l, Arrll S7. •

from day to daf ontlt it le completed. ThoSubtcrlbe-,.tbl\olt!ul ro; PNl f~yonre NOTICE ' Theowoere 01 pre111iua foand io bad eon· i i - • ••· "I" • dltlo~a will be liable to a floe of TWEN'f>.'. beg to ut ol,..o to .-e tm.., lcgcoer~aliJ that

Uaoy now offer for talc-- J 1IUSS£[L & $011 FIVE DOLL.\~. R. BENNETI', J.P.

10: ::!_0~~~~~' 2'iia~~~~-:.!,~ra.. 1 '

Polloe ~·6~:~ Ore~.} ~ do&. Tolle\ TADL~ u 7/ aud apwara. Haw, Ship l Daaral tlldara, 4 do1 WASIISl'ANl>Sat 7/ r.nd u~w..-.1

12 doa.OBATRS-G.oetoatud CfmiiiOa 1' W81oet Parlor tJO IT.

Oftl, .Boulld ud KiMbell TA)LES. Otlambft !fait., Wut110~. WI.Ddow t lnHl Condoel.

Aa••loUf t Ci.'11Jl011 -" PIC'I'UBU. RUSTIC

~~~·M~. ~ ·~::L;!~~I!!i~e5~iaCS~f. "' ... ~ .... A. ... 0~ .. ....

', f


M - • ?Z

Dr. Duanr ~ated a pe&Jlt011 f~ 11Te'7P!I!Ued whb ..e ~~~ -..i.ber Jbo h~ .. ,, ~ I

: y.t~JHt;t~p.~. HOUSE OF, ASSEMBLY. ¥u iii!Edr d:liiVPi1BII M flit I lht~lidn lu to CllnaJ" al J,ttrin~: of lin lu· !loUSE OF A9'3EIIIdl;Y ON OOBAN. fcn or qulllity, .trCiubedly l!'~o,l, 11n~ nil 10 AND LO!l.A,b S.fRAX OOM- l iZCI, 1\uJur tt41 (,.]., br.aud o f ~o \;:\ow· •trHlOA'!lOH' foumllll.ud in•peckd" 1 eocouJ, t'lo JUjnrt

• doho lo ndr owo lte"ln¥ lratlu by that tltb, 'l'he S.lkl Commltt~ to whorl1 wM ro· uoL bd11a .fok aO.p;:ct.,d 111 Ne wfouudlaad

terf"C(\ ll•~ • nhJ<C:l of lc:\m Comountllcallo n noL hiiYIII\l to pay t he luspel:llOn file 10 Call· - Ol'Y.iuic llohl c011Jlll1-tu c:ousulcr nnd r u· aJ~ "hic:h our own li t hcn nen h"' " to pllJ, por~ :!!t&d .ilo11tltllr '"'' ""1'1"\l"CHth n t11 or Ill- tuuJ aoapectiou reo beatJi fro10 2;,., to 60\1 t c"'ltdnf u11011 tlut p.....,11, eer"~' w~ro per ~rt'CII, Th1jl, tbey coutaad.-.1, 11 a deair-tlte, lie)! to ra l)llrt, that thl!y h:\N lh~c:nminataon Ill !nor or Newfoundland ~:h..ll tlfe aul•j<c:t "~rc.'\t deAl of C.'\1'\'to l hehcrmeo ngalna~ our o vlo fiahonueo, ao CODlAolerllllnn nud h"• e takl!n " la~u onr o wu umrlteta. Or llurun pro:aented th e ll lllO.IIn~ o f 01, tdcncu 111 rcl~llon th~reto. Muu~tor wula a pot111oo fro m tho <Jouucal


'J uuqou, Apnl 19. (Co~lruktl)

cirtaio lobabllal:all of 'l'orbai oe "'- --~ broaabt 'Ia~.~' ' '~~ Jl~DIJ: jm of roada. ~oeaibJJ: ~&i ' w~fiP i&ycwq 11EAR1"8CONTJnrrWAT&B8Ul"PLY be.-::l*~ob"'~" '~1=~ -'PftB: .

' ',- ;1

BILL. ' :~;~ '"'!• :.ida ~j1 • I .... ~ :'" '1p• ~· ' S-f a mo&ioo tbe Uo1110 rciOIYed l&aeU Ia~ wu ID tf , Ill B..c::T- QPU LAR•

Q ommit&ee of &lae WlaGle Oil tblll!ill. ~r· faeulaa&it ~ rciaP•'111f7 'ff,.~~ ,, :t n • • Uearia i o \he abalr of aaricaluaral l&ad-t~a.'1 n~ . 1 , , -.-or. ALL- , MESSAGE .FBON TBfi LEOU)LA.TlVE woala ODe ~1 Jleld ~... ~ , .. ~ • I I .... • ~1 )

I COO'NOIL. tbe cbloarwotalcl"1Dlre qi lit a., '*'! sa r ill I "M' 'h'' I Ttao !loMe reiOIYed i111111f Into • CoiDwlttco o f lho Wbole OD lbo u,awww U11l hlr 1 holllpsou lo tho c:haar

lie n the l'm:wum, an auot'in~: ildopt•on of tlto first ICCIIOU &.110, that Ill the fctV ONOf • n llo oa wb1ch wero na .. de~ upuu thts lllllll~r when tbc llou,o was lu C omnntteo IIJ)OD ll on u formor occ:.Won, a d •ffen!UCC of opln· a on e sia1eJ nnd ba h.1d ' ende4vorod to moet the obJccttons then wadr l u aoy an· el.4nc:o where A bl\i'd4htp wo!tld Accrue from t ho vronltOill or t ne Act., the p.'\tty bad tbe ri •bt to apply tu tbu Uo•eru?r 10 Couoe 1l n;d ob1A1u 1111 ordt!r 1u ruh~•o hu u uf t~o " " rdablt) c:orupbtue.l or it wu aliO pro· vrtlud \ ha L no d,ll:\nllt~ abnll t o e:~rned by atcamcrs utJI.lercoutr:t.c t tYa th tho Uovc rn· mcnL ro r tho coonynnco of p:u~~cng~ra llo trnatcd that thOtJtll would w ect •nth the a ppro • I\ I of the <Jonl'lnrt teo.

Tbo mtaeaaer,lleiogadmatled, aiiDOQDO• IQhfr~':t'.DIIU ~bttbt the~· ew~ng ' rlc I nes od tbat lbo 'Coaocll llad paeaed Lho " Wbalo It· ~' 1

• d ld • , • • ~ • 1-'tahory Ulll," tbe "Leg!tlat1Ye DtablhUea wor ""' of ~ amportaoce, 611 !P! If t ~ " l • • • • ', unr," the "Crown uod.t 8111," whboa' beoeSubeJ!Cppf~oHbeBayof~~~ucJ t'ho <Jonmmtuc " " ' cl~:\rl) o f op101on o f t ho Q uubua Uoaru of Tra.lc 11r~J111g ' thl\t

tbl\t an .,111w of the recent allJ 1tton of t hu tbo law paaedrlu c y e:v be !lil t ao force, 1\lld uew' dlltrlcta 011 tha IVn:t aud Nollli &t rt G'"'"!:r tho n:uona lor' so d OIDIJ , abo poll· c oMW. IIIIII tltclr cl ''/"to 11 parhctpatton i~ ud tas ••gued by abo 1t forty lllcrcli~nt.IIIUd tloo I(CUr raJ ad nul"~:« uf ateam c:orumu•u· fl•lh•g'CApta~ns of Q.ueooc, a nd ooo petltloo catu111, the l•r<t~ll\ 11stem of pertoruung tla! a;::nud b)' liWut fifty morohl\ull a nd otltera

11er~tcu l>y t .. o l>o.,ta-oue ~urtla ciUd t bd uf \lontr'ul 14 tho &.'\IUO efT.c:L 1'bo bu o tll$r ~Vcst-••~ l.c iuaullh:l•"' · tory of tbo la w :\1 11••on by O r Forun u

t'hu h.-~ t 1110 e, 111 the "1'1111on of the follo ws - In ISiS " ~eueml IIII (IOCIIOn Ill•.,.

d •• 'b .. 0: b Maolil'tl Hall .. wlLh tbe w~· Coan IIDtl'tlllJ. lie ••• f~ arueu moo. • • e '" • t.bp rtport of Mr. CrowadaJo \ba' 'be ea&i· 10mo atueoda~onll, to whlor: Uaey uk~, t.be mated t1o eo.' o f u.. worli" b tUII,QQQ~' • ~ eonc ur.eoee .or tbe Houee, and \be In· would bo woreo &!lao aMI'e. ~r;DC!'e1 e ~~taog Liquors Btll," 'll'ltboot t.meod- t bo C'ODilrUCtiOD ol .......... lior\'' ' i o·a, moot A lao, lbe~t t~ey concurred witb tbe Brs' boaJI'Itog a' J)C'eai~~'r 00 Uip lar St.. llMoluticint oa tile Statote t.w i aod woold Geo e ~ilso lriuc:la' rec:aa'Oollol WI oo t 1oau tral.b llle HciOM aa. a Jotat Addreu to t!k ~tho alro ' wio£! Mll, ~ ':oiU.d U 11 llooor tho . Adaouliatrator 111)0~ tb~ 100~aeatroy e!':rytlliug ~-bad beeh ''ic· aubJocL: 11 "Fi.ah\ ,., cowpllahad . 111 c:Ooo.Otlo.i wi.l.b ~-T~o ameada~eall t~ tbp -a.ow• wa~r. be t&oagM t..~.to• tbere thoold be a

Btll were tbeq ~and adopted "'""' bouae abo ·~ thtl'tl 1'o build Tho Comulatfee 6n \lie Heart'• Coo\eo~ ew • • ~ .,

Wate r Sopplylttll row and ropo!Ud tha' t,he canal wtUio~~ t. breakwater oo .ho u y \boJ ba.d paued tha Ball wathiOo:te amea'd· St. o,orgo lldt, wou.ld bet. uaeleu Upell·

• ' Co • d lture of tbe pubUo moae)'lo 1Delll4 , Oo moLlo6, tbe mum~ee~porL Tbo Suav uol& Guta.u. proeeuted the

I '

----o--ltu.rity of Blood Eailont.lAl to Ho&lt.hJ

Strength, ud Lclnlf Life.

Comuullee o f •••ttug t.hc incr.Med db · w•• p.'\ll.iO.l, by whlcb tlah An\1 llah 011 fo r lilt\ all would ~ y aupi'IYtult 1\n 1\tl.llt lonal curau•upu u u aod eipbrt were compelled t.o lu l\t to I•IJ Alun~: t he 11 r•t aml' 'V11rtla &111 be tlllp.lCterl lu ISH . &II Act 10 atuend the cA., kta of thd' ' ) .. lnnJ , connecttng ..-11h tho Ac: t of 1879 wM passed , conl:uuintot Ctl\ll&el tr..,.tuu bo.'t :~h po rt 0 11 l ho \\ caa-{;hl\n tt lucb pem u u ed t bu autroduc:llo n aoto CAll ·

11d or :;1 l.c~e s-Rnrl wuh tho ::-lurat.c:ru 11•1" uf Ncwfo uut.I IJII•I l'td.lod hcr nng p ro· lovllt n1 '" nu 1,01 1 010 the \\ 1!&1 l..nbm•lo r s ulacd Co h .. <lo been auap!!Ctcd unde r tho t'<I:Ut ·t 1111 an11u~:cancll~ ••II t~nd tu tire ~lllrfoundland '""' ; lint yell~ ~~~ ac:t " "" lnot1t 0 ,. 1ttr 11t o f ' t ltc •••"•co •! 1\L prt.iCII\ p . J upeahosr tbea~ clauac~ oo I'(OCI"m" pcrfur11 ·~·1 lo)tlou 1., 0 b•'"'"1 ;tuJ e•l' ecr 1111 IIOU b) tho GoY• rnor-an Council ' 11ro t hu \\ .SI~rn llo:1l, anl\.lonneh, 114, lly t h u dd~~t1011 d C3tru.l t la:ll pro::l:l1113tiOn ~ lhll ll:lt111~ o t ~hu lun f.! tnp 1o llonno U •> ' " uc, becauso tbu c fTeol of the c:l.tuscs 111



nllurlli\IU fll t ttu~tht tunc w1ll bo 11f- tho Acl of 11!7 1 ltl\t.l bccn ~:reAt l) to ltt JII IC fu nle•l f<J r thu rwrfo ron:llll" o f !he " o rk ah,. hcrnnsr lishcr) &!>t.l tr:ldc of tho Cl\ttll wul• ttll lllr.t11 t. ""'' I h e nJ11iuon o f 1•orts J tans. 1 he fo llo.r111;: Iotte r 10 Ur F ortin of ~ Ill oil tho Wu tern route "luch 1\rll ""' rc:ld au s upport of t hu \IUIV -

'1 ho c: ... mltllllco rolO an.! reported tbl\t thO) h:ul p3$JCd tho Jhll wat4 IOUIO amo:ad· IOOII tl , • d

vlu adopted. ' f Co · • • c T l till wu the read a thi .... l tame and repor' o t~o a .. ngeDD)' '~ ommtttee, '.

lC 1 0 · ; tb C which wu n!ad aod adopted. •

Rapidl~ta.kingtheplace of all pther Machines. '

w:qerever intro­duced.

110", eltlttt 110t u s!lcJ, or ouly on Ill tel a:\tc l n£11.

J'ho propc>seJ plnn 1tonlJ n1So ~tdm1l of I he w ~~tell I hollt gour~; to "<) u ncy 1\ fel\­ture ao the sen 1te wb1cb w1ll, prob:abl~ be fo r,nd to be of ST' at advl\ntage, eap~c1nlly t o tho rt'11dcn\a on tho W est Cout..

f bi! :Sn rtheru lAb 'IWor acanc:o ehonld be c:ontmue•l at al paeaeo~ a.t~teprda coo-h!!elaoo \l'tlh tho Northern outal Bont, a ud w11h aucb a ltef'llh ODS ro tunc o

l .AIIIUI'lM !hh F eb_ 1 ill llt u s.r.- [ pO lu lieu ~ h-l.t\."(" CtriPUclt, ro

~1\ \""~ l ycaterdaf, "' notf,"' of n J_,L\f r ,n,u~n lt1 \ UU to t l.U.t 00~ 0fl1RU1Ut 011 l h O aU lJJ "Cl Of tl111h ih-4l~"f'lion f'aaltcrau•n wtll 1--u ch ... tuk.ful 1f )•HI wl)ul l brioo thlt~ t o h<-l1t \\'o h~r uu h.r s:r•AL •h•• h • nlafiU, aaJ C' 1D11tl l co npeltt \T"hh Nt:t,­foundlaudeu, "h.o M"ml tl1..: 1r tl.ah ' " )1•n,l tt.:dl.-.nd QuoUtr. r.lailo \ Tft " h • lu~o lu I•'> .JuUH t'c: hat'O to })1') I c u·y f -."C.J to 1:.o.uu1 \tl ,.ni 01h to .. aptcll)rt tu t:U~Mu Dill•' aC~II Uah au our owu ut.,r 1,:, l l .)(y u, (ghho r l •t•L J o v 1. au lnlllpcc.tor atl"r ,X S ewfoundbntl c::.r,talo \\h\J ch •naca c,_, u lte UI)C)iata.l) We t• lc n h t rt' u gt f tOUt l h t: 11:\0\C' I \ tiQ;

I' Lto Utll '"" then r~l\d t\ thara t1mo ao p.u,etl O n lcred t.o bo taken Co Lho Coo o • cal fo r tiS concu rrcoce , b) the bou l'reiDter 1\nol ~I r T homp110n

L'lro llou1e t hen rc10lved 1taelf tnto " < ••mnutteo of tho W holu o u t he Kc.;astrn· t ton of Oc•ds U11l llr , Uoud au t ho c'1~ i r

pau etl Urdorod to be ta\to to • oun· 'J'bo S Un\ ETOR GEl'iEJU.L prueoted a Dtll ctl fo r aLa coocurreuoo bJ: Mr. Uoooe and 10 accordaoce w~ t.b;) r eport. Tbe Uijl Or l>carlu Cow wu read a 6t"'lt aod second tuoo, aod eom·

1 bo Ho oac then reaolnd ataelf loto • mtttud to 11 comwtt&eo of the wbole Uouae tntttee of the Whole oo tho Uegratrauoo of M It t b chair • Oced •' tlall 1\lr llond 111 t~o eba1r. r. IC:O tu 0

1Jun SoLtCITOil 0 L"'EIIAI.IIIItd U1at w1~h a MESSAGE FROM 'flJE COUNCI L. YltW to meet tbo claffic:ult.aea wb1cb 10111hl fhe mtaenger beiliJt admttted, aonoo oc· artal! , and ao "~ "' of tbo abecuco of • tbe od that tho C ouncil bad puaed tb!t D7oa honorablo IDCUtbera for llMbor Unu:o be mite Utll wath acme ameadmenLL hm.l tntrc.du~!!!d 1oto tbe Dall a Secltoo wha<b '1 be aweodmeoLa wote !~b r.d a tbtrd proY1dcd that at sbould not eomo aal4 opcr · limo Md adopted. ' altun 1111 11 proclaa~~~taon hs d been luuod 1 be S pe4ker tbco rud a commonicaho'i b) !he Governor IU Cou llctl (;om Lho coroo.a Seen!l.af1. anoounouir

After aome daac:uAaou, tbe ComUtl tlee that "U ta Donor t ho Admaoiatral4r baJ rose, and reported thllltboy pGUod tho Dill oiUDod 5" o c lock to day for prorogoaosr ~l'!' 1. he report was aaseoted to, and tho ll11l Le~:ialature, aod tbo attendaoce p$ lbo 'fM read " th1rd l tmo, llOd ordered to be t louro at the CouoCJI Chamber " ' 1bo bour L"\ke n t o the Counc1l by tho boo Sohc ator P:\med for that purpow. Gcnernl, a nd !IJr, Oood Mr GoODili i'>O£ roond that tbe IDle tq

-,--_-2oo,oqq ~Q~d ye~rly! Has 11\'cn:e points of ex­cellence than all other 'Machines combined. , . Li~ Inducomon ta to Deo.le.rl

NEW HOJ\IE1 ~~wing Machin~ Company

ao Union Square, ...

811f pftu n ll o ther M cd tci o u for Ptllily;' t ng thll Ulood , l llt l n ro avntlnh lll fo r all n!l n tlomcalic nnd h o uaehold r•' rDrUJ to r nil oUJOnlons o f tho S t OMACH , Ll Vfo:q, KlD~P.YS nn (1 130\\'E[J) l n C un"PIItlfl'1111ltl O!.structaona ol c'cry kuul tl~e~ qu ackiJ r c lnO'I"O tho C'tlUBfl, nnt!. m con i> II ptt tao n n !Ill •ilsoa de a c tl co ndalaon <.of \l,e llo\\ ols , t hey act lUI 11 c leanemt nperacn l

l"o r Dobthtnted C omrtatutaons and ull F ~m:tlc C,mplaants tla~e P!lla nro un­"'lrtl ~.~~1'.1-thoy c o r r c.:t 1\ll la rr guln rall i'K t\1\J \ 'fctt kllcllliOii fru m "b •• t o \ o r Cl\Ueu

1r as an:;r

)i:t«·ll~ii~iifibi tune 111 the d etAils o f tha corYl M lhu r;towlnlf c:om•uereo a nd vMytng (,rl:um• a:nocea of tb~ people of ~bat p~trL f tho COUL IU:lJ an~e~t..

As rtgarda tho bolitA to bo empl~r d upon t be Cna.si.al ScrvlC:o, tho beat opnolo.!_Jf upon

Ito tlmply bun lo 1.1• '"'manu luo LArr.,lo lh ) I"" lutu Oa~d• lrc:o (tc. luflt<CIIuo fc~). "~,1, '"a poor ('a ui'S t .. , ,.c to c~U~h lo coc ocr ti~h tur uod out o ao wh11!1 ~tutl h ••~ to I"J ~ ,,er

lion SnLtCil"'I' Ut~tn • t. u td, tho obJCOL .,r the lltll wM •cry 11n1plc It .. oultl be rcm~nabcrcol by rcfc rnu.: b:>ck t.o 10100 ch s cn•3IOII "luch t ook pi i\CO i o 11111 llo usc S!ltll ~ lima ~mce, t hnt aevc rnl ct\Sel " tl rc Ctled, ahllWIUI( t\ ..-nut Of l) llCltl Ill th e rc •a1lm lhln of d~eJ4 111 th e ~vrth JTn IJ •a­t r~t"' 1 111~ :o.ro4e 111 rtly fro nt t he !Mt t hnt tho He""llllmr WM fo r " pn ruoo ol t 'oc ) ear 1\IMen~from h11 homo nnu p:\rtly to abo tld:tl S c:tus.d throu~h th~ uccdS C:Otlllng linlt to !;t J ohto s 1\nd then ~:oang to llnr· bor Umce In order t, tneottboJe d tflleul· II oil. and at tho u ntc u mo couser\"C the c oo · vou ii.'DCO of tho l•ul.ohc, to who m the p resent 1\r i"!\U"emCnl \tM Ulla:ltiSfi\C:tOry , It Wl\S

thou ~.t 10 uo roo re c:ouveu lau t to 1\ll pM­t tc• ~ hMo tho o ffice 111 ~t J uh n & 1 be chau::o would tc:n•l 10 bnu;; abou t tha ob JCCt the) h:~d 111 vac.r- tht\t of h~"lllr ono ccntml rc,::~t l';lllun o fllco l or thu whole h lnud

O n motaOII o f .llr Clllty, a d.lreuu were tbo Elecu on ColD WILleD bo -~(\0. or wb icb adopted o n tho peuuo n o f t be iohabltAn~ tbe Claainuao buo 1160 !.~llrc:h I q. of the d111nct of St Geor~:o a Da.J, pray1og l\Jr Noos A:. woul4 ~· to koo't, ~fore ..:...-- - ---- - ---- -:---

Nl:~ YORK. bl~ _unravn llt.:d for tho fuctlt Ly at du. p lnytl)n r oh o 'ln ;;, l•cahng, nnd th or­oughly Cll llllf! t bu m<.oKl lll \ Otcl'llle Son.s unJ U \.:t>l'!l, ... n tl an CIUICII o f DAD LEG:-;, .U.\ D JlRI!:AST::i, O LU \\'O lh '\D , Uou t, l ! lteum n t asm, naad nil Skan thti­rl\•r•, a L net a na 1\ cllllrm

• tbe aubj..c:t aro uoao1mous, tbu /a~ a nd fo•lt'r boa1s, watb aocrea~ll.l! aruproYc puaenger acc:ommodauoo, are reitu or

hsr rol o n aJt &Yt~ I A..:O If • m te rt!hel ClUUO l lie bAcl bJ p loclojf I be ll.ohofQlOU uf WIU <OUlllrlOI Cll &L.e a.a.me roodor: Ia .amt' 'IAA 'f we dMII ll\ t'O l O

ult our lloh to N o wlu uud lon lcrl ,.ho ll) 1hnply pft~du¢ ""'lr baMOI UG lhu lJotr•lt n.a I""' lb-'U lbrou&b LUada tu U.t. W col ouu olu" r.l.lrlf.eu.

fo r abo connr ucl1oo of " road from P o rt t bo J)all pauod, at 'aoy action ba4 h;eu tak· au -Buquo to Buono UAy, oo t he peuuou eo 10 reforoeoce t o th.e;.:lil~D~· ot Mr Rob· of inha batl\nta of ~DdJ Pom' o o tho aub ert Want.on, c~"\' compenaahoo for Ject of a p ubhc wharf , o n tbo petauoo of pill~ pnr~unr -~~· tion' '!"' p11t aoto •nhaballlota or ~tephou•ille, ptA7log for ~be lho hand• or the eolii•oaeuby Coaaa~atteo

RHCENIX Fire Assurance Company. tbo No rthern and W n teru eervaces h II

eoo111de rod that bo~ll '"" be req uan:d of about 11:1 hundred tona, groat tonnl\ge , Cl\· pablo of malt to:; ao average of fu ll len kttol4 ao hou r , with ac:c:ommodi\IIOD for 1\t leMt IIJxlT cabm a ut! one bunJr\JJ all!lir:~gc pu· IICiogert. I t " ~o1vmcurled that · a~ gtvu tho adJ tllonal atZe and accotnrnot.lnltc n ro quu:ed tb" boa IS abould ha- ~ f iOIII ro'ii r to fi le feet gn nt.o r width of ~m t lmn the boat.s now perfunnto:; t he IICI\ aco nnu bu o f

M r R1choy al.,ted thM Ito c>~ne 11'1th II o d cputntJon, by 11to courtcay o f l t.s fu c ud , q_r Fo rhu, for t ho purposu or "(h OC3tlo.; w1th b1w, 10 11 e atrongu t poMt blo lcrm3, a ll o ecehltrj prot~c:uon to o u r h •hcru!a "ho•o aotcr ,.ta b~ tloou..,hlll to be Ol!r fiu t duty I<Jguart.l wllh nil J• n.on~) . !Ju t, 1\t the S.\IIIC time, 0 11 beh3lf ol :\ CllllliiiCICI>l COO stllucoc:y wbach he rojlrcscnt~ •l to u~~ that uny meuures 1\Uillll~d 1111:;ht not b~ tllowed to uoJnly l r:llolme j our hnport:\~ t 1r~ lu watb :-; ., .. rouoolha and wath the W e::t Ind ict Ho u nd<rotooJ-~hrough l)r Torttlt-lh~t abo J cJJIIIMIIln '"ere eon­Wilt t bmt hsh bron~h : tn frotn :'\ e .. found­l~nd lor export~t:ou ' frd1o the Dvmtnto u olouulJ be c SCII ll't , n.• '""lor thu c\lblln .; l.1w bcua;: v.l:src,J 10 c Jffurlnct.. \li :\fch >n.;c~

or otb~r"1!Jc s,:U:\r:t.u t ltc(l a.,~111., t ,:rom~ 1n•o

c l nllruc llou of a bndgo 0 \or llOUIIIU's llnn ~URVll oa Gcil~;tu.L aatd \lat com· I' ,.... • .r. L OW.DARl' S T il F ET .t CIIARI:S G CliO US •••c:r matteo had c:ooaade~ flht matter, but d1d ~ltu.ufnclun:u o nly al P o r\!.li-,o; D ot.LO•

,,. \\ ' R 1-. • t.•uht~luuen t, • \ l r (, r.r.st thon~:ht the 11111 ou);ht t o IIICCL With the 1\ppr0\ 31 of C\ Cr) llletUbOr of tlull lions~ o fM M pmclll onera were concem~J, lltC) fo~tnd tho eXItttug Rr rt\n:;ctn.:nt ve rJ nnattl&l"ctory lie ho pcu

:\\r U~"'E prtuoted 1\11 addreu 00 tbc not feel JUSII6ed io ·~~D( to tbo pn<JOf 1.0~[,0~ pct1 aou of t'a tnck ltogau ou tho subJeCt o f of the pellttoo • f.:\3, O XFO t: D S1'llCI:;l', LO~Do:-; ,

nnd s olei nt I H I b.! , 2K. !ld , 411. G, l lb , 2.:!'i., ~uti I I~. t n-cl, Bo x un1l P o t, nml 111

<.: u tn•l , at IG cen t •, !10 c on ts , ano.l v · '10 Cf.'lll ll n nol tis" lurgtr RIZc.ll tn p ropo rtaon

" " mcre.,o of ulllry Mr lJ!l.\OSUAW ~ before the 8111 Tho lto uso adJourood tall ~ o'c:lock to· pal!lled , to mo•o that the mombora of tbo

ESTABLISffEO I~ t 182.

thoL the 11n10 "'M uol f>r c!t3l31ll " hen t he) \Yonltl h3vo o ne I' gtstry for the \thole Is IRISd

~lr P cs"'Y "~' o pp.>scd to tho ll11l ll" n muuoh , ls It:> I nu t<lc:> nf lh< atrong (,•elm.: whtc' l <'XIIt-'1 Ill u . rbor Urncc t\n J l.trbi,HJC:\r Ill n:fu C UC\! l O \.IU, UlC I\J

mo rrow Cootlltf.!~ocy Corowat tee naene ~60 each m con11derauoo of the amportaat dutrea pe rfo rmed by them. It w3uld be ren.em· bc:red t hat thole ~:ootlemeo huo uevoll!d a 11reat po rtaoo of their tawo to t bo work of IbiS COQliJIIttoe, a od ho Mr n aubmttted ~bat 1110)' o ught tO n!CaiYO thO f'.OUIIdttto\IOII

Snt:nDAY. Apnl 21 flso bo1110 met nt 12 o clock

TD\laTEES .t DI I. CCT OR'! J nltn Ed word ts,,. nt,f:&l) O•r:•••t u . .. t.urr f oq Dox:>DIUI llurtpu, ~:. 1 t\ l Hod~· '" I • 1 ll l' 1 b • al r n Ja1n~• llrng "•r J l.uloloo4 U...o I Joluo Clullon, ~ l1 I' ~ I, :> afl!at~r l eol!l h, •

Cert&Jo amp'to • cmeota an tl•e .rrnn~emco"' for the acc:o mruodadon 11nu ccmfc:tt of r:·~ eeogcrs are reeo mmcudcd t be tlc!:.t a of wtuc h tho <Jc uuuitteu J o out con•hlcr II utceaar1 to dllenll!l, bu t :1!1 10 -.h1cb !\II 111-

fOJ'mallon req111rcd fo r toak101; 1\ coutnll;t mer eaally bd had. '

~ or tltc ~' "tee a o n tbe \Veal ~ntl :-iorlh FA!t c:on~ ta nnd th o lAbrndo r cooot 11 •• considered th:Lt lw:~llcr boMs such fo r 1 t

a mple, aa the J>re:.lnt CO'\.•tnl bnl\t• fo r 11 •

l..3bNidor nn.l tho /len"'" (or t hu \\ .al aad :\orth-E.:ISI c:ou t.s, woulu oo Uto• t autt able

Tho q ui!IIIOD M t.o whethtr all ~he (.;ollll l · al 11od Labr&dor serYic:ea wdu, d 'be ntere lid Tarll.,geOUil) acel.tdcd under u nc coutrocl or lle(ll\1"!\tcd toto t wo or moro (ll\rtl!., 11 one wb1c h can best be Je~rmm~d by the E xcc u tJvo upon fn1 ther ID'}UifJ

Aa rc(;llniS t he Ocea n Steam ~o..,.•cc tho llub)cct whicb ltu been 1Uost prornutcnt l) b roa.ght uoJ e'r roos•d erat10 o rc feno. to wh J

thet atly ~Jvan 1agc won1J reiJl!ll.- from the aaparauo n of tho IIAhf"' W 1nter St! rVIcu from tho dtreet :;umrn~r Scr"~• a ud It hM beeo no~ested, tha~ o ne of thu propo110tl 'lmprovc(j CO&lltal lloatil would autftce for tb" llllilu Sor••c:e T he pnnctp~l reli'IOn gtven fo r such a ch~ngu 18 t bnt 1ho llllllfax Sen1ce Ia regarde•l by tho proprtcl<:~r~ of oceao atCIIIUftl wath d'-f11ruur, nut\ that we are

1 ceoaequeotly, d • pu ved of the aJ vl\D

tagea of tba~ c:ompe lltJoo for tbo enure con t.nd wbach would take p l:u:e, af th~t uoJe i.irablo poruon of It we re re mo ved.

Ou :he other band objllc: t loo• n ro ur~:~d aga{oat UJO aopllrauoo or the &c r'flc:M •ncb u t ho'greallr coat of abo llallfu aerv1ee u a cootncL , the iucoovcaletlCO to ehtJ.tpe tB of 110~ of bll\lng t.o make tft O contrActs for sblpment, &c lot1e:\d of ooe

Theee aeyeral op1oaoos 11re ~· n• rnlly of a mpeculllth e c:b11t11cter and the Comm11tec find \hat., wtth ' he abo rt 1tme M thelf d11· poalll thef are ltna61e !o obtAm aufficte •t dautl.o enable them to m:.ke any poill iH

usump' 10n 111 thtJ U > mnwn \\'1t11 ~tnd~ ~ I" '" 111 Jll lou hopc<l thn,e 1111c rell<d lll the ttatle .ruul<l bo ro o,eut ~l r l\uruo s.tt.-1 lhn t nl>cu~ 1:11,0)) b.-rrcl8 of hlrn n.: wtrc cau~tht tn Se" Uruu•wtck •\)(m~ h:l' f on the ~orth Shor~ of .wlt1ch <: loucc tcr Cou ntv put u r• " bou t 10 I}(JO tMrd8 l'hc m•1"'ci1on fee~ wouiJ h~ ' bot: I ~!51) I'•, :>tnl o•tr h. hertoeo were lhns It 1oJ :dpputl IJv lh:>l ~111 011u 1 , w l~t lc tht• :\ett fuun.ltn ml her r1ng ", rc pc n u tteod l O C•lntC 111 prncUC;tlh fne o f l an\th:t.u t11t('CClau u, 1'111•1 L~.: wo of tnf~r ur qn•ltty •lq.or-ssed the pnco our ft ..,h '-'ruu u co:J1 ' ~t: l nuJ J cMtn•}t: •l tlu.:lr d 3111.."\!5 Ill lh• Mo ulrt l\l a n·l IJ tdlcc lll:tr \( U . 0 "11tl: 1n 11115 Ull)n <t ,Jt,.._o U IU>IIOII ,

I ut3th~n8 who tormcrl) ltl teol o m " '"" i

for tbe 1-'\br:Hior 1\sbcrte • It • I IO j..'O o •' u f he t.\lBirt,o«.• ll u \Hilt f~rl 0t<f onJ " ' " i

tt " ould b e 111 lloc t ul~rcll18 uf uur IHh crnteo af :1 J u l) were 111po•eJ on :\ O\f

fouodl11nd hcrrm~. anti aup~ortc•l l llll by pCIDitDIC Otl\ tl1~L :\ cwfu uuolbn•l tmposcu J u uea on o ur lumbe r, ft 111 produce ft tul 1\lll tMIII n ftcL wlnd o 11 U 8ui••L'\tt1Uitcd by Mr C nmcrun of I vern<&< 1\nJ othcf'fJ \ l r l'nlllt e~plt\lnotl

rec:ommeo•lalion on t he f Ub)tct.. '1'\e aollj«.t uf t he employment or small

11teaare'ra an the IC• ohll \b:r• o{ (he••la ud to lake Lila etaee of t he preseot u llmg paekelll land b.rnera. ,1;,:3, bu al10 enl{llped 1 lo~1 r atteahaon ~o., ew or mcreasmg comwerc1al waota of tbe co ony aud of tbe approachwg e&te~h o tb /lurltcay to o r t.ow&rd l tb" MO~ o l the ~tAl baye, tbe eomou u ec nrfl lllroi\IRIY of Op tOll th11t the llCCt!Pit.)' kii t.bu ld'ar IOoltc: ror aod ~:..Utlj needed no· p roY'I!meat; •• enry d ay becow•og roore aradlt. Tho comrpttteo deem 11 uonec:ea· U'7 to eate r iol4 tlao f&l!t.s or argument.~ wb~ eall fo r tbo IDangnJ&tlon or a aert~c:o

the at! vantAges the ha11 lll;erch w ts of llnhf.u tlern ~d frou1 t hu h w as •• WR:t Il l pr<nu t ru 11 cn3l.I. J t htltn 10 d~pr!!M lite 1m co Ur. 1 p~11l tv tho liahertne o lltu l l u 11ster a.-ut.l a oleleg:~Ul fro m tho l\ u~¥ fouud l \nol Uov<rn mcut ltaJ 111 <pkmb~ r I tat ""1t.cJ u,,on l ite G'o vcrnnlenl of Cnnl\U t to r.t .. cuu t ho! qu~8· tton ="'cwfouu.tla nrl 1t WI\A 11'1feltl , look t wo mrlhcn~ ofl:l\n:uhan proolucts, auol t1o:\l t r:td c ""~bt be a iTcct<!<l llt)otrtu u•ly •f the u"pect1oo II\W8 of Cau:~d l\ '""r< nl'phcd 10 Sowfouudl~n •l full ~tud tho prntfucu o' the Uol(ed :S~~tuhougb t tDil< ad 1u, .tel,::•~ pro1o!M!d th:~t t ho ~e" fnuutl l~ttll ( ,ov~rn tiiOIIt would :\tncnd t h01r IIISIICCII\111 I l lY 1\lltl mate 1l morc~rmgcot.. ll o ( tbc ~llutst<r) hl\d commulfidte.l w111t tho (, o , crn ment of Ne,?!ouD<\IIltld recuotly but ho ftnre•l the f110~ were a\1rJ 1 ahou-ml! the u urdtabl• cb&racte r or the l'ewfonndl:lutl inrpeetton, tlo~L tho Govcrntn~nt of (;nnl\•h lltiJ ht he compelled to UIIOc the p roclntnlliiOn, refurrcrl to Uo would l>nnst the attbjeot bdurd 1111 colleagues -1/o,lifa:~ 1/era:rl

c ..... ,


lion :\lr Lmlo pr~cnted f\ pe tition from tho ltcv M llo rr1.11 llnd ot hera, anhab1Laou o f 1 t~pan1 l K tllegrc,. l nud tho nOij!h bnr boo<l nr!l111:: t hu ucceully of rop<\tnDl) tbe l>ullh .. "lonrf nt I o pa.-ul

O IW E il 01: 111E OA 1 li nn :ju11Cir01' ( r ! ~l \1 t•.ou ~ht t •o~t the ol •o"lhl tt w IIC 1 lu ol lle~u r II< I h ) the hon u1~rub-r furl: uh~ucu lYI'L< rnl"<r sen· ~l r C \ RT\ an movmg thnt an "dJreu be lln1cutnl I hi ) <II I IIOt ll lou t 'oe tl, 'ol th~ prtMllttcJ to lha ll onor the At.ltnlnol lrMor, oil c loclll ,: rciiiH\ cJ IU l't In lilt~ Jltt ,nltJ l ft~t d u nn:: lhC 11\l!f 1 <11410 11 Of lbd l' tbllc cou• "'~" •u •It" tl tl IJ, t>\.• u 1111o L<"l:l•l"ture, t\ pe tat iOD wca}>ru m te•l by tho llC u unt 1111 I ,hoot' I r mk uutd t lu~!oa lh:\u hn n ro11d I• nrnl'd l'l'tlllllcr (rom th~ :\l oaot lellhtnuul 1 h~ ltoh:tUit:\Uii uf th.: :'\orth· u~, O r Moc:J onall, Hh;bt ltuv ~(OUII!f• e rn d1tot rtct wo uld l.oc gn:J tly bcu~litcJ by oeur :Seats and I be KeY. M 1>' Howley , I ftC proposed cloi\IIS.:C I) J) , 00 beh"\lf of tho anhabtlllD~ Of the

q vn \ ~I \ I 1c , n \fOul•l ltk c t o mn\.c WeAl Coau , pmym;; th11t tho GJveru111e11t " (dw r cnnrks oororc t ltc aec:llon pnMild •oulJ gr:t.ul a 1111n of money l or t ho open In vtu v of tho frtct th~t 11 w:.s Ulteu· l~tl to ans: of 1\ pA51Al(O throu~:b Lite nMro w 111hmu• lu" b mo re COIIIJ~hcu~l\ 0 lo_tolllllOn , at wh1ch connec•.e tho pe ninsnln o f l'ort-au ""~ 1 .1 l>c lrcttcr tu dd.:r ~ny 1111kcrt n:: o f l~ort '"'h t he mawl~nd 1\.Y tb11 J'IMUII:e tho 111~u, r It \\1\1 " aut.re:t u ,Jou ... hich •luc:h c:\11 bu o pened At ll 111odurato eoat tltu ll u uo \\n< nnt wdl wfvrtn~<l An(\ '" 1\bot•t ono h uodrcJ a nJ twenty nulllltC~II b. " ""' uf 11., ftct 111\t 1t •IIJ nut .;o the lcns.:lh fiY~d o n ench round 1ri1> o f the Co:utAI tit \t " •• J .• .. lt tLiu It wo:al.l be n•uctl uctt<f te:lmOr.t. Aft er t illS mntte r " Il l b rought lu p us1pouc ftll) lc~"ll\ltun until the) weru under l ho no u co o f t his ll ouae by t he ('IC 111 " I•OOIIItHI t•• de 11 wtth the uti\Ut r pro llltonera who l'lke a d et p ante resl tn l ite p~• 1y wolf a re o f t ho <Jol onr, tbd Go ve romeul

Mr l!tc IM l11• n«n p , rt anrl for t he desp-'ched ~lr. C ro .. ad:.lo.. C E , to l' ort· lto tcr<iln uf tlo~ tl 3lfl"t \VI" ' It he r~l>rc•enl o.u J'ort to lnspcc~he " ( orM elsn for th• .;J fdt a 1ucumbe~ t UJlOu ltu u to eupporl purpoae of MC~rtaao 1 n1: the pr~ciiCIIbtl tty of 1hu lloll ll u thon~ht tht\t t ltc :'\orth~rn tll31uog th o pro po_;orJ r:w~l I ho report of • lt~trt~• • h~·l bcNI ', ry uufrurly clc:\l t \~I t il thll~ ~eotlclni\ D, wh1oh aa uo w befur.s us 1n tl11 m\tlor {L " "" 1\ incon apealt t for luelf Mr C ro wwd&le says, ,.111cn0ol l\ltd ,Jc\:lJ lu th om to h~v~ to s nd • '11 oro 11 ap le n<ltJ ftn cborl\go in bo th bays, tloesr ll' l <= r, to 1 l ubu a ~t11l from th~ncc 1\lltl ,he grellt bcnc lit of tl.e e&I'AI betuJ to IIMI>ur ( . r:.cu I t "'" :\ • cry ~; rent In· b urtt \WOUld be t ho\L n oh bay would Conn a con ' "'"""C\l til wl.tch abc\ ahoo1ld not bo perfect eafo ha rbo r from aoy 1lor1D1 thai snltJtCt..l St Joll n s, IO far M the ::-lorth· ahould 1pnng np • • • All tho par· ern dt.ttncL~ 11e e cnncerue•l, WM hl' fa r t he 1101 wllh whonl I ba• c RJlOk ou agreo aa to mor~ couvc OI<III 'l1 c ll11l \YoulJ h M ll ltll what a boon the cnoal would be, no• o oly entm: "'llt>Ol ~ to t1ahermen ou the c:OIIIIl, 1-u t to tho a~am-

Mr 'I nO>tNOns cenct. rr d w1tb t he re · e ra aud largo aquaro rtg,:ed .er.aela wh1cb muka of has culle>zuc, :\l r lltcu. wttl\ te· Creqn~nt thl\ t place h wou lrl nn a bou t j:"'lrtl to tho propn.ty c f m~ln;: ~~ J oh n R RO tul let, 11n.l reh o• e tbotn from rouadang the pln•e fo r th" rl!,:l~trnuon uf deeds from Cape t George, " lucb •• c:om~<lered lo be tho :'\ urllocrn .lu tnct llu h:\d rr.-quelltly l aho moat a an,:erous point nn the whol e heMd comrl~11111 Iron\ people of tbo Nor\h- cnMt o f !'Jo wfonndlllod c .. pt J M k ull\0 ertl d ts tn ct on tlus suhJ,..,l At preaen~ anfurma mu tb11t he hru been four d llJI all\ they b:l\'tl to fo1 "'" ril lhclf •t~ous to :it 11n~le time 11t 1\nchor 10 ~t t :eorsros U11.y , at J ohn , , bufore tlt ty nrc tr .. namlt tod to lbr tho ~:ravels. 1\IY~Ittug for 1t cl>llnc:e to r o und bor <•mc.l, nnd e• cn " hen thoy arnve the re t ho Ca po, b ut had 10 retur n to ' t J obn'• they 11rc so ndunc• aubJ•elcd t.o u••l:\y ' wuhooL I!Oulg to tho Day o f T"lllod a ' It

lion ~tr 1.1 rrLr. a."\1t.l' Utl\ t ho hl\d b~n CI\Onot for a 1110 ntcot bo ''' d t hM tlue worlt lookmg fo r iYbru to n n:eu uru of n moro aho11ld l:o p:lid fo r ou t of the loc:\ltliODCJI compr..,henalvo ch:\mctcr, ' but hfl.l oo objec · vo1ed fo r t he dlttnc:~ M '' 11 A p ubhc wort 11011 10 the prca~nt b ill W'c 1\0 kllow thnl whtch wall benefl~ the eut are colony Un·

t J uh11 a 11 ~'•o centra from wbach all da r the.o e1rcnmatancea Altd Nl tbts matter parti.s th roughout th o fd aou dera•e ahet~ h~a been bronJ;ht 10 prommently onder the mfo rmi\IIOil \Vtlh rcfuronC4l to legl\l lll&ltOI"'I, IIOIIC:O o f l l>o, Government hs l hclr 011'0 and 1t I! ahu lot::~l uy whe re the le~:al p ro· eu rn yora And 1\l.ao by lbe peUtiooora, two ftAIOD 1\bouod,a nd tL ou::M lo be t l1ereferc of who1n, the Hlg hL n e .... l\Jgr Soars, an I tbo centrl\l pomt fo r tho regastmtio o of !lev Dr. llowlo7, hi\TO retttled oo that part .Ioeda In ord er to Cl\clh ta te tho ao Ycflig3· of tho cout., h,c hoped t hat the l'rom1er tio na c:onwtAutly nude a's to 'abo ULio to Wluld urge' u..pon tho Jo:uc att\6 the ad•ll· bntls 1u tl11ferent p11rt.s of the country II al11h ty of takang etepa to carry anLo elf.,ot waa found tllat much mconnmonce, rewult'. tho Npor~ of Mr~ le H 11 ala? a lug IOIOeUttiCII io loiS IIDrf d iMJlpOtutmeol well known f"':l tba 0 Of tb• OOl, \f DOl 1o htigaota wis 'cltperu:nccd 1u couseq uo\ac:e tbo belt lel\u m1nes ta tb colooJ 11 11~ Port· of tho pr01en~ ayst~m of rellra{ratilln It a u Por\, and at ti to bo hoped tba~ tho wu to tho tnte rca' of tho llduunlltnauon of owuerw of tbla nuoe Meara. Ueool!U ""d 1uatlce that tlto' cootmhuCaoo of aucb ~11\cKay wtll rcaumo op{r~uoua there be·

UJIOlCd llo o S t;R\'IYOR QCU:Rt\L Ql'for knew

such a p ropoaauuo Lo c omo before ~bu llo ull! It 1honld hue com11 up bc:fo re the ~ommatteo lie bopcd tblf llrO~Itiou would not como up aga1o.

'1 ho co mmattee thoo roee aud roporteu that they hl\d r,uaed abia U11l w1tb aomc amcndment.s l'be tlouae tbeu aJopted tho report..

Mr P t."TERS, ao t heabaence of Mr Uoono, mnved an ncldrcu oo thu rct lllon of J ab111 l'i ll t y 'I be addruswuadopted

lion P &El41t lt w11hed to corr..c:L the offi c11\l m11repor\ of hts rem~rks oo tho Wha le F • '•• • y IIIII W bl\t he fl!ally lo'\td wu , I h~t t ho Dundee aleame rs t>!port at tloe l:nat om lloueo 1\Ud lAud 1\ll they hnve o n ~ m l, a ccotd10g to thetr nmnsfu t, p:lylllg lnty on everytlu ng d eclared, c s cel'l an ,.,. lownnco for p rovbao oa cenaumcd b ._ the ere •• oo the t'OJ&go frorr. Oundee to St Joltn iL l'ro YIIIOil3 are obllltned he ro lor lh~ sel\l liAh<'ry upon wluc:h of c:ouroe d oty hM o~en Pl\lll.. Tbc Artlclu left an atoro 1\fC cloil!fly whaling ampleroealJI The <Jo purcloue proYI!IIODI for the • bale fi•h ory hero c:xcep~ ~~~ tOQ!eiYod from l>oodeo olups llt n rcoJeuoue at tho North 1n l.!tneral terota, therefore, a~ IDftJ be lo\ld, 1hey P"'l dutJ Oil all aappl1ea, M well for tho aeal u for tbo whale fishe ry.

Hoo l'aam;a pre10oted aud r ead the report or tho aelM committee, appototed to cou111d~r tht adrilabthly of aaapro•e· mtnll and al1eral1ona an our CouliJ tod O ceamo etoam serYio&. • 1 h• report wu ....So pted. IL 11 fou•d •••anot.ber oohuao.


Tho me~Yngor. bclng11dmlttcd, annoon. cod tttat the Couoc1l bad puaod the Hurt • Content Water Sapply Uall wlt.bout a mend · moot


'rho mo11eoger, bolog id1oi~~ed. aonooao. ed tbl\t the Cou nc1l had pi\SSe d the I~•· tmuon o f Oeeda !Jail wltboot amendment..

A menaJt ll from tb& LegieJahYt Coooctl mfonoed tbe Uooee that t hey bad puaed ~ho Cootingeoelu B11l wltboo t ameodmeoL

'1 be Uontlo01au Ueber of tho Black Rod aoaonoc:ed that H1a Honor the Adcninl.atra­tor was a.o atteodaoc:e ao the Upper Cloarn­ber, and would IJiere reeeive Mr Speaker nod tbo me mbers of tbe Houas or .USOmbly, for abe porpoee of proroguing tbe Ltg11la· tare.

• of id: rreat pubhc uti li ty , and they be h en \lad \be tt*ah\!nd tage wbacb woold¥Croe r,;,~ dae o~ratlons, wont~ 'bll y,i'ltly In ex· ~W tb.4 Cbst lo .. uda wlilclt U1ero would beaa tmportaot oootnbotaoo lo the amoun1e to .,. ••od by the d!.conuouanc:e o r tbe t~a~hog packe!l, la nd cam era, aod o ther to · cid~at.al oxpeoee1 oo w iaeun'ed: '11io com· tUIII<O do a ot cbali<te r h' wi'tblo tbefr pr~ • Tlnce to euU'r lotifdetajl• l o relatlo n to &Ius ~~errice. trlltc:ta can oolr be atW&I!tonly

lfiJIIOtcay'• P o//.t-l od•:;eallon entl L iver Compla~uta-'Ore' d li!t • Uon . cannnl be lou;: .Jr aen ooaly d taorilereu watJtont the de111nf\C meot beao,~t percip tible on tho cot"',_touaned Tlane Ptlia pre~t both unpl~aa •rl\ con"· q ucocea , th;,y uop rove l ite ftp pelt to., and walh 11hu tnorellle of de''"" fur food, they a\l{t~Dt tf10 potTete Of d igtl ltOD and M lritn1lau un in tho elom,eh llollo •• AY I P1llt d u l mo~t llfftc toriiJ wtth domn~o~e<l or d 1aeaatd con 101ft or the ~~~~"Y o rgnna enpged an e tftng no u ruhuoeot fo r our

olllcea abould lle ~trcelctl fo ro lou" 'l'he C01ntnlt~M rote re ported p rogr eu M r. UOO:'ft begged leave lo comrDtpd tbe

1\nd 1\l ktd lu• \l t.o lit agi\IU f flei r retlOrl petataon 114 o ne of Y.u t tmporl.anoe. UOl Only L ..... --..-... wida by \he .Eueutl•e bodtea fro ur u rioua d1o11-~• the h•er .. as auented to 111 Ita 100,.1 cooaequeoces, hnt 11iao to Hac

0 r:. I.Aol!1.., l:..q lt 1' tlto.. 1 hn< I uou 1 • , JOIM!tJuuvu u., I. ••• J", t' .U·~·"'• .h I G\'"'f~ \ 1- •~lh..- , 1- J.l) J 1Jn ... h n •• 1 u tl~\ l .. "'t l

C £. COo•ll•~ll ~•1. lhu'el.lv o~ ~ ·t Oudlu) ll , :s~ut h Y., 1 \V J Phot"l'" u I 1

A U t) ll OilS \Valtor llor•l J·~~ , l •• w 1\\ "' 11rn .. l r !t1t•1"'

J o. 1,1. franc o l o .. l.er , ~·• A

,J,IUS J IJLunliiiEI D, .'Ycr~ nry FuANCIS I ~lc llus \1 II, , I <JI Sccrctar!J

fnsn rancct ag-&~11181 Lc:u11 !.1 fire MO of· fect~d hy tho

PlltP.NTX C0"\1 r \:\Y, IIJlOn o• c r) d cacppllu n nf Prop~rt \ 111 C\'Cry l'"r' of tho ~ot ftl , Ott lh~ tuu•l f .. \ or .. l!· ~ 1~ 1'1111

11•e •uo•aplttu•lo nnd ltbemlt ty \~l tlo Wh MJh 1t. t U-'f:\ ~ t.HUCII l~ 1\rr ft\ \\':\) i' U h t 00

t hlll 'ouoprut) nro " '" kn J.-n 1\11•1 t ho t n portnnC\l cf 118 rulniiOII~ \\l t lo the r nbhc '""1 l>e u tuo, l<-•1 fro111 l ltu ( t(" t l hnl •tnre 1111 e1111\l•hslullCIII tt 1,.._, pn1•l uonrc thAD 1\\' ~LV.E Mll.l.IO:\ :s !; 1~ 1:1.1 :\ U I ll

Juw:h11r~u of c lnimd for l ,oa~t hv hr~ lt&te of p re:mum ancl :JII otlt, • tufllrnl'l·

liOD may be ObtcUnt<tl 0 11 AppliC'IIIHI ttl \V. & li IH,:-I DEI 1.,

~t I Ill'>~ Agtlll f.or /1 cr.-{ormJIIar'l. . ______ ..;_

TO ~IAltiNERS. NQ.- 1, 1883.

r.nt::E~ tSL \XD. c ITA II ~,, LauLudo.... . • 4 :10' IIi ' }\o rth Loogatudo.. : • :,S 0~ 2) ' \\ ~IL A C UAWI'I!llC FQo 11on~. aoundw~ hy

compressed ' aar. ha. been plac:od 1\t t lua S tatao o 10 " .. .,oil ( one etnr..'y) b ulloh 11.:, on a poaut of t ile laiBuJ, ~ E ol t ho L•sh L

llou1o Oo and Aflcr :O.I:trch lllt1 the llorn w1ll be

IOUodod dunug tlo1ck w~athqr 1\ td • no w etorma, for,pertoda of livo ~.c:ond•. with au . tena\a of allcuce o f \lmly· fi• e :te<'onrla.

fhc rang!! of 10urd w•ll p rolmbl) be from half a mtle to t.eu m1l~a. ncccr<hn~ to the cond aUoa of t ho 1\ttnOt!uhorc, or t ile J 1· rcc:uoo or aateol llJ of t~O wauJ

No.2, 1883. IJAN"r's qAI'nor:- l .,, .~,lo 413 0 1' Oi "

North , (,ongatudr ~~ lv' h7" Wu t. ' 'fho l .lj!b\ aL tlus S tMton, ll•l• eru.ed ~~~

butog KED, wall in fut ur e bu W U I 1'1!:

No. 3, 1883. Powus's Uuo;rnu\.~tr-11•o " C o urto

nay i'utowa.~ WJusth ng Duoy'' ba.t bee n replaced

Tho follo,yna aro t he b~arioga Crorn the Door

Powle'a Head, N E , fhslanco I ~ m1lee Cape P toe;{Lr.L-lG :17 0-t• '' NorLh., Lcog

b:l· s-&' 4U"Weu). \\1 f S Freabwater Po m t., & d B

Lv CAUTION -~ hnv • oo Acent au l h e Uoa~cd S.tQ.IH, no r c.ro myMe<h cmes 11old t here Purc:hnso•a t llo t.tld tbc roforo l ook t o tho L nb?l OC\ t ho P ots IUld B ox en, If the n.d drosa •• not 633, Oxford S treet, L o ndou , t !loy n r o spunoue

'l hu l 1,Hh :\lual:a o f IUj s:~sJ Mtda­c lllell l\1 0 rcsnltCI CU IU Otli\W.l, 11110 ll.lhO M \Vttah ing 0 11.

S rymol T 1 0:\IAS HOLLOWA'l :133, o~runl tl l!tt, Loudon 1

Dec 18, l 80 f

~ 1 lu~ Cl l~brAICd :\Jc J •ctnc as rec:om· QJ nulouluJ br l ' lt)oh 1au- Mtntotc re \ Ita· = AIOU:H"lt.~ \ { \ [\.1\C!f'r~t'f 1- ~ctOrltP, \Vttt k ..

::;;:: ~h.,p• l'l~u t ~lluu• :\ nrM's 111 ll o~pun!i 111 . horl " " Tl hotly «Crl"h"te, who

.=:l,u c \ er l:;,l f l: U at n lralll

ca a.. 'J ~~; r.s bnws.u 1.1 1t c:ur e11 Uyren -t c ry lit olent, U t;trrlo<Cft Cmuop a nti

QJ P 11111 111 t loc :Siutn~ch, llowell'ompla mt, :C l'o~mter J Coh~ I tYH C on•1>lAh lt. llv" . ca fl<'plllf\ or l u<lt~C•t,l)ll .td dcn Cold•, 'a;' ~ro ' IIII o" <Jous:h~ &o U•ed ex · QOitr'lnllr, 11 cure~ llo1la, f'~ lon,, llrlllsU, Q) Cut!!. Uurn.s. ('ld" O ld l:'orta 11ud ~ " pr:llnA ' .. elhng of the J omu , I ornh • ttchu l'nt n 111 the FnCll, Nen·l\1,:11\ " '" ' .~ lll •cnmnta~m ('happed 1b ous, Froat-> bttiCD ~Cd 1 &c: ca

0 T loe l'A I~ 'K il.LF.R 11 sold by ::::.-, mcthcmc d cl\lt rt throughou tll1e wollo.l t:: l'n cc .!tlc 1 ~6c and We. per bottle. OJ

0... 1'\ov II

~d~~~A'!:llt'S UN~DRIDGED.

In .h<e • I "-"'!:.::..:! . .' urltczll olillngs.

La:est E.tilon l!n 118,000 \'fnrdll, 1 a c.uu ta.uro tl...u• '"J t.hl'- r t.uhloo!>U lJJch on,;u y ) l:'onr P Ar:o' C<>lcred l'lAtoe, 3000 E c.r;-rc;.·ri- ;;;a (n~a.a l) l. r '- '•'"~ 1ht numt,.,r 10 M IY\i h t t ltlt \. JJ 1\l~IUIU\.6~1\...,ABlO&;:TOpb• i <-n l D latlo:Jt\:"'} ,: \ h .... t 'H•! h •l) of..,UI.Dt l \ '-" e.d<«fUl!:JI U "i'.JJ l'iltt>.l } 1'"1;()UI.

eo.a~lt.cee feel that t.bey c:ao ~o a o mOI'tl tba11 IGblllll tbe geo~ retiOIOizatuiJa . uotaJ aoclaaa-do•• •bo•e a4t lortb wttb the ~ope t.ba& Ult l!xecut.iYe may ~ \heat· ed ~t.b dlt aodaonty oeceaaerrfor cacrj•ila

ILolll:aCh, od hnwe l1, o• e r 1\ll o f wbtc:h they ostrc tho moat anln tnry control

l ho llonee t hen re.olYod tllelf ao to c.ru· t rade nud ·~inmeree of the c:quotrJ at laaige. mlttct of t ile Wbolo o u tho Maatera aud 1 be propo11d qaoal bad been urtually TO· Ml\lea Dill. c~oltod br the Oo•e rnmeot an t~e atepe

-.A~rrER BaT.-Aboul laacb-t.ime, one da~ a young ~otleawa e~~,.tered \la• abop of a coo f&l)_t.iooer, aad, .ti"odror a' tho cooowr, with COIUiidtrabtt k'at&o d i-..d & pretty lara e ta~l. He \eDdored \he trOOd woman an charge a alrlflaoJ &o P.,y for bie reput, which abe bad to take to r. oeaabboriog elaop Lo obtatn Ohn@e. Leh ~· with tb11 Ytao~ ow fn011d fouod bae eppetlte retaru, and be prOeeed•d to belp hi-ll to 10"!1 amall, o eatly-tw;\led, aod "" utlolui· lcx;kaDt giax-t•llapl, •"'ch • lay "COD• ye ni .. , " He , bad , dtiiiOllabecl w ei YO of those, el/l~ ~lnJ only a bJie, wllea l~~ tlbopmiat..- rewnaecll Tbe yoovptet polnti(l to tbe aalur by ""1 of •oqalriDI wba~ ... , tho ~ll. au\1 wu .ra\latr eolf· priaed by t.be ·~.ou-• Dear' - ; ye bae' ua eallll ODJ. ~~ .. uee IIJafll ,._., J~ twal '9: \hem,• aid tbe'1ooih ' wha.t for

lly ord er, • ' l1. T. K~WIIT. •

• F ur & e. Doarrl of Wurk.t

tiMai httu d.ct. • ($,pet!), W. V, W lrrrEWAY, C bturmau

\Y. ~3. 1:1. DOWJIILI.f, I' J ' J L IT'rt.l;, • A. II. HciUrJ · lt P K•cc, 010. :inc.10•, J. S \Vu~nn, .r~ u. Doolllll. J . 0 F.IWEI!

0 . 3 Gncxc. C~au.e Rc~, Ap\'il 21, I~

/ llaallrCI t11.8PBCTIOlf. - . •.;uo- .. w...:._~. ·~

.LJ. deltl8tiotlwalted oa

l.lo._.,. • .I'IIU.tr. dtl.a -.,.6 .. wl"' rdtr· Or.

toMrt-m, eia1111Y·- _.. ... ,. of tiM

a., reaortao 1\t a o carl18las;e of th iS ntal11.ly to the14 p u uifi aod luahv~ l'1111, tho dyapeptlc 11 -P edaly reatbred to heAitb :tor! atre o¥th, a nd u 11111lo wueu graJ ua lly ... o. is baa.

P'or Oholem., Oholera Horbat, ud OhoUrra Ia!autum, u well MI\Il'l)umtucr (Joooplalnu of a lltll1hr nalarll, Perry Oan t ' Pam Ktlle r, acta Wl!h W o nderfnl rap1dl~y. and N'et<~r ft'l\1la <rhto)ake n 111 1be CODlUJ" " c:e'*' nl ol l\n nttllck , at~t l often coree aRel> hery other remedy baa fallocl

0...-t ar oarrio8 with at aoertaln reepeet. abilitr· wb41\J!er ll al&allhH to a peraon ot &!lint~ Tlall 18 .... puUcululyJn the cue of J.,_., A..W,. Q.ri...,l, whlelt II the •oa& IDVTeliOGI lllfen"lol and eJtterMJ reiiiOd) eTIP d i-...d. It oq~a, 10 be l.'f' ill OYefJ "-· •

lion thO' P llllliiJ!n a:ud th t1L nnder t.bo which tbcJ bad ~eo 10 co nnechoo with IA11' at pt!!aent In exltteoco theiQ. ' ' 11 p ro· tbo maCte~. ' l'ho UofCrnmaut eofl~nter bad YiiiOII n!q nln og apph caota fo r IDUte ... Or been for . 0 1110 &.1011 iiiSpdc:IWaf tbo flaee, m11tes c:ertlfiOAtel to h"o r esided In tb~ r.nd lae \ad re t>Orted fuorably. '.I:he ooo· colony for three J IIU'II pnor to their apph · ll~UCt(Oll of that caaal 'lfo•ld QAAI(derably t::~UOn. 'l 'hAt pi'QYIIIOII was re:ldoretl 110• lhvrt.en Lhe daatAoce he~ ....eo St..' ~orgo'a eel&lry by rcgulatiQ!Ia p roceed ing fro111 the Bay *'.0<1 t>ort an-Port. ,. It' woold efaortea lluanl o f 'I r\•fe. R l'<l: ntly a rle•p3~h wM tho jonrner of dae Weatero m11l boa\ rcceiYed"br tlla Honor t he M hnau11trAlo r frolll cl~&litr to ooe hupdred mileal..beaadea fro111 the <Joloulal Office r~otifyln!f him of A the oultiotr o ft' or one of tho man uaager· chnn~e in the r\l~tlllatwna by wlncb ecrtaua oaa psrta o f tb.' collA Notr tbe aYI\IIf of aorvlco "' ecs b fll"oviJ ecl 111 heu o f th:\t tuna an Jbo wor k oJ \be mair eemee wonld eoud1Ul)n J'he bill conan to tho lloraee elf~t a c:oolid~rable 1't141JctloD lo lh,e fro•n the Upper Cbacbber ud ~bodice ecaM!dy, ucl .MIIecl 10 ~. tbe en·

, ~bdee ebao,... qooraaeaA•a' ucl oeoarhr l'' ea to .JIOr· 'fla Nftral - tloa• wore adopted, aacl eoaa tfa,eUing bJ ..., wo.\ I uwlr ~

&H Q)mmlt&ee r- and reported' &be Hill .. ., upeodh.are wljleh JlllP1 b-. mAde ~ ••t.bnota-ndrnul. llo.;efft'lfl!l' til &be o~~·

' ne ~,P.O" ,_ raoelved, ud tho Dl)l or - lcga~lgll' "'' demallil denld co 1M ~ to \be r..,t~Wln <JouD· il.r ud lD of \be.JIGb· all'bt u.. .-.... , ... aad ll~. Uor.t. 11o ........ ,,u . 'no on:tr of ":!! beiDIIOGI tbroqh au Houo adjtl tJJl to•IDOII'OW .... ...... tbtM o"ctoek,

. -

110 ?•-t Wba' ~r Ao! ~ aMeli CIOO for !nirae 1 illta 'f\n' l ror wean; i'~ &wa piD,• ,o' o' ealo111'-\ ln'& ; 7''" F' a rhaoe, l 'm Uilultta•. li.., IIIUcb be ~~ Cj\' "·~ uenr lpeald, aad llow 11000 we !lOW no& ; baa ,.. • ~" DlftlllttlldiiJ'. ~. ~~ ~n~~~~~· ~.u.· uacl. ........... .... ~..,

BoArd of Wor.kt' Oftlee, .&. Johp'a, .NO~ •• l a u tOUl, IS!S:l