THE COACHMAN Written By Samuel Clark Copyright (c) 2010 This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author. [email protected]

Coachman Script

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Samuel Clark

Copyright (c) 2010 This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.

[email protected]


A thick swirling fog, dark shadows within. CREDITS APPEAR and DISAPPEAR as the fog gradually thins out revealing...


TOLLING hauntingly, Big Ben is faintly seen in this smog filled Victorian horizon of endless BUILDINGS, skeletal industrial cranes and spewing smoke stacks.

We fly down through it all eventually picking out a particular house in the east end, and the window of an attic room, until we...



A small pokey room. Gaslight shines through the window and distant sounds of horse hooves clomping over cobbles can be heard.

CHRISTIAN HARPER, 25, sits at the writing desk. Behind him a small bed and a cupboard. Everything he now owns is in this room. His eyes are soar with tears and he is unshaven, his white shirt grubby. He stares ahead into the middle distance.



A bright sunny day, hustle and bustle of PEOPLE, CARRIAGES and HORSES pass by. All seems delightful. It begins to rain.


Bookshelves clutter the walls, a labyrinth of wood and dusty old volumes.

HARPER, now much more smartly dressed, a man with his life ahead of him and everything to look forward to. He sits at his desk with a grave look on his face. Sitting opposite him. An ACCOUNTANT in his 50s.


ACCOUNTANTEven if you sold all of these books at market value, and the premises, they still wouldn't cover the debt. I’m afraid it's your best option.

HARPERBut bankruptcy? I'll be ruined. There has to be another way?

ACCOUNTANTWe've been very patient with your father, God rest his soul, but with the economy the way it is we can afford you this patience no longer.

(beat)There is an interested party for the remaining stock. She's willing to buy them as a job lot. And at a price above their market value.

HARPEREven the Visconti Hours? That must be worth twenty thousand on its own.

ACCOUNTANTYour father’s debts were significant. Very significant.

Harper sighs, all is lost.

HARPERWho is the buyer?

ACCOUNTANTThey wish to remain anonymous.

A silent pause. Harper thinks, desperate to find a solution in a matter of seconds. There is none.

ACCOUNTANT (CONT'D)I have a number of documents for you to sign.

The Accountant plucks parchments from his leather satchel and slides them across the table. He presents Harper with a quill. Harper pauses, reluctant to sign.

ACCOUNTANT (CONT'D)It's for the best. You're young, ambitious.



You'll find other gainful employment. Were you not a coachman at some point?

Harper glares at him.

HARPERYes, it paid my way through college.

(curious beat)How do you know that?

ACCOUNTANTWe do a considerable amount of fact checking on all our customers.

Harper scowls a little and reluctantly signs the papers. The accountant bundles them together and places them in his leather satchel. He stands up. They shake hands.

ACCOUNTANT (CONT'D)Don't look so worried. An opportunity will present itself, I'm sure.

And with that the accountant leaves.



A COCKROACH, crawls over the desk and A HANDWRITTEN LETTER and the envelope. The envelope is addressed to ANGELA DAVIS.

Harper's look grows more intense, a mixture of sadness and rage.

A candle flickers and finally burns out.

HARPER (V.O. PRELAP)But I can start again, build the business up from scratch. It wasn't me who kept bad accounts it was my father.


Harper sits on a bench next to ANGELA DAVIS, a strikingly beautiful woman in her early 20s, distinctly of aristocratic origins and a lady of leisure.

HARPERThis is just a minor set back. A hump in the road.



ANGELAI'm sorry, Christian. We can't build a marriage on hopes and dreams.

HARPERBut... I... What about love?

Harper searches her eyes for any sign of hope. She smiles faintly, looks away.

ANGELAI can't.

(beat)I must go.

And she stands up. Harper watches her walk away amongst the other PEOPLE.

He bolts up out of the chair and runs after her.

She gasps when he grips her upper arm and spins her around to face him.

HARPERPlease, Angela. I am nothing without you.

Other people turn their heads at the slight scene he's causing. His grip tightens.

ANGELAChristian, you're hurting me.

Harper relinquishes.

HARPERSorry, I...

She turns, walks away at a more hurried pace. Harper can do nothing but watch in desperation.



Harper saunters along in his dishevelled suit. People pass by. He stops at a restaurant window and looks inside...

THROUGH THE WINDOW -- London's opulent and affluent, eating, drinking chatting, laughing.

Harper’s look switches to surprise on seeing...


THROUGH THE WINDOW -- ANGELA sitting opposite a GENTLEMAN as they eat, smiles on their faces.

Harper grimaces and looks toward the entrance to the restaurant.

But thinks better of it and strides away.


Gaslight pours onto the cobbled street. Jovial chatter from within the Tavern.

The doors CRASH open... Harper is thrown out of the door by a BURLY LANDLORD.

BURLY LANDLORDAnd don't come back.

Harper squirms on the floor, drunk, ego bruised.

The landlord tosses Harper’s hat...

It bounces off Harper and rolls away. He picks himself up and grabs the hat on his way up. In some attempt to regain his pride he fixes the hat squarely upon his head and brushes the dirt off his clothes.

HARPERJust as well. Your establishment isn't fit for rats.

BURLY LANDLORDThen you're lower than a rat. Prissy boy!

Burly Landlord turns back inside. SLAMS the door closed behind him.

Harper staggers away.


Harper wanders along the isolated backstreet, hands buried in his pockets, cursing his own bad luck.

The RATTLE of coach wheels and HOOFBEATS on cobbles up ahead.

Harper looks up, he stares at the approaching carriage and COACHMAN as if hypnotised.

The COACHMAN wears a long heavy overcoat and his face is shrouded in the shadow of his hood.


Harper stops walking. A heavy and thick fog descends on the street. It seems to be getting thicker as the Coachman and carriage get closer.

The COACHMAN glares ominously at Harper as the CARRIAGE and HORSES glide past.

CLOSE ON - The WHEELS rolling over cobbles kicking up... A SHEET OF NEWSPAPER- it flutters and seesaws through the air finally landing on Harper’s shoulder.

Bewildered and perplexed, he picks the sheet off his shoulder and looks back along the street.

The coachman and carriage ride away. As it does the fog thins out giving way to clear night air.

Harper takes a furtive glance down at the newspaper sheet, the classified section.


Wanted - Book valuer. For immediate appointment. Must speak fluent Hungarian.

Harper raises his eyebrows, surprised and delighted at the serendipity.


Harper enters, unsteady on his feet. He brushes the envelope addressed to Angela aside and...

CLOSE ON: THE LETTER - as it falls from the desk onto the floor.

Harper grabs a quill and a fresh sheet of writing paper, dips the quill in the ink pot and writes.


Harper walks down the stairs and pauses at the bottom, he looks both ways and listens.

The coast clear, he hurries down the narrow corridor toward the door.

MRS BAKER (O.S.)Mr. Harper?

Harper winces. Turns around to face... MRS. BAKER, a dowdy woman in her 60s.


MRS BAKERYour rent is overdue, Mr. Harper.

HARPERI know, I’m very sorry. If you could give me a little more time.

MRS BAKER(scowls)


HARPERA job opportunity, ma’am.

Presents the letter.

MRS BAKERThe end of the week. If I don’t get it by then, you’re out on the street.

HARPERThank you kindly.

And Harper exits.


Harper strolls along, notably more optimistic, carriages and pedestrians pass by. He reaches a POSTBOX on the street corner and slots the letter in. With a hopeful smile he turns away from the postbox, but pauses at...

A thick fog descends, together with an eerie silence.

The rumble of hoofbeats and carriage wheels over cobbles breaks the silence.

He glances around, fearful. His look locks on the same carriage and coachman he saw previously. He watches it pass by, hypnotised. Then...

BUMP... A passer by bumps into him almost knocking Harper off his feet.

PASSER BYWatch yourself!!

Harper watches the man walk away and then looks around bewildered because...

The fog has instantaneously cleared. He shakes off the strange anomaly and continues in the opposite direction.



Harper walks along the quite back street. On reaching the gates to the Davis town house he hesitates and looks at...

The short pathway leading to the door, flowers bloom on either side, forming a tunnel of foliage.

He grips the gate handle, and steps through.

At the door- He shuffles on his feet, adjusts his tie and tidies his hair, then knocks.

The door finally swings open... MRS. DAVIS, 50s, answers. Her cheery expression drops instantly on seeing Harper.

MRS DAVISShe’s not here.

HARPERPlease, five minutes. It’s all I ask.

The curtains flutter in one of the second storey windows.

MRS DAVISShe doesn’t wish to see you. And if you don’t leave I’ll notify the police.


And the door SLAMS closed. Leaving him standing there. He’s about to turn and walk away when he looks up at the...

SECOND STOREY WINDOW- We catch a glimpse of Angela as she retreats back into the room.

Harper sighs heavily. Turns and walks back along the path.


Brimming with boisterous activity. WORKING MEN easing the stress of the day with drink, raucous young women laughing.

In a dark corner, HARPER sips from a tankard and looks across at the joviality with a forlorn, tortured expression. He tosses a coin on the table in payment and leaves.



A cruel wind whips across the street as Harper staggers along the pavement. He wraps his overcoat tighter around himself. His steps uneven and awkward he...

TRIPS and STUMBLES in a drunken stupor and falls in a heap on the floor.

He settles, breathing heavily, laid on the cold ground. Rolls over on his back, he looks up into the...

NIGHT SKY-- Murky grey clouds roll, twist and turn across the bright white moon. And we...



Sunlight struggles to cut through the curtains as Harper rolls over in a cold sweat, not restful sleep.


MRS BAKER (O.S.)Mr. Harper!

The knocking comes again.

MRS BAKER (O.S.)Mr. Harper you have a telegram.

Harper sits up, his eyes brighten with hope, despite his hangover. He throws on a shirt and pads across the room but stops, on seeing...

HIS SLIGHTLY RUSTING CUT THROAT RAZOR on the writing desk, it’s covered in blood.

He stares at it in confusion.

MRS BAKER (O.S.)Mr. Harper?

Harper opens the door... Mrs. Baker presents the telegram. Harper takes it, but Mrs Baker holds on to it.

MRS BAKERThe rent?


HARPERI’m sorry, Mrs. Baker but I haven’t had the opportunity to visit the bank as yet.

Mrs Baker scowls.

HARPERBut, rest assured. This telegram could be news of a lucrative job opportunity and I have every confidence that I will be appointed. And when I am. I’ll pay a full six months in advance.

Mrs. Baker stares at him for a beat and lets go of the telegram. Harper tears it open.

ORDOG (V.O.)“Dear Mr. Harper, thank you for your recent application. I am delighted to invite you for an interview. Please be at my offices at 1 p.m sharp on January 2nd. Three Cavendish place. I look forward to making your acquaintance. YoursOrdog, Notary Public.”

Harper rushes over to the writing desk... Unknown to him he kicks the letter further under the table...

HARPERWhat time is it?

Harper shuffles his writing papers and other clutter, looking for something.

HARPERThe time, Mrs Barker please.

He flashes his look to the door. She’s gone. Harper lets out a growl of frustration and continues frantically searching his desk, eventually finding his--

POCKET WATCH. The hands show 12.15.

He rushes over to the cupboard, grabs a shirt and suit from the rack and hurriedly begins dressing.



Hustle and bustle of a busy London day. The CLOMPING horse hooves on the roads. BEGGAR CHILDREN darting to and fro. OPULENT GENTLEMEN AND LADIES carrying shopping bags.

Harper makes his way through the CROWDS at a hurried pace, constantly checking his pocket watch. He bumps past a BURLY WORKING CLASS MAN.


And hurries on.

He stops at the curb, waiting for the carriages and traffic to pass by. After a moment, he glances left and sees...

A HANSOM CAB trotting slowly along. Enough time to get across, and he walks out onto the road.

WHOOSH... A second horse and carriage THUNDERS around the hansom cab at a blistering speed, heading straight toward.

Harper flashes his look left...

It’s that same COACHMAN, staring him down, cracking the reins, whipping the horses into a frenzied gallop.

Harper lurches forward, hurrying onto the path at the other side, glances behind him at...

The horse hooves and wheels kicking up dirt and puddles, the carriage and driver charging onward relentlessly.

He pants, relieved, catching his breath. None of the other PEDESTRIANS seem to have noticed this near miss as they go about their business.

Shrugging it off, Harper checks his pocket watch: 12:49.


He rounds the corner onto a small cobbled side street and makes his way up the small incline of the hill. Houses and offices on either side.

He pauses at the door of 3 Cavendish place, straightens his clothes and mops the sweat from his brow. Glances down at his pocket watch... 12:55... Phew. He breathes a sigh of relief.

And knocks on the door.



Harper steps inside, his hat held at his waist. He looks around at...

Clutter. Piles of parchments, documents, dusty old books, scrolls and book shelves. In the middle of this disorganized mess is a desk. NOTARY ORDOG, his back to us, hunts through the parchments.

Harper, coughs gently and Ordog spins around. A wizened old man in his 70s with long white hair. He peers at Harper over his glasses.

HARPERI'm Christian Harper. I have an appointment.

Ordog continues to glare... Then...

ORDOGAhh yes, please have a seat.

Harper looks around again but there's no chair to be found. He spies one in the corner of the room.

Goes to remove the parchments and scrolls sat on it when he notices a particular document.


"Purchase Agreement... The soul of William Hargreaves... For good and valuable consideration..." Etc

Harper peers at the document, perplexed and suspicious.

ORDOG (O.S.)Is something the matter?

Harper starts out of his thoughts. Hurries to put the documents in a neat pile on the floor and positions the chair opposite the desk and Ordog.

Ordog peers at Harper as he lights a pipe.

ORDOG (CONT'D)I understand you speak Hungarian.

HARPER(in Hungarian)

Yes, my grandmother was Hungarian.


ORDOGGood, good, very useful for this particular job.

HARPERMay I enquire as to the full nature of the employment?

ORDOGYou see those three books?


ORDOGWhat can you tell me about them?

Harper fetches the top book from the desk, as he does loose scrolls flutter to the floor.

He examines the spine and feels the grain of the cover in a meticulous and delicate fashion. He opens the book and studies some of the pages. Then brings the open book to his nose, smelling the pages.

HARPERWell sir. It looks like one of the four volumes of the Ibarra 'Don Quixote', 1780.

ORDOGWhat do you mean, looks like?

HARPERIt's a forgery.


HARPERYes, sir. The pages, while they look genuine have been prematurely aged using tea staining. The smell is quite distinctive. And clearly not the original blue paper the Venetian's used in the 16th century.

ORDOGAnd how much would you say it was worth?


HARPERIn actuality, no more than thirty pounds. If sold as a genuine edition, you could get close to thirty thousand pounds. Possibly more, do you have the second volume?

Ordog puffs out smoke. Gestures toward the second book in the pile.

ORDOGAnd what do make of the second book?

Harper studies the second book in much the same way.

HARPERA hot off the presses edition of Dickens' Pickwick Papers. The final part has yet to appear in The Strand so I imagine you garnered this copy from the publishers? You could get a price significantly larger than retail. That is, if you can find a buyer before the book is released. Do you have a buyer?

ORDOGAnd the third?

HARPERA Hungarian cook book, if I'm not mistaken. Has very little value, a shilling, not much more.

Ordog puffs out more smoke, adding to the office's already poisonous atmosphere.

ORDOGVery good, excellent.

A silent beat as Ordog stares at Harper as if he were examining Harper’s very soul.

Harper twitches nervously in the chair.

HARPERWhat is the job, if I may ask?

ORDOGYou will be cataloguing and valuing the estate of Countess Szélanya.



Specifically her library. She has merely weeks to live, so speed is of the essence. You will have the run of the house as the countess and her family are in Hungary.

HARPERWhere is the estate?

ORDOGHampshire, near a small village called Redhills.

HARPERHow did a Hungarian Countess come to acquire such an estate?

Ordog glares at him.

ORDOGHer husband. One of the landed gentry.

HARPERThen why does she retain her Hungarian name?

Ordog glares at him again, doesn't answer.

ORDOGYou will also be required to muck out the coachman's horse stables every evening.

HARPEROh. Wouldn't that be the coachman's duty?

ORDOGDo you want the job or not?

HARPERI will have to get some of my belongings together and settle the rent on my current lodgings.

ORDOGAlready taken care of.




ORDOG (cont'd)

HARPERAnd what of my financial remuneration?

ORDOGEverything you need will be provided.

Ordog presents a document.

ORDOG Sign here.

Harper leans forward, puts on his glasses and examines the contract.

ORDOGDon't just stare at it, boy. Sign it.

Harper promptly takes the nearby quill on the desk. Dips it in the ink-pot. He pauses.

Ordog scowls impatiently and Harper signs.

Ordog snatches the document away as soon as he's done.

ORDOGA carriage is waiting outside.

HARPERIt is? Already?

ORDOGI have another engagement. So, if you would be so kind as to close the door on your way out.

Harper blinks, surprised at this abruptness. He stands and offers his hand for a handshake.

HARPERThank you kindly for the opportunity, Mr. Ordog.

ORDOGYes, yes. Now leave.


Smog embellishes the street. The carriage awaits on the road. THE COACHMAN stares ahead as if lifeless.


Harper exits Ordog's building and pauses, looking around, noting the unusual quick descent of night.

He’s even more shocked when he looks down at the pavement where --

Two suitcases sit. Harper looks at them, perplexed. Looks up at --

THE COACHMAN, his frame covered in a heavy overcoat and his head covered by a black hood... Harper is about to say something...

When the carriage door swings open of its own accord.

Harper remains where he is, bewildered. He plucks his pocket watch from his pocket and under the dim gaslight, the hands show... 8:15.

The Coachman cracks his whip, the horses shuffle. Taking the cue, Harper grabs the baggage and clambers inside the coach.

The instant he closes the door... The horses trot forward.



Autumn leaves descend from the aligning trees creating a floor of rustling browns, oranges and yellows.

The COACH whips past at an alarmingly fast speed. Breaking through the rapidly descending fog.

And drives further and further into the distance. Deeper and deeper into the Hampshire countryside.


The coach continues on its journey, trundling through the small hamlet of bleak stone abodes. It passes a sign--


The dense fog still persists.

Harper peers out of the carriage window at the passing houses. He looks down at the gravel road-- tearing its way underneath him and then ahead at...

The SZÉLANYA ESTATE -- a huge great house, and its sprawling wild gardens nestled in a shallow valley below.



A thick fog clouds the road leading up to the estate.

TWO PILLARS mark the entrance... stone STAGS at their peaks, their front legs raised in aggression, is if they were about to spring to life and fight.

The coach comes into view and turns off the main road onto the long gravel road leading to the main mansion house.


The Carriage rounds the fountain centre piece (another Stag at the peak) and halts before its huge grand entrance doors.

The Coachman lingers for several beats.

The door to the carriage opens and Harper climbs out with his baggage.

He looks ahead, wide eyed at the size and grandness of the mansion. Fog swirls and an eerie silence permeates. Harper pauses in a fearful daze.

HOOFBEATS, jolt him out of his revere. The carriage and coachman drive away. Harper looks over his shoulder and watches the...

COACH drive away, in a strange static motion, while its surroundings seem perfectly normal.

Harper shudders a little turns to face the large door and steps forward.


Dusty cobwebs adorn the large space. White sheets cover the furniture. Except for... A table... On which is a sealed envelope. Addressed to CHRISTIAN HARPER.

Harper sets his suitcases down and approaches the table. Tears open the letter and reads.

COUNTESS SZÉLANYA (V.O.)Dear Mr. Harper. I hope you found the estate well and your journey was a pleasant one. I am sorry I cannot be there in person to greet you, but I would like to formally welcome you to my estate and thank you for your hard work in advance.



Feel free to chose any of the bedrooms in the west wing. The east wing of the house is old and has many sad memories and you won’t find it very comfortable. I'm afraid there will not be much food in the house. The tavern in the village will tend to your needs and the villagers are most pleasant, as I am sure Ordog has already told you. A mild word of warning. Be careful to steer clear of the coach house as much as possible, except of course when you clean the stables. Thank you again. And I hope you find happiness in the work. Gratefully yours. Countess Szelanya

Harper affords himself a smile. Folds the letter and tucks it inside his pocket.

He yawns a little and makes his way up the stairs.


An eerie wind rattles through the long corridor, rooms on either side. In between the doors, ALCOVES where stone statues from Hungarian folklore*** sit.

Harper walks along the red carpet taking it all in with nervous apprehension. He turns his attentions to the nearest door, opens it and steps inside.


A large room, again, most of the furniture is covered in white blankets. It looks pleasant enough. Harper steps through, sets his suitcases down and closes the door behind him.

- Harper sets about uncovering the furniture of the white sheets. WHOOSH, reveals a desk... WHIP, reveals a table and dresser... FWUM... reveals a chair by the fireplace...

- He unpacks his suitcases and carefully places the neatly folded items of clothing into the drawers. Hangs shirts in the cupboard.

As he does a howling wind rattles the large open window... He strides over to it. He’s about to close it when CLUCKING, peeks his curiosity...



DOWN BELOW, amidst the wild overgrown gardens, a small chicken pen. Black chickens CLUCK and wander in the mud.

Not far off...

THE COACH HOUSE - A small stone abode, withered with age and detached from the main estate. Connected to it...

STABLES, Horses grunt and shuffle from within. And the all too familiar CARRIAGE sits parked in a bay.

BEYOND - Clusters of trees outlining the estate, a hill rises up toward...

The village of Redhills. Fog wisps in the valley. A bright white moon struggles to shine through it.

Harper closes the windows and retreats back into the room.

FOOTSTEPS from outside his room... Harper hurries over to the door swings it open and looks out into--


It’s empty. Just the gentle wind rustling through from the open door at the end of the corridor. Harper shrugs it off and steps back into the room.



Harper sleeps... A deeply unrestful sleep, he tosses and turns in a cold sweat. CLUCKING from the chickens outside invades the room. Wind rattles the paintings on the walls, and shudders the strange and unfamiliar foreign figurines and ornaments sitting on the mantle above a withering fire in the fireplace.

Harper, groans and moans in his sleep. Lets out A SHARP CRY, his eyes flash open and he shudders, relief washes over him, “only a dream”. He sits up.



Harper sits at a writing desk, quill in hand, blank sheet of parchment paper staring back at him.

He begins to write, phrases like...


Dearest Angela, I’m sorry. If I’ve done something wrong...

He scratches that last phrase out...

I have gained employment with a... At a...

Reestablish myself, I’m not sure as to the financial ends, but I’m sure it will be rather lucrative.

He gives up, sits back in his chair,sighs at the desperation of it all, then screws up the piece of paper and tosses into the fire, he begins again.


Unseen birds chirp in the trees and the ever present fog swirls around the large great house and its grounds.

WE PULL IN TOWARD -- One of the large second storey windows in the west wing of the house, revealing within...


A huge room, bookshelves line the walls stretching from floor to ceiling. In the centre... A large oak study desk.

Harper enters and places his writing materials on the desk. He pauses and looks around the room at the huge undertaking that looms before him.

He crosses the room and examines some of the volumes.

Then carries as many as he can and plonks them down on the desk.


LATER31 31

HARPER, at the desk... Examining each book in turn, writing the title, its author and its potential value in columns set out on the pages of a large LEDGER-STYLE BOOK.



Finished with books and volumes are now piled in disarray around the desk.


Harper plucks a pipe from his pocket along with a pouch of tobacco. He lights it and gets up from the seat. Strolls across to the large bay window. He looks...

OUT OF THE WINDOW... rolling hills and scattering of trees stand prominently. Their leaves turning in the autumn, but not of yellows and browns... STARK CRIMSON REDS. They fall on the ground below adding to the already thick layer. It looks like the hills are covered in blood.

In the near distance... A small church and graveyard.


Harper, now changed into a fresh dress suit, exits the Mansion house and walks a little way down the steps. He stops in his tracks, staring ahead, surprised to see...

The coachman and carriage awaiting him.

HARPERI think I would like to walk into the village and get some fresh air.

The coachman turns his head to look at Harper. His face hidden in the shadows of the hood. His presence is positively menacing.

Harper shudders a little and takes a step back.

The carriage door swings open of its own accord. Harper looks on shocked. Regathers his nerve.

HARPER (CONT'D)If you could tell me the best way to walk into the village I would be very grateful.

The Coachman doesn't answer and keeps looking at him. Fog swirls around him. Harper shudders in fear. After a beat he gives up his resistance, steps forward and climbs into the carriage.


A fountain provides the centerpiece to the outlining, houses and businesses. A TAVERN, a few shops, a post office, and other places of business.

The coachman and carriage TROTS into view. The two horses gruff and grunt as they come to a stop outside...

REDHILLS TAVERN. As they do a thick fog descends all around.


Harper steps out and surveys the village square, deathly silent. He turns around to address the coachman...

But he's gone... A few beats as Harper flashes looks all around, searching the area for any sign of the carriage. As he does, the fog miraculously clears as quickly as it came.

An OLD WOMAN sweeping her steps catches Harper’s eye. They look at each other for a moment. The Old Woman mutters something in Hungarian and goes back inside her house.


The tavern is completely empty and the decor looks as if this is its first day of business.


A silent beat. Harper steps toward the bar counter.

HARPERIs anyone here, hello?

Another silent beat, all still and quiet. Harper flashes a sweeping look around at...

The empty tables and chairs... He looks ahead again... stunned to see...

WILLIAM HARGREAVES, an amiable man in his 40s, standing behind the bar, ready to serve him.

Harper takes a moment to calm himself.

HARGREAVESMr. Christian Harper I presume. Our resident book valuer. Allow me to introduce myself. William Hargreaves at your service.

Harper pauses at the name.

HARGREAVESWhat can I get you?

HARPERI don’t know, what’s good here?

HARGREAVESMight I recommend the goat goulash and a bottle of our finest port. The best in the village.


HARPERGoat? I’ve never had, goat.

HARGREAVESFirst time for everything.

Harper nods...

HARPERA little slow this evening, isn’t it?

...gestures toward the empty tables and chairs.

HARGREAVES(pours the port)

It gets busier as the evening wears on. Please, have a seat.

Harper rounds the corner with the intention of taking a seat at a table by the window, but pauses in stunned awe on seeing...

ISTANAYA SZÉLANYA, 20s... long curly red hair that falls about her shoulders, smooth pale skin and sparkling blue eyes like crystals.

Harper gazes at her. Silence hangs in the air. Before Istanaya gets too uncomfortable...


Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll find another table.

ISTANAYAIt’s fine. Please, join me, I’d be glad of the company.

HARPERIf it’s not any trouble.

ISTANAYANone at all.

Harper takes a seat.

HARPERAllow me to introduce myself, Christian Harper.

ISTANAYAAhhh, our resident book valuer.


HARPERHow did you know?

She nods toward Hargreaves and smiles.

HARPERAnd who are you? I mean... What’s your name, if I may be so bold.

ISTANAYAIstanaya Szelanaya.

HARPERCan I assume you are related to the countess?

ISTANAYAYou can and I am.

A long silent beat. Harper sips the glass of port.

HARPERI do find it most perplexing.


HARPERThe village and its surroundings seem strange. Almost as if I’m not in England at all. Add to that, the manner in which I found myself here. It’s all happening so quickly I can barely get a handle on it. And it seems like...



HARPERIt almost seems like I’m fated to be here, or manipulated in some fashion.

ISTANAYAThat is very strange. Do you believe in things like that?

HARPERThings like what?


ISTANAYADestiny and fate.

Harper takes a moment to consider his answer.

HARPERIn certain elements of life, yes.

ISTANAYAWhich ones?

HARPEROne cannot control who one loves. You just do.

ISTANAYASo you don’t believe in choosing love?

HARPEROnly when there are other factors involved. The purest, and truest form of it is instinctual, a thing in and of itself. Other things are more in your control.

Harper is about to ask another question, when he is interrupted by Hargreaves who lays the bowl/plate of goat goulash before him and the bottle of port.

HARGREAVESI brought an extra glass.

Istanaya smiles her approval. Hargreaves pours the port.

HARGREAVES(in Hungarian)


HARPERDo you reside at the estate?

ISTANAYAI do indeed.

HARPEROh, I was led to believe I would be alone, that I would have the run of the house.

ISTANAYALed to believe, by whom?


HARPERThe notary Ordog?

ISTANAYAHe knows only that which he needs to.

(beat)Don’t worry yourself. Hungarians tend to move very swiftly in their business affairs.

Harper still looks uncomfortably worried.

HARPERAnd if I’m not greatly mistaken, doesn’t the name “Ordog” mean... Devil?

ISTANAYAIndeed it does.

Harper gulps back the wine. He settles a little.

ISTANAYAHow are you finding the work? Anything of value?

HARPERNot as yet. There’s some Americana, dime novels and I’ve found myself intrigued by the Hungarian folklore. I’m struggling to put a value on them.

ISTANAYAWe have a rich culture, vastly ignored by the English.

Harper spoons some of the goulash and eats, dabs his mouth with the napkin.

HARPERI wonder if I might ask about the Coachman.

Istanaya’s face sours.

ISTANAYAWhat would you like to know?

HARPERWho is he?


ISTANAYAHis name is Vladimir Cubrit and has been in my families service for as long as I can remember.

HARPERWhy does he wear the hood?

ISTANAYATo cover his scars.


ISTANAYABurn scars, many years ago he was caught in a fire. A sad memory and one I’d rather not delve in.

HARPERI apologize.

ISTANAYAYou’ve nothing to apologize for.

She smiles and sips her wine.

ISTANAYASo, what about you?


ISTANAYAHow did you come to be in the employ of my family.

HARPERI saw an advertisement. I applied and now I’m here.

ISTANAYASurely there must be better prospects in London?

HARPERI needed to get away.

ISTANAYAAnd what might you be getting away from?

Harper’s face drops. He regathers himself...


HARPERA sad memory I’d rather not delve in.

...and sips more wine.



Candle-light pours out from the tavern windows. Harper and Istanaya exit the pub. A bitter wind whips the red leaves across the street. Harper takes off his overcoat and wraps it around Istanaya. As he does the strange fog descends and we hear the sound of rolling carriage wheels and hoofbeats.

The carriage and coachman roll up in front of them.

Istanaya enters the carriage... Harper pauses, staring up at the Coachman.

ISTANAYAAre you coming?

Harper snaps out of his trance and assists Istanaya inside the carriage.


Harper and Istanaya sit in the carriage. Harper seems a little on edge, while Istanaya is more comfortable. Harper glances toward the curtain covered window on the door. He leans over and pulls the curtain back, he peers.

OUTSIDE THE CARRIAGE -- Dense fog swirls and turns, passing by at great speed. He looks down... More fog. The carriage wheels and horse hooves make no sound. The carriage would appear to be flying.

Harper looks ahead and sees...

A WHITE STAG emerges out of the fog... And runs... leading the carriage’s path.



Harper sits back down. Istanaya glances at him.

ISTANAYAIs something wrong?


HARPERToo much port I suspect.

He smiles, but his disposition shows he is very unnerved, if not altogether frightened.


The coach and carriage trundle along. It turns into the estate between the two stag statues.


Harper and Istanaya step into the lobby, Harper a little way behind. They pause at the foot of the stairwell and the small table nearby.

ISTANAYAThank you for keeping me company. It was a very pleasant evening.

HARPERYou are most welcome.

He assists her in taking off the overcoat, as he does he notices something on the table behind Istanaya.

ISTANAYAIs something the matter?

Harper passes her and picks up another LETTER... His name written on the envelope. He opens it.

COUNTESS SZÉLANYA (V.O.)It is best not to walk into the village, it is in your interest to use the carriage for any such visits.

ISTANAYAWhat's wrong, Mr. Harper?

Harper looks around the lobby.

HARPERHow on God's green earth did she know?

ISTANAYAKnow? Know what?


HARPERThe Countess. I thought she was in Hungary.


Harper presents the letter. She reads it and looks up with furrowed brow.

ISTANAYAI’m sorry, I don’t understand.

HARPERThis afternoon I... It’s nothing. Probably just an addendum to the first letter.

ISTANAYANothing to worry about then. I’ll bid you good evening.

HARPEROf course. Good night and sleep well.

Istanaya makes her way up the grand staircase and turns into the east wing of the house, it’s almost as if she’s floating like a ghost. Harper gazes at her dreamily.

Harper looks back to the letter in his hands, still greatly puzzled.



Clouds drift across the night sky, revealing and covering the bright white moon that hangs above the estate, the rolling hills and the large mansion. Rain thunders down and a harsh wind whips through the trees. There are no signs of the fog we previously saw.


Harper tosses and turns in his bed, sweating profusely and trembling. Wind and rain batter the windows. The candle flutters and blows out.

Harper’s eyes snap open. He takes long slow deep breaths attempting to calm himself.


A moment later, he sits up in bed and grabs a cloth, drenches it in water from a bowl at the side of his bed and pats his face. After he’s done he reaches out for the cup of water next to the bowl, but finds it empty.


Harper steps out into the red carpeted hallway carrying a portable candle.

As he walks toward the end of the hallway candlelight bounces around the hallway creating strange shadows and ghostly images across the walls. Highlighting the STATUES in the alcoves.


On reaching the peak of the huge spiral stairwell, he looks across.

On the opposite side... and the east wing. THE COACHMAN, his face shrouded in shadow and standing eight foot tall, an immense presence. He seems to be staring into the very soul of Harper.

Harper shudders.

HARPERExcuse me, sir. I was merely on my way to fetch some fresh water.

Harper expects a reaction, but the COACHMAN says nothing.

Harper continues down the stairs, trying hard not to look at him. But he can’t resist the enigma of the coachman. There, but somehow not there.

Harper has made his way halfway down the stairs when...

The Coachman descends... As if floating.

Harper quickens his pace, but his legs won’t run as fast as the coachman glides...


Harper reaches the bottom and sidles left... but loses his footing and falls...

WHOOOOSH... Harper glares in fearful awe as The Coachman glides across the lobby toward the huge entrance doors and... VANISHES in a brief splash of flames.


The remnants of which scale the walls, like black vines, spreading. They fade the instant...

...Harper gets to his feet and glares at the door. He takes a moment, unable to believe what he just saw, then shrugs it off as mere folly.


The tap CHUNDERS and CHUGS... Spits out murky black water that takes several moments to clear. Harper places the glass under it, until full. He turns and exits back into...

LOBBY44 44

And ascends the stairwell... He stops in his tracks... Staring at...

THE COACHMAN - in the same position he was previously. Harper struggles to deny the reality of what he’s seeing. Stands dumbfounded.

Until The Coachman sweeps down once again...

Harper charges up the stairs and onto the west wing stairwell. He looks back... Watches...

The Coachman glide across the lobby and through the main entrance doors causing another brief splash of flames, further creating dirty vines to spread across the marble white walls...

Wasting no time he hurries along the hallway.

Reaches... the door to his bedroom and grasps the handle, he looks back...

ALONG THE HALLWAY - where the coachman stands... Staring at him!

Harper hurries inside.


And SLAMS the door closed, shuddering in fear. He locks the door and steps back, half expecting the Coachman to burst through.


The Moon drops behind the great house, giving way to bright morning sunlight.




Harper, at the oak desk... A book open before him (in Hungarian). He reads, scaling his finger across the Magyar words, translating as he reads.

HARPER (V.O.)The third variety is as a Satanic lover, ördögszereto, quite similar to an incubus or succubus. This form of the Lidérc flies at night, appearing as a fiery light, a will o' the wisp, or even as a bird of fire. In the northern regions of Hungary and beyond it is also known as ludvérc, lucfir. In Transylvania and Moldavia it goes by the names of lidérc, lüdérc, and sometimes ördög.

(beat)Literally, the Devil. While in flight, the Lidérc sprinkles flames. On earth, it can assume a human shape, usually the shape of a much lamented dead relative or lover. Its footprints are that of a horse. The Lidérc enters houses through chimneys or keyholes, brings sickness and doom to its victims. It leaves the house with a splash of flames and dirties the walls. Burning incense and birch branches prevent the Lidérc from entering one's dwelling. In the eastern regions of Hungary and beyond, it is said the Lidérc is impossible to outrun, it haunts cemeteries, and it must disappear at the first crow of a rooster at dawn.


Harper jolts with a start... relaxes a little.

He closes the book and looks toward...

The large bay windows and the sprawling RED hills beyond...

Harper lights his pipe, puffs on it, expelling smoke as he strolls across the room. It relaxes him for the briefest of moments until he reaches the window and looks out.


POV HARPER - The rolling hills covered in red leaves. The church and the surrounding graveyard. A PERSON, stood at one of the graves. Distinct red curly hair flowing down over her whiter than white dress, Istanaya?


A huge dining hall, a long table set in the centre, lined with chairs.

Harper enters carrying a plate, on which, a big lump of cheese and bread. He takes a seat at the head of the table.

He glances up at the empty silence of the great dining hall and sighs. He takes a bite of the bread and winces at the taste.

Giving up on the idea, he tosses the napkin on the table and exits.


Harper saunters into the lobby toward the main entrance, he stops and looks over his shoulder back at the stairwell and the entrance onto the east wing.

He thinks better of it and continues through the main doors.


And sure enough the COACHMAN and carriage are waiting for him. Harper goes to say something, but doesn’t bother.

The carriage door opens of its own accord as he makes his way down the short incline of steps.

He climbs inside the carriage. The Coachman cracks his whip and the horses trot forward.


Thin wisps of fog linger. The small village, as always is eerily silent.


Harper enters approaching Hargreaves who cleans down the bar top.

HARGREAVESMr. Harper, always a pleasure. What can I get you this evening?


Harper looks around the tavern before answering. There’s no one else here.

HARPERThe usual.

HARGREAVESGood enough.

He pours wine into a glass.

HARPERI was wondering if there is a post office in the village.

HARGREAVESOf course. If you have any letters I’ll happily hand them over to Milos.

HARPERIf you don’t mind, I’d rather I do it myself.

HARGREAVESWell the post office is closed at the moment and with your duties at the estate filling up your time, wouldn’t it be more expedient for me to take the letters for you?

Harper regards him suspiciously. He plucks three letters from his pocket and passes them to Hargreaves.

HARGREAVESI’ll make sure he gets them.

HARPERIs Istanaya here this evening?

HARGREAVESI’m afraid not, Mr. Harper. It’s the eleventh of November.


HARGREAVESThe anniversary of her husband’s death.



HARGREAVESA terrible tragedy. He was caught in a fire, burned to death.

Harper pauses. Connecting the dots.

HARPERAny news of her mother?

Hargreaves regards him with confusion.



HARGREAVESIf you’ll excuse me. The better half calls.

Hargreaves turns into the “staff only” door.

Harper takes a seat at the same table by the window. Sips his wine and looks out...

Across the street... The church and graveyard. Istanaya drifts from the graveyard and into the main church building.

Harper thinks a moment and gets up out of his seat. Exits the tavern.


Harper stops short, staring at the Coachman and carriage. It wasn’t there a moment ago. Did it appear out of nowhere?

Harper moves to go around it... But the coachman steers the horses and the following carriage to block his path. Harper halts. He turns and walks quickly along the pavement.

And to his surprise the coach trots alongside him, once again blocking his path across the street. Harper stops, regards the Coachman.

HARPERSir? Why do you block my path?

But the Coachman doesn’t respond.

Harper starts in the opposite direction and attempts to go behind the rear of the carriage, but just as before...


The coachman cracks his whip and the horses trot BACKWARDS in an unnatural static motion, preventing Harper from crossing the street.

Thinking quickly Harper opens the carriage door and climbs inside.


And he steps through, opening the opposite door, hopping out...


...Onto the street, but the coachman is not outdone. Harper halts and looks grimly on, at...

THE COACHMAN, his huge black shadowy frame blocking the entrance into the graveyard.

HARPERWhy do you not let me pass? I merely wish to comfort Istanaya.

The Coachman says nothing and just lingers there.

Harper gives up. Strides back into...


Harper hurries into the tavern, shaken. He grabs the full glass of wine and gulps it back to steady his nerves. He peers out of the window...

The Coachman and Carriage are nowhere to be seen, the street shrouded in fog.

HARGREAVES (O.S.)Mr. Harper?

Harper spins around, startled.

HARGREAVESIs everything all right?

Hargreaves places a bowl of lamb goulash on the table, along with some freshly sliced bread.

Harper pats his face with a handkerchief.

HARPERCould I have some more wine?



Hargreaves leaves his company and crosses the room to the bar. Harper sits down. Takes a moment and picks up the spoon.

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Plate empty, wine bottle almost empty. Harper sits alone. His eyelids heavy. He swigs back the last of the wine. Gathers himself together and exits.


Again the coachman and carriage have appeared. Waiting for him. Harper climbs inside and the horses trot forward.


Considerably drunk and sleepy, Harper rests his head against the wall of the carriage and dozes off.


The carriage pulls up outside the great house, kicking up gravel under its horse-hooves and wheels.

After a beat Harper stumbles out and enters the mansion.


Harper stumbles inside, passes the table at the foot of the stares... Where an envelop sits, addressed to Christian Harper. He notes it, but ignores it and walks on up the red carpeted stairwell.

Pausing at the top he looks toward the opening into the east wing.

Forgetting himself, an perhaps inspired by the wine, he climbs the upper stairwell leading to...


He stops dead in tracks, because, at the end of the hall...

THE COACHMAN, stares back at him.

Smoke gushes out of one of the rooms, in between Harper and the shadowy form of the Coachman. It fills the hallway much like the fog.

Harper charges forward, straight to the...



He swings the door open and steps inside. Batting the smoke away, the smoke clears a little. Harper scans the room, but the source of all this smoke, is missing. He looks on at...

The charcoaled black furniture and broken window... In the corner of the room, a MAN in his 40s, hugging his knees, rocking back and forth, mumbling to himself. This is VLADIMIR CUBRIT (but we don’t know that yet).

Harper rushes over to him. But Vladimir resists and huddles further into the wall.

HARPERSir, please we have to get you to safety.

VLADIMIRNo good, already gone. Not here.

He whimpers. Harper grabs his upper arm in another attempt to get him to his feet.

VLADIMIRNO!!! It is not meant to be.

Vladimir snatches his hand away. Quivers and whimpers.

HARPERBut, sir, you’ll die if you stay here.

Vladimir flashes his look at Harper and now we see his face. Flesh melting off his skull, red muscle tissue stretching and snapping.

VLADIMIRI’m already dead!!!

Suddenly he gets to his feet and runs toward the window, he looks back to the aghast Harper...

VLADIMIRResigned to my fate. Fate!!!! Heed it young man. See the warnings. If you don’t, you cannot avoid it. You will have NO CHOICE... Choice, this way or that, which path, that path or this. Choose wisely and your fate will not be sealed... Your destiny, let it be a pleasant one.



Harper looks on in stunned fear. He charges toward the window and looks out and down at...

NOTHING. No sign of Vladimir, just the hedgerows and gardens of the inner courtyard caught in the white glow of the moonlight...

Harper furrows his brow, confused, as he looks down.

BEHIND HIM... THE COACHMAN at the threshold of the door... His arm reaches out, his long clawed black fingers reach across the room, his arm IS GROWING LONGER AND LONGER STRETCHING ACROSS THE FULL LENGTH OF THE ROOM. It’s about to grab Harper... When...

ISTANAYA (O.S.)Mr. Harper?

He spins around, startled.

Istanaya stands where the Coachman was previously.

The room... Clear of smoke, furniture ALL GONE... Just the bare wood of the floor and the dirty charcoal stained walls. He spins around... The window... UNBROKEN.

ISTANAYAWhat are you doing in here?

Harper can’t answer, lost in some sort of shell shock. Istanaya steps further in.

ISTANAYAAre you okay?

Harper clutches his head and sways, uneasy on his feet. Then collapses...



He wakes with a start... Finds himself laid out in bed. The fire crackles in the fireplace.

At his bed side... Istanaya sits reading a book.

Harper looks considerably pale and sweaty. He sits up uneasily.


ISTANAYATake care, you need to rest. You’ve had a terrible shock.

HARPERHow long have I been asleep?

ISTANAYATwo days, Vladimir helped me get you to your room.

HARPERVladimir? You mean the coachman? He was...

ISTANAYAShhh now, you need to rest. Here, drink.

She grabs a glass of water from the bedside table. Harper takes it and sips.

HARPERWho was that man?


HARPERIn that room.

ISTANAYAThe room was empty, Mr. Harper.

HARPERNo, I saw someone. In the smoke. His face was burned and he... He leapt out of the window.

Istanaya pauses, recognizing the situation.

HARPERWas it your husband?

ISTANAYAPlease, Mr. Harper, don’t worry yourself about such things. Obviously you’re overworked, and tired. It was merely a waking dream brought on by stress.

Istanaya gets up. Taking the empty pitcher of water with her.


ISTANAYAWhen you've recovered I promise I’ll be more attentive. Perhaps I might be able to assist you in some fashion.



And she walks to the door.

ISTANAYAI’ll come back in a few hours with some food.

She closes the door behind her. Harper isn’t convinced. He drinks the rest of the water and then gingerly climbs out of bed.

CHICKENS CLUCKING, avert his attention to the open window, it rattles in the wind. The sound of chickens continues, their clucking getting ever more anxious and disturbed.

Harper gingerly crosses the room and goes to grab the window latch, he pauses, his attention diverted once again.

POV HARPER--- OUTSIDE... THE COACH HOUSE and its bleak stone facade, it almost looks like a ruin. Candle-light flickers from within, highlighting one of the bedrooms in an orangy/yellow hue. We catch a glimpse of the 8ft tall coachman within, a walking shadow.

Harper looks on, transfixed.

The horses in THE STABLES nearby SHUFFLE and GRUNT, unsettled. The CHICKENS continue to CLUCK with anxiety. And then...

Harper’s eyes widen...

As we make out... ISTANAYA, not so much walking as gliding toward the house. Her luxurious red hair and long flowing white gown fluttering in the wind behind her.


But she ignores or doesn’t hear him and continues into the house.


Harper turns charges across the room to the door, despite his weakened disposition. But on reaching the door...

He finds it locked shut. He jimmies the door handle, but it won’t budge.

Back at the window. He peers down...

At the two storey drop, the chicken pen below.

There are now two SHADOWS moving within the candlelit room. The coachman’s massive presence lauds over Istanaya as she disrobes and lays out on the bed....

Harper grimaces and looks away.

ISTANAYA (O.S.)What are you doing out of bed?

Harper glances up, shocked.

Istanaya at the threshold of the door, carrying a fresh pitcher of water.

Harper turns back to look out of the window.

The coach house, still and quiet, the wind has dropped and the chickens have stopped clucking.

HARPERBut I just saw you...


HARPEROutside, you were...

ISTANAYAMr. Harper, you shouldn’t excite yourself like this. It will only cause you harm.

She places the pitcher on the bedside table and gestures for him to get back into bed.

Taking one last look back out the window, he does as she asks.

ISTANAYAI have something that will help you rest.


She takes a small potion bottle from her pocket and dispenses two drops into the glass of water.

Harper lays back in bed.

HARPERWhat is it?

ISTANAYAIt’s a special ointment I made myself from wormwood leaves. Drink. Rest. Your malady will all seem like a dream when you wake.

Harper reluctantly sips the water and the potion within. Within an instant he closes his eyes and sleeps.


Unseen birds CHIRP in the surrounding trees. A layer of white dew covers the grass on the rolling hills surrounding the estate, as well as the grass in the ground within. The morning sun struggles to shine down through the overcast skies.


Looking fully rested, his face the picture of health and colour, Harper hurries about the room, folding his clothes, placing them neatly in his suitcases.

A knock at the door... shortly after Istanaya enters, carrying a breakfast tray, she pauses on seeing the suitcases.

ISTANAYAWhere are you going?

HARPERBack to London.


HARPERThere’s too much... There are...

A pregnant silence hangs in the air. Istanaya places the breakfast tray on a nearby table.

HARPERI’m not of the right mind to handle this. It’s too strange.



Men that are there and then gone in the next instant, a tavern where I seem to be the only patron.

ISTANAYAYou put too much credence in dreams.

HARPERIt’s not just... I find the air and atmosphere here heavy and oppressive. I will happily refund any expense I’ve caused.

ISTANAYAAnd how do you propose to do that?

HARPERBill me, I’ll send on my new address.

Another pregnant pause.

ISTANAYAYou do realise you will be violating a written and signed contract.

Harper glares at her.

ISTANAYAI don’t think you can afford litigation, can you? So therefore you will end up back here, legally compelled to finish the work you were employed to do.

HARPERFine, sue me, I don’t care. My life has already reached rock bottom, I may as well push it further under.

Istanaya softens.

ISTANAYAForgive me. I make idle threats. But is only because I value your presence and your work. If it’s been hard or lonely, I promise to accommodate you in a better fashion.

(beat)Please, eat your breakfast and then I’ll assist you in the work.


HARPER (cont'd)

Harper thinks on her request.


Istanaya sits opposite Harper at the oak desk, books piled high all around them in neat piles. The room is full of hazy autumn sunlight. Harper examines the books while. Istanaya writes in the makeshift ledger/catalogue.

ISTANAYASo, Mr. Harper what’s your story?

HARPERMy story?

ISTANAYAYour sad tale. How did you get here?



HARPERI used to own and run my father’s book store, until he died. He kept bad accounts, I found myself in a mountain of debt and had to sell. If it weren’t for this job, I’d be a beggar on the streets of London.

ISTANAYABut surely there were other job opportunities. I find it difficult to believe a man so learned as yourself couldn’t find gainful employment. In London, no less. England’s beating heart of culture.

HARPERI preferred not to remain in London.


Harper peers at her, unsure about answering.

ISTANAYASorry, I’m prying. How much is this worth?


She passes a book to him. Harper examines it. Smelling the paper, listening to how the pages sound. Examines the actual words, the ink, the font, the typesetting.

HARPEROne million pounds, no more no less.

Istanaya gasps in pleasant shock. She studies Harper’s face. He can’t help but smile, revealing the little white lie.

ISTANAYAYou tease me.


ISTANAYACould there be a book worth that much?

HARPERIt is possible.

ISTANAYAHow do you mean?

HARPERThe value of a book depends greatly on how much the buyer is willing to pay, within certain circumstances.


HARPERWell, one wouldn’t purchase...

He hunts around the desk for an example book, eventually picks out “The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole”.

HARPER (CONT’D)...This for example, as it is widely available in most shops. You would have to be a lunatic to offer such a sum. They call it, market value.

ISTANAYAOf course. So, the book would have to be rare?


HARPERIndeed, probably a first edition. There is one book that would fetch a very high price. A unique volume published in the late 14th century.

ISTANAYAReally? What’s it called?

HARPERIt’s a book of hours. Commissioned by the ruler of Milan, Gian Galeazzo Visconti. In common English terms it’s known as “The Visconti Hours”. I used to own it. Alas it has probably found its way back to the Librazzo de Florence.

Istanaya regards him, a silence hangs in the air. Harper looks off into the middle distance, remembering his past.

ISTANAYA You do impress me Mr. Harper, how much is it worth?

HARPERTwenty thousand pounds at least.

ISTANAYAYou’re teasing me again.

Harper smiles vaguely.

They continue working in silence for a while. Istanaya hands him a book.

HARPERWhat do you know of Hargreaves?


HARPEROne wonders how the man stays in business with so few customers.

ISTANAYAPerhaps they are there when you are not?




HARPERHow did he come to be in Redhills?

ISTANAYAWhy do you ask?

HARPERI stumbled upon a contract, back in Ordog’s offices. Hargreaves signature was on the document.

ISTANAYAI imagine there are many men with the same name, might it be a different William Hargreaves?

Harper pauses.

They continue with the work.

HARPERAnd what about yourself? How did you find yourself in England?

ISTANAYAMy father died when I was very young, it was just myself and my mother. We were poor and I was very lonely. I prayed and prayed for a turn in our fortunes, but it wasn’t forthcoming and when my mother fell ill with consumption I resorted to...

Silence hangs in the air.

ISTANAYAIt’s a silly coincidence and you must understand I put no stock in it.

Harper gazes at her intrigued.

ISTANAYAIt concerns the story of the Liderc.

She hunts around in the pile of books and picks out a large volume of Hungarian Children’s Folktales.


ISTANAYAI found this very book in a village bookstore and read of the Liderc. A helping hand to the lonely and destitute. All one had to do was nurse the very first egg laid by a black hen until it hatched. Born out of that egg would be a man, a man with the power to change ones fortunes for the better.

Harper looks at her suspiciously.

HARPERA man born of an egg?

ISTANAYAAs I said, a silly coincidence and a silly story.I lost the egg. But a few days later a peasant boy came into our village, we became friends, my mother was cured of her malady. Not a week later a noblemen came looking for the boy. He was the nobleman’s son and to his credit and his kindness he took us to Budapest and to his great palace. He married my mother and brought me up as his own.

HARPERI sense there is a second part to this story.

ISTANAYAI spent many a happy year there. But the nobleman died at war, leaving us vulnerable to his enemy's who conspired to throw us out. The three of us traveled across Europe and once again fortune favoured us. My mother met John Windsor.

HARPEROne of the landed gentry, he owns more than half of Hampshire, if I’m not mistaken.

ISTANAYAAnd this estate.


Harper starts with fear.

Behind Istanaya. THE COACHMAN stands at the large bay window, (on the second floor) staring menacingly. His black overcoat and hood fluttering in the breeze.

ISTANAYAIs something the matter?

Istanaya glances over her shoulder... Nothing at the window.


Harper starts out of his seat and hurries out of the room. Into...


Harper bolts out of the double doors and strides down the hallway with purpose.

He reaches the stairwell down into the...


And strides straight across, bursting out onto...


He hurries along the pathway betwix the walls of the house and the gardens. Rounds the corner and looks up and all around, the coachman is nowhere to be seen. Harper looks out into the gardens, the stone abode, the stables... The numerous chicken pens, still no sign of the coachman, a ghostly apparition, a trick of the mind...

ISTANAYA (O.S.)Mr. Harper?

Harper spins around...

ISTANAYAWhat are you looking for out here?

HARPERI saw him. I swear I did.


HARPERThe coachman, he was at the window.


Istanaya glances up at the windows of the library on the 2nd floor.

ISTANAYAClearly the malady still haunts you. Perhaps I made you return to work before you were ready.

HARPERI know what I saw... Miss. Szelanya.

He bounds past her and onward toward the stables and the nearby stone coach house. Chickens cluck gently.


Harper strides passed the individual horse pens and toward the entrance of the stone coach house. He pounds on the door. Not really sure why... Or what he’ll say...

ISTANAYAPlease, calm down. A trick of the mind is nothing to get this agitated about.

HARPERAnd what of last night?

ISTANAYALast night?

HARPERYes, I saw you go into his house and commit unspeakable acts. I don’t know what kind of black magic you’ve got in this town but I want no part of it...

He staggers on his feet, overcome with tiredness. Istanaya rushes over to catch him.

ISTANAYACome into the house, I have a fresh bottle of Pálinka. It will settle your nerves.

Red leaves and stray hay rustle in the wind as Istanaya guides him back to the house.

We linger behind for several beats and pick out the Coachman watching from one of the second storey windows of the coach-house.



Harper, now calmer sits at the wooden table while Istanaya pours a large glass of Pálinka (Hungarian Brandy) into a glass, she hands it to Harper. He gulps it back.

ISTANAYAI assure you nothing untoward is going on.

HARPERThe things I’ve seen tell a different story.

ISTANAYAPerhaps you should visit with the village doctor?

HARPERA doctor with no patients, no doubt.

Istanaya smirks at his little joke.

ISTANAYAI’ll inform Vladimir and he’ll take you first thing tomorrow.

Harper looks at her suspiciously when she mentions Vladimir.

ISTANAYAFor now, I declare an end to the days work.

She pours herself a glass of Brandy. Sips it and smiles at Harper.


Still, the fog clouds everything. Herds of sheep hurry along the street, oddly, they have no shepherd. The stag statue stands prominently in the square.


Harper sits upon a table at the centre of the room with his shirt open.

DR LÁSZLÓ, 40s, with peculiar white hair, he looks not unlike the notary Ordog and could well be a relative. He listens to Harper’s HEART BEAT, throbbing steadily and evenly.


He examines him further, using a small reflex mallet. Gently tapping the base of his knee. Harper’s leg kicks out.

DR LÁSZLÓCan you open your mouth for me?

Harper drops his jaw opening his mouth wide.

The Doctor takes Harper’s jaw between his finger and thumb and peers inside.

Satisfied the The Doctor releases Harper’s jaw. Turns to a wash basin and washes his hands.

DR LÁSZLÓAs far as I can tell, Mr. Harper. You are in perfect health. There’s nothing physically wrong with you.

Harper buttons his shirt, somewhat comforted.

HARPERWhat about mentally?

DR LÁSZLÓWhy do you ask?

HARPERI’ve been seeing things. Things that aren’t there.

DR. LÁSZLÓ pauses a moment. Considering him.

HARPERDreams that seem like they are real.

DR LÁSZLÓHave you suffered with any bad circumstances in the recent past?

Harper nods, afraid to speak his losses out loud.

DR LÁSZLÓAnd the nature of the loss?

HARPERMy fiancee broke off our engagement.


DR LÁSZLÓAhh, nothing damages the soul as that of lost love. I expect these dreams are a result of stress.


DR LÁSZLÓYes, it happens to the vast majority of soldiers. The after effects of battle and the trauma of seeing such brutal things. I’m currently writing a monograph on the subject. Perhaps you would be interested... No, better let you have your rest. You have much work ahead, I understand?

Harper merely nods.

DR LÁSZLÓDon’t worry yourself Mr. Harper and try to relax and rest as much as you can. Time is a great healer.

Harper stands.

HARPERThank you kindly.

DR LÁSZLÓAnd go easy on the Palinka.

Harper nods again and exits into...


He saunters along, then stops, realizing something.

HARPERPalinka, how did he..?

He turns and strides back into...


But there’s no sign of the doctor.. Not even his equipment. The room looks like he hasn’t been there for a very long time. Layers of dust cover the furniture. Harper can only look on, utterly perplexed.



Harper steps out onto the narrow side street, buttons his coat and walks through the wisps of morning fog and dew.


The village is deathly silent, no one around. Harper stops at the junction and looks around and notices...

THE POST OFFICE a little way along the street. Amongst the stone terrace houses. A man in his 50s, MILOS appears out of the fog and turns into the post office, unlocks the door and steps inside.

Harper hurries toward him.


The BELL TINGLES as Harper enters and approaches the counter. Behind it, Milos.

MILOSMorning, Mr. Harper.

Harper pauses, surprised that he knows his name already.

MILOSI sent your three letters off with the afternoon batch, just yesterday.

HARPEROh, thank you.

MILOSAnd a letter arrived yesterday for you. I was going to have it delivered to the estate this very morning. But since you’re here.

He turns and takes the letter out of the rack behind him and slides it across the counter. Harper opens it and reads...

MILOSGood news I hope.

Harper glances up, disappointment colours his reaction.

HARPERJust my employment contract.


MILOSAhh well. Have a nice day.

Harper looks up, horrified on seeing Milos’s face, sections of his skin have peeled away revealing muscle tissue and his skull underneath.

Harper closes his eyes, shakes his head, when he opens them again.

Milos’s face has returned to normal.

MILOSIs something the matter?

Harper wanders out, the bell TINGLES on his way. Milos shrugs it off and returns to his work.


All done, Harper steps out onto the small village square. He looks around for the coachman and carriage.

Nothing but a thin swirling mist, hanging over the fountain centre piece of the square. EERIE NOISES, CREAKING, FAINT SOUNDS... of people? Voices in agony? It’s not distinct enough to make out.

Harper trembles in the cold, red leaves flutter across the road...

A RAVEN CAWS. Harper flashes his look toward...

The CHURCH and the cross adorning the peak, where the raven sits.

Then... shuffling footsteps.

Harper glances to his right and sees... THE OLD HUNGARIAN WOMAN shuffling along, grumbling under her breath in Hungarian. She stops suddenly and stares right at Harper...

Harper peers at her...

Her skin dries and putrefies right before us. Her eyes dissolve into blackness, leaving only the sockets... MAGGOTS crawl out of her mouth, scale her cheek and disappear into her eye socket.

Harper looks on in stunned horror and shakes his head a little... when he looks again...


She looks perfectly normal as she waddles over to the front door of her house. Before she goes inside, she takes one last look at Harper and grumbles something in Hungarian.

Relived that she’s gone Harper steps out onto the street and heads toward REDHILLS TAVERN.

A MAN up ahead walks toward him, hidden in the fog... He gets closer and closer. Harper tips his hat.

HARPERMorning, sir.

The man just stares at him and walks right on by. Harper glances back and sees...

A bloody hole in the back of the man’s head. Before we can get a good look at it, the man rounds the corner.

Harper is about to turn around again when he notices...

VILLAGERS, walking to and fro, going about their normal morning business, but there’s something not quite right about them. They’re not so much walking as they are floating. Ghosts? They disappear into the folds of the ever thickening fog.

Harper looks on, shocked and quickens his pace. Making short work of the distance to...


He pounds on the door, when he brings his hand down he notices...


Franticly, he peels back the sleeve of his overcoat only to find...

NO WOUND, NO BLOOD... It looks perfectly normal.

He knocks on the door again and steps back to get a better view of the second storey of the small pub.

HARPERMr. Hargreaves?!!! Mr. Hargreaves?!!!

Hargreaves opens the window and looks down onto the street.


HARGREAVESMr. Harper? What are you doing here?

HARPERCan I come in? I really need a drink.

HARGREAVESIt’s ten o’clock in the morning.


Hargreaves notes Harper’s considerably stressed disposition, he closes the window.

Harper waits, looking behind him at the surrounding area.

Vague shadows of people, faint noise, chatter, horse hooves. Subdued as if heard under water.

Harper looks on in spellbound fear. He starts at the sound of the doors behind unbolted.

Hargreaves swings the door open.

HARGREAVESMy God man, you look like death warmed up. Come inside.

Hargreaves ushers him inside.


Hargreaves ignites the fire in the large fireplace.

Harper trembles and shivers. He gulps back a large glass of whiskey.

HARPERWhat is this place?

Hargreaves regards him with confusion.

HARGREAVESRedhills village, of course. What’s the matter Mr. Harper?

HARPERI’ve seen things, I am seeing things.


HARGREAVESWhat kind of things?



HARGREAVESPerhaps you should visit with Dr. László.

HARPERBut I have, just now. He gave me a clean bill of health.

Hargreaves is at a loss.

HARGREAVESThen perhaps another glass.

He smiles a comforting smile as he pours another glass. Harper promptly gulps it back.

The fire crackles.. Harper relaxes a little.

HARPERHow did you come to be in Redhills?

HARGREAVESI moved here from London, like yourself. My business was failing and an opportunity presented itself.

HARPERWhat kind of opportunity?

HARGREAVESWhy this tavern of course. It was for sale. I bought it for a remarkably cheap rate. My wife and I moved here and we haven’t looked back since.

Harper pauses, noting the similarity to his own situation.

HARPERAnd who sold it to you?

HARGREAVESI don’t know. The sellar wished to remain...




HARPERAnd I imagine you employed a solicitor?


HARPERWhat was his name?

Hargreaves is about to answer when he notices...

THROUGH THE WINDOW- The COACHMAN and CARRIAGE pull up outside. The horse snorts and huffs.

HARGREAVESPerhaps you should go back to the estate and get some more rest.

Harper follows Hargreaves look.

HARPERWhat was his name?

HARGREAVESI’m sorry Mr. Harper, I don’t remember. It was many years ago.

HARPERBut surely...

HARGREAVES...And I have a very busy morning ahead of me, so if you wouldn’t mind.

Hargreaves stands. Harper locks eyes with him. Hargreaves merely raises his eye brows expectantly.

Harper gives up, climbs out of the seat and walks unsteadily out of the tavern.


Harper continues to shudder and shiver. He glares up at the awaiting coachman. He goes to say something, but gives up and climbs inside the carriage.


The coachman cracks the reigns and the horses dutifully trots forward.


The fog is now thicker than ever, so much so we can barely even see the road travelling underneath us... Just the black silhouette of the Horses and carriage as it travels onward.


Harper looks healthier, his cheeks flush with colour and he’s stopped trembling. He pulls the sleeve back of his overcoat and rechecks his... WRIST. Clean, normal, no blood, no scars.


The coach and carriage rounds the corner and turns through the two stag statues, trundling its way along the gravel road toward the estate. The once thick fog has now thinned out and as we get closer to the great house. We see...

Istanaya waiting at the main entrance doors.


The coach and carriage approach, rounding the fountain and stops abruptly.

Istanaya looks on with a rosy smile as Harper exits the carriage.

ISTANAYAHow was it?

Harper doesn’t answer and walks by through the main doors into...


Harper strides onward with the intention of completely ignoring her. Istanaya hurries after him.


Harper ascends the stares.

ISTANAYA(dark voice)



She grabs his shoulder with a vice-like grip, spinning him around.

Harper glares into her...

EYES - They change colours, from blue to green to a bright angry red.

They hold this gaze. Istanaya’s breathing becomes heavier and heavier... Panting like she’s in the throes of ecstacy or the fevered throes of a predator that’s caught its prey.

Harper retreats, stumbles and falls back on the red carpeted stairwell. His face flushes with fear.

Istanaya calms herself, her eyes return to their normal crystal blue.

ISTANAYASorry. I don’t know what came over me. You must forgive me. I cannot stand to be ignored.

Harper gathers himself and stands, tidies his clothes and brushes himself off.

ISTANAYAWhat did the Doctor say?

HARPER(panting, nervously thrown)

I’m in perfect physical health.

ISTANAYAWell that’s splendid. And might I add you’ve never looked more handsome.

Harper says nothing, crawls away from her up a few more steps.

ISTANAYAShall we return to work?

HARPER(still panting)

If you don’t mind, I think... I would prefer... to work alone for the rest of the afternoon.

Istanaya fails to hide her disappointment. Her eyes flare red for a brief moment.



HARPERIt’s not that I don’t enjoy your company. I’m grateful. But I think the work would progress more rapidly if I were left to my own devices.

Istanaya glares at him, about to protest or insist.

HARPERPerhaps we could have dinner again this evening at the tavern?

She smiles.

ISTANAYAVery well, shall we say six o’clock?

Harper nods. Turns up the stairs and onto the west wing.

Istanaya watches him walk away, she sighs a little.


Harper glances back over his shoulder as he hurriedly walks across the red carpet to the end of the hall. He passes the alcoves in the walls, a statue in each. And we notice... THEIR EYES - Flare red as he passes.


Harper continues with his work. Examining book after book and writing the value, author and title down the log book. In between he glances up at the window, substantially paranoid.

He places the last book on the ‘out’ pile. Slides back in his seat and takes a moment. He gathers his pipe and tobacco pouch, strikes a match and lights it. Taking a good long relaxing puff on the pipe.

He strolls across the room and browses the tall shelves of books, both old and new, ragged and clean.

His gazes locks on - AN UNUSUALLY TATTY old volume. Dog eared with overuse.

He plucks it from the shelf and examines the cover and the spine, blank, unmarked with neither title nor author. He opens it and looks wide-eyed at the inside title page...



Further intrigued he turns to the first page and reads. Finding it a little uninteresting he flicks through some of the other pages. (it’s all written in Hungarian).

ISTANAYA (V.O.)1734 - October 15th The boy who came upon our village some days ago now seems less strange. The more one comes to know a person the less strange they seem. He still doesn’t speak, but despite this we do have a lot of fun together. He’s remarkably talented at catching fish, and without a rod, no less. Mother’s health is taking a turn for the better which delights my soul, but I fear she isn’t out of the woods yet. Still there are good signs and solid hopes that she will return to full health and our black cloud will be lifted.

Harper glances up from the pages, a thoroughly confused expression written on his face.

HARPER1734? But that would make her...

He flicks through more pages and entries.

ISTANAYA (V.O.)Joy, joy, joy. Mother is well again and on her feet. We went for a delightful walk along the riverbank this afternoon. And further to my joy a nobleman by the name of Lord Cubrit came to our village. He is Vladimir’s father. The boy had ran away and has been searching the fields for days. The man is both well spoken and sophisticated and upon seeing our dire circumstances and as a reward for looking after Vladimir he has offered to take us back to Budapest to be housed within his palaces. Do I dare to imagine myself a princess?

He flicks through more pages, as he crosses the room to the desk and takes his seat...


ISTANAYA (V.O.)1814 - January 14th. A terrible tragedy occurred in Vlad’s room. I have no idea what prompted him to act in this fashion. The man seemed perfectly happy. If my nature were not of a more rational kind I would blame.... him. He seems to be manipulating our fortunes on a mere whim. He gives us great gifts only to take them away in the cruelest fashion.

He reads on, turning more pages. Fog creeps under the door...

ISTANAYA (V.O.)I am destined to stay here forever. The full reality of my situation is now clear. There is no way out.

Harper reads on, intently.

ISTANAYA (V.O.)...and if suitable he will replace the Liderc and free me of this terrible oppression. But how to find someone who is suitable?

As Harper continues reading...

AT THE WINDOW- The coachman appears, stares into the room.

Harper looks up from the book.

He gets up from his seat, staring angrily at the coachman.

And then charges toward the window... CRASHING through it

OUTSIDE - We watch him fall, arms flailing. Glass thrown asunder. He’s about to hit the concrete floor... When...

Harper jolts out of his sleep. Slumped in the chair. He flashes his look toward... The door...

After a light knocking Istanaya steps into the room, carrying a tray.

ISTANAYAI hope I’m not disturbing your “work”.


She smiles cheekily. Harper doesn’t respond in kind, instead he closes the diary and discreetly hides it amongst the mess of books on the desk.

ISTANAYAI thought you might want some tea.

Uncomfortable silence hangs in the air.

ISTANAYAHave you found anything of value yet?

Harper shakes his head. More silence.

ISTANAYAWell, I shan’t disturb you further.

Her face drops with disappointment. She turns and exits. Before she does...

ISTANAYAAre we still okay for dinner?

Harper simply nods and Istanaya takes her cue to leave. SLAMMING the door on her way out.

Harper looks across, startled.


Harper hurries about the room, stuffing his belongings into an open suitcase.

Finally done he closes it, grabs his overcoat and puts it on.

He takes a quick look around the room before picking up the suitcase. He checks his pocket watch... the hands show ‘6:13’.


The coachman and carriage loom on the gravel driveway, dutifully awaiting Harper.

Harper walks straight past.

The Coachman turns his head, watches him, as Harper passes.


Harper’s footsteps kick up the gravel as he charges along the narrow road.


In the far background we see... The coachman and carriage trot forward and turn slowly onto the narrow road. As it does the fog descends on the area, growing thicker and thicker.

Harper continues on. His breath freezes the instant it hits the air.

Ahead, the fog begins to shroud the STATUES until they cannot be seen.

Harper glances over his shoulder...

Behind him - The coachman and carriage keep pace with Harper, lingering and creeping after him.

EERIE WHISPERS carry on the wind through the trees, as Harper quickens his pace, slogging the heavy suitcase with him.

POUNDING HOOFBEATS CHARGE... Growing in rapidity... covering the sound of Harper’s own footsteps. Harper looks back once more but...


HARPER RUNS!!! The black horses pound out an increasingly fast rhythm... They’re almost upon him... When Harper sidles left, falling onto the grass at the side of the gravel road.

He glares up at... The passing horses, coachman and carriage and we see... The horses ZOMBIE LIKE... bare skin and bloody innards showing through thin sections of their shiny black mane.

The COACHMAN glares at him... SCREECHES!!! As he passes...

And it’s gone... only the swirling fog left behind.

Harper breathes hard with panic, settles himself and clambers to his feet. He picks up the suitcase and looks back toward the mansion for a moment...

He walks away, eventually reaching and walking between... The TWO STAG STATUES.

He turns left onto the...


Harper, considerably flusters walks along the undulating road flanked by trees. The EERIE whispers continue to permeate.

Harper slows up as he comes upon a crossroads and a battered street sign --



BLEATING OF SHEEP. A GHOSTLY FARMER shepherds them across the road from field to field.

Harper scurries on... Turning left towards London.


Dipping down into a valley, Harper walks on. Fog thickens and swirls all about him, hiding the outlaying landscape.

A few beats later he slows again, hearing... Horses grunt and shuffle. He steps further forward and out of the fog.

THE COACHMAN AND CARRIAGE, waiting by the side of the road.

Harper stares across. Gathers his nerves and hurries on.

Passing the COACHMAN, who merely watches him. Fog engulfs the frame.


Looking haggard and tired, shivering in the cold, Harper continues walking.

HOOVES trot up ahead... A GRUNT. As Harper gets closer to it he stares in wonder at...

ANGELA DAVIS, standing there, looking back at him with a smile.


Harper steps toward her, as he does, she turns and skips away, leaving only the fog.

Harper hurries, following the road... Something else emerges out of the fog...

A HUGE WHITE STAG. It stares back at him. Snorts. Turns and walks the other way. Harper stays where he is, unsure. Then follows the stag.


Harper’s silhouetted frame can be seen as he walks through the fog. The white stag trots ahead, leading him into a seeming abyss of foggy nothingness.




Sitting on a roadside bench Harper plucks a thick slice of bread from his pocket and takes a bite out of it. He looks on, his face pale, he’s drenched. The thick fog persists.

Unseen sheep BLEAT in the surrounding fields, WHISPERS continue to carry on the wind. Chickens CLUCK.

All done he stands up and continues to walk along the gravel road.

After a long moment, the fog clears and...


Harper glances around, bewildered to find himself where he is.

Smoke pours out of one of the rooms ahead, filling that section of the hallway.

A HUGE BLACK STAG appears from within the smoke. Staring back at-

Harper, scared out his wits, he sweats and looks pale. Brushes his hand across his face. When he looks again...

The hallway is shrouded in smoke once more. A beat as it clears and thins out. Then... Istanaya stands where the black stag once did.

Harper looks on.

A grunt from behind him, he spins around.

The same hallway, only in reverse perspective... When the smoke clears this time, THE WHITE STAG appears, shuffles on its hooves and emits a low roar. Smoke pours from the door. Hiding the white stag. It clears... Revealing...

ANGELA, her long black hair falling about her shoulders. She turns and walks away along the seemingly endless hallway.

Harper looks back to...

The BLACK STAG, it trots toward him lowering its head, bearing its antlers. Harper steps back, afraid. The BLACK STAG suddenly charges.

Harper turns and runs through the smoke. Angela up ahead. The faster Harper runs, the faster Angela glides away from him.


Behind him the Black stag continues charging. Until it’s only a footstep away from Harper. He cries out as it launches itself at him. Barrelling him to the ground.


Harper is huddled on the gravel, knees up to his chest shivering uncontrollably.

As we widen out CAMERA reveals... the BLACK STAG, trotting toward him. The stag prods Harper with its antlers as if urging him to get up.

Harper’s eyes flash open and he jolts with fear, rolling away. He clambers to his feet and looks at...

The Black Stag staring back at him with innocent eyes. It snorts softly.

Harper steps back. Feels something at his back and spins around face to face with... THE WHITE STAG...

WIDE SHOT - Harper stood between these two majestic beasts.

Both stags rear backwards, readying themselves for a fight.

Harper ducks and rolls out of the way the moment before the two stags LAUNCH THEMSELVES FORWARD. ANTLERS CLACKING TOGETHER.

Harper can’t help but stare as he steps back... then confusion, as he finds himself...


The two stag statues, now stone, but their locked, twisting antlers combine to make an archway between the pillars.

That familiar sound... Hoofbeats and rolling wheels over gravel as, the coachman and carriage round the corner onto the road heading to the estate.

Harper is back where he started.

The coachman stares at him as he pulls up the horses and the carriage halts. A beat later ISTANAYA steps out.


Harper looks to her in sheer disbelief.


HARPERHow, what, what in God’s name?

ISTANAYACome back to the estate. It’s dangerous here.


Istanaya makes a subtle gesture toward the waiting coachman.

HARPERNo. Not until you explain.


HARPERHow a diary from a hundred and fifty years ago tells the same story you told me in the library? Why that damn coachman and his carriage is able to appear and disappear at will? And.. And.. How the town seems to be full of... Full of...

Silence hangs in the air, as well as the fog.


She holds out her hand. Harper pauses a moment, before taking it.



Istanaya hands Harper a large glass of Pálinka.

Harper shivers and trembles, a heavy raven feather coat wrapped around his shoulders.

Istanaya sips her own glass of Pálinka as she turns to look out of the window...

SNOW falls, gently covering the wild mansion gardens.

Istanaya turns to Harper.


ISTANAYAI missed you at dinner.

Harper barely acknowledges her, shivering and trembling in a dazed fever.

ISTANAYAYou don’t remember me do you? We’ve met before, in London, when you were employed as a coachman. You helped me.

Harper glances up at her, paler than ever. She smiles softly.

ISTANAYAIt’s the strangest thing. One can live and breathe with a person for years and only feel friendship. But one look, a brief meeting...

She trails off. Gulps back her drink.

ISTANAYAIt gave me hope, hope that I would at last be free of him.


ISTANAYAThe Liderc. The boy born of the egg.

HARPERYou mean the coachman?

ISTANAYAHe hasn’t always been a coachman. He was a tavern landlord, a postmaster, a doctor, a notary. And many other things. He becomes what I love. Or what I think I love. All those men in the village, they were kind to me for no good reason, I’ve spent most of my life searching. When I saw you that day, I knew my search was over.

A pregnant pause. Harper trembles.

HARPERThe diary is yours?


Istanaya nods.

HARPERYou’re a... a... They’re all...

(realizing)And Redhills?


HARPERI have to get back. Back to London. I can’t stay here.


HARPERBecause of hope. Because of her.

ISTANAYAAngela? If you truly loved her, you would let her go.

HARPERI can’t. She’s always with me. Even when I don’t think about her. It’s as if there’s an under current in my mind and the smallest thing can trigger it.

ISTANAYAI understand, but you don’t know what it’s like.


ISTANAYABeing tethered to someone you don’t love. The resentment builds over time. Until finally turning into pure blind hatred, and nothing good can result from that. Believe me, I know, I have known what that’s like for more years than is natural.

Harper shivers and quivers looking up at Istanaya unsure about her. She smiles softly. Harper gulps back the last of his Palinka.


ISTANAYALive in the past. Or throw yourself into the future and never look back.

Harper suddenly feels queasy, his eyes drop closed, only to open again. He flashes a quick look up at Istanaya, realising something.

HARPERWait. How did you know her name?

Istanaya simply smiles.

He stares down into the glass and the small droplets of brown liquid swilling in the bottom.

Harper looks up at Istanaya his vision blurs until finally we...



Harper snaps awake. Looks around at the room and slowly gains his bearings. Morning sunlight spills into the room. He clutches his head and lets out a soft groan of pain as he sits up.

Notices his clothes hung over the back of a chair.

He gets out of bed and crosses the room to the window and looks out at...

The chickens below, the grass gardens covered in morning dew and slight wisps of fog. All is still and quiet. We see the figure of Istanaya in the stables, shovelling them out and throwing fresh hay back inside.

He pours himself a glass of water and drinks it... Deep in thought. Then grabs his clothes and dresses.


Harper bounds along the corridor, throwing on his overcoat, as he does... Something falls loose out of his jacket pocket and flutters to the floor. Harper stops and turns, looks down...

The letter from Ordog, his contract. He peers at it in thought for a long beat, and picks it up, unfolds it and reads...


HARPER (V.O.)Option and purchase agreement as pertaining to the purchase of the soul of Christian Harper, who will be hereby referred to as “the seller”.

(pauses wide eyed)For good and valuable consideration...

(skim reads)The Village of Redhills, who will hereby be referred to as the buyer.

Harper flashes his look up from the letter, dawning realization. He turns and charges along the hallway... The statues... Their eyes flash red as he passes and they seem to be staring at him.


Harper bounds down the steps and walks straight past the awaiting coachman and carriage. And onward to...


His footsteps CRUNCH on the gravel pathway leading up to the stables. Harper sees... ISTANAYA up ahead, mucking out the stables.


She stops working.

HARPERWhat on earth is this?!

He presents the contract. Istanaya reads it briefly.

ISTANAYAIt’s your contract of employment, of course.

HARPERNo! It isn’t.

Istanaya looks at him, puzzled.

HARPERNot the one I signed.


Istanaya flicks through the parchment pages and finds at the very bottom of the last page... His signature. She points it out.

HARPERAnd the section concerning my soul? That wasn’t there before. Nor was the commitment to...

Grabs the document from Istanaya.

HARPERTo reside and work in Redhills indefinitely.

ISTANAYADid you read the contract before you signed it?

Harper goes quiet.

HARPERYou contact Ordog and... and...


Harper doesn’t have an answer.

HARPERWho are you?

She throws the shovel into the empty wheel barrow.

ISTANAYAI suggest you make the best of it, Mr. Harper.

Istanaya’s eyes flash red and she smiles, a cold sinister smile. Harper shudders as he watches her push the barrow past him...

ISTANAYAAnd from now on, you’ll be mucking out the stables. As it says in your contract. Every morning and evening.

Istanaya rounds the corner with the barrow, disappearing out of view. Harper looks on then jumps out of his skin when one of the Horses GRUNTS AND SNORTS at him.


He looks closer at the horse, noticing slight sections of its head reveal the innards of its skull and muscle tissue.


Establish the huge grand mansion, and the surrounding countryside. Night quickly falls, Only one room in the house has any light. We rush toward it and...



Harper sits at the oak desk under candlelight, writing a letter. He finishes up, folds the parchment paper and tucks it into an envelop addressed to the Notary Ordog.

FOOTSTEPS coming from the hallway. Harper looks to the door, then quickly hides the envelope under one of the many books piled on and around the oak desk. A beat later...

Istanaya enters. She smiles.

ISTANAYAAre you done for the day? I thought we might go for dinner. Seen as you didn’t join me previously.

Harper glares at her, unsure how to take her seeming changes in mood toward him.

HARPERI just want to finish up with this section. I’ll join you in the lobby when I’m done.

ISTANAYAAnd how long might you be?

HARPERNot more than ten minutes.

He forces a smile.

Satisfied, Istanaya exits.

Harper gazes with concern at the door. Then shuffles the papers on his desk and finds, THE CONTRACT.

He turns the single sheet pages, skim reading, turns another page, and another, running his finger across the words, he reads silently, then stops at a particular paragraph.


ORDOG (V.O.)If the sellar wishes to annul the contract and return to “normal” life and “normal” pursuits. The sellar must declare his intention to the custodian of the village of Redhills. Further to this the sellar must extend to the custodian a task. If the custodian completes this task, the sellar will forfeit any further right to annul the contract. If the custodian fails at the task set him by the sellar the sellar will relinquish all duty to the contract herein.

Harper looks up, relieved at finding a way out, but greatly puzzled by something.

HARPERThe custodian?

Harper sighs in frustration and leans back in the chair, churning his “conundrum” over in his mind. He gives up, gathers some of the books together and carries them across the room to the -

BOOKSHELVES - He replaces the volumes one by one. Then pauses, noticing

The next section along.

He examines the entre shelf... plucking out one volume, then another... His looks locks on a particular book. He plucks out the volume and examines it.

CLOSE ON- The book. THE VISCONTI HOURS, Harper turns the pages delicately and we see its distinct and colorful etchings along with the elegant calligraphy.

Harper glances up in wide eyed realization.


Istanaya awaits between the pillars. The coachman and carriage looming ominously at the foot of steps.

After a lingering beat. Harper steps out of the main doors. Istanaya smiles on seeing him. Harper forces a smile in return.

And they walk down the short incline of steps and climb inside the carriage.


The COACHMAN cracks the reins and the horses trot forward.


Harper gazes out of the window at the swirling fog as it passes by. Churning things over in his mind.

Istanaya sits quietly. They exchange quiet smiles.


The coachman and carriage linger outside.


Harper sits across from Istanaya gazing out of the window at the coachman and carriage lingering outside in the thickening fog.

ISTANAYAYou’re awfully quiet. Is something bothering you?

Harper starts out of his revere and looks at Istanaya for a long lingering beat.

HARPERWho is “the custodian”?

Istanaya flashes him a glare of recognition. Tries to hide it by sipping her wine.

ISTANAYALets not speak of such things. Have you found any volumes of interest today?

Harper seizes the opportunity.


ISTANAYAWhat’s it called?

He plucks out the Visconti Hours book and slides it onto the table.

HARPERHow much did you pay?

ISTANAYAI’m sorry?


HARPERFor my collection, the books in my shop?

ISTANAYAReally Mr. Harper, I don’t know what you’re talking about?

HARPERIt’s a one of a kind book. Do you think me stupid?

ISTANAYACertainly not.

HARPERThen why are you lying to me!

Silence, as the aggressive accusation hangs in the air.

Hargreaves interrupts, lays two bowls of goulash before them and pours more wine.

ISTANAYAYou enjoy living and working in Redhills don’t you, Hargreaves?

HARGREAVESYes ma’am. My wife and I are very happy here.

ISTANAYAAnd have you ever considered returning to London?

Harper scowls suspiciously.

HARGREAVESThe thought has never crossed my mind.

Istanaya smiles a triumphant smile and looks to Harper.

ISTANAYAGive it some time Mr. Harper. You’ll settle down here. And with enough time, you’ll forget Angela and London.

Harper grimaces.


HARPERI don’t want to forget.

(beat)I have examined my contract and I have a legal right to leave.

ISTANAYAHave you seen any courthouses in Redhills, Mr. Harper?

HARPERSo you intend to keep me here against my will?

ISTANAYAIt is out of my control.


Istanaya looks outside and...

THROUGH THE BAY WINDOW we see... The COACHMAN, staring straight ahead in the raised drivers seat. His head turns to look at us. Face hidden in the shadow of his hood.

Harper shudders.

ISTANAYAHe is the custodian of Redhills. No one has ever set him a task he couldn’t complete. It’s almost hopeless to even try.

Harper stares off into the middle distance. Istanaya remains quiet and regretful.

ISTANAYAI’m sorry I brought you here. It was selfish of me.

HARPERThen help me.

Istanaya considers him.


The tavern behind them, Istanaya and Harper walk through the fog bathed village, passing the fountain centre piece. A large stone STAG mounted on top the pillar.


Figures of VILLAGERS only vaguely seen in the folds of the ever thickening fog.

ISTANAYAYou must go to the church.

(points ahead)Set forth your reasons for wanting to leave and then set the custodian his task. Do you have something in mind?

HARPERI was hoping you could tell me what tasks others have set him.

ISTANAYAI don’t know. Those who have tried and failed have never returned.

Harper reflects on this for a moment. Eerie noises permeate. Harper unnerved, but he tries not to show it in front of Istanaya.

HARPERWhere do they go?

Istanaya pauses.

ISTANAYAThe underworld.

HARPERYou mean...

Istanaya stops mid-walk, turns to face him.

ISTANAYAYou don’t have to do this. You can stay here. Are you not happy? Are you not comfortable?

Harper pauses, smiles softly at Istanaya. Considers her for a long beat.

ISTANAYAShe doesn't love you. If she did you would be with her, not here. Don't go back to London, there’s nothing but sadness and struggle.


HARPERNot if there’s a chance. If you loved someone wouldn’t you do everything in your power to be with them?

ISTANAYAEven if it means...


Istanaya can’t hide her disappointment.

ISTANAYAWell if you must go through with it, make sure you pick a task that seems impossible. Something like pulling sand with rope or carrying water in a sieve.

The fog clears a little revealing the church a little way ahead and across the street. A raven CAWS, perched a top the roof. Harper looks on and walks forward. Istanaya follows.


Harper steps in, Istanaya follows behind him. Harper takes a moment to gather himself, his nerves building.

Harper nervously walks along the middle aisle between the pews. He looks around...

Hungarian folklore figures in the stain glass windows. Eerie candlelight light bathes the church in an almost heavenly glow.

He glances back at Istanaya waiting by the door, she smiles.

Harper looks back ahead, freezes on the spot, staring ahead at...


Harper flashes another nervous look back at the door.

Istanaya has gone.

Harper steps slowly forward, unsure and scared out of his wits.


HARPERI wish to leave, Redhills.

The Coachman says nothing.

HARPERI am told that you will allow me to leave if you fail to complete a task, set forth to you.

Still the coachman remains motionless.


(gets a flash of an idea)I wish. The task... Make Angela Davis love me again.

The Coachman raises his arms and glides toward Harper. The candlelight flickers and blows out, under a powerful gust of wind. Only the shafts of moonlight through the stain glass windows remains.

The Coachman looms above Harper, staring down ominously.

Harper trembles and quivers, staring up at this grim spectre...

Harper cowers when... The Coachman brings up his arms and places them on Harpers head.


And WHOOOOOOOSH!!! the church is overwhelmed in a thick swirling fog, dark shadows within.

The fog gradually thins out, revealing...


TOLLING hauntingly, Big Ben is faintly seen in the smog filled Victorian horizon of endless BUILDINGS, skeletal industrial cranes and spewing smoke stacks.

We fly down through it all eventually picking out...

A HANSOM CAB, rumbling it’s way along the street. It rounds a corner onto...


The hansom cab halts outside Harper’s previous residence.


A beat later, ANGELA steps out of the carriage. She peers up and down the street, searches the rows of terrace houses for the correct address. On finding it she climbs the short incline of steps leading to the door and KNOCKS. A beat as she waits.

The door swings open revealling, Mrs. Baker.

ANGELAOh, hello, sorry for the intrusion, but I’m looking for Christian Harper.

MRS BAKERAnd who might you be?

ANGELALady Angela Davis. Is he home?

MRS BAKERHe left not five minutes ago. Some job interview or other.

ANGELADo you know when he’ll return?

MRS BAKERLater this afternoon I expect.

ANGELAThank you kindly.

She turns to leave. Mrs. Baker has a sudden flash of memory.

MRS BAKERDid you say your name was Angela Davis?


MRS BAKERIt’s not my business but I found this when I was cleaning his room earlier.

She turns to a table, on which, a number of letters. She fingers through them and plucks out the envelope addressed to Angela.

MRS BAKERSave him the cost of postage, if nothing else.


Mrs. Baker hands the letter to Angela, she smiles.

ANGELAThank you kindly.

Mrs. Baker peers suspiciously at Angela as she makes her way back to the awaiting hansom cab and climbs inside.

The driver CRACKS the reins and the horse trots forward.


Angela sits in the carriage, examining the letter in her gloved palm. She opens it and reads as the carriage bounces along.

A tear gathers in her eye as she reads.


Hustle and bustle of a busy London day. The clamping horse hooves on the roads, beggar children darting to and fro. OPULENT GENTLEMEN AND LADIES carrying shopping bags.

Harper makes his way through the CROWDS at a hurried pace, constantly checking his pocket watch.

Behind him, we pick out the Hansom cab Angela is travelling in.



And hurries on.

He stops at the curb, waiting for the carriages and traffic to pass by. After a moment, he glances left and sees...

A carriage and horse trotting slowly along... Enough time to get across, and he walks out onto the road.

WHOOSH... A second horse and carriage THUNDERS around the first at a blistering speed, heading straight toward...

HARPER, he flashes his look left.

The COACHMAN, staring him down, cracking the reins, whipping the horses into a frenzied gallop.


Harper lurches forward, but it’s too late. The HORSES SCREECH as they TRAMPLE HARPER TO THE GROUND. HIS HEAD BANGS, CRACKS against the COBBLES. Blood spills.

The Horse and carriage scream onward... leaving... HARPER limp on the ground.

PEDESTRIANS look on in horror. Other carriages come to a stop.

We pick out ANGELA’S HANSOM CAB... The driver climbing down from the raised drivers seat.

He runs over... Reaches, Harpers limp body, faintly moaning and groaning.

The Driver crouches over him, rolls Harper over on his back.

DRIVERA doctor. Somebody get a doctor!

Harper blinks, blood trickles down his forehead, pooling on the dirty cobbles.

Angela steps out of the Hansom Cab, curious...

ANGELAHargreaves, why have we stopped?

Angela looks on in stunned horror when she sees...

Harper and the Driver... Other people gathering around.

Angela hitches up her dress and runs over. Her driver steps aside, revealing Harper. Angela gasps, covers her mouth in shock.


DRIVERYou know this man?

Angela pushes him aside and leans over Harper, cradles his head.

ANGELAChristian, can you hear me?

Harper merely blinks, his head lolls as he coughs a little. He’s delirious with pain. His eyes focus just enough to see-


ANGELA’S FACE... backlit by the sunlight, her hair spilling down her shoulders. The image, hazy, a picturesque blur.


She strokes his cheek.

ANGELAIt’s okay, Christian. A doctor will be here soon. Settle down.

Harper smiles...


I have a... job... I... I can take care of you now.

Angela smiles softly. And Harper... falls still, eyes blank...

ON TOP OF A BUILDING... The coachman looks down on this chaos... His overcoat flapping in the wind... Looming... Overseeing...



Harper is thrown backwards down the aisle. He shudders and quivers, rolling on the floor in shock.

Istanaya rushes over to him, gathers him, cradling his head in her palm, mirroring Angela’s previous action. She strokes his head, soothing and calming him.

ISTANAYAIt’s okay... It’s okay.

Harper jolts up, pushes her aside. He flashes a dizzying look around the church. Sunlight now pours in through the stain glass windows, finally some clear air and atmosphere.

Dizzy and confused, he grips one of the nearby pews, the realization hitting him hard.

HARPERI... I... I’m dead?

Istanaya walks over to him.


HARPERWhat about the task?

ISTANAYAHe didn’t need to, Christian. He just showed you your reality.

HARPERWhat does this mean?

ISTANAYAHe’s performed the task that you thought was impossible. Like me, you are now a permanent resident of Redhills.

Harper slowly realises, his eyes widening in horror.

ISTANAYAThere’s nothing you can do, you must accept your fate and make the best of it.

HARPERBut... But she did love me. He didn’t succeed. He failed. He couldn’t make Angela love me again, because she already did.

Istanaya smiles sympathetically. Holds out her hand.

ISTANAYACome outside.

HARPERWhat about him, the coachman?

ISTANAYAHe’s gone.

HARPERGone? Gone where?

ISTANAYACome outside. I’ll show you.

Harper pauses briefly before he takes her hand and they drift along the aisle and exit the church.


Bright sunlight bathes the village in a hazy orange hue. A FARMER ushers sheep. VILLAGERS go about their daily business.


Harper and Istanaya walk through them. Villagers greet them “good day” as they walk by.

WE ZOOM THROUGH THE VILLAGE, and turn down a road leading out of the village and up a steep hill. STOPPING DEAD when we come face to face with... A WHITE STAG... it grunts and snorts, shuffles on its hooves.


A WIDE ESTABLISHING SHOT of the VILLAGE OF REDHILLS and the surrounding countryside in full summer bloom. Rich greens, rolling hills, scatterings of trees.

FOG BLEEDS INTO THE FRAME... Twisting and swirling, dense. Then clears, revealing...


ON TOP OF BIG BEN... The coachman looks down on the smog filled Victorian horizon of endless BUILDINGS, skeletal industrial cranes and spewing smoke stacks. His overcoat flapping in the wind... Looming... Overseeing... Then

WHOOSH! THE COACHMAN, grim reaper like, flies up toward us and FILLS THE FRAME.





*** Statues listed below.

Csodaszarvas (animal) A central figure in the legends surrounding the origin of the Hungarian people. The name translates to "Miraculous Deer". According to Hungarian legend, while out hunting, the brothers Hunor and Magor saw a miraculous white stag. They pursued the animal, but it always stayed ahead of them, leading them westward into Levedia, where they married two princesses and founded the Hun and Magyar peoples.

Bába (creature) Meaning "old woman", she was originally a good fairy who later degraded and became evil. Although she had magical abilities, she was not a witch (boszorkány). She was thought to live in fountains, and if young children went too close to her lair, she lured them in.

Garabonciás (person) A male figure who learned magic. He is able to create storms. Some alumni were thought to possess these abilities as late as the 19th century.

Vadleány (creature) Meaning "Forest Girl", she is an elusive forest sprite who seduces shepherds, saps their strength and makes the forest rustle. She is usually nude and her long hair reaches the ground. She can sometimes be lured and caught with one boot (she tries, to put two of her feet to one boot).

Fene (spirit) The demon of illness. Today, a common saying still uses its name: "A fene egye meg!", which literally means "Let it be eaten by the fene!", and is uttered when something does not occur as one wishes. "Fene" is also considered the place where demons roam, i.e. the popular Hungarian curse "menj a fenébe!" is equivalent to the English "go to hell!".

Sárkány (dragon) Appearing in almost all folk tales, a creature not similar to Chinese dragon or dragon from West Europe. He is always man-shaped, can ride a horse, and has usually 7 heads, sometimes 3, 12 or 21 (relating to numbers in astronomy). Dragons usually symbolised human behaviour or characteristic, i.e. when the hero was fighting with him, he was fighting to overcome his own bad behaviour, habit or characteristic.
