J ... \( \ \ His tory of the Carlton Family of Wilkes County, North Carolina . " . : .... ....... ,- -. .. ; )- : ... , , ,- by Luther Findley Carlton (1897 - 1966) July 1, 1974 :"" " . -.,' , -. ,- - ," .. - .l..-.'. ;"':.1 _ . ... ;. ..". '; ':;

Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

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Page 1: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc



His tory of the

Carlton Family

of Wilkes County North Carolina








Luther Findley Carlton (1897 - 1966)

July 1 1974

- - shy - ~

~ ~lt - l- 1 ~ _



()n~il~rJ ov Ijtip- ~middotn~1of CrJt0l 5~e a~~ ~~ GjiJ~tATION f

I TO HN CARLTON iRA 00 rn in the earl y part a r the ei ehte enth

century and lived in Virginia TrRdition in one branch cf the family relAteR that John Garl ton I s father was aClideIllly rro1T1shyed on 111e vcya8e to tilis country fro1 Znoand and that his vife and ch1ldr~n Aett1ed in Virginia 1here was a Washington Cprlton born in Bngland who hRd two f1 ret coulina Henry and Thomas Cerl shyton and who ~arried Kate bull They had iSBue John LeWis Thomas Ambrose Mary and Mildred Their Bon John may have been the John Carl ton the first Carl ton of this history as Washington Carl ton I s sons had the sace names a8 the abo ve John Carl ton Ihe Lewi 8 Carl ton aoov~ settled in King and Queen Cotmty Va was in the Revo1 utionaly War ann had BonA Qf~ the same names as above The ~~Pi1or haA records of descendants of thi s Lewi s Carl ton Lem s brother John had a Thomas and a1 80 Mary who married a Mr Watkins and moved to tennes-see There was an A~brose Carlton of same generation of John who married Lucy (-she 1ateJfiilYr Mitcham) lived in Spottmiddot sylvania CountYVa and had Catherine Ell~abeth and Mary ThereA)fEfiTeral court records of this family There was a Thomas Carl ton of 11ecklenburg County Va of the same eeneration who had a famil~who8e records are known These families of Carl tons _ may ~or may not be r~lated to John Carlton of this Genealogy

John Carl ton married ELIZABETH WALLACE a nat1 ve of Virginia She may have belonged to one of the Wallace families of Albeshymarle Count~~ Virginia who had moved from Pennsylvaniabullbull The Car1tons Barlows Livingstons Isbe1la Parkes Wal1aceeetc were in Albemarle Campoe11 and bordering counties on the Stantshyon River in Virginia before moving to north Garollna Several enlisted there in the nevo1utionary nar and Bome men who served in Virginia earlier reenlisted in the war after they reached W11kesGaldwel1 Surry and Burke Counties of North Carolina i~e Carl tons moved to Burke County North Caro1ira about the time or durin5 the Revolutionary iYar They loved between 1777 and 1780 as their Bon LeWis enlisted in the war in 1777 from Albeshymarle County Va and their youngest son Ambrose enlisted f~ Burke COunty N Oar in l780 Ther four Aons were in the Rev War It has been told that all of them returned from the war at one time ~heir motherwho was in the potatoe patch oigging potatoes for dinner WRS so surprised and excited that ehe threw up her arms loslng her knife which wae never found John CarIto may have dien before the family moved to North Carolina as one tradition gives his death about 1766 No recorE has been found of his wino 8 death Their eone lived on the edge of Wilkes and Caldwell counties which were later formed from Burke Rowan and Surry counties North Carolina John and Eli~aoeth (~a11a~e) Carlton hRn iARue 2- 1 E1itabeth GA-r1ton b ~r ThomAS EA-Tlow bull 3- 2 Thomas Carlton b in 1756 marlst Mary _

2ndCather1ne Livingston it 4 -3 Lewie Car1ton- b Sept12~581iar E1i~abeth Eve 5 -4 John Carl ton b marbull bull 6- 5 ArnbroBe Oar1tonbMarch 2Q1703 ~ar Jean ~~ntgomery



(1 lltJi SRA ION I I

2 middot1 lltlI7AB~H Cprlton nalltYrter of John anct E1i7abeth (tiallace)

CarltonYaFl born in Virginia She married Thomps BprloIT of Va They lived for awhile in Wilkes CountYN Car He was in the Rev War They mover to Scott Co Kent The Wilkes Co NCar Reco rds F-ll Ii reco rra Thomas IBarlo w 0 f Sec tt Co Kent a power of attorney signer 5th Nov 1 905 to Lewi B ~arl ton Esq iSrothershyin-law bullbullbull 0 to 0 lJtain fo r me ~Ihat is due me from JRIlea Brovnbull 0

f~sq bullbullbullbull 0 ~Tames Davidson bull 0 Ambrose Parke bullbull o bullbull anrl WIn Brown Wit uy John Isbell and AlbroSA Carlton Thomas Barlow died in Carlyle Nicholas Co Ky in IgoR leavine a vQll naming the following children 3

7 -1 1ompkln8 Barlow I born 1767 mar Margaret West 8 -2 WilliAIl Barlow 9 - 3 John Barlo w

10 -4 Jessie Barlow 11l-5 Elephalet Barlow b in 1777 mar ____Gamm1l12-0bull HJl ~abAth Yowmell Barlow b p~btnar

13 -7 Jane Baro w 14-8 Mary Epison or Emison

15-9 Milly Bartow 1610 Edi th Line or Fine

3- 1 THOMAS CArzLTON~ s8on of John and Elt~abeth (Wallace) Carl ton

was born in 1756 probably in Virginia He lived in Albemarle Co Vaas the History of Albemarle Co Va by Woods p386 states th8~ Thomas Carlton moved to North Carolina tHe was living 1nmiddot Wilkes CoNCar in 1780 He served 1n the Revolutionary War In an application for a pension by a descendant of Lewis Caplton ~nnrs on file in the Veterans Administration at Washington DC it states that Lewis Carltons brotherThOmas Carlton showed Colonel Cleveland in North Carolina his dlsch~rge that he had II [erved his coUntry in the northern section orthamiddotmiddot Union M He may have served in Mar~rland aa manff the Virginia soldiers did Archives of Mary~and for 1900 mentions a Thomas Carlton serving in Rev War (Vol 18p97) Thomas Carlton settled on a tract of 375 acres near Boomer Wilkes Co NCar where he fveti the rest of his life This property is still in possession of hf 8 deBcenciants The widow of Hil ton Carl ton ( ) showed the compilor the onginal deed in 1939 It is recorded in the county 1 and grants Marcht 1780 wi tnessed by R1 chard Caswell Esqlltre OCvernorCapta1n-General and r~mmander in Chief at Kingston Orant Mgl9 It i8 cescribeG as lying and being in our County ot Wilke~ on a fork of ~eaver Creek Beginningat a Chestnut in the Spur~ of the MOlmtain Running thence North tl)ree hundred Poles to a rob~e Gurn in Thomas Lanns Line then East Two hlmdred poles to Two Pines thence Sollth three hundred Poles to a Gum Gheatnut endmiddot CheBtnut Oak in the spurs of the Mountain thence West to the first Station bullbullbull Also recorded in Wilkes County Records 11-477 Entered 9 Slme1 7 99 for Thomas Cal ton 100 acres of lcm~on top of Brushy fo l l11t near Coxs Knob In Wilkes County Hecord~ Book 70 ThOflH1A Carl ton and hi s wi fa Hary Carl ton 0 a~ deed signed 6 April 1790 TJO John Barlow Sr 120 acresmiddot of land ono bullbullbull

Beaver Creek on the Ringe where said Carlton lives Wit RobArt Ayers ann E1i~aheth Carl tonmiddot This Eli~abeth was probably the mother of Thomas ~be~





Th~ f(ll(1i~f3 COllr t iJYorfJ~inCfi TJ~n+~Gn T-(1iJts 1 ton Newl 1 7middot)t)rTmiddot~~~ 1Y thp- CO~lTt thp_t Jehn ~-lrlC Jr be o~rshy

seer of +n~ r()R~ in Jlr~ of ThosCnrltJcn from BAv~r Grppk to ~hrilte IJC L~nf bullbullbullbullbullbull 11 (tQ so Y~AtAr ~p~r 1 7)7) bull

An c~Ollnt of tAxpble rroJ~rt~T 0n middotllkes CCilnt~ Ar1 7 )6shy~aptRin~ i~trlct Rrltons - A~r~s of LEnd-l1047 bull ITepoles 70


(~enpRt~d in 1 7 971h 1middot-7-1l~9rP )OtJh Jrnllrr~r I p0~r ef Jttorney f~m Tnles

lallc~ +0 AnnRnil1s Allen t-r8 proven in onen c(urt I)V the oCtt cf ThoJRR CarltJon ann orr-=rpd to be Tpc(r~edll ~ Ihe cen~1l9 (If 1 7 90 (f~rRt rne til~en in US) stJptfS liTho -Cl~JCn

7il1lteA 0 i mtYlo8Rn T)istrict oY1e ~111e over 1(3 flP1es unner 16 5 fer1aleR (Note thA ApellinE of th~ fpml1y TlPle [R tte rA were no t 6(1 qnn ~ d) bull Mrs Nora (Crlton)(l-2) Hoell of BoomerNCprollnahps an old table of ROOllt -OO yeRTB of age (Jacobean style) vhich helonged to Thomu= ~arl ton L1~ ~cl( ThomRR jprl ton ffiRrrien first HRry lkbeJl ) bull Her e1 ven nplle is givfn in a deed (If 1790 axgtve N otJhA ifites hC=ve been fCUTd concemine her She died befa re 1799 as Thomas IDprripd iJecond Catherine tivin3aton Febo1799 in Vi1kea CofJCcr (MarrBonc waR witne8sed b~r his lgtrotherLewis Carlton) She was the daughter of John C LivingBton (7 his 1111 probated ln NovCourt1824

names adauehtmiddotetsR Catherine Carl ton the life of Thomas Carl ton) Thomas ~ar1 ton ni ed ill 1344 at 88 years 0 f aee Wlll s c f W1lkes CountyNCar Book tr-300 ThoIDRB CarltonSr His wlll131gnea 17 April1837probpted MRy Court1844 1Ylfe deceased bullbull Children Plckens CaltonLivingston CarltonAmbrose WyattDenaisSllas Exc not nR1ed Wit Hartin Livlneston anc James Landmiddot ( Note that hisdaushters are not named nor childrp-n of the flrst marri~ee) In the NatianFtl Archives Record Groups NolS A-W 62lA North Carolina Wilkes County On 24 Oct1844 Thomas CErl ton Sr aged g~ years deposen ann sayeth he has lived nelghbor tomiddot ThomeR Burch for 30 yearsetc ann believed him to h~we serveci in Revalutlon~In This proveR the date 0f Thomas blrth1756 ~n~ that hewps l1Ving in October of lA44 (The date of probate of hls Will must have been misread aA compilor waR tQln that it T1fl 1n the MaY COllrt of that year) He waR huried in the Carlton ~amily Cemetery located en the hill nlxt the present hous~n hi s farm Therl iRan unmarked graye on e~ther Aln~ of hi wR Rre probRl)ly of rl s tV10 vivee Thomas CRrlton and Yoarv Carlton had 1A8ue

t 7 -1 John Carl to3 J Jlll~T 9 1778 mplAt Eli zabeth Barlow 2nn SllsA11np SMi +Jh

lB - CynthiR CRrl t0n b riled Pt 19 or 20 Jre 9 -3 Hary (Polly) Cfl t0n b rlEr FmStapllton

B1llch son of T~omRA Burch ~ Mmiddotvpn to Georgla her hrother ~holAsmiddot lrtr Tzt R =31 Ater Ruth Hi A Ai flter Keeieh) mar a Lewi A Cflrl ton

2 L_~_ 1 LJ~WI5 CARr-TeN so7o f John fmf Zliz8beth (Wallace) Cfrltcn

washorn Stpt121758 probAbly in Alb~flprle CC1a Thp VfterfJ1B Adllin~Rtrpti(n aAhinrwn DC pt8teR middot1111e living in thpt county (Alhei1Rrle) ha enligtet1 lOebl1777 in Revo1uticnEr~T ~ar served as pri VA te re eei ven a Ilusket beJl wo unr in the che st at the

Battle of ~rannywtne and ~aA ~iBChEtr[en ebl17Ro byColenel Febiger of the Second Vir5inia Ree1~ent He served in VaHarj1and and ~ennsylvAnla oved to iillces CountYNorth Carolina in the ~ spring of 1781 ro1r1 Fered three monthR as COffil1issary unrer Ce-ptain Willi ~ Leno i r bull In Co urt pro eee rUngs 0 f 1797 Tue srla~T 30th JanlLr Lewis Carl ton produeamptl hiB commission Pgmiddot A Justice of Peeee end

ltwaR 1oo1ifien Agre~ahly to law The cenSUR of 1790 Rta+JesllLewis callonVlilkes COllntYHorean )1striet one llaleover 16 3 nales unn er 16 Rnr 2 female s Lewi s Carl ton fii gned deed 31 J2Il

~ 1303 to hi son Ambrose Cqrlton for a trpct of l 1and situpte by lEnd of JaMes StRff(Wilke8 COCar ReeordC 1-441) H~ P6 mCrried

JAn1817~1 to Elizabeth iWe hC waR born Feb261762 (Wilkes Co bull _ ~Mar Bond dated TAIl13 wi tnt g Aer by John Carl ton) bull Thi a JChn Ca~l ton - b1(__ was probably his 1~her LpIi Carlton cUed Hflroh 131827 in

r 11 j ---wn1te-~ihty-rrlnis b9Th year and his winow cUedmiddot Cct3l1139 Ee shy~ ~a~ probahly btlried in thl Lewis CElrl ton Ctm~terY on hie fan afJWhGL-(_ YfIther-flr~-16 grAve 8~ Veterans Admini Atrtion stpteR that ~ Lew1s CRrlton=3 wlnoV W[ts surVived by the following children

POllY Laxton J4l17abeth Hgl er Nrmey Pearson ~illi pm Carl +en ~ I Milly T11cker ant1 ThoJTlRS Cprl ton Thp repo rt RtE te 8 tha tJ the 0 trer~ chilrlren 1rfere Dec3117Rl LPis pTIdI Allhrnsehorn Tohn DE-vid Howarn On file inthe NetionRl Archiv~g at Wpph1ngtcn cf the

~~ Revol 11tionRryO-ar Reeorn of LewisCarlton Llvi Lextcn ~~~lareB that the copy (If MRrriAge birtheetc of Le1iB CElrltcne papers ar9 lxact +Rken fr0rJ R 1xok uhich he nllrchAHH Pt the Fp1e of said LelJi s CRrl to1 in ( cto h~r 1 ~27 LLemiddottJ1~1i~~-J -l~) frlt Ua t the oneinRl i8 in the hand8 of L~w1s~f-z(in 153) (Levi

xtons IOn1rIOMP-R marrien Polly nanehter of Lei8 ~~l1cn) (h f1H1 s RPl t(n he h~~ th~ 0001pound i--n 1853 ~Ufmiddot hayenA-~ gIrJda eon 0 t th~ If4-te~ -SD1Gl er rs the 1 at tampIs-~nLeylfl ls-l() tot inclnded as o~LthA cb11c4ren-11l1ne-1n lmiddot~n-ampt--thA ~-()r the1-Pshy

~~-aer_~~) bull In th~ AlfTle nDerfi tht fCllovtnc i R fa un~ = Oalrlell romty N0veMber 31952 H~nr~T SlJTlpter pged Q5 l+lte~L that_h~ l~ -om in Alherle Co lnty -fircinia nr r113 ftter reshy

m~ved to wh~re the ~en0nent no~ lives In thp ye~r prec~fing the 3attl~ of KingR jmiddot~ount~in (few 1orr=3 e~er1 to b~ leftcuthere) and

L he reMemb~rs well that before he l~ft V~re1niEbullbullTcfln SUrter WIn Rtpiton 1110rJPA I f5blll ~~Dun Georce J)1tll pnr B~ir

Lewi13 Iarl ton ~nli RtAlt1 pnn ~ar~ off +0 wpr The AP~e l~1~Psect L f or 1- n A l i1 r Po ~ ~ - C shystate thilt Le middot R CRrl ton 11lt trA 101 0 (llu lt (bull r)middot bull prl wonbull J_

and WRS raquoom S~Jt121759 shy

Lewis Rnn Sl1~abth GRrlton hRO issue in Wilkes CotNCar 31- 1 Ambrose Carlton b Decn1781 mar Prudenc~ Isbell 3~- 2 Mary Polly Carl ton b abt 1784 mRr Tho1_B Laxton 33 - 3 Lewi s Carl ton b Rbt 1786 mar Nancy liro uch ~4- 4 ThomRs Carlton b 1788 mar Cynthia Carlton )

)5 - 5 John Carl ton b bull 36- fie David Carl ton b abt 1793i mar Amelia Petty

37 - 7 Howard Carl ton b bull 3~ - 9 El11abeth CRrl ton b mar Kell ~y Hag] ere 39- 9 Nancy Carl ton b mar Pearson

40 -10 bull Willi EUl Carl to n b abt 1803 mar Mary Hall 41~-11 Milly CarltonD mar Jamefl vuckerAug8182D

1 5 - 1 JOHN CARLTON2 (John7 son of John and E11~abeth (Wallace)

Carl ton (1) was born 1n V1rginia He was in the Revshyolut1onary~ar No other data has been found about him He must have had a fam11y as a John CarltonJr married Eli~abeth Burch in 1810 He may have had a son Lewi Bmiddot a8 there was a Iew1 s Carl ton who mar1edDec301813 Rissea () Burch0J1l15es CoNCar -arr Bond di ~fi CJ2 t to e8d There was a Lewi B Carl ton who married Dec141805 J iCeelah Burch according to aome copies Neither LeWis can be ldentifiAd now John Carlton probably had 1s~ue

42~- 1 John Carl ton Jr b SltJIrT_ middotj3J6 mar Ell ~abeth Burch I



I- I

- -shyI I




~ ~~_



for hie chllrch He n1An Dec141832 t f9 yeRra of age nn pe 7p burted 1n the Carl ton Cellet~ry on a hill en hi ~ frn wr~re_~ ~ of h18 neSCenORntS hrwe been burlec sln8e tren bull -lilR wiL vc s cern -~ Feb 51r9 iln dl en 1 n 1 )~5 Rt 66 ~TeRr8 of RiYJi umiddot -tUJ L ( - They han 1 f3 S11~ n Nl1 ~ 8 Co N Car (alltl y Bi bl e Rece rr)

~~1 CY1~hla Carlton) bOct~31790 mar Thomas CET~lton (No~x51a CQuBin C-Il Id I t)~ )i~J lt--zdxt fti 5middotY4-flJlrr Y7~ I-rrz~

41 -2 ltll1Abeth Cflrlton b Apr~l 291792 IPr JJmiddot)rose Pflrkf~ remai neci 1 n N Car rU ed ~41854 et 62 lt - _~-

-)-+-4 (3 Robert Montgomery ~arltA~n b JRn31l94 ar Lcgtvire T~ BArlo w - Ac~

45 -4 Esther Carlton bPeb2f190 MRr PlearFlnt Parks ~7 -5 Catherlne Garlton b Apr9108 dlec ln lnfancy

47~ -6 ~Flry Carlton b Apr14lROO mar Jarrles Jornaon bull 413-7 Thollas Lewls Carlton bAug141803i mar PEllee Halibert

and SURan Hal bert


TOMPKIN5 BARLOW3 eon of Ell zabeth (Carl ton) and Tromas Barlow was 1xgtrn in 1767 in Vlrginia He married in Va ln 1792 Margaret Westdaughter of John West (b1738) and Rachel (Perry) West (mpr in 1758 in Maryland) John West was son of John West (1705-1766) Rachel Perry WR8 daughter of Jamee Perry She dled ln 1840 ln Ky The Barlowe moved to Bourbon Co Ky He died there in 1814 Margaret~(We8t) Barlew died in Ky in 1840 They had isue

~~ bull 49-~-1 AlVin West Barlow b ln 1795i mar Mary Ann Fisher

3 11 - 2 - 1 ELEPHALEl Barlow Bon 0 f Ell abeth (Carl ton) and Tlomas

BarloW wae born in ~rginla in 1777 and ralsed in Wilkes Co NCar He moved with hle parents to Scott CoKent in 1800 He married in 1801 ti~iDc~b~ to NlcholaarC61K~nt and later to M1 chigan Thf3Y had 1 ssu~

50~-1 Lew s Barlow middotSi~-2 Tomplcins Barlow (named for hie uncle) 52~-3 ~i~abeth Bflrlow 53S~4 Alfred Harlow bin 1815 ln Harrison CoKy died ln

Ky on 1900 aged 84 yrA In Perrins HiStory of Bourbon ScottHarrisonamp Nlcholas Countlespn97 ls a sketch of his life

17 - 3 - 1




I I ) lor t V

foY n19 ~1lr~h -~ w- P CYP(t le2_n~Y in t-lat pprt (f tre ccu-tr He dlert n~c141932 nt 6 ~e~rs of ~C~ an~ WFP burie~ in the C~rltc~ Ceet~r~r on P hiCh hilJ ( his fRm middotmiddotler~ r~p~~ cf 11~ (lps(~~imiddotC2-~

hfiJe beAn ~)llrje r~ncA thAn -iA ife 0S horn lteh51~a pnt iec in l~35 Rt hh yeRrs of Gee They han i~Plle in -tlkeR C~pr[lr (Rec from P[T1il~r 3ihle)- 3i -1 ~ n t J hi fl e r 1 t () n b C Ct 3 1 790 rl r r bull r( bull Cl 111() T rC P ~

)ClJlt0n (8middotlr)c~ CoEtrY30nn) Fi c(lPin~ rArplnec1 i0-cl(~~_ or eRr 1 rh p n h~r Rrent3 fllOPrl tC In(lina thp cCllflinmiddot 2 shywh0i she r1prri~n 0 ~ Th071P8 Ron of h~r uncI eLmiddotmiddotmiddotis oo8ver her qncle Jorm (krl ton rlay hpv~ hpc1 a sen by the name of Thom~ ~r02recor(lA havp been found of th8 fRP1lly_of fohn CRrlton (4) It-Qculd--notmiddotmiddothE-ve been ThcmaA3- BOno-fmiddot heruncle Thomas 2) lmiddotaB-middot hi 9middot three Vol vee are recorded Eli7aheth Carl ton b April 291792 lAr Ar1brose Farks re~ained in NCar nied Sept41954 at 62 yre RD bert rontgorrlery Garl ton h JE1n 311794 mpr LeV1na Barlow E3 ther Carl ton )) Feb 261796 mer Plescnt PRrka Catherine Carlton bAprR1793 dier in infancy Mary Carlton hApr141800 rlRr J~e8 Johnsen ThomaB Lew1Fl Carlton bAue141803 mar Pales HElbert and Susan Halbert

~ -


- r7-Y-l JOHN CARLTON ( Thomas 2 Johnl ) son c f Thoma-5 2 and M~ry (

Carl ton ~PS born July 291778 either in Vlrelnia or inrllkee pr Burke County North Iarollnlttmiddot He married firat Aue141802 Eliabeth BRrlow(Wilkes CoMarrBonn slened by Tohn Carlton and Tho8~arltonl AftAr her d~Rth he marriedApril 30lR13Susanna Smyth or S1ith (Wilke~ CoBarrBond) born Harch 61781 the daught~r of Smi th ann Susanna (Berryford) Smi the

Susanna 3rryforrt Wltt8 born at C8Seb11ry Tovm Ches~re County England the rJauEhter of a mnrhle sculptor Her lother (lied vJhen she WlttA v~ry young She hfl~ several brothers ~nd siaters and Bt~ may have been- the olnest The chlldr~n staed at horne lcne rhen their fthe wp~ at work 111en she WPA five yers oft1ee P IDCn ~nc wo~a~ (stran5RrA) caller on th~ chll~ren t~o~or three times rne ~ay the~were A~~o~pRnien by another man ~hey perRuRnAc the little SusannR to go ricHne 1 th them ann gve her~pn~y After 1 uring her A~Ay th~y took her to a port pl~cen her on boat which ~as

going to AlericR In order to lte~p her qUiet the k1~nfppeb~ threw Mon~~ in her lap whenever she cried ~he ~RR solrl in

V1famplntR or HRryland When Ahe WA eieht yera Of Age Ahe hac ~ J ~~ work of lttn antut ann was cruelly trecR1e(l middothen she 1ip~ ~ the Wflthi ng her li stre S R wo ul ~ 0 ften b~At her i th the wet sheets In the wirHermiddot Rhe was farcen to ircn the sheeta Pt night to ha ~ t1eITl wPrrn fo r the fa111ly when the~r WAnt to he~ hen she was f1f~~en yeRTA of pge in (Ir~_Ar to be fr-ee from her istress she ran 0 ff Ann ~f1rri en ~ir f)Tlli th w1th lIMn she hen Flli gh t aqua1niA1~e-(he lay ha~Te wCrke~ a little middotfer her mistress) rh~y went to StokA8 C-ollnty ann later ~llkeA County North Carolina sectWr~eyen~ PPfFt1 flCl h~T~T)~QLl~ ffter sheV~~ klcnrrped Tbist

w -~ 0_ 0 n~r poundJ n-(iCUtr l Jer Rebecca Carl ton (~) w1o tcld J7 I

it niffrnt ti1~s to ~innip (V) Elr ~T(ra ~2rl ton (t~)~) ~hip

story hc 1~~n t0lf hr tJmiddotlo 8or1Iilor f~th~rSi(1ne~ 0trl ton( 011 t not so llrn in (~~til ~tpr ~r S-i th s cppth SURPnnp lErlec 2nn n~nrJ Rin 11 jpvoltJiClP rr HpgtYm ltnc1 thp Ron cf -lenrr rioris0n PJn Of ~n~lrn~ ~~ in~ 11(1pr fro-r iJYpc 0C111 ty

to r~11tPl=t ~01lntoyN0~r in ll36 middotherp ~hf 8ler pt th~ P~f~ cf 10)9 y~rrc p~or(~LrlC t() S(1~~ ()~ thfl -011r he gt(~ urltct on Lo n rcJgt 0 ll tA 1l n ~ t l ~ l ~ 1 rr 300 ne ~~ ~ r~ pl so lt= J h 8shy

bltnr nr ()ll~T son --1[Ylea in~ ~lr1e- C~~qrlAA ~pin -Yer F~c lerr Ro ~orbaltAn)TCr-_ gt iQr in l~=O pt 90 ~fprs of R5~ ln his 10 eti-rl in 1 ~5 1i3A~ 10~ trer hu~ ten chilcrpn oftH4rOin sn~ 1~middotn~r o~~ th~l (l~~ChrlcUltR llfe neer Lone Hope rt ~ Tri CrYH1S0n rpnk inclRc1 Ron of R~1j7~r (iftin) enr arl HocgtRday of Homtpjn (itY1enn R~nt data on (hprles ~e1nB family in 1937 He ARio thRt his gr2rGmiddot~RthprChErles rmiddot~ein told him thpt Sl1sannet 3erryfo rd pnlt Henry M1n were clc FP friends before Henry ~nliRten in thp Wetr That he ViPS 60ne for seven yeprs fn~ in the neantirrJe 9he had l11Rrried ~r Sl11i th who 28 not in the wer pnd Who 11ven onl v a fe ITeprs When Hmrv Main returned from the war he mari ~d ~u~annt(BerrYfo rr) 511 tho v bull

John eRrl tons naTTJp appeers 1 n Many a ffl cagtJ re co rds as e Witness attorneYetc He RIBO rleclRre~ in a similar paper 26 hi s father s irp~5arc1 to Thoilas Burch R middotRevollltionery ~I_r seIri ce dted Cct~41844 grnn1e (Carl ton) (9) Hendcvls has the Bible wi th the f~~ily reC()rr3 of John Cprl ton She Polso hA an old fan whi ch helonged t( Sllscmna -3eryford John Carl t~on Ii ved on e farm near hi s father A fe mil e s from fuomer but in the edge 0 f

~alcmiddotel1 C01mty It WFi8 prohDly part of his fathers ori[1ne1 farm H~ nl~d RRrch 11855 in his 77th yeRr (Bihle R~c) His wife bull SusAnna (SIli th) Garl ton (lied Jan12lR48 in her 67th year They were rr1rieo in a priva t7 burinl plot on their farm In hiS will in i1keFl CONCAr lTYillsB0ok 5- 122 vihich WES RignedmiddotJan 111 A51 Rn~ pro OP ter in Apri 1 Co urt 1 355 no lfe 1 s mentioned his chi1dr~nthoMa8 Le1iR H~nryJohn ere ~h bequeathe~ 24 cents each (th~y had all move~ to Ge(r6ia) ~ary ~torey8~4 Charles I-RYlton ~20 Albert CarltJonFxecutor onaheJf of estate c _i

Rebec~a CtY1 ton on~ half 0 f estnte Pi ckenflA~aI80 rprned as-middot h


eseclltJor ~_tJnenRen by Thomas ~heaetle --Erltori~ nephemiddot)SNShep- ~ i

h8r~ Rn~ Abull T Dyson 1

John Anel =l~~pbeth (3111011) Garlton h2c 1i1F1ue at Boomer rr CFr =

-_-~- 1 lho1etR CRrlton4brctoo301~()3 lov to G he Tl1Py hfve heen the thonAs ho lRrNov71822 Sli7be th Lpn~

(lVl1kes C(nr30nc1 RIp-a siVlecl by Chfrlee pin) _ ~ 1~~middot LewiFl Garl ton b~prch IOlRo6 fTlOV to Ga re meJ~lve

hren tohe Levls no nAr~TCv31825Lettic~ Ln~ J~

I~ (Wilkes ~olprrbull onn ~lsC si~necl by BpnjBlrCh)~~~iE~ ~- 3 i~ar~r t1p(1~ytl ~pmiddotl ton bJlIly 251~()R IlFr Ii Story ~

John A-nr J19tnna (Sfli th) ~FI1 ton hpr i ARlP t Boomer (Blble ec) S(~- 1 lphecca gtpriR ~~r1ton hArril 261 Q 15i eJer UJlpr bullbull PfTmiddot

middot201 ()95 Fit 0 YYs livf~ 11 th her brotrer ~hrl-es~)~IJ qn~ h l 8 fR~ilv Rftpr her DRrenta fe~ths 2n~ leter with wi th ChArl e A son Sr-tT1 1pl Cprl ten C5) Cr hi S fcTl1y at Boomer 8~ill r~rl~nbererl b~r heri1iH~efJ 1J~l rt Boole r

rV lnCh1rGh (jefTl(poundr~v~ 8+one) bull bull 44-- 2 -enY Cr1ton bF~b21lgI7mar 112ry ThomaR Epds

poundI Winov of Ja11e8 3urch ~45e- - ChrleA 0Prl t on JApr11lf)l119 mprfrhC~theYine

~rJ1~r Rnr ry JSharp


A(- A1hpyt CpltCn hAucOllO lPT tl17pr)~th ope 2-- 47- 5 John )J111th nr1ton hcT~m ~211~~ mr Splgttr SccfXro- -~ ~ st JL - J

3-- --2-~ 1 I ~) LlC)~=cr(~middot (l1Crnqs-Qhpl) son ofThCfTl[SU10 gtry ( )

0Rrlton 1Ii(lR~rn lpnur 17q~~H~ rrt[rrt~nJ)tcl41q()5 NEtCy h (1 1 T r h A t ) -)_l bull rolC __ ~q~(l pr rr bullXnll ~~o Rl[nen Jy bull er_ on bull J bulle

~F8middot tJLA nmiddot3h+pr(f J0hn rolch ( J(ihn Crouch in hi ill rrrDto-t-- Nov~llhfr CCllrt 1 =n1fTl~R (n~ hAir PS LE1rin Cerl ton) The Cprl tcn~ i moved to 310 un t Co untz Tenn (near Rno xvi 11) in th~ e p 11 Y l-l30 I ~ ~ I ann 1 F te r to tetrLo n 00 ~ 1e tm ([ear 0hp t trne-o ga) MC ri 0 n jerI tol_

I t (184 5-193h) of N~wton Co~ty~Ark~nJ3a8 Rent thp list of Lewi8 v Carl ton 8 (grRnnfther C f ~~ri()1)) chilc1r~n nr l)i rth elf te s tJo 11 s

bro ther Geo reA i Carl t(in (l~3-1929) I CTrRhm TeXE8 lhi 8 ~ata was Bent b~ ChRYlea G BurneRs~ Stnte Co11eeePR a descennant of

- Lew1 B Carl ton ~ shy

~ Lewis andNRncy era uch) C241 ton hft~l salle ~ 4~- 1 Alfred CRrlton t b Sep ~16lq07 mprPRluin~ Al1i~on

-r ~- 41 Q- 32 bull ~~atiil na C~lr1tt(1n bO ct 51l2~10~-11~ 7i~) k47~~g-Ji (~middot )l

f _ 50 - bull oev na ~R on J __bull ) _ ~~

i ~51- 4 Je1lRey Rpl ton bAug11814 f5P~ 5 ALlston Carltonb SeptllS16 shy

Uf3- ~ Slntha Carl ton b DeclSl ~18 $4- 7 WarreI1 Carlton bHay 51821 - -amp55- 8 WillfRll Girl ton b JU1 13 1923)~---ITS) ~~- ~p6- 9 Ii~~tm Carl ton bAug30 1825 ment1o-ned ln his grEnI1shy

L fatner =I (Tohn Cro tIch) Will 1)7-10 ~middotAncy Carlton b Hay 81828

-lt-11ThOllR8 Carl to~ bApr121830~~~rromiddot~ _- 21- ~--~-

middotmiddotTli~l~~ CARLTON3 (I1-~mC82~ JO~lt son at Thomas Rnn Mary( ) Car1tort~aB born Jan21790 in wil~ces CountyNCer H~ livpdc]1 a farm hear BooJTl~r probb1y part ot hi fatherA orieinE1 farmbull He mRrrlenlRtmiddotlRrch 261313 Jane ~Jenniett ~erryman (Wilkes Co~ Marr3=lnn also ~~enec1 by Georee Crouch) who 11iBS lxrn Feb281796 bull She d lprl April 101921 at 25 yearR laving two ~hl1 nren He mar ~11 2nn Aue12 t 1821 Ruth Surch (Fanily Bi b1 e ~ec) (i1ke e Co bull

MarrBonn eiveA T1l1y 311809 a1Ro Riener by LeIIis Cpr1ton r~any of middot the Jr9rr 3onr~ were in such pOOT conra tJion thHt they were rarc11 middot reRda1Jl~)Rllth 31Lrch middotR8 the nRuchteY of Tho[18 anc fJarCh Crones)

3ttrch W10SP sonWm8tRp]p+on lurcht1nrrled 1ho~_a GRr1t(r~ sisipr Mar or Poll GRrl tJon anct hose dtlllrh+er Ke~lph lrripo 2 Lems Carlton (~01Jlor e0~8 not know whi~h LelR) probRbl~ pltllr 2

brothr (1 f lj10I1tR ~lrl tJon q r n nephemiddot R1th Burch WR Cl Bo Pshy

elster of TP1es 31Ir~h whoAe 1c10w I19rrler Henry Cftrl ten (LLLL) neph~w o~ JhO1PR pltC1nbull llth l~lrch PF fJcrn July 111 7 2End

middot r11prl r~t19llf) lt 70 yepYR Thofip CFtr1ton ~rarri~(lr~ bCut Iln4 N~ll~ ~ ( r e I1no r Sn no n Y(111ng~r Ai s t e1 (1 frJ R ra ughtershyin-lA-vI ~middotrltgtn~y ho rlprri~r hi S(n31Ir tJon erlten (ht) Sre v=s born fn li3~~ h~I=8 middot~middotlton R= in th lpr ~f lq1~ Hp lee JCn14lg77 ~t 17 yFlp 0f C~ (tn~ Ips 0urLeci on hls fe (3101e ~~~) Hi c Gr1Yl(~~Flchter rR rrtry (pl tCn) (i~51 Geman cf 3cc7er has hif3 o1n fA1ily =3ihle with fRnl1 recorrs copied by t1gt- cCTIp11or

1- Hi ~ will w~ siGn~~ rmiddot ct 15 1~63 prC1 ~)ptn 7 fgto18771 e~jl1npound hl B eS+Jate to lll of hip chlllt1en to ahpre equally The 7i11 sks his son T)pliel t (1r1 +J0n to )y from th~ estpt~ of 7illlflIn ~11Ych

wll ~ t 1 L~ nlIP to hi-s trRn~P l()1 tJe r G~ rt rtl(1 e Grl +Jon rlpllpoundhtpT C fti s1shydece~~e(l eon (nCt nrLl~~ (Trof1Cgt8 Ghedle Crl ton) EX8 scn-1n-1pw JRI1~S ZllF n srn 31lY~0n A Garl +cn shy

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 2: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


()n~il~rJ ov Ijtip- ~middotn~1of CrJt0l 5~e a~~ ~~ GjiJ~tATION f

I TO HN CARLTON iRA 00 rn in the earl y part a r the ei ehte enth

century and lived in Virginia TrRdition in one branch cf the family relAteR that John Garl ton I s father was aClideIllly rro1T1shyed on 111e vcya8e to tilis country fro1 Znoand and that his vife and ch1ldr~n Aett1ed in Virginia 1here was a Washington Cprlton born in Bngland who hRd two f1 ret coulina Henry and Thomas Cerl shyton and who ~arried Kate bull They had iSBue John LeWis Thomas Ambrose Mary and Mildred Their Bon John may have been the John Carl ton the first Carl ton of this history as Washington Carl ton I s sons had the sace names a8 the abo ve John Carl ton Ihe Lewi 8 Carl ton aoov~ settled in King and Queen Cotmty Va was in the Revo1 utionaly War ann had BonA Qf~ the same names as above The ~~Pi1or haA records of descendants of thi s Lewi s Carl ton Lem s brother John had a Thomas and a1 80 Mary who married a Mr Watkins and moved to tennes-see There was an A~brose Carlton of same generation of John who married Lucy (-she 1ateJfiilYr Mitcham) lived in Spottmiddot sylvania CountYVa and had Catherine Ell~abeth and Mary ThereA)fEfiTeral court records of this family There was a Thomas Carl ton of 11ecklenburg County Va of the same eeneration who had a famil~who8e records are known These families of Carl tons _ may ~or may not be r~lated to John Carlton of this Genealogy

John Carl ton married ELIZABETH WALLACE a nat1 ve of Virginia She may have belonged to one of the Wallace families of Albeshymarle Count~~ Virginia who had moved from Pennsylvaniabullbull The Car1tons Barlows Livingstons Isbe1la Parkes Wal1aceeetc were in Albemarle Campoe11 and bordering counties on the Stantshyon River in Virginia before moving to north Garollna Several enlisted there in the nevo1utionary nar and Bome men who served in Virginia earlier reenlisted in the war after they reached W11kesGaldwel1 Surry and Burke Counties of North Carolina i~e Carl tons moved to Burke County North Caro1ira about the time or durin5 the Revolutionary iYar They loved between 1777 and 1780 as their Bon LeWis enlisted in the war in 1777 from Albeshymarle County Va and their youngest son Ambrose enlisted f~ Burke COunty N Oar in l780 Ther four Aons were in the Rev War It has been told that all of them returned from the war at one time ~heir motherwho was in the potatoe patch oigging potatoes for dinner WRS so surprised and excited that ehe threw up her arms loslng her knife which wae never found John CarIto may have dien before the family moved to North Carolina as one tradition gives his death about 1766 No recorE has been found of his wino 8 death Their eone lived on the edge of Wilkes and Caldwell counties which were later formed from Burke Rowan and Surry counties North Carolina John and Eli~aoeth (~a11a~e) Carlton hRn iARue 2- 1 E1itabeth GA-r1ton b ~r ThomAS EA-Tlow bull 3- 2 Thomas Carlton b in 1756 marlst Mary _

2ndCather1ne Livingston it 4 -3 Lewie Car1ton- b Sept12~581iar E1i~abeth Eve 5 -4 John Carl ton b marbull bull 6- 5 ArnbroBe Oar1tonbMarch 2Q1703 ~ar Jean ~~ntgomery



(1 lltJi SRA ION I I

2 middot1 lltlI7AB~H Cprlton nalltYrter of John anct E1i7abeth (tiallace)

CarltonYaFl born in Virginia She married Thomps BprloIT of Va They lived for awhile in Wilkes CountYN Car He was in the Rev War They mover to Scott Co Kent The Wilkes Co NCar Reco rds F-ll Ii reco rra Thomas IBarlo w 0 f Sec tt Co Kent a power of attorney signer 5th Nov 1 905 to Lewi B ~arl ton Esq iSrothershyin-law bullbullbull 0 to 0 lJtain fo r me ~Ihat is due me from JRIlea Brovnbull 0

f~sq bullbullbullbull 0 ~Tames Davidson bull 0 Ambrose Parke bullbull o bullbull anrl WIn Brown Wit uy John Isbell and AlbroSA Carlton Thomas Barlow died in Carlyle Nicholas Co Ky in IgoR leavine a vQll naming the following children 3

7 -1 1ompkln8 Barlow I born 1767 mar Margaret West 8 -2 WilliAIl Barlow 9 - 3 John Barlo w

10 -4 Jessie Barlow 11l-5 Elephalet Barlow b in 1777 mar ____Gamm1l12-0bull HJl ~abAth Yowmell Barlow b p~btnar

13 -7 Jane Baro w 14-8 Mary Epison or Emison

15-9 Milly Bartow 1610 Edi th Line or Fine

3- 1 THOMAS CArzLTON~ s8on of John and Elt~abeth (Wallace) Carl ton

was born in 1756 probably in Virginia He lived in Albemarle Co Vaas the History of Albemarle Co Va by Woods p386 states th8~ Thomas Carlton moved to North Carolina tHe was living 1nmiddot Wilkes CoNCar in 1780 He served 1n the Revolutionary War In an application for a pension by a descendant of Lewis Caplton ~nnrs on file in the Veterans Administration at Washington DC it states that Lewis Carltons brotherThOmas Carlton showed Colonel Cleveland in North Carolina his dlsch~rge that he had II [erved his coUntry in the northern section orthamiddotmiddot Union M He may have served in Mar~rland aa manff the Virginia soldiers did Archives of Mary~and for 1900 mentions a Thomas Carlton serving in Rev War (Vol 18p97) Thomas Carlton settled on a tract of 375 acres near Boomer Wilkes Co NCar where he fveti the rest of his life This property is still in possession of hf 8 deBcenciants The widow of Hil ton Carl ton ( ) showed the compilor the onginal deed in 1939 It is recorded in the county 1 and grants Marcht 1780 wi tnessed by R1 chard Caswell Esqlltre OCvernorCapta1n-General and r~mmander in Chief at Kingston Orant Mgl9 It i8 cescribeG as lying and being in our County ot Wilke~ on a fork of ~eaver Creek Beginningat a Chestnut in the Spur~ of the MOlmtain Running thence North tl)ree hundred Poles to a rob~e Gurn in Thomas Lanns Line then East Two hlmdred poles to Two Pines thence Sollth three hundred Poles to a Gum Gheatnut endmiddot CheBtnut Oak in the spurs of the Mountain thence West to the first Station bullbullbull Also recorded in Wilkes County Records 11-477 Entered 9 Slme1 7 99 for Thomas Cal ton 100 acres of lcm~on top of Brushy fo l l11t near Coxs Knob In Wilkes County Hecord~ Book 70 ThOflH1A Carl ton and hi s wi fa Hary Carl ton 0 a~ deed signed 6 April 1790 TJO John Barlow Sr 120 acresmiddot of land ono bullbullbull

Beaver Creek on the Ringe where said Carlton lives Wit RobArt Ayers ann E1i~aheth Carl tonmiddot This Eli~abeth was probably the mother of Thomas ~be~





Th~ f(ll(1i~f3 COllr t iJYorfJ~inCfi TJ~n+~Gn T-(1iJts 1 ton Newl 1 7middot)t)rTmiddot~~~ 1Y thp- CO~lTt thp_t Jehn ~-lrlC Jr be o~rshy

seer of +n~ r()R~ in Jlr~ of ThosCnrltJcn from BAv~r Grppk to ~hrilte IJC L~nf bullbullbullbullbullbull 11 (tQ so Y~AtAr ~p~r 1 7)7) bull

An c~Ollnt of tAxpble rroJ~rt~T 0n middotllkes CCilnt~ Ar1 7 )6shy~aptRin~ i~trlct Rrltons - A~r~s of LEnd-l1047 bull ITepoles 70


(~enpRt~d in 1 7 971h 1middot-7-1l~9rP )OtJh Jrnllrr~r I p0~r ef Jttorney f~m Tnles

lallc~ +0 AnnRnil1s Allen t-r8 proven in onen c(urt I)V the oCtt cf ThoJRR CarltJon ann orr-=rpd to be Tpc(r~edll ~ Ihe cen~1l9 (If 1 7 90 (f~rRt rne til~en in US) stJptfS liTho -Cl~JCn

7il1lteA 0 i mtYlo8Rn T)istrict oY1e ~111e over 1(3 flP1es unner 16 5 fer1aleR (Note thA ApellinE of th~ fpml1y TlPle [R tte rA were no t 6(1 qnn ~ d) bull Mrs Nora (Crlton)(l-2) Hoell of BoomerNCprollnahps an old table of ROOllt -OO yeRTB of age (Jacobean style) vhich helonged to Thomu= ~arl ton L1~ ~cl( ThomRR jprl ton ffiRrrien first HRry lkbeJl ) bull Her e1 ven nplle is givfn in a deed (If 1790 axgtve N otJhA ifites hC=ve been fCUTd concemine her She died befa re 1799 as Thomas IDprripd iJecond Catherine tivin3aton Febo1799 in Vi1kea CofJCcr (MarrBonc waR witne8sed b~r his lgtrotherLewis Carlton) She was the daughter of John C LivingBton (7 his 1111 probated ln NovCourt1824

names adauehtmiddotetsR Catherine Carl ton the life of Thomas Carl ton) Thomas ~ar1 ton ni ed ill 1344 at 88 years 0 f aee Wlll s c f W1lkes CountyNCar Book tr-300 ThoIDRB CarltonSr His wlll131gnea 17 April1837probpted MRy Court1844 1Ylfe deceased bullbull Children Plckens CaltonLivingston CarltonAmbrose WyattDenaisSllas Exc not nR1ed Wit Hartin Livlneston anc James Landmiddot ( Note that hisdaushters are not named nor childrp-n of the flrst marri~ee) In the NatianFtl Archives Record Groups NolS A-W 62lA North Carolina Wilkes County On 24 Oct1844 Thomas CErl ton Sr aged g~ years deposen ann sayeth he has lived nelghbor tomiddot ThomeR Burch for 30 yearsetc ann believed him to h~we serveci in Revalutlon~In This proveR the date 0f Thomas blrth1756 ~n~ that hewps l1Ving in October of lA44 (The date of probate of hls Will must have been misread aA compilor waR tQln that it T1fl 1n the MaY COllrt of that year) He waR huried in the Carlton ~amily Cemetery located en the hill nlxt the present hous~n hi s farm Therl iRan unmarked graye on e~ther Aln~ of hi wR Rre probRl)ly of rl s tV10 vivee Thomas CRrlton and Yoarv Carlton had 1A8ue

t 7 -1 John Carl to3 J Jlll~T 9 1778 mplAt Eli zabeth Barlow 2nn SllsA11np SMi +Jh

lB - CynthiR CRrl t0n b riled Pt 19 or 20 Jre 9 -3 Hary (Polly) Cfl t0n b rlEr FmStapllton

B1llch son of T~omRA Burch ~ Mmiddotvpn to Georgla her hrother ~holAsmiddot lrtr Tzt R =31 Ater Ruth Hi A Ai flter Keeieh) mar a Lewi A Cflrl ton

2 L_~_ 1 LJ~WI5 CARr-TeN so7o f John fmf Zliz8beth (Wallace) Cfrltcn

washorn Stpt121758 probAbly in Alb~flprle CC1a Thp VfterfJ1B Adllin~Rtrpti(n aAhinrwn DC pt8teR middot1111e living in thpt county (Alhei1Rrle) ha enligtet1 lOebl1777 in Revo1uticnEr~T ~ar served as pri VA te re eei ven a Ilusket beJl wo unr in the che st at the

Battle of ~rannywtne and ~aA ~iBChEtr[en ebl17Ro byColenel Febiger of the Second Vir5inia Ree1~ent He served in VaHarj1and and ~ennsylvAnla oved to iillces CountYNorth Carolina in the ~ spring of 1781 ro1r1 Fered three monthR as COffil1issary unrer Ce-ptain Willi ~ Leno i r bull In Co urt pro eee rUngs 0 f 1797 Tue srla~T 30th JanlLr Lewis Carl ton produeamptl hiB commission Pgmiddot A Justice of Peeee end

ltwaR 1oo1ifien Agre~ahly to law The cenSUR of 1790 Rta+JesllLewis callonVlilkes COllntYHorean )1striet one llaleover 16 3 nales unn er 16 Rnr 2 female s Lewi s Carl ton fii gned deed 31 J2Il

~ 1303 to hi son Ambrose Cqrlton for a trpct of l 1and situpte by lEnd of JaMes StRff(Wilke8 COCar ReeordC 1-441) H~ P6 mCrried

JAn1817~1 to Elizabeth iWe hC waR born Feb261762 (Wilkes Co bull _ ~Mar Bond dated TAIl13 wi tnt g Aer by John Carl ton) bull Thi a JChn Ca~l ton - b1(__ was probably his 1~her LpIi Carlton cUed Hflroh 131827 in

r 11 j ---wn1te-~ihty-rrlnis b9Th year and his winow cUedmiddot Cct3l1139 Ee shy~ ~a~ probahly btlried in thl Lewis CElrl ton Ctm~terY on hie fan afJWhGL-(_ YfIther-flr~-16 grAve 8~ Veterans Admini Atrtion stpteR that ~ Lew1s CRrlton=3 wlnoV W[ts surVived by the following children

POllY Laxton J4l17abeth Hgl er Nrmey Pearson ~illi pm Carl +en ~ I Milly T11cker ant1 ThoJTlRS Cprl ton Thp repo rt RtE te 8 tha tJ the 0 trer~ chilrlren 1rfere Dec3117Rl LPis pTIdI Allhrnsehorn Tohn DE-vid Howarn On file inthe NetionRl Archiv~g at Wpph1ngtcn cf the

~~ Revol 11tionRryO-ar Reeorn of LewisCarlton Llvi Lextcn ~~~lareB that the copy (If MRrriAge birtheetc of Le1iB CElrltcne papers ar9 lxact +Rken fr0rJ R 1xok uhich he nllrchAHH Pt the Fp1e of said LelJi s CRrl to1 in ( cto h~r 1 ~27 LLemiddottJ1~1i~~-J -l~) frlt Ua t the oneinRl i8 in the hand8 of L~w1s~f-z(in 153) (Levi

xtons IOn1rIOMP-R marrien Polly nanehter of Lei8 ~~l1cn) (h f1H1 s RPl t(n he h~~ th~ 0001pound i--n 1853 ~Ufmiddot hayenA-~ gIrJda eon 0 t th~ If4-te~ -SD1Gl er rs the 1 at tampIs-~nLeylfl ls-l() tot inclnded as o~LthA cb11c4ren-11l1ne-1n lmiddot~n-ampt--thA ~-()r the1-Pshy

~~-aer_~~) bull In th~ AlfTle nDerfi tht fCllovtnc i R fa un~ = Oalrlell romty N0veMber 31952 H~nr~T SlJTlpter pged Q5 l+lte~L that_h~ l~ -om in Alherle Co lnty -fircinia nr r113 ftter reshy

m~ved to wh~re the ~en0nent no~ lives In thp ye~r prec~fing the 3attl~ of KingR jmiddot~ount~in (few 1orr=3 e~er1 to b~ leftcuthere) and

L he reMemb~rs well that before he l~ft V~re1niEbullbullTcfln SUrter WIn Rtpiton 1110rJPA I f5blll ~~Dun Georce J)1tll pnr B~ir

Lewi13 Iarl ton ~nli RtAlt1 pnn ~ar~ off +0 wpr The AP~e l~1~Psect L f or 1- n A l i1 r Po ~ ~ - C shystate thilt Le middot R CRrl ton 11lt trA 101 0 (llu lt (bull r)middot bull prl wonbull J_

and WRS raquoom S~Jt121759 shy

Lewis Rnn Sl1~abth GRrlton hRO issue in Wilkes CotNCar 31- 1 Ambrose Carlton b Decn1781 mar Prudenc~ Isbell 3~- 2 Mary Polly Carl ton b abt 1784 mRr Tho1_B Laxton 33 - 3 Lewi s Carl ton b Rbt 1786 mar Nancy liro uch ~4- 4 ThomRs Carlton b 1788 mar Cynthia Carlton )

)5 - 5 John Carl ton b bull 36- fie David Carl ton b abt 1793i mar Amelia Petty

37 - 7 Howard Carl ton b bull 3~ - 9 El11abeth CRrl ton b mar Kell ~y Hag] ere 39- 9 Nancy Carl ton b mar Pearson

40 -10 bull Willi EUl Carl to n b abt 1803 mar Mary Hall 41~-11 Milly CarltonD mar Jamefl vuckerAug8182D

1 5 - 1 JOHN CARLTON2 (John7 son of John and E11~abeth (Wallace)

Carl ton (1) was born 1n V1rginia He was in the Revshyolut1onary~ar No other data has been found about him He must have had a fam11y as a John CarltonJr married Eli~abeth Burch in 1810 He may have had a son Lewi Bmiddot a8 there was a Iew1 s Carl ton who mar1edDec301813 Rissea () Burch0J1l15es CoNCar -arr Bond di ~fi CJ2 t to e8d There was a Lewi B Carl ton who married Dec141805 J iCeelah Burch according to aome copies Neither LeWis can be ldentifiAd now John Carlton probably had 1s~ue

42~- 1 John Carl ton Jr b SltJIrT_ middotj3J6 mar Ell ~abeth Burch I



I- I

- -shyI I




~ ~~_



for hie chllrch He n1An Dec141832 t f9 yeRra of age nn pe 7p burted 1n the Carl ton Cellet~ry on a hill en hi ~ frn wr~re_~ ~ of h18 neSCenORntS hrwe been burlec sln8e tren bull -lilR wiL vc s cern -~ Feb 51r9 iln dl en 1 n 1 )~5 Rt 66 ~TeRr8 of RiYJi umiddot -tUJ L ( - They han 1 f3 S11~ n Nl1 ~ 8 Co N Car (alltl y Bi bl e Rece rr)

~~1 CY1~hla Carlton) bOct~31790 mar Thomas CET~lton (No~x51a CQuBin C-Il Id I t)~ )i~J lt--zdxt fti 5middotY4-flJlrr Y7~ I-rrz~

41 -2 ltll1Abeth Cflrlton b Apr~l 291792 IPr JJmiddot)rose Pflrkf~ remai neci 1 n N Car rU ed ~41854 et 62 lt - _~-

-)-+-4 (3 Robert Montgomery ~arltA~n b JRn31l94 ar Lcgtvire T~ BArlo w - Ac~

45 -4 Esther Carlton bPeb2f190 MRr PlearFlnt Parks ~7 -5 Catherlne Garlton b Apr9108 dlec ln lnfancy

47~ -6 ~Flry Carlton b Apr14lROO mar Jarrles Jornaon bull 413-7 Thollas Lewls Carlton bAug141803i mar PEllee Halibert

and SURan Hal bert


TOMPKIN5 BARLOW3 eon of Ell zabeth (Carl ton) and Tromas Barlow was 1xgtrn in 1767 in Vlrginia He married in Va ln 1792 Margaret Westdaughter of John West (b1738) and Rachel (Perry) West (mpr in 1758 in Maryland) John West was son of John West (1705-1766) Rachel Perry WR8 daughter of Jamee Perry She dled ln 1840 ln Ky The Barlowe moved to Bourbon Co Ky He died there in 1814 Margaret~(We8t) Barlew died in Ky in 1840 They had isue

~~ bull 49-~-1 AlVin West Barlow b ln 1795i mar Mary Ann Fisher

3 11 - 2 - 1 ELEPHALEl Barlow Bon 0 f Ell abeth (Carl ton) and Tlomas

BarloW wae born in ~rginla in 1777 and ralsed in Wilkes Co NCar He moved with hle parents to Scott CoKent in 1800 He married in 1801 ti~iDc~b~ to NlcholaarC61K~nt and later to M1 chigan Thf3Y had 1 ssu~

50~-1 Lew s Barlow middotSi~-2 Tomplcins Barlow (named for hie uncle) 52~-3 ~i~abeth Bflrlow 53S~4 Alfred Harlow bin 1815 ln Harrison CoKy died ln

Ky on 1900 aged 84 yrA In Perrins HiStory of Bourbon ScottHarrisonamp Nlcholas Countlespn97 ls a sketch of his life

17 - 3 - 1




I I ) lor t V

foY n19 ~1lr~h -~ w- P CYP(t le2_n~Y in t-lat pprt (f tre ccu-tr He dlert n~c141932 nt 6 ~e~rs of ~C~ an~ WFP burie~ in the C~rltc~ Ceet~r~r on P hiCh hilJ ( his fRm middotmiddotler~ r~p~~ cf 11~ (lps(~~imiddotC2-~

hfiJe beAn ~)llrje r~ncA thAn -iA ife 0S horn lteh51~a pnt iec in l~35 Rt hh yeRrs of Gee They han i~Plle in -tlkeR C~pr[lr (Rec from P[T1il~r 3ihle)- 3i -1 ~ n t J hi fl e r 1 t () n b C Ct 3 1 790 rl r r bull r( bull Cl 111() T rC P ~

)ClJlt0n (8middotlr)c~ CoEtrY30nn) Fi c(lPin~ rArplnec1 i0-cl(~~_ or eRr 1 rh p n h~r Rrent3 fllOPrl tC In(lina thp cCllflinmiddot 2 shywh0i she r1prri~n 0 ~ Th071P8 Ron of h~r uncI eLmiddotmiddotmiddotis oo8ver her qncle Jorm (krl ton rlay hpv~ hpc1 a sen by the name of Thom~ ~r02recor(lA havp been found of th8 fRP1lly_of fohn CRrlton (4) It-Qculd--notmiddotmiddothE-ve been ThcmaA3- BOno-fmiddot heruncle Thomas 2) lmiddotaB-middot hi 9middot three Vol vee are recorded Eli7aheth Carl ton b April 291792 lAr Ar1brose Farks re~ained in NCar nied Sept41954 at 62 yre RD bert rontgorrlery Garl ton h JE1n 311794 mpr LeV1na Barlow E3 ther Carl ton )) Feb 261796 mer Plescnt PRrka Catherine Carlton bAprR1793 dier in infancy Mary Carlton hApr141800 rlRr J~e8 Johnsen ThomaB Lew1Fl Carlton bAue141803 mar Pales HElbert and Susan Halbert

~ -


- r7-Y-l JOHN CARLTON ( Thomas 2 Johnl ) son c f Thoma-5 2 and M~ry (

Carl ton ~PS born July 291778 either in Vlrelnia or inrllkee pr Burke County North Iarollnlttmiddot He married firat Aue141802 Eliabeth BRrlow(Wilkes CoMarrBonn slened by Tohn Carlton and Tho8~arltonl AftAr her d~Rth he marriedApril 30lR13Susanna Smyth or S1ith (Wilke~ CoBarrBond) born Harch 61781 the daught~r of Smi th ann Susanna (Berryford) Smi the

Susanna 3rryforrt Wltt8 born at C8Seb11ry Tovm Ches~re County England the rJauEhter of a mnrhle sculptor Her lother (lied vJhen she WlttA v~ry young She hfl~ several brothers ~nd siaters and Bt~ may have been- the olnest The chlldr~n staed at horne lcne rhen their fthe wp~ at work 111en she WPA five yers oft1ee P IDCn ~nc wo~a~ (stran5RrA) caller on th~ chll~ren t~o~or three times rne ~ay the~were A~~o~pRnien by another man ~hey perRuRnAc the little SusannR to go ricHne 1 th them ann gve her~pn~y After 1 uring her A~Ay th~y took her to a port pl~cen her on boat which ~as

going to AlericR In order to lte~p her qUiet the k1~nfppeb~ threw Mon~~ in her lap whenever she cried ~he ~RR solrl in

V1famplntR or HRryland When Ahe WA eieht yera Of Age Ahe hac ~ J ~~ work of lttn antut ann was cruelly trecR1e(l middothen she 1ip~ ~ the Wflthi ng her li stre S R wo ul ~ 0 ften b~At her i th the wet sheets In the wirHermiddot Rhe was farcen to ircn the sheeta Pt night to ha ~ t1eITl wPrrn fo r the fa111ly when the~r WAnt to he~ hen she was f1f~~en yeRTA of pge in (Ir~_Ar to be fr-ee from her istress she ran 0 ff Ann ~f1rri en ~ir f)Tlli th w1th lIMn she hen Flli gh t aqua1niA1~e-(he lay ha~Te wCrke~ a little middotfer her mistress) rh~y went to StokA8 C-ollnty ann later ~llkeA County North Carolina sectWr~eyen~ PPfFt1 flCl h~T~T)~QLl~ ffter sheV~~ klcnrrped Tbist

w -~ 0_ 0 n~r poundJ n-(iCUtr l Jer Rebecca Carl ton (~) w1o tcld J7 I

it niffrnt ti1~s to ~innip (V) Elr ~T(ra ~2rl ton (t~)~) ~hip

story hc 1~~n t0lf hr tJmiddotlo 8or1Iilor f~th~rSi(1ne~ 0trl ton( 011 t not so llrn in (~~til ~tpr ~r S-i th s cppth SURPnnp lErlec 2nn n~nrJ Rin 11 jpvoltJiClP rr HpgtYm ltnc1 thp Ron cf -lenrr rioris0n PJn Of ~n~lrn~ ~~ in~ 11(1pr fro-r iJYpc 0C111 ty

to r~11tPl=t ~01lntoyN0~r in ll36 middotherp ~hf 8ler pt th~ P~f~ cf 10)9 y~rrc p~or(~LrlC t() S(1~~ ()~ thfl -011r he gt(~ urltct on Lo n rcJgt 0 ll tA 1l n ~ t l ~ l ~ 1 rr 300 ne ~~ ~ r~ pl so lt= J h 8shy

bltnr nr ()ll~T son --1[Ylea in~ ~lr1e- C~~qrlAA ~pin -Yer F~c lerr Ro ~orbaltAn)TCr-_ gt iQr in l~=O pt 90 ~fprs of R5~ ln his 10 eti-rl in 1 ~5 1i3A~ 10~ trer hu~ ten chilcrpn oftH4rOin sn~ 1~middotn~r o~~ th~l (l~~ChrlcUltR llfe neer Lone Hope rt ~ Tri CrYH1S0n rpnk inclRc1 Ron of R~1j7~r (iftin) enr arl HocgtRday of Homtpjn (itY1enn R~nt data on (hprles ~e1nB family in 1937 He ARio thRt his gr2rGmiddot~RthprChErles rmiddot~ein told him thpt Sl1sannet 3erryfo rd pnlt Henry M1n were clc FP friends before Henry ~nliRten in thp Wetr That he ViPS 60ne for seven yeprs fn~ in the neantirrJe 9he had l11Rrried ~r Sl11i th who 28 not in the wer pnd Who 11ven onl v a fe ITeprs When Hmrv Main returned from the war he mari ~d ~u~annt(BerrYfo rr) 511 tho v bull

John eRrl tons naTTJp appeers 1 n Many a ffl cagtJ re co rds as e Witness attorneYetc He RIBO rleclRre~ in a similar paper 26 hi s father s irp~5arc1 to Thoilas Burch R middotRevollltionery ~I_r seIri ce dted Cct~41844 grnn1e (Carl ton) (9) Hendcvls has the Bible wi th the f~~ily reC()rr3 of John Cprl ton She Polso hA an old fan whi ch helonged t( Sllscmna -3eryford John Carl t~on Ii ved on e farm near hi s father A fe mil e s from fuomer but in the edge 0 f

~alcmiddotel1 C01mty It WFi8 prohDly part of his fathers ori[1ne1 farm H~ nl~d RRrch 11855 in his 77th yeRr (Bihle R~c) His wife bull SusAnna (SIli th) Garl ton (lied Jan12lR48 in her 67th year They were rr1rieo in a priva t7 burinl plot on their farm In hiS will in i1keFl CONCAr lTYillsB0ok 5- 122 vihich WES RignedmiddotJan 111 A51 Rn~ pro OP ter in Apri 1 Co urt 1 355 no lfe 1 s mentioned his chi1dr~nthoMa8 Le1iR H~nryJohn ere ~h bequeathe~ 24 cents each (th~y had all move~ to Ge(r6ia) ~ary ~torey8~4 Charles I-RYlton ~20 Albert CarltJonFxecutor onaheJf of estate c _i

Rebec~a CtY1 ton on~ half 0 f estnte Pi ckenflA~aI80 rprned as-middot h


eseclltJor ~_tJnenRen by Thomas ~heaetle --Erltori~ nephemiddot)SNShep- ~ i

h8r~ Rn~ Abull T Dyson 1

John Anel =l~~pbeth (3111011) Garlton h2c 1i1F1ue at Boomer rr CFr =

-_-~- 1 lho1etR CRrlton4brctoo301~()3 lov to G he Tl1Py hfve heen the thonAs ho lRrNov71822 Sli7be th Lpn~

(lVl1kes C(nr30nc1 RIp-a siVlecl by Chfrlee pin) _ ~ 1~~middot LewiFl Garl ton b~prch IOlRo6 fTlOV to Ga re meJ~lve

hren tohe Levls no nAr~TCv31825Lettic~ Ln~ J~

I~ (Wilkes ~olprrbull onn ~lsC si~necl by BpnjBlrCh)~~~iE~ ~- 3 i~ar~r t1p(1~ytl ~pmiddotl ton bJlIly 251~()R IlFr Ii Story ~

John A-nr J19tnna (Sfli th) ~FI1 ton hpr i ARlP t Boomer (Blble ec) S(~- 1 lphecca gtpriR ~~r1ton hArril 261 Q 15i eJer UJlpr bullbull PfTmiddot

middot201 ()95 Fit 0 YYs livf~ 11 th her brotrer ~hrl-es~)~IJ qn~ h l 8 fR~ilv Rftpr her DRrenta fe~ths 2n~ leter with wi th ChArl e A son Sr-tT1 1pl Cprl ten C5) Cr hi S fcTl1y at Boomer 8~ill r~rl~nbererl b~r heri1iH~efJ 1J~l rt Boole r

rV lnCh1rGh (jefTl(poundr~v~ 8+one) bull bull 44-- 2 -enY Cr1ton bF~b21lgI7mar 112ry ThomaR Epds

poundI Winov of Ja11e8 3urch ~45e- - ChrleA 0Prl t on JApr11lf)l119 mprfrhC~theYine

~rJ1~r Rnr ry JSharp


A(- A1hpyt CpltCn hAucOllO lPT tl17pr)~th ope 2-- 47- 5 John )J111th nr1ton hcT~m ~211~~ mr Splgttr SccfXro- -~ ~ st JL - J

3-- --2-~ 1 I ~) LlC)~=cr(~middot (l1Crnqs-Qhpl) son ofThCfTl[SU10 gtry ( )

0Rrlton 1Ii(lR~rn lpnur 17q~~H~ rrt[rrt~nJ)tcl41q()5 NEtCy h (1 1 T r h A t ) -)_l bull rolC __ ~q~(l pr rr bullXnll ~~o Rl[nen Jy bull er_ on bull J bulle

~F8middot tJLA nmiddot3h+pr(f J0hn rolch ( J(ihn Crouch in hi ill rrrDto-t-- Nov~llhfr CCllrt 1 =n1fTl~R (n~ hAir PS LE1rin Cerl ton) The Cprl tcn~ i moved to 310 un t Co untz Tenn (near Rno xvi 11) in th~ e p 11 Y l-l30 I ~ ~ I ann 1 F te r to tetrLo n 00 ~ 1e tm ([ear 0hp t trne-o ga) MC ri 0 n jerI tol_

I t (184 5-193h) of N~wton Co~ty~Ark~nJ3a8 Rent thp list of Lewi8 v Carl ton 8 (grRnnfther C f ~~ri()1)) chilc1r~n nr l)i rth elf te s tJo 11 s

bro ther Geo reA i Carl t(in (l~3-1929) I CTrRhm TeXE8 lhi 8 ~ata was Bent b~ ChRYlea G BurneRs~ Stnte Co11eeePR a descennant of

- Lew1 B Carl ton ~ shy

~ Lewis andNRncy era uch) C241 ton hft~l salle ~ 4~- 1 Alfred CRrlton t b Sep ~16lq07 mprPRluin~ Al1i~on

-r ~- 41 Q- 32 bull ~~atiil na C~lr1tt(1n bO ct 51l2~10~-11~ 7i~) k47~~g-Ji (~middot )l

f _ 50 - bull oev na ~R on J __bull ) _ ~~

i ~51- 4 Je1lRey Rpl ton bAug11814 f5P~ 5 ALlston Carltonb SeptllS16 shy

Uf3- ~ Slntha Carl ton b DeclSl ~18 $4- 7 WarreI1 Carlton bHay 51821 - -amp55- 8 WillfRll Girl ton b JU1 13 1923)~---ITS) ~~- ~p6- 9 Ii~~tm Carl ton bAug30 1825 ment1o-ned ln his grEnI1shy

L fatner =I (Tohn Cro tIch) Will 1)7-10 ~middotAncy Carlton b Hay 81828

-lt-11ThOllR8 Carl to~ bApr121830~~~rromiddot~ _- 21- ~--~-

middotmiddotTli~l~~ CARLTON3 (I1-~mC82~ JO~lt son at Thomas Rnn Mary( ) Car1tort~aB born Jan21790 in wil~ces CountyNCer H~ livpdc]1 a farm hear BooJTl~r probb1y part ot hi fatherA orieinE1 farmbull He mRrrlenlRtmiddotlRrch 261313 Jane ~Jenniett ~erryman (Wilkes Co~ Marr3=lnn also ~~enec1 by Georee Crouch) who 11iBS lxrn Feb281796 bull She d lprl April 101921 at 25 yearR laving two ~hl1 nren He mar ~11 2nn Aue12 t 1821 Ruth Surch (Fanily Bi b1 e ~ec) (i1ke e Co bull

MarrBonn eiveA T1l1y 311809 a1Ro Riener by LeIIis Cpr1ton r~any of middot the Jr9rr 3onr~ were in such pOOT conra tJion thHt they were rarc11 middot reRda1Jl~)Rllth 31Lrch middotR8 the nRuchteY of Tho[18 anc fJarCh Crones)

3ttrch W10SP sonWm8tRp]p+on lurcht1nrrled 1ho~_a GRr1t(r~ sisipr Mar or Poll GRrl tJon anct hose dtlllrh+er Ke~lph lrripo 2 Lems Carlton (~01Jlor e0~8 not know whi~h LelR) probRbl~ pltllr 2

brothr (1 f lj10I1tR ~lrl tJon q r n nephemiddot R1th Burch WR Cl Bo Pshy

elster of TP1es 31Ir~h whoAe 1c10w I19rrler Henry Cftrl ten (LLLL) neph~w o~ JhO1PR pltC1nbull llth l~lrch PF fJcrn July 111 7 2End

middot r11prl r~t19llf) lt 70 yepYR Thofip CFtr1ton ~rarri~(lr~ bCut Iln4 N~ll~ ~ ( r e I1no r Sn no n Y(111ng~r Ai s t e1 (1 frJ R ra ughtershyin-lA-vI ~middotrltgtn~y ho rlprri~r hi S(n31Ir tJon erlten (ht) Sre v=s born fn li3~~ h~I=8 middot~middotlton R= in th lpr ~f lq1~ Hp lee JCn14lg77 ~t 17 yFlp 0f C~ (tn~ Ips 0urLeci on hls fe (3101e ~~~) Hi c Gr1Yl(~~Flchter rR rrtry (pl tCn) (i~51 Geman cf 3cc7er has hif3 o1n fA1ily =3ihle with fRnl1 recorrs copied by t1gt- cCTIp11or

1- Hi ~ will w~ siGn~~ rmiddot ct 15 1~63 prC1 ~)ptn 7 fgto18771 e~jl1npound hl B eS+Jate to lll of hip chlllt1en to ahpre equally The 7i11 sks his son T)pliel t (1r1 +J0n to )y from th~ estpt~ of 7illlflIn ~11Ych

wll ~ t 1 L~ nlIP to hi-s trRn~P l()1 tJe r G~ rt rtl(1 e Grl +Jon rlpllpoundhtpT C fti s1shydece~~e(l eon (nCt nrLl~~ (Trof1Cgt8 Ghedle Crl ton) EX8 scn-1n-1pw JRI1~S ZllF n srn 31lY~0n A Garl +cn shy

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 3: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

(1 lltJi SRA ION I I

2 middot1 lltlI7AB~H Cprlton nalltYrter of John anct E1i7abeth (tiallace)

CarltonYaFl born in Virginia She married Thomps BprloIT of Va They lived for awhile in Wilkes CountYN Car He was in the Rev War They mover to Scott Co Kent The Wilkes Co NCar Reco rds F-ll Ii reco rra Thomas IBarlo w 0 f Sec tt Co Kent a power of attorney signer 5th Nov 1 905 to Lewi B ~arl ton Esq iSrothershyin-law bullbullbull 0 to 0 lJtain fo r me ~Ihat is due me from JRIlea Brovnbull 0

f~sq bullbullbullbull 0 ~Tames Davidson bull 0 Ambrose Parke bullbull o bullbull anrl WIn Brown Wit uy John Isbell and AlbroSA Carlton Thomas Barlow died in Carlyle Nicholas Co Ky in IgoR leavine a vQll naming the following children 3

7 -1 1ompkln8 Barlow I born 1767 mar Margaret West 8 -2 WilliAIl Barlow 9 - 3 John Barlo w

10 -4 Jessie Barlow 11l-5 Elephalet Barlow b in 1777 mar ____Gamm1l12-0bull HJl ~abAth Yowmell Barlow b p~btnar

13 -7 Jane Baro w 14-8 Mary Epison or Emison

15-9 Milly Bartow 1610 Edi th Line or Fine

3- 1 THOMAS CArzLTON~ s8on of John and Elt~abeth (Wallace) Carl ton

was born in 1756 probably in Virginia He lived in Albemarle Co Vaas the History of Albemarle Co Va by Woods p386 states th8~ Thomas Carlton moved to North Carolina tHe was living 1nmiddot Wilkes CoNCar in 1780 He served 1n the Revolutionary War In an application for a pension by a descendant of Lewis Caplton ~nnrs on file in the Veterans Administration at Washington DC it states that Lewis Carltons brotherThOmas Carlton showed Colonel Cleveland in North Carolina his dlsch~rge that he had II [erved his coUntry in the northern section orthamiddotmiddot Union M He may have served in Mar~rland aa manff the Virginia soldiers did Archives of Mary~and for 1900 mentions a Thomas Carlton serving in Rev War (Vol 18p97) Thomas Carlton settled on a tract of 375 acres near Boomer Wilkes Co NCar where he fveti the rest of his life This property is still in possession of hf 8 deBcenciants The widow of Hil ton Carl ton ( ) showed the compilor the onginal deed in 1939 It is recorded in the county 1 and grants Marcht 1780 wi tnessed by R1 chard Caswell Esqlltre OCvernorCapta1n-General and r~mmander in Chief at Kingston Orant Mgl9 It i8 cescribeG as lying and being in our County ot Wilke~ on a fork of ~eaver Creek Beginningat a Chestnut in the Spur~ of the MOlmtain Running thence North tl)ree hundred Poles to a rob~e Gurn in Thomas Lanns Line then East Two hlmdred poles to Two Pines thence Sollth three hundred Poles to a Gum Gheatnut endmiddot CheBtnut Oak in the spurs of the Mountain thence West to the first Station bullbullbull Also recorded in Wilkes County Records 11-477 Entered 9 Slme1 7 99 for Thomas Cal ton 100 acres of lcm~on top of Brushy fo l l11t near Coxs Knob In Wilkes County Hecord~ Book 70 ThOflH1A Carl ton and hi s wi fa Hary Carl ton 0 a~ deed signed 6 April 1790 TJO John Barlow Sr 120 acresmiddot of land ono bullbullbull

Beaver Creek on the Ringe where said Carlton lives Wit RobArt Ayers ann E1i~aheth Carl tonmiddot This Eli~abeth was probably the mother of Thomas ~be~





Th~ f(ll(1i~f3 COllr t iJYorfJ~inCfi TJ~n+~Gn T-(1iJts 1 ton Newl 1 7middot)t)rTmiddot~~~ 1Y thp- CO~lTt thp_t Jehn ~-lrlC Jr be o~rshy

seer of +n~ r()R~ in Jlr~ of ThosCnrltJcn from BAv~r Grppk to ~hrilte IJC L~nf bullbullbullbullbullbull 11 (tQ so Y~AtAr ~p~r 1 7)7) bull

An c~Ollnt of tAxpble rroJ~rt~T 0n middotllkes CCilnt~ Ar1 7 )6shy~aptRin~ i~trlct Rrltons - A~r~s of LEnd-l1047 bull ITepoles 70


(~enpRt~d in 1 7 971h 1middot-7-1l~9rP )OtJh Jrnllrr~r I p0~r ef Jttorney f~m Tnles

lallc~ +0 AnnRnil1s Allen t-r8 proven in onen c(urt I)V the oCtt cf ThoJRR CarltJon ann orr-=rpd to be Tpc(r~edll ~ Ihe cen~1l9 (If 1 7 90 (f~rRt rne til~en in US) stJptfS liTho -Cl~JCn

7il1lteA 0 i mtYlo8Rn T)istrict oY1e ~111e over 1(3 flP1es unner 16 5 fer1aleR (Note thA ApellinE of th~ fpml1y TlPle [R tte rA were no t 6(1 qnn ~ d) bull Mrs Nora (Crlton)(l-2) Hoell of BoomerNCprollnahps an old table of ROOllt -OO yeRTB of age (Jacobean style) vhich helonged to Thomu= ~arl ton L1~ ~cl( ThomRR jprl ton ffiRrrien first HRry lkbeJl ) bull Her e1 ven nplle is givfn in a deed (If 1790 axgtve N otJhA ifites hC=ve been fCUTd concemine her She died befa re 1799 as Thomas IDprripd iJecond Catherine tivin3aton Febo1799 in Vi1kea CofJCcr (MarrBonc waR witne8sed b~r his lgtrotherLewis Carlton) She was the daughter of John C LivingBton (7 his 1111 probated ln NovCourt1824

names adauehtmiddotetsR Catherine Carl ton the life of Thomas Carl ton) Thomas ~ar1 ton ni ed ill 1344 at 88 years 0 f aee Wlll s c f W1lkes CountyNCar Book tr-300 ThoIDRB CarltonSr His wlll131gnea 17 April1837probpted MRy Court1844 1Ylfe deceased bullbull Children Plckens CaltonLivingston CarltonAmbrose WyattDenaisSllas Exc not nR1ed Wit Hartin Livlneston anc James Landmiddot ( Note that hisdaushters are not named nor childrp-n of the flrst marri~ee) In the NatianFtl Archives Record Groups NolS A-W 62lA North Carolina Wilkes County On 24 Oct1844 Thomas CErl ton Sr aged g~ years deposen ann sayeth he has lived nelghbor tomiddot ThomeR Burch for 30 yearsetc ann believed him to h~we serveci in Revalutlon~In This proveR the date 0f Thomas blrth1756 ~n~ that hewps l1Ving in October of lA44 (The date of probate of hls Will must have been misread aA compilor waR tQln that it T1fl 1n the MaY COllrt of that year) He waR huried in the Carlton ~amily Cemetery located en the hill nlxt the present hous~n hi s farm Therl iRan unmarked graye on e~ther Aln~ of hi wR Rre probRl)ly of rl s tV10 vivee Thomas CRrlton and Yoarv Carlton had 1A8ue

t 7 -1 John Carl to3 J Jlll~T 9 1778 mplAt Eli zabeth Barlow 2nn SllsA11np SMi +Jh

lB - CynthiR CRrl t0n b riled Pt 19 or 20 Jre 9 -3 Hary (Polly) Cfl t0n b rlEr FmStapllton

B1llch son of T~omRA Burch ~ Mmiddotvpn to Georgla her hrother ~holAsmiddot lrtr Tzt R =31 Ater Ruth Hi A Ai flter Keeieh) mar a Lewi A Cflrl ton

2 L_~_ 1 LJ~WI5 CARr-TeN so7o f John fmf Zliz8beth (Wallace) Cfrltcn

washorn Stpt121758 probAbly in Alb~flprle CC1a Thp VfterfJ1B Adllin~Rtrpti(n aAhinrwn DC pt8teR middot1111e living in thpt county (Alhei1Rrle) ha enligtet1 lOebl1777 in Revo1uticnEr~T ~ar served as pri VA te re eei ven a Ilusket beJl wo unr in the che st at the

Battle of ~rannywtne and ~aA ~iBChEtr[en ebl17Ro byColenel Febiger of the Second Vir5inia Ree1~ent He served in VaHarj1and and ~ennsylvAnla oved to iillces CountYNorth Carolina in the ~ spring of 1781 ro1r1 Fered three monthR as COffil1issary unrer Ce-ptain Willi ~ Leno i r bull In Co urt pro eee rUngs 0 f 1797 Tue srla~T 30th JanlLr Lewis Carl ton produeamptl hiB commission Pgmiddot A Justice of Peeee end

ltwaR 1oo1ifien Agre~ahly to law The cenSUR of 1790 Rta+JesllLewis callonVlilkes COllntYHorean )1striet one llaleover 16 3 nales unn er 16 Rnr 2 female s Lewi s Carl ton fii gned deed 31 J2Il

~ 1303 to hi son Ambrose Cqrlton for a trpct of l 1and situpte by lEnd of JaMes StRff(Wilke8 COCar ReeordC 1-441) H~ P6 mCrried

JAn1817~1 to Elizabeth iWe hC waR born Feb261762 (Wilkes Co bull _ ~Mar Bond dated TAIl13 wi tnt g Aer by John Carl ton) bull Thi a JChn Ca~l ton - b1(__ was probably his 1~her LpIi Carlton cUed Hflroh 131827 in

r 11 j ---wn1te-~ihty-rrlnis b9Th year and his winow cUedmiddot Cct3l1139 Ee shy~ ~a~ probahly btlried in thl Lewis CElrl ton Ctm~terY on hie fan afJWhGL-(_ YfIther-flr~-16 grAve 8~ Veterans Admini Atrtion stpteR that ~ Lew1s CRrlton=3 wlnoV W[ts surVived by the following children

POllY Laxton J4l17abeth Hgl er Nrmey Pearson ~illi pm Carl +en ~ I Milly T11cker ant1 ThoJTlRS Cprl ton Thp repo rt RtE te 8 tha tJ the 0 trer~ chilrlren 1rfere Dec3117Rl LPis pTIdI Allhrnsehorn Tohn DE-vid Howarn On file inthe NetionRl Archiv~g at Wpph1ngtcn cf the

~~ Revol 11tionRryO-ar Reeorn of LewisCarlton Llvi Lextcn ~~~lareB that the copy (If MRrriAge birtheetc of Le1iB CElrltcne papers ar9 lxact +Rken fr0rJ R 1xok uhich he nllrchAHH Pt the Fp1e of said LelJi s CRrl to1 in ( cto h~r 1 ~27 LLemiddottJ1~1i~~-J -l~) frlt Ua t the oneinRl i8 in the hand8 of L~w1s~f-z(in 153) (Levi

xtons IOn1rIOMP-R marrien Polly nanehter of Lei8 ~~l1cn) (h f1H1 s RPl t(n he h~~ th~ 0001pound i--n 1853 ~Ufmiddot hayenA-~ gIrJda eon 0 t th~ If4-te~ -SD1Gl er rs the 1 at tampIs-~nLeylfl ls-l() tot inclnded as o~LthA cb11c4ren-11l1ne-1n lmiddot~n-ampt--thA ~-()r the1-Pshy

~~-aer_~~) bull In th~ AlfTle nDerfi tht fCllovtnc i R fa un~ = Oalrlell romty N0veMber 31952 H~nr~T SlJTlpter pged Q5 l+lte~L that_h~ l~ -om in Alherle Co lnty -fircinia nr r113 ftter reshy

m~ved to wh~re the ~en0nent no~ lives In thp ye~r prec~fing the 3attl~ of KingR jmiddot~ount~in (few 1orr=3 e~er1 to b~ leftcuthere) and

L he reMemb~rs well that before he l~ft V~re1niEbullbullTcfln SUrter WIn Rtpiton 1110rJPA I f5blll ~~Dun Georce J)1tll pnr B~ir

Lewi13 Iarl ton ~nli RtAlt1 pnn ~ar~ off +0 wpr The AP~e l~1~Psect L f or 1- n A l i1 r Po ~ ~ - C shystate thilt Le middot R CRrl ton 11lt trA 101 0 (llu lt (bull r)middot bull prl wonbull J_

and WRS raquoom S~Jt121759 shy

Lewis Rnn Sl1~abth GRrlton hRO issue in Wilkes CotNCar 31- 1 Ambrose Carlton b Decn1781 mar Prudenc~ Isbell 3~- 2 Mary Polly Carl ton b abt 1784 mRr Tho1_B Laxton 33 - 3 Lewi s Carl ton b Rbt 1786 mar Nancy liro uch ~4- 4 ThomRs Carlton b 1788 mar Cynthia Carlton )

)5 - 5 John Carl ton b bull 36- fie David Carl ton b abt 1793i mar Amelia Petty

37 - 7 Howard Carl ton b bull 3~ - 9 El11abeth CRrl ton b mar Kell ~y Hag] ere 39- 9 Nancy Carl ton b mar Pearson

40 -10 bull Willi EUl Carl to n b abt 1803 mar Mary Hall 41~-11 Milly CarltonD mar Jamefl vuckerAug8182D

1 5 - 1 JOHN CARLTON2 (John7 son of John and E11~abeth (Wallace)

Carl ton (1) was born 1n V1rginia He was in the Revshyolut1onary~ar No other data has been found about him He must have had a fam11y as a John CarltonJr married Eli~abeth Burch in 1810 He may have had a son Lewi Bmiddot a8 there was a Iew1 s Carl ton who mar1edDec301813 Rissea () Burch0J1l15es CoNCar -arr Bond di ~fi CJ2 t to e8d There was a Lewi B Carl ton who married Dec141805 J iCeelah Burch according to aome copies Neither LeWis can be ldentifiAd now John Carlton probably had 1s~ue

42~- 1 John Carl ton Jr b SltJIrT_ middotj3J6 mar Ell ~abeth Burch I



I- I

- -shyI I




~ ~~_



for hie chllrch He n1An Dec141832 t f9 yeRra of age nn pe 7p burted 1n the Carl ton Cellet~ry on a hill en hi ~ frn wr~re_~ ~ of h18 neSCenORntS hrwe been burlec sln8e tren bull -lilR wiL vc s cern -~ Feb 51r9 iln dl en 1 n 1 )~5 Rt 66 ~TeRr8 of RiYJi umiddot -tUJ L ( - They han 1 f3 S11~ n Nl1 ~ 8 Co N Car (alltl y Bi bl e Rece rr)

~~1 CY1~hla Carlton) bOct~31790 mar Thomas CET~lton (No~x51a CQuBin C-Il Id I t)~ )i~J lt--zdxt fti 5middotY4-flJlrr Y7~ I-rrz~

41 -2 ltll1Abeth Cflrlton b Apr~l 291792 IPr JJmiddot)rose Pflrkf~ remai neci 1 n N Car rU ed ~41854 et 62 lt - _~-

-)-+-4 (3 Robert Montgomery ~arltA~n b JRn31l94 ar Lcgtvire T~ BArlo w - Ac~

45 -4 Esther Carlton bPeb2f190 MRr PlearFlnt Parks ~7 -5 Catherlne Garlton b Apr9108 dlec ln lnfancy

47~ -6 ~Flry Carlton b Apr14lROO mar Jarrles Jornaon bull 413-7 Thollas Lewls Carlton bAug141803i mar PEllee Halibert

and SURan Hal bert


TOMPKIN5 BARLOW3 eon of Ell zabeth (Carl ton) and Tromas Barlow was 1xgtrn in 1767 in Vlrginia He married in Va ln 1792 Margaret Westdaughter of John West (b1738) and Rachel (Perry) West (mpr in 1758 in Maryland) John West was son of John West (1705-1766) Rachel Perry WR8 daughter of Jamee Perry She dled ln 1840 ln Ky The Barlowe moved to Bourbon Co Ky He died there in 1814 Margaret~(We8t) Barlew died in Ky in 1840 They had isue

~~ bull 49-~-1 AlVin West Barlow b ln 1795i mar Mary Ann Fisher

3 11 - 2 - 1 ELEPHALEl Barlow Bon 0 f Ell abeth (Carl ton) and Tlomas

BarloW wae born in ~rginla in 1777 and ralsed in Wilkes Co NCar He moved with hle parents to Scott CoKent in 1800 He married in 1801 ti~iDc~b~ to NlcholaarC61K~nt and later to M1 chigan Thf3Y had 1 ssu~

50~-1 Lew s Barlow middotSi~-2 Tomplcins Barlow (named for hie uncle) 52~-3 ~i~abeth Bflrlow 53S~4 Alfred Harlow bin 1815 ln Harrison CoKy died ln

Ky on 1900 aged 84 yrA In Perrins HiStory of Bourbon ScottHarrisonamp Nlcholas Countlespn97 ls a sketch of his life

17 - 3 - 1




I I ) lor t V

foY n19 ~1lr~h -~ w- P CYP(t le2_n~Y in t-lat pprt (f tre ccu-tr He dlert n~c141932 nt 6 ~e~rs of ~C~ an~ WFP burie~ in the C~rltc~ Ceet~r~r on P hiCh hilJ ( his fRm middotmiddotler~ r~p~~ cf 11~ (lps(~~imiddotC2-~

hfiJe beAn ~)llrje r~ncA thAn -iA ife 0S horn lteh51~a pnt iec in l~35 Rt hh yeRrs of Gee They han i~Plle in -tlkeR C~pr[lr (Rec from P[T1il~r 3ihle)- 3i -1 ~ n t J hi fl e r 1 t () n b C Ct 3 1 790 rl r r bull r( bull Cl 111() T rC P ~

)ClJlt0n (8middotlr)c~ CoEtrY30nn) Fi c(lPin~ rArplnec1 i0-cl(~~_ or eRr 1 rh p n h~r Rrent3 fllOPrl tC In(lina thp cCllflinmiddot 2 shywh0i she r1prri~n 0 ~ Th071P8 Ron of h~r uncI eLmiddotmiddotmiddotis oo8ver her qncle Jorm (krl ton rlay hpv~ hpc1 a sen by the name of Thom~ ~r02recor(lA havp been found of th8 fRP1lly_of fohn CRrlton (4) It-Qculd--notmiddotmiddothE-ve been ThcmaA3- BOno-fmiddot heruncle Thomas 2) lmiddotaB-middot hi 9middot three Vol vee are recorded Eli7aheth Carl ton b April 291792 lAr Ar1brose Farks re~ained in NCar nied Sept41954 at 62 yre RD bert rontgorrlery Garl ton h JE1n 311794 mpr LeV1na Barlow E3 ther Carl ton )) Feb 261796 mer Plescnt PRrka Catherine Carlton bAprR1793 dier in infancy Mary Carlton hApr141800 rlRr J~e8 Johnsen ThomaB Lew1Fl Carlton bAue141803 mar Pales HElbert and Susan Halbert

~ -


- r7-Y-l JOHN CARLTON ( Thomas 2 Johnl ) son c f Thoma-5 2 and M~ry (

Carl ton ~PS born July 291778 either in Vlrelnia or inrllkee pr Burke County North Iarollnlttmiddot He married firat Aue141802 Eliabeth BRrlow(Wilkes CoMarrBonn slened by Tohn Carlton and Tho8~arltonl AftAr her d~Rth he marriedApril 30lR13Susanna Smyth or S1ith (Wilke~ CoBarrBond) born Harch 61781 the daught~r of Smi th ann Susanna (Berryford) Smi the

Susanna 3rryforrt Wltt8 born at C8Seb11ry Tovm Ches~re County England the rJauEhter of a mnrhle sculptor Her lother (lied vJhen she WlttA v~ry young She hfl~ several brothers ~nd siaters and Bt~ may have been- the olnest The chlldr~n staed at horne lcne rhen their fthe wp~ at work 111en she WPA five yers oft1ee P IDCn ~nc wo~a~ (stran5RrA) caller on th~ chll~ren t~o~or three times rne ~ay the~were A~~o~pRnien by another man ~hey perRuRnAc the little SusannR to go ricHne 1 th them ann gve her~pn~y After 1 uring her A~Ay th~y took her to a port pl~cen her on boat which ~as

going to AlericR In order to lte~p her qUiet the k1~nfppeb~ threw Mon~~ in her lap whenever she cried ~he ~RR solrl in

V1famplntR or HRryland When Ahe WA eieht yera Of Age Ahe hac ~ J ~~ work of lttn antut ann was cruelly trecR1e(l middothen she 1ip~ ~ the Wflthi ng her li stre S R wo ul ~ 0 ften b~At her i th the wet sheets In the wirHermiddot Rhe was farcen to ircn the sheeta Pt night to ha ~ t1eITl wPrrn fo r the fa111ly when the~r WAnt to he~ hen she was f1f~~en yeRTA of pge in (Ir~_Ar to be fr-ee from her istress she ran 0 ff Ann ~f1rri en ~ir f)Tlli th w1th lIMn she hen Flli gh t aqua1niA1~e-(he lay ha~Te wCrke~ a little middotfer her mistress) rh~y went to StokA8 C-ollnty ann later ~llkeA County North Carolina sectWr~eyen~ PPfFt1 flCl h~T~T)~QLl~ ffter sheV~~ klcnrrped Tbist

w -~ 0_ 0 n~r poundJ n-(iCUtr l Jer Rebecca Carl ton (~) w1o tcld J7 I

it niffrnt ti1~s to ~innip (V) Elr ~T(ra ~2rl ton (t~)~) ~hip

story hc 1~~n t0lf hr tJmiddotlo 8or1Iilor f~th~rSi(1ne~ 0trl ton( 011 t not so llrn in (~~til ~tpr ~r S-i th s cppth SURPnnp lErlec 2nn n~nrJ Rin 11 jpvoltJiClP rr HpgtYm ltnc1 thp Ron cf -lenrr rioris0n PJn Of ~n~lrn~ ~~ in~ 11(1pr fro-r iJYpc 0C111 ty

to r~11tPl=t ~01lntoyN0~r in ll36 middotherp ~hf 8ler pt th~ P~f~ cf 10)9 y~rrc p~or(~LrlC t() S(1~~ ()~ thfl -011r he gt(~ urltct on Lo n rcJgt 0 ll tA 1l n ~ t l ~ l ~ 1 rr 300 ne ~~ ~ r~ pl so lt= J h 8shy

bltnr nr ()ll~T son --1[Ylea in~ ~lr1e- C~~qrlAA ~pin -Yer F~c lerr Ro ~orbaltAn)TCr-_ gt iQr in l~=O pt 90 ~fprs of R5~ ln his 10 eti-rl in 1 ~5 1i3A~ 10~ trer hu~ ten chilcrpn oftH4rOin sn~ 1~middotn~r o~~ th~l (l~~ChrlcUltR llfe neer Lone Hope rt ~ Tri CrYH1S0n rpnk inclRc1 Ron of R~1j7~r (iftin) enr arl HocgtRday of Homtpjn (itY1enn R~nt data on (hprles ~e1nB family in 1937 He ARio thRt his gr2rGmiddot~RthprChErles rmiddot~ein told him thpt Sl1sannet 3erryfo rd pnlt Henry M1n were clc FP friends before Henry ~nliRten in thp Wetr That he ViPS 60ne for seven yeprs fn~ in the neantirrJe 9he had l11Rrried ~r Sl11i th who 28 not in the wer pnd Who 11ven onl v a fe ITeprs When Hmrv Main returned from the war he mari ~d ~u~annt(BerrYfo rr) 511 tho v bull

John eRrl tons naTTJp appeers 1 n Many a ffl cagtJ re co rds as e Witness attorneYetc He RIBO rleclRre~ in a similar paper 26 hi s father s irp~5arc1 to Thoilas Burch R middotRevollltionery ~I_r seIri ce dted Cct~41844 grnn1e (Carl ton) (9) Hendcvls has the Bible wi th the f~~ily reC()rr3 of John Cprl ton She Polso hA an old fan whi ch helonged t( Sllscmna -3eryford John Carl t~on Ii ved on e farm near hi s father A fe mil e s from fuomer but in the edge 0 f

~alcmiddotel1 C01mty It WFi8 prohDly part of his fathers ori[1ne1 farm H~ nl~d RRrch 11855 in his 77th yeRr (Bihle R~c) His wife bull SusAnna (SIli th) Garl ton (lied Jan12lR48 in her 67th year They were rr1rieo in a priva t7 burinl plot on their farm In hiS will in i1keFl CONCAr lTYillsB0ok 5- 122 vihich WES RignedmiddotJan 111 A51 Rn~ pro OP ter in Apri 1 Co urt 1 355 no lfe 1 s mentioned his chi1dr~nthoMa8 Le1iR H~nryJohn ere ~h bequeathe~ 24 cents each (th~y had all move~ to Ge(r6ia) ~ary ~torey8~4 Charles I-RYlton ~20 Albert CarltJonFxecutor onaheJf of estate c _i

Rebec~a CtY1 ton on~ half 0 f estnte Pi ckenflA~aI80 rprned as-middot h


eseclltJor ~_tJnenRen by Thomas ~heaetle --Erltori~ nephemiddot)SNShep- ~ i

h8r~ Rn~ Abull T Dyson 1

John Anel =l~~pbeth (3111011) Garlton h2c 1i1F1ue at Boomer rr CFr =

-_-~- 1 lho1etR CRrlton4brctoo301~()3 lov to G he Tl1Py hfve heen the thonAs ho lRrNov71822 Sli7be th Lpn~

(lVl1kes C(nr30nc1 RIp-a siVlecl by Chfrlee pin) _ ~ 1~~middot LewiFl Garl ton b~prch IOlRo6 fTlOV to Ga re meJ~lve

hren tohe Levls no nAr~TCv31825Lettic~ Ln~ J~

I~ (Wilkes ~olprrbull onn ~lsC si~necl by BpnjBlrCh)~~~iE~ ~- 3 i~ar~r t1p(1~ytl ~pmiddotl ton bJlIly 251~()R IlFr Ii Story ~

John A-nr J19tnna (Sfli th) ~FI1 ton hpr i ARlP t Boomer (Blble ec) S(~- 1 lphecca gtpriR ~~r1ton hArril 261 Q 15i eJer UJlpr bullbull PfTmiddot

middot201 ()95 Fit 0 YYs livf~ 11 th her brotrer ~hrl-es~)~IJ qn~ h l 8 fR~ilv Rftpr her DRrenta fe~ths 2n~ leter with wi th ChArl e A son Sr-tT1 1pl Cprl ten C5) Cr hi S fcTl1y at Boomer 8~ill r~rl~nbererl b~r heri1iH~efJ 1J~l rt Boole r

rV lnCh1rGh (jefTl(poundr~v~ 8+one) bull bull 44-- 2 -enY Cr1ton bF~b21lgI7mar 112ry ThomaR Epds

poundI Winov of Ja11e8 3urch ~45e- - ChrleA 0Prl t on JApr11lf)l119 mprfrhC~theYine

~rJ1~r Rnr ry JSharp


A(- A1hpyt CpltCn hAucOllO lPT tl17pr)~th ope 2-- 47- 5 John )J111th nr1ton hcT~m ~211~~ mr Splgttr SccfXro- -~ ~ st JL - J

3-- --2-~ 1 I ~) LlC)~=cr(~middot (l1Crnqs-Qhpl) son ofThCfTl[SU10 gtry ( )

0Rrlton 1Ii(lR~rn lpnur 17q~~H~ rrt[rrt~nJ)tcl41q()5 NEtCy h (1 1 T r h A t ) -)_l bull rolC __ ~q~(l pr rr bullXnll ~~o Rl[nen Jy bull er_ on bull J bulle

~F8middot tJLA nmiddot3h+pr(f J0hn rolch ( J(ihn Crouch in hi ill rrrDto-t-- Nov~llhfr CCllrt 1 =n1fTl~R (n~ hAir PS LE1rin Cerl ton) The Cprl tcn~ i moved to 310 un t Co untz Tenn (near Rno xvi 11) in th~ e p 11 Y l-l30 I ~ ~ I ann 1 F te r to tetrLo n 00 ~ 1e tm ([ear 0hp t trne-o ga) MC ri 0 n jerI tol_

I t (184 5-193h) of N~wton Co~ty~Ark~nJ3a8 Rent thp list of Lewi8 v Carl ton 8 (grRnnfther C f ~~ri()1)) chilc1r~n nr l)i rth elf te s tJo 11 s

bro ther Geo reA i Carl t(in (l~3-1929) I CTrRhm TeXE8 lhi 8 ~ata was Bent b~ ChRYlea G BurneRs~ Stnte Co11eeePR a descennant of

- Lew1 B Carl ton ~ shy

~ Lewis andNRncy era uch) C241 ton hft~l salle ~ 4~- 1 Alfred CRrlton t b Sep ~16lq07 mprPRluin~ Al1i~on

-r ~- 41 Q- 32 bull ~~atiil na C~lr1tt(1n bO ct 51l2~10~-11~ 7i~) k47~~g-Ji (~middot )l

f _ 50 - bull oev na ~R on J __bull ) _ ~~

i ~51- 4 Je1lRey Rpl ton bAug11814 f5P~ 5 ALlston Carltonb SeptllS16 shy

Uf3- ~ Slntha Carl ton b DeclSl ~18 $4- 7 WarreI1 Carlton bHay 51821 - -amp55- 8 WillfRll Girl ton b JU1 13 1923)~---ITS) ~~- ~p6- 9 Ii~~tm Carl ton bAug30 1825 ment1o-ned ln his grEnI1shy

L fatner =I (Tohn Cro tIch) Will 1)7-10 ~middotAncy Carlton b Hay 81828

-lt-11ThOllR8 Carl to~ bApr121830~~~rromiddot~ _- 21- ~--~-

middotmiddotTli~l~~ CARLTON3 (I1-~mC82~ JO~lt son at Thomas Rnn Mary( ) Car1tort~aB born Jan21790 in wil~ces CountyNCer H~ livpdc]1 a farm hear BooJTl~r probb1y part ot hi fatherA orieinE1 farmbull He mRrrlenlRtmiddotlRrch 261313 Jane ~Jenniett ~erryman (Wilkes Co~ Marr3=lnn also ~~enec1 by Georee Crouch) who 11iBS lxrn Feb281796 bull She d lprl April 101921 at 25 yearR laving two ~hl1 nren He mar ~11 2nn Aue12 t 1821 Ruth Surch (Fanily Bi b1 e ~ec) (i1ke e Co bull

MarrBonn eiveA T1l1y 311809 a1Ro Riener by LeIIis Cpr1ton r~any of middot the Jr9rr 3onr~ were in such pOOT conra tJion thHt they were rarc11 middot reRda1Jl~)Rllth 31Lrch middotR8 the nRuchteY of Tho[18 anc fJarCh Crones)

3ttrch W10SP sonWm8tRp]p+on lurcht1nrrled 1ho~_a GRr1t(r~ sisipr Mar or Poll GRrl tJon anct hose dtlllrh+er Ke~lph lrripo 2 Lems Carlton (~01Jlor e0~8 not know whi~h LelR) probRbl~ pltllr 2

brothr (1 f lj10I1tR ~lrl tJon q r n nephemiddot R1th Burch WR Cl Bo Pshy

elster of TP1es 31Ir~h whoAe 1c10w I19rrler Henry Cftrl ten (LLLL) neph~w o~ JhO1PR pltC1nbull llth l~lrch PF fJcrn July 111 7 2End

middot r11prl r~t19llf) lt 70 yepYR Thofip CFtr1ton ~rarri~(lr~ bCut Iln4 N~ll~ ~ ( r e I1no r Sn no n Y(111ng~r Ai s t e1 (1 frJ R ra ughtershyin-lA-vI ~middotrltgtn~y ho rlprri~r hi S(n31Ir tJon erlten (ht) Sre v=s born fn li3~~ h~I=8 middot~middotlton R= in th lpr ~f lq1~ Hp lee JCn14lg77 ~t 17 yFlp 0f C~ (tn~ Ips 0urLeci on hls fe (3101e ~~~) Hi c Gr1Yl(~~Flchter rR rrtry (pl tCn) (i~51 Geman cf 3cc7er has hif3 o1n fA1ily =3ihle with fRnl1 recorrs copied by t1gt- cCTIp11or

1- Hi ~ will w~ siGn~~ rmiddot ct 15 1~63 prC1 ~)ptn 7 fgto18771 e~jl1npound hl B eS+Jate to lll of hip chlllt1en to ahpre equally The 7i11 sks his son T)pliel t (1r1 +J0n to )y from th~ estpt~ of 7illlflIn ~11Ych

wll ~ t 1 L~ nlIP to hi-s trRn~P l()1 tJe r G~ rt rtl(1 e Grl +Jon rlpllpoundhtpT C fti s1shydece~~e(l eon (nCt nrLl~~ (Trof1Cgt8 Ghedle Crl ton) EX8 scn-1n-1pw JRI1~S ZllF n srn 31lY~0n A Garl +cn shy

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 4: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc




Th~ f(ll(1i~f3 COllr t iJYorfJ~inCfi TJ~n+~Gn T-(1iJts 1 ton Newl 1 7middot)t)rTmiddot~~~ 1Y thp- CO~lTt thp_t Jehn ~-lrlC Jr be o~rshy

seer of +n~ r()R~ in Jlr~ of ThosCnrltJcn from BAv~r Grppk to ~hrilte IJC L~nf bullbullbullbullbullbull 11 (tQ so Y~AtAr ~p~r 1 7)7) bull

An c~Ollnt of tAxpble rroJ~rt~T 0n middotllkes CCilnt~ Ar1 7 )6shy~aptRin~ i~trlct Rrltons - A~r~s of LEnd-l1047 bull ITepoles 70


(~enpRt~d in 1 7 971h 1middot-7-1l~9rP )OtJh Jrnllrr~r I p0~r ef Jttorney f~m Tnles

lallc~ +0 AnnRnil1s Allen t-r8 proven in onen c(urt I)V the oCtt cf ThoJRR CarltJon ann orr-=rpd to be Tpc(r~edll ~ Ihe cen~1l9 (If 1 7 90 (f~rRt rne til~en in US) stJptfS liTho -Cl~JCn

7il1lteA 0 i mtYlo8Rn T)istrict oY1e ~111e over 1(3 flP1es unner 16 5 fer1aleR (Note thA ApellinE of th~ fpml1y TlPle [R tte rA were no t 6(1 qnn ~ d) bull Mrs Nora (Crlton)(l-2) Hoell of BoomerNCprollnahps an old table of ROOllt -OO yeRTB of age (Jacobean style) vhich helonged to Thomu= ~arl ton L1~ ~cl( ThomRR jprl ton ffiRrrien first HRry lkbeJl ) bull Her e1 ven nplle is givfn in a deed (If 1790 axgtve N otJhA ifites hC=ve been fCUTd concemine her She died befa re 1799 as Thomas IDprripd iJecond Catherine tivin3aton Febo1799 in Vi1kea CofJCcr (MarrBonc waR witne8sed b~r his lgtrotherLewis Carlton) She was the daughter of John C LivingBton (7 his 1111 probated ln NovCourt1824

names adauehtmiddotetsR Catherine Carl ton the life of Thomas Carl ton) Thomas ~ar1 ton ni ed ill 1344 at 88 years 0 f aee Wlll s c f W1lkes CountyNCar Book tr-300 ThoIDRB CarltonSr His wlll131gnea 17 April1837probpted MRy Court1844 1Ylfe deceased bullbull Children Plckens CaltonLivingston CarltonAmbrose WyattDenaisSllas Exc not nR1ed Wit Hartin Livlneston anc James Landmiddot ( Note that hisdaushters are not named nor childrp-n of the flrst marri~ee) In the NatianFtl Archives Record Groups NolS A-W 62lA North Carolina Wilkes County On 24 Oct1844 Thomas CErl ton Sr aged g~ years deposen ann sayeth he has lived nelghbor tomiddot ThomeR Burch for 30 yearsetc ann believed him to h~we serveci in Revalutlon~In This proveR the date 0f Thomas blrth1756 ~n~ that hewps l1Ving in October of lA44 (The date of probate of hls Will must have been misread aA compilor waR tQln that it T1fl 1n the MaY COllrt of that year) He waR huried in the Carlton ~amily Cemetery located en the hill nlxt the present hous~n hi s farm Therl iRan unmarked graye on e~ther Aln~ of hi wR Rre probRl)ly of rl s tV10 vivee Thomas CRrlton and Yoarv Carlton had 1A8ue

t 7 -1 John Carl to3 J Jlll~T 9 1778 mplAt Eli zabeth Barlow 2nn SllsA11np SMi +Jh

lB - CynthiR CRrl t0n b riled Pt 19 or 20 Jre 9 -3 Hary (Polly) Cfl t0n b rlEr FmStapllton

B1llch son of T~omRA Burch ~ Mmiddotvpn to Georgla her hrother ~holAsmiddot lrtr Tzt R =31 Ater Ruth Hi A Ai flter Keeieh) mar a Lewi A Cflrl ton

2 L_~_ 1 LJ~WI5 CARr-TeN so7o f John fmf Zliz8beth (Wallace) Cfrltcn

washorn Stpt121758 probAbly in Alb~flprle CC1a Thp VfterfJ1B Adllin~Rtrpti(n aAhinrwn DC pt8teR middot1111e living in thpt county (Alhei1Rrle) ha enligtet1 lOebl1777 in Revo1uticnEr~T ~ar served as pri VA te re eei ven a Ilusket beJl wo unr in the che st at the

Battle of ~rannywtne and ~aA ~iBChEtr[en ebl17Ro byColenel Febiger of the Second Vir5inia Ree1~ent He served in VaHarj1and and ~ennsylvAnla oved to iillces CountYNorth Carolina in the ~ spring of 1781 ro1r1 Fered three monthR as COffil1issary unrer Ce-ptain Willi ~ Leno i r bull In Co urt pro eee rUngs 0 f 1797 Tue srla~T 30th JanlLr Lewis Carl ton produeamptl hiB commission Pgmiddot A Justice of Peeee end

ltwaR 1oo1ifien Agre~ahly to law The cenSUR of 1790 Rta+JesllLewis callonVlilkes COllntYHorean )1striet one llaleover 16 3 nales unn er 16 Rnr 2 female s Lewi s Carl ton fii gned deed 31 J2Il

~ 1303 to hi son Ambrose Cqrlton for a trpct of l 1and situpte by lEnd of JaMes StRff(Wilke8 COCar ReeordC 1-441) H~ P6 mCrried

JAn1817~1 to Elizabeth iWe hC waR born Feb261762 (Wilkes Co bull _ ~Mar Bond dated TAIl13 wi tnt g Aer by John Carl ton) bull Thi a JChn Ca~l ton - b1(__ was probably his 1~her LpIi Carlton cUed Hflroh 131827 in

r 11 j ---wn1te-~ihty-rrlnis b9Th year and his winow cUedmiddot Cct3l1139 Ee shy~ ~a~ probahly btlried in thl Lewis CElrl ton Ctm~terY on hie fan afJWhGL-(_ YfIther-flr~-16 grAve 8~ Veterans Admini Atrtion stpteR that ~ Lew1s CRrlton=3 wlnoV W[ts surVived by the following children

POllY Laxton J4l17abeth Hgl er Nrmey Pearson ~illi pm Carl +en ~ I Milly T11cker ant1 ThoJTlRS Cprl ton Thp repo rt RtE te 8 tha tJ the 0 trer~ chilrlren 1rfere Dec3117Rl LPis pTIdI Allhrnsehorn Tohn DE-vid Howarn On file inthe NetionRl Archiv~g at Wpph1ngtcn cf the

~~ Revol 11tionRryO-ar Reeorn of LewisCarlton Llvi Lextcn ~~~lareB that the copy (If MRrriAge birtheetc of Le1iB CElrltcne papers ar9 lxact +Rken fr0rJ R 1xok uhich he nllrchAHH Pt the Fp1e of said LelJi s CRrl to1 in ( cto h~r 1 ~27 LLemiddottJ1~1i~~-J -l~) frlt Ua t the oneinRl i8 in the hand8 of L~w1s~f-z(in 153) (Levi

xtons IOn1rIOMP-R marrien Polly nanehter of Lei8 ~~l1cn) (h f1H1 s RPl t(n he h~~ th~ 0001pound i--n 1853 ~Ufmiddot hayenA-~ gIrJda eon 0 t th~ If4-te~ -SD1Gl er rs the 1 at tampIs-~nLeylfl ls-l() tot inclnded as o~LthA cb11c4ren-11l1ne-1n lmiddot~n-ampt--thA ~-()r the1-Pshy

~~-aer_~~) bull In th~ AlfTle nDerfi tht fCllovtnc i R fa un~ = Oalrlell romty N0veMber 31952 H~nr~T SlJTlpter pged Q5 l+lte~L that_h~ l~ -om in Alherle Co lnty -fircinia nr r113 ftter reshy

m~ved to wh~re the ~en0nent no~ lives In thp ye~r prec~fing the 3attl~ of KingR jmiddot~ount~in (few 1orr=3 e~er1 to b~ leftcuthere) and

L he reMemb~rs well that before he l~ft V~re1niEbullbullTcfln SUrter WIn Rtpiton 1110rJPA I f5blll ~~Dun Georce J)1tll pnr B~ir

Lewi13 Iarl ton ~nli RtAlt1 pnn ~ar~ off +0 wpr The AP~e l~1~Psect L f or 1- n A l i1 r Po ~ ~ - C shystate thilt Le middot R CRrl ton 11lt trA 101 0 (llu lt (bull r)middot bull prl wonbull J_

and WRS raquoom S~Jt121759 shy

Lewis Rnn Sl1~abth GRrlton hRO issue in Wilkes CotNCar 31- 1 Ambrose Carlton b Decn1781 mar Prudenc~ Isbell 3~- 2 Mary Polly Carl ton b abt 1784 mRr Tho1_B Laxton 33 - 3 Lewi s Carl ton b Rbt 1786 mar Nancy liro uch ~4- 4 ThomRs Carlton b 1788 mar Cynthia Carlton )

)5 - 5 John Carl ton b bull 36- fie David Carl ton b abt 1793i mar Amelia Petty

37 - 7 Howard Carl ton b bull 3~ - 9 El11abeth CRrl ton b mar Kell ~y Hag] ere 39- 9 Nancy Carl ton b mar Pearson

40 -10 bull Willi EUl Carl to n b abt 1803 mar Mary Hall 41~-11 Milly CarltonD mar Jamefl vuckerAug8182D

1 5 - 1 JOHN CARLTON2 (John7 son of John and E11~abeth (Wallace)

Carl ton (1) was born 1n V1rginia He was in the Revshyolut1onary~ar No other data has been found about him He must have had a fam11y as a John CarltonJr married Eli~abeth Burch in 1810 He may have had a son Lewi Bmiddot a8 there was a Iew1 s Carl ton who mar1edDec301813 Rissea () Burch0J1l15es CoNCar -arr Bond di ~fi CJ2 t to e8d There was a Lewi B Carl ton who married Dec141805 J iCeelah Burch according to aome copies Neither LeWis can be ldentifiAd now John Carlton probably had 1s~ue

42~- 1 John Carl ton Jr b SltJIrT_ middotj3J6 mar Ell ~abeth Burch I



I- I

- -shyI I




~ ~~_



for hie chllrch He n1An Dec141832 t f9 yeRra of age nn pe 7p burted 1n the Carl ton Cellet~ry on a hill en hi ~ frn wr~re_~ ~ of h18 neSCenORntS hrwe been burlec sln8e tren bull -lilR wiL vc s cern -~ Feb 51r9 iln dl en 1 n 1 )~5 Rt 66 ~TeRr8 of RiYJi umiddot -tUJ L ( - They han 1 f3 S11~ n Nl1 ~ 8 Co N Car (alltl y Bi bl e Rece rr)

~~1 CY1~hla Carlton) bOct~31790 mar Thomas CET~lton (No~x51a CQuBin C-Il Id I t)~ )i~J lt--zdxt fti 5middotY4-flJlrr Y7~ I-rrz~

41 -2 ltll1Abeth Cflrlton b Apr~l 291792 IPr JJmiddot)rose Pflrkf~ remai neci 1 n N Car rU ed ~41854 et 62 lt - _~-

-)-+-4 (3 Robert Montgomery ~arltA~n b JRn31l94 ar Lcgtvire T~ BArlo w - Ac~

45 -4 Esther Carlton bPeb2f190 MRr PlearFlnt Parks ~7 -5 Catherlne Garlton b Apr9108 dlec ln lnfancy

47~ -6 ~Flry Carlton b Apr14lROO mar Jarrles Jornaon bull 413-7 Thollas Lewls Carlton bAug141803i mar PEllee Halibert

and SURan Hal bert


TOMPKIN5 BARLOW3 eon of Ell zabeth (Carl ton) and Tromas Barlow was 1xgtrn in 1767 in Vlrginia He married in Va ln 1792 Margaret Westdaughter of John West (b1738) and Rachel (Perry) West (mpr in 1758 in Maryland) John West was son of John West (1705-1766) Rachel Perry WR8 daughter of Jamee Perry She dled ln 1840 ln Ky The Barlowe moved to Bourbon Co Ky He died there in 1814 Margaret~(We8t) Barlew died in Ky in 1840 They had isue

~~ bull 49-~-1 AlVin West Barlow b ln 1795i mar Mary Ann Fisher

3 11 - 2 - 1 ELEPHALEl Barlow Bon 0 f Ell abeth (Carl ton) and Tlomas

BarloW wae born in ~rginla in 1777 and ralsed in Wilkes Co NCar He moved with hle parents to Scott CoKent in 1800 He married in 1801 ti~iDc~b~ to NlcholaarC61K~nt and later to M1 chigan Thf3Y had 1 ssu~

50~-1 Lew s Barlow middotSi~-2 Tomplcins Barlow (named for hie uncle) 52~-3 ~i~abeth Bflrlow 53S~4 Alfred Harlow bin 1815 ln Harrison CoKy died ln

Ky on 1900 aged 84 yrA In Perrins HiStory of Bourbon ScottHarrisonamp Nlcholas Countlespn97 ls a sketch of his life

17 - 3 - 1




I I ) lor t V

foY n19 ~1lr~h -~ w- P CYP(t le2_n~Y in t-lat pprt (f tre ccu-tr He dlert n~c141932 nt 6 ~e~rs of ~C~ an~ WFP burie~ in the C~rltc~ Ceet~r~r on P hiCh hilJ ( his fRm middotmiddotler~ r~p~~ cf 11~ (lps(~~imiddotC2-~

hfiJe beAn ~)llrje r~ncA thAn -iA ife 0S horn lteh51~a pnt iec in l~35 Rt hh yeRrs of Gee They han i~Plle in -tlkeR C~pr[lr (Rec from P[T1il~r 3ihle)- 3i -1 ~ n t J hi fl e r 1 t () n b C Ct 3 1 790 rl r r bull r( bull Cl 111() T rC P ~

)ClJlt0n (8middotlr)c~ CoEtrY30nn) Fi c(lPin~ rArplnec1 i0-cl(~~_ or eRr 1 rh p n h~r Rrent3 fllOPrl tC In(lina thp cCllflinmiddot 2 shywh0i she r1prri~n 0 ~ Th071P8 Ron of h~r uncI eLmiddotmiddotmiddotis oo8ver her qncle Jorm (krl ton rlay hpv~ hpc1 a sen by the name of Thom~ ~r02recor(lA havp been found of th8 fRP1lly_of fohn CRrlton (4) It-Qculd--notmiddotmiddothE-ve been ThcmaA3- BOno-fmiddot heruncle Thomas 2) lmiddotaB-middot hi 9middot three Vol vee are recorded Eli7aheth Carl ton b April 291792 lAr Ar1brose Farks re~ained in NCar nied Sept41954 at 62 yre RD bert rontgorrlery Garl ton h JE1n 311794 mpr LeV1na Barlow E3 ther Carl ton )) Feb 261796 mer Plescnt PRrka Catherine Carlton bAprR1793 dier in infancy Mary Carlton hApr141800 rlRr J~e8 Johnsen ThomaB Lew1Fl Carlton bAue141803 mar Pales HElbert and Susan Halbert

~ -


- r7-Y-l JOHN CARLTON ( Thomas 2 Johnl ) son c f Thoma-5 2 and M~ry (

Carl ton ~PS born July 291778 either in Vlrelnia or inrllkee pr Burke County North Iarollnlttmiddot He married firat Aue141802 Eliabeth BRrlow(Wilkes CoMarrBonn slened by Tohn Carlton and Tho8~arltonl AftAr her d~Rth he marriedApril 30lR13Susanna Smyth or S1ith (Wilke~ CoBarrBond) born Harch 61781 the daught~r of Smi th ann Susanna (Berryford) Smi the

Susanna 3rryforrt Wltt8 born at C8Seb11ry Tovm Ches~re County England the rJauEhter of a mnrhle sculptor Her lother (lied vJhen she WlttA v~ry young She hfl~ several brothers ~nd siaters and Bt~ may have been- the olnest The chlldr~n staed at horne lcne rhen their fthe wp~ at work 111en she WPA five yers oft1ee P IDCn ~nc wo~a~ (stran5RrA) caller on th~ chll~ren t~o~or three times rne ~ay the~were A~~o~pRnien by another man ~hey perRuRnAc the little SusannR to go ricHne 1 th them ann gve her~pn~y After 1 uring her A~Ay th~y took her to a port pl~cen her on boat which ~as

going to AlericR In order to lte~p her qUiet the k1~nfppeb~ threw Mon~~ in her lap whenever she cried ~he ~RR solrl in

V1famplntR or HRryland When Ahe WA eieht yera Of Age Ahe hac ~ J ~~ work of lttn antut ann was cruelly trecR1e(l middothen she 1ip~ ~ the Wflthi ng her li stre S R wo ul ~ 0 ften b~At her i th the wet sheets In the wirHermiddot Rhe was farcen to ircn the sheeta Pt night to ha ~ t1eITl wPrrn fo r the fa111ly when the~r WAnt to he~ hen she was f1f~~en yeRTA of pge in (Ir~_Ar to be fr-ee from her istress she ran 0 ff Ann ~f1rri en ~ir f)Tlli th w1th lIMn she hen Flli gh t aqua1niA1~e-(he lay ha~Te wCrke~ a little middotfer her mistress) rh~y went to StokA8 C-ollnty ann later ~llkeA County North Carolina sectWr~eyen~ PPfFt1 flCl h~T~T)~QLl~ ffter sheV~~ klcnrrped Tbist

w -~ 0_ 0 n~r poundJ n-(iCUtr l Jer Rebecca Carl ton (~) w1o tcld J7 I

it niffrnt ti1~s to ~innip (V) Elr ~T(ra ~2rl ton (t~)~) ~hip

story hc 1~~n t0lf hr tJmiddotlo 8or1Iilor f~th~rSi(1ne~ 0trl ton( 011 t not so llrn in (~~til ~tpr ~r S-i th s cppth SURPnnp lErlec 2nn n~nrJ Rin 11 jpvoltJiClP rr HpgtYm ltnc1 thp Ron cf -lenrr rioris0n PJn Of ~n~lrn~ ~~ in~ 11(1pr fro-r iJYpc 0C111 ty

to r~11tPl=t ~01lntoyN0~r in ll36 middotherp ~hf 8ler pt th~ P~f~ cf 10)9 y~rrc p~or(~LrlC t() S(1~~ ()~ thfl -011r he gt(~ urltct on Lo n rcJgt 0 ll tA 1l n ~ t l ~ l ~ 1 rr 300 ne ~~ ~ r~ pl so lt= J h 8shy

bltnr nr ()ll~T son --1[Ylea in~ ~lr1e- C~~qrlAA ~pin -Yer F~c lerr Ro ~orbaltAn)TCr-_ gt iQr in l~=O pt 90 ~fprs of R5~ ln his 10 eti-rl in 1 ~5 1i3A~ 10~ trer hu~ ten chilcrpn oftH4rOin sn~ 1~middotn~r o~~ th~l (l~~ChrlcUltR llfe neer Lone Hope rt ~ Tri CrYH1S0n rpnk inclRc1 Ron of R~1j7~r (iftin) enr arl HocgtRday of Homtpjn (itY1enn R~nt data on (hprles ~e1nB family in 1937 He ARio thRt his gr2rGmiddot~RthprChErles rmiddot~ein told him thpt Sl1sannet 3erryfo rd pnlt Henry M1n were clc FP friends before Henry ~nliRten in thp Wetr That he ViPS 60ne for seven yeprs fn~ in the neantirrJe 9he had l11Rrried ~r Sl11i th who 28 not in the wer pnd Who 11ven onl v a fe ITeprs When Hmrv Main returned from the war he mari ~d ~u~annt(BerrYfo rr) 511 tho v bull

John eRrl tons naTTJp appeers 1 n Many a ffl cagtJ re co rds as e Witness attorneYetc He RIBO rleclRre~ in a similar paper 26 hi s father s irp~5arc1 to Thoilas Burch R middotRevollltionery ~I_r seIri ce dted Cct~41844 grnn1e (Carl ton) (9) Hendcvls has the Bible wi th the f~~ily reC()rr3 of John Cprl ton She Polso hA an old fan whi ch helonged t( Sllscmna -3eryford John Carl t~on Ii ved on e farm near hi s father A fe mil e s from fuomer but in the edge 0 f

~alcmiddotel1 C01mty It WFi8 prohDly part of his fathers ori[1ne1 farm H~ nl~d RRrch 11855 in his 77th yeRr (Bihle R~c) His wife bull SusAnna (SIli th) Garl ton (lied Jan12lR48 in her 67th year They were rr1rieo in a priva t7 burinl plot on their farm In hiS will in i1keFl CONCAr lTYillsB0ok 5- 122 vihich WES RignedmiddotJan 111 A51 Rn~ pro OP ter in Apri 1 Co urt 1 355 no lfe 1 s mentioned his chi1dr~nthoMa8 Le1iR H~nryJohn ere ~h bequeathe~ 24 cents each (th~y had all move~ to Ge(r6ia) ~ary ~torey8~4 Charles I-RYlton ~20 Albert CarltJonFxecutor onaheJf of estate c _i

Rebec~a CtY1 ton on~ half 0 f estnte Pi ckenflA~aI80 rprned as-middot h


eseclltJor ~_tJnenRen by Thomas ~heaetle --Erltori~ nephemiddot)SNShep- ~ i

h8r~ Rn~ Abull T Dyson 1

John Anel =l~~pbeth (3111011) Garlton h2c 1i1F1ue at Boomer rr CFr =

-_-~- 1 lho1etR CRrlton4brctoo301~()3 lov to G he Tl1Py hfve heen the thonAs ho lRrNov71822 Sli7be th Lpn~

(lVl1kes C(nr30nc1 RIp-a siVlecl by Chfrlee pin) _ ~ 1~~middot LewiFl Garl ton b~prch IOlRo6 fTlOV to Ga re meJ~lve

hren tohe Levls no nAr~TCv31825Lettic~ Ln~ J~

I~ (Wilkes ~olprrbull onn ~lsC si~necl by BpnjBlrCh)~~~iE~ ~- 3 i~ar~r t1p(1~ytl ~pmiddotl ton bJlIly 251~()R IlFr Ii Story ~

John A-nr J19tnna (Sfli th) ~FI1 ton hpr i ARlP t Boomer (Blble ec) S(~- 1 lphecca gtpriR ~~r1ton hArril 261 Q 15i eJer UJlpr bullbull PfTmiddot

middot201 ()95 Fit 0 YYs livf~ 11 th her brotrer ~hrl-es~)~IJ qn~ h l 8 fR~ilv Rftpr her DRrenta fe~ths 2n~ leter with wi th ChArl e A son Sr-tT1 1pl Cprl ten C5) Cr hi S fcTl1y at Boomer 8~ill r~rl~nbererl b~r heri1iH~efJ 1J~l rt Boole r

rV lnCh1rGh (jefTl(poundr~v~ 8+one) bull bull 44-- 2 -enY Cr1ton bF~b21lgI7mar 112ry ThomaR Epds

poundI Winov of Ja11e8 3urch ~45e- - ChrleA 0Prl t on JApr11lf)l119 mprfrhC~theYine

~rJ1~r Rnr ry JSharp


A(- A1hpyt CpltCn hAucOllO lPT tl17pr)~th ope 2-- 47- 5 John )J111th nr1ton hcT~m ~211~~ mr Splgttr SccfXro- -~ ~ st JL - J

3-- --2-~ 1 I ~) LlC)~=cr(~middot (l1Crnqs-Qhpl) son ofThCfTl[SU10 gtry ( )

0Rrlton 1Ii(lR~rn lpnur 17q~~H~ rrt[rrt~nJ)tcl41q()5 NEtCy h (1 1 T r h A t ) -)_l bull rolC __ ~q~(l pr rr bullXnll ~~o Rl[nen Jy bull er_ on bull J bulle

~F8middot tJLA nmiddot3h+pr(f J0hn rolch ( J(ihn Crouch in hi ill rrrDto-t-- Nov~llhfr CCllrt 1 =n1fTl~R (n~ hAir PS LE1rin Cerl ton) The Cprl tcn~ i moved to 310 un t Co untz Tenn (near Rno xvi 11) in th~ e p 11 Y l-l30 I ~ ~ I ann 1 F te r to tetrLo n 00 ~ 1e tm ([ear 0hp t trne-o ga) MC ri 0 n jerI tol_

I t (184 5-193h) of N~wton Co~ty~Ark~nJ3a8 Rent thp list of Lewi8 v Carl ton 8 (grRnnfther C f ~~ri()1)) chilc1r~n nr l)i rth elf te s tJo 11 s

bro ther Geo reA i Carl t(in (l~3-1929) I CTrRhm TeXE8 lhi 8 ~ata was Bent b~ ChRYlea G BurneRs~ Stnte Co11eeePR a descennant of

- Lew1 B Carl ton ~ shy

~ Lewis andNRncy era uch) C241 ton hft~l salle ~ 4~- 1 Alfred CRrlton t b Sep ~16lq07 mprPRluin~ Al1i~on

-r ~- 41 Q- 32 bull ~~atiil na C~lr1tt(1n bO ct 51l2~10~-11~ 7i~) k47~~g-Ji (~middot )l

f _ 50 - bull oev na ~R on J __bull ) _ ~~

i ~51- 4 Je1lRey Rpl ton bAug11814 f5P~ 5 ALlston Carltonb SeptllS16 shy

Uf3- ~ Slntha Carl ton b DeclSl ~18 $4- 7 WarreI1 Carlton bHay 51821 - -amp55- 8 WillfRll Girl ton b JU1 13 1923)~---ITS) ~~- ~p6- 9 Ii~~tm Carl ton bAug30 1825 ment1o-ned ln his grEnI1shy

L fatner =I (Tohn Cro tIch) Will 1)7-10 ~middotAncy Carlton b Hay 81828

-lt-11ThOllR8 Carl to~ bApr121830~~~rromiddot~ _- 21- ~--~-

middotmiddotTli~l~~ CARLTON3 (I1-~mC82~ JO~lt son at Thomas Rnn Mary( ) Car1tort~aB born Jan21790 in wil~ces CountyNCer H~ livpdc]1 a farm hear BooJTl~r probb1y part ot hi fatherA orieinE1 farmbull He mRrrlenlRtmiddotlRrch 261313 Jane ~Jenniett ~erryman (Wilkes Co~ Marr3=lnn also ~~enec1 by Georee Crouch) who 11iBS lxrn Feb281796 bull She d lprl April 101921 at 25 yearR laving two ~hl1 nren He mar ~11 2nn Aue12 t 1821 Ruth Surch (Fanily Bi b1 e ~ec) (i1ke e Co bull

MarrBonn eiveA T1l1y 311809 a1Ro Riener by LeIIis Cpr1ton r~any of middot the Jr9rr 3onr~ were in such pOOT conra tJion thHt they were rarc11 middot reRda1Jl~)Rllth 31Lrch middotR8 the nRuchteY of Tho[18 anc fJarCh Crones)

3ttrch W10SP sonWm8tRp]p+on lurcht1nrrled 1ho~_a GRr1t(r~ sisipr Mar or Poll GRrl tJon anct hose dtlllrh+er Ke~lph lrripo 2 Lems Carlton (~01Jlor e0~8 not know whi~h LelR) probRbl~ pltllr 2

brothr (1 f lj10I1tR ~lrl tJon q r n nephemiddot R1th Burch WR Cl Bo Pshy

elster of TP1es 31Ir~h whoAe 1c10w I19rrler Henry Cftrl ten (LLLL) neph~w o~ JhO1PR pltC1nbull llth l~lrch PF fJcrn July 111 7 2End

middot r11prl r~t19llf) lt 70 yepYR Thofip CFtr1ton ~rarri~(lr~ bCut Iln4 N~ll~ ~ ( r e I1no r Sn no n Y(111ng~r Ai s t e1 (1 frJ R ra ughtershyin-lA-vI ~middotrltgtn~y ho rlprri~r hi S(n31Ir tJon erlten (ht) Sre v=s born fn li3~~ h~I=8 middot~middotlton R= in th lpr ~f lq1~ Hp lee JCn14lg77 ~t 17 yFlp 0f C~ (tn~ Ips 0urLeci on hls fe (3101e ~~~) Hi c Gr1Yl(~~Flchter rR rrtry (pl tCn) (i~51 Geman cf 3cc7er has hif3 o1n fA1ily =3ihle with fRnl1 recorrs copied by t1gt- cCTIp11or

1- Hi ~ will w~ siGn~~ rmiddot ct 15 1~63 prC1 ~)ptn 7 fgto18771 e~jl1npound hl B eS+Jate to lll of hip chlllt1en to ahpre equally The 7i11 sks his son T)pliel t (1r1 +J0n to )y from th~ estpt~ of 7illlflIn ~11Ych

wll ~ t 1 L~ nlIP to hi-s trRn~P l()1 tJe r G~ rt rtl(1 e Grl +Jon rlpllpoundhtpT C fti s1shydece~~e(l eon (nCt nrLl~~ (Trof1Cgt8 Ghedle Crl ton) EX8 scn-1n-1pw JRI1~S ZllF n srn 31lY~0n A Garl +cn shy

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 5: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

2 L_~_ 1 LJ~WI5 CARr-TeN so7o f John fmf Zliz8beth (Wallace) Cfrltcn

washorn Stpt121758 probAbly in Alb~flprle CC1a Thp VfterfJ1B Adllin~Rtrpti(n aAhinrwn DC pt8teR middot1111e living in thpt county (Alhei1Rrle) ha enligtet1 lOebl1777 in Revo1uticnEr~T ~ar served as pri VA te re eei ven a Ilusket beJl wo unr in the che st at the

Battle of ~rannywtne and ~aA ~iBChEtr[en ebl17Ro byColenel Febiger of the Second Vir5inia Ree1~ent He served in VaHarj1and and ~ennsylvAnla oved to iillces CountYNorth Carolina in the ~ spring of 1781 ro1r1 Fered three monthR as COffil1issary unrer Ce-ptain Willi ~ Leno i r bull In Co urt pro eee rUngs 0 f 1797 Tue srla~T 30th JanlLr Lewis Carl ton produeamptl hiB commission Pgmiddot A Justice of Peeee end

ltwaR 1oo1ifien Agre~ahly to law The cenSUR of 1790 Rta+JesllLewis callonVlilkes COllntYHorean )1striet one llaleover 16 3 nales unn er 16 Rnr 2 female s Lewi s Carl ton fii gned deed 31 J2Il

~ 1303 to hi son Ambrose Cqrlton for a trpct of l 1and situpte by lEnd of JaMes StRff(Wilke8 COCar ReeordC 1-441) H~ P6 mCrried

JAn1817~1 to Elizabeth iWe hC waR born Feb261762 (Wilkes Co bull _ ~Mar Bond dated TAIl13 wi tnt g Aer by John Carl ton) bull Thi a JChn Ca~l ton - b1(__ was probably his 1~her LpIi Carlton cUed Hflroh 131827 in

r 11 j ---wn1te-~ihty-rrlnis b9Th year and his winow cUedmiddot Cct3l1139 Ee shy~ ~a~ probahly btlried in thl Lewis CElrl ton Ctm~terY on hie fan afJWhGL-(_ YfIther-flr~-16 grAve 8~ Veterans Admini Atrtion stpteR that ~ Lew1s CRrlton=3 wlnoV W[ts surVived by the following children

POllY Laxton J4l17abeth Hgl er Nrmey Pearson ~illi pm Carl +en ~ I Milly T11cker ant1 ThoJTlRS Cprl ton Thp repo rt RtE te 8 tha tJ the 0 trer~ chilrlren 1rfere Dec3117Rl LPis pTIdI Allhrnsehorn Tohn DE-vid Howarn On file inthe NetionRl Archiv~g at Wpph1ngtcn cf the

~~ Revol 11tionRryO-ar Reeorn of LewisCarlton Llvi Lextcn ~~~lareB that the copy (If MRrriAge birtheetc of Le1iB CElrltcne papers ar9 lxact +Rken fr0rJ R 1xok uhich he nllrchAHH Pt the Fp1e of said LelJi s CRrl to1 in ( cto h~r 1 ~27 LLemiddottJ1~1i~~-J -l~) frlt Ua t the oneinRl i8 in the hand8 of L~w1s~f-z(in 153) (Levi

xtons IOn1rIOMP-R marrien Polly nanehter of Lei8 ~~l1cn) (h f1H1 s RPl t(n he h~~ th~ 0001pound i--n 1853 ~Ufmiddot hayenA-~ gIrJda eon 0 t th~ If4-te~ -SD1Gl er rs the 1 at tampIs-~nLeylfl ls-l() tot inclnded as o~LthA cb11c4ren-11l1ne-1n lmiddot~n-ampt--thA ~-()r the1-Pshy

~~-aer_~~) bull In th~ AlfTle nDerfi tht fCllovtnc i R fa un~ = Oalrlell romty N0veMber 31952 H~nr~T SlJTlpter pged Q5 l+lte~L that_h~ l~ -om in Alherle Co lnty -fircinia nr r113 ftter reshy

m~ved to wh~re the ~en0nent no~ lives In thp ye~r prec~fing the 3attl~ of KingR jmiddot~ount~in (few 1orr=3 e~er1 to b~ leftcuthere) and

L he reMemb~rs well that before he l~ft V~re1niEbullbullTcfln SUrter WIn Rtpiton 1110rJPA I f5blll ~~Dun Georce J)1tll pnr B~ir

Lewi13 Iarl ton ~nli RtAlt1 pnn ~ar~ off +0 wpr The AP~e l~1~Psect L f or 1- n A l i1 r Po ~ ~ - C shystate thilt Le middot R CRrl ton 11lt trA 101 0 (llu lt (bull r)middot bull prl wonbull J_

and WRS raquoom S~Jt121759 shy

Lewis Rnn Sl1~abth GRrlton hRO issue in Wilkes CotNCar 31- 1 Ambrose Carlton b Decn1781 mar Prudenc~ Isbell 3~- 2 Mary Polly Carl ton b abt 1784 mRr Tho1_B Laxton 33 - 3 Lewi s Carl ton b Rbt 1786 mar Nancy liro uch ~4- 4 ThomRs Carlton b 1788 mar Cynthia Carlton )

)5 - 5 John Carl ton b bull 36- fie David Carl ton b abt 1793i mar Amelia Petty

37 - 7 Howard Carl ton b bull 3~ - 9 El11abeth CRrl ton b mar Kell ~y Hag] ere 39- 9 Nancy Carl ton b mar Pearson

40 -10 bull Willi EUl Carl to n b abt 1803 mar Mary Hall 41~-11 Milly CarltonD mar Jamefl vuckerAug8182D

1 5 - 1 JOHN CARLTON2 (John7 son of John and E11~abeth (Wallace)

Carl ton (1) was born 1n V1rginia He was in the Revshyolut1onary~ar No other data has been found about him He must have had a fam11y as a John CarltonJr married Eli~abeth Burch in 1810 He may have had a son Lewi Bmiddot a8 there was a Iew1 s Carl ton who mar1edDec301813 Rissea () Burch0J1l15es CoNCar -arr Bond di ~fi CJ2 t to e8d There was a Lewi B Carl ton who married Dec141805 J iCeelah Burch according to aome copies Neither LeWis can be ldentifiAd now John Carlton probably had 1s~ue

42~- 1 John Carl ton Jr b SltJIrT_ middotj3J6 mar Ell ~abeth Burch I



I- I

- -shyI I




~ ~~_



for hie chllrch He n1An Dec141832 t f9 yeRra of age nn pe 7p burted 1n the Carl ton Cellet~ry on a hill en hi ~ frn wr~re_~ ~ of h18 neSCenORntS hrwe been burlec sln8e tren bull -lilR wiL vc s cern -~ Feb 51r9 iln dl en 1 n 1 )~5 Rt 66 ~TeRr8 of RiYJi umiddot -tUJ L ( - They han 1 f3 S11~ n Nl1 ~ 8 Co N Car (alltl y Bi bl e Rece rr)

~~1 CY1~hla Carlton) bOct~31790 mar Thomas CET~lton (No~x51a CQuBin C-Il Id I t)~ )i~J lt--zdxt fti 5middotY4-flJlrr Y7~ I-rrz~

41 -2 ltll1Abeth Cflrlton b Apr~l 291792 IPr JJmiddot)rose Pflrkf~ remai neci 1 n N Car rU ed ~41854 et 62 lt - _~-

-)-+-4 (3 Robert Montgomery ~arltA~n b JRn31l94 ar Lcgtvire T~ BArlo w - Ac~

45 -4 Esther Carlton bPeb2f190 MRr PlearFlnt Parks ~7 -5 Catherlne Garlton b Apr9108 dlec ln lnfancy

47~ -6 ~Flry Carlton b Apr14lROO mar Jarrles Jornaon bull 413-7 Thollas Lewls Carlton bAug141803i mar PEllee Halibert

and SURan Hal bert


TOMPKIN5 BARLOW3 eon of Ell zabeth (Carl ton) and Tromas Barlow was 1xgtrn in 1767 in Vlrginia He married in Va ln 1792 Margaret Westdaughter of John West (b1738) and Rachel (Perry) West (mpr in 1758 in Maryland) John West was son of John West (1705-1766) Rachel Perry WR8 daughter of Jamee Perry She dled ln 1840 ln Ky The Barlowe moved to Bourbon Co Ky He died there in 1814 Margaret~(We8t) Barlew died in Ky in 1840 They had isue

~~ bull 49-~-1 AlVin West Barlow b ln 1795i mar Mary Ann Fisher

3 11 - 2 - 1 ELEPHALEl Barlow Bon 0 f Ell abeth (Carl ton) and Tlomas

BarloW wae born in ~rginla in 1777 and ralsed in Wilkes Co NCar He moved with hle parents to Scott CoKent in 1800 He married in 1801 ti~iDc~b~ to NlcholaarC61K~nt and later to M1 chigan Thf3Y had 1 ssu~

50~-1 Lew s Barlow middotSi~-2 Tomplcins Barlow (named for hie uncle) 52~-3 ~i~abeth Bflrlow 53S~4 Alfred Harlow bin 1815 ln Harrison CoKy died ln

Ky on 1900 aged 84 yrA In Perrins HiStory of Bourbon ScottHarrisonamp Nlcholas Countlespn97 ls a sketch of his life

17 - 3 - 1




I I ) lor t V

foY n19 ~1lr~h -~ w- P CYP(t le2_n~Y in t-lat pprt (f tre ccu-tr He dlert n~c141932 nt 6 ~e~rs of ~C~ an~ WFP burie~ in the C~rltc~ Ceet~r~r on P hiCh hilJ ( his fRm middotmiddotler~ r~p~~ cf 11~ (lps(~~imiddotC2-~

hfiJe beAn ~)llrje r~ncA thAn -iA ife 0S horn lteh51~a pnt iec in l~35 Rt hh yeRrs of Gee They han i~Plle in -tlkeR C~pr[lr (Rec from P[T1il~r 3ihle)- 3i -1 ~ n t J hi fl e r 1 t () n b C Ct 3 1 790 rl r r bull r( bull Cl 111() T rC P ~

)ClJlt0n (8middotlr)c~ CoEtrY30nn) Fi c(lPin~ rArplnec1 i0-cl(~~_ or eRr 1 rh p n h~r Rrent3 fllOPrl tC In(lina thp cCllflinmiddot 2 shywh0i she r1prri~n 0 ~ Th071P8 Ron of h~r uncI eLmiddotmiddotmiddotis oo8ver her qncle Jorm (krl ton rlay hpv~ hpc1 a sen by the name of Thom~ ~r02recor(lA havp been found of th8 fRP1lly_of fohn CRrlton (4) It-Qculd--notmiddotmiddothE-ve been ThcmaA3- BOno-fmiddot heruncle Thomas 2) lmiddotaB-middot hi 9middot three Vol vee are recorded Eli7aheth Carl ton b April 291792 lAr Ar1brose Farks re~ained in NCar nied Sept41954 at 62 yre RD bert rontgorrlery Garl ton h JE1n 311794 mpr LeV1na Barlow E3 ther Carl ton )) Feb 261796 mer Plescnt PRrka Catherine Carlton bAprR1793 dier in infancy Mary Carlton hApr141800 rlRr J~e8 Johnsen ThomaB Lew1Fl Carlton bAue141803 mar Pales HElbert and Susan Halbert

~ -


- r7-Y-l JOHN CARLTON ( Thomas 2 Johnl ) son c f Thoma-5 2 and M~ry (

Carl ton ~PS born July 291778 either in Vlrelnia or inrllkee pr Burke County North Iarollnlttmiddot He married firat Aue141802 Eliabeth BRrlow(Wilkes CoMarrBonn slened by Tohn Carlton and Tho8~arltonl AftAr her d~Rth he marriedApril 30lR13Susanna Smyth or S1ith (Wilke~ CoBarrBond) born Harch 61781 the daught~r of Smi th ann Susanna (Berryford) Smi the

Susanna 3rryforrt Wltt8 born at C8Seb11ry Tovm Ches~re County England the rJauEhter of a mnrhle sculptor Her lother (lied vJhen she WlttA v~ry young She hfl~ several brothers ~nd siaters and Bt~ may have been- the olnest The chlldr~n staed at horne lcne rhen their fthe wp~ at work 111en she WPA five yers oft1ee P IDCn ~nc wo~a~ (stran5RrA) caller on th~ chll~ren t~o~or three times rne ~ay the~were A~~o~pRnien by another man ~hey perRuRnAc the little SusannR to go ricHne 1 th them ann gve her~pn~y After 1 uring her A~Ay th~y took her to a port pl~cen her on boat which ~as

going to AlericR In order to lte~p her qUiet the k1~nfppeb~ threw Mon~~ in her lap whenever she cried ~he ~RR solrl in

V1famplntR or HRryland When Ahe WA eieht yera Of Age Ahe hac ~ J ~~ work of lttn antut ann was cruelly trecR1e(l middothen she 1ip~ ~ the Wflthi ng her li stre S R wo ul ~ 0 ften b~At her i th the wet sheets In the wirHermiddot Rhe was farcen to ircn the sheeta Pt night to ha ~ t1eITl wPrrn fo r the fa111ly when the~r WAnt to he~ hen she was f1f~~en yeRTA of pge in (Ir~_Ar to be fr-ee from her istress she ran 0 ff Ann ~f1rri en ~ir f)Tlli th w1th lIMn she hen Flli gh t aqua1niA1~e-(he lay ha~Te wCrke~ a little middotfer her mistress) rh~y went to StokA8 C-ollnty ann later ~llkeA County North Carolina sectWr~eyen~ PPfFt1 flCl h~T~T)~QLl~ ffter sheV~~ klcnrrped Tbist

w -~ 0_ 0 n~r poundJ n-(iCUtr l Jer Rebecca Carl ton (~) w1o tcld J7 I

it niffrnt ti1~s to ~innip (V) Elr ~T(ra ~2rl ton (t~)~) ~hip

story hc 1~~n t0lf hr tJmiddotlo 8or1Iilor f~th~rSi(1ne~ 0trl ton( 011 t not so llrn in (~~til ~tpr ~r S-i th s cppth SURPnnp lErlec 2nn n~nrJ Rin 11 jpvoltJiClP rr HpgtYm ltnc1 thp Ron cf -lenrr rioris0n PJn Of ~n~lrn~ ~~ in~ 11(1pr fro-r iJYpc 0C111 ty

to r~11tPl=t ~01lntoyN0~r in ll36 middotherp ~hf 8ler pt th~ P~f~ cf 10)9 y~rrc p~or(~LrlC t() S(1~~ ()~ thfl -011r he gt(~ urltct on Lo n rcJgt 0 ll tA 1l n ~ t l ~ l ~ 1 rr 300 ne ~~ ~ r~ pl so lt= J h 8shy

bltnr nr ()ll~T son --1[Ylea in~ ~lr1e- C~~qrlAA ~pin -Yer F~c lerr Ro ~orbaltAn)TCr-_ gt iQr in l~=O pt 90 ~fprs of R5~ ln his 10 eti-rl in 1 ~5 1i3A~ 10~ trer hu~ ten chilcrpn oftH4rOin sn~ 1~middotn~r o~~ th~l (l~~ChrlcUltR llfe neer Lone Hope rt ~ Tri CrYH1S0n rpnk inclRc1 Ron of R~1j7~r (iftin) enr arl HocgtRday of Homtpjn (itY1enn R~nt data on (hprles ~e1nB family in 1937 He ARio thRt his gr2rGmiddot~RthprChErles rmiddot~ein told him thpt Sl1sannet 3erryfo rd pnlt Henry M1n were clc FP friends before Henry ~nliRten in thp Wetr That he ViPS 60ne for seven yeprs fn~ in the neantirrJe 9he had l11Rrried ~r Sl11i th who 28 not in the wer pnd Who 11ven onl v a fe ITeprs When Hmrv Main returned from the war he mari ~d ~u~annt(BerrYfo rr) 511 tho v bull

John eRrl tons naTTJp appeers 1 n Many a ffl cagtJ re co rds as e Witness attorneYetc He RIBO rleclRre~ in a similar paper 26 hi s father s irp~5arc1 to Thoilas Burch R middotRevollltionery ~I_r seIri ce dted Cct~41844 grnn1e (Carl ton) (9) Hendcvls has the Bible wi th the f~~ily reC()rr3 of John Cprl ton She Polso hA an old fan whi ch helonged t( Sllscmna -3eryford John Carl t~on Ii ved on e farm near hi s father A fe mil e s from fuomer but in the edge 0 f

~alcmiddotel1 C01mty It WFi8 prohDly part of his fathers ori[1ne1 farm H~ nl~d RRrch 11855 in his 77th yeRr (Bihle R~c) His wife bull SusAnna (SIli th) Garl ton (lied Jan12lR48 in her 67th year They were rr1rieo in a priva t7 burinl plot on their farm In hiS will in i1keFl CONCAr lTYillsB0ok 5- 122 vihich WES RignedmiddotJan 111 A51 Rn~ pro OP ter in Apri 1 Co urt 1 355 no lfe 1 s mentioned his chi1dr~nthoMa8 Le1iR H~nryJohn ere ~h bequeathe~ 24 cents each (th~y had all move~ to Ge(r6ia) ~ary ~torey8~4 Charles I-RYlton ~20 Albert CarltJonFxecutor onaheJf of estate c _i

Rebec~a CtY1 ton on~ half 0 f estnte Pi ckenflA~aI80 rprned as-middot h


eseclltJor ~_tJnenRen by Thomas ~heaetle --Erltori~ nephemiddot)SNShep- ~ i

h8r~ Rn~ Abull T Dyson 1

John Anel =l~~pbeth (3111011) Garlton h2c 1i1F1ue at Boomer rr CFr =

-_-~- 1 lho1etR CRrlton4brctoo301~()3 lov to G he Tl1Py hfve heen the thonAs ho lRrNov71822 Sli7be th Lpn~

(lVl1kes C(nr30nc1 RIp-a siVlecl by Chfrlee pin) _ ~ 1~~middot LewiFl Garl ton b~prch IOlRo6 fTlOV to Ga re meJ~lve

hren tohe Levls no nAr~TCv31825Lettic~ Ln~ J~

I~ (Wilkes ~olprrbull onn ~lsC si~necl by BpnjBlrCh)~~~iE~ ~- 3 i~ar~r t1p(1~ytl ~pmiddotl ton bJlIly 251~()R IlFr Ii Story ~

John A-nr J19tnna (Sfli th) ~FI1 ton hpr i ARlP t Boomer (Blble ec) S(~- 1 lphecca gtpriR ~~r1ton hArril 261 Q 15i eJer UJlpr bullbull PfTmiddot

middot201 ()95 Fit 0 YYs livf~ 11 th her brotrer ~hrl-es~)~IJ qn~ h l 8 fR~ilv Rftpr her DRrenta fe~ths 2n~ leter with wi th ChArl e A son Sr-tT1 1pl Cprl ten C5) Cr hi S fcTl1y at Boomer 8~ill r~rl~nbererl b~r heri1iH~efJ 1J~l rt Boole r

rV lnCh1rGh (jefTl(poundr~v~ 8+one) bull bull 44-- 2 -enY Cr1ton bF~b21lgI7mar 112ry ThomaR Epds

poundI Winov of Ja11e8 3urch ~45e- - ChrleA 0Prl t on JApr11lf)l119 mprfrhC~theYine

~rJ1~r Rnr ry JSharp


A(- A1hpyt CpltCn hAucOllO lPT tl17pr)~th ope 2-- 47- 5 John )J111th nr1ton hcT~m ~211~~ mr Splgttr SccfXro- -~ ~ st JL - J

3-- --2-~ 1 I ~) LlC)~=cr(~middot (l1Crnqs-Qhpl) son ofThCfTl[SU10 gtry ( )

0Rrlton 1Ii(lR~rn lpnur 17q~~H~ rrt[rrt~nJ)tcl41q()5 NEtCy h (1 1 T r h A t ) -)_l bull rolC __ ~q~(l pr rr bullXnll ~~o Rl[nen Jy bull er_ on bull J bulle

~F8middot tJLA nmiddot3h+pr(f J0hn rolch ( J(ihn Crouch in hi ill rrrDto-t-- Nov~llhfr CCllrt 1 =n1fTl~R (n~ hAir PS LE1rin Cerl ton) The Cprl tcn~ i moved to 310 un t Co untz Tenn (near Rno xvi 11) in th~ e p 11 Y l-l30 I ~ ~ I ann 1 F te r to tetrLo n 00 ~ 1e tm ([ear 0hp t trne-o ga) MC ri 0 n jerI tol_

I t (184 5-193h) of N~wton Co~ty~Ark~nJ3a8 Rent thp list of Lewi8 v Carl ton 8 (grRnnfther C f ~~ri()1)) chilc1r~n nr l)i rth elf te s tJo 11 s

bro ther Geo reA i Carl t(in (l~3-1929) I CTrRhm TeXE8 lhi 8 ~ata was Bent b~ ChRYlea G BurneRs~ Stnte Co11eeePR a descennant of

- Lew1 B Carl ton ~ shy

~ Lewis andNRncy era uch) C241 ton hft~l salle ~ 4~- 1 Alfred CRrlton t b Sep ~16lq07 mprPRluin~ Al1i~on

-r ~- 41 Q- 32 bull ~~atiil na C~lr1tt(1n bO ct 51l2~10~-11~ 7i~) k47~~g-Ji (~middot )l

f _ 50 - bull oev na ~R on J __bull ) _ ~~

i ~51- 4 Je1lRey Rpl ton bAug11814 f5P~ 5 ALlston Carltonb SeptllS16 shy

Uf3- ~ Slntha Carl ton b DeclSl ~18 $4- 7 WarreI1 Carlton bHay 51821 - -amp55- 8 WillfRll Girl ton b JU1 13 1923)~---ITS) ~~- ~p6- 9 Ii~~tm Carl ton bAug30 1825 ment1o-ned ln his grEnI1shy

L fatner =I (Tohn Cro tIch) Will 1)7-10 ~middotAncy Carlton b Hay 81828

-lt-11ThOllR8 Carl to~ bApr121830~~~rromiddot~ _- 21- ~--~-

middotmiddotTli~l~~ CARLTON3 (I1-~mC82~ JO~lt son at Thomas Rnn Mary( ) Car1tort~aB born Jan21790 in wil~ces CountyNCer H~ livpdc]1 a farm hear BooJTl~r probb1y part ot hi fatherA orieinE1 farmbull He mRrrlenlRtmiddotlRrch 261313 Jane ~Jenniett ~erryman (Wilkes Co~ Marr3=lnn also ~~enec1 by Georee Crouch) who 11iBS lxrn Feb281796 bull She d lprl April 101921 at 25 yearR laving two ~hl1 nren He mar ~11 2nn Aue12 t 1821 Ruth Surch (Fanily Bi b1 e ~ec) (i1ke e Co bull

MarrBonn eiveA T1l1y 311809 a1Ro Riener by LeIIis Cpr1ton r~any of middot the Jr9rr 3onr~ were in such pOOT conra tJion thHt they were rarc11 middot reRda1Jl~)Rllth 31Lrch middotR8 the nRuchteY of Tho[18 anc fJarCh Crones)

3ttrch W10SP sonWm8tRp]p+on lurcht1nrrled 1ho~_a GRr1t(r~ sisipr Mar or Poll GRrl tJon anct hose dtlllrh+er Ke~lph lrripo 2 Lems Carlton (~01Jlor e0~8 not know whi~h LelR) probRbl~ pltllr 2

brothr (1 f lj10I1tR ~lrl tJon q r n nephemiddot R1th Burch WR Cl Bo Pshy

elster of TP1es 31Ir~h whoAe 1c10w I19rrler Henry Cftrl ten (LLLL) neph~w o~ JhO1PR pltC1nbull llth l~lrch PF fJcrn July 111 7 2End

middot r11prl r~t19llf) lt 70 yepYR Thofip CFtr1ton ~rarri~(lr~ bCut Iln4 N~ll~ ~ ( r e I1no r Sn no n Y(111ng~r Ai s t e1 (1 frJ R ra ughtershyin-lA-vI ~middotrltgtn~y ho rlprri~r hi S(n31Ir tJon erlten (ht) Sre v=s born fn li3~~ h~I=8 middot~middotlton R= in th lpr ~f lq1~ Hp lee JCn14lg77 ~t 17 yFlp 0f C~ (tn~ Ips 0urLeci on hls fe (3101e ~~~) Hi c Gr1Yl(~~Flchter rR rrtry (pl tCn) (i~51 Geman cf 3cc7er has hif3 o1n fA1ily =3ihle with fRnl1 recorrs copied by t1gt- cCTIp11or

1- Hi ~ will w~ siGn~~ rmiddot ct 15 1~63 prC1 ~)ptn 7 fgto18771 e~jl1npound hl B eS+Jate to lll of hip chlllt1en to ahpre equally The 7i11 sks his son T)pliel t (1r1 +J0n to )y from th~ estpt~ of 7illlflIn ~11Ych

wll ~ t 1 L~ nlIP to hi-s trRn~P l()1 tJe r G~ rt rtl(1 e Grl +Jon rlpllpoundhtpT C fti s1shydece~~e(l eon (nCt nrLl~~ (Trof1Cgt8 Ghedle Crl ton) EX8 scn-1n-1pw JRI1~S ZllF n srn 31lY~0n A Garl +cn shy

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 6: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

Lewis Rnn Sl1~abth GRrlton hRO issue in Wilkes CotNCar 31- 1 Ambrose Carlton b Decn1781 mar Prudenc~ Isbell 3~- 2 Mary Polly Carl ton b abt 1784 mRr Tho1_B Laxton 33 - 3 Lewi s Carl ton b Rbt 1786 mar Nancy liro uch ~4- 4 ThomRs Carlton b 1788 mar Cynthia Carlton )

)5 - 5 John Carl ton b bull 36- fie David Carl ton b abt 1793i mar Amelia Petty

37 - 7 Howard Carl ton b bull 3~ - 9 El11abeth CRrl ton b mar Kell ~y Hag] ere 39- 9 Nancy Carl ton b mar Pearson

40 -10 bull Willi EUl Carl to n b abt 1803 mar Mary Hall 41~-11 Milly CarltonD mar Jamefl vuckerAug8182D

1 5 - 1 JOHN CARLTON2 (John7 son of John and E11~abeth (Wallace)

Carl ton (1) was born 1n V1rginia He was in the Revshyolut1onary~ar No other data has been found about him He must have had a fam11y as a John CarltonJr married Eli~abeth Burch in 1810 He may have had a son Lewi Bmiddot a8 there was a Iew1 s Carl ton who mar1edDec301813 Rissea () Burch0J1l15es CoNCar -arr Bond di ~fi CJ2 t to e8d There was a Lewi B Carl ton who married Dec141805 J iCeelah Burch according to aome copies Neither LeWis can be ldentifiAd now John Carlton probably had 1s~ue

42~- 1 John Carl ton Jr b SltJIrT_ middotj3J6 mar Ell ~abeth Burch I



I- I

- -shyI I




~ ~~_



for hie chllrch He n1An Dec141832 t f9 yeRra of age nn pe 7p burted 1n the Carl ton Cellet~ry on a hill en hi ~ frn wr~re_~ ~ of h18 neSCenORntS hrwe been burlec sln8e tren bull -lilR wiL vc s cern -~ Feb 51r9 iln dl en 1 n 1 )~5 Rt 66 ~TeRr8 of RiYJi umiddot -tUJ L ( - They han 1 f3 S11~ n Nl1 ~ 8 Co N Car (alltl y Bi bl e Rece rr)

~~1 CY1~hla Carlton) bOct~31790 mar Thomas CET~lton (No~x51a CQuBin C-Il Id I t)~ )i~J lt--zdxt fti 5middotY4-flJlrr Y7~ I-rrz~

41 -2 ltll1Abeth Cflrlton b Apr~l 291792 IPr JJmiddot)rose Pflrkf~ remai neci 1 n N Car rU ed ~41854 et 62 lt - _~-

-)-+-4 (3 Robert Montgomery ~arltA~n b JRn31l94 ar Lcgtvire T~ BArlo w - Ac~

45 -4 Esther Carlton bPeb2f190 MRr PlearFlnt Parks ~7 -5 Catherlne Garlton b Apr9108 dlec ln lnfancy

47~ -6 ~Flry Carlton b Apr14lROO mar Jarrles Jornaon bull 413-7 Thollas Lewls Carlton bAug141803i mar PEllee Halibert

and SURan Hal bert


TOMPKIN5 BARLOW3 eon of Ell zabeth (Carl ton) and Tromas Barlow was 1xgtrn in 1767 in Vlrginia He married in Va ln 1792 Margaret Westdaughter of John West (b1738) and Rachel (Perry) West (mpr in 1758 in Maryland) John West was son of John West (1705-1766) Rachel Perry WR8 daughter of Jamee Perry She dled ln 1840 ln Ky The Barlowe moved to Bourbon Co Ky He died there in 1814 Margaret~(We8t) Barlew died in Ky in 1840 They had isue

~~ bull 49-~-1 AlVin West Barlow b ln 1795i mar Mary Ann Fisher

3 11 - 2 - 1 ELEPHALEl Barlow Bon 0 f Ell abeth (Carl ton) and Tlomas

BarloW wae born in ~rginla in 1777 and ralsed in Wilkes Co NCar He moved with hle parents to Scott CoKent in 1800 He married in 1801 ti~iDc~b~ to NlcholaarC61K~nt and later to M1 chigan Thf3Y had 1 ssu~

50~-1 Lew s Barlow middotSi~-2 Tomplcins Barlow (named for hie uncle) 52~-3 ~i~abeth Bflrlow 53S~4 Alfred Harlow bin 1815 ln Harrison CoKy died ln

Ky on 1900 aged 84 yrA In Perrins HiStory of Bourbon ScottHarrisonamp Nlcholas Countlespn97 ls a sketch of his life

17 - 3 - 1




I I ) lor t V

foY n19 ~1lr~h -~ w- P CYP(t le2_n~Y in t-lat pprt (f tre ccu-tr He dlert n~c141932 nt 6 ~e~rs of ~C~ an~ WFP burie~ in the C~rltc~ Ceet~r~r on P hiCh hilJ ( his fRm middotmiddotler~ r~p~~ cf 11~ (lps(~~imiddotC2-~

hfiJe beAn ~)llrje r~ncA thAn -iA ife 0S horn lteh51~a pnt iec in l~35 Rt hh yeRrs of Gee They han i~Plle in -tlkeR C~pr[lr (Rec from P[T1il~r 3ihle)- 3i -1 ~ n t J hi fl e r 1 t () n b C Ct 3 1 790 rl r r bull r( bull Cl 111() T rC P ~

)ClJlt0n (8middotlr)c~ CoEtrY30nn) Fi c(lPin~ rArplnec1 i0-cl(~~_ or eRr 1 rh p n h~r Rrent3 fllOPrl tC In(lina thp cCllflinmiddot 2 shywh0i she r1prri~n 0 ~ Th071P8 Ron of h~r uncI eLmiddotmiddotmiddotis oo8ver her qncle Jorm (krl ton rlay hpv~ hpc1 a sen by the name of Thom~ ~r02recor(lA havp been found of th8 fRP1lly_of fohn CRrlton (4) It-Qculd--notmiddotmiddothE-ve been ThcmaA3- BOno-fmiddot heruncle Thomas 2) lmiddotaB-middot hi 9middot three Vol vee are recorded Eli7aheth Carl ton b April 291792 lAr Ar1brose Farks re~ained in NCar nied Sept41954 at 62 yre RD bert rontgorrlery Garl ton h JE1n 311794 mpr LeV1na Barlow E3 ther Carl ton )) Feb 261796 mer Plescnt PRrka Catherine Carlton bAprR1793 dier in infancy Mary Carlton hApr141800 rlRr J~e8 Johnsen ThomaB Lew1Fl Carlton bAue141803 mar Pales HElbert and Susan Halbert

~ -


- r7-Y-l JOHN CARLTON ( Thomas 2 Johnl ) son c f Thoma-5 2 and M~ry (

Carl ton ~PS born July 291778 either in Vlrelnia or inrllkee pr Burke County North Iarollnlttmiddot He married firat Aue141802 Eliabeth BRrlow(Wilkes CoMarrBonn slened by Tohn Carlton and Tho8~arltonl AftAr her d~Rth he marriedApril 30lR13Susanna Smyth or S1ith (Wilke~ CoBarrBond) born Harch 61781 the daught~r of Smi th ann Susanna (Berryford) Smi the

Susanna 3rryforrt Wltt8 born at C8Seb11ry Tovm Ches~re County England the rJauEhter of a mnrhle sculptor Her lother (lied vJhen she WlttA v~ry young She hfl~ several brothers ~nd siaters and Bt~ may have been- the olnest The chlldr~n staed at horne lcne rhen their fthe wp~ at work 111en she WPA five yers oft1ee P IDCn ~nc wo~a~ (stran5RrA) caller on th~ chll~ren t~o~or three times rne ~ay the~were A~~o~pRnien by another man ~hey perRuRnAc the little SusannR to go ricHne 1 th them ann gve her~pn~y After 1 uring her A~Ay th~y took her to a port pl~cen her on boat which ~as

going to AlericR In order to lte~p her qUiet the k1~nfppeb~ threw Mon~~ in her lap whenever she cried ~he ~RR solrl in

V1famplntR or HRryland When Ahe WA eieht yera Of Age Ahe hac ~ J ~~ work of lttn antut ann was cruelly trecR1e(l middothen she 1ip~ ~ the Wflthi ng her li stre S R wo ul ~ 0 ften b~At her i th the wet sheets In the wirHermiddot Rhe was farcen to ircn the sheeta Pt night to ha ~ t1eITl wPrrn fo r the fa111ly when the~r WAnt to he~ hen she was f1f~~en yeRTA of pge in (Ir~_Ar to be fr-ee from her istress she ran 0 ff Ann ~f1rri en ~ir f)Tlli th w1th lIMn she hen Flli gh t aqua1niA1~e-(he lay ha~Te wCrke~ a little middotfer her mistress) rh~y went to StokA8 C-ollnty ann later ~llkeA County North Carolina sectWr~eyen~ PPfFt1 flCl h~T~T)~QLl~ ffter sheV~~ klcnrrped Tbist

w -~ 0_ 0 n~r poundJ n-(iCUtr l Jer Rebecca Carl ton (~) w1o tcld J7 I

it niffrnt ti1~s to ~innip (V) Elr ~T(ra ~2rl ton (t~)~) ~hip

story hc 1~~n t0lf hr tJmiddotlo 8or1Iilor f~th~rSi(1ne~ 0trl ton( 011 t not so llrn in (~~til ~tpr ~r S-i th s cppth SURPnnp lErlec 2nn n~nrJ Rin 11 jpvoltJiClP rr HpgtYm ltnc1 thp Ron cf -lenrr rioris0n PJn Of ~n~lrn~ ~~ in~ 11(1pr fro-r iJYpc 0C111 ty

to r~11tPl=t ~01lntoyN0~r in ll36 middotherp ~hf 8ler pt th~ P~f~ cf 10)9 y~rrc p~or(~LrlC t() S(1~~ ()~ thfl -011r he gt(~ urltct on Lo n rcJgt 0 ll tA 1l n ~ t l ~ l ~ 1 rr 300 ne ~~ ~ r~ pl so lt= J h 8shy

bltnr nr ()ll~T son --1[Ylea in~ ~lr1e- C~~qrlAA ~pin -Yer F~c lerr Ro ~orbaltAn)TCr-_ gt iQr in l~=O pt 90 ~fprs of R5~ ln his 10 eti-rl in 1 ~5 1i3A~ 10~ trer hu~ ten chilcrpn oftH4rOin sn~ 1~middotn~r o~~ th~l (l~~ChrlcUltR llfe neer Lone Hope rt ~ Tri CrYH1S0n rpnk inclRc1 Ron of R~1j7~r (iftin) enr arl HocgtRday of Homtpjn (itY1enn R~nt data on (hprles ~e1nB family in 1937 He ARio thRt his gr2rGmiddot~RthprChErles rmiddot~ein told him thpt Sl1sannet 3erryfo rd pnlt Henry M1n were clc FP friends before Henry ~nliRten in thp Wetr That he ViPS 60ne for seven yeprs fn~ in the neantirrJe 9he had l11Rrried ~r Sl11i th who 28 not in the wer pnd Who 11ven onl v a fe ITeprs When Hmrv Main returned from the war he mari ~d ~u~annt(BerrYfo rr) 511 tho v bull

John eRrl tons naTTJp appeers 1 n Many a ffl cagtJ re co rds as e Witness attorneYetc He RIBO rleclRre~ in a similar paper 26 hi s father s irp~5arc1 to Thoilas Burch R middotRevollltionery ~I_r seIri ce dted Cct~41844 grnn1e (Carl ton) (9) Hendcvls has the Bible wi th the f~~ily reC()rr3 of John Cprl ton She Polso hA an old fan whi ch helonged t( Sllscmna -3eryford John Carl t~on Ii ved on e farm near hi s father A fe mil e s from fuomer but in the edge 0 f

~alcmiddotel1 C01mty It WFi8 prohDly part of his fathers ori[1ne1 farm H~ nl~d RRrch 11855 in his 77th yeRr (Bihle R~c) His wife bull SusAnna (SIli th) Garl ton (lied Jan12lR48 in her 67th year They were rr1rieo in a priva t7 burinl plot on their farm In hiS will in i1keFl CONCAr lTYillsB0ok 5- 122 vihich WES RignedmiddotJan 111 A51 Rn~ pro OP ter in Apri 1 Co urt 1 355 no lfe 1 s mentioned his chi1dr~nthoMa8 Le1iR H~nryJohn ere ~h bequeathe~ 24 cents each (th~y had all move~ to Ge(r6ia) ~ary ~torey8~4 Charles I-RYlton ~20 Albert CarltJonFxecutor onaheJf of estate c _i

Rebec~a CtY1 ton on~ half 0 f estnte Pi ckenflA~aI80 rprned as-middot h


eseclltJor ~_tJnenRen by Thomas ~heaetle --Erltori~ nephemiddot)SNShep- ~ i

h8r~ Rn~ Abull T Dyson 1

John Anel =l~~pbeth (3111011) Garlton h2c 1i1F1ue at Boomer rr CFr =

-_-~- 1 lho1etR CRrlton4brctoo301~()3 lov to G he Tl1Py hfve heen the thonAs ho lRrNov71822 Sli7be th Lpn~

(lVl1kes C(nr30nc1 RIp-a siVlecl by Chfrlee pin) _ ~ 1~~middot LewiFl Garl ton b~prch IOlRo6 fTlOV to Ga re meJ~lve

hren tohe Levls no nAr~TCv31825Lettic~ Ln~ J~

I~ (Wilkes ~olprrbull onn ~lsC si~necl by BpnjBlrCh)~~~iE~ ~- 3 i~ar~r t1p(1~ytl ~pmiddotl ton bJlIly 251~()R IlFr Ii Story ~

John A-nr J19tnna (Sfli th) ~FI1 ton hpr i ARlP t Boomer (Blble ec) S(~- 1 lphecca gtpriR ~~r1ton hArril 261 Q 15i eJer UJlpr bullbull PfTmiddot

middot201 ()95 Fit 0 YYs livf~ 11 th her brotrer ~hrl-es~)~IJ qn~ h l 8 fR~ilv Rftpr her DRrenta fe~ths 2n~ leter with wi th ChArl e A son Sr-tT1 1pl Cprl ten C5) Cr hi S fcTl1y at Boomer 8~ill r~rl~nbererl b~r heri1iH~efJ 1J~l rt Boole r

rV lnCh1rGh (jefTl(poundr~v~ 8+one) bull bull 44-- 2 -enY Cr1ton bF~b21lgI7mar 112ry ThomaR Epds

poundI Winov of Ja11e8 3urch ~45e- - ChrleA 0Prl t on JApr11lf)l119 mprfrhC~theYine

~rJ1~r Rnr ry JSharp


A(- A1hpyt CpltCn hAucOllO lPT tl17pr)~th ope 2-- 47- 5 John )J111th nr1ton hcT~m ~211~~ mr Splgttr SccfXro- -~ ~ st JL - J

3-- --2-~ 1 I ~) LlC)~=cr(~middot (l1Crnqs-Qhpl) son ofThCfTl[SU10 gtry ( )

0Rrlton 1Ii(lR~rn lpnur 17q~~H~ rrt[rrt~nJ)tcl41q()5 NEtCy h (1 1 T r h A t ) -)_l bull rolC __ ~q~(l pr rr bullXnll ~~o Rl[nen Jy bull er_ on bull J bulle

~F8middot tJLA nmiddot3h+pr(f J0hn rolch ( J(ihn Crouch in hi ill rrrDto-t-- Nov~llhfr CCllrt 1 =n1fTl~R (n~ hAir PS LE1rin Cerl ton) The Cprl tcn~ i moved to 310 un t Co untz Tenn (near Rno xvi 11) in th~ e p 11 Y l-l30 I ~ ~ I ann 1 F te r to tetrLo n 00 ~ 1e tm ([ear 0hp t trne-o ga) MC ri 0 n jerI tol_

I t (184 5-193h) of N~wton Co~ty~Ark~nJ3a8 Rent thp list of Lewi8 v Carl ton 8 (grRnnfther C f ~~ri()1)) chilc1r~n nr l)i rth elf te s tJo 11 s

bro ther Geo reA i Carl t(in (l~3-1929) I CTrRhm TeXE8 lhi 8 ~ata was Bent b~ ChRYlea G BurneRs~ Stnte Co11eeePR a descennant of

- Lew1 B Carl ton ~ shy

~ Lewis andNRncy era uch) C241 ton hft~l salle ~ 4~- 1 Alfred CRrlton t b Sep ~16lq07 mprPRluin~ Al1i~on

-r ~- 41 Q- 32 bull ~~atiil na C~lr1tt(1n bO ct 51l2~10~-11~ 7i~) k47~~g-Ji (~middot )l

f _ 50 - bull oev na ~R on J __bull ) _ ~~

i ~51- 4 Je1lRey Rpl ton bAug11814 f5P~ 5 ALlston Carltonb SeptllS16 shy

Uf3- ~ Slntha Carl ton b DeclSl ~18 $4- 7 WarreI1 Carlton bHay 51821 - -amp55- 8 WillfRll Girl ton b JU1 13 1923)~---ITS) ~~- ~p6- 9 Ii~~tm Carl ton bAug30 1825 ment1o-ned ln his grEnI1shy

L fatner =I (Tohn Cro tIch) Will 1)7-10 ~middotAncy Carlton b Hay 81828

-lt-11ThOllR8 Carl to~ bApr121830~~~rromiddot~ _- 21- ~--~-

middotmiddotTli~l~~ CARLTON3 (I1-~mC82~ JO~lt son at Thomas Rnn Mary( ) Car1tort~aB born Jan21790 in wil~ces CountyNCer H~ livpdc]1 a farm hear BooJTl~r probb1y part ot hi fatherA orieinE1 farmbull He mRrrlenlRtmiddotlRrch 261313 Jane ~Jenniett ~erryman (Wilkes Co~ Marr3=lnn also ~~enec1 by Georee Crouch) who 11iBS lxrn Feb281796 bull She d lprl April 101921 at 25 yearR laving two ~hl1 nren He mar ~11 2nn Aue12 t 1821 Ruth Surch (Fanily Bi b1 e ~ec) (i1ke e Co bull

MarrBonn eiveA T1l1y 311809 a1Ro Riener by LeIIis Cpr1ton r~any of middot the Jr9rr 3onr~ were in such pOOT conra tJion thHt they were rarc11 middot reRda1Jl~)Rllth 31Lrch middotR8 the nRuchteY of Tho[18 anc fJarCh Crones)

3ttrch W10SP sonWm8tRp]p+on lurcht1nrrled 1ho~_a GRr1t(r~ sisipr Mar or Poll GRrl tJon anct hose dtlllrh+er Ke~lph lrripo 2 Lems Carlton (~01Jlor e0~8 not know whi~h LelR) probRbl~ pltllr 2

brothr (1 f lj10I1tR ~lrl tJon q r n nephemiddot R1th Burch WR Cl Bo Pshy

elster of TP1es 31Ir~h whoAe 1c10w I19rrler Henry Cftrl ten (LLLL) neph~w o~ JhO1PR pltC1nbull llth l~lrch PF fJcrn July 111 7 2End

middot r11prl r~t19llf) lt 70 yepYR Thofip CFtr1ton ~rarri~(lr~ bCut Iln4 N~ll~ ~ ( r e I1no r Sn no n Y(111ng~r Ai s t e1 (1 frJ R ra ughtershyin-lA-vI ~middotrltgtn~y ho rlprri~r hi S(n31Ir tJon erlten (ht) Sre v=s born fn li3~~ h~I=8 middot~middotlton R= in th lpr ~f lq1~ Hp lee JCn14lg77 ~t 17 yFlp 0f C~ (tn~ Ips 0urLeci on hls fe (3101e ~~~) Hi c Gr1Yl(~~Flchter rR rrtry (pl tCn) (i~51 Geman cf 3cc7er has hif3 o1n fA1ily =3ihle with fRnl1 recorrs copied by t1gt- cCTIp11or

1- Hi ~ will w~ siGn~~ rmiddot ct 15 1~63 prC1 ~)ptn 7 fgto18771 e~jl1npound hl B eS+Jate to lll of hip chlllt1en to ahpre equally The 7i11 sks his son T)pliel t (1r1 +J0n to )y from th~ estpt~ of 7illlflIn ~11Ych

wll ~ t 1 L~ nlIP to hi-s trRn~P l()1 tJe r G~ rt rtl(1 e Grl +Jon rlpllpoundhtpT C fti s1shydece~~e(l eon (nCt nrLl~~ (Trof1Cgt8 Ghedle Crl ton) EX8 scn-1n-1pw JRI1~S ZllF n srn 31lY~0n A Garl +cn shy

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 7: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


for hie chllrch He n1An Dec141832 t f9 yeRra of age nn pe 7p burted 1n the Carl ton Cellet~ry on a hill en hi ~ frn wr~re_~ ~ of h18 neSCenORntS hrwe been burlec sln8e tren bull -lilR wiL vc s cern -~ Feb 51r9 iln dl en 1 n 1 )~5 Rt 66 ~TeRr8 of RiYJi umiddot -tUJ L ( - They han 1 f3 S11~ n Nl1 ~ 8 Co N Car (alltl y Bi bl e Rece rr)

~~1 CY1~hla Carlton) bOct~31790 mar Thomas CET~lton (No~x51a CQuBin C-Il Id I t)~ )i~J lt--zdxt fti 5middotY4-flJlrr Y7~ I-rrz~

41 -2 ltll1Abeth Cflrlton b Apr~l 291792 IPr JJmiddot)rose Pflrkf~ remai neci 1 n N Car rU ed ~41854 et 62 lt - _~-

-)-+-4 (3 Robert Montgomery ~arltA~n b JRn31l94 ar Lcgtvire T~ BArlo w - Ac~

45 -4 Esther Carlton bPeb2f190 MRr PlearFlnt Parks ~7 -5 Catherlne Garlton b Apr9108 dlec ln lnfancy

47~ -6 ~Flry Carlton b Apr14lROO mar Jarrles Jornaon bull 413-7 Thollas Lewls Carlton bAug141803i mar PEllee Halibert

and SURan Hal bert


TOMPKIN5 BARLOW3 eon of Ell zabeth (Carl ton) and Tromas Barlow was 1xgtrn in 1767 in Vlrginia He married in Va ln 1792 Margaret Westdaughter of John West (b1738) and Rachel (Perry) West (mpr in 1758 in Maryland) John West was son of John West (1705-1766) Rachel Perry WR8 daughter of Jamee Perry She dled ln 1840 ln Ky The Barlowe moved to Bourbon Co Ky He died there in 1814 Margaret~(We8t) Barlew died in Ky in 1840 They had isue

~~ bull 49-~-1 AlVin West Barlow b ln 1795i mar Mary Ann Fisher

3 11 - 2 - 1 ELEPHALEl Barlow Bon 0 f Ell abeth (Carl ton) and Tlomas

BarloW wae born in ~rginla in 1777 and ralsed in Wilkes Co NCar He moved with hle parents to Scott CoKent in 1800 He married in 1801 ti~iDc~b~ to NlcholaarC61K~nt and later to M1 chigan Thf3Y had 1 ssu~

50~-1 Lew s Barlow middotSi~-2 Tomplcins Barlow (named for hie uncle) 52~-3 ~i~abeth Bflrlow 53S~4 Alfred Harlow bin 1815 ln Harrison CoKy died ln

Ky on 1900 aged 84 yrA In Perrins HiStory of Bourbon ScottHarrisonamp Nlcholas Countlespn97 ls a sketch of his life

17 - 3 - 1




I I ) lor t V

foY n19 ~1lr~h -~ w- P CYP(t le2_n~Y in t-lat pprt (f tre ccu-tr He dlert n~c141932 nt 6 ~e~rs of ~C~ an~ WFP burie~ in the C~rltc~ Ceet~r~r on P hiCh hilJ ( his fRm middotmiddotler~ r~p~~ cf 11~ (lps(~~imiddotC2-~

hfiJe beAn ~)llrje r~ncA thAn -iA ife 0S horn lteh51~a pnt iec in l~35 Rt hh yeRrs of Gee They han i~Plle in -tlkeR C~pr[lr (Rec from P[T1il~r 3ihle)- 3i -1 ~ n t J hi fl e r 1 t () n b C Ct 3 1 790 rl r r bull r( bull Cl 111() T rC P ~

)ClJlt0n (8middotlr)c~ CoEtrY30nn) Fi c(lPin~ rArplnec1 i0-cl(~~_ or eRr 1 rh p n h~r Rrent3 fllOPrl tC In(lina thp cCllflinmiddot 2 shywh0i she r1prri~n 0 ~ Th071P8 Ron of h~r uncI eLmiddotmiddotmiddotis oo8ver her qncle Jorm (krl ton rlay hpv~ hpc1 a sen by the name of Thom~ ~r02recor(lA havp been found of th8 fRP1lly_of fohn CRrlton (4) It-Qculd--notmiddotmiddothE-ve been ThcmaA3- BOno-fmiddot heruncle Thomas 2) lmiddotaB-middot hi 9middot three Vol vee are recorded Eli7aheth Carl ton b April 291792 lAr Ar1brose Farks re~ained in NCar nied Sept41954 at 62 yre RD bert rontgorrlery Garl ton h JE1n 311794 mpr LeV1na Barlow E3 ther Carl ton )) Feb 261796 mer Plescnt PRrka Catherine Carlton bAprR1793 dier in infancy Mary Carlton hApr141800 rlRr J~e8 Johnsen ThomaB Lew1Fl Carlton bAue141803 mar Pales HElbert and Susan Halbert

~ -


- r7-Y-l JOHN CARLTON ( Thomas 2 Johnl ) son c f Thoma-5 2 and M~ry (

Carl ton ~PS born July 291778 either in Vlrelnia or inrllkee pr Burke County North Iarollnlttmiddot He married firat Aue141802 Eliabeth BRrlow(Wilkes CoMarrBonn slened by Tohn Carlton and Tho8~arltonl AftAr her d~Rth he marriedApril 30lR13Susanna Smyth or S1ith (Wilke~ CoBarrBond) born Harch 61781 the daught~r of Smi th ann Susanna (Berryford) Smi the

Susanna 3rryforrt Wltt8 born at C8Seb11ry Tovm Ches~re County England the rJauEhter of a mnrhle sculptor Her lother (lied vJhen she WlttA v~ry young She hfl~ several brothers ~nd siaters and Bt~ may have been- the olnest The chlldr~n staed at horne lcne rhen their fthe wp~ at work 111en she WPA five yers oft1ee P IDCn ~nc wo~a~ (stran5RrA) caller on th~ chll~ren t~o~or three times rne ~ay the~were A~~o~pRnien by another man ~hey perRuRnAc the little SusannR to go ricHne 1 th them ann gve her~pn~y After 1 uring her A~Ay th~y took her to a port pl~cen her on boat which ~as

going to AlericR In order to lte~p her qUiet the k1~nfppeb~ threw Mon~~ in her lap whenever she cried ~he ~RR solrl in

V1famplntR or HRryland When Ahe WA eieht yera Of Age Ahe hac ~ J ~~ work of lttn antut ann was cruelly trecR1e(l middothen she 1ip~ ~ the Wflthi ng her li stre S R wo ul ~ 0 ften b~At her i th the wet sheets In the wirHermiddot Rhe was farcen to ircn the sheeta Pt night to ha ~ t1eITl wPrrn fo r the fa111ly when the~r WAnt to he~ hen she was f1f~~en yeRTA of pge in (Ir~_Ar to be fr-ee from her istress she ran 0 ff Ann ~f1rri en ~ir f)Tlli th w1th lIMn she hen Flli gh t aqua1niA1~e-(he lay ha~Te wCrke~ a little middotfer her mistress) rh~y went to StokA8 C-ollnty ann later ~llkeA County North Carolina sectWr~eyen~ PPfFt1 flCl h~T~T)~QLl~ ffter sheV~~ klcnrrped Tbist

w -~ 0_ 0 n~r poundJ n-(iCUtr l Jer Rebecca Carl ton (~) w1o tcld J7 I

it niffrnt ti1~s to ~innip (V) Elr ~T(ra ~2rl ton (t~)~) ~hip

story hc 1~~n t0lf hr tJmiddotlo 8or1Iilor f~th~rSi(1ne~ 0trl ton( 011 t not so llrn in (~~til ~tpr ~r S-i th s cppth SURPnnp lErlec 2nn n~nrJ Rin 11 jpvoltJiClP rr HpgtYm ltnc1 thp Ron cf -lenrr rioris0n PJn Of ~n~lrn~ ~~ in~ 11(1pr fro-r iJYpc 0C111 ty

to r~11tPl=t ~01lntoyN0~r in ll36 middotherp ~hf 8ler pt th~ P~f~ cf 10)9 y~rrc p~or(~LrlC t() S(1~~ ()~ thfl -011r he gt(~ urltct on Lo n rcJgt 0 ll tA 1l n ~ t l ~ l ~ 1 rr 300 ne ~~ ~ r~ pl so lt= J h 8shy

bltnr nr ()ll~T son --1[Ylea in~ ~lr1e- C~~qrlAA ~pin -Yer F~c lerr Ro ~orbaltAn)TCr-_ gt iQr in l~=O pt 90 ~fprs of R5~ ln his 10 eti-rl in 1 ~5 1i3A~ 10~ trer hu~ ten chilcrpn oftH4rOin sn~ 1~middotn~r o~~ th~l (l~~ChrlcUltR llfe neer Lone Hope rt ~ Tri CrYH1S0n rpnk inclRc1 Ron of R~1j7~r (iftin) enr arl HocgtRday of Homtpjn (itY1enn R~nt data on (hprles ~e1nB family in 1937 He ARio thRt his gr2rGmiddot~RthprChErles rmiddot~ein told him thpt Sl1sannet 3erryfo rd pnlt Henry M1n were clc FP friends before Henry ~nliRten in thp Wetr That he ViPS 60ne for seven yeprs fn~ in the neantirrJe 9he had l11Rrried ~r Sl11i th who 28 not in the wer pnd Who 11ven onl v a fe ITeprs When Hmrv Main returned from the war he mari ~d ~u~annt(BerrYfo rr) 511 tho v bull

John eRrl tons naTTJp appeers 1 n Many a ffl cagtJ re co rds as e Witness attorneYetc He RIBO rleclRre~ in a similar paper 26 hi s father s irp~5arc1 to Thoilas Burch R middotRevollltionery ~I_r seIri ce dted Cct~41844 grnn1e (Carl ton) (9) Hendcvls has the Bible wi th the f~~ily reC()rr3 of John Cprl ton She Polso hA an old fan whi ch helonged t( Sllscmna -3eryford John Carl t~on Ii ved on e farm near hi s father A fe mil e s from fuomer but in the edge 0 f

~alcmiddotel1 C01mty It WFi8 prohDly part of his fathers ori[1ne1 farm H~ nl~d RRrch 11855 in his 77th yeRr (Bihle R~c) His wife bull SusAnna (SIli th) Garl ton (lied Jan12lR48 in her 67th year They were rr1rieo in a priva t7 burinl plot on their farm In hiS will in i1keFl CONCAr lTYillsB0ok 5- 122 vihich WES RignedmiddotJan 111 A51 Rn~ pro OP ter in Apri 1 Co urt 1 355 no lfe 1 s mentioned his chi1dr~nthoMa8 Le1iR H~nryJohn ere ~h bequeathe~ 24 cents each (th~y had all move~ to Ge(r6ia) ~ary ~torey8~4 Charles I-RYlton ~20 Albert CarltJonFxecutor onaheJf of estate c _i

Rebec~a CtY1 ton on~ half 0 f estnte Pi ckenflA~aI80 rprned as-middot h


eseclltJor ~_tJnenRen by Thomas ~heaetle --Erltori~ nephemiddot)SNShep- ~ i

h8r~ Rn~ Abull T Dyson 1

John Anel =l~~pbeth (3111011) Garlton h2c 1i1F1ue at Boomer rr CFr =

-_-~- 1 lho1etR CRrlton4brctoo301~()3 lov to G he Tl1Py hfve heen the thonAs ho lRrNov71822 Sli7be th Lpn~

(lVl1kes C(nr30nc1 RIp-a siVlecl by Chfrlee pin) _ ~ 1~~middot LewiFl Garl ton b~prch IOlRo6 fTlOV to Ga re meJ~lve

hren tohe Levls no nAr~TCv31825Lettic~ Ln~ J~

I~ (Wilkes ~olprrbull onn ~lsC si~necl by BpnjBlrCh)~~~iE~ ~- 3 i~ar~r t1p(1~ytl ~pmiddotl ton bJlIly 251~()R IlFr Ii Story ~

John A-nr J19tnna (Sfli th) ~FI1 ton hpr i ARlP t Boomer (Blble ec) S(~- 1 lphecca gtpriR ~~r1ton hArril 261 Q 15i eJer UJlpr bullbull PfTmiddot

middot201 ()95 Fit 0 YYs livf~ 11 th her brotrer ~hrl-es~)~IJ qn~ h l 8 fR~ilv Rftpr her DRrenta fe~ths 2n~ leter with wi th ChArl e A son Sr-tT1 1pl Cprl ten C5) Cr hi S fcTl1y at Boomer 8~ill r~rl~nbererl b~r heri1iH~efJ 1J~l rt Boole r

rV lnCh1rGh (jefTl(poundr~v~ 8+one) bull bull 44-- 2 -enY Cr1ton bF~b21lgI7mar 112ry ThomaR Epds

poundI Winov of Ja11e8 3urch ~45e- - ChrleA 0Prl t on JApr11lf)l119 mprfrhC~theYine

~rJ1~r Rnr ry JSharp


A(- A1hpyt CpltCn hAucOllO lPT tl17pr)~th ope 2-- 47- 5 John )J111th nr1ton hcT~m ~211~~ mr Splgttr SccfXro- -~ ~ st JL - J

3-- --2-~ 1 I ~) LlC)~=cr(~middot (l1Crnqs-Qhpl) son ofThCfTl[SU10 gtry ( )

0Rrlton 1Ii(lR~rn lpnur 17q~~H~ rrt[rrt~nJ)tcl41q()5 NEtCy h (1 1 T r h A t ) -)_l bull rolC __ ~q~(l pr rr bullXnll ~~o Rl[nen Jy bull er_ on bull J bulle

~F8middot tJLA nmiddot3h+pr(f J0hn rolch ( J(ihn Crouch in hi ill rrrDto-t-- Nov~llhfr CCllrt 1 =n1fTl~R (n~ hAir PS LE1rin Cerl ton) The Cprl tcn~ i moved to 310 un t Co untz Tenn (near Rno xvi 11) in th~ e p 11 Y l-l30 I ~ ~ I ann 1 F te r to tetrLo n 00 ~ 1e tm ([ear 0hp t trne-o ga) MC ri 0 n jerI tol_

I t (184 5-193h) of N~wton Co~ty~Ark~nJ3a8 Rent thp list of Lewi8 v Carl ton 8 (grRnnfther C f ~~ri()1)) chilc1r~n nr l)i rth elf te s tJo 11 s

bro ther Geo reA i Carl t(in (l~3-1929) I CTrRhm TeXE8 lhi 8 ~ata was Bent b~ ChRYlea G BurneRs~ Stnte Co11eeePR a descennant of

- Lew1 B Carl ton ~ shy

~ Lewis andNRncy era uch) C241 ton hft~l salle ~ 4~- 1 Alfred CRrlton t b Sep ~16lq07 mprPRluin~ Al1i~on

-r ~- 41 Q- 32 bull ~~atiil na C~lr1tt(1n bO ct 51l2~10~-11~ 7i~) k47~~g-Ji (~middot )l

f _ 50 - bull oev na ~R on J __bull ) _ ~~

i ~51- 4 Je1lRey Rpl ton bAug11814 f5P~ 5 ALlston Carltonb SeptllS16 shy

Uf3- ~ Slntha Carl ton b DeclSl ~18 $4- 7 WarreI1 Carlton bHay 51821 - -amp55- 8 WillfRll Girl ton b JU1 13 1923)~---ITS) ~~- ~p6- 9 Ii~~tm Carl ton bAug30 1825 ment1o-ned ln his grEnI1shy

L fatner =I (Tohn Cro tIch) Will 1)7-10 ~middotAncy Carlton b Hay 81828

-lt-11ThOllR8 Carl to~ bApr121830~~~rromiddot~ _- 21- ~--~-

middotmiddotTli~l~~ CARLTON3 (I1-~mC82~ JO~lt son at Thomas Rnn Mary( ) Car1tort~aB born Jan21790 in wil~ces CountyNCer H~ livpdc]1 a farm hear BooJTl~r probb1y part ot hi fatherA orieinE1 farmbull He mRrrlenlRtmiddotlRrch 261313 Jane ~Jenniett ~erryman (Wilkes Co~ Marr3=lnn also ~~enec1 by Georee Crouch) who 11iBS lxrn Feb281796 bull She d lprl April 101921 at 25 yearR laving two ~hl1 nren He mar ~11 2nn Aue12 t 1821 Ruth Surch (Fanily Bi b1 e ~ec) (i1ke e Co bull

MarrBonn eiveA T1l1y 311809 a1Ro Riener by LeIIis Cpr1ton r~any of middot the Jr9rr 3onr~ were in such pOOT conra tJion thHt they were rarc11 middot reRda1Jl~)Rllth 31Lrch middotR8 the nRuchteY of Tho[18 anc fJarCh Crones)

3ttrch W10SP sonWm8tRp]p+on lurcht1nrrled 1ho~_a GRr1t(r~ sisipr Mar or Poll GRrl tJon anct hose dtlllrh+er Ke~lph lrripo 2 Lems Carlton (~01Jlor e0~8 not know whi~h LelR) probRbl~ pltllr 2

brothr (1 f lj10I1tR ~lrl tJon q r n nephemiddot R1th Burch WR Cl Bo Pshy

elster of TP1es 31Ir~h whoAe 1c10w I19rrler Henry Cftrl ten (LLLL) neph~w o~ JhO1PR pltC1nbull llth l~lrch PF fJcrn July 111 7 2End

middot r11prl r~t19llf) lt 70 yepYR Thofip CFtr1ton ~rarri~(lr~ bCut Iln4 N~ll~ ~ ( r e I1no r Sn no n Y(111ng~r Ai s t e1 (1 frJ R ra ughtershyin-lA-vI ~middotrltgtn~y ho rlprri~r hi S(n31Ir tJon erlten (ht) Sre v=s born fn li3~~ h~I=8 middot~middotlton R= in th lpr ~f lq1~ Hp lee JCn14lg77 ~t 17 yFlp 0f C~ (tn~ Ips 0urLeci on hls fe (3101e ~~~) Hi c Gr1Yl(~~Flchter rR rrtry (pl tCn) (i~51 Geman cf 3cc7er has hif3 o1n fA1ily =3ihle with fRnl1 recorrs copied by t1gt- cCTIp11or

1- Hi ~ will w~ siGn~~ rmiddot ct 15 1~63 prC1 ~)ptn 7 fgto18771 e~jl1npound hl B eS+Jate to lll of hip chlllt1en to ahpre equally The 7i11 sks his son T)pliel t (1r1 +J0n to )y from th~ estpt~ of 7illlflIn ~11Ych

wll ~ t 1 L~ nlIP to hi-s trRn~P l()1 tJe r G~ rt rtl(1 e Grl +Jon rlpllpoundhtpT C fti s1shydece~~e(l eon (nCt nrLl~~ (Trof1Cgt8 Ghedle Crl ton) EX8 scn-1n-1pw JRI1~S ZllF n srn 31lY~0n A Garl +cn shy

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 8: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

I I ) lor t V

foY n19 ~1lr~h -~ w- P CYP(t le2_n~Y in t-lat pprt (f tre ccu-tr He dlert n~c141932 nt 6 ~e~rs of ~C~ an~ WFP burie~ in the C~rltc~ Ceet~r~r on P hiCh hilJ ( his fRm middotmiddotler~ r~p~~ cf 11~ (lps(~~imiddotC2-~

hfiJe beAn ~)llrje r~ncA thAn -iA ife 0S horn lteh51~a pnt iec in l~35 Rt hh yeRrs of Gee They han i~Plle in -tlkeR C~pr[lr (Rec from P[T1il~r 3ihle)- 3i -1 ~ n t J hi fl e r 1 t () n b C Ct 3 1 790 rl r r bull r( bull Cl 111() T rC P ~

)ClJlt0n (8middotlr)c~ CoEtrY30nn) Fi c(lPin~ rArplnec1 i0-cl(~~_ or eRr 1 rh p n h~r Rrent3 fllOPrl tC In(lina thp cCllflinmiddot 2 shywh0i she r1prri~n 0 ~ Th071P8 Ron of h~r uncI eLmiddotmiddotmiddotis oo8ver her qncle Jorm (krl ton rlay hpv~ hpc1 a sen by the name of Thom~ ~r02recor(lA havp been found of th8 fRP1lly_of fohn CRrlton (4) It-Qculd--notmiddotmiddothE-ve been ThcmaA3- BOno-fmiddot heruncle Thomas 2) lmiddotaB-middot hi 9middot three Vol vee are recorded Eli7aheth Carl ton b April 291792 lAr Ar1brose Farks re~ained in NCar nied Sept41954 at 62 yre RD bert rontgorrlery Garl ton h JE1n 311794 mpr LeV1na Barlow E3 ther Carl ton )) Feb 261796 mer Plescnt PRrka Catherine Carlton bAprR1793 dier in infancy Mary Carlton hApr141800 rlRr J~e8 Johnsen ThomaB Lew1Fl Carlton bAue141803 mar Pales HElbert and Susan Halbert

~ -


- r7-Y-l JOHN CARLTON ( Thomas 2 Johnl ) son c f Thoma-5 2 and M~ry (

Carl ton ~PS born July 291778 either in Vlrelnia or inrllkee pr Burke County North Iarollnlttmiddot He married firat Aue141802 Eliabeth BRrlow(Wilkes CoMarrBonn slened by Tohn Carlton and Tho8~arltonl AftAr her d~Rth he marriedApril 30lR13Susanna Smyth or S1ith (Wilke~ CoBarrBond) born Harch 61781 the daught~r of Smi th ann Susanna (Berryford) Smi the

Susanna 3rryforrt Wltt8 born at C8Seb11ry Tovm Ches~re County England the rJauEhter of a mnrhle sculptor Her lother (lied vJhen she WlttA v~ry young She hfl~ several brothers ~nd siaters and Bt~ may have been- the olnest The chlldr~n staed at horne lcne rhen their fthe wp~ at work 111en she WPA five yers oft1ee P IDCn ~nc wo~a~ (stran5RrA) caller on th~ chll~ren t~o~or three times rne ~ay the~were A~~o~pRnien by another man ~hey perRuRnAc the little SusannR to go ricHne 1 th them ann gve her~pn~y After 1 uring her A~Ay th~y took her to a port pl~cen her on boat which ~as

going to AlericR In order to lte~p her qUiet the k1~nfppeb~ threw Mon~~ in her lap whenever she cried ~he ~RR solrl in

V1famplntR or HRryland When Ahe WA eieht yera Of Age Ahe hac ~ J ~~ work of lttn antut ann was cruelly trecR1e(l middothen she 1ip~ ~ the Wflthi ng her li stre S R wo ul ~ 0 ften b~At her i th the wet sheets In the wirHermiddot Rhe was farcen to ircn the sheeta Pt night to ha ~ t1eITl wPrrn fo r the fa111ly when the~r WAnt to he~ hen she was f1f~~en yeRTA of pge in (Ir~_Ar to be fr-ee from her istress she ran 0 ff Ann ~f1rri en ~ir f)Tlli th w1th lIMn she hen Flli gh t aqua1niA1~e-(he lay ha~Te wCrke~ a little middotfer her mistress) rh~y went to StokA8 C-ollnty ann later ~llkeA County North Carolina sectWr~eyen~ PPfFt1 flCl h~T~T)~QLl~ ffter sheV~~ klcnrrped Tbist

w -~ 0_ 0 n~r poundJ n-(iCUtr l Jer Rebecca Carl ton (~) w1o tcld J7 I

it niffrnt ti1~s to ~innip (V) Elr ~T(ra ~2rl ton (t~)~) ~hip

story hc 1~~n t0lf hr tJmiddotlo 8or1Iilor f~th~rSi(1ne~ 0trl ton( 011 t not so llrn in (~~til ~tpr ~r S-i th s cppth SURPnnp lErlec 2nn n~nrJ Rin 11 jpvoltJiClP rr HpgtYm ltnc1 thp Ron cf -lenrr rioris0n PJn Of ~n~lrn~ ~~ in~ 11(1pr fro-r iJYpc 0C111 ty

to r~11tPl=t ~01lntoyN0~r in ll36 middotherp ~hf 8ler pt th~ P~f~ cf 10)9 y~rrc p~or(~LrlC t() S(1~~ ()~ thfl -011r he gt(~ urltct on Lo n rcJgt 0 ll tA 1l n ~ t l ~ l ~ 1 rr 300 ne ~~ ~ r~ pl so lt= J h 8shy

bltnr nr ()ll~T son --1[Ylea in~ ~lr1e- C~~qrlAA ~pin -Yer F~c lerr Ro ~orbaltAn)TCr-_ gt iQr in l~=O pt 90 ~fprs of R5~ ln his 10 eti-rl in 1 ~5 1i3A~ 10~ trer hu~ ten chilcrpn oftH4rOin sn~ 1~middotn~r o~~ th~l (l~~ChrlcUltR llfe neer Lone Hope rt ~ Tri CrYH1S0n rpnk inclRc1 Ron of R~1j7~r (iftin) enr arl HocgtRday of Homtpjn (itY1enn R~nt data on (hprles ~e1nB family in 1937 He ARio thRt his gr2rGmiddot~RthprChErles rmiddot~ein told him thpt Sl1sannet 3erryfo rd pnlt Henry M1n were clc FP friends before Henry ~nliRten in thp Wetr That he ViPS 60ne for seven yeprs fn~ in the neantirrJe 9he had l11Rrried ~r Sl11i th who 28 not in the wer pnd Who 11ven onl v a fe ITeprs When Hmrv Main returned from the war he mari ~d ~u~annt(BerrYfo rr) 511 tho v bull

John eRrl tons naTTJp appeers 1 n Many a ffl cagtJ re co rds as e Witness attorneYetc He RIBO rleclRre~ in a similar paper 26 hi s father s irp~5arc1 to Thoilas Burch R middotRevollltionery ~I_r seIri ce dted Cct~41844 grnn1e (Carl ton) (9) Hendcvls has the Bible wi th the f~~ily reC()rr3 of John Cprl ton She Polso hA an old fan whi ch helonged t( Sllscmna -3eryford John Carl t~on Ii ved on e farm near hi s father A fe mil e s from fuomer but in the edge 0 f

~alcmiddotel1 C01mty It WFi8 prohDly part of his fathers ori[1ne1 farm H~ nl~d RRrch 11855 in his 77th yeRr (Bihle R~c) His wife bull SusAnna (SIli th) Garl ton (lied Jan12lR48 in her 67th year They were rr1rieo in a priva t7 burinl plot on their farm In hiS will in i1keFl CONCAr lTYillsB0ok 5- 122 vihich WES RignedmiddotJan 111 A51 Rn~ pro OP ter in Apri 1 Co urt 1 355 no lfe 1 s mentioned his chi1dr~nthoMa8 Le1iR H~nryJohn ere ~h bequeathe~ 24 cents each (th~y had all move~ to Ge(r6ia) ~ary ~torey8~4 Charles I-RYlton ~20 Albert CarltJonFxecutor onaheJf of estate c _i

Rebec~a CtY1 ton on~ half 0 f estnte Pi ckenflA~aI80 rprned as-middot h


eseclltJor ~_tJnenRen by Thomas ~heaetle --Erltori~ nephemiddot)SNShep- ~ i

h8r~ Rn~ Abull T Dyson 1

John Anel =l~~pbeth (3111011) Garlton h2c 1i1F1ue at Boomer rr CFr =

-_-~- 1 lho1etR CRrlton4brctoo301~()3 lov to G he Tl1Py hfve heen the thonAs ho lRrNov71822 Sli7be th Lpn~

(lVl1kes C(nr30nc1 RIp-a siVlecl by Chfrlee pin) _ ~ 1~~middot LewiFl Garl ton b~prch IOlRo6 fTlOV to Ga re meJ~lve

hren tohe Levls no nAr~TCv31825Lettic~ Ln~ J~

I~ (Wilkes ~olprrbull onn ~lsC si~necl by BpnjBlrCh)~~~iE~ ~- 3 i~ar~r t1p(1~ytl ~pmiddotl ton bJlIly 251~()R IlFr Ii Story ~

John A-nr J19tnna (Sfli th) ~FI1 ton hpr i ARlP t Boomer (Blble ec) S(~- 1 lphecca gtpriR ~~r1ton hArril 261 Q 15i eJer UJlpr bullbull PfTmiddot

middot201 ()95 Fit 0 YYs livf~ 11 th her brotrer ~hrl-es~)~IJ qn~ h l 8 fR~ilv Rftpr her DRrenta fe~ths 2n~ leter with wi th ChArl e A son Sr-tT1 1pl Cprl ten C5) Cr hi S fcTl1y at Boomer 8~ill r~rl~nbererl b~r heri1iH~efJ 1J~l rt Boole r

rV lnCh1rGh (jefTl(poundr~v~ 8+one) bull bull 44-- 2 -enY Cr1ton bF~b21lgI7mar 112ry ThomaR Epds

poundI Winov of Ja11e8 3urch ~45e- - ChrleA 0Prl t on JApr11lf)l119 mprfrhC~theYine

~rJ1~r Rnr ry JSharp


A(- A1hpyt CpltCn hAucOllO lPT tl17pr)~th ope 2-- 47- 5 John )J111th nr1ton hcT~m ~211~~ mr Splgttr SccfXro- -~ ~ st JL - J

3-- --2-~ 1 I ~) LlC)~=cr(~middot (l1Crnqs-Qhpl) son ofThCfTl[SU10 gtry ( )

0Rrlton 1Ii(lR~rn lpnur 17q~~H~ rrt[rrt~nJ)tcl41q()5 NEtCy h (1 1 T r h A t ) -)_l bull rolC __ ~q~(l pr rr bullXnll ~~o Rl[nen Jy bull er_ on bull J bulle

~F8middot tJLA nmiddot3h+pr(f J0hn rolch ( J(ihn Crouch in hi ill rrrDto-t-- Nov~llhfr CCllrt 1 =n1fTl~R (n~ hAir PS LE1rin Cerl ton) The Cprl tcn~ i moved to 310 un t Co untz Tenn (near Rno xvi 11) in th~ e p 11 Y l-l30 I ~ ~ I ann 1 F te r to tetrLo n 00 ~ 1e tm ([ear 0hp t trne-o ga) MC ri 0 n jerI tol_

I t (184 5-193h) of N~wton Co~ty~Ark~nJ3a8 Rent thp list of Lewi8 v Carl ton 8 (grRnnfther C f ~~ri()1)) chilc1r~n nr l)i rth elf te s tJo 11 s

bro ther Geo reA i Carl t(in (l~3-1929) I CTrRhm TeXE8 lhi 8 ~ata was Bent b~ ChRYlea G BurneRs~ Stnte Co11eeePR a descennant of

- Lew1 B Carl ton ~ shy

~ Lewis andNRncy era uch) C241 ton hft~l salle ~ 4~- 1 Alfred CRrlton t b Sep ~16lq07 mprPRluin~ Al1i~on

-r ~- 41 Q- 32 bull ~~atiil na C~lr1tt(1n bO ct 51l2~10~-11~ 7i~) k47~~g-Ji (~middot )l

f _ 50 - bull oev na ~R on J __bull ) _ ~~

i ~51- 4 Je1lRey Rpl ton bAug11814 f5P~ 5 ALlston Carltonb SeptllS16 shy

Uf3- ~ Slntha Carl ton b DeclSl ~18 $4- 7 WarreI1 Carlton bHay 51821 - -amp55- 8 WillfRll Girl ton b JU1 13 1923)~---ITS) ~~- ~p6- 9 Ii~~tm Carl ton bAug30 1825 ment1o-ned ln his grEnI1shy

L fatner =I (Tohn Cro tIch) Will 1)7-10 ~middotAncy Carlton b Hay 81828

-lt-11ThOllR8 Carl to~ bApr121830~~~rromiddot~ _- 21- ~--~-

middotmiddotTli~l~~ CARLTON3 (I1-~mC82~ JO~lt son at Thomas Rnn Mary( ) Car1tort~aB born Jan21790 in wil~ces CountyNCer H~ livpdc]1 a farm hear BooJTl~r probb1y part ot hi fatherA orieinE1 farmbull He mRrrlenlRtmiddotlRrch 261313 Jane ~Jenniett ~erryman (Wilkes Co~ Marr3=lnn also ~~enec1 by Georee Crouch) who 11iBS lxrn Feb281796 bull She d lprl April 101921 at 25 yearR laving two ~hl1 nren He mar ~11 2nn Aue12 t 1821 Ruth Surch (Fanily Bi b1 e ~ec) (i1ke e Co bull

MarrBonn eiveA T1l1y 311809 a1Ro Riener by LeIIis Cpr1ton r~any of middot the Jr9rr 3onr~ were in such pOOT conra tJion thHt they were rarc11 middot reRda1Jl~)Rllth 31Lrch middotR8 the nRuchteY of Tho[18 anc fJarCh Crones)

3ttrch W10SP sonWm8tRp]p+on lurcht1nrrled 1ho~_a GRr1t(r~ sisipr Mar or Poll GRrl tJon anct hose dtlllrh+er Ke~lph lrripo 2 Lems Carlton (~01Jlor e0~8 not know whi~h LelR) probRbl~ pltllr 2

brothr (1 f lj10I1tR ~lrl tJon q r n nephemiddot R1th Burch WR Cl Bo Pshy

elster of TP1es 31Ir~h whoAe 1c10w I19rrler Henry Cftrl ten (LLLL) neph~w o~ JhO1PR pltC1nbull llth l~lrch PF fJcrn July 111 7 2End

middot r11prl r~t19llf) lt 70 yepYR Thofip CFtr1ton ~rarri~(lr~ bCut Iln4 N~ll~ ~ ( r e I1no r Sn no n Y(111ng~r Ai s t e1 (1 frJ R ra ughtershyin-lA-vI ~middotrltgtn~y ho rlprri~r hi S(n31Ir tJon erlten (ht) Sre v=s born fn li3~~ h~I=8 middot~middotlton R= in th lpr ~f lq1~ Hp lee JCn14lg77 ~t 17 yFlp 0f C~ (tn~ Ips 0urLeci on hls fe (3101e ~~~) Hi c Gr1Yl(~~Flchter rR rrtry (pl tCn) (i~51 Geman cf 3cc7er has hif3 o1n fA1ily =3ihle with fRnl1 recorrs copied by t1gt- cCTIp11or

1- Hi ~ will w~ siGn~~ rmiddot ct 15 1~63 prC1 ~)ptn 7 fgto18771 e~jl1npound hl B eS+Jate to lll of hip chlllt1en to ahpre equally The 7i11 sks his son T)pliel t (1r1 +J0n to )y from th~ estpt~ of 7illlflIn ~11Ych

wll ~ t 1 L~ nlIP to hi-s trRn~P l()1 tJe r G~ rt rtl(1 e Grl +Jon rlpllpoundhtpT C fti s1shydece~~e(l eon (nCt nrLl~~ (Trof1Cgt8 Ghedle Crl ton) EX8 scn-1n-1pw JRI1~S ZllF n srn 31lY~0n A Garl +cn shy

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 9: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

it niffrnt ti1~s to ~innip (V) Elr ~T(ra ~2rl ton (t~)~) ~hip

story hc 1~~n t0lf hr tJmiddotlo 8or1Iilor f~th~rSi(1ne~ 0trl ton( 011 t not so llrn in (~~til ~tpr ~r S-i th s cppth SURPnnp lErlec 2nn n~nrJ Rin 11 jpvoltJiClP rr HpgtYm ltnc1 thp Ron cf -lenrr rioris0n PJn Of ~n~lrn~ ~~ in~ 11(1pr fro-r iJYpc 0C111 ty

to r~11tPl=t ~01lntoyN0~r in ll36 middotherp ~hf 8ler pt th~ P~f~ cf 10)9 y~rrc p~or(~LrlC t() S(1~~ ()~ thfl -011r he gt(~ urltct on Lo n rcJgt 0 ll tA 1l n ~ t l ~ l ~ 1 rr 300 ne ~~ ~ r~ pl so lt= J h 8shy

bltnr nr ()ll~T son --1[Ylea in~ ~lr1e- C~~qrlAA ~pin -Yer F~c lerr Ro ~orbaltAn)TCr-_ gt iQr in l~=O pt 90 ~fprs of R5~ ln his 10 eti-rl in 1 ~5 1i3A~ 10~ trer hu~ ten chilcrpn oftH4rOin sn~ 1~middotn~r o~~ th~l (l~~ChrlcUltR llfe neer Lone Hope rt ~ Tri CrYH1S0n rpnk inclRc1 Ron of R~1j7~r (iftin) enr arl HocgtRday of Homtpjn (itY1enn R~nt data on (hprles ~e1nB family in 1937 He ARio thRt his gr2rGmiddot~RthprChErles rmiddot~ein told him thpt Sl1sannet 3erryfo rd pnlt Henry M1n were clc FP friends before Henry ~nliRten in thp Wetr That he ViPS 60ne for seven yeprs fn~ in the neantirrJe 9he had l11Rrried ~r Sl11i th who 28 not in the wer pnd Who 11ven onl v a fe ITeprs When Hmrv Main returned from the war he mari ~d ~u~annt(BerrYfo rr) 511 tho v bull

John eRrl tons naTTJp appeers 1 n Many a ffl cagtJ re co rds as e Witness attorneYetc He RIBO rleclRre~ in a similar paper 26 hi s father s irp~5arc1 to Thoilas Burch R middotRevollltionery ~I_r seIri ce dted Cct~41844 grnn1e (Carl ton) (9) Hendcvls has the Bible wi th the f~~ily reC()rr3 of John Cprl ton She Polso hA an old fan whi ch helonged t( Sllscmna -3eryford John Carl t~on Ii ved on e farm near hi s father A fe mil e s from fuomer but in the edge 0 f

~alcmiddotel1 C01mty It WFi8 prohDly part of his fathers ori[1ne1 farm H~ nl~d RRrch 11855 in his 77th yeRr (Bihle R~c) His wife bull SusAnna (SIli th) Garl ton (lied Jan12lR48 in her 67th year They were rr1rieo in a priva t7 burinl plot on their farm In hiS will in i1keFl CONCAr lTYillsB0ok 5- 122 vihich WES RignedmiddotJan 111 A51 Rn~ pro OP ter in Apri 1 Co urt 1 355 no lfe 1 s mentioned his chi1dr~nthoMa8 Le1iR H~nryJohn ere ~h bequeathe~ 24 cents each (th~y had all move~ to Ge(r6ia) ~ary ~torey8~4 Charles I-RYlton ~20 Albert CarltJonFxecutor onaheJf of estate c _i

Rebec~a CtY1 ton on~ half 0 f estnte Pi ckenflA~aI80 rprned as-middot h


eseclltJor ~_tJnenRen by Thomas ~heaetle --Erltori~ nephemiddot)SNShep- ~ i

h8r~ Rn~ Abull T Dyson 1

John Anel =l~~pbeth (3111011) Garlton h2c 1i1F1ue at Boomer rr CFr =

-_-~- 1 lho1etR CRrlton4brctoo301~()3 lov to G he Tl1Py hfve heen the thonAs ho lRrNov71822 Sli7be th Lpn~

(lVl1kes C(nr30nc1 RIp-a siVlecl by Chfrlee pin) _ ~ 1~~middot LewiFl Garl ton b~prch IOlRo6 fTlOV to Ga re meJ~lve

hren tohe Levls no nAr~TCv31825Lettic~ Ln~ J~

I~ (Wilkes ~olprrbull onn ~lsC si~necl by BpnjBlrCh)~~~iE~ ~- 3 i~ar~r t1p(1~ytl ~pmiddotl ton bJlIly 251~()R IlFr Ii Story ~

John A-nr J19tnna (Sfli th) ~FI1 ton hpr i ARlP t Boomer (Blble ec) S(~- 1 lphecca gtpriR ~~r1ton hArril 261 Q 15i eJer UJlpr bullbull PfTmiddot

middot201 ()95 Fit 0 YYs livf~ 11 th her brotrer ~hrl-es~)~IJ qn~ h l 8 fR~ilv Rftpr her DRrenta fe~ths 2n~ leter with wi th ChArl e A son Sr-tT1 1pl Cprl ten C5) Cr hi S fcTl1y at Boomer 8~ill r~rl~nbererl b~r heri1iH~efJ 1J~l rt Boole r

rV lnCh1rGh (jefTl(poundr~v~ 8+one) bull bull 44-- 2 -enY Cr1ton bF~b21lgI7mar 112ry ThomaR Epds

poundI Winov of Ja11e8 3urch ~45e- - ChrleA 0Prl t on JApr11lf)l119 mprfrhC~theYine

~rJ1~r Rnr ry JSharp


A(- A1hpyt CpltCn hAucOllO lPT tl17pr)~th ope 2-- 47- 5 John )J111th nr1ton hcT~m ~211~~ mr Splgttr SccfXro- -~ ~ st JL - J

3-- --2-~ 1 I ~) LlC)~=cr(~middot (l1Crnqs-Qhpl) son ofThCfTl[SU10 gtry ( )

0Rrlton 1Ii(lR~rn lpnur 17q~~H~ rrt[rrt~nJ)tcl41q()5 NEtCy h (1 1 T r h A t ) -)_l bull rolC __ ~q~(l pr rr bullXnll ~~o Rl[nen Jy bull er_ on bull J bulle

~F8middot tJLA nmiddot3h+pr(f J0hn rolch ( J(ihn Crouch in hi ill rrrDto-t-- Nov~llhfr CCllrt 1 =n1fTl~R (n~ hAir PS LE1rin Cerl ton) The Cprl tcn~ i moved to 310 un t Co untz Tenn (near Rno xvi 11) in th~ e p 11 Y l-l30 I ~ ~ I ann 1 F te r to tetrLo n 00 ~ 1e tm ([ear 0hp t trne-o ga) MC ri 0 n jerI tol_

I t (184 5-193h) of N~wton Co~ty~Ark~nJ3a8 Rent thp list of Lewi8 v Carl ton 8 (grRnnfther C f ~~ri()1)) chilc1r~n nr l)i rth elf te s tJo 11 s

bro ther Geo reA i Carl t(in (l~3-1929) I CTrRhm TeXE8 lhi 8 ~ata was Bent b~ ChRYlea G BurneRs~ Stnte Co11eeePR a descennant of

- Lew1 B Carl ton ~ shy

~ Lewis andNRncy era uch) C241 ton hft~l salle ~ 4~- 1 Alfred CRrlton t b Sep ~16lq07 mprPRluin~ Al1i~on

-r ~- 41 Q- 32 bull ~~atiil na C~lr1tt(1n bO ct 51l2~10~-11~ 7i~) k47~~g-Ji (~middot )l

f _ 50 - bull oev na ~R on J __bull ) _ ~~

i ~51- 4 Je1lRey Rpl ton bAug11814 f5P~ 5 ALlston Carltonb SeptllS16 shy

Uf3- ~ Slntha Carl ton b DeclSl ~18 $4- 7 WarreI1 Carlton bHay 51821 - -amp55- 8 WillfRll Girl ton b JU1 13 1923)~---ITS) ~~- ~p6- 9 Ii~~tm Carl ton bAug30 1825 ment1o-ned ln his grEnI1shy

L fatner =I (Tohn Cro tIch) Will 1)7-10 ~middotAncy Carlton b Hay 81828

-lt-11ThOllR8 Carl to~ bApr121830~~~rromiddot~ _- 21- ~--~-

middotmiddotTli~l~~ CARLTON3 (I1-~mC82~ JO~lt son at Thomas Rnn Mary( ) Car1tort~aB born Jan21790 in wil~ces CountyNCer H~ livpdc]1 a farm hear BooJTl~r probb1y part ot hi fatherA orieinE1 farmbull He mRrrlenlRtmiddotlRrch 261313 Jane ~Jenniett ~erryman (Wilkes Co~ Marr3=lnn also ~~enec1 by Georee Crouch) who 11iBS lxrn Feb281796 bull She d lprl April 101921 at 25 yearR laving two ~hl1 nren He mar ~11 2nn Aue12 t 1821 Ruth Surch (Fanily Bi b1 e ~ec) (i1ke e Co bull

MarrBonn eiveA T1l1y 311809 a1Ro Riener by LeIIis Cpr1ton r~any of middot the Jr9rr 3onr~ were in such pOOT conra tJion thHt they were rarc11 middot reRda1Jl~)Rllth 31Lrch middotR8 the nRuchteY of Tho[18 anc fJarCh Crones)

3ttrch W10SP sonWm8tRp]p+on lurcht1nrrled 1ho~_a GRr1t(r~ sisipr Mar or Poll GRrl tJon anct hose dtlllrh+er Ke~lph lrripo 2 Lems Carlton (~01Jlor e0~8 not know whi~h LelR) probRbl~ pltllr 2

brothr (1 f lj10I1tR ~lrl tJon q r n nephemiddot R1th Burch WR Cl Bo Pshy

elster of TP1es 31Ir~h whoAe 1c10w I19rrler Henry Cftrl ten (LLLL) neph~w o~ JhO1PR pltC1nbull llth l~lrch PF fJcrn July 111 7 2End

middot r11prl r~t19llf) lt 70 yepYR Thofip CFtr1ton ~rarri~(lr~ bCut Iln4 N~ll~ ~ ( r e I1no r Sn no n Y(111ng~r Ai s t e1 (1 frJ R ra ughtershyin-lA-vI ~middotrltgtn~y ho rlprri~r hi S(n31Ir tJon erlten (ht) Sre v=s born fn li3~~ h~I=8 middot~middotlton R= in th lpr ~f lq1~ Hp lee JCn14lg77 ~t 17 yFlp 0f C~ (tn~ Ips 0urLeci on hls fe (3101e ~~~) Hi c Gr1Yl(~~Flchter rR rrtry (pl tCn) (i~51 Geman cf 3cc7er has hif3 o1n fA1ily =3ihle with fRnl1 recorrs copied by t1gt- cCTIp11or

1- Hi ~ will w~ siGn~~ rmiddot ct 15 1~63 prC1 ~)ptn 7 fgto18771 e~jl1npound hl B eS+Jate to lll of hip chlllt1en to ahpre equally The 7i11 sks his son T)pliel t (1r1 +J0n to )y from th~ estpt~ of 7illlflIn ~11Ych

wll ~ t 1 L~ nlIP to hi-s trRn~P l()1 tJe r G~ rt rtl(1 e Grl +Jon rlpllpoundhtpT C fti s1shydece~~e(l eon (nCt nrLl~~ (Trof1Cgt8 Ghedle Crl ton) EX8 scn-1n-1pw JRI1~S ZllF n srn 31lY~0n A Garl +cn shy

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 10: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


A(- A1hpyt CpltCn hAucOllO lPT tl17pr)~th ope 2-- 47- 5 John )J111th nr1ton hcT~m ~211~~ mr Splgttr SccfXro- -~ ~ st JL - J

3-- --2-~ 1 I ~) LlC)~=cr(~middot (l1Crnqs-Qhpl) son ofThCfTl[SU10 gtry ( )

0Rrlton 1Ii(lR~rn lpnur 17q~~H~ rrt[rrt~nJ)tcl41q()5 NEtCy h (1 1 T r h A t ) -)_l bull rolC __ ~q~(l pr rr bullXnll ~~o Rl[nen Jy bull er_ on bull J bulle

~F8middot tJLA nmiddot3h+pr(f J0hn rolch ( J(ihn Crouch in hi ill rrrDto-t-- Nov~llhfr CCllrt 1 =n1fTl~R (n~ hAir PS LE1rin Cerl ton) The Cprl tcn~ i moved to 310 un t Co untz Tenn (near Rno xvi 11) in th~ e p 11 Y l-l30 I ~ ~ I ann 1 F te r to tetrLo n 00 ~ 1e tm ([ear 0hp t trne-o ga) MC ri 0 n jerI tol_

I t (184 5-193h) of N~wton Co~ty~Ark~nJ3a8 Rent thp list of Lewi8 v Carl ton 8 (grRnnfther C f ~~ri()1)) chilc1r~n nr l)i rth elf te s tJo 11 s

bro ther Geo reA i Carl t(in (l~3-1929) I CTrRhm TeXE8 lhi 8 ~ata was Bent b~ ChRYlea G BurneRs~ Stnte Co11eeePR a descennant of

- Lew1 B Carl ton ~ shy

~ Lewis andNRncy era uch) C241 ton hft~l salle ~ 4~- 1 Alfred CRrlton t b Sep ~16lq07 mprPRluin~ Al1i~on

-r ~- 41 Q- 32 bull ~~atiil na C~lr1tt(1n bO ct 51l2~10~-11~ 7i~) k47~~g-Ji (~middot )l

f _ 50 - bull oev na ~R on J __bull ) _ ~~

i ~51- 4 Je1lRey Rpl ton bAug11814 f5P~ 5 ALlston Carltonb SeptllS16 shy

Uf3- ~ Slntha Carl ton b DeclSl ~18 $4- 7 WarreI1 Carlton bHay 51821 - -amp55- 8 WillfRll Girl ton b JU1 13 1923)~---ITS) ~~- ~p6- 9 Ii~~tm Carl ton bAug30 1825 ment1o-ned ln his grEnI1shy

L fatner =I (Tohn Cro tIch) Will 1)7-10 ~middotAncy Carlton b Hay 81828

-lt-11ThOllR8 Carl to~ bApr121830~~~rromiddot~ _- 21- ~--~-

middotmiddotTli~l~~ CARLTON3 (I1-~mC82~ JO~lt son at Thomas Rnn Mary( ) Car1tort~aB born Jan21790 in wil~ces CountyNCer H~ livpdc]1 a farm hear BooJTl~r probb1y part ot hi fatherA orieinE1 farmbull He mRrrlenlRtmiddotlRrch 261313 Jane ~Jenniett ~erryman (Wilkes Co~ Marr3=lnn also ~~enec1 by Georee Crouch) who 11iBS lxrn Feb281796 bull She d lprl April 101921 at 25 yearR laving two ~hl1 nren He mar ~11 2nn Aue12 t 1821 Ruth Surch (Fanily Bi b1 e ~ec) (i1ke e Co bull

MarrBonn eiveA T1l1y 311809 a1Ro Riener by LeIIis Cpr1ton r~any of middot the Jr9rr 3onr~ were in such pOOT conra tJion thHt they were rarc11 middot reRda1Jl~)Rllth 31Lrch middotR8 the nRuchteY of Tho[18 anc fJarCh Crones)

3ttrch W10SP sonWm8tRp]p+on lurcht1nrrled 1ho~_a GRr1t(r~ sisipr Mar or Poll GRrl tJon anct hose dtlllrh+er Ke~lph lrripo 2 Lems Carlton (~01Jlor e0~8 not know whi~h LelR) probRbl~ pltllr 2

brothr (1 f lj10I1tR ~lrl tJon q r n nephemiddot R1th Burch WR Cl Bo Pshy

elster of TP1es 31Ir~h whoAe 1c10w I19rrler Henry Cftrl ten (LLLL) neph~w o~ JhO1PR pltC1nbull llth l~lrch PF fJcrn July 111 7 2End

middot r11prl r~t19llf) lt 70 yepYR Thofip CFtr1ton ~rarri~(lr~ bCut Iln4 N~ll~ ~ ( r e I1no r Sn no n Y(111ng~r Ai s t e1 (1 frJ R ra ughtershyin-lA-vI ~middotrltgtn~y ho rlprri~r hi S(n31Ir tJon erlten (ht) Sre v=s born fn li3~~ h~I=8 middot~middotlton R= in th lpr ~f lq1~ Hp lee JCn14lg77 ~t 17 yFlp 0f C~ (tn~ Ips 0urLeci on hls fe (3101e ~~~) Hi c Gr1Yl(~~Flchter rR rrtry (pl tCn) (i~51 Geman cf 3cc7er has hif3 o1n fA1ily =3ihle with fRnl1 recorrs copied by t1gt- cCTIp11or

1- Hi ~ will w~ siGn~~ rmiddot ct 15 1~63 prC1 ~)ptn 7 fgto18771 e~jl1npound hl B eS+Jate to lll of hip chlllt1en to ahpre equally The 7i11 sks his son T)pliel t (1r1 +J0n to )y from th~ estpt~ of 7illlflIn ~11Ych

wll ~ t 1 L~ nlIP to hi-s trRn~P l()1 tJe r G~ rt rtl(1 e Grl +Jon rlpllpoundhtpT C fti s1shydece~~e(l eon (nCt nrLl~~ (Trof1Cgt8 Ghedle Crl ton) EX8 scn-1n-1pw JRI1~S ZllF n srn 31lY~0n A Garl +cn shy

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 11: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

- amp t I

jmiddot~t~er sl~~ofJJ(-~~-ut~~-in-l8VTmiddotmiddot -na iho rlCMled his son bullbull f 3urton ( ) ~ was born in 1321 Thom arl ton 1~S in the middotmiddottr

of 13121 He cted Jano14 1 377 at 07 yecrs 2 enc Vc~8 burled on h~s f-fn (F~l~Y 31b~ eo) His [~Cn auhter~rEl iary (Cer1 on) (gt Ge~ 01 Boomer ~~ his old f~ ly ~iblelt~2milY recorrs ---H~P-le_d-~r theauthor~ -- --v

Thot1as ancfJane(MerrYTlpoundn)42rlton hac issue et Boo~er ~~middott~ 4O p -1 Sveline erlton bCc+31nS Plr rilscn Laxton 8~ 470-2 31lrJonfCarY on boar 5l3l3 mmiddotr Nanoy awenaonk T omas and Ruth (3~rcb) Carl~on had issue at Booner =

(f 43-1 Jo~n Carlton ~AuC231822 died Oct121822 ~ 49-2 D[nl~l ilton 8arlton bScpt281-323 maro ary Steele

r L and ire-ncy 3rovn l-lpQ50-3 Henry Cerlton bOct221825 died June 171826 Cpound1-~5~-4 Joel C~rlton bOct161827 died Je2~ l86~~n 38th yr~

~ UI1Ilar lived at hia father a home )-iL -LJshy

-5~-5 Mary Anne Carlton bAug151830 twin of Mery middotmar James lt~ ~ Eller

_ middot~1Iru5P-6 Hartha Carlton bAug151830 mar Jesse Greer I_)~1t74--7 bull Thomas Ched1e Ca~lton b bulloct31lS33 m~r Susan 1ltTriplett

~ 23~~ 1 lt _ - -1 ~1~l~JAIE llJN~ITYttCAUTON3 (Th~mas2 Johnl ) daubliteI of Thomaa andmiddot ~77 ~~ ~l~~Landlparlton was born probably in Wilkes CodfCer~(Ig-s-t

bullAJ ~ arried ~hoes ~ Mrs Jen1y (Land) ~ri~htmiddot (-t7) of Wilkesboro ~ Ii N Car has records of lthe descendants Of Je~ Ceriton but few datesr They had issue ~~m 7rt-16eJlj e~ t-)w~ze ) -

71-Jf 55-1 Wilson L~1d b tTgt~1~ ip-2~ Nerciasa Land bmiddot mar Harrison Miller~

_~ tf middot513 Mary Land b ~ g2t J mar WmHal1 a preacher no ls-~middotmiddot 7~ 5e-4 Thomas Land b in 1828 died in 1912 unmer at 84 yrs oJ

gt__ ~ __ -- -1 was in Calif in Gold Rush ~ ~ -=--= 7~~ 59-5 Linville Land b mar Rhode Proffit -- -0

7 60-6 Nancy Betsy Land b ~113() mar Alesander West ~ 1 61-7 Martha Land b CVJl-31- mer LeClnder Hendrix ~gt gtHt Zf62-a James ~a1Vln 1fd~i~J 141837 ma~ Nan~~oeon~rgt~c~

lt~t~~gtmiddot - LIVINGSTON CARL~ON3(Thollas2 John1 ) son of ThorimS and catherine -shy)--~gt (Livinston) Car1ton(2) was born Jana6lSOO-1n Wilkes Co NCar

--~f He married ~rch 131823 (Family B1b1e Ree)OlarBonddated March 1) Eli zabeth Triplett who was born Jen 21799 He spent b1a life on a farm near that of his fathers He died Marsh 231874 at 74 yeera

of ale and was buried on his fenn His idow died June 11878 at 79 years His old fa~ is now in possession of Ann Carlton (iu7) w1dow

e-- - of his Gr~ndsonME-rion Carlton (7 r) The old family Bible with the family records 1s ~n possession of h1s randsonJean LCerlton

~~ Tlfej pad issue 1~middotmiddot$tJ1Jr 63- 1 illiem Greenville Carl ton4 b Dec 17 18~3 died Au~l182t

~I 64- 2 LawsonrthffmiddotJIiJ~rCarlton b~Jy 261825 mErRebecca JohTlSOlfmiddot ~7 - 65- 3 ~bsolo~~tOnb Oct 26 1 ~29lar JaneT1lmiddot1y _ ltJ 66- 4 ~middot~ineftle Ad~line Carlton bAp r91331 m~~ mpennel

-~~H q7- 5 uary Polly Carlt0l b5ept281332j dlecLlep_ll1855 in 23rd yr 6~ 68- 6 ~anery bJunemiddot 1~136middotmE~G~oLiV1~tZ1izabeth Cerl ton ~ h lt bull a ton I ~i[fliiit 69- 7 Livin~ston Leroy Carlton bDec23 tp37mer bullJane Triplett~~

- ~-fiJI1J1h 70- 8 Geors ~ashin~tQn Carl ton b upr8 J~-41twinot ~enry ~_ 1---- bull ~~71- 9 Henry rrlson CCrltonb~-p~8124lmiddott~inof)~G-eor~e_

ltmiddotPTJJ These tWins diedmiddotinthe vtl ITerneltherieITled ~ ~~~~-~~~t 0lmiddot7middot[f c 1t ~l4tmiddot-J ---4 _~~ ~--1fL~~~ _ lt _ r ~ -- Ii - _ 1 A A bull Y~)I

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 12: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

shy -- ~ -- -~ ~_- -

_ ~J - ~ - Jshy

bull - - bull -~ - shy


It ofbullbull- ~ ~

shy ~ shy

- -


- _0

~ bull ~ bull - 1 - - - ~ -

~- - _ - ~


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ bull -e _ bull - ~ ~ - -- -=~-~ Imiddot~ ~~ ~ -

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 13: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

1-f15 - 3 - 1

DENTI S CArn TON 3 son 0 f Thomn R =tnd CHtheri ne( Li vi ngston) Carlton lIFHA oorn in Wilkes CONCl1rAoout l~oA (1850 Census) He marri~d Dec141825 Jane Livingston (Wilkes Co bull ~r-ar Marl Bond) wi tn~BAerl by J(1hn Carl ton rr~~eymoved to Wisconpin anr are 11stpl in lR50 Censufl of Shebt1~Tgan Co bullbull wisc he being 42 and BOO lgt~lng 39 haVing befln oorn in N Car They han 1J 9ue (ace to 1950 Cens1ls)

-f~~~ -1 BJi~AQeth Garlton4 bull b Rbt lR3 118 8he was lR in 1850 I J I

bull j j bull bulliI j to middotmiddotmiddot

i~ _ 1_ ~ oJ 11 f) __

bull h I ~- H 2ft 3 1

k~3ROSE CA~~ONj BO~ of-Thomas and CRtherine (livingston) Carlton WFl8 Jam in Wilkes CONCar He married LUcinda Foster MarrBond datedNov41~24)Theymaven to Tenn

They han Aiiue (only one given but there were others)tqltamp9 -1 Lena Carl ton4 b mar Dury McGee

~ - 3- 1 wYA1T CARLTON son (1 r Thomas and Catherine (Livingston) Carl ton was oorn in WilkeR CountYNCar about 1804 He married Nancy Livingston (Wilkes Co Marr Bond datedDecll1823 w1 t by Orell

Vrv Livingston They lived at Laytown on a farm near Leno1rNCar J i~ 1850 Census gave hi s age as 46 and Nancy as 44 _ ~

middotf (middotV They bad issue J 77li]-J ~-~ ))

---- tfl90_ -1 Finley Car1ton4 b abt1825 (1850 Census)- middotmiddot --jc_middot gttJ-1gtmiddot 9Cmiddot-2 Calvin Carlton b eir 1827 mar Rebecca Land - ~ -r~ji ---- 9-3-lElV1ra Carl ton bo cir 1829 diet1 unmar - ~

_ middotC ~~ ~~tr---i1Ohn Carl ton b i was a B~p~middotbull ~reah~r

~ f-v rf( 9lff _ 5 ~~~~~1~K~~~~~~~-nbci ~1832~(~b~middote~~~~r~rJu j Cmiddot

bull~v 9M~-6 Allll Carl ton b cir1836 (Census) - bull 9~- LIiiasey BArri60n Carlton bJune 11838marD1x1e

J ) Triplett 9pI-8 Thomas Carlton bcir1843 was in Civil War No word

was re c d from him after he went to war 9tL-i_9 bull Co mali us Carl ton b cir 1845 (Census)

Jv M- 9I-10 Mattie Carlton b cir 1847 marWm Norr1 s lived in 3 1vV - Wallt~u~ua Co bullbull N Car

C - i W 7 J 1- -ji (---- -_ ~ ~ - - 328 - 3 - 1

CHARLOTTE CALTON J (Thomas2J John1 ) danghter of Thomas end

Catherine (Li Vingaton) Carl ton wae born in Wilkes Co N Car about 1814 (Cens118 giveR age 36 in 1850) She married Braxton Barlow (W11k~B CoMRrrBond daten Jan211R34wttby LiVingston Carlton) Braxton faR 37 in lA50(Censua) They lived on White Creek near Go shen in Wilkes Colmty They han iAIHle ( 1st nine given in 1850 Census) in Wilkes Co

10~- 1Livey Barlown b eir 1835 101 - 2 ThomRs Barlow b clr 1836 mar Appeline FerguBon 10~- 3 Larkin Bar10w b eir lR37 10~ - 4 Henry Barlow b ei r L 1839 104~ - 5 John Barlow b oir- 1841 105- 6 JUlia Barlow eir 1843 mar Rebert Bra~ley lOM~- 7 artha Batlow b cir 1 ~45i mar ReVMiltonMcNeilshy 101- R WilliBll oarlow b cir l84r 108- 9 Robert Barlow beir 1850 109-10 Anne Darlowb mar Frank Wtll1 am s liO-ll Cind1a Barlow b ctled wunar


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 14: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


J9-1-l PIC~NS CAiLION3 (Tlomas Johnl ) son of Thomas and eathertne

(Ltvingston) Carl ton (j) was oorn April lRlfh5 ~ fuGl-rW2~rf7S CONrl1r He )l~i(middot_~cl~S8)-J()l031 ~1rtbj -inmiddot-rf ~7-~~(~fiJ_er

of Petpr Ste~le She was born uept29lR22 ihp-y lived on his fathers farm He ol~cl there Jan o 221892 in his 77th year and was buried in the Carl~on Cemetery nel1r ~h~ home She died June 151883 in har ~15t year Th~y had is 811e 4shy

lll~- 1 SilaB Carl ton I)June 151839 diAd DeclO134l at 2 yr bull lL2-- 2 JIrrl ttAnry Harrison Carlton b Cct151840 mar bull

) Ella Steele ll~- 3 Jam~s Carlton bDec261843j died Apr301862 in Civil

war in 20th yrj unmar bull llX- 4 Sarah CarltonbApr231846j mar Jefferson Downe

l15~- 5 Margaret Carltonb May 151848 died Febll1922 in her 74th yr unmarlived with her sisterMary at Boo~

116shy 6 John Carl ton bMar 23 1850 j mar Ella Carl ton ( ) and 2nd Lo ttl sa Carl ton ( ) bull

7 Thomas Carlton b Sept51852j mar Martha Kendalbull llcf shy11f2f - B Daniel Milton Carlton b Dec221854j marJulia Brookshy

ll- S ~h1rerlT_Cn

119- 9 Mary Carlton b Mar23lR57j mara cousinThomas Greer ( ) bull

120~-10 Ann Carltonb Jan3l1862j mar Marion Carlton ( ) ~ -~ - 4 - 1

AMBroSE CARLTON3( Lewit2 Johnl ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) was born Dec3l178l in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov2l1805 Prudence Isbell (W1lke~ CoMarrBond) daughshyler~otcJohn Isbell (John Isbells Will probJUlylB27 names a daugh~ Prudence wife of Ambrose Carlton) She was born 1n 1183 They moved to Clarke ColAlabama about 1818 and had a large plantation He di~n ( They had is9ue in l822middotj-~--t--c

4 ~~ 121--- 1 Morgan Carl ton b abt 1806 marAnne ED1ckenson -f l~- 2 Warren Carlton b abt1808 1n Wilkes CoCarment -

1n h1s fathers will 1n Clarke Co Ala 1n 1822 he J may have been the Warren who died in 1840 1nSumter Co

bull 12~~- 3 Montgomery Carltonb abt l809jMarMartha SD1ckenson l2~~- 4 Elm1ra Carlton b abt1812 1n Wilkes CoNCarj was

Ii ving in 1822 12~~- 5 Alexanoer Carltonb abt 1816 tn W1lkes CoCar

---- ~as living with hie mother in 1850 (Census) unmarj was a merchant 1n Clarke Co Ala

l2~- 6 Harri Bon Carlton b abt lR18named in father e nIl of 1822 and name in 1830 census

l27~- 7 George Carl ton b abt 1120 in Lllarke Co Ala nSlle in 1830 census bull



_ ~~ ~

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 15: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

32 - 4 - 1 7lARY middotPOLLX CARLTON 3 (Lems2 Johnl ) c1auV1t~r 0 f Lewi e and

EJi~abeth (Sv~) Carlton (4) was born Pbollt 17R4 in Wllkll8 County NCarolina Sh~ married AU~91811 Thomas Laxton ~or of Levi Laxton and broth~rof Allen and Wilson Laxton (~he latt~r m~r Pol~Y s cousin veline Carl ton ( ) The 1950 Censue of Cplcwel1 CoNCar ~ives h~r ~ge as 65 and of ThomR8 as 59 They had issue

1B- 1 Louise Laxton4 b abt 11112 mar Joseph BRrlow bull -129- 2 Le~i8 Laxton b mar Salll~ Lee

13e~- 3 Elbert Laxton b aby 1819 died unmar S 131middot~- 4 Carline Laxton b 1823 mar Allen FerguBon I 3 132~ - 5 LeVi Laxton b abt 1323 mar Myra ~oo cy

13- 0 Jvira Laxton b mar Nimron Triplett

~ 33 - 4 - 1 LEWIS CARLTON(Lewis2 Johnl )soTl of Lewis and Eli~~beth (Eve)

Carlton (4) was born in January ~~ 1786 in Wilkes CoNCar He married -1)ec141805 Nancy Crouch (Wilkes CoMarBondal60 signed by A Carl ton) She was the dau6hter of John Crouch who in hi s i11 probated 1n November Court of 1828 names one heir as Larkin Carl ton son of Nancy The Carl tons moved to Bl~unt Co Tennner FnoXVi11e in the early 1830s and later to Marion CTenn near Chattanooga The1 r grandson Manon Carlton ( ) 0 f Newton Co Ark eent the list -Df tre1r children wi th b1 rth dates to hi B brother George (It Graham CoTexaa T~e data was sent to the compilor by Charles G Burness State College Pa a descendant of LeWis Carlton They has issue

l34i= 1 Alfred Carl ton4 b Sept161807j marPaU1ine Allison 135f- 2 Matilda Carlton b09t5~809~~fr~~m~BJLand~~ug

301831 ( Mar Bond) 1tA-Yk- ~~iGitLaLv2-~~ -7HZ

l36Z- 3 Senna Carl ton b __121811 YI1g-3t1pound~middotrJngtt--bull 13~- 4 Jessey Carl ton bAugl 1~4 mar Mary _

1382- 5 Auston Carlton b Septl1816 -i 3~- 6 Sintha or Cynthia Carl ton b Dec18181B bull l~~- 7 Warren Carlton b May 5 1821 mar Polly ~~~

lW- q Willi8l Carlton b JUly 131823 wunar1n 1850 Census bull 142- 9 Larken Carltonb Aug30lR25 mar Catherine _

14~~lO Nancy Carlton b May 81828 14~-11 Thomas Carl ton b Apr12l830 unmar in 1850 Census

34 - 4 - 1 THOMAS CARLTON3( Lewia 2 Johnl ) son ofLewis and E11rabeth (E~

Carlton(4) was born in 1788 in Wilkes CoNCar He married Nov bull291810 his cOllsin CYNTHIA CARLTON (42) daughter of h1s uncl~ Ambrose Carlton2(6) Burke CoNCar Har Bond) He applied for

- his fath~rs pp-nslon Jan211853 while 1ivine in I3urke County He was~a~ Baptiet Minister The 1850 Census gives the rcl~oW1ng i BlIUe

148_- 1 Ar1bro seCarl ton4 b abt 18121shy 146- 2 Adelaiti Carlton

14r- 3 Tillotson Carlton 143~- 4 Sophonia Carl ton b abt1820

I shy - 1-49-- 5 Cathenne Carl ton bshy 1823 I 150- 6 I rene Carl ton b 1826

lS- 7 John Carl ton b 1829 l52~- 8 Robert Qarl ton b 1831




36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 16: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

36 - 4 - 1 DAVID CARLTON) (LItlt1s2Johnl ) eon of LeWis pnd Jirabeth (Zve)

Uarlton (4) WRB )orn about 1793 in Wilkes CONCpr He IlHrried Dec 2( 11114 Amelia PPtty (Wilkes Co MRrr bull and) nmiddotlcht~ of W~lliam PettYJr Rnd Lllcr~tla LllCY irlght im PettYJr wa~ oorn ~erch

131764 in all11l1er COVa Aon of VlPetty ann marrtedJsn251783 Lucretia Wright bJUly 71765 in FaCluier Co Va daughter (If John Wrigh~ III and Anne WilliaMs ~mPetty Jr died Sept 261834 and hie Wife Lllcret1R cUed Aug16lR42 both in Had1eon CoAlabama Amelia(Pettr ) Carlton was oorn JUly 20 1795 the Aixth child of thirte~n bull (Data of Petty family baAed on Bible Records of Zachariah Pettybroth~r of Am~lla Carlton ) The Carltona moved from NCar to Lawrence Co bullbull Ala about 1318 He was a Baptist Minister Pre11a Carl t on was a couRin of George ashington He nipd about 1835 and she d1 ed in 1869 in MAd1 Bon Co Al a The data concprning the Petty famtly and desc~ndanta of Dav1d Carlton was furn1shed by TR Howard ( -) -

They had 1 saue 4 153- 1 Laarus Carl ton b

155 lS~- 2Luc1nda Carlton b Feb1S1820j mar Michael Howard 155~- 3 El1zabeth Carl ton b c1822 mor ieynolds1561- 4 bull dRu b mar Kennedy lSf- 5 William LCarl ton b 01826

40-4- 1WILLIAM CARLTON)r (L611s2 John ) son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Eve)Carlton (4) lIjas born about 1803 in Wilkes CoNCar He marriel1 Sept 7 1824 Mary Itpolly Hall or Hale (Burke CoMarr

-Bond) They moved to Monroe CO Ind1anl1 about 1831 where she d1ed in 1841 He married2nd Harriett oom 1823 They movedto Bates Co M1 BBoun aoout 1851 where he d1ed tn 1856 He was a Baptlst Itln1ster William and Polly Carlton hd issue If 9 lil ~- 1 Rufus Carl torr b

U t 159- - 2 Franklin Carl ton b

160- 3 Leander Carlton b bull 161J-- )t~Ho sea A1 fonso Carl ton b 1832 mar--__Delop

-162~- 3Mary Carl ton b l83~Monroe Co Ind bull l6~- fi 1-f John M Camp1l ton D 1836

1644 - t fOllver Carl ton b 1838 William and Harriett Carlton had issue in Monroe eoIndL

165- 1 Dav1d Carlton b 1843 - 1667- 2 Gal)nel Carlton b - 1845 161- 3 Jni~abeth Carlton b 1847 l6B~- 4 Thomas Carl ton b 1848

- 1middot69- 5 Eugene Carl ton b 1850 bull ~ I 1701- 6 Sldney Carlton b

l7J1~- 7 Willi am Carl ton b Th~r~ wae a Mr amp Mrs Wm R Carl-ton 11ving in Monroe

- Co Ipd nur Oi vil ~1LL1M -llUV PU1i III +tcent11lJA UtI~r JO Icq4~1rJP middotlaOmiddot N bull 00 z~ It1b-n-Wd ul lMoq +t511Al wl+~Ionl

~9L14~Gmiddot~r p~llIlJm PffS middotlHlNq-StyamiddotoO UOBlpi1 ul PQ1PP~ middotISOmiddotb[ I bull ~ A-unS uJ tLrcxt AUl-aqoid SIiA A+ +-d_lIlM bull (Ctr8 t ~n middot5Jnv -~9L l j finr)

+tt31~H ~n111 1l~1C1IOn1 ~U1l (tr~ircScmiddot+dS -tr9LTfl tOI~~) A++Qc1 ~11 I1M 1 Q lOilt9n-ai-gt (p~og middottIlli bull 00 s at114 ) A++-d 1l1 1~wt-trl~t19~~~aa

~~II~(jJ~H middotl1l~middotNO~6411a1 Ul(6LI noqe uzcq aWM)(~uoLISO

(~A3) t+~-q-all~ pU1l Sl14Q1 10 UOB (tU~O~S~~fNO1IHOal~IJ


-~ -

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 17: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

I 42 - ~ - 1 JON CARL-CN JR - (Johne Johnl ) I pro hably th~ 2cn 0 f J(lh1

CarltJon (5) II=-A gtom He arr1ec Septl-3l(llOElit shyabeth Burch4Pllk~R Co3CFtr vlFtrr r30nc1wit by Thomes Gprlton) daught~r of 3homaR Jllrch arrl Ftrah Jon(~R) 311rch hJan517tf) Thomas ~urch Jan~~1757- Jan24lR2~)was Ron of denjamin b~rch2 son 0 f LhoMFtB jurch tmoved from (aroline ~o bull Va bull to Albemarle Go Va ln1703 ~ rtier there in l715l~aving hie W1row~arah amp 14 chile ren) Eli~Af)fth 3lrch Carlton had a brotr~r Wm~taplfton Burch 11[10

marnert ary Carl ton (19) dau of Thomas Carl ton (3) Her siF-ter Ruth marrien Thomas Carlton brother of Mary (above) Another James brother of ~ltab~th married M~ry Thomas Eads The latter marrt~d

after his death Henry Carlton~(59) John ann ~iiabeth(Burch) Car~ ton moved about 1820 from Wilkes COICar to Bedforn CoTenn She dlen there aoo1lt six years later leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters John lost a distillery by fire leaving the family penniless and in dbt He recouped through farming and later became a Baptist Minister He married again About 1832 or 34 he took - sons and 2 daughters back to North Carolina and placed them separet1y among relatives to feed clothe and educate them for their services Had issue 4

173 - 1 Mo rgan Carl ton b 11 ved in ~-li BSOUM 174- 2 daubull h lI1~- 3 dau b

116- 4 John narvey --arlton bct3U18l5 mar Margaret AtBraWl 117- 5 Daniel ~lton Carlton b Jan221A11 mar Mary Y

ehatham ________ eon b178- O




----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 18: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc



----- --shy


----- shy===--~==

~ ---- --shy

---- shy

_0--- _ _L------ -

-- -- - _ - --- -- -- ~ --~-~-----

- _ shy ~

---_ -_- - --- _- _- - - __ ~ -__shy~

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 19: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

j5 9i - 1 S~rl e1 11 ton SErl ton bDe c 22 135J m2r Jul 1pound1 ~roc ~8hlre bull I q~ Cl ~or ~~lton b ~rch 23


1H~~ a cousin Thcmc ~r3er ~~ j L ~ ~- oJ ~ - J ~ bull lt - --) L- 1 C I bull C - ~ C - - t bull - - bull

i 2-4 bull-10 Ao1_ 8-arl ton ) J ltn bull31 r86 2 ll2r 2i cou bull er i on Cerl ton (27) - ~ t- Jr1 I - t rt1Jt 7 7Ji t7~ ~ll It ~ - -)2- I ~ lt [t ~~ (J c 1shy i hR POLLY JlrUIClI (L~i s ~ cLa~thter of Leli S 2nc E1 1zashypeth (Eve) Cerlton (3) Wlt1S 1XtPlprlably 1n ilYes CoNCer She

~ vt ntE(rrie~ h0P18 L9xton son oLevi L2xton and brother of Allen L2xton I bull and b~~the~_of t ilson L~xton oh~ r12rrieq Po11r r s cousin ~veline Ccgtrlshy

ton ( ) (~[l-)L----Il~tdlL--tL(l~tJ-~~-Lit1C_(-i-4-L-jj--J-I-fA- u_fj u isu ) V

rliC-- v r 4 jL-r 95- 1 Lou~ se Loyton b e1Jout 1812 IDer Joseph 3arlow 12 96- 2 Leie Ja8xton b mar Sallie Lee t3~o - 3 Zlberr lcx-on b )-t---~ died mIl~r

13) -~ Le Lexton b ugtt 62) m2r llra ~1ood) _99middot 5k ~ vira Laxton b ~r~iamrod Triplett(111 1do- CRr1ine Laxton~ 6~J m~ Al1enFe_r~u~onbull _I

- 7J - 6 -1 R03ERT jyONTGOERY CAiLTON3 (Ambrose 2 John1 ) son or Ambrose and

Jean OIontLomery) Carlton(6) was born J1n314-794 in W11kes Co_NshyCar He 2oved to tDc1ieJ1lt Terr+0xy 1 th hi s perents in 1815 He married in 1818rL2~arldyenr~~~eI10a1-QGst-wpot~llat~v~

-J1aller3r~o1l~1800 mar Robert1H--Garlton -In--Kente--She--l1asmiddotdel-of T~~~_13arlo~ b1760( son of Henrj amp Judi-th) -and -Susan -~h~~aI6belmiddotl ~~EJ__ eIeI~le3 Isbell )lWho oar in 17middot94- at-Culpepper C~~tmoveCto GeorretoTIIlKY where ThcQes died in 182~+ Robert BCarltcndled ) April 41363 st 69 y~ars oL1se at Bedford In~~ Wl2S i~fr~ t-J~

Had issue 7Lb- ~A-~~1l-TJi t~ I ~d~h - 7ftJ01 ~- 1 T1111ecVcerl ton4 b JJtlor Trent to Calif duringIGol~_ ~slf~

-~ o~ amp the falily never heard from hin aeeino J

~gt~~~~ tnl~~ 2 AabroseBSerl ton b ~ ~kjqr7 VHS eo lawy~r had severP gtlt - - a~ children died probe in 1901 et Terra Heute IDd_~~~

)b11)re 3P~~lsa CaElton bJen~29lg28 mar Vi-e11 Vesta~~~ J8lle~ L ~)7luston ~ 117~~ 4 J2me8~yeniton bJune 171332 lar Caroline U1tche~1

~~~~ lt 1~3W5- 5 Robert ~~ carl~ohv27~1~lppfjlr~toaJl~~ ~~~so no bN - 1ssue -U4 v d)J~~ ~AUeJ 13~~s

- - tG~ 6 Thonas Carl ton b died in 1nfeney ~ ~ -- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Jlt-~ 6 1

ESTHZR CiSLTOr3 ( Amoro se2 John1 ) dau~~hter of Ambrose and Jean (JontCOl3ry) earlton(6)~ was born Feb261796 in Wilkes CONCer

She~arrled C~t271314 Pleasant Pur7S probably in Wilkes CO~3V Trer Igved to Ind1rna where rer p~rents_lovec She cUed Jen 20 _837

tampt -+1middotyeers of ae~ar Bc1 fQrltlr- ~Ifc lib- 1t-6IJt -1 TpoundCJJx-LIL~ M~ Had issue J~S t I4~~~L ~-ffJ ~A~ ~

Ss107- 1 Rober ~alto1 Par~cs4bltlDec141~15 mar Jrne Short t-~~ _ Iepound 108- 2 J[~1es Posey Parks b Nov 51317 Cr Caroline D1xon~(~

1- issue died Jan51898 in glRt yr et 3edfordncjf7~~ (il 109middot 3 3enj~-nineJPar8 bNov151319 diec Feb131830 f-1--w2-~ gt~~Z 110- 4 Gjntt11 PCrks bJenl1323 die Jen271843i-4~r9u-t -~ 7 111- 5 ~broae Prks bApr271325 died July1843 tlror u~

1- gtl~gt11-2- 6 PleasC~nt Alonzo P[rls b~~ov~121828 mEr ~reV- J3i

l~nd Sarah Johns ton 2-- Susen Owens - Ceroline PErks b Nov 161830 ~2rHarvey Parks middotN

bull bull - gt ~

~~~ -






Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 20: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc



Jv ~-6-1

2-A~ AfLT CT3 (amp-1bro s e Jo r_111 ) 01 c t r of kJro 2 e 2 YC J e 2n (~ont-=-o~ery) CCr1on(6) W2S born Pnril 141~OO in 7i118s CoCr She Dove~ 1 th her i)[~rents in ~S15 to 3eoforc Inc She ~[rrlec JunEt 111322 JtlJe s Johnson 1t--re~-ampmiddot6t four children wi thin 13 day s of dBlern She dled Dec6 1357 et 57 yeers of 2=e ct LClren~c-o)t 7shy~nd fI~5 Hid -rrl-tJe- OLtj I Tfl ~rrzmiddot~ti Yf1vVL il1t-ampR ~lp~7--c Hadi s sue J t-tJ ~1J-t-

~2 11~- 1 Jane Johnson 4 b Gled Oct71823 i

iJ~ 115- 2 ~etherlne Johnsonb n~rJanes Hol11~2yno isue jj~116- 3 ~llz~beth JohnsonbDec2~lR26 died JUly 141896 in

70th yr no issue ~rl17- 4 ebecmiddot~a Johnson b died July 201 341 171 th ~pler2

Ij~ 118- 5 ~sther Johnson~ died July 231841 ~lt~ ~ler~ ~~ 119- 5 Cinthla Johnsonb dled AUE71841 ~ith cOler~ bt120 7 Sarah Johnsonmiddotb died July 261841 ~lth cOlera h 14 121- 3 Christopher Johnson died Oct~31839 1 at 3 mos bull

~ 1122- 9 Zdward Johnson b m~r amp had issue w~s e ~v ninister

~ -Jl s~~O)JAS LEWIS CAjT6N~~bOe~ bullJ olm1 ) son 0f m1lllQ Be and J eaIl ~ fJd~~) (Montcolery) Carlton(6) W2S born AU~14~13in ~1J~0 NoC2r

S y He loved to Indlana vTlth ~J~~p-poundF$nts in~ rr He married 1 lstUarch~~ 10 182 Felesmiddot He1ber~~Xm~r~~r79~9thl 6 msectrriedher slater ~ Susa1 Halbert Tov9 J352Slv~08tiAcf hildren in thelr twenties

- ~ in 1861 and thoree children wi thin two months in 1863 betreen 19 and ~ 34 years of 2~e He died Feb231866 in his 63r re~r a~ Bedtorc bullS~ He and Pales (Halbert) Carlton hpd issue l~ I S b-xeJ ~~Ifj4 Asf 1~3- 1 Madison Homer C2rlton bDec1918 dled Jan181863

- at 34 yrs j UIlll2r bullG

~)i- 14- 2 Ambrose Clinton CCrlton b bull~e_Jl~)2 died Deo21909 - Bt~7 yrs unnar b~~~

J-t3 125- 3 ~faryJane Carlton- bDee61833i died Dec5186l a 28 yrs unmar

~tl126- 4 Susan Caroline CarltonbApr14i836marFrank1in A Houston

)J[middot127- 5 Robert Volney Cerlton bNoy16J838 diec Feb11861

~~ bullbull 0 tb~ 128- 6 ~ni~~~ ~~ bUct9184dmiddotmiddot~l~dieb~1201 19 1863 in 23 yrO unmar

- ~ ~7 129- 7 liartha Ann Oarlton bFeb141844 d1ed March 141863 r- tmiddot at 19 yrs unmar bull ~5pc 111lJ4 y41~ J ~ Thomas Lew1s and Susan(Ha1bert) Carlton had 1sBue ~

y(130- 1 bull TUlia Gar1ton bFeb1l1854 d1ed Apr211858 at 4 yrs


ALVIN WEST BAR~w4 - (~OP~i~lI~ Eli ~abeth Carl ton2 bull Johnl ) I son of TompkinB rmd bull1flu~~tf(~tti113ft~K1rMargaret (West) Barlow (7) was txgtrn in 1795 He married Mary Ann Fieher (1197shyl82~L daughter of WIn F1 aher (1760-18~4) Bon of Martin F1 eher III (173 1814) son of Martin F1 sher II (dl ed 1740) eon of Martin Fisher I ( died 1699)(The latterlI vnfe was a Smith or Sy1ea) The BarlOWI 11vedin Kentucky They had issue

bull 209 - 1 Drull111a Ann Bar1ow5 b 1823 marPaecal Warren Bills

- ~ ~ r



r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 21: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


r- - -) 7 ~ i _1

MARY npOLLY CARL16~(JOhn5Thomn82JOhn1) dauGhter of John and nizabeth(Barlow Carlton(7) was born July 251808 et coomer llkes CountYHCar bhe married Ell ~tory After her huabenda death she moved with her son to h1ax Creek Mo where her caurrter Caroline lived Had is sue

11 c 131 1 Joshua Story~ b bull moved to Max Creek Mo II -1-32- 2 Caroline Story b mar W~lker ~oved

to Max Creek lio bull 2l2-133- 3 Luoinda Story bOct121834 mar Milton Sherrill

4 -q -)7 -~- 11HJ1ffiY CARLTON (John3~ Thomas JOM ) son of John aJ1d Susanna (Smith) Carlton (7) was born Feb211817 at Boomer W1lkes Co bullbull Car He went to ElbertonGa where he married May 161839 Mary Thomas Eads a Widow of~ameD Burch a brother of Ruth Bureb who-- ~ married Thomas Carlton(~) an unole of Henrys She had two sona by her first marria~e ThocasCarlton Burch and Jameamp Jones Burin who later married and lived in Geor~ia Henry Carlton and his family moved in 1849 to Louislana liv1n~ atpw years at MindenLa bullbull where he had a larGe livery buslncos His wife died there AU~20185l leav1n~ a family of anall children The two youn~er ~irls lived w1th their mothers t1ster llrsJamee Calloway at La GraneGa for

a rew years tlr Carl ton moved to Shreveport in 1858 anc studied ~ law and became a sUQcessful lawyer tie was a Bapt1st as most ot the Car1tons were He died Aug131862 1n his 45th year at Shreveport La Bad 1ssue

L13 134- 1 Sa111e E Carlton5 bsept121840 mar John Durham bull 2 III 135 2 Jolh~ Carlton bSeptl1842j mar Alice Nicholson bull PIt- 136- 3 Mary Rebecca Carlton bllarQh 231844 mar YWRo~r8 ltit 137- 4 Harr1et Carlton bJune 171846 at ElbertonC~ car

1~y 41869 Robert Durham died 2 moslater July 17 -1869 of typhOid fever at 25 yrsj livedat De Soto Par1s~ La

~)7i38 bullbull 5 Lou Carlton bJan161848 mar Joseph PRohell~ at411 J~~~~

-2)~139- 6 William Upson Carlton bApr171850 mar Annie l1ar bull

i--17 -~~ 1 1 CHARID- CARLTON4 ( John3 Thomas John ) Bon ot John and Susanna

(Smith) Carlton (7) was born April 161819 at doomer ~ilkes County N Car He tau~t Dchool for several years He served as deputysherriff and aleo as justice of the peaae He was in the Civil Eer He was also Qaptain of the hoce Guard durln~ the war ~e waS clerk

and a leader in the Bapt18~ Church He lived on a farm at ~omer

tie married Nov18l841 Sarah Catherine Saner (Family 3ible Re~) (W1lkes CoMarrrlond dated Nov~51841wit by John Carlton) She was the dau~ter of Peter Sane~(also spelled Sayner 5ehnerSehnert ete) and Anna S~ithbAu~10l784 and died Oot3l186l at 77 years

_the d~~rh~_er of Senuel ard ~(pc17~lIEtthot Sa11sbury NCar pete~ Sane3~born lL~r~h 51783 ~~Rr h~uton-Salem the son of eter S~~er~ oornin-1759 lwas in RevWar~NCarcol Reoords Vol17p250)and Catherine ~haver (also spelled schaefereto) deu of John Shaver Peter Saner was son of Peter Sehnert bDeo251713 amp died Oet27 1782 (~r~ve stone in rlet~an1a Ce~near Winston-Salem) and naria Goepfert dau of Jorannse and Anna (Damar) Goepfert Mra Carl ton s

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 22: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

fatherPeter Saner3 died ~1areh 311860 and was buried on his farm at Boomer (~rCve atone) ~rs Carlton wrB born Aur26l825 end d1ed July 211873 at 300mer of typhoid fever at the ate of 48 years leavshy1namp a lar~e fBll1ly of ehildren The death of her BonJ lil11ern~ in

t= ~ 0 ~U8fly of that year in Texas was such a shock thet she was never well a~n The year of their marriabe they built their home near her parentsrPhe home is still atandinr and their randdau~hter L

Nora (Glrlton) Howell (~3) and her femily live there After hiB wifes death Charles Carlton married Nov141877 ~ry J5harp who was the postmistress of WilkesboroHCer He died April 271880 at 61 years of a~e and was buried beside his first wife and near her parents in the Saner Cemetery on the Saner farm at Boomer (Grave 3 Jmiddot~a

stones) For an aecount of her ancestry refer to IISaner Family a book eompiled by author of this book Charles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton had issue at BoomerM Carl middotRecorclstr01l_Farnl1y Blblamp-5~ __-4 ~-T ~- 1 Rebeoca Jane Carlton bAu141843 died Apr30l9l8

at Boomer in her 75th yr lived with her brother Semuel amp his family on the old home place after her parents death llved for awhile at ParisTex with her brother Robert amp family

q~~~- 2 John Peter Carlton5 bJuly 51845 mar Luey Fer~Bon ~~~- 3 William Henry Carlton bJanlO1848 died feb25 1873

at 25 yrswof ae at Lon~viewTex of smallpox after beshyin si~k a few days unmar

pjlJti3 shy 4 Tho~as A~rt Carlton bApr141850 mar Sarah Howell ))3144- 5 Samuel Smith Carlton bJan8l853 mar Roxanna Tulbert

and Eliza Carl ton oqSJ ~145shy 6 Mararet Susanna Carlton bApr81855 merAdam Crithey

o2J146- 7 Charles Robert Carlton bFeb41858 carHannah l1arshytisbia Hod~esbull

2ifr147- 8 Sidney Ellis Carlton bJune 30 1860 mar Nancentyabull Hays

~I ~7 - -pound - 1 ALBERTCABLTON JOhn~TtiomaS~JOhhl) son of John and Susanna

(8mi th) Carl ton 7) was born Au20 1820 in iilkes Co~ Carbull 1ie married ~lzabeth ~ope They lived on his fatheramiddottarm He died Hov301906 at 86 years of ae and she died Au121912 (~ave 8tone 1n their private eemetery on their farm near cioomerNCar Bid issue

22~ 18- 1 ~th 0arlton5 bJuly 241853 died unmar ~ ~- 2 Xliza ~ Carlton bNov291855 marFranklin Carlton

(253) a 2nd ouain ~~~7 150- 3 Sarah Matilda Carlton bFeb181858 ~rGeo UeGee no - lesue

John Carlton bApr291860 ~ied youn Mararet M Carlton bApr161862 mer Joe M~Lake1 William Harrison Carlton bFeb151865 mar Lina Williama

- r- l~- 7 Martha E Carlton bJuly 151867 mar Taylor Jolly -~S 155- 8 Celia R Carlton bJen5l870 marAmbrose Knipoundht 2 3~- ~- 9 l~ry E Carl ton b Dec 10 1872

Il- _) ~-k7 - a-- 1

L JOHN S~aTH CA~TON4(John~Thomas2JOhnl) son ot Jor~ and Susshy

anna (S~ith) Carlton (7) was born June 221823 in Wilkes CONOarmiddot He lived for awhile at Elberton Ga but later went to Louislena with his brother Henry in l8~9 He married Saleta Scarboro They lived in Claiborn Parish near Vienna and Uinden 9 La-JeeGled after

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 23: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

the Civil War ieavin~ his wi~ow and four ahi1dren The fe~ily later moved to 3e11 CountyTexas Ho reoord of them has been found Had issue 5

21t 157- 1 Jorn Henry Carlton b mer - 7 158- 2 Willlam Carl ton

c ~59- 3 Hollie Carl ton ~~c 60~- 4 Corne1la Carlton

-1 (

- ~~3-22 - 3- L 46 ---9---2 -- 1

iVELINE CA)JTON4 ( Thqmas3 Thomas2 Johnl ) daurhter of Thomes and Jane (Merry~an) Carlton(~ wae born Oct3l815 in Wilkes Co bull NCar She married Dec241833 Wilson Laxton son of3Levl Laxton and bro ther of Thomas who marrled her cousln Polly (~r) She dled June 3 1847 ln 32nd year Wllson Laxton was born April 101807 After ivellnes death he married 2nd Ruth Evelyn Greer born Nov14 1824 a slster of Jesse Gre~r who marrled Martha a slster of Evellne Carlton By his seond marriee Mr~ Laxton had 1esue~Amella Wm Allen and i1middotiartha Mararet M Mr Laxton died Deo301856 Data onemin thelr des~endants was obtalned from the Eller Family Hlatshyory ~el1ne (earlton and Wilson Laxtonshad issueT~a1imiddotWmiddotj9Jt11rmiddotLaxtOnAb~42~Ued--ft-1-864--1n

th~-ClvU--War bull

A-~~~i6I ~~~~~~~~~~~r~i~~]8~5J~~ -=-Bryant no 1esuerafter her death ha mar her sister Sarahbull

2yen1 16~o~ RaneY EltzaI axtOJl t 1) -~ah~1838 lC2 163- 3 ary Anne Laxton b Jan11840 mar Jesee Eller bull 2Jj3 1~~- 4 Thomas Wlck11f Laxton b1arah 201842 dled in 1864 in

imiddot the Civl1 War -2J-9165-5 Sarah Eade Laxton bAu101844 mar Jamel Bryant her

sister Janes widower ff-z2-3-J

BURTON~~~TON4(Th~mas)~e)~ohnl)eon of Thomas and J~e (Merryman) Car1ton(~ was born March 51818 in Wilkes CONCar He marrled Oct251~~7(~arBonddated OQt23) Nany Swanson daup ter of Jaces and Elizabeth (FeruDon) Swanson She was born Jan5 1815 and died Jan211905 at 90 years of ae He dled five days beshyfore hls Wife Jan161905 ln hls 87th year They lived at Boomer NCar where he farmed

- Had issue (Records from Faml1y Blble in poseession ot renddaudltel Nora(lar1tonH~23) Howell) 2~~ 166- 1 Thomas Car1ton5 bSept201839 died in 1864 at 25 yrs

bull J bull of typhold fever in Clvi1 War bur ln Hollywood Cem Riohmond Va

21~ 167- 2 Martha Elizabeth Carlton b~arch 251841 mar Hampton German 2~-7 168- 3 James Carlton bbull Jan231844 died of typhoid tever in

Olvi1 War as hls brother bur ln same cemetery2tJC169- 4 Evelyn Carlton bAu161846 mar W Caloway ~eado11a

hia 2nd wlfe no lesue husband was a Baptlst preacherwho had 2 children by hle let wlfe who mar two chl1dren o Samuel Carl tonU ~)- a brother-4n-law of Evelyn she died Dea31923 at 77yrs at Poree Knob Wilkes CoN~

2~ 17deg- 5 Ellza Anne Carlto~~~pOct111848 mar her 2nd Gousin SaIlue1 SOarlton (~) hls 2nd wife her ah1ldren llsted under her husbands napl8 (~)~~~ j

2- In- 6 Joel Anderson Carlton bAu~211851 ~ar Lou Fer~eon 25 bull 172- 7 Calvin Carlton bAU~151854 mar Lou1sa Gibbs

Lmiddot l~ 173- 8bull Jane Carltcn bSept151856 died Au251934 1n her-- ---


I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 24: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

I - shy



78th yr at Goshen Wilkes CONCar lived with her brother Calvin amp hie fa~ily after deaths of her parenta

I- ~ 22 -1 -I 449 - 9 ) ~ - r 2

DANIEL HILTON CA~ON (Thomas Thomas Johnl ) Bon of Thomas an~ Ruth (Burch) Carlton(~J was born Sept281823 in Wilkes CoNCar He married first ~lary Louise Steele daupoundhter of Pete1Lpteele and sister of Martha who ~arried Miltons cousin Piokens 11amp) Mary Louise Steele was born Feb191827 They moved to Elberton Ga where he en~aed in farmin H1s wife died there May 81863 at 36 years of a~e leav1n~ a family of four ohll~ren He married 2nd May 31864 Nanoy 1~SBrown bo~pri1 181845 at ElbertonGa She died Au291907 at 62 years of a~e and he died July 311894 at Elbe~ ton 1n his 7lst yearHe and Mary Loulse (Steele) had lssue

sJ 174- 1 Mar~aret Martt~a Ann Car1ton5bJune 181850 mar BT Herndon

~5AC 175middot 2 Thomas Calvin Carlton bllaroh 201853 mar Mary Heard ~~S- 176- 3 Sara Ruth Carlton bSept221855 mar Thomas Willis

2Sk 171- 4 James Milton Carlton bJuly 61861 mar lUnn1e Burh Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton ~ad lssue shy7-57 lt8- 1 Elbert Brown Carlton bSeptlO1867 died YeblO1884

t ln 17th yr 25f 119- 2 John Bunyan Carlton bMay 181869 marElla BMorrison ~~ 180- 3 Benjamin Harvey Carlton bJune 71871 marAnnie Tuft~ J~ 181- 4 Mary Allc~ Carlton bMay 221873 marJMonroe German (t92J a cous in

2fl ~82- 5 Wellborn Chaudoln Carlton bJan9 1875 marFlorenGe A Grace

~~ 183- 6 Lela Llzzie Carlton bJan17 1877 marlstHenry M i Adams 2nd GeoHall

2)-3 l~4- 7 Charles Chedle Carlton bSept28188l marLessle Cbull Cofer

c) tt 1~5- 8 Zora Evelyn Car~ton bSept71884 llves at Elberton P Ga is a te~cher ltt2[ -22middot-3-)

MARY ANNE CARLTON4( Tho~-~ T~m-~~ Johnl ) dauUlter of Thomaa and Ruth (Bursh) Carlton~)~ was born Au151830 a tW1not her 81sshyter Martha in Wilkes CONCar S~ married Oct 241849 Jamea iller who was born June 251828 He was a brother of Jesse Eller

-who married VJbQ mana Marys nieoe tlary Laxton (~~rrThey l1ved at Berlin Aamphe County MCar He was a leader in the iapt1st Qhurch He was president of the oaptlst Association in his district and was tnatrunental in oranizin~ new ohurohes and asaoeiations He was a member of the State Board of Ulssions for several years She was one of Gods real Saints and a true helpmeet to her husbandl~ he dled Marsh 191924 1n his 96th year seven months betore what would have been their 75th neddlne ~nnlversary She dled five months later Au301924 at 94 years of a~e Had 1asue

2fr ~~bullbull 1 Kartha Garo11ne lUlerSbreb24l851 d1ed Kay 101862 at 11 yrs

--t~ 181- 2 Thorlas namilton Eller bHov18l852 dled oy 61862 1n lOth y~ 4 days before h~8 sister

2t~ l8e- 3 Harvey Au~ustus iller bJuly 71855mar Kary Eller a2j~ 189- 4 rtuth America Eller bJJec6 1357 IlarReY DS Hubbell ~ l~ 190- 5 Adolphus lilll Eller bApr9~186l marLaura iieuland

1~1 bullbull 6 Albert Sidney Aller bau~29136~ mar Laura lenllan amp Franc1 s Ca~pbell

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 25: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

_ 1 192- 7 Edw1n Gioero Eller bDee191866 mar Laura Graybealamp Susanna Harless

2 193- g middotFranklin Plato Eller bApr41869 attended Un1of N Oar at Chapel H1l1 died at the Un1 of typhoid fever at the end of h1s 3rd yr at Un1June 151892 at 23 yr~

_ 194- 9 John Carlton Eller bOot301873 red in 1896 rro~ Uni of NCar died ot typho1d rever at home after conshytaet1n the disease at the UniJuly 41896 1n 23rd yr he amp his brother both mada hi~ reeords in debate amp eol1ee work

7c~- 22- ~ J -- I ~ -53 --9-~ - r

MARTHA CARLTON (Thomas3 Thomas2 John1 ) deuthter of Thomas and Ruth (Buroh) Carlton(~)fand a twin ot her sisterUary wae born Au 151830 in Wilkes CONCAr She married Dee151847 Jesse Greer who was born May 221827 in Wilkes County They lived at Klns Cree~ Caldwell County near Boomer and Lenoir He diad July 221864 She died Nov 2 or 91923 at 93 years of a~e a year before her twin iater shyHad issue

J711 195- 1 bull Hilton LGreer5 bOat101848 marJane E1iz GemM bull ir l~6-- 2 Ednond Greer b~ay 151850- mar in Texas moved to ClovisNMax~ Pad 3 ~hi1dren who died youn~ he dIed

Apr 291933 1n 83rd yr __ - shy~lt 197- 3 Thomas G~aer bOot10 18Sl mar his cousin M~ Carlshy

ton(~)~a~uof Pickens Carlton l1ves at Boone~Car tamily lista-d uraer his wife (~) ILIgt - - --shy

277 ~ 198- 4 MaIty Greer bDe51853 oar RayThomas Nelson middot21~_ 199- 5 Nanoy Evelyn Greer bApr1 1856 mar Reuben EstesJJ9 20~- 6 Cornelia Greer bJu1y 1QJ 1858 marWmErnestmiddot brother

ot David who mar her s1aterMarthabelow no 1ssue her husband died April 291933J she died Jan241892bull

1 it 201- 7 Martha Deane Gr~er bApr29l860j mar Dav1dErnest~ middot~t-I 202- 8 Sarah Greer bNOV29186lj mar Alonzo Laxton- __

71-22- -3 - 5 ~ THOMAS CREDLE CARLTO)(ThO-aTh~~2 Johnl ) son of Thomas middotend

Ruth (Burch) Carlton-9-)2-was born OotGJi1833 in 1Vl1k~s CoeNCar bull ~J~ _ ~ - He married Septl61856 Susan Matilda Triplett (ar Bond dat~t~~0

L~_~~ Septl61859wW~~ by Ohar1es Carlton) They lived at Boomer He (2-1 ~ -tJ-~ died Julygt 7186C) in his 27th year His wico~ -tnarried 2nd Robert l Wv

_ _ JGibbs eo~al1- of Mrs Charles Carlton(43)~SJ fj-t~ ~) -2bY~ ltenora Carlton~ b died younc~31~ ~ ~ 1 j- - -~7q 204- 2fGertrude C~rlton b died at 18 or19 18

Irew up a11same time ot Charlee car1tonfam1l1ec1~tlijLt3 12- -23 - 3 -I 1 ~1-

-55 bull 10 - -2 ~ T - ~ 1lt WILSON LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas John1 ) Bon ot Jane(Camprlton)

(4G-) and Thomas Land was born in N Car He married Had issue

1 ~ 205 bullbull 1 Mary Land5 I- t$206- 2 Martha Land

--~ 207middot 3 Taylor Land ~3 --2 ~ -Q- -

-~ -ie -2--middot11- NARCISSA LAND4(Jane Carlton3Thonas2John~~ deuamphter otJane Carlton)(~)aand Thocae Land was born 1n NCar~ - j_ bull - bull

She ~n1e~ HanolI19tlmiddotmiddotnl1er ~ ~ _ Had 1asuel

~~ - -- ~ - bull ~ I -


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 26: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


208- 10 William Mi11erSb mar Polly Millerao9- 2 ThOrlRB il111er b jmar his cous1n El1zabeth 210- 3 Hen~ ~111erb jear Mrs Martha Lewis

~7 - -4 - 59 - 10 ~ ~J

LINVILLE LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomae2 JOhnl ) son of Jane (Carl~ ton(-W)3and Thomas Land waB born 1n NCar He wae a Baptist preach ere H~ carrled Rhoda Proff1tThey had several eh1ldren but onlythe three who Grew to adulthood ~re 11sted ~ Had 1ssue -u-J J~1

9) 211- 1 Wl11lam Land5 b J mar Joseph1ne Dula -~ t 212- 2 Sarah Land b mar Jeff Marley 77 213- 3 Ellen Land b marR1hard Reotor

Z7 -- 2 - - 11 1 Tt r1W-4C 4 6a --36 --~-T JlU ~

NANCY BETSY LAND (Jane Carl ton3 Thomas-~nLJo~_~ ) dau~ter ot Jane (Qarlton)(~3and Thomas Land was born in~~r~She married Alexshyander West He was killed in the Battle of Winohester in the CivIl War and buried there

Had 1ssue 5 ~q~ 4- 1 Harvey West b marAmerlaMNeil

76-23 - 3 - )61-middotN - ~-1

lURTHA LAND4 (Jane Carlton3 Thomas2 John1 ) daulhter of Jane (Gar1ton) tW) IJ and Thomas Land was bo rn 1nN bullGar She msrrl ed Lean der Hendr1x 1n 1866 bull J YW~Jtg-31lIJi(gt~ Had issue ~

iq 215 1 Vlctoria Hendrl~ ~95 216- 2 William Hendrix

- -

shyltIjgt 217 3 Elizabeth Hendrix _ - - shy

UJ7 -218- ~ bull Calvin Hendrix 7--23 - 3 -

JAMES CALVI LAND~ ~ri~~3 ihomas2 John1 ) son ot J~e (Gar1ton)(~) and Thomas Land was born July 141837 in HCar He married Nov41866 Nanoy Wa~oner who was born Feb41846 and died 08bullbull71818 at 72 years ot ~e He died Aprl1 251925 in hie ~8th yearbull Th~ lived In Wilkes (Jounty Had lssue

~rZ- bull ~~9 bullbull 1 Jennie Catherine Land~ bJune 618~a marCharles C ~ WrI~t

tqq 220- 2 Thomas David Landblay 181870 marAnnie RobInette ~~r- 221- 3 Sallie Caroline Landb~Dea251876marCioeroParson ~pmiddotl 222- 4 l~ry Elizabeth LandbMarch 101879mar Zeb Robinette

EJ-~-3 -I ~ l~ -~

LAWSON LEANDER CARLTON4(Livineston3 bullThomas2 JOhnl ) son ot Llv-shyinampston and Elizabeth (Trip~ett) Carlton(~)~waa born May 261825 1n Wilkes CoNCar He marrled AUamp291841 Rebeoa Johnson~ ~e1 moved to Abblndon He dled ln the Clvil War Had I8s~e (allmarrled) $

3tl- 223- 1 John Carlton 3)1 224- 20 Geore Carlton 3~~ 225- 3 Sarah Carlton 3~--226- 4 A1iae Carlton b marJak Marks

62 -2i - 3 - ~ - -e- ---1

ABSOL~ aARSO~ CARLT0N4(L1vlnston3Thomas2JOhn1) son ot Ll~ inston and Ellzabeth (Triplett) Carl tone ~)r wae born Oet26 1829

L in W1lkes CONCar He married May 151850 Jane Tilley He d1ed


in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 27: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

in the Civil War as his brother La~eon did Had issue

30)~ 2Vshy1 Lewis Carlton5 bo died youn t7 228- 2 Aartha Carlton died younpound bull J

3t 229- 3 Frank11n G Carl ton b July 3~185l mar hi B 2nd 1I0U- shy

s1nE11za Jane Carlton(~)fdau of Albert Carlton(~)-- died Jan3l 1907 at 55 yr(rave atone 1n L1ttle RoQk Cemnear BoomerNO) name (149) ~

3 t- 230- 4 E11~abeth Carltonb ~Jt 231- 5 Mary Carlton b

amp-1 t ~ 232- 6 Edmond Carlton b 13-2-f1--

ch1ldren listed under h1e w1tes

mar John Clippard 1854 ~arSamue1 Pennell bull

mar Ma1101a Churoh - )

66 t 12 - -2 - 1 MINERVA ADALINE CARLTOW( Liv1nston3 Thomas2 John1 ) dau~ter of

L1v1~ston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(eYfwas born Apr1l 9 1831 1n W1lkes GONCar She married Jan61850 W1lliam Pennel They lived at Drako Caldwell Bad 1ssue 3~ 233- 1 Larkin penne15 b 113 234- 2 Thomas Pennelb 3 Jt 235- 3 Jasper Pennel 3Ji 236- 4 M1~ton Pennel 3J) 237- 5 Elizabeth Pennel 31L 238- 6 Josephine Pennel a~ 239- 7 Mary Pennel

CONCar She d1ed

moved to LouisvilleKent moved to Lou1sville Kent

llf 240- 8 Mar~aret Pennel 3-0Zt 2~- 9 Gertrude Pennel

rs--2f - 3-1 - - C--~ MANERY ELIZABETH c~~t(iiv~~s~~3 Thomas2 Johnl ) da~ter

of Livinston and E1izabetn (Triplett) Carlton(~)ifwas born June 10 1836 1n Wilkes CoNCar She carried Septl~1855 Georre Liv1nlshyton a preacher They 11ved at llurtriesville Tenn bull Rad 1ssue

lj~l+2- 1 Finley L1vineton5 ~22 2A-3 2 Thomas L1v1nston

- -

3 23 244- 3 Cornea11us Livinaton - ~

32-) 245- 4 Henry Livinston 3S 246- 5 Arthur L1vi~ston

T--b -2-yen- 3 -

LIVINGSTON LEROY CA-qrT~~(LI~~~J Thomas2 JOhnl ) son of LiT1nston and Elizabeth (Triplett) Carlton(~Yf was born Debullbull23 1837 in Wilkes CO bullbull NCar He married Dea81860 Jane Triplett 17ho wa~ born May 301838 They lived at Meadow Hill near BoomerNCarbullHe died 1n June 1904 in his 67th year She died May 301914 ~1ear Haf1 1ssue in Wilkes Co (FetD1ly Btble reoords) $ ---amp-It -- bull _r~middot-tgtt_e]4

1~1 bull ~- 1 ~rion Cerlto~bSept9186l mar h1s ~coueinAnn Carlton (~)lraau ot Piokens Carlton(~)~rdied Jan8 1923 in hie 62nd yr(trave stone Little Roek Cem near Boomer) ah1ldren l1sted under his w1fe (~) lived on his parentss old tarm rZ

3 - 248- 2 Hillard Fillmore CarltonbJan171863 killed June 26 1883 at 20 yre

JLq 249- 3 Sara Ella~ Carltonb Jan15J1965 marmiddotin 1383 her IOU i 8i~ John Carlton (96)l~3bro~ampr of Yarions wife Ann arid

son or P1ckens Carlton -l9 died Nov3l884 ( reve atone) 1n her 20th yr her widower mar her sister

L Louisa j refer to h1snucber (~-~3)


)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 28: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

)) 250- 4 Lou1sa Catherine Carltonbllay 151866 mar her cousin ~ w1dower of her s1eter(above) John P Carlton (~21 he~

family listed under her hUBbands name (--ge)I ~ jj~ 251- 5 Daniel aoone Carlton bDec271867 mar Bertha Barnes ~~j 252- 6 llary Jane Carlton bDeelO1869 ~ar ~anly Farsone ~~ 253- 7 Henry Oarson Carlton bDec17187lmarAnn1e Barnes ) 254- 8 ~e11a Carlton bMarah 141874 ~ar General Crotts ~ ~ 255- 9 Jean Leroy Carlton bJan29l876mar Wilmoth Barnes ~1~25p-lO Pantha Olive CarltonbApr20l878rnarThomas Broyh1ll ~3- ~7 -11 Romulus Silvester Carlton bMay 311880 mar a 3rd

ousin Alice Feruaon- (3-1) bull 5s1 2SS-12o Thomas Carlto~ bJu1y 251882 d1ed at 19 yrs

tpoundf _LI 3 - 4 12 - 14 - 2 - 1

LENA CARLTON (AmbrOSetThOmas2JOhnl) dauthter of Ambrose and Luinda (Foster) Carlton~17 was born in ~

Sha married Dury MeGee Had iseue

J3 ~ ~~- 1 Lowrie llGee5 j5j 2pO- 2 Ellen lcGee 3fJ 261middot 3 Robert U~ gt)

-----~9~-zb_3- ~- -- ~ ~ --~--I

LINDSEY HARRISON CARLTo0(wyat3 Thomas2 Johnl ) son of Wyattgt and Nancy Livinrston Carl ton(l-5 )p was lJorn June 11838 probably 1n J Wilkes or Caldwell CoNCar He married D1x1eE Tr1plett who was f born Dee101849 1n Wilkes County He was wounded in the Battle ot Gettysbur 1n Civil War They 11ved InCaldwel1 COWltybut in~1902 j moved to Juliaetta Idaho where he tarmed~ He d1ed there May 13

1910 in his 72nd year Bie widow died at Lakeside Calit Jan12 1913 at 63 years ot a~e Had issue (1st three boIl 1nWilkee CoNC amp othersat LenoirH$

I 3Jj-- 2620- 1 Zorah CarltongtbJan91868 oar WSCox

3r3 26) bullbull 2 Marshall Greenlee Car1tonbSept161869mar Betty 1- Pennell amp Caroline DHutchieon

3~~ 204~ 3 W1111ao llaston Car1tonbApr51811 marBessie 5teel~ ~~ Jfj 285- 4 Jesse 11e1-oye Carl ton bApr30 1873 mar ear1 Benshy r ford npoundgti~saue d1ed in 1920 at 41 yrs at MeMora t Ore

_ - 3 ft 266- 5 Joel TcCarlton bApr61875j died in 1nfancybull


bull JJf7 ~67middot 6 Roxie Carlton bllay 141871 mar Javan JBeaeh 3lf 268- 7 John Calv1n Carlton bFeb51879 mar Lottie Hutchison 3)ll~6f- 8 Romulus Prince Car1to1 bSept261881 l1ves with hiB r brother wm on fann at Dayton Wash 350 ~O- 9 T Roby Carlton bMarch 41883 died June 221902 at 1~

at Ju11atteIdaho T ---- bull 3 - Jf - ~6 -shy r CALVIN CARLTON4(wyatt3Th~m~~J~~lt son ot wyatt and Nanoy - (L1vinrston) Carlton(~)Twas born 1nwilkee Comty or Caldwell Co ~ NOar He larr1ed Rebecea Land (UarBond dated r OCpound1la-raquoJ850) He mo shy

f Had 1rJsue (oay have been lore_ ~~ OE) t~ ed to Texa _ j-rJ 271- 1 Haok Car1tongt __-~ r L t r lt_

1_ - I ))3-2-9_3- 1 -_~ -- ~_~ ~~

HENRY HARRISOn CARLTOn (P1altens3 Thooaa2 bullJohn1 ) son ot Pikens and Martha H (Steele) Carlton( i9)~ was born Oot1518401n Wilkes Co~ - NCsr He married Ella Steele He was a tarmer~t BopmerHe died~~ Had issue

- ~1 212- 1 Mary Carlton5 b mar~FuiJwoodSuddreth



~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 29: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


~f1 273shy 2 El1~abeth Carltonb unmar Z74shy 3 3ertha Carltonb unmar3 f 3

~ ~ 275shy 4 John Carltonb marllary Steele no iesue -) 276shy 5 Mattie Carltonb mar 011n McCreary - ( 277shy 6 Sadie Carltonb mar Lawrenee Ancrewe bull)_tfI

_ r - 278- 7 Fred Carlton b marNora Haas no issue j~

~~_ 2 7 - )-1_ ~ ~ 19 --2 --lt1

SARAH CARLTON (Piekens Thooaa 2 John1 dau~ter of Pickens and Martha ~(Steele) G2rlton(~~~ WElS born April 231846 in Wilkes Co NOar She ~arried June 261873 Jefferson Downs Bon of David and Mary Ann Downs They moved to ~ed1 son County l1o He was born Au 51846 She died Oot121917 atmiddot7l years of ae Had iSBue in Madison CoMoo 5

3~ ~7~middot 1 John Carlton Downs b May 71874 mar Elizabeth Pineshy ar and Alioe Mills ~8~- 2 W1111am Marvin Downs bMay 21879 mar Edith Geors

L-J San Frano1scoCa11r l1ve at PortlandOre 281- 3 Mar~aret Frances Downs b~y 121889 mar Lawrenoe S

Stevenson 7-21-3 -I 32~middotJy-q-h-2-3- I ~-~ -~ -~~amp-~~ amp ~ ~- ~- 2~-

JOHU F CARLTON (PiekensThomas John ) eon of F1ckens and Martha H(Steb1e) Carlton (~~~ was born Maroh 231850 1n W1lkes Co NOar He marr1ed f1rst in l88~hlS cous1n Sara Ella Carlton(~~~i~ dauhter of LLeroy Carlton (~r~)After her deat~~he marr1ed 2nd his widow s E3_i~ter Ion1sa~Cathet1ne Carlton (2~~1Smiddot Sister Ann Carlton (S4)~~arr1ed Harion Carlton brother of Johns two w1ves H1s I1rst w1fe was born Jan151865 and d1ed Nov31884 (~ave stone)

middot1nher 20th year H1s seQond w1fe was born May 151866 and marr1ed John FCarlton Sept181887 She 1s liv1n near Leno1rNCar He d1ed Nov191934 at 74 years of a~e Had 1sBue by Sara Ella Carlton (~ son who d1ed Dea241884name unKn~

1lmiddot 282- 1 Walter Carlton5 b June 191883~ d1ed same day John P and Lou1sa C Carl ton had 1ssue - 3~ 2~3- 1 John Carlton5 b mar Lou Rob1son 3~3 ~84- 2 Grover Carlton b d1ed unmar bull 3~ 285middot 3 Clara Carlton b mar Lee Klnoa1d 3~r 286- 4 sude Carlton b mar Fr1ts Bean

L 3Ab 287- 5 G1enn Carlton b mar Alma Klutz ~t areg 0- 6 Horace Carlton b mar Belle Ta1lor 6 2~- 7 Grace Carlton b mar Geor~e Irv1n ~6q 29q- 8 W11l1e J CarltonbSept291889i died Octl1889(rave

stone in Tho~aB Carlton Cem at Boomer)7t 29+0- 9 Oma JCarltonbSept201890 d1ed Oct61890 (same CemJ 31 moo-10 Cora ACarltonbSept41995id1ed Sept61895 (seme Cem)

t)1- 2Cf- _9 - J 91 - 19 - 2 - 1TRO~~5 CALTON4 (Piakens3 Thomas2 John1 ) son of P1akens and

Martha 1I(Steele) Carlton (l-9YCms born Sept5l852 in W1lkes Co NGar He married ~arh 221883 Mattie E Kendal dau~ter of Wm Kendal 0 They moved to Kansas where he d1ed June 61921 in h1s 69th year H1s wife was born Jan19l857 and 1s I1v1n~ at Centralia Kans Had issue

72293- 1 Homor W Carl tonS bMaroh 311884 died Jan251913 in _ h1s 29th yr

15~ ~94- 2 Robey CarltonbDeo151835d1ed Oet12l901 1n 22nd year

bull r -L 1 _ ~ L

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 30: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

~-4~~ - ~ --~ 2 DAHIEL ~HLTON CARLTON (P1eltenS3 Thomas JOhnl ) son of PickensI

amd Martha ~1Steele) Carlton O~)~~ was born Dee22l85J+ in Wilkesmiddot County near ~oomer NCar He married Jan15~860 Julia Brook-shire He and his fam1ly l1ved on the old farm-wh1e~h~8 randfather Thomas Carlton (J) was ranted 1n 1780 His w1dow hattthe orlinal deed and~ivln~ on the old plaoe with a dauhter and tranddauamphten I He d1ed lareh 6192~-~1n his 74th year S4~ ciU __j~ ~ -- f

~1~a~ ~~ ~~~~~~rta~lton5b1ee~o1890mar Da1e~ ~~middot~e ~~~_ =~ 296- ~ffje Carlton bSept2l~1893~ mar Charles AeGee ~9- 3 1rele Carlton bFeb141886 mar Oa fTeaue and

J Emma Sm1the _I- I [

517 2ge- 4 Jenn1e Carlton bNovalOl889i mar Walter MQGee ~7~ a~9- 5 Mary Carlton bAptl121893 mar Ieaae Walker 37-1 3~ bullbull 6 GraPr9arlton bFeb11896 mar Bertha K1rby 1~ 3Oi- 7 Adacgte~lton bDee241899 mar Jefferson Brpyhjll IJ3gt~ 3$~- 8 Venn1e Carl ton bJan91902 mar Ralph Swanson~~oot

~ Sldney H and Ju11a (Sherr1ll)(~2r)-Swanson and orother ot Nellie who married Glenn BCarlton ~~~1 l1ve at ~oomer where he operates a cannery~ theyadopted B_boy CorltOI1 SlNClhSl1) b ) yYtly-r-ed ~t-Ie -~jIASOYl

)2)_2--3 -) z76-7~ -u-3 - ~ 4 -9-3 - 19 - 2 ~ 1 amp 19T -~-9W ~ - ~

MARY CARLTON (P1ckens3 Thomas Johnl ) dauthter ot Piekens and Kartha-M(Steele) Carlton (J9twas born Maroh 231857 near Boomer W1lkes

rEoNCar shlf marr1ed Sett_1876 a cous1n Thomas Greers-shy

( ~~7-Bon of Martha (Carlton) (ampl~d Jesse Greer They lived at a _ Boone Wautau~ua CoNCar She died ~arch ll~~ at 78 years ot


81e Her husband was born OctlO 1851 and is l1v1nl at Boone Had issue

J1L- bull 3Q3~- 1 Roby GreerS b marRuth Cottrell- and 4 2nd ~ ~ cous1n Ann1e Ruth German (St7) bull

bull $laquoamp3 3Qi- 2 Rosa Greer b j mar L1llD Ford ~ ~Jf 3Q$- 3 Belle Greer b

J~ ~q6- 4 Hatt1e Greer b j mar Ralph Askew no al -H 1ssue live at BooneNOar with her father bull

j p~307- 5 Lilly Greer b mar Thomas Hopkins _ ~7 39~~- 6 Mary Greer b jtBu~t sohool hal beautf ~ hi shop at L1ncontonNQ unmar 3~ 309 bullbull 7 Nelia Greer b mar Lawrenoe Pennell

- _ 3V9 ~iomiddot 8 Horace Greer b j ~ R1tta U Pennell 346 3)1- 9 Grady Greer b jmarCather1ne Greerno lssue

1V _1-1 - 3-I~- stmiddot- 21- J -I - 944-~ --2 - -1 and ~7- 69 - 12 - 2 - 1

ANN OARLTON (p1ekens3 Thoma~-Z JOhnl ) daupoundhter ot P~ns and Martha M(Steele) Carlton (~)~~was born Jan3l1862 nearq9~er NCar She married Nov3~1884 her~ lous1nMar1on P ~rton5~~ Ion ot LLeroy Carl ton (69) her f1rst cous1n He was born sept9 1861 and d1ed Jan81923 1n h1s 62nd year She 1s l1v1n on the old tarm of h1s parents near K1n~8 Creek in Caldwell County Had 1sBue

~ 3i2~- 1 Cal11e Carlton1 bllarch 31886 mar Wm Walker 3~7~ 313- 2 Lelia Carlton bJan5lS9S mar Robert Cotfee J7~ 314- 3 Dickson H6C~rJton hDec281890 marApr19l9~ary

~u Kn1~t~ U~ J (lmiddot2nd cousin dau~te~ ot Celia (Carlshy~~on)(l5sectYand Kmbroee Kni~t died Oct191930 1n 41st

1- bull C~f~e~~-i-trave stoneLlttle Roek Cemnear B09mer~jno lBSUamp h1s widow mar2ndBrady Setzer

3JI m- 4 Sadie W1l1I1etll CarltonbJu1y 20la93 mar El1sha ArneBtS(56f)~~ 2nd cous1nBon of ~artha D(Greer)(2eil and Dav1d Ernest bull -z )


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 31: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


395- 5 Cl~urte C~rlton b Nov91894 m~r Mary J~ne Parsons 390~- 6 M~rgarlt Carltonb Novll1096j Mar 0fell Livingetcn

ann LeVi Reed

122 3 31 - ~ - 1 -UORGAN CAzI1ON4 (AJTlhrose L~wie JohnI ) son of Amhrose E_nd Prudence (Isb~ll) Carlton (31) WFlB born about 1806 in Wl1kl8 Ce NCarmiddot He mOVAn With his par~nts about 181R +() Clarke COAlabama and mdegarr1ed ther Allgust 101835 Anne E Dickinson (Lie Ree) She was born in 1815 They han iSAlle in CIRrk~ County

397 - 1 Jo e~phlne Carl tont b 1837 398 - 2 Eugene Carl ton b abt lB40 399 - 3 Vl1J ni a Carl to n b 1843 400- 4 De~tt Carlton b 1845 401 - li Me rgan Carl ton b 1848

124 - 31 4 - ~ MONTGOMERY CARLTON (Ambroee)LewiB John1 ) eon ot Ambrose

and Prudence (Isbell) Carlton (31) WRB born about 1809 in Wilkes CoNCar After moving to Clarke CoAla with hie parente in 1818 he married Feb141839 Martha S Dickinson vorn in 1819 They moved to Greene County prior to 1850 They had issue

402- 1 Eugene Car1ton5b 1839 403- 2 Mary Carl ton b 1841~ 404- 3 Emma Carl ton b 1844 405-4 Wayne Carlton b 1846

and others





5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 32: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


5tf~lJ-~6- 5middot~c-leudemiddot esrltOI) bNoV~91894middotmarMery~~e ~ar~na 3i~middotmiddot ~lr~middot middot1lia~aret-earl ton b ~middotNcv~l ~896l mar O~~llll l1aton

r L-~ amp Levi Reed 12 V- 32 - ij - I ~ 95 - 21 ~ 3 - 1

LOUISE LAXTON (Mary Carlton5fLeW1S 2 John1 ) deu~ter of llary (aar1ton)(~1~and Tho~aB Laxton was born about 1812 in Wilkes Counshyty NCar She married Joseph Barlow Had issue

Lvb 318- 1 Ce1Tin Bar1ow5 b mar R1ta Bentley -1 319- 2 Alford Barlow mar Orealla Gilbert bull c 320- 3 E1T1ra Barlow mar Lewis Holder ~~~ 321middot ~ Piekens Barlow mar Sarah Laxton ) 322- 5 Joel Barlow jIlarMary Hartley had Lawshy~ I renee amp others 11 323- 6 Le~ Barlow mar Ella K1rby Ji 12 3~tmiddot 7 Ca~1ne Barlow 5 ( mar Milton Sherrtl w101fshy 11 er ot LU~inda Story (~) )11) ~3middot325- 8 Jane Barlow mar Thomas 1tnipoundht ~7 326- 9 Mary Ann BarlowbJan151851 mar Luther Gottey ~~ 327middot10 Jul1a Barlow mar Allva B~rlow 13t_3L- tt-I

4 ge---~- 3---21- 1 LEWIS LAXTON (Mary CarltonLow1s John ) son ot Mary (Carlmiddot

ton) (e)~nd Thomas Laxton wae born in Wilkes Oounty N Car ae married Sallie Lee Had 1ssue ~

1~ 328- 1 Avery Laxton5 b mar Sarah Downs 17 329middot 2 Elbert Laxton b marMar~ret Downs

-1f1CJ~ 330bullbull 3 Matt10 Laxton j mar Dav1d Grubb ~ Jill 31- 4 Luclnda Laxton j mar ~und Tiller

- _~r- 32-11- I

LEV~ LAXTON4 Uary ca~t~n~L~is2~Ohnl) son of Mary Oarlshyton) (~Xand Thomas Laxton was born in Wilkes County NCar aamp

- - marrie~yra Moody ~26Had isshe

J-fZ ~bullbull ~ LeTl- Laxton5 b marbullbull lat Frances Bouhman I 2nd Laura altba

I )3ji-- 32- -1(-1 - -~bull a -7 - -

ELVIRA LAXTO~(Mary Oarlton3 Lewia2 JOhn1 ) dau~ter of MaryI (garlton)(~pJand Tho~as Lexton w~s born in Wilkes CONCar She

- I married N1mrod Triplett 1 Had issue seTeral ghildren but only one known by author

J-J2r 33- 1 Cieero Tr1plett bJ______ J32-32-7-1

6(r middotft - -3 --l-CARLINE ~XTON~(Mary Carlton3 Lew1s2 Johnl ) daudlter of Marr

( Carlton)(2 tcentld Thoma s Laxton WES born in Wilke s Co NbullOar ~e -- marr1e~ Allen Feruson ~l-~ gt ~ bull Had issue ~

If t 3~- 1 SI11th Fer~uson5 b marSophie HartleyJ -r )2 l 335- 2 Ella Fer~uson mar John Swenson2 child 41 z-335- 3 alone Fer~uson jmarGraoe Haas 2 children ~

JI~ 3337- ~ Nell1e Fersuson marRomu1us Wykej seTeral bull L ~- 338-- 5 Lou Fer~usonb marGeore Barlow no 1Dsuemiddot

~~339- 6 GeorGe Feruson_ merGraoe Barlowno issue h(~~middot340- 7 Allee Feruaonb ~al Romulus Carlton)

(~r)r~fer to his number for their tacily

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 33: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

tl1 ~lvi1 middot~r 1Fqr~n(7 h~ ~ nfl f(ll~ ~hil(lrrn T fp11 l~e

10Vpn +() -=3PJl~~rlt~1ex( (lpl+0n ~~ C01lrty RI~t) o ro~ Cf ~t~~~ 1gte lp~n f0lYl(1 Si~1r t~egtnJrmiddot 1fll~

rmiddot lt- 1 7 1- 1 John nnr~ c1tc~nJ l 1-2- ~middot11_i1 ~--r1t_C~1

17 3- 3middot-middotollie ~ltrl t( ~~ 174- Lt ~ornpli- pr1 t 011

11Jr- 33- I- ~ - tt - ~- - ~ ~- 2 -

J~ 7r~ GAJrr N 0 e ~ S - I The r1 r~ A J rgtJ-n- ) Ao n ( f LA 1 A P nf T ~n cmiddot (Grol~h~ ~RYltnn w= X1T1 11 UkAS (i~mt~rT(2rbull Set 161]7 He I1Rrrierrrch l51~5 Pr~~ll~ne Poll -A)lifJcn or rJ1iscn (~1Le~ 80iar30nrl lCo ~icnfn br ifrcf Pol--nn) Sh~ 1[Jf bCrn in 1)19 They r]ovPr -10 31(un t ~0mt~T~nn in +A 18309 1C+er 70 rricn County (n~pr 8hRttancoGR) and to Femiddotton GountvArkenRFFJ in IJ352 shyanr hOf1~steAnen lanr pr-=gt moRt of thpir children ere up He died in 1874 at n7 yeRre Rnd sh~ rien in 18qn At 72 ye~rs Theymiddot-hari~ iA ~~~ ~ tl at 3~ in Wilke s ~ Co ~ N Car 7 tn 7ennli~ 1 pst in Ark

))-175- 1 AnoArC)on Cnrlton~hDec21325 r1e~ April 1913 et ~ ~ JRRDArNewton Co Ark ~Rrtwice had 20 children

1 3 lh- 2 WilliarTJ Curtis b F~bl1lq27 diAn May 211897 in NAW+-on COArc had 5 children his erept grancson ChRr1ef3 ~surr~ss Stnt~ ColleeePabull Rent thfl QPta on Leis Cerltons cmn Alfpc Carltons fct~ilies -

J3J 177- 3 John Carlton b~Janll1Q29 cUed Tpn1906 at JC~per Ark h~ 8 children

32-1 7 3- 4 Le~i8 or LOlli~ Cprlton hJan1l1832 died AUE121362 Rt Corrinth~iRB ~Rn R Conffl~erRtp s~ldier

~Li~ 1 7- 5 rli7R Ttne CRltonb JanlllQ34 ~ieti Sept201894 in Newton Co Ark j mpr~ Pc hFld 9 chilorpn

f-)iJ- 190 - 5 Lo wer~r Carl +0n b March 111 l37 in Blo unt Co Tern niAn Nov27 1016 r-t AlmCtCrpwford C0Ark j llr 3 tlmee~ ha~ g children TPIAR CFlrl +on b eb 24 1 040 (1eo rISe iaRhine ton CFtrl to n b ltpb 2 1 1343 in ~prion ICc TAnn ~i AO Jan 10 1929 Rt Grphp_~ Yo lme Cc bull Texas

i~J713- 9 Jmiddot~arion ~FIlton b 24lR45inl~~arlon Cc bullbull Tenn rtid iRrch 251936 Flt -1pr r iI30nrk lRr 3 timee

1]194-10 ~-r[ry Sim80n 8f1 ton bAuC221847 in pr1el Co Tenn ~Rr hpn 2 ~hi1rlr~n

middot3 1 qS-ll ~i~Rbeth SFlrl ton b in 1854 in iTflv1t0n Ce bullbull Ark ther~ ~F ~ Fln FJ i ~R tn~ 9n ~ 1 rhAtJh h0 tJh 1 n tJhi ~ fpr111y

I- _shyto






13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 34: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc




13R - 33 - 4 - 1 JESSEY ~A~t0N4 (L~ wl 8 3 Lewl 8

2 Johnl ) I son 0 f Lewi e and N211CYI

(Crouch) CRrltJon (33) was born AugllR14 in Wilk~8 Co bull NCar He mArrl en ROO ut 1840 Mary I be rn C bo ut 1823 (1850 Cen BUS) 1 2S t raI2 unknown They Ilv~ri ln lRrion County Tenn Had lsRue (1~50 Ceneus)for 1flt 5 chl1oren

5440- 1 M~rgaret Carlton b 1841 441- 2 John Carl ton b 1843 442- 3 ~ewls Carlton b 1844 443- 4 ~val1ne Carlton b lR46 ~~~- 5 Joshua Carlton b 1848 bull

bull - 6 Rebecca Carlton b 1851 44fi- 7 Robert Carl ton b 1854 447- 8 Jo 8iah Carl ton ()bl155 448- 9 Eli jah Carl ton b 1857 449-10 Sarah Carl ton b 1858 450-11 Martha Carlton b 1859

4 141 -333 - 4 - 1 WARREN CARIToN Levn S LenB2 John1 ) son of Lewi B end t-rency

( Oro uch) Car1 ton ( 33 ) WS be rn May 5 H~20 in Wil ke8 00 N Car He moved to rllount Co Tenn Wi th hi B parente in the early 1830 8 and later Wi th them to Marion County He married Polly born a1xJut 1826 (1850 CenRus) He died at Al ton Park Tenn and bUried ~ Vihitwe11-1n December1915 over 95 years of age ( The Chattanooga Times for Dec201915) He had always unusual good health He WRS survived by three sone and a number of grand c~~ldshyren great grand children and several great-great grand children He was a member of the Cumberland Presbytenan Church Had issue 5

451- 1 Lewisi Carlton b abt 1842 mentioned by Chattanoo6a 452- 2 Times as living at Dunlap amp in his 73rd yr in 1915 452- 2 Louisa Carl ton b abt 1843 (1850 Census) 453 - 3 Jame e Carl ton b abt 1845 454- 4 David Carl ton b abt1847 tt tI

455 - 5 Nancy Carl ton b 1850 It

456~- o Sarah Carl ton b abt 1851 457- 7 Esther Carl ton b 1853 458- 8 William Carlton b 1865i Chattanooga Times eaid

he was 50 yreof age living atHarrisonArk in 1915 459- 9 bull P Amiddot Carl ton b 1867i Chattanooga Times gave

his age~as 48 ~ living at Alton Park in 1915

143 ~ 33 - 4 - 1 LARKEN CARLTON~ (Lewis J Lewis2John1 ) eon of Lewis and Nancy

(Crouch) Oarl ton (33) was born AIlEbull 201825 in Wilkes Co ~ Car rte WRS mentioned a8 an heir in the n1l1 of his grandfather John trouch in 182R ne loved With his parnte when a small boy to alout Co Tenn anti later to darion County where he WEIS living in 1850 lie rr1Arried Catherine h 1826 about 1845 iter lef3t nEDe unknown now Th-y had iSsue tn ~~ar1on County (1850 C~neue)

460- 1 Hnry Carl ton J b 1846 461- 2 MargRrpt Carlton b 1847 462- 3 Lemuel ~Rrltont b 1R49 bull

omiddot -bullbullbullbullbullbull


r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 35: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

r 4 1 ~ 5 - 36 2- 4 - 1 LUCINDACARLTON lDaV1d Lewis tJohn1) dRIlEhter of David aId

Amelia (Pe1tY) CRrl ton (36) was born Feb15lB-O probahly in L8wrence Co bullbull A1ahRna as her pRrentA mov~ct there in lR18 from ilkes CONCar Sh~ married Michael Howard

They hRd i=lRu~ (jible Recoros of thlir eon Howard Wright Howard) 463 - 1 John Wright Ho wardS b June 111838 j mar tTancy Kennedy

ann M~r~Rret Essary 464 - 2 EavtdcJ~ He ward b marbull Aue -7 I artha

E Bragg 465- 3 William A Howard b marAug311862 t

Lout sa Lehr 466middot~- 4 Eli~a C Howard b j mar S~pt 151869

Robert L Rogers moven to Texas in 1873 467- 5 FJi~abeth Howard b m8rNov171866j lpr

JMatthew Campbell moved t~ Texa in 1873 468- 6 P Walker Howard b died in childhood 469- 7 Sarah C Howardb marOct28 t1869Nlchola ra~ 470- 8 Rebecca Howard b jmar oct818r6 John ~ Dav1~ 4n- 9 T Adam Howard b jlUm1arried moved to Texas 472-10 Joseph M Howar~b marDec81880 Nancy Tidwell 473-11 Temperance Howardb marJan71879Robert Haetin~ 474-12 A11ce S Howarlt1 b died in childhood


HOtiEA ALFUNSO CARLT~~4(~~LWs2~Ohnl) son of Wmand Mary (Hall) was bprn abput 1832 in MonroeCoInd He dielt1in 1915 aged 76 years and was bart ed in Grant aemetery Grant Montgomery Co I~aHe was a preacher lnthe Methodist Church He married Delopb 1828 died in 1882 aged 54 years and buried next her ~usshyband They had mo ved in 1867 to Montgomery County Iowa They had issue 5

479- 1 J F Carlton b abt 1858 mar 480- 2 Harr1 son Carl ton b abt L- 11 ved near Alexshy

andria Iowai 481- 3 Ambrose A Carlton b bull res Grant OOIoa 482- 4 Elnna Carl ton b res Montgomery Co Iowa 483- 5 Mary Carl1on b died several yre before 1917 484- 6 Minnie Carl ton b mar Bennett res at

L Nampa Idaho 485T7 Rnaha Carltonb Mali McGuiree rea

Mancos Coloranu L 48b- Ii Li~~ie Carl ton b mar Spraguedied Bevershy

al yrR b~ fore 1917

L 164 - 40 - 4 - 1 JOHN H CA~TCN4 (Wm~Lew1s2Jofull) Bon of Wm abd Mary (Hall)

Carlton 8A born April 211836 in MonICe COInd He loved with hi parents in 1851 to Bates Co Mo He later returned to ~onroe County

L and was married there Janl186l Catherine Duncan daughter of Jacob D1l11can (Data taken from Hlst of middot~onroe Co Ind by Goo~Bpeed Publ Co in 1q84) John was a druggist at GasportOwen CoInd

L He cUed aOOlt 1917 Had issue 487- 1 AI va Carl ton b abt 1862 mar Laura Brown

$ 488- 2 John Garl ton b marJennie Asher had 2 chi L nien iU indianapolis mar 8bt lA90

4H9 - 3 Dai By a1l ton D na1 r1 ed

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 36: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

bull 490- 4 Myrtle Carl ton b mar Barrett amp CharleB Moffett (aht 1395)

491- 5 Ruby C~rltonb mar i1iFue died 492- h L~lA Carl ton b mar ______Martin nc i~Rue

died in MartinVille Ind

l 1


4 1 7 6 - 42 - 5 - ~ JOHN HARVF CARLTON (John Jr 3 John Jonnl ) Ron of John

CarltonJr and 1ltJi~ab~th (durch) Carlton CiS oorn lct30l~15 in W11kes Go ~(ar He liven W1th his parente in Tennassee He returnshyto W11k~s County about lR32 after his mother 8 death He worked for thH~ fo r hi B fathers Co uein Thomas Carl ton ( ) and aunt Ruth (Burch) Carlton sister of his mother at the age of 17 on the farm and in a distill ery He became in love Wi th Eveline Carl ton daughter of Thomas Carlton by latters first Wife This was broken up by Evelines marriage to Wi1eon Laxton ( ) in De 1833 About 1838 he was taken by an aunt to Clark COAlabama A year later m went to Simpson Co JUss Through the innuence oa James Murray a Baptis1i minigter he taueht school there for t20 yearA In Febbull 1840 he waR licensed to practise law in Mississippi In the same year he~entered Junior Classmiddot of College at La Grand Ala He finiahshyed college and t~Uamp~t in Arkansas He practised law at Fayetteville Ark and tallcl-tt between 8~89ions 0 ~ (~O urt In 1354 he was living at E torado Ark Hamp1 married in 1854 atmiddot Camden Ark Margar~t Milln Brown born in lR36at Summerville Tenn She died in 1873 at E1 Iorado Ark ann he died in 1878 at Dallas Texas This data was taken from his autobiography and from diariestombstones and sent ny hi a grannnAIlehter ~i abethmiddot lLeftw1 ch) orooks ) they had i saue

493- 1 uohn Liar1ton5 b at rJ LOradodied in lnfpncy 494- 2bull Jkrabeth lrl ton b in l8~ at 1aU)rad0frlmar~middot1n 1880 middotJfr~5il-Jjtt~t8p~tl~centtJilJi ~nowden MLeftwich died Jan bull 1886 at

lJallasTex had 2 sona who died without issue 495- 3 Clara Car1tonb 1858 died when a young womanino iSBue

496- 4 Sue Carlton b 18~O marilnOWdenMLeftWichW1dower of her ai ster

497- 5 Harvey Carl to n b d1 ed 1899 no i saue bull 4986 Hugh Carl ton b mar Katherine Kerfort

Anne Carl ton b marbull lteorge ventbull 499- 7500- B Morgan Carlton b 1R68 di ed abt 1873 at Dal1 ae

177 - 42 - 5 - 1 DANIEL MILTON CARLTOt~ (JohnJr 3 John2 JQhnl ) Bon of John

Car1ton3 and FJi~abeth (Burch) Carlton PB born Jan221817 in Wi1kee CoNCar He moven with his parente about 1820 to Bedford CoTenn After hie mothers death he returnen to North Carolina about 1832 and liven With coueine Hemerriedf1ret in 1843 Mary M Ch~tham He married2nd __ about lR83 He died Oct28893 at 76 years of age at Leona Texae He and hie first Wi f~ had i s~ge

501- 1 -1argaret jarl ton p~ 1846 died 1864 at 19 rra 502- 2 John Rob~rt var1 ton o 1 348 died 1910 at 62 yre

X-5O- 3 i-arie Liza Carlton b 1850 mar ~ _-_--shyamp had (l)Jalee Carlton b1870 (2)Robert Clarence b 1274

504- 4 Mary Eva11nR Carl ton b 1853i d1ed 1874 at 24 yre mar


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 37: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


-~ 505- 5 GeCrg~ IllfUR Carl ton h 1857 ~lttr-~~ SOf)- 6 Arthur 1Dl ton CRrl ton b lRfiO Clied 1919 Pt 59 yr~ 507- 7 Carrie ~rltonb 1~)62~ dien 19f)7 at yrs bull

bull 508- ~ 3et-h1t)~ i~Rrlton b 18bS mar amp had ciaubullbull Mre Ralph Riaser of BonhaflJ Texafl bull

bull 509- 9 3ertle Carlton b 1lt370 mar Fountain DanlellYl1ton Carlton han iasuesby 2nd wife at Leona1exaa

510- 1 ali v~r Hill Carl ton b lRA3

1 ~



_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 38: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

_ ~- ~j - 6---( w vV -~ -- 6 - 1

f1I(tOUlSA GARLTON4 ( Robert3 bullAmbr9se2 bullJohn1 ) dauamphter ot Robert 14 and Lavina (Barlow) Oarlton (331[ wae born Jan291828 ~~~edford-L r( Ind She marrled1st Sept71848 V1r11 Ve8tal~and 2nd reb10 1857 James L Houston She died Feb41907 a~ Bedtord at 79 yearsof ate ~1b t-lt n-~ 7 t4J l-u 1 )ivnu 4 It-a d- t~ L-LelttJ Hy~tnv ~ ~~ She a~ V1r11 Vesta1 had 1~Bue gt-4~r~ tr- ~J

~ 3~1middot 1 Fe1101a Vestal bAu22l849j mar WmLane Lou1sa and James LHo~Bton had 1sDue r~

J~ 3Jt2- 1 Car011net1tdUston5 b Dec81857f mar Robert MGX1nleyS 343- 2 W1l1iam V Houston bNov9l859 IlarJoseph1ne Kelley ~yen 344- 3 Robert Houston b Apr131863j mar Mabel Pearson I v7 i shy L -- ~ J

~TVtL-- 4 _lO~ ~clt~ ~ ~ - 1 JAMES CARLTON (Robert3 Ambrose John1 ) son of Robert H and ~ L

Lav1na (B4r1ow) Carlton (7Wwas born June 171832 Hemarrie ~_ Dee151851 oar011flfP1J1tetl1 e eLT~ti 1n h1a ~ middot73rdmiddotyear J~middott~d1e ri ~Lt- ~ve-rn ~8 LJAt-~g-7t~middot Had1s~uelt~ ~


~gt-1A-middot~U l ---7 Jcr7t ~ rlj 345middot1middot Chrles Car1ton5 b 1n 1852 died Sept 91859 at 7 yrbullbullnt 3t6- 2 Robert Garlton b 1n 1854 d1ed 1n 1859at 5 yrsmiddot Jgt7 3~7~-3 Mary Louise Carlton b MarQh 191857 mar Edmund Dbull -r~ Thornton -- ~ ~

- f j~~8- 4 W1ll-lam Carlton b 1n 1859 j d1ed 1n 1nfan-y SI 3~9-middot5 ~~cartonb Apr281860jd1ad July1900 at 40 yr~ bullbull ~

~ () 350middot Q Martha Carlton bJuly 201862 d1ed Dee26bull 1-93 at 11 o yrs UI1Ilar _

~ SJ 3~1 bullbull 7 Frank Carlton b July 11864 mar Nina Pratt -lt ~middotSJJ- 30yen~ 8 ~~carlton bbullAPr3~1867d1ed Nov~13~~35 at 68rr8~

gt J23middot3~3- gMelinda C~rl~on bMay 201870j ~ar ~ordC)nGauld - - ItfS -1 ~

~OBERT MILTON PARKS~~~a~1o~3Ambroee2JOhnl)t s~n oi Esther (Carlton)(34toend PleasEl1t Parks was born DeG141815 jUWt$iiiP

~~u~diana He was a Bap~1st m1n1st~r ~e~arr~e~~j~lJ~g

Jr~f 354- 1 Pleasant Wesley parks5 b Oot181846- diedmiddot Nov201852 bull L rsmiddot355- 2 James Osoar Parksbllaroh 5 r 1848j d1ed May 31848

_ Zb 356- 3 Esther Parks bDeo91850 died Sept17l852 bull middotr~7357- 4 ~ouise Parks bllay 201852 mar Sept61875 Samuel

---- - _ R1chardsan art1st nO1s~ued1ed 1n 1931 at 79 yrs 5Jf bull 358- 5 V1-ola Parks bOt281854 marHarbert Edwards S9 359- 6 Theodos1a Parks bJuly 131856 t1ar ColUIlbus Hall Jr3) 360middot7 Robert H11ton ParksbJu1y 251858 m~L1111an Uoorman

--~~~~ PLEASANT ALONZO lA~~~~ crit~n3 bullAmbrose2bullJOhn11 eon or -L Esther (Carlton) (~and Pleasant Park fa orn Nov121828 pRe

~ 1n Indlana He married 1st -~ ~- ew an en ~

~ _ _the1Xch1ld as born He oarr1ed2ndSarah Johnsto t~ rd SUlant Owen~ He d1ed Feb11 t 1878 in h1s 50th year e was a la1TYer

and Sarah (JohnstOl1J had 18sueS~~-l-~ftJ-tr~J ~~ g1 361- 1 Ida Parks= b ~cv~63b mar John Walker~ rl~J7 ~~~ L He and Susan (Owens) had issue ~JI 5-- ~

SJJ-- 362 1 Flora Parks bApr131860rmiddotmar ll1ehael Haeket bull 33 ~ 36- 2 1atherlne--)lrks b 7--Fnez- mar ~ Frankju1kj bull

_1 1 364- 3 Geor~e~FaF~~ -(~ lt7 7 (J~7gt~4-1~L bull middot~l~-aL L ~+ ~1 _ ~ Cl ~ ~~L- (J ~

ofmiddot wVJpound[- J -b ~zt3u- L -0) J e A A _~z -~~i-z rv~bull -~ IAJ bullbull f bullbull _~ r-

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 39: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

- I t -- r~ ~ 113 - q middot 6 - 1

OAROLINE PA~~S (Esther Carlton3~~broBe2JOhnl) dau~ter of isther (6arlton)(~p~and Pleasant Parks was born Nov161830 She

_ 1 married Harvey Parke She dLedrSep~221856 1n her 26tb year ~t ~~--_ b1rtn of a son bull s~ )l-r~ ~L~~ Yi-IJ ~-z-~~lkrTiwshy

I_lA yenr 5- 1 GeorGe Parks b qept221856 mar Lillie Eemondson - ~)tJr 71shy

- 126 bull 37 - 6 bull 1SU~T GAROLINE CARLTON4 (Thomas t 3 Ambrose2 JOhnl ) dauthter of

Thomas Lewis Carlton (1r~and Pales (Halbert) was born April 14 1836 at Bedford Ind She married April 31867 Franklin A Housshyton She died Feb1019l8 in her 82nd yearHad issue

~3~ J66- 1 Julia Houston5 bDee291867 mar Wendell PWallhe1sshyer



shy -~__~~

~ -

~ -~ 2- 0 Cj - fI- -+-I ~_ DRUSILLA ANN BARLOW5 (Al Vin4 bullTompkine3 Eli zabeth Carlto~ JomF

daughter ot Alnn West Barlqw and Mary Ann (F1lJher) Barlow was horn

- I bull

1n 1823 in Kentucky She married Faecal WarrenBi1ls (be22-r9t~~ ~8Rof DrAlVin Wilson B1l1s Ib1n NCar1798d1846 in Kentuoky) and of Uary Nel80n ~8 (bln Vabullbull 1803dl874 1n Mo) Dr Alvin W

Bille was eon ot Daaael Bills (b1n NCar l l715d1824 1nTennbullgt eon of Daniel B1l1e (b174l in NXd1825J Dr AlvlnW Bille mojher was L1111an Houston (b17 in NCard1840 in Tenn mar 1797 in NCar) dau ot Chr1stopher Houston (1744-1837) sonmiddotot John Houston Chr1 stopher Houston was a brother ot Sam Houston famous Texan tor whom Houston Texas 18 named Isaac and Lillian (Houeton)B1l1s had a daUghter Pst1enc8 lIhce~tor ot Gertrude 1)1J)n

--~ - Entleldpf Lagma Beach Calit I former protee$Or ot Speech atln1 bull ot SoU Cal1t and compl1or of history of the Hou8ton8 Drueilla Ann died 1n 1895 a~ 72 yeare She and ApscaJ WB11lsbad ~ 537- 1 Ann El1E8 BillS b 1857 mar Re1nhardtbull

t ~ ~t ~ bull~ ~~

4 ~~- bull~_~ _ rmiddot

bull r ~ A

~ -

~~ bull


bull bull bull ltr






_ i

- ~

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 40: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

GENERArION vmiddotmiddotmiddot ~ )) _ 7 - ) -t - 3 -

133 ~~f--- 2 - 1shyLUCINDA STORy5(Uary Carlto~~John3ThomaB2JOhnl) dau~ter of

Vary (Carlton)(40)Y~nd Eli Story was born Oct12183~ probably in Wllkes GoNCar She married Nov101858 Milton Sherrill She died Jan61862 in heft~8th year at LenoirNCar He married2nd Carol~ne Barlo~5(~)~ distant oousin of Luoinda They had issue Julia Sherril who married Sidney HSwaneon and who wes mother of Nell Swanson wife of Glenn B CarltonO(4~) and who was mother of Ralph Swanson husband of Vennie Carl ton5 (j2) He died May 61900 Luoinda and Milton SherrilS had issue

~~ 3amp~- 1 Mary Sherrill b Feb51860 mar Tho~as Sherrill - l )~ r _ ~ _ - _ )

- bull 1 ~ - bull I ~

SARAH SALLIEtt ~zis~~cliLT~N5lttnryJohn3 Thomas2 Johnl ) bull daUamphter of Henry and Hary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~~was born Sept~2 1840 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parente to Louisiana when nlne years of ae She attended Southern Female Collee La Grane Ga for three years When Keaoh1e Female Collee open~ in 1859 shewent from Shreveport where the family had movedmiddotto Keaeh1e and taulht Piano in the lolle~e tor ten years She married May 1 1870 John Durham and moved to Shreveport She died Nov21S76 1n h~ 36th year Her children were reared by Mr Durhams slster 1n Texas Had 1ssuer3-r ~a-- 1 John Howell Durham6 bllay 181874 d1ed at about 15 rramp

of a~e in a RR acoident 1n Texas rJjtJ ~- 2 Harr1et Durham b JW1e 22 1876 mar James Gr1ff1th bull

u 1 - r1 )7 - _~ 1 JOHN CARLTON5(H~~4i~~~JOhn1) son or Henry en~

Mary T(Eads) Carlton (~)~1was born Septl1842 at Elberton Ga He moved to Louleana in 1849 With his parents He marr1ed Sept271868 Alice N1cholson He l1ved at Shreveport La Where hemiddotwas a cotton saIplermiddotfor two years He d1ed of tubereulosis Apr1l 10 1874 1n his 32nd year His widow married James Barker and had a son

middot bullho d1ed about 2 years of a~e She d1ed Apr11 221885

Ji~~d ~tg~l Henry N Carlton6 b Nov271871 was a ~i~~ermiddot~~ R~d - fJ R1Ter died a5 Shreveport 1n 191Jt at 43 yrs unmar

~2- ~11- 2 Edw1n caI~ ~ ~y_ 23~8r3 marVMCo~middotmBeard

~6- -42---T=-~ MARY REBECCA CARLTONS( H-enry John3 Thomae2 Johnl ) dauPlter of

Henry and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (4euro)~rwas born March 231844 at Elberton Ga She moved with her parents to Lou1siana in 1849 She was one of the three tlre~ ~raduates of Keach1e Female Collece in 1860middot She tautht for years She married Oct20l868 Youn Will shyiam Ro~ers They moved to CenterTexas about 1875 She diedAue 261903 at 59 years of ae Her wldower died Deo31936 at Center ~exaB nine days before h1s 93rd bt~thda1 Had 1ssue

1- Sl3 372- 1 John Carlton Ro~erI96bSept61869 mar Belle Wilsonbull IL~ 373- 2 Graves Ro~ers bJuly ~1872dled Au241895 at 23 yreS-rj 374bullbull 3 Harriet Roers b at KeatohieLa marCarl

I MYoXni~t no issue d1ed AUamp301897 ---rb37S- 4 Mary Lou Roersb in 1876died Sept61893 at 17 lrs

r7-376 bullbull 5 William James Rorers b Feb151882 llar t1)~~middotCa~~1fgt J17- 6 Thomas Ro~ers b d~ed Oct29 1903 -f

~ ~ I

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 41: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

LOU CARLT~~ (Henri~~~~~~i~~ms2 ~~o~) dauf)1ter of Henry and Mary T(Eads) Garlton (~)~~was born Jan161848 at Elberton Ga the year before her parents mo~ed to Louis1ana Her mother died when lou was three years old and her father died when she was tourshyteen She then lived with her cothers sisterMrsJames Calloway at La GraneGa for a ahort time but later with her brotherJohn and s1sters She married Jan231868 Joseph Pancoast Rochelle They llved at 1Ceatohie in De SotQ1arish near ShreveportLa He died April l31909~n~hsect~~iv~~thperdau~ter Mary on their farm at Keatchi~~~~8he~~ years over n1nety she ~~ very aativa and correspondcdwith many ~i~j~tin in

better penmanship than moat youn~ people~~~the data for all of her fathers desoendants and of her unole Johns (~)17 -- -_bullbull - _4 r_-4al ToA

_ ~-t+_)6 1913 She dl ed after a sbo rt 1 Center Texsa where she ~~e~~ Dell 28 1943 in her 96th year at near h~_r ~ephewsJohn and WIn Ro~~rf~~~r~pe~)ng the winter WUOQUD _ ) dlea

rrJ she haa lived w1th her mother sin~e then shy~v( SO bullbull 3 Sallie Car~ton Rochelle bNov61874 marAu~1902

Warren Victory died 16 moslater Nov31903 at 29 yraSf2- 381-- 4 Kather1n~ RuGely Rochelle bDee221877 mar Ben

Victory brother of Warren above St3 382~- 5 William Pochelle b Au91880 died Jan71886 at 5 yr

~~ 383- 6 John Henry Rochelleb Haroh 51884 mar Berta McLeanbull gty5 384- 7 Edward Ro~hel)fbJ1i~O~J~Ojdi~d AU~~1898 1n~8thn

~gtJWILLIA1JUPSONCARLTO~5~n~~~~~S2Johni) son of i~nry - and Mary T(Eads) Carlton (42)J17was born Apr1l 171850 at ll1nten La

- Be married Feb121883 Ann1e llar He owned a dairy at Shrave~ort L Be died Feb 1912 1n his 62nd year His widow died April 261925

~ rn- Had1 s sue 6 shymiddotmiddot~Wb -_ 385- 1 Robert Iler Carlton b Apr121884 marMildred Cunni~

-~~~ ~~ ham 2J2~_~ ifgt=)7 - 3- ~~ L JOHN P~ER CA~TON5 (~t~i~~~~j~~s2 JOhn1 ) ~ s~n -o~~~rles~

and Sarah Oather1ne(Saner) Carlton 43ytj-was born July 51845 at Boomer N Cer When a younS man he went to 13ud~ Texas where he marrshy

ied Lucy Vir~1n1a Feruson daughtampr of Fendal and Sidney (Clark)L

Fer~8on She was the widow of Henry ~iller and had the followin children by hie LLoyd ~2ebnt LedUer and Estella Miller John P Carlton died at BUda 1n July 1913 at 68 years of aGe Hs w1dow was born Sept221855 at lree Union Va and dled at BUdsTexas June 241935 1n her 80th yearHad issue

L Sj7 386- 1 Sally Falba ~~ltof~b~ Oct14~1886 marWmKSmith _-~--- ov - J _ 3 --

THOMAS ALBERT CARL5~( dh~~i~4 jopoundn3fhOtnaS2 John1 ) ~on of Charles and Sarah Cather1na (Saner) Carlton (~)~was bornApril 14 1850 at Booner lCar He ~arried J2~181872 Sarah Elizabeth Howell born Oat2l1855 the dauhter of Sherrod and El~zabeth

L ~ (Fertuson) HOTell He lived at Beomer all of his lite ownin~ amp tarm near h1s father e bull He died there Dea221906 in his 56th year His widow and family relained on the tam forssveral years

L before mOTin~ to Lenoir NCar about 20 miles distant She died

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 42: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

at Lenoir Dec271929 at 74 years of ate and was burled at Lower Creek BaptlBtCemetery near Lenolr where herhuBband was buried

f ~~d i s su~ra t Boomer N Ga5middot )~ 3-37- 1 Rosa Carlton b~arch 311874 died Oet261876 at 2 yra ~- 388- 2 Jasper Carlton bHay 61876 mar Lela Jones amp Laura

Buchanan ~~ ~ 389- 3 W1111am Carltonb NOT221879 went to Okla when a

youn~ man was killed at NewburOkla when thrown from a horse Sept291902 at 22 yre of ae

-390- 4 V101a Carltonb June 131882 mar James A Boldin ~ ~ 391 5 James Edrar Garltonb Jan121887 mar Amy iiToiIIJ)k1ns ~

3lt 392- 6 Thomas Marvin Carlton b llaroh 121890 mar Hazel Tomp- 1)-

k1ne e1ster or Amy above (YSi~ 393- 7 Turner Carl ton b Apr27 1892 mar Pearl llcGowan ~-~ 394- 8 El1zabeth Cerltonb Au~81895 marFeb1419l5 Ershy

~ C~ D ~nest K1rby son or Galley H and Sa1d1e (Ernest) K1rby I~ of Leno1rN aJ~ 11ved 1n her mothers Old home forI several yvs ~ 11Ted ~t Johnson C1ty Tenn for seyshy

V era1 yrs no l~veBI 0t Lenoir ~ ~3 - -7- 3- I

1-44 --431- 2 -y-SAMUEL SMITH CARLTON5(Charles4 JohnThomas2 JOhn1 ) son ot

Qharles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (43)~~waB born JanB 1853 at Boomer NOar He lived allot h1s 11fe on h1s parents tarm He marr1edlst Nov27 1873 Roxanna TUlbert dau~ter or James W11son and Mary~t11da (Brown) TUlbert at Goshen near Boomer NCar She was born Feb221860 at Goshen and died Nov24 1883 at 23 years of ale leav1n~ tour eCtl ch1ldren He carr1ed2nd Maroh 41886 h1s second cous1n El1zsf arltonQ(T6)~dau~terot Burton and Nanoy (Swanson) Carlton (41) ~ She was- born Octll1848 and d1ed May 141927 1n her 79th year at Boomer He died at Boomer Deo101926 at 73 years of a~e They were both bur1ed 1n the Bapshy

tlst Oemetery at Boomer where his tirst w1fe was burled -_ ~ Samuel and Roxanna (Tulbert) Carl tog had 1ssue at ~oomer ~~~~raquo~ shy

S~) ~ bullbull 1 Gharles W11son Carlton bOct291874 marM1nn1e --- ~ bull - Jenn1n~s -

middotrJ) bull 96- 2 Minn1e Lee Carltonb leb281877 marRobtCMeadows middot~middotsbDmiddot 091 3 Alonso Baxter Carlton bJuly 221879 marbull Etha Dealbull -~ J6ij bull 398bullbull 4 Romulus Porter Carlton bllarch 81881marAnna Meadows

Samuel and In1za (Garlton) Carl topound had lSBue at Boomer ~7o 399- 1 Nora Eveline Carlton bApr71887 marAdonis Howell

- ~ bull Jtee 2 Royster A1verta Carlton b Oct 11 1889 mar Feb7 I~ 0) ( T--- 1912 Geor~e Laxton amiddot 3rd cous1nU-lJ) Bon of Alono I ~tmiddott fh(middotlmiddot~f and Sarah (Greer)(2e2p~axton Royster tau~t 1n the

) -~ lu tj~_middot~ J sehool at IC1nGs Creek for several years unt11 1938 amp he ~~-t-~7~c~01 ~ has been With the USPost Orf1ce Dept there and at

~ i~it7C~~ttt~middottrb2)K-t- Leno1r for years they ~ l1ve on and operat~ a t--4~L ~~lq~lf~l) farm at K1n~s Creek now 11vfnrat Leno1r~in Winters I

S7~~middotmiddot40l- 3 Glenn Burton Carltonb June 71893 marNellie Swanson )1 ~~ - - ---

145 ~ 43 - 7 - -2 - 1- MARGARET SUSANNA CARLTmmiddotr5 (Chsrles4 JOhn3 Thomas2 JOhnl ) ~udlshy

terot Charles and Sarah Cather1ne (Saner) Carlton (~r~~as born Apr11 81855 at BoomerNCar She marr1edApr11 101873 Thecas Adam Cr1tcher who was born Sept51843 They 11ved at Bamboo Wa~shytaup County NCar where she d1ed March 41877 at 22 years ot ae or typhoid fever four years after her marr1a~el Her w1dower oarr- 1ed a~a1n slx years later Betty Brooksh1er and had1esuemiddotby her one son and three dau~ters He d1ed Dec211915 at 72 years otBe bull llarpret (Oarlton) and TAdam Cr1tcher had issue at BambooNCar~1bull

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 43: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

~7-lt 402- 1 Ullard Flllrlore Critcher6 bJuly 151874mar Adltie Hodtes

7) 403- 2 Charles Calvln Cr~tche~b Deq2ll876 mar Grace Grub~ i

bull bull~ bullbull ~) ~J- -_ a

146 43 bull 7 - 2 -1 CHA~ES ROBERT CARLTON5(Charles4John3Thomas2JOhnl) Bon of

Charles ann Sarah Catherlne (Saner) Carlton (~)i~was born Feb4 1858 at Boo~er NCar When a youn man he went West to Colorado and Washlnton with his brother S1dney He married at ParieTexas Nov181383 Hannah Martishie Hodes whom he knew in North Carolina before she ~oved to Parla She wae born JUly 111862 in Wautau~ CountYNCar and was the dau~ter of Thomas and Mary (Inram) Hodes They l1ved at Paris Texas the rest of their lives They were amon the first to build a home in what was later called West Paris As a contraotor and bUilder and architeot he erected anummiddot bar of ho~eB whioh were the pride of the people of Par1e durin the first decade ot the 20th oentury In 1895 CRobert Carlton throuth the reoommendation of HonDBCulberaon member ot Conampress was appointed as Supt and Custodian ot the Federal middotBuildin which housed the Post Offioe and Federal Court offices He was a hard worker and a man o~ business ability He ~ve and lent his efforts to et an

adequate school bUildin for Paris He was a friend of the younpound who had a stru~~e to obtain an education He and his wife were both charter cembers of a Baptist ChUrch which was oranized 1n 1895 He was act1ve in the erection of a church buildin He contributed and furnished a home free-Of all rent to the pastor tor two years or moramp Later he led the local church in buyin~ a home for the pastor As a layman he served as moderator of a Gouncil whioh considered chares a~inst a Baptist preaoher of Lamar County H1s ruli~ wi th the aotion of the local church and commun1ty completely exonerated the minister He died at Paris at 47 years ot ae Feb15l905 as a result of a broken le~ bein~ injured by a fallin tree His widow died Nov1219l7 at 55 years of a~e Had issue at Paris Texas

~7ji 40~- 1 Claude Sidney Carlton6 boct161884 mar~Maude Steiss ~7~ 405- 2 Robert Jaokson Carltonb Oot31886 died Dec1219l7

at 31 yrs one month after his mothers death ~S7 ~- 3 Eula Lee Carltonb Au141889 marMErnest Dement bull ~~~ 497- 4 Hary Hodees Carltonb Oct14189li marGeoWWortham S7l 4)8- 5 Iva May Carltonb Apr141893 mar OEReeves --S( 409- 6 Uoyd Saner Carltonb March 141895 mar Annie Rodera

O amp Clarice LUlIpkin S~ ~10- 7 Harvey B1ndlam Carltonb Jan261899 marMary Hamilton

L ~~2 ~li- 8 Mildred Lucil~e~aarlton~gApr19~903mar Sank ~ey 22~ _ - - 7 - 3 - I

SIDNEY ELLIS CARLTON5(~~~~i~4j~~~~~~~2JOhnl) youneatQhildof Gharles and Sarah Catherine (Saner) Carlton (~~was born June 301860 at Boomer Wilkes Oounty NCar He atten~ed an acadshyemy at MoraVian FallsNGar His mother died when he was thirteenL years of a~e He took an active part in Sunday School end was Supershy1ntendent when he wae in his teens When he was about nineteen years ~ld he went West first to BaldwinKansas where he wor~ed tor Robert

L Hays whose dauthter he later oarried He worke6 tor seTerel monthS at Denver Colo and also at Walla Walla WashintonbullHe sawth~ West in its early days At these two plaoes he was middotJoined by lUs brother GRobert Carlton Whl1e workin near Walla Walla he hadamp BeTere 8ttaek ot typh01d teTer and was nursed by his brother They

~shy returned to Kansas in the fall ot 1883 Robertcoinc toPar1s Texas L to be married and Sidney to Baldwin FansBs to be mBrrled~ The lat-ttl

married at Black Jack near Baldw1n on ThanksiTinpound Da1 bull NOT~29le83

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 44: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

- - - 4- --Butler COlm~ypenn the da~~ter of ROber~~and Jane (Flnd1ey ) Hays (~oberfH~Y8 =was son of Wm amp liary (Martin ~ Haya Wm be1n~ son1or Robert amp Nancy (P1~er ) Hans Mary ~Crtln WS-E1 dauthter of Wm amp El1zabeth (Crawford) ~artin) ( jene Findley was dau~ter of Dav1d3 amp Mar~aret (Glenn )F12dley Davld be1nt eon of Samuel amp Mary (Graham) Flndley and Samuel beln~ eon of wm1 amp Mar (Dreamer) Findley Maramparet (Glenn) wae dau~ter of Jamee Glenn amp Janet (Ster11n2)dau ot Joseph Sterlln~ amp Mary (Porter) )

Amiddotfter themarr1age of Sidney and Nancy (Hay a) Carl ton they l1ved at Black Jack for a few years They moved to Parle Texas and B1~lnGham Texas where he was en~aGed ln bUlldln w1th hls brother aRobert Carlton Thelr third ch1ldRuth wae born at Parl~ They returned ~o Baldwln Kansas at the time of her fathers death ln 1889 and remalned there unt1l 1901 farmln thelr own farm as well as the Hays fa~ Whlle llv1n~ there he bu1lt the Black Jack Preeby~ terlan Chureh one of the most modern rural churoh bui1dlns ln this country He took an aotlve lnterest there ln po11tics as he was a member of the school board many tlmes ns~~ssor trustee etc for several yeare He sold hls farm ln 1907 and moved to Garden Cltylnthe western part or Kansa~ where he entered the contractln busshyiness and built many of the best homes of that oity_ Whl1e 11vlr~ at Garden Clty he was County Treasurer of F1nney County for two terms 1913 to 1917 He Bold his property there ln 1921 and they spent the wlnter at SpokaneWaeh1nt~on with thelr dauamphterRuth and Bon Berne who were llvln~ there They moved to E1 PasoTexss in the sprl~ of 1922 to care for the t~o small chlldren of their son Clarenoe atter the death of the latters wlfe They were Jolned there by the1r poundon Dale and dau~terMarJorle Two years later after the second marrshylas of their sonClarence they moved to Loe AnelesGa11f in 1924 where they have resided ever since On Thankslivlnamp DaYNov29 1933 they celebrated thelr Golden Weddl~ Anniversary All of the1r aeven 11vlr~ ch1ldren and nine ~andchl1dren were present eom1n~ from Seattle WaahaEl Paso Tex and three places ln Ca11fornia Her slster Laura Hays who 11ved for yearswlth themandwho ViEs at their weddln~ was also present for this oe1ebratlon ~here were also present about 150 ~ueste 1nc1ud1n~ re1atlves and fr1ends who attended the receptlon in their home Doene of ampifta letters and tele~8 were reoelvsd from oouslns and friends throu~ut the United States They ralsed a fa~11y ot el~t children all of whom attended col1e~e

- ln dlstant 01tles Four sons were 1n the World War and their eon Paul died while 1n the servlce ot hls country They entertalned re1atlves and fr1ends extenslve1y He was a man or stron~ Christian eonvlot1ons and was a leader ln church work whereever he llved He wae a member ot tb~~~b~ter1an Churoh and a stron Rep~b11oan His wife Qas always ~ ~1Ye part ln churoh and soolal work too and ~ways bae keenly allve to 11fe and surroundln~8and hoe alwaysremalned youn~ Sldney E Carlton dled at Loe An~elesCallfornla at hls home after a severe l11ness of several weeks Deo141934 a~ the a~e of 7~ years He wasmiddot burled Deo111934 ln beautiful Forest

- Lawn Memorlal Park Glendale (suberb of Los Aneles) Hls widow 11ve~at Los An~e1es wlth her sons Dale and Luther Had lssue

~3 412- 1 C1arenoe Hays Car1ton6 b Oct11884 at Ba1dwlnleans -7 mar 1stKather1ne Gracey 2nd~ary E Hay~J-I7l-bullr-)CtltL

))7 413- 2 Ed~a~ Ds1e Carlton bOct121886 at Black Jaoknear ~o BaldwlnKans ~rad from hl~ school at Baldwin ntten~ ed School of En~lneerln~Unlversltyof KansasLawrence Kans was a oorporal ln 5th D1T or AE~ and was ovep seas for 2 years ln World War ~~~ been a buildln~ eonshytractor at Garden C1ty1Ums n PasoTexamp Los ATl~e1-


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 45: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


esCa1if lived at Los AnGeles fr~ 1923 ~-rgt -~ -l-~ f I ~ ~l 1 ~

J~~ 414- 3 Ruth Lenoir Carltonb Nov151888 at PariBTexas mar John Erskine Anderson bull

415- 4 Paul Carey Carltonb Nov11189l at Blaok Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad from hiamph school at Garden Citys in 1910 tauGht Bchool there f0110wi~rear attended University of Kansas at Lawrence tor 2 years nae a member of Siampma Phi Sl~a Fraternity was Coxswain on USSSan Dleto amp Pittsbur he died on the latter shipof pneumonia at Rio de Janerio Brazil dur1n~ the World War Nov41918 one week before the Arm1stice and one week nefore his 27th birthday was buried at Garden G1tYKansDec12J1918 after on~ of the lar~est funerals ever held at that oity when all businesses closed to do honor to his memory bull Sfr 416 5 Saner Berne Car1tonb Dec311893 at Baldw1nKans man Thaodoris Smith

f6S- 417- 6 Luther Findley Carltonb Feb81897 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hiamph sohool at Garden OityKsin 1915 tau~t school there the followtn~ 3 yrs was ~ loth Artillery of 10th Div in Wo~ld War at Camp FunstonKans a~tended Unit 01 Kansasl9l9-1923gradshyuatin with the MusB 1n P1ano was a member of Pbi Hu

Alpha national professional musioal traternity and oemshy11poundP~ ber or Mao Dowell Fraternity was acoompan1st amp sol01et

~ ~~ ampI)t- fJvmiddotyJ for the Men f e Glee Club or the Unl taueht Plano one middotmiddotlW~Pi~liJ1Li1 Winter at San Mtonl0Tex taughtPiano in hiamph school J~~ j~(Jl~t Med1cine LodeKans for 2 frs was d1rector of the ~L4111~ ~ musio department in Labette COlmt7 Commun1ty Hl~ SCh004 ~1lt+fr fw ~-~~uJ) Altamont Kana 1925-1928 attended Summer Schools at

bull IZto ~r~ Un1 of Ca1it at Los Anampeles amp Un1 01 SouCal1f in ~lvrlv~~~V~ 1925 amp 1926 has been teach1ng Plano In the Second~rr ~~ ~tI ~~ I~Schools of Pasadena Calif1o since 1928 studied 1n ~ f-~ tv~ 4(r- -+-1 Summer Schools amp U~t ~chools at Un1 or SouCalif 4

~i~~reOd the BSdeeree from that Uni 1n 1933 amp was elect- bull I ~ ~~~ ~ ad to Phi Kappa Phi nat10nal all-university scholar-v ~~ ~~ ~ shlp rraternlty in 1934 1lve4 at Los An~eles since 1928

~~f~~ With mother amp brotherDale author at the Anoestors amp ~ ~ ~~ Descendants or Robert and Nanoy (Plumer) Hays author or ~7~lrWmiddot I Y Saner Family H1story oompi10r or thls book moved ioto ~V-_y his new solar house at AltadenaCalif in MarCh 194~

~Jl~t 4187

_ 7 Marjorie Hildreth Car1tonb Oct231898 at BaldwinKan L~ mar Thomas Richerd Hulthes

vfi 419- 9 Sidney Ellis CarltonJrb Sept301901 at Black Jack near BaldwinKans ~rad trom hlGh school at Gar~en

~lt7Kans in 1919 attended Garden City JrCo1le~e tor one yr attended University ot Kansas tor 3 yrsl920 1923 went to Spokane Wash 1n 1923 amp was with the West-

I - ern Union Life InsCo there until lt was sQld 1n 1928

to Sun Llte his brother Berne worked tor same oompany amp his slsterRuth lived at Spokane h~ was with the

L ~(I Phoenix ~tutua1 Lire Ins Co at Chloaro amp later at Tacoma tgt-~~Wa8h sold 1nsurance for Travelers L1re at Seattle tj lived at Seattle amp Yak1[ls Washforseverll-yearai naB

I) ~~~ been a consUl tan for LOJ al ty GUP a~ seattl8 forJ eev-p i- ~ ~rmiddot OK c 1949 Z 1 bull - ~ 8~ ~j1C1 4bull -- shy

010 ~ a yea~s ~~~~7-_2-1J1is-6--73~~ shyELI7A JANE CARLTON5(Albert4jOhn3Tholas2JOhnl)dB~~er 01

Alber and 3l1zabeth (Pope) Carl ton (4Jt )~h was born NOTf91855 at Boomer NCar She married Peb81883her 2ndcousiJl- Flenkl1n Q

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 46: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

jar~ lon cCJ I ~UIl 01 tUtlULOJiJ tilmiddottlUll OL wVU gttrJ I UQ nag ltIv

311851 and d1ed Jan3l1905 at 55 ears of 8ampe She 1s l1vln~ on the1r fam at Boomer Her eon-1n-law and the children of her-d~shyoeased dalJVlter Emma (Carl ton) Land live w1 th her bull sA-~tLeL aX rl~

~Had 1sBue~at BoonerNGar ~~i99~ ~ ~O- 1 Gertrude Carlton6 bJan301884 marLloyd ~edlock ~f~ 421- 2 Lewis L1v1n~8ton CarltonbJune 27l886mar Flora

Kn1~t ([173) a distant cousin Eoma ECarltonb Nov261888 mar Thomas W Land Bary Lou Carltonb Oct291891marMackte Kn1Ylt (~~j a distant cousin amp brother of Floraabove

ARGAREr M CARLTONW~id4Z~3~T~~~a2Johnl)dau~ter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton ~~Jwa8 born April 161862 at BoomerNCar She married Au9188sect Joe MLackey They live at Granite FallsNGar Have issue 6

~q~ ~~ bullbull 1 John Albert Lackey bApr251886imar Mary EarpIt 425middot 2 Boone LackeYb Oct101887 marHatt1e Fer~uson 511- 426- 3 Binum Mansfield LackeybAu~25l889mar_AnnePennell bull s1f 427- 4 Sarah Lackeyb AU91892 unmar S~) 428- 5 Ada Lackeyb Oct181894 mar Monroe Smith tt 429- 6 Grady Laokeyb middotSept61896 mar Florence West ~ 430- 7 Carl LackeYb Sept6l898i mar Bertha Ward P~~ A3L 8 Georre LapkeYb Oct51900i mar Callie MoNe1] ~~ 32- 9 Lizzie Jane LackeYbSept81904marMart1n Gilbert

2-32- jJ- ) 7 - 3 ~J

WILLIAM HARRISON CA~i~5~~~~~~~~0~~ ~Th~mae2 John) son of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (~)~~was born Feb151865 at BoomerNCar He married L1na Wil11ams He d1ed about 1935 Had issue 6

-D lt43-3- 1 Nelson Carlton b marMaydalenelt1lby - lives at Gran1te1lalls N Car ~~~ _~34- 2 William Carltonb mar 11Tes in Tenn tJk ~35middot 3 Geore Carltonb i uhmar ~ t-7 4036- 4 Gertrude Jane LenaCarl ton b bull ~1ves i~ fenn

bull bulllt ~ wi th her brother WIn bull Itl 437middot 5 Ray Carl ton b unmar

233 ~- tJ -)1- ~ )

MARTHA E CARLTON5ii~et J~h~3T~0~a2Johnl)dauamphter of Albert and Elizabeth (Pope) Carlton (44)~~was born July 151867 at BoomerNCar She married Taylor Jolly and lived at Boomer She 18 dead Had issue at Boomer 6

~~ J 438- 1 Vester Jolly b Feb 8 l88t3ilIlar Bess1e MoGee bull I _

) I f[0 439-

~_ 32 Lester

Sarah JollYbJollyb mat

mar GraceClinton


j ~ 441shy 4 Julia Jolly I) 442- 5 Ua~1e Jolly

_ I ~ 443bull shy 6 Alexander JoLlyb J died at 32 yrs

c j-- 444- 7 Enma Jollyb died ~

L ~ bull I~ I -- - -- ~

155444- 7 2 middotmiddotr QELIA R CARLTON5(Albert JOhn3ThOm~s2JOhnl) dau~ter ot

L Albert and El1abeth (Pope) Carlton ~)~~wa8 born Jan51870 at BoomerNCar She married Rov251393 Ambrose G Xnicht She d1ed Dec271923 at 53 years of ae

L Had issue at BoomerNOar

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 47: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

~c- 445- 1 Cslle lsterlE ln~Q1 D~ay JoLU~J JItlL-JJaVu ~u

i 446- 2 Orpha Jane Kni~tb Auamp251897mar bull Apr41920Wade Livin~ston no issue live at HUdsonNCar

447 3 Mary Lou Kniht5bJan~1900mar1Bta 2nd cousin Dickson Carlton (01A)~~on of llarlon Gar1ton(~) amp Ann Oar1ton (~) ~7mar 2nd Brady D Setzer L 7 _

448shy 4 Dav1dA1berttKniampht b Jan291902 marLe11a Arne~ 449shy 5 Geor~e Hackett Knle)ltb March 271904marBertie Arner 450shy 6 Ohar1es Paul Kni~tbMarch 31905 mar L11y Hines ~shy451 7 Zyd1a Glenn ~~~t~~May_22~190~

_ oJ -amp ~1 -- -~ -

157 - 45 - 7 - 2 l-JOHN HENRY CARLTCN5 (John4 JOhn3 Thomas2Johnl ) son ot John

Smith and Sa1eta (Soarboro) Carlton (45)~7was born __ He moved w1th his mother from Louisiana to Bell County Texas after h1s fathers death He may have been the John Carlton who was k1lled by a train when he was movin trom Bell CountyHe married _ Had 1ssue

)-23 452- 1 Martin Garl ton6 b - - bJfmiddot 453- 2 lMna Carlton b)1 I ~ 2 ~ -JYJ 2 2 - oJ -

~ yen- ~ ~-9 -~ 2-1 (- MARY ANNX LAXTON5(EVe11ne Carlton4Thomas3Thomas2Johnl)da~~

ter ot ETel1ne (Garlton)(~)~1and W1lson Laxton was born Janll84P in Wilkes CountyNCarJ She married April 1859 Jesse r Eller born Dec171835 son ot Catgt~I Simeon and ranny(McNe11) Eller Her aunt Mary Anne Carlton (~i~ marr1ed Jesse s brother James Eller

Jesse Eller was a oaptain in CoK53rd NGar CSA He wes severeshyly wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse The tamily tirst l1Ted ~

Wilkes County but in 1869 moved by oovered aon to Wapello Qo bullbull Iowa In 1873 they moved near HowardNebr and in 1880 moved near Marlon Va where both died ln 1900 she be1ne 60 years ot ae ~i _

- - Had 1 s sue 6 - gt l2f 454~- 1 Oscal Pulaski El~er bJU-y 281860 mar Eva Wrid11i

~ t~Q 455- 2 V1r~1n1a E8ds Eller b A~21862 mar J AKirk --)7 ~ 456- 3 Junius Arthur EllerbApr201867 marGeort1a Johnston bull

~ -~~kt-~ 451_- 4 Qu1noy Aswel1 Eller bUov151869 mar Mary Sanders 11 458- 5 Edward ETerett Eller bFeb121870marEllzabath lUJel1 bull

1~ 459- 6Ellen Eller bin 1873 died 1n 1883 ot d1phthet1a _ - 11 ~6Q- 7 Manley Toy Ellerb in 1875 died la 1883 of diphthe~la

JJ- 461- 8 Lou1se Eller b in 1877 died in 1883 ot diphther1altt3) 1 462- 9 Benjamin H1ll Eller b bull Dec201879 mar Bell Cornet~ i 3~ 463bull -10 Mol11e Evelyn Eller b ~ay ~1188l mar WHMcNe1l ~brb--j

ot Elizabeth who mar Edward E11erabove ~J- 464-11 Hattie Ed1th Ellerb July 141883 ta~t in schooleot

North WilkesboroNOar d1ed llay 1933 in 50th yrtIDmat3L 465-12 Emma Chloe El1erb llay 161885 teaches in the schools

ot NW1lkeSjO(~ middotZ 22 _ __ )


UARTHA ELlZABErH CA~~O~S(~~~~~h~~as3 Thom-aa2 JOhnl ) di~shyter ot Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~yen~was born March 2~~

L 1841 at BoollerNCar She married Sept-zr 1859 Hampton Gernanfwho was born Sept251334 They lived at Boomer where she d1ed AUamp~ 1910 at 69 years of a~e and he died March 171912

middot Had 1ssue at Boomer NOar ~gt shy

L - ~37 456- 1 Sarah Elizabeth Geman6 b oct24 1860 marSidney ~rod middot ~1tr 467- 2 Cornea11a Germanb Dec28l867 mar NelsonLaxton~ middot b31 bull 468- 3 J~es ~onroe Germanb Jan10187lmiddotmar a ~~n~ry

L kl1ee_ Carlton(~l81~ 9middotmiddot~da~middotot-IhM11middott~~ton ~_ -llv~middotat -~ jJ-$ -- ~

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 48: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

Alice Carlton (~~ dau~ter of DMilton carltonCitr they live at Boo~erNCar where he has a datry bU81ne8~

am1ly listed under hts wtfe (Jamp) ~lJ ~ 469- 41 John Sdar Germanb Au31877 mar Belle Laxton

~ I - j _ (~~~ _ ~ u i~ bull bullmiddot

171 - 47 1 9-- 2-- I JOEL ANDERSON CARLTONS(Burton~Thomas3Thomas2JOhnl) eon of

Burton and Nancy (Swanson) Carlton (~)~Jwas born AU~2l185l at =aoomer MCar He marr1ed Lou Ellen Ferampuson He was a meror~t at Boomer and later at North WtlkesboroNCar for several years He d1ed July 261922 at 71 years of ae His wife was born May 291858 and died Oct201936 at 78 years of aampe

l Had lssue at Boomer 6 ~~) 410- 1 Fer~uson Carlton b died in infanoy tJ~ 411middot 2 RomuluB Lee Carltonb larch l7188lmarL1zzie Lencastfr

~o 4T2- 3 J Lindsay Carltonb Au261886 mar Emma L1nnell ~f( bull 413- 4 Davld Hlll Carltm1J~ AuC26l890 marGladys Rawlins

~7- ~1ti2~ 3-

CALVmCARLTOn5(Burth~a3~Thoa2 oluil ) s~n of ~ondeg

and Nalley (Swanson) Carlton ~)4twas born Au151854at Boomer Ii ear He m~~1ed April 201876 Lou1sa Gibbs dau~ter ot John and krtha (lrlp~tt) G1bbs and a 2nd8~Qus1n ot the ta01ly of Charles 00

Qarlton ~Y~n their nothers (Sarah Cather1ne Saner) s1de They l1Ted at Goshen Wilkes County NCar near Boomer bullbull where he was en~ed 1n raro1n~ H~ died Feb231926 at 72 ears of ace His wite was born Sept6l855 and died Apr1l 211935 in her 80th year


- Bad lssue _ o 00 -

gtJyen Jf1J+- 1 Waltar mdmU~ middotCarl ton6 bullb Sept291877mar Ida middotWilliams _ ~ ~j _bull J+7S- 2 Lawrence Jesse Carlton b- Sept6 1881 mar EVa leEw~n

~ Z 4T6--- 3 Homer Arthur Carltopb Oct4lr883 marFlorence Steele deg zs3 -)lt0 - 22 =- 3 - -

~ MARTHA ANN ~o~(~~i~~li~0~~s3hom~~2JOhn~j 0lt

daudlter of Dan1el U11ton end~ Louisa (Steele) Carlton (49~was oborn June 181850 Shs marr1ed Oct28middot1869 Benjamin Thaddeus bull


Herndon They lived at Crawfordv1l1e Ga She d1ed March23190e 1n her 58th year ~ 0 0 00 _00 0 ~o

~ shy

t~td ~~= ~ Mary Lou1se Herndon6 bDec161811d~ed ~~~ut l~~~~-Jgt~f9 bull 478- 2 Thoas 1lton Herndon b 1874mararYStevers

obJO 4i(9- 3 Sara Ann Carlton Herndonb Sept16about 1875 was a - --teacher bJ I ~- 4 Hat~1e ae Herndon b May 16 about 1880

jS l~ it _ 2~ - s- ) THOAS CALVIN CARLT~-3 iD~iio4 T~O~3 bullTh~ bull J ohn1 ) son ot

Dan1el Milton and Ia17 Lou1se (Steele) Carlton ( was born llarch 201853 at ElbertonGa Ee carrled Oct13188l Uarr Heard in pound1shy

~ l berton CountyGa He ~raduated at Geor~1a State Univers1ty He practloed law for nine or ten years He was a Judce when he was ~lled to preaoh He moved to Oklahoma where he preached abo~t 25 fears ln the Bap~lst Church He preached at Oklahoma City He d1ed there Oc~41928 a~ 75 7ears of aGe His wife died July 151929 Had 1s sue 6middot tj~ 481 bullbull 1 Thomas Calv1n Oarlton bOct30l882j mar about 1911

L J ~~ in Call~ 1s a pharmaoist 0middot0

~f~A82 2 Lawrenc9 Heard Carltonb Jan141891mar Inl927c - Ruth he 18 a eureon 1n Ford sHosPoltal

Detro1t Ml ~ -- - ~~ - ~ ~

- ~~ -~


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 49: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc


ill- rshy

176 - ~ - J - 2 - 1shySARA RUTH CARLTON5 ( DBUIto~t+ Thomas Thornas2 Johnl ) dau~ter of

DM1lton and ilary Louise (Steele) Oarlton (4~~~as born Sept221855 at ElbertonGa She married Dec191876 Thomas Willls who was born May 251848 He died JanlO1931 She d1ed Nov14 1920 at 65 years of ae They lived at E1ber~Oo~tyGa Had 1ssue

) 48~ 1 Ora Carlton Wil11S6 bJulY 81880marMrsHatt1e SteadmaJo b~S 48~- 2 Maude Mel11ssa Wil11sb Au~51882 marJan91906

Tho~as Alvin Wooton lives at TuscaloosaAla ~j~~ 485- 3 James Milton Wi1lisbJu1y 191886mar Leseieoore

486- 4bullElbert Paul Wi11isb Oct241889 was in World WarI 481- 5 Mary Louise Wi111s~b Oct101892 488~- 6 Tho~as Ruth Wil1isb Sept30189S mar Ezra Moore

2~--~ - ~f -- -- ~- j -

JAMES HILTON CARLTON~~1~~~4~T~~a3~hOmas2Johnl) son o~ DYilton and Mary Louise (Steele) Carlton (49)~~was born July 61861 at El~rtonGa He reoelved his UDderee tram Auampusta Geor~a

Medical eo~ee He married Dec161886 Minnie Burchdau~ter at Thomas Carlton Burch ~o waf a eon ot Urs Mary Burch who later married Henry Carl ton (~Wand son of James Jones Burch brother of Ruth (Burch) Carl ton (9)lf randmother of James Mil ton Carl ton Dr Carlton practiced medicine at Mt Oarme1SCar He died AulS1909 at 48 years of a~e His widow died July 11912 Had issue

~p 489- 1 Marie Lodise Carlton6 b llar-ch 301888marHoward Stakemiddot J shy ly-

J 490~- 2 Frankie Burch Carltonl)Jan41891~t teaches at Atlanta Ga a ~J 1)$1middot ~middotb~ 491- 3 James Milton Carltonb Feb11894 marSept2middot31916

Eunice Euenla _Bolj~n ~~ is 1 merchant at C~mmerce~bull 2Sl - _~ - - gt - )

179 - 49T -9- 2 -1middot JOHN BUNV-AN CARLTON5(DM1lton~Thomas3Thomas2John1) son middotot

DMilton and Naney (Broml) Carlton (49gtfwas born May 18J1869 at n berton Ga He married Jan 21901 Ella Bel1p Morrison Theymiddot _ lived for two or ~hree years in Alabama but the rest ot h1s 11fe 1n~ Georampia where he died Deo31935 1n his 67th year He lf8S a banker Had issue

)~ 492- 1 Vir~inia Claire Carlton6 b Sept25190l mar S~ I I McArthur Dutan bull J 493- 2 John Morrison Carltonb Aull191lmarMiriam Grift1th

L middotjiJ~middot494- 3 Robert Honta~~ carto~ ~eb22l918n-untLL-J~S---J(~L-~ J _ - Wi _ _- ) -7~

_ I _~v shy


l8O-49-9-2-l BENJAMIN HARVEY CARLTONS(DMi1ton4~~homas3Thomas2JOhnl) son

ot D Hilton and Nanoy (Brown) aar1ton~was born Jul 71871 at ElshybertonGa He stud1ed ~eficine at Medical Co1le~e at AucustaGa He took ~raduate ~ork at a ~edical eol1ee at New York Dr Carlton praoticed medicine at DonaldsSCar He married Annie Lou Tufts W~J was born Dec201873 He died July 231937 at 6S years ot~~e~S~~ Had issue ~zsJts9 hP~ 495- 1 Benjamin Tufts Carlton6 bNov19l898 a banker a historian J bb 7 496 bullbull 2 Franels Barry Carlton b Apr131904 a civil en1nee~~

iL tt 497- 3 Nanoy Elizabeth CarltonbOct bull141906died Au~12l9l0middot bPq 498bullbull 4 Daniel Carlton b Feb7 1912middot studied medicine at SGar

t Medical Colle~eCharlestonSCar L


J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -

Page 50: Co - Carlton Wilkes County History Luther Carlton edition 1-51.pdfVirginia who had moved from Pennsylvania•• The Car1tons, Barlows, Livingstons, Isbe1la, Parkes, Wal1acee,etc

J8i - 49--- 9 ~- 2 -- 1 lIand468 - 167 - +1 - 9 ---- 2--J MARY ALICE CARLTON5 (D ~11 ton Thomae3 Thomae2 John1 ) dauamphter

of D Milton and Nancy (Brown) Oarlton (~~t~waB born Mey 221873 at Elbertgn Ga~ _~She llar-1ed Sept 211898 a couein J~me~ Monroe German (46Bh Bon of ~1artha El1zabeth (Carlton) (167Y CInd HamptonGerman and a amprandeon of her uncle Burton Carlton (-47)~~He was born JanlO1871 at Boomer NCar They live at Doomer where he i8 in the farmin~ and da1ry business Have issue at Boomer

1-i 499- 1 Mary Lucile German6 b Aur2l1900 is a teacher - 7 500- 2 ~onroe Carlton Germanb Feb181902 marMay 71929

Ruth Goodnight 1s manaGer of LadyAsto~rs estate at Charlotteville Va

~72~middot 3 Nancy Elizabeth Ge~anb Feb231904 marJune 11935 Oar1 Henley Hendrix who died Nov61936 at MurpheYN

) Car where he was teachin ~ ) 5eZ- 4 Charles Hamilton Germanb Feb141906 marNel1 Hendre~)-) ~ 5 ( 1-- Annie Ruth Ge~anb Apr151908middot wae a teacher mar

March 2119374 Roby ~homae Gree~(~~7a cousioson ot Mary (Carl ton ) (~)tclnd Thomas Greer (~) she 1s his 2nd wife refer to his number~it7) ~a

tjr 564shy 6 Leora Germanb Apr51910j is a welfare worker t II 505-- 7 Roberta A11ce Germanb July 231912 was a teacherjmar~

r- Apr181937James Frederick Britton ot Whitev11IeNCarJ r1t_jI ~ 8 ~11dred Fern Germanb Sept261914 1s a secreta~ 1n

r State Dept of AcriQt~~~Oar 2-b J b -z 4 3 - )

WELLBORN CHAUDOIN c~~o5n~~4h~mas3 hom~82 John1 ) son -or D Milton and Nanoy (Brown) Carlton(J~4was born Jen291875 at Elberton Ga He reoeived his masters deree from State Univeralty or Geor1a He is V10e President of ~rsh Bus1nessCol1ee Atlanta Ga He married March 311904 Florence A~usta Grace who was born March 21881 ~_ Have issue -

b F 501middot 1 Florence Grace Carlton6 b Apr171906 mar r GBernenh79 sea~ 2 Wellborn Chaudoin CarltonJrb March 261909 mar I I Helen F Hendrix _ ~cD 509bullbull 3 Miriam Carltonb Aug1219l1j teaches at CommerceGaberl middot~lO- 4 Milton AU15ustus Carltonb Nov1019l3 mar ---J

is a lawyer at u11lenGabCfL S-l-l- 5 Ruth Carl ton b wrch 231918ltl35J2middot 6 Thomas Dan1elC)arl~oni~ Deo251920

2-c- - -[ 6 - I - ~-I ~-49---1) 2 -1= -

LELA LIZZIE CARLTON5(D~i1ton4Thomaa3Thomas2John1)daughter or D Milton and Nancy (3rown) Carlton (Ag)L~was born Jan171871 at Elberton Ga She married latNov211900 Henry M1tcnel1 Adams a Baptist m1nlster who died June 231913 She marr1ed 2nd Dec28 1915 Geor~e James Ha1l~~b~sip~sp man who died July 51931 She 11ed at Elberton~~~~12~ IrS rt-t~2 She and Mr Hall had issue at ~berton a f~~i ~- 1 Geor~e Milton F~ll b June 251917 attended Emory On1

at At1anta~~l ~ J ~ _ --- -c ~ -- I

184 - ~ 9-r- 2 - 1middot CHARLES CH~DLE CARLTO~15(D~ilton4ThomaeTholllaB2Johnl) son or

D Milton and Nancy Brown) Carlton (~~~was born Sept281881 at lnbertonGa He ~raduated from Mercer Colle~ellaconGa He 1s now teach1~ in h1~ school at DuCktownTenn He married Feb141914~

1 bull

bull _ ___-k-~ _ bull -~~_ ~~ - -