CNQ Internacional 052015 Eng

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International Bulletin of the Chemical Branch of CUT Year 1 nº 05 july 2015

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  • Internacional

    International Bulletin of the Chemical Branch of CUT

    Petrobras is a heritage of the Brazilian people Act In defense of Petrobras and of Democracy gathered trade unions, social

    movements and congressmen The board of directors of FUP and its affiliated unions participated in the act In

    defense of Petrobras and of Democracy, which took place at the Auditorium Nereu Ramos, at the House of Representatives, on July 14.

    Jos Maria Rangel, general coordinator of FUP, was part of the table coordinated by the congressmen Davidson Magalhes (PC do B party/ state of Bahia),

    president of the Mixed Parliamentarian Front in Defense of Petrobras. Jose Maria emphasized how much democracy and Petrobras are part of the history of the

    Brazilian people. Besides, He quoted the overthrow in the Senate, under an urgency status, of the Law Project of senator Jos Serra (131/2015), which alters

    the Sharing Law and removes the exclusivity of Petrobras as unique operator of the pre-salt layer.

    Joo Antnio de Moraes, director of the department of International Affairs and Private Companies of the Federation, also emphasized how much the state

    company and oil are important to Brazil and to democracy. Without democracy, elites already had delivered the natural resources of our Brazil and oil is the most

    symbolic resource of the country.

    The goal of the event was showing, to the Brazilian society, that a Project that threatens the sovereignty and democracy of the country is following legal

    channels at the National Congress. One of the main achievements of the Brazilian people, over the last 12 years, was the Sharing Law (12.351/2010), which

    guarantees Petrobras as the unique operator of the pre-salt layer and institutes the Social Sovereign Fund.

    With the resources that were achieved with the exploration of the pre-salt layer, this fund is destined to the increase of the ongoing social policies, especially for the implementation of the National Education Plan. This Plan was sanctioned by president Dilma Roussef, in 2014, and defines goals for the universalization of

    high quality teaching from day care to university. The Law Project of Senator Serra precisely aims to alter the Sharing Law. Not

    only Petrobras will cease to be the unique operator of this oil, the senator of PSDB party and the government opposition want to loosen the obligation of the

    company to explore 30% of pre-layer deposits. The goal of Serra is clearly to weaken the state company and open a path to

    enable the largest wealth of oil of the world, currently under control of the Brazilian State, to be operated by multinational companies.

    Besides defending this company, we urgently need to defend this essential heritage that the pre-salt layer is, and fight against the overrule of the Sharing

    Law, as the opposition want, led by Serra, with this Project 131/15, Jos Maria, coordinator of FUP, stated during an act in Braslia. (FUP Press/ Camila Pimentel,

    from Braslia Picture: Andr Olveira)

    Inside this number:

    Petrobras is a heritage of the

    Brazilian people 01

    Oil workers overrule

    urgency status 02

    IndustriAll Letter to senators


    Protests repudiate the

    reduction of responsibility


    Victory in the Butanta

    Foundation 03

    Violence against

    Woman: Enough!


    Latin America is empowering

    women 04

    Mercosur Labor Declaration 05

    ITUC participates in BRICS Union



    IndustriALL calls for fair

    solution 06

    ITUC calls debt relief for

    Greece 06

    CNQ Internacional 01

    Year 1 n 05 july 2015

    In defense of Petrobras and of


    Workers On

    Strike Against Petrobras Plans

  • Confederao Nacional do Ramo Qumico da CUT

    Oil workers overrule urgency status of the LP On July 7, FUP and its affiliated trade unions were, right after dawn, just as they did last

    week, mobilized in the main airports of the country, warning congressmen that were boarding to Braslia, on the importance of keeping Petrobras as the unique operator of the

    pre-salt layer.

    There were protests in the airports of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Braslia, Recife, Vitoria, Salvador, Fortaleza, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre and Curitiba. With banners, folders and

    stickers opposing the Project, oil workers occupied the departure rooms, warning passengers on the losses that the Brazilian people will suffer if the sharing model of

    exploration of the pre-salt layer is altered.

    And the mobilization was victorious, managing to overrule the urgency status of the Project vote. After a discussion on the requirement, congressmen approved the creation of a

    special commission to debate the Project for 45 days, before being put to a vote under a plenary session. The fact that the urgency status was overruled was extremely celebrated

    by all segments that were involved in the mobilization in defense of the pre-salt layer.

    IndustriAll Letter to senators In a letter to senators, sent a few hours before the Senate meeting, Jyrki Raina,

    IndustriALL Global Union General Secretary, said: We are convinced that Petrobras will overcome the challenges it faces and continue its task of promoting greater social justice

    and democracy in Brazil. We ask you to vote against this bill.

    If approved, the bill would mean that Petrobras would no longer be the only operator in the Pre-Salt oilfields. The urgent business procedure for bill PLS 131/2015 began on 16

    June, with the Senate due to vote on the bill at the end of the debate at the 30 June session. However, voting did not take place because many of those present spoke

    against the procedure and refused to vote without a more extensive debate taking place first.

    Petrobras should be strengthened rather than weakened

    Lula da Silvas government passed law 12.351/2010, which gave Petrobras exclusive rights over the exploitation of the Pre-Salt oilfields. This was a major achievement for

    the Brazilian people. It also stipulated that royalties would be used to implement health and education plans and other social reform plans of the Workers Party.

    Bill PLS 131/2015 to end Petrobras exclusive rights to exploit the Pre-Salt oilfields was submitted by former PSDB presidential candidate Jos Serra. The bill proposes

    privatising oil wells in the Pre-Salt deep water oilfields in the Atlantic Ocean, which hold Brazils biggest reserves of crude oil.

    IndustriALL is against the bill, which promotes the interests of foreign multinational companies and reduces the role of Petrobras in the Pre-Salt oilfields. If the bill is

    defeated: Brazil can grow and make progress towards energy and environmental sovereignty, control production and ensure supplies to the country. It will also avoid

    predatory extraction, the risk of accidents and higher financial costs in the future, said Jyrki Raina in the letter presented to the Senate.

    IndustriALL Global Union considers, that, as Petrobras provides thousands of jobs in Brazil and throughout the world, it should be strengthened rather than weakened. It

    should stay in public ownership and guarantee energy sovereignty, economic development and social progress.

    CNQ Internacional 02

    Especial FUP: Mudar lei do pr-sal oportunismo

    Petrobras workers went on a 24-hour strike in

    almost all Brazil against the state company plans to sell

    part of its assets to pay debts and secure future

    investment. Led by the Brazil Oil and Gas Workers

    Unified Federation (FUP) the strike takes place in at

    least 15 oil platforms in the Campos and Santos basins, in

    the Atlantic Ocean, in refineries and other facilities.

    future investments.

  • Confederao Nacional do Ramo Qumico da CUT

    After 25 years of the Statute of the Child and of the Adolescent, protests repudiate the reduction of

    criminal responsibility After the Constitution of 1988, democratic achievements are between a rock and a hard place, which was caused by conservative forces, as it had been seen over the last years.

    The current debate is political. This is the evaluation of Marcos Souza, representative of the National Movement of Street Kids, one of the many militants that were in the protest in

    front of the Se Cathedral, in downtown So Paulo, against the reduction of the age of criminal responsibility, approved by the House of Representatives in Braslia..

    To Alfredo Santos, secretary of the Youth Department of the National CUT, the Statute of Children and of the Adolescent was not fully applied. To him, if the statute were

    applied over the last 25 years, currently there would not be demands, even from the extreme right, to discuss this topic. With kids in school, with the right to education and to health and with all the other rights being truly implemented, we would have a much lower

    crime rate, not only among young people, but also among adults, he stated.

    Douglas Izzo, vice-president of CUT So Paulo, reinforces this speech by stating that the reduction of age for criminal responsibility down to 16 years will not solve the problem of violence. The argument of those who defend is in the crime rate, in security, which is a

    fragile argument. The problem of violence will be solved with income distribution, with quality public education, with equal opportunities for elite and suburban kids. It is

    necessary to build social policies that provide worthy conditions to the youth, with a future perspective.

    Victory in the Strike of the Butanta Foundation Trade Union of Chemists of SP will continue to represent the workers of Butanta Foundation

    The Regional Labor Court of the 2nd Region decided yesterday, June 24, in a legal hearing that the workers of the Butanta Foundation will continue to be represented by the Trade

    Union of Chemists of Sao Paulo.

    This achievement was only made possible due to mobilizations of the class with the trade union, which was opposed to the decision of the Foundation that tried to impose another

    trade union (Senalba) to represent the workers of the class. The latter trade union was removing rights that were achieved by the Trade Union of Chemists of So Paulo.

    The Associate Judge Francisco Ferreira Jorge Neto, writer of the process, not only questioned the trade union representation but also determined that the company must pay

    the back wage adjustment of 2013, conceded labor stability for 90 day and compensation of paralyzed strike days in May. (Trade Union of Chemists of So Paulo)

    CNQ Internacional 03

    Understand the situation in the


    Por que dizer NO

    reduo da maioridade penal no Brasil

    Paulo Souza, secretrio de juventude da CNQ

  • Confederao Nacional do Ramo Qumico da CUT

    Violence against Woman: Enough! More than 300 thousand women were victims of violence in Brazil. Data are from the Study Violence Against Woman of the National Council of the Public Attorneys Office

    (CNMP), publicized on June 23.

    According to the report, 306,653 police investigations related to domestic violence against women were filed by the Public Attorneys Office throughout Brazil last year.

    Out of this number, 283,655 turned out to be criminal procedures.

    In four out of the five regions of Brazil Northeast, Midwest, North and South -, it was the second crime among investigations that reached prosecutors only behind crimes

    against properties. The three States of the South Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul respond alone for 79,768 investigations of this subject.

    Despite these data, the definite numbers on domestic violence in Brazil still need a higher refining, according to a survey of the Institute of Applied Economic Research


    In March of 2015, the study Evaluating the effectiveness of the Maria da Penha law described that 1.3 million women were victims of domestic violence in Brazil in 2009,

    and 43% of the Brazilian women allege that they were victims of some kind of violence in their lives, either oral or physical. Out of the aggressions that end up in the death of the woman, 90% of the criminals were known by the victim, which proves the subject

    called culture of the patriarchy and its macho expression.

    In another report of IPEA, publicized in the same opportunity, it was determined that 48% of the harmed women were victims within their own houses, and the number of murders of women was stable after 2006, time in which the Maria da Penha Law was implemented, while homicides of men in the country increased in the following years.

    Latin America is empowering women Latin America is leading the way in improving gender equality in the workplace, according to a

    new report from U.N. Women.

    Its interesting to note that of all of the worlds regions, Latin America has in fact shown the greatest progress, Luiza Carvalho, U.N. Womens regional director for the Americas and

    the Caribbean, told IPS in an interview this week.

    The report Progress of the Worlds Women 2015-2016, Transforming Economies, Realizing Rights, released in late April, shines a light on the steps being taken by the region toward a

    stronger position for women in the workforce. One of the standout achievements for Latin America and the Caribbean is the pay gap; women earning 19 percent less than men.

    While this is far from ideal, and still a major injustice for women, when compared to the global pay-discrepancy average of 24 percent, the figure is promising. There can be no gender

    equality without justice, inclusion, growth and social development.

    Furthermore, Latin America experienced the biggest growth in women's participation in the workforce compared to all regions around the globe, climbing from 40 to 54 percent between 1990 and 2013, but still below the participation of men, at 80 percent. According to the U.N. report, this has a lot to do with the progressive policies and laws implemented by the region.

    For example, the document highlights that since 2014, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Uruguay have laws in place for equal remuneration for work of equal value, that is to say equal pay for

    men and women for the same job, as well as laws banning gender-based discrimination in hiring and sexual harassment in the workplace.

    CNQ Internacional 04

  • Confederao Nacional do Ramo Qumico da CUT

    Mercosur Social and Labor Declaration On July 16, representatives of trade union centers of countries of the Souther

    Cones had a meeting with president Dilma Rousseff to discuss social and labor advances in the region and to guarantee support to the consolidation of

    democracy in South America. Unionists presented the proposal of update of the Social-Labor Statement of Mercosur..

    Afterwards, the 18th edition of Mercosurs Social Summit, ended in Brasilia after three days of lectures and dialogues with the civil society to discuss regional

    interests and elaborate proposals for the development of a social agenda focused on labor rights. The topic of this year was Advancing in Mercosur with More

    Integration, More Rights and More Participation. More than 600 people of Mercosurs member States - Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela

    attended the event.

    This event was organized by representatives of 17 institutions of civil society, with the support of the General Secretariat of the Presidency. Among the organizers, there were people connected to family farming, to the Black movement, representatives of women, of youth, of sex workers, gender

    minorities, disabled people and Native Americans, among others.

    Discussions that took place included the new Social Labor Statement of Mercosur, document that recognizes the civil society as a leader in the development of rights and define principles and guidelines that allow workers to demand its


    The proposal was developed by trade union centers organized in the Coordinator of Trade Unions of the Southern Cone (CCSCS) in a process that began in 2005

    and was supported by the important contribution of the Unified Workers Central), especially the departments of Labor Relations and International Affairs.

    The statement was sent to the presidents of the member States, which are in Braslia attending the 48th Mercosurs Summit.

    ITUC participates in BRICS Trade Union Forum Joo Felcio defends the values of solidarity against the rationale of austerity

    The President of the International Trade Union Confederation, Joo Felcio, addressed the plenary session of the BRICS Trade Union Forum, which was being held in

    Ufa, Russia, in the afternoon of Thursday 9 July.

    Speaking to the delegates from the five BRICS countries, Mr Felcio provided an overview of the international trade union movement at this time, broaching such issues as the fight

    against anti-trade union practices and for collective bargaining and freedom of trade union organisation throughout the world.

    Mr Felcio spoke against the economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the West and stressed that the struggle of developing countries is not only economic in nature but also fundamentally political. "The BRICS have an opportunity to establish a de facto different political discussion on the direction of the economy, finance and the world of work. The

    new financial institutions of the BRICS cannot share the neoliberal rationale of the Troika, which puts the interests of big business above the rights of workers and the well-being of

    citizens in their countries".

    CNQ Internacional 05

    See the Ufa Declaration of the IVth Trade Union

    18th Social Summit of Mercosur

    Meeting of the Southern Cone unions leaders with President


  • Confederao Nacional do Ramo Qumico da CUT

    A fair solution to Greeces debt IndustriALL Global Union is calling for a fair, sustainable and sovereign

    solution to restructure Greeces debt after years of austerity. The Greeks go to the polls on Sunday 5 July decided not to accept proposals from the European Central Bank, IMF and the European

    Commission, which would entail stringent economic reforms in return for more credit.

    Greece is mired in more than 300 billion of debt, equal to around 180 per cent of GDP. Austerity measures imposed by the three financial institutions

    known as the Troika have led to years of decline, uncertainty and increased poverty in Greece, rather than recovery.

    IndustriALL general secretary Jyrki Raina said: Greece must not be held to ransom by its creditors. Economic recovery in

    the country will only be achieved with a fair and, above all, sustainable solution to restructure its debt.

    Five years of austerity in Greece have failed. It is time to move on and establish a realistic economic path for the country. The Troika institutions

    must listen to the voices of the Greek people and not interfere with the democratically elected government.

    ITUC calls for debt relief for Greece Troika must get serious about negotiating debt relief for Greece

    The results of Sundays referendum in Greece confirm for the second time in less than six months that the Greek people decisively reject the austerity policies that

    have left a more than quarter of the countrys workforce unemployed.

    The ITUC urgently calls on the creditor institutions formerly known as the Troika International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank, European

    Commission to unblock support for the Greek banking system, carry out disbursements on previously agreed loans and engage in serious negotiations

    with the government for reducing Greeces unsustainable debt burden.

    ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow stated: The Greek people have clearly understood something that the creditor institutions apparently have not: that

    intensifying the Troika-imposed austerity policies of the past five years will only prolong the depression. The institutions must end their demands for further cuts

    in pensions and public services and continued destruction of labour market institutions in return for payments on loans they already approved. Instead, they

    should support a pro-growth investment and jobs programme in Greece.

    She added: The IMFs debt sustainability analysis published last Thursday reiterates what many organisations both in Greece and elsewhere have been

    saying for years, which is that Greece requires substantial debt relief if the economy is to have any chance of making a sustainable recovery.

    CNQ Internacional 06

  • International Bulletin of the Chemical Branch of CUT

    CNQ Internacional 07

    Board 2013-2017 Directors

    (in alphabetical order)

    President Lucineide Varjo Soares

    Adilma Oliveira da Silva Pereira, Alex Ricardo Fonseca, Antonio Felipe Goulart, Aurlio Antnio de Medeiros, Cacilda de Paula Oliveira, Cairo Garcia Corra, Carlos Alberto Mota Itaparica,

    Carlos Alberto Soares Padilha, Cibele Izidorio Fogaa Vieira, Dalva Lcio de Oliveira, Edielson Souza Santos, Fbio Augusto Lins,

    Francisco Brito de Freitas, Geralcino Santana Teixeira, Gildsio Silva Ribeiro de Souza, Itamar Jos Rodrigues Sanches, Jocemir Ribeiro Monteiro, Jorge Alves de Pinho, Jos Isaac Gomes, Jos

    Maria dos Santos Nascimento, Jos Pinheiro Almeida Lima, Letcia Aida Silva Queiroz, Luciano Jos da Silva, Lucimar Rodrigues da

    Silva, Lucola Conceio dos Santos Semio, Mrcio de Paula Cruz, Maria Aparecida Arajo do Carmo, Paulo Antnio Lage, Paulo de Souza Bezerra, Ronaldo Rodrigues de Lima, Rosalina da Silva, Rosival Ferreira de Arajo, Severino Amaro do Nascimento,

    Sergio Novais, Silvaney Bernardi, Tnia Andrea Lisboa, Valdeli dos Santos Guimares, Vandr Jernimo da Silva [email protected]

    [email protected]


    (11) 3129-4989 e (11) 3235-4989

    CNQ-CUT International Bulletin of the Chemical Branch of CUT

