Family Communication Collage Jessica Hallett CMS 332 3/27/11

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Family Communication Collage

Jessica Hallett CMS 332


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Family Type

My family would be classified as a two-parent biological family.

My parents have been married for 27years and produced two biological children, myself and my 19 year old brother.

Though many of my friends are also from the same type of family, Galvin, Bylund and Brommel (2008) state, “This type of family no longer represents the most common family form in the United States” (p. 7)

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Communication Functions “Each family’s unique

message system provides the means of dealing with the major functions that give shape to family life” (Galvin, Bylund and Brommel, 2008, P. 29).

My family has always been very close and open. Everyone within my family shares there joys and sorrows with one another. We spend a very large amount of time together. Though we do like to do some things on our own.

Looking at the four different levels of cohesion my family would most likely be considered connected. Galvin, Bylund and Brommel (2008) explain stating, “Family members strive for emotional closeness, loyalty, and joint involvement with some individuality.

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Family Themes and Images “Essentially, themes represent a fundamental view of reality and a way of

dealing with this view” (p. 39, Galvin, Bylund & Brommel, 2008). My families theme is: Your family will always support you – My family members

are the people I go to with all news, good or bad. I trust their opinions and

know that they will support me no matter what.

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Family Themes and Images Cont. “Every family operates as an image-making or metaphor-creating entity”

(Galvin, Bylund, Brommel, 2008, p. 37) Within my family we have a few images that best describe us.

As a whole, a nest or a pack

of wolves best explain us. Growing up my mother always described herself

as a mother bear…and proved it many times!

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Making Meaning 1.Sarcasm - Sarcasm is used regularly in my household; it is never very vicious it

is just a way we joke around with one another. My brother and father being goofy in the pictures below:

2.Nurturing Environment - In my household no one is sent to deal with problems or issues alone, we are always there for one another and are constantly helping solve each other’s problems. The phrase "Get over it" or "Toughen up" are not used in my house.

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Making Meaning Cont. 3. Hard work is a given not asked of us - Everyone in my house works and

works hard. If a family member is working in the yard we all go out to help. Its not asked of us it is just expected. We always work together until the job is done, no matter if it benefits us individually or not.

We all help around the house, like when the house needed to be painted we all

pitched in.

Growing up in a family business has made us all hard workers from a young age. This picture is of my amazing grandfather, my cousin and myself when I was very young in our solar

greenhouses my father built.

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Rituals “Repetition of actions and words carries great meaning, eventually

developing into ongoing family rituals. The special meanings and theor repetive nature contribute significantly to the establishment and preservation of a family’s identity or relational culture” (Galvin, Bylund & Brommel, 2008, p.116).

My family has been going to our camp on Moosehead Lake

for over 20 years. It is one of our most cherished family rituals.

Some smaller rituals would be; My father always takes me to the airport when I travel. It is an unspoken ritual but one we both

depend on. My mother and I text “I love you more”, then the other person will text “I love you the most” or “I’m the mom I win” It’s a small goofy ritual but we do it every single day.

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Family Roles Everyone in my family has a role, but we are also a family that does not see the

point in only one person being responsible for one thing. For example, both my parents work full time, so they are both family providers. My brother and I feel comfortable talking to either one of them about our problems and emotions. We work more as a team, all filling in for one another at one point or another. Below is how I best describe our intertwining roles:

Lisa (Mother) - Financial Provider, emotional nurturing (hugs, kisses etc.), financial planner, handy around the house.

Jeff (Father) - Financial provider, realist, the joker, the persons we go to when we need to talk about future decisions, our cars, or general life experience. He is very handy around the house. He is also the main cook in our family, always making dinner

and breakfast.

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Family Roles Cont. Lee (brother)- the calm and collected member, he is never worried. Hard worker, the brain of

all random information. The rebel of the family, he is always getting into harmless trouble.

Myself (daughter/Sister) - The want to be “princess.” The worrier, I worry about everything. The crier (I require a lot of support and time from all family members). The overly responsible person, emotional support for the entire family, my brothers tutor, the academic child.

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Family Typology “Pluralistic families, high in conversation orientation and low in conformity,

have open communication and emotional supportiveness in their families” (Galvin, Bylund &Brommel, 2008, P. 177).

Our family is very open. We encourage each other to talk about everything, good or


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Decision Making “Decision Making is the process by which family members make choices,

reach judgment, or arrive at solutions that end uncertainty” (Galvin, Bylund &Brommel, 2008, P.201).

Decision making is a team effort in our family. We all respect each others opinions and try to always consult one another when a dilemma has come up.

When looking at decision making styles our family most always uses consensus, using compromise and flexibility to reach an agreement. However my brother and I definitely look up to our parents and take their advice very seriously.

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Conflict Though my family rarely fights, when we do everyone is involved. Gavlin,

Bylund & Brommel (2008) state, “Because of family member’s interdependence, a conflict between two members of the family will affect other members” (P. 219).

Common styles of conflict in our household are collaboration or compromise. No one enjoys being mad or tense with one another so we work hard to find answers.

When conflict does accrue we normally all take some private time to think about what has happened and then come back to discuss and solve the issue.

QuickTime and aª decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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My Personal Definition of Family At this point in my life I would define family as a support system and the

people who make us who we are. I am lucky enough to have always had an amazing relationship with my parents and brother. I grew up in a family business so I learned quickly how to communicate with all of my family members including aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. Though my blood relatives are incredibly important to me and the people I depend on; I do not think that being biologically related is necessarily important. Family friends that are my parent’s age, my friends, my husband and his family have also proved to inspire and shape me as well as supported me throughout hard times. Family is the people who will do anything to protect you and have your best interest in mind. They stick with you no matter what and do not disappear at signs of trouble. At this point in my life blood relation doesn’t define family; support, dependability, communication and love do.

Here are some pictures of my “family”:

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My “Family”

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Works Cited

http://pixdaus.com/pics/1273439381UY8p7kl.jpg http://www.firstpeople.us/pictures/wolves/1152x900/wolves-05-1152x900.html http://media.photobucket.com/image/image%20of%20a%20open%

20family/Nightprowlkitty/simpFamily_Vertical2f_72.jpg http://www.ideachampions.com/weblogs/collaboration-hands.jpg