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Clusters [COL4]===============================================================================


In the Antico district, find the landmark called the Piramide Cestia on the Southern city wall. From here, go Northeast until you see another landmark called Colle Palatino. Right at the midway point between these two landmarks there is a town on a hill. The town has a Borgia/Assassin Tower, along with a Blacksmith and a Faction Building. The cluster is on the North side of the tower.


Located in the Campagna district, just West of the white dotted line, this isthe home of Bartolomeo, leader of the mercenaries. There is an identically named Tunnel Entrance in front of the place. The entire Barracks is surroundedby a wall. The cluster is on the Eastern part of the wall, on the outside.

__________________|Castel Sant'Angelo|_______________________________________________________________________________

This large structure is the Eastern most building in the Vaticano district.This is easiest to obtain when you're doing the memory Castello Crasher in Sequence 4. Actually, that may be the only time to obtain it. If you look directly at the castle from the bridge, you'll see the first wall is sort of small, and behind it there is a much taller wall. Behind that is the actual castle. You need to get on this tallest wall in the middle. You will have to do it as part of the mission anyway. In the middle there is some hay, and directly in front of it, on the actual castle, there is a room that kind of sticks out. The cluster is on the front of this room.

________________|Castra Praetoria|_______________________________________________________________________________

In the Campagna district, look at the city wall on the Eastern side. You'll notice a fortress outside of the wall. This is the French Castra Praetoria.You will need to go all the way to the innermost part of the fortress, whichis in the Northeast area. Once in here, look on the large wall to the East to find the cluster.


The Colosseum is a very hard-to-miss landmark in the middle of the Antico district. The cluster is on the outside of the outer wall, on the Northwest side, near the top. It's right above the landmark icon. You'll have to actuallyget to the very top of the wall and climb down to the cluster.

________________|Palazzo Laterano|_______________________________________________________________________________

Located South of the rectangular shaped white dotted line in the Antico district. There is an identically named Tunnel Entrance here. From the tunnel,look Northeast and you will see a Borgia/Assassin Tower. There is an Aqueductright in front of it. The cluster is on the North side of the Aqueduct. You will have to jump onto the Aqueduct from the tower and climb down to the cluster.

_________________|Palazzo Senatorio|_______________________________________________________________________________

This structure is located in the Centro district. It's right next to the spotwhere the three districts come together. You'll find the cluster on the back of the main central building.


This is a large structure in the middle of the Centro district. Go inside and look just above the entrance to find the cluster.

_____________|Rosa in Fiore|_______________________________________________________________________________

This is in the Western Centro district. There is an identically named Tunnel Entrance right out front. The cluster is on the North side of the building.

________________________|Santa Maria dei Miracoli|_______________________________________________________________________________

In the Northern most part of the Centro district, you'll find the Tunnel Entrance Piazza del Popolo. Just South of this are two identical structures.Look on the tower connected to the Western structure. The cluster is on the North side of the tower.

_________|Cluster 1|_______________________________________________________________________________

1. If you number the first row left to right 1 through 5, and the second row 6 through 10, then you need to pick out numbers 1, 3, 4, 8, and 10.

2. Just move the pawn located at 2E up to 4E.

3. Move the circle over the top right part to uncover the blinking red light and hit A.

_________|Cluster 2|_______________________________________________________________________________

1. Assume that the innermost ring is the first ring. The second ring is connected to the first. The third ring is also connected to the first. Turn the first ring left four times. Turn the second and first rings right two times. Turn the third and first rings left three times. Turn the fourth ring left four times.

2. Here, the first ring is connected to the third ring, and the fourth ring is connected to the first ring. Turn the first and third rings right five times. Turn the second ring right five times. Turn the third ring left four times. Turn the fourth and first rings left two times.

3. The third ring is connected to the second ring, and the fourth ring is connected to the first ring. Turn the first ring right three times. Turn the second ring right four times. Turn the third and second rings left five times. Turn the fourth and first rings right one time.

4. Move the pawn at 2F to 4F.

5. There is a red dot in the lower right and a red dot in the middle left. Once you hit one, you have to hit the other one before your screen flashes red, or the one you hit will reset.

_________|Cluster 3|_______________________________________________________________________________

1. Go to the right most picture, the one of the white building and the green lawn. Move your cursor over the left side of the building and a flag will appear on it. Click here.

2. The first symbol should be the one that looks like an unfinished four. Second symbol should be the 0 with a slash going up to the right. Third symbol should be the 0 with a slash going down to the right. Fourth symbol should be the unfinished four except flipped over.

3. Move the pawn at 4F to 5E.

4. There's a red light in the lower middle and a red light in the upper right. Hit one, then quickly hit the other.

_________|Cluster 4|_______________________________________________________________________________

1. Choose pictures 2, 3, 5, 9, and 10.

2. The first ring is connected to the fourth, the third to the first, and the fourth to the second. Turn the first and fourth rings right one time. Turn the second ring left four times. Turn the third and first rings right four times. Turn the fourth and second rings right one time.

3. Move the pawn at 2G to 3G.

4. Select the first two boxes on the phone records.

5. There's a red light in the top middle and one in the bottom middle.

_________|Cluster 5|_______________________________________________________________________________

1. Move the queen from 1D to 2E.

2. Look in the upper middle part of the top left picture. You should see an electricity arc and two Abstergo emblems.

3. First symbol should be the filled in letter D. Second symbol will be the four slashes going up and to the right. Third symbol will be the two rectangles. Fourth symbol should be the two rectangles with X's in them.

4. There's a light on the middle left, one on the middle right, and one on the lower right.

_________|Cluster 6|_______________________________________________________________________________

1. The leftmost picture. Look at the bottom middle.

2. The passcode is 20, 27, 33, 13.

3. Select the first two boxes on the first line and the first box on the second line.

4. Move the knight from 1G to 3F.

5. There are lights in the bottom left, upper middle, and right middle.

_________|Cluster 7|_______________________________________________________________________________

1. Choose pictures 2, 4, 7, 8, and 10.

2. In the top left picture, click on Justice Roberts left hand.

3. The passcode is C, M, Z, K.

4. Move the knight from 1B to 3C.

5. There is a light in the middle right, the upper left, and the lower middle.

_________|Cluster 8|_______________________________________________________________________________

1. The first ring is connected to the second, the second to the fourth, the third to the fourth, and the fourth to the first. Move the first and second rings left one time. Move the second and fourth rings left four times. Move the fourth and first rings right two times.

2. Select the first box on the first line, the middle box on the second line, and the last two boxes on the third line.

3. Move the king from 1E to 2F.

4. There are five lights this time, two on the left, two on the right, and one in the upper middle area.

_________|Cluster 9|_______________________________________________________________________________

1. Choose pictures 2, 3, 6, 8, and 10.

2. Choose the first and last box on the first line, the last box on the second line, and the last box on the fourth line.

3. Move the bishop from 1F to 2G.

4. There are three lights on the left, one light in the lower middle, and one light in the upper right area.

__________|Cluster 10|_______________________________________________________________________________

1. The first ring is connected to the third, the second to the first, the third to the second, and the fourth to the second. Move the first and third rings right two times. Move the second and first rings right two times. Move the fourth and second rings right five times.

2. Choose pictures 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10.

3. Look in the sky in the topmost picture for a hidden bird. Click on it.

4. The passcode is 89, 5, 334, 21.

5. Choose the first box on the first line and the last box on the last line.

6. Move the king off of the chessboard.

7. There is a long chain of red dots here. You will have to hit them all.

