Presented by: Priti Lohani

Cluster scheduling

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Cluster scheduling. Presented by: Priti Lohani. What is cluster?. It is a group of loosely coupled computers. They are arranged in a way to improvise in a speed and reliability provided by a single computer. It allows the organizations to boost their processing power. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Cluster scheduling

Presented by: Priti Lohani

Page 2: Cluster scheduling

What is cluster?It is a group of loosely coupled computers.They are arranged in a way to improvise in a

speed and reliability provided by a single computer.

It allows the organizations to boost their processing power.

It provides expandability.

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Classification of clusters:High -availability clustersLoad-balancing clustersHigh-Performance clustersGrid clusters

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Clustering algorithm requirements:scalabilityBroad scopeSensitivity to compute node and interconnect

architecture Fair share capabilityCapability to integrate with standard

resource managers Fault tolerance

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Resource management systemIt manages the processing of load by

preventing jobs from competing with each other for limited compute resources

Resource managers do basic node state monitoring, receive job submission requests and executes the requests on the computer node.

The scheduler communicates with the resource manager to obtain information about queues, loads on compute nodes, and resource availability to make scheduling decisions.

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Cluster scheduling algorithms:There are two types of schedulers:Time sharingSpace sharingTime sharing:Local schedulingGang schedulingCommunication driven co-schedulingSpace sharing:Batch scheduling

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Batch scheduling:FCFS (First come first serve)SJF (Shortest job first)LJF (Longest job first)Advance reservationBackfillingPreemptive backfilling

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Classifications of clustering algorithms:Exclusive ClusteringOverlapping ClusteringHierarchical ClusteringProbabilistic Clustering

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Maui cluster scheduler:It is an open source advanced job scheduler.It focuses on large turn around of large

parallel jobsIt is a best open source scheduler.It is capable of optimizing scheduling and

node allocation decisions.It has a 2 phase scheduling algorithm.

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Resource managers for Maui:

PBSVersion of PBS:Open PBSProfessional PBSTorque

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Open PBS VS TorqueTorque is better than PBS in following areas:Fault toleranceScheduling interfaceScalabilityUsability

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Scheduling policies for MauiAdvance reservationBackfillJob prioritization

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Backfill algorithm:

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