I USEFUL HOUSEHOLD WORKS. [¦• I - TI C K . -; , <!> , i i.r.i:r-STiti:i:T . I . O. VDOS ' ;] J' ubiisMeil by llOU r..STO.\ & STO.Vl' .MAM , '!. ' ) , l\\Tl:HNOSTIi U UOW . T UK KAMI LY FR1 END , /.n /• ' .: ' ii ' i '!\firit. . l/.c, "'-"" ' , 1'itblhhitl upon the Firs! < . ¦>; r' /•:; " , ¦ ,( ¦ I . '/I if JCi-rr;/ .Month , prit-i' Twn-pmiv . '!'!. ' I 'I H - I mi j>t i 'H. \ , b-ruilil ' iiUi) printer/ , inul iivtith / n:r. : ¦ <!. rpiiK f.iJiowins: i< a typc ofTHK OlMNIOX funnel , t _ "I " ill!-: 1-AMII.V MIKM) , anil i-xprps^-d by i:<. •:i: !< 1it TIIi:i:K II C. V DIJKl) .VKWMWI'l'liS : •• V. V 1.II..V, - <il nn .'ii-ei llanv more i!, 'S.:rvi:;^ ofv. -Mc- I: !'. "I .I ! " •ir.v i ' a tiiiii Hi i ' -i Tl,c . I' mii Ui j Fr ' uii'l- It is em- y ' .i :' ;.' :i!iy ll;e . \l:i::::/;;ie Mr ;i K.iMU.i" . Il* pa-res pro - ve:.t siiiiu-tliii: ", ' lor :ili ; t ' n'ie h \u< numb T of the <Io- ns-V.ie i'irelefi.r . uutt' 1 !. . SMI -I nn ¦•!:!-? of.Soei'jiy mvrl' -'- . -Ueil. It irs' .-r.;- ' a {,V;! " <v ;),\ . !i.i;. w:iiic. a I. -i !>; ' . < . ")/,.¦. , ¦<. . C- .' 1 . :' . >\-: ' r- 'li!\- . }' it !tl -h:<\ ;t:i<l ;i \Ytil'!:llUl M I : H \, i'ti. -ti !. I: i- ;i . ' •! >! ;•! / "< M-:t^ii ~ : ns .;\ You I /. ' , « Mtt'ia- :• :•¦ ' . !•: 1 a f , 7.. " ' " ¦ " * l ' r .>;!;t,iu-o:>. II i- . ns its ti i ' .; rnr- r. -t;! y . .. •• •! :!. -!— . ;i M:t .; :;:;;..: ill ' l).imi' -:io Ki 'i i i i i i my , \. i ; ¦ ..!¦. ;:, ••:.I , !¦••'ri.fii' .u , ;:11:i IViiciic. -i! Srieiici 1 . ' \\\: i. v. :r . .«, . .; it i- .i.. i-ir !i nr. c I'irci" willi f. i-* ; it plKisiiri- . I . ! ;- ••• ! ¦ :. ' .v :v IVn ' .lv Vi-i ' .ir , but n-:iilv 11 F U KI VII i ¦': : ' »•>¦ ••; ' . 'p't •:i>i -t i-'"r Us roi:!.iil-i , llii-y an: an " ¦ ¦ •¦ . ' . ' > '•¦ ¦ ¦ : :. u ]i!. 'i!<ivy oi ' ti.isiysiiii 'a. -iaiit ami pi-:! '' . >! ti. 'i. y. - .y ::wi <;p.ni ' ; S.-]. I: |.MI rtilli ' •<::¦ •:> . '!« ;. . ' i>:! ' a^t f , »:nl e.lit i-l with uiurh tnct 1 ;•: •:.. :•¦ •' . 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Ill , rimiain "¦II:- x >J T -: i .: i;si:iil O>p\ n r ' ' .;\. M' i>:' i! i' ri-iin.-ti - n. - wi! I - . - -! ' ' . ' ..i..j.o-i-H. TiM'-c ni.iv !n- !i ill ri.Il" i;- . - . I .. - :! i'l t:-v Volninr> , !ir:nr 2- - . ii! . mcl i , or -: ' . . :!.:• Ni::v!;.T< .pri i:" - ¦! . <;- ' . ' . "! i. ' ¦¦\ T. - .:> ::. 'i is YD :., II . ;. •;¦ \ i'i ' >\v :•::? r ,\ :< CONQI - KII TIII : ¦ ». •>; ; ?,. -. ¦' :u i| Cliui us !¦>• Ai.i:x.\Ni>i:!: :. . .. ; . .., / . \.. " !-., ' . ' .' ' . ,:M l.\ 1': I |.KA. I! y MAm: Si «TT . Out ¦ •¦ i- -i ::iira<-ii\i: tiii<I lit' tlv ol t. ' ic nnv. - mtr-iJinst 1 . :¦:. , -::, .i. . ;:„ %• . uj :: . -:. •::;;!) AIM : A .Mf .M. 'li'.lfS TK.Vi.'K. i •• ¦ . ••il ' .. •'; . !. IN !!!.:: V , \' . «i. (In X-i . l" >) % , " v "i i: i-: . <::.\SUN. -?. --]»y AI.KX. J.I.I ;, I' -'i " ... :V- i ;. ;; . ' -:;<ii- I!I: , TI:K. (In N. ' . . 17 .) : : ;.!¦: ¦ •Ki.V-liMiITKD. —Jl y .1 I" . Uin. ^ .vs , i : .:- 'i . ' . !•» li;:;:.: M I:M ;IS . (In . \i> . I!! .) I!K -;. 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T. r, :r -/V ¦ - . / i' lf f i j Wlilll' -J ' ^. ^ 'l ¦ /:¦ . /:. - /..( . , - •, // i i) U' o/,/. , - ,tj ' ti-r. j j n - r mj i : (J if r u l a - t ¦ . . •(. .¦• ,'»:: i £- . -V ;• ¦ I-.. : I- w:-:,;- .^ i., }„. ¦ . _ ,,. ,.f.)., , C ,,; .!..:,!S < r tin: 1 :• ¦ - ' l- -i ir V.. ' :IIII ;ui 77/c r, -ii ;, - ,/ l ti. ;i\ p-s-'-jw: 'Lr tj- Auu\ I'M: IMH:X. j. '1- iiii- . iiy :ij.j,]- . intr / p-.=.t-j>: ii-i j 1" !:..- i Mii. -c , i::i . i'l.- :»-s! i-ci . l.m-i:. ,ii. ' - TJlh FAMILY TUTOIl AM) SHIOOF. (CSS'A.* .!?^ : C't.i" . ':i r:. i<tl ,.;, //.. . I ¦ , f ,f ,) :li "H>l ;! , !:- : -M , /. , ;./ lit,),, iff ¦•¦ 'i f .-(' . - ., ¦ ' :. " ., ' . - , ./ /. ¦ ¦/, Mrn 'ls , -;. /', ,,/ » ¦ , ,)¦;, , •;,/ •A ¦¦ ; ¦!• ., ¦ ,., •-;• . ' , ' yv,. - ¦// . ¦ (./ y. •(•¦ . . •// . ¦' 'i II!-; i - " \ M ; ! .v 'I I' I' Oi. 1 , :;- iif. n: ::i-:- ii-i- ; ¦ ' : ' : : •: Viu - ' . ti 'i :! . '- ' .! 1 ' . l i- . ' til' ':> " ' . - ... ;; i. ' »'r . : i'i\ .i I;*-:-- . ..; ;, i-j- . i V , -| .. ; I . Ji .;; !.; . -vr: V i. ..- . -r --:. Tll!l.r \Vl.- .i ,;t Ct ,.| 1 j I , _ , , ;,, - ,. J.T. L-] V ki|. .| !l!| l r C l l lj l l - l- l - .l- »iM" . n,:Kin^' tl.o «,•>,,.;,,.„..;,t ( ,f !.„.,«V, '- ,. ;i I'l.l-A- SURK. r.ot a TAsK. Tin: i-msT VOI.VMK COXTMN-S ^__ ^ A CO Ml'I. KM-; liXGl-ISM GUAMMAU , Im| flM,ul ^implilkil . ^1^^* l- 'A M UJAU M-(' .nM!F.S OX fllKMISTUY. TALKS 01- II1S10UY AXD ^gSSL liAVKr - Till- i»IlYSlC.\ r. IllSTOHY OFTMfnv I XM). nil-: l'livsioi.oGY ov iii:.\ [;nr "rx DISKASI -:. CKI.I-:sTIA' . AXD TliltltliSTiv IAL rilKXOJIKXA 01- ' Till; M-OXTIIS . S fo MATHIOJATKJAI ,, Gr.O.M KTRlraaAfflTIlMETI- CAL , AM) 0TH1UI l'IH)HI.I : ,Ma!sKU . KI . OCUTIOXAKY I : XI : KCISI : S. ^BSB 'TIIK TUTOR AXU HIS PUPILS ," flraBkiiswurs lo ldliicntior.nl Uuc-s' .ions: mid a VAIUEcnjISCKI. - -AXV. rjv, ' ' J'l ie First Volume of the J-' iimili/ Tutor is r.oic read;/, ICltynii f ii/ liounil, price ix . UU. Tin: TUTOli'S J . ' .:> ' ;i(.I^lI GI(AM.MAi (. <-'>nl»i:ii ';! ill tii'inliuvi! Vnlniiio . i< illustmlcd by Wood I-ji^iaviMys . l>y wliicli a ilry itntl >!i!:iJ', 111 sinil y is rci'dercil singnlurlv inti'ir^ii/j :. A IV« " s. lrrl Ain"Kl!TIS!- .>l y.XT.S of KDl.CA- TI'iXAJ. ' IXSi rri' l 10XS , &f. . an: icccivcd in tl.c ri' i ' di;. 'IVitiir. af. in I J: I ; TitlKX I) . j . ' j ' ... J J . j i _ l . ' ¦ i\ ' ¦ -,;* ±\. . - _ . - .- . - (" '!¦ Til!-: l.JVKIlATfl.MC <T A I.I. XATIOX; 5 . . - . " :: i x T !¦: ;> tx T I : I : C 't v s r \ J . . * t. \ c !.: l > ,h: ii. '. Wi.- . ' ;! ;/; Mvi,ti,! : i I' .i r.' s &l. or WJ. ; Vulunits . " )¦> . It is liii: niil y Yi ' urk ui :vi -iit'il >pL'ci.iIiy to Hn: ;n:i:;!ii- li.ui i^l L' l.ivi r- ' .l J.i'uatiiri! , ami will bo fuiisiil lifli in Kit i-rri ..:>i : r- :--in* .- . ADVi'.iiYiSi-:' .n" .\T. ' : arc iiurrloil in Ilii: Wrapp"r. - ••! ' Hi- W' ;- .! iI y Xnniiicrs iiinl tin! Mnnllily P.sils. Trims as in TI!!-: I : \ \MH.Y MMKXI). l':iii ' !> .. •¦/ .urn ^c. i . (•/¦ .// / !i ¦'" ¦ . ' ¦' . FAMi L V PASTIME , o::. no :-ii:s MAH !-: u.\vv ¦ t)ri ,. '!n:il Aiisj;rii!iis . K' l-' ip' -si. ' i! (i::n:i'< . l' r;u-' v.itli their S"iu';-. - :s : AMOi'XT (.I- 1 il i- IV iifriili i;:i'. ' :-:.i; I.)•• !•'! . mm? . ; ¦i I I' M /; I ' ..r w; fiUIXi i i f i: .»:— ...I \ !• It. r* .i Irs , it'll : AS <v tl!O E iiiPi - uf Ti t 1-AM 11.1 r:-i'"X!;. r , .\. :ii- .: ? i l'llfll !•¦ l!-. ' II I.. C-'i.!¦¦:.!¦ ¦ -:• ¦ ¦ r/ , < /;. ". -:;,V . .. -f. ' . ' i <• n• : . - . - . . . ' .V ¦ '!•! ¦ ' / ' ¦ ' - , ll:L ! '.: ' Cr f "'lirflc I l i i m l r o' l C. ' oi!i;ii:litT> Irivi. co:i!ri- )!i-s nf iChlril-iinii:^ i.iu-iiiHili . 'ii; ill uliicli ol this \\* (i!K li:i»c i.'ii frli'L'ti' . -i . dbnvc li ' o. - . ' - .v nidi/ be ol' niiinl u} ¦ ¦i i -< \'r./i(. -/.(. - i ' . /. ' it ; - . ' an./ u ' i; ' t' "iiij : .. (/ ;/ I..: i 'i t:Lii:,! L:i i' tixl i ; >> ' < <'! j< '<.::i ' :¦/ i\. ' ¦ 'I n _ c/ o. ; . . - yiMC,- . ' :; ti.L. i : bu\ ii ft . - , "'( I i.hlii) !' . ]': , *!-d/flrc (. ¦ / , . ' (• }• . •; / " :// ffi. '/v< "//.•• .r. rfl.' s nr book'- lo be i:>u( ' r t ^i/uU' /to Jd.il Drhnctt , (\' . i , F/nl- v.' ri, -, ' , L 'liitivu. \$y - yy \ i XAUtMs U S'50>r:. "l.i?i . asi:! ;: .ii Utj iikyrili'i's. i^iiiaL JLS. "M' .r. j»Ki:> :i. ^i- : s AT r !! i-; \v A T ;: it s I i) ]•:, . , ¦::! i:i i, '; ;!:i s hvtiij :. '' , f\S v. hi- . i: in- . ' t" . ivI-.- .l 'J'lirfc iloii-i . - s fi- cnil- V. / i-.!»- tin- 'j i::.y <-f JO!-J : ' S Piil. ir.ul Six ! iuu.vs ::;¦!:; in ' ; !i::!- ;:; ' :'i n:!i?-;' il Y:;;tl , vrri\ ::i!.tj:;" -i ::»:• ;; V. 1 '":! <•'i'i;i!i. ';-l' \ :»« "-1. Aon '!' .( !::¦ ' .;'! Cur i 1 . !;ii:i; " tf>nt; of y;' . " .:".s '^Ti;- 2:i«- .;:;>?» *tc;, *i , ?i . -U:i1 < ' >X$ Th' . - !X D SWEET , :u!ii!::ali\ r ;:- . ' .:ij ' .i ':l I ' m 1 itsiy li.^i ii' 1 ^-, liiivinj; * L:. !":; " :>f»ft % <:1 " (wo Fiuni-s , Forty 'iix S ' cct Li>;:g i;: tin; Ufri' . A ji;ii y to WIL..UAM WVAA, , ?,J;i!:;ir Sirt'ijj . j :! :: . | T W () 11 1) i; ;S I-: . -; . !~ K » JJ ; A !JJ \V;:;< {:¦::;• .Ion- :tt .Si. '::!u-:i-St. t"T3?" r ,r !;-i y l:: -i<J b y .Mr MiHuici Gonnait. i -n ( liL- Ti-ii- 'i' . 'is of I he Jj ' .-pi-r Ilo-j .it.il ivi.i ' i:- . . ami li'l ' i willi Air. (Ji; l.i.iMomt , St; "\v- iiril , ;• .! tlio i !o>|iilal , o:i or boioro tin: . ; l!i ilay nf Xovcmlicr , ISol. WaU'iford , Nov. 10, 1801. YOU^HAXi UN2OM % a i i c « o U 1 Ei :t i o » 1 s:iv•;:• _; been ir.culc fj r the. purposes of thu Iri.sli !V.;r ' lUlict ' A L M S . ^d-v ^ ^ "jVTOTICH is la-ic-b y g iven . p i y^$&i& L^ ^- ' t ' l; > -t l > vU lcs ' 1!;VC ^ - ' c " jn ^ iC&r^'^^'^ ^ u '- > lr ' at' - c on lllC JTopcity ?itu- J^^st^^^^sJ ;itcd in llie imilcrnieiitioML 'tl J'Jlccionil Divisions of the nbuvu Union , r;it'j;il)lj tunlcr the j irovisions of the Acts for lluliufuf the Destitute: l' i'or in IrcbiMl , nmiic-l y : F.ieclortil 1^*" - i=-ion of Anlag h , a rate of 2s \)A in the Pouiui. Ji!t cttjral Di\ Ni . -n of Arum -re. a r.i ' o of Is 'lil in thu roun-1. ]-;ite!<iral Division ol ' 15u!] y liccr.y, .1 iuU- of Is !).! in the J' oimil. ilku ' ioral Division of Chubmoro , u rate d ' a (ill ::> \iv. ' Pcui.il . J'iircts.fiil Division of Cloiipiics t , a rutc of " s-1:1 in tiic i' ouml . l-:ic-'-tor;:l Division of G' rn:i:::\ a rntc of Is 0.1 in :!:!. - i : oi,i:'.!. l'l'jct(.r::l D' u i.v.on of (iruliag h , a r;;te of-_ » s Od in li:;: Hit,III! . j-iit-'v.ru l l/ivitii;n (;f (i!ei!" >vil!iiirn , a r.ilo of _ ' _ ' •! in t:;'. ' i' oui.d. i'icc(or;il iJivi. -iion al 'X i' .!o;;^ !i , n ra ' . -j of Is Id m tin- I' lj u n d . l'!i -c:l(ir:i! I Sivis ' ci 'i of lv iiis:: 1 .!;l l i- 'T. n r.ifo (if ! 'J. < '! ¦] in tlie I' l.nii;:. j I' ,' .- tt:iral Di- . i-iuti . " .f lCi' icroiMt , a r. - itc rS '2:: M | ii) ( ' . ¦ I' ., !!!;:] . i l,!octora! Division f .!' KiliriftCi. -noii.!:. a r;;tc '-1 I ir- - - -i ! in l!if !' ou:ul . I' .l ct' .i .:1 Divi. -io.i of ' ;\ ;:i ,,;.. .ii. !:.• .! , a V . I ' . ' J of 1- : ' r.i is: t;: <- ]' .,uad. J-Ilcct- >»;il J;ivi. ~ ii. 'ii oi " j " on^ !;:il , a rat. 1 cfj- . 2-1 in tii " i' l.a iii!. And v.l.cit .as Annuities l.nvc be; n clu;r:;( . -d upon (- . ' .lain KhtUora! J>ivi.-ioi.5 , T o w n i a iu h , D. -r. r-iiiin .li'jii ' s or Maces cornpihi- .! in ;!:'> said L T ni- .n. un-.ler (lie provi. -ioii.s ci ' tlu Act 1;) Vie., cap. 1-i ; ad-li lions to the a!j!;VL'-me iitioned Ha lts lin.vc l. -i c-n lii.ide lur the ;'us;- -: i- of jno- vii ' linj! ior the ] uyiiiei;t of itieii Annuit:e.- , in a:con! » .ncc with the jirovi.s ' .ons of tl i el i h ol the said J-i.sl-nu n iionc-d Act, Ar. tl ihi: lisitr 15ooks sire now in my custod y, ::n(l r.:;r. ! ' j inspceted i<y s- .ny I' ei.s- n all' L-etcd !!:• n-!.v , . ' " .I I!;:- i;ii'!il Uooin , V ou;; h" .l. on any ii--v, !: ::—: ¦ I S u n d ay , I/-; ween tl e !ioi::s if 10 " ' ( 1. c!; ii, ii;r: f' retioo:i ;.nd -1 o 'C'iotlv in l!.e ¦ •• ' < ri. .. . .;: : in.il li.e sai l Ucie.-i v. ill I K : piyaLlu i ' :«-:ii . - imi ii-irthc i uhruaii-in ul ' liiis X' ltici. 1 . ¦i.ui .a thi> ;Jht <)..}• of Oct- -l/i ;i" , li. ' il. p. K!;. \' . \ I ; DV , Cii ' r!; <-f Vouuhnl tiie Uni'm. WINT5 CLOVES, A large Assortment OF CIIOICi: PKRFUSIERV SOAPS, MARROW GIL S &c., New Winter Ki«bon I ! oots BONNETS liM'jJois—(. ''oaks , SC.lL'F.i and SILUJ'/. S MKHIXOS—COBrRCS. A L P A C H A S Maratla ]\ All Jus!. ! ROBERTS0 U ¦S: T:-X ; : iT> ^ i) 'ft r vl] ^;;> * % KSW CZUC'iJIrATIi 'S- kSBRiiRYj i:' , : v:. ..:-sn:::.:r , (o; : ;v . -!TH TI : I : nioviNci.M . jiAM-:). i s x o ;v o JO N . I t i'i:i- 'i - : " .fC: - . i- .V-'i;; V* 'n Vnlsiaio-i el ' l!i;: most Vni' .'ilur N..V. -1. . '. K' «.i.. r,- .. <-r - - , . -. - - , . -:. ' .. ' -¦vivi^. i-r the " CITI- ' /. !¦;>. '' ii.i S:itii!'i. l:iy l;i. -. ' '!ir.:ct !Vo:ii l. ii;<iu:i. Tr.HSS 0^ S1'3SC8JPT5!^. V. TU -V. - - - - - ;Ci C- '. 0.1 l:: ; li- v . ' i': - .vl r - - - 0 11 s. (Hi ' . . I'litrtcrl y . . . . (> C.j. I :i . ¦ ik'iiil. 'y - - - - 0 ' - ' ^ (M (i'AVAm. v. i\ .M.vANC!:.) i:, i-T- - i.f . \i- o: i.!. -i:i' .'i:, I 1..111 i:i.-vi 11 till 'J'l.n-i . - , :iinl f.i- .i:i Sii (iil A III . . . " e. ^- .^D'^OrJD '"" 'J S :. "f;\V riiiilji:: - :ni I.Wii.NTi . 'l.' V Iji!) i .\ . ui- Mi ;. ' . in: . 'ti-ifs in 1 1 r) y -; i!J ' * ' ;: 1 JI r i-s ill \v!: i: * 11 ;iru im. 'ii: :. - I - :I it Uii! t::i!')i' * '¦! ' ::ll jiri i|;"-l - :y c.)i:..;:.:Ifil with IVnr l,:nv U iii.•;¦¦• ¦ . A C-Misiii. -i'iiliiM f.iv ' ii' .; nf tiini; will be i:iT.:c!'(l In- 1 Ii. " Ki' i '].in-.: iA ' 1 liirs K-mk. (' . II. i > tin 1 onl y 1' i-i ntrr 1" lri:l.i:-.i! win Ii:is };o.ii' f.i iii- . I MI II 'I I I : 11] m. ::::.^ o-i: r :ui t lur. iu'uit^. l!i" ;I 1J « HI : ! ' or l' iil>lir:iti"ii . Tl iu Dun!; i- -2 iri -: li i s- . -In- - .-y 1-J i i:i-:;i-s. f ' r-; *" . c ;-' 1 ' "i 1 i:": 1 Sli'-i-u c:iii In: i-li ' iihioil liy r.|i|i! y i: i- , ' r.l llic (Iliici: 1 f il ;- . I' ,i|i'T ; whi 'iT limy Im lr.nl nil JJooks ni:d I' lirnii r. ' . '( !nii- 'jii liv tin: I' .mr Lav A- ' .t .i, CCOUXT LOOKS MM)E TO OlihEIi.AXD ro J :\ j iit y su.ii 'J- :. p .ii 'Jcn i:i:u:i> TO J :VJ - HY P A T TE UX i' uyn:ns r JUSTED TO EVER Y SIZE il.lXh-JSl/.LS OF Ji VJCll Y KIXV S1I0P-JHLLS AT EVEIi Y PKICE Tine K PW SiiSjs'ary Catalo^iBe IS 3TOW R' JSADY rOB. ISSUJS. C L I FRIEZES , BEAVEHS , T li 0 U S Ji R I X G S VESTZNGS , CORDUROYS, J UST HE A J aOBEETSON ss, Jiargc slock , RECEIVED & LEDLXS'S, Qcsi35- ,Watcrf«rcS EQ fiU iii E-: BS Y«!i: E5KMEC56V TIOLLOV/AY'S OINTMKNT. A M"sr : <iii:.\. 'i:i. Dis (: I ; HI : oi ; H \ D 1 t'os' A ! i lCIt -1.1 VI-AliS' .SI. 'IFKitl . VC . l- y! nut i- J ' ti Letter fro m Mr . William dol p hin , P/ ' 7U , . *><. (.(/ Miiry ' t Sn.rt , Wciimunlti , i. ' ulcd Mnj ' \;,lh 1 -<i !. I'II riofi^-.or Ildi.i.owAV , Si K ,At the nut, i,l " 18 ;n\- wife fwlio is nuw 01) ca ii^lit JI riulent colil , wliicl i SI - II I IM ! in !;cr Ifj; '* , atnl (.\cr ^i: :>;« I I ITI I time Ilit-y I ia»i: lirrn mure or li:- a sjiir. 1 , anil ;. 'iviiil y ii;i!;iiii'-il. l|.:r ii- , 'i.iiii-s w. -iv . i!i ?ti:n'liii^, sm ' il I ' m' iii->iitii > together SIP: wui i!c|.iivi.(l cntiiv!\ ol r. -si uml »!i;i-|>. Kw>i-y rciiiuil y Il iul mcilii -al mon a.lvijcil was ti'ipil , Inn wi ilmut i-Ci-ct ; lit-i- lirakli mi" , ix-.l sovnclv . iiinl l!io >lati; U I'I HT l-»i was lerriUle. I li m; nlun rt'iiil yci'ir Aihi-rli-rnii:iiis , an il ailviji-il ln. -r to try ymir Pills aii'l oiiituiiMii ; ami aa a last ri:. ->imrro , nft>:r CVI - I y i.ther ninrd y li-.il pru\(:il us. Ifs- , : lie ro.^.-iilnl In i|» so " . Sim i-( iiiii:(>in i. 'il six wi'i'li s :.:^o , ami , siraK'j i! ID ri'lati 1 , is ii' .w i n ^ciiil luallli. l!.-r J,.yi an, |iaink'S?, wi i ho i t Hln-ain or >.nr , an il In-r s-!•-•-j» SOIIIII ! anil tin.|is!iul,L-il . Ci::ii: you liii\ (! win.i>v:i) l!,c t-«t: "- iIii';s (if iny wife ilni'iiC tin: U- M I'l yi::ns , :ii:i| , - . - .i '. :,-: ii, i f tn willi In ' r |iro- -i-nl I'lijiijin.-iU ci ' l ic. -slili , y«.i: ivr.ii!.| ii:.li:cil fivl ilcli^ljK-il l-ii» iutr I-ij-ii 1I1- Hiram ,, '" s ., <rrcutl y iilk-vialin^ tli- f iiiri'lih^s ><f ii fclln ' .v c iratuic. fSijfi . ' .-d , ' WII.I.I A ; 1 .! (JAI.I'l. V . A iM-.if.so. v 7i» vr:.vj{- - oi- . •(;:•; < ri:;;i> or /. li.\ ' .> LUl , UF TII/iM V VKAI. 'S . - •1 A ;V J ;1. \G. f « " ;ij ;j oi' ;' . UUU-r iVcin . ^lr, ffi!liii;ii .l l»J»s, B:iiMn HOSIERY AXD Mixtures , I *- , !. K^ccivtd AT s\j to. a., K» M 5 Ha Os ST. PATRICK'S BOARDI NG. SCHOO L , iM0N T ASTEilY, T ULL0W , C & K3 E2 t . v C li v I as ' , Under liiu ratrnKuso cf t- .u i:;»!it Rev . Dr. H ALT . FlifiiS IsLstitttlion , Ix'iintiftillv .sitiiafc- .i in X \hi\ centto or " a deii ghlfn l " Cdmifry, f-li!! ir. -n- .tiisiics to enj oy tliat coiifitlt-ni. -i' ; I .- H 1 [lalro t;ago liy uliicit it " has over been ilij lin^nishcil from tlu; pcrioil or ' its foundation , mirier thu nus|)ii:( . 's of ihe lati; Ridst JJev. J)r. DoYi.i:. 'J'l- .u cotirso L'oin|iris(s the Latin , (iv- M<, FriMidt , and Italian Laiigtiaiics ; Rfading, Writing- , Anllttuetic , IJoolc-lvci-j ii. 'i g- , (iiani- iiiar , G' . -oo-rai diy, Jiistoi-y, Ciotmii'try, Al ^c- l- .i- a. Ti-i ^ononie-try, Aslrononiy, the Use of lite Glohes , Moribtiralion , Snrvey iii^, Navi g-;-lion , Civil JC ;i£riii < !t«ri:i {j, &c. S:c. Ti:!::.;i—To l)i- [.aid (|iii;r!<<r! y i,i adv;uico ; v;;i-yi accoulinjr to »g-c, from £:!o to iC2' J | K > I annnin. No t-xtni diiu-jje for V/asli;n:c c.v ytiitioii.-i ry. Vaintion (onl y 0110) from liu 1 middle of Jul y to tin; middle of Aujjiist. Jitrlt'i-fiifcs can lie madi? to j iarties of tlie hi g hest respectability, j i:>ion -j whom may he inentioniHl Rev. D. Alnldowney, Ad. 'fallow ; Wry Rev. Dean Aley ler , V.G. ; Very Rev. l)v ¥(>;<> , V. Cx. ; Rev. Dr. Cooper , Rev. J. Mar.Mahon, C.C. ; Rev. J. Fay, C. C. Dublin ; Rev. I'eter lMulli gen; Guardian , Capuchin Convent , Kilkenny ; Josep h Berry, Arran Quay, Dublin ; Alderman Sy lvosltlr L'lielan , lli jj h-itrect , and Richard Hayes , Esq. Quay, Waterford ; Michael Stitlon ' aiid joht i £lo\V' - le ' if , ivssjrs. New Ross. Cd> " I 1 ' " 1 " further particular? , appl y to Ji. J. (ilLMAJV , cr S. . 0'KELLY , At the Monastery. O T H S , ILOT8. on« ' as Ou-iis , (il KiislicIilli;, near Huritin-siicW, daft'il , .Hay 3I.s l , [S;ii. To Pri>ft:asor II OM .UWAY . Slit , 1 011 ¦¦•:ru>J ior a pcriixl of lliirty ycara from 11 bail li'jr , thu iL> »iilt of Hvo nr lino. . - liillurcnt ucviilcnts at Gas Works ; uc<:onijiaiiii. 'il liy scorhiitiu syui|ilums. I liail rfeonr-i: to a variety of mciiiral mlvici: , willinnt ile- rivinjj any lieiii-lit , nini «-m even tnlil that tin: l. -g must lie; aiii|iiitsitoil , yet , in u|i|io»itioi' i to thnt ojiinion , ymir I'ills a;al Oiinincnt Imvc i:ll' is:te l a conip lulu enr. ' in an s!ioil a tiim 1 , that few who l.a;l not wilnesseil it wjukl cr« :ilit tliu ratt. (Si^uc.1 j WM.I.IAM Allli.S. Tin: I ruth of tiii-t slaii:nn:nt enn lie verified liv Mr. W . I' . Miiyliiinl , Clic-iii- .t , iy , .M iU-ket Stri-ct , l|- .:' " lilcrs - li,l! . A IJUICAL ' T L'!. IJAU i:l!i-:.\ST CL1M- .D IX f) . \K MONTH. ! ' .2(rac( of a LeUor IVoJii . 11 r. I' mli'rifk Tiiruor , of Pcu.shiir.sl. Ucnl , ilalvd December KJUi j IS. ' I I. To l' mfcasiir IIA'-'-OWAY , l )r:AH Sin , My vtil e l iad .siiliVri-il frnm Iiail lireiisls fur ninrc tl;:iii ^x JiiunIlis , and ilin'in^ r 1 lie wh'ilu |i'!rinil lisi'i ll.-c bi-nt iii"li' ". 'il >ilti:nilaiii:i: , l iut all lo 110 Uicv Ihu - in ,; In.-Mre hialcil an siwi ' nl woun il in inv own li-g l iy ym i r nmiwill -il nir- .Heine , I ili-ic;nii:.i il ajsiin lo ii'i! yi.ur l'ills anil (>ii.tmi::it , tnul Iherrliiii' |;avi: lhuiii a tri.it i'l her I' NM ' , :iinl l.iilunaic. ii wii!-; I iliil so , fur in I I - SH iliau a niuiiili a I'liricel eiiri! «:is i-H' . -e i'.i! . alp! till! lifur .fi! tlint vini.i;i5 I' .la'i- !ir»i'i-lie-i nf iny f.iiiiily have iJimcil froui iher II .- - .. 1 i> irall . v astniii>liiii;r , 1 niiw s t r o i iy l y rvrum- mcn il tl.ci. 'i 10 al! my Srii'i- i!? . (oi ^n i'il) rilLiDHiiK K TUKNi- lt. A WOXDKlirCI. CUHK 01- A D. -WOKHOU S SWELLING OF Till- KXKH . Copy of a Lcllcr from John I' oriar , an A^rivu!- larisl. residing; a< >c\vboro:!g h , near llexhai!i . daled May !5lii , IS. " )!. To l' rofi-ssnr IIoi.i.ow.W , Sin , I was allli.:f. 'il witli a swelling on eacli siilo of l!iu Io^' , rather aU-.ivc tl:c kune , liir nuirl y two yinrs , which iiicrcascil to a •jreal SIKO , I had the nijvi itt of three, emi- nent Surgeons here , ami was an inmate, of I ho . \ewea?;lc liiliiniary for tour weeks. Aftt r uirioiu inedee of treat- ment hml been tried , I was ilisrhargeil as ineurablr. Haviiijrhcanl so iniuh of your I'illannd Uintmcnt , 1 de- termiiiRil to try tlicm . and in in less than a month I was completel y cured. U lmt is mure rcinailiable I was en- gaged twelve hours a day in the liny Harves t , aisd al- though I !ia\o Iblluwad my hiiorinuii occupation lhrc'iij :li- out UNJ :.in!cr , I liuve had no relurn whatever nf my co:n» p laint. fSitrned) JOIIX VORKAK. .VX IXI-LAMATIO.V IX THU SIDE I'KUl-KCTLV CLRHD. i!o;iy of a IcHrv frn;« 5h\ t' rancis Arnot , of ftraciiotisc , I.oMihin tioud , Mdiuiiro/ dated A j iril 29lli , 1851. To l' roftssor lloi. i.ow.v r. S11: , I-' nr inon: lh::u twenty yi> a rs my v.i fe has brcn siihjeci , from lipio !o 11 r;- i. > . t o a't.iel:* oi iiil' jiiituatiaii in the M ' . -I IJ . I ' m- w!ii;. -h sh e \v;.s h!.. -il »nd tdis ' urcil lo a ' _ -reat 1 -s!eiii , still tin: pain cuuii! i.ul K: III <>\ u I. About four yeurs ayo sin: .a-.v, ii; tin: JI -IJUM 3. llie u- utidi 'i'l'i il cues cli crift.l by your I'ills ami <>iiHm;-ni , an I t hou g ht she wniild pivi: tii. ::• a trial , To her ^reatnsti-uisliiiirii! r.nd dili-jhi. tin: ::i. " ii uineiliali: roiirl from their use , and after j.::Severn. '^ I' . -r ihrre wei-k-s i!ii; p. -iin in hi:i- si- . ' e \v;i> iwiini'lrlL-l y ruro'l. ai:-.l she Ii::s enjoyed llic be»t of hual' . h ' or llie |j- jl fuin- j o:iiv . (Si ^ - ::ri!; l : KAM: ' l6 AKXi'T. T in; L ills: sli.in ' :! lie nso.l conjointl y wit!i tliu ' . liiilii.eul most of me fidJowiii ^ oases : liad L. ;;-< ' . . 'iiif^o-loot i-'isir.las Siire-lh:nii Jlad lircasti (iouf Pkin-ili.-ea^es Ihirns Chapped hands Glandular Swellings Scurvy liuniona Corns (.Suit) l.umii:: :; -) " ;ire-headi l' Aiu of Misch' .' .toeiCaiiceis Pih-s and 5 ; ii :iii-i' "lies Tuiiiuurs Contracted ami IU::im.uism L'leeis Stiff .Ii.i: it< Cucii-Uay Klep hauiiasij Scalds Wounds Sore Ni pp le* Yawi So'd by lhfl iVopr-c ' or , *J 1-1 . Si riiii'l, (near 'IViniilc IJ .ir) London , and liy al! n-sprctable Venders nf l'alei t M' . -ili- rines t!ir';ii^ h>uit ihe ( . ' i\ilizo.l u \Viir! ;l . in Von u:-A IJ ; ¦ .\ 0 -= , at It. iU. ' . -J. -i . Oil , I i~ ., O. ' s " . mid :«¦!. t-aeh. Ti.efe it r. t tvy coi. -iih-rahli! ;avi;ig in Hiking Iho larjjir sizes . N.I!. —Dreciioiit l>>r the |(uiiiaiic« c-f 1' iUianl. ' aie af- Greil lo each l J ot or tiox. © IL 25 55 a- . .3 .\ t'G SI ' u& W JJJ § z<: . -%• o& 'S GENUiNi: OlilCIN'. -VL THIS lOMI'OU.M) . •SAl^.Vi'AKU.L.V Ol: 0L» DP.. TOWNSEND ( T- v >. : ; i:i>!hiiii; in C. - HIIIIIDII with pfi -paralions hciiiiig .LJL tin- I »: IIII ' in Ki.ylanil i.r America, l' repare.l b y 111,1: of tin: !i!dr . -t Aiaeric. in t. '!ie:n!-t. -= , having fjsiined the appn.li.uion of a ;:rval and respi'ctalj ' ic l«jd y of Ameriean l'hy. -ieians and I>in^g i. < '~ . uiiivirrsall y ai>p:oved r.iul alojitr-:! by the Ann-rk'.in penp le . and foriniii^' ncompound ofiill the ian:. - .t medical roots , seeds , [lUinii , and (lowers that grow «u AmciU- .m ~ 'iil , U may trul y be called the great and ixnoil Amerieaii ileiin -i y. Win il reeeiveil iutolln; stomach it is' .'i fie-iteii Ii!;e ihn f.n-1 , a:n! oa!. MS into the circulation pr^ei>i. ! y as tha ::u - tiii!- .:-i:t p:iit'»f our aiini-jui div:-< . ITS FIUST l;i:?.li:D!AL ACTION IS 1, 'PO . V TIIK DLOOU . aud tiiriii:^!i that upon every part where it is lU'rded. In I!iis way it purities the IJ I OK -J of i:\tr.:.t ot bih' , a' i.l-" , i.nd alkalis , of all iV-rui f" 11 mid moil.id uii:!!er , and brings it into a health y condition. In this way it is that tliis medicine is eonvi-ycd to tlie liver , where it allays iiillaniiu alion , or relieves coii^e. -:i'; n , removes ob- si met ions , eh-a:.sis , ' c heals abcessej , disolves jmiiuiy or thi. 'k(!iic:l bile and pxeiles hwilib y seerrtions in .his or^aii. In this w.iy, aUn , is liiis medicine condneted tn the lungs , v. 'hcrein ii assuages inilamuisition , >ill ivs irritmioii , re- lieves coi!' r r li , promotes :!\ pectoral ion , disso! to* tubereles , and her. U nlceratioiu. In like manner it acts on I he stomach to neutralise acidity, remove liatnleui:?, (ichilh y, heartburn , uausca , restore to::P , appetite , &e. In Ihe same way this {, 'uod medicine acts upon thu kidney s, on the bowels on the joints , bones , and the skin . Ilis by cleansing, iMir ii'liiiiir , and purif y ing the !i;o 10 that Old Dr. Town-mil ' s Saidapaiilln eilVcis so many and wonderful cures . l J h ysio!o^ ie:il fCifiiee ha-.i. ' emiiii. «tra!eil thu truth of what is as-erted in iloly Writ , that '- the blood W the life. " Upon this lluid all the tissue* ui ' I ! IO bod y dcpriid for their maintenance and rep letion. It replenishes the wastes of the system , and i;i\os to every solid mid fluid i!s appropriate substance or se- cretion—carlhi y tual 1ni1ier.il subsiaiiKi *, selatiue , mar- row , and mcnilir;r.!i . - to the ln.ues Hlliriuc t) the mus- cles. - cells to the liniirs—iiuin^s to U;l ibe caviiics—hair to ihe head—nails to the lingers ami toes—urine to the kidney s bih: to the liver— .jaslrie juice lo the stomach ; tears tn Iliu» -ve« ; saliva to tin! moii'li ; moisture lo the skin , and every necessary Hui-1 to lubricate the entire trann-work of the svstcm. " Xow , il by any means this important fluid becomes corrupt or diseased , Ihe whole system feels the shuck , and uiu-l sooner or later sink under it , unless re- lieved b;. ihe proper remedy. WI IPII this virulent itiaMer is throw:i to the skin , it shows the di-organisin^ and viriihnl iiiflii'-in c in a ui'iliitinlu of cutaneous diseases , ns salt rhoiiin . scald head , erysi pelas , supcrlic-ial ulcers , buils , carbuii(. -l. 'S , '!iupii.inj , blolchts , and itchiiij, ' , hum— 11;; sores over the laec , lorehftud , and breast . When I11ov. 11 upon Ihf cord s and joints , rheumatism in all t . - ii'ius are iudiiei-il ; when iijx.n Llie kidneys it produces (mi.1 , hi -at , calculi , diah. -tfi , and oilier sad .iisoideis ol ill bladder . When carried by tho eircul itinn !o lbs bones , the moibi.l matter dciiroys tin: animal and earthl y substan- ces of tiiosc lis-uex , pro'lm-int; necrosis , i.e ., deciy or ulueratiiiu of ihu li'iiii-* . When en.iveyrd lo the liver , all furiil <d' Inipalic or biiiou.i diseases iir>: the uiiivoi.l- aii!c product. When 10 Die lungs it produces pneumo- nia , cal.irih , a»thin:i , lii ' iorcles , c-jug h , e.vpi .vtiir.iiion , and liu.l consumption. When lo lb« sioiiisteh iho i-ifeels an: inll 1 tuiiiiit! ¦¦;] , iinli^'-stioii. >ii:U headavbe , vnmiiiujj , l-.ss ill " 10110 and tippi . -liu- . 'A lien it -u-izes upon tl:e brain or hoi vuMi >ys!ciu it brings on tie dulori -uv , or St Yitu.s. ' diinee , hyatiii'ia , palsy, ami pp ilej sy. When to the eyes , opthalnii.i ; !o the cars , oltorhec'i ; 10 the thro.it , bron- ehi'i- , croup, ir. Thus all tin- maladies known lo Ihe human svs ' em arc induce I bv a cm nipt stole of the blood . With mi general r-'ine ly 011 which implicit rrll.u:ce can he jilaced as a l' i;iui-li:it ol- Tin: H I .OOD , dis- . -aso and siill' eriii' . ' , and r.niseijiu-nt want , sialk uncheeked and uns:ilii!iie. l i;i i-vi-ry Ian.I in all tin: world, inhere is arrest of acii"ii in any of the xiseora , imuieiliiiiel y they begin tn dc. -ii y : it a-iy lluid ceases to cireulate , or to be chaii^i-d I ' L r friT-h. it bfeir.ni s a IU - . IM ; 'd' eiiiruptio:' , ua.l si ini!i j;ii;ilil enemy to tin: living lluiils au-l soli is. II tin: lilmid s' siL'nai' s it spoils ; if the IdU dues not pass oil' nii-1 uive p l .i- i ' to fr. ' -h , it rots ; if the urine is re- tained , it rn. ' ns body and hlooil . The whole system , everv M-creiion , i:\riy fiiiii-l!¦¦¦¦ , i-m, -y lluid depi 'ii l for Iheir hi iillh upnii anioil. eiirulaii .iii , cliau^e , giringaiid rcreivii'}. ' , ami ihe mumei.t these ees' .se , disi-ii.se , decay, and ili- . 'itli l.t-uin. All nature ahouisd* with the truth that every active sub- s 'ance !ias its opposite or corn-rlivr . All pnisO'H have their aniiduli-s , an.lull dir-i-a-es h;ni: tluiir remedies , did v.i- but know liiem. I' poii ihis iniucip le was Dr. T0W11- ser.il ifiiidod in Ihe dl-i . -ovciy ol ' his medicine. I' lvp.iii-d expressly by I lie old doctor t) net upon the Mood , i: is cai-ji:!.ited to cure a variety of diseases . It is the vcrv Hesl Sj»i in;; . liotlicsiic lo cleanso the bln.-'d , liver , stomach , kidneys , and frkhi . lu tin- spring Ihe blooJ uf most persons is Hjit to be more nr less ininiiii - , siie In ad ln-:nr , tlie ikin yellow , i.f'e n ci>\i:icd more or less with crnp 'ion? , pimp les , blotches , i:iul the {. 'eurrnl system . derat'^ed or disordered—but , however uli' cctcd , this aeaicbin^' puriticr sweeps out nil inipiiritirs 111 roiiuhs . colds , bronchitis , weak or liy ' it chrst , pal- pitation'f ll.e hiT.r' , and luu^ ro. 'isuin:i[ion , tilO (Jld iioo'i' - . ' s Sarsparella is wilboul a rival. Ill 1' iCMA l.i' .i.iid Nerums Disraseslhissupprior rcinidy is a great T- 'Nlt.' , -{in.s stre: 4U1 I" weak urgiina , weak ntru s , w. al; siuni;ijli , :iiid iJchili'ateJ mu. -iclejand joints , auJ Liiiiilus the blood , and all lli e iluids 0! ' the body. It is a medicine which has been used In- hundreds of thousands—been recommended by numerous most HES - PI ' .CTAI' . I . B Klicri-AK I'll YSICI ' A XS to thesifk . Upon every iissue an I fluid of the bod y ; upon everv Organ , fibre , " .tn! nerve ; upon every g land and cord , muscle und mi tiibiaiie; 11pon r.ll the circulating, di gestive , nutritive , and secreting organs—so it nroii fp-t a pure and health y action throug hout l!:- . 1 whole CCOIKIUIV —cleanses it of moil.id matter , sir. i.-iibeus TTeak organs , throws otf burdens anil ohstructions which load and oppress it , and imparts v tuli:y to rvf-y minute port of the whole struc- ture. Its virruc is unsui|ia sed—its success unef|uaI!eJ—:,nd its ;irru<es :11c tehofd froui ::!1 [iaii? of the laml l'OMKKOY . ANDUKWS , &rn .. Sole I' roprlelorj . GUAM) I.M i'KlUAI. WAREHOL' al" 373, STRAND , LONDON. (Adjoining Kxeter Hall). CAUTIDX . —Old [)r. Jacob 'I' ownseiiJ is no\r orer tevcii * .)- years of age , and has long been known as the author and discoverer of tlte (conutnc Ori ginal Tovtiisond Sin-sapariHa. To giisinl against deception in the purchase ofj thi* attiele , t|;e pbrirait , family coat of arms (the emblem uf ill.; Lien, inn] ibe liatfle), and the si gnature of the pro- prietors will be found on every label ; without these none is fcMiiini' l'HICK—i 'i'it- . .Is. : Qmirls , T?. fid. ¦ A cii NTs ' X AMKS .Denis 11 arrini; ton , -1, ]!arru:i- .sinuiil-sirici , Waterl ' oiil ; M' .Martini: Co., 121 , Clinpul- <tri-o! . Dublin ; S. Moy.l , 4!> , Mary-slrnt- !, Dublin ; J. K. Kiiishig h . .ji) , (:iaU'>ii->ir«<-t , Dublin , Ci.rry . Victoriii-sireei , li. ' . 'fasl ; Gnatl and Co., M, <!i l£i. T<=r * :- Mai!. . . - . 'i i-lfsist ; (i. U. v field , |:J-J . Gcor-c. -.-sireut , I. - ai- eiii . -k : |) . Veim.r . S. 'ii p-streel , Dinglie . ' ; Suru 1 !\'i!oc!c , Diii-dalk ; I). O'Connor , Xewry ; W. o'Ke ' eliV , Mailo -. v ; '. I). Muoiiamara , 8, Dutiliu-slivot , Cloninei ; .1 . I' . I-'i' Zfimuii-i , Ili g h-sireei , Ki!!<o:my ;—— Moiil^o - iii' ry, .!)uldiii-stri -et , llarlow ; S. Connoll y, Atb y ; Dr. H . Neiil , H.iMvm-. 'iia ; li. I' nlion , oti , Ijpp- . -r ICtiglisii- >livi-t. Aimau ' li. HA;.l- " -ri.\"T.S is. ii,i . T E _ E _ T _ H _ . __ S UR GEOX-DEXTf ST. HAS COrJ .MK N' CKl) Mi Vru^-<h-M\ \i::- ,- . < mice in WATI'Jith' O ltll . ami may i-e ca; siiiU-tl iij-.;!: 1 . ii 11 ( . ' i- . io. s appoi-iaiiiisi"; to tiic TKKTli , Cm. - 1 . , AND I'ALATK , .1: " J/r . A HDAGJI S , ID , Wiill , IVi 'l cf , '- ! . Watcrlbrd , November 10, 1S.}1. The Mai! , NOTICE THA T Tin: HA TE BOOKS AUK OPEX FOJ IXSPJXTlOX OF KATE PA YE1IS. fei ^ S &fc "iVTO'l'ICli IS HMREBY tf ^g^ ,v iN GIVEN , thai IMes as ^ 3? s$iars!?%ir ''ereunder iiiKiilioii'jd . ' ire about U be JSJa OSj lsrael-j al ma'Jc on the property siiuattil iii tlio utidcrmctitioiicd Eiectiir;il JJiviiit ins in ilia abovo Union , n- . teable r.nde;- llic provisions of the Acts l ' jr tlio iWief of the Destitute Poor in Ite- liiml , sir. ' .v.clv : Eluctoral Division of Cari iclc-on-Puir , a rati of 2s I O.I in tin; Pound. Electoral Division of Kiirrvj iTV. a rale of 2i 2d ir. the Pound. Elector, - .! Division of Ne.v t )\v n 1 mtc of Is 7' .1 in tlio I'ouihl. K\>2toi " ..l J)ivi.sion of Garrang ibbon , a rate of ]> -;d ia the Pound. Electoral Division of Bool ygLis?, a rate of Is 2d in llie Pound. Electoral Division of Tullahaug lit , a rate of Is 5. i in tiic Pound. Electoral Division of VTIiitcchurch . a rate of 9d in the Pound. Electoral Division of Fiddown , a rate of 10- .1 in tlie Pound. r Electoral Division cf .Muckalee , a rate ofdJ in the Pound. Electoral Division cf Piliown , a rate of Is Oi in the Pound. Electoral Division ot ieinp l. 'orum , a rate ot lOd in the Pound . Elccloial Division of Tnbbrid , a rate of 3d in the Pou- .nl. Elector.i! Division of Ball yilurn , a rate of 7d in the Pound. Electoral Division of Carrickbeg, a rale of 1 's Sd in the Pound. Electoral Division ofCloncn , aiate of iOd in tho round. Electoral Division of Fcnou^ h , a rale of lid in the Pound. Electoral Division ol " Glen , a rate of IOd i:: the Poutid. Electoral Division of Jlotlscll , a rate of IOd 1:1 thu I' our.d. Electoral Division of Itoss , a rate of Is 1M t- the Pouud. Elector.d Division of llalh g'irmuck , a rate <•: IOd in the Found. Electoral Division of Kilmeaden , a rate of |;.i in the Pound. Electoral Division of Portlaw , a rate of Is C.I in the Poitn.i . And whereas Annuities have been charge;: upon certain Electoral Divisions , TownlAruK and Denominations. , or Places , comprised in t!:u s. ' .id Union , under the provisions of the Act I'- ' : Vic , caj i. 14- . Additions to the above-men- tioned Hates have been made , for the purpose of providing for the payment of such Annuities , in accordance with the provisions ot " tVi fourth section of the last mentioned Act. And that tin: Kate Books are deposited f> inspection of any Ratepayer , at the Union Wor! house 1 , and will ihcrc be open for inspection I tween Ten in the I' oronoon and Fcur in the A lernoon , during ihe Fourteen Days next ensui: the date hereof , exclusive of Sundays. Signed this I '2th day of November , 1851. CHARLES DOOLEY , Clerk of the Union. The following are the the Annuities several : v charged cither on the above Electoral Division * or the several Towulands therein comprised :— Carriek on-Suir £U9 3 -2\ Kilmiin-y 4-2 17 0-; i\i!\vtu«-n -57 3 !li tiarniii^ibbon !)0 !) -1' )5uolvKiii . « 11 5 )•} Tidliilmii K lit.. 18 U 01 Whileehureh -\i \o i>i l- 'i'ldovv n 94 18 7| MucUalee 2-4 3 11} l'iltown SO 10 4} Tompleorum 1'J ^ '^J Tulibriil 21 G !!i Ball y.lurn 4* 7 6i CarriekbeiJ 120 11 0* Clonea..: 78 H *i\ l-ciioaith M 17 6J- Olen .r 120 0 2} Moihell U2 7 'i lt..M ° "* Kalhgormiick 41 8 »» Kilm ' aden 93 11 HI i. orlIt..v 135 10 4f ° CIIAELES DOOLfiY , . Clerk of tht Union

CLOVES,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1851/... · 2018. 5. 2. · I USEFUL HOUSEHOLD WORKS. [¦•I-TI C K.-;, , i i.r.i:r-STiti:i:T. I.O VDOS' ;] J'ubiisMeil

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Page 1: CLOVES,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1851/... · 2018. 5. 2. · I USEFUL HOUSEHOLD WORKS. [¦•I-TI C K.-;,  , i i.r.i:r-STiti:i:T. I.O VDOS' ;] J'ubiisMeil


USEFUL HOUSEHOLD WORKS.[¦• I-TI C K .-;, < ! > , i i.r.i:r-STiti:i:T. I.O.VDOS';]

J' ubiisMeil by l lOU r..STO.\ & STO.Vl'.MAM ,'!.') , l \ \Tl:HNOSTIi U UOW .

T U K K A M I LY F R 1 E N D ,/ . n /• '.:' ii 'i '!\firit. .l/.c,"'-""', 1 'itblhhitl upo n the Firs!

< .¦>; r' /•:;",¦, ( ¦I .'/I i f JCi-rr;/ .Month, pri t- i' Twn-pmiv .'!'!. '• I 'I H - I mi j>t i 'H. \, b-ruilil 'iiUi) p r inter / , inul iivtith/n:r. :¦• •<!.

r p i i K f.iJiowins: i< a typc o f T H K OlMNIO X funnel, t_ "I" i l l ! - : 1-AMII .V M I K M) , anil i-xprps^-d by

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I:!'."I .I ! "•ir.v i 'a t i i i i i Hi i '- i Tl,c. I 'mii Uij Fr 'ui i ' l - I t is em-y '. i :';.':i!iy ll;e .\l:i ::::/;;ie Mr ;i K.iMU.i" . I l* pa-res pro -ve:.t s i i i iu -t l i i i : ",' lor :ili ; t 'n'ie h \u< n u m b T of the <Io-ns-V.ie i 'irelefi .r .uutt '1!. . SM I -I nn ¦•!:!-? of.Soei'jiy mvrl'-'- .-Ueil.I t !¦¦ ir s '.- r . ; - ' a {,V;!"<v ;),\ .!i.i;.w:iiic. a I.-i !>;'.< .")/,.¦.,¦<.• .C- .' 1 . :'. >\-:'r- 'li!\- .} 'it !tl -h:<\ ; t : i<l ;i \Ytil'!:llUl M I :H \,i't i. - t i !. I : i- ;i .'•! >! ;•! /•"< M-:t^ii~ :ns .;\ You I /.',« Mtt 'ia-:• : • ¦ '. !•: 1 a f ,7. ." '"¦"* l 'r.>; !; t , i u-o : > . I I i - . ns i t s t i i '.; rnr-r. - t ; ! y . .. • • •! :!.-!— . ;i • M:t .; :;:;;..: i l l ' l) . imi' - :io Ki 'i i i i i i my ,\ . i ;

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Tin: i-msT V O I . V M K C O X T MN - S— ^__ ^A CO Ml'I. KM-; l iXGl-ISM G U A M M A U , Im|flM,ul^implilkil . ^1 ^*

l-'A M UJAU M-( '.nM!F.S OX f l lKMISTUY.TALKS 01- II1S10UY AXD ^gSSLliAVKr -

Til l - i»IlYSlC.\ r. I l lSTOHY OFTMfnv I XM).n i l - : l'l ivsioi.oGY ov iii:.\ [;nr"rx u» D I SK A S I -:.CKI.I - :sTIA'. A X D Tlilt l t l iSTiv IAL r i lKXOJIKXA

01-' Till; M-OXT IIS . SfoMAT H IOJATKJAI , , Gr.O.MKTRlraaAfflTIlMETI-

CAL , AM) 0TH1UI l'IH)HI.I :,Ma!sKU .KI .O C U T I O X A K Y I:XI :KCISI :S. ^BSB' T I I K TUTOR A X U HIS PUPILS ," flraBkiiswurs

lo ldliicntior.nl Uuc-s'.ions: mid a VAIUEcnj ISCKI.--AXV .

rjv, ' 'J 'lie First Volume of the J-'iimil i/ Tutor is r.oicread;/ , ICl tyni i f i i / liounil, price ix . UU.

Tin: TUTOli'S J.'.:>';i ( . I^lI G I ( A M . M A i ( . <- '>nl»i:ii ' ; !ill t i i ' in l iuvi ! Vnlniiio . i< i l lustmlcd by Wood I-j i ^iaviM y s .l>y wl i ic l i a ilry itntl > !i!:iJ', 111 sinil y is rci'dercil singnlurlvinti 'ir^ii/j :.

A IV« " s. lrrl Ain"Kl!TIS !-.> l y.XT.S of KDl .CA-T I ' i X A J . ' I X S i rr i ' l 10XS , &f. . an: icccivcd in t l .cr i' i'di;. 'IVit i i r . af. in I J: I; T i t l K X I ) .

j .' j '... J J . j i _ l . ' ¦ i\ '¦-,;* ± \ .. -_ .- .- . -

("'!¦ Til! - : l . JVKI lATf l .MC <T A I.I. X A T I O X ; 5..- •• ." :: i x T !¦: ;> t x T I : I : C 't v s r \ J . :¦ .* t. \ c !.:

l > ,h : ii.'. Wi.- .';!;/ ; Mvi, ti, !:i I' .i r.'s &l. or WJ. ;Vulunits .")¦> .

I t is l i i i : ni il y Yi'urk ui :vi-iit'il >pL'ci.iIiy to Hn: ;n: i : ; ! i i -l i .ui i^l L' l . i v i r- '.l J . i 'uatiir i! , ami wi l l bo fuiis i i l l i f l i in

K i t i - r ri . . : > i : r- :--in * .- .A D V i '. i i Y i S i- : '.n".\T.': arc iiurrloil in I l i i : Wrapp"r.-

••!' H i - W' ;- . !iI y Xnni i i cr s iiinl t in! Mnnl l i ly P .si l s . Trimsas in TI!!- : I:\ \ M H . Y M M K X I ) .

l': i i i ' !> . . •¦/ •.urn ^c. i . (•/ ¦ ./// !i ¦'"¦. '¦'.

F A M i L V P A S T I M E ,o::. no :-ii:s MA H !-: u.\vv

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ol t h i s \\* ( i !K l i : i» c !» i.'ii frli 'L't i '.-i .

dbnvc l i 'o.-.'-.v nidi/ be ol ' niiinl u}¦¦i i-< \'r./i(.-/ . ( .-i'. / .' it ;-. ' an./ u 'i;'t ' "i i ij: .. (/ ;/ I..: i'i t : L i i : , ! L:i i'tixl i ; >> ' < <'! j< '<.::i':¦/ i\. • '¦'In _c/ o.;..-y iMC,- .•':; ti.L. i:bu\ i if t • .- ,"'( I i.hlii) !' .

] ':,*!-d/flrc (.¦/ •,•.'(• }• .•; /"://• ffi .' / v < "//.••• .r.rf l .'s nr book '-lo be i:>u( 'r t ^i/ uU '/to Jd.il Drhnc tt , (\'.i , F /n l -v.'ri,-,', L 'l i i t ivu.\$y -yy \i XAUtM s U S'50>r:."l.i?i . asi:! ;:.ii

Utj iikyr il i ' i 's .

i^iiiaL • JLS."M'.r. j » K i : > : i .^i- : s AT

r !! i-; \v A T ;: it s I i) ]•:,. • , ¦::!• i:i i,'; ;!:i s hvti ij :. '',

f \ S v. hi -. i: in-.' t". ivI -.- .l 'J 'lirfc i l o i i - i .-s fi-cn i l -V./ i-.!»- t in- 'j i::.y < -f JO!-J :'S Piil . ir.ul Six! iuu .vs ::;¦!:; in '; !i::!-;:;' :'i n:!i?-;'il Y: ;;tl , vrri\::i!.tj:;" -i ::»:• ;; V.1'":! < •• •• 'i'i ;i!i.';-l' \ :»« "- 1.

Aon '!'.( !::¦ '.;'! Cur i 1. !;ii:i;" t f>nt ; of y;'.".:".s'^Ti;- 2 : i«-.;:;>?» *tc;, *i,

?i.-U:i1 <'>X$ Th'.- !X D SWEET ,:u!ii!::ali\ r ;:-.'.:ij '.i ':l I'm1 i t s iy l i .^ i ii ' 1^-, lii ivinj ;

* L:.!":;" :> f»ft % < :1 " (wo Fiuni-s , Forty 'iix S'cctLi> ;:g i;: tin ; Ufri ' .

A j i ; i i y toW I L . . U A M WVAA ,,

?,J;i!:;ir Sirt 'ijj .

j :!:: •.• | T W () 11 1) i; ;S I-: .-; . !~ K »JJ;A !JJ \V;:;< {:¦::;•.Ion- :tt .Si.'::!u-:i-St. t"T3?"

r ,r !;-i y l:: - i<J b y .Mr MiHu ici Gonnai t .

i -n ( liL- Ti-ii- 'i'.'is of I he Jj '.-pi-r I lo-j . i t . i livi . i 'i:- .. ami li'l 'i wi l l i Air. (Ji; l.i .iMomt , St; "\v-

iir i l , ;•.! t l io i !o>|iilal , o:i or boioro tin: 2«.;l!i ilaynf Xovcmlicr , ISol .

WaU'iford , Nov. 10, 1801.


% a i i c « o U 1 Ei :t i o •»1 s:iv• ;:•_; been ir.culc fj r the. purposes of thu Iri .sli!V.;r 'lUlict' A LM S.

^d-v "j VTOTICH is la- ic-by g iven .

p iy ^$&i&L^ ^- ' t 'l;>-t l>vU lcs '1!;VC ^-'c"j n

^iC&r^' ^' ^ u '-> lr'at'-c on lllC JTop city ?itu-J^^st^^^^sJ ;itcd in llie imi lcrnieiitioML 't l

J'Jlccionil Divisions of the nbuvu Union , r ;it'j; il)ljtunlcr the j irovisions of the Acts for l lu l iufuf theDestitute: l'i'or in IrcbiMl , nmiic-ly : —

F.ieclortil 1 *"- i=-ion of Anlagh , a rate of 2s \)A inthe Pouiui.

Ji !t ct tj r a l Di\ Ni .-n of Arum -re. a r.i' o of Is ' lilin thu roun- 1.

]- ;ite!<iral Division ol' 15u!] y liccr.y, .1 iuU- of Is !).!in the J' oimil.

i lku 'ioral Division of Chubmoro , u rate d 'a (ill::> \iv.' Pcui.il .

J 'iirct s .fiil Division of Cloiipii cst , a rutc of "s-1:1in tiic i'ouml .

l- :ic-'-tor;:l Divi sion of G'rn:i:::\ a rntc of Is 0.1in :!:!.- i:oi,i: '.!.

l'l 'j ct( .r::l D'u i.v.on of (i ru l ia g h , a r ;;te o f -_»s Odin li:;: H i t , I I I ! .

j - i i t - 'v .ru l l / iv i t ii ;n (;f (i!ei! ">vil!iiirn , a r .ilo of_':¦• •_'•! in t: ;'.' i' oui.d.

i ' icc (or ;i l i J i v i . -iion al 'X i'.!o;;^ !i , n ra'.-j of Is Idm t i n - I'lj u n d .

l' ! i - c : l ( i r : i ! I S i v i s 'ci 'i of lv iiis::1.!;l l i- 'T. n r .if o ( i f

! 'J.< '!¦] in t l ie I' l .nii ;:.

j I ','.- tt: iral D i -.i- iuti .".f lCi 'icroiMt , a r.- i tc rS '2:: M| ii) ( ': » .¦ I'.,!!!;:] .i l , !octora! Division f .!' Ki l i r i f t C i . -noii.!:. a r ;;tc '-1I i r - -- -i ! in l !if !'ou:ul .

I' .l ct' .i .:1 Div i .-io.i of ';\ ;:i ,,;...ii. !:.• .!, a V.I '.'J of1- :'r.i is: t;: < - ]'.,uad.

J - I l cc t - > » ; i l J ;ivi.~ ii. 'ii oi"j "on^ !;:il , a rat .1 c f j - . 2-1in t i i " i' l .a i i i ! .

A n d v . l . c it.as A n n u i t i e s l .nvc be; n clu;r:;( .-dup on (- . '. l a i n KhtUora! J> i v i .-ioi.5 , Townia iuh ,D.-r.r - i i i i n .l i 'j i i 's or Maces c o rnp ih i -.! in ;!:'> saidLT ni - .n. un -. ler ( l ie provi .-ioii .s ci ' t l u Act 1;) Vie.,cap . 1-i ; a d - l i l ions to the a!j!;VL'-me i i t ionedHa l t s l in.vc l.-i c-n lii .ide lu r t h e ;'u s ;- -: i- of j no-vii 'linj! ior the ] uyii iei ;t of it iei i A n n u it : e .-, ina:con!».ncc w i t h t h e j irovi . s'.ons of tl ie l ih olt h e said J-i . s l -nu n i i onc-d Ac t ,

Ar .tl ih i : l is i t r 15ooks sire now in my custod y,::n(l r.:;r. ! 'j inspceted i<y s-.ny I'ei.s-n all'L-etcd!!:• n- !.v , .'".I I! ;:- i ; i i ' ! i l Uooin , V ou;;h".l. on anyi i - - v , !:::—: •¦ I S u n d ay , I/ - ; ween tl e !ioi::s i f 10

"'( 1. c!; i i , i i ; r : f' ret ioo:i ;.nd -1 o ' C ' i o t l v in l!.e¦• • ' < r i . .. . .;: : in.il li.e sai l U c i e .-i v. i l l I K : piy aLlui':« - : i i .-imi i i - i r t h c i u h r u ai i - in ul ' l i i i s X' l t i c i .1.

•'¦¦i .ui.a th i > ;J h t <)..}• of Oc t - - l / i ;i", li . 'i l .p. K!;.\'.\ I;DV ,

Cii 'r!; <-f Vou uhn l tiie Uni 'm.


CLOVES ,A large Assortment



New Winter Ki«bon

I! o o t s


liM'j Jois—(.''oaks ,

SC.lL'F.i and SILUJ'/.S


A L P A C H A SM aratla ] \

All Jus!. !

R O B E R T S 0 U

¦S: T:-X ;:iT> ^i) 'ft rvl] ^;;> * %KSW CZUC'iJIrATIi 'S- kSBRiiRYji:', :v:. ..:-sn:::.:r, (o;:;v .-!TH TI :I : nioviNci.M .

j iAM - :) .

i s x o ;v o i» JO N .I t i'i:i- 'i-:".fC:-. i-.V- 'i;; V* ' n Vnlsiaio- i el ' l!i;: most Vni'.'ilur

N..V.-1. .'. K'«.i . . r,-..<-r -- , .-. - - , .-:.• '..' -¦vivi . i-r the " CITI-'/ . !¦;>. '' ii. i S:itii!'i.l:iy l;i.-. ' '!ir.:ct !Vo:ii l.ii;<iu:i.

Tr.H SS 0^ S1'3SC8JPT5!^.V.TU -V.- - - - - ;Ci C-'. 0.1l::;li- v.'i':-.vl r - - - 0 11 s. (Hi'. .I ' l it r t c rl y . . . . (> C.j. I :i

.¦ik'i i i l . 'y - - - - 0 '-' (M

(i 'AVAm. v. i\ .M.vA NC!:.)i:, i-T-- i .f .\ i - o:i.!.-i:i' .'i:, I 1. .111 i : i .-v i 11 t i l l 'J 'l.n- i .- , :iinl f . i-.i:i S i i ( i i l

A I I I . ..

" e. ^- .^D'^OrJD '""'J S :."f ; \ V ri i i i lj i : :- :ni I .W i i .N T i. ' l .' V Iji !) i .\. ui - Mi;.' . in : .'t i - i f s in 1 1 r)y -; i!J '

*.» ' ;: 1 JI r i-s ill \v!: i: * 11 ;iru im.'i i : :.- I - :I itU i i ! t::i! ')i' * '¦!' ::ll j i r i i|;"-l - :y c.)i:. .;:.:Ifil w i t h IV n r l,:nv

U iii. • ; ¦¦•¦.A C- M i s i i i . -i'iiliiM f . i v'ii'.; nf t i in i; wi l l be i:iT.:c!'(l In-

1 Ii. " Ki ' i '] . in-.: iA ' 1 li i rs K- m k .('. I I . i > t i n 1 onl y 1' i- i n trr 1" lr i : l . i :-.i! w in Ii:is };o.ii' f . i

i i i - . I M I II 'I I I : 11] m. ::::.^ o-i : r :ui t lur.i u' u i t ^ . l!i" ;I 1J « H I : !'orl' i i l> l i r : i t i "i i .

Tl iu Dun!; i- -2 iri - : l i i s- .-In- - .-y 1-J i i:i-:;i-s.

f'r-;*" .c;-'1'"i 1 i:":1 Sli '- i-u c:iii In: i-li 'iihioil liy r.|i|i!y i: i-,' r.ll l i c ( I li i c i : 1 f i l ;- . I' ,i|i'T ; whi 'iT limy Im lr.nl n il JJooksni:d I'l irnii r.'.'( !ni i- 'jii liv t i n : I ' .mr Lav A- '.t .i,

CCOUXT LOOKS M M) E TO O l i h E I i . A X Dro J:\ j iity su.ii 'J -:.p .ii 'Jcn i:i:u:i> TO J:VJ - H Y P A T TE UX

i'uy n:ns rJ U S T E D TO EVER Y SIZE

i l . l X h - JS l / . L S OF Ji VJCll Y K I X V


Tine K PW SiiSj s'ary Catalo^iBeIS 3TOW R'JSADY rOB. ISSUJS.



T li 0 U S Ji R I X G S




Jiargc slock ,


& LEDLXS'S,Qcsi35- ,Watcrf«rcS

EQ fiU iii E-: BS Y«!i:S« E 5KM E C56V •

TIOLLOV/A Y'S OINTMK N T.A M"sr :< i i i : . \ .' i : i .D i s (: I ;H I : oi; H \ D 1 t'os'

A ! i lCIt -1.1 V I -A l i S ' .SI.' I F K i t l .VC .l-y ! nut i-J ' ti Letter fro m Mr . William dolp hin , P/' 7U ,

.*> < .• (. (/ Miiry 't Sn.rt , Wciimunlt i , i.'ulcd Mnj ' \;,lh1 -<i !.

I'II r iofi ^-.or I ld i .i . ow AV ,Si K ,— A t the nut, i,l" 18 ;n\- w i f e f w l i o is nuw 01)

ca ii ^l i t JI r iulent colil , w l i i c l i SI - I I I IM ! in !;cr Ifj; '*, at nl ( .\ cr^i: :>;« I I I T I I t i m e Ilit-y I ia» i: l irrn mure or li:- a sjiir. 1

, anil;.' iv ii i l y i i ;i ! ; ii i i '- i l . l |.:r ii- ,' i. i i i i- s w. -iv. i!i ?t i : n' l i i i ^, sm'

il I'm'i i i - > i i t i i > t oge t h e r SIP: wui i ! c|. i i v i. ( l cn t i i v ! \ ol r. - si uml»!i;i- |> . Kw>i-y rcii iuil y I l iu l mci l i i -al mon a .lv ij c i l wast i ' ip i l , Inn wi i lmut i-Ci-ct ; lit- i- l i rakl i mi", ix-.l so vn c lv .i i in l l ! io > la ti ; U I' I HT l- » i was lerr iUle . I li m; n l u n rt'iiily c i 'i r A ih i- r l i - r n i i : i i i s, an il a i lv ij i- i l ln.-r to try ymir P i l l saii'l o i i i tui iMii ; ami aa a last ri:.->imrro , nft> :r CVI - I y i.therninrd y li - . i l pru\(:il us. Ifs- , : lie ro.^.-iilnl In i|» so". Simi-( iiiii:(>in i.'il six wi'i'li s :.:^o , ami , si r a K'j i! ID ri'lati 1 ,is i i ' .w i n ^ciiil l u a l l l i . l ! . - r J, .y i an, |iaink'S?, wi i ho i tH l n- a i n or > . n r , an il In- r s - ! • - • -j » S O I I I I I ! ani l t in . | i s ! iu l ,L- i l .Ci : : i i : you l i i i \ (! w i n . i> v : i ) l ! ,c t- « t : "- i I ii ' ; s (i f iny wifei ln i 'i iC tin: U-M I'l yi::ns , :ii:i | ,- . - .i '. :,-: i i , i f tn w i l l i In

'r |iro-

-i-nl I 'l ij i ij in .- iU ci ' l ic.- s l i l i , y « . i : ivr.ii!.| i i:. l i:cil fivl i l c l i^ lj K - i l:» l - i i » iut r I - ij - i i 1 I1 - Hiram ,, '" s., < r r c u t l y i i l k-v i a l i n^ t l i-f i ii r i 'l i h^s >< f ii

fc l ln'.v ci r a t u i c. f S ij f i .'.-d ,'WII . I . I A ;1.! ( J A I . I ' l . V .

A iM-.i f . so .v 7i» v r : .vj{ - - oi- .• ( ; :• ; < r i : ; ; i> or /.li.\ '.> L U l , UF T I I / i M V V K A I .'S .-• 1 A ;V J;1.\G.

f«";ij ;j oi' ;'. UUU-r iVcin . lr , ffi!lii i;i i .ll»J»s, B:iiMn


Mixtures,I *- ,!. K^ cc ivtdAT

s\j to. a., K» M s« 5 Ha Os


iM0NTASTEilY, T U L L0 W ,C & K3 E2 t .v C li v I as v«' ,

Under liiu ratrnKu so cf t - .u i:;»!it Rev . Dr. H ALT .

F l i f i i S IsLsti t t t l ion , Ix ' i int i f t i l lv .siti iafc-.i inX \hi\ centto or" a deii gh lfn l "Cdmifry, f-li!!ir .-n-.t i i siics to enj oy t liat coii f i t l t -ni . -i' ;I.- H 1 [lalrot;ago liy uli ici t it "has over been il ij lin^ni shc ilfrom tlu ; pcrioil or' its foundation , mirier thunus |) ii:(.'s of ihe lati; Ridst JJev. J)r. DoYi.i:.

'J'l-.u cotirso L'oin|iris(s the Latin , (iv-M <,FriMidt , and Italian Laiigtiaiics ; Rfading,Writ in g-, Anl l t tue t ic , IJoolc-lvc i-j ii.'ig-, ( i i ani -iiiar , G'.-oo-rai diy, Jiistoi -y, Ciotmii 'try, Al ^c-l-.i- a. Ti-i^ononie-try, Aslrononiy, the Use of liteGlohes , Morib t iralion , Snrvey iii^, Navig-;-lion,Civil JC ;i£riii < !t«ri:i {j, &c. S:c.

Ti:!::.;i—To l)i- [.aid (|iii ;r!<<r! y i, i adv;uico ;v;;i-yi accoulinjr to »g-c, from £:!o to iC2'J |K > Iannnin. No t -xtni diiu-jj e for V/asli;n:c c.vytiitioii.-i ry.

Vaintion (onl y 0110) from liu 1 middle of Jul yto tin ; middle of Aujj iist.

Jitrlt 'i -fiifcs can lie madi? to j iarties of tliehi ghest respectability, j i:>ion -j whom may heinentioniHl Rev. D. Aln ldowney , Ad. 'fallow ;Wry Rev. Dean Aley ler, V.G. ; Very Rev.l) v ¥ (> ;<>, V. Cx.; Rev. Dr. Cooper , Rev. J.Mar.Mahon, C.C. ; Rev. J. Fay, C.C. Dublin ;Rev. I'eter lMulligen; Guardian , CapuchinConvent , Kilkenn y ; Joseph Berry, ArranQuay, Dublin ; Alderman Sylvosltlr L'lielan ,l l i jjh-itrect , and Richard Hayes, Esq. Quay,Waterford ; Michael Stitlon 'aiid joht i £lo\V ' -le 'if , ivssj rs. New Ross.

Cd>" I1'"1" further particular? , appl y toJi. J. (ilLMAJV , crS. 1». 0 'KELLY ,

At the Monastery.


on«'as Ou-iis, (il KiislicIilli ;, near Huri t in-siicW,daft ' il, .Hay 3I.sl, [S;ii.

To Pri>ft:asor II OM .U W A Y .Sl i t ,— 1 011 ¦¦• :ru>J ior a pcriixl of l l i i r ty ycara from 11

bail li'jr , thu iL> »i i l t of Hvo nr l ino. .- l i i l lurcnt ucviilcnts atGas Works ; uc< :onijiaiiii.'il liy scorhiitiu syui|ilums. Ilia il rfeonr-i: to a variety of mciiiral mlvici : , wi l l innt ile-rivinjj any lieii i - l it , nini «-m even tnlil that tin: l. -g mustlie; aiii | i i itsitoil , yet , in u|i|io»itioi' i to thnt oj iinion , ymirI'i l ls a;al Oiinincnt Imvc i:ll'is:te l a conip lulu enr.' in ans!ioil a tiim1, that few who l.a;l not wilnesseil it wjuklcr« :ilit tl iu ratt . (Si^uc.1 j W M . I . I A M A l l l i . S .

Tin: I ruth of tii i - t slaii:nn:nt enn lie verified liv Mr.W . I' . Mii y li i inl , Cli c- ii i - .t , iy , .M iU-ket Stri-ct , l |-.:'"lilcrs -l i , l ! .A I JUICAL 'T L'!. I J A U i:l!i- :.\ST CL1M - .D IX f) .\ K

M O N T H .!'.2(rac( of a LeUor IVoJii .11 r. I'mli'rifk Tiiruor ,

of Pcu.shiir.sl. Ucnl , ilalvd December KJUi jIS.'I I.

To l'mfcasiir IIA'-'-OWAY ,l ) r : A H S i n ,— M y vt i l e l iad . s i i l i V r i- i l frnm Iiai l lirei isls

fur ninrc t l ; : i i i ^x J i i u n I l i s , and ilin'in r 1 lie wh' i lu |i'!rinil

l i s i ' i l l .-c bi-nt i i i"li '".'il > ilt i :n i la i i i : i : , l iut a l l lo 110 Uicv Ihu -

in ,; In.-Mre h i a l c i l an siwi 'nl woun il in inv own li-g l iy ym i rn m i wi l l -i l nir-.Heine , I i l i- i c ;n i i : . i il aj siin lo ii'i! yi.ur l'i l ls

anil (> i i . t m i : : i t , tnul I h e r r l i i i i ' |;avi: lhu i i i a tr i . i t i'l her

I'NM ', :iinl l . i i l u n a i c. i i wii!-; I i l i i l so , fur in I I - SH i l i a u a

n i u i i i l i a I ' l ir icel ei i r i ! « :i s i-H '. -e i ' .i ! . alp ! till! l i f u r . f i ! t l i n t

v in i . i ; i5 I' . la'i- ! ir» i'i- l ie- i nf iny f . i ii i i ly have iJ imci l froui

ihe r II .-- ..1 i > i r a l l .v ast n i i i> l i i i i ; r , 1 n i iw s tro i iy ly rvrum-

mcn il t l .c i .'i 10 a l ! my Srii ' i- i!? . (oi ^ni'i l )

rilL iDHiiK K TUKNi - lt .


Copy of a Lcllcr from John I'oriar, an A^rivu! -larisl. residing; a< >c\vboro:!gh, near llexhai!i .daled May !5lii , IS.")!.

To l'rofi-ssnr IIoi.i.ow.W ,Sin ,— I was allli.:f.'il wi t l i a swelling on eacli siilo of

l!iu Io^', rather aU-.ivc tl:c kun e , liir n u i r l y two y i n r s , whichiiicrcascil to a •j real SIKO , I had the nijvi itt of three , emi-nent Surgeons here , ami was an inmate , of I ho .\ewea?;lclii l i iniary for tour weeks. Aftt r uirioiu inedee of treat-ment hml been tried , I was ilisrhargeil as ineurab lr.Havi iij rhcanl so iniuh of your I ' i l lannd Uintmcnt , 1 de-termiiiRil to try tlicm . and in in less than a month I wascompletel y cured. U lmt is mure rcinailiable I was en-gaged twelve hours a day in the l iny Harves t , aisd al-though I !ia\o Ib l luwad my hi iorinu ii occupation lhrc'iij :li-out UNJ :.in!cr, I liuve had no relurn whatever nf my co:n»plaint. fSitrned) JOIIX VORKAK..VX IXI -LAMATIO.V IX T H U SIDE I'KUl-KCTLV

C L R H D .i!o;iy of a IcHrv frn;« 5h\ t'rancis Arnot , of

ftraciiotisc , I.oMihin tioud , Mdiui iro/ datedA j iril 29lli , 1851.

To l' roftssor lloi. i.ow.v r.S11:,— I-'nr inon: lh::u twenty yi> a rs my v.i fe has brcn

siihjeci , from lipio !o 11 r;- i.> . t o a 't . iel:* oi i i i l ' j i ii tuatiai i inthe M'.- I IJ . I'm- w!i i ;.-h sh e \v;.s h!..- il »nd tdis 'urcil lo a '_-reat1 -s !e i i i , st i l l tin: pain cuuii! i.ul b« K:III <> \ u I . About fouryeurs ayo sin: .a-.v, ii; t in: J I -I J U M 3. llie u-utidi 'i'l'i il cuescli crift.l by your I'i l ls ami < > i i H m ;- n i , an I t hou g ht shewni ild piv i : t i i . ::• a tr ia l , To her ^reatnst i- u is l i i i iri i ! r.ndd i l i- j h i. tin: ::i. " i i u ine i l ia l i : roiirl from t h e i r use , and afterj . ::Severn. ' I' .-r ihrre wei-k-s i!ii; p.-iin in hi:i- si- .'e \v;i>iwi in i ' l r lL- ly ruro'l . ai:-.l she Ii::s enj oyed llic be»t of hual'.h'or ll ie |j-jl fuin- j o:iiv . (Si ^

- ::ri!;l:KAM:'l6 A K X i ' T .

T in; L ills: sli.in ':! lie nso. l conj ointly wit!i tl iu '. lii i l i i .eulmost of me fidJowiii ^ oases : —

liad L. ;;-< '..'iiif^o-loot i-'isir.lasSi ire- lh:ni i Jlad lircasti (iou fPkin-il i .-ea^es Ihirns Chapped handsGlandular Swellings Scurvy liunionaCorns ( .Suit) l.umii:: :;-) ";ire-headil 'A iu of M i s c h '.'. toe iCaiiceis Pih-s

and 5;ii :i i i - i '"lies Tuiiiu urs Contracted amiIU::im.uism L 'leeis Stiff .Ii . i: i t<Cucii-Uay Klep haui ia sij ScaldsWounds Sore Ni pple* YawiSo'd by lhfl iVopr-c 'or, *J 1-1 . Si riiii 'l, (near 'IViniilc IJ .ir)

London , and liy al! n-sprctable Venders nf l'alei t M '.- il i-rines t!ir ';ii^ h>uit ihe (.'i\ i l i z o . l u \Viir! ;l . in Von u: -A IJ ; ¦ .\ 0 -= ,at I t . i U . '. -J.-i . Oil , I i ~ ., O.'s". mid :«¦!. t-aeh. Ti.efe itr. t tvy coi. -iih-rahli! ;avi;ig in Hikin g Iho larjjir sizes .

N.I! . —Drecii oi i t l > >r the |(uiiiaiic« c-f 1'iUianl.' aie af-Greil lo each lJ ot or t iox .

© IL 25 55 a- . .3 .\ t'G SI 'u & W JJJ § z<: .-%• o& 'SGENUiNi : Ol i l CIN '.-VL

THIS l O M I ' O U . M ) .•SAl^ .Vi 'AKU.L.V Ol: 0L»DP.. TOWNSEND

(• T-v>.:; i :i>!hiiii; in C .- H I I I I I D I I w i th pfi-paralions hci i i i ig.LJL tin- I »: I I I I ' in Ki . y lani l i.r America, l'repare.l by111,1: of tin: !i!dr .-t Aiaeric. in t.'!ie:n!-t.-= , having fjs iined theappn.l i .uion of a ;:rval and respi'ctalj 'ic l«jd y of Amerieanl'hy.-ieians and I>in ^g i.< '~ . uiiivirr sall y ai>p:oved r.iulaloj itr - :! by the Ann- rk'.in penp le . and foriniii^' ncompoundof i i l l the ian:.-.t medical roots , seeds , [lUinii , and (lowersthat grow «u AmciU - .m ~ 'iil , U may trul y be called thegreat and ixnoil Amerieaii il eiin -i y.

Win il reeeiveil iutol l n ; stomach it i s '.'i fie-iteii Ii!;e ihnf.n-1 , a:n! oa!.M S into the circulation pr^ei>i. !y as tha ::u -tii i! -.:- i:t p : i i t ' » f our aiin i -j ui div:-< .

ITS FIU ST l ;i :? . l i :D!AL A C T I O N IS 1,'PO .V T I I KDLOOU . aud tiir iii :^!i that upon every part where itis lU'rded. In I !iis way it purities the I J I OK -J of i:\tr.:.t otbih' , a' i.l - " , i.nd alkalis , of all iV-rui f" 11 mid moil.id uii:!!er ,and brings it into a health y condition. In this way it isthat tliis medicine is eonvi-ycd to tl ie l iver , where it allaysi i i l lani iu al ion , or relieves coii^e.-:i';n , removes ob-si met ions , eh-a:.sis ,'c heals abcessej , disolves jmiiuiy orthi . 'k( !iic:l bile and pxeiles hwi l ib y seerrtions in .his or^aii.In this w.iy, aUn , is liiis medicine condneted tn the lungs,v.'hcrein ii assuages inilamuisition , >ill ivs irri tmioii , re-lieves coi!'rr li , promotes :!\ pectoral ion , disso! to* tubereles ,and her. U nlceratioiu. I n l ike manner it acts on I hestomach to neutralise acidity, remove liatnleui:?, (ichilh y,heartburn , uausca , restore to::P , appetite , &e. In Ihesame way this {,'uod medicine acts upon thu kidney s, onthe bowels on the joints , bones , and the skin .

I l i s by cleansing , iMir ii 'liiii ir , and pur if y ing the !i;o 10that Old Dr. Town-mil 's Saidapai i l ln eilVcis so many andwonderful cures . lJ h ysio!o^ ie:il fC i f i iee ha -.i.'emiiii.«tra!eilthu t r u t h of what is as-erted in i lo ly Wri t , tha t '- theblood W the life." Upon th is lluid all the tissue * ui' I !IObod y dcpriid for their maintenance and rep letion.

I t replenishes the wastes of the system , and i;i\os toevery solid mid fluid i!s appropr ia te substance or se-cretion—carlhi y tual 1ni1ier.il subsiaiiKi *, selatiue , mar-row , and mcnilir ;r.!i.- to the ln.ues — Hlliriuc t ) the mus-cles.- cells to the liniirs—iiuin ^ s to U;l ibe cavi iics—hairto ihe head—nai l s to the lingers ami toes—urin e to thekidney s — bih: to the liver— .j aslrie juice lo the stomach ;tears tn I l iu» -v e « ; saliva to tin! moii ' l i ; moisture lo theskin , and every necessary Hui-1 to lubricate the ent iretrann -work of the svstcm.

" Xow , il by any means this important fluid becomescorrupt or diseased , Ihe whole system feels theshuck , and uiu-l sooner or later sink under it , unless re-lieved b;. ihe proper remedy. WI IP II this virulent itiaMeris throw:i to the skin , it shows the di-organisin^ andvir i ihnl iiiflii '- in c in a ui ' i l i i t in lu of cutaneous diseases ,ns salt rhoiiin . scald head , erysi pelas , supcrlic- ial ulcers ,buils , carbuii (.-l. 'S , '!iupii. inj , b lo lcht s , and itchiiij ,', hum—

11;; sores over the laec , lorehftud , and breast . WhenI11ov. 11 upon Ihf cord s and joints , rheumatism in all

t .- ii'ius are iudiiei - i l ; when i ij x . n Llie kidneys it produces(mi.1 , hi-at , calculi , diah. -tfi , and oilier sad .i isoideis olil l bladder .

When carried by tho eircul itinn !o lbs bones , themoibi.l matter dciiroys t in: animal and earthl y substan-ces of tiiosc lis-uex , pro'lm-int; necrosis , i.e., deciy oruluerati iiu of ihu li 'iiii - * . When en.iveyrd lo the l iver ,all furiil <d' Inipalic or bi i iou. i diseases iir > : the ui i ivoi . l -aii!c product. When 10 Die lungs it produces pneumo-nia , ca l . i r ih , a» thin:i , li i 'iorcles , c-jug h , e.vpi.vt i ir . i i ion,and l iu . l consumption. When lo lb« sioiii steh iho i-ifeelsan: inll 1 tuiiiiit! ¦ ¦ ;] , iinli ^'-stioii. >i i :U headavbe , vnmiiiujj ,l- .ss ill " 10110 and tippi .- l iu - . 'A lien it -u-izes upon tl:e brainor hoi vuMi >ys!ciu it brings on tie dulori -uv , or St Yitu.s.'diinee , hy a t i i i ' ia , palsy, ami ppilej sy. When to the eyes ,opthalnii.i ; !o the cars , oltorhec'i ; 10 the thro.it , bron-ehi'i- , croup, ir. Thus all tin- maladies known lo Ihehuman svs 'em arc induce I bv a cm nipt stole of the blood .W i t h mi general r-'ine ly 011 which implicit rrll.u:ce canhe jilac ed as a l' i ;iui - l i : i t ol- Tin: H I.OOD , dis-.-aso andsiill 'eriii '.', and r.niseij iu-nt want , sialk uncheeked anduns:il i i! i ie. l i;i i-vi - ry Ian.I in all tin: world , inhere isarrest of acii"ii in any of the xiseora , imuieil ii i ie ly theybegin tn dc.-ii y : it a- iy l lu id ceases to cireulate , or to bechaii^i-d I'L r friT-h. it bfeir.ni s a IU -.IM ; 'd' ei i iru pti o: ' , ua.lsi in i ! i j ;ii ;ilil enemy to tin: l iv in g lluiils au- l soli is. IItin: li lmid s'siL'nai 's it spoils ; if the IdU dues not passoil' nii - 1 uive p l .i- i' to fr. '-h , it rots ; if the urine is re-tained , it rn.'ns body and hlooil . The whole system ,everv M-cre iion , i :\ r iy fiiiii -l! ¦¦¦¦ , i-m,-y lluid depi 'ii l forIheir hi i i l lh upnii anioil . e i i ru la i i . i i i , cliau^e , g ir ingai idrcreivii '}.', ami ihe mumei.t these ees'.se , disi-ii.se, decay,and ili - .'itli l.t-uin.

All nature ahou is d * wi th the t r u t h that every active sub-s'ance !ias its opposite or corn- rlivr . Al l pnisO'H havetheir an i idul i -s , an . lu l l dir-i-a-es h;ni: t luiir remedies , didv.i- but know l i iem. I ' poii ihis in iuc ip le was Dr. T0W11-ser.il ifii idod in Ihe dl-i .-ovci y ol'his medicine.

I' lvp.iii -d express ly by I lie old doctor t ) net upon theMood , i: is cai-ji:!.ited to cure a variety of diseases . I t isthe vcrv

Hesl Sj»i in;; .liot licsiiclo cleanso the bln. -'d , l iver , stomach , kidneys , and frkhi .lu tin- spring Ihe blooJ uf most persons is Hjit to be morenr less in ini i i i - , siie In ad ln-:nr , tlie ikin yellow , i.f 'e nci>\ i : icd more or less with crnp 'ion? , pimp les , blotches ,i:iul the {.'eurrnl system .derat'^ed or disordered—but ,however uli'cctcd , this aeaicbin^' puriticr sweeps out ni linipiiritirs

111 roiiuhs . colds , bronchitis , weak or l iy 'it chrst , pal-pi t a t i o n ' f ll .e hiT.r', and luu^ ro.'isuin :i[ion , ti lO (J ldiioo 'i ' -. 's Sars parel la is wi lboul a r ival .

Il l 1' iCMA l . i '. i . i id Nerums Disraseslhissupprior rcinidyis a great T- 'Nlt.', -{in.s stre: 4U1 I" weak urgiina , weakntru s, w. al; siuni;ijl i , :iiid iJ chili 'ateJ mu.-iclejand joints ,auJ L i i i i i l u s the blood , and all lli e iluids 0!' the body.

I t is a medicin e which has been used In- hun dreds ofthousand s—been recommended by numerous most HES -PI'.CTAI'.I.B Kli cri -AK I'll YSICI'AXS to t h e s i fk . Uponevery iissue an I f lu id of the bod y ; upon everv Organ ,fibre , ".tn! nerve ; upon every gland and cord , muscle undmi tiib iaiie ; 11pon r.ll the circulatin g, di gestive , nutr i t ive ,and secreting organs—so it nroii fp -t a pure and health yaction throu g hout l!:-.1 whole CCOIKIUIV —cleanses it ofmoil.id mat te r , sir. i.-iibeus TTeak organs , throws otfburdens anil ohstru ctions which load and oppress it , andimparts v tuli: y to rv f-y minute port of the whole struc-ture.

Its virruc is unsui |ia sed—its success unef|uaI!eJ—: ,ndits ;irru<es :11c t ehofd froui ::!1 [iaii? of the laml

l 'OMKKOY .A N D U K W S , &r n .. Sole I'ropr lelorj .G U A M ) I.M i'KlUAI. W A R E H O L 'al" 373, STRAND ,

LONDON.(Adjoining Kxeter Hall).

CA U T I D X .—Old [)r. Jacob 'I'ownseiiJ is no\r orertevcii *.)- years of age, and has long been known as theauthor and discoverer of tlte

(conutnc Ori ginal Tovtiisond Sin-sapariHa.To giisinl against deception in the purchase ofj thi*

at tiele , t|;e pbr irait , family coat of arms ( the emblem ufill. ; Lien, inn] ibe liatfle), and the signature of the pro-prietors will be found on every label ; wi thout these noneis fcMi iini '

l 'H I C K — i 'i 'it- . .Is. : Qmirls , T?. fid.¦ A cii NTs ' X A M K S .— Denis 11 arrini; ton , -1, ] !arru:i-

. sinui i l - s ir ic i , Waterl 'oiil ; M' .Martini: Co., 121 , Clinpul-<tri -o ! . Dublin ; S. Moy.l , 4!> , Mary-slr nt- !, Dublin ; J.K. Ki i i s hi g h . .ji), ( :iaU '>ii- > ir«< -t , Dublin , Ci.rry .Vic t ori i i -s ireei , li. '.'fasl ; Gnatl and Co., M, <!i l£i. T<= r *:-Mai!. .. -. 'i i- lfs ist ; (i. U.v field , |:J-J. Gcor-c.-.-s ireut , I.- ai-ei i i .-k : |). Veim.r . S.'i i p-streel , Dinglie . '.» ; Suru 1!\'i!oc!c , Dii i-dalk ; I) . O'Connor , Xewry ; W. o'Ke'eliV ,Mailo -.v ; „'. I) . Muo i iamara , 8, Dutil iu - sl ivot , Cloninei ;.1 . I' . I-'i' Zfimuii - i , I l i gh-sireei , Ki!!<o:my ;—— Moiil^o -iii ' ry, .!)uldiii-stri - et , l l ar low ; S. Connoll y, Atb y ; Dr.H .Nei i l , H . iMvm -.'iia ; l i . I' nl ion , oti , Ij pp- .-r ICtigli si i->livi -t. A i m a u'li. HA;. l -"-ri . \"T.S is. ii,i .

T E_ E_T_H_.__

S UR G E O X - D E X T f S T .HAS COrJ .MK N'CKl) M i Vru^-<h-M \ \i::-,-.<

mice in WATI'Ji t h 'O lt ll . ami may i-e ca;s i i iU- t l iij -.;!:1. ii 11 (.'i-. io.s appoi- ia i i i isi " ; to tiic

T K K T l i , Cm.-1., A N D I 'ALATK ,.1:" J/r . A H D A G J I S , ID , Wiill, IVi 'l cf , '- ! .

Watcrlbrd , November 10, 1S.}1.The Mai!,



f e i S &fc "iVTO'l'ICli IS HMREBYtf^g^,v iN GIVEN , thai IMes as^3?s$iars!?%ir ''ereunder iiiK ii lioii 'j d .'ire about U be

JSJaOSjlsrael-jal ma'Jc on the property si iuattil iiitlio utidcrmc ti tioiicd Eiectiir;il JJ ivi i i t ins in iliaabovo Union , n-.teable r.nde;- llic provi sions of theActs l'j r tlio iWief of the Destitute Poor in It e-liiml , sir.'.v.clv :

Eluctoral Division of Cari iclc-on-Puir , a rati of2s I O.I in tin; Pound.

Electoral Division of Kiirrvj iTV. a rale of 2i 2dir. the Pound.

Elector,-.! Division of Ne.v t )\v n 1 mtc of Is 7'.1in tlio I'ouih l. •

K\>2toi"..l J) ivi.sion of Garrang ibbon , a rate of]> -;d ia the Pound.

Electoral Division of BoolygLis?,a rate of Is 2din llie Pound.

Electoral Division of Tullahaug lit , a rate of Is5.i in tiic Pound.

Electoral Division of VTIiitcchurch .a rate of 9din the Pound.

Electoral Division of Fiddown , a rate of 10-.1in t l ie Pound. r

Electoral Division cf .Muckalee, a rate ofdJ inthe Pound.

Electoral Division cf Piliown , a rate of Is Oiin the Pound.

Electoral Division ot ie inp l.'orum , a rate otlOd in the Pound .

Elccloial Division of Tnbbrid , a rate of 3d inthe Pou-.nl.

Elector.i! Division of Ball y i lu rn , a rate of 7din the Pound.

Electoral Division of Carrickbeg, a rale of 1'sSd in the Pound.

Electoral Division ofCloncn , a ia te of iOd intho round.

Electoral Division of Fcnou^ h , a rale of l i d inthe Pound.

Electoral Division ol" Glen , a rate of IOd i::the Pout id.

Electoral Division of Jlotlscll , a rate of IOd 1:1thu I'our.d.

Electoral Division of Itoss, a rate of Is 1M t-the Pouud.

Elector.d Division of llalh g'irmuck , a rate <•:IOd in the Found.

Electoral Division of Kilmeaden , a rate of |;.iin the Pound.

Electoral Division of Portl aw , a rate of Is C.Iin the Poitn.i .

And whereas Annuities have been charge;:upon certain Electoral Divisions , TownlAruKand Denominations., or Places , comprised in t!:us.'.id Union , under the provisions of the Act I '- ':Vic , caj i. 14- . Additions to the above-men-tioned Hates have been made , for the purposeof providing for the paym ent of such Annuities ,in accordance with the provisions ot" tVifourth section of the last mentioned Act.

And that tin: Kate Books are deposited f>inspec tion of any Ratepayer , at the Union Wor!house1, and will ihcrc be open for inspection Itween Ten in the I'oronoon and Fcur in the Alernoon , during ihe Fourteen Days next ensui:the date hereof , exclusive of Sundays.

Signed this I '2th day of November , 1851.CHARLES DOOLEY ,

Clerk of the Union.

The following are the the Annuities several : vcharged cither on the above Electoral Division *or the several Towulands there in comprised :—

Carriek on-Suir £U9 3 -2\Kilmiin -y 4-2 17 0-;i\i!\vtu«-n -57 3 !litiarnii i ^ ibbon !)0 !)

-1')5uolv Kiii .« 11 5 )•}Tidliilmii Klit.. 18 U 01Whileehureh -\i \o i>il-'i'ldovv n 94 18 7|MucUalee 2-4 3 11}l'iltown SO 10 4}Tompleorum 1'J ^ '^JTulibriil 21 G !!iBall y .lurn 4* 7 6iCarriekbeiJ 120 11 0*Clonea. . : 78 H *i\l-ciioaith M 17 6J-Olen .r 120 0 2}Mo ihell U2 7 'ilt..M <» ° "*Kalhgorm iick 41 8 »»Kilm 'aden 93 11 HIi.orlIt ..v 135 10 4f° CIIAELES DOOLfiY,.

Clerk of tht Union

Page 2: CLOVES,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1851/... · 2018. 5. 2. · I USEFUL HOUSEHOLD WORKS. [¦•I-TI C K.-;,  , i i.r.i:r-STiti:i:T. I.O VDOS' ;] J'ubiisMeil


TO TI 1K K U i H T !H) . \ iH "R A ni .K !.O:W.niuN i.r.-M-.u..

N DVI 'I II I;. .T 1, l ^ .'i l . Ai r d t i t \ Si- ll :i l.

V> \- !.--. K i > — T i i i s t l a v iH ' i ' i ^ - i J> i - 1« »s-f me mind*i- f :!>» C.uli lie-; cd" the wl i . . l e w m l - l tin: p a in fu lsee ¦!'(¦( • ¦ . MI ¦ • f v i ".ir 1 • t U i in ihc l' i s l :ip of Dur-l i . i i s i . l w .'lvr months h.ivo ii>iA " i:l- ' .-••¦(! sine:

t i l t * j i U L :•_• • '. I. i l l i l l ' i l l i t t i i ; l !. ;V . i l ! ! \ . . iUVy i l l l t l ]10t<V-

f t i t i i i i i • '¦• «. i i i i i c i i ! ; .11 . ,! i i . i i ' i .n i l pxparii'iici' ,

whi' ii ;.n.- in" I. CM. U-s'sof [n.li'ic.il 'tvixloin, have[iroved i lu i l your views have lieeii incorrect anily our speivlu- s txa^i;ci;ito«l. The liisliops haven?sunu '(l their sitlos , and they CXITC'ISU their dio-cesan jiui .-i]ii:iioii wi thout . ii\ IVii iLr in ^ on theprinc inUs "f tin* rnnstnution ov t ivuhin^ onI In* prcroi > a t i v r s <if tho or, «-o . Y.iur M si i sinan-> lii p, then I'uiv, is a pal p.i 'uK: fa i lure — your|ien:;l !ii \v isa political 1 1-. iiix i Luiil .folm Rus-?.!1 Mauds in l l i c f 'azo id m a n k i n d a fiilse li .-arJ t-rsiiul ;i nal ;.d hi ^ ot . A? your louUhi p is ;tbn:ilt n r n t-.- i - i Mi t!.i.- d.-.v ic.Ui t ! i < - •• c t i> : i i 1 yi 'ar nl 'you i

t u i n i > l -. ri ii l l l uu i n i , it. n ;;sy no: li-.1 ini>s to p io-r.i'nt !¦¦• yo'.ir k ;rii>iii p ;i i.isloiua n\ i e w of 'IK

cn-Juci of yn i r c u l i i u c i du r ing t !i "• l.i>t!e\v y i ' .-i r.- ; i i 'ul to i nt '.irm 1!i¦--. pcs:p !u r>!

livi.'iiul ;n:<! (irv.it JJr i tj i in :>)' ihc ilis;. - 1 rons ]iosi-

t ' .isi ! o v . ! i i c i i ymi Live u ii i ic i ' i l t '.i- h i i t i s l i cm-

j i 'iv, l) i):!i ;¦.? ri .'ijur il." i ts i n ter n a ! '::l-.'r<' <!s nn<l

i i s - c-x *.L' i i i . i i i- i li i i iuiis. 1 luivu alnwiy la i tj l>o-itiro i iiy most pcrsecu' eil fo i i<>\v-ev i i ; ;i ivn ic - : i thei j in i jjuirs i .-f I.nnl Palmerstoii and !:W corps di p-l.>i: iat i i i i i i - in iiiilin i !; the revo lutioni sts ol live dif-fi.-ient L'unnt r i i 's in Kur <i [ie : and I have provedih<it he u:ti ;iipu>d at the same limo to overthrowthe au thor i t y of ihc I'opc :nul to uproot t ' e <!is-ci p lirj v.- ami t l iu fa i th (if t in: ( .\ . th -> i ic clr reli.\ t > u wore <;t course tlu 1 ah t t t :>r and the pl i a ieinuv^r df t lus i .' tu\>-f «M in!ii "ii!? i. »p il t h u s woc!i-ai !y coiiviot \ on (-1 ttj ij irtir/Hr/ d :i:iii:.r il ve year;•is i!ic Ui 'vnc. ilc (j f ou r n at i ima! ar..! reli ct , ii ;l i i i i ' i lies , wh iK ' , in (act , ymi were si 'cieil y anilcr-i:ii:iiiiir 'mr i:i!u-ieut r i^ht .-. :in-l trcachcron.-I;sa;inii!;c t!;e foundat ion . -: (.1 ' , :ir creed. Vu '.uleUi -r of Novcn.her , "oO. i L^ . l^ t i ! un:v n- 1

th:vlixcla:; ilcwl\) [K ' d your lun ,.-ciii irKcl ;> !a;i. :, ;>.:;i jwill !)¦: Jistiii .iuishoil in our i' i t i u e . his tory . .asilic Ixlis^cil conspiracy ; and it will taUi.1 iuI'hwc in )-]nori ), i ;y, a:id jn cc;(!t'iu'o in the pa:-::-prap h , ni 'xt to the a i n c 'u.u? v.cn; ry (..' I '.C

Giin]iow(i( .T l 'ln f. Guy F..WKCS and I.ore! .Jo!inJtusi cll wil l , tliiTt 'fuiv . (ill tu- ,> corre l a t ive pa;:os;;l:ke in tin ir iiir.i , iheir U i a c l u r y . and theirfailuri 1. I informed my j -.o^r t 'ai thfnl co i in i ry-incii in l ist M-iu- h ( t ) i ai is sia-li of ihcni as yonIvul starved , ami ul 'tril at that lime), that , Vi is'in t r i gues weie well ki iown in every court iiEurope ; that you wore di icu in.'r i> pit f ' r Y- IVA -land , which would very so«n enj n 'ph Use W'holtciiipire: and that a Kiuvipoj m co:ii !i:!i;tti< >n againstthe machinat ions u! tlie Kn^ii .sli ci ibinct wuuh!he t l ie. irn.-vilahlc result of yt .-ur u:: "x unj )li"l p.).litical and reli gious <!>veit. .-Vr.-i 1 i i if ' - i r -.tud injb' l'i'.linq c;nu)!ry not t;) ik sp i'.r, that the swoulof (jodVjustic ;: wouM h: S.-I- JH i l r awn a«!iin<i, ouinpj ire s.-i;;- —th.t! t l ic L 'x i i- i:f thu ir dclivcrancvwi:s nearer !hi!:i ih '.-y iina iriued , and to s! mdFenrle vs ar..; f ivin tv . o'0ilr.-r iu ¦¦'. n i tuuia l conlc-de-racy. I :.tn IHUV in n posilion t o |r.ove. th: sr[.-oiius , and to lay ht-i'. re the Q ieen i i ' - il thec«>u/» * ry t! ic ir.^ ii^^ui -ed i'x ;ii c>;: '¦.< ".; <> ( < ;"'ivc>a !liotlility K !i :.i:h ynur uivuueo leiii^d cabinetSC ^ -.unics iii\ve L^hed i u t ) (• ;>" ',• :n nhnos t evervcom t i:i lairop e. .V. iv I. tiiea-forc, my lord ,lie .: y-.-ur c-ihn peru ;u! .¦*[ il.o f. .il:)\vin;; ex ' racts ;t l ify wii! j r ,i.it oMt the unniis tak ib'.c c nidiina-tion of f.re ijr ii ourts, iin.! i ln % 'nv.h w : , 'vA\ yu uur :.1 prc -par iii f ; for Kn.Jau 1 : —

•' \ p r i v alo !'.:! I ,T (f i n l - i -.:i U f - > r t , .!:u.-! t!^ fi i l i , nml

" )i'ci-iv-. | ia i;;u:s cm M >•. il.iy. «!:i!<.<• » t -* J = i f l.orJ I'alm-

" 'T.-t "I h:s ( J j i .v - i- i l ;l II ilo tn 1 > ! prt'S-' l i i '.l l l l r . i . l ^ 'l

" J. .ir.l Cm\!r\ In ( I , ,; j .r .-Mdca: -;l i!u: I; !>-l , «. .. i : i l Tl i i i - i ,

" ia wl i ic 'i l ie |i :jn -ts l !.(; A ^- e ! l l ! l v in t iki : - '¦> • ; > » v.-j t l i

"r. - .-pr t I ) t in; N . .;i;i .i !:t:m gin cr::iin'ii! , i . i IIH I IT I I in-

" iin< * i; it In ;> 'I . I : M I U : I I I I . ; {i n l i t i i 'ul sv!''i:i i! li.i - > l i i ' i : t ri i

'' lo!l'i»Vi!'l . Tli" :i •((• v.' is iiiv' .;:nii r i iu 1 !iv b . :> ' 'r . i l co-

pi L -i of Mr , G .1 /s!n!rj's pa ia i i 'ilir; . I :ic :;t; > : r 'v . i>

" i.'i- '.-'i-scil i:i I!,c ,• r i i " = i - r o;' |!;i! l ) i - i . \;- '.d oh t l . r 'Jili l i

Sc j it i-mlj- r. Tin; j ir. :5- ! i i ' - i ' , in ii. i a -i l i ' -.s at wire

' clear am! j>n':> sc... Miu'iVi'd ii 'U iluiKU.ll an.l MMI I-'MIIII-

" in^ s iu l i a i lcmr.i i 'I w-u. If .; dwel t p u i l i r i i l a i ly oa'¦ ili e oxtr aoru i r.uy procrcil i i ij "I u ™')vcri:;n ' :iil ciaiai-" i-'U in tl,o authority ol' any i l i ln i lnal ftateinriit to" inJrr i 'crc in n i a t t e i s j mrclv don n -Mi 1.* i t unot ln ' r i ia i ion ," mid w i t h the a i ln i i i iH ^ra t i o i i i.l'j ustice of an indt:j<u ;i-" dent p : vcrnin iMit , a.al ho CMMC I IU I L-.I liy cal i in s cm l i ie" A5irmli|y to li'j"c l tin ; demand uiado fil i t . Tlie Mi-'' iiis'rr of Prussia t<> i!»: Diet derlarC'l it us iiis t .j - in i i in'' tha t I l iu licmaiid of l.oid Palmcis 'iin , was n c i t l i K r" mnre nr ,r !u»s l imn ilt -Jluncc to all ruiit incntnl / ioi 'cy." a'ld SI M I I I |,| |,e i:n t liy a very dpei.lod nnnv i-r. i t wj > ,11 lliire 'iiri!, n.-Miivui l l l i a t I l i - t I' l t s i J i'i i l of tin; Dirt

" p'sniiM ! p aii 'lr ri-.ti! in lvply "> I.'.ii 1 I'.siuiri'slitn , (¦>" Ihf HSf i:»

#!!;at t ! iu Gc i l l i aM dii- l , l i . i \ : : :^ n;:: !c

i' soll'" ii cii 'Mi ' itci l ivit 'i l l; . - ::nl, ' of tins l i i ' i t i s . i ".'uwrnt i iu i il ," airl <li- r.j:i 'cnt- til '.V!I:C!I :ij> . ••

¦ tr.-d t.i it as UMII >U I I" a» \\;-y wri c JjMl i : ia (: nnumy wi i l i n.e <.|. :i:i:n y

ii 'iu- » ..I ' i i . .'iw i . : , t ; . ,:ia 1 roliiliu:.s |irai:lisi: il I'y a i lST'iv criinipi sis , fi -I t all il.o l«.'»s ili« |io.-<! |.» in i i.'i'j'rrow i l l t in ' <! ¦ juit * >ti > ^ :.i,'uirs id a i'l ii rit; !! •r; iv. ' ia i i i ^ i i t aflI ..!i '| IT. i iMil u f i i & f i f , IIS i t icmil- 1 i::>t ) ie> >iiil miy unr ,

" wl i'ievi -r In: la.iy Iu , to iin: il<.l'.i: v . i '. l i III " .-!-! of I l ie t'.m-'• /i<i!crsif i in ; aji il ij iat it «¦•

¦;-. fur lim r rc.Hoii it ilisap-" l n o M d a n . l n-j -fCluil i lie liiii : of ui) i i i lu i ! t -trn|i»->c 1 liy" l.i r l l'alini-i'Mii i n in tl ie i.amc nl lii -J ri i l i i l l . 't. An•' ri'iiwi-r to tint i !i':ct l.;.s li:cn u:;v!e In l.ni'-i Caw-" Jcv . '1

•• 'I h - : I' ra- ikTo.-t j ournal* si- i 'e lint R i i s .s i . i !.;n IP -

l<.':til In J.oid i'aliiior-tDii '.s ii.i!--, iiu'lo-in^ Mr. !!l:i<l ¦

t-:i .i :r'-i li.i t . r, in i, s t ra in criutl;/ s in i iin r t > l lml |"il1 . i : l . !iy t in 1 ( i i 'riii inic il ii 't :i^.iin>t Tntcrfli ;ii-nt; t i witli ih«c i!":ri.-i of fo ic iyn (•( . i i t i \ : i . .s. '>

f:i the ,'orcijoii) 1; coniii iunicatioii Lord l'aliner-rli .i ) . wi ;h his usual liup liuy, eniiv ivu nrs to c-m-(. • ! ••_• '. a c >:isj >ir if:y against it X.ip lc- , an 1 henco he1

si -t i t is one of his charaete - istic desj i :i:chcs to one¦ :' I.ii c'.uui'.cturistic cuinp anions f your nomineesii!'i:l servant *) to intn:ru 'j wi th the German diet ,i. ; ', t '.iro:ij ; h the d.et , ti) i iUri ^ue with I'russia ,;.T! th:ot t ,L'!i I'm> .sia to in t r i gue with J tn^i a ,:t:vl who ii this sneakii iLT and must cowardl y coii -p i i i r a cy should he f inal lv fornied , ll iyu to menaceI' sii y and N*a;i!es with a con;hiiicd .".track in(i r.'..r to reiicem your pl-' iljj fc to th ^ unfortunal. :dupe! aiid victims , whom your di plomacy exciteilio rcvoiii t ioti , and drove to exile and death. 15ulGrr iUMiy , and I'russia , nud Russia , have <.-loarl y" sn- .bhiid' 1 your colleague , and have r. ad toy ;) i and to him a 1-tler of defiance wh i t l i placesyo;:r c. ib intt in Uie ir.o-t l iu ini l i u 'mn ])osturo.lint t '.:t: contempt, offered tu y«u dues not endin I J : i.or.J Palni crsto t i gf ouni) -:i \ t l i is your cin-s-p: r:iov en t' e pri vate (.'uni inunicition of Mr .(J' -id-U-ne , which has been di-.proved word f"tword Lv Mi: M'Fa il . i i ;c. ;.ni! M- .- ij t iL -ur Condon .

L ' l h i .- I'.ev. ^eiitluman hero quotes some ex t rac t sj -l iowiu ? Kn^ lan'J's dup l ic i ty and treachery inNa ;i "es. Austr ia . Spain , Madrid . &tc , und j iro\o::th.i: she ( Kn^ '.and) h.niors Kos.su:Ii ln-cause how is a p 'linical renegade in his own country].

Veril y, tr .y Lord , ym ir di plomacy on the Ku-i P ' M a n c :!:linent i> likel y very soon t - > inflict a.b i a v y i,hi\v on on- coniin nn cnun t ry . 'l lierec;.ri l.c i;o uoub' t in t ail Kur ' .-po is bc^ ' innin}jto com 'j .iic and. in fact , to u i t n itself a«jaiii ->t -

En^ la f i i i . You have vo"sod (and I wi . l K , '.y,it;'!}-.) i!;e angi-r of Switzerland , ;.nu Naj)li-s,:ir.«l (liTin.- iny, and l'russia , and Hu-sia , andAii s sr ia . I/ird Pahuor st Mi is in fact the Capta inJioj . 1; f; f Europe , and under the pretext of pre-s'-rviuj f hurupcan peace, you arj (omcnt in ir aii'iropean war. T.ike care lest the mines youan; (!i:.-< ,'i:i£ under other nations may be imitatedin return under Eng land ; and be ware lest theexplosion y .j 'i have piepare<) for them may notinvo lve your own country iu irretrievable ru in .

" " " x " ' • .> !. •> • I I I I IVA I I n n a t e

in I.i< foreign ii 'lati <ns , and as Lord Stanley ha-,alr- 'i- dy prool <.e>ie .l ol y our o-diiuct , " unless' you are cliecke .l in this uar n s t r i i im ¦) career.

•' you will inevitabl y brine: on a Kurnju 'a n war ."'

There can be no uriutcr et ietny io Knu lnnd thantt iL ' man wl'.o cndaiuer .s the sriij ireni itcy of herL'uniineree , and ther e i-» no question thut vr.u arclay ing t!i" foundat i on of a combined resistanceto lui^ lan;' over tiic civili/.vd wurld. which sociiri;Jr la 'vr w i l l cheek iii 'i" i lomiimnt powe r , lowerher hui h nat io i i i d naiue , and vital l y damage her:oniiiieioial iuteie st s , 'l'l'.e deal sia'.enient-j ofill reform as-ociatiuns show that the. taxes di-rect and indirect on everv tweutv shil l ings ' wot thof consuiuption ami i r .n iu i fac turu in 1-nj 'l.mdtherefor e can claim ar« t ln ir own (for the i r cap i-tal and skill) only six shillings and ten pence ineve ry poii.i i l which they give Hie state. Andhei ;ce. ;''ii' . if t h rou gh y our unbridled ministerialJiciaiion and doniiiiation through Kuropc, youcomprl ibivij r 'n nat ions to quarrel wi th us, todread our connexion, to establish llieir own fac-tories , and t ) ann i i i i l a te or ( iimini>!i our tr.id -.*,yon will cause a revolut ion in i'.n^ land such asiiist.'iry has never recorded , and your name willbe t ransmi t ted to ju> ; !e: i -y, as tlie £iv;iU's!-¦tiemy that Et'. laa 1 ever sa-.v. l-'or the iirsr.time in I'-n^lish hisuirv xve behold a dvcidod anda ut -.iveisal a t t i t t t J e of defiance ;is<n:ned by Ku-r<?pe itjj aiiist Kti ^ lund : your arnbassiidurs art.in ^ultei l . your v .iles of di p lomacy sco!u;.l at , andoi.e l ->ud voice : f C.)ti (e:ii [it urn) :m3j ;^ii iM --n hraised again-t your di plomatic conduct ami youicount ry from the I'-al lic tu ti.e .Medt te i i i iueau.This is a fiict bey .'lid ali dispute , and it estab-lishes bv a dear do-nonstiation that England isicsi:irded a: this cioi.'ient by universal Europeas the di s i i i r l i i -r v ( i r iU -rnal peace, th : foment . irof rc:Vnlu ' ian , th 'J scctct ctn -my (.f forei gn thrones•md the insidious persi -cutor of t '.'.e Cath .diorhuivh. il' l were actnau-d by t in; revenge t^uiiicii your t :e;.ti.ie;r. of mv e..u - :iry has forcedthe lri - .li bea ' t , I shou 'd rej: iice at the p.- iihuiportion to wl.ieh ;. our u iu -Xiimj iic -.l porlidy Ini;u :uce;l your con;; '.ry ; but I am ncillicr a revoUitwnUl ur a rcbvl . but , I am an hi -h priesti'lie.-e two \rords t -oiitaj n the lvcord ol nat ionalior.dur and of nat ional loyally. And \x\\j i\ youmd y.jur C'j iieaEues would bc'icad the Sjvcre;CT':!•¦• vou li id Charle s , and j::i:i a plebieu ii sui pi!.r .:is you did C' ri )mwell , ai:d i-xj ie! your uion.re :i a;rt.u did J. i inn ; , and receive, a forei gner , out ol :>|ioi.ri :oiiso , as ye'.i did William , l , und ev tt y o it.) !' the ancient order to which 1 belong, woul 1¦lecil ai ihj thro i 1.-;. as \vt: have dotu throug h.¦ve/y aire and coi-.n '.ry . And w'i.en you i iu <l t in;.•l.i.-s to w 'n '.e'.i von aie assacia '.cd , would ehariL-:y .mr eiC Jil fr -.i.n I' losb yt^ria ssis: !! to l' r.j tes '.ant-isni a:nl vice v< /w ; an.l iVum somcthingism Ifanylhiii^ ism or ::;> ihi:i -:i-iii : nud while youprove belb i e scon.i«.-.g men , wcep in;; angels , antlan .'hin^ ilcviU , ih it your oincia i lordshi p caresno in. ire about i'.iUhs and creeds , and piiesis anilbishops of :i!iy d i -nomii . n 't.i i .n , t l 'an you ca :caiK.-ut the colour i f your olli.'ial cravat or the ci!of jo ' ir iiSlu-ii-.l coat , we , the glorious Catliolicpeoj i '.e, and we , tlie heroic j v-Vii sts , stand throu g h;-.il tiiv.e, and j ilac, and circ"uinstanc e>: -( fai thfulto God , ai ;u loyal t .j t h . : \!i '-one ; and we (-. lundf.n-ih a contrast \,i your oUi-j ia ' i ty like t ru th toi'.ii .-ehoi id , ii. 'J it io d.irlcnes., and n:ttio:vd lionorIo na l inni d pe ili l y. Such , my lor.l , bei;:j ; youioOieial woik on the European continent , I sha!ji roce d i- > in qui re iiow matters stand at homein persecuted lrela-. 1. Hut before I shall com-meucc tills , meii iiichol y view u{ your di.-aBt i ' i -usloi ii-lat icn. 1 mast be; kwve, to tell yo-.i , th ;> laltbouj li h-L-luud is bent to tho earth by th-hfurt lessness , t he caluui iiie? , and tlie cru. 1 op-pression ot y our rule , we are sti ll firm and fear-less, and \"_- are uu;!isunye,.l cither by the liu- sitiof unj u st power or the scandalous jibe s of a l y in«ir.ul bribed press. Yon nisiy cut down , but youcannot ci .ni icate—yo '.s may str ike us prostratef. n' ii time of fercciuus t r iump h , but we shall usei^aiii—you tii.v expel us from the soil of

ourfather s , but wo shall appo.ir a^ain , renov ated in.unibL 'v and j uv .'er , on the glorious Am rica.-iontinent. Vou m a v innlv U cru.'1 laws I'.if the

war 18i 1. but take warning of the results olthesj laws b.l'oiu the year 19 51. You cannotkeep us always in shivery and degradation , ththistory of the world is against th is position.Where you least t-xpect a reaction, you may re-ceive a fatal national blow ; and your name a«an Kng !.»h gentleman , and your character as astatesman will live longer in th*1- fu ture tipp lauscof the historian i'ur being the advocate of honourand j uslice, rather than the supporter of perfid yand persecution. Powerfu l as you are we shal lnever loam a les-on difficult to the - instructionswhich our father;, have taught us ; we havenever yet y Wdcd to your inju- t iee throug h threecenturies .>f cruel ty ; and we shall not now be-gin to take you for our political and nationalmasters. We believe , besides, that between theIvafiirs , and the Australians, and the Canadia '.s,u;id the peop les <>\ all Europe , you have ratherto. ) much on your hands j us t now , to appear inthe second act of the late dranvUic state trials,and we th ink (that is , as many of us as are alive )that iu the present state of France (with whichyour Captain Hock appears on aUch gond terms)y ou wil l rather defer fur the present the ancientcustom of erecting your jibhetsa nd your old rackson the. red crose-roads , which hear your n .v.ue.Indeed , I may as well tell you , my lord , thatwithout meaning the least disrespect (of course]to the Queen 's minis ter , we fearlessl y set ymi atdef iance ; and we sire thoroug hly convinced (;iposition which I couhl ]iro\ e if I wished ) tha tyou have not. the most remot e notion t» 1persecuting us at present ; and we knowtha t you know that we know that you are veryt:i.: r a ci is is when you wi l l he com|ic ii< ;d to cu l t i -vate our friendshi p rather than pru voke our \AC -l 'ier anger at y o i i r unprecedented conduct. Al is !alas ! where 1 beun to tell your polit ical carter ,a.-, regards p o or- t rmMcn , fai thful , persecuted Ire-land ? Nor is it w- ith ink and paper 1 n: ;iihl at-tempt the 'lesniption of the woes df yourrah:. Nr o , no , mv Lord ; the descried village—the waste land — the unfrequented cha ;i<:l—the s -lent "Ion—the \)a!e face , and the mournal nationalvoice , .st an: -,) t l i e l i i s l ory of Irel and wi th the deep,de?p impre.ssitui of your mlmhi i st raUon ; wl i i l eil ie feroci ty of the un br id led landlor d , and theterrors of the uprooted r.inl suso idd er ing cahiiis ,and the erics of Uio hfniseless orphan, and thetears of the Ij t i ikeii l i 'Mrie il widow , and the emi-grant shi p, and the p ut r id workhou se, anil reil -ooziti 'j pit of the cofiinless and shroudless dead--thc.SR, these , oli. all these, are all the thri l l ing andthe eldfpient wiinessts, to publish to corning ;r<:-ncra t i n n s , and to unborn I r i shmen , the characterand the laws df the Uu ssell-nabi ' ict ! Ah. Sir ,when y ou had read the terrifi c facts of the »n''ilierl iv in g mi the pu t r id remains of her own child ;

1 t - . — - . i « ».. A * ^ I 1. r. ' «. .¦ f _ - l a^ >. « _ ^ ~« l . ^ f r * I f i L ilf l Mil Iand wh i -n y-n Ra w th ' 1 a w f u l account '¦!' severalcases of ( lie dcail lu/difs of the poor I r i s h beiu i ;exposed for days in t i ' ihuri fd p u t i i d i t y and de-voured by (!uj,'s in this unheard of state ; andwhen you had lic rd the cries that were waftedacross thn channel for hel p, and those that roseto heaven f(.r mercy, from Skibberegn , fromHnl i inas lne . from Kilr t is l i , and from Hallinrobe—"lias ynur heart, Sir, ever smote you wi th rrmor.sethat you hi 'ard the se cries of Ire land with a

pitiless composure , and .sent to s tarvin g and il y-

inir millions a heartless pittance from your over-llowin ^ t rea su ry . I ilistinguis li your cabincifrmn the F,n !i;b pcoj>le ; tney strp .tebe.l forthth ir hand s wi '.h the chaii -.cterislic gen rosily eltheir n u i o n ; the Society of friends well fulfilled ,too , the rxpoct i-.tions of th eir known phi lant rop h yi i i t i i r regard ; but yon. Sir , from an exchequerliiled wi t l i ei ;i !ilocn mill i ons of bu l l ion— y ou (lol <v !¦ni t iu v, itl.eiin ,1! ij isult (is to llie bogLrirs of a!brei ;,r u c on r . t iy ) a mi.ser.tb' o and total l y ina -.lc-¦pi.iie r e l i e f ; an .l you called by I lie name of cha-rl ty an act wiiicii shouJ -.l be designated the firstlemau.l or. the reu ' ni , and the hi ghest du ty <if thev/own. I , ..in! St-mley p iid t wen t y nii l l ions > ier -l ing to cf ivc liberty to a few de-r oii ilauts of Africanslaves in your j i e l iy AVe<t I i idian coloni es : tumen who never maimed your fleets or swelledy our armies , or ionj.»lit for your nam e . Hut you ,Sir , gi'ud ging l y /o<lin part , ami bestowed in j i art .the paliry sum of eight millions to aid the laststuiiig lt for life of the fa i thf u l peop le whose mis-for tune in ali our past history v.-as hnperish ibleloyal ty to the throne , ami und y ing devotion toour un i 'ur iuna '.c kin ;;s—men who belon g to anancient unbroken race of forty generations ; lionlaviris w h i c h crimsoned \vi ;)i the i r b luml everyncean wiierc your navy Ib'ig lit and conquer ed ;which .sUio-.l before tiro bristl ed steel of Kng land' nfoes in all your stru^Ie-' , •.vhieii shared the perilsof a thousand fields of blood by the side of your[•oiiii tryme n, and won ynur victories—these are(lie t i led , atnl this is i!u wit 'iou lo whom yoo have:;ive:i ynur j i.'.ltry usurious charity to prcscvethe i r lives. Bat the his tory of all nat io ns wil lyet te '.l that you permitted Jive in lm lo perish otlumb er , whi le your exchequer was filled wil/i<;al<l. You , '.hcrt lbre , Sir , have mack' my coun-try a dciorc—yon have banished and starved thepeep le—vou l ia vft inr >d '.' a iiruvc fo; the Irish—mid vou ha ve bur ied our race and name. Mav Godlor«r i '.-c you th is enci tro ; :tmc-: it of our lino pso-

p !«—ihis min i .s'eii.il a t r oc i t y . We charge ymIsefnre avL'iiu 'i i i i ; Heaven wit l i the exi le und the

ik' . i t h ef ct ;r ])e.'' |ilt! ; l.'Olli cr imes Jic at you ;

tloi ir . A'ld y .iu have adilei J i i i i r r a t i t iuk to c rue l t y .We lionoiiied you , we I'ullowed. Y.iu iliii nut s(

.nni f l i .'at ip r: - '.' n.s by the i n t r o d u c t i o n ol y our pen ,1

l.' i i l ii is by the hist cvini i f.dse 'nooil and the in s i i i t -i i i r ^ b i i i ' o i r y nf your speeclies ; they w e t e imwor-l i iy the hislori:::) , belcnv tin: iii ;,' i i i t y of Lie states-

I'.n.i , ili slioiioiiriibl 1.: to the. man. A L 'i ;r i l - ra t i

: r . i ' i i r i;ii);;si:;s.r \MUI " own pa r ty , an.l a Hl 'i i i - r i i i cspea ker in liie wiioie lu/ a.-e, ymi never could Jayr -hiim to distinction , t;:<c pt from ilit ; snpj oseilhn n es iy Piid l i l ie ra l i t v of y iu iv p o iitiuil op inions ,hu t no .v y o u r inc j iu - i s i - ii'j y an - 1 y our Ij '^ i i try,l .nviu ^ torn frnni your lae...1 the tm?.k wh ic h con-cealed y our mediocri ty , it is agreed '.h;it the fore -most I'.'.-i'ler "I" (he V.'iii;;.-; l;;t 3 now bep» befil-l i r .jrl y t ransformed into the last hack of theTories. Oh , for the ancient trn '.h an4 lionour o.t i ie '-Id Eng lish .si.itr .smen !—oh , fur the storlin ;;;word, the ^"iK.rous foe , ilie i s r i l i i an t .t j puius (if the¦ n v s l l t a t are ^one ; or a-; Pope wonhl s inj it—

'' I 'OW CIU ! I' liltncy, Ciios' .-r lU-M /() •••.'<•*While l iotnan sp iri t cinrais aivl .U'.iu wit ?Ar.'vlc, tliu <t:i!'j'M v:li ili' tlniiiiler l> '.ir:: t'i wieM,-A n i l si i . iki ' a'.iUe x\\v. Sennti - ; \:\ i !:'.(¦ f i i ' l - i ,A s i ' l i i ' yi't :i;j;iior the j i r m 1 i i - t _-!i = > ¦.ii• [ e iv l ,Still ali \v 'i ':l f i \ ; — n "f i'.!-T" --'r , out t i j 'i -i-nd."1

Now , t l io orig in of all those misf "r tu i ics utl;omc ami abroad arisi. -s from a twofold cause ;

firstl y, to or^.inisj; a;i JCurc 'isli parly in evr.yfOt ui i rv as you lnvo done in S;iai ;i au- 1 P or l i i - . .d •.to keep a p erf -.-ct iut rual sy .-i l'.-m of I 'isonler .nL'ver y na f i j i i in or.l•:.".• to kc -ji tl i' : p.'uvilcr of eac '.icountry en-.;.i^::d ia q;ielli:i .Lj this confederacy, at:-!hi!-: ifriviil 'T l''ii"l'ni:l IVo.i t . i lli;r<np !lf'l' v icWs l) (thus leaviiij^ F.n^'lanl free to pursue her view;, c

conqu est iiad commerce wi t ln 'iut fear of re sotau 1';.from the snrroi i i id i i i ix natii .as ; and sccon.Ji y, :!rebject i? to uproot Catholici ty. This latter )io: ;; :is , in f;:c!, yoiir chief an.l sj '.e uini ; and s >wiile-sprc id arc y.i .ir pwcut s f i a 'a^ -Mis lospeech down , preac h diuvp ., wr i te do.vn , d i iu l ;b.i -.vn , eat ilo '.vn , dress down , sail do -.V!i , ami sh ou!:h)\vn C'atholiciiv , tint all or.',-;-;; of tin st it e :•!•,•ictua 'l y uom nnd wi th wli 'at iii:; y b ': culled a ('.-.-l ions fiii !at!c:sni to Ret rid of Cath ol ic i ty . All thelawyers ar,: infected , fnr.n t 'an well kno '.vn cli. -.u-:ellor lo the parish bcaJ ie ; ali il ie clergy arcj istcn from Canterbury (lisa cul.df nl lic.'.l of(•our pr esent cr^ ed) down all alonj ^ to the t '.iin c.i-•atc ; who , being the l iv in g defin i t ion of a r.ntiie-naiical strai ght line , may be considered as tlieclerical clement of the arcli lj ishoj ) . All y ourambassadors aro actuall y beeoma sin.Idlers iievery court in Kurop e , as I have alread y pr ovi ' ,1so (hat yours shouhl he called the sw.ahllin^ cabi-net , and tli? omnipresent navy an I ih- invincib'.tsirmy of Great l i r i ta in have raised t l i u i r sv.add ) iu< ;colours nearl y rs hi ;h as the nii ioii- 'ps ck si 'd owithe e.ir'.h—all your tno.lern writers are imioiui -latci ! wi th .s'.vad'l li .'om.- ii ia , uo '.vn fro:vi the hisi i-rical lies and rhetorical foppery of M icat i l ay tothe hal f-penny sheet ; there are even swaddlin gcommercial traveller s , swaddlin g hotels , uu i lswaddling boar linp; houses ; and siu h is the va^lramirtca ;ioii of th i s most absurd hut . t e r r i f i c move-ment against Cat l io l ic i ty , that " Mooro 's Melo-dies '' arc banWhcd f i om t !ie soci ety of all an - i -I'.ip.il p i-i'.ios , becau se th"V relat e to I re land , amiwere compiled by the niiivs fancy ili.it drank i:spoetic insp ira f i t /n at th ..- fountain of lv i - ;h genius !l>ut aniou tr st the various incong rui t ies of lliismania which you have ori ginated , thore. is not onewhich strikes the observer with such preposte-rous associations as tn si-o an admiral of a lleetdressed in tlie t:.rb of Jnh .miia Sonlhc.oaie ! orto S'.i.j ia general of an a rmy converted itv.o aPraise-uod Bavcbones. Nothing c;m bo so ex-tremel y ludicrous as to sse Nep tune knocl 'm^ andpray ing on a three-lo dged s'.ool , dressed in awhite cravat and a coat of shabb y black ! or tobehold .\lars lubi '.ed in lawn sleeves and a pow-dered wi^, rending and s in/ ing p salms on a l: \r-harrnl ! ! ! There is scarcel y a paper whichdoes not contain , with the cognizance of theDuke of Wellington , religious collisions in cha-pels , in barracks , and i:i churc h yards , betweenthe fa i th fu l fearless priest , and some j ump er inepaulet tes at the ditFj reut mil i tary stations ! !Take my advice , my lord , h.iM .bic thoug h it be ,and put an end to this monstrous state of tilings.The ind i v idua l who checks this incongr ui ty is thehost friend of the throne rind the publ ic interest .Give up the idea of uprooting the Catholic Church ;s'amp on the earth , and stop its moti on ; com-mand the tiii e, nml arrest i ts progress ; provey our commission and preach down tin: cross ,and we shall believe yon , hut , unt i l you will havedemonstrated that your words are more crediblethan " the language f rom; ' heaven ," we shalllaug h at your full y and 'desp ise y our impotency .

In coiicln.sio::, my lord , I mus t tell von , withiho givatvst respect , fur your exalted position ,thr.t ll.is lett er is not .so much intende d I'ur you r.sfor the courts of Russia , Prus sia , Austr ia , Franc eXaples, Spain', Portugal , and the glorious He-public of Am erica . I do not ment ion this factfrom any puer ile allusion to myse lf— I cannot , sofar forget the rules of public courtesy, as to 'iewant ing (whi le in your presence) to the seriousrespect and becoming reverence with so humblean individu 'il as I urn owes to your exalted station ,but I repeat tha t mtn equal to you iu station ,and your superiors in aristocratic associations,have made, i.ilu-ial arrangements to pu 'tdish myletters to your cabinet all over the civilized world ,

My only merit consists in pub lishing the woes»i' my country, .-Mid the unparalleled cruelties oly our administr at ion to the whole peop le of Irelandand to our ancient church ; and'l shall undeit-.ikoto say l int the united voice of Europe is alreadycipr essid ayaiusl y ou in the various cabinets(which 1 shall furnish to you in a succe -cdingletter), and tha t your t r ea tment nf Irelan d , amiyour persecution ot' the Cat;)..lie f..iih , will rai sesu'.'h a combini i i on against y ou dur ing t '.ie >»'¦*'thmr monlhi . tha t your Sow-reign will he nccess-arilv au- 1 jus tly compelled to icmove you from r.ni- flicc wl i i i j r'y i ij hold at present wiih such inj uryto the .¦-.•ig iish name and &o much ind i gni ty ti :the Uri t i sh cr own. I am not influenc ed in thecourse I am inking by any revengefu l feelinglowards you. 1 am grateful to England for wh it-i'ver favours she has con forve I iip-m [roi. '.nd , amif iim nio-i t read y to ackuo -.vk-dge it ; ii'"1 1 p ruv:o God thai he may change the hearts of on'tu!ers to govi -rn us by the j u st i c e of k*w , aminot by tli s bi gotry of p erseciition ; but 1 bhallnever lliuch fro.n the post 1 hnve taken in cle-l'< .'ice of my country a:ul my creed , tiuvig h tl i atilefence were visited wiih banisl'.iiieiu or death.

I am. my Lord ,Your o'oediiM i1: I snmh l c servant ,

P. \Y. CWUU. . ]) .,)in IB«-I I -,T— i LI J II i rr_i.mi i i I I I IUI I J I I > ¦ i ¦!¦! i IIUI ¦ i « w w i i ¦¦

E5 V X V i Ht 'li Ui'l BCC 'H« 'i.

"\T7*15 respr-etfiilly call the :itii 'nt !0I i <) ( Noble-i T ini'ii mid O'<'i i t i (Mi ] cii who (i-nl a ij i f l i c i i i t yin get t ing lireei 'li -.-s v/ell r ;ir , JV .), ) \) t -< y io i;:-

t 'onn tiieni , t in t t i iey ma -,- rj *i ifo dopondon heiiig iM'iij H'r 'y lilted , ;is :il (!ie pri's'.-nt

t ime ih iM - e is no House in t lm Ti-.uU:giviiii;- .sj u Ji universal silUfactinn

ii i t h is j c i r t i t ' l l'iis * iir:nii- !i oi ' l i i i < i -

ni'>s. 'l'iii> u iu i c r i i i l s t ! iatwil l ln> worn by the pr in-

ci pal i i uu l i i i g ' ( .'hiiis i;iICng huul & Ji -claiularc kept in :•(,,.,:].;(

an'il v . i l l I K- i'. i . ( f t ( l MI vt 'i 'v p lcis.-i ii r,(?i: t>i if , i'.in! dur;;b!e, as ;;> .-.npoi ->c ;li ' (he n--tj

of I,(•; •,!li-rs.<ii ' 23 f i s c » 3 2 cti V a ?*: i I <* ,

Tro;i->i'rs and i' l rci bes Makers In bis R:iv;ii J i g iiiK-ss I'u i x i i i - : Ai .iii -.Uf a-id his

Kxci ' I l i -iu 'y ihoI i o n i) F i i ; :i ; i i :N A N T .

.v.-i. 17 , K J I . :> .s¦ -:K-s" - -u:- : ••:-.• . i n HI .I X . A -: :>••:, 'in : : y ..\i,i., \V A T I :I !|-'. > ; : • ; .

I) : i n . I N .- I I A ;:--. .l UH K i a — ( V r > - -i- - l : i v . )A l l l' i i l ' i l ; i- l

'i l l l l ; i . .-'i.1 !.::!^ pl

'r.- .' .

£ *. il.M i ning ('• . . H I M . r.|" ln- !. '. i i , l ¦::, [) U :,\.'"iI; a n l 1:;11 , i ! . i i i ;,D o (j l: '^

D n l . l i n ;:iul I '••¦!:¦:•; •. . I i ! . .; ,i i, ,i i |.", o u

Dnl il in ami | i v i > v : ! i i ' i l . . 7."> 0 n ;'. ¦>

l.'ii:; - l i lk inn! i'.. , i , !- ! , i ; !' II ;;i) II (i ; '.l i rra t .-'n i i i l r - r i i ami \V. '.,ti;rii oil II (1 I! ',[|- '-)i . '.a 'l i M:i «:r r :i •) 0 ) ;¦: '¦M i i i l - i m l ( i r r i i t Wir .- l rr i i an- lI'M\ :II I'.IIMII 17 111 (i :V11.1 ¦:»•• i-iv k ::i,il Wii iri f,,i, l .;¦¦! (I 0 \:, \

<:->vi::: .vj i M.vr IU.MJ-..3 |"T ("' I I ! CI I :I.I .!S !I7|l ; i i : < / :T ;i!'ui/i |. ,t '. !- 'i '

" • pel f ' .-li t . !-'|,i,-k '.¦'.';.D i i tn for iii' t-M i i i . ; -I ; '*l< i i n k? ' i.c|i •_• ;:;

Z.' o ;i il •".» c vt i r s i 'j'• Tui: Ni '.v.- -,1' is t ;U' !i in :il il; I- 'S.'-.VH- ii'Mms a:v.l

l 'ri:::- :r:i! l l ' i ( "V i :;i l l -. i - :, ',:;! i . i:i .'. !i!i .ir;n ^ i : . .n : i i : ¦ • - . —.M s., at t i n - l i i - '.'.i ri.i ( l i i i l i a:al I in ; '- '.-i .i ' l l n l f l , !) ' :!, :. -. -..U I't- .-i'i C ill', c-Id,!!,r. l.iiiiilnii ; at tiic |i ailingNi -w / - l ty . i i i . s i : i t in- t l i K - i - kin ;r : l iMii- ; ami by nut- N i -iV :.•V .'. i- a is in l . i i i . i i m , Dulj i i a , l . ; . - i:.-pv > y!, I' j i i n , an.l .\<v.\Yirk . f a: ic:

rni 'Jii'ii3;u' y.: : \ ) f i >'- .\'lvrrli-^;::ruls un:..T \,c >, -i-L to lin ():.V.*i* on I' r- '-ii.\ i i , n : i l i u ill l: ir:l . . .-t . l l ' i... '.. ;.u:v « ,!l t,c lu. i lu lu |..r l i i it ;rcaui i'ait i 'T ..-;' i* e'li'.in ':y I '.- ' ::: •::.

'CO r(j?5Il[:-- l ' i ; .\ ! ) i : .\; r.-\

I 'l. • i' • •. i i : i : i : : . ; . "i i :nii- = .. .' ?.iiii -i;ui A -. ::.:. an 1 !i.".iry \j . i r .r- : ,, u

X ., ¦¦, • • ¦ ¦< ¦¦ ! ''::. :: ! .-;i;.- .- !i,:r ' '.¦¦¦ i.. - !- i : - : • I. -: ; i ill l!|i' i - r c « - -; »- - i - - :t -i I I

t ' l - - ¦• ii . i l v.' •- ¦|'!'-;;.--.- > : - .¦ * n ¦:¦ ¦=;¦!¦; > r. ¦. _¦ . i, . - :.':,.• | j j .- i i , ,r. - - .:

a r, - ;i -- i - - . ¦:. ", • I . f i n- :i :.:. -;- :. .¦¦¦ i . i ..;i.i - .- . n ..- .

iV lii.'iy i-a.T >.>!);. • r.-lii;M\. .> I-i n;;i\-- •:: •::,. !¦¦ I'! i..;. ; i:: .,.:,II - N :.

IV ,. ,• •. | , ,: |:s,. ! ;. ¦. ,.„ .- K.:.- , J .!.. I :. ,. :j.-. s r . i, ¦:-. , '. t:-r 'ui.< i-x. .-ri;. . - - i-;i!l 1 I* - t l l i l l . i H ":ll - "r-. l- * .

\ I', i I. ,:;- I!,,:i",-. 'i,in ' '..i I >»s;i,.... |. m inr.r.::.: n< t!-at a S > i-

I' , - 1 . a! ., , . i t l i . . - Nix- ' i.f I I I . - i.-nya ' .' M ', I , . ( M ,;; a h;i !ar^-T !;ir; a l if i i t l n - i i ; y *T I * L- l i 'i 1 i l l l ! i :» t ri ip:x !> i \ \ a !

fx&lu' y i^r t t edorb ^C' e-V r..K- s—•.' (.Si ¦ •• - ¦.. .

*• vr. Jr^r , A ..ti ^ t ..\ » .'•' ;.

F iU D A V , NOVK.M H ,1 :!: , 14 . l i- ''} .^rWBWCBWA'www— »?«M»»

H>WHI nufwn *n»"jw tM>.jti

Fores;::! .\e>vs

Tin; Pre.si:h-i:! r -.i' i l i r ; Freiu-!i i t i - iT iLlic, an l i -f i piit 'mg1 s.iiiiiet! ;i ;;:;' niori 1 lh:in ' j -ii.nii.rs of v.' .-i r.*'

it i t l '.e i-ir .nin.-c ye.u-, is ah i-'.-'y eln' .-i i -i ir ":i Iii't roops for t in 1 L-sur , ( i n A 'ond. iy Is ;- .t- si'ii:-bb-d i i iu l iii!ihi-s >(' (l, in Paris , a hir^;: n u u i b -i- nlfrdiieral iill 'i. ers t i i '.is—'• I wi l l not do as tlu? JJO -vcninn'iit wliic l i have pn -i-rdi -d me Invi 1 done.1 will not say to you, ' nr,:i;-li , und I followyou ,' but I wil l say to y .itt , ' I iii -ircli , ;'ol!ij «-iii .1." This is till ; hr.i^ i '.iut ! < if a louder.

Ituiui! si'enis tr:t i i -'|;iil , :is is n iip .irout t'rointin ; tact that nu/n liers j if vi ^ i l-.'t .s an; puun'::ginto il lor 11 j < • M intcr.

The Fren ch intnps ;u-o wakin g additions lothe C'ar l l e of St. Aiignlo .

The Spaui*h Cort:-s havo tl iaulv t ' i l llu ; troopsiint l inhabi tan ts of Cuba for '£moit l i : i ^ ' the.Yankees.

rm cK mm)( IK .Tito lirid gi* Co ininit t f- fi mot on rJ' ;u*s.l.iy in

tlu i Town Hall , Sir 11. W. H A H K O *. M. P.in tin 1 chair. Mr. Ai:rur;K SMITH (solicitor),and Mr. I» IU;TT (oiig ino'.:r), won: ordered toprepare the nocossary notices an<! p lans intiiut ! lor tin: coming Session of Parliament.

Mr. )y ii\vj .s S.'.IVTH , |) iir!i:inii 'nliiry agent , wasin utU'iiiliiuoo, iind oxp iuiiu'd ll>e provisions ultliu \Voxford Free Hrid go Ad , to which wehave so often reforrod, Dt^ iiitatinu s were aj »-j iointed to collect subscri ptions. This is goingabout tin* business in right , enruot. To t l iisOily ilie (picstion i? cue of the most importantthat i.'ver was brought. muler public notice ; andif the men who have it in I IUIK U1, continue to workwith vi gor and determination , llioy will Oiirufor themselves the prayers and blessings olcountless thousands.

C-3'" We In1;; lo call iiltmiiion tn llie alile an.l intcr-

I' siin^ l i a lu rea of our tu lundul toivn»;na", Mr . t. la ikc ,which are. in coursu of i l r l ive iy nl i lm Town In ll . Tu. s-

ilny evening URX l lie wi l l .li:livi -r liU lhir . 1 KT I I I I I - .

C3f We are nkli<ri !il by p i i '.ij iire un our spare if po>t -

j ior .« n rcv!e> v of the I;i3t Niii . nl' '• Klizu <' »"k«'s Jnuriiiil"nml iIn ; ¦' Pa i ln i i r Muguzini! " wliirh lmvi ! been reuui \e -l

from llie publisher *

Oi'rnsiTioM A O.MN —Opi^ositiun , it ic i-aiil , is tin- l-fr t 'Ttraili * .Tlie " .M.nintaiiiecr"' iiiul Il ie -• .Mars' " sail-.-tl in l . i i - <-r;n<o! |<--

tlay -, tlu: I'liriiirr, wii li'iirn , tliar in-r lnit :{:• fir pa-JM ii',',-rs.whilstlite In lerwi> ii np tii ."s. The " .Muunlaii .vt - r i- II I'UT I.; I If ryoiuxit I'.'.ori-ujj i i r jmir.

To Uic Killlor of the tf a'.erford SewsWatcvtbrJ , Norembar O, 'ol .

D EAR SIR —I am iudeeJ so ivy that my fwble a-lvooacy

or" M:iyiuml» College shouM have pi-ovu'.;e.l tlu wrath o!

your AU !.K CorrcsponJent, wlio signs himsel f " vi livevTwist ," liy iu means, 1 stupsj t , <"' i,ii.>ji r ottr'rttc shjnu-

ture. Au-1, if it will at sill SJS-W tj e ( is -.Uj j U'H min i,

1 t -iko leavo tu assure hi-u tint I wrote simjj '.y becuise no

one cl-e Jiil. I sjoko my min-1 honestly, suul I am happy

in boing enable to :uli l,tii:it my 'sentiments, hiwcccr imp cr-f ee!'// cxitrc/.ttd , met tlie u:i,|iia'.ifie l ajifirov.-il of all the

Ck-.^tincn eiluMtcl at Maynoith , with wiioin. I lwve

s] ikon oa th"! subject. Tiic imtauuui arc rare, if any,

I CiTWifilv" never knew one, v.-liere a ilewrbiny St-.il .-nt

h:i'l ju >t ro:isw of isj tiip '.iiiiit a;iinst the Superbrs. of M iv -

uooih Ci-ille.il' —\v!io irivo always oxm-;is3 I t!ic autli j r i t y

with which tiiey are iin este'l ; witli considemti^n an-.lkiii i.ini.-ss, I snitl H'l .y / re;nnt :/ , t int '' M i.vnoj th U tru 'ija Knya! Co'.l.' e, mil t!i- I'n'st e.-jW: is'iu.il e-t IVI'H'I -

ment i'.i tin1 wor.'.l. 1'\Vy.\\\ any mui , s.ivo an I ex'^pt yn-.u- '•' puyii -t cf on-

cr '.l 'i ;" confound Maynr^lh Colla^a with tln.se in-stitu-tio:i- W;ii.:!iai-J toi -.iij I " I' .'IJ I'c-s" ? M iyiioatli Ins alltin- i-'iri.-tiat i at t i ibute s of a tru ly J'oyal " f!ju:i 1-ition 1' :

Kit lov.- i .!, as il is, iir.- tvir.•'y C.it'. i> '.i: CA-lesui-itieal p i:--

l osv.-,'un lev t liciiirm.' liat oi .-onfi'O '. i . r t 'ij .'!i>;i)p<. wit ' wiit

.my l-.is-iblo jrovcrnaient iiitcriircace, an-1 ai luu-jh in

U'-'i'liinj ; with t '.io canon-: of U K; Churoh , n-i i i ' it won: iu•Jit .- l t e u-t ol' tiio .:-,'(y:-:ia! City, nu !o;-{lli: eye o." slie JIo!y

Cm any in in /.'i;'« s.\y wi"h piv .j i/ioty, t l ia t I < ;ivyM:ivi , irili i an impnij ivr .!.. ;'^ii.i:i.i:i , -..-l iM I t '.vni'ti it :i?.•» . / ' / U i- jf . i l Cullujc l A:i.1 who.: V'tur < 'urvi' -| -n ;- .-nt:> i i : i i .- I 't -.t tn me aiidtii?!' j i ;i>.vly U' -t-'e.-'i :::U-Mi v.^-vbiUb-l:i-.sit , -i ;M!l:i -.-iy .'it 'lnv.-'.';, \v i i . - !-a >(i 1:1 n.y Sr;t I'.'Uis ai- ,!

i.ot mj -.-ely e i '.f .t tL' I an-1 i:i .:i:i;-i:r,o !../'<v« ';/ '"''/ c<iv.', a. i-l

i . i t l i e bo-l i<nsibUs iii . i i i iK 1 !1, l i i i : v:'n.'!.v,- "i;:!i The lin/icilM si-U - t it n-.vi'- '."s :iii a- i it .nl :i!'.o -.v:. iuv uf- i l kvnt £"J I , to

*i;.;:'y liiiti-i.'l;' wi th In 'i;-', >;:., liii- hi- rti'ter-lil'e, ! in.-iy,

pi'i li-H '- , a liuh. with I t i t i t i i i i t I r i v e M-iy iinnil i an imj .isl

| iv '.Vi rii' i 1. ! t . t i l ( !:•-.-!!, I l:'i;,<: I K- v . i i i jn.-1-mJ t I I I L - ;¦> buM

i:iv .i -.vit "iii'ii.i"., " l!iat .\l iy. l i -t! i "n tb: iir.it Ko-rl'.-ii-i-i-i i f - i l i ' si.- iMis Ji mr-i i l in t ;/n iv;'-l,;. !' J ij i l not V:Y') U: a-'• ( i l i v ei- T w ist '" brovll y uss'.Tt-- , t i !l if.ev tlie Si. i ;- -rinrs,(.. i - i i i i 1' t!i« t.Vi!!•_•/(•, tr/ i:> )n i!;-- invi iio'. i - cnilv.is: — ailt !i is yv.;iM In * very linlish — 'i-. ivn. iii.h -.-ni S|;IM U I'U'

i l— •- !» " ;n l.'iv- *!i>.--i o.'i:!i'i- '.-' i! i,:i.s yi: [. '> li :- < i — U i s l n:: 1.- ::i i> l!' ri- .• :•'. .. ¦.- ¦« / / / .• •:/ av. - in:'.liiui't cvory liavt '. tl ' l l i i .' w- ir|. l t

;!¦¦! - ¦ ;• -y .i :u" C > ":v-;»i:i 'li-tit -.'•• ';'.! Uj " •l- -::y ;!tis , .-.'n'vui r'i .

)H' |-'l : i;i . :. !|.; I l l i ys ; . ii : l o- l * :l'!- l '!l'. !i- i l : l '! (• • ¦ • .!.!•< \l < :l' .• [ ¦ ¦:!

i:' i , i ; . i i: !, i i ' i t i lib -.Is i'.i' u any ;¦ i - r :. ' ' i- i:".. i i : i : i - i ' t . i , !:r

lias !ny I'lill jin"mis*'.:ri. whilst I l.!:c.: leiv;- i ¦ :i I 1 a« 'ii - .'>v ! >i u:n .'i i'>:i t '.i.it "' iJl ivor IVi.;- '1 is a : '::r.: -'i — l" 'i-

I I I I J >¦ l.i'iri— ili - '.r'.ii' - .l to ' I 'm- li '\y n '. Li o'- . tt ;/ ' ll ia. i V" .- : i i

"bi.-l'n'Ml ."¦'¦.".•Vilii:,

!'. ¦i . —?:i |i!-> i:if:if my •':: ¦ • ¦r ; "y. f :i ;i ]i; > ..- -.; i-/ ;- 1 l. : £ ¦'*-'

r:iy jt ;v ;i, 'i" -i^.'i lu ir ; if " l.)I:\vi- :l •! i ¦; I 'K .- s.i:iic.

I ':'"; OM oi':: i.r.'i i - '. i i iU A i: r-::*.!-: -' '.1 .r r p K N 'r i

Sir. —f it my h- " ¦.! itt- i-) y-j: i!" .f.j ;i. ': i-.!, !-'!i\- ivi ; ( :iv

si ib.i-.-.;! !ii i!i'j:" i) '.'- l i i _-i iir-o , .in ! ! li. t l IVoai y. 'ir.1 miiiibi".'

•> '.' i '.:v ::' s-. nil , t l i i i t y n nw i:i Vil ^cnt cnon/i t.

y 'i v i : -f:"i' t, i iny l i 'ii i iMe ( I m t not t:i - Ii'.-s nun, s; I rvii-

n:.:); - < 'K \ > i . i . - ii'. -!>.l n ifii'rnlt iU'.il Su'ij .c '.s. An ' t h ; vr.

s;.f. la!/.o -.-'r.'.sj nf rii"in .- i"5 v.'lr.) ro:'. i t'i\.- " 1A"AT :-.!::- .'HI:I

Ni:tv .;" ;iriy ri'st a.-<'.iro I t int I never wii! ni-'-i rVr-.v.i:- ii it t ' i p f i i i t . or i.-onnniinioai'f a".y 'l , i ; t i - i -n' » l i; i t !t . -' ii .1 o-v.v.

wAi.-r my own vnvi i-J SIIJ ? ("Ctc i i - I >f ;. , : i . t i - f Tnr ih"|ti- !. I'iii 'it yo.rr.-i. i i i".ri :i;; I- MIV ", ' w.'-.i. 'i . I >v.: I .-i -nvi:-in-nt , lu/.cdii '!" w i t h i i l i th< > H i 1 .' :;' :.- : ;., , •; • ,• .¦, ; • ! ii, !¦•.• :•) •• .i- i'i i! i ivin;; i' lriti . - r . I '. i . " ' ii: -. r e ia^!'cs \.,i :V.- . : .; iht- i; w

-| -!" i i > : i . '! Ms -n'^i •; ¦ >r- :¦;" :. .- .'• • <:: !l ' l !' i :- - ! i ? ¦ ;n •.;:-,

i- ' . t i i ' i . l i i - u ; o;''!-. i i . t :1. - . \' ::: ', \\ \~ r < \ \ •¦i. i.-./\- u - . - in !: • ¦• ¦v

•A I I : U s;:.. ii, in . -;, i.1 •¦ ¦-.- • • - , i t!- . - :- -. r!i'j '; h: ^n ;i

t ' l !-. "' t' )• • s:; ;]• . o '

;l' , ; . . _ -;

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/i :'|.;!| ? i s;,.,;;',1 ,y .!.. -j !.- )h :„, ' . ! ;" i :-.- .. S-; , ^ -,-n,l.s:;:'..;:,t!i.:.;i, : i !:;r ;•¦• .<v -,•, !,¦: l:i.n ;¦.::-.-0 it :¦'- , i ilI I .'I I;::; :H'- i- !' »!' t!i .- • v,- !;i I - ; i - ; : i i !- -> I I I ' . - I I s i i f » : i : iv - :i't"Xj V - i '!;-. !-.: :j l 'l li ;lll i V M I : ! . -: iV- !. | 1:1" t . ; " . t i l - Ol I : ¦ j l - '.l- u.liN I .I:!:.I:- .. V.'n-ii 1 i: i;..; :- . .- i . -.f.v li;i laMs- i:i •; i- ,';- 'ai:i(¦V. - ;, In I 'I 1:'- 1 ! i". <. '¦:<' s .-v. -;- .- -.i :•! M '.i:i .- - ~ - : :t . " >!• ? •.n:'.!- .v.'iii":i wnr.i'l IMM '.I O tin; IVv i t : ".- t'i have un ¦ l> 'V:._-!i*i *v i:rci: l"i-ii'- : I ;;- ? i-.-i- ji ". i i - i i - U i 'ti '. i . l i - , ati 'l aN-n t r i -isic -.-.'.'i-f ata tr i ! ! i "i t i-xju-me tn -my :n ¦. ';; •; hi: n i t' /i t >\i - "' :- ':o -. i i;it Tl-.i " r t i ' i ' tl i" i>j :iiiv l i t i:- f!- -- .:ti:i n>.i .'i .'f t 'i - -v in l i i -)> "ii:- I 'I '. I ' :•• • |Hi-i! iv< tn il:i -; i- is!!nv:: ¦¦: i!:\M!i?i li -r. . !<;-j . Vimwill f.i i i . thi; Nonh.il' l i - L-l.-m-l stn-.Mi' I wi>!i i ::-.n. n:t Iyon wili t!n:i-o f i tr l Mr.-m in x 'w jn,::- - - ! <> - i . , ; f.ir:ri . !s. :,i.ti t 'll ,l iyj; i i i -n - - : tban l :i a-;"" ? n .": t n I , ii .- 'n-j: !.-.i. : i i i . ir ,".;!il!n ii iiv.n I ->:I-V.;. .:I . s-.n-l u.i.n !h'-::- 0'.vii {.-.¦.;M; t!.

V iiy l in ' i i .-. .'I ' I .- I M m?:i i;i !'.;• vr ::•;•¦ :' i; j : •j;i". •';• !',> :•t- i:."- vs.- II: in th:- :-.- n:i:- -- a-.-l 1 i ¦': .- - t w i - !-. n

')' 1 i i - KlV. .-.--(¦!¦¦.•.-, v i i i l i : '!I - : IV :; • .¦!- i t "- i t i - '''!.: :; iri" 1, \v!:i - 'i wills l i ' i i i i - i it bi- a i ::i!.i:v , i- \vr r. '.a .in :i st'-.oni mi lin.-'iiu ll iorn ].!-nj ii iV;n:-- u ;.l O ' . - i t ;.':' i ' i '< nl ' ! i .-|. |, n- i t willi .-Oi ivi : i j i - th-j SUM Iv pi-v-i .-vo rin-i I'Nioi" i:i"i!, t int weavi¦ iv i.I i i i ' . iblyiie.'ii ii i' lit in llic n:';vs.-ary v • i i - 'j iii'-in of c:u-riyaii'l i'iit -:'pi- ..'.i .-, ^uivly th i- • -I i 'i :ii;ii -ies :i;v int in iii"-iiniis to <i! i r M.uiuc, eei-lainl y iw:. An 1 i t is aa a- lmitte- lii ximii, that whiiii veliii-m tn 'ui::n-s in- i-os-iry ' I'm- c i I-. J I- S

w 'li'. l i I I I I V I : v . i lcl y e rt i i ly i ] a!!io:i;is' any iiii ' .^eelass oi ilmi-ni i ii i ini i i ty , t!i:it r. -lb .-i,i um-t a'.'.n i-t nl" nnj. 's-ity bo'jfi-.- i'In il to be I:i.sti:i '_r. Why il iwis'iouM v/e !',ii- :iin'iin;.".ir.L-'i i i i ; 'n ij i la iR t i i c - 'l i -wiMti i ini i iL. ; \\; :x cnUivaliir.i . Any linnwJi i» has v / i inos.-e I s l io v .irii-ty oi'h in . iy I' o.-a iUs, j ,io luco-fliy i t in l.':-t,-.'. win! ! l-.v! ini -.sistiii.v i!i !i.'.ia:it at .-iii voi :e W'IO wnii l-l bi- &> j i r v i i i i t n i i.- in i'.o:io;in<:iii.; it a- ail'.- l i i i iua . I l )t>l:in i i-, I'OI-M'I .t '.i mills !nvi- nut sj n-mi-f upsjnni:inii'. i-U- .) I T niir nii i i i -i'i ils wu:il;l cx l i l - i i t i!'. i - :n-si- lvi- .. un (an- lavtii 's i--.u-f.li:- .', \w mi ^i; ] I > M 'I .I I I 'V I - I ': -t in ? t r i ' i ib l i ' i i f uillrjii. ;.; t iinu. !lc!H- i'il is. that iva :-,:(.• s:.

|':-o::i!n"!it in a i- i i : i u t 'ao!n:'i;r; )Oinl "H' view , I iv t l i :v-.v . Tlia i'o'ln'.vini is tin.- l:on 't f i !<: n- :i!;- o'f D I C a.-rcii'.' tli -.x ^

i-'i '. v i !.y in-.' la<; y«- i i" on 1ml ni' in _• !:u u i jiuli ty,iu'i'.'-.- a wi-:;?'uy rl-np Of • • .- . \'-A \ t :i:- iii ps . I t prn !;iwl -tTs?* |i. :ri-i-- •..- • ..-.•i.u-e I il ix , that i- lva'ly -Ju- tin- hackle,wl i i - - !i 1 .:-. . i i .'1!i; T-i . pi-i " .sin ;i-.! n!'i i > ; xin U, h:A-hi :!i ston-.-ui' t i i .v , v o: t .'i I' .'il . p- -r -to:n.-

T!i - - .-- I -.- 1 -. •:.-( ,!. '.l -1 '. :,!i :!:¦•;, ' v.nnli. ?s. \<-r bii-licl .T!u> i - i.-np fi-oi.i w:'.:;-ii t i i i s |.i- .. if i .v w.is .tb! i::i- I iv.- i s s/.,w:ili:-n .i !ci-t , a:t I li:i-, - irr.vt-.l in; was i,u!lv I :m-| tin-! in sl'-. tv '.- -in '!• :• ] in . - ' i - r -r:i , a- :t l-: . i . -\-.-i i:i the- li.i^r.-u-.l A l p .rK-i:i;i iiii-i i t l in- .- 'n- ,!, i!:» - t . -r.v ms.v'.ii

'b 'ir , A l i f i.

\. i'.ii ?-; - • • • [• ••- I it in ;.:s v . i . ., .I'l l p:vj i -. ro ! i t :'o:- m:v!;'.-%at -Js. f' l . per s::>n \ 'I ' ::.1 :i.- ..i;i,it. il' L-ivi'-n-e =-!:.u 1t l i i is : —l' ro 'nioi- of -lTst. -J i ii , ai 7s per stone •. X'll'i !(!•: Ol'.l

" if .-f . I 'HV , ;:t i M i l . JILT ilo .. H 1.1 I)" •. M l..;i,liy!s a..'i-1, at Iis. ".M. - . 7 4 <)

i'otal .. £-2 1 Oi !).'.!

M .ir io w i-^ & Ilolli!!^ -. £l IOs

M^wa :. . . i M oP II V, :.!-.', Tii -.-esliiiw.', aivl Tio'n^

.. 2 5 0

S'.- i - .-kiiii; " . . . . 0 r, 0lVq.arii^ tlax ,at Cs. 80. per stono .. G ID (»

Total • • X'.-i-i 0

N'ei t profi t for one aero .. ... £12 4 f'i.i-oos not this o:io taut sullicietit'.y p:T)ve the value ot' tlio

llax cro;i in a \\, '. it iou , t!m sm- 1 alnnc boiiip: roiimiiw.irivutn the grower . TI IOK U I HI ol fl.ix i.s thu most wliolc.ionm:inil i;oii'.is -i:i|.j fmi! t!i:it ran bi: ivon to cattle.:1, nl may-be u-e- l eit!i '.-i- bjilu -lo -.- umsiie I alnn^ witli otlio t " foo I. Itl:a< a }fi-L-a ' a lv.-uit i 1 : over oil c-.-.ke , wiiioj i is moi'eJv taull ix si'i- l pvL- sc-! t'ni- ilieoil , wliurcby a nu,-t va-iiabl e pivtis In .-t to the fi-i-lw. Jl ' tlio abive statom .;it i- not .sulh-i- i-.-t it t-i ronviiiL-e the s-i'ptien! :\:i-l slater the piv-rittrn i!pla<uaiiU , they tuiist I.-;- pivjii 'lii-C'l. Al f l l:ie |.r> 'j ;i-ilici'is pro hic.'l ibr tlw wantol' a roa'ly au-l s>ii ;i.:io:it 'iyr i-minu -n it ive ma rket. Tlie want ol'tlu ; n-.Mis-u-y !'.n.-i*-l i l i i - s for bi -i»trin .!r the libre to a )i) :u"!:i>tab> Viatu ismainly attributable lo tho .ij-i.'liv iiri:i .>nl]i)r.!s, llo.vcvoi-,when l'ai!iii"i!:j iiri.-.e in lir.<t trials , it is vt-ry w i-on^. tbcrc-I'li-e . in f;eiioi"dii/u fVf im thorn- - tn sil tlowiu-onvino^l thatthe cnip •-'.ill not ]\iy tliu .Snithem tiinner. ami thus atinn: -.' lo i -ast away an .i^ri i-nltiiral rc-souivc of jj reat valuuat all tiini v , but doubl y impni-taiu at pivscnt. Whenfanniiii ; j iniduui ; liriii^-: siii;'i low r-'.te-*, nil '.Iiri -i^n toii ii-tiii-s are un tlu> alert to increase au<l ii:i ;nMvc t i i ' .'ii - ll;:xculture. Ami lii'HV t lias been i-eivnlly visiiel bv niauvforei giiovs orili r itiiii -tioii , ifluuui.-wiono.l by tlmh- "ivsp-Ji;"-tivo .uovurmiR'iits lo iiujuireiuto the i!n;)io\\.-iuo:u. -, im.ro¦liuti'il by tin . ilnyal 'r'l.ix ;<i - ii> iy. hi Kn^laii.l aii .l Scot-l-i:. 'l , :il'O , ibis cult-.n-e is b'.-i-i.; onte;-.; 1. ii ; > u mo-a sni-ril 'illy A'.i-l sh iUi-l we iii 'Sic Southo;' livSa'.i.lcouli.inc!¦> sit wit l i inn- hmi'li I'ol led, avA to u'ilncss t!ie v.ist sunirfj .-ai-l to iiiHsia aud 'j iher c:iir.ilrio-= for Ur.s. uuicli intV iiorto what.we. can »row, with profit to ourselvos. WhatU to pi-eycm in fiom doiu;^ us Ulster lias do.ii',when a iittiv vii'-vrLry, pefsovcrance, aiul saif ivl(:iii-:cWOltlil give us a dini-u in this valuable tr.ific : —

" The WI IIM -I , ih.. Whi.-ul ,Oh , li.iw il Imi.is j'I'll- - i i i ,- rrv Mpinnm^ 1\*!IL- C I. "" .Vf . AT.

A. II.

i'liore aioJI UJ SOEHKHS I N" T I I K TOM IN .—Tliore aieSMven prrs-..ns conlincil for muriU'i", in tht ; cityprison , New York—three of whom are yet to botried.

Tramorc Races—Second layTlie amusements oa this Jay were of.-i more enlivening

character than those of its pvek-ccsso:" in consequence ofa marked itnprovennut in the st.-ite of the Wi.vit'u-;". Al-th- 'U. h the morniii'.; appeared to be aiiyt'.i-n^ but the pro-cur.-ir of a L'OO.I Way .- yet on ti.e .-irpioa.h of tlu Iiourtbi -i ivp ii- ii i i-j, r'm.-n the Urbs Intachi, i t i lowering no*peai-.u'.cf aivc p'.i'.o to the tiMiuistak-il.lti cviil-.-nce of' «ljett«i" •¦ l'tcnvj ou—the wind .Ui ittin ^ cnisidoiMbly freshsr.•ni.l sci tiiy down ;Unorth. The t'.iernioim'toi- 1-032rar.iJlyand with it. the mercury of many ofour burghers. In oo^i-nioii with the majority, as a Walter of course, we csjie-rienced a similar cflcot fixim the lightening of the atcios-phere -donned our " taveUiiy traps"' and shortly mixedwith the tnotly ^iim]) tliat piv:;ei:te<l itself to our wander-ing j fwu at tilt ; "simd." "Three seals here sir'1 —(bythe by,.«V at the same time)— " Two sij ats here''—" Ta!;ca scat mi my car your homur"—"Have a roll on myjarvey," &c, kc— and other piinisss peculiar lo the lo-cality, were those wo heard a.Mivssed to the hundred *that were- rushing from place to place on our arrival.Men , woman , and children , from he] starched gent bust,lin;.; in the ample fulls of his new patent '" Indian rub-lu-r 1' down to the butcher 's Iwy were exercising theiioptics to i.li ¦icovci" whether thy three or four tenant s of acaractuall y mteiule'l to makeadecent oiiTramore, orwercmerely d-.-ooy.i j 'lice.l there to ^nll the green-horn . Aftersome tini '.-, boin;^ tbrtuii.itu enough to discovev a vehiclewith " one scat sir ,'' we took the unoccupied plrio-:-, an:]were in a m-micut whirled beyond the biuy sccuc of con-tention an-1 were fairly on

Tin: I'.OAD .On n't} wait at m ti!-ci'.-!i -,-p t-e J, like i'l-il l'uroj 'll'j

l>i:rs. " liishiii!; the de- >o~it left on the voalartcr the pre-vimi-t - i ' V "on ali .sides'' and bcmeariu.s, " all andever.-,1' ilie crowd- of pedc-Hria'.is who throned the tin-iwi..',ii::ii-i:. ( i : - 'iii ;> i oi' slw.dos ; boy#, with trousers'.iicke-i iij i f'U" the j ourney, were p issed and sprink led —i.'sskol wo:in!ii f' in their l 't-st ," Imt le.ivi:ig nature's im-]-;•( .ss'm:i uj io-i the hi ^iiway were also pissed ; \7i;hs .veiiil oilier sni 'cimeiis of humanity ; all alik;' intentu;in:i th e .-u:un ulijt -ut and tending towards the one co:n-1110:1 co'ilioof utiiMtti -Hi. l-'urther 0:1, still , wa? [nsscl —• 'lit imt without a ;. ol deal of ca.itioA on jnvt oTth j" whi i/' —t!io nnl j -Oi-iprs' car , he-ivily laden with the•' ilark l'aco-1 geatry "' having their '' en.'utubol'fld esLilOS"torn:<)i"tab!y-l-op(isitedjiipo !iatjuuitityo^lxiH-mat witlile-rjm-liatiii/ , ii'id clonj ited l'io:u t!i -.- im-.-letis to tlio ;:rcuc°!j '.-i- i ii '.i; exio:it ; and with tbo oh.ii-itab'.o (?) obja ct inview , lint .-¦ij '.ii!.' passer-by !ii;:;h; ijj >0 uniuskv as to lavbut a l 'm^oi" on one o? the'ii u.itil its iir.virietor wouldhave the ^ratilivati - iu nf %Win-± t!io nfM- i-'l.'r a -' /land sj ni ciii ir . in j ' Ibi - his c .iv'i'.v :-r.-- . '1 I i i ; ¦lu-._- i-i:.:i.-.ri of vehiclewi i.'i t .'it .' lOai 'i.nivo " i i - j ; i .".-t :i .- < or' irs c.) i "i-n ;.s r<jMinii ",|H < t invibl y nf ij -.ir t'.i i-ly davs , un I o i l 1 'nr i t i '.i^ iorth.: .-w. -v *. : n f tl i e -. : i : 1 !¦) v ; !:. i- i i »'i- :IJ . .. .\-a.j. i l J i f .-t JM-tinn, V'iitO.i a l::i-.;-r - .l!i', '.;' lite h ,. - :'.>fs ' m /, / , wliirt ,Wi- i'ixi|ii!' .i ;!y l. -id ::::.' I;) '- '., -; -. 1 1 i-:i : .- i . i ; . -;- . .\ ..- -t ,\- ".j( • i - ' -.-l ilk- r :r.! - \v;;i:i v:i- '. i , :-• •• :-:l i v ],¦,-,-;..• • ;,. :, ii r i. eiVi --hut- - .-si:-! < i ¦. ¦O.:: :y < A' ' i:: -.:i ::- - .".- nw.-i I .•• • •:¦ "•,-.•!:i '- -:;ial.-nt '.'i- -!'. . i ,v: i ii I: ;• h m i i a !'-.-.\- i - » - : ! » -- — :'ij; - , : :, - » „; . ... ;,, ..i- i ¦ •<.- 10 i i - . -.i- 1 . I I - "• i- !~i; ;ir '. i ! i : :'a" an I to a.-nld rl : • :¦, ; ]


•i l . • < [ ' ;¦!;.• . i i- .' -.V.- , V.- ; . :l . I t il 'l tbu ' -!, !i:..'|.;v- : !i::.i:. .- .

i " :- :vi!- .- - 1 i» D v i . h s i ! ;.j i i - v ti j . -j! uj ') :i ti:o y:i.':, : ! . ; • . . ¦.[—n"t n !:f,i..-!i I .J ! ¦ • -u r . :'•) .- h 'H own LTI i:\ :; • '; , - i :;.: j', -1l!i.-!l o f i i i . s pnj i. '-i' .'l i • ; f i i " t ' -.-: ;i:n'.- b-.-i.i ; -r . , . .- o - -•a> ; 'ni >'i-jw , the u- 'i.il w!:!-- , w '.iin, whi p. • ¦> :]; ) . ' . . . . , , . ,!ii!i In j' l' n\- ilit ni-;.il > > ' i i i . ; i:.: r, a'. l tn s': i ...- ..j .' ¦., . .


' .f-: a I'.MiU 11 > '¦• W. ' wel'O -lr.i i a'. ;M- >: ¦' ¦.:, , ¦" ¦.i- ;: ' . - ,¦!."» !:i!.->:i;(>s f. -i.-n lii;: liiiio we :t.ir.'.-l ; a:i-i i> .- , .- ..¦. 1 - 1 ;;.) '. '. .\* t* > l'OJi .1 l i .'j .UX'—

!•;•;: <;:.i-s.;:¦.•.¦'.:ii-'i w.is in 1.ii.no .slylt- Ib:1 1'!-.: t.'i-tis 'ii'.•¦:.•:• ¦! ;': •.! v.- i-ri• !i: .: - -:'y t -i tal- C 1' ; ; : ¦ < - . I t ".'::; :. '> ; i '. -• '.-,•.. ;¦ 1: ¦';.: , , :i ;i .. j . .|.. u : -.:' i -: - . . - .- :a : I " - . '. .V 1 i '.o "A'a'.'.- - , 'i. - • - .• . •, | ;-. ,, ;, : : .

',-' 11" i l l '.: j 1 -1 '.V I t

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-', :i: t . I i i i i / i h .' ¦ ir. ! : i - I ' r - .v- 'i". *? -- i- i - l l til .1, i-.i ': r • -,' - , , ,

w iii! '. . l ' '.'aii olv.-;l'i :. - s- u - 1 \v ';:- :i t!io " ii i ¦:< •. .' w r .-" »;:'¦. • .' |:i'-r!'.- ¦• - . •'.•• • t i .r.-n-.: I -• ¦-I • alu- .;, : i:i t.» ilu ;\ ,;;, '. -¦. . ¦_ .. , , . . ¦; ',• I ' -.i ;" ". I n - v- i - 1 . 1 • 11 • v- ;• ; '. i ' i i was 1 - •;;;: _' ,, ¦ ¦•; '¦/ ¦¦;w - , .:' I , .".•'.¦.il: tl y i.i . .: v u 1 1 1- -.- • •• .- :?. • I 'i ; v.-;- .- • v.v- ;o .;::¦, - , , ,

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'• .- ' .i - ab' • vi '^roi -"- ' .vliii t. '.vj bi iariur uvi ":-, -.-s 0" ?i »-ra »t- ii • ' I , '" !':T).ii I - i .- i:i-v 1V l . M- ' i loft i; i .'-i i t ! / • !• :> 0::!-


ni'l 'iO i l l i l j r i iP l - l t u wil i 'i i:iay !:lp s! i!: I !:'. - i ; .•. ;'.::'.. •.'. :

:!¦! i ¦'".»•' i'. — ii io "¦ ' :':"'• ; -'K't '.r: lm/1 •):;¦; 1 ; . - - > .:: ; /

:;u I l ikew;-• ¦.- i .-shlb: .i i'S, i i ¦ • I- I :'. I ' I '. -¦• t.: :!• ':¦ .- , ¦' < ; i .-¦... '

i ilw i t a i:'iy s :n ;: i 1/ f-.-./i -n i '.ly ¦11-= - - * --- - ? !",- ..u :':s :v".-

i .-ii^::! .r.'ilii-it '.o . 'i ',Y;j .- t .u .- -! IM '. .-< .>;' -:, -i . , ' . .. i: . ,; .the u- .n.ik- witl i ill-; so.a .'w 11; 'n- ;s i. ij : ¦.:. ¦> . • ! ' ;.. ;¦ ;|. .j

r;hi 'Hh; b.r.viinr ouf .it the tup 0.' 1 . '•• :.o:\ : I ¦.• ,:• • • -i; K.- .-'. -'.-f wan- l'!-:\-, i:l/ h'M:-;i..- ,' '— ' l.'o-v,. • ¦.- ". •.":: vt;c. , , - , , •. i v j"-'; .-».; l iJ V i .., y , 1 'liljo, .,. . a- 1-. ..- -• ¦'

* •.• 1.p..: ;• ¦:'¦ - i ».i.i "t b • a't 'vy, !.i _v d.-i:- y.i.i .; i't ':. ¦x \:i :\\\\- •{-.; ,

i . -v i: ii-iii!!"' . — '1'hi'Sii a-i '.i mi. i i - . i-ou-i o:.1!!.-!- luxk-s <,

l; !i.- :.-in-;:i t' i 'r tri-le"' wen- t! 1 • • :-•_• ; au 1 1:1 the b it;'..'¦¦¦I --'.:I I a •-v-.i -t 'ty, not b.i i - 'An r .1 ri" .'-.i.- •;. ' ;'ie {:i(e:i:; T' :.'I ;it - ::ir; i i : i : s oi't '.u v.":i- -:!o, b i '. .» '.;!! a sulii .- -out i|iu,i!::",- toC:III!-.- li i at TO .-T.v".-t i i t .-ii . i ii:i n'/ M - it an I a i'.:w t .M -c-i .-.is'i-:;k-n.L'l by a CJ :-1 rV.»:ii t-.v.) U;;.-;-.M; t-.vi^i dri .- 'ciinto i l i u c i r t i i a ,'oiv y.ir-ls .i ;u:-t. i.'- i- .: 1 1 .:; ,r,i; " c.V"r-thin .;" td h:;n, :-.n-l a^oi-diii iy lit- ha ! iii.-s '¦' tiij '1 placi-l ¦.Li')» 1 liruiy pac.'s fr.im ths> SMU- II ,1 h i - ••lii:u CK :iiU-tio:i. To this in! invited all cia-i -.'s n;' li -r Mi ;- '< :v 'slie;-- su'i.ic-ts to have a shy ij r iho s:iull clia-- v.-oi' i.n->li:i"n.'.'iiny." All would JJJ 011 well for some time uniil iholi pi-vjiij ifas taken up by a ili u 'l. fi '' um -wh:/.-/.-/. wj a: t '.i:il iai 'l at a ll-afftii spec '., but ir.iiiM la '.i tar >'M V I ol' t'112mark. Xot so !io'.vev?r of tli-.' m irk foi- which it was in ten-do l;w it too'.-: some careless tenant o/tiie lVont rank immcdiati .-i y un li-r t l ie kuoe, uiui.-iii .

an cbulition 0/ tiim.Ht im^iundi' l feelings of m-'i'iiu .-ni Si-o:i\ his s.upj ort er:i) .-; c-ii 'i-.-i- side-.-"" 15:".ivo S'.ir.u I <. you If irl ial hi::i''—Th ;t m i d o !;:m scratch when he i!i-!n't itch'" &c., wcr;tin- !'\-;ir-:-si:.:iii-: of con loleacu wiii :h .s'."eete 1 t'.ia oars 0:tb" u i lnrnate wi-j ' it as hi; limpt1 1 from t-ii unruly crowd." 1 'i^ t 's an ' a liirhl"—'¦ The names o' !ior.;i-- a;»' thi> co'.0,ir:0' ¦ hi- rit 'uei-s''— ws.'ftf next to b.- v\\-: ):iu;eiv 1, and ovo.--MtiK.-, if Uu'i-e was a i»-i-ii)i!ity of il >i;r.r -•> . and la-;!;.'\-y.\ ]n l iv l y--uv '.vnv '.ur.) a ;:'-O'ipo/.«.ini.' -il ' ty or «ix:y 0;l i i i ' liiiiii -ili y-iiiw'U pn -tj o-.i oi" ji '.-.' ' li.'!!,' M lxdiol-1 ;v.--i!i: -in w i t h a t'- 'v !•• .-: ;•! I i -id s'a -v ¦ i -.r.- .'!ii::s s,i-j -i::ii:i;at .t ln ' toi io ;' t!u-h - v- .-ii '.'s '- ,Tii,: U'lt ii-lc/i.-i .ir lv.iy"or "' Tli;Ksllv: oi" l'.: ta ," and wiiicii u-as ne.-csiiri li y su.sta:!i?J;:t ihe "' \\vi\\ pit-.-'u'' to maki: it i a -c -'.li ible to tiic auilv.'ti"': in i- >:is '.|ti o !- •<-• o f t i i c diii \v 'iic !i ivi^iwd nroiuil"ir>! t! i -.- l; -i«! p ;rt n!" w 'ai. -h w.is oj - i- i- i ae - l liy 11 piperI'.ii '.-.-riii^ t .io"' Trani'ii'i! (ii %-"t-j :i ini' iib.-i" «?either SM

wi:o sp',i-it '.'-l!y ''--it t i -.u-' tn the music 0.1 a pUi-forci,ciL-oui'vi.- i^ l.'ie centre o.' au adj i<-on ! i..-:i:. ,,

Tin: HACK.At a!»ut one o'clock the following horses were brou »'.v

to tin - j vist (for a handicap stikes of i S'IVS. inch , -Usivifi-I 'le I. bi'sf o;'/i(? t f.-i) , rtve o.'licr.? b -iiy with J i-awn :—The Miir.uiis of Watt-rib I's " Hero '' .. i:;st. Olb.y ir. V. Power's ' Kleanor" •• - . 10H; OlbThe Maiviuis of AVater iordV -''Werner".. li ' st TibCiipMin Villier's " Touch and Co" .. !)st 71b.

'J'lie horses were beautifull y started liy Sir RobertF'iinl , Hart., " Tou.-b and Oo" taking th .- U-.'ul to the firdfence by a few strides, all tailing tlic l-.-ip in capital style,except " ller -V '-tbc litter h iving bj on iutintwaili) 'drawn off. I lali ' th 1.1 course ran an .l t'.iri.i i^ fi.i'l'.ome. aHthrru were to-.ii- '.liiii" ; but shortly aaorwar ls " Eleanor",tOik t!io " !«'s t J .'I.ICC" followed bv '• Werner" vriii" 'I'nucii and G-V : well up. Thisonicr wa s maiut:i 'mt"I at:i killing ]rr:o unti l oinin^ to the last foin.-e. V:1RMI " 'cr-ner ' s'.'.owi- 1 p'.uck an I i.iiiiir.i.ud it at ;he S U.K- time with" Kloan n-"'— ' Ta ieii a:i l f i . i " imHi .' li-i ic-'y in t!io:r «••">!•*The vi:-1i lor t!u: i-i^t \vi= twmcrrb.'o a i l it was t 'lOUgbtt in '.t " Wei-m-r '1 had takf i tim r.icv I K :I the ju d i *'lrliaimnn liec 'ared i; a "iKv.-l heat."

HEfi -VD H K A T ." Tiiu.-h :ml f',u" a -!:'.¦!! took ths st:'"."t fu'lowed b;

" Kleaiuii" -' and '• WiT.ici-."' The iir.-t !>:: - w n t i 'se'in :i '.miribles'y leas W H tlio sooi-i 1 ; 11 '. ii'i fj .-i'i aiio '.J'r.'f oi- !:iti-li *i ;4oit tJio further si !e "'J'-m- !i :;a I <!!•>"!?•' *stu.n ' il ^v.-hioh althoii'ili but very :di:;!it ' a:i o':> -.ei"«'-"'-!

the iild -.v.s'-!;:..\-, proved to be a nvi-t sCli -KHa ":idi".U, i"--|deoi l ; for it was .shortly .st-ucd j lt .-it lbs in-ado hi ' tV -" 'Win l-roki'ii. AVIu-n we ajs ii'.i t i inif 1 our i-'x'c "!',,t l '; r-inaiii i ' i - :i -vaU h.ilftbe c-.)U. ---n v:\-i pi ;•?(-! ov.-« - '- KSaui -ir

was alma l i - i i l " a i-.- i j .th a !UM 1, v.-hU o sin- :n linfn ao- l J

within a few strides of th-j j -Mt n'-'ii'il ' \\ J!-,:;-' sjvaSt

Ib-ward and won ea-iiv, to all :.;>p'.':u-:W.'-.:, '¦¦? aVout luiifj y. -'a. TII K TH1HU Hr.AT . :-.riw a walic-ovor wiih " Wmt-ir." ' Ki.-iiior" !»WL

!> > > -:i wiih h-.iwn . " U'c."ner " wa j t!i'.'ve:oi-c -Jcvl.::v-' t*w iiiue.'. 1

si irnxn it .\"i:.

T.i.: Wiiierf- 'nl Una' s-.s .kes 01 3 s .vs . cp.rh, -25 »1'!

¦i.iileil for l in i i i ers , lint |-rn|n'riy of jrontl itiMKii or f-trn"

rrsi-'it :;.' wi thin f ir M.ui |- i is 'b huutiu.: country .

Knur lu.iM'j w-re onicn-il f.ir this v.iee , innunS'' wl;1f'

nns '• Tomb tin i ti ;. '' ; bu t it U nei-ilk'S* to say lW»

|ioor fi- l | . i iv, was no 1 Inou^lil to t!iK «cralch :—

l'ln: Marquis ,,| Walcrf-ird's " Hero'* • • '» jMr. ;>. W. I':iwt:r f .i" Ka.'iVe'' • • ¦• ™ ".Mr . Rymi 's " Chiimp 'o'i " • • • • . . .

Sir iinf ie t t nir.iinetJbcteiJ anadi ' ii r . i lil - s t a r t , wh iw .

t aken by " f l i amxinn." a'td n- r,i i i- »i ¦• -I f-i- s-mie '!;*'

- l i en.'" look iho '¦"•- ¦¦ :¦• 'he :.:-ii- -.;"Vt . '¦;:- ili« "' ' (

•\ori' r:\-i- ": i ip -in | i im , n- it l 'ill cuilie iu i- . K.i :!"i:t -4 -. ^

lint !<Hl f.-ii. v , II ;I - U wiii -h t l i , -y landeil ¦«' l;>e *:"9vV:jJsr;mt . aii'l flew by t in- winning-posi t almost toi;a "aer . .

in t.'...- Mlowinsr onl«ili I lfro"< : Kaffr e"'• Chmn pion''

Page 3: CLOVES,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1851/... · 2018. 5. 2. · I USEFUL HOUSEHOLD WORKS. [¦•I-TI C K.-;,  , i i.r.i:r-STiti:i:T. I.O VDOS' ;] J'ubiisMeil

•j- sr. c o N i i in-:AT .

,u lii, !i.>ai wa< i i l s . » cui.h-K-d in I'.'m t iTiil - tv l . i ,- ;.

j'e k i fl:; I In* >' ¦:>• '• Jl lic n u ' i- 'v Mr a s \,-n' l i n i. - U. .<- l e f t :i

w v. ir J - i- : !i'r rt'iv I'y s "m- Iiu'ky » .r. i k :- i n rni-. \ . i i_- i

l'l liO ' 1 - I ' "' » -"l l p i t .'-Ml .'l! V:l < 1 li I "11 i O . l l i UUr lO - l u-

p. -*', " H -I I .V.'I " I l i-ro " u ; i i - « > "- l 1' - > t l > v ii u- 'i k t ip n

• • ( '/ I :I I :I I U - f t .* ' N'I M I V I S fol .'n-v i - i] hy

•* K i l*:i - " ,. l i mi ( u- ij

Sir i . ! .- ,''.' ! i i- i ' l . Tl i . i - ." i . l i . 'i: .. ¦< •

". I' i l l , - 1., -s - ,.„ , . ,..• , . .

i ljv'i r i l i ng ll i- ' l IV.T in1 li i< l t in* ;;.HI .! l. i rl u n c t j wiuic .-s

-, t |':.i::. >r< ' 'f si: t iny I . I 'I .T plan1.

i'.niM'1's. an'J .1Hni< I ITS' .Money !—a Modes!* ' ¦ Request !!\Vi i;. -i :i:v M"i* t n ii'i -t i i .1 (if t i l l s cnt:'l im-

y .*-\ :- IT..'.' .j i l . 'V. ii 'M Mli^. '.i. '.l i;>;. .•!(¦

i' l ,N

(ii i iv.i ' • :> - in ¦|l l i " <v |'"ri «>J y.'5-Si 'r . l . iy 's uuvi-

i 11U " *'' » '' - ' i

5""1-" '•• '*¦ '«.!:H ' « : .ii:< t » t t l ' i s {" 'litni

j!so in ¦ ! .-•! i i :( i"-. "i o .ir Arc :< i ' l;!fii;i for thi<

>:r.ii i i i .l' l i ' - i ", i l < !' ! • • ! i > ' i t "I l!n' .!t' r i / i , : . - i/

ir...- -.'.- -'..- .- ! - 1 -: ! l i- i i i i ixy ^-:v:i i '. We i".:iii

lvpcai t!i. - t ;u. ' -i i «>*.i : w-u 'M arc \vi > lo i;vt i*i¦ Iof il r l-'.i - '.'.'i il>»'.'h •• :l"Cri - ,

'' l l l l l t 'X Wt! |i l lt

mi 1.- - l i : i i i ! i l ! % v- in i ' l'.' whivi an 1 ;i>a!a> a vi go-!-,),!, |>ii-!i >< > fiv!' i> ;; :- si' !v<'s lV(i;> i t he (l:-gvnd-:r.U' » ¦ ' '»« ' '' ' I l '1'1 vi |:.'.v.n« i -.MN '.c'.ly wi lhw!ii -!i i; i liivj s ;i!)ini! vi i '.r arm- . . What i-t!r.' .\ i i i -.i~ W-r- ' .M' iacv I'o:- .' i < :i-i :iiN'" IJM I 'V• ;. .I u M v -h we a>k o.-irsi'lvcs ; 1ml i- .ni t ind mi.s::;'-t.ii

¦ 1 1: v y sic. •> '.»¦ ••'•'• I - i> t i > t 'cc.t t u> hu-.i'jrv

sir l . i c.- ; i ; 'ii ' ( i i c I .M 'V CI I .' ]s i| j'( > ," ;])<> >«{)•

Tr. r t • '.' a in :11 • .( ') i i j ' rot' >• '.t in w 'm has nu

oi '• •".¦ "•» '¦» '.!< >'u v, !i rl i ;( i :,a i« .,( ; and if ;(]

is he l!io !i!i:nliii ' servant i>. " the majority olit- r.iairi '.i.itor- - ." W c «• i answer in (hftlt^.l'i i v o t <l >' • '-<¦ I "' t 'l- < i i ';%

^'iil!l';- (( i l i 'r i i **-.

l l i* sir ^t i;r." ilis tri 'j utMHi snnoi:^si t lur st irvi'. sjr

si . im1 "i t i l ' iM.r. i t i'y ; no i":l;'L% ;l , !• \> ;-.c ii 1'. '. yt!-.. . I I \ I ' : <. ' i:s ( 'V i -ry u'»;ie ,-r , j i r u l i . - c Y ny i.i

t lu' ra^c «'i ' Archiloactm l>Et.i/s tlouiansl upontJie (r iuinl ' sir s for payment -of £1 10s Oil outvi' I lit * j i i ir ratv.t of t 'le Union , tlicrob yj .ikin^ .

if »¦" may use si homel y expression ,

' • ( i u * !,it out of th i 'ir inoa l>s"—takii '-*; tiiosnt';s :rl - . wliivli an1 wrinv; (V(i;n tin: 1 amis ott l r - ! :i!!->ia ;-v- ('.l an :l rala-d pi- sauts'y, and thei> .[i!.!ii" iiiisi ' ;\ ilili! (icrt i |i :itit of a <li ' aj )id.iti>d|;-ii:si % it i n:ii! of «;nr li JC 1; sln'cls ; and tui ' l ':;; 1. : w'.ii ih , t l i . ' li;i ' !iiV wsis hrnu^ lit in to« .•¦.- [ ¦y ::\v.:y t 'n 1 [> < »£ alii! t .i' l;i<r bl .i/ .'icc .—'i'h ;-' i - i» 'i vision.i-y ul ;\. ; it is a p aiii t ':il

•" •¦.I '. it v . :ti. -.l oiu ! \v!ii.-!i n<i i i (« \vi!l have ihc

1' ;- •¦!]:: < M ». • ;o i- ,)a!ri ; ';t t . Snrcly then \v« wi'vnIU I I i i i - :ivi :iu; i l i u it is t ic rc.crsL' ofevory-t l '.i:1.;;' iv.i- 'i i i aMc :i:i:l ( ! l i r i - i ian- !ikt\ It ;s uuij iivaii'i' t il l 1 A i ' l i h-a.-iiu r (] .iir>s thi s f i i s - t l i ui:\:ii.ii . '!ia'.t: i ' of li '« !;i- ; 'lf and family. Tii- seci. sn - i s oi ' W'at i 'r i 'ord. iu-ordiiv^ '<o the showing:) ). • of iii ^ own church , i< X' 11,500 a year,iVo.ii •.t lii: -!i Dni'tor I).\ i.y conkl spare a fewJi. i . i !:• •• ••! for i l i i 1 purpo se of assisting the ve-ii:' i ;.M,' Ai't lideucisn , if ha considered that hi?< ¦' ...•i»: : i i : i , ':it sii j iend was insnfiicient to coverI K - I xpcudi ' iire. Uut (lie tithe, rent-chargei ^ l i ' i l I 'I I O I I

^I I ; noi 1 t!n! .sen-!ainls of a diocese

i.: ;i l- !i i in:i , lor tls " si tj ip ort of the tni : i i>t ryof j i:c Ctr.ireh of IVi^ l;md wl i l sunt donldv

t ; \ i > i .r ihe poor rott icr-man. e.iniini^ perl iap*!i ;» ! M a p :> ii. -i » or f l i rce JJ JTII - I - a <) .l\' , fust

v.-.\ !i- i- :h.! "' .- ty i.1 a.i 1 l i r l c ' of ¦rvnt-chartj c,a i l Mvoii.H y *• t ( » l ! i « i* r " t l ie rate- levied n i mj

li i i i i i'i<r ihe »i! ; 'p ort of t 'le ]i<nr ,er i':o<.nwl i i t -h lie is sravi civ :: s'r.u'tc rcnovi .1:!, \\\ '(}: > m:l so m-.u-ls coiiij ilai ii of t i r .' il nonnt oi

!') ¦> inij i Kt ar w; do of t i i ; 1 p i iu . -'pl. > , SS M I I t 'teIan- • t J :. * i¦ i* wliicli it is enforrod ; lust as tnI) . ;- l .r i ic r , wo know thnt lliere is no lawiit i i i i . -in or divine for ,a>ciii2 : the auxiliai y\ \<nlhouse , :st l i enne^sy 's-i t iMi.

Ai : ! lic.l we !i:ul nearly forgott:«:i t l iat Arch-,i'M. ;ni Hi '-!.i. h.i< his coinfo i la 'ile £10 a yeart - ii- pci-rormia:^ l.'ie oiJie; ' «(' rl-np 'ui'i at l l iewry Kinie i.i .s i i l i i t i s in . This, in il«e!f, is a <\-ir.—i r.-i- n ;n'-i< r;i!« viic -K- a ic li it . l o or i if > dsiti ."1?I i I.. - y ..-:i'.li'i sii ' .!. i!ow many C'1.Toym ena:e !•!,'! ;• in I i e 'ai i i l l iv in g re-pt 'ciii lii y, nay ,a. .- . M i i . i r n i c i l on £-l i> a vesir r

T i !'•= > ;¦..: * .:;• i;f t!:il Wulx".To;a ^o>v

. .. . • . . . . . :, ,. .%' • '( • : u- .-i V.:i; 'in i i l i ( '.olli '.' imj

, '

¦ . -,. - . . • !.'. .. .; •, -. . . '.'. - , i ws- - ¦:¦ :: l . > vi .

1 , 'I.'" rv 1'" •>>

1 ¦ , . . . . .':Vr- !m.-« >.- !- ; ;, . : r , i i i.v i n-. i L t- r .- '.¦- , . i -

,. . _ . , , .'"

. : . , , | i- . ! . - •; :•!;- . , M I - . J - I ..I ' I K ! r . l . i l l U . >- :.s..- .

. ¦ , ¦> . . - : .':- . : -.* . < • '• • ¦ , l i i . ¦••: • , I !> ': -ii ' i - ' i t . : '- i - -

.. . .'.'

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.. . .


. . . ., , . , ( ¦ :, . ; - i .- i i i ' :i' .i! I' -•> «¦ • > ¦ • • - ' ¦ • •• - 'I ' i-- i ' .

i :'1!> Si ' . v . . u r "'.i. . ! . :i i l -v l 'v .n . ',

H D N.V.

Ikw ' iu l i ic MI';H.> <.S' >.i'*v Vork.

't ) : \ ! ' , i i:. '.- . .'( ¦; i''i :'i. a t'.v- .t « > xi -ite -.ni l 'it w:;s

.-i-i '.t '. i-! .. ' .; >: i - i te Tanninny • Sn '.K I.y t!;, . :"'i!!iiw-

j 'oi u i- i'i n - :-Aveii( !e:-of c-cinent ioi inenaii!^;

i..".!vcii •il '.-- Ji 'aeed his tali 'e on the ciis-riiige-w. -.v i:".ir lii ' ' riirb-bton e and made e!o.'|Ji(;i.l t ap-]i ¦.[ '.-. .. a Mr/.w Strop Man , to ihe pas^rs I.y»,, '.i -i- . - '.i.i^- his wares ; while ihus eiifca^;' ! :! fal l

iV.'.i.v li . ivi i -.yr thn ' aiipear:in ;:e of si ver itahle1,:, • ! I 'D- his place *he>ide tlie cement vender ,.-i - i.-l !.!;.- ;-- .|ii"d his aildress. A groat crowd c«l-|,. : • ! towii isess the'sport. untl tlie rowd y enn-

l i •; i ! h i - > • . -eiMiti .T.is t"i»r neir l y half an Iionr ;w. . • : ;: ; .' 'i- .-.iii ' iit m.in , finding liis lin sine.s.- de-... ., • • ; . . . i : !r::n<sU" a laughiiij f-slDi-k , ende;i-Y. » . -.- ! ! > .1.•!'¦

¦¦'. i»vay his tormontoi1 I.y force.()„ • ., :¦' ( ' i t : iii -i .-T desperate sffeet hgn fei I everwi:n.-- '<l was ti:-J>^ii!t.. The men t i .ii-j litj ikclia!!- .i ."- aiinost ^fPM ^mimitCs, .md the combat1

<.y . i- <i\.W tennin :il i .- 'l l iy the rowd y (win) was

th'" iu , •¦•• • •!• mm of the tw..) si-i -eei .- l i ' i i :,' out—

• ,.,ioii"ir Mini . " half dozen times. The victor was

r .iv f - ali iv l.rni -ed , iiiid the di-<:omli ted man 'sI' liv un d hi -'.i'l pvescnted a revolting siyr 'nt , being„• !• nu- of .outnsi ons , cuts and abrasion*. An-iar t.-.-o f an hour id'ter this siiviigi! breach ottl ,- pea:-o h.ul ti smsp ired , at noon-day, in one of,|,,. ,„.,.- imbli.: tlH ,ront;hf.ires of the cit y, iimlwithia Mg hl of the bureau of the Cliief of I'o-f i(-

' a p f tf i i-emau arrived u])on the ground and•riveted ihe cement man , making no e tToit tosi.,:nrB the a'-ressing suh ervary ini «hli <! ori ginof all tin ; di-turban iv. S-i w Vork i< a verycurious nliic i!—very •

CATHOLIC COMM ITTi': !-:.We<lnesday the last meeting of the Cathol ic

Defence (.oiuinitlee was held, the Lord I'n-

mrito in the . hair. .Mr. M.-agher, AI . I*, and

Very Key . L>. O'P.rien aileuded JVom Water-

ford ," The committee have selected Dublin as

t 'ne >ite fnr .the - University .1' Docfor Newinsin ,

it is said , vS^ill be the president. Amount of

recei pts since last meeting over 1100J.

I I E V , Mlt. WILIJEKFORCK.ro-iii^ ht t liis ' Rev. g'Mitlo.r.an , who left the

Protestant church somo t ime SI .- ICL- , lectures inl/iiv.-rii: '.; , on the adap t ation ul th- Ciitho S icchurc ;-. to all times aid coantr i -.s : on\\\ dnr silayhe gave his first lecture- o:i t h .' -an. o subject toto SJ crowded and lie 'i 'ii '.': i rui - li ' ii '- ,-

liii .ril (if llai- ito iir (.'itniiiiissionrrs

A ir.ci'l I I ; nf i ! i i s lioaru wis !ioi.| o'.\ \\ «M.'iu's:lav.V.1-.- ..1 :

Hrnrv D .ivis , K- i j. , ( i n 'I n ' c ln i i ) :W.n A y V i i- l , \V. M . Anla j l i . j "-i:i 'i W i l l ia m s TlioinnsI t . . r .<• < . > . S. Ui c 'i a i ' l i . n i . \V. S T'.o in;ison , huuro- ivel-V i l .i i ii l . 1,'irli.inl Waisl i , ^i ive st i- r l'!i. -l ;in uml J.j lm

l.'.nvlor . i;.u i-< .Mr. F.i n . l l (si-c io ' i i r v ) r<"i'l tin! ini i i'i los nf last niMt-

iii;; w l i i o l i wcro coiifn'i i iti i l . H i' »l"i ri- : i<l u l e t ter IVum

Mr . 1) , W. Strai icj ni.ui , i i r k mi w l i- i l pi ii!; n-cci pt nf copy

oI re-: l i i i l i u M ac'i'c, i i i , i ,.' l ii- i r^^imti"!. »s l l . u lio i i r Ccmi-

nc.'sio IIT . n i'l i l i . i i U i ' i < i In- It i i r I I'T t 'n 1 tl i t i vr iu i;111 i - I I - .-1- i - i \\!:i.'il 'J irt a l l i l 'I ' - 'l • '• 1 ¦ i-* S.ri 'vi-i 's ; u\f . o

t l i i u . U i i : ..; M i . l-'an r l l lur I l l s U i ... ilm-s< nn t'. l l ori 'iisi.i:i!> .An a i i j i i - i n l i i i i ' i i l ot! n cimiini'i^i'iii'.r In ri-prt-scnt the

I U '.V M I'l ' d-Minii ' l \v:is a!<o rcii'I ; Iml i'. w.is t l i . i u ^l i t ml.

vis '. lil.! I n n t i i i i i i i l i i ; (l i c i i i i i i iMt f»r i i i iu-ni la l i . in , S. II I I L' i . i-

,'on n . i l i iy e:^':!!; in i; :i-4 rcjf.-.nl'* '¦'•> < ¦' s> -^! ia lui'ca of ill-:

( ° l « i i i i ii I i '. . i i i : i i '- . - i . -i ii'i'i.

A' r. \ V i l : i- i ! i i s > i i i «i'!i refiT-m1.- M i l i i ! prr.p.'eiliiiij a

D I'1: I S ! in, '."in '.' In- l.a if 'o .-"iiii'l i i » "•" t ;»; ri'c indii it f u( a

ri' S ' i l i i i ! i i n w i i l i u -.it | .rt-vi.iu-i n«::i'>> l i l t i ng l ietn pjivni ;i i - . - i in i-xcivi^: ul' I i i - 1'iAVors :.s a riirmiii^i'.iirT lie ll.i 'l

c:i ler» .- 1 a pn. l i- s l i i ]> . ". i « Jn- >>o > U - . l l u ivnnM not sily diic

iv. in I iipun I !IV in - V i s * of i lm i ,- i i;'*lioii wli ieh enllei l t'o r l l i

t l i o n-.;- i l i i ! i in i ; h .i i < l inuM olis« *r» i: l i n t n»e of i l i t - i r most

i i i i j . n r i . M i i in- M.i -l p li's W H S I v io la lr . i liy t 1 ".' rujc - imlini; of n

i t - . . l u l i HI w i J l .-out ii i'i ice h i i \ i i i.j l ieiMi f f i v u n ol' sn. li in-

t . - ;, ' i-.n . M r W il '.i . in ij t ln- i i I'na.l l i i i prnM-jt «!iicli r.in

lo '.In- lol lnwin^ i-i '/c-c't : — Kirsi— Urc.uim no nutiee was^i \n i , S-c.".illy— 1IITI\ IKC it W .H contrary lo l l i« praiv(iiv i,( J iie fcj.'i ril, mid l lf . i f «J' all other boanl.*, to r r<i:in.l ,a rc-ii. '. i i i i . in w i i l i o u t no-ice li :uiii;r Immi given. Thit i l ly— lii- i -jn .-se it was unl'- i ir u.wanli j il> - *» nt i i i i "inlit . r :i I D rc-c\r.'\ , in- rivn cli:ni'Y >' , a ivs-iliiti"!! witlimi t j rhii iR tlii'in:ni ' i |> pi i r l n M i l v i, i ' i.;;prc*«(ii'j r t l n* i r \ i c »s t i n l l i e >;i!'j iri't .

r.> ' i r l li l y—! i- - iM i i s e the I h i a r. l "¦•W I in v i . i l.-i t i n i i 'if i r< invn

l. \ i — l u i v w l i i -l i w : i jp- i4;< l i:i I SM . P i f i' ily - I M C I S i v i l i ly

— he/ t :t »" '.'/(- .-'' iv i ¦; -i : > ) J I M .".-^ .;, I v l .t r r. - ^^i i i I :? I llut rii^n-

i n. ii s i ' l i ' s i! a il:> ! :( . . . :,s ii: t l m t [i::i l i . - n la r casi; no

sn."i i r.!- f . :'i i^ !; .*i.-t' t- i.-. i l ! !io « : i^."'. 1> < v i- n * : il y- -l i'-ouiwe

sue I. a I'l iur-c nf j>roceC'!i i i ii wouM i- V I M I f i k H l Iy t ie ca lcu-

la ted lo «•: 1< I" I I t in! c-n i i lUl-'iii'O x v i i l i wi i ir . l i i lie i r n e t s

^lioul i lli , ! ri;i!an(e.( ; an.I i'.n i l 'y.-. 'i'vaicf, .1 t l m pr ec-dont mi^

lit lie folluwt-il at HOIUC fn'ine hoar.l in a innt icrIii :lil y licirimcnl.i 1 lo llie :nteri's:*of ill . - |ml:lic.

Al 'leuii in W.iKh—Very potent in.lo i.':! •-[ i'll-. ori i.ialrisoliilti.ii m w l i ioU Mr . Wiiliam* referred w. isi l i 'Mi readfrom llh! miil i i l is ul' llni U'li nf April lnst np iKii i i t iu ^ .Mr.Ail -nek to ili .- r.|Ii,-c wf lMni Master :nid fixing liis resi-

d i i ' i i M a i l* .i-s lit- - . AU i t l i e r esi i l c i t i j i i ii f ia s; ]]:>.irild.iy

if:;c i . .,l in^ llu: lonncr a'.cl lixiii^ I iHri - s i - l e i iL' f ia l OuiimoreKasf .]

. M r Ay iwar l icni:iik- .| t l i i i l it was not l l i - pracl:cu in

t lm House of I. ii Ms l'ir a.iv Hi'SliliiT t i rea l liis protest ,

if 1-e i l l - ll - In tit In n.aKc n-:i; ; but intrel y 1,1 enter it on

tl:e !> mk:. l i e li i- l iev. -il ilnt l lmir in.ixiri s. l > n 'il , l In; ,l l i e public sall'iy. The |( , s of t'ic •' Ami'! I f i l e s " oociir-

i>il in f. i i i i iij i ic ia ' ' ' oi ' i i 'e l'i!"t Jl.is 'tr ic>i !ins; at l'.is-

Siy . ! ; a'ul i" I ' l l '¦ : ¦¦••* I" "in" il Would I"' f'.mnil lli;oe<-

»:n y thai In; *1I .MI 1. | i . : > i - i « a ! 1) ir .m.iie .. I I id i t MH : ln-nfor il .c i i i» i ; - i i ' .nu on* iis ,j> ia i> i .'(- «f t l .e l 'il . i - .M.- S'IT atl ..111:1 o •• , o 1 t i n - oi't- '-sii in ,if t i . i! vessel p'inf r'.l sli i ioHii'j 'e, sl i. ' W'HI I I I l iav i : I'i'c.ime a t o t a l wreck. Mr. A \ l -W H .I i lu- n allu:!eil to the pracii' C of tlie l l o i i .*e nf Coin-ui.'iis in support ol'hi s v i e w i , tli.U tlm linaril had ii.'ledr ig l i t l y in rr-c '/i i lin^ i l .« ri'S'd-nioo ; li! uUn ritcl t h ep.ui -ticit i.f tl ie Cliaui '.ier nf Co:ii:u-*rr* . whldi lie believedI'H li y i'oro him nut. licjiik's, l ie s.iid , i l wn< a m -rere '.duti.i.i Unit .vin re«ci.i !e.I—no l ive- law require';; tintnotice sliuuM In- j if-uon.- lv j i ivmi- and I l ie i e l o i e theprim i i.nl ii 'jei - i i i .:) .d'J . [, - Wi l l iams we.nt for iio l l i i t i ^r .

.\ i r W i l l i , i n s would asl; in h.r.v in .my iiH' ani-i :* rc.«O-!u ions wei' i- - - »r ;u ¦¦'•'1 I'V t' i».- Olun; 1!!.1 ! of CuiHinore.ftiviilimi! n .!i"c l i i iv i ' i i f l/«i -ii £ive:i of t l i - .- i i ii e 'i t imi toll.l S'J ?

. M r A > l w . i i l !-cl:.'\e:! t l i t i t tin're wvio several . I I , '

i!iini:> ! i l l h . i t v. I u'ii t '.iey had i l i K '.i n t l i- . r i iy o f a i l t l i e nata l

,•!!! -e i s in f t >•— 11, i i i l i .mr .'ion.l . an •' s .me Ccmit u'lwe q'l.ir-

er.» , r.s w-'ll us s i'vernl recn in i i ii 't i i l . i t i . i i i s IVum pi r t i e i 11c-

^• ta i i i ' L'd iv i i l i i d e c a ', i l w ,> u l . i ill-become him us n c i » i -

P i i i : , nr any n'. l i c r i . i P i . i l i i 'i' of 'hit hoard lo t-c: uj > Ics im-

i. , ! l l . . :t i' ,| i i h i i i i ' i i i : i^-. .i l : j t I l l r i i '* ; Ull l l lie W O l l l d ad'.l ,

i l l i i t l . e l-ii u'.i w n ai-t i | - '. '<: I hy no m. t i v i M w!i I '.-v - r- .

I , l i t l i i i ' ^u i es i , 1 hi: m- ri ' j :|s" ) and ub. ivi !a! l , t h ; we l f a r e

id i l l . - pi'it l ie .

A ! : • • 1 l - i i '. l .er nh^erv;: ! ¦• !> f r- i m sev era l m-jin '-crs , t h esuhj-i -t . :pi;.p. -!.

I l l '. l'i ' l v n i) N l 'UOM Til l'. I ' K K R - B R I I K I R C 0 M M I T T K K

A di ]Mi: . ! . i o > > L'inisis : i"U of l v l i i i >:). l l'i i>v»r , l:.si| , ul

Tri m, . ii i - . Joh 1 MnekiM x . K-i | , M )J. - - i i r eU , I WIJ , C-mn ly

Sr.i-v i y. .r , a-.iu A r i l n 2-mi' l l , '• •.'Ji .v .i i : e i lor, liere einored

f In- n f i x .

.Mr I 'm'vr !.:i! i l i n t I l i e v «,•'¦.• il e p n i i 'd ori helri l f of

I h i'ir f i l l . . A .'. 1 li.i- !!-. to w.n't mi !.'.< ¦ .'I U '- I I U I I I - r.'o i i i i i i i s-

!>in:iei- <, and i'iji.'i'j)'.'- !i i ' l i d i . -s , f.ii I n , - pwp- iSR of s i!: . -i t—

i'lif l l i*-;i- 'v v"'.j i..|i-.?i.-.i.- ?!, cur. v ir - . 11 ' ii i< proj-c: of a

l-'rei! Uri hs i n l i. V/i i- e f l M i d . 'i'h 'y f l l i e 1 ) -p i i l . i l i . u i) fell

l i .at i t -. v - .ni . l i i . : -a.I*' l i i-sinih'.e :u h iv^thi ' .- ,i-ii ;, , :i:i - i.v i

»!' iln> :I • rt ¦ ti r •.'.i,e.'.nl-si'r i- :s ; a-.i I ii•• (MrI> .- '.v. ,) l:-u| 1. - .. - GJ - nre-.it h:ili:-S"in fact heiv.i s ri .'iiviiu- i.j, i/iaf if t 'i-: m.j n i ' y of Ihc hoardfell that the pr.iii'i't would 'oe liein- li eial to the hurli .ur,the !'. 'tr.i:iisMi-!). . |"' v.-oii !-! h.iv. : no l.c-iialiou ahont nivin 1

^ill-m tin: to -opei - i itimi thi -y soiivj 'n . I!.: I'el ! .vso that lienre'/ 1.0: enlcr i:, 'o ;i ) i ilii: a:i/nn)pi, is in l i imiir ol a"if' Uii i '.^e- '.\!e:i in the ('n:ii'iiissio:u:ia ' p- ¦iit 'inik- :- -v :u no 11'i.inl the ( |ii> '-iio ;i t h i : i lii* did , or perh.ips.ei\ i n - i i i i i i i r of ;!iC (")U. .n:". f- ; and In; was sure that!ii'.\ li: 1. I v iv i - 'i ( l ie Siih ; t l ie ir lies? co:,siil^i'.i:i 11 sinreif w.is i:.-. .;ii; !il In-fu r |i. ihlie . Hi: lie , il nut refer to1 h- ' |ir, (•• ¦, :.Ii -n- i.f h-i ' l i- ur h.»av i !s wl. o \VH ;-O s* Jili:nr!Vriiv.i!i ,- . - ::n .• ! . 1 J I - I !I ,- I ' Ih m t- i ~ta r- . tha! th .-y hid taken!.!• : !,•: . - I iu iin ;-.i'- ii i>i '_r tlieir li 1 honisami port-. . Tiic im-j . i " .¦•'•:, 1 . 1 is niR !•: in t in 1, h irho-.ir of ( I 'I I W HV , il » piesent

j! ' - i l iD ! , iiii'l Ua! .MKCIIS .S « i i i !i « .i< a ;.- ;in '•» crown l .'ie

H ii'. nt . ,. i ' i I , , - ;, •> :.If Iher i ' wv'.e i'i .ii:i!\ a l t i i b n 1 -i!'!e l !l l l i e

iwo¦ .•;.-> ,« of i l i » l l a i ! ). > i i r C'o.i imls-i'i i i'-rs. f l i c bo inl lie:n!.|.( i ..s. il would thoieture sm- the value, tin J i m p'r t a i . c eol I hi'ir nwn II^«NM I . C C ; and f.ir 'i l i a t rniiion he WiH Sat is-'.'..•d . ,l ' i- . L -.'iu.i^ their aid. Ai '. iVy wauled for the piv-M-.i l « ,H pet- n-.i : irv <> id ; hut tin: i lrpul' it inn would notiiam:- any s'liu—they uould leave t l int to t i i i co'fi.li'ra -:i.in o 1 the < ' . 'iiimiFsioii?rs «h'i would <:r.e what the.C'iqi . r i t i t m had done. The Corporation hailjj ivt -n llinini;i:! . i — A l d e r i i i .-m 1'ir i i s ta l had j iiven i'-'i in his pr ivut oea|ia. ' i 'y — M r . Gr tihti iiad given them X'2)---tw.) or thr i oi . l h . - i s . inchidiajf Alderman Davis had given £l!> , andl - i:;i-( IT had <u ),:-rilii.d f i t TI'U w.is to mi'ct the prc-!i i:i iary I 'V |-'J U S I -S . l ip supposed t!i it they had S'-w llie. u!i i - i i- il r- . p . - i t of a iuep :in'4 l i '- l - I a few (I y-< past at

li e r.. -.i n M;. .'1 . en tin- jul-j i't at wl . irb S'r l l emy \V.! ; , : - ' i . • : ¦ ¦¦>; • '• • ) ; il i cv h i.! . M r. I l r e t t th (< (Miaiue iM -i '.v i . - . wi: 1: I 'l - i r ' . l iei lor an- 1 ]: ul i e n - i i t a r y n- ^e 'i t . 'fheI |'. I it inn v.- .. .. j :s !-.. > •! \VliHthcr it w. . ,i l I lie d.- s ir il i l e »r n i tt o iii - .ki: uj Mi '.io.it '-oa at tin! in'xt M'ssiuj i of p . i i i i - i - n e i i t —it w.( s duli ini:i ' - ' l to them liy ll ,.f I ' f i a in iM i i t\tr th"ir c-uti-

sideralion. lie also said it wits nmi ' inri 'dthey \vrr <- pa) insi!i>i '. siie(>tti>liic ?r.in<)j iirie iuflh<>L1/)U 'ily ol'Waterford midKilkrnn v in lint previou-ly nnn.suiiiii i ; th» m on the s'ih-j-;rt One and nil of the mernhers disavowed t !ic .slight-est intention opdoinp; so. They were revived to .^0 toparliamriit hut 110 further lluti that ; I 'u-y would notiiii -ur a:.y ronsijj|rab|e expense until they \umld stop ;and ihen 11 H'V vtqjpN solicit Ihe aid of all ilm ur.i:cl juries,lie was quite satisfied, that t i l ' icp.nt he .¦il l in l i - d lo waiset on foot by t he'enernies of the project in order to retardits prasHC 'ilin.-i. The " Committee lltd not the most I I H-mm iil-a ofnci inz unfjjirl ror disrospseifully towards theI t i i l i f f t Coin 111 issiomrCT citliPr—1 hey would treat withilia' Imdy in Hn horignnble and honest manner ; lintn^aiii ii i wStitil »:i yiifci.:lic S lid nt\.a former peegsion ,thiitiTi."]- hJn^Siloj{¦exp^ret nn-e .vlrrtvntr.iiiKjiuis^forifityj;ini i - i - . - «t.'%jjWn'®«t In-hid seen that day lie hilaVijot tTOtj l iy J i t f ^ f miAii f ' :i!mi]i

t i n ir jpeeilv SMi-rivs ;

the Clisi'-

l iver in.d ihe i l c i i i i l a ' i n ii hud S'ii'ii thi : si'e cli'isiju for th(!

li -w 1.1 i !(;e. ut I t i l h erry- twk , 'h e iip]iruacli!'< lo w l i ich a'

e i i l n- r -ido uf l i . o l i v e r , were rxt f . -n ipl y :roo:i ; alp! lie i«i<

s'lri; t h . -l t in- e i iyinecr wmil l >l i i |p before t l i « Home of

Ci i in i i i'ins t h a i iln-y wiiri .- n iiu'l i more su ila li l e i l i i n Il ios -!

id the pH'S'-nt hrid'ii: for all public purposes. There « - ( •m- ie l i nior.: rumii »l the further liilc- o! the rit rr o|.p"si'ol i i lb pny r".:U than at lli 't present hri i^e , amiIh' j l.nil .-in nppria -h fr-i:n the rock down'o the quay, « ,i i l at it wmiM n- it entail any r- .N;ien-,i- up"iithem in that ns 1 pet. He hoped, in conclusion , th it thehoard would take the . csisi: into their 3'' [i»ni-- 0')'.M(le:a-ti"!i , a n l d- .-tl iv i ih tl '« frnrN "f Ilia eoiiit nil - i'e :n li!.er-ai l y as they run!-/ . Ai 'lt-ni- irds I hey v.cml 1 ask t | .« cnni-:nis*!o- .i'rs "¦ p.- ti i i 'ui pai li:itin:nt i'.i favour nf i|'.« pi-,,ject ;and als'l ihe p. n|.le of walerforl l , and OI '.IT p::h!ic bui!ie>coiieerned in ti l l! I l iovvui . - i i t ,

Dr. Maokcy reiu -i ikr i t l i 'il al-hmr.'h Ili i - y fs 'i ed |ii>-rimhrv u^-is! ti'-p fiom tint • .'ouiniis si,niers , as a puhlii -b.iil y t iiey wut ii il «!• '> I«U '.- th -'ir individ 'ial ni'is-ri pliom(lunVilcr;.

...\ - I , 'nil :ii WaNh wa-s afraid thai they lnd no', the

I»'i«'rr I" I ' - t id.-r the desip-d :is» islanne ; hut if it WHSwii 'iin t in 1 a -t of p I ' l i a - i i en t l.e was sun: th -i l the IS ''fdwmiM hi: Inppy l'. ii!" ii-i! them any :i-si<!ai;! -i : in l l p- irp'.w- r. I'.'-' l l ion sht the prosp'-rity oi Waldionl depeii i l -rd in :i (IP sit incasiiri! upon l l ie i->»ue of ihe pri.j ri't.Mi l . 'll credit was d i n ? - d 111 ' 1 cuniiiiill ' and [lar l ieul - i i l yto t l ie i le pi i tat 'mi for th eir hili iurs , a'id I l i c interrst theyivere tdkiii ^' for the welfare of the puMi . - . l lu wonldmove llr. it tin! f| 'iL -sti.in he n-tVjrrcil to a committre f.-rC'lnsii lt -rnti 'in 11 ml t» a-Ct i- fniu wli.it powcii they had lohe nf fon iec to the l'rie l!:i !^<: coinmil ' i •'.

M r Smi h said that they miuht l»Kc into tln- ir coi.side-

nlion', what «n.« very Ki.nerull y li. -ld , lh.it 11 hri. !','..' e iert-

e:| on (lie intem.'i'd site would he a gnat impi - nei iKTil lo

t i p no: t of U'ale i f . rd.M r . Ay lwud — I' .- ihn ;. - Mr . llr.it* wo il - I ci .-mimi:iicHte

) ) U v i i - n 'i (;II tlM: suhjpcl.

Mr. Brett »aid that it np;icued to Iii:u .1 decided 1111 -[iroveliic'it to lime a l.ri'/p: ''re.ct«,l at WlbiT ry l-oek.I'he poricnllis of the pre.« i n l brid ge w i s quite iiu ?iii:ed

to iliu dais of ves«el * in Ihe l iver for it. was inu.;!i tonr.arrow ; hesidei if the bi i.l 'n'fi were removed altogetherit would alloi-d a [;i-eat deal of room to the shi pping inlhat ij ii nier—ilia! he WO -J M (alj» to he a <;rcat ii»|iro i'enie.nl, l i e then imt iiic.jd a new bridge at (isdwiiy l i i v -inj an im/ 'ioicd iim-'ciiUta irliicli he des-ri led ua ncliugupon the princi ple of those of the docks at Liverp ool.

Doc-'or -Maclccsy said ii mi^lit lie adibabb.1 lo i i . 'onnthe ('omtnis.sinnerj that some of lint cit i / . -m thoug ht thatit would he well 11 have it opposite lianousiraiid- .s t ieet ;hut as there mis fit he'obsivlrs against its ereo:ioii there,it was nor ill, : inr. - nt/ . i ' i nf tint (¦.iiiim.Ccc tu lake ii'iy 110-tiee of it f ur l l /e prcseii; .

'flie ( 'iiairin siu observed thai before limy could do auythin;} in ilw mnttcr Ihev slionld see wlmt powers theypussesssd liy I IK- act of parliament.

Dii '.'i.ir . lM.-icIv t-sy ri-marki-i! t h a i hiuisell'and Mr I.awlorImd Wii ri 'd .-11 p.n1 the I!rid .:e Oj iuuiissiuulirs wiio re-eeivo.l th^ni very kindl y. Tuey were, they said , pre-pared (» meet i.'.'ij u'j'.va of Ihe committee to any reasoii-ahli! h i u i h .

Al h-riiian \V. ,l-h wonl.l a>k Mr Suii'h !o .s late hij op i-ii i. i ;i -.vi'h r>--pect t.< the. pi- uvisiiins of Ihe act of ]i:u'lia-niout ?

Air Smith st iid lhr( li..' was conTer ^ant ivii l i the provi-sions •¦(' ill-: aet. of p .irl it: i i , !ni . t i . i t In- ill I n- i l t 'liuk thatlie eonld 4ir>M ^tbiM w l iai he had a.j i'.ir: said ; the nues-Iion for I be i-oi i- idenition of tin: ('nmniissinuers was ,would th. ' proj, :et. as (>\p l'iii:ci ] , lead t impiM »«m <" iiof tlie p- i r t - i f sn , ol ' eo.i','.-: they e-> n l I hni: no diili . -u l iviu <:nniin ^ t 1 a conrlu-inii mi iln: Mihject.

AM ITII ! m U'aMi aslcc I t» hi: i. , l 'ii»iv d of llie cxa .-t s iieof ihe contemp lated ln-id jj;1.

If w.i.s slali ':! Hi it it was I"! )' 'nd I Ins juri sdiction of thepres.iut Il i idij e l > inprietiiiy--ja - .t where the new roadstop * at I l i lhe irv - inek .

The Deputation , after thaiiki:: ^' the I.o-i rd lor Ihe cour-loons urinner in wi i i o l i l ! i iy wt'ii: re,-e ivi '-l . w. '.h- l it w.

Al.i'ena iu I'ii- '.'.in li. ':ii;u; / t 'l.it it w,,iiM lie t 'n: baS.pi.111 to aj ip' .i i i t a Cd.iieii tee t;) ( .ike the matter in '.o cnii-fidi/rali on an I h: iru what powers they wen: porsessed ol lorw-.ii.ri '.ne wil l i the l'ri:e. llrid!;e I' oiii:iii :le<3 sis requested.

Mr Ay lwai-d-- ltefor it to a sj icci i l meeting to be con-vened for tin! purpose.

Ahler I'helan asked would it lvt ho an iniproveni e -itto the port uml harbour of Waicrfui-J . l i e was ol opi-nion that it would .

Chairman-1 fear tint !f you refer !he mailer for theciii4derati.ni of a committee , they will not be able toli d o i l m ire than we know at present. Allow me tosi'iNIcs t ih.i t it would l> e well to i-nll 11 special meeliii ;,' oltl iu eoinmisiionera for tlm purpose to assemble on Inisdar-woek.

Coiunellor Wnls!i-\Vill it improve Ihe port in any way-will ji ri.-m-.vu n<i y .ibstiieJes I.) the shi ppins or wider. th«river ; -Tlieae are Ihii :iu^3tioii9 which are to be consi-dered.

Mr Ay lward sai l thai 11 si.orton th n inal!«r , he woal.l(ii- ivc 1l1.1t it he re fer.-ed 10 a special board , rnii-M'oed f-.r the purpooO ; liy that rn^iii* Iliey would l iav otin: np i:.i . i :i4 ul all the meiiibeis . un l iu ill-: event of t l i e irc- iiiiiiii ; 10 a conclusion , tln- y eoutl selt'e the questionat once.

Mr. Thompson—It in not so muc'.i a quc>tio :i ofmoney—hut wil l it improve the port ami harbour olW' aleifnr. l .

Alderman I 'helau—I think that :f < h e majoriM- of th "noaril ili - ciiled that the nr.'j eet , if c.irried out , wouldini [iroif the j iort , we e.in h-yally a- iiisi the funds 01 theCom mil NT,

Alderman W.i lsh—Our duly w i l l h.j 10 consider thepfopri -ty of obt .iui i ' -'si free !'.i !-¦• for Waierl 'ord , andCii- i > uri i t "i:ivj in every way in """' p-»"-'i' vvlth the couimit-k'O.

The Clin i rinit n said t !i :ii they WP TP. not called on , '0the preseni , 101:0 s 1 f i r ; t i ie .v were m.:n:ly nsUyd fora small s i :i ei »s:i.--t lh.: L-iusri i i i t ec tu bear Iho par l i -aaientary eX|n-ns,-» .

Al lerman W' nl-ih—I 'lie very first thing we luti « t do islii Consider the prcpriciy "f the object .

•Mr. Williams—That 's tin - rpicit inu.The Ch . i i rn i in b:-lii :ve I ;h:il no il i ' i i l i t cnul-1 ex '.st that

it was calcnj.i 'Ml 1.1 imp'ove the port iu a ureat nie.isure ;f - ir ll would vas 'ly i.iciea>e the. shipping in C:::I SI ( |Oeti :-eol ihe iixT"n-j.l denr.iiid i l i it woald n.itur, :!.y ariic forH."i-i l.

Mr. \V ilI iunis ohserv.-l s h . t th .' ir rules wore verysirict usi regarded the ,; i- ' i ih . i t i . in nf th .- ir .'utiils ; aii 'i I '.cbelieved that Iho C.ni.ui.i-i.niL 'i's eonl.l not pass thefetter of tfi< ; act iii f inr l i , i tn '-nt . Anxious sis they allwore to ussisl in carry ing n i l Uie \ i > -ws uf tin: deputat ionthey should Iir3t see 11s Alderman \V.. '.s'o >iiiil w l n t h e rthey had tin: power to d 1 so ov not .

Af ler fnither dis- 'ii»» :iiu Mr. Ay hvard nilbdrew hisui'itioii in f.itnr uf l.'ie following propose,) liy Mr. I/iw!orU. . .I 5tceini«t4jj,v4.<<l4nn,i.| '.ViiUh • —Tin I the <i>i , »t innlie re 'erred Fo llift (jn iiy Co:niniitee , and that at our UMii gwe sammoii a meeting for this day week lo receive lln- ii-le|iort .

SumiUiiry of I;IJ ;M .( S ami Mxprt-*

IMI 'ORT.S.•S.rnitcs, Irom lliracl S/D I J I -.-.- ln,li:ni Onrn—(!n|c 'iinl rro.;;:or.

M .'i niliii , IVn.iilialal/. , l:IVi .l-i , .1 C..,ni!»o an 1 Sou. Hi i i l ia , il",! i,|., , II N N'- iiiis. lwi;.-l!:i. il i i - i i i ) i !o , V. liitulirutlua.-.. A:i-fouca.s, liirail Uit!:) do 7 C,,J' .- au i 1 *r. • ;> .>- >r,

F.Xl'oilT.S.C.'omnol , Davis, J.on l.in. <J:!7'i !ir!< < l i u l t . -r ; Gsfl (is hncoii : Inn

ke-;s luril; li Urns f!a',-s. Mar l l i . i !'.>p-.', . l im es, Loiidmi—"lt i l ! Irks

l i i i l ie r : |:.i. kru lar. l y . , , ,1 :,l> !«i.-,-. N - 1 , ; liiid liales l.ae..n : InU usskins :711 s-ic 'cs vi: e b- .1.. Slar, IJ i s'r - i i. i lr is |, . | , I l.'iti i ir ls ¦•:¦¦ • .

Ms ir^arutt'i. W'lii:-- '. I '.TU- I I . H I I ! I . !-ii i l i . i .s na'.s ; 1 la*, i l es i r n , -jsm

l»rl.-j.« i i .< ; U.'iurr '.;'/ , IVi./ r J . i l in . I'u.-.Mii . iut l i , Hi.i > '¦' Iiacni , uii.l

!-.') Iirls outs.

LONDON ' CD UN M A I M V KT-W BDSB SUAV .W :(,-:.\T"ICiijf li»!. Iir") at Monday 's prices, l'orei ^n

steady but no', dear;-!', l-'loafinj : caiuroes are so s?aree offthe C'tHst wt' rai.not report any (.'ha:.Lie.

J . \ l>I . l .v ( "o i t X — N o i n s nu MI I« at IJi i . fonslown or !-=• 1-I U . I U I I I . i-'or cirgi.ca oiij'1-isi.i^e ful l gripes are deiuandi -d.

HAUI.EY qiiite as dear for nil soils.H V R , MALT , 1' li.vs , and IS U .V N S uiu-liai^. -d in

value.O ATS'--A few addi i ioii . i l c;ir:40.:i of new Irif.!i hue

!Tot iu since last tnai ket. I'autors are firm, '"i! buveriresist and uii n- i l lii i i ; to lake , c.-ri ept at a decline , so butl i t t le was done.

0LASGtnv ci)!:"x MTinriVrmxov. i-j.Foreign arrirnls of wheat this week ciiiisisl :ilinu-. t en-

tirel y of I- "01 'tiiii ) .'i'hroiiyhuut the. week th.! trad,: has been fir.n , I u* I l - o

amount of business done has not bcpn extcasive.

T I I K D U K I v Ol- DKVO.X S I I I R K .The Dnkn of DRVou ?liiro ','avn his first dinner part y

for the geasion ot Listneiv (.':i;il' ! on the 10'h inst . I'hercWere presim l brMvhn tin: l l 'in. <Jeorjfi! and r..i-!y I.'iui.-'aCavpndish , M tfi . Krskiun and Mr. llnrmvrlf , who me.stay ing witlhhis. Gr ai-e at 'ho (,'a.stlc; l/ir-1 .s':.:\virt DoDfciPS iind rMiss Stewarl , .Afajor and .Miss Oroker , Mr.and Mrs. Mnigwvc , Major Jiushc , Mr. Thompson uudaou , Mojpr .'Alcffk ,.A:c.

JlIJ^IEbB Tfdrks of the Kiikwiny l.'ailw.iy iii-e in r.ij .i-lprogr^^b&ftf&n tliio eitj ' .'iiii f Acrp Aiil .

Soinp ftlSlJib-'poHse force liave Ij ucn reduced 'in tlmCon /-..ijurierick.

j ^ EC^vjWtJltou are selling iu our 111 trUel -s at iWm 4'1

fV^^^S o t'iueuj'.-of thy fineness of tl ie w&itlir -r.f.i-i-lucr. i lire hu-y, :\::d coitsci | !u-iitiy our m.-irk e' • arc not. j well ii tteM - ie ' i.

\\Zr" Mr. A i - t l i i .il' :5111 s i ! 1 (-nlici '.-i i ') \\-, \< piii- i-l i .-isoil ~Sh:l iiiysi! (isljuni'/ s proiM.-i'ty nn- lortliu 'ticumlw.'e.l I.statesI 'oin-t , f.ii- .i'i l 'D '.

K'.-S', ' A resp, ut i -il lrii:nd bus urued us id infotm tlmseheiu v .deiit pt- up le who are in tho habit of {jiving charityat aiiil it l 'l-r (Miris '.in is , that bolon: <"nriatma. s would beI!ie heller t ime t-u-xTnd Hieir charity, pnrti ' -ul . ir ly ifthey uiv i l i s p iK u I to K

'I V B b lanket s or ctliT olol i i ini f .

lrCjrj S"-*»uii » hiii.ds were <•") ; :rie 1 at I'iildown , this weekmi thi! works of the Water.jvd :uid i.iiiKU'k'!: iisiilway.( I. .. 1 i news this

I CZj ^ !'y next ]flst we expect to lie cnalilod to publisha ln 'ivj l i . -t in' sii 'i-ei- i ption.s lo dr-Vay tliepri 'liininary cx-pen :,. ui ' thi'ov.in;; open the f!rii l ;ie. lle 'tei- news tin* .

I 'all -.cr Matbew is cx]ic:tyl lioiuu ub.ui tin: 2Uth (ifthis mouth .

N'I :-.VT(IIV N' I ' .MC— Tlii- ; I'.i ir v.-.-is licM on last Tne.s--I- iy,a 1 r I in nspei t ot ' .leni in-i ami pi-ice was very ^-i'»l . Thesnpjily 'if I'i^-i was also very fair, ini'l the .le.maiid ainlprice for them i- iiiiiin - :i .iin-:-| Kilui - ie |li- ini:is ( 'on'cs[<jui!. |

y \ r . r. , liiionil A i i chmuty Glove. ', ..1 tlie I.urnlonTemp le , has nil ir t- ssutl the tlcclurs of Kinsi i lu ,as a candidate. Ur. Serj eant ( !lover is not (liecainl 'nlatc , as reported in I i imcrick.

Mr. l l ewi t iirid j ' c iuan is appointed I .on. secre-tary to a company 1'i.r I ' st i il .li -i liing a lin i; of tcle-Cfrap li between tho western porls of Ir c-lat id andll 'd ylieail.

At llie auciiui ) ;it l.orli , near JJin^'lc, Tralce ,coiv .s and c.ilvcs went very hi gh. Mr. RobertTI M):HMS ;> ; I Ivm-rlil 200 and Mr. Hu ach , 110.

Board of Caarilisns—Yesfmmj

Counsellor K LUOTT in tho C'liair.Present—Wm. JMorris , A hi. Slnnoy , Patrick

Vi'iiU', \Y. Hiil l y, Capt. Lewis, John Bogan ,Aldcrmon Slanoy a/id ' Phulan , J. M'Doiinel) ,B. Giant , Dr. MacUesy, J. O'Kocfu.

TI IL> iteport on lite Annuities, seeking furaih litional time (-10 years) for tho payment ofthis demand , was then read.

The Clerk said that he had app lied to theGrand .Inries of the Counties of Watorfimland Kilkenny for the def -.iiU of t '.ie advancesunder the Labour Rate. Act.

On tilt- motion of Alderma -i Phelan the re-port was adopted.

Alderman Slaney moved, and it passed , thatsi sufficient supp ly of lindsny he j irovidod fordie iiiie of'2S0 chllilren iit ( lie i-i 'iiven i iit ixiliary.

AWlonnan Phelan *a:d lie h-id known ns-pectahle persons to leave the house in eouse-(p ieiu'C ! nf luring - obli ged to associate with per-sons of Iiml cliarac-tor ; he therefore suggestedthat , a distinction should be made betweenthem.

Mr. O'Reill y, Mr. Ilall y, and other guar-dians , agreed in the propriety a:id necessity ofsnt'li elassirt i-ntion.

The emi gration loan , which amounted to£-H)l "2s, was ordered t:; be paid.

An afl'ulavit was read from Mr. II. Kenned y.Uo.resfurd-stve et, stating that he . paid Mr. P.Kenned y (late collector) £1 , and for which hohad a peni-il-recei pt.

Doctor Afackesy comp lnir.ed of tho want ofprivies and ot '.icr acc-oniinodatiou in the . fevershetls , whicli were ordered to be j u-ovideu.

Mr. i.'nilsoti exp lained tlie dilHculty andOXJKMIS C of raising the idiot wards.

A letter was rea d from Mr. Clampctt (Rev.Mr Bell 's collector) demanding a sum of £ I10s Gd Ministers' Money, due on the Conven tAux '-liary at lle.nnesy's road.

Tho Chairman and other guardians thoug htit well to refer tho Hev. gentleman t, ikeCommissioners' letter , which stated lhat poorho.ises M-e.re exempt from Ministers ' Moneyand pari sii : ates.

The Clerk then read the following, which hesaid was ;uli .re>sed lo himself—

To ilh-htinl Ihtrhi ; JX q.. Clerk of (ho V'alerJ 'vrdL'uion.

Sir , — f.sist yniir t l io l!(ianl of Ou:>rili UI H nl loivei l me(¦) piircliasv about .£"40 wnrtli of co.ir.s.; cldtlirs uliit-Ji I

»avo awuy lo poor I'a iniiio* ¦¦ 110 h i v e f l r u -.''o'l t3 l»c«p

out nf tlie tn.'ir hniirr , Ij i .t witru i i i inbl i '. I" purclii i« i-

c ln i l i i i i t f , -.mil who wmiM lr«*e riMii. i ineil nali'-il if I la TI -1

lint p ivj.'i lli i ' i i l i- imll in.,', I s l i : i i l In: i) lili^'i:il li, y ini to

o>k tlie Ciiar . l ia i i s tu i;ivu 1111: li'iivi' In be snpplicil i i t l i usame wav and Im t l c S ;II IIO |ni'- |in.i; i l i i s year ?

I :ilsn ln.uuli t maniiri! (i-nin tlio ( i i i anl ia i i s for tlie

purpii'i; of riiinl'ij iiijf SOHiu p.ifir Ii in:i l i>-H on 11 Inrin.

I t ili a il (is ;;l.id 10 knoiv wl iui l i i - r llii'j - w i l l 5. 11 me in;i-

nnre t l i i s year? lint I in-.ist i:i.- :ni. ,n , it uur-t bo sit a

ebeajw r rsit.i . ns th.i ni.iii'ii'n 1 b.nuli i from t'.i cm catneili'ariir (lui'i l i i i i t wluVli I .jj.it d .jHi i liy water. Sly ivasmi

f»r pn.pi.aiiig lo UiU'j tin- poor lini istf J iui^ i-= , t l i s i l (he

tlra\vi::n R i v i s iMii | i l i\vi! iCut tu -2 or I! faiu i l iVs ll .at l iave

l iorscj , anil l iavn HO uarninic I'lirinj ; 'lie wint ir .I a:n a ir , vour ube J i . ' i i t «rrv:i i i t

no i ii -i ifr CA P i i r .r..Refisrre 1 to committee uud to Mr Maurice

Walsh , auxiliary.Dr. Ki l io it reported lhat it was injurious to

I'.llow pauper children to carry sick children(o hospital 0:1 their backs ! A strcti .- iii .-r w.istherefore recommended in lieu of the hacU.

Tise Clerk read the following reports, whichhe said wore hi ghl y comp limentary to the par-ties concerned—

l l . 'pirtof the L t r j < i School , H'-nnrsiiy 's-rnsul ,—Thi*srlioul is ci'i'liict.!'! in n vcrj" elliririil Dimmer ; 171)

cliil 'lro " nri; iii ;illi . |. . l>)ni -e to-ili i v . 'I'lic to siclier , tl on^lizealous nu,] well ipiiv l 'ideil for her situation , woiil -J r.-Ciiiireut U.un o:if cuin<i ft.vii! iii-.isl;int. 1. r.'^ar! i! 113 a .MI »S|ili:Sirul .lu ati 'l i iiipoi 't . iiit iir i ' inj rcin-i iit timt l l i iM - l i i l i lrmi•u- i.1 p!"Ci ."l i'i tfj iaraie srluola , r.imuiiuecteJ uiil i tlieadult iK 'p :irt inri l t .

The In/ t ints' Si -/tool-- 'l ] i 'i< is a v«ry ip .t i-iv*:iii:;sclmul , cciXucied In- u y - iunal - i - 1.y , who attemleil theH oili ' l iSrliftoJ ill L'li'iiniicl , a I l irrutvn r.vpense, Inij ual ifvI coiilf tor her pr.-si'ni s i t i ri 'iun , tint ilutirs nf wliii - li she•1 ¦ rluir^ca most riKuientl y. TI IB sipp. :aia.i:ce n» thefl i ihlR 'i i, ainl tlio iirr smsltMiiu iit of thu SU I IDO I , urc in Hieliiuli«-t liogrei; li iitUlik'Ui ry . I foui.'U 1 1 ) infant cliil ilre npivscnl ; considering (lie itmlcr ;<•;>'. nf thrsc uhi 'i lren il

i - S 1'- 1 "'.*''11 !? t0 S( u 'he pro-^r. 'sa t l iey h.ivu i n m l i - i n the

;<m>t useful braiii 'la'sol neeil lewoik. M A I J K I C K CJIOSS

Si-croiarv llositd of E'ltioatiun.

STATIC 01" Til l: HOUSE.

lteniainii'^ in house lust week 190-2 ;.

ad-in 'it tei) f ur wei.-lc I 'M ; di-c.iarged ?..'» ; died 9 ;money received during week l'[)0."> Is (.!i1 ; paidIMl'tf 'Os Si] ; balance in t'avur nf uni on .i'lU15"s 7d ; amount of new r..te nut collected L -f i '.'AI 7^ Sd ; do of old rate. £'] IU1 (Js Gd ; paupers infever hospital 101; in fever sheds 71.

MODEL SCHOOLS— W ATERFORD.Saturday last Messrs Cross , Kavanagb, and

FitzpatricU arrived at Mr. Dobbyn's Hotel , forthe purpose of selecting :i site for the erectionof a Model School in ' this. city. Present ;—Tlie Mayor . Very Ltev. Dean Hoaic, Revs, J.Sheehan , P P.. M. ri yuti , P.P., P. Kent , C C,\V, M'Cance, M. Dobb yn , J.P., Aid. Mackesy,H. Denny, T. O'Rciil y, Dr. J. Mai kesy. Dr.C:i-.-'t , Dr. Ell io t t , J. C'.ombe, John fj iulsou ,John A. Ulake.

Mr. J. A. 13LAK !-:, in presenting the gentlo-men comprising the deputation of Waterford ,said—It gives me much p leasure , as the ori gi-nator of iho educ iilioiii i l movement hi Water-ford , and I may add at the representation ofthose of our citizens who have been activel yengaged in endeavouring tu advance the intel-lectual progress of the peop le, to assure you ofthe unirersal feeling enterta inon1 . here in favorof the National System of Education. I feelI ;uu jii N i 'lied in saying universal , tor thosewho Still attempt a useless opposition to it areso unimportant both as regards numbers andintV.ienc ;', thai I deem them scarcel y worth y ofMention. No better proof of this can lie ad-duced than tho very gratif y ing fact that yousee before yon to-d ay a largo deputatio n of themost respectable and influ ential of our citizens .,and had it been intimated to me a little earlierthat you bad sel:.::> d 10 o'clock (instead of1 as firs), in!< ' !i<l (vl) ..> n-ceive the deputation , Iciinld a< o:i-i!y have assembled live times thepresent, numb er , and tru st there fore that thist r iump hant pro i>f nf the desire of thej pcop le toavail themselves nf tho benefit of the excellentfcVsii ' in of education administered b y yourboard , may induce th e Commissioners tu expe-dite as much ;w possible the comp letion of theproposed Model School (hear , hear).

Mr. Cross , in rep l y to Uev. Mr. Slieehan ,stated lhat the Waterford Model School wouldbe conducted similar to those in other parts otIreland , which had given so much satisfaction.

Mr. Dai'ley (architect to the board) and theother gentlemen then proceeded to examine aM ( C a report of which they have made to theHnsii- il nf Kdin -nt int i .

r.VTAi - Acci i i i ' .vr AT SKA .We are sorry to sniumiticc tin: i lealh of n yuunjr man ,

son ol UH; Into r ';i |>tuil i Jacob , of New Kos^ , which lank

l-l n'i: uii huiril the " Jnl in U . - l l ." mi h«r outwanl voyage

to Aineriui i , by a fall iVoin the top-mast . He U dc-ejily

ainl uniu.'rsal.'y rcgii't'i; I.

fdJ"* I'ills ai'L- pisli'.l :x':..ul the tuwu fur recruits fortlio »»I st Kruiini 'iit , sit an advance oi' l.ounty.

J iZj ;' Oa ycst i'iilay a wntnan nanicil Kc-unc rcfii ;c<l tolie H»( irn , iiml win u ill la.sl si if tu >k the look , she cric.lbitterl y ( i'Opr.t hi our nvxt. )



r K respectful!)' inform our l-'i i c i i iN ami t h ePublic generally, that we h a \ e now ie-

ceived ourNE W ST0 CK OI - ' HA TS,


Froncli Silk Hals.Patent Cork Milk Hals.Tyrolese and Boating SSati s.

Together with a large Variety of—SIvu's and \outlis' Fancy

Caps, *&cWe invite an Inspect ion of o\ir Stock of


Our New Foreman l'.aving j ii ven j uirticula r at-tention to the B;nn;;!i of l iK Kt U ' M K .S (,'UT-TING , we will enuiige a lVrij et l-'it in that , aswell as any other Article wo may bj f.ivoniv dwith an Ord or f or .

Win. S. IIIS! c& Co.47, Quay.


rouxiT oi- THE (;ITV ov WATEIIF OUU

Guilder Sossions for B85I and1*52.

HILARY SESSIONSCit y of , Waterl 'orcl—At the New City Court ,

house , on Tuesthiy the;3:'H11 December , 1851.

County of Wat er f urd—At tin.1 NL -W County CourtHouse , on Thursilay ,the 1st January, 11(52.

D o. At Li.;-.more , on Wetlncsi laythe 7t!i day of January,U'ii 2.

Dei. At Diing.irvan, on Satur-day , tlio 10th day ofJuniiarv , I S 5 'J .


City of Wa te r fo rd—At the Ncv City Court-Hoitsc , on Tuesday, the

LH lih March , l^ .f»2.County uf Wa icr furd —A t the Xc-«- t'o tni iy Court

House , on Thursday,the 1st A','i 'il , 1 S.V2.

Do. At Curricle on - Su i r , onTi-.L'Silay, tho (J t i i Anr i l ,1.- .V2.

]").) . At Lismore , '.n Tinirsdiy ,the fc' ih A p .il , l-< ."•!'. '

Do. At D iin q aiva n , M«ndaIhe 12th A p .il , h<j-2.

T l l I N I T V Sl^ SIONS.Cify of Vvatei t'o id—At llie New Cit y Court-

House, on 1'nosd.iy, i 'uG2^«(1 Jim?, I SOj '

County of Waterford—At ihc New County Courthouse , on Thursday, the24ih .Junc, 18")2. "

Do. At Lisn iorc , on Wednes-day, the oO'ih June ,1S.02.

Do. At Uun ^arvan , on S.iiur-day , tlio ord Jul y. l .^oL1.

.MICHAELMAS SESSIONSCity of Water ford—A l the New City Court-

house , on Tuesday, the12ih Ocro b -j r . 1S-J2.

Comity of V,'a '. e r f u i d - - A t the County Court-House , on Thursday,the 1-h h October , 18o2.

_— :. i Do. At Lismoro , on \\'c;lnes.day, the 20th Deco.u-ber , 1152.

Do. At Dungarvan , on tri tnr-t l-iy, the L'J'.rd October ,1U52.

HAT. Dl i l ^AX DIt l -1.,CTi -rk IVace.

ov. 11. 1331.


Thill thi 'V h:ivi' i

Cloth & General Woollen DraperyT r a d e

And Ri>sj )cctfull y SolicitAn inspection of their


Tlieir object bchiij to du

1 LAliGIat the smallest potiUilv rate of I' rojit ,

In prcfi-renrc tn n I.imilrd Dullness :\t a Larger Percentage,


(heir general expense* being

Verv l i t t le itiercasit'd


/ /uy arc enabled to sell goods


L O W E Rthan otherwis e

r.iirru-Dn Siiiulay i i i . i r i i in" , :it Ni.. !i , l l ' 'y. .- .i |,ury-str.'.' t, Dublin , Mrs.

Win. ( ¦ r i i l i l l i . s nl'ii sou.D II '.I).

( l u yr>irr- !a\-, at i \ i n ! ; v i l l. - . I ' .n i i i ly K i l k. ' i i i i y , at an n. 'va iic- 'il

:i -'.', r.u.. ; > I '., l in ' i i'l - . I l i-- II I I I I . K ! n. 'i'i!!rs.< l '- -i - n\ I . I >:I V ih .-i: 1'i. t

..• - l . - i - i i i . -. l'

l.-i !> \ \ ; <* '< : t s i ' l I 'M - I M . . .-I b-m- i-. - 'r -u 1 uml "r- : i i i i l : i l ' l e

in ;i '.\ I r r l ii i i 'l : an. I l i . r i ! .- ini .- . - w i l l I - . - I m tl i a .- . .unv i-l ' r. ¦t f t v i an I

a yr.-sit , n: i i:ir|.:.ra!.|.' I".-*, I . , a lam.- u'. ii n l i . - r .- f |i, I-KN IIS.

. s i i i i i i i i i '.s wit T I I K t : . \ s f i N t i V K A R .W A T K II I - I M S I I — J.iiiK- i H. iny, K-q., of A' acilL-v , 1'onnoy ;

I'atriirk W il l iam Power, K-q , of Tiainoiv ; TboMiasSt. Jnlin ( ir i iut , Ksi|- , of Ki l l i i i i i r ry , I- Vrm .i v.

W A T K H V O R D '-ITY— (ii - iir ^e Mi;ara , \Lsi \., ol' . M iy 1'iirk ,Wu' eii'md ; Ji i iuos Aiiiiui' soii , l-'sij , ol iinllimJecri , co

Wa 'crluiil ; CMi a rlci Newport , l^ij, of Wil liaiu- slrett ,Woterfonl.

Klt .KBNN Y—fi u nrp i! Ilrjnn , K- IJ , of J i-nkiii n 'owii , Kil-

kHnny ; liolirrt Liuijl riilii: , Ksi|, of UuMu iulF, Knoutu-

phcr ; I' nrefoy I'm- , K.-q, of Hul l ) line , Callun.K I I .K K N X Y C ITY —Jnlm \Ysule , KSIJ , ofGanin 's Coltiipe

Kilkeniu ; Kilnuind ljui itliwirk , Ksfj , "f Kili - r ;une ,Kilkenny ; l-Mwanl lijiin , Ksii , Kilfnn" , Kilkenny-

Tivi 'u:«AUY. '— .Sir I li.- iniis Jt 1J: I « ICIT, Han , Mmlrteny,( lii^Ljui'ilaii ; Hi e IlouOc 'irge i)'Oill:i^lian , Slianliall y(¦"'i.-tli - , '"l"^ln en ; Caj ituin CJ M Uawsoii , Uullinu-

0'iuriy, Tiji|i '.riiry.W i- :xr i) nn -Sulmiu-n Auyu9tu« Kicliar .li , l->q., of Ar-

duiniiic II OII SK , (jm-ey ; Will i am Jacob Ulaekt-r , K»q.,

of Wnoiiljrook , Kiinj suurlliy ; John Mahcr , Ksrj, of

Ilulli i iUetl , Kiiniiro i 'iliy .

Sim' Ni'.Wri. —Tl ie " I.iivin 'm" of W.itrifu ri l arrived

»t (J ne t io lln! l24i l i ul i i i i io . Tlie " Luurt'iice Korrij-

lal " ami " Alrri " are hmrly i-.\pt-cie:l at Cardiff from


T H 2 TE E T H ! !!.Tir. F reeman



And may be Consulted on every Branch ofJUS PROl-'ESSIO.V,

At 2, BBosirieiia-Strcet.


rn i lAT SPECIAL SESSIONS will be held1 at—NEW COURT-IIOU SK , for the Baronies of

KilcuUiheen , Gat ilt i t -r , Middlcthird , and U p-pi 'rtlnr.l , on WEDNESDAY , 2Gtli Novem-ber , lS.il.

LFSM0 11E , tor the- Bamny nf Koshmore andKoshbride , on F RIDAY , 28th NovemberlSal.

DUNGARVAN, for the Baronies of Dories,Without Drum , Dccies Within Drum , andGhinahiorv, on SATURDAY , 29th Novem-ber 1351.'


At the-Hour of 12 o'clock each Day,For the purpose of Ex aminin g ttie LIST of JU-R0i ;S returned by the Head Constables and Col-lectors of the several Baronies of the County ofWntcrf onl , pursuant to the provisions of the Act3d find 4th William IV. , chapter 96, entitled" An Act for Consolid itting and Amending theJ.-.nvs relating to Jurors and Juries in Ireland. "

The Justices of the Peace are requested toi'tte p .d th« Special Sessions , to be held for thoDivisions of tl ie County in which they respect-ivel y reside , and all Hi gh Constables and Col-lectors are rc quir -d to attend at the SpecialSessions for the Divisions of the County in whichiheir districts lie , with the ori ginal Lsts preparedby them , in order to be examined.

Cop ies of the Lists are deposited at the PeaceOfHce in Waterford for the insp ection of all per-sons concerned.

Bv ort'i-r.BAT. DELAXDER ,

Clerk PeaceWaterfonl , Gtb Xuvetn 'ocr , 1851.


T17I1KREAS , I !:;ivc received a Requisition\ Y IVani E [-\v .\;;i> R OBERTS Esquire , Trea-

surer of the County of Walerford , dated this Dayrcqnir i r .fj me, in pursuance of the Act 1 lth andll'th Victoria , Chap. 32, to call a SPECIALSESSIONS , for the purpose of receivin g theBond of THOMAS FfEAitNe , appointed at last

i immcr Assizes , Collector of the Public Cess,for the Barony of Glanuheir y, in tills County, andw h o did not Enter into said Bond at the QuarterSessions held at Dungarvan , on the 27th day of.October last , for the purpo se of receiving theB:ind of t lie said THOMAS II E I R N'E , as such Ba-i nny C.ilcrtur , as aforesaid ; and in tha avent ofshe s i id T HOMAS H I I A R N K not then and theirEnterj .-ig1 in to said Bond , before the Justices ot"tlie Peace of llie said County, then and there as-sembled , t lmt the s:iid Justices of t 'ns Peace shuldtli tn and their proceed to tlie Election of a fitand proper Parson to ( ill the Office of Collectorof tho Public Cess for the Barony of Glanaliciry,aforesaid. Now , I do hereby give Notice , that a "SPKCT-A-L SESSIONS -will be lieW aTDUNT"GAUV 'A.V, at the Hour of Twelve c'Clock , onSATURDAY , the I 'Dth Day of K0YEU3ER ,ins tant , for the purposes abovc-incutioued.

Dated this 11 tli clay o'i November , 1851.BAT. DELANDRE

Clerk PeaceNTov. 11. 1SJ1.

S- & LEDLIIAXXOCXCK('literal into the


by the iidiling of ihi -j


P R I C E Srn nlil be tiunt.

CTDc iWarfcewThis HIM

Wli.-at , Mil'.ers .. ... 18» Gd to 19s G.ISlii pphi-,' Wlu-at ... ». 1's Cd to 13s OdIflui I; (i;i:s ... ... Us 3-1 to 9s (idWhite do ... -•• 9s OJ to 10s OdBarley ... ... ... 10s Od to 12* OilHr.m, per barrel ... ... 3s 3d to 3s 4JOatmeal , per tun ... ... £0 10s to £10 OdImlian 'Meal do ••• • • !"* 0.1 to 17s CilIndian Corn , per ln- 1 ••• 15s !)d to 10" 0(11'lour (sunorriue; ... ••• 27s Cd to 28 OdSoeoiids ... •• 2-« Cd to 27 01Thirds ... • • -Os Oil to 2i OdFourth* ... .. 10s Od to 17s CJN« K Hay per lun ... . . 2>5i Od to 32s OdStraiv .per toil ... . . IOs Oil to 18s OdBacon l'iu's ... ... 3os Od to 3«s Op1'ulatOM pT sldlie . . . . OOs 4'! to 00s 8JTallow (< *«) 1*. Y. C. ... 3!ls lid to 39s lidDitto (o!il) . . . . 37.H Oil to 38s UdWliiski-v, per fr;il.(ivlinlusaluj i>s O'l t0 Us 0Jl)n. " (retail) ... "» D'l to 8s dBeef, per Hi ... ... 00s 'Jkl to 0s d1'or.v pL-i Hi ... ... W* -i'l tJ 1* <i


N U J I f l K H OH F I R K I N S W EJ OII EDWialii.-sdiiy, ITI ; ThursJay, --HK); Friday, 1C

iCJ^ At much iuconveuieuco we pubUsh Ur Calull'kst letter ; becaiue everything tVom his pen is devoure'lwith the sjreat ast avUUty.

Page 4: CLOVES,snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1851/... · 2018. 5. 2. · I USEFUL HOUSEHOLD WORKS. [¦•I-TI C K.-;,  , i i.r.i:r-STiti:i:T. I.O VDOS' ;] J'ubiisMeil

Selected G*«K'ls\r.A YV ;:I .COUI : TO K vn: uwi:-\

i,\\ e'r.-vm' ; l.»vi !v '•' Sw.ui rii" K i i n ¦"'

NYi 'lonne ! I ' ueeii iH 'Sl iain-.OM I'inls :Tons • i S ' jiln -hit.vr-, niii 'i l i an> l iitmlnoss ,

I' , .no what ni:i;»ie"s in t l ic wonls—Ciiilil uf .-v.i}: ! .WHJ-IIVISUKI groels llicc ,

MHHous jiy to see thro to:ue!Pi - O t i l r I VK I I - W I- 'I OI.-'UI'? Illei'tS lilO !<

At tlio dooroi' I'lvclomS ho ne !II .

Y»"i-U-nme! pri .h -cfl'.'aiT.vmrpn .'Wi-lcoiiH1 ! l.in-."i i i k' :;::irtcil lass :

Naiiios vn-k -arinj r, pr.ivi 's aiuU'lieeriii :/,So.it l i c.ii'li aiiury vave von ^ass—.

EUWM-C shoulil , ;ui < l i l i i l , j i' lin 'u'oJ'v'ry r.tto from SorTin lVer;

Hut hoi- prc i'tiiijr lurk M ilio lireThat awaits onv lav 'riU- heri1.

inilevo !—w'noiv niill inns watch tliis cot iiinjr ;

l leiv-wheiv iK 'i ic l int iVi-ems-u <hv ell !Star nl " .Minister .1 n-ise 1 !:y ruHiiiinpr ,

I f you pri/r the Inl y spe'.lThai wins the ho.irt s nl 'itll who hear the

Sii i i r i i i i r ivuiiiry ".- :i:irieni t'anir :Cln-.l links MM il ioc ! ' I n ! is nc i r th< ' .',

liii:;vilin ;x K i l t y 's s|OiU' s-iiiai )u> !IV

U v 1, '<\IIIO , ( ilCll . flVlll Shv.liSOU V.MiOi 'S,To liio IVni.it laii'l nil iwili !

WcVoaie to her lovely ilaiij rhu'r: 'I ' IVI II I (hp Isle tli:tt iM-.e n J l i i l l h !

.- •niir (In* M>Mjr v.o l>eai .l in »- !ii!«lh<io . '.,l'-y t i i f l.illVy. i - i i v.:'-, :i;iil I.ee.:

Viii - ii , swept K a l e , in town or wiUl woo 1,H i . i n ;V!i liles-in-s ;¦- i w i th tlioe !

l i i r i l K f . n O"(ioi.M

F' -\ ; , I " :;;.' T:!i.\ !U"!. :

rv i M .".:I •,:- s-.v .w;.T.i:;p ilio sjo i leui ' riV-L-vev.iri",

i% t h e !'K-!I ) ni ' ;r,n ;iv.-- -; vi '..•:i' vi-i V lV'lel! \l» > '. <> 'i l a r l in '.l

!!;n-.-y ¦v.ir .-.i s-K- .i <! :; • • • !•> ;.-'.u-vy >i: -_ " .* ¦= -•;-:( v. -.i.. ', .- i l .'-iv " :

.Sy. .->y M I- 1 t in ", l i i i i - ' - : ':e ."ii!:Tare. , \vho-o Yv - vy ;. ;:ii>.vi i i • ;o;';oi

Lii;4 t i!C:n :•;:•., wiuu-Y ;- th e t- 'l

Cvr the ::tvc:i::i <>l i' -:i '- \\\>\¦'¦lo r l e r i hainiel , l i .Mo ;- ;'•¦ / • •

i luvl i '.ie :-:«::n' - ¦• • [>• ¦•.-.•.¦•!!•.:••;!t int , v.iu i'e'i'V.ii-.y i. 'o -U i . * !-¦>

Wni-k , :;n- \ H:i11 lnvr i h i i l i « ¦ • v.'-iI 'i' . , '.• l i i .' ( '• ¦• '!> '¦¦'' '-¦• '¦'<' '•• ' l""t' ':i" :

V- .!.. ':,:• 'Of! 1 • li',:::'- .i- -tm i ¦'. .

.\.< i ':: . -\ V.- . i-l; :• ¦¦ !',• !; •¦• ' w i l l - -

t .il 'ix i ! - :V\o- r - ¦¦" : - r i V ; i : - * - - I l l i - . i -

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A special meet ing :J this b uly \v:i? hcl.l inthe ; Council Chamber. Toivn-hail , on Moiulayhist. Prcsi iil : —The Ri .^lit Wor>bi [)!\;l J OHN Powiiu, Esq.,

Mayor , in the Clmit ;Al t l frmnii Mackcgy, Aldcrmaii )-iaj)ham , Aid.

I 'hclan , AM. Woo Is , Aid. Davis , Aid. Slancy ;Town Councillors—Jatnc s Egan , Thoma s Mur-l.h y, T. O'Reill y, T. Clarke , P. K. Reid ,M." l'helrtn ,* II. Denny, Sir B. Morris , P. A.Power , P. Cox , T. Purcc ll , John Maher.M. Dubbvn , Pii chnrd Cookc , J . Keat injr , andJo ' .n Iv.iuior.

Mr. O'l ' i'icn (Tcwn Clerk) read the minutes

of l.i.st day 's proceedings , and they were cun-iirmci!.

Yhc Mayor then read from the business paperthe object which benight lliom topeti icr , namely,to CD Sisiilcr tin ; pr opriety of buildin g a Fishllouss opposite Uurronstra nd-strcet , and to allo-caic a sum for its eivution , not excee ling £"00.lie signified his in tent ion of being ready to hearany gentleman on the subject , I VM\ re tnukedthat the eng ineer , Jlr. Thi irntun . was in at tend-ance with a ro'.:g h sketch of the 1 ronosc-.l baihl-ir.ir.

Mr. r iiornloi ; -;iii] tha t he thoug ht it nced-U'hs to <o in to any di'taiU in prena ' ing plans orsj H -t -if.catio ' is on Vli c subj ect unti l it would bedecided by the Council , w'hoic the building wasto be Cieclc.1. There w;;s s-«:t :i: uiu 'erciicn »fop inio -.i . !K; hcl icv..'.1, as to tliu most , suitablep l.iCD i' i - a si 1 j — J ,I vu w'-rc tn- li ivi - i jj it on theQuay ; sonc said that i! s-h iuM be entirel y ontin - " liver, while- (• •.lien- <iac- .iioiv.-d «-h»th»r itM:: ;ulil bc it l - the (lu.iy at all. A-= ther e wasiM l l i in ^ .H-'.'.kd up to ihe presuit , ho did notth ink it pni -li 1:! 1.0 do iron: thu i fumivi tiicinwith a roii '^ ii phr\

Tii '.- i i - aii s'.ibmiU i-d by Mr . Thorn '.on coa-ti'snjilater - the crecticn •.>( ' i". Vi-s li H s >- \--c stamli -.gpn.rt l y over t he rivor , the h:ck of which will besuppi ir ic-.l iiy n nu inbi -r of piles : t!:o ediiic .- t ob:\ c:i;!;elv i*;l ' wo-.id work , with t!.a exec-ptiun (.1!he from wall— ti ) la -SO !'..'.-t in lci.^th , ;i:;d l c -:Vo! in wi - l ih , <:::U'i'iling j i:u\ulel to t '12 f rontof the (Ju. i y.

Mr . I' mc'i-l! said t iir.t. i: wouM b;: a great in-i :i:-ticc to a large porti on of the citizens , if r. :¦.:(¦:•-.vtre chosen for i !:c erection of a Fish I lni i -eopposite lj arro:is "> : 'iind-stiTi:t ; for it would pre-vent , in ;i grciil measure, the free passage ofpun* air which w.is now open to them from theCountv Ki lkennv side , and which was draftedt!iroug !i the ve iy centre of ihc city. Jj esit l '.'s,t lia! , the scenes which would be sure to occur inthe nei ghbourhood of a l;i?h ilon s- .-, would behi: ;hl y 1 ' Jeetioual 'le in tl ;at quartrr , as the p> >o-j j l 'j i-iw 'A nut ]);::;•• froiii (!;e Clirq.-ol in 'he iv.or.i-:::.,' r;r f.-r al t -.-n !in :; at tii ; : h:j !y S:if:r.fi':-i of the.M'i-s wi-lur .i t L-:-1eiiiu'.t-.:ri:ii; them. On thewhole lie be ' iL 'vj. i that I her '.' could not be a moreu!'ji - :.- !:!> ;vi! .i:\rii!v iii tl '.c city fur the Council to:- ; ¦•:' t!::;n tha i i pposite lj anoi)£trand-strect.Me r :^ ', - !- red ti su t the be=t«ite"was opiiositeCondu c t-lane : it would ..be ' entirel y out of theway there and y.oa-l tl 'not even in !crf.j rc wit!iiii'j. ' inii ir of vessels-

?>I:-. .Clurlic would remark that T.Ir. P.ylaiid inhis liistoyy of Wa 'crfon- , ». l ilttn in 1821 ,v ( f.-rrcdto' tin: she of the. Fish liou-c which sto.id unon.the (luav , exactly where one was now about tolie ereeti-d , and stilted ti.ut t!;e •.•ili-.alion v.av veryill c'loscn as ii broke in uji on the li-.ia of Q- iay ;he I'xpressi d a !.:)pe thr.t it would, bi) n!a:l- togive way ;n a snort li sne to liw bj r . u fy of then:y. \..v; i!:;;t v. -;s the op iuion of a g.'iit!e;!!;r.iwl io had no Lucres ' whatever in the matter.

Aldtrma;; M.-,ekesy ask-.-d how long it was.since thy f.-,rmer IMS 1I House was tr .ke ii down r

Mr. Ccoki:—In \f . ',Q or ':»2.Alderman Mackesy—II;ive the Council power

to erect any buildin g - .¦«" the Quay either foriiu l ' l ic or privat '.' j iurpi -ses. ?

Mr. Purcell belii -vcu that the charttr gavethem miwcr to do so as far as the bed i;f theliver. '

.' r r. i -'.^ i i i !—ii i be sure we have when theCorporation Utiu the p.-j wer of buiUliug it therefirst.

Mr. (,'i.okc — I ' iiless the J iarbour Commis-sioners chose to [ revi 't it you.

Mr. Purcell coiifidered the erection of a Fishil' iusc H i mo'c obj - ctior.uble than the present-taue .; anil hulks which arc alon" the Quav.

Mr. D-.T.ny thought that the first thing tobe '.:i:i!rildcreil was , whethor the site named atIJarr onstran i l -s t rcet was a good and eli gilile one;and wli i -th er it might not turn out t: > be onetha t would p erpetttati .' tiio imis;ince to tuohop-kofpers in the locality and to tin: f:it l>:e n * genc-i:'.l!y. It wns by pressure from without that theformer buihi in g •¦'<¦ the m:\rkct-housc was re-moved. There should ccr.aiulv ! be no interruption on the Qn-. iy whatever ; for when the tworailways v- oul ft be cnnij ileted into the city tlu -ywould .fi: s4 tha i , theru would not be one foot < < f{Jn:iy to spare in consequence ol" the encreasedtrnfiic. J i -j v,o ;i!d t!:ercl'ore advise the Corpo-ration to turn th - .-ir sil tcn t it> ii to soiTi e otherj ih-.ce.t lor tl './y ^houM pot, j ierp i 't uaic a nuisanceto tl.e inj ury of I ! ;L shoj ikL-ep'.-rs along i.1.0 tj:uiy

-.•!:¦¦> wi .-r e p iy ing 1I :L;-: rents and hi gh t -ixes fV .rlli ' / ri- l i s iU: - -:-.•-.— t h a t wa ;; ;l runt lcr that t lu.-yshould !".¦: l-'.-.ve out of view in their prci '.'iitcoi'.s;dcTiiti -/n. He l.e '.ieve-.l that there; cr.ult !be severa l good .sites sdecteil els;:-ir/.-Wi '; Jit? r.-y !il:J j) .j .'»e Mr. ?w (Vj eo/.s j > ;c-\ i : i:.-< . ; which wore eio-el y c;iiinecli.d with theshaiV i li l '. - .- , i, r:d which iii;! l'.ol n ;>iic ; .r l(a i i im lo1 :(.".•!' r.;- i. al v.:lu 'j ; v.\ \-\ by ; ' :e rvinov ;;! of vr.c. ortwo aou. -s :,:;/ 'it iiu e.::.j ;-i.'.i; ,l n .1 t-.i !!;- i i-stn-:-'. Ai. "!!i':r ;¦.' :,».••.- s' !g^.;.' - i :u r; 11-•-.-;l " {:> h 't iiw ;• j .v; i : . i=es at '.In.1 buck of th< - Cn-toin-l iouse ,v .h i -, !'. v.-o-.iid ha j Kihaps c::st JL'-2t) :) . Th- .-rew.i/ i al.-o Ci i i i d i i i t - i i 'D u ; and any of I ho?" ph)te>w(.- .:!ii b.'.-ias I'li . ilile and conveaieiU to the jm l i l ie ,as if i.:;e were dieted 0:1 the Quay . Ik ' be-lieved that it would Ii3 hi ghl y objc -eti ' inab le tod'.-s t io y the beauty <d' t!:i-ir (inay besides thegri -.it inconvenience tha t w.-uld arise to the ship-p ing liiul t r i i f l ic of tl -.c port by the erection el' aFish House op: osite Ij arron str -ind-sirci -t ,

Major—The princi pal supp l y of fish to thei n a i k f t is of a uirirse (Ics cri pt ion , and which ishoug hi 1 . t:u .' c ' iunl .y peoj ile. If you select abyu- s-lrcct fi,r t l ic sit:! of th:.- Fish House thei.wiv. r.s o f t ; - .ii ;. i!'..>- i. ri pt i'j :i c- f iish need nr ^ t bring,t Jo I.!K i:i .:i- :,ct ;;t all . That is the princi j ialt i l i n g !»r y..i:r con-idtration i-.ow.

rW r. O'i' i- iily ti.oii '.'h t it made l i t l lc mat te r tothe Corpoia 'Jt .n whe ther they seleetrd Quay-huie , Ki!yz:- r'.s-liine or any other place it wouldho all i l i! .- s.imo to them ; for they would neverbe ;;b!c to j > -event the basket-women from s-.-ilii:g the fish on the streets l i e renu li.kj .cdwhVr.Mr. Kent , was May-'r. tha t he hunted theinfnci) ]»e st tj p illar , but couhi gi-t no good of themiif t ci - all ". i

Aldonri ar i U'oo i.-s believe d !¦.;( ' the hrs t thinp: • • be cuiisiderc d wi:s , v. !:<' :her t lu '-y ha- ! .1 po sitiveii . ' 1' t to build mi the Qusi v or not -, il t h ( % - had ,

it would certain iy be the best site in Hie city fora Fish II01 ¦:, as boats could be broug ht along-side of it , and it could be fr equentl y wa-hed sothat no stench would arise. The closer the lam:or stree t, the ir.nre objection able of course , foia Fish Iluuse. The best place , in bis min -'l ,would be Ihe ed ge of the Quay, where it mi ghtperhaps be erected about 00 feet by 100 feet :he should say that the present one was aboutGO feet in front ,—

Mr Cooke—It is 25 yards by 20.Alderman Woods said , if they took 100 feet or

120 in length it would give them the same 100m ;he would substitute a stone pier for the contem-plated timber supp ort to the back of the build-ing, which he would have receding to a po int atcither end , so t!\at the. current of water at theebbing and flowing of the tide w tv.il .! receive noobstiuction in its passage , thereb y, leaving nodop isit of mud between the pier and the Q-iay.From that pier then , an arch could be turne d soas to rest upon ths land , giving a prop i.r Inun-dation for the house.

Mr. Denny observed , that the greater portionof fish supplied to the market was brought uponcars, therefore it would be of very little advan-tage to them to have the house on the Quay forthe accommodation of boats ; and for the pur-pose of washing he considered tl -at a goodpimp would supp ly a sufficiency of water.

Alderman Woods considered thar it would beimpossible to knep it properl y cleaned if bu ilt inthe interior of the city ; for tlic sewerage couldnot be kept thoroug hl y Hushed ; besides , a greatdiiil of matter would be collected th ere highl yinj urious to the health of the citizen?.

It was observed by a ruumUer that tho samemight arise at the Quay. :

Mr. Cooke thoug ht not , as the refuse of thefish mi ght he so easil y thrown into the river.

Aldeiman Woods—If not , they may becompelled to do it by summary justice.

T!ie Mayor said he was sure that it would, bemud-, b 'l- ttcr to have vessolsdovv n at the I'aradeQuay, where there was a suftieiency of roam forthem lo iis ; and he believed that it would bemore convaiien i fur them too. Where fish vouUbring tho best price , would be tho most fittin gp ace L.-r tiie hou so to 1):: ereeffd ,—

Ai-.l ' iU i -.m \Yoi.da sai.i thai hi: did not sec whatobjection there could be to'.build it opposite Con-

i!uy. . 'i- — f t would iiitc -rfe '.c r.wc with U.eshi pp ing I IKTO than it would - t li .inwn .strand-strui t.

Mr. TurceU—1 think lliul I know as muchobout the shi pp ing of the port as any geni ie-111,'iu here , asul I can say th.it it would interfereto a. fur greater extent with vessels if built oppo-site Banoiutiand- strund than it would oppositeConduit-lane ; besides the difference would hevery Iriilin.: , mid no obstruc tion would be in theway ofa pure current of air throug h ilia city.

The M ay or considered thai the old tile oppo-site iJarrou itrar.d -strc.'!: v, ::s '.he onl y plnc-c iheycould s.ilect :!.-at woul d no ', in S'una v::iy ii'.' er-ferc wi'Ji th crr . There v.-;ts not ap huj c ij i-tw ecnthe Custom hous e and that , that would not I:-.:¦nor.: likel y to interfere with tiie nit .-orinj j ofvessels.

Mr. Purcell—If you atleir.pt lo build a I 'i?!,House there you will have a strong expressionof feeling against it from the congregation of ih eGreat Chapel.

Mayor—There is Mr. Coinmins beyond , an-. iv ,c \vi!l lic.-ir what ho ha." lo say o;i tiie r.'ii ij ect ,

Mr. Conunins o:cpresscil nopart ieu lar obj ectionto the si to at 13arronstvand-street , but would w-commend that a Ci.mmiltec be appo inted to de-cide between it and Urn proposul t-ite iit Cundi i i t -lane , which U» believe! to bo a very g.vod oni' .

'i"i:e Mayor remarked that ihe ipestion wasidreaiiv he for; a Comirit tce.

Sir 13. ilon-is—Is the p-.c-se.nt Fish House, torc:is:!in as at proscnt ?

The Mayor thoug ht not.Jlr. Denny believed that it was no wonder

the Fish House dealers frequented the street s ,for they got no place from the Corporation to goto ; but that was no rca-inr. wh y the nuisanc eshould be allowed lo continue. Tlic formerCorporation put the Fish House in ono cornerof the city , far away from every one. wi:h theexception ofii ver3r small section ,

Sir Benjamin-- 1 succeeded in (hiving them outof Pctcr -streut. Was not die former Fish Houseopposite Harrenstrand-strcet ?

llic Mayor answered in the affirmative ; andobserved , that the City M.iiti-guard wasal>o kept there and of taw two , he t) . lic-ved thattho latter was considered the greater nui -sance.

Sir Benjamin- expressed his doubts that thesame op inion mi ght not operate still.

Mr. Denny—It w;is taken down in defiancelo public op inion.

Alderman Davis--As no one6bjects to the siteat j} uiTonslrund! -strc (.'f , in co nsequence of theChapel , but Mr. L'urceH. I thu ;k that it canbe scarcel y so objectionable then.

The Mayor r c -.u! a memorial from a nuui 'j crof inhabitants in favor of n site on some pre-mises of Mrs Da'.tou. Ila remarked that hewould h ivc read it beforetlieu b-.it that ite3cap?dhis noti ce up to 1 I hut moment.

Mr. O'lleil' y—I see a gentleman now in Iliaroom who has as grea t an interest on ll iuQuay »s any other—I mean Mr. Tobin—am ]think that it would bts well lo consu 't him amimany others of the same class.

Mf. 'Vobin having been asked his op inion asto the site i'.t Jj arronslrand , said that , ha wouldnot havothc slightest objection to it there .

Mr. Cookc—Don 't you think that it would beflushed , by the t i ' ic ?

Mr. Tobin —Crrt.-iihl y.Mr. (JiimniPi s—If you allow it at all on this

Quay the. tmhuuve will be greater than it is atpresent.

A '.derivi -.m \Vo-./ds said thtit because it wasform.-rl y a IP isance , k was no ppmf tha t it\:ould b'J so again ; l'or there were n variety o|nnisauecs coni]) !niucil of there , such as theii luin-giKi id , ivc.

A w i y leiigth y desultory conversation thenfollowed with an inspection of tiie plan , sub-mit ted by Mr. Thornton.

Mr. Denny believed that if they selected 1'nr-rnnstrand-st reet the stench would be intolerablethere in sunnner-'ime.

Aldermen Davis and Woods considered itwould not : the latter remarking that it wouldbe more clean than in any <.ther p.u t of th-c'u\ in coiKnqueticc o '" tho draft of water be.twe -n the iiicr and the hind.

Mr. Dcmiy admit t i 'd that it would if they hvlii rush of wale"' there: ; but he. i;id not believethat there would.

Air. Clarke s.iid in support of Mr. Denny 'sview, as they expected an i i i ij i i ine i i ie i i t in ilu- irtrade , he thou gh t it would not he rig ht , to ob-tmde upon the q'.iny in any way that might after -wards lead lo an ii.u-rfcreii 'x ' wi th commcrciulaffairs. y\l 'ter i i i luding lo n rtain improvementst h a t mi ght be mtulc in the river so as to removet!i < ; mud by the action of the titl e, instead of theirpresent expensive in . thod , by si-am dred ge andbasts , he bcVtevud that On; building- «f a FishJJoiisc as Wii.« c. l i lemp l.ilcd , over the Quay,would nrt 'vcnt li.e (Mscration of the tide at that

place , and. consequentl y its erection should beopposed.

.Mr. Cox—From all I can learn the generalop inion of the citizens is in fuvor of itsbeing built opposite Barronstrand-stre et ; it iscertainl y the most suitable for many reasons be-sides its central position.)C Mr. O'Reill y—I objected to it in the firs t in-stance until I saw the sketch proposed by Mr.Thornton , and heard the opinions of Mr. Com-mons and Mr. Tobin ; but now I have chargedmy mind altogether on the subject. I thinktha t if it be erected according to Mr. Thornton 'sdesign it will be found very convenient ; besidi stli s situation is one of the best on the Quay.To shorten the matter then , I move that thisplan be adopted.

It was staled by the Mayor that Mr. Thorn -ton believed that the erection of the house wou ldnot cost more than £250.

Alderman Woods would object to have it sup-ported in the river by wooden piles.

Mr. O'Reill y thoug ht that if three piies wcrodriven down at either cud they would last for40 years.

Alderman Woods would again remark that itwould be much better to have a stone pier as hehad described built about ten feet fiom theQuay with an arch resting on it.

Mr. Thornton remarked that it would neversupport an arch.

Alderman Woods—Pardon me; it would if itwore a flat arch.

Mr. Denny believed that they ought to tak -jthe general sense of the citiz -ns on the subjectbefore they wuit faitbcr on ihe subject. Itwould be much better to do so than to come to aspeed y determination, taking steps t l iat theymi ght be obli ged to retrace ; and as they allwould admit that they met there for tlic bene-fit of the citizens generall y, it would be wrongin them to do anything opposed to their feelings.Ho was consequentl y of op inion that tho sense o!the citizens ought to be taken at a p-.iblic meetin g—th at was all he wished to be do:-.c.

Mayors—The matter has been before the pub-lic for a considerable li;r.c throug h the mediumof the newspapers , and not a sing le person liascomo in to object to the proposed site.

Alderman Yvroods begged leave to propo-e th;:r e solution ,

Mr. O'Reill y-— I second that.Alderman Slancy beliovud that it wa? question-

able whether they li;::i a right to build i f . tV.-re ;and he cuuld not s c tii.it v.ny iiico.'i vc ij ioncewould arise from postponing it for a month.

A gentleman remarked that if ho were l iv ingin the loca i ty he would not i.hi:.k so.

Alderman fclanov niter makin- ' soino observa-t i ons in rep ly, which v,'o did net, hear , wouldcontend that if a Fish House v, cru bi'.iit I borenow it would not rcniuvi ; the - uti '.&anj .' co:r.p!a:n-ed of.

Mr. Cn>: observed that the question was beforeconimit t 'j '.-a s.:vciv.l times but ihey all i.tiled inliiuiin ;:; a propci >-itc. I? socked howov.-:r thati' arro-.s!rii;, .:I-slrc'L-l w; :s the - VMH 1- ceulral a'- i - .i

k 'HSt i ih j i -c!i:> -.!.-iblo of ;;:;y pl.icv yet su >rgo-;tcd.M r . 'Ji:i '.!;o vf-ni:- -. 1; il t. '.i:. !. il. v. i : : i i i l bj !;lUi-i i

belter to !a!:c a p.-.ll in tin; M.i}orV-oU ; •-• oil il -.c( [uesiiou—the eiiiz ' .ns mi ght lie invited to i >tu ml,;:iul s.-i ^'.i !!-.; ir namesyi»- < ;f iv/ i- .'.i -.-/ as tnoj 'cho-e—that woi;l:l bo a wiser r i i r . r ^u i:i Si'-i miiult ;-au " o conic to a eo;ic'u-io: -. tlver,.

Alii crs '.-.an l) ..vk—- It h \. ; s::;:ge?tc;l its:-lf to•iici t i iiit it wo'.i lil L".: rn.- -.--l i tv.por ; r.-t to have pub-lic op inion taken on ihi:- : .-.ubj -ct ; i would thorc-fi;ro rec.-j i n;;ic-.id that thi: i Council be H ' ljourncdfor a fj i tu i ght , f.r three weci-:.= , J. ir tho distinctpurpose.' of deciding where the Fi,li llo.r.e oughtto be bu i l t ; and th-.l in the J'I :£ CIT.I we st ivcriiscin the three paper? inv i t ing tho cit ;zrn s t > bepresent or to send in mcniori .dr ,, so ;-.s to havepublic opinion broug ht to bear on the questionas much as possibles

Ah lermtii Mackp .sv believed that there was nodoubt of a very oilens-ivc nuis -tucc c:;ir ,ti [i^ atthe present fish-market , on the Quay, but if theybuilt a Fish-house there and charged for admis-sion , he beJie vu.1 that they would !)c creating apermanent nuisar.ee instead of a temporary oneus they had at present -

Mr . Reid said that they were obli ged to payfor standing on the Quay now.

Alderman Mackesy—Who receives it ?Mayor—The Corporation do.Alderman Woods would give it up altogether

when a new house would be established.The .JIayor considered that such a course

would not be found effective as there would beendless disputes abimt the stalls.

Alderman Woods—I'd have something nomi-nal then.

Alderman Mackesy believed that the preser.Cnuisance could be very much abated if an en-gine were broug ht there once a week and give thep 'ace a thoroug h washing. lie would be gladto hear where the money was to come from forthe erection ofa new Fish House ?

Mr. Mui ph y thoug ht that they should con-sider tho matter very well before they votedaway £300 for ihe sole purpose of erecting aFish House ; and while they wante.l a generalmarket so very badl y.

Mr. Dobbyn said that if they had nut fundsfor the erection of the Fish House a private in-ct ividu id (Mr. Ch irler , Newport) wo'ild bo foundto take it upon himsel f.

Mr. Cooke (to Mr. O'Reill y)—Arc you satis-fied to withdraw the motion and let a committeereport upon the question ?

[We. under - tood Mr. O'Keill y to answer inthe I'. tlirrnative. ]

Alderman Davis could not see what bettercommittee it could be rcfcired to than cv- -i'ymember of '.ho Council.

Alderman Slancy thoug ht that it would i.chi ghly objeclioni iblo whether they had funds ornot to ullow any private individual to undertakethe work.

Mr. Cooke agree .-! wi l li Alderman Slaney .Aldernnn Slaiiey would move that they

ine:;t , as ha had suggested on that day-fort-ni ght.

Mr . Cooke considered that they oug ht to de-cide the matter themselves ; they were -10 innumber , representing the citiz -Mi s , and he couldnot see what use they had in coming there atall if they were not comp etent to hold their ownopinions. Did they not decide nnUers of firgreater importance than the building of a FishMouse ? In 1S18 or "19, it was intended thatlli - :> should build a new Custom House in thecitv ; government determined to do so if the.Corn nation uU 'vf t the ground. The site was ac-cording l y gave in t.Ke nei ghbourhood of Heau-street—the foun d a t ion was laid , nnd everythingwas ;;oiri Lr on .-»mni >!hlv a 'J lu :rc wero docko tolie bui l t ii l .-w ; and cu the whole it was contem-plated to expend £100 ,000. Some gentlemen att.lio othcrendof the town expressed theirdissatis -I 'action because it wasaliule loo far from the PostOffice—because it was a l i t t le too fur from the i rown count ing liour.es—because it was too farfrom the Chamber cf Commerce ; they suc-ceeded in the, end , in consequence of using tli u ii -inUucnre at dead quarters ; so that governmentchanged the pl.v.i, and threw uj i the groundwhere they had intend . d to lay out £100,000.They re-built the present house on the site of

the old one at an expense of £7,000, and Water-ford lost the advantages of having the remain-der expended amongst the people. Here it wasagain about the erection of a Fish House. Heheard Mr. Purcell make objections to its beingbuilt at Barronstrand-strec t ; ho heard othergentlemen comp laining of its erection elsewhere ;but he heard Mr. Tobin and Mr . Commins makeno objection to the former site. On the whole ,he was of opinion that it would be much bet-ter for the Council to exercise its own jud gmentthan to ask for an expression of publ ic opinion ;especially as there was not a single remonstranceagainst it from without.

Mr. O'Reillv—I'll move this resolution :—" That a Fish II<.usc be erected on that par t

of the river opposite . Barronstrand-street , andthat the Finance and Law Committee do adver-tise for plans and estimates for building thesame.'1

Alderman Woods seconded the motion ofMr. O'Reill y.

Alderman Davis moved , nnd Alderman Mac-kesy seconded the following amendment : —

" Resolved—That tiiis Council meet this daythree weeks , for the purpose of determining ona site fcr n central Fish House , and that in theinterim intimation bo given throug h the localpapers of said intention , so as to ascertain thepublic opinion , and receive proposals for a site. "

The Mayor then put the r mendment , butwas unable to decide between the ayes and nors.A poll was then taken when there appeared ,—

For the auicnu itioiit : —Jlr. Miihcr , Sir liiwjamin Mori is , Mr. P. A.

Power , Mr. Purcell . Jlr. Lawlor. AldermanDavis , Mr . 51. P'ncl.in , Mr. Denny, AldermanSlancy, Mr. Murp h y, and Mr. Clarke—11.

Against the amendment : —Aidormin Lnpham , Mr. Dubbyn , Mr. Cookc ,

Mr. Keating Alderman Pli l.m, AldermanW0-.1U, Mr. Cox , the Mayor , Mr. Reid , Mr.Egan . rmd Mr. O'Reill y—11.

The Mayor remarked that as there wcro somany gonM fme '.i in f.ivor of a postponement , In ;would confirm the amendment.MESSRS. JV.YIS STK.-'Xf i .MAX A.M) C I 'S V'.l '.i-

MISi:3 I N M A U V - S T U K K r -The Mayor read ll -.o h i l l owin g ]..:', lor fi -.m the

above firm :—To the May or a:>.U Town .,': unci '''o) \s- of the Cur-

P 'lralinn of 'iVnUrf .trd.f i L- i i M i i i i s i'ii — W 'iJir i ! favoured v,-t i l l you , a, s-.vcr in i.ur

.vi , i ' i- i'"t tin: juvini.-j- :- i;i .M.iry-:,.';vi.- i : m, :! :K vmi ..'•) »< ¦!

:i ( > ] > ¦ : -r i!i:< * i - l i:>I U J J .J '.I iv 'usiirt ; to I '.- I T LT i;i 'r, new 111 ,- ;. . ;, ;c-

ni 'j i' is v.- i ' l i n.- , v.-..' |iroj !'.« : • L.-a v i n^ id,, v: i l in:i ini >¦ { ' oar••r. -' i : i i - ".'? to t '.v.> !u-:.i;'.- . i i i, |- i — u :-o lo In: c l ios i-n by I l io(J. . -r i in:-. i t i f . n am! il i i ! u ' lirr l.-y o:i:'S' :lvi:< : si i i ' l i l l .so I wo

:» i , ; . ; i : i i < ;t n !! 15: " ! n¦« . i r . i;- : . r — '.'•¦.: t;i!;!:.^ ;,

r.:vi:r.-i::!iarvlc;i --.: « !' I l a I - |- '. I I S I : o: si i r i v i n i i' t . :'.! 'A- '::ili".(;r yarl 1, i 'ir:it: :!t i n-v 111: v iluc '-ii ! i i i i .-in ::5 !ui i !:4 t in" fair valinr. ',Vs III:IU «-

l 'i:i:i ;.n.|i' .r-: i ! lost vnu uu-l l i i . : pi i l i i l i-. m-.iy "« n:i l, -r i l i ui i i i j i : i '? -i i i i i '. l i - i l . v;u '.vaii?. :!.< ' |»r. -mi- is at a rent n n . l . f i-

t l i t i r v.i ' ar ; anil as SI I I -! I is nut ill.; c.'.s'Mv:! w n a M u i - i io- i r i> ') :Tr-.;ii-p .ili:m> o .v i i i i yoi i I D i n; ma'lo a=; p-i 'i l ' t- n ^ vi -.ii•vi'! p. l-'.- i i ! . W e ary must aax io m In i mp r - nc <yir pr«-l-.l " - ..- !', ii i i '.l r Sit ii i l mil- lias '. i i i 1 -1 *. :I I I >! we i . : i ly rrfj ui iv

iV.)- ;: \ "i ; a iva-wi! i l ilo s ecur i ty t - ,! ;,t l ! :> ' I ->.| . : I-;!|.. :I of

oar ;., - ,.'<t '!:t 'IM SH , i" 17 •'•'¦'¦'• '¦' , <".ur iii|.;;- . ivnm'- 'i t s s';;;i! i . i;

i v : :n''.- i i - - i i !;.::a:f o'li y v !•¦ ;£ . '- ,y i , -s i. 1:1' . in j . . "' i . - ;N i : - i ^- i : :i .->:; i"i : l'v.:!i l i ii Inn'!,

1 ¦:¦.'. A :.! -.rr ( .'I .;:I !. '; • _'-.;:'i ; . -x ¦¦:j 'i':-. ! ! i , - -. i ;i< far;:- - i : :i in v- 'i:-.r ;i .> i - . - :,) I . i i i t\ - :. ':',. •;::n- i .

i l l- ri'y i t wi l l m-! !:^^-: - I. - ¦'; '.'¦ "i . .I ' <: - u - i "- : I'M :;! . IT .i.:-

pr .-. i ¦:: 1- 1 the .-> l : i ; ' ; i:f p^ ip. - r ry :: ; r. :::.!i ', : <.- i l-y > . ; , •

c'. 'i i i in:! 1 ! i> ; 1' l 'l l 1 >v:' "- •'< 1- v,- i ! | i :! .- .¦!:: '!. -;! l i !- : ; ':¦/ . •]

. • i ' ; i i - n-v. ';- - i : iM is l n > n i;i ,!¦.. fn:- .. i l ! i i :r .-it " i t * '. -1 n :n::i:,

i i ! i . . i i » i '. I l l c.. nt - I u - ; . « ! i v.i; wn'.-. l -.l inc-vrly r.- :,. : i. | ; : ! i . i

;i!l v,-(j -,- :-. i i t is s- i- i i . ii y f. -r «>u r »n:-!:-v ; an I :!:;• : >vi! an-

i fiu l y tu nvv.t w i l l i vim i:i ;i:iy way y.Mi may I l i i n 1-. !'.:.¦* Veins tii"-, t ri'spi'Cii'ii '.l y,

I.'.wis .ST R A N I ;!-: vv f; Co.S 'U :;.»-. i .v<i .^ l i lyrman D.wis would wish t l inr. f!:e h.-tler

then r-vad .should appc-av in t h n iiub '.it : p :»pi :rs .and as !IHIC !I oL' ilio c::"re« ;iotid( .-:ic'j on l i ie sui) -j eet. ::s ]ir,<--sible. as it p-.'n-h L be enn i.!i-:c:l t!-att l ' -.y were making ;-.:'. e f l o r t ; to gel t h » promisosiisidcr value. Such war , not !iie case ; theymerel y rcc[uircd a soruri ly tV.v the. intiuidcd improvements, being t lwii o\is , of c.i -.irse . 10 m:d;ethe most il-.cy eoiild of thei r business. wi>ic! -, theycarrii -d on l'or the la^l 50 years in the citv.Their former letter w- .s r ferrcJ to a co-.n-aitlo: -fur consideration , but the rep ort brought up onthe subj ert never r.ppcared in tlic m:wsp ,;io;sat which he was somewhat surprised .

Mr . Purcell remarked that the press nevergave ihe reports of any of the committees.

Alderman Woods spoke in hi gh term * of theservices rendered to the city of \V;\ {er!oi-.l by theextrusive firm of Davis Str .ingman and Co. re-marking ih'it they gave cmp lovment lo a largenumber of bands , anil that it mi ght b? consideredthe princi pal manufactory of the kind in thecity. Under such circumstances he did not thinkthat the Corporati on should stand between themand the impo rtan t extension of their business ;and he thoug ht thnt it would be doing a greatinj ustice to the public also, if they did not seewliut the fuir value of tho premises was , andcome io arrangement. -: with the company so asnot to bar them from serving the city by the ex-penditure of their cap ital. He would thereforesuj gosl that the matter be referred to a com-mili i 'o to bo appointed for its con sideration.

'1 he mayor remarked that they could not cn-ler Saiu the <|iie-5tion on the present occasion , a.?the Counci l assembled for a particular object .

A fter some ob«ervrttiu iis from Aldcr tn i-.n l/.'.p-ham which wo could not cat ch ,

Alderma n Davis said t :> at the firm was. read yto treat with the Corporation in a fair manner ,ond il they came to an agreement they (thecompany) were read y to expend £1,000 on im-provements . They felt it necessary to extendtheir estab lishment for the manufacture of ali ght art icle which was now importing from Eng-land ; and be considered that it would be theinterest of the Corporation to permit them to doso, rather than be sending their money to anothercountry from which the citizens would receiveno .'ldvnntnij c.

It was then agreed that notice be given atthe next , meeting for the further considerationof the question , and the Board adjourned .

To < ln: Kiii lor <>f flu.1 Vr'alerfunl 'i r.vs.iCi-TJ-XTS Of A Y U X K r.RII 5f ;M.

Wcx iir.-.l , Wi-.hie-aliu- .Sir.—T O!HCVVC: in your rapr-i- that you niv an ii .lvnt.v.'.e

iir.M l- 'ri'i- I!i-M:;c into yi.ii;- city . Xmv, lot me t i l l yout in t Dili- J'i'i'i' );i-i'i:r< >, since (lie moment tho. <r-itcs ivoro«:i - .-t t!im\v:i nj .ru , h-,s lii-cn t 'ii' j ;-i-c.-ilo: ;t ]«x:-Jl*li* 1-oiu-iHto tin: town, ( in Vi'-t. -v biy 1 witnc s-i ' -i is l vut -j ' 1 eliiMrt ' i ili;- !oiij rii: ;.; t;i t ins tnw:i , |i;i« .-hi;ro-.vr it , i'm- t!io ] in-j '.soofIt i '- i in ^ ;n i I iiirin i; :il t l .e nthi-r si ' l o uf t i ie river , wlik- l i is,lila- ynnvp l::,:?. call.vl LVrry lnnk. TI10 I'ive lii-i 'l ,;c liftsM.'s.l hi'Ml tl lO liiL '.UH O!' W'I 'IVIMM J; 0-11' :-ll.ipkpt'l.fl S SUlitcnnviliii g our nri ikt 'ts. It is su"prisi:i;i how <>ur j ndi -l i l th ' town li:is ¦j ;oiH- -:i-lio.a'l of l!iu imi.oi -tai it City of W';i-U'i-Sii-,1 in thc - oi.t t iiiii gnf its iVi't' hir l^t -. \V.

To the Ki l Uit v ul ' the \J aU 'ef( tvA Sews.Si.-.—1 t-ike i t tu l)oa :i i ' -st mi-!.il»e:i i lo.i t. > i l .in k ol

pn.i::ii!'i :i l-'i.-l i I!. M ;-<! I .I: I !K' M II .I V . An-l wl iy .' l!c-c:i:;s!> t!iv. i i t i iv ''i y is il. Y;:o:i !i:i;:.>'i I I I R l ro-!i rl(;.v ailt ' l-i 1 i iV!- .-i » i - - f . t . in t l s i ' i |ii - ,y . X - y.t , ;-,\M i' .i i lw iy - :iiv<I IMW :II ;4 vi-i-y u - .i'.- u - , :;!'. 1 is t ' lis ihe ti '.uo thnt v.vsir i i iM l-lnok i t r. ;> .' l i i'i' .-Mi - l I :;- I;I i-' { ':¦•¦ \ :i :(CJ:vl!i iii - .'i: DM i i'u- i"I;:il ol' ( 'io i ; i i :y v,-iH .!.'s:rny i l -- :-.|.|».:ii- -iiiioo . I tl i i n k t l ie M::!-!:ot-!ioas<: ;:: .;1I-L':II1V I"" mn.-' i ""tlic c-lgcoi- t l imn iay. " CITIZEN.

'\hr,i ]iKj:ort:i»l.A Xciv York i-!,i |i linil ; !oi' , niunml \V;i?sta(r, h:i«

asrei 'il to st-irt a Sti 'ntn Shi p of !:reit powerfi ' i iu ,\ii\v York to ri.ilway on the 10th of next month .This vestal is intended lo carry prt^cnyei-.s .it lhi > raleof XVi per hwiJ. Tin; slt-f p iiijr horlhs <.f ilu: males anil/t !iii:,Ii's will l> i- ittvfi.'ed , ninl afi c is to make the voyagein Ki jj lit Days. If I his < r i p lie surrrstful , the proprietorwill run Sioum Slii ps to Cork and Wales-ford.


The Manag ing Committee of the Lying-in-Hospital feel that a painful nnd anxious dutydevolves on them , in bring ing the present, siateof that useful Institution under th e notice otheir fellow-citizens.

The want of such a charity had been Ion"-felt and acknowled ged before the year 1638°when the present Horp ital was opened thefunds for tint purpose being generousl y contr i-buted by persons of all classes and parties since that period , lo 'JG women have been re-lieved , and it is a subject of thankf ulness , thatonl y 10 deaths have occurre d in so lar^e anumber.

Several tnidwivcs have also been train ed atthe Hosp ital , some of whom arc earnino- a re-spectable livelihood in the town , and othersfollowing their calling in different parts of thecounty.

'Die depressi on of the times and variouscauses , have of laic years greatl y lessened thenumb '.T of subscribers , and decreased theamount of donations , so as almost to precludethe possibility of keep ing the Instit ution openanother year , unless these sources of income arcincreased.

J he object of this short appeal to the wivesand molbers of W.-i/er/or ;) , is, to urge those u-)iohave hitherto befriended the Inst i tution , not torchx

^their exertions : a:id those who have n'lt

h i ther to contributed , lo come forward nndassist in keep ing np a charity, always necessary ,but now invaluable t o the poor mechanics andlabourers , wiio .'e homes , from the want of co:n-mnn comforts , arc alto gether misused for afenia-e at the hour of n.-Hure 's sh.-.rpcst trial.

It is true thnt the workhouse is upon , but de-cent poor women natura l l y shrink from the conta-mina t in g associations of such a place, even if tnovcould be admit t i 'd . wi thou t at the same timetaking in the husband and children , and sobre:ik!n> r ur> their home, nnd dr-st -rnv in ^ ™,.bre -.ikni .T up their home , nnd destroy ing anvme.in.s of earning ;m in d oi ie i i i lent livelihood .

With those con.-i i ierMions , which n'liyl s !. |;-jgreatl y ;milti p!i:-d , (h--.< (Vmini lteo i",JO i ^...ymust L.-avc it [ ¦> the ilrx- isi on ,,[ ' t he public , n h ethor the Ly i ng -i n - l i n sp it i i l shall be cl.- .- ed. (>:?-!I :I H s t i l l i rm t inu f : io a. ' n i i r^ cv relief to U'jpoorest ;in-I i i s' ist hr - I pi-ss j j or t ion of !h-:- comniu."ity. j ust .".! the t 'usv , -,v!i<j:i i. ii'/ ;i- v.ec-^ \r:C< 3Vt .most u i-j rent . a:i<i t i i - .-ii - c!:> ; , -,:, shou ' ,1 be my s-tHiJ i e - i f . i l i t i g l y aekiio-,vls.-:i"f-:|.

O I 'K . N IN 'O .\ N M W C ii .' u f i l IX r ilAXCK.

'I 'iio n./ .v C;ini -i::i created -xt St. Leu -,vas -:;s U .;r-irated on r iu t i - in y !>v '. i ic Pp. sident . in tl ;, > R •.•.Hibl-o. T!:, H.J ..V I,::;!,!;..:, |,,s i...v.j , 01 , .f;ll;d J:.¦¦i - v oi ib :« o;;! o- :=-!. iii -.v!i: ;- !i v."r- » d-:p . -.- :.:ed. t!mre^ ;:ins - . f f .'s. iV - in i c r t s f i '.,|.l,or i,f t h o J-lmpcrorAa: ;ole -)^j K ;::- ; L.- i ' i ; - .- . and ;-x>; of hi-, P i-ns . Itv.-:',n t-'V'i ivr- 1- -. i !:eso r..- ii> -s a ri-s ' iiur iii. icc m r.re•.vorth y ii i' t h en i ;!;;= !. i. - -i :is N ,ii, ' !.vo:i , Vroni ^ Gen-'V.iKtul '•: i i isu i p !;iy , or . lon-l t - '.-; .--•• r.i '--tni::t:o:: oti i , '.- iif '.v .?il.!i(v, ,' c !i. - eost lM i ,' :¦) '.•{. . of which! 0 > ,0i »<ir . b. ;-.i i . - : i i p .iM i; V :' :O J-VL-. :,!;!nt cf:! iL'!-V.dl !<'. <.d ;;!C CT1-,i . v hy I ' IO M i.',;,!er of¦% .) :,: ¦?. V.- : r- .-.i - i . i ::e ' 'i V s i . U - i U . i -' i i^ H.- .- JU I..

>.:¦: :M'iiv ;:i; ::: St. L;-.i :• >: i i^ lf -j v- st !:i,. -j , iicryin-j ):i:i:'.'il by G..- :ioriil Ho^ur i , i, is ;; rs r. nid.ae-¦•x r ;) , m. I p v .

( ¦..Ri .ea . j .' IU -.v . s revf iv^ - .-l on

i.is M .v.K-.va 's :,y M . Ar:- ;;:hi tie i ' it.^ :;-; pre fect•. i f'i h u Se!n- -ij i -Oi.-- -? -. M.

" ' •¦¦ .;.• >•' :- , :\.,, r., . ..,.,, L ;.V- '.. .... -.;-./¦.• .- , .•". :.:¦• ..;:. .*;".. ) - i -'rei '.ct ol

i'Dar -di -if ; dnd tho r .i:iy ..r :. ',' :¦' !. Lei. ThePrince w:i ; !;ni!cd v . i h c. '.. s 1' ¦ Vi vo TsV.p.j-l.-o:i !"" l i Vi ve lo Pn- '- M r - i! :" A :• tn^J^rAleiV.Siub r - r f .f y :'ili:;,- I 'i- .'i i - '.'t ' -i (::- . --s;:.l ::; i v h jr e were•.Ira -.i i i:;> n -.-ur a • i - i u mp 'ial .:c':, i r- -!e r :\ h\<:'.: he|". i.- si-il l;i- i v."?:-n n l in '.i i i i r ; :-.,i;]c of .\"u;;. M .-.J(J«:ird-- . All ta .> h i r .is. ..s v.vre vi - i. '.-.' i l l C.'J 'Ktcdwi th l!.::;.-; HIHI '; :ri:.;-.;i.- . At '.-.;:i o 'i-.'-e 'e ;lieH i ' ! i---n ..i 'V ,-r *i:iies , a l t - -.-:-. !-• >! '.:y :: l.\v; : b ' ¦'.?of * !•!!.' < • : i 1.."'. rcivivi* ! t i i:- i' .••>:¦• !.! -:: ; a! :i; • ;i ; i:. -ci j -..il d -f - r ..i ' the ':-iu.c:: i . 1 ho i\ :-s :d j i.t. .;t'i£-rv i s i t i ng t::e to in ' -s , c - s i t c r - 'd t ::O !¦•

¦'. ; !.l ipp . '.v!.;-:iDivi ne- .c -.-rvit:e w.- i ; cc!i.-br.. !;-il . A::i->:ig < l i . - c?i- -'• ingu i si ;..'.! per.-- .>::.-: p rc.-ci i t vcr.' th e Pri iu - i-isM.il i i i l i .'e, i' r in i 'e do C-r.ii- < > , ]';ir .e .v \;;|> ':c-.ni'on-ip n r ie . (l:-:i-r .'..< Fin-. Ar:n ;.;i- .!i . :;.:;! Mori inCoun t da Xi .-werk'.i ke . ,i !::e..t n:::i:h-.n- uf oiK-ccrs of t l ic ?<

Ti'.lii>naI Gii. -j i!.;, r i iKi ih- ' M;:y.j !-> o;

tli-; .s \ i rr -.)u:ii !in _' coni-ninK' -. l )u ;'i ::^- lij i ' y.v-v ci 1, a collection v.- ;is nvulo for tiie pour by t: cPrincrs? ?>iath ' ld i :, ncco snp un icii by General I!e-i-Tuci , !ii»d the a; 1])' :d w^s liber.ili y responded ;o.After ti in M:iss , ib o rr;-s:t !'.'!!t r epdred to tiioPlace tic la JI :i:riu , wher e ue reviewed t!:C .V.i-tional Guard.';, by whom and the ys^oinbled mul-titude he was again hailed with loud and eu-tlinsi.istie. cheers of "' Vive Napoleon ?" Hestarted on his return lo Paris at half-past twelveo'clock.— Catholic S iundard.

l- :> .llC!il .\TIO-V-During tiio month i> t " Scptoinbcr, tiio nii.-nl ior of orai-

irnuUs t lmt : inive ! :'.t Xi:\v Vorli wciv ii.'^'ISO-siirj -ai-,-isi ir l'.v 3,S7i. tiio t '.t i l o f t h c nin i ith ]irc.-i-!ini. i' roml:i'l::n l l.-|,!)^-"i, fiO i i i Gi'r .il.i:iy, 1 - .-o7. i":0:i JitigJiiirJ:i,*iS!) ; fiimi 5>-.-i tl ;iii , ' :)<!!> ; frj m r^iiice !'.'-'. : ir-iuil l i i l l : i :nl (!!!) : i'nuii .Swcli'i! iiml Nm-\7:iy o!!7— liOsi-.'iCi.sn inMtr iiuiii !ii .'".s I'IMII ntl icr st.ups ;u Kui'Mj ij. Tlic lol-\nv:iw. t.iM« .--I MV.V i)ie .ii-rivulsot ' t ii '.' I i- . t ton yi>;ii^ . Itis cu:iii .'iii:J !Vum ::iiilic:itic 'loc-iiiiient - ; :-

18-li 0-1,04!) I 1J537 IfiC.Hil )]s|9 4f !,:J82 I84S IL/ !,!,-:::)\M\ CI ,UU 2 I W.) -^1,71)918 i r, 82,<ir;o | i sr.n .VJ.v:?7LSI'! 11 ,'v-W I 1«-1! •i:)l ,:>ia

i'llH FIKJ -'Sl lJ!

Five Years 3^0,443 1'ive Yeai-s, k'ssThree Month. ;.. l ,0H7 , li

I t is ]iloas:iiit to sit wi th one's wil 'i:l'.y the li ght ofa brilli ant Uper ,

While one's ,lc:u- coinpniiion fin- liief/ioUs ovci' the tamily j wj icr—

A m t i i '"-, :iiu( tlicn rc;i'ls :i song or a .sM:yA marriago or <ie;'.t!i, or a tragedy giry.

To feel th:it emu's nothing to Co,Km tu sii ami jilii lo-^i'liisc gravely ;

l-*a<:h niiii -.-lproiis iU-i':l tu e.-clicv- -A ].|-,l.uii!iii<r the eilitoi- luavcly .

For his Mot ami his talent , his ta-tc an- 1 his shears,Now waUiug to laughter , now moving to tea r.; !

Oh , li: ij :py is the ir.au who isMc.stH ith a wilo wliO cm lastcl'r.lly roa.i ,

'Who will j;ivi ' his iiev.spij-.cniun-siTill its it v -ni s have all <<JHO to so> -.l--

Vi'hu exclaiir.s, iww, aii' l then , as .siic times up thetaj 'i'i-,

.ATy ihar , won't \] :o i.i -iii ierwai i 'i I-AT fm- his p:ij icr ?

Tin: I' i-.iNc:; oc W A I S 'J IS IKTUIUY -liis Ko-a'Hip-hno.--.-i tiin Ti-inoe of Wahy oon:;.!i'tel his 1'Ull v<i.n Sun lay last , having been l orn Nov. !) , 1S4I

Ur. (.'n l i i l l |irfiiclird at G ICI'IIOL-I; nn Sund.iv, nnd "l) iii!i l) . - i : f i>i i on .M.' in f ay i!vi i i -n vr . I|.' was cxj iecte"!(.'aniln iii gi.' anil Ain lr ie i lur i ' i '.; t l i r . vtvrk .

T!io works o!- the Watci^ .f-'nil f.Tiuci-KJ: ivulvray aroii , ;:i-(.;';T.ssnt l ' i l town.

Mi 1. Xa-":iu .Sei'-<r.- l ia- In-on ::pp)intiv l to the lcgn l postin hul 'i r vi'iuly v.,:.-;^ ..] l.v!lu-' !-..'i:!i oi'l!i-. Cethime. Iti-: worth i" I '> ,il:j(i a-veav.

Mr 1V!I nvs . son of tli< - lion .Vewt on l-'«llows , H Rnii i(4tool i 'i.T him self» ., a eaiiili.late ftr Hie iciiresentation ofWexfor .l.

\Y ATIvUFDUI 'J—Printed nnd PuMiilieil at the Generall' l i - i l in x , I'ublialiinj , I'nper-Killing -, and Bookhiiid-.ins I-^t alilisl imenl, 40, King- street. I'ublliliedevery Friifiiy Evening.

All rommiinici itiniis to be. aildrc-ssed to CoBXBM c<ItBn x iOND, at (lie above Office.