CLOUD Domain Sales Consultant Position @ Oracle · Presenting Oracle Cloud Computing Solutions and Architectures in front of customers Designing Cloud solutions combining Applications,

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Page 1: CLOUD Domain Sales Consultant Position @ Oracle · Presenting Oracle Cloud Computing Solutions and Architectures in front of customers Designing Cloud solutions combining Applications,

2+ years of relevant experience in Cloud technologies and Enterprise solutionsPractical experience designing and building technology solutionsPractical experience in an agile and /or cloud native development processPersonal: Creativity, Credibility, Personal Drive, Influencing and Negotiating, Problem Solving Inter-personal: Building Effective Relationships, Customer Focus, Effective Communication KnKnowledge distributed among the following domains is a plus: Cloud, Container including Microservices, Virtualization, System Administrator, Databases, Middleware, Programming. DevOps concepts Fluent German & English

Job Requirements

Presenting Oracle Cloud Computing Solutions and Architectures in front of customersDesigning Cloud solutions combining Applications, Technology, Hardware and Partner offeringsPassion in a customer oriented technical roleAmbassador and advisory role for our customers and prospectsConducting customer pilots in a hands-on approach


The primary role of a Cloud Domain Sales Consultant is to work in a pre-sales capacity and work with customers in a solution oriented approach. As such the understanding of customer solutions, associated architectures and their strategies about cloud adoption are key. Customer audiences will include business departments and IT. Mapping the Oracle offerings to needs and business requirements of our prospects and customers is a regular requirement in this role and the person will become part of the regional Cloud Domain Sales Consultants Team in Central and Eastern Europe.

Brief Description

CLOUD Domain Sales Consultant Position @ Oracle

Es gibt einen coolen Job bei uns in Wien für "Tekkies mit sozialer Ader" :)

... Für jemand, der bei Cloud nicht nur ans Wetter denkt

... Für jemanden, der nicht genug kriegt von Cutting Edge Technologien.

... Für Leute, die keine Angst vor Hands-On haben

... Für jemand der gern Menschen trifft und gemeinsam mit den größten Firmen in Österreich spannende Lösungen entwickelt.... ... Berufserfahrung ist gut, aber neugierige und spannende Charaktere zählen mindestens genausoviel.

Sie finden sich hier wieder und ihr Interesse ist geweckt?... Ich freue mich auf ihren Kontakt: Thomas Hofmann ([email protected])