1 Cloud Computing Security Table of Contents Intro, Melvin: 2 Threats and Vulnerabilities, Janah Kirby: 4 Prevention Strategies, Froylan Sosa: 8 Cloud Computing Options and Data Policy Regulation: 14 Conclusion, Melvin: 16

Cloud Computing SecurityAnother thing cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is concerned and there is also the capability to keep

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Page 1: Cloud Computing SecurityAnother thing cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is concerned and there is also the capability to keep


Cloud Computing Security

Table of Contents

Intro, Melvin: 2

Threats and Vulnerabilities, Janah Kirby: 4

Prevention Strategies, Froylan Sosa: 8

Cloud Computing Options and Data Policy Regulation: 14

Conclusion, Melvin: 16

Page 2: Cloud Computing SecurityAnother thing cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is concerned and there is also the capability to keep


Intro: Melvin

Cloud Computing is something that is used throughout everyday life when using

computers today. It was not always like this but since the 1970’s people have been working to

make cloud computing what it is today. Not known by many but cloud computing is a metaphor

used by many to express network elements that show provider services; ie cloud computing.

Cloud computing is said to help companies to run/manage their applications more

efficiently and is also known to be more cost effective than traditional methods. Another thing

cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is

concerned and there is also the capability to keep all the of the company’s information private to

only their company. The information that the company needs to access can be housed anywhere

because with cloud computing the internet is the powerhouse for making things work. With

Page 3: Cloud Computing SecurityAnother thing cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is concerned and there is also the capability to keep


keeping information private there is also the concern of keep this information secure and not

available to third parties, so sensitive information cannot be accessed. Data security is of rising

concern when it comes to cloud computing because it seems that nowadays many companies are

already switching to cloud computing if they have not already done so.

How cloud computing relates to database management and security and our class is the

fact that many different factors need to be considered when having a good understanding and to

adequately deal with cloud computing from an information technology standpoint. First would

be to understand the history of cloud computing because to move forward, something’s about the

past should also be learned; so, the same mistakes are not made and positive outcomes are the


The second factor that should be analyzed would the risk and security concerns of cloud

computing because as cloud computing continues to grow with a lot of different corporations the

security risks are something to pay close attention to. The ability to identify the vulnerabilities

and possible real-world examples can show what roads not to go down while also being aware of

how things can go well if the right precautions are taken to prevent this possible preaches.

The third factor that needs to be looked at ties in closely with the second factor and that is

prevention strategies that can stop possible illegal third-party intervention. Being aware of

prevention strategies including encryption, data hiding methods and monitoring activities can all

help in understating cloud computing protection. Adding to these factors is finding real world

application. Real world application is important to look at when looking at cloud computing or

any other subject because seeing how all this information can be implemented shows the logos of

everything being taught. Combining these factors will show how cloud computing relates back to

class and database management.

Page 4: Cloud Computing SecurityAnother thing cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is concerned and there is also the capability to keep


In this paper all the factors talked about above will be discussed in greater detail to show

someone what cloud computing is. The paper will also show how in the bases of security,

implication, and use of cloud computing can be used in the benefit of companies plus how it has

grown overtime. Being able to show all the different bases of cloud computing in the paper will

help the reader be able to clearly and understand and have a practical knowledge on the subject.

Cloud computing history, security concerns, prevention strategies, implications, and leveraging

cloud computing will be detailed throughout.

History: Gabriel

Cloud computing is technology that most of us are now familiar with but do not know

exactly how it works. During recent years has made very big waves in the technology scene in

recent years. It permeates all types of business both big and small and is almost mandatory for

modern business to have some form or cloud computing or cloud data storage. Since its inception

it has become a bigger and bigger part of our world and will mostly likely continue to do so.

Many people if asked would guess that cloud computing is a fairly new technology that

hasn't been around for more very long, and technically they would be correct; cloud computing

has only really been in use for a little over a decade. However, the concepts and previous and

technologies that led up to the birth of modern cloud technology started in the 1950’s. The

concepts of cloud computing have been floating around the technology industry for several

decades. In fact, since the 70s where primitive versions were created which included time

sharing. Virtual Machines were created during this period which was a very big deal at the time

and gave birth to give birth to several great technologies that all revolved around the

Page 5: Cloud Computing SecurityAnother thing cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is concerned and there is also the capability to keep


virtualization movement. Then during the 90s telecommunications companies began to offer

Virtual Private Networks which was another big step toward cloud computing and cloud storage.

Previously the only offering from telecommunications companies was point to point

connections which was a hassle because when more connections needed to be made physical

infrastructure would have to be built which we can imagine was quite costly to the company and

customer. Now the customer or client could have several different connections, and this was all

accomplished while the users would be using the same physical infrastructure. It was really a

time of experimentation with the new technology. Computers were becoming more and more

common in households and different needs for storage increased.

Cloud computing started to be implemented in IT businesses and services and continued

to gain more and more popularity as it expanded. Eventually by the mid-2000s it became used by

large majority of technology companies, if not all that involved IT services and much more.

Currently a company called SoftLayer is one of the largest and arguably the most popular when

it comes to the providing cloud computing infrastructure. Other major companies such as IBM

have been involved with the technology almost since its inception. It has a wide range of cloud

services and solutions that it provides.

A data center has always been the place where companies store a majority of their

information, especially sensitive information to the company and its customers. However,

running them or paying other big companies such as AT&T to hold them can be quite expensive

especially for smaller company. There is now big movement towards storing the company's

information in public and private clouds. There was initially big controversy surrounding this

concept regarding the security of the information and there still is to a degree.

Page 6: Cloud Computing SecurityAnother thing cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is concerned and there is also the capability to keep


CIO’s of companies were very hesitant to make a full or even partial transition toward

cloud based technologies based on the simple fact that it was so new and companies are

usually very hesitant in making changes especially when technology departments can very

expensive and any breach in security breaches could be quite costly for the business at stake.

Soon companies started to realize the beneficial features of cloud technologies and its cost

effectiveness started to become more and more apparent. This controversy did not stop the

push towards large amounts of company data being housed on the cloud which can be relatively

cheaper than a physical database. Even companies that still prefer to house most of their data in

data centers especially large ones, still hold a portion of their data in the cloud.

In today’s ever increasing technological environment it is hard to ignore such a powerful

technology that has so many benefits to it. The technology is everywhere nowadays and

expanding rapidly. A lot of people use it daily without even knowing. For example, when you

take pictures on your iPhone and it automatically uploads to your computer or when you

download music on your computer and it is downloaded on your phone as well, vice versa. That

process is all made possible because of cloud technologies and in that example cloud

technologies provided by apple.

Threats and Vulnerabilities: Janah Kirby

Page 7: Cloud Computing SecurityAnother thing cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is concerned and there is also the capability to keep


In 2009 the international data corporation conducted a study at 244 IT executives, and out

of the nine points raised, security was highlighted as the most serious concern by by

approximately 87.5% of the respondents (Nicho, Mathew). Security in the cloud has become a

critical issue because of the usage in between people, organizations, and companies that use the

cloud systems in their businesses. Many disadvantages of cloud computing relate with the

security of cloud computing, and so they are tradeoffs between security and data storage.

Although, cloud computing is not new, there have been many issues and challenges when

it comes to securing the cloud, which do not have solutions. Cloud computing is very complex

model and requires different perspectives to identify on threats and vulnerabilities including a

business perspective and personal perspectives of people.


Cloud computing has many threats, but because of the lack a definition for threat in the model

there are many threats that can be covered. Natural disasters and hardware theft are forms of

threats that cloud computing faces; however, they are not as common as dealing with the threat

of attacks internally and externally, as well as leaks internally, breaches, and misuse of data and

the infrastructure from malicious insiders.


One of the main categories of cloud computing is the Software as a Service category,

which is when a third party hosts a software for users to access. Commonly acronym SaaS, this

category shares the cloud name with infrastructure as a service, and platform as a service. These

Page 8: Cloud Computing SecurityAnother thing cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is concerned and there is also the capability to keep


services have become very prone to attacks since they all use the internet based cloud computing

systems. This makes them vulnerable to attacks of all kinds.

One of the types of attacks that a user would use to access a database would be an SQL

attack, which is when the unauthorized user injects their malicious code into SQL code in the

attempt to gain access to the database (Bhadauria, Rohit). Gaining access to a database that has

sensitive information is only the start for malicious users. Once this information is accessed it

can be sold on the black market to high bidders. Such information like social security numbers,

bank account information, and passwords gives black market buyers the ability to become

someone new, cause financial conflicts for others without worry, and gain access to

places/systems they may not have had before.

Another popular form of attack is the Denial of Service Attack, which is an attack where

a user sends many requests to the server until the server becomes unable to handle the capacity,

and so users can not access the site (Bhadauria, Rohit). When this attack is happening, the cloud

will use a lot of resources to get the network to work correctly, and the site users try to access

will be slow and then eventually result in an error page.

This attack seems to have more of a personal ring to it, but when you think about what

types of people would be targeted, a few names such as Apple and Microsoft come to the mind.

These companies may not have a personal vendetta to where a malicious user would like to shut

down their websites, but many hackers like the thought of shutting the down just for the fun of it.

Companies like Microsoft, however, have great security protocols that are set up to shield their

servers from these types of attacks. If their sites were to shut down then they could lose a huge

profit of sales just because their products aren't available.

Page 9: Cloud Computing SecurityAnother thing cloud computing brings to the table it is the answer to companies as far as data storage is concerned and there is also the capability to keep



Leaks are a little self-explanatory, and happens when a user on the inside of an infrastructure

releases information that was not supposed to be accessed by the public. Leaks do not always

happen from users on the inside sometimes this happens when a user hacks into an infrastructure

and takes information that they did not have authorization to.

Leaks are especially popular with people in the public as such as famous celebrities and

stars like Jennifer Lawrence. In 2014, 100 celebrities including the uprising actress, Jennifer

Lawrence, were the victims of a hack that leaked their nude photos. This event shook the internet

by a storm, especially with young consumers now gripping their iPhones, worried their sensitive

information could become available to the public. This attack leaked very sensitive information

that caused an uproar in the law community and women’s rights community. This attack showed

a huge vulnerability within Apple's cloud services system login.

A Russian security analyst names Alexei Troshichev declared that he had found the bug

that allowed hackers to gain access to hundreds of political and on-political celebrities within just

two hours. Troshichev said that he found many of Apple’s login interfaces to be fine, however, it

was the FindMyIphone interface that had critical vulnerabilities and gave the malicious users

access. Unfortunately for the victims, Troshichev states creating stronger passwords could have

prevented this situation (Telegraph.co.uk). Security doesn’t just start with the cloud protocols,

but also the user’s education of IT security!


A breach in some ways are like leaks, but the difference is that the malicious user does

not necessarily “leak” the information to anyone such as the public. Many companies such as

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Target and Verizon have been the victims of breaches within their enterprise systems, but a case

that sheds light on breaches that can result serious loss is the 21st Century Oncology data breach

that happened in October of 2016 (Gluck, Frank).

21st Century Oncology had to release a statement letting 2.2 million patients know that

their database had been breached and their information could be subject to misuse and to keep an

eye on their information. The breach involved social security numbers, treatments, diagnoses,

patients and even doctor’s names from all 50 states and several sovereign countries. “The breach

is far larger than the one recently reported Radiology Regional Center. In that case, records for

more than 480,000 patients blew out of a Lee County Solid Waste Division truck on Fowler

Street. The incident has prompted two lawsuits against Radiology Regional and Lee County

(Gluck, Frank).”


Vulnerabilities are exposed when attacks and hacks happen. They are not always

immediately known within the infrastructure, but once they are exposed they must be protected

immediately or eliminated in general. For example, when Apple had the massive celebrity leak,

their vulnerability was found in their FindMyiPhone infrastructure, and exploited by malicious

users. A vulnerability can be seen in similar terms to a weakness.

Prevention Strategies: Froylan Sosa

With as many security threats that exist today, there are many reasons why everyone

should be concerned about their privacy. Despite all the vulnerabilities that websites,

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applications and programs have in general, there are ways of preventing threats that are posed.

Cloud security is a broad topic on keeping data and information on the cloud that covers endless

amounts of information based on sites, networks, applications and other technological

advancements that are based on “the cloud” or internet. The main points that will be explained

on this page will be based on simpler methods that have been touched upon in the classroom but

that help prevent vulnerabilities and threats. The topics being discussed will be methods such as

updating and securing passwords, knowing the right kinds of encryption methods, and being able

to identify untrusted sources.

When people think about threats against cloud computing they often think that there is

something huge involved such as an international special agent spy that is on the lookout for

their sandwich recipe. Not that that idea may be completely impossible but more than often that’s

not the case for everyone. When storing any kind of information in the cloud, usually you will

need a secure and reliable way to access the information that you do not want others to see.

Many services will offer protective measures to store your information in their online storage.

For example, iCloud storage from Apple will save any documents or files but to access the files

you will first need to enter the email that is connected to the iCloud and then enter the password.

Another example like that is Dropbox, you will need to enter the required email and password

plus if you are accessing their services through a mobile device they will also have an extra

feature and add a pin for mobile devices. The following instructions may seem simple but it’s an

effective way of keeping your information secure. The thing about passwords/pins is that they

should be constantly updated and never told anyone. Therefore, some companies request that

employees practice the clean desk policy. The clean desk policy simply asks that employees keep

their desks clean from any information that can be used against them and this includes

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passwords/pins and other things that could access their online information. Other types of

prevention strategies are the three factors of authentication.

We have already discussed Something you know (such as username and password). What

remains is something you have and something you are. Something you have could be a card or

keychain fob. For example, military personnel store their information on the cloud in their own

private network. To access this information, they are required a card known as a Common

Access Card also known as a CAC. Every individual in the military has one, but with different

access levels granted. Along with inserting the card to access their network, the card requires a

pin that’s customized by everyone.

The other prevention strategy based on passwords is something you are. So, to access

private information that is on the cloud some companies require a pass based on something you

are such as fingerprints. When it comes to prevention strategies against vulnerabilities with the

cloud passwords and different forms of authorization are some of the basic ways to prevent


The next part will be based on knowing how to communicate effectively with others and

knowing how to properly secure your data by knowing the proper methods of encryption. To

begin with encryption is known as pretty much the process of converting any kind of information

or data into a kind of code that will be hard to decipher from just anybody to try and prevent

unauthorized access by the wrong person. There are many forms of encryption. Although,

hashing is not technically considered a form of encryption it is a good way to send information to

others that you don’t necessarily mind being private if the content is not changed. Hashing

simply transforms any data to a code that gives back a hash.

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For example, user one performs a hash and receives a code that should be the same

regardless of the amount of times it has been hashed, if user two receives the message and the

code is the same code that user one received then the message has not been tampered with,

although it may have been seen. Encryption normally includes an algorithm and a key. Two

known forms of encryption are Symmetric Encryption and Asymmetric Encryption. In a

symmetric encryption there is only one key that is used when encrypting and decrypting at both

ends of the transmission. This kind of encryption is much more efficient in encrypting large

amounts of data than asymmetric encryption.

There are methods that fall under symmetric encryptions. One which is known as Block

ciphers and one which is known as stream ciphers. Block ciphers encrypt data into 64 or 128-bit

blocks, encrypting each block separately. Stream ciphers encrypt data as a form of streams.

Other known forms under symmetric encryption are Advanced Encryption Ciphers (AES), DES,

3DES, Blowfish, TwoFish and RC4 which is used by SSL for HTTPS. In asymmetric

encryption, there is a private key and a public key one to encrypt and the other to decrypt. The

private key is only for the one user to know while public key is for any person to know. Methods

that fall under asymmetric encryption are RSA, Diffie-Hellman, Elliptic curve cryptography,

steganography, quantum cryptography, TLS and SSL all that secures internet traffic, emails,

messages and digital signatures. These are essential when accessing the cloud.

Lastly, this next portion will explain further prevention strategies based on the cloud that

may not follow the same pattern as the other examples. When people think about the cloud,

people imagine as if it were an area that always stays online without the need of hardware.

Unfortunately, that is not the case. One should always keep in mind that the cloud is nothing but

a server that stores all the information in one place for a private network and each network has

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their version of the cloud. Some much bigger and some much smaller. For example, the

University of North Carolina at Greensboro has their cloud servers in the McNutt building and

they take care of their hardware so that everything stored in the cloud (which is a physical piece

of hardware) will not be accessed by the wrong third party. They have a team of personnel that

take care of this location. For the wrong people to tailgate inside the area and access the building

is a threat so monitoring the area is a prevention strategy to keep the cloud computing safe.

Many of the things that prevent threats for cloud computing doesn’t necessarily have to

be complex like using the right kind of encryption, it could be as simple as taking care of the

hardware, not showing anyone the password and not allowing people to trick you into telling

them the password. As well as constantly checking on the applications that may be outdated.

Sometimes hackers find a glitch in the system that could potentially give them access to the

information on the cloud. If you check for the updates on the programs/applications/services that

are connected to the cloud, then there could be a fix to those problems if the issue was sent to the

developers. These are only some of the ways that prevent threats against cloud computing but it

is always good to stay informed and look things up. Cloud Computing Options and Data Privacy Regulation - Chris Holder

Clouds can be thought of as virtual computing environments where virtual servers and

desktops live and can be accessed by users. Cloud computing is the practice of using a network

of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local

server or a personal computer. Cloud computing is synonymous with virtualization. Cloud

storage locates the data on a central server, but unlike an internal data center in the LAN, the data

is accessible from anywhere and in many cases from a variety of device types (Lammle, 2015).

According to the European Commission, surveys show that 80% of businesses already using the

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cloud reported 10%-20% lower IT costs, while 20% of them reported savings rising to 30% or

above (Commission, 2012). The following are business solutions provided under the cloud.

Private Cloud

This is a solution owned and managed by one company solely for that company’s use. A private

cloud is one in which this virtual computing environment is provided to the enterprise by a third

party for a fee. This is a good option for a company that has neither the expertise nor the

resources to manage their own cloud yet would like to take advantage of the benefits that cloud

computing offers

Public Cloud

This is a solution provided by a third party. It offloads the details to the third party but gives up

some control and can introduce security issues. Public Cloud example would be Dropbox.

Hybrid Cloud

This is some combination of private and public. For example, perhaps you only use the facilities

of the provider but still manage the data yourself.

Community Cloud

This is a solution owned and managed by a group of organizations that create the cloud for a

common purpose.

Virtual Networking

Over the last few years, one of the most significant developments helping to increase the

efficient use of computing resources - leading to an increase in network performance without an

increase in spending on hardware- has been the widespread adoption of virtualization

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technology. Virtual computing solutions come from many vendors. The following are some of

the more popular currently:

● VMware vSphere

● Microsoft Hyper-V

● Citrix XenServer

Virtual servers can perform all the same functions as physical servers but can enjoy some

significant advantages. The virtualization software can allow you to allocate CPU and memory

resources to the virtual machines(VMs) dynamically as needed to ensure that the maximum

amount of computing power is available to any single VM at any moment while not wasting any

of that power on an idle VM. In fact, in situations where VMs have been clustered, they may

even be suspended or powered down in times low demand in the cluster. (Lammle, 2015)

Anti-malware software

When it comes to anti-malware software the Cloud provides unique advantages. Cloud antivirus

products run not on local computers but in the cloud, creating a smaller footprint on the client

and utilizing processing power in the cloud. They have the following advantages:

● They allow access to the latest malware data within minutes of the cloud antivirus service

learning about it.

● They eliminate the need to continually update your antivirus.

● The client is small, and it requires littler processing power.

Cloud antivirus products have the following disadvantages:

● There is a client-to-cloud relationship, which means they cannot run in the background.

● They may scan only the core Windows files for viruses and not the whole computer

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● They are highly dependent on an Internet connection

Data Privacy Regulation

The evolution of Cloud computing has had among the most influential forces in

reshaping regulation. In Europe there is substantial differences among in interpretation and

implementation of data privacy regulations. For example, maximum penalties for the misuse of

personal information on a vary considerably. In Spain, the penalty is €600,000; in France, it’s

€150,000 for a first offense plus five years in prison; and in Germany, it’s €250,000(D.C.

Dowling, “International Data Protection and Privacy Law,” Aug. 2009; http://tinyurl.com/

bgh4fza). If the cloud customer operates in the United States, Canada or the European Union,

they’re subject to numerous regulatory requirements. These include Control Objectives for

Information and related Technology and Safe Harbor. These laws might relate to where the data

is stored or transferred, as well as how well this data is protected from a confidentiality aspect.

Some of these laws apply to specific markets, such as the Health Insurance Portability and

Accountability Act (HIPAA) for the health-care industry.

Failure to adequately protect your data can have many consequences, including the potential for

fines by one or more government or industry regulatory bodies. Such fines can be substantial and

potentially crippling for a small or midsize business. For example, the Payment Card Industry

(PCI) can impose fines of up to $100,000 per month for violations to its compliance.

Laws or regulations typically specify who within an enterprise should be held responsible

and accountable for data accuracy and security. The Sarbanes–Oxley Act designates the CFO

and CEO to have joint responsibility for the financial data. The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act is

broader, specifying the responsibility for security with the entire board of directors. Less specific

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is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which just requires a specific individual to be

accountable for the information security program within a company. (Winkler, 2011)

Conclusion: Melvin

In conclusion cloud computing is a service that will continue to grow from where it is

today. Since cloud computing has become such a modern commodity will technology use the

service will continue to be more popular. Many companies use cloud based services that have

become integrated in our everyday lives including Apple, Microsoft, Adobe and, other

technology companies. The information held by these companies is very important because a lot

of their software is used in many everyday jobs across America and many other countries


The history of cloud computing shows how the service has come to show the dominance

from old techniques to new techniques. Old methods as far as using non- internet methods have

shown to be not as effective with companies as the new cloud computing service surfaced. It is

believed that cloud computing is more effective for the growth of companies. Shown above

many companies believe that cloud computing security is of the utmost importance and will

continue to do whatever it takes to make sure that all the information in the cloud will not be

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compromised by third parties looking to change, disrupt, and steal sensitive information.

Learning from others and staying aware of everything that goes on with cloud computing

security is how everything runs more efficiently. Being able to see what others may have messed

up or even where the company has done good or bad will should assist a company to have a

brighter outcome when looking at cloud computing or any other aspect that the company is


Coming back to how cloud computing relates to our class of database management and

security is by making sure knowing at all the factors that cloud computing supports are reviewed.

First would be history and how it came to be so prevalent. The second factor would be to know

the analyzed risk and security concerns of cloud programming. The third factor that should be

known is the prevention strategies that are used to make sure all information is secure and not

tampered with. The last factor but all a very important factor is knowing how these different

parts can be applied in real world situations.

This paper talked about these different factors in detail and hopefully gave a better grasp

of what cloud computing is, how, and why it is important to the world of technology. After

showing all the aspects of cloud computing a greater knowledge will be able to be demonstrated

because cloud computing history, security concerns, prevention strategies, implications, and

leveraging cloud computing have all been discussed. Cloud computing has grown and will

continue to grow and now after reading hope a better insight is available.

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Gibson, Darril. CompTIA Security+ Get Certified Get Ahead SYO-301 Study Guide. North

Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2011. Print. - Froylan Sosa

Nicho, Mathew, and Mahmoud Hendy. "Dimensions of Security Threats in Cloud Computing: A

Case Study." The Review of Business Information Systems (Online), vol. 17, no. 4, 2013, pp.

159-n/a, ProQuest Central,


untid=14604. - Janah Kirby

Bhadauria, Rohit, et al. "SECURITY ISSUES IN CLOUD COMPUTING." Acta Technica

Corviniensis - Bulletin of Engineering, vol. 7, no. 4, 2014, pp. 159-177, ProQuest Central,


untid=14604. - Janah Kirby

"Nude Celebrity Photos Leaked: Russian Analyst Says It Took Less than Two Hours to Identify

Security Flaw." Telegraph.co.uk, Sep 02, 2014, ProQuest Central,


untid=14604. - Janah Kirby

Gluck, Frank. "Data Breach Affects 2.2M 21st Century Oncology Patients." The News Press,

Mar 10, 2016, ProQuest Central,


untid=14604. - Janah Kirby

Commission, E. (2012, September 27). European Commission. Retrieved from europa.eu:

http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-12-713_en.htm?locale=fr - Chris Holder

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Lammle, T. (2015). CompTIA Network+. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons. - Chris Holder

Winkler, V. (. (2011). Cloud Computing: Legal and Regulatory Issues. Retrieved from TechNet

Magazine: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh994647.aspx - Chris Holder