This is a repository copy of Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in VANET-Cellular Heterogeneous Wireless Network. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/88240/ Version: Accepted Version Article: Liu, B, Jia, D, Wang, J et al. (2 more authors) (2017) Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in VANET-Cellular Heterogeneous Wireless Network. IEEE Systems Journal, 11 (1). pp. 128-139. ISSN 1932-8184 https://doi.org/10.1109/JSYST.2015.2451156 [email protected] https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/ Reuse Unless indicated otherwise, fulltext items are protected by copyright with all rights reserved. The copyright exception in section 29 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 allows the making of a single copy solely for the purpose of non-commercial research or private study within the limits of fair dealing. The publisher or other rights-holder may allow further reproduction and re-use of this version - refer to the White Rose Research Online record for this item. Where records identify the publisher as the copyright holder, users can verify any specific terms of use on the publisher’s website. Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing [email protected] including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request.

Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in VANET

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This is a repository copy of Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in VANET-Cellular Heterogeneous Wireless Network.

White Rose Research Online URL for this paper:http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/88240/

Version: Accepted Version


Liu, B, Jia, D, Wang, J et al. (2 more authors) (2017) Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in VANET-Cellular Heterogeneous Wireless Network. IEEE Systems Journal, 11 (1). pp. 128-139. ISSN 1932-8184


[email protected]://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/


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Page 2: Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in VANET


Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination inVANET-Cellular Heterogeneous Wireless Network

Bingyi Liu, Dongyao Jia, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, and LibingWu

Abstract—In vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs), efficientmessage dissemination is critical to road safety and trafficefficiency. Since many VANET-based schemes suffer from hightransmission delay and data redundancy, integrated VANET-cellular heterogeneous network has been proposed recentlyandattracted significant attention. However, most existing studiesfocus on selecting suitable gateways to deliver safety messagefrom the source vehicle to a remote server, while rapid safetymessage dissemination from the remote server to a targeted areahas not been well studied. In this paper, we propose a frameworkfor rapid message dissemination that combines the advantagesof diverse communication and cloud computing technologies.Specifically, we propose a novel Cloud-assisted Message Downlinkdissemination Scheme (CMDS), with which the safety messages incloud server are first delivered to the suitable mobile gateways onrelevant roads with the help of cloud computing (where gatewaysare buses with both cellular and VANET interfaces), and thenbeing disseminated among neighboring vehicles via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. To evaluate the proposed scheme,we mathematically analyze its performance and conduct extensivesimulation experiments. Numerical results confirm the efficiencyof CMDS in various urban scenarios.

Index Terms—Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET), Cloud com-puting, VANET-cellular network, Safety Message, Data downlinkdissemination.


Nowadays, the advances in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network(VANET), Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) and Cyber-Physical System (CPS) have given birth to the concept ofVehicular Cyber-Physical Systems (VCPS), boosting a grow-ing interest in the design, development and deployment ofVCPS for some emerging applications. A typical applicationin VCPS is to disseminate safety and traffic messages amongvehicles, including accident warning, congestion information,route suggestion, etc., by Dedicated Short Range Commu-nication (DSRC) based VANETs. In general, such VANETs

Bingyi Liu is with the School of Computer Science, Wuhan University,Wuhan, China, and the Department of Computer Science, City University ofHong Kong, China. Dongyao Jia is with the Institute for Transport Studies,University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. Jianping Wang is with the Departmentof Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, China. Kejie Lu iswith the School of Computer Engineering, Shanghai University of ElectricPower, Shanghai, China, and with the Department of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, PR, USA. Libing Wuis with the School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.

This work was supported in part by a General Research Fund from HongKong Research Grant Council under project 120612 and project 61272462from NSFC China, by National Natural Science Foundation of China No.61272112, 61472287, and the Fundamental Research Funds forthe CentralUniversity No. 2014211020202, by the funding project EP/ J002186/1 fromthe UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), andby Shanghai Oriental Scholar Program.

Manuscript submitted on July 17, 2015.






Road Ⅲ

Fig. 1. An example of message delivery in traditional VANET.

provide two types of wireless communications, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication and vehicle-to-infrastructure(V2I) communication, respectively. Based on them, manyVANET-based message dissemination schemes have been de-veloped.

Although these VANET-based schemes are viable, it is stillchallenging to timely and reliably disseminate messages toa targeted area under the inherently intermittent vehicularnetworking environment, due to the limited transmission rangeof DSRC as well as the contention-based carrier-sense mul-tiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme inIEEE802.11p protocol. This problem becomes even worse inurban scenarios for the conventional broadcast schemes suchas flooding and store-carry-forward [1].

As illustrated in Fig. 1, vehicleA on roadII suffers froman accident and transmits an accident warning to vehicles onroad II . However, due to the bad wireless channel condition,a vehicle on roadII cannot further disseminate the safetymessage to vehicles on roadI andIII by using IEEE802.11p.As a result, vehicles onI and III may enter into roadII andsuffer traffic congestion.

For long-distance dissemination of safety messages, a bettersolution is the cellular network. Thus the above problem canbe partly solved with the assistance of the integrated VANET-cellular heterogeneous networks [2]–[7]. In [2], for example,the authors put forward a VANET-3G integrated networkarchitecture, in which vehicles are clustered based on differentparameters. In these clusters, those vehicles equipped with 3Gand IEEE802.11p interfaces are elected as gateway candidates

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to connect local VANETs to Internet and, accordingly, transmitsafety messages to the remote server. Therefore, through themobile or stationary gateways that can provide Internet access,the message transmission coverage can be further extended.

Despite the importance of the existing solutions, we firstnote that there is lack of data downlink dissemination strategyindicating how to rapidly deliver the safety message from theremote server to the vehicles in targeted area. In fact, thisis a complicated work for traditional VANET-based central-ized solution [8]. Currently, the efficient urban transportationmanagement requires massive traffic data, such as sensorsand videos, distributed in large urban areas, which cannotbe handled by the sole VANET technology and traditionalcentralized intelligent transportation systems. More serversare required in different regions to collect the instantaneoustraffic information. Secondly, when a traffic accident happenssomewhere, it is important to make timely decision of thetargeted areas and vehicles for message dissemination toavoid traffic congestion. Thus the distributed servers needtocooperately determine the targeted areas and desired receivers.In this circumstance, a cloud-assisted VANET solution willbea more flexible and effective choice to solve the problem ofdownlink strategy [9], [10].

In the past few years, cloud computing has been widelyadopted to help handle complicated computing work thatcan hardly be accomplished locally [11]. The combinationof VANET and cloud computing has propelled our capabilityeven further [4], [12]–[15]. Generally speaking, the mobilescould upload to delegate time-consuming and energy consum-ing tasks to clouds [12]. Cloud-assisted VANET can acquireinstantaneous traffic flows, have macro-control of the geo-graphical position of all vehicles, make an accurate assessmentof the cause of the congestion and traffic flow, and determinethe targeted area and desired recipients [16]. Therefore, it cansend the safety message containing the position of accidentscene, severity of accident, the estimation of accident durationand even different route to vehicles distributed in differentareas.

In this paper, we propose a cloud-assisted safety messagedissemination framework for an integrated system that con-sists of both cloud infrastructure and VANET-cellular het-erogeneous wireless networks. Specifically, we consider anintegrated VANET-cellular network where the buses act asmobile gateways. Cloud servers, on the other hand, can acquireinstantaneous traffic flows data and the geographical positionof all mobile gateways, and hence efficiently deliver importanttraffic information (traffic accident, route recommendation,etc.) to the vehicles in the targeted area. In our framework,a bus-based network is a practice solution as wireless back-bone in an urban scenario for the following reasons: Firstly,governments do not need to pay upfront cost to deploy alarge quantity of infrastructures. In fact, many buses nowadaysaccess Internet with their cellular devices [17]. Secondly, apublic transportation system provides access to a large setofusers (e.g., the passengers themselves) and is already designedto guarantee the coverage of the urban area. Finally, traveltimes can be predicted from the transportation system timetable [18].

In our framework, the data downlink dissemination strategyis implemented by two steps. The first step is to disseminatemessages from a cloud server to suitable gateways. The cloudserver makes an accurate assessment of the traffic flow anddetermines the targeted area, and then determines the suitablemobile gateways which the safety messages are transmitted to.The second step is to deliver messages from the gateways totargeted vehicles, which can be implemented via V2V com-munication. Specifically, to reduce packet loss and redundancycaused by broadcasting, we design a distributed approach toselect the delegators forward and backward. The proposedscheme can not only disseminate messages efficiently andrapidly, but also significantly reduce the cellular communi-cation cost, which is more easily accepted by users.

Our main contributions in this paper are threefold. 1) Basedon cloud computing technology, we propose a VANET-cellularheterogeneous architecture in which buses are considered asmobile gateway providers. 2) We propose a Cloud-assistedMessage Downlink dissemination Scheme (CMDS), indicatinghow cloud server disseminates the safety messages to desiredvehicles. Specifically, we design a parallel multi-point messagedissemination approach to locally broadcast safety messagesamong vehicles, which can significantly reduce packet lossand message redundancy. 3) We analyze the disseminationdelay until all the desired vehicles receive the safety messages.This analysis can help to know how to reduce the delay moreefficiently.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We firstdiscuss the related work in Section II. The main approachfor safety message dissemination will then be presented inSection III. Based on this approach, we mathematically ana-lyze the performance in Sections IV. We validate our analysisthrough simulation in Section V, before concluding the paperin Section VI.


In the literature, existing message dissemination strate-gies can be classified into two categories according to thetransmission medium: VANET-based scheme and integratedVANET-cellular heterogeneous scheme [19]. In addition, cloudtechnologies have recently been adopted in some messagedissemination schemes. In the rest of this section, we willdiscuss them one by one.

A. VANET-based Message Dissemination

In the first category, the messages are disseminated inVANETs with a store-carry-forward manner, where vehiclesexchange data packets when they are within the communi-cation range of each other. In [20], the farthest neighbornode is selected as the relay to transmit the safety message.However, this scheme may suffer from a high packet errorrate (PER) and a large path loss. As a result, the messageretransmission would waste time and bandwidth especially ina high density traffic environment. The cross layer broadcastprotocol (CLBP) in [21] used the metrics of geographicallocations, channel condition and velocities of vehicles toselectan optimal relaying vehicle node. Analytical and simulation

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InfrastructureOrdinary car DSCR-based linkMobile gateway Cellular link



Cloud-based mobile

gateway selection


delegator selection

Fig. 2. Architecture of cloud-assisted VANET-cellular heterogeneous wireless networks.

results showed that the proposed cross-layer approach canquickly and reliably deliver emergency messages while mini-mize the broadcast message redundancy. However, for the pureVANET-based message dissemination, the transmission delaymay significantly increase in sparse traffic scenarios and thesystem performance cannot be guaranteed.

B. Integrated VANET-cellular Heterogeneous Message Dis-semination

In the second category, safety messages are first transmittedto Internet through gateways and then be delivered to thevehicles in the targeted area. With the extensive deploymentsof 3G/4G base stations, researchers begin to concentrate ongateway selection approach to connect VANET to the Inter-net. In [2], the authors put forward a VANET-3G integratednetwork architecture in which vehicles are clustered basedondifferent parameters. In these clusters, those vehicles equippedwith 3G and IEEE802.11p interface cards are elected asgateway candidates to connect VANET to Internet. In [3],the authors proposed gateway selection method consideringtraffic priority first, with the purpose of ensuring the Qualityof Service (QoS) of different traffic data. Nevertheless, wenote that most of the existing studies focus on the uplinkstrategy which indicates how to select a suitable gateway bysource vehicle to upload message to a server, while the down-link message dissemination strategy is seldom considered.In[22], thr authors first put forward Connection Stability AwarePartner-based Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (CSA-PHMIPv6) inwhich mobile nodes select partners with whom communication

can last for a sufficiently long time by employing the LinkExpiration Time (LET) parameter.

C. Cloud-Assisted Message Dissemination

The development of cloud computing technology bringsmeans to the message dissemination in VANET, and givesbirth to the concept of vehicular cloud computing. In [23],the authors proposed a framework which aims at smoothmigration of all or only a required portion of an ongoingIP service between a data center (DC) and user equipementof a 3GPP mobile network to another optimal DC with noservice disruption. In [24], the author also discussed thechallenges these trends present to mobile network operators,and demonstrated the possibility of extending cloud computingbeyond data centers toward the mobile end user, providingend-to-end mobile connectivity as a cloud service. In [16],Olariu et al. proposed the idea of vehicular clouds by takingtraditional VANET to the clouds. The motivation is that themassive sensors deployed on vehicles, streets as well asparking area provide abundant communication and compu-tational resources, which could potentially bring benefitstothe resource providers as well. But they did not discuss thepotential structural framework for vehicular clouds. In [25],the authors put forward, for the first time, the taxonomy offuture VANET clouds. Additionally, they also discussed thechallenges of the security and privacy in VANET clouds.In [26], three types of vehicular computing are described:Networks as a Service (NaaS), Storage as a Service (STaaS)and Data as a Service (DaaS). The core concept of NaaS is that

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the cloud collects the information of the vehicles which preferto offer Internet access service, thus the cloud can providethe most suitable connection to the vehicle whenever needed.Researchers in [27] designed a system to help vehicles searchfor mobile cloud servers that are moving nearby and discovertheir services and resources. The system leverages the RSUsas cloud directories to record mobile cloud servers registration.The RSUs share their registration data to enable vehicles todiscover and consume the services of mobile cloud serverswithin a certain area.



In this section, we elaborate on the proposed cloud-assistedVANET-cellular architecture for rapid safety message dissem-ination as well as its critical functions.

A. The Architecture

Fig. 2 shows the proposed architecture of cloud-assistedVANET-cellular heterogeneous wireless networks. The archi-tecture consists of three tiers of nodes. The low-tier nodesare the ordinary vehicles which collect instantaneous trafficinformation and broadcast it to local area only by using IEEE802.11p protocols. The high-tier nodes are the distributedcloud servers which can provide timely traffic informationand suitable traffic guidance. The mid-tier nodes, namelyGateway Service Providers (GPs), are the buses which provideInternet accessing service and exchange information betweenthe Internet and the neighboring vehicles. Therefore, GPsshould support both cellular communication and IEEE 802.11pprotocols, being registered to clouds.

The general message dissemination process under the pro-posed architecture is as follows. At the beginning, the GPswhich are willing to provide Internet access should dynam-ically report to the cloud their basic information such asgeographic coordinates, access delay, bandwidth, etc. Also, theGPs should broadcast this basic information to their neighborsso that they can get a list of surrounding gateway providers.The ordinary vehicles could send the safety message to thecloud through the selected gateways. Then, the cloud send themessage to the gateways in the targeted area, which will thendisseminate the message to vehicles around.

To implement the message dissemination process, somepreliminaries, including gateway registration and targeted areadefinition, are required. In addition, gateway decision andmessage broadcasting among vehicles are the critical stepsforthe message dissemination. All of these schemes are addressedas follows.

B. Preliminaries

1) Gateway Registration:In our design, a GP candidatecreates a registration packet containing its basic information:(a) Movement information including geographical position, ve-locity, and moving direction. (b) Networking information suchas connected networking type (LTE, 3G, Wi-Fi and WiMAX)[26], receive signal strength, as well as the networking load

















(a) Abstract graph

(c) Target area of a path from B to C(b) Target area of road A








Fig. 3. Targeted area definition.

which indicates the number of vehicles to be served by theGP.

Firstly, The GP candidates send the packet to the cloud.Then, the cloud records the related information in the databaseof Gateway Pool, and sends back a Gateway ID (GID) to theregistering GPs. The GPs should periodically report their statusto the cloud [28].

Based on the information from vehicles and sensors, thecloud can instantaneously construct the gateway location mapas well as the traffic matrix [8], and then estimate the roadsegment traffic loads and delays accordingly.

2) Targeted Area Definition:When an accident happens,vehicles in the targeted area are supposed to receive thesafety message which indicates the accident location and therescheduled route [29]. The targeted area calculation willbe a complicated work which should be supported by massof historical and real-time data. In this paper, we define atargeted area as the roads that are intersecting with the roadwhere accident happens. To better illustrate the definition, weconsider two different situations in Fig. 3(a). In case one,avehicle on roadA is assumed to suffer from an accident. Cloudwould preferentially send the safety message to nearby roadsincludingB, D, E, F , G andH . Similarly, if a fire happensin one building on roadK , the fire truck on roadH couldsend a road reservation message to cloud to reserve roadBandC. Then cloud will immediately disseminate the messageto vehicles on roadA, G, H , J , K, L, D andI. In these twosituations, cloud should make a rapid and precise decision sothat the accident could be solved in a most efficient way.

In Fig. 3(b) and Fig. 3(c), each node represents a roadand there is an edge between two road segments if they areintersecting. If a shortestn-roads path is calculated by theDijkstra algorithm with each road having the same weight,We can derive that the targeted area of this path contains6 + 2(n− 1) roads.

C. A Cloud-Based Approach to Select the Mobile Gateways

Intuitively, the cloud should disseminate the safety messageto the gateways which are evenly distributed on the road sothat all the vehicles can acquire the message from nearbygateways directly. However, due to irregular traffic flow, gate-ways are normally unevenly distributed in geographical areas

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4R 4R


3RRc=3R 2R













Move direction

Move direction

Fig. 4. Gateway selection approach by cloud.

in practice. Therefore, the cloud, which has the real-time trafficdensity and gateways distribution, should choose the gatewayswhose transmission range can cover more vehicles on the roadand avoid two gateways being too close at the same time.

We assume that there are 8 gateway candidates running onan 8R-meters road, as shown in Fig. 4(a). In addition, allvehicles have an identical maximum transmission range ofRwhen they communicate to each other using IEEE 802.11pprotocols. The detail of selection method can be described asfollows.

1) Firstly, we divide the road into two parts with equaldistance and select the vehicleA as gateway providerwhich is nearest to the middle point of the road, asshown in Fig. 4(b).

2) Secondly, in Fig. 4(c), we take the position of vehicleA as the splitting point and divide the road into twosegmentsRSa andRSb , then cut the two road segmentsinto two parts with equal distance. Likewise, we selectthe vehiclesB andC as gateway providers which arenearest to the middle point in these two parts.

3) At last, as shown in figure Fig. 4(d), we takeB andCas the splitting point and continually divide the road. Asthe length of the left road segment of vehicleB is morethan 2R, it should do the same step as step (2). ThusvehicleD is selected as the last vehicle gateway.

After the procedure of gateway selection, vehicleA, B, CandD are selected as gateways which will receive the safetymessage from the cloud subsequently.

D. A Distributed approach to select the Delegator Forwardand Backward

In the previous study, researchers mostly assume that thesafety message is sent by only one vehicle, named the sourcevehicle, and design the corresponding broadcast protocol.Also, most studies address the issue of message disseminationon merely one road. Situation will be very different in cloud-based VANET environment. After the cloud receives thesafety message, it will deliver the message to several suitable

Vx VzVyVi



Move direction

Move direction

Fig. 5. A distributed delegator selection approach.

gateway vehicles, as stated previously. The problem is thathow these gateway vehicles can deliver the message to thevehicles nearby with lower transmission delay and less dataredundancy, which is regarded as a critical issue in cloud-basedVANET environments. To the best of our knowledge, such anissue has not been fully studied so far.

In this paper, instead of only considering one road, aparallel multi-point safety message dissemination approachis proposed from an overall perspective of road, aiming tomaximize the broadcast coverage area and minimize the dateredundancy and transmission delay. Our approach is basedon the following common observation: Vehicles driving onthe same direction are relatively static to each other. Evenif a disseminator keeps broadcasting the message, few newvehicles can be reached. Therefore, we consider that gatewaysshould relay the “disseminator role” to the farthest receiverforward and backward after broadcasting the safety message,which ensures that the remote vehicles can acquire the safetymessage immediately. Since some gateways may broadcast themessage at the same time slot, the delegator selection processof the gateway should be terminated when the vehicles infront are detected that they have already received the safetymessage, thus data redundancy could be reduced significantly.

As shown in Fig. 5, it is assumed that vehicleVi and Vx

are selected as the gateways to disseminate the message.Vi

prefers to choose vehicleVk, which is the farthest one withinthe transmission coverage and moves in the same direction, asthe forward delegator. On the other hand,Vj that is farthestfrom Vi at the back will be selected as the backward delegator.Likewise, Vx would chooseVy as its forward delegator.Vy

detects the vehicles ahead have not receive the message andcontinue to select the delegator. However, whenVj findsthat the vehicles ahead have already received the messagefrom Vz , the delegator selection process ofVi will stop. Theconcrete implementation of delegator selection method will beintroduced as follows.

When a gateway receives the safety message, it broadcastthe message rapidly, along with its basic information includingvelocity, geographical position, and moving direction.c dirand r dir are the moving direction of current broadcastvehicle and receiver vehicle. The nearby vehicles will reply amessage to indicate the gateway to stop the delegator selectionprocess if they have already received the safety message fromother gateways. Otherwise, they will decide the timeTw tosend a feedback message [30]. The gateway will choose the

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vehicle, which replies the feedback message the earliest, asthe delegator, and send a confirm message to it.

As mentioned above, the vehicle farthest from the gatewaywithin the transmission range has the highest priority as thedelegator. Another factor we consider is the relative velocity.a lower relative velocity means a more stable link betweenthe source vehicle and the delegator candidate. So a relayingmetricF that is used to calculateTw is given by:

F = α1





+ α2



2V max



where∆d is the distance between the current broadcastingvehicle and one delegator candidate within the transmissionrange,Dmax denotes the maximum of∆d, ∆V is the relativevelocity between the current broadcasting vehicle and onedelegator candidate,V max denotes the maximum of∆V , α1

andα2 are the weight factors that are configured by vehicle,α1 + α2 = 1. For instance, vehicles are relatively steady ina high density traffic environment, it can set a largerα1 sothat the message can be delivered more faster. Otherwise, alargerα2 can be set, so that packet error rate(PER) of messagedelivery can be reduced.

The calculation ofTw can be referred to [31] in which theconcept of minislot is proposed. The length of minislot isτ ,then we divide the Distributed Inter-frame Spacing (DIFS)interval into k number of minislots, and partition the valueof Fmax − Fmin into k segments at the same time. Thevalue e0 of each segment is(Fmax − Fmin)/k. Thus valueof Tw will be set asi minislots, if the metric ofF is within[Fmax +(i− 1) · e0, Fmin + i · e0], wherei ∈ [1, k]. However,the collision may occurs if the delegator candidates selectthesame minislot. In this case, it will continue to dividee0 into ksegments, each of which beinge1 = e0/k, and then the vehiclechooses a minislot and start the back-off stage again. Thepreudocode of delegator selection is shown in Algorithm 1.

The delegator will repeat the same procedure as gatewayvehicle. However, there is no need to select the delegator intheopposite propagation direction. In most cases, there are a largenumbers of buses moving on the roads in city environment,so the buses only need to transmit the safety message in onehop, regardless of the delegator selection. Accordingly, thetransmission delay of safety message on these roads will besignificantly minimized.


In this section, we mathematically analyze the disseminationdelay of the proposed message dissemination scheme, whichis helpful to understand how the safety message is swiftlytransmitted to the desired receivers.

A. Problem Definition

Here, we develop an analytical model to analyze the perfor-mance of the proposed scheme. To make the proposed schememathematically tractable, we have the following assumptions:

1) Vehicles on the single road are poisson distributed, andλ denotes its mean value per meter.

2) The physical channel is reliable and error-free.

Algorithm 1 Delegator selection algorithm1: vehicleVy receive a safety message fromVx.2: if Vy has received the safety message beforethen3: send a message toVx to terminate the delegator selec-

tion.4: else5: if r dir = c dir then6: if Vy is in the moving direction ofVx then7: go to line 18.8: else9: set the NAV

10: end if11: else12: if Vy is in the opposite moving direction ofVx then13: go to line 18.14: else15: set the NAV.16: end if17: end if18: if 0 < retry < rmax then19: Compute theF .20: Start the back-off timer.21: else22: Divide the minislot and mapF to one of the minislot.23: Start the back-off timer, and go to line 18.24: end if25: while the back-off timer !=0do26: if Vy receives the feedback message replying the

same safety messagethen27: Stop the timer and set the NAV.28: break.29: end if30: end while31: if the back-off timer=0then32: Reply a feedback message, andretry++.33: end if34: vehicleVy receives a feedback message.35: if Vy has received the same safety message beforethen36: send a message to indicateVy to stop selecting

delegator in next hop.37: else38: delete the feedback message.39: end if40: end if

3) The identical transmission range isR meters.Safety message dissemination delayTA is defined as the

time interval from the time that the safety message is for-mulated in cloud server until the time that all the vehiclesin targeted area receive the message. Suppose that the cloudshould send the safety message to S roads. Thus, we have:

TA = max {T1, T2, . . . , Ts} (2)

whereTi(i=1,2,...s) is the time point when all the vehicleson roadRi receive the message.

Without loss of generality, we consider the time intervalTR for one of the roadsR. Before the analysis, we first

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D(G0, G1)




D(G1, G2)

D(G2, G3)

D(Gn, Gn+1)

TC(G0, G1)

TC(G1, G2)

TC(G2, G3)

TC(Gn, Gn+1)

T(G0, G1)

T(G1, G2)

T(G2, G3)

T(Gn, Gn+1)

RS(G0, G1)

RS(G1, G2)

RS(G2, G3)

RS(Gn, Gn+1)


Fig. 6. Safety message dissemination chart.

introduce the following notations. We useGi(i=1, 2, ...,n) todenote the vehicles that are selected as mobile gateways onthe roadR. Then roadR will be cut into n + 1 segmentsdenoted asRS(Gi,Gi+1) respectively. Specially,RS(G0,G1)

andRS(Gn,Gn+1) are the first and last segment respectively.L(Gi,Gi+1) denotes the distance ofRS(Gi,Gi+1). TS(Gi,Gi+1)

is the delay when all the vehicles onRS(Gi,Gi+1) receive thesafety message.D(Gi,Gi+1) represents the traffic density. WeuseW(Gi,Gi+1) to denote the workload of the road segmentwhich represents the number of vehicles to receive the safetymessage.W(Gi,Gi+1) can be seen as a constant value in a shorttime interval.

For better understanding, we depict Fig. 6 in which aanalysis charts for a roadR is given whereTC(Gi,Gi+1) isthe time point when the gateway on this segment receivesthe safety message from the cloud. As the gateways almostsense the similar signal strength on the same road, we assumein this paper, that the difference ofTC(Gi,Gi+1) in differentroad segments is small enough that the safety message dis-semination on different road segments will not interfere witheach other. The workloadW(Gi,Gi+1) in each road segmentis represented by a rectangle. The width of the rectanglerepresentsD(Gi,Gi+1) which is the traffic density of the roadsegment, and the length representsT(Gi,Gi+1). So we have:

T(Gi,Gi+1) = TC(Gi,Gi+1) + TS(Gi,Gi+1) (3)

Tmax = max{

T(G0,G1), T(G1,G2), . . . , T(Gn,Gn+1)



whereTmax is the time when all vehicles on the roadR receivethe safety message.

We can see from above analysis that a shorter distance ofmaximum road segment and more disseminators can makecontribution to minimize theTmax. This is also the theoryfoundation of the gateway and delegator selection method weproposed in this paper. Our objective is to calculate theTS forone of the road segment, soTA andTmax can be calculatedby Eq. (2) and Eq. (4).

B. Average hops between two gateways

Let x denote the random variable of vehicles which enterin a l-meters length road [32]. Therefore the probability mass

function(PMF) ofx and its expectation can be represented as:

P (x = n) =(λl)


n!e−λl (5)

E (x) = λl (6)

Let d denote the distance between the adjacent vehicles andit is equal tov · t. As the time intervalt between the twovehicles is exponential distribution, so we have:

P (d = k|d ≤ R) =1− e−(


v )

1− e−

λ ·R




E (d) =v




v )−1(8)

The expected number of neighboring vehicles is:

E (s) =


E (d)


Then the expected hops on al-meters length road can becalculated as :

h(l) =

E (x)− 1

E (s)


λ · l − 1

E (s)


C. Transmission delay in one hop

Here, the transmission delay in one hopTh is defined asthe time interval from the time that the safety message arrivesat the head of queue until the time that the delegator isdetermined and receives the confirm message. It includes:

1) Taifs being the arbitration inter-frame space which canrefer to IEEE802.11e.

2) Tsm consisting of the back-off time, the frozen time dueto other transmission, the retransmissions time causedby the safety message error or collisions, a successfulsafety message transmission.

3) Tfm consisting the retransmission time due to feedbackmessage collisions, and a successful feedback messagetransmission time.

4) Tcm consisting of the retransmission time caused by con-firm message collision and successful confirm messagetransmission time.

So Th can be calculated as:

Th = Taifs + Tsm + Tfm + Tcm (11)

After the gateway obtains the safety message from the cloud,it will choose a back-off timerw and broadcast the messagewhen the timer goes to 0. ThusTsm can be represented as:

Tsm =



em (1− e) [


w + tsifs+lsmrb




w + tsifs +lsmrb




where em(1 − e) is the probability of the successful safetymessage transmission afterm retransmissions [33].w+tsifs+

Page 9: Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in VANET


lsm/rb + m (w + tsifs + lsm/rb) is the corresponding timetaken in the retransmission process.Tfm is calculated by:

Tfm = F0t0 +






Fmtm (13)

where Cm, Fm and tm are the probability of collision offeedback message, the successful transmission of feedbackmessage, and the average time taken for a delegator successful-ly replying a feedback frame at back-off stagem respectively.Tcm is calculated by:

Tcm =



qm4 (1− q4) [(tsifs + tcm) +m (tsifs + tcm r)]

(14)whereqm4 (1− q4) is the probability that the current broadcastvehicle successfully sends a confirm message at back-off stagem, andtsifs + tcm + m (tsifs + tcm r) is the correspondingdelay. Since a vehicle could get the feedback message imme-diately after it broadcasts the safety message in the last hop,the delayTl in the last hop is less thanT , and we have:

Tl = Tsm+



qm4 (1− q4) [(tsifs + tfm) +m (tsifs + tfm r)]

(15)Let TS denote the expected safety message transmission

delay in a segment andls denote the length of the roadsegment. According to Eq. (10) and Eq. (15), we have:

Th ·



2− 1


+ Tl ≤ TS ≤ Th · [h(ls)− 1] + Tl (16)


In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposedscheme via OMNeT++ simulator. OMNeT++ is an extensible,modular, component-based C++ simulation library and frame-work, primarily for building network simulators. Road trafficsimulation is performed by SUMO, which is well-establishedin the domain of traffic engineering. To perform IVC eval-uations, both simulators are running in parallel, connectedvia a TCP socket. Movement of vehicles in the road trafficsimulator SUMO is reflected in movement of nodes in anOMNeT++ simulation. In particular, we will first explain thesimulation settings and then validate the mathematical modeldeveloped previously. We will then investigate the impact ofvarious factors on the system performance.

A. Simulation Settings

For the moving trace of vehicles, we employ the open-source microscopic space-continuous time-discrete traffic sim-ulator SUMO to generate the movements of vehicle nodes.Since there are few protocols to address the problem ofdownlink strategy of safety message dissemination, in thispaper, we compare the performance of our scheme (CMDS)with CLBP and the common flooding scheme. Specifically,we assume that a source vehicle suffers from an accidentand broadcasts a safety message surroundings. The bus which



Fig. 7. Two scenarios for the simulation. (a) a road. (b) a grid-like map.


Parameters ValuePhysical/Mac protocols IEEE802.11pTransmission range R=250mCW Min/Max 31/1023Data Rate 11Mb/sTraffic simulator SUMOSafety message size 512bytesFeedback message size 14bytesConfirm message size 10bytesNumber of vehicles on road/map 100/600Max vehicle speed 14m/sCarrier frequency 2.4GHzTransmission power 10mWRSS Threshold -89dBMBit rate 18Mbpsα1 0.8α2 0.2rmax 7

receives the message at the earliest time will upload themessage to the cloud.

The dissemination delay is defined as interval from thetime that the safety message is formulated by the sourcevehicle until the time that all vehicles receive it. We test thedissemination delay in different scenarios as shown in Fig.7.In the Fig. 7(a), we deploy 100 vehicles on a 2-kilometersroad. The source vehicle only needs to disseminate the safety


Parameters ValuePhysical/Mac protocols LTE AdvancedCarrier frequency 2GHzeNodeB Trans Power 15WSystem Loss 1dBPacket size 512bytesUplink channel bit rate 10Mbpsdownling channel bit rate 1000Mbps

Page 10: Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in VANET


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110















n d




Number of Receivers reached






Fig. 8. Comparing with analytical results.

message to the other vehicles on this road. We deploy 600vehicles on a grid-like map as shown in the Fig. 7(b). Theproportion of buses varies from 2%-10%. All vehicles areequipped with IEEE802.11p device and buses we deployedcan connect to cloud through their LTE interface card. TableI and Table II list the simulation parameters of VANET andLTE network, respectively.

The simulation includes three parts: (1) Comparing thesimulation results with the analytical results.(2) Studying thedissemination delay under different proportion of buses. (3)Comparing the performance with other protocols in terms ofdissemination delay and overhead.

B. Validation of analytical results

We first verify the performance analysis of Sections IV onthe safety message dissemination. We suppose that two busesare elected as the gateways which bracket a 2-kilometers roadsegment. We then investigate the message dissemination onthis road segment.

Fig. 8 shows both simulation results and analytical results.We can observe that the simulation results fall into the rangeof the analytical results, which validates our mathematicalanalysis. Moreover, the message dissemination delay is muchcloser to analytical minimum value. This is because the electedgateways disseminate safety message simultaneously on bothends of the road segment.

C. Impact of bus distribution on message dissemination

In this part, we evaluate the impact of the the bus distri-bution on the effectiveness of our strategy. Fig. 9(a) showsthe safety message dissemination to vehicles on a single road.we can see that the delays are quite similar with different busdistribution ratio. This is because uploading and downloadingsafety message from the cloud would cost longer time com-pared to the time for V2V communication in case of high inter-vehicle connectivity, and the dissemination process wouldstopearlier than the gateway obtains the safety message from thecloud. Therefore in this case, the main factor affecting themessage dissemination is the quality of V2V communication.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110











n d




Number of Receivers reached

bus ratio=2%

bus ratio=4%

bus ratio=6%

bus ratio=8%

bus ratio=10%


0 100 200 300 400 500 600












bus ratio=2%

bus ratio=4%

bus ratio=6%

bus ratio=8%

bus ratio=10%





n d




Number of Receivers reached


Fig. 9. Impact of bus distribution ratio on dissemination delay in differentscenarios. (a) the road. (b) the grid-like map.

Fig. 9(b) shows a scenario in which vehicles runs on thegrid-like map. We can see from the figure that the dissem-ination period is a time-consuming process when the busdistribution ratio is 2%. This is because the disseminationprocess will cost relatively long time on the roads where busesare sparsely distributed. When the bus distribution ratio ismore than 6%, the dissemination delay decreases significantlyand is less than 1s. When the bus distribution ratio reaches10%, the gateways could be evenly distributed on the roadby using the proposed gateway selection method. Almostall the vehicles can get the safety message from a gatewaydirectly. In this case, the major influential factor of the messagedissemination is the quality of LTE communication.

In Practice, the pre-arranged bus route and schedule mayvary in different urban scenarios, which to some degree mayhave impact on the performance of our strategy. To facilitatethe mathematical analysis and simulation, we assume thatthe buses on the road are subject to Poisson distribution.Nevertheless, through the comparison of the above two figures,we can readily see that the scale of targeted area has littleimpact on the effectiveness of our scheme, while increasingthe bus distribution ratio is the most effective way to reducedelay.

Page 11: Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in VANET


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110











n d




Number of Receivers reached





0 200 400 600















n d




Number of Receivers reached





Fig. 10. Comparing with other protocols in terms of dissemination delay indifferent scenarios. (a) the road. (b) the grid-like map.

0 200 400 600












n d




Number of Receivers reached




Fig. 11. Comparing with other protocols in terms of dissemination delaywhen considering the traffic lights and buildings influence.

D. Comparing with other protocols

We now compare the performance in terms of the dissem-ination delay and overhead among the three protocols. Theoverhead is the number of safety messages needed to be sentby vehicles to reach all receivers. The bus distribution ratio isset to 6%. As shown in Fig. 10(a), we can see that our schemeshows the similar performance with CLBP and the floodingscheme in case of a single road. However, the result will bequite different for grid-like scenarios, as shown in Fig. 10(b).

0 200 400 600







of tr




d m



Number of Receivers reached




Fig. 12. Comparing with other protocols in terms of overhead.

The dissemination delay of our scheme is much lower thanthe other two schemes.

To investigate the impact of traffic lights and buildings onthe system performance, we deploy traffic lights at all inter-sections and buildings on road side, where the time intervalbetween traffic light changes is set to 30 seconds, and allvehicles are assumed to communicate with each other on one-dimensional road due to the severe signal attenuation causedby buildings. We can see from Fig. 11 that the performancedifference among three schemes is more significant. Mean-while, the traffic lights and buildings have a little influence onthe performance of our scheme.

Fig. 12 shows the communication overhead of the threeschemes. We can see that the overhead of our scheme andCLBP is much lower than flooding. In our proposed scheme,vehicles could always acquire safety message from the gate-way directly in the scenario with normal gateway density,so the overhead of our scheme is relative lower than thatof CLBP. The comparison shows our scheme is effective indisseminating safety messages to a wide range of targeted area,with both low dissemination delay and overhead.


In this paper, we have proposed a cloud-assisted downlinksafety message dissemination framework to effectively dissem-inate traffic information by exploiting the advantages of bothwireless networking and cloud computing technologies. In ourframework, the cloud collects massive traffic flow informationand selects a set of gateways, which are buses equippedwith both cellular and VANET interfaces. Once a gatewayreceives the message from the cellular network, it will furtherdistribute the message to nearby vehicles by V2V communi-cation. To minimize packet loss and redundancy caused bybroadcasting, we have designed a parallel multi-point safetymessage dissemination approach. To evaluate the performanceof the proposed scheme, we have mathematically analyzedthe dissemination delay of our scheme, which is helpful tounderstand how the safety message is swiftly transmitted tothe desired receivers. We also have verified the effectiveness ofour scheme by extensive simulation experiments. These resultsshow that the proposed scheme not only can disseminate

Page 12: Cloud-Assisted Safety Message Dissemination in VANET


messages efficiently and rapidly, but also can significantlyreduce the cellular communication cost.


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Bingyi Liu is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degreeunder a joint program with the Department of Com-puter Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, andthe Department of Computer Science, City Universi-ty of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. He receivedthe B.Sc. degree in computer science from WuhanInstitute of Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2011.His research interests include wireless networks,vehicular ad-hoc network, and internet of things.

Dongyao Jiareceived the B.E. degree in automationfrom Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China,in 1998, the M.E. degree in automation from Guang-dong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China,in 2003, and Ph.D. degree in computer sciencefrom City University of Hong Kong in 2014. He iscurrently a Research Fellow in Institute for TransportStudies (ITS), University of Leeds, UK. He was avisiting scholar in University of Waterloo in 2014.He worked as a senior engineer in the telecom fieldin China from 2003 to 2011. He also took part

in the establishment of several national standards for homenetworks. Hiscurrent research interests include vehicular cyber-physical systems, traffic flowmodeling, and internet of things.

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Jianping Wang is an associate professor in theDepartment of Computer Science at City Universityof Hong Kong. She received the B.S. and the M.S.degrees in computer science from Nankai Universi-ty, Tianjin, China in 1996 and 1999, respectively,and the Ph.D. degree in computer science fromthe University of Texas at Dallas in 2003. Herresearch interests include dependable networking,optical networks, cloud computing, service orientednetworking and data center networks.

Kejie Lu (S’01-M’04-SM’07) received the BSc andMSc degrees in Telecommunications Engineeringfrom Beijing University of Posts and Telecommu-nications, Beijing, China, in 1994 and 1997, re-spectively. He received the PhD degree in ElectricalEngineering from the University of Texas at Dallasin 2003. In 2004 and 2005, he was a PostdoctoralResearch Associate in the Department of Electricaland Computer Engineering, University of Florida. InJuly 2005, he joined the Department of Electricaland Computer Engineering, University of Puerto

Rico at Mayaguez, where he is currently an Associate Professor. SinceJanuary 2014, he has been an Oriental Scholar with the Schoolof ComputerEngineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai, China. Hisresearch interests include architecture and protocols design for computerand communication networks, performance analysis, network security, andwireless communications.

Libing Wu received the BSc. and MSc degreesin Computer Science from Central China NormalUniversity, Wuhan, China, in 1994 and 2001, re-spectively, and Ph.D. degree in Computer Sciencefrom Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in 2006. Hewas a visiting scholar in advanced networking labin University of Kentucky, USA, in 2011. He iscurrently a professor in the Department of ComputerScience at Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. Hisresearch interests include wireless sensor networks,network management and distributed computing.