DOVER, MOERIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER II, 1875. NO. 52 ,jg E IRON ERA jjKNJ.H.VOGT. Ofco 01 HHiis Blrort ma Blaotwell. TEUJM or sunicnilTioK Veal - - - " " ' " " * 2 ' 00 ^'itaiU, - —- - - J'Z Una mmtM. " TICKETS U AND FltOU Liverpol anil Queenstown, „„ UwUkiwiiiK nUa».«W|.> lino.: ,«U», OITNAI.O, NATIONAL, • UITIIOOI »•"' Urcnl WM*«HI. Slate Roofing PHYSICIAN mid SUUGEON, UOVEll. N. J. ui Counsellor at Law AND HASTJ2U IN CHANtUilH, HOOKAAVAY, N. J. J. J. VREELAND, C'ariiontor mid Bnildoi;, Jobbing promptly allandod to. •man on llUCKWIJIX St.. >»xl to Owe 4 Him un 1 | i | i e j l < ta0]tol. m || K Contract, taken, ami material furnished. M AS3IO.Y I1OUSK. HIT or ll.ack.woll aou" Smwox Bin, . DOYEIt, N. J. I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor. llsruM anil GirrhgflB to Let. ITf T. l.KPOUT, , . Counsellorat Lajv; AND HASTED IN' OHAUCKIW,' -' UQko iu the S'stiniiat Union Bank Dalldlns *ior».<*Sr., E0VE11, N. J. MTOItHEYS.A C O n N S E L L O n a AT LAW, Cor, BlackwoU and Buuaox Uta. DOVER; N. 3. MlllO.MAH ANUE11MON, ATTOENEY Counsellor akLaw, DOVER', W. J. Olke ffl second Door of Ibo National Unto Bint lluilding. - a*-tr a A. OILLKN, Ucl.eiul Furnishing Undertaker L1CKSSLD AUCTIONEER AND COSIMLB- SIONEIl OF DEEDS, All urtlors promptly attornlcd to; Bucsvtu. BTHEKT, ' Mortt-, "N. J. Carriages and Sleighs, OMEnrr D«terl|>tl. 'Jur, nUcU-oll ana Borgou Bta, DOVUR, N. J. Ttrticular attontion paid torepairingmi' fluting, ' 2.1y. noVEK LAUOIULTOnY. AliajiinilAnalyBOBoraudCBcrlpLlanaor OIIESANDMINEHAI^S CABEFDLLY HADE. UillotrliarjoBivill boftunisnodon application, L. 0. BIERW1RTH, , Dover Morris Cunty N. J. Allen Palmer & Son, Carpenters AND Builders DOVEB, N. J. lobbing promptly attended to, S. J. l'ALMEIt, Architect. 10-j "PIANOS, Organs and Melodeons Repaired and Tuned any part of Morri, o.>unty. AJ w. s.\ni[anT. - Dover, N.j It. A. DENNETT, M. J), H O M O J O P A T H I C nYSICIAN &SUUGEON, or. Blackwell & Warren Sis., (Opponlo Dotcr Bank,) EOVEIt, N.J., « cf Women and Children, alul of Ibo Ejo ttnd Ear upucialties. )filco Hours: 1 tD0 A.M., 1 to 3«nW toB P. M. lBaoa IVOODPOllT HOUSE, 'I1OMA6 11UIG11T, Proprietor. WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. m i l l s woll-inovn properly lias recently been oitonnivuly Improved and modiinitzul, i*ur tl atcommoaatlon ot tl.o.o MSIIIB a ratlroi iinmicr reaUenen. Bitimld at the lioad ol ,ake 1J )l>atcoiiK it is oud of the inusl denlra- de "l"CoLnrhl«Sroiort to bo foiiml vllbio ic B»mo ain unco or Now- York. In tlio mldt >l tlio Uncut iiiojnlain iconcryofNortliiji-nNo rur»0T, wltlioxt^ltiiitliuntlue itmlflnliinc, and Inn (Irivou, (tin not miriiaKHcd byniij otliorln Llio loeality. 8 A•-«) loavo Doror, ciffHt railofl distant, on tke nrSnll (if t).e Del. Lack. & West. It. It. tnjiu from Noiv Yufk In tticmomluc. I'or jnrtlcuUn addrtua au above. S*-t" ATTORNEY AT LAW I I OH ELlQKfeLi,:BTriEET, JOIL\ DRUMMERig BuniiV 1 *" baa b00a ontiro'jroBttcdin a "anna, Tha vprj bcBt brand, of Foreign and Domestic Segari AtWMSONHASD. 30-ir CEO. A. PRESCOTT, WRPENTER and BUILDER, T *lffinNACLE HALL, DOVEB, S. 3. JOM OF XTEHT DSlClllPllDK DESI q-'isr E D •"J executed, and material torufiliod. ai SPECIFICATION '"j»lil,«l. and eoulratt. talon for all mrk. «m Rl l ™'«"2">Se> flrim. a .1.1,. I.AWUHNCE, SURVEYOB. urvcys, Levels mill GradcH inado for Pnlilic ind Private IuinrovouontH. mica: SUSSEX STI1EET, [Kuur the Camtl Ilrldjo.] 8y UOVKll, N.J. ' .T. M. BASSETT, ivil Engineer and Surveyor, Itt'CKAWAV, !*..!. 1.1. OH11KIK I'iiOMI'TI.V ATTKNDKDTO. 111-11 Manufacturer ol Segars and DMLEll IN 1HP011TED l'lVKH, TOBACCO and CIOAII8, Oppaiilo M.1N8I0S HOUSE, MOniilSTOWN. C. B. GAQ-E, USTICE OF THE PEACE, omce on Hussex Street, the bnlltlini formorly oauuplodaa au oftlce by M«Jry MoKarlan, llr»t floor. DOVER, N.J. ' . ColloclionH nttuuded to witb tllliguucc. Aluu, A);uiit for Ibo beat IAU and Pin, Inaiir- ce CompaniDi. 14-ly. L. W. THURBER, IPISMSTHSDEHT, OF PBDLIO SCHOOLS OF MOUItlS COU.1TI. iQlco ovtr aUO. nlCHAHDS & &>.'» HTOUK, DovEn, N. J: Htwclal oflleo lionrn nn Haturdava from I) A (illUl'M (.illUl'.M, 17-tr RA 0. COOPER Mason and Builder. Contract,)ukonforall kliidaof Maion Work dJobbliiB. 1 L11IE, PLASTEU AND CEJIEST, Furolalioa at abort colieo. IBIeo under "Tile Iron Kra Omeo," D S.B.OSMUN, J)cntist, - MORUISTOWN, N. J., dole Vruiinotortor MomuCoiiulj o rral! Pntrnt ltMgc. Goltl I'lllliin a Siiuclally. ultlNitroiiH Oxido Uas,ftc,4e., &6 l»yp Mansion House. 100 XAItDS FROM D. L. *W. DEPOT Win. JUKOWN, Piop'r, Itooiknt icconiuiodalionii for Irainlaul o jcrnianont Iwanlera, a lio a livery and noardio, ablo altactad In tl.B lionao. ra.Boncora taBB i and fmm Build'. Lake anil Lai: it reaBoiialiln cliargoB. B1OUU.KII & BACKOFF'S BAR and BILLIARD ROOMS, leoUHKB OFHUMBXilJUCASir. BTB.J JJOVBlt, N.J. all kinds of TOHEION and BO3IESTIG LIQUORS and SECARS. 8aS£Sffi uouatnnllyonbaiia.- MOLLEU'S OPERA HOUSE, a epicloiiB Hall to bo lot for all kind* or outer. A. Beemer, HEAL ESTATE AGENT, BlackwollSt.incur Suuuex,Dover, N. HOUSES ANDLOTS FOU SALE. For tloHiiriptlan* nf ProiHiriy oudiutli tiquirout Ilia oflioo. CONOLbY & UUAII-, SLATE and METAL ROOFERS, EOOIU Stb AVENOE, SEWTO1III. CONOLLVd PATENT FIItE PROOF HOOFS Hoofarorolr«aand|«ilnltd. (lalvantad Ir« Comlcoi, OuUer., lender. audV.alllator. W1I. COMOLLT. OEOMK q "LIVE AND LET LIVE," IB T1IK U0TTO Of "THE CANDY MAN,' SUSSEX STBEBI, DOVEU, N. J, wbo kcopfl DOimlantly on band tlio clioiccat ac 0ONPEOTIONEBIES, Nnla, OraBSOB, Toyi, life.. EnnlopBI, S tloncry, ulc., to bo Joiiud in tbla .octlon. BAMDEL TBEWABTH. M. & I. Searing CARPENTERS. , andBUILDERS DOVER,N.J. PliiilBandSiwciucaiianHrorkuliaingB.OonirBC tatinn and maicrialB fflrnfilied. Jobbing in General, J] D comber 341 h 1370. 1-jTa BEEMER & PALMER, c and Retail dealers In icranton, Lehigh & Bituminous O O -A. L , PHOSPHATE and BONE DUST, LIllE.CEllENT, CALCINED I'LASTEH, FIItE CLAY, 11IIElUtlOK, ULUE BT ONE, WOOD, SOUTH ItlVEIt MUCK, \U HT0ME8, OU1U1IMO. CELLAH BTEFP COFINO, SILLS, LINTELP, oto,, oto. at tho . _ LOWST MARKET PEICES. Co»l of all HIIOB eonitautly on land, anil tkO.f arcU tu any |»rt of tho city or vicinity. Yards on XUclnvol) street, below Ik>rEfu t ililco onBlickwoll Blroot, noit to Gage BOVElt, \. J. OrJen may bo nddrcisod tLrouglt tlio l'oi lOlca tock Sox SS, gr talk»t A. noeiuor'sonk JJIatkirollitrcot, near Suaioi. [.rilEUi I1KEHEH, J. JJ. TAUCEB. UtB.rilI.UCIt. CLOTEIHG HALL J. W. BABBITT, KAOTICAL. TAILOE. M i.M Tear, in tlio clolUiUB UUBliiniB In liolulUTOWN, biB ballt up a larpo and increaaliiff irado 5ud DOWload, tlio city lu its lino witll tba UrgoB. atnrq, target BtooV. it workmen a&il lowpricui. Mcn'i nil Wool Duillilc an TiviitSullsoi.lv - ,> .810,00 ,ODII Heavy Sillti - . 0 00 "• Working Pautu - 1.00 » " " extra l.St Good \Vorkii.e PauM . DauUl extra -• »••? OHILDBEN'B SUrrp A SPECIALTY FBOM $2TO$0. A Iwgo assortment of FINE CLOTUINO foi MBS, YOUTHS' ana BOM. OVEB 2,000 PAIR Otf PANTS. JWt Ml to rail and aui llio BAIlO.Utol am bo aatoniBlicd nt Iliolowin-icclfnrcoodclol A N£\V -WOOD and COAL YARD IN DOVEB. . D BubicriLur IIM opened a new v»rd ilirj miUof COALa»a WOOD, ou UL.ACKWELL* STHKET, niit toGiGE A HALSEY'S Lumber Yardi CoDitwtly on litntl all klnOa o! LEUI0H, BCRANTOS AND DITUMISOUI COAI,. DEUVBRBD TO ANY PAIIT OF DOVF.R on mum!. bolh iswcd and loos, for aalo at tho yanl ; dollvorcd. Lime, Plaster, Cement, FEED and GRAIN ef all kind Au oipcrioncc or tw*ho j3»n la tho tu wtrrants. T. ttiluk ipcrfoctknonrtttilco of it.a all who ftror mo with their natninigo, rn« rulv upon full wnIElit»h lionoil dciUna, LU 1 FlllOED, tndjiromptnrii In filling ord««. Onico lu J. J. YrCQland'H C«rpcntor 8bop, \V. S. & E. F. DeCAMP, NEGOTIATORS 4 PROSPECTOR For Iron Ores anil Minoral Property, POWERVILLE, N. J P. 0. nt BOONTON, N. J. Vo.V. DKCAKP WANTED, FOR CASH, RAGS, PAPER, OLD BOOKSTOC1 LEAD, COPPER, BBA6S, tc. MIOIIAEL WELSH'S, ' ULACCTYSXIIflt.,DOVER, K. Or»ddrC!ll>jU]ilL 'Sit FALL of 1875. 'asliionable Millinery AND Goods. atest Styles & Newest Designs LIILY OPPOSITE NATIONIL UK1DH 2I.VN1I IHULUINO, HOVER, N. J. Tim lurct.nL ..ml moat .soiuiiluto Ht»ol< of Killi try and I-'iuiey tloodo tli bit found iu Dovei Uonnet^ llut«* PIOWCIB, Fcut- crs, Hlliboni; JLncci— roul nml IIUWH, Collnrs, tuVLCti Itllll L.tllfll ittt. Crape*. Moiirniiiff Uoiuiett. unilltolls. A fluo uHtortniMit of hignons, Switches, Braids, Ac. Alan, A very Urge vitrloty uf ZEPHYR. GOODS, Ami u !l»o utock of Goods. thu uiuitt oallij buat mnUirbl and mnilu up LORD &TAYLOR, 55 to 201 GRAND St. noil 1IK0ADWAX cor. 20tli St. TIH.VI»K mwlu larso imitruvcmciilR nnil n.ldi- o!i8 tu iliuir cHialrllaiiriDnt, invlto tlio ilteti- on ol purcliaHum to tlitlr IilJIl'.SSE BTUUK KNEltAL DltY GOODS, MILLINERY, YO0THS' Ready-Made OlbtMug, CARPETS. Furniture and Bedding. :ho wholo tr wlilcli liavlng boon morkod at«] mioly low tiriei'B, tl.cy aro onablod to oOpr at DICCIDKD UARUAINS. Otia UTOB. Iiniirovod r a k a t It. lt.Faaioucor >.lor (II.. largoil "»' UUIIMI UtalnO -ill w CllBtomarB to oach flonr. Quods anil xaai- I Bomfrofl to all liart* nr tlio counlry. LORD & TAYLOR, 155 to 201 011AND Gt. and UllOALWAV cor «.lt)i» 2011. St., NEW VOlllt. INSUBANOB A BI'EOIAIiTY. E. & G. H. Ross & Breeso, Iiisuranco Agents, mice, Ola Iiun Itaulc lluildins Morristown, N. J. En«isIloaH, GBO. H.LOBB, BTKNIES EntufBi A. J COE, Collector, DOVEB, N. J. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. .mortem Mutual Ins. Oo., ot Bowaik H.J., AiietBOTtr. $1,100,000 :»ioliimt»' Motnil Im. Oo,, of Ilowtrk H. J., AMOU ov«r . 000,000 'lieman'» Mnt«»l Im. Oo., of. HawaA, V.J., Auota ov»r 600,000 iermanift Uutual Ina. Oo., of. Hew H.J., Ospllal, : 200,000 ia Insurance Oompany, of Hartford, Oonn., AiMti, 5,000,000 lontlnental Insurance Company! of Kew York. Capital, 1,000,000 jjntual Bunolli Lifo lui. Co., ofHownrk, S.I;,, AiseU. 36,000,000 •liie burcliuod dlrcul In.iu II.B inuJiiirHtliirLtB Q£3 ^3 . ^3 O 4^^ —- i.j n "x" uwannee Yollow Pine Lumber, laiecureJtC!? ailvmilafii-oiiB lrd«lit voUii Br,IX)W PINK FLOODING, VKIJ.OW I'IKl-j HTUP I'LAKK, \TLL0W I'IME L'l-UI.IXd, Hiviug unrlvik-d fiictli'l^B for iiryitic ami rtnlngi wo are ablo to ciwrnnlcu ilryiimt nml uality. AHorJiW jiruuipil^ ilullvi-r*^! mi i!in> du uf ulinrye. Tltv fitiluniiig tilauu coiuUnH) 1*3—iiOluohtltiiiriiis No. Iatitl2. •ill. fuel) Mtop ptnik Nu, 1 mill % .Hxlflxli luali Btop plunk Nu, 1. ciui 3. ' " 'V, Cruiie &Webster, 1'iml >if r#\A»i> Ht., Nowjiik, uml i"ALI .and WINTER. WinTJjOCK & liEWlS. Donlora in DI1Y GOODS, loccrlcs, Crockery, Glass Ware, Wood & Willo-w Ware HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Gas Plpo and Fittings, FURNITURE. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, 4c, 4c, 'OHdei', Fuse hiicl Hiniiij; Materials coiisliuitly oil CHESTER MARBLE WORKS. J. S. HILDEBRANT. Monuments, Tombstones, &c. JIADE TO OIlDEIt IS BVEUY B1TLE, I HE nmlai-HlRnua boca leato to innounca It tlw public tbftt lie is now prepireil to Ban- nfBOtnro and will luwp. ooniUutly oa baud the »tu*t acBlfiimof MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES, MANTLKS, &c, Coinetery nlot. etieio»oiTol Granite anil llai lcIMat.. Every Job warranted to civo con lnlo naturaotien. 1'rlcoB mod.rato. J. S. HILDEBBAKT, CnESTim llousn, CIIESTEH, a. "PEOPLE'S STORE." ;ONE PRICE ONLY -rvOMESIIO DE1>AHTJIENT1 TIDO, a niJa, n HISO, i rLAHKEU, DiaXKBTS, HtJILTS —11A USE] UOSEV comi MID STITCHED; rntsm, OINO VU1>1», COTTON A!*l> WUnBTCD. OAUPST WAM LDIEB* OK\Ttt' TODTfll' XXD ClIIUlDRK'll CNDK1 Gin. W, S. UAU1I1TT, EARLY OBENHVG OP -. Goons AT Tilt! CENTRAL DRY GOODS S10RE OOO B R O A D S T l t E E T , 'NEW A UK, N. J. FRAZEE &. CON NET, MABVIN DQDD & Co., ONE PIHCE CAS1I I1OUSE. E A11LY OPENING OF CHOICE COLOHED DLACK and FDIJ, MODI1SISO DnES OOODS, Inclndlni! B U C K SIMM nC tic, brand.; UAXZU nAIIl, TAIinlOS, CASH 11EIIE9, HEMN03 and CHOICE XOVELTIE8. Also, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, HOPS KEEPINOLINENS and OOriONS, H0SE3BI, GLOVES, FANCY OOODS noJ NOTIONS, together irltk oor nocqaalod aB.ortmuat cbolei JIE1UKO DKDEllWEAn tor evorjbo, or tlio American HoBlarv Co.'a, and Korrolk a Mow BninBwHt maDnfactDTO at LOWEFP PHIOT, Cor. Blachivcll and Morris Streets, CITY COAL YARD M. 8IGLEB, DtiLin IN Lehlgh, Scrar^on, & Biluminou DeHvcrud !n all pirta ot tho Olt;*ni] vidnlt; tt tho LOWEST MAHKBT l'BICES, in ' cjuantltlOB tg Bait putcbnieri. CAKBOWITB. - -a «il|>li.r. Hnpl. obeapor tuan Cannol Coal. Alio FIEE. WOOD. UiSDJAUTDHEn OF COMMON and FRONT BRICK, FIlll? BRICK mid UI..AV, DEAIN TILE, OVEN TELE, Masons' Material, &c IMNtTIAXTLV ON itlKD. Bergen Street, near R. R. BUILDING LOTS FOE SALE on tha rt^ti luoiline from DOVER to MOUNT By M.Sigler, AT LOWTJIICES. AS GOOD AS THE BES -AKD- . . . CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, HARNESS AMD HOBBB nnd OAItBJAGE E0UIT1IENTS Nuvor known to bo u clicav Itcfora mnow A. TAYLOR'S BLACKWELLSt., (TWO IMOnS EAST Ol- TUt MANSION 1IOUHB DOVER, 3ST. J. :o: A largo nDil noil tokctod itock of HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS, BLANKETS, HOBSE CLOTHING Sbcati. Fly Noti, Carry Ootulu, Era»Ue9, Han Booli. of all doicriptlona bolb /or marl aui track. AWkinds of bc>T7 I l i u m and Collin Tar drangUt pnrpngoM, lUhcra, Oiamolii Bkini, HpoiigGH unlCTEItY-riilKO Ut llo BLUINES9. A flno T«r!o.y or Hirncw Oili, Hour Olnt- racnti, Tlie kbora Roodi. llko ill el BO tbeH timoi, b»ro h»d %. lictrr i»ll Inprito and will to IQIII a, loHoit Qrani. October 31it, 187*. POBTK3. I UK .YUTIlIUtLKKH TUKKEYsT" \w wLilo lurhc m . Until, ivnu clintl, tliu wliitc turlry tlirourjli tlio bsrnyara miit ofl. four din nil turtcyi worn Anil Mieirciijc fur autlHtnuui. won crying. ,'tn the pu.cud irsp-oi-'iilly foldail liiti tail, a Ktiibblo oyiniiliiii uf torruw; in! hUplaiiiLr wiru a:.l<l, "liw tin) old bird U .I.H.I, ff y" her \m nuil chill, Wliu nbovn Ilium will wolvUfiilly Imvcr r' TITO Cicli nljjbt J will tuck 'noitb inj niniji," aid tliu ilucl:, - • jnf;h I'vu oi(,'litof uiy onn Iniuuluortr." Imvu io muoli to do ; for tho bugs *uJ llio llio RsuJon 'H» tlrotjoniu plukiu'— lutltlnK tu ijiaio-rnr my twii I luuntuara," Raid llio Inn, wliu liiii ou!y one chicken. low I wlsli," Dnii, ROORO, "I could bo ot same utu. 'ar my liturt IR with IOTC ovEr-brltninlug, u miit niuriiin^' (lint's Hue, tlic.v tiiallco with my nluo •il Ho vntliitf-iiflpk-'il f^i)i.llr:^p mit utrlnnnititr.* 1 »llltlo ulintleaii," tho bid dorktuK )>at ID, •\nil far liclr thoy may cmI upon mo too, uiifjhrvo tiiiiofmy own, that nro only L*lf Brown, Ami a g m i t iluui ol truublu to sou to; lint tliciso jioor llltlo ihlUfiH, thoy tfc nil h md «i»Kri, And Iboir I in no* Hi ion fill ihtlr fcatlmr, cryliard It uiny be, but ohl don't «imc to ttkl thu ln.ii, wlio had only uiio SIIIL-IIUII. all my «ro I uujipuao tlicro is no one vrb< Tm tbo most ovurburdonui] of mutUerv I vy must learn, llttlo olvci, lioiv to scritch fa And not nock to dqioud upon othcml" cut hj nftli a'^hicii," and tlio KOOBO to to llio duck ExcliiincJ, In surprleo, "Woll, I never 1" alii the, "I declare, thoaa who lnno tlio : You will nud nro coinplaiuiiig rorutcrl Wad, ivbon all tlil tig a a ;>[>€*»r tolunk threat'nlug nud ilroar, Arnhvlnui troubles jour .talUwty aro tlilck uoNiu ultl In your tvoo, oil! buwaro liowjou Tu a .ionwho Imi only, ono diiclian I" THE TIN W1.DIHNU, _ let* havo mutf till llio nnmbur aro old, If tbo r.'cili1iug of crj'Qla), of ullvujanil gold— 'ho oltlni, tlio fJltuituil, thn wood and Iho willow, Tlio rhymitcr ina woooJ Tram lib dream—laden pllloir— Gat wliorc is tbo bard vrlio liai Jarcd Io begin Kpoem in JUHIKO or Ilia woddlug of Tin I O, wonilorful uiolall Tlij iui({l)t no cunfen, Tbe power to control na, tliy Trrtuo Io Ltesi- 1'or thaugjli wo nra vlctlniH &n<l tliaugh we ir L'lio clildren of imjelon and nulaca and guile, iVitlithoofo^ ourfrioEdwo may ill onco con plaint ud tlio boltlcit Irauvgrtiiior may n n kai snlnt j 'or is It not Irno fliit abutidtnco of Xia . EBA-DUTI0H8, Never lost Vat often found— A rerdiot. A new ntima for tight boots—A oot: irib. A girl of in-brcad usofulluoai—Sail; Biitus. Noses ore faxbionnlile, nnd Iiavoalwayi boon followed. Tbo businosi that goes ultogotlior ou tick—TelograpIiiDg. Consolation for old miiidi—"Uiafor- tunes Dovorcoino singly." An epitnpli for a pood IHtlo Loot- block—"Qouo to 'aliino' nmoug tbc ingels." SclioolmaBtor—Wliat's tho uionnini appnrent, l)oy ? Boy—Your sir,'or tlo old man. Coal ii the most contradictarjr article Imomi to commerce—Bcoausowliou pur- chased, it goes to tbo collar. Tho .difference between a hello and mrnlur-Tbo bello carries falsa locks, an tlio burglar false keys. 'What wood la best for wmtcr UBO? 1 asks an oioh&ngo. Your neiahboi wefbd in pretty good, if kept in a di nloco. "Wlicn n ypung fellow holdi his sweel heart ou biB knee, tlio pins ialor pull- back aro suro to make hiia foal on- kuccsy. Awcakhtnalo will boroto a man foj tting lior stand up in a home-car, anc BlioVill then dance from ton o'clock til two. This EIIOITS that dancing is bottei than standing up. Now," eaid & citizen, of Hairline, \7yoming Toritory, »t a danao. "you sea tbnt heifer in a rod drosi ? TImt's my vrifo; nn 1 cf ycr dance witb her moro') two times, pnrd, I'll ehuto the hull to] uv jor huuil off. Wtint'll yer tlrluk V Au elderly niaidon, who luid anffored laiho dJEappoinmout, thus defines tbc mmrin race i^* Man. a corglumemteQ muss of hair, tobacco-smoke, confnsion. conceit, and boots. JVoman, tha'waiter, >r toroo, on tboaforesaid Animal." A pawnee, aboriginnl prcaontod Iiiq b ami stalwart form one Docomber dnv ai tholionsQ of a well-to-do family iu Lin- coln.' Tbo hostess pitied tbe siungo, lie biiog so poorly clad, and so said— "Aro you not cold tbis vriutry day ?" Ho in torn inquired if lier fuao was cold Sbo replied in .tho negative, thereupon ho Baiu—"Ingin is fuco all over." - ; Tuswivortr. Old Time lint COTori our li»dti witb bair; Af tcnratJ quietly wowi thora b»rt, Fint cuti oar teeth with i mighty fun; Anon tales ctr«th*t oar tooth "cut" an. . FiritmanuraetareiuinlmblD Icgi, And then contertii.tbetq'.to "(tiff old pegs." Comlnir Io oDi-th with iquil|i &uil tosru, FUnuro boguilaii a fow briof yo»rg, IEROII thsroaftor by Caro and Doubt, Fighting for mncb w« mtglit do iritbuut, ing *" (1 'fatting for bllns to eomo— Bo, ID annzomoDt, wo rcicb tlio tomb. Twenty froRgloi went to echoal, Cowii hotldo a roshy iwol, Twenty llttlu coiti of green, Twouty IOI l> ill white ind closu. "Wo mmt U intimo," iiid they; "Flnt wo ttndr, than wo ph? ; That Is liotr wo keep tho rolu ' Whea wu lrog$let go to BOIIDQI." llailor EullfroE, gniro and itorii, Called UIQ clinoi in tholr turu I Tnugbt them bow io nobly slrlvc, Lilccwhie how to leap md dlro ; > From bii icnt upon tho log, Bhowod Uiom how to tiy "ICcr chogl" Alia how todoilga B, blow Prom HID itickfl which bud tojn tbrow. Tweatj frogf ici crow np ftit; Hot ono danci unonff tho lot, Hot ono leiion they forcol; PollihedlniUglidagroB, As MCII frojgio ought Io bo; - How Ihej i*t on other \ogu, XWhlng other llttlo frogs. Gtorgt Cooptr. A iiiggud, sad-tje-i lio.v, nfio-1 nine or tn, sto[i]Ji;d mo ou the strct-'t tbe otlinr "I haTO not had anytlifng to fi&t tins .hole day. Won't you pluuso give wo en centR?" I gave il to him. I'll bail given lnin Lho monoj if it hod been neeosssry to pawn my bat. "l)o you kt imiuiatiirn Bwinillo you in n t man nil- ?" naked uu acquuiutuueo. A jounmlint who haa kuuulioil around for adaily pnpei a dozun years, Una soeu jvery nliase ot liuimm lifu. JIuu women mil cliiMrnu luivo Hwimlk-il liim, nr wuglitto; i>en]>!nli*vp]!<Hlto him; his noupyluu bciiii given to wliiuuii^', ly- lig vagrants who (old diriiful tulua(if libtresb, nud he oiiylit to bo nlilo to cor- rectly hcud huinnii nnliu'ii. I'll hot that boy ia a profcssionul l«g- ;ur," continued iny fnuiul, chuckling nt .ha idcu of my being swindled, None of us caro for tlio loas of a ttliin- ilaster on tbe street,while every one feels ezed nud animyed at thoidea of being wiiidlud out of a singlo penny. I cnnld lot my tluit tho hoy wan not a swindler, ud yet I would havo divided rny lost •"^ignitbhim. I told my fiiond why, nutl I will tell Ouo dny Instyoar, when tbe wild wind low the enoir orcr tlio liuitso-roofrt nud hcu thofrosty air cut ono'fl foco like a a buy of tcii cauio up to me as 1 •aited for iho air. Ho vita tiiiuly clad, is fuco bctrnyvil liuuger nnd Biiilei'iu™, id in amouuful voino ho pleaded : "I'm hungry and cold." "Why don't you go home?" I naked, "Ihnvcn'tniij." "Haven't you any relative!.?" "Not ouo." "How loug havo you been litre?" "TLrea weeks." Tho boy Hiioko iu tluit tlrnwl wliich irofcssioiial beggars iiasume. I buliev- d, too, tbat I had seen his face en the trcota timo nndagain. I hardenud my icart anil said : 'Iloy! I know you, uud if I calcli you ing any one for monoy Rguiu, I'll iavo youorrcBtod." Ho moved away quickly. I arguo tlmt lis proved hia guilt, forgetting that a otnelosa, friendless waif might oviuco ar whon entirely innocent. FivQ hours later, whou night hod come, ind thowind hail crown to nllerco gnlo, tho boy lmltcdnie again, na I plunged through lhoauow drifts. I did not mo him until be called out: "Mister 1 I'm almost Blarved, I'll •eezo to death it I can't get somo plnco J oleep." Tho aamo thiu, ragged ciotlios, linrdly jomfortablo oncttgli for Juuo wenllici— ;he 6amo whine to his voice. I felt like giving himmoney, but tlio fear tbfit ha md boousect out by hia parents to beg strained and lingered me. Catching im by tlio orm, I yelled out: - "Seo hero, boy I If you don't own uji ittt you are lying to ino, I'll take you :otbo stntiou," Through tha blinding storm I EHWliii white face gro w pnler, and ho oriod buck "Don't toko me—don't. Yos, I rroa Iroleosodhimaiid ho hurried away, while I walked on, flattering myself that I bad played a E>harp gnmo and done tho ;eneious public n good tnrn. An hour later] when tho night had .•own Bill I wildor &ud ooldor, eomo ouo mocked at my door. It wan &timid kuook, nuil I wondered irho oould luiro Bont a child abroad on such anight. When I opened tlio door tbat same boy WOB on the etep, his face blue with cold, his wkola form uhivoring, and a look of lesporation in his oyos. "PleaflO, Mi»»or IV lio began, but itopped when recognizing me. Iwtisptmlodtoknow vbyho Blianld havo followed ms home—why ho hndfio lcgtodroeton avictim nnd tuiled mo so persistently. I might have argued that lio storm had driven people off-tho strootH, and that tho freezing,. starving boy had, in biadesperation, callednt tho liouflo, uut I didn't Had it boon any olhar boy or any other person asking, I wuul.1 havo given promptly and freely. But I was nncTT nt bis trailing me—an gored tli&t Lo tbought ho could swindl me. and I ftrnbhed at him nnd inquired "Boy, what is youro name?" Ho leaped back, and, standing whoro tlio furious storm almost huriod liim from si^bt. lio answered : * "I know you, BIT," I shouted, and h moved away without another word. May the Lord forgivo mo for that night, s work ; but you might have nctod the e&mc. When tnoruing camo after a night, so bitter that policcmou werQ frozen on their heats, I opened tho Jror door to Hud that boy dead on tho step frozen to death. I know, m tbe dead whito face looted up nt ino through tho snow, that I had wronged Win with my suspicions, but it was too late tbon— tho angels hnd oponad to him a goto leading to a place whoro tho human heart aud its unworthy thoughts can never enter, Poor Gil 1 A warm meal or a shilling would havo saved his life, and I drove him out to his death This is why I pro whan I am naked now. I know I sometimes give to tbo nnwortby, but it would,hohottoi- to gi nil I possessed to an imposter than to have nnotber homeless waif creep back to die on the epot wbero I had unjuHtly n cd him. I'm- thu Heathen*, Oil tbo train the otliur day a very !mu looking man, dressed inbluck, nml iiK a lnit-bui, came along cd into half myseat, in a fine <]»v/ Ireiaurked, dosir* up tobo frioii'lly. "It in & fiuo day, hut, young man, iw init with your eoul ?" he replied Uiug up his oyes and looking Btill I asked liim what ho iflouat, aud he towered- "Wlicro would you go if you died ? owdocayour record utaml iuheavenV" I told him that I wns j'of^«iu(j abng minefully like, paying my ilo\)tn, saving littln money, nml (lioppiug Boniclhiiig to thn contribution-box nait piissed. "Tliat won't do—nli." ho said, as be hiH hatiJrt mid clused bia eyen. i'ou'r a SUIULT, n!i, a b:iMnl ninuer. troiano mnimlon Inid up for you in . laud beyond tlic akies—uli, Do you er pray—ah ?" •Onco in a. (jreat wliilo," I told him. 'Tlio duvil inin your heart—ah," ho :ut ou. "You pray not, iieitlior do iu fiing. Liko a flower yon shall be t down, aud tint atom aliull witlor and !cny~ali, andho Keen no longer nmoug 0 floWd." 'What would you nilviso mo to do ?" slicil, leulingalitllo weak. "I tun but a poor wormraysolf," ho nwerud iiiooklVi "liko unto a puny in- oct." "Acockroach, for instanco," I ut in in ho paused. "Only n poor,ntniflgKi!H wor-nin," be 3nt on, never minding mo, "yet I ain yiupf to do iny appoiutod work. Away i er tbo sen in Africa, millioiis are liv- ig iu JRnoranco ami vieo, tuowingnoth- ng of Heaven, having no good in their icnrts, living like the beasts of tho fiald. n uiy poor humble way, I am tryjug to ivo a low benighted heatttm—tryiug to >deomftfow souls." 'Inwhat particular way?" I inquired. Tartly by my prayers, and partly by iy collecting money nnd buying Bibles i si lip to them, that thoy may havo tht Drd of life." There watt ii yan»n for a moment and ho laid hit hand on my nnn snd ntiuued, 'Youugman, tho LordlovetU a choor- giver ! Out of your abundance con- •ibuta Bomotliing for tbo canoe of the onighted, Eveu though you aro not a riatian, your coodiict will bo put to nir credit in tbo land whoro all Is joy id blisa." . 1 naked him if ho could change a 820 id give mo hack $10,&5 and ho turned vay and Beemed weary. Wo rode on in Biloncoforabouta mile; ud then he took astring from his pook- Llnid it on his knee in n. way to make 3 enparato loops in it, aud tlion ho "Young man thoil art a B.nuor, and ion wilt not. frcoly oDntributo to the IUSO of the boaightcd." "Wliioh tlio same I*Btrue," I muiinur* "On tlio ^iart of thoheathen and my inso, Idcairo to bet tbco flvo to tlirco int thou etinst not put thy finger in IO loop tbnt willcntcV'ho ^aiii, emil' ig aweotly. "It'a the eld string game—seen itfor- timos," IauHivercd. "Solely on account of tho benighted lontlien do I wish to bet fivo to tlirco hat thou cuiiHt not locate the joker," he •onton, producing three thimbles and 1MB, "l'laycd,itin tho army for four years,' replied, turning away with a mournful "Thcii you aro willing tbnt the hco- len shall struggle on liko tlio bonata of LO field andtbo birds of tho air?" hi iked, patting np bin thimble. "Yea, truly," I answered, "Tis aad that one so young should be o sinful," ho murmoreq,. and went to a other end of the car and succeeded fleecing an old man out of 831 and watch ou tlio check game—for the caw of tho heathen in Africa. The TlsiT. Generally speaking, tho tiger, unless ho is a man-eater, will not attack a hu- man being. When, however, ho in wounded, lie nill turn nnd flglit tlcapa lately. Tigers "appear to to afraid to encounter man until thoylmvo onco line m encounter with him, when all feat icnsos ever nf ler. * * * But whenev- er n tigor lias once tasted human blood, it even seeks it in preforanco to nil oth- ers," Dr. ITnyrer thinks it probable that, on account of general disanniuj of tlio natives nftor the mutiny, tbo num. bor of tigors has increased rather that diminished of late years. ' Ibeir ruva gca ore. certainly appalling; Ca[itaii Cogora aajs that in lower Bengal nlou during tho six yean ending in 18GQ,' 1,840 Iranian beiugs wero killed by wild anlmnls wliilo Government reports state that darina tbo Bamo period and in the same locality, 4,218 of tho abovo fol victims to tigera, while 4,287 wero slaii by wolves. In tho IUngjiore diBtric alone, tho yearly loss of lifo is between fifty-five and sixty. Tho exploits of iu> dividual tigurs are oven moro remark bio. Wo road of ouo tiger which, i I8C7, 13G8, 1809, killed respectively 2' B4 and 47people. Onos it killed a fa- thor, mother and three children, Tithiii a few moments. Thin dangerous bru killed 27 persons in tho week before was shot Another tigor destroyed dui ing 185C, 1857,1858, an nvoroge of 81 persons annually. Athird tiger in180 slow 127 peoplo, nnd stojippd np a, pu* lie road lor several weeks till killed I au English sportsman. So grcnt is thi awe wlich this tyrant of tbo jungle in spires that whnln vUlngcs aro aomettm doaartcd, and all cultivation iu tho ncig borhood stopped. A CtoYoramont r port iuforuiB us that intho Central Prov inoes "a singlo tSgroBa caused tho deser tinn of thirteen villages, nnd 250 equari niilca of cuuntry were thrown out of cul tivntion." IUQ inhabitanta of Indii ospecinlly the Hindoos, beljavo the tigo to be the obodo of AU evil npirit, am many would not kill him it they could for fair of subsequent m.sohiof, 8i great a drtnd in some parts ot llio conn try is felt by the peasants of bis snpoi natural powers and malevolent dispo tiou, tlmt they oithor ntoid naming h nt all or sneak of him as "the jnckti or "tho beaut." Thero is almost a nni vcrsal belief that his flosh, ospeciall; bin heart, if eaten, produces courag nnd atreagtl). Hi« wniBkers, claws am fangs are olio religjomly preserved potent ckanna.—Athcnmum Capturing: Hjenns. T i e following mode of tying nyeuai ii heir dens, as practised iu Afghanistan, s giron by Arthur Connolly infainOvi and Journal, In the words pi au Alghi ihiof, the Bhirkaroo Sytid Daoud: "Wton you have tracked tbe beast to his deu you take a rope with two alip-knots upon it iuyour right hand, and with your loft holding a felt oloak before you, you go boldly but quiotly in. Th( animal does not know the nature of tbi danger, andtherefore retires to tuebacl of bis den, but you-may always tel whero his head is by theglaro of liii eyes. You keep moving on gradually toward him on your knees, and when you aro within distance, throw tha aloak over bin head, close with him, and tako core ho does not free himself. Tlio beast is BO frightened that ho cower* lack, and though ho may bito tho felt, ie cannot tnrn his nook round to hurt ou; BOyou quietly feel for his forelega, lip tho knots over tuam, and then, with ino strong pull, draw them tight up to the back of his nock, and tiothem. then. !ho beast is now your own, and you can do what you like with him. Wo goner- Ally take tlioso we eatolt home to tlio trail, andliunt them on tho plain with iridlei in tbair months, that our dogs may bo taught not to fear tbo bratas whoa they meet them wild." * Hyenas nro nlao taken alive' % the rabB by a very similar method, oxcept that a wooden gag ii mod. instead of a felt cloak. The similarity in tho mode of capturo in two such distant countxiei us Algeria find Afghanistan, and bytwo races BOdifferent, is remarkable. From tbe fact that tho Afghans consider that tha feat requires great presence of mind, and an inotanco boing given of a man having died of a bito received in a clumsy flttomnt, via niny infer that tho Afghai hyenuTis moro powerful or moro fere CIOUB tbat his African congener; A Hero's Ijist Monients. Tho Pittsburg Qaxetla contains tb following accoaut of the loat moment o Couimodoie Goodcnougli, of tlio Britisl Navy, who was recently killed by thi savnges of the Solomon Islands :— ' Vja havo just teceivcdporticalurs, ar whilo tboy mako iumourn that sucli mnu should bavo been loat to tho world, thoy nro a rcfrashing contrast to the sickening catalogues of- blunders ant accidonta nnd crimes of which we usual Iy road. It teems that the Commodon was ono of thoao grand men, such ai Havolock, FatUson and Sdlwyn, wh( aoom to ba created to rondor faith tho early Christain hcros oasy for in tlioso dogenerato. daya.: Every cm loved him, and hiaSecrolarjr, Mr, Pen liko n nccond Queen Eleanor, anokk the poisoned wound, altliough ho hnd soro mouth nt tbo time, in hopoa of e traotiug tbopoiHon. Por tbis he hi received (horank of paymaster in t Royal Nnvy. Ono of tlio oflicors of tL Commodore's ship, in a private letter has recounted Bomo particalurii of thi goad man's last hours that I havo copie. hero, at tlio risk <of seeming tediom —"Everything was wonderfully call yesterday, and all ou board the ship nnii Mit for tho noise of tho engines. Shor lylieforo foue o'clock these wero sto^ ped, anil tho .Commodore sent'far all tho officers tobid good-byo to thorn, Ho spoke calmly of bis approacldnj death, anil begged. them to rememb hwenrnesta ilvico to them to trust i the inHnito love andwhdom of Ge<3 and to find, lmpnlness in doing th'a which tboy kuow tobo right and al stnining from evil. Mo tlion bado cac ono good-bjo, t&dx one kissing him his roquoBt. Ha thon, nithough mn to weak to stand, and although oven movement gnvo, him pain, had liimsell carried oat on (o tlio qoarter-dock| wlicro all hand!) nuamLicd to moot bin Ho w&s laid on a hod on thodock, hi first words totho men being, Ton" look frightened ; smile. 1 "Whoa laid down ho said, 'If thomen will sit down * * * I can sco tho faces. * " Iwnnttoseo all your faces to hid ooil-byp.' 'J'lien, nfter a couhlderablo IUBO, lie calloJ out, bebeins nlinoit ie only roiiu uot iu tears, 'Aly men, * * I have eomo «mt on to lho iuart«r-Jeck to i"V B««d-byo Ui you * * becaiiao I am going U> die. r. Meascr lella mo 1 tun going to die, id, as we all knon-, ho is tho beat judgo. ou in very good to ino; everything is umdo easy tome. Tho reason why I havo coiiio out on tho quarter-deck to lid you guud-byo before I die, besides [ood-feilowahiii, to impress upon you io lovo and goodueut) of God for ou. His infinite love. His infinite '.adorn.' Ho rejiontod this moro thau 3 about tho Rnodntmi and IOVD of _J. Hotbon adjured Iho men to rc- membor theuo, hia lout words, wljcu tempted to commit HIIJ, that thoy would Milk ot iiim and whul ho was Haying to licni and put tbo temptation from them, fiis \oico grow weak as lie said, 4 I lovo ,'ou nil. I Imvo always loved my men, ?hcr<9 is nfonliah wonkucBa in my voica rbicb makes it sound as if I was crying, tut I am not crying, nnd I want you all i hear me. I hope you can all hoar rbatl say to you. He wout on to ad- Iross tbocommander as a young man dvnnced to command, aud begged of im nud all others who wero in any \r&y iders, to never besitato in their daily 3 to etep forwatil andsny: 'This in ;ht,' or 'This is wrong.' 'Will you do is ? It will bo very kind of you if u will. 1 * * * 'As for t i e poor lows who gave mo this wound, what lioir reason, their object was, I don't .now—nb ouo knows, Thoy may Itavo on injured by Eomo of us, by soma hcrshii), at eomo time; we don't know. uo good talking ahoutit. I bopo at imo future time, tt mny bo twenty or thirty yenra lionco, somo good Christian nan will go among them and find out int it all meaue, I lovo you all; I ,vo always loved you all, but ia carry- X ou duty wo Bomotinios mnke miB- i, I havo rondo mistakes, and if iny of you thiuk of anything where I linvoboen wrong, I want you to forgive nro. Don't ask how much I wai wrong, ow much you vtera "wrong, but just foi- ivo me.' Ho asked them to join in lying God bless him, and then said ho vauld like toshakfi bonds with tbo petty >fBoers, nearly all middlo-ngod moit. •"* camo up to hitn Bobljing." F u r M HtBO Cave. Tlio most extensive and serious mining j&su&lty over known in tbo 'Wyoming Valley lias just occurred, and eeoma to bo Btfll progressing at thoChauncy and Grand Tunnol mines, botwoen Fly- mouth find Nanlicoko, Pa., about two ind a lialf miles South of thn former place. About two weeks ago Mr. Rob- erta, one of the proprietors of tho Chauncy mine, noticed that tha root of the opening was working in a most ex- traordinary manner, indicating that in- side operations wore attended witli cqn- ideinblo dangertothose engaged in dig- ging coal in tho different chambers or tmploycd in tbo various gangways. Ho Tatcbod the phenomenon with tho great- st interest, and was finally convinced lat tho mine w&s doomed to a curtain ca- mity. About 11 o'clock-in the morning [ the 10th inst., he gavo orders for the ion to leave the mine oa soon as posai- )le, and remove ss much of tht com* laDy's property as could be taken oat >a the §pui ot llie moment. Tha miners o the number 125 loft their work e.t 12 o'clock, taking with them the implements of their calling, and two hours later the mini) caved in. Had it not been for tho intion and foraight of Mr. Roberta a . ioit fearful loss of life must hare ooour- ed, as the wholo number of minor* would have been ontombed by about forty aores of rook which cruBhed down and filled up the honey-combed opening beneath. Tha disaster extended to Grand Tun- il mine, adjoining thocave; it seemed lo drag over tho roof in a southerly di- rection until stopped by a hnga wall of rook known to mining engineers as .a "fault," which raised up between 1 tho Grand lonnel and adjacent mine opera- ted by tho Susquoha&na Coal Company. In the Grand Tunnel ieme 60 or 70 acres of rock havo beoa hurled, effectu- ally closing operations for mouths to name. The wholo fall, it trill ba seen, embraces over 100 acres, and tbo dama- ges to tho mines ia estimated at over .100,000. Borera! hundred minen havo been thrown oat of work. The effects of the cave ia woro truly terrific. Huge boulders were thrown out of tho mouth of tbe tunnel by tbs compressed air as - if they had becm pebbles, and the shook of tho snub was like that of tn earth- quake. Tho dissolution of the mountain. appears to be still going on, and there is no predicting how much nyiro desola- tion is to ensue in that quarter. The Chauncy mine IB operated by Messrs. Albright, Son, Roberts & Co,, nnd tho Grand Tunnel is under tha con- trol of the Susquehonua Coal Company. Once or two cavingu in tho mines have taken, place in other uorts of the valley during the post two weeks, and from tha peculiar coincidences in the matter tho idea is gaining strength that tho cas- ultiflS BTO theresult of a slight earth quake which passed through the valley , in a northeasterly and southwesterly di- rection. This is tho theory of the mine owners, who repudiate tha imprassion that robbing tho pillars in the mines Las had anyeffect in producing tho calami- A Snonr PaouonoM.—A fow days ago a freight conduuetor on ono of tho rail- roads went to the suponntendent and said he thought ho ought to be advan- ced, having nerved on tho freight for sovercl years. The superintendent r ed withliim, and told him tha chaugo lid bo nmdn thnvery next week. And it was mode. Tho superintendent a day or two after took a seat in tha roar end of one of tho coaches to see how tho now conductor would toko to business, and pretty soon the official danced into tho door, cap on hU car, sleeves pained up, and ahoif-acro smile on his faoe. "Got outyoorpasteboards!" bosboot- od, "I'm tho higu muacky muck that runs this train, and and than turning rigu and loft, ho continued: "Right bowers thin way—play or ordor np—how's trumps with you—slide you right into Chicago—hurry up, there— trump this ace—what kind of a linnddo you bold, old man ?'' There was something novol and exliil- iarating in his Btylo, but yet tho superin- tendent called tho conductor up ataira tho next day and told him that bo was tha best man in America to runa frolghl train, and that ho should havo to promote him backwards. Ho was too talented for a passenger conductor. ANABEOWESCAPE.—Mr. WilHanLino, , tba Mount Waskinctou signal operator, who was thought to havo been exposed to tho cold nnd storm of last Tuesday night on this mountain, has turned up all right, although iis had a narrow escapo from a fearful death. It appears that lio was ablo to keep tho path, but whon about three-quarters of a mile from tlio top became thoroughly chilled by tho cold and driving storm. Fortu- nately for him tlioro ia a small Iiouso ai this point on tbo mountain side, and getting down on nil fours, after a long and dosporntfl effort, ho succeeded in reaching it. Having but asinglo matcli in his pocket:, nnd kuoiring that lifodo- pended on starting a lira, one can imag- ino bia feelings ns ho, having plucod kindling wood m tho store, attempted to ignito it. The attempt proved suc- cessful and ho was saved. Ho stayed in this house from 4 o'clock Thursday afUjrnoon until the next morning at 10 before he dared to start again for tbo top o( tbo mountain. The people in that vicinity turned out in large nnmlicra to hunt for his KBpposcd frozen body. iwto supply SL Paul's witb bells chimes cucari—Molt down tbo It is difficult to tell bow much a fish, riU weigh by looking at tho Bcnlos, He anil canona.

CLOTEIHG HALL · niit to GiGE A HALSEY'S Lumber Yardi CoDitwtly on litntl all klnOa o! LEUI0H, BCRANTOS AND DITUMISOUI COAI,. DEUVBRBD TO ANY PAIIT OF DOVF.R on mum!. bolh iswcd and

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, jg E I R O N E R A


Ofco 01 HHiis Blrort ma Blaotwell.TEUJM or s u n i c n i l T i o K

Veal - - - " " ' " " * 2 ' 0 0

'itaiU, - — - - - J'ZUna mmtM. "


Liverpol anil Queenstown,„„ Uw UkiwiiiK nUa».«W|.> l i n o . :


• UITIIOOI »•"' U r c n l WM*«HI.

Slate Roofing


UOVEll. N. J.


Counsellor at LawAND


J. J. VREELAND,C'ariiontor mid Bnildoi;,

Jobbing promptly allandod to.•man on llUCKWIJIX St.. >»xl to Owe 4Him un 1 | i | i e j l < ta0]tol. m | |K

Contract, taken, ami mater ia l furnished.


HIT or ll.ack.woll aou" Smwox Bin, .

DOYEIt, N. J.I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor.

llsruM anil GirrhgflB to Let. •

ITf T. l.KPOUT, , .

Counsellorat Lajv;AND HASTED IN' OHAUCKIW,' -'

UQko iu the S'stiniiat Union Bank Dalldlns*ior».<*Sr. , E0VE11, N. J.


Cor, BlackwoU and Buuaox Uta.

DOVER; N. 3.



Counsellor akLaw,DOVER', W. J.

Olke ffl second Door of Ibo National UntoBint lluilding. - a*-tr

a A. OILLKN,Ucl.eiul


SIONEIl OF DEEDS,All urtlors promptly attornlcd to;

Bucsvtu. BTHEKT, ' Mortt-, "N. J .

Carriages and Sleighs,O M E n r r D«terl|>tl.

'Jur, nUcU-oll ana Borgou Bta, DOVUR, N. J.

Ttrticular attontion paid to repairing mi'fluting, ' 2.1y.



CABEFDLLY HADE.UillotrliarjoBivill boftunisnodon application,

L. 0. BIERW1RTH,, Dover Morris Cunty N. J.

Allen Palmer & Son,Carpenters



lobbing promptly attended to,S. J. l'ALMEIt, Architect.


"PIANOS,Organs and Melodeons

Repaired and Tunedany part of Morri, o.>unty. AJ

w. s.\ni[anT.- Dover, N.j

It. A . DENNETT, M. J) ,


or. Blackwell & Warren Sis.,(Opponlo Dotcr Bank,)

EOVEIt, N.J.,« cf Women and Children, alul of Ibo

Ejo ttnd Ear upucialties.)filco Hours: 1 tD0 A.M., 1 to 3«nW toB P. M.

l B a o a

IVOODPOllT HOUSE,'I1OMA6 11UIG11T, Proprietor.

WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J.m i l l s woll-inovn properly lias recently been

oitonnivuly Improved and modiinitzul, i*urtl atcommoaatlon ot tl.o.o M S I I I B a ratlroiiinmicr reaUenen. Bitimld at the lioad ol,ake 1J )l>atcoiiK it is oud of the inusl denlra-de "l"CoLnrhl«Sroiort to bo foiiml vllbioic B»mo ain unco or Now- York. In tlio mld t

>l tlio Uncut iiiojnlain iconcryofNortliiji-nNorur»0T, wltlioxt^ltiiitliuntlue itmlflnliinc, andInn (Irivou, (tin not miriiaKHcd byniij otliorlnLlio loeality.

8 A•-«) loavo Doror, ciffHt railofl distant, on tkenrSnll (if t).e Del. Lack. & West. It. It. tn j iufrom Noiv Yufk In tticmomluc. I'or jnrtlcuUnaddrtua au above. S*-t"


I I • OH ELlQKfeLi,:BTriEET,


BuniiV1*" baab00aontiro'jroBttcdin a"anna, Tha vprj bcBt brand, of

Foreign and Domestic SegariAtWMSONHASD. 30-ir




D E S I q-'isr E D•"J executed, and material torufiliod.

ai SPECIFICATION'"j»lil,«l. and eoulratt. talon for all mrk.

«m Rl l ™'«"2">Se> flrim. a

.1 .1 , . I .AWUHNCE,

SURVEYOB.urvcys, Levels mill GradcHinado for Pnlilic ind Private IuinrovouontH.


[Kuur the Camtl Ilrldjo.]

8y UOVKll, N.J. '

.T. M. BASSETT,ivil Engineer and Surveyor,

Itt'CKAWAV, ! * . . ! .

1.1. OH11KIK I'iiOMI'TI.V ATTKNDKD TO.111-11

Manufacturer ol Segars andDMLEll IN 1HP011TED l'lVKH,




omce on Hussex Street,the bnlltlini formorly oauuplodaa au oftlce by

M«Jry MoKarlan, llr»t floor.DOVER, N.J. ' .

ColloclionH nttuuded to witb tllliguucc.Aluu, A);uiit for Ibo beat IAU and Pin, Inaiir-ce CompaniDi. 14-ly.



iQlco ovtr aUO. nlCHAHDS & &>.'» HTOUK,

DovEn, N. J:Htwclal oflleo lionrn nn Haturdava from I) A( i l l U l ' M(.illUl'.M, 17-tr

RA 0. COOPERMason and Builder.

Contract,)ukonforall kliidaof Maion WorkdJobbliiB.1

L11IE, PLASTEU AND CEJIEST,Furolalioa at abort colieo.

IBIeo under "Tile Iron Kra Omeo," D


- MORUISTOWN, N. J.,dole Vruiinotortor MomuCoiiulj o r r a l !

Pntrnt ltMgc.

Goltl I ' l l l l i in a Siiuclal ly.ultlNitroiiH Oxido Uas, ftc, 4e., &6

l»yp •

Mansion House.100 XAItDS FROM D. L. * W. DEPOT

W i n . JUKOWN, P i o p ' r ,

Itooiknt icconiuiodalionii for Irainlaul ojcrnianont Iwanlera, a lio a livery and noardio,ablo altactad In tl.B lionao. ra.Boncora taBBi and fmm Build'. Lake anil Lai:

it reaBoiialiln cliargoB.



J J O V B l t , N . J .

all kinds of TOHEION and BO3IESTIG



MOLLEU'S OPERA HOUSE,a epicloiiB Hall to bo lot for all kind* or outer.


BlackwollSt.incur Suuuex,Dover, N.


FOU SALE.For tloHiiriptlan* nf ProiHiriy oudiutli

tiquirout Ilia oflioo.




Hoofarorolr«aand|«ilnltd. (lalvantad Ir«Comlcoi, OuUer., lender. audV.alllator.




DOVEU, N. J ,wbo kcopfl DOimlantly on band tlio clioiccat ac

0ONPEOTIONEBIES,Nnla, OraBSOB, Toyi, l i f e . . EnnlopBI, Stloncry, ulc., to bo Joiiud in tbla .octlon.


M. & I. SearingCARPENTERS.



tatinn and maicrialB fflrnfilied.

Jobbing in General,J] D comber 341 h 1370. 1-jTa


c and Retail dealers In

icranton, Lehigh & Bituminous

O O -A. L ,






at tho . _

LOWST MARKET PEICES.Co»l of all HIIOB eonitautly on land, anil

tkO.f arcU tu any |»rt of tho city or vicinity.

Yards on XUclnvol) street, below Ik>rEfu tililco on Blickwoll Blroot, noit to Gage

BOVElt, \ . J.OrJen may bo nddrcisod tLrouglt tlio l'oi

lOlca tock Sox SS, gr talk »t A. noeiuor'sonkJJIatkirollitrcot, near Suaioi.

[.rilEUi I1KEHEH, J . JJ. TAUCEB. UtB.rilI.UCIt.



M i.M Tear, in tlio clolUiUB UUBliiniB Inl io lu lUTOWN, biB ballt up a larpo

and increaaliiff irado 5ud DOW load, tlio city luits lino witll tba UrgoB. atnrq, target BtooV.

it workmen a&il low pricui.

Mcn'i n i l Wool Duillilc an

TiviitSullsoi.lv - ,> .810,00

,ODII Heavy Sillti - . 0 00

"• Working Pautu - 1.00

» " " extra l.St

Good \Vorkii.e PauM . DauUlextra - • »••?


FBOM $2 TO $0.

A Iwgo assortment of FINE CLOTUINO foiMBS, YOUTHS' ana BOM.


J W t Ml to rail and aui llio BAIlO.Utol ambo aatoniBlicd nt Iliolowin-icclfnrcoodclol


IN DOVEB. .D BubicriLur IIM opened a new v»rd

ilirj miU of COAL a»a WOOD, ou

U L . A C K W E L L * S T H K E T ,

niit to GiGE A HALSEY'S Lumber YardiCoDitwtly on litntl all klnOa o!


OF DOVF.R on mum!.

bolh iswcd and loos, for aalo at tho yanl; dollvorcd.

Lime, Plaster, Cement,

FEED and GRAIN ef all kindAu oipcrioncc or tw*ho j3»n la tho tu

wtrrants. T. ttiluk ipcrfoctknonrtttilco of it .aall who ftror mo with their natninigo, rn«rulv upon full wnIElit»h lionoil dciUna, LU1

FlllOED, tndjiromptnrii In filling ord««.Onico lu J. J. YrCQland'H C«rpcntor 8bop,

\V. S. & E. F. DeCAMP,


For Iron Ores anil Minoral Property,






Or»ddrC!ll>jU]ilL 'Si t

FALL of 1875.'asliionable Millinery



atest Styles & Newest DesignsLIILY OPPOSITE NATIONIL UK1DH 2I.VN1I


Tim lurct.nL ..ml moat .soiuiiluto Ht»ol< of Killitry and I-'iuiey tloodo tli bit found iu Dovei

Uonnet^ llut«* PIOWCIB, Fcut-crs, Hlliboni; JLncci— roul

nml IIUWH, Collnrs,tuVLCti Itllll L.tllfll

ittt. Crape*. Moiirniiiff Uoiuiett.unill tolls.

A fluo uHtortniMit ofhignons, Switches, Braids, Ac.

Alan, A very Urge vitrloty uf

ZEPHYR. GOODS,Ami u !l»o utock of


thu uiuittoallij buat mnUirbl and mnilu up

LORD & TAYLOR,55 to 201 GRAND St. noil 1IK0ADWAX

cor. 20tli St.TIH.VI»K mwlu larso imitruvcmciilR nnil n.ldi-o!i8 tu iliuir cHialrllaiiriDnt, invlto tlio ilteti-on ol purcliaHum to tlitlr IilJIl'.SSE BTUUK


YO0THS' Ready-Made OlbtMug,CARPETS.

Furniture and Bedding.:ho wholo tr wlilcli liavlng boon morkod at«]

mioly low tiriei'B, tl.cy aro onablod to oOpr atD I C C I D K D U A R U A I N S .

Otia UTOB. Iiniirovod rakat It. lt.Faaioucor>.lor (II.. largoil >« "»' UUIIMI UtalnO -illw CllBtomarB to oach flonr. Quods anil xaai-I Bom frofl to all liart* nr tlio counlry.

LORD & TAYLOR,155 to 201 011AND Gt. and UllOALWAV cor«.lt)i» 2011. St., NEW VOlllt.


E. & G. H. Ross & Breeso,

Iiisuranco Agents,mice, Ola Iiun Itaulc lluildins

Morristown, N. J.En«isIloaH, GBO. H.LOBB, BTKNIES EntufBi

A. J COE, Collector,DOVEB, N. J.

COMPANIES REPRESENTED..mortem Mutual Ins. Oo., ot Bowaik

H.J., AiietBOTtr. $1,100,000

:»ioliimt»' Motnil Im. Oo,, of IlowtrkH. J., AMOU ov«r . 000,000

'lieman'» Mnt«»l Im. Oo., of. HawaA,V.J., Auota ov»r 600,000

iermanift Uutual Ina. Oo., of. HewH.J., Ospllal, : 200,000

ia Insurance Oompany, of Hartford,Oonn., AiMti, 5,000,000

lontlnental Insurance Company! of KewYork. Capital, 1,000,000

jjntual Bunolli Lifo lui. Co., ofHownrk,S.I;,, AiseU. 36,000,000

•liie burcliuod dlrcul In.iu II.B inuJiiirHtliirLtB

Q £3 3 . 3 O 4 ^ —- i.j n "x"

uwannee Yollow Pine Lumber,

laiecureJtC!? ailvmilafii-oiiB lrd«lit voUii



Hiviug unrlvik-d fiictli'l^B for iiryitic amirtnlngi wo are ablo to ciwrnnlcu ilryiimt nmluality. AHorJiW jiruuipil^ ilullvi-r*^! mi i!in>du uf ulinrye. Tltv fitiluniiig tilauu coiuUnH)

1*3—iiOluohtltiiiriiis No. Iatitl2.

• i l l . fuel) Mtop ptnik Nu, 1 mill %.Hxlflxli luali Btop plunk Nu, 1. ciui 3.

' "

'V, Cruiie & Webster,1'iml >if r#\A»i> Ht., Nowjiik, uml

i"ALI .and WINTER.

WinTJjOCK & liEWlS.

Donlora in




Glass Ware,

Wood & Willo-w Ware


Iron and Steel,

Gas Plpo and Fittings,



'OHdei', Fuse hiicl Hiniiij;

Materials coiisliuitly oil



Monuments, Tombstones, &c.JIADE TO OIlDEIt IS BVEUY B1TLE,

IHE nmlai-HlRnua boca leato to innounca Ittlw public tbftt lie is now prepireil to Ban-

nfBOtnro and will luwp. ooniUutly oa baud the»tu*t acBlfiim of


Coinetery nlot. etieio»oiTol Granite anil llailcIMat.. Every Job warranted to civo conlnlo naturaotien. 1'rlcoB mod.rato.

J. S. HILDEBBAKT,CnESTim llousn,




UOSEV comi MID STITCHED; r n t s m , OINO



Gin. W , S . UAU1I1TT,


-. GoonsAT Tilt!



'NEW A UK, N. J.









together irltk oor nocqaalod aB.ortmuatcbolei JIE1UKO DKDEllWEAn tor evorjbo,or tlio American HoBlarv Co.'a, and Korrolk aMow BninBwHt maDnfactDTO at LOWEFP PHIOT,

Cor. Blachivcll and Morris Streets,


DtiLin IN

Lehlgh, Scrar^on, & Biluminou

DeHvcrud !n all pirta ot tho Olt;*ni] vidnlt;t t tho LOWEST MAHKBT l'BICES, in

' cjuantltlOB tg Bait putcbnieri.


— - - a «il|>li.r. Hnpl.obeapor tuan Cannol Coal. Alio



FIlll? BRICK mid UI..AV,


Masons' Material, &cIMNtTIAXTLV ON i t lKD.

Bergen Street, near R. R.


on tha rt^ti luoiline from







Nuvor known to bo u clicav Itcfora m now



DOVER, 3ST. J.:o:

A largo nDil noil tokctod itock of


HOBSE CLOTHINGSbcati. Fly Noti, Carry Ootulu, Era»Ue9, Han

Booli. of all doicriptlona bolb /or marl auitrack. AW kinds of bc>T7 I l i um and CollinTar drangUt pnrpngoM, lUhcra, Oiamolii Bkini,HpoiigGH unlCTEItY-riilKO Ut llo BLUINES9.

A flno T«r!o.y or Hirncw Oili, Hour Olnt-racnti, Tlie kbora Roodi. llko i l l el BO tbeHtimoi, b»ro h»d %. lictrr i»ll Inprito and willto IQIII a, loHoit Qrani .

October 31it, 187*.



\w wLilo lurhcm . Until,

ivnu clintl, tliu wliitc turlry

tlirourjli tlio bsrnyara miit

ofl. four din nil turtcyi worn

Anil Mieirciijc fur autlHtnuui. won crying.

,'tn the pu.cud irsp-oi-'iilly foldail liiti tail,a Ktiibblo oyiniiliiii uf torruw;

in! hU plaiiiLr wiru a:.l<l, "liw tin) old bird U.I.H.I,

ff y"her \m

nuil chill,Wliu nbovn Ilium will wolvUfiilly Imvcr r '

TITO Cicli nljjbt J will tuck 'noitb inj niniji,"aid tliu ilucl:, - •jnf;h I'vu oi(,'litof uiy onn Iniuuluortr."

Imvu io muoli to do ; for tho bugs *uJ llio

llio RsuJon 'H» tlrotjoniu plukiu'—lutltlnK tu ijiaio-rnr my twii I luuntuara,"

Raid llio Inn, wliu liiii ou!y one chicken.low I wlsli," Dnii, ROORO, "I could bo ot same

utu.'ar my liturt IR with IOTC ovEr-brltninlug,u miit niuriiin^' (lint's Hue, tlic.v tiiallco with

my nluo•il Ho vntliitf-iiflpk-'il f^i)i.llr:^p mit utrlnnnititr.*1

»llltlo ulintleaii," tho bid dorktuK )>at ID,•\nil far liclr thoy may cm I upon mo too,uiifjhrvo tiiiiofmy own, that nro only L*lf

Brown,Ami a gmit iluui ol truublu to sou t o ;

lint tliciso jioor llltlo ihlUfiH, thoy tfc nil hmd «i»Kri,

And Iboir I in no* Hi ion fill ihtlr fcatlmr,

cryliard It uiny be, but ohl don't «imc to

ttkl thu ln.ii, wlio had only uiio SIIIL-IIUII.

all my «ro I uujipuao tlicro is no one vrb<

Tm tbo most ovurburdonui] of mutUerv Ivy must learn, llttlo olvci, lioiv to scritch fa

And not nock to dqioud upon othcml"

cut hj nftli a'^hicii," and tlio KOOBO toto llio duck

ExcliiincJ, In surprleo, "Woll, I never 1"alii the, "I declare, thoaa who lnno tlio :

You will nud nro coinplaiuiiig rorutcrl

Wad, ivbon all tlil tig a a ;>[>€*» r to lunk threat'nlugnud ilroar,

Arnhvlnui troubles jour .talUwty aro tlilck

uoNiu ultl In your tvoo, oil! buwaro liow jou

Tu a .ion who Imi only, ono diiclian I"


_ let* havo mutf till llio nnmbur aro old,If tbo r.'cili1iug of crj'Qla), of ullvujanil gold—'ho oltlni, tlio fJltuituil, thn wood and Iho

willow,Tlio rhymitcr ina woooJ Tram lib dream—laden

pllloir—Gat wliorc is tbo bard vrlio liai Jarcd Io beginK poem in JUHIKO or Ilia woddlug of Tin IO, wonilorful uiolall Tlij iui({l)t no cunfen,Tbe power to control na, tliy Trrtuo Io Ltesi-1'or thaugjli wo nra vlctlniH &n<l tliaugh we i r

L'lio clildren of imjelon and nulaca and guile,iVitlithoofo^ ourfrioEdwo may ill onco con

plaintud tlio boltlcit Irauvgrtiiior may nnk ai

snlnt j'or is It not Irno fliit abutidtnco of Xia .

EBA-DUTI0H8,Never lost Vat often found— A rerdiot.

A new ntima for tight boots—A oot:irib.

A girl of in-brcad usofulluoai—Sail;Biitus.

Noses ore faxbionnlile, nnd Iiavoalwayiboon followed.

Tbo businosi that goes ultogotlior outick—TelograpIiiDg.

Consolation for old miiidi—"Uiafor-tunes Dovorcoino singly."

An epitnpli for a pood IHtlo Loot-block—"Qouo to 'aliino' nmoug tbcingels."

SclioolmaBtor—Wliat's tho uionniniappnrent, l)oy ? Boy—Yoursir,'or t lo old man.

Coal ii the most contradictarjr articleImomi to commerce—Bcoausowliou pur-chased, it goes to tbo collar.

Tho .difference between a hello andmrnlur-Tbo bello carries falsa locks, an

tlio burglar false keys.

'What wood la best for wmtcr UBO?1

asks an oioh&ngo. Your neiahboiwefbd in pretty good, if kept in a dinloco.

"Wlicn n ypung fellow holdi his sweelheart ou biB knee, tlio pins ia lor pull-back aro suro to make hiia foal on-kuccsy.

Awcakhtnalo will boroto a man fojtting lior stand up in a home-car, anc

BlioVill then dance from ton o'clock tiltwo. This EIIOITS that dancing is botteithan standing up.

Now," eaid & citizen, of Hairline,\7yoming Toritory, »t a danao. "you seatbnt heifer in a rod drosi ? TImt's myvrifo; nn1 cf ycr dance witb her moro')two times, pnrd, I'll ehuto the hull to]uv jor huuil off. Wtint'll yer tlrluk V

Au elderly niaidon, who luid anfforedlaiho dJEappoinmout, thus defines tbcmmrin race i^* Man. a corglumemteQmuss of hair, tobacco-smoke, confnsion.conceit, and boots. JVoman, tha'waiter,

>r toroo, on tbo aforesaid Animal."

A pawnee, aboriginnl prcaontod Iiiq bami stalwart form one Docomber dnv aitholionsQ of a well-to-do family iu Lin-coln.' Tbo hostess pitied tbe siungo,lie biiog so poorly clad, and so said—"Aro you not cold tbis vriutry day ?"Ho in torn inquired if lier fuao was coldSbo replied in .tho negative, thereuponho Baiu—"Ingin is fuco all over." - ;

Tuswivortr.Old Time lint COTori our li»dti witb bair;Af tcnratJ quietly wowi thora b»rt,Fint cuti oar teeth with i mighty fun;Anon tales ctr«th*t oar tooth "cut" an. .FiritmanuraetareiuinlmblD Icgi,And then contertii.tbetq'.to "(tiff old pegs."Comlnir Io oDi-th with iquil|i &uil tosru,FUnuro boguilaii a fow briof yo»rg,

IEROII thsroaftor by Caro and Doubt,Fighting for mncb w« mtglit do iritbuut,

ing *"(1 'fatting for bllns to eomo—Bo, ID annzomoDt, wo rcicb tlio tomb.

Twenty froRgloi went to echoal,Cowii hotldo a roshy iwol,Twenty llttlu coiti of green,Twouty IOI l> ill white ind closu."Wo mmt U in timo," iiid they;"Flnt wo ttndr, than wo ph? ;That Is liotr wo keep tho rolu 'Whea wu lrog$let go to BOIIDQI."llailor EullfroE, gniro and itorii,Called UIQ clinoi in tholr turu ITnugbt them bow io nobly slrlvc,Lilccwhie how to leap md dlro ; >From bii icnt upon tho log,Bhowod Uiom how to tiy "ICcr chogl"Alia how to doilga B, blowProm HID itickfl which bud tojn tbrow.Tweatj frogf ici crow np ftit;

Hot ono danci unonff tho lot,Hot ono leiion they forcol;PollihedlniUglidagroB,As MCII frojgio ought Io bo;

- How Ihej i*t on other \ogu,XWhlng other llttlo frogs.

—Gtorgt Cooptr.

A iiiggud, sad-tje-i lio.v, nfio-1 nine ortn, sto[i]Ji;d mo ou the strct-'t tbe otlinr

"I haTO not had anytlifng to fi&t tins.hole day. Won't you pluuso give woen centR ?"

I gave il to him. I'll bail given lninLho monoj if it hod been neeosssry topawn my bat.

"l)o you kt imiuiatiirn Bwinillo you inn t man nil- ?" naked uu acquuiutuueo.A jounmlint who haa kuuulioil around

for a daily pnpei a dozun years, Una soeujvery nliase ot liuimm lifu. JIuu womenmil cliiMrnu luivo Hwimlk-il liim, nrwuglitto; i>en]>!nli*vp]!<Hlto him; hisnoupyluu bciiii given to wliiuuii^', ly-lig vagrants who (old diriiful tulua (iflibtresb, nud he oiiylit to bo nlilo to cor-rectly hcud huinnii nnliu'ii.

I'll hot that boy ia a profcssionul l«g-;ur," continued iny fnuiul, chuckling nt.ha idcu of my being swindled,

None of us caro for tlio loas of a ttliin-ilaster on tbe street,while every one feelsezed nud animyed at tho idea of beingwiiidlud out of a singlo penny. I cnnldlot my tluit tho hoy wan not a swindler,ud yet I would havo divided rny lost•"^ignitbhim.

I told my fiiond why, nutl I will tell

Ouo dny Instyoar, when tbe wild windlow the enoir orcr tlio liuitso-roofrt nudhcu tho frosty air cut ono'fl foco like a

a buy of tcii cauio up to me as 1•aited for iho air. Ho vita tiiiuly clad,is fuco bctrnyvil liuuger nnd Biiilei'iu™,id in a mouuful voino ho pleaded :"I'm hungry and cold.""Why don't you go home?" I naked,"Ihnvcn'tniij.""Haven't you any relative!.?""Not ouo.""How loug havo you been litre?""TLrea weeks."Tho boy Hiioko iu tluit tlrnwl wliich

irofcssioiial beggars iiasume. I buliev-d, too, tbat I had seen his face en thetrcota timo nnd again. I hardenud myicart anil said :

'Iloy! I know you, uud if I calcli youing any one for monoy Rguiu, I'll

iavo youorrcBtod."Ho moved away quickly. I arguo tlmtlis proved hia guilt, forgetting that aotnelosa, friendless waif might oviucoar whon entirely innocent.FivQ hours later, whou night hod come,

ind tho wind hail crown to n llerco gnlo,tho boy lmltcdnie again, na I plungedthrough lho auow drifts. I did not mohim until be called out:

"Mister 1 I'm almost Blarved, I'll•eezo to death it I can't get somo plncoJ oleep."Tho aamo thiu, ragged ciotlios, linrdly

jomfortablo oncttgli for Juuo wenllici—;he 6amo whine to his voice. I felt likegiving him money, but tlio fear tbfit hamd boousect out by hia parents to begstrained and lingered me. Catchingim by tlio orm, I yelled out: - •"Seo hero, boy I If you don't own uji

ittt you are lying to ino, I'll take you:otbo stntiou,"

Through tha blinding storm I EHW liiiwhite face gro w pnler, and ho oriod buck

"Don't toko me—don't. Yos, I rroa

Iroleosodhimaiid ho hurried away,while I walked on, flattering myself thatI bad played a E>harp gnmo and done tho;eneious public n good tnrn.

An hour later] when tho night had.•own Bill I wildor &ud ooldor, eomo ouo

mocked at my door. It wan & timidkuook, nuil I wondered irho oould luiroBont a child abroad on such anight.When I opened tlio door tbat same boyWOB on the etep, his face blue with cold,his wkola form uhivoring, and a look oflesporation in his oyos.

"PleaflO, Mi»»or IV lio began, butitopped when recognizing me.

Iwtisptmlodtoknow vbyho Blianldhavo followed ms home—why ho hndfiolcgtod roe ton a victim nnd tuiled mo sopersistently. I might have argued thatlio storm had driven people off-tho

strootH, and that tho freezing,. starvingboy had, in bia desperation, called nttho liouflo, uut I didn't Had it boon anyolhar boy or any other person asking, Iwuul.1 havo given promptly and freely.But I was nncTT nt bis trailing me—angored tli&t Lo tbought ho could swindlme. and I ftrnbhed at him nnd inquired

"Boy, what is youro name?"Ho leaped back, and, standing whoro

tlio furious storm almost huriod liimfrom si^bt. lio answered : *

"I know you, BIT," I shouted, and hmoved away without another word.

May the Lord forgivo mo for thatnight, s work ; but you might have nctodthe e&mc. When tnoruing camo after anight, so bitter that policcmou werQfrozen on their heats, I opened tho Jrordoor to Hud that boy dead on tho stepfrozen to death. I know, m tbe deadwhito face looted up nt ino through thosnow, that I had wronged Win with mysuspicions, but it was too late tbon—tho angels hnd oponad to him a gotoleading to a place whoro tho humanheart aud its unworthy thoughts cannever enter, Poor Gil 1 A warm mealor a shilling would havo saved his life,and I drove him out to his death

This is why I pro whan I am nakednow. I know I sometimes give to tbonnwortby, but it would,hohottoi- to ginil I possessed to an imposter than to havennotber homeless waif creep back to dieon the epot wbero I had unjuHtly ncd him.

I'm- thu Heathen*,Oil tbo train the otliur day a very

!mu looking man, dressed in bluck, nmliiK a lnit-bui, came alongcd into half my seat,in a fine <]»v/ Ireiaurked, dosir*

up to bo frioii'lly."It in & fiuo day, hut, young man,iw in it with your eoul ?" he repliedUiug up his oyes and looking Btill

I asked liim what ho iflouat, aud hetowered-"Wlicro would you go if you died ?owdocayour record utaml iu heaven V"I told him that I wns j'of «iu(j abng

minefully like, paying my ilo\)tn, savinglittln money, nml (lioppiug Boniclhiiigto thn contribution-box nait piissed."Tliat won't do—nli." ho said, as be

hiH hatiJrt mid clused bia eyen.i'ou'r a SUIULT, n!i, a b:iMnl ninuer.

troiano mnimlon Inid up for you in. laud beyond tlic akies—uli, Do youer pray—ah ?"•Onco in a. (jreat wliilo," I told him.'Tlio duvil in in your heart—ah," ho

:ut ou. "You pray not, iieitlior doiu fiing. Liko a flower yon shall bet down, aud tint atom aliull witlor and!cny~ali, and ho Keen no longer nmoug0 floWd."'What would you nilviso mo to do ?"slicil, leulingalitllo weak."I tun but a poor worm raysolf," honwerud iiiooklVi "liko unto a puny in-

oct." "A cockroach, for instanco," Iut in in ho paused."Only n poor,ntniflgKi!H wor-nin," be3nt on, never minding mo, "yet I ainyiupf to do iny appoiutod work. Away

i er tbo sen in Africa, millioiis are liv-ig iu JRnoranco ami vieo, tuowingnoth-ng of Heaven, having no good in theiricnrts, living like the beasts of tho fiald.n uiy poor humble way, I am tryjug toivo a low benighted heatttm—tryiug to>deom ft fow souls."

'Inwhat particular way?" I inquired.Tartly by my prayers, and partly by

iy collecting money nnd buying Biblesi si lip to them, that thoy may havo thtDrd of life."

There watt ii yan»n for a moment andho laid hit hand on my nnn snd

ntiuued,'Youugman, tho LordlovetU a choor-giver ! Out of your abundance con-

•ibuta Bomotliing for tbo canoe of theonighted, Eveu though you aro not a

riatian, your coodiict will bo put tonir credit in tbo land whoro all Is joyid blisa." .1 naked him if ho could change a 820id give mo hack $10,&5 and ho turnedvay and Beemed weary.Wo rode on in Biloncoforabouta mile;

ud then he took a string from his pook-Llnid it on his knee in n. way to make

3 enparato loops in it, aud tlion ho

"Young man thoil art a B.nuor, andion wilt not. frcoly oDntributo to theIUSO of the boaightcd.""Wliioh tlio same I*B true," I muiinur*

"On tlio ^iart of tho heathen and myinso, Idcairo to bet tbco flvo to tlircoint thou etinst not put thy finger inIO loop tbnt willcntcV'ho ^aiii, emil'ig aweotly."It'a the eld string game—seen itfor-timos," IauHivercd."Solely on account of tho benighted

lontlien do I wish to bet fivo to tlircohat thou cuiiHt not locate the joker," he•onton, producing three thimbles and1MB,"l'laycd,itin tho army for four years,'

replied, turning away with a mournful

"Thcii you aro willing tbnt the hco-len shall struggle on liko tlio bonata ofLO field and tbo birds of tho air?" hiiked, patting np bin thimble."Yea, truly," I answered," T i s aad that one so young should be

o sinful," ho murmoreq,. and went toa other end of the car and succeededfleecing an old man out of 831 and

watch ou tlio check game—for the cawof tho heathen in Africa.

The TlsiT.

Generally speaking, tho tiger, unlessho is a man-eater, will not attack a hu-man being. When, however, ho inwounded, lie nill turn nnd flglit tlcapalately. Tigers "appear to to afraid toencounter man until thoylmvo onco linem encounter with him, when all featicnsos ever nf ler. * * * But whenev-er n tigor lias once tasted human blood,it even seeks it in preforanco to nil oth-ers," Dr. ITnyrer thinks i t probablethat, on account of general disanniujof tlio natives nftor the mutiny, tbo num.bor of tigors has increased rather thatdiminished of late years. ' Ibeir ruvagca ore. certainly appalling; Ca[itaiiCogora aajs that in lower Bengal nlouduring tho six yean ending in 18GQ,'1,840 Iranian beiugs wero killed by wildanlmnls wliilo Government reports statethat darina tbo Bamo period and in thesame locality, 4,218 of tho abovo folvictims to tigera, while 4,287 wero slaiiby wolves. In tho IUngjiore diBtricalone, tho yearly loss of lifo is betweenfifty-five and sixty. Tho exploits of iu>dividual tigurs are oven moro remarkbio. Wo road of ouo tiger which, iI8C7, 13G8, 1809, killed respectively 2'B4 and 47 people. Onos it killed a fa-thor, mother and three children, Tithiiia few moments. Thin dangerous brukilled 27 persons in tho week beforewas shot Another tigor destroyed duiing 185C, 1857,1858, an nvoroge of 81persons annually. A third tiger in 180slow 127 peoplo, nnd stojippd np a, pu*lie road lor several weeks till killed Iau English sportsman. So grcnt is thiawe wlich this tyrant of tbo jungle inspires that whnln vUlngcs aro aomettmdoaartcd, and all cultivation iu tho ncigborhood stopped. A CtoYoramont rport iuforuiB us that intho Central Provinoes "a singlo tSgroBa caused tho desertinn of thirteen villages, nnd 250 equariniilca of cuuntry were thrown out of cultivntion." IUQ inhabitanta of Indiiospecinlly the Hindoos, beljavo the tigoto be the obodo of AU evil npirit, ammany would not kill him it they couldfor fair of subsequent m.sohiof, 8igreat a drtnd in some parts ot llio conntry is felt by the peasants of bis snpoinatural powers and malevolent dispotiou, tlmt they oithor ntoid naming hnt all or sneak of him as "the jncktior "tho beaut." Thero is almost a nnivcrsal belief that his flosh, ospeciall;bin heart, if eaten, produces couragnnd atreagtl). Hi« wniBkers, claws amfangs are olio religjomly preservedpotent ckanna.—Athcnmum

Capturing: Hjenns.

T i e following mode of tying nyeuai iiheir dens, as practised iu Afghanistan,s giron by Arthur Connolly in fain Oviand Journal, In the words pi au Alghiihiof, the Bhirkaroo Sytid Daoud:

"Wton you have tracked tbe beast to hisdeu you take a rope with two alip-knotsupon it iu your right hand, and withyour loft holding a felt oloak before you,you go boldly but quiotly in. Th(animal does not know the nature of tbidanger, and therefore retires to tuebaclof bis den, but you-may always telwhero his head is by the glaro of liiieyes. You keep moving on graduallytoward him on your knees, and whenyou aro within distance, throw tha aloakover bin head, close with him, and takocore ho does not free himself. Tliobeast is BO frightened that ho cower*lack, and though ho may bito tho felt,ie cannot tnrn his nook round to hurto u ; BO you quietly feel for his forelega,lip tho knots over tuam, and then, withino strong pull, draw them tight up to

the back of his nock, and tiothem. then .

!ho beast is now your own, and you cando what you like with him. Wo goner-Ally take tlioso we eatolt home to tliotrail, and liunt them on tho plain withiridlei in tbair months, that our dogs

may bo taught not to fear tbo brataswhoa they meet them wild." *

Hyenas nro nlao taken alive' % therabB by a very similar method, oxcept

that a wooden gag ii mod. instead of afelt cloak. The similarity in tho modeof capturo in two such distant countxieius Algeria find Afghanistan, and by tworaces BO different, is remarkable. Fromtbe fact that tho Afghans consider thattha feat requires great presence of mind,and an inotanco boing given of a manhaving died of a bito received in a clumsyflttomnt, via niny infer that tho AfghaihyenuTis moro powerful or moro fereCIOUB tbat his African congener;

A Hero's Ijist Monients.Tho Pittsburg Qaxetla contains tb

following accoaut of the loat moment oCouimodoie Goodcnougli, of tlio BritislNavy, who was recently killed by thisavnges of the Solomon Islands :— '

Vja havo just teceivcdporticalurs, arwhilo tboy mako iu mourn that suclimnu should bavo been loat to tho world,thoy nro a rcfrashing contrast to thesickening catalogues of- blunders antaccidonta nnd crimes of which we usualIy road. It teems that the Commodonwas ono of thoao grand men, such aiHavolock, FatUson and Sdlwyn, wh(aoom to ba created to rondor faiththo early Christain hcros oasy forin tlioso dogenerato. daya.: Every cmloved him, and hia Secrolarjr, Mr, Penliko n nccond Queen Eleanor, anokkthe poisoned wound, altliough ho hndsoro mouth nt tbo time, in hopoa of etraotiug tbo poiHon. Por tbis he hireceived (ho rank of paymaster in tRoyal Nnvy. Ono of tlio oflicors of tL

Commodore's ship, in a private letterhas recounted Bomo particalurii of thigoad man's last hours that I havo copie.hero, at tlio risk <of seeming tediom—"Everything was wonderfully callyesterday, and all ou board the ship nniiMit for tho noise of tho engines. Shorlylieforo foue o'clock these wero sto^ped, anil tho .Commodore sent ' far alltho officers to bid good-byo to thorn,Ho spoke calmly of bis approacldnjdeath, anil begged. them to remembhwenrnesta ilvico to them to trust ithe inHnito love andwhdom of Ge<3and to find, lmpnlness in doing th'awhich tboy kuow to bo right and alstnining from evil. Mo tlion bado cacono good-bjo, t&dx one kissing himhis roquoBt. Ha thon, nithough mnto weak to stand, and although ovenmovement gnvo, him pain, had liimsellcarried oat on (o tlio qoarter-dock|wlicro all hand!) nuamLicd to moot binHo w&s laid on a hod on tho dock, hifirst words to tho men being, Ton"look frightened ; smile.1 "Whoa laiddown ho said, 'If tho men will sit down* * * I can sco tho faces. * "Iwnnt toseo all your faces to hid

ooil-byp.' 'J'lien, nfter a couhlderabloIUBO, lie calloJ out, be beins nlinoitie only roiiu uot iu tears, 'Aly men,

* * I have eomo «mt on to lhoiuart«r-Jeck to i"V B««d-byo Ui you

* * becaiiao I am going U> die.r. Meascr lella mo 1 tun going to die,id, as we all knon-, ho is tho beat judgo.ou in very good to ino; everything is

umdo easy to me. Tho reason why Ihavo coiiio out on tho quarter-deck tolid you guud-byo before I die, besides[ood-feilowahiii, i« to impress upon youio lovo and goodueut) of God forou. His infinite love. His infinite'.adorn.' Ho rejiontod this moro thau

3 about tho Rnodntmi and IOVD of_J. Ho tbon adjured Iho men to rc-

membor theuo, hia lout words, wljcutempted to commit HIIJ, that thoy wouldMilk ot iiim and whul ho was Haying tolicni and put tbo temptation from them,fiis \oico grow weak as lie said, 4I lovo,'ou nil. I Imvo always loved my men,?hcr<9 is n fonliah wonkucBa in my voicarbicb makes it sound as if I was crying,tut I am not crying, nnd I want you alli hear me. I hope you can all hoarrbat l say to you. He wout on to ad-Iross tbo commander as a young mandvnnced to command, aud begged ofim nud all others who wero in any \r&yiders, to never besitato in their daily3 to etep forwatil and sny: 'This in;ht,' or 'This is wrong.' 'Will you dois ? I t will bo very kind of you ifu will.1 * * * 'As for t i e poorlows who gave mo this wound, what

lioir reason, their object was, I don't.now—nb ouo knows, Thoy may Itavo

on injured by Eomo of us, by somahcrshii), at eomo time; we don't know.'» uo good talking ahoutit. I bopo atimo future time, tt mny bo twenty or

thirty yenra lionco, somo good Christiannan will go among them and find out

int i t all meaue, I lovo you all ; I,vo always loved you all, but ia carry-

X ou duty wo Bomotinios mnke miB-i, I havo rondo mistakes, and if

iny of you thiuk of anything where Ilinvoboen wrong, I want you to forgivenro. Don't ask how much I wai wrong,ow much you vtera "wrong, but just foi-ivo me.' Ho asked them to join inlying God bless him, and then said ho

vauld like toshakfi bonds with tbo petty>fBoers, nearly all middlo-ngod moit.•"* camo up to hitn Bobljing."

F u r M HtBO Cave.Tlio most extensive and serious mining

j&su&lty over known in tbo 'WyomingValley lias just occurred, and eeoma tobo Btfll progressing at tho Chauncy andGrand Tunnol mines, botwoen Fly-mouth find Nanlicoko, Pa., about twoind a lialf miles South of thn formerplace. About two weeks ago Mr. Rob-erta, one of the proprietors of thoChauncy mine, noticed that tha root ofthe opening was working in a most ex-traordinary manner, indicating that in-side operations wore attended witli cqn-

ideinblo danger to those engaged in dig-ging coal in tho different chambers ortmploycd in tbo various gangways. HoTatcbod the phenomenon with tho great-st interest, and was finally convincedlat tho mine w&s doomed to a curtain ca-mity. About 11 o'clock-in the morning[ the 10th inst., he gavo orders for theion to leave the mine oa soon as posai-

)le, and remove ss much of th t com*laDy's property as could be taken oat>a the §pui ot llie moment. Tha minerso the number 125 loft their work e.t 12

o'clock, taking with them the implementsof their calling, and two hours later themini) caved in. Had it not been for tho

intion and foraight of Mr. Roberta a .ioit fearful loss of life must hare ooour-ed, as the wholo number of minor*

would have been ontombed by aboutforty aores of rook which cruBhed downand filled up the honey-combed openingbeneath.

Tha disaster extended to Grand Tun-il mine, adjoining tho cave; it seemed

lo drag over tho roof in a southerly di-rection until stopped by a hnga wall ofrook known to mining engineers as . a"fault," which raised up between1 thoGrand lonnel and adjacent mine opera-ted by tho Susquoha&na Coal Company.In the Grand Tunnel ieme 60 or 70acres of rock havo beoa hurled, effectu-ally closing operations for mouths toname. The wholo fall, it trill ba seen,embraces over 100 acres, and tbo dama-ges to tho mines ia estimated at over.100,000. Borera! hundred minen havo

been thrown oat of work. The effectsof the cave ia woro truly terrific. Hugeboulders were thrown out of tho mouthof tbe tunnel by tbs compressed air as -if they had becm pebbles, and the shookof tho snub was like that of tn earth-quake. Tho dissolution of the mountain. •appears to be still going on, and there isno predicting how much nyiro desola-tion i s to ensue in that quarter.

The Chauncy mine IB operated b yMessrs. Albright, Son, Roberts & Co,,nnd tho Grand Tunnel is under tha con-trol of the Susquehonua Coal Company.Once or two cavingu in tho mines havetaken, place in other uorts of the valleyduring the post two weeks, and fromtha peculiar coincidences in the mattertho idea is gaining strength that tho cas-ultiflS BTO the result of a slight earthquake which passed through the valley ,in a northeasterly and southwesterly di-rection. This is tho theory of the mineowners, who repudiate tha imprassionthat robbing tho pillars in the mines Lashad any effect in producing tho calami-

A Snonr PaouonoM.—A fow days agoa freight conduuetor on ono of tho rail-roads went to the suponntendent andsaid he thought ho ought to be advan-ced, having nerved on tho freight forsovercl years. The superintendent

red withliim, and told him tha chaugolid bo nmdn thn very next week.

And it was mode. Tho superintendenta day or two after took a seat in tha roarend of one of tho coaches to see how thonow conductor would toko to business,and pretty soon the official danced intotho door, cap on hU car, sleeves painedup, and a hoif-acro smile on his faoe.

"Got outyoorpasteboards!" bosboot-od, "I'm tho higu muacky muck thatruns this train, and and than turningrigu and loft, ho continued:

"Right bowers thin way—play or ordornp—how's trumps with you—slide youright into Chicago—hurry up, there—trump this ace—what kind of a linnd doyou bold, old man ?''

There was something novol and exliil-iarating in his Btylo, but yet tho superin-tendent called tho conductor up atairatho next day and told him that bo wastha best man in America to run a frolghltrain, and that ho should havo to promotehim backwards. Ho was too talentedfor a passenger conductor.

ANABEOWESCAPE.—Mr. WilHanLino, ,tba Mount Waskinctou signal operator,who was thought to havo been exposedto tho cold nnd storm of last Tuesdaynight on this mountain, has turned upall right, although iis had a narrowescapo from a fearful death. I t appearsthat lio was ablo to keep tho path, butwhon about three-quarters of a milefrom tlio top became thoroughly chilledby tho cold and driving storm. Fortu-nately for him tlioro ia a small Iiouso aithis point on tbo mountain side, andgetting down on nil fours, after a longand dosporntfl effort, ho succeeded inreaching it. Having but a singlo matcliin his pocket:, nnd kuoiring that lifo do-pended on starting a lira, one can imag-ino bia feelings ns ho, having plucodkindling wood m tho store, attemptedto ignito it. The attempt proved suc-cessful and ho was saved. Ho stayedin this house from 4 o'clock ThursdayafUjrnoon until the next morning at 10before he dared to start again for tbotop o( tbo mountain. The people inthat vicinity turned out in large nnmlicrato hunt for his KBpposcd frozen body.

iwto supply SL Paul's witb bellschimes cucari—Molt down tbo

It is difficult to tell bow much a fish,riU weigh by looking at tho Bcnlos,

H eanilcanona.

1 K b

"iiiui'*ia,>. iJ


l u ui L a m s '-• 'i»gt11 aimer.

, |Mit u\ '!..• !:[•: tj, I [ • ••[••-

I.M MulhirAW;il lr-JIll .Ktivt; biWU-'i I'i Z-*w-

v..ifs.i^u. \\l if-v moa vr r1-- a-i well a;

ilnir.Jii^lily kii.iv.uiu Moria f-ja^ty as :i

tliiriy-M-vin y.-i.rs t^'1. uuJ tLe cotf . i=i i .

(i.-ru.r.Dy, H.y 3-1 WE, ab<l nrriieJ in Pin!

tuii'UiUb wiili lii« l'.units wlii nab ju t thi

yiMrs (iM. At «ii '.-irly age b'- ' tutors! i l

(iit ihitl limu mvjiu.l awl n l i u J by Fwaci

Hill nml <\.l. yh.ii.), «lnre Mifuiiic

limn liu worUil in Hi; oifict of the >". 1

I,. Mt.irUnvii, in lfvlS. Iti l!i.* HK-ulitii

1,M tl,r,r y.,.iiiK«:r l .r . l luu, Henry. « e v V

Mill CIlKl-lull, lliut Illvll-lltfK-l tlli-'ffi'-O ',1 t b

.l./rc,(,-.).r Inr llj.- inirj.f...; a l^.iiuu,-" t l -

,.,",i..lri.-t.-iliii.Nvv.-Y.iry^.r Oft? J W .

.i,,l in tlii:t iiih-.HK-.-.l T I (>( all Linls uf I

i j , ^ (ii'-ilili. -.. Ii•« I'liMittw- iiir Jt-1- " ' Iiri

ii,.; jiii.l ili>s. mttiiliiij liUrMim- cxjiioycd in

jniHus (V •.MintvTiiitut. rdrticuLiriy wcr

jn,-,l.il f.iulilk-- limilvd, lUc- I'ost Office CJ

N..-.i- Vurl; LtiiiK lljtn located iii Q privat.

lidiih.' in iho 1-r.ur p i r t of the city, and n.

qiiiriiiK tin' u n i t e s of only ouo man and u

l.ny lo nhsi-t iu t i e illKtribution of tin

wliilt- tlir- o or four hundred boxes sufficed foi

tin- r< a'pticm of jwstal milter,

r.iiitider tin1 wouJurful inveulions tbat liavi

lando i^riuliiif; will worthy tbc dwtinguiiihc-t

fi]il«:lliition of " Art 1're.crwiliYu of nil Aits,

and dcconil tt) iiciie iu tlio jioivcr it exerts, w

Ion': cnriotitily nt tlic mnu wLosa experii

fuirly i-leiitiflw* liiin with tbc metliodn tlia

l-'raulilin uswl, nml Ihc methods employed

tin-jirrsfnt timc-wiicii Uic Hoc prew-.-s at

llif l-lllioymiiliic jws-sts nro v.-nmUrs of liu

. l i fe- utnl tlm tlmti^lit iliijirusscil IIM tli.it tli

niniitry )ir<hi wi.uM bu miuti furllnr ml

v.mfcd if tlio KiiiiL- iuierw! had been uinni-

f .skd ljy iiK-tnU'tN of Iho (.rufcssifJii in tb

jmipor eipipine.it of tlnir biif,iiit.^3 tual wi

ti nmrlicd foaliiro in Iiix tffortw from Die tlm

" ho flrsl widded tin-' |»;it Tor llio jiroijiulgotioi

of Democratic j.rlm-iplc.-. Hu vrastbe (lrnt It

iinjiravctiu tiU—tliu iirul to tltjKirt from tht

old-fiuiliifjiipil, K,mv-f,'mtitf linnil iirc-iacH, am

replncc thrfii willi citmordirmry fncilitic*

for llio mure r.ij.M )>nKlvct.Dii »t work. Wt

iiu-uliou tlnn ia ore than for any nther pur-

[ii«(j to convey tlio idea of the UidomiLibk

i-niTgy ol the limn, which HIIOIIG forth uudci

thu inrwt unfuvoralilo cirpumstitnecs, am

rifflng nbove ibo liwivy afilidionrt of n neon

nfyr«ir», iuaili> fnr him a reputation for tin.

lirinp imlustry and jicrscvciance, when mofit

uiCL in liia jioHilioii would have tliuuglit thi

vory idtn tif HIIPCCKH II (iillnry,

It i» not n jmrt of tl.M nrtlclo to gins a liiu

li.ry of the rtoaitiou of Iho jiolilieal parties n

tlit- time thi; subject of tbi# iskclch njado hiii

ni'iiMimucd iu thh county ; suffice it to gay

tlmt tlio Jcrsct/man was jast before (hnt tiun

tlm tirpiu of th« Daiflocnitic j»rty. Thi

JMitor Mr. K. 1-. lln!l, had :m,i HOIMO differ

ODCCS with tbe icoJers or the Democracy nnd

took au independent ]Kxritiou, Tliifi led to the

wffllilisliineut of " T H E DnMociunc lt-s>

wbirh waa pabiUbcd by at lca*t two,

jirolinbly ttiref, different iniliTidnalu, within

thn Kpa o of nevca years—the Jo«t [icrsoucngngoil on the paper Wing Victor I I . lirake,EM]., who look the establishment andit ott fur one day. Tlib vaa after the de-ceased had given up tho paper, by rauwnn difixcutiou with tbo owners—they roqniri;from lilui llio peiltinBuC'1* M utiia obDtiuUa lu hiui OH a umn of jirubity nnd ielf-re

friemlB wtto, like him. ccald not rwnctiou tbeconns panned bj tUo owners of Ibo paper iinuuiifral&ting party nftaira, Uo eoou KOOImcDCftl tha jrublicatlcm of Tho "Ttuc T>zvOOUTTO BiKNEB,'tllio iuscctioa cf Ho wor"True" in tho liauliEK of tho-inpcr being in-tedded lo desiKtutoit an tho (rnc, or onlylegitimate "IUHKEtt" of tho two puWicitioiis.Tlm Grit named publication however, hadvery iriuirt ciutenca nftcr bo ucvored bitt coliicction with it, for m Mr. Drnko lenrncd olthe proceeiliugBngiuuut the Editor of tho ncipnper, bo refused to lend himself lo furthci(ho .liBiioneat pnetioca of tbo clique, anpaired to Sussex, trlicre ho covered biiwith E'litariiU honor*, which bo htill lives Itenjoy. And now commenced tlio battle foiIho purification of tbo jmrty. Tbo cyclinyearn cf tinio rolled by, nod well do wo remember tbo Unit triumph (hoy flnnlly brougto tbo Democracy of tbo County after bciinmler jcani ol opposition rule. These yeanwcro not without tbeir temptation* nudtrinls.Tlio ptilitical opitounnta ol ttio HdUtir foU'blown falling licavily npon their tract, jmany were tliij, icDiptntlons, tlircaU cselicmts -VTCII pbnntd to oast him from Minew entrenchments—opponents iipurly even going no far us lo umtertoka thioitubliihtuent of n Dem oc ml in paper ia opposition to bin. lint with a fealty to priucipin that was imrnniount to ptrauiialcration, or politicnt proformpnt, and n-llh nienergy tbnt ncvcrilapgeJ, bo faithfully, nurel;pushed on to the calnbliHUmcnt of what Iiiprovctl a failuro HO mauy timen bnfore—iDL-niucratlo uGmpapar in JIorrM Count;upon o firm foundation. And It may rrndiljbo imagined whnt plrastiro ho expericucetwhen, niter lung yenra of toil, deHpita biiplijrtical inllrmitics, bo wade liis bat -visit t(IIIH office, in a bnildiug erected byrnrubiliL'ii ullb tlio latest Improvement!! in tinnrtholuv^d HO well, and uituciuii.'dtho BJIplication of Htc-vin to liix pieces.

'Tlio decctscd wn.s mnrricJ to Uic wifu wbBiirvivwt lilrn, on the 28Ih of December,by Itov, Ur. Cox, of New York. Tlirou;Ibo UiVK years of their innrricdjifo Hho liftItbou iu IUUTB than Uto miliiuiry Bcn&a oi tbterm, lo him a bolp-mcet; for when ufllictloicoro enmo upon him, hers wna tlic bicheered and Ravo liim comforl, hers (ho andiunUd'CDnmgotbat could asaiitUim in hbunlneaa poranita, and bcra lAit bcou tligentle, untiring hnnJ that biu niiolstcicd Ibis Ktlfr<>riugs nnd cased bU lwd of paio Uuioay years. Nono hnt thewo of (ho farail;can over know what wcro her trJaU, whowcro hn bardahipp, yet with c zeal and Ionthat know no nlmtcnicut nbo carol for biinnd bin with a landernctci Uiol won (he pmUofpH.auills too Brent for earthly rowanNow tint death has released.him front hnfllictioufl, and her front wan; Inborn wliiclthmngh her loro for liim nbo novor IbonghburdcDH, Lor whole futuro lifo can bo HOIOCCIby tbo tetnembnmeo tbat &bo bad been ttliim a frfaff of support, and a blcfucd rolhncin fiickaesa as well as In hcnllh.

Tlio nlcty which WOK a charnctcrietio of tblifo of tha departed bocontb early ia lifeDied principle tbat cvvr ranataccl with himAt tlic ogo of fifteen years be was convergennd became n member of tlio Forsyth sbrecGcrraan Jtcformed Cburcli,' of Now Yorlcity, with which lio remained till lio enmo UMonisUrmi,1. when bo connected himBclf b;letter, with tba Methodist Episcopal*Cbnrcbhere. This religion that be professed wa.<llio miglity support of his life, and tho woidcrful conaolcT in ofter years whenLad mcked hla froino and deprived hli-^powerful physique. Tbo God whom ha hoinerved faithfully nnd noil for mnnyyears lindJald upon him a i'srdcn Ja Homo rcspoclsllkc

•j-.-«t..a -st L]

L.:VI -..; .t'J t .

:hc IE.'1-S. "Licb jicttut-.i U:a from re:

i-ptiU-- :A fir»t. bet «^ith «sitinned U.Uulca li-> 3"'.<tr li^hi froia jear to year.•irsl IL-. cs: ,>f a WLS w&» uwsaitattil, thctnjtcL' -. -i.J Ca Hy V-j lewv the w* ul bi,-*:i lia-b* !ilit>xtther, ubaul twenty y « r••f,. Iu Iz&l Lc was wL«v;l«l to the c£Gceiicb:.ir made for Us couvtnjtnct, acd waa KL-JM.-I1 •»itli ijje cisc ol tbii liictliul ol CUE.•yaLCt tiiii) he \<a\& daUj Tiuis lo his f.ffi;c11.11 titda c-f wtaller, ctitil l&TQ. Tie L«.I that riamtctr, it will Lg rcsicmU-rcd, m-iftiHive sottal ii prostrated hiru, &Ld li-fnhr vi.v-.ts to tlit office ctaw-ii. .Utcr thaiincbt-j.aM tnl f** visits to tbe dfEc*. tLtw: UiUg' ic Oit SpriLg of tbe iTtscnt yur.tat bis vsatchfol cure !ur tLt i&Urt!.U oi tU!n?t; never ceasedtiQtil LU Ciiiilprostrttioo,

wwh elapsed but Lec-jctribtitcti article (orje paper oftiait-s pnfurins tbtra iben !;••as unable even tc ris*: u H* ltd. GifU;'.

wtlcomc tioat to him (3cr;a;j b:s illuc&i tireeirc tbc riiiU oJ liLs fritnds, to whom hi.'ilk w^i olwars pltaiant &td [>roataolc.About t i i u«Vs riiuce bis friendi nolic«i

lint b r himiviueod that bis days wen

.iv, tint tveu las remariible vitality rnnsKJII hi"ifcnui\) I'J tbe tiBTi-leulUoB dt»Uovc:ho hadbttii preyingajwn it fi>rov{-ra'scorLfytarr!. 'IU-ilM:lin«^itsKrAdu.il but wpid,ncl HH dis^lnliou ilretf t u r , t ie faith lh.ilad HUHtaiiicd him tbiiK fur Kc;incd glori nHlvii^ttiifiod iu itti power. With utverti lutiuoiiflearhe vaiwil tho final blow, acd to alliiit lilcuih would U.IU cheerful!)*, audreiterate

1st in GoJ. Ilia ineubl facullieri womil iiudimmed until witbiuaf£-v Loni

f his end, and as if to cLuuptusate liim it.oruu degree for nil he Ud so patiently cn-artil bis ecu «iw willioul a utmg^lc, and h<lictly und peacefully parsed into tbat resttiicb Lin rdif-ion luu^ht biiu uonld bo thiward of the devoted life he had led.He lias ji -Ecd away from tbe scene* withInch be van so fumiliar, friends be so wellved, nml thongh no public (knionstiatioii1 grief will he fli&ila for him, yet the lifo oljnest parpttho which lio led, bin fidelity t<rinclple, and Us tarutst piety, liuvo gruvtiidnriog til.lttn (o liu memory upon tLcarts of all « bn knew him, ami knvc left be-tud the record &f a lifo unsullied.


Tbo List Mil rittii of ictijicct were paid thi

eceaied in tho M. E. Church ou Wedncwday

•moon, Dec. 8, at two o'cloclt. Tho rc-\OA were hid iu a cislict home by old pcr-al friend* of tlic deceased. Tbo palllets wtio Gco. YT. King, John I>. Ouerin,1 W. Mnchmore, A. A.' Vnnee. Victoi

leury, Chan. H. Dalrjmplo, Win.tulTbilipIL UofT-nan.After a voluntary liy tLo clioir, Rev. J, K.tin read from tbo Scriptutcs tbo bcauUfu1

ossage coinmciiciiiu " I ain lio UcuurrccUound tbo Life," uued an the horial nerrico olbe Charch. Or. Bartinc tiicn gave out the&87 Ilynia;

'ut Biu'lit cualdr|>l-in)uilMtt ialnd,"Alter MiiRing Dr. Ilarlina delivered the

ennou, which vim replclo with lesaouF, f IOIII the life of the departed, nnd e!o-tribulea paid to bin virtuuu. AH WO art

tot nblo to fiivo a full report of bin rcmnrteB tiiuut bu content with tbo following brieid imperfect synopsis:

Jt itBCd to be wvid nod waa flniily bclicvcilIt 1M mid now, nnd bt-liovecl nt* tindoubtct

uUi, tlmt tioaie in dyinj- fcol H lo bo a grcniiln i nnd it would bo « ell if this truth couli

ic iinprctttcd ou all tho world, that all mighivo HO nu to nay tlmt in dying they nro notleud, Tbo Great Teacher wbo promul^ntcdliis doctrine declared that it id iuipoaaiblo toiltlnguiab that man who in ia Cbrist—intther uordu, who ifl a Cbr!«t!nn. I do uoliclicvo that wa have it lik-bcr iiromixo tbstbnt in llio declaration, " To live ia Clirln.

illo lit gniu." I do not intend to prench nmon on, or to expatiate on tbu» words,

mi it occarrad to mo tlm moruing, na Iud, now thai

. eutored iuto bit•en!, how Brother VOCT could rest ou a bed olaiu. anil tittvrnosjiilc, no murmur of com->luliil, nnd [;o to sleep a» peacefully as o babem 1U ipotlmr'H boHoui—blu spirit taking iU

iiri Father iu benven. I went to tbcd tbo Divine lifilit w»t thrown upon

I, and I thought tbat •• lo live it Christ; toio is gain."Ho dwelt next upou tho cleat pramist

ihich tntcB men from darknessriuKs tbom Into tbo light j which Ubirum corruutioa and cleanses them - whichnUea tlio tanner nnd brlugu him to Christ.:bo ciamplo of tbo ApoatTo Paul remindoillim of thin diMlIngtiiBhcd fact—that J<Clhririt ia all in all. It ia to flini—to Ji_ I—lhal llio {tfuuin-i CliriHtian is nil de-ration. Ho bns no homo on earlh that ia mConned in Chrial—Tio UOJ«J la llcwvon but i.Christ. ' Tbo buniau heart ii* opposed toClirint, iU unlurnl hoHtiliticH nro direeledlyftiunt Him ; indif men could findn rcUgionllint bail no cross in it to bear, tlcy would

converted. Agniu«t tliiu human infldolitjbring tha rcnowed benrt of Bt. Paul, Ihilaccrutinu of tlio aoul of tho being (o tbc

Divino Master. Wbsn thnt man to tvboniCliriat In nil in nil comes to (ouch tlia cold

iciot dnttb, bain notufnid, for He bnth.rit li0,1 him with tho DWino KmrlU Tht

religion ol OLrist is a woniiertal cuutiucrutto tlo Divine uoul, nnd if you wuit to x-ia.\tlifa roiijiiou you muat realiio tlio ciperici>f tlio Apoutlo I'ftul, (hrougb tlio Cro&s.unu must tw loni ngain.Tlio Hpcokcr next alluded to tbo gain io n

nau'u dcatb. You nro ready to csk uic 11 ndying man can gain onytbing by death—itiijlbiug can Ui gsiitietl wbcu tlio ftTeuncs o!>y are elouod to thnt heart, wbcu nil tlia

aems deslrnbloin lifo is cut nfl, nil tliowcaltLjf bord toil guno iuto tha hanJsof otbcrtLl'cfl. tbero is a Heaven, beyond tha river olJct-tli. If von could now etnud by yourIrioniJ and brother, to would point to thirealization of tbc Dkino praniUo und sayDo jou not ueo thnt the traucrcj or eartliienuh witli tbo tisiuR of tlicto? tbat oul<UeaTcu iu ituperinhahlo 1 Do you not BDCtlmt I linvc a heaven now instead of carlli VWe onebtoll to carry Iblnfnet with en wheie-w « wo go : Tuo nlmtlow 1B here, tbo subilnnco ia there -, <bo temporal ia Lerc, tliiQlcrnal in tbero. It in jim at thin point tbatTO,, rcnlize that to die in gniu. Ho has nilio* that bo hod iu lifo worth liaviog wher-Ter no looks to-ilny: vlmlercr crown lie

ye gaz ti iijwn, or wlintevcr glory fireetnvifllou, immortality, eternity resin mmn him.AU thnt bo ever tvislicd conies homo to hit

tedftv, and la blti forever. Hero vc.leal with tho nnBubntaDtiol and poriBhahle,nfarastho world iaconccrnod; tboio wiiporionco tho no(»tatiUal tmd ctoninl, I-e livD in Chriut, to die i* oula—iv UcsseJ

bone that tbo Rnotlter exliorlcdnll to obtain.Our dopnrtca friend was bom in Qenuanj

- i n Hanilurfi, I bellcTo-ntid was bronffhtbcro by hlo parenla wben a dillit In hinsiriy years ho developed n tondoney to thaipiety and Onnstfau prindplo thnt hut uistiixainbetl him during hlj life In lirolliiVOOT I noticed a pecull&rily—you uiny call iiQetvatw, if you plcosc—whicti wi« tbat btJTOORht coal ana delibcrnto Uinnght in liitiljildnocd, inbisyonrgtnnnliooil, tothecou-adoration of morality nud religion, andiroagbt hit mind to tbo nccciitaiica of tho rc-

ligions ptiDCipIcu by which Lo was governeddisease through life Uo airly cntcrod tho offlco ni

afhls Zftcbnriah Lewis, a very nblo nnd cmlucnl:brlfitlaa writer, and won employed by him

copyist* It in proboblo (bat in copyiDff L.rticIoB, which wcro of a Mali Christian clmraoit and showed eminent lit<

•Tor the Blood is the Life,''

tii all to lecp tli'1

. » - V . . . * i . • * • * •

[• ria«--i CUutcli .

U-.itaajil tu liiuiiii^ n_in 11

il t.«l! Mi

6 inl r u"i » man eovorcd. tud tint it will frue tbe bloud

LiJ itcdu-a Lcnj3U tat are. and could • • • • •oLar j e t t r , u a s a f.TJUd c o m p l i m e n t to

-.• UirifliJ.iLiskr-iSi.ii i-*d t i b e n I b b y o u n g^ s a d crmseeiTLtt-d h b poKere to J e s a s

and Iti vine Jrutb..irtr.si-vt*ii j*are ngo, yoanfj in oge andifi*U fcr tbc wo.k he intruded to eafnp , oibtr'wVti.'^diffSrfiilow Di

.=. Lt ciijc .o tbu city. I need not lake |junei, »s While UnoUiiifS, Tevtr Sorm, Hip-;r limt Ut Epeak of nbat is U, familiar to ' joint imi PpiDfl DitcaKi.—»Ii of orblult be.'oog".—Li* o«ociaticns willi our rvspt-eteJ ; io bcrufjlr— •"•-

tbat then-ia l.ut otllSl il Hill U01 <•••iictr. He dm

U1 ... .hatbe tb* niUit >*»ii'tovored. mJ tint it mil froc the bluud md ivtem DI aTJ 4'ihLr Llii4>fI.twii«'rniF he tlirj &mni&lv^ctiiiblf-, or ruintrai. The (joidtu Meitca

toruii-A'^iin DiM B . t i . i* & 11 rorwi.of DIotcKaJ'iiiiplt.. l t d Kmptwo*; *!io »U GIAQIIUULSutiliccfi >ud the worst form if Berofubuiand I'lccrskd Hcorea nr th« Seek, L

h t d ll S f l Di

•i*s- Whatever say ataaa'a talent may Iwd COSI'IKSIED-Hli1 JOIST DISEASE CUUCD.ai, if he does uot linnKAlrtot wbtar vijHJn I -y GroVEt-riTiov IOWAi tp i eu henjllfoiL Tfce purposes of hit! Vt Tu-rco, DiUUlo, X. Y. *'

t iZ'j. ti at HI HE* vuuld «p[>iarud iliuii[«sr oiilicr., Uij'. Brii +he u-ugml'itlly 1>L«ouihif rvdnc^l. mil

CbriBtian, manly nod firm.—•cr friend WJ: jnat such a nun ; I reccfllett i *=•

well; Ut hang in ray chuir »ilb hban by bis tide, anil di-voted his lift „ . .to tie pros*, but to ibe servicu of God.ip&Ve ci bis cuut-ciioo with his paper

i rough hi» illijcss, when cvtu deprivtil tiJsariLg tlie couiid ci his prc&s or the uoise ols typcuRl.'iiiyB"tr1.-ijUttcseiher.ycl hestiUitbJuUy rrfilurmt-j iueli U\»ir» aa he coulil.Oue ptculMrity Le butl noticed iu Brother

'OUT Kiuct Us hid been his p^tor, was thenondcritil j^titnee of (be inau. A baffirerfor tBtuiy-t-ij;ht ytor^, out! for many yearspast a licljJwn naffcrcr, cut off fritn nil thati cougeiiui] in lire, lie nevtr courliined. In

niv visiL*itioH-1* tu hiui I ucver naw a fro^nbis connttuaneo, and I ntver heard a ruur-

or t.r &uv ttiiiE li^ti tiQVi'Tttl cl a doubt ot.rme I'rijvideijct.-. Hia cbristim chr.rityit a t i t tLt snbj«tot ecology by hUpattor.ioiu -.ilt, i.uiilj LUVL- uu fuiuukiut under**v Mtitiffiu .*5 mtiDi II.I.C LHTCU IVMU iwiinni.1 Ituncd "I hiid. His f::itb wasuuboonil.

I s'ead by LB l>ed ;iud taw that be wasuuatcd, "Bruthtr Y-!'"T,'' wid I, arc youttbf by fiu;b Kuij.ly ;u the Sou of God?*(.-:,•' * a il* riply, " D J VOU letl at this•inent tint Cbrist'is within yon ?" " I do,"•iiLSWorcJ earnestly, without toriiiBft hisid ; r t^o3 was in its throne, CLrist iu hisat, aud tic was near hia eternal boinc. Onurday luonitcg al Ualf-jtiit tight o'clock,went to sleep in Christ ts peacefully an ftJC D[K>n itiluolbcr'sbosota. Aud you, tuyiuls icijjbt «rite ou bis cofllu there, " To

e is gain."

Children, tbaiik Cod, atd I will join yono-iiay ia your tears and in your tbaukegiv-Dgs, th&tlicfcaveyon such a father. If lioU

1 given tu uiir dejarttd brother the tinic)ortauilieit that he has given to otbera indejartujtut of hlenitur;, be would Lavewl nniong the first of tbo literary leadenthe natiou. Iu couciusion lie Bpofee of how

it Lave joined biiu to ecc hu labor): UD^nt short. Tired, exhausted, bo bij

wul.y tliowajHidc, not like Jacob,lo drouin,t to lire forever, nud sprang into 1>1 cawed

. lity, to he with his God forever.Tbe KCTTices *ui<! brouicbt to a cuucln&ifBith au ofiectiu;1 prayer by Her. Mr. Tree-an, and tbc TCWIIIDB, after bciu^ viewed by

c who da;ired to look once fnore upoua featured uf tlje departed, were ennvevedtbtir last earthly resting place.


•rlui! iLs Ei-tt dellcale coni|>lij]lnn. It l i lu-rdIF lirtnlts*. »nd while It c n « l r U.-autHU« lk- uI'k-Unn. unlike all ottiern liu UNC tutttiat ha ilctocwbi-n iit^l &<T"r<ItJLK to tbe [lLrtttlnfi tct TtJiAUjlEiif1-3tb bui. Tlio*ub«ciil«-r,*Drii(JH[.l t.f IULK i-ii*-rlenrtj cmS'leutly [,r,»(.r,n Jt to ilie jmblla u theb.:it. ana uiilr Ttrtltt lewder, tlio IIIV nt wLkh cin-iii.l LH- J.k-clfJ. wliilt it | i mii*rior to all atlicn t s

btf lToMlJCcowi i les lo i i . Il.-adwhit iKrtJiclj»U(I cbonilst airsi Dover, S . J.,Oi-t. lit

_ . . . . . . . .. x j j [ j . j

REMEMBER THIS.ow is tliotimuof tlitJ fear for Flioiimoiila,

iid Fiver, CknigliB, COIUH, and fatal re B ill InprL-dinnoitlou to Consumption 11 nil otlicr

Thruat and Lun« iJixr^ftK. lUtcniiK'* timmsSvni-i ' l i isUm MTO-lln thin m-i|-liWrliu.id Inrtho [ia>t twnor tliruo voara without n Kinjilof i l r e i t cure. Ifyou finvu not med thU luiil-

i'j-<jurtfc-lr, KO to KiJlHoit-'n atd utkhiuioTIn woiiiltrful HUL-fOiM aiMUlif,' bin cuatiiiuup.

TitriiliiAUH mil rdkvii the ivornt caHC IT «mITO ti'i fuitli fn any medieiiK.', ju»t buy 11 Bain-

j:itt[o ur IlOBtlito'tt tionuau KyninfurlU.J*. ami try it. Itcjiiilnr HIZO linltlu lh cunt*.J.'f>u't mylcit a cungli 10 nav<j "15 cunts.

Jlcotlni- of CoiiBuih Houses of Congress met o ITIICH-

Tlio Senate wiia called to order bym. Tlioa. W. Ferry, PtCiident, pro. Tlia House wan orgaaized withelection of all the officers nominatedtho Dcinoeratle cuueus, includingn. Micb'id 0. KeiT, of Iutlinim, for

Ilie scvcnlli Aiiunul Mcssiigc ol Prosi-mt Grunt wim un oitroinelj lengthyic, am] wo liavo only room this week

iioto tbo leading topics discuBSotl.sajH, "Tliiu will bo the last annual

ssage irliicli I shall bavo tlio honor ofusmhting to Congrcsa boforo my euc-

jssor is cliosou," tlic words some thinkcarefully uelcctod to include the

issibility that tlio Toiler may be bism nacccssor. Iu tho first ho TCCODI-

I KUCII lt-giulatiou na will iusuroco and nou-scctarinn schools, wbioli isro-itcratioii of the idcafl bo cxprossed

Dos Moinci- Bpeccli, Homo weokaHo bcxt udrocatci tlic separation

Church and Stato and tho tuintion ofircli property. In tbia respect weat coiaciilo witb tho opinion of tlio

)*).): "Wocanuot LoTp

necessary lo intimato tliat tlio simple•owtU of cliurcli property, at this dnyid iu tbia country, inuy lend to 'ac-

aticm through Mooti.' Tlio amount' clmrcft properly in largo aud growing

(tpidly ; but tlio American people caniring to hoar its jnsfc alinro of publiclirdens by reiwou njd by legiaUtion.t ia not a good omen tbat" an executivettertuico at tlo tlireshhold of discus-ion coutcmlilatea a violent and bloody

uieut. No words in any rcteutosaage ha*o been BO pregnant of ill

as UICHO hvo— 'tlirongli lilooii.' "Ipoatbo Oubua queatiou lio toucliosbut

litly, and liis tone ia conciliatory,.buttbo atibjoct of flnnncca his views at'o

3und and good,

Wm. If. Tweed caenned from custodySaturday) nud tlio SliorilT lias offered

10,000 for his arrest. Ho left Ludlowircet jn.iL at about 1 o'clock on Satur-ay, iu company with Warden Piiauamid 1'ecpcr Hsgnn, drivlug nbont nndopping at vnrious ]>lnces ntitil townrdsrening, vthen lio cxprossed a desire. to" t his wife, who was aict. Tbo "Wdr-

i'« utory a that tbo party drove to the[so, and all ontcred and took seals ia

10 pnrlor, vbcro they were met by one[TwcocVa BOD i. In a fow moment*'weed said lie wished to aUp up stairt)•Dcohiii wifo. Ho left tbo room and

lid not return.' In nbont fifteon or;wonty minutes WardonPuubAtn. asketl

ting Tiveed to go up and tell his f&tli-tbnt it was gotticg late nud thoy must

eturn to Xttdlow stroet. The youngn»n went out, aud returning in a fewaoinente, rouinrkcd unconcetnodlr(•rntlier's gone." Tlioy immediatelyloircbod tlio bouso, nlnrmod the policemd tolcgrnpbcd tho nows throughoutia country. Twocd'c private scarotnryift tlio Ilofiuian Hoa-se on SaturdaylornirjR with n larga truok: nud otidlieory IH that Tweod never rouo aroundt all -nitli tbo ofllcora, bat was trana-?rred to another carriaga and embarkedlotiooftba outgoing" Rtoamcrs. Ocr-da it is tbat nothing liaa baen henrd ofim Hinco, and lio is wall boyond tlia;acU of tho officers era tbia, if lie wiwit before ttio alarm was given.

It in now estimated tbat tbo numberf deotbi cauaed by tlia explosion in theIwaitho Main Oollier.T.Euplaml, will notxcced oao buadrod nnd thirty. Tlioark of rccDverinK tho bodies from tboilljcry is still going on. The entireitrict is still greater excited, as it willsome dnyi yot before tbo number ofi dead nan bo exactly nscorUiinod--.'\11 of n portion of tlio roof of tbo mluoiTiiiff occcred, which obstmcUi tlioic work of the explorers.

for thorn to Itliluw- mi; olio itha in uliliji-d tuUHB to «ot one. A full stock ul the'HCQICV'B" Ilnrd IlnbLi-r Trumcaiif all>li vl.it*,!>-' ft'id duul^t', i ro knitt \>iItOUEBT KILLGOltE, '

JulylUL, 1KT4. Kuwos«t., Dover, N. J.

tiers rein a iii ing uucluluicdiu HiGpuHt Office nt JJovcr, iV. J,

December !lil. 1875.

KaiUo Aiillionr, Edifard Itrlant,Joint Ci-sin, Mr*. Cliai. Urmtf,

TliOBteamorDoutachland, of tboNorlUcrmirn Xjlnyd lino, from Bromon,oantl /or Now York, grounded on tbo:entiab Knock 8anda in tho NottU Boafeitdiiy snd is a wreck, Jlftyof borpas*-igcre nml crow being lost.


'nip.* It'fit purely Vi-ffolabloitiid isonoortfio-' rcntfOicH known forConglx, Coldi, Uron-

it and MUffMtlutnof tho Thront or Lnnc»may lend to CaniumptEoii. Ueing of n forjhiK nature, it cniinot fail to bu (if aroat

-Jtlt in all can't wliero tlio Lnti(f« or llrnn-lint tultcn nro iffot:* frum an? came. - Bab.

" gore'• <!»{•• iluro, Hnms St., Dover,

RHEUMATISM.F you liavo Jlhf nimtUin, Omit, or Lnmb&gn

go lo Kil'ioro'i ilrnif tloro nud pel a ttot-ofDr.llUllou'i KhoSmntlo runcTlT. It IIen Intormlty and is certiln to si*D 'poini>-

A relief wbllo ill oitcrntd at.pUention* aireit tanportrT. Try It. Prepared by ltobcrlIllgoro, Vovcr, M. J.

__r hip.1 ninc-stlut time iln

UflUlnf wiL'. tl/wj)

ind ilLfta]ift^ir <ii

d Lat»

ii Tli n'<t tipaU-,(biota cciotl (U

cc-k n-hi» j c i r tgo. Bhu LM bc«ti dulniz

it Of hrr i frk farmer rix lumnln. Hu

.Wtrt.l it •Imoatm n>incl«.'m<l nenUilliti> ilir me of jonr vatutbk UKcIlclite.

liloml.pnriilfr « t r e .

D Mt-dlcal

11 a l j !J. j[, I

RUPTUEE.i:i]pturctlio"SL'L'liiy'i."fIard Jiuliiior Trimiiculcd liy all vlio'liavo wurn t l i tmtoLo>CHt, clLnueit und lasitBt truss to near tliatuic. Tint tliuy aid now bcln[• mvtl la Ilia

beat KiifliMli llogmtals In prafuroueo tn anyoat Kiiflmli llogmtals In preftlliir TriihH mailc I* Kiiftlcicnt rec

int i s ,JohuDow,L k Krnp

l l . C1'. Q

i. Urmvall,l tLuke Kornp,

Win. (lomiuer,Mary UcUaiflil

JohuDoLuke Kornp, JBUIUK KW Llswhn

AiinioI'KtWiw l lLiU l»«n\ Ilowo,

John T, Itobnrte.To obtain 1117 uf tlie aboiu letters Bay " si

rrtlnud" nml giro ilnlo or !liin Hit.A.BEEMEH, P.M.

' -M A ItK IK II.ItOQAllT- HcDONALL-On Weuiicwlay, Nu,.

Sillli, 1875, liy Her. a Daly, ti 11 Gantra Bt.,Non-ark, Sir. HAH its D. BOOAJTV of Newark, audMitts Kinr MCDOMLL uf Harriaon, N. J.

O.TT.A.M. .All tho ineinbon of Do«r Council, No. C, ire

ro(-ucat(>d toattcud tbo meeting In tuelrroomon Tue i i iy even ing, Decomlwr Htli, 1675, toatt'.nd to tLo transaclioii of Important l>uii-

. Ly order of•iw Wif. H. FJGIITEB, G.

TV/TIS1) llKADIKG, PHVC1I0UAN0Y, FAS"1VX ciuatioa, Houl ClmrmiiiR, Mi-nmiritra1

mid Itmrlftge OulJc, ihowinR how Dither, icxniiyfjutcluato and gain tlio lofoaod nffuctiunol vny venou they cbooao inttanU?, 40U in jet,Ilr t inl SO cU. HUNT & Vt,., JttU 8. 7th tit.,r i i lUPa CMw




All of the uonrcit atylo and jiattat coittorediKtMlock.

W n i . I I . 1-EE,]00 Fiillou Bl., n»r Cliurcli, and 277 Cacti SI.,

1 iluor ofttt ot BroiilKiy. Now Voik. W-4w


ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE!Tlio KBLtcrlbir will xoll at VaMie Sato, tt UI


WEDHESDAY, Jim. 5tli,1870, tlio entire poMonal properly of Sir*. 31Clouso, deceated, conslntlag of 3 IloJutrnIa, 2Faathcr Ucilii Kinw lied", Bolotcre, Pillowa,Quilli, Oumfortublca, lllankct-i, 2 Trunlii «uJcoiituulu, l&rsp ltockiii(i Clialr, largo IJiUlc, 1OntibMra, 1 Table, lot of It t thn, CooV Hto^Bsnuflxturcd, Iwfi« Wcit-h Beam, net ortscalciand Wdglili, Qrinditona. Ac, A lio, at tlic•line time and placo will bo offered for ealo tliofullowlng (innrrllH'ii run! caMf, Ilia M CdiiUlm

15 ACRES,nbont Taur ocroi nntlor cnltiTation, tlio bilaiwccorcrod wltli youag timber. Tlio luiprorcmumi

DWELIiJNG HOUSErcocnlly (lilctl no In Rood repair. Thcro fa a•roll of tutor al t&odoor. JlAftN, WOOD BU£D

GROCERY STORE and STABLETlio lot Is abundantly froiled, eoDlainlnp SO

So ap-ilo troas, with abundant* of im*llerI. fes'o to r-ommonca at 1 o'clock P. M.

Cpnditioni nada k t m o i d a y of aalo by

SHERIFF'S SALE!M«rrli> Circuit Courl-Edrinl T.Curiatlainc.

TI. William lloscrcar. 1% fa. do biiu. tt tor.Incase. Hcluruab'oloJlajTwin,ltfli,

M'lLLIAU T. LEl'OItT, Att'y.Horrli Circuit Courl-AHa«v Ft. fa. ds bon. et

fcr. liicaxc. lid war J T. Ofarlilianaon ••.William Itoiaroar. Itoturnnblo to JanuaryTuna, 187K. -VV1LUAUT. LEP0HT, Atfy.

BYvirtDo of tho twn ahota itited wrila offieri radii in my Itauili I aliall eiposo for

mle at Public rendusat tlio i l l on Ion IIOUMHotel, in Morrlitonn, N. J., on

MONDAY, tLo 101b. day of JAHUAHY next,A. D. 1B70, l(.tot«n Ihc houn or 12 U. |0d 1!o'clock P. II., lltat !• tu tar, at 3 o'clock in thoaltemnon ol laid Jar, all Iho following do-"•ritwd lot cr parcel of Inn.l and -ireuitMH,..luatp, Uinjr anil being In tbo TewuiliipoiILockairay, iu tbo County of Uorrli and Stats orNow Jcnoy, baited and bounilod i i folloiri: ;

Balnff part or tlio land inown ai tbo M*Hurry farm, which wan il.rlaod to Htophon U.Btirj l>j Uio ftlll uf An Item, un!y nroTci) Intha Vrob«to Court or said Oounty or Jtorrln,lUrWh, lBST,»iid login i at a airnor in themiddle of tlm roiil lo.dlnjr from Dorcr to Jit.Hope, In tbo lino of a lot or furty-Sro Uonty-four Lnudrodtlii ocres courojod hy aald AiaBarry to Mattlcw and Moiol feiolcr by dood ofApril 10th, 1357, ami recorded In UnrrU Conutyrecord of dcoda, U 6, pi(-e &», and ia diatinttliirtoon foot all inclici on aald lino from tbefourth corner or a. lot tbat Stephen 0. II«rrjrcanvsyed to ODD BmbK/Coonrad, Duccmtwr23.1, iaO3. and rwy.rdod In book It 0, fnUoa S37,and ram tlitmco alooc tho mlJdlo of »id roadaatboneoaio now trarcnci at tliii polut (I]tumiu fllty-niiiB doercci wcit Qlty foet; tlienco(2) ••uth Hftj-fiTo md a half degree I cast on*Imn'lrcd ana rlovon feet; thonco (8) nortb fiftynlno ilcsrwi « i t fifty reot to Mid Slj-Ior'i lino:tlionco alonp tlio aarao {1) north flitj-flte andonn-lialf depreea wcit ono bundrtdtnd elevenftot tn 11)0 Imslnnlng. Tint thh lot '• conreyrdinbject to tliu rifiht or my for ntd road and'tliu firat Uno lUcroof for HSI<1 *oad- titA morerally s«t forth Mid doRCribod io tho- MorriiCaunly Clork'i OIQco, ia a iXccd nf conTnvaucnfrom Andrew- 3. Uoianngor sod wife to WilliamIloiGTcar,'Uo£d4aM<lTj(!CotuUr2ntu, 1871, anil-['corded in ooalt H 8, folios S03 nod ai4, kc,

"" Drlff.




r.vn-.jAM'ji'Y U| , 1171-,'•'JKMi.riMitn1 «






HARDWARE: Iron, Slcel, Nails, £c,

i?:. :rji'ivi>siji2"\r Ac s o w ,


wi!!, I

at tyi«>.

u iU , tlio UK-st hlv

] a ^ ii[c-s*Mfi mil]

w cur nt llio



Xew Jersey.



near Sussex, DOVER, N. J.,lax tliif'irini ncil to h'KM-ti tlic i.-si>c>iisfft of Ins cimtumcri in tlitsr tiiuc.i \rin-n inoiify i» warm

l.y jtJIiusGroLvtiiaJ.u.r il>uii Ib .y iurc vwrM'rc H..I,IIU Dov.r. L<M1. •:,[ lli.f^ "iri.

. I 7 C ; I ; S T S pKii oA- 7 CHNTS A (!AK!:

• S <'KNT(i A 1'Al'KII

I'L'liU COPFKl1')!—rmiii IH to l,i n:!i!>, Aiuti {{uiu'rat rilurk oftiltDCKltirJi :.nd I'ltOVIrfiOS!

all'UICliS amitlCRI'nNDIXfJI.YLOW. C-BlInii.rimctnniiK^I. 51-2'


~ A d l o ! c ' ! " t o c U Im


Sussex St., Dover, X. J .

WATCHES, CLOCKS,JEWELM', SOLID OOLD II1NO.H, VLAIN.Kngrnrcd and LIi,Kino-ttiriit>d, LIIUCH' andGCIIIB Clialm, UETH of JIUVKr.UV nil UCK du-alKDa nml at eumtWorabW. ndoeoil nrlcei.Clilldrtii'ii and BKBWI' Kar Itiii^n In croat vari-tiy. uolil nndplatctl s tndi ami K^cw lint-tons, nt reduced fijptrei. Silver llluc* anilTliimbloH, Ilubliur and Jtibbon Cbaiua for lidioi-id e^ntii. Alson cholCD (doutlon of

SILVER PLATED GOODS.All.new dcflignn. Nu old ttcck. Cuiii|)ri»iiis



Ciltl) RKCEIVF.US, VKUIV tiTASDH,. ^ rot*, Waller*. KpOdu Holders. OoMoti,Drinking Cupx, Va^x, CalllH l«. l>iuKiiivi-aN»]iUin ItliiL'i, Smnkiiig Kotu, KtiivoM. 1'orku,&|Mwni,ChtMretia* KIIIVUHaud lorLs,.tc. AlW*VM un imluJnlltn'SKHorlniL-iil or Bt'KCTA-CLES, KXE OLASSFS, nml HOLD HvS'H.




Oflicv at ('H.\SI','S




REAL -ESTATE!Th&'«alHtn,bci. AflTiili.lslrutnf ut Ilio osU

cr Dnvid 1L Kmniaiii!, .leu'd, will HC!1 nt l'nbl

SATURDAY, Dec. lStji,1675, at Iwo uVlcck I1. M,, lla-

SAW MILI; PROPEKT.Y,onlalulng 10 ncrcii, imon vvliicli is n mill niMHl wrdur and an esoillciil water JIOWLT. Alit,' tnlf-lDtereat of tlm <lrc«:iit>t(I in a Haft




FAR BELOW COST.THE sroi:i; coxsorru OF A IMMS AS-


OVERCOATS from - .- - Mtnl20.MA 3ACKF.TB Irom - - - tUn 17.50.SDITS '• " - - • (7 to HO.YOUTFl'f* OVEHCOATS frnni - - t:i to |7.YOUTH'S SUITS •' - - |;, to 110.iiofaSuRp, a largo quantity, fmui fJ.WtoIS.

Gents1 Fnriiishing GoodsDrtirora nml Blilrla from W tu TO couta wcl

And * (jfucrnl tlutkof



way Iwlow New \Sk prkrp. Also


Diagonals, 'Worsteds, Vcsttnge, i c ,by tho yard and cut Brail*. ClntUIng t

to order in ilia beat sljlo and undur my own• ' ' • Don't fnrgct (lie pUeoTf .,

^SUSSEX St., near Ilh.cluv.ll.

H U D S O N P E E R ,

Tobnceonist, Now Denier,


Cor. BLAOtWElL ini SUSSEX Sts.3D ^3*X^ l I i 3H . , 3XT. J ' .

KiiTloR parqliaKwl cr jfr.JInvrf^u ifci'Limi-••ortU. tllliil, I tnnU i.J- In hi.,ill oni-

cttfnllynolWI ll,o nine. I ,i ,a | | lumulna,,li«iicl1llOiliualnUpp|j(,f

Daily and Weekly (Paiiep's,'jLaAZINia, •.I'HUIUUUJAI.S,

nooiu), lviimxa i-Arnns, niiVK1ESX lCSOIW, ISKil, &r.

P0I1EI0N and DO.MBS'

Oliewing and Smoking Tobacco;1'ipci, Hogati IlnMera, Ponulics, Ao.

CANDIES, KTITfj AND FJ10IT8,auj a larjio l'aridy or.Knnoxdor nil Unil..

2d, 187S. 1IUDH0M VEER.

C. MAUIE, Jr.,


Oor, Blaokwoll nia SUKOI Sts,,m DOVES, N: J.


kmla «r J»hu Winger ilnil nilii-ri!' UjUn "ill

DOUBLE HOUSE, BAEN,mid f-tlirr nutlniiUinpg, 'eitoil n;irlti^ nL tliduor, f-oud fruit. ,Vc Var\\fn dciilriuj- tn vie

one mill! woulli uf Cliculer, un tliu road kailiiito IVnnAcli.' Conditions made known un dadfnalo ly '• -



NEW PlttCES for CASir.

, .. llinfonand nrtcr

MONDAY, October 4th, 1875,Ilia


nay U /L.UII.1 loc.ilid In tho hiill.llnt; i,l JOU

IlODEllGIt, noil to liiri now H!IOO Blorn on

AV A I I I t E N S X111-3 E X

Wtlli lilft rcniovjfho l;;a racu'vL'd Iu mnko



In Hair BMiwma. • .\ lar^a Klool; or meal is at[liii'rt Lo[it on liatul, *ud jiartics dtslrliig icV^u i ft f iviLility nt DIII^ , criu iltj bii !

ly , MANX COX.


13 no'V rfiitly,again fat tlio Tall mid U'inlcrTnwlo with A largely incrcasilil stiieli of

IVA'OON ^ 0 0 1 ) TVOKK

LIGHT AND HEAVY.alt i^rikft, I j t j a., Hickory riiKikon. 7-tt tn l j .

iidlitavr. 1'oTwi. WitYolcn. Jtuck'iliiiiiierii.luicU lti-imcn. Oarrin-jo Ilows; almi Truck.

Ainu, oil kliiilg of ' *


iinHjUPHH ?tiai>iea tnu toli^ A coimiotfiiit Juit^ajrany nrllcl« cnnnrttofl with llio Imnineiiii, cuilin*- (wrsmia fnvorlw; mo willt their (inlcru HI»T•uly ui.011 my furniflLinB tbom uitli nil articlemiUblo to ILuIr nnutii, nnil at Qfl n<jROii:ililo

priwuna ran liuobtniiiL'tlnt any oil t r iilacf• .Union.Iw tetter ft* Carrlngamil 8 elRli 'JI-iwmi>iiiH win bo nuliiiily miiii itr'-uaiAifT fiir

Hiiat -mr|jos« tli«y nro wanloil, mid coinlint;

nape U r4M[icclf<ill> K o l i c i t c d . . . .

. , : - II. 1*. SASDEFSOS, '5 Ilpnoallu DovorDcpol,

Dissolution of Co-partnership.NOTICElliJu'rrl.rptTon tlul. Ibe p i r l n ^

«l,lp laK-lr aitlafitlnft liclwvua William J,^wtliruiiiud IMtrnnl L. Em mon n, umlur llmnu ramo of Nurtlirnji it Etumniii irn» dis-

Ecilvcil by inutnal eminent nu tlic tWL'ulT-tiiutli

•'ortnirnhlp art- In rmrL'cclvt'd liy tfm HS!<1 Win. Xfirtliniii, ami ulUt'-namU iiRniiiFt Inu mli]

'""wil.UAMJ.NOHTimul1 ,

Clinter, Kovniiilier iinli, JbTS."

nililing "ffill hereafter l>o cnndndni hj

H-atr WILUAH J. NpllTIItlUr.

SEASON, 1 8 7 5 !

Headquarters of Morris Count;

Flowers!rimr. I'SUKI^'-ONED, TiuNKru'L ror

I iml vtlmnMe, uu i i ld reHii tf t ful lr pa l ! t i n


PLANTStn IJO foiimi in itio Xlmo. I l.st'c <>n Inn.lmli a^nrtnii'iit of limit*, Tim a and SimibIn rv MiLtnLU-).-r tliiu t'limalf, -vlili-li I niltiarud Ut litmi^U "« slmrt uotitr, atul

I'iirtirn wi-iltitisr to jmnhabo aruiuiutti

GiiiiKMioi'riDt 3IAPI.1" AVi:. <"fir. riiRll


V0OUHEES BROTHERS,«-iiuLi:«.ii.EAsn IU:TA!I, i>i:ii.Er.ii i s

Hardware, Iron and Steel,



CAIIlil.Mili MAlilUtK <1 ' («H,


^ ' N j "X. J.

Housekeeping Moods.

PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,mi.l Maiaifaclnrrrs' Artltlcn ^titrallj.

Lime, Cement, Plaster

M<inlshiKii, Krj.t. 23tl. 1S71.



in;; ijiiriinoxH, ivurild irn)>octTiiHj" iiifnnii tlit{iitliliu tlmt Uu l a» ii'AiYlia^i'ila


ttigctlur wlt!i lior^fs, am] all tlio nrocHP.ir

MEl'AL CAS1OHTS, COFFINS,fillUOUlhS, i u n UOXKfl, slid mrytliiuitalniiif totlio trndo. 1 sliaU maku it my ins.inCBs lq,f-ivu my jicmnml attention in allwlicn cullbd ami will t-nd^avor to meet ulii-iijtilrLiiKJiitH in llio liutI tiitimtr, ut tlic low-

*M. F. DICKERS0N.icir

SHERIFF'S SALE!Him in Coinmnii DeikK-Pi. fn. da linn, et Ic

On iWkelud juilfimi'iit. OlinrlcH 11. MIIVL

I II rmlilc Slay"Knn1''iH71.0

J. F, bflCKLE, Alp V vlvhw uf \\w *l)uvo Hinted writ nf tleriD TUCUK In my liamls Iitliall tittoHc for" ti!oit liitilm Tistwliic. at tlio HiiiiBion Ihnta Holen MorriHlMwu, N. J., mi' MO.NDAr, tlio Will day or JANUAltV next,

A. D. iwo, Iwtwnn tlio koan of 12 o'elinb M.intl fi u'clouk 1*. SI., that u lo Bnv, <it 'i oViuc-kin tlio nftunmoii «,* mid tlnjr, nfl tbnt certaintraet or nnrccl of In ml nnj iirrmiscti, lioron af-tw parliciilnrly dencrik.l, Kitimlo. lying nu(tliiff iti (lio t<)Miinlil|> rf 111. Olivu, In [!,„

Comity nr Morris mid -i talo »r New Jt-rsey, ami

JltKiiiDiiiKal llio cuiitni of a lirpo vlwBlnntIna Htaiiilliiit in tlin m u l e d north lino or atract ol land luiowii as tlm London Trnct nit•••v* i-oltirncil to 1'oto- Garlmt nml "

d;in on !)lHt ,1a*. of May, 1713, uaid tr» " nirnerora tract urln-jdati trua coiivfivei

_ , Anilrutv Kmallj nud vim Ut jtilm Jtrilten(noiT di-fcaHL-tl), bj-ilciil lieailm; <Ialo tlio (Imttiny «>t tebrnar?, .\. ]). W5(i, nnd rucorik'd intliuCkrk'M Ollk-ui.f tlio Coimly o! Murrin inliuok S i, -me,, l-ii, Ac, ami mni ttaenn au tin

ncrflo v .mlntH (1) •hm H01,Ui «lKbl«-aqnmfcet H I liiclin t« a fltalto ; m mulb olKhlrHovtti <VBr-itn and ilftwii inltiuU'H i-agt twoittlidrcd Mitj-ono feet nud nix Inoliw, to aIOKU ; (3) tiurlU flvo iTogrwa nnil tliirt? min-itci cast uno liundrc.l anil Mix fw| tnti llio nurtli linn of tliu nforfsaiil

IVactiHlntoDR HID M I M wmlh m;f,icoa went two liniiurti] mn] wve•.I lo tliu tilnce n[ lifginniuK contajulnr;rnly-Bvo IbmiianA Hvo Un l i£ l and C n t y

,n*ro r.'ol uT lunil; nml iiic.re fully set futtlimni titiscniK'ii In n deed or cunvi'vauro fromJohn II. IJrilllD «HI Catliariuu Uriitfii io JacobUmilstoit, iktil ditol Jtilv M, Wi, ami ru-i-ontdil In tlio irnirlH Cnnniy rilerU Ofllco, inbook of ilmiliK l». fbllo m . he., wliem i t " ,mow Hilly net forth nnd described.

All (liuri-n'lit, tttlo and interest afllio ilofeinl-nut ju «MI tu all tliOM) uudivlilcil -mrl or inter-

liiirilnaricr parlieul'nrly ilcwibMl, PKit'na1o!Ivfuft nml ltonig in tlic toxnmliljiorflnsliiiry.iiitbc '^iiinlv uf llorna iindKtntu <if Kciv JcmwtcKiuniiiK al thu BccoDrt corner or Ilia tract oi

T- ~- ,-[ •"• A< S* "'Rh'ccn lmudwd nnJnixtr-ciRht, and recorded in tho Jlorria ConntvUlorh's Olllep, in Look It 7 of rieixla, natica iXffiAc, nud.runs thence (1) fn a irmtliilrly n Wlion Bloiic tlio lurnjilliu lcndini; from tliu ITor-

- nlirt HIIHBCI tiirnntko In tliu dr'wt or Uio

*.T!l*^^* Aul!n?'1 '.d.I" lV t.oa" hundred

'i'art ('".' i ~i—iv.i V ' * " *".'* l'Ollilteiiil flfi.v*li.'et lo tlia third cottier or lands bu*

Miunitui lino uno himdrud nnd' liliy fiit-l in nweiilcrlvdlroclion to tlio place nf tiei " "niDHlnlnitimlTblliotiianJflvohnndw . . , . . _ . .

<>t or liuu, more «r less. A.ml niora Mfa nutirtlinnil (iL'sailwd in a docd or cunvnranue

Irmn Cjithari.io BritUn and Jnun II. llrjftlii loJacob N. Woolslnn'ntiil nnrrlet J.^Vnuleton liiil ife, tli*i) Warini,- Olio March 17tli, 1871, andiworJf^a In tltuMcirriH CcuntyreconlVirdtfilii

li!'""kt r l " ' f " " " l t i r s ' &v'tnllCj'0 u l s l u " i

: - ' • . '.JIU3E JlOia'JUN,Hb(ii(T,Daltfl fr-it. 2'tlt. 1875. *

Notice of'A-ppliTOTICE la lienlij filvcu that appllallmi will

N liu inailn |» iho nost Lopfulauiro «r NewiTsey tadiuiijiti lliomniooftlicJollnyMinmnoinpaujr. ' • ' Ci-f—Duver, X, J,, Dec. lul, 1875. ,: ' •

-v«. J. W. ('(II.M.VB,

OI'FICE am] ItESIDEXCi: cjipoHtlo tlic


•Notice!lllir.llnn of Drjint A ConflU.l liavine diH-

X wilvwl vn-iiartniiniiilp Juno IHI, 18TJ.aU[H,n-(ti.B tmtclttcd 011 book account to*al,Irtrm

Ttroiiuo3t(j(l loHDttlo tho tnnia iinait'illatetvItli llm anbueribtr, who Is alono ftntliorkej>roci'f|itfor tlia BPDIU.

CsTotice of Application.ITICT. U hcrciiy glran'lliat apjilirttion will

, boinntlf) tn tlio n u t Ix>^mktnre ol thoBlate of Now Jrrwj for on act lo cnahln theTnmtcea udUo MutUwlUt E-iS»copa\ Clmicli 0!tlin Tiinmitifn or llnmlulph lo COHTOJ1 I an da.




SIWAIT.;:, lion:. i'ii.iiss,io.

Mechanics'and Farmer's Tools.



Horse Shix* ami K»ll- Cirriasi: nullu, Ac.



Nay, Straw and Feed Cutters,



n.o',vri: I'OT uiiACKnTSiuJSTAXDa.





Illiiiili Keji ami Keys Fitted.


S. II. BERRY,Blackwell St., near Morris,

DOVEE, N- 3-



D O V E R , N . .7.


TANKS nud OEE BH0KE1S,ooiiBtantly on Lund.

REI'AUttNQ PBOMPTLV ATTEK0ED TO.I'lefD^to Murrii Counly Mftcliinu.VIr.m („.


tu thr ljtiililinK (in

BLACKWELL* STBEET,latdy occu|iiL'd by K. E. Watlcrn, I Hinll bi

•ili'aKti] lo BUG nil my old ' ra t l in i t my new

ijtiiirti'r*, WIIITI'with iiiurooFi'd room aiidfurll*

11 it's I nm bctti'r olili1 lo uli'ct tlieir wauln,

OYSTERSin nil Flyk's, and by tbo cjuirt or •mint.

1-AHTIES, 3ULLS, otc HUpplinl.

JtKALS at nil lutiirs. Hnii|wrs for pnrllcK at

CIOAllK nlwrayiiou luml.


utliitlictl In tin.' l'estmimiit, with

TWO ELEGANT TAULES,nlirnys liept in gootl order.

QZO. k. I!LAXCnAllT>.A[irl Dili, 187u. * 17-tr


<onrn PRICK oNi-vaT\ltl*33 GOODS, *


IMC.IB, pni'LINS, ITEntKOtl, WViKtl, BRA* D 'ETI


mnciiF.; Bixr.LC AND DOODLE nUHXET B i u m


niiTr. attain, OI-OTFJ, i iotnthr, ikcra,

W. 8




Would nnnntioco to Ilio LIIIIDRtliitt tlinjliavjust oimicd a SUrEIlB HTOCK o r





(if tn ry dcicrlptinn. Tlio 1AH0EST np^T.nil CIIEAIX9I «««orlmiot or' '



FOX BOBES,nil till kinds of FANC1T LAP ItOnEB

JlOl^E DLANKETS, CUIVB eoouloo IIUILSPCLU'WNO HACHIhEH, Olip|iing Bblii SS"milxi, Ac, anil ill goods portainiuu. io u^


I'K, K. .1.



Cor. Blackwell & Sussex Sts,


SAOTA CLAV8 know wlwt lb»j ill t u t .

Cuustantl; on lianil tlxa licit atmortDlfnt uf

Watches, Clacks and Jewelry.Now Oosfgm or SOLID BTLV it ind filL^RPLATED iVAim scitnblo for ircdaiug prcical..

FOKKS AND SPOONS.Artlclra for tablo a n It gnutljrrailucvJ |iriw>.


FArnOHILD GOLD PEN,unsurnasicd for Jluonoy and gehoral cxcelknAi.

ial .tlonlion ii Rivon to tboAJIEI1IOAN -WATOHES.r ttioHownnl. Elffln, Waltlum, S|itiiW-

•old «nC iWrtoWllcU.

KEPABRINGf A SPECIALTY,ami all watch rcpnirlug mtmntct].



Mohairs, Cashmeres, Alpacas,


TIIC IiauLBVAItn RK1RT ontlrcl; newamtologant. Allllmlsor


OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENTin, BS tsiul, cwiijirdienslvo and woll nsiiortcd,

Tlio fluml




S/VLT F I S H -u»D M E A T S .

I'-UiOY GP.OOEBIES of all Vmii.

BOOTS and SHOESbr'rinlor ,veat. In uao«u!ly l^go owl

*u]t'ctL'd. llonsi'kcp'ujrs will fluil onr


JUnlurllcil lo rail and pi™ our mmil'«7nuliwllm. U.lltln i UEEJIEll.Jl.rrli 2711., IBIt. m


lATirET Dri'AliTMTiirr:

A*iniiiBU.r, Vulvol, Dro»sel», O-jily, Iiigrnlli3olt«ff, Wool, Ita6h, Raj u d n«ap' Cirpil,.- Unohmni, Oil Clmlu." ol Ei,Biili m i ;Amct .lean minnhctani Hah, Dr,Ba, DmgBoli, 8L«laHollanJi, 8h.iloriilofoi,'l/v'b dtoin rcullnri,Ilaisoot., CurWii Jblcriih, Ic.

\>V mato anil lay Carpet, eut mid lay Oil

W S' BABBITT.8 5 MOrailSTOWK, S. 1.



The New EmpireJIot-Alr, Gas & Bnso-biirii-

Ing Cooking Stovo.THU BEST!)AIUNaSTOTE INtnEWOlir .D

Aluo, a Largo Assortment of oihfr BIjlcHof CooVitig HIDVUH, llmngc^ Porter

Blow., So. , ,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Aluo, a clioicn nloek or

llnrdivure, Cntlcry,Glais, Wooden, Qoppcr, .rUfu and Jnpawi'-d

OU Clollia. Cirpoli, Lunp, , p»lni» ind Uilf.' C'agCK, FeatlierH, I'mila Astral Oil (no",DBivc.) Also, f

I N C O A L .

ttooilng, I'lmiilOing and JobWort prninptty attended to,


Scn lcs Ut M m u i f n v

OM Iron, Copper, lirans. Lenil, HasnQruonbaolca Ukraiti oichongi] fur KIHUIE.


JASI1K E, li'ainreli I, ISM..


ITNDERTAKEES,A t )1IL Olii S t a n d o n Sussex Sf.,

D O V E B , N. J .fpiIE anlweribcra, bailnp roccntly fonnml »X cu-partnornblp la tlia bmtofiM ftlxito lutn-ioiici], would rcHpootttaltr inform tlio puHii"Imt Ilioyarq nowj«tterprotujod JUMIOUT tialill Uiirin! ordori with iho tilSoit promplni «f.

Tlio Tor; Lest irplltn« now, lirouRUt ia harIn tho prCBorrallaii of the 'dctd, and oilier im-IiroTCtuoiitB in ttio bniimus will be found in owjKianengiou and imoUcall* tcited with tlo iiii"'nUitkelaqriemlU.. -*™-i H-uania, (Gtf/; Hiirtm, J. tiuni^1*

1 O. Q


• lomct NEXT IO'THK arrt&,)

SUSSEX Si; DOTOE, N. J.; o ; t" i

Ttio Bun«crlbcr lini opontd booti wlicrcl'i a1

raons dcilrotu' ot dii^nlngWtUclr tmnsfi»nd lo[H, or Buy roal oahto of.nbalwor du rw

may give dDBcrlptiOQB or Itaelr imqwrlj,whe^o. thoiw^denroiu of pnrclmiiuir nuj* U t 4 r r t t d A ^ ' ' •


,.,.jrw-a pl»d,tiui•UIWCI to tliu I'otlllnnert potiUon, on or bji''"elatitMDtli d»r of J«m*ry TMt,n in ucia'11

•oo(BucUaocrMWllltioiuido»«4iin'r0UM t u

DctlloribkllltilnktfiniUttliiKiidJ'i'it. inorcta.Uio bond! ornutiiinnUT. ^^.n*.

i ir'.li 0 314. JI . ; Owi't-o Ejprcx.

""I S.B»«'-I"'J';l!"lg"1 J " , « i H.; HiiiKlmuiptoIi Kipn-'n,

Weekly Statement of Iron OrePusisoTimHAOKnrarows RULES, " A


*•" t, 1875 . •

injunction SlallouiO..

itctlro .'•"

IVitol _ _ _

JAN. 1st, 1876,

THE IRON ERA,,,-,„„,„ t t o n l to .ubirribor. it Italr ro.i-

ir.mEMlDronRTAT ran roLiowmo HATES :


TffltEE MONTHS 50 era.FltBB OP 1'OSTAUK.


jlajorJailueiotlJoraiUin ia vlsl ling California.V(in cnii'l fcrrp I'1**8 warm thin weather, Jack,

nu hlntinga.'Jl,, fco BIB Anally closed tlio Morris Canal

' iwv-n>« twrnp* •lepl •» il>« lock-np unVwlnwlay nlfilit.

Tbo l*rlimulns 1i«f «> Dr. Clum'ire'a If

noil noi'lh-Kccinff.

jlr.OM'w L. CtrtrlKlit lm« hnun flniwlnteilI'ct'.inailuratllt. Hope.

Tliert are now nnoliuudred ami tony iumalcBIn Die Comity Alum House,

A ntvr ciifjliio has Jant linen put hi jimtltlottAtiliolIurJMiiio, Utirdtown.

Omlurto imiiilroJ I'trsous slated nn Ino* rink ID ikrrUluwn m llm opening day.

Tlic rt-viial mcotinga in til a Ilooutou II. ',Clinrrli baiu alruMly rasullud ID a nnuibarof

T1IRI1II!IL'IIII VHJB tint JJoMiloil HIIII Tacloryuispmttiia.Biiil tbat Hovtnil Kioiiianiot.ini-|i,S(iu'inr»l-cliiiiillk. •

Mn. John Duffy, of Uixnitoii, aged Fortuity*ii* vi-ni, dislocated her Illicit iiy a foiliriil.TiilgiiiuMnilwccfc.

•Jlic couuregatloii and ffionin of llcv. Hr.K-r, of Mcndliam, will glvo litm a doar."virit ou Wednesday owning licit.

Tlit llorriitown Y. II . 0. A. IIBTO dctimnIn holl Saturday evening meetings in Wash-ington Hall during tbo Win tcr moiillm.

Sim Bloan, President of tho Delaware, Lack.iiriniisll.lt., lias accoptod tliopoiitlon of "VliIWfcnt of Iho Michigan Central It. B.

Al HID suction sale of tho Dover Uanlf StockofDiriil Younn, ou Wednesday, twenty ilmnJ JIDO u»tb were Bold.to Junes Jar (lino furllielr pir Viiluc. "i • 11 '• '

lit only cxliitiitov ' til tend from HorrliCuunlythUBfar for tha CeutcDtiUl U SenatorILanilolph of Morris town, wlio will oihiuit hii(lilcliH' imchlnc. *

Meting wo can niako It to tb> inloicalofrvcrv nflm'rlber t» ]uy In mlv«ncn, wo sJialltucl mlvsnco pay for GubaciipUons after tbolitoIJtiiniryiioit.

Mr. Ilicbird Spoor of Morriitown, wlio waitnt nt tbo pmongors on tho stoamor Binmyilib tlJch lank last nook, given oil hitottwUuilU'icnplIonofthaillsKBtur.

Tlm congregation and friotiils of lltiv.J. II.liupjon will gWu him a donation visit at tbolursunsgo In IVapacli, on Wcdnewlay artiTiiimil cimlng, December lGtti,

Jlr. Rculien IUJWO recently pitrcliaBttd fur:

nfllio Dover bend, a DeLaccy rornct, viilonounnilretl and fifty dollars. '

In (iio diipD'sltian ol tha Senate Committees(Senior Randolph has been pheed on tlio fol-loning: MiliUry Affairs, Minea and Blinlnin<] Civil Sorvlco and Hetroncbiuent.

Mr. Mnnn, of Iroahlyn ban hU new SummorUoitilliig Jlomo at Badd'a L»lto nearly cmrJ'ldtj. Iu Binblng awoll on tbo premlsoa II!•uloro vrts found which fa-rots Track Unite.

i iw crossing hai boon con it rue ted froh, D. Schsarz'g place to Iho new engine liousan!»ildowilt erected in fiont of tho houso Iconnect with tbo DOO oiUndlnff paf t t loFnMelbodiit ClmrcL,

•i Rio hrnjin onl In V r Ixiobird Scliuramsn'smatlilo Bliop, llorriitown, at abont two o'clockon Tocsdiy morning, but wan oil In Rti lulled»Hli liacksls or water boforo tbo VIro nprart-miatMiciUtdout. • . : : -

luati Qoldfforthy, fornierlt oogiooer of tbityriBi Uino, tvas imtantly lclllad about a fort-I'^lUtiauby f.lllrgdnwn s tuaftluoneoltlio Uka Rtjivurlor. mines, a diatance or Jiinr1'niiOtfaBUdnflyfciit. . •..".;-•_ ;•:.._

Vi't (ijulu Gail BttoDtibn io tbo Centennial"PP'r ur tho ladies of the Wtolppauy Trcsby-tfriin Clinreb, at 161. boots of Mr. IiaatKcliDfldd, licit Tuotday evunlntr, Dowrebcrlltli.udiirEiiaUtoattend.

Jlr. Wa. Vortman, tlio new prcpriotor of tl

property, till it now presents a fine ap-I'Hiincc, tnd ia now dulng o largo business iihaldDjr lnj and uhipping It t i tbo city,

Ktmadosin error last nook in sUtlnff tbatlm IftleijTapU operator at Osdcniilinrg ha."llattd moneyi and docampod. Instead h«M»rr«alod and tikon to Wovflon Jill. IIl«*,liowoTiT,many frlantls nho boilovoho IInnocLot, aU(] t u t t ho will yet right hiBBolf.

Pram wlvaU) tctlera to liii frluutla no lurntint ear townsman, Ur. Fred. H. Bowlii- i« atVttat vlilllng Parti, whltbcr ho trojit fromLonaon about November l i t . From h e " 1 -will iwxt gQ to Rome.. Wo aro glaj lo « . . .ttutho ii heartily enfoylns'hinisclf and thatI ' lo^ l th lsor tbobci t ; " •

^ • n o M r E a i b i B b e n sue-d fur'itliolff|o!«s at tfaanranpeaUrboiotnlnff notori<'titalready nolflrlop«a«a pooil local papor.•M »o donhl If lbo Ubsl suit w Iliaotraot TromH'lcmtattoB,- The salt fs brought Ly Wm.'• Bunn, who Is iceaiod of tbo murder of thewtam alBiUijc fcbm j j t ; rroodom.-^aukMi% l i l « . . . - '• ' ' , • ' •

' li Bnmo talk olrnnninc a railroad fj-oipo lo Itadd's Liko, and* tbouoe DP 11-

.{"•« Brook io BOBI C. A. Wcire's, strltlDK tho'""ylroriToini near'tbo'Oiborh mine, thet«WB rmioy; brook by U C O H n l o tbo Earl-« , wd » on to HartleyviilotFntorsectlnB wltt

IHoUnswooaValloyTUiirdadi .TboSurrcyonwni lo hnvo bcon on oro tUU, but I tblnt tinfti« wait autil a morn ravomlilo time.

Witnc, lbs Warren street flour nerobanl""joal received a prime tot of roll bnlteniikb ha i« uiimg for a B conts, an extra. Io« l o t L B U « sallijiK fur,OC ccnli, and abou'"teflbarreli ornlcoftwh e'jnja from tko c<"7 il 33 cents'per Aozaa. Also tba 1JC»1 hi""wirlhai can ho found iu UlnncapolliJhDMoh, B l l i c l l ,,«„ w l l l vai tst}0fii

m> n« miller /torn wiioro i t zomc*.

ULT polula

»t s. II. i!,, IJ-'H j THE EARLY SCHOOLS OF ROCK AW A Y. II-KI illicitinii we dud uf a school ur

un.,,) in 11-iL-Uiny in In a du<d ^Ivoii by

iciili .111ulmi (MilkT) ti) IMvId hr-iiiun for

i>r Ibu K'*iH* n1111 Htaudiug n«ur " Ituuk-

nu-'lil lu Icmw Unit I iwfl_v 01.1 Fotf"," »loti-il (.Wl. SUtli, 1771, wliicliiritli Iliii di'KL-iilii-H Km lul n« " lif uinniiij,' at 'tin LIIII trL'c

that t lu D. L. ft W., aiandiie mi ILo hank <.f isld river ebuiit rightLoiow e Id mill, ind nitiuiiig a T7C«ILT1V

mi Ui a i-otiicror KOIJITI (IJHIUH'M luml near

nod the IIIIUKC, nuw on <i!il luurniunl lions*.'

nod by Jolm !•-. HlirHo a m l tin- si-bonl huunn

ndaboiit vborc the kitchen of Dr. Jick»o»'i

BE romuvcJ is 1M00. Ur. IlubbarUH. SlicLle,0 niLH ljuru in 17H3, rumlk-uts tliu bitlltliiiK,

1 only knuiv ur itu Uinj; a tii'hool IIUUBO fromailinn. It wmi B little frama buildint: useds sort ufa lumber ruiim and wunniuiiaily asDucmont lioimo in his day.

Wound another papor endorsed by Col. Jack-n. " T L I B was tho flrxt school uvur Uuylit hiK-kftir.y." I t IB lu tbo handwriting uf theichor, and h as folluwi: Tho utale ofa r.uhoollicit hns boon taught l.y Ooorgo Uarns atickaway, and bndod DU the twonty-iiilu dayApril, 17B4, l i a s follow*:


.11,-1 -III.

In ur<k'i- lo rtiliirjc HiL-ir "to.'l b«r<>rc tublLg

tlr UMUI anii'ial nccuiiut E . LIHIIHICI A Sun

11 ut&r from now until Jontury 1st t20,0COirtli of dry goods, grocorfca, proviaiouB,

uU ami HIIOOH, curputn, all kinds ol funiituro,nhrruo, iron, elcal, nails, q(c., a t ooat prlccH,

iov inutiu jii.it irliat tbey nay nnJ wilt provo

hu iJiicrtioii t i every onu uho culls.

Ou Munliy last Itov. Mr. KIaEio collscted160-125 each from ten individual*- by tbis

lacripliun, vdilcli will ho devoted to thedablu cnterpriau al [ibclug a lotto clock iul ' r t sbj krian Church itueplo. Wu uuJor-

nd tl.at it h also (he lot H I Ibu or the eon-

gutlou of lliii cburd i to place a now boll in

nkoplo In the plato of tlio old ono, recentlynicked, tvlmHS diHcordaiit ronndi jai

m at sit.

t l r , Itoubvn Itorvc, lately witli W, 0 . Dono-IUU, has auocis tcd himnclfwitli P, II, Bnrtul,id thtmo ^n t l cmcn , wbo »ra both " j acks of1 trades," projioM ilfun^ a varied amlaiiiois* in this ooinmunily. Tlioy

l(-0OlSOf tl

r tbo beat moktrH of jiianoa and organs, and

r t t o band iimtruinoutB of DuLacoy aud Dthoi

nil kuowu tuakcre, TUoy will repair acnliif

id otl.tr macliiiiOH ami band Inatrumenlg, or

;ulnsiiRo tlioin lav uow, and will BUII band

UBIO or do copylug. Their uckdciuartcrs for

iu pro jimt Is nt CIIBSO'H Btoro,

At a niiitiiliiK of llio Itopnlillcan E n

UIL'Q or tliU County, hold in HorrJuto.Yii

iu WuilitcHtluy uf buhreuk, It HUB uiiaalnmualjyolvid tu pr lo tlio

mu of Alfivil B. llriltin, Esq., nf Hadlttoir tlio ollloo of Slulo Trcpmror, and Ho:ithiiukl MIOH, Hon. William I I . HOWOIIDIKI

'lieoJoro Ayor», Earj., vitro ajipolnledn<ullUiu to ruiMUid ti i'u|iy uf lliu rcsolul

rtt.1 b j Homo nf tliu moat promiunitU C J H U I J . Willi Mr. Itrlllln us a enfor StdU) TictLEuror, Urotlior Lundy for•iiiFhiK Ulork of tlic Kcnatc, l i rn . Oarrli..•MIIIJT Clark of Iho Hnusu, and Ur. II

;luu of Jlumtnn f'>r Scrgiiaiit-nl-Arniu, surelyorly fiuui l i o n li o t ^b l tu ho elected.wliUK ivns hold In Ilio railroad dupitt nttpo hKt l'riduy ovoniiifi to "appointitsfnrtliDiiuivlluptiit Uuuiiul b t . Tlic

neotlns was eallud lo ordor hy Mr. A. II,Itoborle, IiitliL'ibHdieoulDov.Mr.Eiilrlclion

iio wan too mi wt II to hu prouonl, D. J , SIcDeJtIB olectod chairman or Ihu liiootlng. Henryutt, Bocrotitry, n.ad the mlnulcs p or tlio buteolliiR wliicb wen* approved. A .H . IlobeHs,, J . Drake, T . F . (IrunJIii, Potor \Yltkouon,id I'oli'r A[)|ik>t,'ot, fora riflctad TriiitooB lorio purpoxo namotj la tbo call fur tho meutlny,

ind tlii'y vvta liiHtruuti'il lo clrculatu a sub-;r I pi Ion pajujrlo dincijver nlitiut bow n

ilJ be ralatnl loiv.rtln hultUuijt a Doni>ul on ilio lot aroa-xald, whioli Int la situatu

u Medimiie Blrt-ut, mid mljoinn tliu propertyT . P. Oranclln, Esq.—Jfiaoyman. -

Religious Nowa-Ax Ilov. l!r. lloouov mid in \ho M. K. CHlKnuilny uvoiiiiiij. It utfinn au If the Lord

nilicatliiKlik pumr oil OUT tliu laud in ,iuutt ruvival. With Ihu a.Wcnt uf Dm work of

M'.y nitil Sanlicy In Dniolilyn, a ilcop rellg-t ft'L-liut;KCrLtiu-a lu lika hold or tlio ffbolinlry, anil tlio pirns all uvur liavo tcenioii lu|.ort» of tho good itolU. In Xorth Jorno;vrorli linn licuu jwrtknkilv Messed by thuversion nf muli uiiinhrm as w»t nuvuiwnbnforo. Indued,it ItioksaBiftbupoopIo,IIDKO pnnlc tiniPH, vrhcu labor Is slack undicy scarce, tiad turned their minds from lboigicl'ollHlhliiKotuUipurol that luvociigroio

•A IIH.-R1 In Iho pBdl, and nru bi>{;inuln>[ thliik (L-riounly of tlifiiftit spiritual, From nu

ti or lliu paut month V.D gstlicr t b : followingtiMcit of tills work durins lliatliuioln thhlion. Tlio figures aro BB noar on we havi«ivcd them at last atlvlcua: ltoL-lianray U.

E. Ohuicbj ItiO coiivoralonui Ituekmvay i'l-ciiby-krlnu Clnucli, 23; Tort Mnrrij lUilroad fevi-

il, 60; llackottstown 31, E. Olinrch 05,.M. K,Icminary 21, and IVcMbytorhn Ohttreli, 93lino HI!) Presbyterian Church, 100 ; Stanliopo

ibytcriau Cliurcli, 13;Cbcstor K. E. Bo*lutv, 40; llnlncstinrc, Warren County, U. E,Iburch, 23; Biiufflonn M. E. Church, 4 ; Hope[. E. Church, 4; Janos Oliapol, near Town*

burg, Warreu County, 25,. Horo^wo have lifow churches oror COO eoiivorKlous, whllo

ibis Is bat a part or Iho Rood work that haiIROIURUH about us . In Koirw County vo3 tho falloning ravlvali, «boro tho•bers nrconvarnlon hiva not bedti reported!

jonton, Vuvor, Drakoloirn, Hondbam am'||]T>nmh II. E, Ghlirolioa; Dover and Berk'lira Valley froalylcrlau Cliurcbca, and ilion revival In tho Met bod int and I'roibyicr-

lanObnrvliosatrox.ini!. In W'siren Conotynoto tbo followlnp;, ninry of which lilt

ivvd largaly snecossfi^; Uockport, Tranquil-ly, Andoruon, Broadway and Philllpaburg U.

k Churdii'u; UoaityBtowti mid BlalrBtoiri«bvtor|«n ClnucbuH, Port Murray Daplii

Jhureli, anil a largely imoeoHsfnl onion revlnIn . tlio Oirunl 3lel!ioOIflt and ' rrcnbytorimiCliurclici. Altogotbcr.ireJhfijkffocananywith-D»t uxOKKDratlun iliac ot least liOOO pcoplolia,i-o boon converted to God tu Morrli flOllinen Connticn during tbo post flvo neoks,Tlic U. E. Clmruh of this place is eitromoly

ortunato iu ponaoaalng inch sn able and up.right clirUtinu mitutlcr on tlmy IIBVD In tho

son of Nov. S, 11. Itooncy. WhorovorI btun Iho pcoplo with whom has himcctcd spent only of him to prili<

lira ror his oiuimmt Clirutnin vlrtuos, and as :lourlanns uuil onltured gontlenian. Ha worth

,ro abb man, vo vunlitro to s»y, lialioidtbo pixtorflio ol this cliurcli alnco il» oi[imzstinn. Xt tlioraforo beenmoa evoiy prc

chrlsihn In tills cliurcli to hold ap biiliaiidaln Iliorovival which be lias instituted,ind (0 assilt him whliu ho Is amonp; us> Jly io

doing tlicy can best tkmonatratu to tin

•Id tliat tbu n-lij-lr.n (hay profeai banishesred and hitler feelioua among men posimtIt, airl nrovo even to ungodly muu tbal thnull ii letter than worldly grgmiintloDS iit II riflPi i»ot fnslor ft fond and dlsioii

that would (Hfflji djupnico tho nlrcn'dydirlyof politic.),

Mr. rirman Trovfbrlilgo will oouduct tltfl VSI, 0. A. Mt-ollng to-iuorrow afternoon. 'XhosonRB of Moody and Kankcy will bo 'sung, 1'iirllallroad rcvivaliuts will aluo ho prcaont in 'like port la thocxcrclBus which convem.-satclock. Como oarlj aud secure good swtIso brmj; your Winnowod Hymns, OOSJIjnj", and your nneonvortoJ frluud.Tlio fimt Qnarterly Mcetinsfar Duverchar;

orthoPrcs lletfiotllit Cliurcli will coiumOQciFriaayovcaiugDoclOtliatthBulmr^i in th:place coutinuing over Sabbath. (Wvlcoi to bLold at tbo iianal honra. Ilov. Wm. Jones ubai,

nnofNow York Dlutricl will have ehargo ito lucoljijj,'.Apniycrha- hunt bold daily in. Mr. Mm*iloon, llmvo't building, irackottstwn. Tlirat OUD ins held on Monday artemonn, Of laslCL'k.audnau conilnctcd ualuly brtlio nil

road wen. Hr. Ihninm Knunaii actedmder.Arepjvnl lu Iho Swnrtsvrood U. K Cbtm

'JW A Tj. Hinlth Tmtor has ro^ultud lu 91 noiulous to tbo chjirch. Meetings aro uowrotfo** at tha old IJarnjour Jl, & Churchliosatnuclinrgo,Tlio raonlWy nioolia« of tlio V. If. 0 . 1 . *

.,o bold next l u e n b y OTCDIOJ at ? o'clopk,Every member la ronuestn<l to ba prosnut, as

minliiff._..j nmiionscs which were introdoe

tlwo ago in tUo Chaster TrcBbytoriiin Church,ITO tcpii (]liconllnu(.'d lu defero'iio to 11-iaiios of lonjo of tbe inouit.ora.On Sunifcy l»*t U pernons irpn> mlmittod i

luCDiberibip fu " ' " H- ' - ( : l l l" ( i l »f ^ u r r l

town, and Un In Ibo rn-'sbyUrlau Clin>cb,All ahonld go W Ibu )l. E. Ohowh to-njorrt

_jornlnB. irt«rnoon and evonlaff awl baw tlearnest railroad rovlvalitt.

A union revival U coiilomplatcd by tllurebbi it Mt. OIITO.

ResolutionsRdoptcdaltho laal regular lncotlugof CilyDover Btoiuwr Company i •

Ewoivm, Tliat tho doltmiuont meaiboijRitr of JJover BtoaniHr Company, Nn. I, bo Hnneiidoil for uno moalh. or unlil tlio next rogi

Cur a seltlQ

f»f - rrUfotvED, Tbat 'I

l lo tUo Inm* E

nut inndulint tltno thempnhllahfld.ui (respjutjona ho puh>

• WlUara Allou, an aged rcildent of Unckelltown, liairccolvodin wjnry on thokneo n '"It I< foarod, will inilio lijtn aerippia Tor tin

g l a life,

lizaLcth J ...jCiica Jauksoii,uttipli Jaekdon,

rino amllli,rd Smith,Smith,

;lizat>cth Bmitb.

i LeoII



iba Jacltuoo,>nuc Jaekaou.icolt I/uoy,jlncuCqiigor,Unda OnuKBr,oilnh lUdden,Jaulcl Hudtlun.loon Stroke.

Cap!. tiUphun Jaikson


Mr. Elijah Leonard.

Hr, Solb Gregory.Mr. I d Jackio

Mr. UcnjainlB Jackson.

Cspt. Jaiiioa Lonuy.

Jlr. Joiepli ConRBr.

Jtr. Aaron Ilmldeu.Mr. Henry Btrolio.

Mr. David Jlakor..lj|Bail ItjkL.iiil.u-i linker.

Thle paper h huauiifulljwrit icnBiidnppositoamen aro tlio TIDE and VALUE of tho tuitioninting to £&, is. Od, FIUIU Dr. Tuttle v-

tarn thai "Old Harris" as ho wus cnllod by lidH|I|IH, ionglit Dot iu thu ichnul room by tin

it mill and arUrnaidi in tho uld «cli<ionn on tlio Glon roid. llo was vtry cruelon olio nccamon wne run over Iiy Ilio nldur

)TH dinotiK wlium weru Ikrtiard tJinith'i and

Tliii ohi Bcliunl hiiuuu on lbo Iluncliis on tho bill where William Qualiti m.w livai.r. Hlickla rt-niombora aLlonding felicollLihlafatlior, Gooi^o Htlcbio and othon.' II

lB » long .building vilth a dilmney at huthIIH, HIIU WHS torn down nbuul 1313 by Wm.

icksou to whom it fall In lbo division af hliD-'B aslato. Mr. Slicklo nays that WB fitbnrton el ilng trhool ot ltuabatvny wheru bnmo acquainted with bia tvlfe, Sarah Demon,nbo nmnlutl lu 1782, and romombors liiiiillnc iiicldoiilri which occurred irhllo bi

uigbt iu tbo uld churcli, nhuwlns tlmt t intto viau uued *iii 1 si'budl tjuusa.Tlic uoxl due union Ury ovidoneu of r m-hoan ngiuomonl inado nud Hifinail by Htujihiiclison ami Jimos Kitchul or the tuirn Dfncliaway of thu onu part, mid William Ilanla' tbo oilier part, dileil Juno 4tL, lew, nhorcbyId liurtiH tnjjORin toluntriict

>cbolnrs not uiucodlui; forty iu "rcEilinf,

metlc, gmiRraphy andruniniar, acoiirdluy BI llioy may ho cipablo ol

durint; tlio ami nix m on thu fn• Mel, tlio sold Harris VM to rocsiro 1100 uui bo provided with sultablo lioartl mil la<]b'lo|tub m may ho agreeable to bloi.Of tlio Miuno dale is f aub^crlptioii paper

ifurrliig to till') ngruuiiont and In It tho sub-suribirs proml»o to pay quarterly unto Mr.

ikaon and Mr. Kitcbol "tiro dollars per[uarttr for every clihd wo havo uuhicribed."

o name* upon tlm \ix per aro BB rollows:inbuu Jickaon, 4. llonj. Bcacb, S.

_.uci KilcliH, a. Ahluir Lyon, 1.I'bomas Oong«r, 2. JamtB Ilyler, 1. •ramoi Jackson, a. Trlsturn l^rriman, 1.lohu Hal), 1 William II mini an, 1.3avhl Gordon, 1. Frederick Doruiovcr, 1,larySmltb.a. lionjaniln JBCLBOU, 1,Villmm Kelchcm. 1. Daniol Lcvris, 2."jvvja Congor, 1. Jacob Hollar, a,Ueory Berry 1 for or.o quarter j Franoi* Mu-

3trty 1 for OUD quarter; 8amael Cum mini 1'ir oito quarter.

The Bchocl I'fla lo bo In tlio " Old HockawsyIchool Homo," no doubt tho ono on tho Beachlien road. On tba baolc or tbe papen is Wm,

In' roodpt fur tlffl) datod NOT. flitU^lSW.lHOfl or 1807 Mr. John Fntil, afterwards fur

10 mnuy years piulor at l*arslppany, thenstudying for College under Ilov. Mr. King anf

trdlng wllh Col. Jacliiou, taught school iu) store houso nearly opposite the CUI.'B tinimiatbn or which IB' visible junt ctet of tbi

nil.ton tnomorauda fa a book tvhlcii

ins with "articles of an aercotucBt foibuildine a school IIOUSD iu Itockanay aud korganizing a Btbool," which Is dated JauusryiOth, 1813. Tto IIOUBO was to ba built on tin

lot, to ho otio ntury, 8j reel liljjlia cUIuincy at each end, I

llvidod Into two ruoma com.i-.cnlating h}ildinj; ilnors, whitc-waod weather boards am

nk sliniglu roof, aud though principally dod for tho accommodation of a BOIIOOI, I

sball ho free lor tho wo or tbo Trustees of (bo• tho Church tiossbn, or sny rullgloiPf DIP J'reibylcrlan Church at ai

.Imo, providod Ihoy ia »pt iuicrfuro with 11jdiooi i BDII dirino scrvico might UP !«o1d iu fion tbe Bdbballi when over it may ho decniet'most convenient, Tlio articles ttisro provide

the appointment ot commit tec*, Ac, t<build tho fcouio, ror oontriliu lions in rmtoriiand for Iheurganlzallouofa ichool after It waibuilt. Ill's school coinmlttoo to bo choiei

mnally; the ordained and Bottled ministerLko gospel of tho lat Frcubytcrlin Congregationit Ilockaway, to ho ei-oMcIo chalrmait of tbi-onimittoc. Throe hundred and llfty-nlne <lo

sub.iorlr.od uf wUoli Joiflph, Willlaiand John D. Jackson each subscribed 150, H.Bony (20, James Kltchol 112, and Noah Ettilt,Thou. Congar, HOV, Dirnahaa King, David llosiTitui Sorry, Francis UcCarty aud licujaraiiteuton tin. March 30th, 1818, the BubHcrlfnot and ai^otnttwl Noah Entile, Wm. Jacki

llonry tierrr, David Koss and JamoB KlUbel aibuilding coaimlttEc; and this committca Oclllh, 1818, made au agreement with David

liarriraan and Daniol Harrlnian, carpcutimild Ibu Uouio by ObrJilraoi Day far S10Cijalcrlala and i|ta«ou work to be furnished b;onini 11 too; 4Uij Hov, 9 th, 1813, an agreementrllli Jool Ilron-n |o i]o t))» »ipoii work for 160,

January Stli, 1BU, the subBCFjl)«F| inpt, rccctveiIlio li>.uue from the bulbllug comniltlotj, audvoted K£U. cos. that tbo Itov, Barnabas King,

Jaclisou, Foril Kitcbol, Tho omit Conffiand DonJiTn'ln JaeVson bo appointed tho Bcboclooimlttco tor the first vsar. Than the old rnichoal liouso wai built near where the preaenljrlck church itatids, aud to givo way to whichlu'INK It wpBremuvudto tho othor aido uf tbiMt. Jlapo road, on tbu{ifosont uehoolbouao liwhere It etood till torn down Iu 1853, the pncnt Iwa-stcry building ht\ng tbon put up in ilplaco. Jauaary 11th, 1814, the seliool commil

la taet anil voted to ongaco Jacob I'. Blkkfj Uacb tbo school. Ho uiod the rod with BUGfreedom tlieU?" broBRht blood cv«n on th(

IIB of his B!*l piinlla. Oolohar 101b, ISf'Jolin I. Dcrthlok ninflj io IU commflt

tlio following proposals: To to sell a schoolIlyckaway to coBiist of rca^ine, arillimBllo,wriling, Euglluu grammar and Boograpby itl.Wper qaaitcr for thoao who road anil spellBnd 11.W per quarter for tboso that wrilo, stud'crarnmor, kc. Tho prioo lo bo rsckoned foitho tinjo tM ('I8 BBliolara go to school. K(i,er»» fflll bo nxj^ipfl (0 unhicrlbo but io pa;only from lfat< Ifmo tlipy lond. fhpjr cbjidr-uiitll (hoy lake thorn aw*y, Mr, Pcrihic)f m1)0 boanlad wilb the oraplojcri,. This propoi

aa for one (juartsr at flrst, whoreupoa tbo eaui'_jittoo agreed to acoupt of tboso torms I D 'voted that tbo school ho orginlnod according);Oulho 8d or tlio next month it was resolvedthat every poison that sends is school sheulfcllror at ibo sekool boaso ono quarter or

jord of Sim) BnpHns wood for each ichokr thaitb«y Bond to anhCKil fgr each quarter yoar'i

•hool from lliii dak until tho J«t Any or Mr"noit, and lmV« it cPt of! to a snftablo Ions tt) ftbiillrb plsco »BA pllpd pp. Ifotjco pf tjoregulations to h» poslpd i t the Orlst Mill,ibe storo or Joiopb JaokfOR and tbo sralln nhiofThomaiConger.

Mr. Borlhick taught nutil 1B20 when to nufied tho commlltco that ho intended to kailbo sohool, «nd Mr. Bishop Davenport haviloQorcd satisfBOlory tontluionialB of bis chnrgU-r and abilitios to toaob, It was agrcodemploy hi in at tl.SO par quarter for reading am.polling, and 13 for aritbmotic, goography »- 'ffrnmnur, and Mr. Davenport to board LimnIn Davenport's administration B vtolont seenopeurrBfl in tlio idiool. Ho furbodo tho brlnfingofeiina fo wlfonl and attempted to wblCtuumingi MoCarty for dlafltioyjnp. T-hs la(|wattacked ind boat tho tuaohorln thamldit(ho encs ami torror of tho acliolarf, Mr

'liiiniixT -12A, 1HJ!'. Sir. Mini- If. iliznii]^.iliiiuHLlI en l-ji-rin-r. EH ' iiriiiJtifini; lea-icijlHr.rliiHrlinruirdT-, ,';[•., linn :im'ii]|)luvfdLI,. - i-slm HK Mr. Uiv«!ii|»i-t tot linRliahwhv«, nntl ti per quarter for oncli M:!mlNrnMrrl ii. Lutin, Mr. Ilnit.rd to Uurd liiiu-

l,,l tlio iMir.rl lu ]j(i fnruiihud hj tlm

Tl.p llir. intal IhuRclved tuillimiriL-, MHKII Dili, 1 Hii, uinl

,.va Inili lokaoli for thu licit nil won Hi*tlio limt of April ucn ; tu lonrh jirxuuztngdhcr with rcidmg, uriliiif,', spcllliiK,

m.loiy If nqtiiiv-1. -Mr. KIIOBII. Ilwtardivli tlio latin Hcliokrs at 13, f 1 and f 5 pur(•raBthi'yaiuailvniicud, and MUsl'licbo

laxard v.uu niigat;iii1 ui tl pur quai-lcir fur h UV urlan*, BpuilinK anil reading,ami $1.51 for

al11TO, oscopt rliutorio andlnlorv wliiuli i* UFl to U nSTt,i<\ Dimi, liuru-

IT. This Mr. HiZMrd.marricil Miss Dollaich, daughter of Col. Saniuol H. Ikacb, and

lud to tlis tniulBlr? out W«LUu tlm lUtli (lay ur Hoptembi-r, 1B25, Minti

bo llnuri] lit*lug flitlsliGtl her cngngoniclitJi.aujib McCnrd, * K"duatror Prinucliin

:lasB of lBi'.) oflorwl to tsku tlio Bdiool audployed, allowing him lo elmrf-t fur tlifisa

luholnn* ftiftructL-il iu Latin and Uiork IS perinner, In History, Uuograpliy nml UliulorleI, in Euuliali araniumr #1.73, ami in Killing,

; tl.SO, bn to Hull IIIR ownmul tlio rrgulatiuuB a* to

ood to renmiu as Ijcraufnruc-.aaulinliud..

Iny iu Xnvumliur, 1627, Mr.Jyilia SI. Holloy wan oaipinyod and we find no

mlil ld30 vrlmn BODIUOI UoK»rt,'llllara Jackxuii mid K, I). Oaines, Bulioolimmllteo of l'cqtiiniim; Tovrnslilp, appointedtown moeting, sot off tlio schrxil dUtriut No.

by liBUuds, and from tbat ihuo the sulionlHtato law toa great ur or tuns extent.

Aboot ibu year 1830 ft echunl bnnso it;ruHliWnw «a* buili

'haul kopl tbtro ror Homo yean, thura bumsonto illsialUfaoUuii wllh tho ni:nat;euioiit of

oltlilittlliut.Ill 1S38 no much of (ho adiool dmlrkt ai lay

iTiihtiip IT an nmdo « SL-pnrntlixtriLl, stiuo knowu-.it li.n-lmniiy, HIKMW3-1 llm aciirl>-iny wait built III il fur 111

niniiiialiiui u! i public and u solcct schiioLuil.liiiK KI* privalu prupurly unlil 183'J,

i it was piuchaiod by lliu cliuli *

SUCGASUNNA,Tliolhlr.l untmal iiitetiiig of lbo Hurrio Co.M\gf> of Oood TumpIarB took place on W'oilim-jy tliuatli lust, in Uecli'aiitci' Hill, Tort Oram,ndnutwitliHtauiliu^tliD dlaasrceubiu stui* or

wonilior between flfty and ilitydde^ii preucnt, ritprcBantliiR Victor Lodgu

>, MillliriM)!;; Itockaway Lotlga No. 45, Hi

~ )dgo No. 46, Huecaminna;(Iberiiiu Lodue Ho. U5, Ilihirtiia i I'urt Oral

Loilgo No. 1!8, Tort Oram ; FalrmouBt Lodgeo. 2fll, Wino Hill, )>ix in all. ODD of tbi

ibjocti of thcOimuty liOdfie ls|u tiring tngetbsi:ry I lino months* mtuibers of sll tho Lodgesilio ('•miily, nnd oltaln from 111 cm (1ft to-ut H of Ilio tondlllou of their Lndges, lossru:ir nociiHsillm nud dlsuusa clmugc-* and['iojri that may hopropoiod to retain

icrefl»o tbclr mcmboriliip, as well as to utitu^oiLor rtHM'diiiK >bo bent tiioana to Lioltd tu niako Ibu Tsrlounljodjoi uiiireid uuccuHsruliucoinlialinu Iho rum tnOlcn reports al Hits soaalou sbonjd lh«t duringe yoar Iwo UdfiCH hud aunendored Ihoirisrtors, viz: Hnpalcong Ki>, 'in, aud Ituxtmryu. a*i, but tlicm stLTcndera involved nrlix loaa to tbo Ordor, n» lbo first htd dlodnr previous, wbilo the latter consolidatedlib No. 40, making Him LoilRti Btrotigor andillins what lud been licrutoforc a1 divided

]frortluhclinirortomi)araiii.'c. Ilibumia L-jdjjel>ocn grvatly rcduued In strength, by itsilmra being scattered far aud wlil« over tbe

loonlry.butneeu liolo nnd lbo Pft-lflo »lopo,uo return ur boiler time* that Lodsi

111 recover aU lt,ha< but and mnro,The condillon of UIB otlir-r Loilgfia wis good,Diierilly. No. 4.1 of Hockaimy is accompUih-1^0 wumlerful work, tho U.K. Church at thatlacn oo-ojierallnir .vith tbo LOIIKO III its battle

Tot the rlQht, until thuy liavo offuetcd what miyfairly be called a rovnlution ID the ecntinnif tho pouplu reffardiUR the vbisky LUSIDCBB,

rOBQtt ot which vau ba aicertainod only byening lo tbo teutimeny or tlioao who biu ouliBtcil in this grand rofarniatloii. Fortm Lodgo IB net far toblnd Itockaway in 1Umg work, and is fairly cotttluil to the first

,ilaeo aa tho banner Lodge, a tnoro ronlulo,unwearying and poriiistoiit baud jf man andromen, to tbo number of 100 or more, .can beBlind nowhere This Lode" '">• *uff«ad aloavy IOSB of membbrg from tbo natuo cnuio,

which wcakuueil Ulhenila Lodgt,bQt they h»<flllod ovory vaoaucvdnritii tuo imnlqoirter by

tmcDtB, inoro than noldlnij tbolr onLodfc'o bad met with tbe stoio hen

IOIB of lui-mburs as tba last two named abo'lut hy redoubling IU eQurti Its iucomo iu Uii*

rexpeot exceeded Its outgo, so that to-day It iiitrongor than throo month* aao.' The Hireling was graced witb tbe prcgeBco o

Oraud Councillor Jusvpb 11. ;U 11 tcr of I'aleraonwho aoclartd that (LU was tlfl boat Count;Lodgo mootluu bo ever attended, aud in Joed IIWIB a good one, so uiuuh ID tbat the tiraiipponred to glldo away nnawaras, continuing tilbo very last availablo minute, and then ad'

nrulng with great rot tic lined.Tlio Port Oram mtmbors of tbo Ordor pilrod an oxecllont dlnnor and toa for 1

several dtlctalloua, atftticy alirays do, appro>ilatlon ofwbick WBH miulfuHtcd tty a rlslooto of tbaiiku on tliu part uf tlio Lodge Thnoctlng adjourned about axo I'. IU to ineol

with Emanuiil Loilgu ut UuucaBnuua at 10 A. U.> ficeuml Wo<iuut.d>y lu Mart-li, 1876.lbjoin tho lint of olHcurii for the onsulni,)io >veru iiiFtallod by Grand Couucllloi

J, H. Miller i Cfiimly Tpmplar, Juiiiea Oats nNo. 128; Countr Oonntillor, I1, II, Ciiapipio:if No, 128[ County Vioo Templar, Laura lilnntliird or No. ia; County Sucrctary, Jauics Dolai

of No. JO ; Comity Treasurer, T. T,. MeOiKa. OS; County Chaplain, Alfred Dodson of No,45; Couuty JIartilall, Daniel Parkor of No. 45County Ou»rd, Annio Honors lA No. 15 ( Cnnnt;Bontlnel, John Harrli of No. 4D; Ouuuty Dop.

-Bball, Illcliard Hart of Ho. \Vi; CountAssistant Heerctary, James Bpargo or No. 15.

Tho Cheater Itallroad folka btvo done well ii.ilacint,' new cars on their road, which act 1Mapprootated hy every ono travcHnu over Hi:roail, and now if Ihoy wuuld pnt up some sortof* depot (t PurtOrain they wuuia dotblug which would moist a groat ncooBsIty amiwnrm applnnBo. An old hemlock sbed woulbo mncb bettor than nntulug. but n comforlablroom with a BIIIVO in it is tbo tbtng needed justnuw, aud by Hie rate charged ou tbU road feipiBBtigo, one woulil tlilak tbo company or pai'running It could well afford to fonilih flrit-eli

noJallone. Vorl? eenU for rldloRtulles sounds rather chooky, and in addition ti

H pom fort allo depots oagbt to rotnruat loait a"mimil divlilond to ltd

Tbo stormy wostlKr tntcrfcrod qu|to matoiially witb Ilev. Hr. Wlnan'a donatlou visit, priventing » largo number of the Tooug poople ia dtstnnco from attciiding, but BB it was o:Wednesday cronlng a consldorablo eotupiny

room immediately eonnneted with tho M.E. Cburcb here, galhorcd at tlio parsonage n

iSBod a vary pii;Mint lima logclhcr, whiits ropaated at) TharBdiy evening,Tlio M. E. Sunday Hobuol ara nnkiui; m

nngomciitB for a Chriattnav £vo Couocrt amChrittinau tree, which, It would eccin, will hiworth a, mile or two or travel to attcuil,

A day or twu ago I overboard a remark tinJ thought somewhat titienlar, wbluh onilfd wll"I don't re»d that <1^—d En* onco a month.'I thought tho remark utratitfo toomsq III" pPison ttterlng It wishes to bo (stfumtdtbo bitter cbus BI a ffonlIonian. I Imaginu tbicausn of lili disgust at Lho pajwr. Huuiu Umiago I said sotnolbing iu • obodlihco lu tbo t

LI uf.hiy nrichborfl. In allusionhia biiilncBi that sut pretty CIOHC.BO HkoDDviih old granny ho oondomnt tbu paper, BI

' filpailof going for tho author iMjillf{, Tjicfe \i nut sn E^Ui

Iu tho Blatn who would ruhtsa to imblfill tt'cry Barao (blue undur tlio svmsclraninstanui:

•a ha might BI well d—u all tbo papers at on<and bo dono nlth It. ittWa giinllcrna.il, iustoiof attompting to injnro tbo business Df thiEditor iu *ponklng in Bach a cunlamptnai

r or hla paper, had demanded an ciplnation or satisfaction from thoanthor of wbho took as an affront tio WUDU purhapi ha1

a W\KVT) If not a bolter m m . Girm.

QQM/N0 EVENTS,Tlic OuunplM iu thla lection or the OrderiniUid Amorlcau Itolienlcu will haltl a urti^uniou tn Mopivlfs Hall, Diver, on Tiioulconing, tha 2flth inat. Statu Oonnolllor V

lUpcr and othcrdlgnitarlosof Ibo order willrodent, and a good tltno Is expected,Tlio Babbatli Bobool of Uio Sticoisunna 11. K,

Cliurcb. ara making arrangements for a pliIng ontorUinmont, ou ChrlBtmu Evo, Frida;SUh in»1.1 consisting Df music, rccititicidlilogne^Ohrlituiaii trcDi.fltt. ,

Tha Boml-mnual mooting of [lie tineCounty Mcdiotl Soclnty will lie bold at Ifonton/n, qn luciday, tbo 11th lust., commepolnt ten o'clock A, U,


A r.U'C-tillK "f ' I 'u Ml:l|l"rl 'rrl"'I(;f'11 "f Hi"ity wm bulil 111 thin p'-"* °u o«tnnliy last,ilvKufi«.*Hntiindvut •J'linrl'iir inrni.ini mid

!r. lfarun, «IMr.ni.town, on H.c rHary. 'VUtlairmati first callnd tboatttiitiwiurtlioTriiii-iBlutlio chances that had beun niideiu Iholioul bwn, particularly lothul part wliicb iliii-

liMitu, ur draw pa/ «H n twurbtr IHIII-I-B hol.lyn c-.-rtinL-iiti! fn.iu lim U.imilt Kti|H>riu.

ndonl.Ho rtfiiniuuniiiid tlmt tho twdicr in cauh

i Ui allnnod ut leant inic day iuoatli titrmeh tu visit other ICIIUUIB anil view tbe8 of thujn, iu Older iliat Uu nuy heuj. up

Ittiliio cutcniporariOB. Ho also rtcomiuondeilai UMU (iihtri<:t Jirucuru a uniform Byitem ortt bi.oi.r!, and that Mm District own tbeair, thin obviating a gruat ilillicully in tlicnjja-tB or cducattiiu. Jin hail visit"! »u!«iul»iuro four ur live ililTcreiit kluJiof lext uuuku,'<ro nwd nod bail Lcou loJ lo labo Ibis ttoiinnIOII tliu cumiilsinluof Itio small UIutrictB. In•Jiiini' he had not bocn lunuoiiccd hy, or ru>

ivod uo oflur frjni any book uubiiulior, hutId it vijh tbo nolo inUnlion i>r rucllltatlng Ihn

-k uf udncatiuu. On motion a rcsulutioni adopu-d by tlm mwt,,,,. thinking tbuinly Kunurlntetnliint rur hi" effort* in iccur-tliiu uuiruraiity, and phdgiug tbo TniBteo*

iSKiet him in tba ivoib. Iu itu Imuo uf Nov._Ith It will bo ruiiiomhercd tin I lliu Jor.tviunn'ilsod u groat cry ngnlimt fjiipLTinleudvut:iuibtrfurliUa<»iuiiiull'iNiiiiitk'r,liitIiiia(lii[[inKH thai wero ffrnnndlcsN, and witch wo aroad to aoo disproved hy thin unwiiuiounadiuiiI Ibopnrtortbo Truvlocii. Iu fad, l^d HmimoyiuaiitalieupaliiB to piucuio rcliullo lu-riuatlon It would linvo found Umi lbo serins' text IKIOIIH rocoiunicudud by Mr. Tluirber,litiib arc nvar a. tttoru iu nuiiihor, tro tboHIP, with two or threo unliuporliut oseci*-uia, aa those usod fu the Morris tun n public


Mr. Tblllticr rifit called tliu attnuluu of tbet'ruittocn tit a circular roccivod from thoBUto

ptrliiloaduiit In ruin lion td tlio Centenniallililioiur educational work to bn compiledthin Stale. What la mure particularly dc-

iruJ aro photoyrapUs or draviuga or exteriorud inioiior vimys of ibo bent scboot hnnsuB inu county, and a. decoinil.il cilillilt of o\u-bwil property, sbcwlii({ aiuouc ullipr ihlnga

thu State t jn vuarsiago, uuil uloug slild thatdutall(ide^[ilaiiatiuu of each tohoolhouno now

IBO, ahot^rg how tbi'j ciiiupiirt) in aggregateratuatliiii,si!utlii(; capacity, stylu offumituro,

;. Umler Mir now sobui>! itvAcin, Ur. Tbur-rtliouul'l Nuw Jursuy wuuld show groaterosrojB in tins roupcct tiian any Htato In theibn.Tho County Hii peri n louden t lu t tlio nsht hyr lo call two convention ur Holiool Tins Hot:h jitnr, aud deui{;natotbiili-p1iconrincetiiiy-

lut pnforrod IPSVIDK It nilli tbo Truhtoca towhnn thoy should moot. They roted thai

muoting should be hold at somu placaippoiutcd by tbo Huporlutendcut, and tUat lhollicr should be callod In sunir ons v! tlio other

Oilpx,10 next Stint-Annual 'ImUltuto of tho

oachcrv of liorrli County will ba held iu thuilliu BCUOQI building of MoiTinhwn, coin-Diicitig on M'cihicsday next. Eminent tnlait

rrom other places will bo In altoiidmicii toissirit In Ibe uxcrclaeM of tbo loHtituto, utaoiiffitlicio Hon. B. 0. Korthrnp, Stale Kupcrin

t of ContiBctiont, who BO blffUijr intori-sledInntltntu at ltd rooding Iu May list,

rh'oisconBldorod tbo furemoat man iueduca-11 timttorn in tbo couulry. Ills Croi lucturo

ill bo on Wcdnnsday evening, when lib nub-rct will bo " Thi Kfndorjcsriou Hystuni," wiilcliu iclll illutttrato with a complolu xi-t of thepparatus usud iu tbo Klnderftiirluii BJIIOOIB ufcrrasuy, Bhowhifiwlut fcaturou of tlio syslotu. la pmcllcablo to put into our schools, YOBtatO tbat Prof. NortUrup received 11,000jr twelve Icclntca befuro tlio Lowell IustiflJostun, onr llorrlstiiwn r*adomc»n urland what a treat Is tu ttloru for thiin.

L-l.ciu<Jii, >vlilch lw\ nl o Wiin forced opon fur0 imqxiKL'. A lliinl m -.:i n hu waH with these-ncucnunil. (Iriippiii ' tin- "jiiumj"1 un lio run.mliwn ami Daloy won* liinii^lit Ixrluro ln<\Kcuuil tbu ucxt liiorjiinj:, anil in ctiTunlt of bullTL' c.mmiilU.l lu lliu u.unly jml lu inviul ihutionoftlio iibitOui'd Jury.

:)i. Friday nlBht oDsst week uuroo ainsuiuinta-irai K'tiuiidrolDoturod tbc tjlionghlim Hclioalnio und Blolo Iherefrom tho haudsuino ltlblo

uuil for tlio Kubbatb rollj-ionj norviMS Lol.li- which naa prcseiitud tu th« puoplo a fowi Bllii-B ly llcv. Mr. Tvn^*- 1'he ram 'would dn cudi a (bing ati title would sli

ild nixht lo u<tu|i his oivn anatomy wnrm.iu thiuvca furccd ojicu tho rear door ofinifi'a haibu-r shop hs t UalurdaTiilgbt,nkriug lho premfsos ilid up Boino sogarv,

[•/.urn, liriiHlu'H, etc., in n pai-bogo, but utllv becamo frigLL-nod by iilKht-o»lcInivortli and Ibid, leaving llicir booty behind.a MU inroruicd Ihal t la dotcollvcu in Hi

cmpluy of tho Oxford Irou Company havo foun', who wcra tlio coinpatiions of tba deadrglar idiot hy William II, Star ing, ami arev on tlieir truck with a fair prospect of

ipiuring thi in,

Sotoclivn JJray, iu tlio employ of tlio D. L. A. llailroad, Intt Saturday arrested Dinlc!jumaiiB on a cbarge ol ekiiliiic iron and coalid brought him buforu Judge Wood, to wliom1 gave bail to appear befuro thu tiuxt Grandiry.Some two or three wouke ngu Mr. Ed, L.

iickuraon'8 lino Rjiit.! rto« "Fislt" wat polronedauino mUciuant, aud on rJuuday last Ills

ity the scomulrol if" Ed." llnQs tint who ho is.. MmWcn, who Ivan placed In jail for

EcaMini; Mm. Tlioa. Dunn a feiv weeks a;;0. (r«*id on ball mi Monday. Mn. Duun in

rocovcrlug from her fearful burns, hut williheBlRhlof one rye."

Wm. Storey, charged with bulnrj ImplicatedluTccunt wlilxky robbery at Chester, wniiviiU-tl al llui-kawsy IUHI RUurdny. Hahnil Iu tlio qnm of J300 to answer to thiOraud Jury.

Marshal Artnllago on Wednesday nrrcdodrr,, ADU McQowon of IronJala Tor cutting Urn-iron mining properly. Hho gave hail to ap->ar at a bear 1115 before Justice Gago yester-ty afternoon.

Tha Iron Industry.Tho Engineering and Mlulng Journal roporti

for tho wook ondiug Duo. 3d : Tho acmmtl foi1 pig BIIOWB no particular change, hut

irlceBdo. During tho w«ek tbo AllantowD IronCompany sold 000 torn of No; 1 foundry nt (33,

aud la-day tUo Thomas Iron Company told 1UKJma at tliu asmo figure, and uuuouiicti tbia as* open qnoUtlon, Earlier in tbo weeh thi

_ttcr company sold CCO tons of No, 2 funndry,t 122. Thoy liavo not ostablisbod pricsi for

No. 2 foundry and forgo, but wo gnpposo tbat:bey will L»ar tho usual relation lo No. 1 fonn-Iry. Wo aro also reported; 100 ICUB or Tort)ram Iron at a private price," and aundry smal-

oli nt our quotations. Tbo action of IbiThomaa Iron Company was noneiailated tiprosorvo ita trado. The same course bai boeumriuod tbroughout tlio year 1 other compani<iftve, from time to time, oftorod ooBccialons to

eait«mors whfcli tho TThomtB Company havehold for jcars, and to rctat n ita trado, aoddo injustice to'ilfl ether custom era, it has hlompelled to tako tbo Initlitlvo in opeuly ro-

diiclug tjuutallou*, Suuiu cumpatilua ulO bill'quoting on lbo basis of H I for Mo. 1, hut thanIB enough Iron offering at 123 lo establish tbal

lho tnarkot price. Daring tho litter part 0;Dcoomber, IB'*, thcro were oonslilorablo saloi

mado, but thore Is nothing to indicatetb&t lucres will ho any important Tooreinent'thisyoir. It is quite probable tliat thoio wbuhouglit in December last year will delay pur-:li»Bf 1 until after tbe accounla of tLo compan'

made up, and 11 Is known whether tho piition of Iran will bo increased or decreased,

Thu Btocis on baud now, with tho proipocts 0;a fair production In tho futun, will csrlalulywarrant buym in taking tkli position, BO thaiwo aro not likely to tea tbo'dtbllno, that haibeen going on for inc-nthi, fully chocked before:hD fimt of February. Som* of oar n-on-moioppress A doairp to 8PO thp Qavornmont ofloratilitunoo to tbo 1'oim Pnolflo lolieroe, whllia t tbo lama tlma tbey acknorlodga that il

,1(1 ho an InJusliCB to tlio gensralConsldorablo iron wo old be required to lay andi(]oip tills road, but aa ita purehaua would bo

distributed ovtr a Dumber or yoit-B It wonldproduce bat Htllo, if any, improvoinoat in th<miitiou of the iron-tradff, which hai BIIII 'oDktoltnprovomentBinnianufaaturoandlntDr-lal ocoiiumles to •nableltto find awiderhomi

market and foreign out-lot. VTo a/nolofoundry at f2.1 and 121; No.2 foundry 121 and(22 and forgo a l t lS and HI. .

Tho excavation or tlio now tunnel of llioDala-warn, LackawBima aud Western lUilroad. no-ipproacliiug comptotiou, has afforded to tniuor-alaglitB an uunvual opportunity far obtainingionic mro minerals which wcro first dlilu this locality wh«u tba Kriu tumid wi ,near tha Bame place. The Talasido rldgo is 0;volcanic origin, formed of tho trap rock ao uie-ful for piving-stones. In tbo leatna audcavitloa of tbis rock, and deep bolow lho »nr-Taco, aro found, sparingly, some beautiful mil

do, highly prlzod by colloolors." f|iey aitermed »» follows 1 Oalelte, dolliollto, laumou-titc, apophvlutc, iiatrolltc, itoilIU or peotoUlistllhlte, prcunilo, luoloclto, tnosoltto, heulan<dilo, obobaKlto, Emollnlto, luvjna, inaloliiron pvrlloi, copiicr pyrites, einc blcndo 1


Thcro are abuat three hundred tons olpor day shipped from ilio mines In tba vicinityor Hamburg. Of this amount Iko-Pochmmiuo furnlibcs about slsty tons, tha Franklinmine aa much moro, ami tho zinc mints alFranklin and Ogdonsburg^tbo balance.

Tbo Cooiiton Iron Works Biitpvnded oiwra-tiDijs Usl Saturday thruwlag out ufemjloynmn

' ro hundred men for the Winter MIBOQ,This in bad nowa for lkontoD, and will rnaki

1l»t n w l l r bMWBg ' " " I « ry ilql!, vrc ar<

T*RAMP3. .'".-'. -Th* tramp Btatlstlcn show tliat Dover accoui

modated 209 of these notnadla vagauunOa authieves during tbo month of November., link-ing tho wholi nnrnUcr for tbo YOB,tecoiubcr 1st, 3,0C0. Wo suoulil think tinwpls would got Urea ot this ililnRVlille, for Ihoto wliom tlio town don't feed LOJnnporUl prifato Uo«W4, , • ,Tba Jcrttoynuti sayi ' thit Will Noirl., wl

was iloppud by two rufflaua ou tlio llowlha1

road a few iilghtu ago, hit ouo follow In tko faiwith tbo butt of his whip, nud striking lihorse with, tha same throw down auotlieriuscwho wai huldinz tho animal hy tho head.

Ur. Wusley Qarrabrant was going belwoiKroukildo and Mcndbam ono Jilglit but wciwhen two tramps aolsod his horsn by tlio hoalinMtoiPUDooilt-ail) breaking Hair hold aigot away iram them,

Tbe ichool bamo at Iiowlshnrg, in Wanta)DWUBJUP, Bnsioi County, was buriml to tiround 011 Saturday night, 20th. Tho fireopposed to bo tbo work of j tramp.AB ft Mr. Jenkins nas passing hetweeu Mail

hint and Choker tbo ollior rjlgljt a tnmji Qj<' o shots at l)im, both panlng uvcr bis hca

J. W. Combs ofSbongbuntramp iho othir nigbttrboppckotBhnt loflticl iiuthlng.

. ~ * - • - * r-^ , .BuBBOipoDrtgopaDodonThqrsdiiy. '

ond&r indicates a ihprl (cini.

toppad Ll h

CRIME-Uu U'cducit.Uymglit IVm.li.Iludsau—liuttui

s"yaiik"Huda.rii^niid Jamua D«lfy,ill, were arrtuU'dby Oilictr VindiHortb,rye ufiitlLiniitiiit,' !"bn-n];in tliuhai'd-ru .ir S. ir. Kerry. Tin- olllccr «»\» hullnsn rruni »tnin* lh« Htivct, mid they

•eit Hii-ii atti'iiipllutc l<> furce rln; dnur with t.V!dl« hem-iil In rricaru ludp tln-yIn.-Klrei-t, lint KJVI, finally llli-t j

lapturcd Ly tt",,d4wurlli ncrims tlio way ft' i! iiuilll()U3L'. '.

i i m m y " iwud wan f,.mnl in front uf T u y l

•v:\ I iron

Along tho N. J. Midland.The following art'^ioinSlhu Wnnvii-li K<,

•i-ttl !i»iriial« liavo gone mad fWimif tberabi.l d»a killud at Spurta a

ci'lis Bincf. J:i. W.S, UugdtiMit.of Ktock-.lm, lind two dujM I'i" u.u, both of wliicb 'Hil. Mr. Asa Uuusuu lost a liog, nnd Mr.

ve IJ.UII bitUn tbat havo cot yet l«*ri nffiitetcdany nit'iw orMroi-hobla. MOB! "f the dnRi

(1 allunglit lu If, or tliolr ounors tliuiild I*Lmlitas]iub]juciimnii'i(.

&' 1'dwaid Aiiirtcof Nu F Fiiundl^i'id Tcruudot bis CUWM In the javil n r-.w iituriilngii oiiieo1 hur IPK bi'ikon. Tin1 nci-idotit in 11 litU-uitd fir. Mr. J. Van Darbuir a fuw days•B found one ofhinBliccp that had Itf tu shot,it ii BDppustd had tbLHptd Iruiu partiL-n

t would 1'nrc puildd tho wool over its C;DB.tnimg tbe many Iratichrw of industry fo»-•J 1>; tbu railroad fadlilica fnruitiiicd by tbo

tow Joriu-y Midland, In " IB t^t l i . trade. Hr.* -biiBn, u Hamburg freighter, is shippins

wuy "ricad Inailu" uf them, barreled up loricdlymsrlatx.Tlm Ouk Hitl|;o depot wuu broksli open last

nxl nbdut liulf aLurrcldrBOgar beloug-ig tu Coiirsi-ii A I.uiiyiitu wa.» " liaggud-"JulTireou t(>wimlu|» ur onr Hictioii IB to hnro

mo of 'banturdy, cmiaing % ripplu In lho•IOVL'II tenor or tier waj.

iblrty-BQVcn yenr old imrua WIN »U]II adaja sluca at apublio vcuduo for flvodol-aml Bcveuty-flvoconli.

Tlio cpizoutic nroved falal lu a fivorito horsouloagiug lo tbo Ilov. Frodurluk Uloom of Now'uundlaud,

Oak Itidtfo dedicates her new school liousonext wcok with a scbiwl exhibition.

Adveitsing Cheats.Wocnrdlallrendoriu the fiillonlug Trom

yinan oftbn wi'uk:Aluiust every week sumo travoling BtrangerIIIIIIH to town wltb 4 now advertising dodgiho ElyluB Biiil Bulicmufl uf those advortiao-outrt vary firoatly.It is always a goad thing to rumcuibcr liow-'or that tbo party who BOIICIIByour patronage

Ims no Intercut In you or in tho welfare ur lboiwn in wliich y*n conduct your biiHliicBH, Hairon nbout neither, nor docs bo pay taxesOTO, or in any way i-ontribntS to tlio welfarer tlio community. You piy cash down for all[> gives you, aud tliuoit nlivayK you aro la-lentably snlndlud In tbo bargain. IIu comesnd goon in A day, and TOU never ueo him againM*o have uavor yet Boon any or these foreiBi

utton-upadTertluirg schemes thativero nrortlno-half tbo prlco pild for them. Tbo mater-,1 used is uluays of HIM cbeaurst kind, aud theiirkuaualiip Is always faulty and uiually I11urfectly ipellcd at tbat.Not long since a fallow tamo arouiid with n

ilucrabb ta»p or Now Jorsoy with adrertiso-lonli of several linns pasted tbcrooii. Strange1 Bay ho fotind encouragement, althouLrni tbo moat mluoriblo, thlug of lbo kind wo

over taw, Any newspaper In tho County willfour times BB much for tbu money ni

at UiOHO travollns fellow. Betides, If yon aroorthy you have credit and trade from thirlntciB in tho bargain. Leave your money li10 town where you llvo, If possible.Hut the blgcoat Bvlndlu Qf all, in oar opinion,an imperfect "Directory" wulcli ntts now boon

abiished two years, rrobnbly no onoudized ono eont from au idvortiaemoni plaooiltroiUr The clroulttiau ol.Bold Directory ID

MorrlBtotrn ia, wo ihonld Judgo, from 20 in COcopies.

Andnoir within a few daya we have % lot olCentennial OQIB uiitlio backs of cards, for nbIch

Iragcoua prices have boon paid. Any prlntiIho County would bo glad to furnish the

A forty por cent. IUBB tbau tha. prlcos 'paid.Tho miht ilia had lbo umutilury, asitbor traTellng scamp* in tbo same line, to say

tbat tho 10(ionic wai copyrighted, which provedhim a 11 windier, but strange to Bay ha foipecplo to bcliava him. '

Pcoplo who conslaiilly tvnrk lu tho attilitro ofgrven limiscu where )»rge ntmhera of

nuch plunti aro kept, liavo experienced na disa-coalilu t'liiaiwtlun from them uitbor in or outbluum. AH tbo OluonJor is an 010lie midtt to Lu fauud jjrovllif,' spoutanaoutly in lboultoJ Stales it In hardly iioecmary to say that

mtilo cannot como In contact wilb it. It liastared from an analysis of both the wild and

cultivated plants inado by Mr. Ortgks andiblishod In tbo "FUJUE u t i BEIIUKB" BCVO-

ml voars ago, that although poison was foundtho bark aiid to a limited extent In tho

IVCB of tbo vlld plaute, that iu thoBo, whioli

urcoly preccpllulu, Tbis bhows couclusnolybat tho moro the plants arc multiplied tbo ICUB

Injurious they arc, aud mn a tours need appnloud bat lit llo uaugor from tbeir poliouDiilfcclfl. J. K. C.

non, Doe. 7th, 1875.

Either and Neither.A friend of tbo piper who hai a. unuilniCB board differ out periant in tblt plnce,nhu

ire supposed to lo correct In snch things,jnounra tho aliovo words "itbor" andiltbcr," tjcudu UH thpfollovdnR extract, from

Iho hiRli authority ufltkhard Grant Wblte, <' Words and their usages 1"

Tbo proniinciitlfjn of EITIJEII and Nr:rraiiafl buou much disputed, but, It iToqld seeiscdlcBBly. TJIO best q»eo |i even nioro coti<foiling in pronunciation, than in other dopart-

monta of language [ bntnsago llEelf is guided,illliough not eonstralnod, by analogy. Tho

lalogtcally corroot pronunchtton of Iheiwords in what wo call tho IriaU one, V.THKB aiNATTUER i tlio dipthong liavlDt ^ Bound IIbas ID' A largo family of words Iu which tindipthong £i is tho emphasized vowel aaunfmoiiT, raEiaar, DEIOK, YCXX, ODEISAHCE. Thttouud, too, lias come down from Anglo-Sasoilines, BH w« havo already icon, the word iithatlanguasobolng JEOFEU; and tlioro can lieso doubt that in this, as in some oilier respcol;he langnago of tlm odncated Irish EnglislmiuIs tuologlcally coroct, anil in coarorraltyanclont CUBIOIU. Ilia prauuiicUtioa of aertatyllablos In EI which have acquired in EnglhUBigo tho Donnd of x long, ai, for csampls,OONUBIT, mucnx, aud which bo pronoCOH81VT, ituiAYVE, is analogically aud hlilorlcaUy correct, li lud of old tlio sound of 1 long,and 1 tho no und of x, particularly fn wordswbleb come to m from or thron^U tboNormtiVrench. But i n i i i i and NATTiiCR, bciniantl<inatc4 und Irish, analogy aud Ibnsigp require tlio ooramon pranuneiatlonKETJIEK and NEETUEE. Tor Iho pronunciationmiKU and Nrtatn, witb tho 1 long, whichlomellmea hoatd, tboro 1* no authority, olthtjf anilofty or of Ibo bent speaker*. It la tiffeotatLn, and in this country t, copy oraacond-nto Britlnb affockllon. Persons of tin

education aud tho highest social poiitioiin England generally say tKiBK» and NIE

FOR THE. LADIES.One of the laimt wedding drcisci uulud wi

ofwblto silk; not tbo dead white,but % rucroamy color. Around tbe bottom of lbo tra!were two knlfo-plsltod IIOUDCOI, four or fliluchei deep [ botWDcn thiaa DOUBCCH wau a puffoftnllo. The TAimiB was or circular abape,with h poUit lage fiounco on tliu battaiiii abth|< was a flonnM of allk, plaited A iA.Sui«a4

trlplo baxtplttti ihei},o»m.o a. puff of thitulle, a t d ' a siconil flqnnco of loco, witlanother lulls puff, and thoy woro profoacly do(tod with orango-badB. Tho TABUEII was he!togotlierby two long wide »a«hot, trimmodwltb point Iwo and tulle puffs—tbo sashestending almost to tbo bottom or the IrTha coriage wai a cnirasio lasquo, with 1 Iseiflounce on tlio bottom., headed, by \ Inllo puff!tid orangebuai. Tho front wai cat hi

shape and had a ohemliotte or puOad tulleoruaitod and re oro 11 ed witb sprayi of or»mjbeds. The Dion sleeves worn mado of ihirrln]ofiilk and lioo BUD'S ; then camo a, deep fallpdut bee. Tbe'filoTe covered tho ann almoto tho elbow. The veil wa'a point laeo, and

iao or orangfl-blossoniB wai tniuod In theaiwuuE and held tbo voll in place.Tho 'Oabriulb' is all tbo ntjlo again? One

ttioto drciaci ti a CJEI, l)]no atti\ ortnin-milurClirlollo, Thore la A n bos.pUitod flouueo 1tbo bottom t aliovo It la a knlfc-pliltltif andbias band finished with aboil trimming or tbtwiooiora, Tlm tide bodies aro cut withsnib, whiah Is drawn dp'wn and.fastenod undotho deep pouh in tbo back. Ono width of IIBilk Ii laid in fiddi acroso tho front or tho aklrand. is drawn, together iu tbo hack, and hold,place by another laaji wi til lonri utdi, TcoraagelBpqUitlieartiiilupe. TUOUEMIBIOOVInro fluiilicd" wltli a frit; and shell ttimTtOadroaa i« extremely stylish; ai,d ft cretlia Jqhnstons.

A young ladies' ikatlng rink (sat tho fionilnary.

The Oleander as a Poisonous Plant.In a ruccnt itisua of lbo Bus BOX Iteg tutor I BQW1 article relating to the poisononB propertlitlio Oleander (fcrlum) a very popular hoiiao

ilaut or green houso evergreen Bkrub of wliicbaro- a ore ml ajwclea tho N. spleudcastho moat uuniiuon. As was nUlod In tbu

irtiolorefcneil to that tbo leaves and flpweraInjurious lo both mau aud boas), I would

ly tbat from it personal liiiowlcdfioof tho jilaiitmany years, I liavoyet tulcarnofnBingloin-

whero any person has been fnjurod byIl i iIbor ha

tbo hhnr Inhaling iho o.lo

A Display Worth Seeing.Wliilo in tha Jewelry store of J- IlalrliouBo

othor day wo notlood a. ipluudld aiiortnclaud skull Jewelry, and ladica'opera sudjti' vest choinK, of th« lalest Bljlciand moat

ilogaut dcBlgn?. In ladloa1 sola aro diBplayodmany novcltlos that wo think it would bo

11 for Ibo ladies to niako their selections rfoto tlio nicest Beta aro picked out. Allporb stock of Jewelry, in solid gold and rolledite-bracnlctB, a 00 k lace n, charm a and other

irticlos biiumorahlo. ladies waldios, v*amn-„ solid gold, at very low prlcow. In fact•na banlly Imnglno anything in tlio llnu of Jow-

•y that is not hero displayed for tho holidayradc, wbilo each and ovory article IB of a eLar-

lo inako a present suitable for eitherlirUltuas UT Havr Years.

VICINITY NEWS.Mr. Am X. Hush livinl at Mouiani, Warnauntyjustaboro Broadway, having aa Jnlcr-

1 wood lot wout to rhillipalurE to <Jnnucy; after dranlng lbo sun of

iid depositing it in lbo bunk bo Blurted for0 cars, After proceeding a short distance hois attacked by three roughs, who had hcou1 (cliiiii; liim, and unmercifully beat liim about0 Lend. Wo undentand Iliat Mr. It. ia in ary critical condition and iosvfl ara entertainedbia recovery.

Enmnucl Bruith, a rcnldcnt of Nowtrk, and aidnctor on tbu Morris & Eisoi Bail road, wai

ilckliitf lila tooth with a knlfo at tlio Wsubiiigon fltotioii on Thurid*^ whoa tlio knlfo fell,,ud tho blade, striking bim In tho Btcmach, i ^Uctlog a dangerous wound. Jlowill usoa Toncfl

11 licit time.—Itoglutar.Mr. Emmet Wilson ol tbo Clovo, Bmsox

mty, Has haen sued far breach of promhtO.was marriod about thrco wooka slaco to

IB Garrison, and was Immediately anod bycousin, a Kiss Iloo. Her nffootiant an '

cu 15,000 worth.Tho Comniou Couuoil of fiolvldoro (acting asiminliiisccra or Appeal) bavo roduood thoBoasmonts on lbo proporly of anumbor of tl;lzans to tho tuco of m,0l(L. This lotion haioated % Harry among tho principal taxpayoritlio town.

The freeholders of Warren and Uuaterdonlast week at JUilgloivllle, and acceptod thebrldgo built across tbe Muscouetcong, for

),700.Wlillaui TeLor, a laborer, was found UTOTthe oanal at Union's Bridgo, on Monday, 2Btli.

Tlio Rai/road Rovlvaliats.A futt carnout cbriiillnu men, mostly railroad

ion, nbo arc tliciiinulvua miracles uf dlvlucrace.liavo bt^aiilsodtbonMuivcsintoa societyailed tbo "Cohware, Latkawanna. AWciteinllailroad Ohristliu Association," with W. U.

)f Ilackcttstown, r.s FresUcut, and Dr. B.It. Ostnuu, or UorristoWB, Bccrotary. Tbi

IIKTB ef Hits Association lnvo orpanizod foritiau irnrk. and propoio to visit any placeif Iho lino of lbo railroad if within tlioh

power, ou imitation from tlio pastor, sancUanoiJ>y tho ofQcIal board of Iho church, Tlieh

object In not so much to entertain and iuutmcltbo loarnod and roQiiod, hut ntbor to reach

t class of man wbo aro able to cry out wilbrid " co man cared for mr lonl," At Hobo-i, Hownrk, Itockaway, l'ort Morrin, Hack.

!ttstoitD,.aiiil Phillipsburg, there arc manyto-day sitting at tho foot or Jama clolhcJ intbolr right mlnili, ivLo bavo boon saiod from a

ikard'a' grave and » KamblDr'i lift) throughho instrutnontallty ot tlieso men.Thomnl ts ofHi*Ir visit io* Itockaway, twooeki ago, aro truly wonderful. They como not

0 dlscasB theological (inoillom, but lo stand upliving wituessog of tho mighty power of Godaavo evou tbo Vforat of Binnors, and tliclriguaED Is "como all jo that fear Ood and I

will tell yon what tho Lonl bath doao for myion)." I loam thoy arc to be at Dover neitlahbath; let all who doubt tho reality of experi-

mental religion go and bear thorn. W. I I U.

An Audacious Highwayman,Iho papers published In iho villages 1

shout us loom with accounts of hifhiraytnonlopping cltizons at all times of Ibo day andlight, aud thu alarm has Income general. W<

mot with nu oiporienco ilmllar in lomircspoois nearly two months ago, which.wo dlinot deem tvortliy of publicity at tho time, not>nithBlandlug IU unusual chancier, hut vf bleb,

1 general anxioly now felt, when lho ap-proaching winter would Indicate a, repetitionof such scenes lumimomblo, wo liastou to pub-lib fur tho bonofU of thoio rho may fear t<

comply with their own wiihci In this rospootffo do uot denlro W be knocked down In tho en-

urn of tlio moment, but wo would say IbalIho gentleman wbo Mopped ui andddnly oilehway on tho abevo occasion and confined

auroyoslght wllh a two-dollar bill ID paymentfor a year's lubtarlpllon ID advance, sot an ox-am'plo of EBofalncaa that has bocn folt through-tho county and whoso good Influence will balanded down annually until tbo iccond coilal nrousBS tlio nation to a renewal of Its vowsto—JTEE IBOK En*.

MORRIS COURTS.Tho Court of Appoalu mot ycstrvdiy purm

1 adjounimcnt.Tbo caaa or Albert IX. Itiggs, appellant,

ifartiu II. ntldobrant, Appellee,, was moved.Tho action was brought hy Eildobrant ia tliCourt holow to rocovor dam&gei done to IIIB

ttio by ihuBt or Jlr. Itlngs. Voidlct for ap-pellee, $35.

Tbo appeal of Tiniotliy W, Cruno and Ell I).Oawflon Is now on. Bait wai commencsd in;ho Jnstlco'a court last spring hy Mr. Crano ti•ccovor 10 conts toe moving 41 board fenco or"back stop" from ono ball Sold to auotltcr iiIliay* u 1874, wltlch Orano altcgoa IT as doco a

dlrocllon or Mr, Dawaon. Altlioogb Miraon claltns-lat, that ho iloos not belong la

tltQ ball nine, and 23, that ho did net order thowork clone, yot bo holds ft receipt for tbo pay-ment of tko amount claimed. J. S, Salmon foigpneltaut and Oeo. W. Tunklns far tba appellci

FLANDERS. .I Messrs. Cravaor & Lunger, from SouthernI Jotsoj, (pomoBtcd, I am infomwd, or ennaidoradla capital), wuro In tavn recently, lookinifor a sight on which to build a hotel, their put«io being to strike * somtj point on the LongroadValleT.It.lt.

Ono of our merchants was niatrled au Situiday ovcnlug last.' So mo or tho boys aud ynnnumen thought it au nusptcioua tinto to indulge ina"iklwerton"aceorfiug toJorsoy psrbnco,ar 'gratified their tuto foi such things, by tlrlilorao sort ofa EQD, building & bun-Hro, bsklii kkiltik aud making night hldoons by scrcoiing and tun liko. Ofcoitriaitwa* in viola11

of law, and a rolio of tlio past, wblch willalringont low uow in force will doutlcis erefall into diiuae, Such a slate ot things v"a favorable commont on tb* advnncem:brlallonity and civilisation.

h thore longwill be

Cheater.son of Jlr, W. II. Bmid had n narrow eicapi

from living teriouslv injnrod liiit Friday, no.the proabytorlvi clmrch. l i b borao beoomiifrclgbtenDd overturned tbo buggy to wblch Inwas attached, throning tbo young man rialoulIf la tba ground. Verj rartnnatQly hu rceoivbut fow illglit ln]nricfl. Tba wagon wai Cmoll>hcd.

Our community was thrown in a atatowondcruiBUl lait Saturday by tlio report of

.plotiou. Somu uf tlio niiuciB employedi« mtuutif Mr, akcllonecr hi tho rear or tbo

hotel, plaocd about 6 Iba,of dyutinilo under theonglno "to dry;" it became, "dry" sooner thai

as expected and exploded with terriflo forte,lining tho ciifiine and comploluly t o l a B i

Uia bnlldlug lu tvbicb It i\aa,, Tlio damatitluiatcil at *l,00O. K<JII\UTY.

An emluont DIvtno cays, » I bare boon nslnc;tho ronivlan Syrup.. Ugivog me nun* vigor,biioyaitry of spirits, elasticity of niCBclo," BollW. FowlJ .V Bona, Boston, will. Bond, free,pamphlet orSi pages, contalnina; »full accountor this rcmuktbja trodktno, \o any QUO sand/lug tiieni their ^drosB. -!

Fur, tlio Ittformatloa of tlio Radios wo n u u ,say that U . H. Dickerson ycttorday roculved

1 ' " -awaonut o| — J - — ' - » - ' • - • - ' - • -

lieularlyin buok,


' H'dlialiy 'frcovfiis.fit. Sicholas limit ii*ve been paciuui tills year lo B. H.Iirw.w, forwti and va":i-ly (tore, m-st to iml;, ia flll-jd with a variety ol article-nilv nittabk- for HutiJay 1'rcrtcutB. Heew'ur lbo dvtlrnbit Iklufi* in hu lar^o ajui : Aul«Brapli»l1iuiii«li»rliui«iMliiB,sen, wnlina deiilie, tilli't tt'tn ami vsiea, otc. Ji-Qloca trunk-, nn a Email tcale. Io delight

tiu -liililrcn, or bo a ua-'ful ornonioiit for groiH11110, in which to ktfp BIOVCH, handkt•tu, It-'tlcrit and valuable papen ; Irlmmlngi

or Uhriiftnias trtcs, clilldron's i«ya IB

odi.'nndtiuro tu tn*t t ic faMlldlous Us tont pcoplo duvulop ou tbe approach of the

jlidayp. Ho will alKo bo prepared io furnishcsb and pure confectionery for tho galin, and aa his si Jo room Ifl nut largo, it

advisable to purchase early la ordclvu prompt aUcntlun and a.vuid










Newspapers' and Periodicals,


BEA.0KETS, 4c,


Iitt W onDEC •


Gilbert's Pure Confectionery.



S. H« SH>£l!EjS£jf


7-lf4 DOVER, N, J.

Wo iuviU ynnr attention tp au inspection of

imlock. OUK GOODS and I'll ICES speak

r tliomsc!ves. Wo buy our goods direct fiom

0 luwoat markets aud pay for thorn In CASH,

id havo •taken unusual paltia 1MB season to

licit a well assortud Block of







Wo liavu the livst assortment of


tobofouudintlio Btalo.



AND A.NK rillCE UP TO *1B.



Tlio best aBSorlmoQt of




IAKINQ SODA and CIlEAlt TAItTAR-Purfat Yovam't Dmg Btoro.

SOAT-lIottladaadwhlto' at VODOUI'B Drug Store.

|-1HAMOIS8KINS-Yoryband)Diiioat VOUOHT'S Drug Storo.

. IL-Caswell&Ha(arfs,MoIlow,\J Wilbors, Wyctha, at Yocoin's DrogOtort.riOLOATB'B TOILET B0AP~Fnll Itoo

at Vouoax's d u g 131 oro.

DYE STUFFS—A fine anottmontat Vooanr'a Diug Store,

TTEItBS, BABK8 and HOOTS—Tbo largXX aisortmcnt this ndo of No war It, a t

VOUOUT'B Drng Stor

RALSOltlKINa MATERIALS and DraahfttVouour'i DruB Stor

L E E C H E S - Genuine RwoedisL,at Youonr1! TJrug Sloro.

or barrel,T'i'Dnic Store.

• jyrAcniNE O I L - :

NEATS FOOT OUt-A No. 1,atVotairr'i Drug Storo,

POl 'ASU-l Ios t , iclecfod, . 'at Tuuuii-t'i DIUR Storo,

PONOES-Fino bath and carrUpo,1 , at VOUOKT'S Drug Store,

»NUFF-Maccaboy, HaSe, and Scotch Emat VooaHT's Drug Stori

mOOTU U11USUE3-An endloiB varletv,JL at Vouoar'a Erug tjtor

rUSSES-Bupportcr*. shoulder bracci, iat VOUOBT'B Drop; Htor


SI^lisblnat Vouoirr's Jtrng Blorc,

AJISBH-For Coaoli and Fnndtnn. *atVouonr'i EnJg Hlorc.


WINDOW QLAfiS-Atl siioi,: at VODDHI'B Drag Slow.

HORTICULTURE!I lfat iindcralguea, beg leave ta infortt^tbi

, plblle Of Dover and vicinity, that Ie Of Dover and vicinity, that I Dm nto uccato all orders, Bitcb as t o lay








D ladies and gentlemen will ploiio bcir In-. mind that It. J.HODEHTS'


tlio very Lest in tho world,'.1 silvery In polfsliand graceful lu shape; alio HOBERT61


P O O K E T C U T L E R Y , -;.






Stove and Tin Ware Store,



. J"MIE Bobscribcr takas ploasnio In inrormlngX tho citlEoDB of BnccaHunna and turround-ins country, tbat hs baa esUbllsbcd a. stoveand Un worn establishment at tho abovo sttnil.under too aapcrrialon of Ur. J. £111X11. wallknown as an ciporionccd stovo dealer and tin-smith, Tbo stock of goods consiBtinc; of tbolatest and most improved

PABLOR & KITCHEN STO"VES,HINGES and HEATEIIB, havo lost bwnpiitfn, and aro couaotinantlv tlid VEIW NEVYEUTlu DEaiGN. UOOFlftO, PLUIUIlIftG a n dJOUUIKO, at tlio lowest HAltD-PAN Frlcaa.Oar Block or tin vare of ovory description isalso new, and oil cap. Call auu BCD our Qoodaboforo porchaibg clsowhero.

n . JOS.J..CORWIN.SuccaanmiB,, N. J., Oct. Slat, 1B75. i5-Sm

krfiea" their 'children anS tbo nmue,b took it from foroa of Ubit, norfcther'—afaiUin, Linvo you rooms to lot onfur-

ToflbnoCK, ItUSTlC, and al: o t ! i o r k t n d o f " u ? 'vrorUmliBonct»UydojobyJobUaeO»rf8ai)rB.No, Is tliat all j o u want ?' nod tLo

rVTTfY ^TflTTTLi'T.'tj LM> ' ffrowD fed from tho exertion of

OTTO TISHMESUB, • linJ ,„ tali g^, r (ddBr ,ml

f J ? " 'r the r


onto meeting.

Vhtm h conplo o( young tdlka gei to

ibaldD. drceu, John 0, Green, and Aardiil'.Andcrian. aro nofuadaulB. ltolurnalilo toGo labor Term, 1U7G,

NKWTON 8. KITCHELL, Sol.Tlio salo Ia bchairor thcabavopsrticBstauiIs

adjoumed to tiko placo at tlio llauiioo HomeHotel, in Morristown, N. J., on

MONIUY, DEOEMBEB 20tht.A. D, 1875, between tho hours of 12 M. aud So'clock P SI

HMw. ' JE33E U0FFMAN, Sheriff.


»l,oat 11 ACRES nt LAWD

wilb SAHN atticlitd. Apply to i •


KlUBaf new BOOSS <wBUtLD>BIOKNELL & Co., 27

DOVER BAKK.•hi u i a 7 i : D i\ Tin: : -TAJ I : *-r s i

>oo;wDO ;



5 i j

03 1

Sutcc*»>j lu Hit'

Capital, • $100,000.

i r . M . TIIEIHKWW, ' T i t. M A'.tM ;• j . riii ii :ri'i.ir*.u S! BRADBURY PIANO

«•»-.'" j.i,- ;SMITH .\Mj;i;iCA.\ o i iUAX ('.,'

-lOl-.VM 1Mb. H73.<-f M a n i a I". U. S.

innK, Adminis t ra te

Miners' Savin::* ItonlcOF DdVJ'.tl. X. J.

•,':; !^",!;.;5: • I 3 1 M

NATIONAE UNIflN RAM[('or'Doviiii, NEW .n:i:sEv,

Capital, - $200,000.

<THE OLDEST STAIJD IN DOVERJ Valuable Property for Kent !

BEEMEFTS MARKET, \..n" u'Zl'l'-^ilZ^ll"''"'"'"'''i (STICKLE IK 11'SI'.,

' S.IVSKX KTISKKT. i,.., :,,,,.. :,..,,•.„.„,,.,*•„„•

» [ . . A i m (<f r- r i l I r s

S.anu rrogate

. 1'H>;I:I:>UN,:l" l!.\Ki:f:.I U J I T L M ' K . W

Dover Savings Institution,


- - 1'rciiiltut.- Vk.t-1'rcwJtDl


a a

2 5 .3




LUMBER, cte SHINGLBS.A >ull ossortmcut of tlo folknrins: FL0OIlI>"G, CEI11KG. SIDIXG a

SIllSGLES, 18 ami 21 incli I'liXCE HAO.S, FLAT ana SQUARE PICKETS



Wo ulso tntniili DOOIiS, SMill ami IiLLNDS. Our priCM arc very low us wi

soil for CASH only, and at vtry SMALL PB0F1TS.


lD»ri] I). J i rI Sylvc-bfe-t DiI Iilcharil SitfUoUrt F. O

I H. 1'. K»r.de!CU*rk-i J . ft

J M H U U . U-wis.Ji*. li. Ndjfhboun.if . H. Tunis,

] i t t a rd Lia<,r . N. Sor«»n,

Win. H, MfUiril,Jl V U &

j ^ aj^caticin of tlie alarf-uarmd Adniinii-V / t n t o n , it i» ordtrcd by thy .SntTo^ahi tint_-jjl AdmiuLritntori |,'1TI.' public uuliL-u^u iLu

in thfir dt-bls, dL-msinl* am] chiuii i^ainnt tin-

diti-, tiv wllinp np a re]"r of thin ntitcr, wit Liutst 'HTiUvj !),->< &rt..r, m fl'e ol ilie mo.i pnlt-lic placf-s." in tin- r.,iintv of Morrii fur two

bf »d>erti»iait tbc H U F iu tbt I1105 EE±, oat;of the ni-wsiwpt'm of lhi*Ftatf. for the tanic

f h S l l ! f l

&IjilJ rt'L'Ux't tofibil'il (tii or lirr iltlii, di ta

pulilic iii'lut twins Kivcn ae afor.-mid, s•rrdilor tLsIl be forc-t.T dobarn-d of hi* orction tbcreftir *g»fnfi me iii(< AdmiaiBlrtl

E. K. W1LLIH, rfurrociiA true copy Irani the minatci: 45

ADJOURNED SHERIFF'S SALE In a u i i c t - r j or Kisw J m > v - F i . Ta. Kr.r wit- ufmortgaged p n m i w i . Wlicrcin Itcnjaniin X.Coming*, Admin l i tn tn r of I W n - r MariaCoiiimi'«,dt-c*d, it CoiuiiUlnant, and" Clwri.iA. l i g h t e r anil Sarah £ . bis wife, John Nor-wood and Caihaniie Diirtmn*. Ailmtnistri.tore orCoracIiui l l . D o r c m n s ; .Arini inuira t r i ior Eli*ha C. Jodaiinblr.tniof Uhh

ud Hit lVthlubcm Irud I U l l

l t h l. IUt

m IC I S C J .re I)t-

n,161S.'EDML'ND P. HVLSEY, Riilii

I l i c m ' o in ix-lutiruf tlicilxiTo partiesa.l)->tini<.*i to take place a't Ilic MmsioiiHolt l , iu Mnrrintowii, N. J. . un

MONDAY, DECEMBCr. 1311I-IBM nr 12 31. s-.i.l 3 j I

MA MA f J K l t S :



j GEOIIGE litriiAiins, Ewintiii LISDSLEY,Uru.sus HoAdtASn, JAS. \V.UI:I>TIIF.I:TI*

j AiJiirirr li. IEKIGS, L'oLum:rn Ijiiicn,j ISAAC W. SEAfiisn, ISAAC 15. JOLLEY,| Ilicu-mn GEOKQE, JOHN W. JACKHOX,



•-Choice -<:<.uu £i'.(! Vegetables,


n-t-.-ulIv I,., t l ,,.|taiiili-J s,u.l r.n-.r.it.-il. Aw?!t,, i:, A. STICK u:,I — :

..t.-.i. Aupijin;t,E,

1,1 tll<.i.(VUli»H

SIIKItiFF*.S SALE !'.Ni-w J t r t t ' .-tuntciii C'»i1.rt--Iti.n^ Oitinty-

The Str.,': ' -luifli luiil. v«.1-rat I I,, l h y anilSsmurl Mvlnr. J'i. l i . ik- U u . U Ur. ladtll. lU.titruRljIcN<jtiii>lxrTi-nu, U73.

N"uw Jcr».-5 Sntirrrau Court-M cms Cmt i ty -Lows* A. tiavWuv v*. Iwatl L. ]>jy and Him-ii.-l K)vl..r. l'i. >».<! = l-'U.tt t.-r. Iu cjsf.lU-tumabic KiiVtciU-r T'r:;:, I(-7."i.

?tEIUHDoni"i .^lilllt, Atlv'fl.

BV »irtu*of tlie tnft&Uxt Mattd writs oV fierifwiU* in mv lieiulf, I fliall I-[|HI«U fur KI!L.

It Public VeuduV at tlit- Jiaiif l.ii 11(0181: Hotel,iu 31 orris town, A". j . ,nn

MONU.iy. (lie 3J day cf JAKl'AUV n-.-st,A. TJ. lbT«, U.-twtcn tb..' l.-iiu i.f 12 M. a:i.l 5uVlock )'. M., iliat id 1; .»y, at 2 i.VWk in il.cafl'-tnisju iif Kaiil iuv, «!i tln-t.-iuic.ri^lil, t:tli-i l idii .Uniilortln: 'n\,i ,\<.-U u-hnt'ct. i.i amil'i»!llli[>.c- cirlim l u d , '.r L.uoriuii ' i ^m!

ilriSUt» twisl(.i«

A. D. 1ST.*. IKu'tlwL I'. M. :«E HOFFMAN, HUn.

SIIEIUFF'S S.1LK!y-l;i. fi.


CLOTHINGIn fitorc nnd iu course of manufacture. Tito quantity of Clothing iv« sell

in u mystery to Hifjli IMoo ClotliierH.



A L L W O O L P A K T S , - - - - -

F I N E P A N T A L O O K S S A M E P R O P O H T I O N . '

n oo1 251 503 00

Splendid Suits $10, $12, $15, $18 and $20.

Overcoats!Pit i c e s LOW. ^GTiir anything offered in comparison to

M. Lc TELI/& GO.,The People's OlotMers,


- F O R -

FALL and WINTERGEO. FEDEB'S CLOTHING STORE.Tim lnreest anil iincfil STOCK OF PIECE GOODS to bo luul nt

GEO. ITSDER'3, the celebrated Tnilor.IT von cirKiic ail lioncit Kinmnt Kinl a GIKM! at go la QEO, FEDEIt'ij citabUHhmcnt,

Tt you wniilil MO tlio lic»t noil clmpost HEADY-MADE OLOTHINO, for Men,

Yontlis, I!oyn nnd Children, go to OEO. FEDER'B noxt Ooor to tlio Poat Office.

A gooil »(ilocti6n and full line of GENTS' FUUNISHING dOODS nlvntj- low prices at GEO. FEDEB'S, Dover, N. J.

GOOD NEWiJ FOll TOOIt PEOPLE of Dover and viciuily. If yon wish to k

2'uuniclvcN anil children froo from colu, buy your

TALL and WINTES.0VE8C0ATS and PULL SUIT3,for TO,- mil. »™oy. «f GEO: PE'DEIi,

13-tf AIIOTC t h e A'ailoiial U u i o n B a n k , Dove r , N . J .




J, M H D Ythat Itnow no itbatcnictit BIIO cared for 1 I . I { 1nnd Lin witli a londcmow Umt wou the prnUof nil, owl ia too (jrcrit fur earthly rownrdNow tliat HuHh hnn rclooscd^liiui from biaffltcliona. and Iicr Irani many Libora wliiclfliirnagU iicr lo'vo for him nlio noror ihoDgLJjburJons, Lcc wliolo fnturo life can Ls uolace-hj tlja tomcmbrniico tfani ulio had been t

ii a Hlnff of support, oud a Moused rollnucii sicL-noss an xtell na In Lcnllb. ' S .

S Tlio \riciy rvhlah wax a cbnracfcrisllc of tba of tbo dopflrlcJ Lccainb caily In Ufa

pcjpio that over rcmatocd with SSBbtUtUMin vrairs ha was con


Morris County Snrrognte's OIUcc.NOVEMBER llt l i i 187fi.

OrJirtaLJinllCrcdUori.fXH Bpplicntinn of tbo «bore.n«ned Adminli-KJ I n l r i i , it ID ordered l>y ibo aorwgato t U tu t d Admlulilntiii giro public notice to tliocreditors or tbecitilu nit aid ducnlont to bringIn tbelr dutitB, d«mtD<]i and claim B msiioit thelamD.unileroitL.irJtUIn nine inonllm from iLlilink', b j Bollfog up» copj of tbiiordor, Witlifnf»t'nU J i J I bcroiftor, in live of tlio most pub-lic |,b o Conuty of JI«rn» for two

i i i , and also nitliiu ibo palJ twen t j „-hj adrurttilriR ttio n_mo in J l o IHOH E S A , O

pen of tbl* 8l»tc, for tho

bal l i ios lMtloci l i ib l t fii« or lior dobl, detnktiil»ml claim within the MIII period DfOtnonUi*jjubllc notice being s i ren s i sforciiild. mcb-rediior KliiU bo fon>«r daUr rod of hl» or bcr,cUon tliftefor igmliiit tlm said Admitilitrntrix.

B»to.A Iruo copy f iomtho minuloi .



T ^ O I l nil ibc-jbrlnefnl linos of ildflmtWpiJ ? from Hair York iQUvoriMinl at LOWESTHATES. AIM DIUPX8 ON dllEATUIIITAIN






M r c r p o o l , Quccni town^ GIBB-gow f l i ondondcr r r , London,

Bristol or CardlCT.For TICKETS ind Pu-tkobtri Bp[)lj to


— — * : o : — • —









Dover, \ . J.

Orders for Sawing and Planing

promptly ciicnUJ.

Stoves. Stoves.THE OLD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,DlactwcHStrtot, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of tbu laUi l and most Improved i t vies, foiwarming public anJ tiriralu buliilitigi. A l i rg*

an»ortnicnt of Slovtt , clicap fur cmti .



;iti JILarp, Ailniiiii-trai/.r

L.'. Thar)), dtc'il, ttru C'.nipisiuaiita, anil TliuIroni.t Liiid anu Imiiiovi-aii-iit Comjiaiiv aitUtlti iJauti . Iti-tarnable to Oclalmr 'It-rui,lbT3.. XUIOIiUOl'Il A- H1UTI1, Sol's.

BY virtai; of tliu >bovo iut«d writ of ntrl lathi,tn luy lnudilBh»]]i!iiK,io fur sale at 1'uUlc;

VtuJuc »i tLt UmJiiou UuUKUuk-1 In Murrii

MONDAY, the 20th Jay of DECEUJ1EH nest,A. L). 1675, 1-c-twccD ttio Lcuri of 12 M. mil 5u'clott 1*. M., Hut in to naj, nl 2 o'clock in 'afternoon of said day. all t u t liict o r p i n *land »nd pruiuitts, sltuale, lying and bcinu iutilt t'jnuibiji of Chc-ttor, lu tLoUouutv of ilnr-

; rii and .State or Ken Jersoy. bormabil Olid de-MriU-daslolloni: llcj,'iinungtt anoint in tliu

.clotd UD,U it JloWrt Ucmli-rJu, finucrlyxrktd I>7 a injit, Bald point Uioc tiro chaiiiaid twmty-tiTi; IUILM OL a conno north t«fcotvue Jcfr«ci anil thirty "~~' ' 'liiMoak trea ucar>yo_.,. ,g near ilic ed^c <>t lilt old Hair mill puiu, tlieliita oak btir.Ra lino trio In tlielaot ortl(i»inglur.c of tills tract; ruDiiiug from tlieoco (!)

iTcn chaini dud tiiQctv*flGvcu linki to a ixiint.. j tlifi wwt Iwnt of tlio Illick Itivcr and fcrm-inB tbe division line between tbe TLarp anilIlarvty tracts, tlic pomt at Ilifc Black Ki»--'•'— also a corner in tlio William Colemi

nilcli lita to tho nortltvi-st; tbcmx: (2)tLUty dtgret i and fifteen minute* wu

vidon l i t iubt tumi ' r inrp and LoltmsandoQ an original line uf tho "Grci .

Sarali liaestt Tiact" tu a i ta te in a stone bcai)near tbu tdge oT tho iwimp lau j , aaiil staLoLting aUc a corner liUtrtcn the Culco—Ilorum tracts; tbeuce {3} Kouth flft-r- _« a t fifty cliaiDH nnd ttlity-»(Ton ITDLLUicli till ntump liaving two iprouti ilcad i ttbe top aud about flftutu fuel high, nald nabBlutrjp te lns one clialc anil twenty link! fronttiic centre lino of tba L'licitor ltaflroad and lotliu northwest Ilicrcof; tlicuco U) tiorlb furiythrca (icKrecj Bad tliirti minute* cant ekeenclmiOB aud tbirty linta to a btifce itaoOiag lutliu i'SBt mill ucar a sharp bend in tbc crook ;tUnco (5) uroai|nK t|io NWroBU aif'lpp Ilia ll!|l»oul!i Hvtuty-tpu degrees »D(l pfU|.-tJ miuilU-Bt-ast llijrtv-lwo elioim antl forl^uli liijkp to aslake »taiiillnif in tlio me t tide oi t i e roadlending ftnnj •'Btrjkcr'a" eoraer toirarJu Huicmanii* 1'laini—asiil plako being tlilr'y-otioliiikHin » ituulliLTlrdirccllun from»l»rgobliickbirch trtu «Un<lii>H i» tltP In at Iptiit'euurie; tbcncu (0) arung fbp uortltwoat p[«,_ . ,"IO abovo mcudoucd road crotBlne tbo aamo

•ai tlie brook tnd pJiaiiif tLrouuli tbe wbjti_jk tree mentioned la tlio beginning of tliliOescrlptlvu, un a =oama nDrttitKnityuioo dtEFH-H and tlilrtj miuutca ciat lUlrtj-.lwo ctiainnand icTCDtj-niuo lluki to tlto phw ot beciu-

raUinfog ono bun tired and i h l j anacfylit tuoOrtdtln icr t i , mom or I tu ,titch Is lo bu deducted tnd excented &>r tract uf tea acrei appurtloucd Cy nlll

.... _ nlv .-Mini.-:-.. -I. 1 K-1 ><y, ixiQinli'it Bti.l . )•* r i . t -1 oi-

MiiJt-:' t(k-«iil. l(lV.!'2 JJ 'ii\"li>Ihui.rm'in and w.f.. i , 1,-niB ,\,

. KovLijUr'."J.l, It::::), i i . l 1...1..1,; i |MK.-il, oil1.; KtwMi^fL-tlMlllUi... \ O.,\».<i> 1.11a v,,:,,- n, H I I,.:*

ibletl iJ^tllbir'Stli, l" V"ji"t"iAti, IMi; alto (I.MMU-.I in anb it Usli.jrri anil ivne t" wMi-y, ilatMl llareh ,'M, I»iU, 1


SOOT and SHOE STORETo t'uL'Ui-u mil! i-ltm- TWO HOOKS AKDVK

HIS OLD :-T VXH, (lately o£cu|>it<l l.y J . \V,

'J'li'.;«jisouj aiul ma- Jn..r frtm Slnlford, i*nn AJn.'a olotbin^ Kt^r«;f v."L'-rt- ljt witl l»-j plusi^l inlie all Lii old cusloSKi'n and u j i i v a. . , ran-:.



Custom Work and JobbingPIlOMl'TLY ATTENDED TO.

Geo. W. DRAKE.

uf Lillinj: al! nar i.-wa an-at. aait tucrcfurit ls t iti*t,flh.:b,.-t. J l lkiadsof

n ttttLlit ..11 liii..! :•.* Ef:;.a i i ility op[K.l^iL.tii, am! si:M ai rL'a.-i'iiabl* pricci.

Tlit li-alicst uurfcrt pri-fJ [>jiJ in caali, for

^i the n;irki-t. ('iifiitnifn, ctippliid by wagonrm TiusJays. 'nicr>.ljyt sr.d Saturdays.

A « l l »ill utii-fy til tint -.Tint no U'cp U

" " l i l y t l l i r ' ' ' JAS. II. UEEMKB.





Freeman Wood,! E00TSalldSH0ES'






CopjH-r lea l and poirlcr taken In cxeliaogor guodii

ALEXANDER WIOHXON.Dtccmbcr Will. 1870. 1-]>T


IMl'OJtTKI) AND tDOMESTJWines and Liquors,

for family medical uio. Ail warranted(juuulno and perfectly pure.

Martell's and Hennessy's






KABPBERHY SYUCP8l every tiling clio in tbo lino of tlio t rade



Wholesale Ordersly OUcd. If t b

NEW B R I C K B U I L D I N Gsrtli n,lo of tl>u Ilivcr DriJfio

D0VEE, N. J.23, L . D. BCnWAKZ.


A JOY FOREVER."LnJ tfao pMpIo of tlio norlbcm r*r t cf tbiiJauni j vrill flud tha.t It will p a ; tbu in to pur-jh lao Biibilsntlal furnlturu, of tbu LLWCBdcidf;ni, of

F . C. YAWGEl t ,


Ffurlor, Dining-Room— A N D -



HOUSEKEEPEBS.wlicthcr DGtf bcRlnncii, or old rotttftni, liaT* i l t t ica l l tuUicDn lnc«d t i n t w go Tartu

rfurnitnroiTDUldbTto broirarao.PICTURE FRAMES


1 ill Hi Urancbei prnpcrly and chmplv dimo.lie prralct t CKTO and attitntloD will, IH hcruto-

•UNDERTAKING.BMIIDI proiorrtd with or wit lion t lcc, and all

tho material! ol llio Imiincai furnliued at ttia'nbcrtcit 'notice. Being pwocsied of ell tho' modom applianeoi perUInlnc to the trade, andtiarinK otisilderablo cipcrtcuc«, I red coo Clienttontrforni'iti(lutifiiitfihcUirIly aDd reiiati-nbly toward Ihoiu who require inch terrlcci.

r, c. ^Awanit.

I K ItrTtiitfromparcelof

or tract uf t aUurtuu to Jo

i l lo

a c r i apprt ioned by nlllb CoIuDian.atid deicriU-d

l d to tbo mnui 'itqito bolwi

dtho riverproperly,norUicrly

E f i

llio s pof ton acrei , itrict mean ore. l i t q i ttho river and the i n t e r n Lonndar? of tlio

, and in a itralght lino rrom tbo moiff tb I'll infield t» tlio river.

EictpfiDH nud rcnurvini: all (bat land andrcpiUc* cuave;cd to tho Cboilor liailroad Co.

icrotoforo conveyed, wblcb li included m thebovo doicrlptiuii.

JESBE IIOFFilAN, Sheriff,Dated Oct. 141b, 1875.

SIIEKIFF'S SALE!a p|iar}cprr of Kair Jcrtct—V\, ft,. F o r a a l o ^ .nmrtKascil iifeinjuig, \\I)orein Arnlrcv I!»yla complainant, ami Andrew 1\. Hulls, UcorffoAIlcraudKallicriiioAllcn t£>icncEerH.4)caii).Julin Lane, Amanda Apgar, Executrix of tlioctilfttfl uf Uctirgo Alible, J r . , dee'd, and Autin CfolB, Admin lit ratur nr tbo ci ta to . ,llo»(j» Crate;, Joc'J, aro dcfcnd&nti. l lutumablu to Octubcr Term, 1BTC

BV Tlrtno or the al»vo e tat oil writ of fierifacial iu n j li&nilH, I aliall usiione for ntlc

at Public Vcudiic a t tbo H u m [on l lomo Hoteliu Morriatown, N. J . , ouMOKDAY, tho 20tb Aay of DECEMDEIt ucit ,A. D . 1S75, bct«t*]i tbo lionni of 13 M. and 1o'clock P . M., tliat Ii to ur. at 2 o'clock la Illi

of M M day, K)1 ft ' • • •

, laud tnd —Icing I n t b o t o w i a L . , . - . .orMurri i iai idBlatoof Nibounded a i fo l lom: Beginnfibn«ti lUmaiDK *" ' ' 'if tlio Alftranili

Ing a t t hit\a lareo ruck un tbu «»«l «<ink Iuvor, tlio name

corner to TIL da formerly owned by NicuoTiat n n n e m , Enq., aee'd, and from tlictieo runs I-a HUB of ( lo samo (1) north slity-trro iosm]and tbirty miuulos ca t t luarlcon clialui amcijjbly-oiio HnW to a Leap o r • touct Tura corn o r ; theuco (1} sonlh twonty-nercn (lecrcciand thirty nitmilcB c a n lorty chaini t o a a t a l .in tbo lino or Fetor Worttnan'i lnurl nnd likt-wiio a corner to k n d i uf I'otcr Miller; theucolij aaiil Uillor'ailno (3) aoutb slitj-ono UcjjrctBaud thirty minntos treat twontj-twochaiun andninety-four links to tbo etump ofLablcbor; t ituonca 0 ) north fifty-four deErooi and f<CTO mjuiuoiwctt twcniyrtwo eliains nnd Ib i . . ,tlvo links to tlio miqillo or tlio ifor*aai*l ilvc-r;tlionco ran iilng np tho tarn* t l i i suroral con rumthereof to tbo jilato of bcglnnlriR, oonlalnlntrono liundrcd ncrci of lanil.

SHERIFF'S SALE!Morris Common Plmi-J i . tm \\\ II, Gnmmin

vs. Fein A. Buullinnl. t i . fs. do tton. et tcr.On docketed Judgment. Ilctarmlilc to Octu-b«rTcnn,A.D.1875,

W3t. T, LErOIlT, Attotnej,~yY vlrtao of tho ftboTO atatcd writ o[ fieri3 facial la my bandi, I shall cxpoio for si *

_l Public Vcadno at tlio Munwiou ifounu llot<In Jlorristown, K. J., onMONDAY, tho 20lb day ofDECEUDEH noit,A. D. 1B75, Lolffccn tlic lioura or 13 II . ind 5o'clock P . II . , Uat fa to txj, at 2 o'clo-k In ttioafternoon of said day, all Iliowa pertain tracta orparceli of land and nrcniiifa bcrclnaflcr i»r>"• " "'" * " " " 1 , ITIUJ^ »nfl being In "'licularl;toi

ni] be ing In ._..County of Morrli

irly iluicrlboJ, JTIUK »ihlp of Itoibnrj, in thoUfootNoiT Jonoy.)Fir»t Tnct i inl tqalrd

e»it or tbo Great l'ond In inItoiknrr, Opuii tr of JIorriiwuJBof tho HI*JD ofJJoK Jvuaftlipskirock with • itiarp point t^wwo jon tho weitildOL. .Snarap, bcinz ttie l a r i a t 't**Vlrt i\ew at that-lioo, and Utho.lMJBiiininBoomurof> tract of-

jirtj ioroi and tbirtj-nlno imndrtatlJi of mcro rutarned to Haroatl Oobb »ud Abrattani

Kyerton, ID<3 recorded at Portb AroboT—Inbook BIO, pago31D;tuenco(l)ioi]Uifort>-ar-

{H)Wili forty doBrefii eaat tblrtyrfis eliElmj{i) scutli dRhty-two (locreoi and twontTtnlo.uic* wcit cigblccn cLalnii (3) nortb Iwontjrnluo dcKrceiaDil forty minntoi o u t ciclitecncliaini and flftjUnka to tbo pUco orbofffulnc.jentaininp furij--cifibt aerci and twenty-flightlinndredtfii of an aero, it riot nmnsaro.

Tbo Uocond Lot beginning at a largo rocktrim a abarn point to ward I tbo norlb, lying on

:it Hldo of llio outlot of tlio Stlno Bwarop' — i h t l u R ' • - - -

lolng („ jtr-fbur«» 4V--- -~ — «- .

and ninety link* 1 (S) loath uiglitj-two dcrrouand twenty nunulon went twenty-four cliatui j'4) uorlh tironlj-uftiodcgroound forlymin-itei cait olghloca clialna and flfiy-llTo 1 inks to

tbo place of beginning, containing tbirty ecixtand thlrty-nino unndrudtliR, ilrlct moituro,Buino tbo tamo lot* of lacd couTcyod to ttio•aid I'hIUp Bcrrj by Silas Sell by two separatadocda of conToranco, tho one bearing data—•••••- -ltli.lfflU, recorded In llorrii tJonntr

.Ideodi la book 1IH, ptao 371 and37KiIhcr dated October ClU, 1823, recorded In

lie « m o record! of deeds In liaoli WW, pago410 and 417, * c .

Alio, tliaHinot>»tw<rooanviifod to tlio soldFeUxA.Bontbcrlindli; dood from Albert P,StanbnrroDgli anil wifo, datud Uayutb,isS9,and rocordM In tho Miirrli Oennly rtword ordtodfl, In book 8 S, page 537. Ax, - AUo con-vejed to Felix A. Soutlierland by dood fmtaTimothy Banlbird tirdoml I«»ring date Msj-Jtli, 1050, and recorded in tho Uurrut Count;„ . . . . . , . , _ _.._ . ; c^ j M

Fclii A,

docda of cMirch l l trocordofdl t

Jtli, 1050, and recorded in t h o McrtiClcrk'it Offlco In l>ook B 5, jaffo US, Ad i b e d i Mid m r t 0 I r t n

ut d to Isaac II. Uornlo, l i t«d AufroIBM, »nd recorded in Ilia UorrU Cmtnty recorofmortgigca, in book 1 ,2 p igci 2 d , Ac .

IESSB HOFFMAN, SlicrlfT.Doted October 10th, 187B,

ii ilegiu'* fitrty-tlvi; tuinul-i wed f<.rir-ttv<iint.. a wlittii <«• norkLd mi Uiu'iiKk-,co (2) nortb forty dt|{rc«« wcel Ike diuitm

LiL-titj-tiglit IIIUR tn ft iuajile injrkcd on tlie

thirty uitnntcH oist *<'iuntc°iii:liai:'iRbiit^roiirlinks toa liirkory,.cornerto John WUU'land;

co (41 AttutJi L'i li ti*.'£TiLt?ti tliirtv niiiiutt-E•Is cbiiim icvcoly-<i:ic Ytv.Y.* ; iWiicu {5)li ciulity'sil dtHrfii tUtrty r.iliiaton eaitH FIIBIDB tn tlic ml Jdlo of tlio road ; tliotico

(G) norlb niucltcnilpsrcci tbirty m' *.-liain t>Tcnt)-fivn1liiki in tbo in



mhintet wc»mlddlu uf tb


ll l



Bavlor, bv

s j r uM.l lir


b u d luljuine" Int. ai L. I>iv

K l

ilie abov

. . . „ Catlii'V tiateill i l t i , 1W1, \n l-or.k 7. .'i, p . iVt\\ nnd \*

• at Juhii Van' U.vkt-'it cotucr'iii said

ilonctlie'lltio cflUjluTt Ca»U'y (1) mirth tkukprccswci t t^reiiti-.liif cbainn tixty-futir Ittik*o a hkkory tree lu Wulft'i tiu<-, noiv 3,AM

jIcAVilliatm-tliunco 12) nortli i^nlitj-tlireu do-grots cast uloven clmiiiu ihiilcL'ii links to an-oilier con it r now nf mn! UcWjilijui*, hi Unu i.fJobaWol t . fonnt r ly 1'i-tvr Halinon ; tliL-nun (0)loiltli aix Jitftrwi i-al twenty-Ill rue ubiuin' "rty.fiv-o l io l s to JutiD Weir* corner, on the

id formerly Pi-'ter Hnlraon ; tlitneo (4) HOIIIII. . i-ntT-mo degree* west twtlvu cliaiug to theplaco of bi'ipnulni;, tiiTiUiiiing twiuly-sevuitcrcnty-iivc une h mid red Hi s ncrci.

lu, Htlu and inr tract* ot lam)M i CIn tlipTofrnviiip nf JirTi'taoi), Murri" Can nlv,

Ijuw Jursty, and in (lio Towtmhin of I ty r im, inllio C o i u t ; of.tfuitMi, Sew .Jei.aey, and an:

ifi;tv of Husacx, - ^ ,

ilL-acribed In a deed from CbarltH McVnrlin ---wifo lo said Ifimc-I 1^ Day and Btiiiiiitl (tarloidated Oclobor 31at, 1H0I, and n™ri led iHBSBCt Cou&tr Clerk'ii Uitico in Inmi H ,ftp. Hsfd ItifcrtHt hfiui: an tnnol umll"iair j a r t in nsld last namul lota! *

JESiiK IIOI'I'IIAK, 61iciDated Oelobor2tal , ia75. I


X Court, umdo on ibD 20Ili i k r of October,1875, tlio inbacriber. Admlnlitratflrof Jolm O.Crater, dcooaw-'il.vill wli i t I'UULIO ATJLTIOS

the i»rciniien, un

TUESDAV, Jan. Itli, 1S70,/ T DKE O'CLOCK r . M.,

TUB HOMESTEAD FAItMor the said JoliD O. t r a t f r , ilec'd, l i t m l c dtbu Towtidiip or CltOBtur, about tiro m ifruin tho t i l layncr Clioxler, cm llio road le:Iny tu r'ltlrmoiint, cuniBinins about

<if laiid, iidJoiLin^ hmls uf Stenlicn I . HumHubert D.fcti .17 aiidulLiTM. Vlio na!<l litllt-H aillioout to (bo M u m nr tlio C\wtUc Ir(Jo., ai i i l ' l i iHptmed tu ecnlnln'a Vufu o l l f t iU l tb . Tbo *ai.n'A.hM willbudiviiliiil nu<l min two parcclu if foutul tlcairable.


I vill «fll Uio Iwh'ies of my HEADY-



Gents' Furnishing Goods

oiidiilcrjiilo Ices Iliati COST. In fart n<

ionaMv ufTir rL-rnneil as I intend K ivin3 uj

: j a r t of ilm Lusititirt ami IICOJ) s.,1. ] v t.





D O V E H . 1ST. .T.

Jnii.in" WIIlTrXICK .t U'.WJK. 1:1 :[.n

Also, a t tlio natno t i n e ,

HOUSE AJf LOT,l i tuslcd al Cofliwr'n Milli, In aald TDWIIHIIof ChMitor, near tlio road loaillna from CIIUHIIto Guiinau Valtov, aillnitilui; lands or KutlnA. Cooper aud [UTIII 0 . l lortmt, cunlainliiabout TWO ACHES ol land, worn or k>««.

Cunditidiif inado liiinwn (in duj (if unto by


Cbcitur, Oi-tolcr SSlli, 167.*.. Dl.Sn




Merchant Tailor,AIOIimSTOWN. N. J.,

OVERCOATSfor tliia scaion will bu ttio ilonUe-brcast ud S i tk ,tu t loiiR, ami tbo tiartom. In HIIH gm-utisidnrablu c-Lnii^u m uotfil, U'lni,' cut H!t tliu naiMt and very mtiih iinjttlienod nkirt, filvftm i t wlntwiH funuurlr terund tbc1 Hliatig-hai" nppfaraticc.

PEOCK COATSre out&tioat tbo somo lotigtlrna h i t S|»riiiK,illb a »Iiu!it tciidonpj- tu nhortcr wain In an 'Jiigcr ikirla. Tlio liruritu nintcdil for th

garment ia tlio Black Dinjpiial WonlPd.

BUSINESS -SUITSiro cnt mostly sliiglo Irpmtlcj, ninall roll amibot toil a t iccornl button from tho ton, and cut»wnr leiti l inn list HORIOII. A " n o b b j " atyluofEcnllL'mt-n'j coHtumo ii tbe tlirco-tiiiiluuej cut-away, vt'ry uiucli iu Viifruu tbo u i t sent gcaBoil l i o nialuriil for Unsiuess HniU will bu n mmoatlj l a imall cbccku aud plaiiln, ur niculnie i lgo i ; nlw tlio •'Snow Fl iko" i«.tUriii.

PANTS.A very foU lieu ol the IIQW atf lea of L'WHIS ui

bo round in ray storo all timu*, mitalJIu frr

FALL AND WINTER,lilch t a n prepared to nmko up in llio moi

LliLE 6TVLGM and at ibo vor'lllCia. AfidlllnoofUAasmnitl^ill t« 12 Mr yanl. am] CUT FHKE forwfali to fiayo' ti.i.fr flarniUnta madu

Khirtfl and Dranora, Canlifaii'tn, OolUr* and c W No.-k-rery ehciip, KlJIIim ll.UJi:Tamuttftl to tit.UEPAHTMENT is

- . -„ - , -ml all onkTrtciilnmwill bo promptly ind wnlnraetnrily lllk-d.

V. II. H O F F M A N ,">•». uioicnAyp TAir.oit.

rrovtfOilbu»a w]

Jaclioti, RmpcnJers,tica ami Hoitcrr, rerTOOltDElLandvari


A Valuable Property for Salo

Tn E (abwrlbcr \mtog dmlroni of teraovinifwtn Borer, WTure fur wli. bia


TOWN Or DOVEH,apart ufiilaid out in

200 ELIGIBLE BUILDINO LOTSlitbstrtotiont , aro a ti•0, TllU baniHTbl"Tina lit onn ur tbc flu

capital ercr offered in IIIIB ali lilgb and drv, uilb u,iMalitj la ftit buildliif- ti

COTftiidolliur utbulldinf the fluent Invest

'" " ' Stctinn. Tnt* fi>


irecied oti tliU prciperty iu tboTor terms, etc, ajiply t o

cms. M. TUNIS,air. n«ix AVKM:I^


-1TWE. 3JEMOIIEBT PATTEIIKB for Hi.riiI V i and Bummer will bo ready Tor dtGte

- -nd ancr Tridny, March ldth. Bend fDBOC. v.H.iiAiinrrr!' ITOEttijrtGWM, K


>» <


< I^ 1-1< s2C o

O '*O wPi w


Miners' Oil Company.122 i 131 MAIDEN LANE NEWYOIIK,

Tliu liuBinitSH runiicrljcnrrlfd on iniiltr tbcnamu uf I1. W. J I O D will buttafliT Lo Luonn an


Lubricating; and Kuniing

Oils for Miners* Use.EXTT.A nKGlSE,


t tATUlUL WKHT VUK11K1A,. . .c isOil i iaro cape dally adaiilml to SlinliiR

a[ncbiner>-niulnraKUAniiitml to suit. Kin-nii,Wlnlc, Olive, Ki'at'B r"oot, Lanl. Lol)., C od midl'i»]i Ulin.

Kaxnplca furuiwlioil on apnlicaCon, and gooileHUMKII iu prime ordur. 1'ii A12-1, Maldi-ii I^mu,

* ' " W. JIEAPK, Trcastirp-r.H. 1'. CHAia , Agimt.


MACHINE SHOPS,M. Honglimtlf l'roitridor,


CliillfUHl Dry Siuid It oils,aiulnllLiuJjor


Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL SIZES OF



Hoisting Apparatusof all t in . ' j a Bpociallly, and

FiirniBlicil at Shortest Notice.

urnetl and Grooved lo Order.




mpt attention given tnliEP.Ull WOIIK,

^yVCHOMAN'CV, ur KOUL CIIAllMINll,"L Umr oHlicrwT may fuwlnnto and Rain

-._ b v o a n J aifLctiDiiNiiraiiyiicriiiiti tlttjihuLHHmuU-jtl/. T i m nini|.l<-, inc-nta! am ni nine ill alla n poMKCRB. Irpp. bv mail, for S3 ctn., liigutlicr

'tlianMrriflROKnlde.E^yiitiaiiOfscli.lJruinis,tain la Ladle*. m ( ) d h i K . M s b t HUlW, Ac. Afjcrboot. AildrciM•Iff T. 1VILLIA5IA Cii., T H I J . , I'lilla., Ya,




' , :•. ' .< i ,| .:,.- i:, i.,.il:t i l l- ^^i-Kl:

T.O:.'UO.N nml LlVKlU'UOLandOLOIii:, Cqiilal SJO.OOO.OOO.


Caiiital S10,l):)0,000.


1'JJYAL OF LIVEIU'OOL,Capital 510,090,000.


HOME, • •

Kl'AIl, Ji'Boy City,



HUDSON" C0UXT1". Jersey City,

Cuiutal 8300,000,

STANDARD, Ticnton, " 300,000,

PEOPLE'S. Xoivarli, " 300,000.

lliilEIKIA, " " '200,000.

nUMDOLT, •• " 200,000,



Choice Lots in Dover,fur naluclica}), anil


Freeman Wood,Jii i t i iv of tlic IVnco Mid l'olicu MsRiHlralc


T H O S . B O L I T H O ' SRestaurant and Eating House,


D O V B K , 3NT. O\

IN onli'r to meet tlio tract* of my insrcii^itmik., I h ive luascrl cularKtil <iuarlii-tf, n

tu my lalu |iliioo ur tHmintitM, nml nm hrtlcraf1'iai'f iiiudaianiyeuHtHiiii.rM.


OYSTERS in every style.SEGAIiS nt Ho tat liramls.

SODA ami .IIINDI! AL WATEIllclul I.'1'.VITS ur all kinds In t l idr scaHOUH.

IC3S CREAM.I ftliall onsaKo cilonsivcly the present HCISO

nil timcn an tsi-t-llent quality ur cream uf oil

P . U t T I E S / U^VLLS, P IC-NICS, e tc . ,Biinjillctl with cream, fniitfl,nata, conrcctiutierj-ami oilier ImnriM. Qiro mo a call.

20« T. 110LITH0.



THE CIIEAPKST.Tho liimlSflUicst nn<I llio Hunt.

.VLLIiN, r . V L M E l t . t 80JT,now prepared with nxtra raeiUtlus for

..<.» HLATK HOOl-'lSO in at) tlio vatcombinations of itvlcs and colon itblcli may bo-'-.•iiiBiii'd or reiiulrci.1 and wbidi II00H113 Slate la

>ptnlnentl>- tjimlint-d tu produce.Tlie iMiit <|iullly of Bbtu will lio unvd and

otir work ivarr.iuti.d to linjduuo all tbc goodclfcct! or ft tfelit and itanblB roof.



X\JE bivo IVDDIVCII lo ruJiieo tlio iiricc* u> V .i.ijjooiis in onriltio from tliimlalo. Om

BlocJs ol CUOlttNO uml I'AltLOU STOVJiS it wlarj^o KO linvo citnciiiiieil lo retibco it will

I l . n t LOW l'UICEH, a n d u I fUrUwirJ to our niMlomcn \xv liaro arrauRctl i

r i t lZEfu r t a d i glovo valued from utio lo tc i .(lollnri dclircrcd mtli oauli itovo, Amoti" the

J i n g pjttc-roa or l'arlur Stuvua will be tumid


Triumph, La Belle, Coral,A::D A VAiuim* ttr





Al«>, ROM". AUECTil Tur


HEATIND; caMitina Husaprji.


SHACKLETON S Steam Heater.Wclikvomailo hcatinj; with Hot AtrFurmccsnil 3loam a upcdil itnii)-, nml Into not faiicji inj inntanco to giro cutiro Ballifactlnn.

3 P X i TT T& 3 3 X I T <3-r nil <lg brandies. R0OFIKO, QTJTTEI19,KPAIRISa anil JOBBING NEATLY DOSE.

I'lcnly iifrrfi'rcnccaclreii f.>r anjof Ihcabuto

work b tliltf city ami thratigiimit tho onaat.r,








CUOCKKKVt 1*in, Wooden nut!

Willou- Ware.

Oroi'crics mid Trovisions.

Faiicvflriicvries, Canned (Iwidii, Dried Fruit*,if one, CoflH'«, tir:(,-arfl, K|IICL'H nnd evcrj-

thiuj,' in tliu OnjL-cry line,



HAEDWARE:Iron, SluL'l »•,<! Mining Materials or all kinds

Powder and Fuse, H.eam ami Ga* l'ipo amil;ittiiiK*, Cut Xiuln, llnl|[]«rb' Hanliraru, Wack-Eitiit iuaiidCariicnttri ' Tools, Stuani riuklntiof all lauds.

Ileing |nri;o wlmlcBalc bnrcrs , K(- are imMvitu ufft-r all gootti at eb cape at rut eg.








11 tlic j an la uf

. IIB1231KII& PALM Bit,




WE CAN couvluco jou tliat yrm can iar ,ninnoy tbiH Spring and Bummer bv buy

ing your Doom ntnf filioea at Qoo. W. j'Jmte'iC b p l k o t ami Kliuo Hmro. Our now *tuck I

in and was never uioro comiilolo In evervt l l t [Jretent. Every dciinblnilylV

t i ' nlMPK1 j-otit!.^ 1 h l l l i 't llmuat^B1. iraiit

ij OailcHUR

n i lchll.lro

dfiLreaij Oa i l cn aiidfiLotl.oinl. Ti.U. H U R r S Hlioes mv

l iubadoalyi i t t>. W , u i t A K G ' H Cheap Bootami Shew Hlorc. CUSTOM WOllKaud JoMiin-

iiI>ll7Bttoii<lui1in. Ono doar rrom SIul! *'- .'n Clothing Store.





A L L WO1SK WAl lKANTI iD .Ilovor, September Mill, 1B75.






liKilei all liia frienda and tho general public tocall on lilm, aittl bo convinced tliat lio liai Iliafiticat nuartiTk. (11 lldd ncction, and la obuuilaiulraLlowilIiliisiiicresiied facilities to nitet Uioir-ii,iu and HaiiHfy tlicir Is me is,

MEA1S AT ALL HOUBS,prepared lo ordtr, promjitly aud cheaply,

OYSTERServed In every »t.*le, and suld by tlio hundred

nr tlioniand. TUo clioict-Bt brand* or


alwayii bo round at my place, a t well »a anpply uf

MlKEltAL WATERS, CONFEOTIOXEHY, etc .I'arlkB, IJ i | | S , FoBtlniH, etc., Bnpjiliud with

O n t s n , Cream, CooU-cUowry and Vllu-r dell-•"-, and aiijt|»ni at reduced rates furuii" *

JUo tan in ul .

KSPKCIAL NOTICE!lv^dult11?!." a i > I " ' t n t l " 1 S 0 L K AOEKT for

DAY'S ICE CREAM,Iiarlus flitul np harulBomo p w l o « and a

vate o u t r u n r..r ladicH, I shall miku tbo

of ICE C11EAM a specialty llio romliiRfion, anil will ftuariiiu-o rwraonal comforlfrtcaam from aimnyinco to my guei ts .

W. H. McDAVIT,House, Sign and Ornamental



loiio intli n r a l n t u , r . J dlnpnleb, .nil on tho

room reasonable tcniiH.



OL;T:>J ,KU Vlh, Iti7.'..

I I I I I M : ni.u:. n . : ',.-::iiji;iif. Lni i lur i , A i ; r i J j | i

, " • ' " WILLIS, B l i rnn tcA tnio MJ.J- Ittim tliu mlnntcd. ^ ^


The Great American Tea Co.

Iteautlful Oil Cliromm, of different ef

straiS^^^'cs.!-f«iloll. It I, ,o loll of roariBBftnlbal I !

oi aciiiition can lull Ibo •lc1r710vclU.il,.,;ipi|ilo titlo of Uio artlit. l i o batll.1,1,,,N ip and Tuck, anil tnu.t lio ucon lo bu BPIJTC-UIOIBII. Swiil fur circular of prices, Uirni AcTItE OHEAT AJIEMCAN TEA COlI l 'm"

31 aJirt 33 VESEV St., S \r. o. D»x 5,«3. ' M j


Short cutto Wealth.





Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,And All Throat Disease*,



For Balo by DruygistB scaorally, andGO-lw JOHXSTOX, IIoLlflffii-A Co., Will., Pa.

5 M0S tnounteil, alzo 9 I U , torft or 120 for fa; fnr lmllday prctonts.60-liv NATIONAL CHlKjMo Co., I'hila, I»

Natures ' Dalfuim for all OomplntnlM oftl^Innua, tliu throat, nnd tho bronchial tubes, ii"Halo'H.Honcy nf llorehoniid and Tar." Gouglnand caldfl Tanlnli BH If l>y magio under Us 1 'Int;, bi-ulliiB apcratfun. Bofd by all T"

rllic'B ToollmcLo Droji« euro in OLKW'

AGENTS WANTED J S ' tulllug boot: ever puhllthcil. &m& fur circuli

m i l our (.'lira tcmta toAoBNTS.NATIONAL I ' lJDMBmjJG Co- r i iJo. . I'd


N E W H O O K f o r tlie 1,(10(1,0(10.

SLUK WEBTEHN DORDEnONE HDNDltED1 VBA1IUAG0. XOnphicBlBturroflliurole Epoch ur American Bonier Ufc. Ur

thrilling conflict of Bed naA White fop*. Ex-.iiiff AdvcDtnrcK, Captivities, Fonje, Sconti,

.-oticor troucu and to)*. Judlin wir-iiallCamp lift) and Sporti. A l)ook for Old »....VOUIIR. Sot a dull page. No rompo-illon.Lnormoua Boloa. Agouti wanted cTorrirlicrv.Circulars freo, Addrctu, J . C. UcCUllDVACo., 10 S. KoTCutn St., riiiladclphiii, P*.

REMAOY&Co.5IA l t lb Kr. ami fitli AVE. NEW YOIIK. CYMA Tlio largeyt impnrlora and rotailors in C\MA AnicricaofDoUs,TovnatidF«ncTOoc<]i CYMA naitablb for tho Holiday trade. Wo w> Cl'JIA cupy tlio irliolo block tbrougb, from CYM A H t l l t o i a i h itreot, uml for T? r u n CYMA liavo mado Ilulidav flooda a ppoolalty. CYMA fl3-CataliiSuu« a nil illum!na todcon ten CYMA nlal curda sent froo lo a n ; addrciii tA Ordor Attended to ivilli upaclal cars.MAOY MA0Y UAUY MAOY , M




363 CAKAL St., NEW: "ZORK,




A lanjo lino of IILVEII ACTICLES, snltablo fuigilt*, ntclodoit flgntos.

Sterliun Silver Kanl ln Itlngsfronid.EOtiiiand rouiT KNIVEI sa loir as l i . x i .

LTbrydG«Dri]itionarailvcr-idatcdwaro,rorl:aknlrca, ftpoons, caetdre, ba ikc t i , » l d man:fancy artideii, at Tery LOW PIIICES. Trijilelilatcdga&rantocd.

AIBO, French and American Clockn, Bronzes,Siicctaclea, lire-ainBton'. Oiwra-OlatHcc, " •A c , a t toweft poailblo prices. . . . .

Itrazilian ro tb lo SpocUt-k-n ouly tS.W,azilian rotblo SnccUckn oAn intpoction of our atock Ifl i

i, As.,

iitcilV 60-Cw


SIRUP TIliHtH ftnJEartclice ttio Illood

A l>V£RTISIKa:Cheap: Good I_ All persons wlio conlcmiil '" ~

roots with newspapers .for ldvortlMmeuta, thpuld aond »'. ltowoll A Co., 41 Tark llav, Kew i'ork, *

IliuirPAMrnLET-DOOK fnlnoty-aoToDtb dl-lion), contaluJuff lists oTo«r 2,000'new«piiwti

1A estimatei, allowing tbo cont. Adferiln-uiiUUkeu fur lading p i p o r i l u n u n y m»• % Iremendom wrfSifion from poUl.Lori'wi. OCTTHIBOOE. /•••'••- - -i-iy

*9 t o S90 per flay. ARants-wanted. Allk i w i orwcrk&B poople ofbptb' ««ei , jouug

a r ! work. PnllpartIcnltr«,Urini,Ac.lici>CB. Bend n i r o i r addreu at onoo. i>^lay. Kow is the time. Don't look fur ir«i

badaei i claowbero, nnttl Ton have ItsrncjlatHflOffiir. Q.BTIHSOS &TCQ., l"W«*n'iil 11"



oiig rtnd woll'eatafaliaboil Uonso Ii •"»"tolling excellentToasortlic

asj an ir; o s . o x fcc'tttl tiy tbolr eWn " g o n t f j i i Cliln* •? ' 'n, AT PIUCES TO U U l T THE TlSJ t*r k E S nro Sleam Hoa«Wd rreali Daily. Tr«Oofl\*« anli lby tlie.CliDit, Packafle»"'a BUGAlta tiild al Kef incn 'Pr lc t* • } '

\ * « anli lby tlie.CliDit, Packafle»"'BUGAlta tiild al Kef incn 'Pr lc t* •}

nro pun'clanlly' BttnuJcd '*>• * ' ; 'iS & t o . , Proprlotori., 77, W. M. W a"'1

y St. , oppbsilo Uaihlnjr toa Market.lihr

hy BonOiiiB W.7A for my HUaB»«ino andTWEEKLY TttlBUNE (regular price |C).(5.75 for tbe Uajfliipo and. ibbSEUMVEEhTBII1UNE (rogidarprice«.) : Addrow