CLOSING OUT SALE - NYS Historic · Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes, ... and two solos by Miss Gordon- ... cake

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  • T H E EA ST H AM PTON ST AR, F R ID A Y , AU G UST 23, 1918


    Mrs. Fanny Terry, o f Hempstead, is a guest o f Mrs. C. W . Rackett and Mrs. Geo. Sm ith, du ring the present week.

    Mrs. James V aughan and children, of East H am pton , have been v isiting with Mrs. Byron T. Barnes fo r a week

    or so.

    Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ram a and daughter have moved to the little cottage o f L. H . Babcock, on M ain street.

    Mrs. F lora Schellinger and fam ily

    have moved to Port Jefferson, also

    Mr. and Mrs. W m . Schellinger and family.

    Miss Vera Jones, o f M oun t Pleasants, has been visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Leek, fo r the past two weeks.

    Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sturke have

    moved and settled in the ir new home on West M ain street.

    Mrs. H . T. Barnes spent some time the la tter part o f last week in Green-

    port and O rient on account of the

    death o f her uncle, H enry H . Terry, Sr., o f Orient.

    The story H our fo r children that was held at the fa ir last week was a

    splendid idea and popular. I t was

    conducted by the Misses M aude Rackett and W in ifred Duffield.

    C ivil engineer W allace Halsey has enlisted, in his profession, w ith the

    U. S. Government. Mrs. Halsey and two children are w ith her parents,

    Mr. and Mrs. F rank Barnes, in this village.

    John Penny and H enry V an Scoy,

    of East H am pton , and Dr. Cavins, of Devon, visited, last Tuesday a fte r

    noon, w ith Ex-Justice Ben j. H

    Barnes. The combined ages of the quartette numbered 336 years.

    The directors o f M iankom a have

    >een requested to leave in tac t the ;lection booths on September 3rd: or the use o f the local Exemption

    Soard of D istric t No. 3, which w ill egister a ll males between the ages

    f 18 and 45, probably some tim e in

    September, the date to be announced ater.

    T H E A M A G A N SE T T F A IR

    Several aeroplanes flew over the illage this week Tuesday and cer- a in ly did some ha ir rais ing stunts,

    aoping, div ing, tw isting and curling. i num ber of the watchers w ent into he houses, so as no t to see the acci- ents th a t seemed so im m inen t. W e nderstand th a t the flyers were from


    A charm ing tea was given M onday

    fternoon by Mrs. C. H. Caldwell, of luff road. Tea was served indoors,

    le tab le be{ing p re ttily decorated

    ith a color scheme in p ink and white, [iss Phyllis Caldwell, niece o f Mrs. a ldwell, poured. Miss Caro l L ittle

    id her two guests, M iss M arjo rie

    ud and Miss M ary H am pton M artin , ssisted.

    To Am agansett Pa trio tic League embers You are inv ited by the ast H am pton Patrio tic League com- ittee to a beach party , Tuesday eve-

    ng, A ugust 27, on the m a in beach, ast H am pton , a t 5 o clock. I f

    et evening, then a t the same tim e in

    >e Presbyterian session house. Every

    le is expected to b ring a box sup- *r bu t drinks w ill be provided by

    a East H am pton Pa trio tic League

    immittee. B ring Pa trio tic Songs,

    ja m Patrio tic Pledges, W ear Pa- iotic B utton . G et up au to parties id b ring over your friends . Please

    >tify cha irm an by M onday how

    any are go ing as she wishes to send

    ord to Miss M arguerite Osborn, of is t H am pton , w ho is in charge.

    NNETTE K E L L E R M A N (H erse lf)

    A t M iankom a, Sa turday n ight,

    ngust 24th, the w onderfu l Annette

    ellerman, o f the H ippodrom e, w ill ve an exquisite exhib ition o f her tistic danc ing under the auspices

    the Namaganeset F ie ld club,

    venty-five per cent o f the proceeds 11 go to the local Red Cross. This

    the tim e o f your life to see one of e high class and high priced art's ts

    the Terpsichorean Muse. Come d be enterta ined w hile be ing pa-


    A T R IO T IC L E A G U E S E R V IC E

    A patrio tic rally fo r g irls and wo- sn was held last Tuesday evening

    the Am agansett Presbyterian

    urch by Miss Beatrice Gordon-

    nith, secretary o f the Y . W . C. A. le meeting consisted o f patrio tic ngs led by Miss Florence E ichhorn,

    th Miss Maude Rackett a t the pi-

    0, and two solos by M iss Gordon- uith B eau tifu l Isle o f Some- lero" and R in g out the Be lls ."

    iss E ichhorn led the choruses w ith

    fu ll, sweet voice, her enunciation

    ing particu larly clear. M iss Rack- : accompanied her on the p iano very curately and w ith expression. Mrs.

    iffing, who was to play, be ing out town. Miss Gordon-Sm ith's so-

    i were very sweetly rendered and fhly appreciated. H er short and

    ncise ta lk to the young women was e, and listened to w ith rap t atten-

    in. The m eeting closed w ith the

    tiona l hymn.

    The annua l Amaganset fa ir fa ir ly surpassed itse lf this year in the

    beauty o f its booths, handiwork and financial returns. W h ile there m ight

    not have been quite as m any attractions as form erly each committee had obtained more Supplies, so consequently the returns were fu lly up to the average.

    The day was most salubrius, the a ttendance larger than usUal and none seemed to have le ft his pocket- book a t home. The fish ponds receipts were beyond the im agination

    o f any committee tha t had ever taken charge o f this juven ile attraction .The cake table was more than popular and the candy booth, a th ing o f beauty, more than rewarded its orig inators by its receipts. A t the tea tables as m uch was taken in as sometimes

    obtained a t a supper, and the domestic table, w ith its wash out the line, brought in its best laundry b ill yet.

    The A lpha Gam a club, in artistic work, fu lly equalled its previous a ttempts, w hile the lemonade stand was constantly visited by the m oving

    crowds. The sports were popular a ll o f the tim e from the opening o f the

    fa ir un til the close and the tired but satisfied committees counted up the ir

    receipts a t the end and congratu lated each other upon his b ig success, in

    these strenuous times. W e m ust not forget the Hot-Dog committee, who worked so successfully, or the popu

    lar U tility B ag table, which could have sold three times its wares, and

    also the exquisite flower booth, and,

    last b u t no t least, the w onderfu l collections from the farm s and gardens fo r the Farmers table. A successful fa ir , everybody satisfied, for , noth

    in g succeeds like success. F inancia l returns next week. The treasurer

    promises to have the complete report in by th a t time.

    Mrs. W m . O. Rackett and Miss

    G ertrude Rackett, o f East Har.ipton, v isited the Rackett fam ily a t A m a

    gansett the first o f the week


    W ith an S. O. S. on sugar issued by the Food A dm in istration and the pounds per person, the housew ife of New Y ork State finds herself face to

    face w ith the problem o f having the fru its which are ju s t com ing in abundantly and save sugar a t the same time. H itherto , preservation o f fru its has been synonymous w ith preservation on sugar and sugar sir

    ups, b u t food experts now say tha t

    fru its can be prepared entire ly w ith

    ou t sugar or w ith a proportion o f suga r which in non-conservation days

    would have been though t impossible.

    Save sugar and save f r u it is the advice o f the Bureau o f Conservation of the New Y ork State Food Com

    m ission which has ju s t issued a bu l

    le tin on this subject w ith directions to the housew ife on cann ing and pre

    serving w ithou t sugar or w ith the

    m in im um am ount.This bu lle tin is a con tinua tion of

    the W artim e Conservation Series o f which over 2,000,000 have already

    been d istributed by the New Y ork State Food Commission. This com

    mission appointed by Governor Chas. S. W h itm an and consisting o f Hon.

    Jo hn M itchell, President, and Charles

    A . W e iting , w ith Charles H . Betts as secretary, urges every housew ife in the State to secure a copy and make use o f the recipes and suggestions

    w ith which it is filled.They are the result o f recent ex

    periments in cann ing and preserving. The text is prepared by the Departm ent o f Home Econom ics o f Cornell

    University, and gives the fo llow ing

    advice:1, M ake a ll canned fru its , pre

    serves and jam s less sweet than in

    form er years.2. Use other form s o f sugar, such

    as honey, commercial corn sirup or

    commercial glucose, in preserving

    fru its th is season.Can fru its in w ater or in the ir

    own ju ice .Can fru it ju ices, fo r beverages

    and desserts, or w ith the idea o f m ak

    ing them into je llies later when sugar

    w ill probably be more p lentifu l.5. D ry fru its , f r u it ju ice , and

    f r u it pulp.I t gives the in fo rm a tio n tha t f r u it

    w ill keep perfectly i f sterilized and

    sealed though no sugar or other

    sweetening is used.A m ong substitutes suggested fo r

    preserving in place o f sugar are hon

    ey, and the forms o f corn sirups on the m arket, such as commercial g lu cose and commercial corn sirup.

    Glucose has no harm fu l properties as many people th ink , bu t is a wholesome

    corn sirup, which has long been used

    by confectioners and bakers. I t has

    as m uch food value as sugar bu t it is not so sweet. An effort w ill be made to make glucose ava ilab le to housewives of the State through confec

    tioners and bakers.The bu lle tin Save Sugar and Save

    F ru it w ill be d istributed through the county and city conservation

    agents and county food adm in is tra

    tors. Copy o f th is bu lle tin and o f any o f the previously issued num bers in the W artim e Conservation Series may

    be had by addressing either the State Food Commission, 205 S tate S t., A lbany. N. Y ., or the Bureau o f Conser

    vation o f the State Food Comm ission.



    A total of L203 charters hna bead

    Issued up to date to farm loan asso

    ciations, covering applications for ap

    proximately $50,000,000 In loans. Ad

    ditional charters are being issued at

    the rate of fifteen to twenty a day.

    The applications for loans average

    about $50,000 from each association,

    so that, by the years end, the loans un

    der investigation and In the making

    w ill probably reach a total of $120,000,-

    000, which is about equal to the

    amount appropriated to the farm, loan

    banks as capital. There Is no danger

    of an exhaustion of funds, however,

    says Philadelphia Record. The banks

    obtain in amounts equal to the loan

    granted, so the original capital Is turn

    ed over again and again. Moreover, the capital Is increased constantly by

    the requirement that every borrower

    must invest 5 per cent of the money

    borrowed In the share capital of the

    loaning bank. I f the bonds should find

    a market, the supply of money to loan

    would be practically unlimited. Inas

    much as the bonds are guaranteed by

    the United States and carry Interest

    a t 5 per cent, they ought to sell read

    ily. The farmers can get a ll the credit

    they need.

    Ten Belgians pleaded guilty In

    Brooklyn of trying to smuggle for Ger

    manys benefit. When It comes to

    bribing Belgians, Germanys system

    must be admitted to be complete.

    JA M E S O B R IE N

    Hollow Tile Construction Mason Builder and Contractor

    T iling , P la in and Ornam ental P las

    tering , Cement Strucco a Specialty Estimates Furnished

    Amagansett, N. Y .

    R E W A R D

    A reward o f ,$10 w ill be paid for in form ation leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or per

    sons gu ilty o f break ing windows, or destroying property a t the Maidstone B ath Houses, in any manner.

    A . H. Culver.




    Fresh Fish and Lobsters from Mon- o

    a:tauk W aters served direct to the 2 Conklin Company

    Assessors NoticeThe Assessors of the Town of East

    Ham pton have completed the ir A s

    sessment roll fo r the current year, a

    copy o f which has been le ft a t the

    Assessors office, in the village of East H am pton , where it may be seen and examined by any persofi from

    9:30 a. m. u n til 12 m , and from 1:30

    p. m. to 4 p. m . each day u n til the

    3rd Tuesday of August next, and on that day a t n ine oclock in the forenoon, safd assessors w ill meet a t the

    Assessors office in said village, to hear and examine a ll complaints in

    relation to such assessment, on application o f any persons conceiving

    himself aggrieved thereby.

    Dated this 1st day o f August, 1918 Lewis Parsons, Chairm an

    John W oodward,George A . Eldredge, Clerk

    37-3 Assessors.

    i The Co-operative Store

    o4m aganse tt Long island | Telephone 19

    *oltoeo.. o *o R o o * to R o * o o ie o i o oRooto!o(o i*!opoc *0*09ltc

    W. M. TERRYAmagansett

    Real Estate, Insurance, Notary

    Furnished and unfurnished cottages fo r ren t and sale.

    B u ild ing sites overlooking ocean, w ith beach rights; wooland and

    fa rm acreage fo r sale.

    Telephone 20


    SCREENED Anthracite, Bituminous and Cannel COAL


    Regular Price Sale Price

    l Greenwood _ ____ ______________ $2.00 $1.73

    3 F a v o r i t e _____________ _____ __ _ 1.25 .98

    1 Lakeside ______________ 4.00 3.45

    2 Slocum _ __ _ ____ _ _ _ 4.50 3.98

    1 Model A . H . ____ __ ______________ 6.00 5.24

    1 Fairfield _ _ . . . _______ 3.00 2.49

    1 Model D . H . __ ____________________ 5.00 4.24

    1 Ace _ . _____ _ _ 2.50 2.05

    Wright & Ditson Championship 1918 Tennis Balls 45c ea

    Red Do t G o lf B a l l s --

    G lory D im p le G o lf Balls

    Red H onor G o lf B a l l s --

    Regular Price

    .50 each

    65 each

    .85 each

    .43 each

    .55 each

    .75 each

    O F F IC E A N D Y A R D S N E A R R. R. ST AT ION

    T E L E P H O N E 5? EA ST H AM PTON

    For Fire-places and Ranges in summer, try our C A N N E L COAL,

    Quick, Econom ical, burns like wood

    J . E D W A R D HUNTT1NG, Mgr.


    241 W est 75th St., New York City

    Telephone Columbus 8894

    Founded 1906. Open a ll summer in New York. Also lessons given in all subjects a t home of pupils in SO UT H AM PT ON and V IC IN IT Y . Every P up il should do some studying during the summer. W rite or phone for inform ation.

    A. CAVAGNAROConfectionery, C igars and Tobacco a t C ity Prices

    Fruits and Nuts Vegetables a SpecialtyH O R T O N S IC E C R E A M , by the plate, quart or gallon

    Orders prom ptly delivered to a ll parts of the town

    N E W T O W N LA N E EA ST H AM PT ON ,L. I. T EL . 11-J

    Bicycles C. H. THOMAS Sporting Goods

    Automobile, Bicycle and Lawn Mower Repairing



    Capital $100,000


    Charles W. Osborne


    Nelson C. Osborne

    Vice President

    Nathan N. Tiffany



    E A S T H A M P T O N . N Y .

    Surplus $25,000


    Charles W. Osborne

    Nelscn C. Osborne

    Samuel A. Gregory

    John D Stokes

    Anst:n H. Culver

    Nathan N. Tiffany

    Herbert N. Edwards

    Jaae> H. Mai lord

    Important price concessions are often made to Spot

    Cash Buyers

    Y our bank appreciates the importance o f tak ing prom pt advan

    tage o f these opportunites, and w ill act accordingly upon your a p

    plication for fund*.

    Cloae association between depositors and bank enable* a bank

    to, a t once, understand its depositors needs.

    The Osborne Bank endeavor* to m a in ta in such a relationship

    w ith it* depositor*, a* to perm it prompt action in *uch matters.

    The Bank o f -Personal Service

    Y A V IS H O T E LEA ST Q U O G U E , L. I.

    W ishes to announce that they have secured for a lim ited time the service* of

    P E V L A and P A U L D E C A R D A (Society Dancer*), late o f Orpheum

    & Keith's C ircu it, also the B iltm ore and Knickbocker Hotels, of A tlantic

    C ity, in exhibitions of all the latest Ball Room Dances

    Music by JULIUS KLEIN and his celebrated orchestra

    Your Patronage is InvitedB EST O F S E R V IC E . B EST OF FOOD


    Special arrangements w ill gladly be made for private d inner*

    D. C. YAVISFormerly Proprietor of Shinnecock Casino for last three *ea*on*

    Tel. 320 East Quogue





    Mjymxx a.* irXr1r